Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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U'AflPT 10 MMM) IV l.'I.H'Tliri.'V U
"Ptrfect Undentandln is Reached and
Courts Will Dec-id All Disputes.
t,rullnf nr- iljiiuriis fliT Demo
vrntle lli-mlier I'iih. n lllll In lle
nrminlc MIMIIh tiiii'lii-l Sni
I.e.' I MINI In .lull.
PItANKPOItT. Ky.. .Marfh 13. The legis
lature of Kentucky adjourn'! ilne ille today.
A conference between Adjutant General
Collier and ('antlemiin reaulud In a perfect
underfttamllnK being reached.
(iovornor Taylor will continue to a t as
governor, Governor Ileckham will make no
move, toward recnrliiK pouscmIoii of the state
ImlldinK until afltr the court of appeals
1ms decided the dliputfd novcrnorahlp. The
leRiHlatutc aunroprtated $100,000 for tho two
Dt Oovernor Ileckham In norniinlzlnf? the
Mate militia. This In brief In the Hltuatlon
Jn Kentucky politics tonlKht.
mntm the moro connervntlve element In
nvh parly the opinion prevail that the
vomt Ik over, and that when tho court of
npiiraN render Its decliloit the danger of
tivil war lit tho commonwealth, whMi has
ibcen terribly Immlnont, will have entirely
liassed away. To tho democratic leaders,
muh a full underntandlnK of the attuntlon,
rmly one cloud appear on tho political hori
zon, anil thai In Governor T.iylor's future
(iovernor Taylor himself will not outline
liln plan of action, beyond the stutemcnl
which ho made to the AiMinclatod Press
correspondent today that he would "eon
tinuo to act as Rovurnor." Republicans In
Oovernor Taylor' confidence, however, nay
Jhat ho will remain at Frankfort In the dls
rharfio of bin duties until tho court of last
j-esort pntsett upon the nucstlon at Uhiuv
Then if the decision lie nRnlnst him ho will
Hep out at once and turn over the stato
(liulldltiRH to (Iovernor Ileckham. The re
publicans will make every effort to carry the
msputo Into tho federal courts In case tho
Heelslon of the court of appeals and the su
premo court of Kentucky Ih niul!i!t them,
but fallliiR In this they will consider tho
question settled, nlthoiiRh still bcllevUiK a
ftreat wrotu; has been dono.
Tho democratic leaders assert that they
will cheerfully ablile by the decision of the
rourt r.f appeals. Hut should tho decision be
in their favor they will Insist on the oc
cupancy or the state buildings, "peaceably
If possible., bill forcibly If necessary," an
It wus expressed today.
( iiNllfiniui Ami Collier Confer.
The conference between Adjutant Gen
erals Castleman and Collier lasted a greater
nart of the afternoon, and a tacit agreement
iwaa mado to allow matters to lemaln In statu
iuo nt present, lly this the republicans un-
tinrmnniL that no further arrests will tie nt
tompted nnd no moro prosecutions made of
f ho state olllcers or of tho state militia scrv-
Jni? under Oovernor Taylor.
Tho legislature adjourned sine dlo late
thin afternoon, nfter one or tne most rc-
ttiarkiiblo sessions In tho history of tho state.
In spite of tho fact that there was tho usual
illsordcr attendant on the closing day of the
ncsslon, especial progress was accomplished.
Including tho passage of Senator Triplett's
resolution appropriating $100,000 to enable
Oovernor Ileckham to "reorganize, extend
tho organization and recover the munitions
of war in the state." Tho debate on the
bill In the house naturally took on a strong
partisan tinge, but It llnally went through
timid wild cheering, by iv vote of 53 to 13.
most of tho republicans refusing to vote. It
was explained by the democratic leaders on
tho floor that tho fund will not be used until
lifter tho decision oi uiu mini . "ei-
Tho bill Is considered us a "war fund" by
tho democrats.
A bill appropriating $.'i,000 for tho Cov
ington library, tho only bill Introduced In
tho legislature by Senator C.oebel. nlso
passed with a hurrah, republicans and dcin
bcrats Joining In support of the measure.
IIKIrr Kfi-lliiK Aiikiiiu IIciihiciiiIm.
In th senate tho bitter feeling existing be
tween the Gncbel and nntl-Goebd democrats
was shown when Senator Carter, president
Df the senate, announced that he would cer
tify to the absence from most of the sos
Mona since January 30, tho date of Gocbd's
sHaHBlnatlon. of four antl-tloobel senators,
thus preventing them from drawing their
per diem during that time. "There Is some
excuse for the republican senators not at
tending tho sessions," said Senator Cartel-.
