Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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OomUbli Obliged to Employ Diploroioy to
Beonra Pioptrty.
Ofllnlnl Use Ilnnk Lrnl n n Tool,
lIiiiTrvcr, ami Winn 1j- Crnft
Whnt Hp Cn ii not Olitnln
hy l'urcci
This Is the story of a designing constable,
a cluthcBwrltiRcr, a foot rnce, nn Innocent
book ngent, an nlarm clock, nn Irnto washer
Roman, a stroko of practical diplomacy and
n mopstlck.
"Nick" lfaltcr, constable of Justice
I,carn'H court, plodded through tho mud cf a
poulhern suburb In quest of n street car line.
Ho was Jaded and out of sorts. During the
past thirty minutes things hadn't been go
ing right, nnd tho fact that his clothes were
Hmoarcd with cnud did not Improve his tem
per. Turning a corner abruptly about a tower
ing bluff ho met a man whoso face was fa
miliar. "Can you tell mo where I can find a street
car going back to Omaha?" asked tho con
stable. "I don't know. I left ono back here about
ten blocks, but I don't think It's there now."
Tho moment Nick heard tho voice he
recognized In his friend a book agent who
had been up to tho Justlco court, tho day
beforo trying to sell a copy of "Undo fiam's
Now Possessions." An Idea came to him.
"Como with cne," ho said, "and I'll show
you whero you can sell your book."
They mado n detour of soveral promon
tories, Jumped a gully or two and emerged
upon tho open.
"Da you sco that llttlo flhanty with the
clboyf of Btovcplpo sticking through tho roof,
tho ono with tho dog kennel In front? Well,
Mrs. Jennlo McOuIro lives there. Sho was
Junt asking mo If I knew where sho could
get a copy of 'Undo Sam's New Posses
sions.' No, that'e all right. Don't mention
It. L.uck to you."
Thrco minutes beforo Constablo Halter
mot tho book agent ho was standing In tho
prcsenco of tho muscular Mrs. McOulre.
"I have como to got the clotheswrlngcr
nnd tho clock, Mra. McOulre," ho Bald, In a
conciliatory tone, "nnd hero In tho writ In
replevin," handing her a paper.
Sho scanned tho document with tho cold
eyo of disapproval.
"Writ In replevin, In It?" sho sniffed.
"Well, It looks llko It was writ In tho
Sho took It over to tho window to got a
better light on It, and whllo her attention
waH diverted Halter picked up tho clock and
clotheswrlngc! nnd started out.
"Howld on there, yo bloody spalpeen!" bIic
screamed. "Ilrlng back mo wringer cr I'll
wring yer neck wld It!"
Halter attempted to explain that tho
weekly payments on tho property hnd lapsed
and that tho department rtoro was taking
action to recover possession. Put Mrs. Mc
Oulro had dropped tho legal Instrument and
was looking for a blunt one. Sho found n
A moment later a largo man with a
wringer under ono arm nnd a clock under
tho othor might havo been seen legging It.
across the common, while following In hot
pursuit was a fat woman brandishing n
mop.-. Her sklrto held nbovo her kneee,
sho leaped tho mud puddles with tho grace
of a river horso taking n hurdle, pnd had
enough breath left to cry "stop thief!" at
overy third stride. Tho dlstanco between
hem slowly diminished. Through back
yards, ovor fences and across garden patches
thoy ran. Ordlnnrlly tho race might have
been oven, but Halter was hampered by
tho clock, which ho had no time to consult
and by tho wringer. PcsldtH, tho vicinity
was unfamiliar to him. Ho was unablo to
tako advantngo of tho short cuts. The
woman gained upon him.
From overy doorway emerged neighbors,
friends of Mrs. McOulre. Naturally they
misunderstood tho situation, nnd several
stalwart sons of 13rln maneuvered to hend
off tho fugitive. Tho upshot of It was,
Halter had to "throw ballast overboard" In
order to escape. Ho dropped tho clock and
wringer and gavo atteutlou to his personal
Concealed behind the Jutting edge of a
clay bank, Halter watched tho book ngent
ns ho npproached tho McGwire stronghold
Ho saw tho nmazou como out to meet him
nnd noted that sho still held tho mopstlck
Then, ns tho ngent engaged her In conver
satlon, 'ho entered tho shanty by tho kitchen
door nnd carried away tho wringer and
tho clock.
