Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    Til JO OMAHA DAI-L1' JiJ!.!!.. AlUJNIiAY, MAHl'JL 1-', 15)00.
Davis sells giant.
Fine A. H. C. beer, Neumaytr hotel.
Wclsbach burners at lllxby's. Tel. 1M.
Uudwelser beer. U P.oaenfcldt. agent.
Dr. Stephenson, Mcrrlam block. Tel. 330.
Mrs. O. Duncnn Is home from a visit with
friends nt Hed Oak.
Uto urtogravures: Alexander & Co. gtvo
Bpeclal prices on frames for them.
Oct your work dono at the popular Eogl
laur.dry. "21 Uroadway. 'Phono 157.
W. C. Estcp, undertaker. M Pearl itrct
Telephones: omce, ifll icsldence, W.
Mrs. Mnry K. Hcnn of Vino street ly homo
from nn extended visit with friends und
relatives In Chicago.
Palm grove degree team Is requested to
meet tomorrow afternoon nt 2 o'clock at
Woodmen of tho World hall for drill,
v,. t ti M.rin.nev Ih hUiwIv recover
(.,,. r'n.n n a,oV..r,. II It lift nf till- liTlt). Which
has confined her to tho houso for the last
llvo weeks.
Mr nml Mm. C. O. Pitch of 1121 Fourth
nvenuo returned home yesterday from 11
two weeks' trip to New iorK iinu owi
eastern points.
Ilowurd R Blrykcn r.2T. South Klrst
Street, complained to tho pollen yesterday
that some ono had stolen his St. Hirniinl
pup anil colllo dog.
Jeff Walters wns arrested last evening
on an Information filed In Justice Ion ,
court by J. L. Price, who charged him wltli
assault and battery.
Miss Marlon Tyler, who Is attending
school nt llrowntll hnll In OtmiliM. spent
yesterday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. It. Tyler of Sixth avenue.
Mrs. O. M. Drown of South Beventh
Btrcct has returned from Kansas l y,
where, she has been the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Lynn, for tho last two weeks.
Tho Ganymede Wheel club will hold Us
annual election of "'st .Is evening an.l
every member Is requested to be prcs nt at
tho meeting. The business session will bo
followed by a smoker.
R Duke Naven of La Porto, la., gram!
master of tho Iowa Workmen, is In 1 o
city In the Interests of his order. ''"''
time among his other duties to i edit and
publish tho La Porto Progress-Hcvlow.
The Economic league will meet tonight
nt 8 o'clock In tho city comic I chamber.
Tho subjects for discussion will be' Polit
ical Economy." led t.V Prof. II. W. Saw
yer, and "Political Science," led by H. O.
Ed Stubbs, who In n fit of despondency
attempted to kill himself Saturday evening,
wns reported to bo resting easy and no
perlous enccts 01 ins thmi mi mc
pated. Tho bullet has not yet been ex
Tho regular monthly meeting of tho trus-
....... ,.r ti,n .,,,1,11,. lllirnrv Is slated for tnls
afternoon. Appropriate action re 'iMvo to
tho demlso of tho lion. D. C. Hloomcr,
president of the board Hlnco the orgtin zil
lion of tho library, will be taken at this
r Ill,,r n anlniirner at the City Jail,
has been sent to St. Hernard's hospital for
observation by tho P.oar.1 of Insanity Com
missioners. Ills case will be reported to
,. Unlo Tlnnnl nf Pfintrol. OS Ills lCglU
residence Is not In this state. He crime
liere from Wyoming, where he had been
working on n sheep ranch nnd cl"J'j to
havo relatives In Irouiols county, Illinois.
Chnrles 13. Walters, assistant cashier of
tho Klrst National bank, was severely
t i i ,.ur.lnv nftnrnnnn 111 II runaway
accident, lie was starting out for a drlvo
when olio of the shafts broke, frightening
his horse, which commenced to run. Mr.
Walters lumped from tho buggy and In do
ing so fell. Ills head and shoulder were
badly bruised by coming In contact Willi
thn hrlck naving.
..tii, .Tr " Is to bo the attraction
nt the Dohany theater tonight. It comes
to this city well recommended as one of tno
leading organizations or lis '' . ?
i rri. nnfv iii mi lil to bo beautiful.
while- the comedy pnrt of the play Is above
tlio average. It is c ainieii 10 uu cumuki
J . innrni nlnti and women and
cbiidren can attend without being In tho
least ulsconiiiicd iy men im.i".i
N. Y. numbing C. Tel. Z.r,.
Interest in Election Centers in Location of
New High School.
Aultnlorn I'nvorliiK Onklniiil Avenue
Ihnue n Circular IlefutliiK Oiipixl
tloii Claim Hint Hie .Veluh
liorlioitd la Incllullile.
From tho Interest being manifested by the
pecplo generally in tho matter the lndlca
tlous are the High school site proposition
will receive a big vote at tho school elec
tion today. So great Is tho evident Interest ,
agreed to send his namo to Rome, It ta'n HORN I 77H1 M K
further tatcd that there nrc to bo two new i viuu urn uuiiuu i.u .
Catholic sees In Iowa, with Sioux City and
Des Moines as sec cities.
Murder Xi'iir Slum City.
SIOUX cm', la., March 11. Chris Baker
wns murdered by Ernest Meyers, b'a
brothcr-ln-law, thirty miles east of here last
night. Iloth men woro farmers. Daker met
death In defending his mother, with whom
Meyers had picked a quarrel. Meyers had
been drinking.
taken that It will probably overshadow that on the Tor u time
Trlzo waltz, Hughes' hall, tonight.
To meet tho crowing demand for some
thing better than most of tho brands of
Monm naw on tho market John O. Woodward
& Co. ore supplying tho trade with that old
"Standard of Excellence," Louis Ash & Co.'
Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar.
Untvorsnl I'liel Cintinny I'ronilseii to
Krevt Five l'luiit In Stnte.
