Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    Thk Omaha Daily Bee
13. ItOSIJWATKlt. Hdltor.
TKHM8 ok gunacttiiTioN.
Eally ltee (without Sunday), Olio Year.J6.00
ally lice and Sunday, Unu Year 8.00
illustrated Hoc. Ono Your 2.00
Sunday lice, One Yenr 2.00
Saturday Hoe, Ono Year l.W
Weekly llec, ono Year 65
Omaha: Tho Ueo Hulldlng.
South Omaha: City Hall Building, Twen-ty-llftli
nnd N Htrcntn.
Council Muffs: 10 Pearl street.
Chicago: 1610 Unity Hutldtng.
New York: Temple Court.
Washington: G01 Fourteenth street,
Communications relating to news nnd edl
There appears to bo no doubt tlmt tho
Hrltlsh government linn received from
President rCrtigor a propositi for u ces
sation of hostilities, with it view to
nrrnnglngtornis of pence. Wo were
Inclined to discredit statements to this
In Irascd. Tho ninyton-Hnlwor treaty English trrops aLadysmlth found no fault
in ueKiiowieueeii to no it suiisiMlng ram.
pact. having boon so lecognlzod In some
way by the government since 1SC.O, so
that thin convention would continue, to
prevnll In tin; event of the fitlltiro of the
new treaty, so that the United States
effect made it few days ago, but tho I could not construct and control a canal
later advices show them to have been
well founded
Tho civilized world will await with
profound Interest tho result of this effort
of the Transvaal president to end the
cohlllct. and In the meantime the ques
tion naturally miggests Itself whether
this Is a betrayal of discouragement
and weakness, the consoiitioneo, perhaps,
without the assent of (Stoat Itrltaln-a
condition which the treaty now before
the senate would roinov.
The committee's report Is favorable to
the llay-I'attneerote treaty with the ex
ception ie ted and It can doubtless bo
rati tied with the proposed amendment.
The question Is whether tho British gov-
ernment would accept this change and
mum1m'& maha f (,lrfV1',,"(;", ,,m0l,K Ml ,w",ttrH m,a tin- answer to this may depend some-
' TilisSs Stkus. demoralization among the forces of the wlmt U,a 1L, vt,W8 (jf othip ni(U.ltilIl(.
uslnos.i letters and remittances should republics. Tlnjro have been reports powers which are presumed to have
1,10 . -- unu uns was tno case ami the later K0Im. iorest In the i.mtt,.r ....!
yuKti viaaiiiii i i I ----- - ......
HUMlTTANCns. amicus give mom creuenec. it nas ueeu the British government might doom It
nemlt by draft, cxnress it nostnl orden stated that some of tho leaders and i.viw..n,...t .. .......... u i. i ,
payable to Tho Hee Publishing Company. . . ()f .., 0p,...0 ,,...,, ., .,.,,. Kv ' . " 1,um
Only 2-ccnt stamps accepted In payment of N-"1'- ' tu Uratlgc Moe httlte eie pHi,Klol, tlmt ,n,.,Hs.uior ot
S""'iu. w tx)ntinuinK tne war ami mat j1VMl rllaln has already ,.xrr..Hs,..i
Omnhu or Knstern exchanges, not accepted.
Htato of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.
there were many In the Transvaal re
public willing that It should end. With
the overwhelming forces of the British
moving steadily forward In their Invit-
.'wrK" u- TIiurk, secretary of The lico slou of tile republics It would not be
aL!s1IttT'l!!Ji'i JlS,.XrUHlf.AwSrn,!i remarkable If this sentiment should
S S " ,.L;?,i". "J . J'VL "a". J?0J5 !": Bw. Yet only a few days ago there
th month of February, i'soo, was as foi-1 was an announcement from the srere
lows; ........ .. ... .
, 2(1 7R0 1,1 "' suite ot ine fouio xirirnii n
"HIS'u'tiil I,uhllt' that the reverses experienced hud
."jiiIhko not discouraged the burhei-s and that
;;5j;7oJi they would light to the lust In defense
.SILT io 0f their Independence ami stunning as
Himself as hostile to tho proposed
amendment, hut this Is most Improb
able and It Is not to be doubted was
sent out lor political effect
with tho durahU. nihilities ot tho Missouri
mule meat 1 '
u n
A I'uir tilr n Period.
PaKhdefi.hla Times.
Whonever Hry4n 'slops to talk nt even n
small station It takes a locomotive to pull
htm away. ') rf
Sliiiili- nt fuppir Tandy.
Cljliiaai) Hecord.
Just as If the.lrlau would not wear green
i St. Patrick's tUy wilt
tho queen.
uy without an order from
SoW tor ii lloul.
St. P.ttit Pioneer Press,
It must mako the' Calamity howlers Rrlnd
their teeth In impotent rage when they lead
Hn'CBilir (itilliiiit ry.
W'nrhlnston Star.
as a gentleman of the moat cultured ami
chivalrous Instincts. Ilia proposed payment
of ZjO.OOO to ex-Queen Lllluokalanl may be
objected to as politics, bat there Is no doubt
about Its gallantry.
Itt-vl-iluu Accord vrltli Fnct.
Minneapolis Times.
Heaver City Tribune: Furnas county has
Schuyler Sun (roil.): Tho neonto nt nmnli
. ' . - - " . x . . . . 1111 lie I
fcuuu mayor wncn mey nau one anu moro ncrea of alfalfa than any other county
re-elected Frank Moorcs In snlto of tha 1 In tho statu nnd mr. .
man any other county In tho state. It Is
not a coincident. It Is cnuso and effect.
Superior Journal: Two soldier boys In ono
family ought to be ctmtiRh. Frank Hender
son Is with tho poldlers of the queen In
South Africa. Hoy Henderson Is with Undo
Sam In Manila. Dr. Henderson sav. h.ivinif
only tho two boys, should another war break
dirty, nuid-slhiRlnR fight uiado against him
by tho World-Hcrald.
Flllmoro Cltronlclo (rep.): Frank R.
Moorca, republican, wnn on Tuesday re
elected mayor of Omaha by 1.000 malorltv.
This Is ns It should be and puts Omaha lit
excellent condition for the coming state and
presidential campaign
tn . . ... i i. .. . .
uuu iiiht interests trep.) : Tho republl- Ilu w'" nave to snui up niiop and go him
cans or umaha dowtuM the dcmo-noi) ma- "cir.
emtio In Tuesday's election with a handsome lleatrlco Express: Nebraska people should
majority. This victory will strengthen tho contribute liberally to the fund for the relief
ropuoncan party all over tho stato and havo of HiotHeiii.iiri' ui.w mi,.i,
that 20,000 tube workers havo had their u wholesome effect on next fall's campaign, are at least ns generous as tho balance of tho
wages advanced an additional 10 per com. urn tjuiz (rep.): The election of Moorcs pcpujatloti of the Unltexl States and should
as mayor of Omaha again I a notable vie- lo as much for Mrs. Stotscnhurg, proportion
tory for republicans. Much depends on that n'cly. as was dono for tha widow of Ucnernl
nt V I f 1 III! AnHllHH t - . t ll II r . . I .. . .