A Mont Kxci-llciit Hrmi'it)' fur IVIioup-
liiK CoiikIi,
From Howard S. D.) Democrat.
Wo had occasion to uso Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy Iri.n recent caso of whooping
cough and found It a most excellent prep
nration, and ono that glveB tho child Imme-
dlato relict, Delng pleasant to tho taste,
children do not object to taking It, and I
keeps tho cough loose. If given freely and
as directed thore is practically no ganger
wnaiever irom mo disease.
Attention, Mrmbrra A. V. A A. Mt
Tho mcmberB of Covert lodgo No. 11. Ne
braska No. 1, Capitol No. 3 and St. John's
No. 25 aro hereby notified to meet at Free
Mason hall at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp Tuesday,
March 13, to attend tho funeral of Prother
William C. Allyn from Trinity Cnthedral at
7:00 n. m 8:30 p. m.
4:65 p. m 7:45 a. m.
7)30 p. m 9:30 a, m.
"Tho Northwestern Line,"
1401 and 1403 Farnaru street.
"Tho best of everything."
Tho New Snow Church company has ro
moved to rooms 401-405 Now York Life bldg
Complete ltd Work, Adopt HchoIii-
tlonit and AilJuuriiH Kliiully
M 11 ml it y Afternoon,
Tho Poor hospital relief commlttco, having
In cliargo tho mnttcr of tho address of Mi
Maud Gonno, held Its final meeting Sunday
ntternoon ana after Having settled all mat
tors growing out of tho meeting of March
adjourned without day.
Ernest Stuht presided nnd tho usual mem
bershlp was present. Tho final action of tho
commltteo was the adoption of resolutions
as follows:
Whereas. Queen Victoria has eontcm
rdntcd Visiting Ireland next month nn i
"non com. recruiting sergeant," thoreforo
bo It
Resolved, Thnt wo, liero assembled ns
Ainoricnn citizens, suggest tunt tho follow
ing appropriate mottoes bo posted through
out Ireland upon her arrival:
"Ono million ttvo hundred thousand Irish
men, women nnd children starved to dentil
In Ireland during Queen Victoria's so-culled
glorious reign,'
"Ono million two hundred nnd fifty thou
snnd Irish homes levelled by tho crowbar,
supported iiy uueen victoria's suerirrs
ponco una soiuiers.
"Four million Irish people driven t
America nnd other countries during Queon
Victoria's so-called 'glorious reign.' "
"Twentv million dollars stolon annual!
from Ireland In excess of regular taxa
A letter was read from the private socro
tary of President McKlnley announcing tho
receipt of tho resolutions Adopted at the
Maud Oonno meeting, and a letter was read
from the general manager of tho Hoer Widow
and Orphans' llctlef association announcing
tho appointment of Krncst Stuht as a mem
ber of tho general committee of that organi
This week will bo n busy one In the polit
ical world, Uoth tho republican and demo
ratlc parties hold primaries and conven
tions nnd naturally the general topic of con-
crsatlon will bo politics.
On Wednesday democratic primaries will
bo held to select candidates for tho munici
pal oinceo to bo filled and on account of
tho factional fight an interesting tlne Is
promised. Bnsor, Johnston, Krcltag and
Urennnn aro In tho field for tho nomination
for mayor, and from the present outlook
tho contest will bo a battlo royal.
Ensor is trying to swing tho whole show,
but Kreltag Is cutting considerable of a fig-
re. and Ilrcnnan Is out working. Wlillo
Johnston denies that ho has a finger In the
Drennan delegation, It Is surmised that
Drennnn Is In Johnston's hands.
A great many democrats cannot seo why
Urennnn should forco himself to the front
t this time, except that ho Is allowing
his namo to bo used for tho furtherance of
Johnston's schemes, as It Is admitted that
ho has no possible chanco of winning.
Whllo JohiiBton has no delegation in tno
field that Is known ns a straight Johnston
ticket, It Is known that ho Is pulling wires
to secure tho nomination. Ho figures that
If Unsor sees that ho cannot win ho will
throw his delegates to the Johnston side of
tho houso In prefcrenco to Kreltag. Again,
ho estimates that Kreltag delegates will voto
for Johnston In preference to hnsor, nnd In
this wny tho Johnston forces expect to win.
:iiBor says that if his delegation is defeated
o will support tho ticket, Freltag says mo
some, but Johnston Is saying nothing.
Democratic primaries will bo held on
March 14. with tho convention nt Woodman
hall on tho day following. Republican pri
maries nro to be held on Thursday nnd tho
nominating convention on tho day after.