Letters received by Interested pereons here
announce that tho experlmcnta tho unl
versal Fuel company of Chicago has been
conducting with Iowa coal to ascertain
whether It will coko freely under tho Hem
lnswav nroceas havo been concluded to
tho satisfaction of all concerned. Tho sain
plea of coal from this state coked readily a
3.600 degroea and held their combustion.
Tho Universal company la tho ono mat uas
signified Its Intention of erecting flvo coko
rlantn In this atato this year. They arc, It
Is said, to bo erected at Dcs Moines, Ot
tumwa, Davenport, Dubuquo and Council
I)luff8. Tho letters announco that tho orec
tlon of tho plants In Ottumwa nnd Des
Moines will bo commenced first, but that
tho ono In Council Muffs will bo established
this year wllhout fall. Tho commencement
of work has been delayed, awaiting tho more
detailed experiments with tho Iowa coal
under tho direction and supervision of Mr.
Hemingway, tho Inventor of tho process.
limn '. Xote.
The rcnl estate 'transfers for Montgomery
county for one week amounted to over
J. U. Wrny and A. n. Hnll have sued the.
city of Creston for damages, alleging their
cattle wero killed by drinking water which
camo from tho sewers of tho city and
which was turned Into their pasture land.
A man named CrclKhton, who lives near
rintva wnnt rnnentlv lilttnn til n lini? whlrh
wns supposed to hnvo been mnd. For a
time nls nro was uespaircd or. nut inc ap
plication of a madstone Is snld to ba work
ing his recovery.
Oskaloosa has rid Itself of tho trnmp
nuisance nnd nt tho same time had Its
streets cleaned up In good shape. For some
time everv tramn enuuht In the town has
been orrested ond given the limit for va
grancy. They have heen compelled to worK
In tho election of two members of the Hoard
of I'Mticatlun and a treasurer for the school
district. Thoso opposed (o the Oakland ave
nue site havo been strenuous In their efforts
to give tho Impression that tho supporters of
n slto west of Main street and south of
I.'roadway will not voto on tho proposition
for tho purpose of making tho voto Inopera
tive. Tho lntcnso Interest taken nil over the
city Indlcato that tho propositions will be
generally voted on.
A chango In tho form of ballot containing
the sjto propositions has beeu made nnd an
other lot printed. The form of ballot printed
Saturday and published In yesterday morn
ing's papers was thought to be contrary to
tho ruling of Judge Macy of the district
court. In bis decision In the Slack Peterson
Injunction proceedings Judgo Macy held that
tho peoplo could not voto on the question as
to tho disposition of the funds derived from
the sale of the bonds, an that had already
been determined at tho election last year,
and ho enjoined the school board from sub
mitting this question. After a conference
with eomo of tho school directors Saturday
evening It wna decided tl'at to allow tho
form of ballot as first printed to go before
tho people might bring the board In con
tempt of tho district court and It was
thought beat to have another ballot printed,
which was dono yesterday.
Form of the Ilnllot,
This ballot Is much simpler In form and
reads as follows:
Shall the proposed new High school
building be located on one of the following
imnmi sites:
Indlcato choice by cross In snuaro op
posite nnmo of site preferred:
Oakland avenue site.
Old High school site.
A slto south of Uroadway and west of
Main utreot.
Twenty thousand of these ballots wcro or
dered and a sufficient supply will be on
labor of this kind was sulllclent to clean up
tho city, but tramps now give tho town a
wide Perm
wi:.viti(i tiii: pai.i: fact, oaiiii.
Christ Bauer is Mnrdorwl ly Brothei-in-Law
During FamtJy?Qarrel.
Intoxicated Cerninn Farmer FliuU
Fnnlt ltli Ills p.Jlotlier-ln-l.iitv,
Whereupon Her, Scinnterf eres
Ml th Fntut. ItcNiiltn.
ill ll,t
SIOUX CITY, Mnrch 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Ernest Meyers, a farmer living nt
Hock llranch, thirty miles cast of here, mur
dered hlB brolher-In-law, Christ Dauer, last
night by stabbing him In tho Jugular vein. In
an Intoxicated condition Meyers went to nail
er's home and picked a quarrel with his moth
er-in-law, Mrs. Dora Ilaucr. Her son Inter
fered, whereupon Meyers angrily pulled a
Jnckknlfo frccn his pocket nnd lunged It
Into Hauer's neck. Tho Injured man stng
gercd from tho room Into tho highway, whero
ho dropped dead.
Meyers did not realize what he had dono
nnd made no attempt to escape. After his
mothcr-ln-lHW gavo tho nlarm to neighbors
they found him sound nslcop on a couch not
ten feet from whero ho had stabbed Uauer
nnd he was nrrcBted without difficulty. Ho
was brought to this city today and locked up
In tho county Jnll. Iloth tho murderer and
his victim arc prosperous German farmers
nnd neither was of a qunrrelsomo disposi
league, which Is supposed to have been or- f ElS?lt PSn,efu 16 t0 ,S Vm W m,'
C..... aw, a u j aaa a'tau v . aaivaia.a, urumvi
Pcttlgrcw In his candidacy to succeed him
self In tho United States senate, ware car
rying his namo on their literature ni vice
president for Moody county. Mr. Pettlgrnw,
in an Interview with a local paper, emphat
ically disclaimed nny connection with tho
organization and declared that his name had
been used without his knowledge or consent.
Mnety-Fl vr TIioiihiuh! Indian Have
Ailopteil t lllreim' Ilresn,
WASHINGTON, .March 11. Tho annual re
ports of Indian agents which have been re
eclved by tho commissioner of Indian uffaira
will bo printed In tho farm of nn appendix
to tho report of tho comtnlstianor. Thoy
show that tho cntlro Indian population Is
297,90.1, of which number 95,673 wear citi
zens' drees, while 31,923 wear a mixture of I Latent Xpws of Intercut from the lllch
Indian and civilized clothing. Those who
can rend number 42,527, and 53,311 enn carry
on nn ordinary conversation In Kngllsh.