Senator HnAr nlwav. hn rrnnll V.. B" eiccuon an.l TO-
, .. .i " ... . i'".i ueieui mere wouui navo been taken Tekamnli .Tnnmn1 n,ni,. wi.i.
nc n l.ll....l v ...... . .. - ...... unu-
Z , , c y 1 c 1 sal 18 10 "ernla of 11 Tcnl ,,ntl' slrnks ' highest
...... ,,ralsa or Jll(jK0 i)cln(,on mI m rulKa
lleatrlco Kxprere (rep.): Frank K. Moorcs election ballot caao which came beforo
was ro-elected mayor of Omaha by n pleas- htm In Omaha. It was a political case nnd
lug majority and tho republicans won 'a hls Instance Justlco was found by Judgo
iinuiisiioui. inis is another cruel blow to "icsinson to bo with tho party represented
uio umana world-Herald, which will prob- u" tno World-Herald. Had matters been re
. ."ii, ir,o
. j.-.kho
. i:o,o.-,o
. .yo.noo
.1:0.7 10
. ic
27, nr.
. .L'o.r.oo
Make mi mistake tiiriii:.
Home of our popoeratle friends pro
fess to derive much consolation out of
the fact that the olllclal canvass of the
vole reveals several discrepancies be
tween the returns made by the election
Hoards to the city clerk and the tallle
msiiie 1 ue no nooks. ' n n.... .r
.ait.K-to 1 , , . ,, course, nrlnts tln it,MM..,u nU i,,
.1 111111(111. .IILUIIIIN 11 nil- V iiiuni I ... 1 - 1 ..p,.... ..r, un t, .in; IC
the Boers In this country President
in -tun
'.'.'.jui.ria Kruger's offer to cease hostilities was
'"20 170 mudo in order that Great Britain may
- be responslblu for the slaugliter which
Ies3 unfoicY nnd'reVurnaY'cop'les!!!; ib(M)b I is Inevitably coming to her troops, lie
Not .nt,.t .t. T.m.r.K; Haiti the offer was made In good faith.
Net dally nvcrage '. so,T3S imt hud the double purpose of giving
H(v otifl Trnna
Subscribed and sworn to bpfore mo this
nin nay or Kcbruarv. A. D. 1900.
(Seal) m. II. HUNGATK,
Notary Public.
Knglnnd a chance to retire gracefully.
ported, and for that reason Its llguros
corresponded with those returned to the
city clerk. Tho changes divulged by tho
olllclal canvass have no siuwdiii admin.
cance. although they reduce the major
ity of .Mayer .Moorcs by a little over too
Neither do they bear out tho assertion
Unit tho mayor was slaughtered in all
The groundhog's time for hibernation
Is nbout up.
Patronize homo newspapers as a part
Df tho home Industry movement
1 . i.
Tills seems most Improbable, yet there ll" 'ciiuoiican wards. On the contrary,
mav lie soinetlilmr In It. As to motives. '" exceptions, lie held ills own
otu may be to more strongly Intrench ,n the republican wards as com-
the Boers in tho world's sviuimth.v and l"u'0(1 w"h the majorities teceived In
to stimulate sentiment In favor of Inter- """ mu against Kd IIowoll
ventlon. An earnest appeal for peace ,,,m' 3'i'ars ago. In the Fifth wnrd he
that should bo ruthlessly releetetl by ""wased his majority from 24 to r5.
Great Britain might havo a most de- 1,1 i'"' Mxtn ward he had a majority of
Did you notice the superiority of The
Sunday Bee? None like it In this sec-
lion of the country.
In all the excited discussion over the
status of Porto Hleo the Porto Itlcans
ure manifesting the most Indifference
about it.
Sr, in 1S!)7 and 7l In WOO. In the Ulghtl;
ward his majority of H8 In 18U7 was re
duced to (I. In the Fourth ward his ma
Jorlty of 2.-)!) was minced to 107. Tho
only wards which show substantial to
publican defections are the Seventh and
Ninth. In which .Moo res received hiajor
elded effe'Ct In promoting the demand
for mediation.
The Homl-otllclnl statement regarding
the views of the British government
does not encourage the hope that over
tures for peace will receive eonsldera
Hon at present That Government la
evidently determined to prosecute the lt,ps of VM "N'1 respectively In 1897.
war at least until It shall have broimht w,,lh! u,py went for I'oppletou tills year
It is onlv three mnntim m, about ii situation that will enable It " ""'Jornies 011 ami 0 respectively.
Bus takers will IipHu ...iu to make whatever terms It pleases, or M" 01 .Moores- majority In the
What Is Ihe Commercial club going to l',,I-haps until the subjugation of the ',vllolt was Ull). Tills has been In
do about it? Boers is comnlete nnd their territory Clt':ls,'l this year to 8i)2. The niayoi
- 1 1 ...
entirely at its mercy. "Will European "rt u? e-Ieeted this year without the
powers stand nloof and permit tliis to 11,lm wn "t nil by a majority of :t04,
be consummated? Pr 'nrly 100 more than his majority
three years ago. And without tho First.
itEVOHM THiiuuun gag , UVI.E. Second and Third wards he would lie
When a pop exlltor Is a fool, he la tho I elected bv n mnlorltr j.r "in r. . tut
nr. ... . . I . . ... - I " -" o..,
n u lenr uio ciiasm neiweon secretary o'Kgesi 1001 on oartn. we wouiu tike to inore than hi mnlnritt- in icir
j-uws 01 me wiato Hoard of Transporta- ".a ",,u UI lw-u 'ras '.ue 00Ul If demoemts c.-m ,.,..,i.,.i..
tlon and tin. Incil imin,.ml,. au "icroarool tnem in thU state how they .... .
... , , 1 ,1)0 1 " a hUS Pl to promote reform by making con- ol,t of ",1S0 ,,?mes tl,,,y certainly
...wnmiiiuimiiBi, ullllll nltnrlM nn lh .ll. mn . Cllt ItlCI to t
cording to their own ndmlsslnns, have given
Ti I.I 1... 1 . . .. .
n Huiiiu 1.0 in onier now tor the man
nKement ot the South Omaha stock
yards to set aside a ward for blllygoats
nnd nannygoats.
