o t THE OMAHA DALLY BTCEi MONDAY, MAHCII 12, 1H00. printing $100,000, ostensibly for tho purposs ( detecting tho eliminate, and have em- Joyed ft lawyor whoso coiirso In tho crltn- Hat prnctlco In Cincinnati was bo odtoun on to cause a riot resulting In tho destruc tion of the court houso and tho Ions of forty lives. "Following thin nn employe of tho Cin cinnati Euqulror haa mado amdaviln charg ing that Hon. Caleb Powers, Bccretary of ntato; hla brother, John l'owcra, a captain of A company, state mllltla; W. II, Cultou, a clerk In the auditor's office; Han. Charles Flr.ley, ex-secretary of state, and Captain John W. Davis, policeman of tho atato houso grounds, conspired, aided and assisted In Hald nnsnrdtiatlon. Warrants were Issued and Raid W, II, Culton was during tho night of March 9 taken from lr!s home, where hla rwlfo. and child wore sick, and Incarcerated In tho county Jail without ball or without being given an opportunity to secure ball, Cnflncil Without Trlnl. "On tho day of said assassination Holland Vhlttnker. whose rcsldenco In In Ilutlcr county, Kentucky, was arrested and charged with said crlnio and assassination and was placed In Jail and kept confined without trial for over ono month In defiance of tho provisions of law requiring a speedy exam ining trial and that a person charged with crlmo shall bo brought out ovory two days, Upon thn trial ho was held over without ball, notwithstanding there was ntnilutely no cvldctico Introduced showing his guilt. For nomo caupe, or without tvatisc, our courts, composed nlmost entirely of democratic Judges, havo hocomo so partisan that It Is practically. If not absolutely Impossible, for any man not of their ponuinslon to obtain a fair. trial. As organized the courts are courts of conviction Instead of courts of trial. "Under this slnto of nffalrs, believing that each ono of said persons Is Innocent of any complicity In said crime, und further believ ing that tho enormous reward will secure tho conviction of these men, however Innocent, I deemed It my solemn duty to trsuo par Vlcnrt to them In order that these political conspirators might not bo enabled to dc prlvo them of their liberty or life. Tho guilty men Hhould be punished, but design ing men controlling tho courts should not l)o enabled to shed thn blood of Innocent men, nnd If it Is In my power to prevent it I ptedgo myself In tho name of Ood and hu manity that It shall not bo done." Ilorm-M MilpiH'il for Louisville. niCHMONl), Va., March 11. Dick Wilson of Rush' county, tho trainer and driver, will shortly ship his string to Iyoulsvlllo for nctlvo training. Ho goes to Indianapolis on May I to complote his work. Wilson, rWho has a vory promising string this year, liss credit for Dumps, 2:0 1'4; Courier Journal, 2:08'i; Split Silk, 2:08W; Silver Chlmos, 2-.08H: Moael, 2.09V1; Henry F 2:00. and Pntchen Hoy, 2:10. Wilson thinks ho has some surprises for this year. c -.AMUSEMENTS tVnnilovllli Itegular weekly change of bill at tho Crelghton-Orphcum Sunday. TUB HILL. Fnrtlo Trio Invisible. Wire Performers Tho Ilollownys.. Vertical ladder Haluncers KeSly and Vlolette Vocalists Mr. und Mrs. Perkins Fisher "The Half-Wny House" Tho Leonards "A Chappie's Expose" Julia Knltbriim Illustrated Hongs O'Hrlen nnd iluckley.... Musical Comedians It has been a long time since n more diversified bill has been offered at tho Orpheum than this week's attractions. There ore no two acts allko and among tho seven offered nro at least three that ure distinct novoltlcfl, which of courwo .makes them un usually Interesting. While the other four nro porhnrs more conventional, they are nevertheless Interesting and furnish plenty of amusement. Thcro aro no really bad'tium liora Included In tho program, although ono or two might bo termed rather common place by ono Inclined to be critical. The fenturoj of tho performance nro tho work of tho I'artle trio on tho Invisible wire and tho Hollowayn on tho vertical ladder. Tho Partlc trio, comprising two men and a woman, perform feats upon tho wire- that uro qulto marvelous. The llollowayo per form upon tho vertical ladder. Thero aro two of them, both men, and they ascend to the top of an unsupported ladder, where they balance thcmsolves whllo playing man dolin soles. Kelly