"They wero obeying the dictates of their
Jiarty. hut for those other men thoro Is no J
Bmh excuse."
Tho linal adjournment In both houses was
laken shortly after fi o'clock and tho evening
trains from Frankfort were crowded with
legislators returning to their homes. Ily
iomorrow nftornoon the city will practically
lie deserted by politicians.
Tho four prisoners, Secretary of Slnte
B'owers, Captain D.ivls. Ilarland Whlttnker
nnd V. II. Culton. accused of being ucres
Horles to the assassination of William Cor
bel, are still confined In Jail nt Louisville,
at la expected habeas corpus proceedings In
their behalf will bo started In a few days.
M U llazellpp. who was arrested yesterday,
fwas taken to Frankfort today.
O.leutf mint I'nrUx of 'Newport He
ccltcn an Order In liullici- the
Mru nf ( oniiiiiii j II.
CINCINNATI. O . Mar. h 13
5'nrks, at Newport Ky . an unli r
loday from his sentur olllcer, Captain Hen
tiett, 'who is now at Franltf rt. io .iski iii'o
Iho men of Company II Sciu.nd Ken u. K
"Vi sooti as possible and h '11 ill. in m reali
lieutenant hail trouble In notlfylnj; hu men
and oeveral were reluctnnt to rwpoml to the
Curler' Will ' Wllhilrmr,
PRANK WHIT. K.'.. March la. Lieutenant
Governor .VlHrnhnll mihuilttcd a proposition
tn ieniiior drier todsy ttwt Iwtli tempo
rarily withdraw from the iennto ami allow
temporary democratic preMdltiK olllror in
be rlei-teil to facilitate the panmiKc of the
KmilKvllle tax law. Senator Carter, however,
refund to do so.
.No imv Cnxrn Hit l)e i-lopi-il for
Three Hit) anil SI t nut Inn In Hot
ter Than for a .Month
SAN FRANCISCO, March 13. The steamer
Oaillc from the Orient, via Honolulu, brings
the following advices from Honolulu, under
date of March 0:
No now eases of plnguo havo developed for
three day. One new ease has been reported
from Kuhulul, .Maul. The Hltuatlon In this
city Ik better than It him been for u month.
Tho big Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar
company's store at Kaliulul, containing $t2.',
000 worth 'of merchandise, besides a largo
amount of lime fertilizers nnd cement, to
Rether with all tho warehouses at Kuhulul
appertaining to It, aro under guard awaiting
the determination of tho health authorities
whether It shall be given to tho llnmes or
not. All tho employes and their families
aro In quarantine-.
This ban been done a the reeult of finding
plague-Infected rats In and about tho storo
and tho warehouse and tho presence of largo
number. of rats there.
,t a meeting of the. representatives of the
various Insurance companies and their at
torney, It was decided not to pay lessen on
buildings destroyed by the civil authorities
In nn effort to stamp out tho plague. This
nctlon on the part of tho Insurance com
pantos will result In many claims being mado
against the government for tho losses bus.
talned In tho fire.
Di-inocriitle National ( onventlnn
to AxKi'inMe Jul- . ns
I nlleil.
KANSAS CITY. March 13. After a scs
slon lasting till 1:30 this morning the sub
committee of the democratic national com
mlttee met again today at 10 o'clock and re
sumed tho discussion of plans for tho nn
tlonal convention In July. It was decided
that when the committee adjourns Its meet
ing here, which will likely not occur till to
morrow, It would bo to Bomo time In May.
niHCtiislng tho subject with tho local rail
road committee, tho subcommittee decided
that It could not change tho dato for hold
ing tho convention from July 1 without the
consent of the entire committee and the
opinion was expressed that no chaugo of
date will bo made. Tho rato submitted by
tho railroad committee was passed upon as
satisfactory. The rato Is tho snmo as that
conceded the republican national convention
at Philadelphia.
Kx-Ocvcrnor William J. Stone, a member
of the committee, when asked by a reporter
regarding tho possibility of Ilenjamln Har
rison contesting with President McKluley for
tho republican nomination, said: "That's all
stuff and nonsense. McKluley will bo re
nominated by acclamation. No other candi
date will even be mentioned. Then we'll
beat him."
