THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Tl'KSDAY, MARCH 1 J), 1000. ) SPECIAL NOTICES Advert IxciiiciiIn for llicse I'oltiniin Mill lie InUfii tinlll J- nil for the 'l)lllK cdlllon mill 11 it 1 1 1 MtltO p. in. for moriiliiK unit Siniilii)' nlllloii. Hiiti-R, I ,, nuril llrst liirrtloii 1c n noril thereof (cr. Xotliliiic liil.en for less llinu for Hip II ml Inner- II These ml rrllncnietit" mum lo run conacciitl vcly. AiH crtlscrx, li- rciHicstliiK n until IhtpiI check, run line iitmtTrm nil ilrcNnrd In it numbered letter In i-nre of Tin. . Answers mi addressed III Im (IcIUored on iircnrntntion ol tin check only. wa vied sitimtioxs. A STENOGRAPHER. When you wtnt on pleaso call up the Remington typewriter oincc, mia rnrnum t., teiepnono i&i3. A-133 A COMPETENT nnd experienced voting man desires position iih bookkeeper or In gonorni ouiee work; city references nnu bond If required. Addreso 19, llee. A-M751 13 GOOD Mule nnd nlcenlo nlnver wishes con noetlon with hand or orchestra Address 11 r. Hco. A-MSK IT waxted MAi.ii help. WANTED: wo lmvo steady work for n few Rood huotlers of good habits and appear ance. C. K. Adams Co.. 1019 Howard hi. H-131 WANTED, manager nnd ngents; salnry or commission; cheapest nnd largest line. Hunter TnllorliiK nnd Shirt Co.. Clncln witl, Ohio. U-M1I0 A7 SALESMEN to soli olllce specialties; fine side, lines; used by nil merchants; catalog free. Model Mrg. Co., uox 11, Hounn in" Iml. H-MSSS MIS' SALESMEN'. Automatic Copying Hook lout mil: aelW itself: needed bv every blisl tiess mnn; n bonanza for agents; write nt onco for exclusive territory. Perishing Mfg. Co., South Ilcnd, Ind. B-M7Z M13 3 plcturo agents; expenses paid. 1819 Loay'th, II Ot .- SIIOnT HAND. There, are always a contingent of people who desire something cheap and easy lo Warn. What would a knowledge of short hand be worth If It could bo acquired with out effort or lime? If such a fact were possible, that fact nlono would make tho ncq.Mslllon of a given thing vnlucless. It Is estimated that there nrc ninety students In this city now experimenting with a new system of shorthnnd. Tho result will be at tho end of six months, ninety mediocre stenographers on tho .market scrambling for positions. Business men, however, will contlnuo to call upon nOYLES' SCHOOL) for high-grado amanuenses. Cataloguo furnished on application. Bee Hldg. II-M1S5 13 SOLICITOR wanted, a reliable, hustling sa esmnn for tnllor-mado suits and trotis ors; enlary or commission. Twin City Tailoring ro., iwj Farnam. it .M&rj HA LESMEN to sell office sncclnlttos: line sldo lines; tired by all merchants; catalog free. .Model aug. co., uox n. south nenu Ind. ii JW A A GOOD eoatmnker wanted; price from $7 to $14: comu nt once, or write to C. J I'eterson, 116 Thornburgh St., Lirnmlo, Wvo. B-M596 14 BARBER trado taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue ami particulars rrco, Address Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha Neb. B1J5 WANTED, men to lenrn barber trade; post Hons guaranteed; freo tools; frco board frco railroad fare to our college at Den ver: oldest and hintest in lllo world: be waro of fako cntiilogues and misleading offers: our diplomas recognized every where; write for particulars. Moler Bar ber C"Hpg representative, Crelghton blk omahn. hm , ii- WAN'TED, men to learn barber trade; frc tr.'itmnortatlon to our colleces at Chlcairi St Louis or MlnncaiKdls; there is no in stitution In Omaha or Denver that teaches tho trado at' wo do; neware oi eneap fi-cont shops calling themselves colleges; wn.havc Gou positions at J60 monthly and mako this special offer to get students enough to till tho demand; then our dlplomns entitle you to work anywhere: our beautifully Illustrated catalogue, with full particulars mailed freo. Moler Bar ber College, Chicago, HI. II-M39'J 13 BARBER walifed: a good barber (colored), steady Job; $10.00 guarantee. 911 N. 2llh St. , B 817 16 TAILOR wanted, pants and C21 Brondway. Council Bluffs. vestmnker. MS 11 I'LACE for young man to work for board while attending school. Address Nebraska Jluslness College. Boyd Theater. B M841 14 KinST-CLASS bushelmun In Hnyden Bros.' clothing department. B M839 13 WANTED, a llrst-class undertaker and em balmcr; must hold tlrst-grade state cer tlllcate, have a good knowledge of furnl ttlro business; to a gentleman wo can give ii permanent position. Address B 39 euro Omaha Bee. B-MS37 13 EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, ca pable of Introducing special lino In new territory. Excluslvo contract. Give refer ences nnd experience. Box 32, Detroit, Mich. B-MS3I 13 V'ANTED, machinists to take place of strikers, 1.000 machlno hands and 1,000 vlso bands; good pny nnd steady employment. Apply Chicago Association of Machinery Manufacturers, Boom 1007 Fisher Building, Chicago, 111. H-M629 13 WAXTHH KBMAliK II HM. WANTED. 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76. C-137 to girls wanted. Canadian ollleo 1322 Douglas LADIES, get a silk wnlst or petticoat for 2f cents. Call and examine samples. Room f.07 Knrbach block. C M.V.2 LADIES. If you have a little spare, time nnd want employment wo can put you to work. 607 Knrbach block. C-M353 WE WILL furnish you with a silk waist or nettlcoat. made to vour measure, for 23 cents and a little tlnuv Call and examine goods, tw Knrbach block. C M650 WANTED Girl to do second work and as sist in the caro of two little buy. Apply before 10 and lifter 6. 116 S. 32ml Ave. C-61S-1.1 OOOD girl for second work; must have references. Apply to Mrs. J. S. BeHily, 362S jacKson. 1 Mt,M 11 onon clrl for general housework. 112 S. 2Sth St. , C M7SS 15 WOMAN cook nt Hackney hotel; $1S per mouth. North Bend. Neb. C-S15-U WANTED, a llrst-class girl for general housework. 