Candidate Kelly has announced himsoii
nd explained to tho peoplo Just where ho
Friends of Dr. Slabaugh say ho will de-
laro his nlatform In a day or two, so It will
probably bo printed In Tho Ileo of Tuesday.
Tho location of the prlmnry voting places
has been noted, but will bo reprinted a
day or two before tho primaries.
l'renclior .IoIiiinoii TnllCN.
Thorn seems to be nn Inclination on tho
part of Rov. J. A. Johnson, pastor of tho
First Methodist Episcopal church, to talk
politics to tho members of his Hock. In tho
last Issue of tho South Omaha Methodist
Rev. Johnson has this to say:
"N.'r pnni rltlrpn onn oxcusn himself from
tho duty nnd responsibility of voting nt the
primary election. Tho lawless class necus no
exhortation on this lino. They will be on
hnnd tn holn nomlnnto n mnn who will protect
thrai, and if you remain away irom me
prlmnry election you tacitly consent mni
our city shall bo run by that class, wnai
nvnr vnur untitles may bo seo to It that you
nomlnato the best man of your party. If
ycu shirk or neglect your duty ana respon
sibility at this point It would becomo you
to keep Bllcnt about tho way our city would
bo run hi tho future."
ri,. T.Htm . eiiv l'miierts.
t ip timiaratnnil thnt the Commercial club
lll request tho city council to enter Into
a leaBe for tho unoccupica poriiou oi w
street, between Commercial street and the
Union Pacific tracks, with an iron lounury
firm. At first It was tho intention 10 us
this land nnd donnto It
to the foundry, but this proposition Is
deemed Impracticable and a now proposal
will bo made. Hy leasing tho ground at a
modorate rental tho city will sccuro a rev
nnun nmi nt tho Hamo tlmo retain a tltlo
to tho ground. Tho land in question Is of no
uso to tho city, nnd ir some revenuo uu
tnlncd tho city's incomo will be Increased
Just that much.
U. .... ..- imiiriivpiiients AVnnteil.
t. ia .iniivi thnt th Southwest Side Im-
.nmnnl lllll, nmnllHMI tO insist that tllC
riiM ini".v t
u .iimnii i.n(nri-o tho ordlnnnco regarding
street car extension nnd the matter may be
made a campaign issuo. Tho peopio living
on West Q street do3iro better car oervicu
and they say that they propose to havo It.
An (.vtnnann nr tun linn now in uae ia uc-
li candidates for members
of tho city council are BUppcsed to pledgo
alleglanco to tho project Dcioro securing
tho support of tho residents of tho south
west portion of the city.
ll.-llcf Chimin F.lltortllliiinont.
nn Wrilnoalnv nvenlnc the Woman's Re
lief corps will glvo nn entertainment nt
tin hall, Twenty-sixth and N streets. Tills
program will bo observed: Patriotic music,
Miss VnnArman; recitation, .Miss rarKs or
Omaha; violin solo, Miss Condon; club
swinging to music, Mr. VanArman; man-
.lnlln nnil Tilnnn illlnt. lired Towlo and MISO
VanArman; tnlk on tho l'hinppino war,
James Duncassen; piano eoio, mifs van
rman. A social will follow tno entertain
Mnulc City Ooddlp.
Kd Johnston Is making denials in tho Con
nors case.
Friends of Dr. Blabnuch proposo Issuing n
manifesto on Tuesuny.
No council mectlnc this week unless a
special session Is called.
IT. I.. Krelilcr of thn Cudnhv company
spent Sunday In Iowa with menus,
It Is reported Hint several lilg buildings
nro to uo erected nero in mo spring.
Minn Anna Conlev of Sioux City Is visit
Inc Miss Allco Unfferty. 2107 N street.
Orders havo been Issued for tho posting
of election proclamations uu Alarch 14.
Real estnto business here Is nctlvo these
days nnd mnny omall transfers aro being
City Clerk Carpenter Is relntlng somo
groin stories or ins trip to tno Aiai'ai uras
in fsew urienns.
Tom llronnan Insists thnt ho Is n cnndl
dato for mayor, but mnny democrats think
no is wurKing lor Jonuston.
aenernl Manager Kenyon of tho Stock
inn! company is still conllncd to his bed
but was reported slightly better yesterday,
Candidate Kelly promises a complcto
ronovntlon of the police department If ho
is elected mayor, ami on tins point tno peo
pio seem 10 ue wun nun.