Clilenuo llrol.i-rn Vole
CoinnilHKloiiN on
of 'I'rniie.
to 1 no ren si
llon ril
CHICAGO, March 13. Members of tho
Hoard of Trade yesterday voted to raloo
their charges on making transactions In
grain and provisions on the board. Tho new
rule, which tak" tho form or an nmenil-
nient to tho board constitution, provides
commissions as follows: On all kinds of
grains in 1.000 and fi.OOO bushel lots, or
multiple!) thereof, 4 cent per bushel. On
flaxseed If olmllar quantities, Vi cent per
hushul. On lard In llvs nnd twcnty-flve-
tlerco lots or multiples thereof, U cents per
tierce. On mess pork In live and twenty
live-barrel lots, L'lb cents. On I). S. bhort
ribs and D. S. extra hhart clears, In lots of
25.000 or G0.O0O, or multiples thereof, 121J
cents per 1,000 pounds. Another amendment
puts tho maximum limit on futures at sixty
davs. This rulo goes Into effect May 1, but
many members assert It cannot bo fulfilled,
ns It requires a delivery every two months
"l used Kodol Dyspepsia Curo in my family
with wonderful results. It gives immediate,
relief, Is pleasnnt to tako and is truly tho
dyspeptic's best friend," says R. Ilartgerlnk,
Ovorlsel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Can
not fall to cure.
lli-iiiililleiinN llnlil l.nrucKt I'olltleiil
(iutlifiinn- llflil In htntc
mill .Nominate Tlcliot.
IMlOVlDENCi:, R, I., March 13. The re
publican stato convention hero today was tho
largest political gathering of tho sort ever
held In this slate. The enthusiasm from
tho beginning to tho end of the proceedings
was marked. Ocorgo II. Utter of Westerley
was the chairman.
The following nominations were mado by
acclamation: For governor, William Ores
ory. North Kingston; lleuteunnt governor,
Charb's Dean Kimball, Providence; attorney
genoral. Wllll.ird R. Tanner. Providence
hc. rotary of stnt Charles P. Dennett, Pro-
i, l.i.i gini",i! treasurer, Wal'cr . Read,
(Jloii.-en r liil.-ga'es and aid mates to th?
ii. republi .in comen.ian wero elected.
'r trnnspfirtntlon to Frankfort
Contractors for Ouminc Street Paving
Finally Allowed Their Money
Minn Hint t'oiini'll t'niinot Itcpnlr If-
ri'uulitrlllcx liy ItoHiNliiK t'nu
trnetorx Mom-)' llniii'tl dirtied
tiorilon tietM lilt alnr.
Tho ghost of tho Cuming utrcet paving
r.ffalr will not down, but on tho contrary
prefers to walk with great vigor at ulmost
every meeting of tho city council. There
was trouble over It Tuesday night that waxed
warm before It blew over and led to nn
exchange of bitter personalities.
Ilechel called up tho final estimate or
tho Ilarbcr Asphalt company on the paving
In question, u payment approximating $30,-
000. Ho moved that It bo taken from tho
Hies nnd allowed.
Stuht at onco opposed vigorously. His
Idea was that slnco Irregulurltlw sulllclent
to Invalidate tho special assessment wen
suspected tho company should not bo paid
for tho work, or at least not until tho city
had been freed from liability.
Ilechel called upon tho city engineer to
say whether tho claim was a Just one.
Mr. Rosewutrr, after giving his opinion
frankly that momberM of tho council had
connived at Irregularities, said that the con
tractors had fulfilled n contract entered Into
In good faith on both sides nnd deserved
pay for tho work. The nllowance of their
estimate, ho said, was u matter apart from
tho legality of tho speclnl assessment and
would not prejudlco tho city's Interest In
that matter.
The estimate was llnally allowed, Hurkley,
Lobeck, Stuht nnd Illngham voting no. Mer
cer nt tlrat voted no, but when the motion
was about to bo lost chatiged his vote to
Snlnry Clnlnii Allmwil.
Two salary claims which Mayor Moores has
steadfastly refused to allow were llnally
placed on tho appropriation sheet over tho
mayor's veto. Theso wero from J. F. Ilev
crlcy and C. F. Robinson, who served In tho
Inst legislature whllo holding positions with
tho city, tho former us a member of the
house of representatives and tho latter as
n lobbyist for tho charter bill, nevcrlcy was
a sidewalk Inspector and Robinson a special
ngent of tho legal department. City Attorney
Connell reported that, though tibsent from
tho city for threo months, tho two oillclals
performed their duties to tho satisfaction of
tho heads of their departments, nnd so the
council allowed them $300 each.