1024 Park avenue. C-826 II' A KEW American ladles of middle Hge wanted nt moderate pay. experience may be dispensed with, but must be possessed of business tact. Address, with reference, Box B. 58. Bee. C-S25 12 rVANTBD. experienced millinery sales ladles. Ask for Mr. Sweetland. Nebraska Clothing Co. C-M83S II HOME work for ladles; making nrtlflclnl llowcrs; Is pleasant; prolltable home em ployment; oarlly learned Send stamp for our home work offern. New York Klower Co., 103 Fulton St., New York Cltv. C-MS.10 13 HELP WAN TED. BOYLES' COLLEGE nsslsts young Indies nnd gentlemen to positions to earn board while In attendance. Send for catalogue. Bco building. --M603- rOK REXT-1MHISES, IF YOU want your houses well rented place mem witn nenewti rv vo. D IIS HOUSES, etc. K. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. D 146 FINE modern residence, 12 rooirs, on motor line. no. 113 North loth street J T Clarke, 219 Board of Trade. D-M29t A3 for ii K vr not sr.. HOUSES, all kinds. 36 V. S. Nut. Hk nidg, D-MJ9i KOR HUNT To small fnmlly. 7-room cot tage in good repair; city water inside; cistern: innl shed: Mud and California Sts . $23. Inquire ut M7 N. 19th St. D-113 KOH UK NT, two nice seven-room houses in smnc ynru, almost opposite uomm park; ull modern except furnace; aro now being papered and painted throughout. win rent for $:o eaci to gqoa tenants with references. OMAHA LOAN A TRUST CO.. 16th nnd Douglas St.s, D-M3I ALWAYS moving H. II. goods, l'lanos. OHlco 1511'4 rarnam St. Tel. K59 or 811. D-117 CHOICK houses, cottages, stores. Henry H. Payne, ooi r. v. liic. i'nonc. ioib. D-139 HOUSES, stores. Hernia, I'nxton block. D-I10 MACOAHI) Van & Storage. 1618 Can. Ave. D-Hl Tel. 1195. OH IlKNT. 2311 Hurt St.. S rooms nnd bath, hot water heat, steel range; will rent to satisfactory tenant. Inquire on premises. D 5C0-1I IIOHSK9 to rent. II. C. Patterson. 305 N. D-H3 Y I.lfe. HOUSKS and flats. Hlngwutt, Barker blk. D-1H HOUHKS for rent In nil parts' of tho city. Hrcnnan-Lovo Co., 3ra ho. run street. D-112 5 ItOOMS, 107 South street, cltv water, J7.00. Illngwnlt, HarKer hiopk. i mj,v DHTAClIHD S-room modern house with D-5S3-ir barn. 2611 Pierce. CUIUS HOYICH, 212.1 Cuming. Tele. K 2612. D Mo'Ji A'.l D-7S6 KIVE rooms. 2321 S. 16th st. KOII lin.Vr KI IIMSHKII llOO.MH. HOOMS. 1906 Capitol Ave. K 431-12 KUHNISHKD rooms for rent. 237 Harney. K-523 13 KITRNISHKD rooms, housekeeping. 2623 PL CHKAP room for men. 1712 Juckson K-6SI 12 I.ARGI-: nnd attractive rooms, furnished or unfurnished, In private residence, sunnoie for one or two gentlemen; on enr line and within easy walking distance of pot olllce; stone house; hot water heat. Ad dress H 2. Hec. H-M70I 17. NHWIA furnished rooms. 1211 Douglas. K-819 H ROOMS. 19(16 Capitol Ave. 12-S22 18 MOD13RN furnished rooms. 1S11 enss, K-M536 19 't'll.MSIlUn HOOMS AM) IlOAHl). THE Merrlam family hotel, 25th and Dodge. K-HS TO 2 gentlemen, In prlvato family. Mary's Ave. 2020 St. K-H9 TUB PRATT, front room, with alcove. Tel. 1312. 212 S. 23th St. F--S12 ROOM and board. Jl to $3. 1312 Davenport, K-622-A-9 NICELY furnished southeast front room: modern conveniences; private family. 702 So. 29th St. K-C21 It KOR RENT, nicely furnished room with board. 2102 Cass. K-MII3 17 TWO nicely furnished rooms, with board. 2015 Douglas. K-M772 13 DESIRABLE rooms, Harney. first-class board. 25l K-M752 1.1 KOH IlKVr STOIlliS AND OKKICI'.S. KOR RENT, store In first-class location, rent reawnnble. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee hldg. 1260 STORE ROOM. 1106 Karnam. Opp. old P. O. 1-639 STORE nOOM, 1106 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. 1-G39 KOR RENT, two-story brick building, 4W 132, Nos. 1313 and 1313 Harney St.. suitable for livery, warehouse or manufacturing purpose; low rent. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1S02 KARNAM ST. I-M573 13 AOI'.XTS WA.VTEl). $230 A MONTH and oxnenses, either sox; sample free. 27-1 Ridge Hldg., Kansas City. Mo J-MJ38 13 J.6 A DAY Is earned by ngents who sell our contnuts. A quieK selling security, ivery bodv wants It. Klnest of business lltera ture. Kor territory and terms write nt once. The) Tontlno Surety Co., Detroit, .Mien. j-HMi WAXTU1I-TO KENT. NEW bouse, 8 rooms, modern, vicinity of nanscom pant, amy i. jj 12, nee ouice K-M37! 13 STORAGE PACIFIC Storage and "Wnrehuose Co., 012 9HJones, gcnernl storage and forwarding, 152 OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511'4 Farn. Tel 1539,863, M-153 WA.Vl'KI) TO Ill'Y. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.. In largo or small quantities. Chlcngo Fur- nituru co., noti-io uoage. toi. 2020. N-I54 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Hank accounts. Brennan Love Co.. 309 So. 13th. N-155 AMERICAN dealer: buy necondhmd furnl turo anil stoves, 1719 Cuming. Tel. 1673. N150 STAMPS bought, sold. Mortensen. 301 Pax ton Blk. X-M990-M26 WANTED, good driving horse. Bicycle Co.. 15th and Hnrney. Nebrnska N-620 12 ENTERPRISE KUR CO. pays high prices for goou uouscnoiu goous. ti. ill 11. N-MS74 A 10 KOH SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. TOP BUOGY for sale, In good condition. U 40. Bee P-M190 DRIVING mnre for sale. 172 Cuming. P -6HV-12 FOR SALE MISCHLI.AXEOI'.H. CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and ho relicts, wi wuuguin oi. y 1ST CUTTERS of drug prices, Shermnn & Me conium Drug -o., uor. iun and Dodgo Sis. Q-15S KOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents nt druggists. One gives relief. Q 1C9 It. HAAS. FlorlPt. 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, nit Mowers, iioquets, hall, resl- I deuce, wedding and giave dernrallons. i Orders by mail or express promptly tilled. Q-160 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlxht, 1116 Knrnam. Q-l'U NEW bicycle tires. J2.23, $2.50 nnd $3.00. Good secondhand whecK , $10 and $12. Omaha Hlcyclo Co., loth and Chlcaco Sts. 0-161 KOR SALE Nearly new upright Stelnway ulnno for $150. Address X65 Bee. Q-231-M11 SAFER, huy, sell, etc. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. Tel. 1697. Q-M162 KOR SALE. 31 head finest registered Jer sey cows and heifers In the U. s., verv cheap; snap for breeders. H J. Hnckett, 4622 Houlevnrd live.; 3d house west of Deaf and Dumb Institute. Q-M607 WIRE fence. Iddy. 1617 Howard. Tel. 1590. Q-61S-Allg-9 FOB SALE, sidewalk plank, all widths 6 to 12 Inches, and t. 8 and 10 feet lengths, for $9.00 per thousand feet Also kindling wood at tl.Co a lojd Chicago House wrecking Co,, Exposition Grounds, Thene 233L Q-.M297 31 mischllaxeoi s. NOTICE, country denlers, Sdhand furniture tt stoves nt lowest prices, carload tots or less. Chicago Furniture Co., 1100-10 Dodge. H-16l KOII HUNT, bnrn, at 2024 St. .Mary's Ave, Wi: nre nil rendy for business; largest line In city of 2d hand household goods. En terprise Kur. Co., 102 S. Hth. II-MS72 A10 KOH HUNT, n new piano, JIW prr month. Address Koom 21, Madison Hotel. H-M7fll ll CI, ntvov wrs. MUS. rrtIT., clairvoyant, SCO N. 16th. B 103 MME.GYI.MCIt genuine palmist. 1005 Dodgo B 101 M.MR PALMKIt, medium. Ites. 8- 1707 Cass St. M7IS M20 MASS.Vlii: AM) IIATIIS. MHS HintltY, Turko-Husslnn baths; porce lain tub; massage; best equipped In city; attendant. 119 N. 15th st., 2nd Moor, opp. postolllre. T M7C7 A10 M.MH. AMKS, II. 2, 507 S. 13; massage bath-. T-6S2 15' HIIATHIC!-: HAHI.OW, massuse. bath. Hteam heat, Hindoo treatment. 317'i N. 15th. Hat K. T-M0OI M.Mi;. SMITH, rqom 2, IIS'4 N. 15th. T-M673 17 KI.ITI: PAIII.OHS. CIS S. 16th. upstairs. T-M790 A 10 MHS. HOYD,,r. 1, 1615 Howard. 2d lloor. T M7S9 A10 MM 12. IIHISSON, starch, sea salt, vapor, massage baths. 107 N. 12th. ICxpert at tendant T-MSli A 12 I'I'.ltHO.NAI,. VIAVI, woman's way to health. 316 He" hldg I "-ICS DR. no V. chiropodist, corn and superflu ous hair removed by electricity, r. 12, Krenztr HloiU. V 173 SHAMPOOING 23c, hair dressing 23e, hair toilet goods, Monhclt, 1518 Knrnam. Tel 2331 U 169 MONIHCIT, chlropodlBt, 151S Karnnm, 2d U-170 lioor. ici. mi. PROP. LUND positively destroys corns, bunions, wnrts, moles. Dll Knrbiieh Hlk. U il. M17 LII3HEN, costumer. catalogue. 1313 Howard. Get IT 172 RUPTURE cured, no knife, no pain, no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Hldg., O'g11' PLEATING and plented skirts of nil kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas block. U 1 1 1 IMlIVATtT! Iinonllnl ff Indies hefore Sr (lur ing conllnemcnt; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17 KJ 11.1 PRIVATE homo before nnd during con finement. Hnbles adopted. Mrs. Hurget, 2433 Dccatui. U-M2I1 INFORMATION wanted as to address of Chus. Hrognnza. who formerly worked at this place Reward of ten dollars will be paid by Pond-Decker Lumber ( o., Deckervlllc, Ark U-.M26S 15 LADIES, free, harmless monthly regulntor; cannot fall- Mi's. H. Rowan, MIlwauKeo, Wis. U-323 STAMPS for collectors: albums, supplies. Frank Hrown. ::o',4 S. 13th. U J1270 CANCER CURED, no pain. Dr. llenshaw, u..l..n. l.lrt ........ I.. Hut r.i. K mti. ut nwilln U-.M713-A10 SIO.NEV TO I.OAX-IIEAI, ESTATE. PRIVATE money, C, 6j. 6 per cent; no de lay, liarvtn uros., iki;i Farnam. w us PRIVATE money. F. D. Woad. 1524 Douglns W-17S WANTED, city nnd farm loans; also bonds and warrants. K. c. l'ctora & i-o., i?(rj Karnam St., Bee Hldg. W-179 5 PER CENT money. Uemls, Paxton block. w iw MONEY to loan on flrstclass Improved city property or for building purposes, j'ayne Knox Co.. New York Life. W-1S1 3, 51i, 6 per cent loans on Omaha, S. Omaha. W. II. Tliomns, sua ist isni. oanK. Tel. ieis. W-1S2 MONEY to loan at 5 nnd SH nor cent on Omaha proparty. w. u. Mellsle, 401 H. lBtn. W-1S3 FIVE per cent farm loans. Chas. E. Wll-W-1S4 llamson. MONEY to loan on Improved Omahn real estate. Brennnn-Love Co., 309 So. 13th. W-183 $1,000 and upwards to loan on improved city property and I a nil a. v. i-arnam smiin & Co., 1320 Karnam. W 1SS LOANS on eastern Nebrnska and western lown farms at 5 per cent. Borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple. Any In tercut date. No delay. Brennnn-Love Co., 309 South 13th street. Omaha, Neb. W-K3- JIIIMOV TO LOAX CHATTELS. I-K-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y -S-E-E-U-S- We have a large amount to loan on house hold furniture, pianos, organs, warehouse receipts, horses, can luges, etc. You can get the monoy within n few hours after making application. WE CHARGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER KOR MAKING OR K LING PAPERS. Wo ulvc you as much time ns you need nnd you may repuy the loan as soon as vou choose and you need not pay for It ONE DAY l.l THAN YUl KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Tel. 2293. 306 South 16th Street. X-611. MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg. X 191 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own namo without endorser or mortgage. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW EST RATES No Inquiries mnde of em ployer or friends. You can borrow nny amount nnd repay . on ensy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowing see us. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. suite 523-526 N. Y. I.lfo Bldg. X-1SS MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS, diamonds, wutches, on eny payment, un known to others: you keen the iroods. each pnynient lessens tho cost of tho loan; no cnarge iw impcm mm we innKo no in- qulries of your nclghbois. BEHGERS' LOAN CO., is'Ji i'arnnm, over II. & M. ticket olllce. X 1V9 MONEY lonned on pianos, furniture, horses cows, Jewelry. Duff Green R. 8, Barker blk. X 190 MONEY loans on furniture, rigs, bicycles, diamonds, wim-ncs. tie.; un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank. 1116 Farnam, upstairs. X 19J LOANS TO SALARIED r-TxTl'LE cm ployed In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs, holding good positions, on their own names; NO MORTGAGE; UEST TERMS; everything private; munev can be paid back In small weekly or monthly payments. American Loan Co., Room 601, Bee Bldg. . X-193 MONEY to lonn on furniture, pianos, horses, cowj. etc. J. W. Tayloe, ;is Klrst National bank building; 12 to 6 p. m. X-190 GOLD, Sliver, Greenbacks for High-class salaried people. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Easy to get and easy to pay. lwest rates. No indorser or mortgngo required. QUICK AND CONFIDENTIAL servhe. Qucs Hons answered cheerfully and you will rccclvo (ourteous attention whether you borrow or not. AMERICAN LOAX CO., Room 601, Heo Bulldlnc X-M239 LOANS mnd,e salaried people on personal noto without security: rnlos reasonable. J. W. Tayloe, 21S 1st Nat'l bank, 12 to 6 p. m. X 195 MONEY loaned on pianos, turnlture. Jaw dry, horses, cows, etc, C F. Reed, 319 S 13. X-194 iom:v TO I.OAX-IH TTI".I.X. MONHY. IJANHD TO SALAHIKD 1'liOl'I.E. on their own names. In nmount from UO.oo up. A iMimpnrlsoii of ourlrates with others Is all we ask, as wo are posltivo Hint otiri aro the lowest In tho city. Kemember that we nre the only loan company giving you the privilege of psylng your loan A Mi or In I'AHT at any TIMfc and thereby stop ping the cost. Huelness conlldontltil. Treat ment courteous. OMAHA MOHTOAOH LOAN CO Tel. 2j. Itoom 119. Hoard of Trade Hltlg. X IS nAI.AUY loans nfler working hours. If you want cheap money nddrcs H S7. I!ce. X-SU0 All in sim:.s n ii:ns KOH HUNT, cigar and fruit department In n large, department f lore; capuui requtreu, J2.CO0. Address A 63. Ilee. Y-M28C WH HANOI. K general merchamllse stocks or all kinds. Do you want to imv, sen "r exchange? Wo can sell your bti'lnesj. or we can sell vott a business. Write us. Merchandise Broker, C07 block. Y-MoU Tin: ni:w snow ciii?hch company mak( a specialty of collecting nil classes of claim, In every slato In the union mi commission W. II. Green, presi dent nnd treasurer; J. I. Knley. vice president nnd attorney; C. It. Glover, secretary and attorney. Hooms loi-s-3-l- New York l.lfo Hldg. Y-362 WANTIOD. ac tive nnd honest partner with JSG0 ror good paving blimness. esianiisnen; n map for the right person. P. O. Hox 161. Aurora. Neb. Y Ml" KOH SAI.H. K000 stock of drugs and fix tures for J.1.000 before April 1. Address P. O. Hox "16, Salt I.ako City. Vlah. Y-M?24 19 Drugs, $2,r,n0 0O to $1,5.00 stock to sell or exennngo ror land. .Migni pay some (in ference. Con'l. mdse. stock to dlspoe of. Henry C. Smith, Kalis City. Neb. Y-.M71I-12 HOTHL for sale; Kxpngltlen In 1901. Kor particulars address Hnbors'ro, I3i Jiain street, nurraio, . i it .SHORTHAND AM) TYI'mviMTIMI. A C. VAN SANTS school. 717 N. Y Life. -209 AT OMAHA Hus. College, 16th & Douglas. -210 HOYLKS college, court reporter principal. Hpo Hldg. ill NEBRASKA nuslncss & Shorthnnd col lege. Hoyd's theater. 212 "Oil SALE II HA I, ESTATE, T BARGAINS (Murch 12 and 13, 1900.) C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON 913 N. Y. Life. Telephone 314 or 2612 K, 1911 Victor, nenr 20th and Vinton, SSxllI, 9-room house. Consider nny offer. Jl.OT for neat small cottage, large grounds, on Klorence boulevard, fine trees, Eight-room house nenr Hnnseom park, hard wood down stair.-, up-to-date, only $1,000. Lower Karnam business lot, very chenp. RE 816 12 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE HA HO A INS : LOW EST HATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SUHANCE; HOUSES. FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First noor, w. v. i.ire isiug. RE-19S BARGAINS Tele. K 263 Chris Boyer, 2123 Cuming, Rl-.Mj9S A8 HOUSES, farms. L. R, C. Patterson, 303 N. Y RE 201 C. V HARRISON, FAR MB, FARM LOANS .Mil' mil SALE or trade, brick residence, all modern improvements, ana u acres 01 ground, contnlqlng qjiUmlldlngs. trees, small fruit, shrubbery;" well Inside city limln In town of 10.001). inhabitants: cost over $20,orfl! good reason fxk seJllng. Write for particulars. Patll Ciiisnn. Fremont, Neb. - .M269 Al KOR SALIC, bargains In South Qmaha: 4 lots, 10x130 ft... blk. 17. .$100 each. N. W. cor.. 40x130 ft., blk. 17. SI30. N. E. cor.. 10x130 ft., blk. 17. $300. S. E. cor., 40x130 ft., blk. 47. $3"0. 1 .ni 40x1311 ft., blk. 47. east front. $130. ' i ho choicest resident lots In the city. 10x1; ft. each, east front, zitn and U' St., only srirxi ft. front. North 40 ft. lot 3, blk. 03, between J and I sts.. east front. $73.00 ft. front. Also 1,000 ucres good western land for sale chenu. GEORGE W. MASSON. South Omana RE-M7IV IS KOR SALE at a bargain, one of the very best rarms in uougias county lor siock, grain or seeds: well Improved. BOBBINS CO., SOLE AGENTS, 1S02 KARNAM. RE-M37I 13 SNAPS in real estnte. mohcy to loan. L. L. Johnson o.. 311 S. 13th St. RE-301 IMPROVED farm. Wheeler county, Neb.; 160 acres: almost a gift. Also 2 qr. sec tions Hand county, South Dakota; unim proved; very cheap; name your terms. Columbia Realty Co., 513 McCague bldg. RE-753 12 BUILDING lots one block of street ear line, $150. B. R. Ball. 901 New York Life. RE-5H1 HENRY B. PAYNE. 001 N. Y. LIKE BLDG. Real Kstato, Rentals, Ixians, Insurance. RE-203 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real estuto see S. A. Broudwell, 601 N. Y. Life. RE-203 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance. Bemls. Paxton blk. RE 199 KOR QUICK returns on hnigalns only seo S. A. Broudwell, 501 N. Y. I.lfo Bldg. RE 203 90 AND 90S South 20th St., two houses; rental io per year; cneaii in .i,t'. S. W. corner 38th ave. and Jackson St.. 126 feet enst front by 150 deep; snap at $900. Acre lots, 158x189 feet. Pratfs Hubdlv.. S. W. of Hanscom nark, $230 each. 160 neres smooth land S. W. of Benning ton: fair improvements, $45 per acre. JOHN N. KREN.ER, Opp. Old P. O. HE 471 CHOICEST TRACKAGE PROPERTY ON THE MARKET S. E. corner 16th mid Iznrd; half block. 