THE OMAHA DATLY BEE: TUESDAT, MARCH 13, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MI.VMIl .lltiHTIO.I. Davis clls glass. f'lno A. H. C. beer, N'eumaycr'n hotel. Welsbnch burners at Uixby's. Tel. 1A Uudwclsor beer. I. r.osenfcldt, agent. Dr. Stophrnnon, Meirlam blorl;. Tl. 303. Mrs. It. H. William ami ion of Oakland aro vlaltliiK rcl.tilvi-s In tho city. H- iirtoKravuros: Alexander & Co. glvo ppoclal prlciB on frames for thorn. Oct your work ilonn at tho popular Eagle laur.dry. TZI Ilrondway. '1'hono 157. W. C. Kstop, tindertakfr. SS I'carl itrcot Telephones: Olllce, 87: lesldenco. Z3 lloiiup rleiinlns. riirpet rlonnlni; and put tine (Inwji. F. II Swan, Ml"! H. Tt It ft. Th irRillnr UH'clliii? i.f KxnpUlnr .Mnennlc loilKr, Nil afi!i, will ! hold till evening. MIhm Kilna Keellno unci Miss fSrorclne HobblnKlim nf Park nvciuif aro coiivhIph cent from the grip. .1. fS. Wmidwaril returned yrnterilny from ChlniKo, where ho iitU'iided a meeting of cnnfoetlonery ilenlori. J. M. .Melntyre und Mary It. I'rwlu, both frnm i'ii criunly, Nebraska, worn married In thin pity ycntp'iday, JtiHllce VIpii olllclat Inc. Miss Kmmn OHIi-spIc of Heatrlee, Nob., hax arrlvpil In the city to iiiiiUp her home with her brother, C. C. Ulllesiplo of South Klrst street. .IiiHtlvp Vleu perfunneil th" marrlnc eeri'mnny yoterilny afternoon for I'hrls 'lirlsteneen and Chilstlne Petersen, both of this city. Thn elty riiuiirll will bold ,i sppi'la'l p'aflod cesxlon tonight to take arllon on tho ,i(i jirriprlntloii ordlnanop and tln petition fOr the abolltlim of tho wuporlnr court. ) Rev. H. M. I'erklm, pastor of tho Klrst christian rhiirrh. Ipft ypstprday for l.roii. In , to attond tho meeting of Hip south wpstorn division of the christian rliurch. All Muppnbcos drslrlni; to ro to Omaha to meet Supreme Commander I). P. Markoy will meet this evening at tho eorner of I'enrl street and llroadway at 7:no o'eloik All old members of Company I.. Klfty llrst Iowa volunteers, aro requested to moot tonight wlllr the new company at the nrmory, 101 South Main street, to mako nrrangemonth for tho funoral of Prlvato Paul Puch. The ease against Joff Walters, charged with threatening to do bodily Inlury to .1. 1 Prlee of Hiiulrrel shooting fame, was continued In JuMIco Vlen's court yester day until Thursday. Wallet h gave ball for his appenranro, Price charges that Wal ters threatened "to eat him up' all but his clothes." Tho piisp against Mabel Myrtle, alias Myrtle Arrants. charged with assaulting Mrs. Mlrhael Hughes Hunday evening, was continued In Justice Vlen'H court yesterday until Friday. After n short sojourn In the county Jail a friend came to the rescuo and Feeurod Mabel's rclearo on ball pending tho henrlna. Thirteen "friendly prosecutions" against bnrbers for working on the Sabbath woro dismissed on agreed statement of facts In Justlre Vlen's court ye.sterday. Thp costs, J2 85 In each case, wero taxed to tho county. Seven nf the cases were working on Sun lav. March 11, and six for working on Sun day. March I. The Informations wero llled by W. C. Hendricks. Tho in nun I meeting nf the Council Hluffs Jlnwlng association was held last night In tho league rooms at the Grand hotel, when tho following olllcers were elected for tho ensuing year: President, Kmmet Tlnley; vlco president, W. Shcpard; secretary, James M. l'Vnlon; treasurer, J. T. Tldd; commodore. R A lluckman. These olll cers, with H. U. Haas and Victor White of Omaha, constttuto the board of directors. The business session was lollowed by a supper. Articles of Incorporation of the Comnnoho Plume, Mining company of Colorado were filed ypstorday lit tho county recorder's office here. The capital stuck Is placed at JlS.ono, divided Into l.Gnn.nno shares of par valuo of 1 cent each. Tho directors are; Kdmund Allen, John W. Prnudllt. William V Pettlt! 'Charles' H. Hrynii, Unfits C. Thayer. The place nf business in Iowa will bo In Council WufTs and In Colorado In Colorado Spring, In Toller and El Paso countlou. r Tho Ganymede Wheel club hold Its an nual election and smoker last night in tho elubrooms at tho Orand lintel annex. Tho following olllcers were elected: President. V. 11. Scarln; vlco president, F. It. Chil dren; secrotnry, F. Hollls; treasurer, J. Alulholland: captain. T). K. Stunrt. Five now members wero admitted and the report of tho treasurer showed the club to bo In n sound condition tltmnelrilly. Following the business session nnd supper a miistenl pro grnm arranged by Prof. Steckelherg was rendered. John lsley, charged 'with criminal libel, Mrs. Mary Devanoy being the comidalnlng witness, bad a heurlug before .lustlen