On tho salary claim of Police Judge Oor
don, amounting to $1,300, tho Judge nnd City
.Utorncy Connell had n passago at arms over
legal technicalities. Tho claim was llnally
allowed contrary to Mr. Council's wishes.
This action allows Cordon tho disputed differ
onco In salary up to ono year und three
months ago.
Tho council had another chanco to give
am nnu comion to ino iiocrs ami migiu uu
so yet ir councilman hium were not. goinK
oui or omce Biioniy. is. id. .eiincr oi im- ,
boken, N. J., requested of tho council a
contribution to his "patriotic schemo" to
present tho Roers a magnificent loving cup.
President Illngham referred the matter to
Ciinncll .iitlinrlMl to I'lrntl.
As a matter of technical procedure the
city attorney was by resolution authorized to
nppear In tho suit of tho attorney general
to oust tho lire and police board and plead
In defense of tho mayor und council that
tho former decision Is final and conclusive.
Lobcck refused to voto for the resolution,
as ho did not think the court's decision was
Charles U Altstedt. representing himself
as tho proprietor of the Orand Union hotel
In South Omaha, presented a claim for ?.i,nuu
for alleged false arrest. He asserted that he
was locked up as a vagrant by Omalia de
tectives, although ho had $tf and a watch on
his person. On flic.
Tho contracts and bonds for the curbing
and paving of Twenty-eighth htrcet from
1'ncltlc to Popplrton avenue wero approved.
On motion of Lobcck tho personal Injury
claim of Mrs. Van Urocklln was taken from
tho tiles nnd referred to tho city nttonify.
On recommendation of Tax Commissioner
Sackctt tho property of the Omalia turn
vereln was exempted from taxation as being
used for educational purposes.
Contracts with the Welsbach Street Light
ing company and the Olohe Light and Heat
company, for street lighting for two yearn,
wero referred.
A stop was taken toward tho solution of
tho vexed emergency hospital question In
tho appropriation of $3,000 for tho purchase
nnd Improvement of n flftecn-acro tract west
of tho city on Center street. This site was
recommended by tho health department nnd
the ndvlsnry board. Stuht voted no.
Ordinances passed: Locating thirteen
hydrants in Hcmls park; to Improve Thirty
seventh street from Farnam to Leaven
worth; creating street Improvement district
on Eleventh street, Chicago to Davenport.
S. C. Ciuniilietl. Ilnnki-r nnil I.eetiiror,
I'riMllrtN tirent liileriiiitlniinl Hnr
liner ,M miiiitliy Amilj.eil.
In Lowo Avenuo Presbyterian church
Tuesday night S. C. Campbell, a banker of j
Carson, la., lectured upon tho subject, "tno
Origin nnd Destiny of thu Anglo-Saxon
Race." He began with tho earliest history
of this people nnd followed It down to tho
present time. "It Is written, no said,
that tho Anglo-Saxons snail uominnio ino
world. Tho hand of Uod is in tucir tri
umphs." Tho nnd otfects or tho war in inc
Transvaal and of tho lato Spanish American
war formed an Important part of his dis
course, whoso keynoto was decidedly pro-
Ilrltlsh and anti-Doer. He spoko of tho
Ftntlment against tho English enuso In
South Africa and asked: "Ought the Indict
ment agaliift England to stand or should It
bo qufiahed?" He then proceeded to analyze
the an'.l-Urltlsh sentiment.
In Russia," he said, "wo find It In a
p est aggravated form. Russia was among
the first lo 'declare sympathy' for the Iiocrs,
as It was to offer moral support to Spain In
its war with tho United States. If Russl.t
Is so ready with Its sympathy for 'down
trodden peoplo' let It save a Ilttlo for somo
of Its own suffering subjects."
Franco and Germany wero disposed of In
i similar way and then, referring to tho
nlted States, ho resumed: "It Is a poor
f- Al.U,.vnM rnroa l n..rrnl nnu-
mm' mi iiiiBi-. ... !
in our war wiin npiuu r.iifcuiiiu k.ku n
ita heartfelt sympathy, because. It knew wo
wore right. To turn ngalnst It now woul I
be to play tho part of on Ingrate.
Today tho world Is lining up ngalnst tho
Anglo-Saxon race A great International-
interracial war Is forthcoming and In this
the Russian nnd French governments will
take the Initiative against us."
Snnillin I'mler Control.
MARYVILLE, Mo., March 13. (Special
Telegram.) At a meeting of tho Maryvlllo
Roan! of Health this morning the homes or
tix persons who had been exposed to small
pcx were quarantined.
Mayor McClusky has Issued a proclama.