1 1'l! A T WILL THE Plll'ULIS'lS (lETI
It must lie depressing for Omaha pop-
oflicos of that thriving city.
Now let South Omaha republicans fol- ua the best administration that Nebraska
low III Omaha's imeo anil Instnll 11 col nf ha.1 over had? No ono claims that thesn men
republican olllclals in tho municipal havo nnt mado 8Om0 nitetakes If they had ",ls,s who size up the returns of the city
lurJr "uuiu ot op numan Deingi at eieeuon in an effort to discover what
Iw" " ' . . , . l'l'"M "re to get out of tho fusion
, , I " ""'uh vuniniuil UIIU !UlUUa I iii'fiiTH.ini TT....I. 1. .
l eiiinps rresiuent KniKor mleht lie attacks on them.-Nnhmkn iii0n0n,i.,i hhuik oeen sacnuccd sd
Induced to mediate for us In Kentucky From the organ of the state house
and let President MeKlnley reelpiocate machine called "the mw1
by mediating in South Africa. nrofoxsinir to voice the ..r tin.
'people's Independent party
this de-
I t- . aij twin
-Those captured Boer generals must be niand for a gag rule to throttle the iu
coi Muereu pretty l.lg prizes if they are dependent populist press is paradoxical
u lumumi uiu same privilege of St to say the least,
uaeieua enjoyed by the groat Napoleon
often to the greed of the democratic ma
chine the experience may not have the
element or novelty, yet true populists
must be amazed at the way their party
has been dissipated by subjection to the
democratic quest for snolls.
When the fusion city convention was
tttnto nfllniid nen Iwiotntitn.. ,it,...A
Will Mm . tiiKeruver
"l'vilir t-VIUlL IIITIIVCr lUC It lilt mniniinn.l. 1...I.I...I 1.
nnllcft ..,,irtn.lUul,.n ,itDl ..... . . """I"'--'""-- uvinim iiiokoh
....nii.u as IHUMUtilMl Tl Kl PI.9 1111 (1 n,iv.1 In l,l
W ft... , I .... " " I'HIllurillH lll
.""-."r. Kfueraw longer deceives those who do not want
ii'i n r.niit.1 ..n . i . .... , - .......
...v. ...... . iiiunu villi hivi; uio iiiiawcr.
If the inenibers of the new city coun
cil will steer shy of combinations and
travol the straight road none of their
friends will over regret having voted for
The sham reformers who occupy the 1,1 Kwwtou Mil,no hl promises were
...ii.n- nun mi. Kiuue oxpectatlons of pa
tronage held out In order to secure as
sent to the fusion agreement. When the
ticket came to be made un. however, tho
populists discovered that the Ronerosltv
of the democrats extended only to giv
ing tnem two nominations on the coun
to be deceived, but Is coming In for con
stantly Increasing criticism from the
uiiinu.zled newsnnners of their own
.o m:i:ii of st iisiihi:.
Covcrntiipul lliiuiily .Ni nilcil In Itc
vUo Anicrlciin .Icrclmiit Murine.
llaltlmore Amerlciui.
The original ship mibsldy bill has gone all
to pieces and an effort will be mado to brim
some of the fragments together and tnck on
other, so as to mako It palatable to
sufllclcnt number of congressmen. In other
words, certain Intere'sts which had been left
out In the cold by tho original bill aro to ba
let In on tho ground lloor and the "I'll
tickle you If you'll tlcklo mo" prlnclpln Is
to stivr Hie measure wifely Into port. It U
difficult to say If any enlargement of tho
prowslons can mako the bill less obnoxious,
It will probably make It more dangerous to
the honest merchant marine of tho United
Mates, because the trust f.aturn will l.
continue! and tho main object will bo to
Ret all the money out of the treasury which
ine broadest construction of tho bill will
There appeared to bo fwtne danger n few
week, nR0 f ,np pilwli,Rp ()f ,h,s b (ho
that may haro been llhuory. There doe,
liov skillfully the logrolling may bo done,
to ?LnCr?Kr,1"m,,n ","'cly anslou.
nd1 :VR., ,m",M '!? '""loo
I i . V -"mi i wl a 0, 1)s n n,,n,.,
of doing It. nt tlmv i,.,v- ......... ' ' '
a I Inn, In.. .. . " lMIIC Ill-
Mr. Ilryan'a latest epigrams. Ho might Kinninn him..,. , . .... political ititPttta n -m.nuiM i i.i I . ... ""'meter sinee and there are
haxo expressed It In this way: "Now and dt v rnin m,o i.i . . havo horn nnll,i u-in, vii i ... Li ,., ' , " m' '""Killed that thi
"Some men get ideas in their heads nnd ably mako somo further reference to tha versed and the Judgo found Justlco demand
otheis get them In their necks." Is ono of sting of ingratitude. Ing .h!s decision against the World-Hcrald'i
uryans latest epigrams, no mignt Stanton Picket frim.l: At Mm nm.i,, lolltlcnl Interests, ns a remibllcan ho wool,
expressed It n this way: "Now and city election the republicans showed a united I,avo 1,00,1 n'"''1' violent nnd scath- should ever Imvo ivKirdi nl'V '1
U iahe neHcV ' ea " " " 'r"1 8UCh " lhpy I,avo ,10t llo tor "T nnA ihot, l-'"'ry original bill o , oonon"
H thc "ecl" Thta la particularly gratifying to re- I,lctuml n collection of political j 000 among two or three "nVrnJ i ui,n V '
lt.....,..rN ,,t fain. Xomi.. publicans over tho state and should thc same l',an,t(,1.or ,ooI.fl' ha(1 t,1B World-Herald fol- quired to bring ki.o tramp toll V.
San FranrUco Chronicle. condition prevail at tho fall election It will
That there will be a big rush to Capo 8 omo ways toward republican success.
Nome thU season may be accounted as ccr- riorco Call (rep.): Considerable Interest
ihiii, urn ii win uo wen iur iiico who iiuiik i a aero in tin. nuirn,,,.. ......