Vlen yesterday afternoon. It was elalmeil that lsley posted an obscpne and scurrllloiis notice on tho feme board In front of Mrs. Devuney's residence. There wero a largo number of witnesses and tho testimony was most conlllctlng. The court discharged tho defendant, making the following entry on tho docket: "Kvldenee Is so contllctlug that tip: court Is unabje to determine who told tho truth and therefore defendant Is ordered released and discharged." N. V. riumblnc C.v Tei. 2?C. To meet tho growing demand for some thing better than most of the brands' of cigars now on the market John O. Woodward & Co. aro supplying the trade with that old "Standard of Excellence," Louis Ash &. Co.'s Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. Mimical of Uorthlck ( lull. Tho meeting of the Derthlck club attracted H largo gathering last evening, and tho muBlcal proved a most Interesting one. Bchubcri nnd Schumann were the composers treated and tho following program wns rendered- "Sketch of Schubert." Mlsa Julia Tullcys; "Impromptu, Op. 00, No. 1," Schu bert, MIps Snyder; "Tho Miller and tho Jlrook." "Faith In Spring," Schubert, Miss iMolntyrc; "Impromptu. Op. 142, No. 1," Schubert. Mrs. W. N. Clifford; "Serenade," "Hark, Hark! Tho Lark." Schubert, Mrs. A. A. Covnlt; "Sketch of Schumann." Miss Julia Tulleys; "Tho Two Grenadiers," Schu mann, J. II. Simms. Davis sells paluts. Howell's Antl-"Kawf cureo coughs, coldl MiirrliiKr Licenses. Licenses to wed woro Issued yesterday to the following persons: Name and Residence. Age. J. M. Mclntyre, Cass county, Nebraska.. .12 Mary R. I'rwln. Cass county, Nebraska. .t'7 Chris Chrli.tonson, Council Hluffs 13 Christlno Peterson. Council Hluffs i't BRAND Condensed Milk ordM's CMtfcrised Milk Co., N. Y. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. James N. Caeady, Jr., Ui Main St., Council Bluffs. GAIL EAGLE BLUFFS. SCHOOL ELECTION IS CLOSE Republican and Democrat Elected to the Board of Educitiou. IIAVtRSTCCK IS TREASURER BY ONE VOTE Onlilnnd A ell lie M( IteslKiiiited for .Novt llluh !oliool lij llea- I'lurnl It j huiiiiim ry if Vote by I'reoliiL'Is. School Directors II. M. SAKOKNT liriX MA fit AH. .Republican ...Democrat JR. Scnool Treasurer W. !! IIA VHHRTflfli Renuhlleatl High School Site OAKLAND AVHNUK The bchool election held In this city yester day resulted In tho republicans and demo crats dividing honors ej far as members tf tho Hoard of Kducatlon Is concerned, while tho republican candidate was elected for school treasurer by one vote over his oppo nent. Tho Oakland nvenue site, while It did not receive a majority over all the voles east, secured nearly double that cast for cither of tho two other locutions submitted to tho electors. The voto between Sargent, republican, and Macrae, democrat, for school director wa3 close, Sargent receiving thirty-four morn than Macrae. Rain, the second candidato on tho democratic ticket, managed to beat Shugart. the second candidate on the repub lican ticket, by sixty-two votes. The con test for treasurer was i ncck-and-neck raco and resulted In W. B, Hnverstock, the re publican candidate, winning out by one voto. It Is expected that tho defeated democratic candidate, Ocorgn S. Davis, will demand a recount of tho ntc. Tho High nehool slto proposition brought out a big vote and as has been confidently expected by Its unnortcrs the Oakland aventio, location received 1,368 votes, as against 'Si for the old High school, and SOD tor tno west or Main street nnd south of Utoadwav sites. The total vnli run! on thn High school site propositions was 3,001, only ninety-live, votes 1cm than were cast on tho regular ticket ifor school directors. U. M. Sargent and Dr. Don Macrae, Jr., suc ceed Jacob Sims, republican, and William Mooro, democrat, on tho Board of Educa tion. Thus the political complexion of tho board will not bo changed. The nr-w board, will bo composed as follows: Republicans, Swalno, Hess, Henry, Sargent; democrats, Cooper. Stewart and Macrae. Sllf l'roionll Ions I'nrnmonnt. Whilo an average voto was cast on the regular tickets, thero appeared to be but llttlo Interest In tho election of school di rectors as compared with the slto proposi tions. From tho moment the, polls opened at !) o'clock tho adherents of the sites wero astir and kept "plugging" for their rcspectlvo locations until thn iat "ballot was cast and tho polio declared closed at i o clock p. m. Tho voters In tho First precinct, -which comprised tho First ward and contiguous territory outside, was divided between tho Oakland avenue site and the old High school property, tho proposition to locate tho school wcot