Hon ordering all dogs and cats running at
large to bo killed, and asking tho peoplo of
tho town to aid tho authorities In prevent
ing tho spread of the disease. Tho health
authorities say they think they havo tho
contagion under control.
No now cases have developed and Milan
Mnvlllr. Uranvlllc Storm and the man
namcil Snodgraes, who have tho disease, are
Improving. In tho meantime the local phy
sicians are doing a great deal of vaccinating.
Itetnlt Driilem from '1'en Slnle, lii
cluillnu lima. I'u nn the lntci
Mtnte Atsneliitloiii
CHICAGO, March 13. Retail hardware
dealers from ten suites met today and
formed an organization to be known as tho
Interstate Iletull Hardware" association.
Twenty-six delegates wero present from
state organizations of Indiana, Illinois,
Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri, Iown, Kan-
Bas, Minnesota, North Dakota and I'cnnsyl
hnln. Tho abatement of trado abuses Is
tho nvoweil object of tho organization and It
was stated by a member that tho efforts
of tho association will bo directed against
Jobbers who sell hardware to department
and "bargain" stores, which sell goods at
price that will not afford tho retail hard
ware dealers a living profit.
Tho association, It Is stated, dors not
hopo to bo nhlo to Influence nntl-depart-
ment store legislation, but It Is thought that
by boycotting Jobbers who sell to them tho
evil will be lurgcly remedied.
.Sanuicl Ki-IIit ContlnucB III TrMl-
moiiy Iti'Kitrillnir Opcratlinn of
llriiWernni- Conipniiyi
NKW YORK. March-13. Samuel Keller
continued his testimony today regarding tho,
methods of operation of the B. S. Dean com
pany, when tho trial of James H, Kellogg,
indicted for swindling, was resumed before
Recorder ('.off.
Yesterday Keller sworo that he was prom
ised no Immunity for turning state's evi
dence. Keller told of tho brokerago trans
actions ns conducted by hlra between tho
Dean company and Theodoro W. Meyers &
Co. Ho said that tho Bhares would bo bought
nnd sold nt tho samo time, thereby making
nothing nnd losing nothing, but merely de
luding tho customer.
In telling of tho division of profits Keller
said they wero usually divided on Saturday.
tho bank balanco being divided equally bo
tween himself, Kellogg nnd Charles Weln
I.lfi- SmliiuN nf Seori'N of llnlliin Itrnl
ilentn of I'IiIciiko DlNiippeiir ivltli
(Irnlilo l'liinU.
CHICAGO, March 13. Thousands oi dol
lars, representing the life savings of scores
of Italian residents of Chicago, have disap
peared from the vaults of Ulraldo Frank's
private bank.
Tho local police arc looking for Frnnk, who
Is believed to havo left the city. It was dis
covered today that tho bank which Frank
started six weeks ago had been thoroughly
cleaned of lt funds. Tho matter wan laid
before tho police by Italians who had put
their fortunes, in sums ranging from $20 to
j.100. i i,-rnnwH i,anV Th nni n,n,i,it
mrelnB is not yct (,.
31 mil er of llltr llnnkliiK Firm.
NEW YORK. March 13. Charles II. Cos
tcr, a member of the firm of J. PIcrpont
Morgan & Co., died suddenly today.
Mr. Coster was widely known In financial
nnd railroad circles and was a director of
forty-six prominent railways and other large
corporations, among them being tho Chcsa
pcako K: Ohio Railroad company, the Chi
cago, .Milwaukee & St. Paul, tho Krlo Rail
ro.ul company, the New York, Susquehanna
fc Western, tho Northern Pacific, the Phil
ndclphla & Reading Coal and Iron company
tho Southern railway and tho West Shore
railway. Ho was a member of the board
of managers of the Philadelphia & Reading
company and a director of tho North British
Mcrcnntllo Insurance company.
l'niieralN of Wnr Wtornn.
HARVARD. Neb.. March 13. (Special.)
Yesterday Silas Moore, uged 86 years, was
burled from tho Christian church and today
James Campbell, aged .1:1 years, was burled
from tho Methodist church of this city.
Roth wero veterans of tho civil war snd
wero burled under direction nf tho Orand
army posts to which they belonged.
Mr. Campbell camo to Harvard In 1S73, lo
eating on a farm on which ho continued to
rcsldo till his death.