Thero aro 25,236 dwelling houses built for
Indians, 1,153 of which wcro built within
.Mineral Itrnlnim of .South
DEADWOOD, S. D., Mnrch 11. (Special.)
-Tho Aulta .Mining company, which was
the last year. Tho number of births was organized a few weeks ago to opcrato In
4,237 and the deaths 6,253. Pennington county, four miles west of Du-
Twcnty-slx Indians wcro killed by whites mont, on tho Durllngton roule, has com-
nnd seven whites by Indians. Ono Indian was menced active work on a shaft, which Is to
killed by other Indians. Tho number of bo sunk In quartzltc. This company la com
Indlnn criminals punished was 1,400. Thero posed of prominent lowu and Nebraska
wcro 31.65G Indian church mombers nnd 348 raen tho officer being: President nnd
church buildings upon tho various rcscrv- treasurer, J. C. Voorhees, hardware mcr-
tlons. Tho amount of monoy contributed chant and banker, Anita, la.; vice president,
during tho last year by religious and other j, Davenport, assistant division pas-
socletles was: For education, J261.516, for eenger and freight agent of the Chicago,
gtnernl church work, $119,407, nnd $16,016 i)Uriington & Qulncy railroad, Council muffs,
from Now York for the support of tho school ia. SCcretary, John P. Blecg of tho firm of
established by that state. tho Sioux City Carriage nnd Implement
company, Sioux City, la. Tho directors of
tho company aro tho officers and C. W. Mc
Donald,, manager of the Sandwich Manufac
turing company, Council Oluffs, la.; II. Ii.
Pugh, with tho same company, Lincoln,
Mareh llcport of the AKrleuIturnl
Departments Statist lelnn.
WASIIINOTOaV, March 11. Tho .March re
port of tho statistician of tho department Ncb'i 00ra"' dcaIcr ln ""P101"8.
of agriculture will show tho amount of wheat Nb- , Tho company I. Incorporated
remaining In farmers' hands March 1 to have for 50,000 nt a par yaluo of $1 per share.
been about 158,000,000 bushels, or 29 per l'ur c""ms nave ueen purcnasea west oi
cent of last year's crop, as compared with "umont ln tho flat..foriufUlon. which Is a
198 000,000 bushels, or 29.3 per cent of tho continuation of tho rich refractory ore belt
hand nt every voting precinct this morning crop of 1898. on hand March 1, 1899. mountain district, is pro-
i. .,. nniu nnm Tho corn In farmers' hands Is estimated Cueing GOO tons of ore daily at the prroent
1 I . a... . i I f Imn A ohnfl hna .tirtstn tiitnlr n ntt I fnnlv
llellovlng that the Oakland nvenuo slto Is ' at 773,700,000 busneis. or ii-i per cent oi iasi "
tho logical location for tho new High school year's crop, against buu,tiu,uuu dubocis or y - n uu i.v,,,-
buUdtng and that tho majority of the peo- 41.C per cent of tho crop of 1893 on hand tored already WcJ .gives assays suffl-
Mnrch i iku'j. Tno nronornon oi ino louu inmn n.n.-..
crop of last year shipped out of the country treated by tho cyaplde process. The ore
whero grown is estimated at 10.8 per cent, sen xesieu in uniaqa anu pronouncca
or about 348.000.000 bushels. Identical with the Hagged Top ore of Law-
Tho proportion of tho total crop of last renco county, which Is considered tho best
vear thnt was of n merchantable standard Is cyaniuing oro ln tno northern Illnck Hills.
estimated at 86.9 per cent, or onis tncro busier couniy pcopie are greatly interested
aro reported to bo about 290,800,000 bushols, In tho new company thnt wns organized In
nr scr tier rent of last year's crop still In this city this week 'for t'ho purpose of de-
formers' hnnds, as compared with 283,000.000 vcloplng tho vein of kaolin cloy and ledgo
bushels, or 38.7 rer cent of the crop of 1898, f marblo that were found northeast of this
,.,! tnrMa i tsoi. city a month ago by W. It. Ilond. George
. I Bock and F. M. Hughes of Custer. Tho namo
Admiral McCormlek Itrtlren. I of tho company Is the DlAck Hills Porcelain
WASHINGTON. March 10. Hear Admiral Clay and Marblo company nnd It Is capltal-
A. H. McCormlek, who was yesterday as- lzed at $3,000,000 nt a pr value of $1 por
slr.ned to duty as second In command of tho share. Tho officers of tho company are:
Asiatic station under Admiral Homey, has President, 11. It. Noble, Ynlo, .Mich.; vice
been placed on tho reltred list on his own president, Isaac Glbbard, ItochesUr, N. Y.;
unnllrntlnn. Thn officer haB been In command secretary and treasurer, Fred W. Welllng-
nt thn Wnshlncton navy yard and found ton, Detroit, Mich. Tho headquarters of the
that his health would not stand the strain company will bo at Custer, S. D. Tho com
nf nrflvn pn servlcn of tho character re- Pany proposes to commenco development
i,,vi in t.i Phlllnnltirfl. Ho was ellclble work Immediately upon tho vein of kaolin
tr.. vnimiinr. milrement. havlne served clay and marble. Clay exports havo pro-
fr. m.i w mnnihs ln thn naw. His nouncod this Custer vein to bo tho gcnulno
succesfor on tho China station has not yet kaolin, which has not been found before
AJAX Tablets A very popular norvo and
vitalizing tonic. Dcllavcn's drug storo.
Trlzo waltz, Hughes' hall, tonight-
Mnhel Myrtle Strikes llnril.
Mrs. Michael Hughes appeared In Justloe
Vlen's court last evening with tho blond.
Rtn-amlng from a deep gnsh In hor head
which sho said had been Inflicted by a
woman named Mabel Myrtlo. From Mrs.