of Main street nnd south of Broadway receiving but ten votes. In tho Second pre rlnet, which consisted of tho Second ward, Oakland avenuo received over 600 votes, whllo tho othsr two sites secured but elghty nlno between them. In the Third nrwinri consisting of tho Third ward and First pre cinct or tho Fourth, tho voto was much di vided. The First precinct of tha Third ward pcrplo voted .for Oakland avenue, while tho Second precinct people divided their ballots between tho old High school nnd tho west of Main street nnd outh of Broadway prop osition. Tho Fourth warders were' for the south of Broadway site almost to a man. In tho Fifth precinct the south of Broad way nnd west of Main street proposition secured tho largest vote, tho other two sites receiving but elghty-ono botwecn them. Tho Fifth precinct, consisting of tho Sixth ward, was almost equally divided as be tween Oakland avenuo against the other two sites, tho first receiving 132, against twenty-eight for tho old High school nnd nlnety flvc for the Broadway and Main street nron- ooltlon. What effect this exnrrlnn nf tho voters' preference will have on the action of tho Hoard of Kducatlon In locating tho High school remains to be seen. Tho popularity of Dr. Don. Macrae, Jr., gained by his devotion to the members of tho Iowa volunteers in tho Philippines, made his election nn almost foregone conclu sion. The summaries by precincts follow: SCHOOL DIRECTORS. .n,,,Kiin.,.-. Demoornt Prec'ts. Sargent. Shugart. First 24,1 241 Second XSQ 324 Third 4M mi Fourth 4H m Fifth 116 m Macrae. Rain. 4:!3 237 310 311 HS 7 271 253 231 m Totnlft .... 1,665 1.354 1,531 U16 SCHOOL TRKASURKR. Haverstock. Davis. , . . Rep. Dem. First nreclnct S30 4m Second precinct 317 "97 Third precinct 4.TS "'; Fourth precinct 371 "91 Fifth precinct 10s 53 Totals 1,459 Til3S HlQlf SCHOOL SITK. W. of , . OItl AltUn Oakland H. S. and S. of , , , . Ave. Site. H'rl'w'y. First precinct 3S6 2t5S 10 Second precinct.... 622 62 27 Third precinct 205 31") nu Fourth precinct.... 23 . 5S fll Fifth precinct isi ;s 93 Totals 734 itoiiitnit will, (Jt ini: tiii: library. mv l'roldenl of llonril I Installed, I it 11 loonier, Deceased. At tho regular monthly session of tho board of public library trustoof, held yester day afternoon Millard F, Rohrer was elected president for the balanco of tho year to succeed tho lato Hon. D. C. Bloomer. Mr. Itohier has been a member of tho board slnco January 2, 1882, nnd will act as prcsl- Ident until tho annual meeting of the trus tees In July. President Rohror and Members Troutman and Judge Reed wero appointed a commit tee to draft sultablo resolutions on tho death of Mr. Bloomer. Tho secretory was also In structed to notify Mayor Jennings that n vacancy existed in tho board by the death of Mr. Bloomor. Tho report of the committee on adminis tration recommending that the library be closed on tho following holidays. January 1. February 23, Msy 30, July 4, Labor day Decombcr 25 and suct other days as tho president of the United States or the gov ernor of Iowa may deslgnnto as thanksgiv ing days or appoint specially as holidays, was adorned. Trusteo Kdmunrtson suggested that a rulo bo made whereby persons desiring a certain book that might not be on the shelve.! at the time might be able by leaving a post card with the librarian receive notification when surh volume would be returned and for tho librarian to hold sueh book until called for by the person so notified. He ssld that such a rule prevailed In other libraries ! and on his recommendation the commlttti on administration was Instructed to draft a rule covering the matter. Trusteo IMmtindson as executor of thfl will of the late D. ('! Bloomer found among his papers some Interesting documents re lating to tho organization of the public li brary nnd he suggested that they be placed In the Aldrich cabinet. Among the docu ments Is tho icsoltitlon passed by the High school library turning over the library to the free public library, dated Februaiy 21, 182. Tho contract awarding the printing of TiOO copies of the annual report to tho New Non pareil company for $13 was approved. Tho report of tho finance committee showed $1,312.R4 on hand March 1. The report of the librarian for February contained tho following statistics: Number of visitors, 7,Sij0: on Sundays. 375: number of registered book-takers. S.271; numbor of hooks taken, ti.096; classification of books taken: I'hllconphy, 66; theology. SO: natural science. 193; fiction, 1.035; poetry nnd essays, 203; history and biography. 