' , . I .1 . I nit fl U. w, my iiujiii-
u. j.-ii.ii.f, uu.- mm u, i ciiiuiiujvr luui. mum i .j' nisiii in urnana Tuesday nnd all rentib
r I .1... ..llHl...a 1.1... n ....1,1 I .1. n. .... Illr.l!n tt m.. . .... . . I
u. ft'iiti-i inn iuita u. Kuiu in mat v.- i . la ...-it' leaiiy me.meil tn I
cinlty have been told either by
havo claims there to sell or by
who oxipect to make money out
earn of Frank .., n,M.. i..i ... .
men wht, k. Mcores- re-election ns well a, the nntlr . .'"h,,rat """'oniy in our na-
shltinwnnrs republican ticket, n i " wu" H,,n vituperation, yea, oven charge al-
I " " i ' w v n iiiu t' 'in i it .
of tho rush. Party In good fighting trim for tho fal cam- i I. . com,Uct- Tlluy Blvu Bobc''
palgn. Tho mud batterv f ,h. Zi lMn" Intelligent citizens a tired feeling
I ...... " - 'UIIU-IUIUIU I
UB,"' meuioiis ami tnooo or other tne Amor can ling, and this n. i i V
Wlmlftl political organs. Thus It Is that one an American m?rchS nt . a m tL.
great element In this country has endeavored I posed amendments are d.-slgi Z 2mZ
to besmlrel, the Judiciary of Loth state and , tho same amount among tiie original com
nation Political organa that are blinded by j Panics, and several others " hi .t o , e ted o
self-lntere?.t and political prejudice assault being frozen out. t-"Jt.ted to
DoiIhIuiv l.neiil Tnxiitlon
Ts'ev; York Tribune.
Tho telegraph company which objects to
special franchise taxation on tho ground
that It holds Its franchise from the general
government and not tho Btate should get
tho general government to furnish It streets
undoubtedly Increased the majorities for tho
lui'uuncau ucKot.
This country wants a genuine American
merchant marine, built in n... u.,i..i .
, by American worklngmen, -and manned by
. ! American sailors. This cjim i.n t.n.i wm,.
Cambridge Clarion: Thero la n screw ' PyliiK a cent out of the I
tnnan nrtuiielim'n l . m .. i llfWintaiirv t.-- '
.vv. Uu.ilv,.,muj i u Vlll. uurt'iiu ni innnr n il ui iiiu uuvurnmpiir in tnitmn ii...
i'apimon Herald (rep.)- Krank P Mnnrna ,uulwu IUI "uuisucs. uio labor cammlsalon- '"" lw Pr cent on nil cncrobntid'aa
.. .. . 1 ,tn 1 ririn lin,nnn ...... ..... ..... . . . . rnrrln.l In . ... '
v. u..... .un,, ui lm, biiuo oi eura8Ka . " il-.ih umioms. u congress li
build up the merchant
to turn to section 22 of
. The nrnvlnlni! i. n,.-..
ri'VlH I ,.,,, ,!, i ... " . "" h" vitw OnMnrlnir n,..,o I mado for ii.. ,1, ... ..
thrni.irl, wl.lnh l l,ln lla urlm. If It "u i'""l"u. ! CW people S3 W a d rt or ' .u h..wn i.M r urilllH i , .. . "l ...o invidiam marillB
" " " ' " " olmnii nn ll.on .1... . . .. ... . . rOllntV. nitlW n V In rr.irnr.1 I.. t,na I. I- I "I IIIU COUIlirV. It In II... 1-1
... ... - d..,..u iuuvihiuu
o great men who founded the cnv.
adopted for that purpose, and which
North I'latto Tribune mn- ti, i- ugurea Is to bo questioned when it is con-
was elected mayor of Omaha last Tnesdnv " n oinclal mnP" f state of Nebraska rri In Amctlean
hy 1.000 majority. The result of this dec- llw""1 Dpcembcr 1!99- '""l Is sup-. sl,,e;,rol' nnxlous to
tlon proves, conclusively, that tho World. ,CEC'1 to Bhow by fo""Hes tho commodities I ",ar"10' " has ony I
Herald's tactics of dirty talk does nnt 1 markctcil during tin, year 1S0S. While koiuo ! ,Ile Present tariff act.
....... . rf "ula nut I.U t,nn , .. a.. .. , .. . i mniln frtf 1,lt,1 1.. . ...
wiui me poopio. Few neonle .iw n .lining """"""s uie aro given tor Furnas . ..
Botoot the ca,m,sn than that waged by tho World- c0,lnly' r"I'ocl"ll' regard to hogs, as It Is I "r.,"'0 co1
.ys from he HeraW- "t that seems to bo the way that crodlted with .hipping 79.800 head and I '
ys lrom lnc Paper alwoys works. leading tho state, yot tho accuracy of theso i "n,"tnt ni
doesn't want to pay taxes to tho
value of the right of way It enjoy
state, let It buy prlvato property.
1 i xiiuuuu irup.j: rno re-elec
lllinrn nil' .llinirr Willi nunnirri l nun ui .uayor AlOOrCS and llln mirpnn nf
Silver Creek Times (sll. rep.) almost tho cntlr.. renuldlmn tt0i,.,( i .,,
"r. i'a"B, supennienucni oi ine in.iiiiuiioii umana city election caunei rm.ui.w ,i,i
for Feeblo Minded nt neatrlec, according to Jolclng among republicans in tho state as
all accounts. Is having a great deal of the result will havo consldcral.l., h.irin n.
trouble. Recently ho permitted himself to I tho fall election. Tim rami.ninn ,.i.
bo sued for $5 and Judgment was rendered Moorcs was a most vlclntm m... i,i i
against him. Hut the great trouble Is with harmony prevailed and when tho latter Is
uovernor l'oyntor. lie made n great mia- I mo case umaha noes republican
tako In not sending Lang thero as an Inmato. Weeping Water lteniif,llMn . ti,
Instead of putting him at tho head of tho n Omaha Tuesday was looked upon as hav-
i"K uu important bearing upon thq next fall
eloctlon, and wo hope It may, for tho repub
licans were successful. Mayor Moorcs was
ro. elected by 1,000 majority and seven out
of nine councilman aro remibllcana. The
campaign was tho hottest that was ever
waged in Omaha. The World-llernld nn
sldered how far off tho commissioner Is on
acme other commodities. Ho elves the
county credit for shipping ISO tons of Ice.
und It Is an actual fact that llankln Pros,
of thla placo shipped over 4,800 tons. This
Arm also shipped about forty-two toiiB of
broom corn, to say nothing of tho largo
nmount shipped from Holbrook, Arapahoe,
RdlFoii, Oxford and other towns In the
county, and tho commissioner gives tho
whole county credit for only forty-two tons.
Wo aro willing to accept his hog report as
correct because wo havo no data on this sub
ject, but when It comes to ico and broom
corn tho commissioner had better "come off
Ida perch."
Seen a PnltU-nl Millennium
Iiloomliigtoii Kcho.