Hughes' story It appeared that sho and tho
other woman becamo Involved In an alter
cation at tho cornor of Sovcnth street and
Broadway and hor antagonist drew a slung
shot from her pocket nnd sent Mrs. Hughes
to tho ground with a woll directed blow over
tho temple. Mabel was arrested at her homo
at Fifteenth street and Broadway and spent
tho night at tho city Jnll. It took seven
stitches to fix Mrs. Hughes' scalp.
it. W. A. dnnce. Hughes' hall, tonight.
Davta sells paints.
Wlml'n l.iiiennl ve I'rank,
Only tho prompt arrival of tho department
saved General G. M. Dodge's residence at
605 South Third street last evening from a
serious fire. The family before going down
stairs to supper left a lamp burning on a
tablo near an open window In tho parlor.
Thn wind blow a curtnln over tho lamp,
rwlth the result that that end of tho room was
eooti In n blaze. Tho damage was estimated
to be about $200.
M. W. A. dance, Hughes' hall, tonight.
House cleaning, carpet cleaning and put
ting down. F. H. Swan, No. 1100 S. 7th St.,
Council Bluffs.
pla of tbu city wish to have It erected there,
tho supporters of that slto aro leaving no
stone unturned tn order to secure an ex
pression from tho voters today. Tho fol
lowing circular has been printed nnd thous
ands will bo scattered broadcast over tho
city this morning nnd distributed among
tho voters nt tho several polling places:
"To tho Voters of tho Independent School
District of Council Bluffs: Thero having
been nn attempt on the part of obstruction
ists, who have prevented tho erection of s.
High school building and havo succeeded in
tying up $65,000 of your money (thus enab
ling banks in this city to protlt $4,000 a year
at tho expense of tho taxpayers) to mislead
tho voters by a statement to tho effect that
tho High school cannot bo located on Oak
land avenue, wo submit tho following facts:
"First The courts have refused to make
any such decision.
"Second Tho state superintendent has de
termined that tho board should glvo duo
consideration to the voice of the people, yet
these obstructionists have endeavored to sup
press the voice of tho peoplo on this vital
question. Leading educators say tho fol
lowing nro tho essentials of a proper High
school slto: Perfect ventilation, completo
sewage, acccssablllty, good light, large cam
pus, proper elevation to obvtato tho expenso
of piling, room for shade trees as required
by law to bo planted, sightly grounds whero
the Interest of residents do not conflict with
the management of tho school, and spacious
grounds where tho Interests of our children
In acquiring an education aro best promoted.
"Tho Oakland avenuo slto nils tneuo re
Other Side is Silent.
It wns reported on tho streets that the
other sldo Intended Issuing an nntl-Oakland
nvenuo slto circular for distribution, but this
was denied by Attorney I. N. Fllcklngcr, who
has been recognized as tho leader ln tho op
ptsltlon to tho selection of this slto. He
"Ab far as I know no such circular will
bo Issued, nor has ono been contemplated.
I think that It would not be tho correct
thing to do. If tho Oakland avenuo peoplo
want to get ono out thero is nothing to pro
vent them, but I cannot seo how it will help
them any. Tho state superintendent has
ruled that tho Oaklnnd nvenuo site Is In
eligible and that settles tho question onco
and forover In my opinion."
Tho candidates to be voted on today are
as follows: Republican ticket School di
rectors, B. M. Sargent, T. J. Shugart; tress
urer, V. E. Havcrstock. Democratic ticket
School directors, Dr. D. Macrno, Jr., Ilobert
Italn; treasurer, George E. Davis. Although
not much Interest Is taken In this election
both parties last evening were confident of
electing their candidates. It Is said that all
four candidates fur tho school board are In
favor of the Oakland avenue site.
I.oentlon of l'olllnir I'lueea.
Tho polls will open at 9 o'clock this morn
ing and will remain open until 7 o'clock this
evening. For tho purpose of tho school elec
tion the Independent school district of Coun
cil Bluffs Is divided Into five voting pre
cincts and tho extent and polling place of
each precinct Is as follows:
Tho First precinct consists of the First
ward of tho city of Council lllurfs, la., and
nil territory of tho school district rnntlir-
uous to snld ward, and lying without th
limits of Bald city. The polling place will
bo In the Wheeler & llcreld building, 134
Knst Broadway.
Tho Second precinct consists of the Sec
ond ward of said city, and tho polling placo
will bo nt Mlnnick's livery barn, COi West
Tho Third precinct consists of tho Third
ward of said city and all territory of tho
school district contiguous to said word and
lying without tho limits of said city, nnd nil
of tho Fourth ward of said city lying north
of Seventh avenue; nnd tho polling place
will bo at B. S. Terwllllger's livery bam, i.21
South Main street.
Tho Fourth precinct consists of all of tho
Fourth ward of said city lying south of
Bcvciuu avenue, nnd an or the Firth wnrd
been named.
Its puro stato In America. Tho clay Is used
for tho manufacture of lino china and porcc
lain ware. Next to this vein of clny nro sov-
cral lodges of different colored marble and
cnyx stone, which will bo of commercial
value when opened up.
Tho marble ledge Is located about half a
mllo north of tho clay voln. It Is n great
l.arue Ilurn Detttroyed
TECUMSEH, Neb., March 11. (Special.)
At nn early hour yesterday morning tho
largo tarn on the farm of Ed Barnett, six mlthur.. nf mnrhlo. whlto and vnrleeatoil In
miles northeast of town, was destroyed by colot,( whlcn haB bcen opene,i for a distance
tire. Tho tarn, tour neau oi norses, auu of nfty fect ln wWU, ttU(1 ,t hnB bcen traccu
bushels or corn, a quantity or nay, uarness, 80vorai thousand feet ln length. Marble ex
farm Implements, etc., wero consumed. The t,crtB nronounco tho And to bo tho most re
causo of tho fire Is unknown. Lots partly nmrkablo ono over made in tho United States
covered by Insurance. A marblo expert will nrrlvo frccn Vermont
ln ft tow dnvs. who will start the work on
.null .iinru;rtMi ny lunnuc wilt it, 1 uifl t iii v.n
. . . - , I IUU UUl'IllllK Ull Ul vuu llTUKi;. t "ia
juiaii'r. in,, iiiurca ii. Airs, johii uni- I, . . a- .. n...n
l,.l,n Kd vnnra nlil. wlillo In n HI lorn. l'l Ol IIVO milCB lO IvUBlur, IU Will iJllllllia.
pornry Insanity last night, nrose from her ton road, a part of tho wagon road being the
Stock of Yntikton Dry Goods Merohnnt
It Mined Into Street,
YANKTON, S. I)., March 11. (Special.)