6S.1; travels, 6SI. Tho number of books In tho library on Feb ruary 1 was 22.fiOO, as follows: Circulating department, 17. ISS; government. department, f.0!2. Thirty volumes nnd eight pamphlets wero recelxcd during tho month from thu government. noiMis i.v Tim nivnticT coiiit. I'nttoli explains ItelnlloiiK of First a llomil llnnk mill .Mr. .slilenlopf. James A. l'atton, formerly cashier of the First National bank of this city, now a resi dent of Kanpas City, was examined yester day morning In tho district court beforo Judge Tbornell rclatlvo to certain transac tions between tho bank nnd W. F. Sldentopf, an administrator of tho Sldentopf estate. Tho examination wns principally directed as to tho assignment of a largo quantity of land to tho bank by young Sldentopf. Jn tho afternoon Chris Miller was ex amined beforo Judge Thornell an to the prop erty ho might have In his possession be longing to the estate of the lato Peter Mil ler, and which, it was claimed, should be turned over to thn administrator, II. R. Rohllng. Ida Eleanor Hughes commenced suit against Mary K. Peterson nnd other heirs of the late Thomas J. Hughes for tho parti tion of certain real estate In this city. W. F. I'lunkett qualified yesterday In the sum of $1,500 as guardian of his son, C. C. I'lunkett, nnd his property. C. C. Plunkctt. who Is 35 years of nge, was adjudged Insane, and Judgo Smith made an order appointing the father temporary guardian and authoriz ing him to have his son confined In St. Rer; nard's hospital until tho further order of tho court. mncLAits cAKiirr ix tiii: .icr. l'n t roliiinii InlerriiplK Tun Thieves, lull Full lo Moke Arrest. Onicer Frank Wnlklngton saw two burglars In the act of robbing tho New York Cloak nnd Suit company'3 storo at 11 o'clock Inst night. Tho officer was in tho alley In tho rear of the storo at 417 West Broadway. Tbo thieves had broken open (he renr windows and obtained a large quantity of furs anil valuable garments, which they had placed in two baskets. When Walkington nttempted to arrest them they turned upon him and In a rough and tumble light threw hkii to tho ground. They then ran, leaving their plun der. The officer arose and called upon them to halt. Ho fired one shot after them, but as they have not been seen or heard since bo does not know whether tbo shot took effect or not. Mortuary Record. The remains of Mrs. LoiiIec Rush, wife of J. B, Rush, who died at her homo In Grand Island, Neb., Sunday, will nrrlvo hero this morning and bo taken to tbo residence of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Bock, 1301 Mndlson avonuc, from where tho funeral will bo held at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The serv ices will bo conducted by Rev. O. W. Sny der, pastor of St. John'H Kngllsh Lutheran church, and Interment will bo In Walnut Hill cemetery. Besides her husband sho leaves four children, ono boy and thrco girls, the oldest of whom Is 9 years of ugo and tho youngest 2 years. Herman Rohllng, sr.. died Sunday evening at his home. 712 Seventh nvenue, of cancer of tho stomach after nn Illness of sit months, nged 72 years. Tho funeral will bo hold this morning at 0 o'clock from St. Peter's church, Rev. Father Thomas con ducting tho services. Interment will bo In the Catholic cemetery. Deceased had been a resident of Council niuffs for twenty years nnd besides his wife three children survive him ono daughter. Sister Mary Aloysla, of Lafayette. Ind., and two sons, Henry F. and Herman J. Rohllng of this city. The funcrul of Harry Lcroy, the Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Fisher, who died Sunday, aged 6 months, will bo held this aft ernoon from the family residence In Lewis township. Interment will be In tho Hazel Dell cemetery. Edwin n. Lncey, aged 79 years, died at the resldonco of his son-in-law, R. M. Sprague. 411 East Washington nvenue, last night. He was a veteran of tho Thirty-ilfth volunteer regiment of Iowa and saw servlro during the civil war. Ho leaves five children. There will bo brief funeral services at the resi dence at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon and tho body will be sent to Waterloo, In., for In terment. Tho funoral of Mrs. Edith C. Pierce, wlfo of J. P. Pierce, who died Sunday evening, will bo held this afternoon at 1 o'clock from the residence of her sister, Mrs, 0. E. An derson, 1410 Falrmount nvenue. The serv ices will bo conducted by Rev. T. F. Thick stun and lntermont will bo In Falrvlcw cem etery. Ilrnl Otnte Trnnsfem. Tho following transfers wore tiled yester day In the abstract, title und loan olllce of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Martha Stlllman, widow of R. (I. SHMmnn. unillvt'-, of lieU nw'i neU nnd n"i nw4 nw'i nct4 0-71-13, w. il..