Tho paving of streets with brick Is now
being considered by property owners nil
over tho city, and the prospects nro-that a
greni ueui oi paving win do done mis sum
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia euro in my family
with wonderful results. It gives Immediate
relief, Is pleasant to take and Is truly tho
dyspoptlc's best friend," says E, Hartgerlnk
OvorlEcl, Mich. Digests what you cat. Can
not fall to cure.
Our supply of pictures is being rapidly dl
mlnlshed. If you havo not seen "The De
fensB of Cbamplgny" and "Tho Dallnon,'
call nt tho Deo ofllce. Prlag your coupins
cut from The Pee.
FOLEY Jamie, tho only son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jnmes Foley, on March 10, nt his
home, 2063 South Twentieth street,
Funeral March 13, 1:30 p. rn. Interment
nt Hlnlr, Neb.
ALLYN William C. aged 40. March 11
1900, at 9 a. m. Member Thlstlo lodge
Ancient. Free and Accepted Masons. I.ex
ington. Neb,; Tyrlan chnpter, Mount
Hebron commandery. Kearney. Neb.
Tnnitler temple. A. A. O. N. M. 8.. Omaha,
Neb.; Druid enmp, Woodmen of the
World, Omaha, Neb.
Funeral Tuesday, 3 p. m., from Trinity
cathedrul undor tho nusplees of Covert
lodge. Ancient, Kreo nnd Accepted Masons,
umulm, uranu isinnd, Kearney ana i.ex
ington, iseu., papers pieuso copy.
Etith Si Wrapped in Oloak of Snnihine and
Fanned by Ti vaj Air.
trlklnK Contrnut Over Wi-nther of
i:netly One Yenr Aki Wlirit
Oniulin. Wnn llllftrnrit-SM opt unit
Conl Dentcrn Were lltmlictl.
March 11, 190O.
Temp., Mill., 4S.
Idea.' weather.
March It. 1SW.
Temp., Mln 1.
Omaha, bilzzard-
Thu earth wrapped
fmvept. Most v.olent
In genial sunshine.
HpHngtlmo garb In
istonn or mo year.
Ovorconts and
(demand. Ice cream
heavy furs u neces
sity. Slreel curs
minors' una soan
fountain running
with doors wide
blocked by snow.
ICoiil denier tillable
open. All nature
to imt nu orders.
Tho foregoing parallel tells tho story of
freaks that aro possible with tho weather.
Omaha donned- Sunday rnlment yesterday ;
and took an outlug. Thousands of men,
women and children thronged tho streets,
uhltn nthnrn whlrlnil nvnr thr houlnvardn In
ay equipages. It was an Ideal day of spring- ,
tlmo. Los Angeles nor Naples never offered
anything mora pleasant.
Ono year ago yesterday exactly the reverse
prevailed. A bilzzard swept down from
somewhere up north and sent the whole
town shivering. Thu snowfall was so heavy
nnd so violent that muny persons caught
don town at night sought refuge in hotels
rather than bravo tho elements of a home
ward Journey.
This remarkable contrast wob talked about
very generally yesterday by persons who re
membered most vividly tho cxpcrlenco thoy
had ono year ngo. This winter has becu
freakish in several ways, To begin with,
thero was no winter until tho latter part of
January. Tho new year dawned omid sur
roundings denoting springtime, nnd oven the
proverbial oldest Inhabitant was puzzled to
recall a winter bo mild. Put when cold
weather did como It asserted itself vlo-
Tho present warm weather becamo no-
with shoppers, and tho man who had ico '
cream, soda water and other cooling decoc
tions kept his cash register Jingling almost
constantly. Fashionably attired women dis
carded their costly wraps and tho poor
weman without a wrap had no occasion to
be piqued by Its nbsencc. Olllco windows
wcro open and outdoor workers tolled with
out coat or vest. Everybody was asking:
"How long will this Inst?" Somo prophets
predicted that a storm would brew beforo
tho rising of another sun. Put Sunday was,
if pcsslble, moro ideal than the preceding
Cnrnlvnl of Spring.
Tho retail stores transacted an Immenso
amount of bustnecs Saturday from early
morning until lato at night. Tho midnight
earn were crowded with shoppers who had,
after making their purchases, lingered down
town to seo tho carnival of spring.
How long this balmy weather will prevail
Is a guess that is beyond comprehension.