For reveral days a case has been on trial
ln Justlco court hero In which Harry Ellcr,
agent of tho Union block, nsks for an ordor
of ejection to bo served upon Joseph Win
ters, a dry goods merchant and tenant of
tho block.
Such nn order was granted, but Winters
filed bond for an appeal to tho circuit court.
At I) o'clock Inst night he had not filed nn
appeal and Sheriff Hlckcy, furnished with
the bond of Mr. Ellcr, proceeded with a
numberA)f deputies to removo tho stock nnd
fixtures Into the street. Before 11 o'clock
tho storo rvom wns literally cleaned out.
As soon ns this stock was removed tho
stock of Fred Klopplng. who has leased the
room, to tnko effect Mnrch 1, wob moved in
and possession taken nt once. It socois
Winters' lease ran out January 1 nnd n con
troversy Is occasioned as to the terms made
for renting tho room since then for a clos-
lng-out sale. Winters' stock has bcen stored
In tho Wynn block, recently vacated. It is
thought thnt Winters will bring suit.
Another Cliilniniit fur l'.dtnte.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D .March 11. (Spe
cial.) Saturday wns set ns the tlmo for tho
nmienrnnco btforo County Judge Wilkes of
Jnmes S. McClcllnn of Little Hock, Ark., tho
latest claimant to tho McClellan estate, for
tho purposo of putting In such testimony ln
behalf of himself ns ho wished. Tho Ar
kansas man claims to be a son of John Mc
Clcllnn, whoso cstnto Is the basis for tho
present litigation. As It wns alwoys sup
posed by thofo who know McClellan slnco
early days that hewwas unmnrrled the testi
mony to bo offered by tho Arkansas claimant
has been looked forward to with consid
erable Interest. However, attorneys repre
senting the olhcr claimants and Interests In
tho caso raised objections to the Arkansas
claimant being heard at this time, contend
ing that os the matter of tho disposition of
tho cstnto Is at least temporarily In tho
hands of Judgo Jones of tho state circuit
court, pending tho result of tho disqualifica
tion proceedings against County Judgo
V liken, tho latter Is without Jurisdiction and
cannot grant tho Arkansas claimant o hear
ing. Tho matter accordingly has been con
tinued until tomorrow (Monday), when the
attorneys nre expected to produce authorities
sustaining their contention nnd County
Judgo Wilkes will dccldo whether or not
James S. McClellan shall bo permitted to
offer his testimony nt this time.
I'unernl of Mr. Flor,
FHKMONT, Neb., March 11. (Special )
The funeral of M'rs. J. C, Flor. ono of the
first settlers of this city, who died nt Hous
ton, Tex., on Thursday Inst, wns held fro. t
tho Cougrcgntlonal church this afternoon.
Tho services were conducted by Hev. W. II.
Buss, pastor of tbo church, who paid an
eloquent tribute to her character and worth.
Thero wns n largo attendance of the friends
of tho deceased, especially of the older set
tlers. Including tunny from outside of the i
county. Mr. Flor and his two younger wttyf
dnughters accompanied the remains from i wonJ.rfullr. M. lULt, sit w
Houston. Tho other two daughters and
the son, E. S. Flor of Omaha, wero also pres
ent. Her remains wcro burled In ltldgc
Mlehnrl M. Stover.
TABLE HOCK, .Nob., Mnrch 11. (Special.)
Michael M. Stover died suddenly at his
residence In town Inst night of neuralgia
of tho heart, nged 70 years, Mr. Stover
wns ono of the enrly octtlers, having come
from Jonea county, lowa. In 1864 and set
tled on his homestead, ten miles northeast
of here, at I-ong Brunch, In Nemaha county,
whero ho lived for ten years, and ever slnco
hns lived In Table Hock nnd near vicinity
He leaves nn nged wife nnd several children,
nil grown. lie wns Identified with tho
Holiness sect, for which ho had preached for
many yenro.
Velirnxkn llnlleriaaUer.
NEBHASKA CITY, March 11. (Special.)
, H. Burnwtod, n well known bollcrmakor
and mechanic, died at his residence here to
day of lung trouble. Ho was 65 years of
ngo and a native of Philadelphia, but
camo west many years ngo. Ho worked In
tho B. & M, machine shops nt Plnttsmouth
for several years, removing to Nebraska
City In 18S5. Ills wife and stepson survive
NehriiNkn Pioneer.
OHAND ISLAND, Neb., March 11. (Spo
lal.) Mrs. Helen McAllister, who died in
this city Frldny night, wns n pioneer of this
part of the stntc. In company with her hus
band and tho older members of her family
she settled In this vicinity thirty-six years
ngo. Sho leaves two daughters and six sons.
Tho remains will bo Interred In tho city
cemetery tomorrow nt 2 p. m.
Snlonn Keeper Arrested.
MITCHELL, S. D.. Mnrch 11. (Special.)
Thrco saloon keepers of this city wero plnced
under nrrest yesterday, charged with selling
Intoxicating liquors to minors, and their ex
amtnatlons were held today. W. D. Sanford
nnd P. J. Bradley stood their examination
and wcro bound over to tbo circuit court
ln sums of $100 each. Jnmes Fogarty np
pearcd beforo tho Justice this morning nnd
waived examination and he, too, wns bound
over to tho circuit court in tho same sum.