132x261; heart of tho city; ror price and terms see George U. Wallace, Hrown Blk.; solo agent. RE-234 A BARGAIN, four ncrcs. 40ih and Paclllc. two blocks from car line, on belt n'll rood, $2,500; easy terms. McCnguo In vestment Co., 1506 Dodge. RE-200 IRRIGATED lands for sain In Wheeler und (Jruelev eounttr. NenraSKa. 320 acres, house, barn, cattle sheds, corn crib, wells, 100 ncres under plow, fruit treetr etc.. price $3.noo. 200 acres, good house, barn, granary, 60 acres pasture (additional pasture can be ( leased), day loam soil, 3 miles from town. 1 lino farm, price $3,600. lOO-aore farm, house. 20x 30 barn, grnnnr , M acres pasture, all In good condition, price very low. , 320-ncro farm. S-room house, barn, ratile . sheds, grimnry, corn crib, hog pasture welb'. windmills; mostly line level land, close to town. Write for prlio. 160 acres, house 32x26, barn 21x28; pasture 00 acres, 66 acres under plaw, amb loam lame hiy. 40 acres fruit, etc ; price Vi 160 acres, house 20x21, granary 11x16 p.i--ture and other nrcessarv outbuildlnBS. fruit trees running water, sandy loim T''l land Is located In the fertile vallev of tho Cedar river, whl h is surpassed bv none; where you can raise crons of nny derci Iptli n. We have a large list of other fauns not mentioned nbove; also can offer the very best location ror cattle ranches adjoining tncpo laims. write lor full particulars. imiiki. a Li., rioei. n nceier county, ncii. RE-824-21 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Nice hous, and full lot on paved sire, t one I1I01 k from street car. only Jl.luO Good 7-ruom house nnd full lot In Orchard Hill, onlv llouin- and lot In Dundee Place, onlv L' In's ami S.ronm bruise, only.. BRENNAN-LOVE CO.. 309 SbUtll 131b Street, Oinuha Neb RE-MsH) n CHEAP garden land, easy terms. 10 a r, . Just oulsldo et limits; splendid lo.a i.o for $1.: "iiH $3.V cnh. balance $-, a tlrr year Call tomorrow at 10 o clock links, 325 Board of Trade, 16th and Kirmim n I.- (tec ,1 -I m CIIABlKS ST.. nnd tmved strwt, burn. 1'rlce, Jl.iw; half a bl.w k ftom hp SlX-room cottage WUil monthly paynirnts 201S Siruce st., small cottage, lot il?.'. co co en p. New teven-room house, strictly modern, 90x110, on North 8Mh t.. near Lake. All or nan oi tnis lot at your own price. CfltalttiA PIhco direct cur serlce-l3 Milli liter rkle from 'P. O. Ixls &M27 feet, jiai oach $26 cash mid ii per mouth. A. M. COWIU. 211 a. 1STH ST. RE - .M1 SPLKNDID bargain, elegant double resi dence, large grounds, burn, etc, hol neighborhood, $II,5H Hicks i"im nij Hoard of Trade Hldg. HK-Ms.'7 IV ACHUS Hue garden land near lt. onl $720. 1 licks, Room 325 Hoard of Trade. RU-.Mh.12 11 OR SALE. 3 acres of good garden land with two small dwellings, barns, etc , 01 e . tlllln Mnllthwnttt tf rdtv II, till A.lilcnau ' .Mrs. K. G. L'rlau, 970 "N. 23th avc RE- MS3I 14 TYPEWRITER.".. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $1 per month Tim smlth-i'remler Typewriter Co. isa Karnam St. Telephone, 12SI. 206 REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and nupplles. 1019 Knrnam. 207 TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Karnnm. 20S LOST. LOST on Sherman Ave. street car, ivt 21th iitwi .iiipm iiii. 111 r, ti. tn sontiiiv nrier. tlnnll umnlt hfltlil vnllun ..ulitnlllltlr- l,11' 1 olry ami clothing. Reward If returned to No. 2713 N. 22d St. Louis Grebe. Lost-S2l 12 LOST, brown marten collarette. Reward If returned to Mrs. J. Benson s store. Lost MSI 11 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 313 N. Y. i.iro nidg.. .Mice jonnson, u. o., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson. Osteopathlst, mgr. -213 M. E. DONOIIUE, D. O.. of Still school. Klrksvlllc. Mil, COI Paxton blk. Tel. 1.167. -214 A. T. HUNT, ostcopnth; nllchronlcdlseases; "results tell." 303 Kariiacii nig Tel. 2J. M 132 SCHOOL OK M.IOXHTISII. GRADUATES of the Nebraska School of Magnetism nre guaranteed a position at $V) n month for a year or more. Com bined cours consists of tiie Weltmer Khnras Methods and Osteopathy and Sug gestive Therapeutics. Tuition. $Wo; will bo raised to $2W Am II 2. Call r write for particulars. Prof. Then. Khnras, Supt. 1315-17 Chicago St., Omaha, Neb. 79.1 HOTELS. METROPOLITAN, European, 12th .; Doug las, lowest rates. Will. Burr, Mgr. Tel 2H M-670 THE THURSTON, 15tli-Jacl:son; Am. nqd European; pleasant rooms, $1.50 week sii. M-7II HICVCLHS. IN order to reduce stock we will sell for a short tlmo only second-hand bicycle at one-half price; good wheels. $3.00 to $13 00. Klescher. 1622 Cap. Ave. M132 Enameled, $2 up. Bicycle Hospital. 711 N. 16. 60S MEDICAL. LADIES, use Madam Du Font's pills for delayed monthly periods, longest nnd mot obstinate cases relieved In four days without the least pain or dnncer; price for llrst hox $1.0o. All letters con fidential. Crown Chemical Co.. 3.10 Klrst Ave.. N. Minneapolis, .Minn. M "09-12 DAXCIXG SCHOOL. LAST term, last chance Morand's, 15th and Hnrney: adults Tuesday and Friday; children Saturdays- assemblies Wednes day and Saturday. 391 A -3 I'I IIMTI HE It EPA! HI G. GLOBE Couch Co.. 1319 Leav th. Tel 2329. 5SS- M'HXITI HE I'ACKIXO. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511'fe Far. Tel. 1659, 863. -221 TI HXITI HE HEPAIHIXU. PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. -213 STAMMERIXG AMI STI'TTHUIXO CUBED. Julia Vauglian, 430 Ramgo Bldg. -217 1II11DS AM) TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavenworth. XICKEL PLATING. CYCLE PARTS All kinds plating. Plating Co.. Heo Hldg. Tel. 2533. Omaha -634 P AVXHHOKEHS. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable accommodat ing; all business conlidentlal. 1301 Douglas. 