Tho weather man makes no promises in ad
vance of n fow hours. Old-time lay prophuta
say this sunshlno Is too good to last and
that Omaha will yet seo snow before sum
mer comes to stay. Thero is usually a storm
near Faster Sunday, and tho dames and
misses who have discarded their winter
wraps may yet have occasion to tako them
out of storage. It has been said that tho
weather man moves In a mysterious way
and his movements are past understanding.
Tho contrast between March 11 of this year
and tho samo dato last year arc reminders
that still greater freaks may como to pass.
Tho bilzzard that swept over Omaha last
year camo In tho evening. The weather had
been lino Just prior to It nnd tho streets
wero thronged with tho usunl array of pe
destrians. Tho theaters wero packed and a
largo percentngo of tho population of Omaha
was away from homo when tho unexpected
storm dashed down. This caused conster
nation, for the Bnow blocked stroet car tralllc
and persons living any dlstanco found them
selves shut out from their homes.
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Mllesburg, Pa,,
says, "As a speedy euro for coughs, colds,
croup and soro throat Ono Minute Cough
Curo Is unequalcd. It Is pleasant for chil
dren to take. I heartily recommend It to
mothers." It is tho only harmless remedy
that produces Immediate results. It cures
bronchitis, pneumonia, grlppo and throat and
lung diseases. "It will prevent consumption.
The Xort lnvoxteru I, Inn
Daylight special leaves Omaha 7.00 a. m.
and arrives at 8:30 the samo ovenlng. Tho
only daylight train from Omaha with library-
buffet service.
City offices. 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam street.
Via tlio IlnrlliiKtnii.
Daylight Express 7:25 a. m.
Vestlbuled Flyor 4;00 p. m.
Chicago Limited 7:30 p. m.
Chicago Special 12:35 midnight.
Tickets at 1502 Farnam at.
will leave Omaha 11:35 p. m. and ar
rlvo Denver 1:20 p. m, next day, mak
ing nearly an hour quicker tlmo than
for .Colorado leaves Omaha 4:25 p. m.
arrives Denver 7:35 a. m. next day.
Through Pullman Sleepers, Dlnloe
Cars, Buffet Cars.
City Ticket Office 1302 Farnam.
Tel. 316.
Best Dining Car Service.
AkciI (iorninn lttr a Stone- to Ills
Wrlat nml In AUaul to Jump Into "V.rn Soiled.
'Aged, III and dospondent, Charles Saabcrt,
a German, attempted-to commit suicide Sun
day afternoon by drowning.
Saabert has spent' ills winters In Omaha
for several years. Hie has always been out
of funds and has been an applicant for lodg
ing at the police station every night ho has
been In tho city. Lately he has been given
n cot in the halt.'- Sunday he went to the
river at tho foot of Douglas street, whero
ho mado ready to drown himself by fastening
n heavy stono to his left wrist. While ho
was In tho net of Jumping Into the river
ho was seen by J. E. Morse, watchman nt
the yards of tho Cudy Lumber company, who
i seized him and held him until n policeman
arrived and took him to the station. When
I tho policeman arrested him ho said that ho
had mado up his mind to die, for ho hnd
, nothing more to livo for. Ho Is 77 years of
ago and has no relatives In this country.
M. I). Smith, Putternut, Mich., says, "Do
Witt's Llttlo Karly Risers nro tho very best
pills I ever used for costlveness, llvor nnd
bowel troubles,"
Havo you seen "Tho Pnlioon?" This Is one
of tho pictures you get through a Peo cou
pon. It Is a reproduction of a famous paint
ing nnd 1b a work of art. Coupons and 10
Trains dally for Chicago via tho NORTH
WDSTKRN L1NC. A full list of them can
bo secured at 1401 and 1103 Farnam street.
Seo C. F. Harrison's land bargains.
Elmer Polln was nrrested by the police
Sundny morning on suspicion. He Is be
lieved to know something nbout recent
small robberies from dwelling nnd rooming
A fnlso report was sent out from Fort
Dodge, In., by tho Associated Press Satur
day to tho effect that tho scenery of "Tho
Devil's Auction" company had been so
ruined by a rnllwny accident thnt It was
neccssnry for the company to cancel nil
further engagements for tho season, The
report originated from a trilling accident,
whereby u stutlon truck, loaded with a
small portion of the baggage mid stage
pnrnpliernnlla of the company, was struck
by a switch engine nt Fort Dodge.