It really begins to look as If the mil
lennlum was ubotlv hfire politically. At a
political meeting eld In Omaha last Satur-
...... T V, ., fl . H'rtVw, n .1 ... I , -.1
uuuii a ii.udivi ui... munuiii I .Ini.KI I f
Kosewater sat together on the same plat- '"""r sung o ingratitune."
form and each mfldo addresses to tho audi- .. Journal (rep.): Tho ontlre rcpub- was defeated In a municipal election ut
ence. Tl,l a thii nit l mi. thou., ul. p "a ciecieii in umana Tursdnr I umaha tlin other il.iv. Wnmnn aiirrrnun I.
Btatcsmeu have bijtu within a block of each . ' u ""r ''op '"cnus aro busy assorting that not aa yet been secured In Nebraska
otner for years, and it Is truly ncped that """""' luus.i aim oums, uut last Huffalo Express: Omaha has elected a re
.ii.i . . . -
w... .itiimuy prouueo the greatest merchant
marine In tho world. This section has slum
bcrcd soundly since the law was enacted,
but It Is there, nevertheless, and can be
enforced by a simple order from congress, or.
If It bo desired, the phraseology can bo
changed and, Instead of putting 10 per cent
moro duties on goods In foreign ships. It
enn be mado to read "10 per cent less duties
on goods In American ships." No subsidies
would be needed, and no trusts would bo
created by enforcing this section, but the
merchant marine would be enlarged and tho
section would bo magical In Its oporatlou.
Chicago Tribune: l'isher-Ifow nro you
keeping Lent?
Cutbalght-I've got a boll.
r.. .M..i t ..
ri,i- mi .,.... . . .... """ Journal:
"'""s" iiimu-iiuiiim: a man uamou uug motion, uncle Jim?"
"What Is perpetual
"It's tho way some imlltli'luim vin. rnr
years and never get nn olllce."
UrOllklVM I.lfo Itlltti.rll,- l.....,Hl..t
sir! lhero ure nceues In your comedy tlmt
it is but tho 'harbinger of peace. 1M" wno" tno liquor Interests had tho sa- publican mayor. Some significance attaches ""nkespeare himself could not have writ
uo. s scatier circulars over tho state and do to tho fad that the campaign was conducted : i,,,tnv.. - ,
"Not at all. nlr. Take, for Instance, that
railroad smash-up In tho third act."
Mike Iliirrliitiin Vnnt Nothing.
O'Neill Indepclideiit (pop.)
IhnJ- ,,,... . oi... .... . . v" "Ff."
...n. iui uoicomn ror Biinremn I inn.oi.. .,nti,.,i iu...w n..,i... i
judge, and cavo him a. hip nminritv t.n i ....u.. ..,i ... ... '
Itnll onnntv onnnnt fll In nr,.,ropl.l tt.n ,ll.. . .... . . " ' " """"0r n-"iuiu nn Wllfll nominees are
j : t . - piuuamiuu 1 1 i it cranonsr v ctnrv rnr yn. i 1 1 . i.i 1 . t. .. ... . . .
many complimentary notices from the No- form In tho annals nf tlm t, .7 ' .... .. y 's ' lu"' uo,,R a"
tirnqlta l.rr ndvilfttlnn.' mir rxlmnn,! tnirna. ,!,. """ nwwiiy Uliuum, was CUrriCU
man. M. P. Harmg'tn tor a Ron. York Ti es rn l p u m
- ,M..i. u JL.Vi ... lorK Times (rep.): Frauk M M:orca has n ohe-ncninrrnf
1 i U..nt oV.,..i. uee.n. re-elected mayor of Omaha by a large ans havo Just won a brilliant vletorv In Hi
hraska In general, yel Mrllarrlngtou scorns T" "r "JZ,n ?3 ,Ve?y munIcl"nl elcctlt-n- T1"s " """ook
to be too closely attached to his profession Klniy ?nd Stw "i"" NovcrthclcBfl' bo wtl1 probably bo
to give It up for a public ofllco or even to Iircsag f v ctorr next a n,,Ka,'"3 "n" r,c"""latoJ at tho " clt' convention,
seriously consider such a nrooosltlon. ' Is.?. .? , i!?.t.fa"' unltcJ rc"ubl1- At a time when no democrat can carry tho
' 1'u",as cnly r in the city cocntry theco Is not likely to be much strife
Iiinllcnnl.le lllnlitu of HuNl.niulM. i." i , ,,"r"ovor le repuu- for the democratic presidential candidacy.
iciiimirim Ampr ps n. i ' " uv.a.t-u iiii'i t; 11. 11 is iippn ti. innn i .i. t .. i . ...
i .i i . .. . I J vw ."wv, in i"u ijiiiiiuu ui R-.inu uemu
A St. I.nula lllilo-n Una tiravelv rnmn tn th I ..-... k ... mtru uwn lUlMllv roillls nnil ...n i n ... . ..
-- --- - - . . - ------ nvi. uo iumiMua, 13 juai HUUll u
uciense oi nis uowntrouaen sex uy deciar- ' u . u.i uubu in spuo oi i time,
ng that a husband who pays the rent has a l"rm-
right to break down tho door to get In "rand Island Independent (rep.): Tho re
whoa his wife locks him out. Ho Is do- Publicans of Omaha havo elected almost thn
terminal that the Inferior aialo shall havo "it'ru city ticket, notwithstanding a eevcro
some rights which oveu an enraged Amcrl- PTsonoi tight against Mayor Moorcs by tho
Springfield Republican: There Is consid
erable warmth In Omaha city politics Just
now. William O. Gilbert, chairman of tho
di'inocratlo city central committee, was ar
rested recently on a chargo of criminal libel,
Chicago Post: "Did you do n good busl
nw:i mi your Htariing tour?" asked tho
seedy thi'Fplan.
"I'm well, perhaps not so good ns tho
full" answered the star thought-
Indlanapolls Journal: "They ray that
muln meat gave tho hungry people In
Mmberley much better satlsftu tlon than
hoMo meat.
"That lin't strange. Mule meat would
nnturally mako them kick at other food."
Indianapolis Press: Tommy Paw, tli
paper says n man received money unlaw
fully. How could he receive It unlawfully
If It win given to lilm?
Mr. FlgR-"l,ntawfully" means ho didn't
receive enough.
Washington Star: "Talk Is mighty liahrl
to reggle-ato so'h tor make It pay," Hald
Fncle Kbcn. "Hf vou talks 'bout koiiio.
body oIhu's business nobody takes notlre.
olllee-holdors subjects . Itself to the
Tho Paris exposition threatens to he charge of being auhsltllzetl by ivnub
more helilnillmnil at the onculns; flnv ,,ens? Independence In the peo
than was Onialia's TrniiHiulsHlHsliipi ex- llIo'H I'l'loponilent party Is a thing "of
position. Paris could learn several U1" ll!,st ,lml uomlnatlon of inachliu
things from the Transnilsslsslppi.
party faith. Has It got to tho point t,,h"u"1'' ,l(,k,t. while the handful of sll
where every populist paper which opens vtT republicans, who lrad no votes to
Its columns to JtiRt criticism of populist ,"-m"' ftt)riieu one of tho prln
clpnl city olllces, as well as a council-
maiile nomination. Picking up the
pieces, (lie populists llnd that the two
so-called silver republican candidates
and one democratic candidate for tho
raged husband only If he payu the rent.