I'nnei-nl of Mr. Onliorn,
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., March 13. (Spe
cial.) Tho funeral services of Mrs. J. II
Osborn, who died of pneumonia yesterday
aged 7.") years, wero held today nnd tho hody
Interred in tho Klkenbary cemetery. Do
ceased was born In Lo? county, Vlrglnln, and
has resided with her husband and tbiir chil
dren In this city for twelve years.
ItfHliloiit of Mllclicll.
MITCHELL, S. D March 13. (Special.)
James Oormley. ono of the old Inhabitants
of this city, died nt his home Saturday night
ns tho result of a chronic trouble. Ho was
(it years of ago nnd had been engaged In a
number of business enterprises during his
long residence here. His funeral was held at
tho Cathollo church this morning.
DniiKliter of Ilnrvnril People.
HARVARD. Neb.. March 13. (Special.)
Today a daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dlmlck
aged 13 years, who resides eight miles norm
west from Harvard, died of scarlet fever.
S ii in inerH-Hn lkr.
Charles D. Summers and Miss Agnes
Ralkes were married Tuesday, March 13, nt
thn bnme of the officiating minister, Rev
Charles V. Snvldge.
Fnriiicr FoihhI llenil.
MARYVILLE, Mo., March 13. (Special
Telegram.) A. W. Rrownlee, aged f.0 years
one of the most prominent nnd wealthiest
farmers in the northern part of Holt county
was found lying dead near a haystack on
his farm, four miles northwest of Mnltland
this afternoon.
Foul play was at first suspected, but thft
doctorti say heart trouble caused his death
Mr. Rrownlco had lived on tho farm on
which ho died twenty years.
I, i-iier IHcN III I'lttMlmru
ni'i'Tsnrnri. P.i.. March 13. Arthur D
Wilson, n leper, who bus been Isolnted In
the Pittsburg pest bouse for two year,
died today. He was n civil engineer und
contracted the disease In Hrnzll fifteen
When the rnse was discovered
. two years oko It was ' Wrnctl .V.""" 'Y!i!
l'CIl II. 1 1 1 K Ml "'""""";"""";"
,i, ,.nnn o win p stirrerinc iroui ieiiriy mi
moro than ten jears.i
' Itnllnir In llnriier llrim. t nm1
NEW YORK. March 13.-In the mutter
of Albert Smith, et ul. to hnve Hnrper &
llros. adjudged n bankrupt c. .rporiit !".
I, i. l..e llrnu-n nf the United Stilton district
court (bankruptcy purl today b.iuiled down
l.lj ,lnI,lylnn thn till lllll It'll t lull Of tllO
eo'rp.iratlnn. Judge Drown holds that tho
l,,l.,r..ulu nf the -T Pit 1 1 fll'M . amounting
I to $.!,( K) wmild not he served by sutli
For Infanta and Children.
llio Kind Ycc Have Always Bought
President Ilickoj Announces tho Initial
Games of tho Western League.
Dnrlnur (lie tirenter I'nrl tif Mnv the
four r.iiMcni CIiiIim Will lit
rinliiK nt Di-mer unit
DKNVKR. Colo., March 13. Presldnnt
Hlckey of tho Western League of Rase Rail
clubs announced today that the season will
open May 5. with tho Omaha club at Den
ver, St. Joseph at Pueblo and Sioux City at
De 'Moines.
During tho greater part of May Omaha, St.
Joseph, Slout City and Des Moines will he
playing In Denver and Pueblo, after which
tho latter two will make their first eastern
Tho season will close September ft. Tiaeh
elub will play twenty-two games with every
other club; flfly-llvo nt home and the samo
number abroad.
Itrnnlt on the It H ti ii I n u Trnt'lN,
SAN FRANCISCO. March 1.1. -Tn tiro ran
results. Weather cloudy; track fast:
First race, ven-slxtccntlis of a mile,
tnalden fillies, purse: Flnriiuthc won, Tim
Hot second, Princess Lcotn third. Time:
Second race, three-quarters of n tulle,
felling: Afghan won, Momentum second,
Vlnrls third. Time: 1:13'4.
Third race, ono mile, purse: Krwin won.
Flower of Oold second, N'orford third.
rime: 1:12.
Fourth race, seven-eighths of n tulle:
purse: Flumnra. won, entoto second, May
third. Time: :nu.
Fifth race, mile mid n oimrter. fvlllnc:
Topmast won, Chlmura second. Twinklcr
third. Time: 2:071;..
Sixth race, one mile, purse: v.l Mlilo
won. Arrobut second, Cromwell third.
Time: 1:11.