Have you noticed Low the Burlington koops Eettltiff
bigger nml bigger? -
A year ngo it wns only 7,4-'- miles long.
U'oduy Its lcugtli Itj 7,787 miles.
In 'iiolut of mileage tho lluillngton Is the second
railroad In the world. In point of service, It is llrst
Four trains a day, Omaha to Chicago four to Lin
coln three to St. Joseph two to Kansas City two to
Denver one to St. I.ouls one to the IMack Hills.
TelcplloilC 250.
Soiling Ladies' lino ?3.50, $-1.00 and
$5.00 Shoes Monday at
Selling Men's Fine 3.00 and $3.50 Shoes
Monday at
Thousands of pairs of Fine Now Shoes, direct from tho
factory floors at only a fraction of thoir worth is attracting
the attention of all Omaha. Such wonderful shoo values
were never offered beforo all now stylo
shoes. All sizes, widths. Made by such
well known manufacturers as J. P.
Smith Shoe M'f'g Co., Rochester Shoo
Co, , Geo. F. Daniels & Co. , A. H. Aborn
& Son and Mound City Shoe Co. All
first class manufacturer of line shoes.
Every pair of these shoes worth $3 to
$5, -will be on big bargain tables $1.50
Monday, in our two shoe departments
Monday at $1.50 a pair.
Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Shoes Tvith f
Land turned soles, new style French heels, silk top facings and
llnest trimmings. .Shoes mado for a small on stem dealer to sell
for $1.50on sale ni
Ladies' Fine Chrome Kid
tons, single fle.xlblo soles and host trimmings throughout, all sizes
llnest trimmings. Shoes made for a swell
on sale Monday at
True Worth is Modest
So is tlie price of
Sheridan COal, in Wyoming.
LUMP; $5.50. NUT OR EGG, $5.00. PEANUT, $4.50.
VICTOR WHITE, 1C05 Farnam. Tel. 127.
This kind of spring weather behooves us
to again call attention to the greatest
spring remedy known that's CHA.MKll'8
your kidneys and liver nre working well
you nro a fortunate person but If they nro
not, you can easily get wiem in worsing
order by using this wonderful remedy,
Cramer s Kidney Curo
Srhnefer's Cough Syrup .
Doan's Kidney Pills
I'slno's Celery Compound
Hood's Snrsnpartlla
Wine of Carilu!
Duffy Malt Whiskey
i nstoria
Syrup of Figs
Aycr s Hal
Ir Vlcor
Plerco's Favorlto Prescription
Plnkham's Compound
S. 8. S
Hamburg Figs 15s
Plnuud's Kuu de Quinine 3Sc nnd 7Jc
Cor. lUth nnd Clilonno Sta.
LEAVE 7:00 A. M.-4:C5 P. M.-7:39 P. M.
LEAVE 6:65 A. M 7:20 P. M.
LEAVE 3.00 P. M.
Cit" Offices. 1401-03 Farnam.
Telephone 12S.
Shoe Selling.
Shoes Lace1 with silk vesting
eastern dealer to sell
and congress, with Ooodyear welt soles,
Kangaroo tops, leather top facings and
Lest linings Shoes made for another
dealer to sell for ?:i.00 and $1.00 nil ou
sale Monday at
Ono big bargain table of boys' nnd
girl's fine shoos, worth ?1.W) to $'J.W)
at $1.18 i pair. Child's lino 70e patent
leather shoos at SlSc.
Advertisements are not shoos. Words aro not
shoes nor is romantio language ovon the prico
announced in great black typo, sproad all ovor tho
page, does not make shoes.
Many good peoplo act as though these things
made shoos, and thoy rush oil to buy thoy buy
trash thoy got fits that is, thoy havo fits after a
fow week's wear, when thoy find thoy havo been
hypnotized into buying job-lot off-sizes, seconds, etc.
If tho public would lot such bombastic announce
ments alono and trade where peoplo can bo relied
upon, then thero would bo less trouble with shoo
Nebraska's Shoes Are Good Shoes
Thoy look well because thoy aro shapely and fin
ished, feel well becauso thoy fit, wear well because
they aro mado of good Block and well put together.
Every pair has those three good points.