$ Jane Ilaldwln to John Reno, 11 fi feet lot 8, block S, Dayllss' 1st ndd, q. c. d Cora E. Arnold und nusband to Chris Chrtsterisen. lot 17, block 21, How ard's add, w. d County treasurer to A. J. Seamnn, lot 14. block 10, Hryant A Clarke's siibdlv, tnx d Mabel A. Boydston and hinband to W. II. Raker, lots I, B and fi, block 4, Twin City Place add, w. il Thomns J. Smith and wlfo to Thomas French, w-'i nwi' 25-77-43, w. d 65 575 Total six transfers ... B.tKi "I have been llslns CASCtltKTS for Insomnia, with which I bavo been umtctcd for I ovor twonty years, and I can say tluu Cukcarots havo alven me more relief thananyothcr rcme- rttf I havn ever tried. I shall eertalnlv recom mend them to my frloniK us being all they are represented.'' T1103. Gillaiid, Llgln, 111. CANDY TAADI MASK RtOISTIUfD Flesitnt. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do Oood, Utitr Slckeu. Weaken, or Grlpo. 10c, Xc, &0c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... (I.rll.l M.nfd; 0p..j, CM.uo, Htalml, Vert. 314 Un.Tn.Hin HoManrt cuarnntfKl by all drug HU" I U'UAU im to CUMUotacce Habit" NSOMNIA LAW LIMITS CITIES' DEBTS Important Municipal Meisuro Qoti Through Iowa s Senate. B'LL WILL UNQUESTIONABLY PASS HOUSE Attorney Hartley Cnnscs n l.nugli In I iicr lloily or LcitMlntiiro Com mittee Reports huliinl t toil lo Men. u(e mill Miuill II 111m l'naacil. HES MOINES, March 12 (Special Tele gram. J One of tho most important pieces of legislation beforo tho present Iowa legls latino was enacted by tho scnato today. It Is a bill pertaining to the question of municipal Indebtedness and fixes the limit of such Indebtedness In tho future at l'.i per cent of tho actual value of property In cities or towns returned by the labt tax list. When tho revenue laws of Iowa were re vised two years ago It wan provided that property must bo listed ht its actual cash value, 25 per cent cf this to ho the taxntlon basin. Tho constitution says that cltlcj, towns nnd counties shall not Incur indebted ncM to exceed 5 per cent of the value of their property, which is taken to mean the cash value. Under the old revenue law this wns 5 per cent of an assessed value, which, while purporting to bo a ensh value, averaged about 20 per vent of real value. Rut with the real cash vuluo secured, as it Is supposed to he by the new law, the limit of debt would bo raised to four or flvo times what it formerly was. To avoid this thero was put In tho code section 1306, limiting tho debt to tho aver age for 1897 and 1S!)S. This wns Intended as a temporary expedient until tho workings of tho now rovenuo laws could bo seen. Towns which aro entitled to Increase their debt above tho average of 1S97 and 189S, including Council Hluffs among tho number, hao been clamoring to get this restriction removed, so they can make Improvements; but other towns have feared to have tho change made lest extravagant councils might go too far. A bill was Introduced to repeal section 1.106 nnd leave the matter open, but tho senato committee on cities nnd towns reported a substitute for the section fixing the one nnd one-fourth limit above men tioned, nnd this passed today. It will un questionably go through tho house also. liiUe ii( IIoiimo Hxpensr. Attorney T. R. Hanley of Tipton, ono of tho Jokers of Cedar county, caused a laugh In tho upper body of tho legislature today. Senator Mofflt, whoso constituent Mr. Han ley is, In nil seriousness presented a letter from Mr. Hanley In which tho latter Jocosely protested ngainst tho passing of tho building and loan bill beforo tho senate, declaring that ho hnd $3,000 paid-up building and loan stock and ho did not know what It would bo worth if this 1)111 passed. Besides that, he thought the present legislature rather a dangerous ono and believed the sooner It ad journed tho better It would bo for the great state of Iowa. Senator Hazclton introduced a bill today providing for tho use of voting machines In Iowa. It went to tho commltteo on elections. Several commltteo reports wero submitted to the senate this morning. The bill to allow stato and savings, banks and loan and trust companies to act' as administrators, similar to the ono killed" by the house Saturday, was recommended for Indefinite postpone ment and tho report adopted. Tho landlord and tenant bill, over which the senate lougbt two or three days, and which was re-rcferred several times, was reported for Indefinite postponement by tho Judiciary commltleo and the report adopted. It is the ono providing for recording farm loans to protect the innocent purchaser of grain. Tho military committee