216 Al'CTIOXEEHS. OMAHA AUCTION" Co. Satisfaction guar anteed. 520 N. 10th st. Telephone 216. M749 Till Mi FACTORY. TRUNKS, trivellng hags, -till cases. Trunks repaired, um. J runk Factory, IWJ Karnnm. -220 LAI MIRY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1730 Le.ivenw'h. Tel 547 -219 .WAHTTD-5000 A0M5. jOPARKtR NEW i MPRnY-cin-ROllUDS CYLINDD4 PIANOS. oHAND ORGANS. 'AKw.u6(2i4ASUTH,IWt RAILWAY TIME TIHLI'.S. UNION PACIFIC "TJinOVER- land Routo" General Offices N E. Cor Ninth and Fnrnnm Streets. Cltv Tb-kot nttice, 1302 Karnam Street. Ti Icphune 318. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. TcWphono 629. ,' Leave. Arrive. Tho (. 1 land Limited.. a 8:20 nm a 7:20 pm I T. 0 Knt Mall a 8 50 am a 3:23 pm T. o f nt m.hi a odo am a 3:L'j pm Tno i oiora io npeciui. . :.n pm a :wi am Tho Porthiml Hiiecla! ...ib:20um a 4:35 pm , i.incoin, iicaiuce uuu Stromsburg Express.. b I in nm bl2:2! pm ! a 6-30 am I. O'tA n ... I Paellc Kxore.-s a 4:25 pm Grand I-'and Local. ..b 5:30 pm Dally, b Dally excopt Sunday. MISSO.'RI PACIFIC RAIL 1 ui I (Ii nernl (dll' es and TI' ket OJI, cc S'liiintMUt Cor ner 14th nnd Dotistlus Sis. Telephone., M. Depot, lath mal Webster Stfc. Telephone, 113 J. Leavo. Arrive. S Louis, Kansas He Neb Limited a 2:30 pm ai2:53 pm K C-St L Express a 9:50 pm a 5:50 am Nebraska Ixjcal Via Weeping Water b 6;n3om a 9:13 am u D.V.Iy. b Dally except Saunday. I'Olt Mt.i:-HKli r.sTTH. I I a 300 1 li.Wffite 1 HP ItAII.WAY TIMli T.VIII.Ii". Ht'HLINOTON MIS- sturl Hlver ltatlrort cl The Ilurllnirton Houte" ' Oet.crnl oiIIcmi. N. W. earner Tonth and Kninnm Sts Ticket ollleo. yjvt var nam street. Telephone. . and Mason Streets. Tele Leave. Arrive. ! Depot, TLiitii phone, 12S. Lincoln. Hastings McCook nnd I ..a s:iu nm u pm l.lrfd,t fmnvnr (ftlo- rndo. Utah. California. a i:z. pm n j:wpm Lincoln. Black Hills. Montana & Pugct Sounr'. a 4:25 pm !:M pm Lincoln L . . a 7:00 pm nl0:2T, nm l.lnco'n Knst Mnll .. b 3:00 pm nto.35 utn Lenvcr Colorado Utah & CiM'orn v al2:3S am a, Dally b Dally cxecnt Sunday. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & Qtili'.cy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce. 1302 Knrnam St. Tel., 230. Depot. Tenth ft Mason Streets. Telephone. 12S, Leavj. Arrive, n 12:31 am Chicago Sper In I nnjdgln KXiir ss a 7.23 tllil Chicago Vcstlbuled Ex.. a 4:'W pm n 7:43 nm 1 nicngo i.oeai express. a mwi am Chicago Limited n 7:30 pm PitcllU Jutuuon Local .ulO:43 ut Knst Mali n Dally. 11 l:(6 pm n 7:15 am a 2:43 pm KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph ,t Council muffs Railroad "Tho Burling ton Route" Ticket Olllce. ilia Knrnam Street. Tele phone, 230. Depot, Tenth Mason Streets. Tole Phone. 12$. Leave. Arrive Knnrns CPy Day E .n S:50 am n 6:17 pm Kancas Cits Night Ex .nI0:15 pm a 6:15 jvm St Louis Flyer for St Joseph and St. Louis, a 4:35 pm allsIS am t Dally CHICAGO, ROCK ISL 1 nnd & Pnctdc Railroad "The Great Rock Isl nnd Route." ("lly Tick et Olllce, 1323 Karnnm Street. Telephone, 42S. Depot, Tenth ,VL- Mason Streets. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrlv. Lcs Moines and Daven port laical a 7:03 nm bll:33 am C hlcago Express bll:16 nm a 8:10 um t hlra(,o 1- .ist Express, n fi:i pm n i:S5 pm St. Paul Express a 5:00 pm bll:33 nm 1 Incoin, Colorado 3pgs., Denver. Pueblo and We- a 1:30 pm u 4:23 pm Dts Moines Rook Isl and nnd Chicago a 7:23 pm a 5:30 pm Colorado .t Texas Klyer.a 5 3Cpm n 9:20 um a Dully, b Dally "xccut sumlnv. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Itallroad. I'lly Ticket ollleo, 1102 Karnam street. Tele pnon 24S. Depot, Tentn utid Mason streets. Leave, n 12:10 pm a 7:35 pm Arrive a 4:05 pm n S:15 am Chlcngo Express Chlcngo Limited Minneapolis nnd Paul Express Minneapolis and St. St.' b 7:00 nm b e 7:35 pm a 9:40 pm 8:15 am Paul Limited Kort Dodgo Local from Co. Uluff b 4:30 pm b 10:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sundays. OMAHA ST. LOUIS RAIL-road- Omahn. Kansas Cltv & Eastern Railroad "Tho tjulncy Route" Tickot Of fice. 1116 Karnam Street. Telephone. 322. Depot, Tonth nnd Mnrcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. .L.eave. Arrive. St. Lou,s Cannon Ball Kxpioss a 5:03 pm a 7:53 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dally. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "Tho North. fvTlijcyjB western Line" - lW5r Cltlces. Nebrnsl Kftlyiw hIoh, 15th and 'li-B Sts. City Ticki western Line" General Nebraska Dlvl- Webster Ticket Ollleo. 1401 Kariiam St Telcphono 661. Depot, 15th nnd Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger ..a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Omuha PasscngiH ll:j am Sioux City .t North east Nebraska a 3:40 pm n Dally, b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY ft PACIFIC Rniliond "Tho North western Line" General Ollices. United States National Bank Building, S. V. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sis. Tickot Omce, 1401 Fnrnnm St. Telephotio 501. De pot, Tonth & Mason Sts. Telephone 623. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a 6:35 nm nl0:50 pm Twin City Limited . .a 7:20 pm ...a 3:00 am a 8:15 am a 4:20 pm Hloux cit" i.ocnl.. a Daily." CHICAGO ft NORTH western Railway "Th Northwestern Lln" City Ticket Olllce, 1401 Karnam Street. Tele phono 561, Depot, Tonth und Mason Streets. Tclo- phonr. C29, Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- elal ... a 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago Pnssonger a 4:15 pm aiu:10 am EnBtern Express. Des Moines. Marshnlltown, Cedsr Rapids and Chi- cago al0:55 am a 4:06 pm Eastern Lim'ted, Cht- ,:ugo and Ea a 4:56 pm n 4:05 pm Fast Mall. Chiiago to Omaha a 2:45 pm Omaha-ChU-ago Special. a 7:30 pm a 8:00 am Knst Mall 8:30 am a Dally. FREMONT. ELKIIORN & Mlssnul'l Vnlley Railroad ' Tho Northwestern Line" Gencrnl Ollices, United States National Hk. Hldg., H V. Corner Twelfth und Karnnm Sts. Ticket Olllce, 1101 Karnam St. Telephone 661. Do po'.. 