Wo'vo a woman's shoo wolt miy Btylo too aa to o mannish last
uarantcod perfect Jlttln it's a regular $3.50 shoo, our in-loo only
Our spring top coats aro cut in tho advance merchant
tailor styles and in tho newest and choicest fabrics. Cover?
cloths, oxford gray, vicunas and swell Venetians aro lioro in
great variety for you to choose from at 5.00, 7. 50, $10.00
and $13.50 wo show you top coats that represent the acmo o4
style and tailoring. You save money on thorn.
See them in our windows. Moro suits than all the
houses in Omaha combined. Our immenso mail order busi'
ness in addition to our great local trade enable us to buy in
vast quantities, thus securing tho very lowest prices. Our
clothing bears tho lables of the best tailors in America and
overy garment is guaranteed. Our requirements of all
manufacturers who make clothing for us aro these: lBt, all
interlined to be thoroughly shrunk; 2d, all pockets and other
vulnerable points must bo strongly stayed; 5kl, all buttons
firmly fastened; 4th, button holes to bo hand sowed; 5th,
collars and lapels to bo stitched by hand; 0th, all garmonta
sewed with silk. The selection of fabrics to bo mado into
suits aro selected with the greatest care by experts aro thor
oughly tested and examined and when linally passed upon
nro put through tho most rlfilil finishing process. Tho designing nnd nutting Is don
by artists, naturally qualified and thoroughly experienced. Tho linings, iiocketlngs.
buttons, sewing silk, lnterllntngs and nil tho accessories aro tho best that money and
experlcnco can secure, nnd tho lnsldcs "tho vitals" of our garments nre guaranteed aa
fully as tho fabrics themselves,
nro put through tho most rigid finishing and shrinking process. The designing nnd aut
ting is dono by artists, naturally qualified nnd thoroughly experienced. The Unities,
pocketlngs, buttons, sowing silk, Intcrllnlngs and nil tho nccessorles nro tho best than
money and experience can secure, nnd tho ltiBldcs "tho vitals" of our garmonta ar
guaranteed as fully ns tho fabrics tuomsolvos. j
The Fit, Finish and Quality of Every Garment
is Guaranteed.
Tho prices begin nt f 3 75 nnd run $3.00, $0.C0, $7.50, $8.00, $9.00, $10.00, $11.65,
$12.C0, $15.00. $18.00, $20.00 and J
Wo snvo you money and you can certainly And what you want. It costs yotl
nothing to look. j
Next week will Vm known In lornl
C Uuntlo Bprlntf is hero with her
I bolls and luul blond,
Wo shall place on snle 100 dozen of
BURNHAM'S Sarsaparilla
This Is mndo by tho same Iluriilmin
that makes Href, Iron and Wine. To
start the Sara?nrllla market gal
loping we shall sell
$ lioHlf of lliiriiliiim'n SurNii
liarlllii for , 111(1
l.HHttitl- .SiuIIiIir' SurNitiHii'llln T.'.ci
Kreo Samples of llurnliam's SurHuparlllu.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go,
Kith a nil Dodnc.
$5.00 A
Trtati ill Fornu of
22 Yean Experience.
12Yeauln Omaha,
MKDlCAI, Treatment
rim tlltlPrl. V: rti n..t.
Stricture, Syphllt,ossofVlfforand Vitality.
CniESOCAltANTEKD. Cbirtre low. HOME
TREATMENT. llooU, Consultation and Kiam.
nation Hee, Uonrs.8 a, tu. to6; 7to8p. m.
tunday,9tol2. 1'. O. Hox7W. Office. N. K.
Cor. Htuaud Farnam Streets, OMAHA, NEI1,
Cures when all
others full. I'rompt
In action. Sufe nnd
uro. Try It 25c
Lea & Perrins' j
Glvea a most delicious flavor to
Hot and Gold Meats,
Salads, Soups, Game,
Welsh Rarebits, etc.
T? Is (Iguaturo on cTory bottle
John Duncan's Sons, Agents, New Yrk
We will try
to keep you
when you hocoino our
truant. Tho reason there
uro bo fow cluuiKCH In
our tenants' llHtH In thnt
wo work Just n h hard to
jileitKo you tif tor you aro
located iih liuforo. Wo
never let the building1
run down, either ' by
wear and tear or lu
point of net-vice.
The Bee Building
it. (J. l'irrnuH & co.
Jtentul AKvnlp.
Cures Gonorrhoea, Gleet or unnatural
chargtH In n. fow days. Full dlr.otlon.
I'rlco 11. M. All druggists, or mall. D, Die
& Co.. 113 Contra tit.. Nw York.