reported favorably tho bill rovlslng tho military code of Iowa, which has already passed tho house. Tho hill for tho establishment of a re formatory for women at Anamosa was ro ported by tho appropriations commltteo and referred to tho Judiciary committee. Tho bill to legnllzo tho mulct saloon peti tions In force In tho state slnco 1897 was mado a special order for Wcdnosday at 10 ! o'clock. Whether or not It ought to tie a misde meanor for an attorney to practice law In Iowa beforo first 'being admitted to tho bar was discussed by tho senato this morning and decided in tho negative. Senator Hobart had a bill making this provision particularly In tho Interests of suppressing certain offi cials who pose as legal advisers. It looked for n whllo as though the measure would pass, but when Senator Jtinkln made a strong speech calling attention to the fact that often attornoys from other states come Into Iowa to practice nnd must wait some months beforo being admitted to the bar, and under this law would havo to forego practico for some time, It was tabled. The Des Moines river bill passed tho house. SMOOTH SWINDLER CAUGHT A. II. .InlniHon In Arrested In Des MnlncM by Tno Detective from St. I.oul. rB3 MOINES, March 12. (Special Tele gram.) 'A. P.. Johnson, who has lived here with his wife and two daughters for several months, was arrested by Dotectlves E. E. Johnson of Des Moines and E. R. Carrlngton of St. Louis, yesterday, Just as he and an nllegcd brother, giving hlB name ns Olaf B. Anderson, wero taking tbo Rock Island train for Omaha, Johnson Is believed to be one of the most notorious swindlers In tho United States, Tho immediate crime upon which his arrest wus based was ho forgery of $2,500 In chocks against St. Louis banks. He ap parently gavo up when tho great array of evidence tevured by tho detectives was made known to him, and agreed to go to St. Louis for trial without demanding tho Is suance of requisition papers. He left for St. Louis Inst evening In charge of Detec tive Carrlngton. On January R last a $2,000 draft was mailed from Dayton, O., to St. Louis. It was mado pnyablo to Charles E. Drown, caBhler of tho Eleventh Ward National bank of New York City. On January 0 C. E. Rrown rented offices In St. Louis, and on January 11 ho called on a bank there and deposited tho draft. A fow days later he called and wanted to realize n few hundred dollars on it. The hank rofuscd. He flashed a pass book which was on the Merchants' Nntlonal bank of Kansas City to show ho wns good, but was ngaln refused the cash. Ho took the draft to another bank, In which ho dcposltod $192 ns well as the druft. nnd later made out two checks for $4,500 and $i00, got tho cash and disappeared. He had erased the word "cashier" on the draft. Ho also took nil effects from his offices. When tho bank discovered that tho draft was not good they turned tho matter over to tho detectives. His operations are sup posed to havo notted him hundreds of thou sands of dollars, and although be Is hut AS I years of ago, ho Is reckoned one of the smoothest men In tho profession. The miners' and operators' conference Is still In sesMon. The wago scalo agreed upon last week by thp committees has not yet been ratified by tho general conference and thern aro several llttlo differences to he set tled. Tho question of machine mining, which was thought scoral days ago to havo been virtually decided, 1 yet to be finally Dr. SandeiVs Electric Belt ON 30 For thirty years I have been the confidential adviser of thou ands of sufferers in all parts of the world. I have devoted my life to the careful study of Nervous IJe bility and weaknesses of men and women, from whatever cause. I have made a life study of electro therapeutic appliances and have restored over a hundred thou sand men and women to physical strength and vigor with my world renowned Dr, SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT The use of Galvanic Electricity, Electric Suspensory for Mti i. i.i , ny aiiuuni auiic.iug ones iiesttaic to try this cure by natural means ? -a cure based on nature's laws. Of course there arc thousands who are as yet unacquainted with the value of my great discovery, and to these I say I have decided for a time to allow my latest and most improved igoo Model licit to be taken on Dr. F. G. Sanden, 18.3 5 ' K' adjusted. The machines nre used only In tho southern district and It Is here that the bono of contention rests. Outside of thia district tho operator and his employe arc agreed on the points that havo thiiH far como up. Tho mine owners outside this dis trict bellcvo that they should not suiter