I'lillitiW'llililii litili In i'raliiltin,
rillLADKLPIIIA. March 13. The Phila
delphia base ball club left bore today In
charge of Manager Shettsllne for their
spring practice nt Charlotte, N.' C.
Savniuiiili Drrnmtr for IIimvov.
SAVANNAH. On.. Marrh 13 - Savnnnnh
Is being decorated In nntlritmtlnn of tho
visit of Admiral und Mrs. Dewey on M.ireli
I nnil 23. r;very wnite military enmnnnv
In South Carolina. Georgia nnd Florida bti
been invited lo tnKo part in the military
pnr.ide. Governors Candler Hlnxhnm ami
McSweency are expected, along with Sec
retaries Long1 nnd Wilson, tn a'ten.l the
banquet A number of congressmen wm
also be iircsont.
Nothing But Praise From
All Sources.
Stands High In the Estimation of
l'husc Who IIuvc Tested
Its Merits.
There Is no doubt whatever as to the
merits of Morrow's Kld-ne-olds, Judglns
from the good renults obtained right hero
in Omaha. Morrow's Kld-nc-olds are used
dally by many Omaha citizens nnd they air
testify without any hesitancy nbout tho
great good they havo received by tho uso
of this groat kidney preparation. Kld-nc-
olds will positively curo kidney backache,
dizziness, sleeplessness, nervousness and all
urinary disorders arising from a dleordcred
condition of the kidneys. Another citizen
adds testimony, as follows:
Mr. W. R. Ellington, 2208 South 10th
street, says: "For four or five years I havo
suffered from kldnoy troubfes, also with
swelling of tho feet nnd limbs, and they
would pain me so I could scarcely get nny
sleep. Hearing about the wonderful cures
Morrow's Kld-nc-olds had affected, I do-
ciacu io try mem. i iook mom acroruins i
to directions nnd In a few days the pains all
left mo and the swelling disappeared from
my feet and rirabs."
Morrow's Kld-ne-olds are not pills, but
Yellow Tablets, and sell at fifty cents a box
at all druggists and by tho Myers-Dillon
Drug Co. Mailed on receipt of price. Man
ufactured by John Morrow & Co., Chemist,
Bprlngfleld, Ohio.
A Badly Sprained firm
HOUSTON. Ti'.vi.m
Dn. RAD WAY A CO. Dear Sirs: Aunust
25th last I had a badly sprained arm. Af
ter uslns six different (wbut wero iilli-d)
remedies, I never got relief till I used
Itadway's Ready Ilelief, will h eased the I
Sain at once anil cured me in iwo uajn.
ly father, who Is 5(5 years old Bays Hud-
ways Koady Hellsf und Haawny s Pills aro
the best of nil medlcinPs"' We keep In
tho house tho year around Respec t fully,
THOB. HANSIlOROl'OII, Special Police,
City Kail.
A Curr fur nil Coliln, Cuuulm. Sura
Thrum, IiiUneiirii, llrmirlilllx, I'ni-ii-uiunln,
SwHUiik f flu- .IoIiiIn,
l.u nilinuo, I it II h in in n 1 1 it n
Frothltc, Chilblain, llneilncliTa,
Toothnchra, Atliinii, Dlllluult
CURlvS THE WOHBT 1'AINR in from one
to twenty minutes. NOT ONK HOUR after
reading this nfed nny one SI KI'hR ITII
PAIN. Sold by Drugpists.
llnUYTny &. Co., B5 Kim St., .New lorU.
RAYfViO - D &
A Part f"r f r l'VMS I.M'uSITMN
TOl'R will h ive l.i.stun April :'o on tin
favnrlie Htenmer
of the UominlMii I, in, l',iur .ik. will !,
spent In Pulls at lb- Tr.x .i.lern Iloti l
failni? the Kxpuyttlun UrniiiH
I'nrtles will I.KAVK NIAV YRK
Kaiserin (iftaria Tlieresia,
and April to on the sti-nnitr
of the Atlantic Trunxpoit Line. The tours
from New York Include two wcekn .it
Send for Illustrated books containing full
29(1 Washington Street. lioston, .Mass.
ant Is on it t dniR Mores thrjuin
out tin- world Tlinugb Ion in iy
bo considered thu hiRh'-si cunipM'ii' nl.
the publl'' l espi-dully iH '
ittulnst substitui'S mil Imiiiil' n it
tempte i owing to the populnrv "f N
CUrO I 1 1 k I IlirMAI. V UilNill.
SCKOPUI.A, lite.
Nont genuine iinlcuHHRnrd 'IIlancabii'
A I.I. DUOOOIftTS, . .