Sentenced for Assnnlt.
DEADWOOD, S. D., Mnrch 11. (Special.)
Judgo Moore, ln tho circuit court, sen
tenced George II. Godfrey to ono year In tho
stato penitentiary nt hard labor for nn ns
sault upon G. P. Donnell In this city with In
tent to do bodily harm. Tho case of tier
bert D. Caddy of this city for attempted
robbery of tho Hussell & Hlgby saloon has
been set for March 23. Caddy is the man
that wns acquitted for tho holdup of Hussell
lu his saloon In this city.
IliilldlnuM IMmv from Itnlim.
LEAD, S. D., .March 11. (SpeMal.) rians
hnvo been drawn by Lead nnd Deadwood
nrchltects for four new stono and brick
blocks to be erected to tako tho placo of
cnnin of the burned buildings. A new hotel
Is also being planned. It will either bo
erected on tho old slto of tbo Miners' union
hull on Bleekor street or on Mill street, noar
tho Homeatako company's offices.
Stucco Plant Started.
HOT SPIUNGS, S. D., March 11. (Spe
clal.) J. M. Brelsford has about finished tho
repairs upon his stucco plant ond will start
tho mill next week. Ho already has orders
for about all that ho can turn out.
bed. procured a razor nnd cut her hus
band's throat from ear to ear. lie died
beforo the police arrived on tho scene. Tho
demented woman is now in juu.
Fnlr Weather Ih 1'roiulNcil for Mon
day, While Tuesday Will lie Colder
with Variable WIikIh.
WASHINGTON, March 11. Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday:
For Nebraska Fnlr Monday nnd Tues
day; colder Tuesday In western portion;
virlnblo winds.
For Iowa Fair Monday; Tuesday, fair,
with warmer ln eastern portion; east to
north winds.
For Missouri Fair Monday; "colder In ex
treme southeastern portion; Tuesdny, fair;
northerly winds, becoming variable.
For North and South Dakota Fair Mon
day; Tuesday, colder; probably rain or snow;
south to west winds.
I.ocnl Ileeord.
samo that goes from Custer to Sylvan lake,
the famous summer resort.
Tho company has also purchased mining
ground which contains ledges of onyx, mica
and lithograph stone. Tho lithograph stone
Is of cspeclnl valuo, slnco it resembles nnd
Is equal for nil kinds of engraving work to
the Bavarian stone.
Tho company will start out on a large scale
nnd a lorgo forco of men will bo employed
nt tho different mines. Tho promoters of
tho company arc bankers as well ns mining
Investors. Mr. Noble, the president of the
company, Is president of six fbanks In tho
stato of Michigan.
Tbo British-American Gold and Qoppor
Mining company of Detroit. Mich., hns en
countered a find of oro ln tho shnft of tho
Butcher gulch property, which cnrrlos $72
per ton gold. The shnft Is now down nearly
200 fect, In oro nil of tbo way. This mine
Is near the rich Gilt Edge mine In Straw
borry gulch. Tho company proposes to erect
a cyanldo plant at tho mine. J. M. Sweeney.
general manngor of tho company, will nrrlve
In tho Black Hills the first of April from ue
oKWrcriM jrolt for tho P"
pcrature and precipitation, compared with tbo ,nr8 copper Wtatc of tho company, lo-
ino correepoiiamg any ot mo last thrco I caiea west or Jiocniora in ine copper uen,
Funeral of .lohn Selpii.
COLUMBUS, Neb.. Mnrch 11. (Speclal.)-
Tho funeral of tho late John Selpp occurred
this afternoon. Tho services wero held nt
tho German neformcd church nnd were
nrgely nttended. Tho funcrnl wns con
ducted by the Columbus Mncnncrchor and
Columbus camp, No. 299, Modern Woodmen
of America, ot which orders bo was a member.
Actor nml Mnnnirvr.
NEW YOHK, March 11. John 7.. Little.
tho actor, Is dead In Brooklyn, nged 62 yenrs.
Ho was a natlvo ot Philadelphia and was nt
one time mnnager of n theater In Chicago.
Ho toured the whole United States with liU
company, producing "Around tho World In
Nluety Days."
ThU dtMd dliMi la now tcorola.t titvrtWat
Pwr ot thtt "illubt eongh," lo tbtt '.liatat coM'(
4t U tb 01111'. II cn bi quietly cured by th ni ii
Duffy's Puro
Malt Whiskey
m dlrtottd, If Uken la tlra. It not only
th Qrtp. but stlmnUloi lh blood to he&lthy tottos)
and protean tmit ftr eatcl.
Nw York Clr.
irour I'UHlt MALT
n. noipoa ma
Wttt 3fllh It,
Vormllllon, Hit.
7nrl'mfn I hi had th (Irlppa nj DUCTT'SI
UALT W1II3KKT bis ilnno tn more too A than
nr doctor s modlclne. rit' land me two more
bottUt. XlRS. UillT A. DiKTi,
Oorernmtnt tttmo mtrk. th sennlno. I)nuul.l
nullr tell It. If your ito. not, bolll. will l
cnl row, prepaid, for II i alt for IS. ValiubU
dook or iniormiuon isni ire on tppiioiuoa.
Duffy Mult Whllker Co., Itoclmtrr. If. Y.
WlMti otr tall consult
ratis cuu & !
W (uo. ran tee to cure nil e&tea ourbW oil
SEXUALLY. cured for llf.
HlshUy Emissions, Lost Manhood, Ilydrooel)
Vrlcooilo, Gonorrhea, Oleot, ByphllU, Gtriot!
K, PUos, Fl.luU and Iteoul Uloen moA
All Private Disease)
and DUortlsra of Mob
, Consultation frea Call oo or sxldras
ipp f Nth u onAHAtl
Mr, alnrnti Sehanot.
NEBHASKA CITY, March 11. (Special.)