Another Mlaalonnry of ttir Klncr
Spreading the I.ticht in Hurapc.
New York World.
Clark F. Carr ii going to the Paris expo
sition on a mission ot the hlghrot bcnell-
Chicago Post: Tho bofjuets that tho Drlt-
lah are throwing at themselves becauso of
tuetliods, against which the parly was 0OU,1L'11 h"vt! -'' elected, while all of
in Its Inception an organized revolt, has l'l)"llst candidates are left by tho
IOverylhlng points to soli conditions become so intrenched n t nr.ivnu,. wayside.
that will Insure for Xebraska a bountl- despotic jiowers.
ful crop as tho gift of the turning year
r the new eontury. Prosperous farm
ers menu prosperity for all tho people.
Muzzling tho reform press promises to
be tho next reform of the sham reform.
era In the statu house.
If the three successful candidates on
tho fusion ticket have to whack up a
(Plr0 donation this yenr for the bcuellt
To be sure, the populists havo a writ
ten agreement by which they are to
have one-third of tho appointive olllcos
within the jurisdiction of the successful
fusion nominees, but in this case the
tax commissioner, with threo or four
employes, being tho only ono who
It appears highly probable that the
iNiearagua canal treaty will fail. It Is landed, will net them crl,mw mu. tiY.
i. . " - - I ..i.i ... .......... . . . ' ' - J"-
of the modest man at the head rr th ,u 1,10 Kcnorni opinion among paying fiom $7.r) to SIX) a nmntii.
fusion organ It will cost them Just $8.a3 OIHU '"'l'liunient olllclals that If the The llif, as a republican paper. Is not
ftplece. M.-IIUU- iiiiicnns uio treaty as proposed In position to advise with tho populists
It will not bo accented bv the Hellish
." V ' "r ' wnni mows, government, wlillo on the other hand Its from oxncsslne- lt wnmiPmn.,f
BltlCO the republican vlctOrv In ninnhn riillllentlnn lu nnlll.-i.U. xvlllw,,.! .....,i I.
.,..,,,,,. u . .. . . - -... ... ...... ".- nnig memoers oi mat party, wno profess
Z , I . "curaBK ro ummii. as aireaeiy reported Jn the ills- to be imbued with a devotion to popu
...... ...v... ...u.u iiiiuiii in un, i-anin. i iiiucues. ii is pro nosed 10 nrnvliln" Hint I list,.u ,..m .,n...
tAO ...n..n.; i ... ... .. I ... ...... """"-'. "" "" incinienvu 10
- ......ilu..,-,. n- pmcos on me ro. mu restrictions in the treaty shall not be used as catsnaws for tho -iiv .t..,
publican statts Ucket.
Mayor Mooros was elected by a sub
stantial majority excluding the entire
,Totc enst tn the First, Second nnd Third
(wards. Is it possible that tho criminal
classes and tho llipior. interest, to which
Mr. Poppleton refers, all live In tho up
per wards of the city?
operate to prevent the United states ocratlc machine operators? Will they,
" us v" rorce ior the pro- following the lillile precept, simply turn
tectlon of the Interests of the I'nlted the oilier cheek and enntlnnn tn lm i,v.
States and tho maintenance of order ers of wood nnd drawers of water for
. , , . .. , . . .. ... , . frotin mrnon T-h o..t. ."... ..... .. """" i";v;iiti)r u u uhuihu oi urillllliai II
cui. .e ..uiu i uuuuu vo .cBpc. it m oe -'r 'no preferred by Edward Ucfiswater, editor of tho ' an' of yoh talks about yob uwn you's liable
uuiituu, uuwCTcr, iuki, wuu ii ointtiy iuaa- - " vu..imiKii, Mi uuiianip republican Omaha Ileo and cno of the nroml- I 10 K'vo yonsoT nway.'
cullno sense ot Justice, this right to break " almost into vandalism. It looks, In- nfllt newapapor men of tho west. OIlbrt
uowu uoorti la 10 uo ompipyeu 'uy luo oui- " uniueu upon mo mvia had charced in u slL'iied nrtleln Ihnt ftn;.,,
IIP M flV( llnnvna nnntA.l fl I t . 1 "
" " vi .a 1 laLitu, i tin iiih nnm m . i 1 i . ..
w.m I,,-,! ,, ,u i. . . I "l"r r.uu 1111 porieii a noaung population
wero hard after the machinery of tho c tv n, i. .,0,i - ... .
i uu.ana. iui uso in mo cominir natlointl I ii i..nn
Hastings Record (rop.): Mnvor Moorns ban
been re-elected by tho voters of Omaha, ro
gardless of the blatant scurrility of the
hyphenated misfit sheet which e.item tn tho
tf.nnr.ft tn thf, nnnl nAAnln rtf 1T?tl.n,.n Ila tu negative tastes of thn nnrviaitlm. Tim nr.nnis their couth African victories aro tho high
,. . , -. ......v, "v .-- . --- v ... .... ....... .... I nrl.n.ill.. 'mi ....... InV,, ou .....l. o
going to teach thorn to eat corn bread. To "avo empnatlcally repudiated tho charges n rL ! i I. aso from
that end he will take with him a wratem made by tho World-Herald and tho only ex- sourcefulness of the Doers. ' ' '"'" it?"
ohftf and a m.iu thorn ,,mamnlv,' who Irnnw
I planatlon It can offer Is that tho malorltv I Cleveland Leader: A soldier's 1 If o wnn I
lot tho citizens of Omaha aro rocnes who saved In South Africa becauso tho bullet hit I .rlllcnK Tribune: "I have done nothlntf
... . . ,,rnf.,t. ii. n,i,ii ... . . . v. , .. m..i. .... hi morning nut answer letters from con-
nunorea ways. i ""'"""uuuuu m a imvi uim so- u. uu u. mu iiumi i vinreuiam. una mui ntltiieiits who havo written to ask favors
'Oornmeal, hominy and American porlt, rep- 1 out,aw' ' 'nat of a business man nnd n may bo gratifying to her majesty, but It la said tho congressman to the young woman
resenting corn, can he furnlflhml m Rnrnnnnn sCIlllW1""'- ih' chargo It does not daro rather tough on tho chocolate. I wnn nau cniieu to reiuiest ins innuonce in
., to make. ...... ......,. . I "'. miuter n rn KOVrnmiMU clerKsuip. "A
t'.-amuHo, wwuiuin uu.i i.iiisuus ni uuuui one- i i iiiuiuiiu jjui is. uuuiiiui. i.iiiiui i.uua is utiut'Hmnn s lire, miss. Is not 11 Iniiuiv one.
half tho cost of tho food they now eat, and 1-,tui1 "'ty "rlbuno (rop.): The poor old sustaining his reputation aa a strategist and I "No," she replied timidly. "It must ba
Indianapolis .limnial: "What ho, within
there!" shouted tho traveler In Ilussla. "Is
this nn Inn?"