15th nnd Webster Sts. Telcphono 1433. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dcndwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David Cltv. Superior. Geneva. Exeter and Seward b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pro NorroiK. veroigro nnu Kremont ,b 7:30 am b!0:23 arc Lincoln, Wnhoo Kremont Fremont Local .... a Daily, b Dally and b 7:30 nm b!0:23 oin e 7:30 im except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, i Dally except Mondnv. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & Ht. mm Hallway City Ticket Olllce, 1601 Fnrnnm Street. Telephone, 214. Depot, Tenth and Mnbon Streets. Telephone 629. Lenvr. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . .a 7:33 prn a 8:05 am Chluigo ri Omaha Ex. bll:00 utn b 3:53 pm Sioux City nnd Dos Moines Express I11:00 am b 3:55 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. W A HASH RAILROAD Ticket Ollico, 1504 Knrnam Street. Telephone 893. De pot, Tenth nnd Marcy Sireets. Telcphono 629. Leave. Arrive. Cannon Bnll" a 6:03 pm a 7:55 am St Louis 1 Express a Dally. POsroi'l'ICE .NOTICE. (Should be rend dally by nil Interested, ns changes may occur ut any time.) Foreign malls for tho week ending March 17. I!XI0. will close (PROMPTLY in nil cases) at the General Pnstofllce. ns follows: Parcels post malls close one hour earlier I than closing tlmo shown below. Parcels !"'sl "mils for Lermany cioho at 3 p. m Monday and Wednesday. , Trillin Aliunde Mulls, TUESDAY At 7 II. III. Tor EUROPE, per s. s Kaiser WIHk Im dcr (Irossc. via Cherbourg. Southampton and Bremen. WEDNESDAY Al 7 a. m. (supplementary !i a. nl 1 for EUROPE, per s. s. SI. Paul, via Southampton; nt 10 a. in. for SCOT LAND direct, per s. h. Aiichoiln, via Glasgow (letters must ho directed "per s. s. Aiieliorla "; ut W:3" 11. in. for BEL (HUM dlreci, per s. 8, Westcrnlalid, via Antwerp (letters must bo directed "per s. x. Westcriiland I THURSDAY -At 6:::o a. m. for GREAT H It I T A I N. IRELAND. BELGIUM. NETHERLANDS. AUSTRIA, GER MANY. DENMARK, SWEDEN, NOR. WAY and RUSSIA, per s. h. Furst Bis marck, via Southampton and Hamburg Metiers for oilier parts of Europe, via Cherbourg mn-i be directed "per b. ti. Furst Hitman k" 1 . at OKI 11 m for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA prr . I. Viol talne., vlu Havre llcttcrs for other parts rovrori'ii r. mh u i: ef I'uropc muit bo dir. cied 'per 1. Aipiltalne SATl'IlHAY At 2.' H. in for KCHOPl.'. I'cr s. Ktmrlii. via Utieenstown: nt s I. m. ror Netherlands direct, per . s Slantendain, via Rotterdam tletleri limit be directed "per s s. Stiiateiulam' ); nt II it. m. for NORWAY direct, per s s. Norge. via Chrlstlanla ilelters must bi directed "per s. s. Norge" 1. ' PRINTED MATTER. ETC. - Germnr steamers snlllng 011 Tuexdas take prlntei? inntter. etc, for Germain, and special!) addressed printed mutter, etc . for othet parts of EuroiH'. American nnd Whit Star steamers on Wednesdays. German steamers on Thursdays nnd Cutinrd, French and German slemnnrs on Satur days take printed mutter, etc., for all countries ror which they are advertised to carry mal,. After the closing of the supplementary Trans-Atlantic mails named above, addi tional supplementary malls nre opened on tho piers of the American, English. French and German stenmcrs, unit remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of Falling of steamer. Mnlls for South nnd Cenlrnl Antcrlcn, a llidlro. Etc. TUESDAY At 10 n. m. for 1NAGUA, HAITI nnd SANTA MARTA, per s s Hnriild. at 9 p. in. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Dewey, from Boston. WKDNUSDAY-At "2:30 a. m. for NAS SAU, N P , per steamer from Miami, Fin., nt 9.30 a in. isupplementnry 10:30 a in.) fur CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Hlca) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s Alllnnca. via Colon (let ters for Guatemala must be directed "per s. s. Alllauca"); al 10.30 a. m. for IIIRTo HICO.I per U. S. transport, via San Junn; nt 12.30 p m. (supplementary 1 p. m.i for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS, per s. s. Pretoria (letters for Grenada, Trinidad and Barb.ido'es must be directed "per s. -. Pretoria"); ut 1 p m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE. TABASCO nnd CHIAPAS, per s. s. Yucatan. la Havana, nnd Progreso (letters for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Yuca tan"); ut 1 p. in. for MEXICO, per s. s. Niagara, via Tampion (letters must bo dlreited "per s. h. Niagara "l. THURSDAY- At 1 a. m. for JAMAICA, pur s. s. Admiral Schley from Philadel phia; at in a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. in.) for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad, at 11 ii. in. for SANTOS direct, per s. Catania; at 12-30 p. in. (supplementary 1 p. in l for LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS, per s. s. Mndlana (letters ru Grenada nnd Trinidad must bo directed "per s. s. Mndlana"). FRIDAY At 1 p m. for JAMAICA, per s s. orlgeu (letters must bo directed "i h. s. Orlgcn"). SATUHDA Y At 2:30 n. m. for NASS.V . N. P., per steamer from Miami, I'i ut 7 a. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRlr direct, per s. h. Hellucla; at 10 a. m. (so plementary 10-30 a. m.) for FORT1 " ISLAND. JAMAICA. HA VANILLA, C ' TI I AG USA and GREYTOWN, jier Altai ilelters for Costn Rlcn must directed "per s. s. Altai"); at II n. m . (UBA, per s. s. Havana, via Havana; t 11 n. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s. h Maraval; at 1 p. m. for NUEVI TAS. GIBARA, BAHACOA nnd PUERT.J PADRE, per h s. Laueuburg. SUNDAY At 8:30 p m. for ST. PIERRE MHH'ELON, per steamer from Halifax. Malls for Newfoundland, by roll to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this ollico dally nt 8:30 p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday mil Saturday). Malls for Mtquclon. by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, olno at this ollico dally nt Vim p. m. Mnlls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa. Fin., and thence by steamer, close at this ollico dally (except Monday) at 7 a m. (tho connecting closes uro on Sundav. Wed nesday and Friday). Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fin., und thenco by steamer, close nt this ollico every Monday, Tues day and Saturday at 2:;:0 n. in. (the con necting closes nre n Tuesday nnd Satur dii i. Malls fur Mexico City, overland, unless speclnlly addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this ollico danv at 2:30 a. m. und 2:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica. Belize. Puerto Corlcz and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thenco bv stenmer, close nt this olllce dally at "'3 p. in. (connecting closes here Tuesduys for Costa Rica and Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala) Regis tered mall closes .it 0 p. m. previous day. Rcglstercc1 mall closes nt 0 p. m. second day before. TrmiK-l'aclllo Mulls, Malls for Australia (except West Aus trallnh New Zealand, Hawaii, FIJI and Samoaii Islands, via Han Francisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. nfler March 3d nnd up to March 17th. Inclusive, or on day of arrival or h. s ''ampanla. due at New York Murch 17th. for dispatch per s. s. Marlpoa. Molls for Hawaii, Japan, China nnd thu Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close bore dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to March '1Mb. Inclusive, for dispatch per s s Gae lic. Malls for China, Japan und tho Philippine Islands, via Tacomn, eloe at this olllce dally at GM p. in. up to March 19th, for dl"patch per n. s. Glenogle. Mails for China and Japan, via Van couver, close here dally nt 0:30 p. m up to March 2(ith, Inclusive, for (Usual, h per s. s. Empress of lndln (registered mail must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for China and .In pan nnd Philip pine Islands, via Seattle, close here dally al 6::;o p. m. up to March 22d. for dis patch per s. s. Idzuml Mnru (registered letters must be directed "via Seattle "). Malls for Hawaii. China, Japan und tho Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6.30 p. m. up to Murch 26th, Inclusive, for dis patch per h. s. I long Kong Marti. Malls for Society Islands, via San Krnn clsco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to March 26th. Inclusive, for dispatch by ship Tropic Bird. Malls for Hawaii, via San Krauclsco, close here dully at C-30 p. m. up to March 20th, inclusive, for dispatch per h. h. Austrnlia. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europo. and New Zen land, which goes via San Francisco), Ha waii and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dnlly nt 6:30 p. m. up to March 31st, Inclusive, for dispatch per . s, AVnrrlmoo. Trans-Pnolflc mails are forwnrded to pirt of snlllng dally and the schedulo of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Begls tered mall closes at 0 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. I'oatmastor Postolllce, New York. N. Y.. Murch 9. 1900. OOVERV.MEXT MI'I'ICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, OMAHA, Neb., March in. l!Ki.-Scnled pro posals will he tecelved here and ut ollices of quartermasters at stations nanii'd until 2 p. in., central time, April 10, l!jo. for tur ulshlng wood, coal and clinreonl. (luring tho llscal year ending June 30, 1901, at Oinnlm Q M. depot. Forts Crook, Robinson and Niobrara, Neb.; Jefferson Barracks, Mo . Forts Leavenworth und Hlley, Kan.; Logan II. Bonis, Ark.; Reno and Hill, U. T. rro posnls for delivery at other points will bu entertained. U. S. reserves right to reject or accept nnv or all proposals, or nny part thereof. Information furnished on npplb a- tiou here or to quartermasters at station named. Envelopes containing proposals to bo marked, "I'roposalH for ," ad dressed to the undersigned or quartermas ters at stations above named. K. II Hath away, chief quartermaster. M12 UA0&7M CHIEF (JI A ItTERMASTER'S OKFI' E Omaha. Neb, February 16, I!i0. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will bo received hern until 2 o'clock p. m.. central Hlandai'd lime, March 16, 1900. and then opened for fiirnl-lt-Ing transportation, drayage, und for handl ing stores In Department of the Missouri, during llscal year commencing July 1. 1900. U. S. reserves right to accept or reject nny or all proposals, or uny part thereof. In formation furnished oil nppliealloii. En velopes containing proposals to be marked "Proposals for transportation on routo No. " and addressed to MAJOR F. 11. HATHAWAY, C. Q. M. F. 10.o-m-17-19-20-M. 13-14. LEGtl. Mi l H E NOTICE TO BUILDERS. Notice .h beicby given thai the Board of Trustees of tho University of the Slate of Wyoming will receive scaled bids for thu erection of a building upon the university grounds at Laramie, Wyoming, In accord ance with the plans and ..pecilb atlons of Architect chus W Murdoek, now on lllo In tho olllce of the secretary of tho board, up to 12 o'clock noon on the 26th of March, A D. 1900. Said building to bo completed by Hie llrst day of January. A. D. 1901. Said plans and speclllcatlons can be seen at tho olllce of the secretary of the board. It be ing distinctly understood that this said iKiiird reserves thu right to reject uny and all bills made All c'immunleations should ho directed 'o the see rotary of said board ut Laramiu, Wyo OTTO (IHAMM, President GRACE RAYMOND HEHAHD. M6 dl'it M Secretary I nit t Inn for (.'iiniiri'M, HAItHIKONVILLE, Mo. March 12. S. W. Jurdcn of Ilolilen was today nominated far cnngrrtH by tho republican convention ot tba Sixth dUAl'liL