Mrs. Jacob Sehanot died yesterdny nt tho
reeldcnco of her daughter after n long Mi
ners. She was 05 years of ago and haa been
n resident of this city for many years. Her
family consists of five grown chlldron.
President of Hand Drill Co nip any.
NEW YOHK, March 11. Addison C. Hand,
president of tho Rand Drill company and
tho Lnflln & Hand Powder company, Is dead
ln thla city, nged 69 years.
iMuriuniWIiic World l-'umoiisTonla
!)()( TdltS' Ofl.MOXS.
"It Is uneqtialcd ln cases of Nervous
Depression, Melancholy, Ilrnln Exhaus
tion, Fntlguo nnd Sleeplessness."
"Vln Mnrlnnl nourishes, strengthens,
sustains, refreshes."
Sold by all druggists. Ilcfuso substitutes.
Some ....
1500. 1899. 1898. 1897.
Maximum tempernturo... C9 8C 3G 43
Minimum tempernturo.... 45 19 28 ir
Averngo temperature 67 2S 32 29
Precipitation 00 .80 .17
Hot .SprlnaidKAre Sold.
HOT SPIUNGS, 8. I).viMarch 11, (Special.)
Tho Cnscado hot springs, locntod ten
T miles from hero, wcro toiay sold under pnrtl-
Hucord of tempcraturo and precipitation tlon proceedings botwrhn Abblo D, Allen of
Colorado Chat.
rrunm firA three nr four hon fnrms In
cultivation In Colorado. C. I,. Shumnker
hns Just leased twenty acres of land from
tho state nnd will devote tho cntlro tract to
hop culture.
John Farmer of Arapahoe, who was a
member of tho f irst ieurnsa regiment
hmi iVin little llnccr of his right hand am
putatod by Dr. llutlcr Tuesday. Tho finger
Was lnjurca Ul iliunnib, mm ium iiLviuniwucii
him considerable pain and Inconvenience.
Tim Plke'H Peak Water Power compiiny
proposes to develop 3,200 horse-power for
UlrttrlUUllOn lor mines ill lliu iniiuniiui mum
of Crlpplo Creek. The sourco of the water
aiiii.niv iii Tlonver ciinvon and a steel nnd
rock dam will ho built having a storage
capacity of 16,000,000 cuble feet.
A. Itolllns, tho owner of n trnct of land
nmir Tienver. Is nrenarlnc to onernto a
Jack rabbit furm, so that tho coursing clubi j
OI loiormiu limy rrnuiH juina iiiuiiMii n-iiu-
Ing to Knnsns for them, He Intends to put l
a tight board fence around a ten-acre lot i
and conflno his rabbits to this limit.
The little 3-year-old child of L. O. Sov- 1
crclgn, at Iluby, was burned to death. The
mother hnd gone out of tho house nnd an
older child was making a fire. She imed
kerosene, oil nnd tho oil In thn can or cup
from which sho was pouring It caught lire.
She turned to throw It out tho door, hut
tho babv was In the way and the burning
oil was dashed onto her clothing. The chlU
flren'H screnms brought help, but not In ,
tlmo to snve the llttlo one's life.
Photographer Bell of Durwell received a I
letter from a. pnrty ln London. England, I
making Inquiry ns to tho dimensions of the !
enr of corn that ho made a photograph of j
last summer. It will be remembered that
Hell made a picture or an ear or corn
mounted on truckB with Postmaster Hey
nnn seated nstrlno tho corn drlvlnir his
team. In some way the photo has found Its
way to England ana has evidently aroused
the curiosity of some of her majesty's sub
There's positive
evidence of
quality and purity
in every bottle of
-v THE m miWMJI,EE
Blitz Malt-Vlvlne-
1412 noun I. AS STIll'.KT,
Chocolate Almond
Nougatines and
Chocolate Malasses
CriSP Tastes like More
John G
Woodward & Co.,
Mnmifnc til rlii n: Con foe t loner.,
Jobber, of Illtjli tirade Clicnr.
Black Crook Jr.
35 PEOPLE 35.
Including Mlsa Mllllo Freeman and Mr.
Ilurt Uohannn.
40 Complete Sets of Scenery 40.
10-lllg Vaudeville Acts 10.
Strictly refined and moral, tmltablo fo
ladles and children.
Prices 25c, 35c, 60c, 75c.
iallomaha 'r " dUy an1 4lnC MarCh Chicago and Ilev. Father Helddlger of Vor
Nonnal for tho day 34 million. S. D., bclilk iWrchased by Clarence
Excess for the dny.
Excess slnco Mnrch 1
Normal rainfall for the duy
Deficiency In precipitation for day.
Total precipitation sineo .March 1...
Dollclency since March 1
! Dcllclency for cor. period, isan
Dollclency lor cor. period, iris
Ilriiort from Ntattuna nt H p
A. Starr of Chicago. Whoso final bid was
5) 14.500. Tho bidding Wan at $400 and con-
'Si iHm, I tlnucd about three hours, representatives
AVnr Survivor Ilrmemlierert ly the
Cenernl (ioveriinirn t.
WASHINGTON, March 11. (Special.)
Tho following western pensions have been
Issue of February 23:
Nebraska: Original Jacob nowcrs,
Odell, $S; Francis II. D. Hunt, Nomnhn, IB.
Increase i.ouis u. I'.ngiemim, i,ncnueii, jiz
ui mwi , .. ii-i,i,iiK.lhltlniT llin nil, or tilririera I licrense i.ouia it. r.iiKn-niiui, i.iiL'iineiii, i.
S5lnch l'Hthcr HelddlgeT'being tho other bidders. ig m, Geor(,0 n numgnrdncr. Oenova, U
ninlntite School lllrrctor.