"No," gleefully chuckled tho gentleman
that enmo to the door. "This Is a knout.
And ho laid It across the sojourner's back.
Philadelphia Press: "Pardon me. sir."
began the visitor. "I called In tho Interest
of the city's poor children. I thought you
might like to contribute to our Fresh Air
fund for them."
'IVrtiilnly," replied the benevolent sub-
you may take as much as you
In food value It Is greatly superior. This "World-Herald, which exhausted tho vocahu- organizer of success. Unless tho Iloers aro
country produces annually about 2,000,000,- ,ary of tl10 slums In Its effort to defeat drawing him Into a trap, which Is not likely,
000 bushels of corn. It can easllv nroduco Frank Moorcs for mayor, received a nos-
1,000,000,000 bushels, and will do so when- ,erlor kick Tuesday that was heard as far
ever thero shall ho a demand for It. nur awnv s tho Illack Hills. Tho dlrtle3t
present crop would furnish about four and a aDU3lv campaign ever waged in tho west
half pounds of food per day to overy man, was ma"0 by H" World-Herald and Moorca
woman and child In tho country, down to election, winch followed, not only adds a
tho last new-born baby, wlillo three pounds navr feather to Tho Ilea's cap, but It etab
Is tho full ration of a hard-worklug man. l'shca tho fact that common decency pays
uorn is worth about 40 cents a bushel, or be", oven la Omaha, Tho Tribune extendi
half tho price of wheat. Its nutritive qua!- congratulations to Tho llee and Mayor
ltles greatly exceed those of any other grain. I Moores.
with tho pcaslble exception of rice, which Niobrara Pioneer (rep.): Mayor Moorea
Is much too costly for general use. If Mr. was ro-elocted at Omaha TiiPmlnv nntwith.
Carr can teach Europe to cook and cat corn standing a most vindictive light by thn
very lonesome."
ho will bo a .benefactor of hla race.
NO fU.OIlY l.V IT.
Ilocrn Ovenvhplnird hy llir IlrltUh In
South Africa.
St. I.ouls Glohp-Dumoorat.
World-Herald, Tho flee mado a very sen
sible and clean light and will consequently
lor tno next three years win now laurols In
Its effort to down tho vexation of spirit the
World-Hcrald unnecessarily gives Mr. Kose-
wateir and his sos. thn Pioneer thinks. A
Hereafter tho Ilrltlsh; generals will he ox- silent contompt sometimes kill
s an enemy
j ami it was stateii that this had the sup- all time to come?
port or all the members but one Sen.
ntor .Morgan of Alabama-of the for
elgn relations committee.
mu purposu of this amendment Is
For the benellt of the World-Herald
employe who writes a letter to that pa
per the Information Is given that tho
I'lllllli" I.Un-urv lionnl will In. ..I,....wi .
keep the art and museum rooms of that 'ri' ,,valy of Conmnntliioplo gives the Ay,,on ,,,n 1,,WH lmsst- com-
Institution open every day ot tho week n"ust "KUt 10 11,0 Ior, mul ,ho kl,e- ' mniisu several goou
tf tlm miin.-ii win U Hoeuro by their own forces tin. MMl'rs for salutary measures t be
mu inuriiiu in ilia in i nv . - - - i i ..
tho attendants necessary to tako chargo ,,pri'IIM' r Kw'pt an'1 tho u'"l'"i"w B'"rtMt uy tno nrxt Nebraska legls
of thorn. ofpubllc order, nnd It Is understood that Ia,,lrt' -when It comes to meet next
Iowa's legislature will probably close
Its session beforo the present month ex
pires. As a legislative body vested with
to give the 1'nlted States the same right tm' ''''''" of a I'nlted States senator,
iu respect to an Isthmian canal that the which always distracts from regular
Kiiltan of Turkey und the kheillvo of l,,,,,,"'ss' ,, record of accomplishments
Kgypt havo In regard to the Suez canal. I"'0"""''' to be belter than the average
quicker than shot. Loss of ammunition
loaves tho other fellow In a utarving condi
tion. Tho Deo can afford to feel glorious
and doesn't "slop over."
Croto Vidotte (rep.): Frank K. Moores
was ra-elected mayor of Omaha by 1.000
he has forced them Into a retreat which must
prove very demoralizing.
Chicago Nuws: Resolutions of sympathy
for tho Uocrs arc still pucsed numerously.
Tho philosophic 'burgher, however, has i
teamed long since that
resolution cuts a Binall
when comparod to the man with the rifle.
Philadelphia North American: .Might Is
'provalllng In South Africa against right
tho right of a freo but small peoplo to gov.
ern themselves. Tho kind of civilization
that advances Itself by crime's against lib
erty Is not tho kind of civilization with
which Americans who undeiutund tho prin
ciples of their own government can sympathize.
Tin: siiiiui:s of sit, i:t i:.
Indianapolis Prens.
Through the dark, grim gateway of Sllenc.
Thero comc'H not on echo of sound,
And the land of the hidden hereafter
To moil is un untrodden Kround;
the man with tho I,ut w,1' do I strain sight and hearing
llcurn I., w.- tin.n ' To catch but a fragment mi small?
iiMiro in war tluio olli wiy H10Uj i wut fr ,m HWlug of
pi:its(VAi, poi.vrnit.s.
General Wheeler and his typowrltor con
tluuo In tho best of health.
A Now York man has discovered that an
nutomobllo cannot be successfully ridden
down nil elevator shaft.
Queen Victoria Is the only person whom
tho Gormnn emperor will permit to call
Hie various articles of the Suez ennni
I no story told by tho boy who was treaty "shall In no ease occasion nnv
iut out of the Nebraska Institute for tho obstacle to the measures which tiie 1 111.