for tho nllegcd wrongs of the tnnchlne Held, and that If a strlko is ordered tin n result of a possible disagreement, that It should bo confined to tho Hold affected. Tho stakes for the location of a new union passenger station, to bo built' hero by tho Hock Island, wero driven today nnd the ex cavation will be commenced tomorrow morning. Tho depot nnd train sheds will be over 500 feet long, extending from Third to Fifth street, with a great ornamental archway and tower over Fourth street. Governor Shaw returned this morning from Morristown, Vt., whero ho was called by tho doath of his father, Doardman Shaw. Tho republican stato central eimmlttec meets hero tomorrow for the purposo of fix ing a date for the state convention to elect delegates to the national convention. It Is believed this convention will be held In the latter part of April or early in May. hater In tho summer, probably In August, another state convention will be held, this one being to nomlnato a state ticket. DYXAMITIJ 110.1111 IX A CIM 11(11. Saiiponril Hint i:ploslve Is IMneeil There nn Thrrnt Against l'nslor. CEDAR UAPIDS, la., March 12. An empty beer keg, surmounted by a dynamite bomb, was found by tho pollco on tho Moor of St. Paul's church. Itev. Mr. Lockwood, tbo pastor, has been active in opposition to the saloon petition now circulating and It Is inferred that tho keg and bomb wero intended as a threat. Fire's Deslrnctlnu In Itedtlelil. REDFIELD, la., March 12. (Special Tele gram.) All the business houses on the south side of Main street "were burned down Sun day morning. Tho valuo of tho property burned was about J35.000. The names ut the owners aro as follows: J. L, Handy, gen eral store; Sterns & Krlddlcbaugh, harness store; Prod Harper, meat market; E. E. Thomas, building; Jeffries IJros., tho Fair store; L. Reynolds, building; It. F. Stiles, grocery; Detz & Splllcrs, grocery; J. I'cp pard, building; II. Walsh, drug store; T. L. Scott, building; Clint Kelffer, general store; S. Sheppard, barber shop. Nono of tho property was fully Insured nnd much or it not at all. The Stouts hotel, tho Park hotel and Hathaway's livery stnblo were saved with difficulty. Annual Tenrliers' Institute. CEDAR RAPIDS, la., March 12. (Special ) The fourth annual spring institute for the teachers of the graded schools of I.lnn county opened In tho High school this morning and will continue during the week. Tho institute a under chargo of County Superintendent I. E. Gould and Superintendent J. T. Merrill of tho city schools nnd nearly 150 teachers nre n attendance. Tho Instructors aro Prof. II. H. Secrloy, president of tho Iowa State Nor mal school, who has charge of the work n tho advanced grades, and Miss Elizabeth Matthews of Des Moines, who has chargo of tho primary work. Each gives two lectures each morning. Clnrlnda School l',lee( Ion. CLARINDA, la., March 12. (Special Tele gram.) At tho school election held In tho Clarlnda district this afternoon Dr. S. R. Miller and C. E. McDowell were elected di rectors by lnrgo majorities, and a proposi tion to build a third school house was de feated about 3 to 1. Tho contest was heated. lrocrr nnd Neivspuiier Itohlieil, OSKALOOSA, la March 12. (Special Tel egram.) The safes in Ed Howard's grocery and tho office of the Oskaloosa Tlmw woro burglarized last night. Howard's loss Is about $200, Whllo that of the Times is very small. loirs Church Conference. OEDAR RAPIDS, Ia March 12. (Special.) Tho annual meeting of the Iowa confer ence of the United Ilrethren church will bo held in this city, commencing March 28, and continue ono week. 0NDERPP, isTheworkof lifarnia's Missionleniediej rACTUSLlNIMEN; Cathartic Tablets. RHEUMATISM Kidneys a Bladder QUICKLY VI ELD To THEM Tie Druggist wi refund Your money if San Curo fdils to benefit You .-- Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinitf BEECHATfSi PILLS Fnrifv the Blood. Core Blotcbei, Im- V rove Complexion, 0 cents-25 ceati. I i IHIItlllHiilCM-mi DAYS' TRIAL. COPYRI . - . ' THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. Krom this offer it U apparent that I am sincere in what 1 state. I will cure where dtups have failed, and it is my knowledge of this fact that warrant me In offering j on my licit otr p Ravs' Trial. ' ll cures wh le you sleep, and you pay when cured." Worn at nlKht. it sends a pleasant, soothihe current which you I,,!!.,, i i i?f ,.e wcaken?