MISSOUllI VALLEY, Ia March 11. (Spe
clal.)-There wns a meeting held Saturday of pn(i Ctyi ',, tno p0mnf place will bo
.. I , at.- . -a l ,1 . . . . I . ,.. ....... .....i a . .
ii I Klit for tho purposo of nominating two
echnal directors and a treasurer. "The at
tendance at tho meeting was the largest In
tho history of Missouri Valley. Tho nomi
nees for directors wero J, 8. McDavern and
II.- H. Coo, For treasurer there wan an ex
citing conteet between William nurko nnd
Joo Hnrett, ln which llurko won out.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf cure coughs, cold.
Negotiated ln Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N. Camdy, Jr..
U Main St., Council Bluffs.
nt tho county voting house on tho corner of
Fifth avonuo nnd Twelfth street.
Tho Fifth precinct consists of the 8lxth
wnrd of said city nnd the polling place will
be at lilnud Itishton'a storo, 2100 UroadwHy.
Nob only will tho women bo permitted to
vole on the candidates for school directors
and treasurer, but will also bs allowed to
.09 Inch
.00 Inch
.17 Inch
. m.
HS la
: t j ?
Omnha. clear
North Platte, clear ..,
Salt Luke City, clear ,
Cheyenne, clear ,
ltnpld City, clear .....
Huron, clenr
Wllllston, clenr ,
Chicago, cinuay
cast their bnllots for their cholc of site for ! Lau'' clear
tho High school
Krane May lie Clinaen,
SIOUX CITY, la., Mnrch 11. News from
what Is considered a reliable source reschra
Sioux City that Archdeacon John Keane Is
to be Archbishop Hennessy'a successor. Tho
bishops of the archdloccie hav unanimously
Davenport, cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Kansas City, clnar ,,,
Havre, partly cloudy ,,
Illsmarck, partly cloudy
Oulveston. clenr ,.
C2 c:i .0
70 78 .0)
Cfi 72 ,00
62 70 .00
64 10 .00
51 GO ,0)
54 6S .03
28 36 .00
64 7i .0)
36 40 ,00
40 54 .00
64 68 ,00
6H 78 ,00
60 70 , 00
51 CO .00
62 74 .00
wnni Rnpmcii vitv in-niiuun ui iiiului iiju litu tin- iioniu Kiirriu firrtfiitn ir t ri t i;
property. Fatherr Hel'ridlger represents a Iowa: Original TliomiiH k! Palmer, iled
number of ..fej00" ! Si'lhffroKnS
plated eMaldlshlnjt VJhospttal and school. ; ,., u; ,14. Alb'ert M tjUlli ne.-'oa tl2
Tho property Includes -tno big Geyser spring, to $17: Ilenjamin T. Johnson, Hondurant,
mm, nah,. rnrSir'nnvl,.TimenRn vnlnmn of 10 tn tS: Joseph I'llirll. Allerton. SO to JK. lte-
hot water There Is a large handsome , stone VncrmTnrri'nr'H'e'n4:
building there, which was built during a ilPT)nni $8 to J10, Original, widows, etc-
Doom mo pmcu unu nciKiai jrunio ti", wm , ft.nrgarei luui, avucu,
T Indicates trace ot precipitation.
Local Forecaut Onicial,
was Intended to bo used as a sanitarium and
bath house.
New l'liMtnr Ht Lend.
LEAD, 8. D., March 11. (Special.) ner.
John a. Sanford, for somo time pastor of the
April 1. Tlov. T, J. Woodcock, tho present
pastor, wilt go to Elk Point, this state, whero
ho has accepted tho pastorato of tho Con
gregational church.
IVttlKrew In Not In the Leukine.
8IOUX FALLS, B. V., March 11. (Special.)
Ooorgo A. Pettlgrew of FUndreou, while
In tho city, had his attention called to th
fact that tho promoters of tho "American
Wvomlnn: Increase Dorr II. Mayne.
I.ovel . in to r.
Colorado: Increase Garrett D, Van
lhB Kir.d Yon Hate Always Bcuaw
Bm.U.L j3 Kind Yw Haw Always
Stomach Trouble?
Havo you SOUK Stomach, Coated Tongue, sudden, darting pains, dull
headache, heartburn, or a full feeling In head 7 Aro you nervous and
eaBlly Irritated 7 Troubled with belching of gas or palpitation of
heart? Your stomach Is "out of kilter" and you need
Dr. Kay's Renovator
because It WILL CURE you, It thoroughly cleonseB tho stomach,
liver and bowelB, eliminating all the refuse matter, stimulating tho
glands of the stomach to healthy action and removes tho waste and
polsonoua particles which clog the body and wreck the stomach.
W. It. HOUEIITS, for yearB cashier of Citizens' Hank of Omaha, Nob.,
writes: "I was troubled with Nervous Dyspepsia, accompanied by
groat loss of flesh. I slept poorly and was In a terrible condition. I
took Dr. Kay's Renovator, nnd ln a short tlmo gained forty pounds.
I am now ln excellent health and feel better than I havo for-years."
CONSTIPATION Is NEAIILY alwoys a companion of Stomach Trouble, but Is
ALWAYS CUIIED by Dlt, KA Y'H ItENOVATOH. Ono 23-cnt box of
Dr. Kay's Kenovntor Tablets will convince you beyond a shadow of a.
doubt that they surpass ALL thn griping Pills, powdora and "salts"
Which torture and weaken your dellente bowels.
Tin: i)m:quai,i:u spiuno mkuicim:.
Shun substitutes, Itemislles "Just as Good" nB Dr. Kny's Lung Halm and
Dr Kay's Innovator are. not MADE or HOLD ANYWUEHl'5, If not at drug,
gists, we will send It post-paid on receipt of price. Dr. Kay's Lung Halm
lOo and 25c Dr. Kay'n Renovator 25c and Jl six for fi. Freo Medical Ad
vice, Kamplc and Illustrated Hook for tho asking. Address;
Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs. N. V.
Two things
Should bo considered whun you havo
dontal work dono tho quality of tho
work and tho prico of it. If you comq
to us wo guarantee to please you ia
both. If you wish to make an ap,
pointmont by 'phono our number it)
H. A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St, "m hom