Blind at Nebraska City, by the arbitrary portal Ottoman government mav think
bcuoq ot me superintendent, calU for it necessary to tako In order to Insure
investigation on tho part of the gov- by Its own forces tho defense of Its
ornor, who Is really the, ultlmato author- other possessions on tho custom const
Ity In that Institution. Tho taxpayers of the Hed sea." Tho report of the
of Nebraska contrlbuto to tho support seiiutn foreign, relations commlttco says
or an inatituto ror urn tuiud for the ben- it Is thought prudent that all doubt be
cflt of these unfortunates nnd will not removed by an amendment equivalent lu
tolerato anything that savors of cruelty ItsHtitistanco and effoct to the precedent
r Injustice, eveu though It comes from offered by the treaty of Constantinople,
worm statu otUcer.
If any of our democratic friends want
to know who It was that reviewed tho
result of the cifinpnlgn In such distaste
ful manner to tho World-Hcrald they
can get the Information upon application
at tliis otllce. He dld-not wuut his name
used for publication, but he Is a way-tip
democrat and a leader. In democratic organizations.
pected to mako no advance without a su
perlorlty of forco rq: srtat that tho move
mum muse necessarily bo a success, niit
Ish reinforcements 'aTe 'flowIng steadily to
South Africa. Tho ttloerlarmles have passed
their greatest maximum and are falling off
through casualties anu sickness, and per
haps from discouragement. Under such con
ditions a serious revqrswto tho Ilrltlsh ought
to lead to tho nf ih ......... .1
sponsible It Is Impossible for the Doors to ml"1 nnd B"mP "pon tl' rcPub"ca" randl- appreciated by a Kentucky poet, who sue
obtain romounts, to 'odd-to their artillery or Uato 110 ''0U,,tlcSB woull have carried tho ceods In rhyming "embargo" nnd "laager"
tnelr transport servldLf Thev 1.... nr. "'u ""'K- war ' vuincatlon upon a wnn uio nuiuo oi uiai miy.
formed wonders nndtgivin tho greatest em- " ,v resided In a city for twenty
plro n lerrlblo Bcara:.(buticannot brlnu nvo y3rs al111 whose everyday llfo will av
miracles AH the machinery Is In motion to craKC UP wlth hls fellowmen usually acts as 1 Carrie W. Catt, president f tho Woman's
supply tho Hrltlshtlirmyr nnd to add to Its " uol,mcrang. wo man Is perfect and tho 1 Suffrago leaguo, bo In nlno volumes.
Or hope for tho future at all?
Ah. sweet lu tho moments of slumber
Thu glimpse of a happier laud,
And bright Is the light and the glory
That falls on the wldo golden Htrund,
Kor sometimes 1 sen tho light shimmer,
lu lltful but glorilled gleams,
On the sen nnd tho shorn of n glad ever,
The fanciful Island of Drrnms!
Sometimes In tho hours ofny waking
I crem to hear music nnd mirth,
That Hunts out of chaos and silence,
And reaches tho Hln-liurdeni'd earth;
Hut I know that tho glow and gladness
Is empty ns odor mid air.
And tho music I hear Is In somo other
Tho load of my longing nnd prayer.
Home tlmo there will be rlpo fruition,
And I shall bo dreaming no moro:
i I'll irti', nt. tlm uh:.i!fiiv fur unlitii tic,.
majority. Ho carried eight out of tho nlno i "In "Willie," and eveu sho has to draw thu : And sail to that glorified shore:
wards In the city. If tho World-Hurald had ! Ilno nt A'.'- ''".'" wl".' "rl rum "-
only had another week In which to throw Tho boundless capabilities of Chicago ara ! m! I ta
Literary circles aro moro or las agitated
lest tho promised autobiography of Mrs.
numbers to ony cxtml.nSo thero Is scarcely n,pro fact tnat ho receives a nomination doos
a promem left in tb nease that any ot the uul "u" lo "or laK0 Irm his imperfections,
larger results are In doubt. Vinegar nover catches flies, Mr. Hitchcock.
Perhaps the Uocrs have 50,000 men left who Fremont Trlbuno (rop.): The red-hot
are fit for duty. Thuy cannot bo expected municipal contest In Omaha which ended
to hold cut pertuanently'ngalnst 2."0.000. Geu- Tuesday resulted In tho ro-eectlon of Prank
oral Roberts has Just shown that fact by 13. Moores to tho mnyoraty by a good round
easily detaching an army from his main majority. Probably tho city never had a moro
mrco iq pass around the flank of his adver- hitter light. Over against his shortceot
nary, one man cannot ngnt two with a
third advancing on his rear. Little shout
ing can be Indulged In by the British fre-m
Ings Mayor Moores Is a man of concolod
generosity, wjicso sympathy and aW ta
always freely extended to thnsn in nii
this tlmo forth. A victory presupposes somo Moreover, his official career as mayor dur
sort of debatable, situation. No equality re- ling the last two Vears hrift hnnn nnn npnlnat
mains In South Africa either In numbers or which llttlo Just criticism will lie. nnd mo i ,1Hr destination safely. Helen's raothor was
, resources anu me world would gladly heir
or stops looking toward a peace conference
Tho president to bo olectcd next Novem
ber may havo tho filling of four of tho nlno
places on tho United States supremo bench.
One of the vacancies will bo tho chief Jus
ticeship. Mrs. Langtry Bccms to hn In hard luck all
around. Her husband Is 111 In Capetown,
her former prlvato car was burned and sho
made herself unpopular with thu Philadel
phia society women,
Llttlo Helen M. Francis, sged 3 yoirs and
8 months, who lett New York last Saturday
without escort for Stroud, O, T., 1ns reached
And my spirit shall como to Its own!
Fibre tu Tlo To, "
Milwaukee. Sentinel,
upon whlcii th Uay-Pauucefote treaty partment la tho event of another war. Tho
The terras proposed will bo scanned with in
tcrcst in nil civilized nations. If they are
as generous as those framed by the United
States at tho end of tho Spanish war tho
two little republics can turn to the future in
a hopeful spirit
It Is not strange that tho pooplo gave him '1oa', anJ "nB wont 00 tt vlslt to her Brand-
tnelr onilnrseme-tit uiraln. Tim vlotnrv iin moiiier.
bo accepted with complaisance by the re
publicans of tho atato, whose interest In It
arises from the fact that It will have a
Congressman Charles n. Imdls of Indiana,
whosu ability as aa orator la attracting:
considerable attention, nays of himself: "I
salutary effect on tho more important cam-1 pitched hay as a lad, worked In a gravel pit
palgu soon to follow. The year has begun in my youth and attended college only when
well Id Nebraska, j I reached raanhood."
1 nnlr tvniirti.nniiAl llllto nn....l
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your stomach Is bad, your liver out of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean your
tongue, cure your dyspepsia, make
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iu operate. ioc. All aruggisis.
Want your inoiuUoho or bcuril ft liMutllul
brown or ilch black T Thin ui