E. POUQEWA & CO.jN. V. Ajt. tor U. b.
7 as
I i
Wednesday and Thursday
Will Be Overcoat Days.
Tho balance of our winUu ovoivoata in three lota
' ' k
li IS
Clothing Company
remium Offer
To Readers
Beautiful Pictures for the Home.
A Spirited
Battle Picture
WliI'di was awarded tho pri.e medal
In the Paris Snlmi. Co-it $00,000.
This tine picture, la 1 1 colors re
produces for lltii' n ml color for
color, every detail of the original.
I p ill f lis Oil Painting
Is '2'2'M Inches and Is lit to adorn
the art gallery of a VaudeiblU.
You enn have either or both of
3 consecutive coupons cut from this
Theso beautiful pictures have
The Itce has purchased several
thus innkltiK ''-' prlco very low for
V Mr
( JJm
IIcIiiIUc'r I'iiiiiiiiii I'nlutliit:.
Of Sf.
"The Defense of
( III CON I'lllt M VIK II I I.
This cuupon, with two others oi
consecutive dates and 10 cents, pre
sented 1,10 "I"1'1' entitles any
rentier 1' the Hco to this beautiful
picture. SM'O iiielie.-.. If you want
U mailed. M'nd 10 cents cstra for
tube, postage, etc.'
If you send part ir all In two-cent
not stick together. Address all lottei
t i f-Vi t , I'lIK Itl.STI.Ifs IM!
p-" 'df HI I) I I..)l,l ,!.! I, . . ..I
tX vx 'I nl.r no ili r If l-mi
11 'M ictiu .iil.ailluiIuiiK uml luiltA.
I fjj lli.ll. I . ' j !ig(i.I .,r w 1 0
I T 14 'r ' I'lirlli'iilnr. Tlftlllnuillul
l"C fl "Ilrlli-I for l.n.llra," leu- . r.-
X. L' turn Moll. I ll.lMili 1 .iin. ' ,
.. ' It . ( hlrhralrrl ll nill-sl o.,
Ucotlou IliVu,.i Vl.uUcin uuri'. i'llll.A.. VK'
St i rl f I he in i 1 1
ui t li :'i ;it i .im
III ile Hull-' I .1" I
tt' ill II h.l I i I' ir
HUH- but ' V. i lit
muie VI S' l-i 1
fiir tinxlii nn n Jl
,,i I ii s-lx lllullt h S' nd
in entclipe lur II S.llllpl' !
Klf I II .Ve , I 'till lll).
i .linn
V! n. ii,l
nocin'A H.M)AiAvoo c-trst'i-ic1"
Cures Gonorrhoea. Gleet or unnntura dl
charufs In ii fow days. Full dlr;otlon
Price JI50. All druBBlftf. or mall D, UlcW
t. Co.. 153 Centre St . Now York
i H
i i
Your Choice,
S7.50.SI0.50 and SIS
Worth $12 to $25
Ulsters, Your Choice, 3 Lots
$7.o, sio.eo
and $14.75.
Spring Overcoats,
S5.QQ, $7.50,
SsO and $12
Full Silk Lined, Oxford Chev
iot Top Conts, $12.75
REMEMBER Wednesday and
Thursday wo ilevoto to making a loss
on overcoats. You cannot airord not
to devoto some time to make quito a
of The Bee.
In the linrvest Held see for tho first
time a balloon In the sky.
This Famous Painting,
owned by t ho Metropolitan Art Mu
seum of New York, reproduced In
color and effect. Is 2'JxIlO luchea, la
liumhome und beautiful.
these famous palnllnps for 10c each nnd
advertisement In The Dally Hco.
never been sold lor lesn than $1.00 each.
thousand as a special subscription feature,
11 ee readern only.
or Uupre'H MurveloiiN Pointing.
OI I'OV 1(111 .11 ll( II I I.
This coupon wit two others ot
consecutive dates anfl 10 cents, pro
Minted nt the ISei olllce entitles any
reader of the Ilee to this beautiful
picture. 22x'M) Inches. If you want
it mailed, send 10 cents extra for
till if. postage, etc.
postnKo slumps bo careful that they d
to A ItT Dlil'A ItT.M i;T.
22 Yeari f xperlmce.
IZYeanln Omihi,
ri.RrTniriTT . - j
t-or. Utband rarnam Sireots.OMAHA, NEui
. ureB when all
others fall. Prompt
In nctlon. flare nnd
euro, Try It-iSo.
i fl B
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i HBB I E (1 WW I