(l "'K". ''e susiensory attachment to the belt resting directly over the prostate gland. Write for my little book, mailed free, or call. S. Clark St!. Chicago III. wuibilU) 111. To Readers Pre Beautiful Pictures for the Home. A Spirited Battle Picture Tilt DEFENSE Of CIIAKiriGNY Which wns nwnnlod tln prize modal In the Turin Salon. Cost $G0.000. This lino picture. In It colors re produces lino for line nnil colur for color, every detail of the original. Famous 0,1 Painting Is 'J2.:t0 Inches nnd Is lit to adorn tbo art gallery of a Vamleibllt. You can havo cither or both of 8 consecutive coupons cut from this These beautiful pictures have The Bee has purchased several thus ninklng the prlco very low for 3 COUPONS ONLY 10c AiiTiKiitAVimn Of 31. Drtaillc'n Famoim I'nlnllnR. 'The Defense of Champigiiy" rot i'iiv rmt s www i:t. This coupon, with two others of consecutive dates and 10 cents, pre sented at tho Bee olllce entitles any render of tho Bee to this beautiful picture, 22..'50 inches. If you want It mailed, send 10 cents extra for tube, postage, etc. IT you send part or all in two-cent postage slamps be careful that thoy not stick together. Address all lettut to AUT IHOI'AKTMlCNT, TUB URIC PUBLISHING CO.. OMAHA. NED. Our Line The World's Best Wheels Columbia Chnlnless, SCO anil $75. Spaldlnc, ?W nnd $75. Columbia Chain Wheels, $40 and WO. League Models, $2.". $!M) and $83. Imperial Models, $2." and SIM). Stonuer .I!."i. Pennant, $2.". Path finder, $22. Pyramid, $17.50. See the Columbia CoaMer Brake, $3.00 extra. Today the Chnlnless Is outselling chain wheels In the groat centers of the east. $1 down and $1 per week. $2.."0 down and $2.50 before April 1. We are the push, Best cycle repair shop. Enameliiig. Cole & Cole's Cyclery, 11 .MAIN ST., COUNCIL BLUFFS. $5.00 A MONTH. DR. McCREW, SPECIALIST, Treali tit Portnj cl DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Yf i' Experience. 12 Years in Omaha, F.I.ECritlCITr and iMKUICAIi Treatment com blued. Varicocele. Stricture, SrplillU.LosiolVlcor nnd Vitality. CI'ItF.ffirAItAXTKi:n. Clianrea low. IIOJ1K TIIKATJIKNT. llooU, Cnusuluimn n .id K.xjni luatlnn Free Honra.S a. m, toO; 7to8r. in Sunday, 9to 12. 1 0. 110x716. Office, N. E, Cor. 14th and Parnam StrecU.OMAUA, NEU. CURE YOURSELF! Um lllalJ for iiiinnliirfal tilt tiarsc, InflainiiiH'iiiii), i ritAMnim or ulixratlnni of mu'oui lOfinl.iiiTif I'ainkn, ami i.ot utlrik a t T r, in in .'inn vi.i ii il.ui. nr I. I.otilf., i.'.T.V Circuur uui uu (oju.. rvVllri ni ,,tiii w.iK.iin vn... .., 7v tAJO 'H l jarlbU. Take n athtr. llrrje ' flf limit. Ill Jmir InuMiit or ol Ir. l w Jff lUmr-. t lnrttculi.rft. T h' u4 "Heller rr,"in llw, j r. V P turn Mull. III. (Hill I..IU..GLK. H.I1I7 N ll rirucilx. l'Llrlittlep herlelr., Uutlta UU ll.dlit. fctu.rc 1'JIIUI., l'A Man Dot to Minor M . fPr.rtau conUitoo, Mm r-jj) CHICHC3rCR'0 ENGUBH Pennyroyal p.lis n v Original and llnly i.enuiar, VJ ,A?HAKK. 'MlWa l.arlle."i Hri.rrl.1 t. ( tLV.VV r,r f II It'll KSTS:its I.NI.MSir as applietl under my personal di rection, has become universal for the cure ol nerve, glandular, or ganic weaknesses, rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, varicocele, etc. Nature demands a certain sup ply of natural Electricity, and if this supply is reduced by excesses, overwork, exposure, etc., weak ness and debility are the results. To repair this weakness, nature must be paid. 1 pay nature by returning to her stot chouse that which has been wasted and dis sipatedthis is electricity which is me very essence of life itself. len: with all Belts, 0r' ''".' .M ":" ?'! iftA , t Wednesday and Saturday intil 9 r.n. 9r.11. A GREAT mium Offer of The Bee. THE BALLOON A FARMING GROUP In the harvest field see for tho flrst time a balloon in tho sky. This famous Painting, own "d by tho Metropolitan Art Mu seum of New York, reproduced In color nnd effect, Is 22x30 Inches. Is huudi'onio and beautiful. th ese famous pnlntlnRs for 10c each aOd n dvpi tisement In Tho Dally Bee. never been sold tor less than $1.00 each. thousand ns a special subscription feature, B ec readers only. THIS IS IT CUT IT OUT. AUTOGItAVUni: Of I)uire' Mnrvr-lnns l'Mlntlna. "THE BALLOON" loti'ON I'on Mwtrn i;i. This coupon wlt two others ot consecutive dates and 10 runts, pre sented at the Bee olllce entitles unjr render of the Bee to this beautiful picture, 22x:it) Inuhes. If you want it mailed, send 10 cents extra for tube, postage, etc. Some . . . Good ...Things Woodward's Chocolate Almond .Nougatines and Woodward's Chocolate Malasses CriSP Tastes like More John G- Woodward & Co., Mu ll ii fact il rl iik Control Inner., J n lili era ot High (irnilc CJufcm, COt.VCII, IJl.UFFS, IOWA, I nnCIITA SAXPAIAVOOD CrUI,Ki, Cures Qonorrhooa, Gleet or unnatural 41. maret-i in i any. run dlroctlont i-rico ah nruRKims, or mail, u, JJI r I a. wo,, wenire cu,. now xonc.