nnd Vlolette, tho former the pos sessor of a splendid bnsa voice, and tho latter ft hnnoVome nnd vivacious woman with a voice particularly well-adapted to coon Bongs, do a singing net that Is a big hit. Vlolette wears scm. stunning costumes, making three changes during tho act. Perkins and Fisher offer n rural playlet in ono net that seemed to win favor with Sunday's audiences. mooc Holland'). Mluntroln Minstrelsy, furnished by Hoscoe & Hol land's ,blg company, furnished amusement at Doyd's theater Sunday afternoon and evening for tho apparently Inrgo number f people who enjoy such an attraction. So ar ns minstrel performances presented by txinn fide sons of Ham are concerned this attraction was meritorious In that It was, en tertaining. Tho program wna after tho fash Ion of all minstrel programs, opening with tho usual collection of popular songs, ln eorsporsed with Jukes from tho "end men." Ono of these was John Ilucker, who, wero It for nothing else Uian his enormous mouth, Which ho has a habit of twisting In nil sorts Gf grotciuo shapes, would rank well to tho front as a capital colored comedian. Jlcsldo tho singing, dancing and fun-making a number of clover specialties were Intro duced by different members of tho company. To Cnr Cnlil In Quo rinr. Tako Laxatlvo Ilromo Qulnlno Tablets. All druggists rofund tho money If It fail to curw. E. W. Grove's slgnaturo Is on each box. 23c, TROUBLE OVER U0NVICT LABOR Kllll Pcnltcntliir' .tin nil kith Sell IMiiiIIiik Ttilue lit I.fnm Tliail He tull Dculcra Cnn Iluy It. ' KANSAS CITY, March 11. Implement men say trouble Is nliout to result bceauso of tho action of tho Hoard of Control of tho Kan sas state penitentiary ranking binding twine. Kansas usrs about 7,000,000 pounds of twlno a year and tho now factory at the state peni tentiary Is equipped to turn out one-tenth of this amount. This Is enough. It Is said, to disturb tho markot. Whllo regular dealers aro asking retail merchant's to pay them UY4 cents per pound for their offerings the Kan sas penitentiary managers artnouueo they wl.ll sell theirs direct to tho fanners nt 10 cents per liound, 1 cents loss than tho re tail dealer can buy It, On local wholesaler Is quoted ns saying: Wa ennnot moot tho 10-cent rato. Wo cannot go below tho 11 conts wo are fllllug wholesale orders at. As It Is, tho prlco is from 1 to 2ti cent3 below what It was a joar ago. "Wo cannot hopo to meet tho penitentiary prlco, nor can wo see how they can afford to sell their product at 10 cents. Tho fiber and sisal cost them 8 cents. "Tho Kansas market Is supplied greatly from Chicago and Ohio mills," 22 Non-Irritating Cathartic Easy to take, easy to ope rato : Hood's Pills LANG ACCUSED BY TEACHERS Governor Ho 1W QWts Eir to Omplaln s of Beatrice Institute. SUPERINTENDENT IS CALLED TO ACCOUNT Clini-Rr of Unjust IlcnlliiK nt Stnlo Asylnm Will llo Tliorountily Sifted .Voir t'nnub for I'nl- rerslly ISIcrcn. L LINCOLN, Nob.. March 11. (Special.) Tho expected charges against Superintend ent . F. Lang of tho Beatrice Institution for Feeblo Minded Youth have at Inst been filed with tho governor, and It Is announced seml-ofllclally that Lang will bo given a hearing within tho next few weeks. A copy of tho complaint was Hiallcd to Dr. Lang last night and It is understood that accompany ing It wns a request for him to name the dato of tho hearing. The grievances against Dr. Lang havo multiplied during tho last few days. Much fault Is found with his method of denting with employes and especially with teachers. Miss Virginia Larson of Hastings was re moved Friday afternoon and yesterday sho laid her caso beforo tho governor. Miss Hrady, another teacher employed In the samo Institution, accompanied her and cor roborated all of her assertions concerning tho superintendent. It has leaked out In oftlcl.il circles that (Jovcrnor Ioyntcr has become tired of listen ing to complaints against the administra tion of Dr. Lang and that ho will Insist on a complete explanation of all of the charges. Prlvato Secretary Jewell refused to exhibit the formal complaint yesterday, announc ing that If made public at all It would be through tho agency of Mr. Lang and not through tho governor's olllco. Ilooth In C'lumeii Couch. Walter C. Ilooth of the famous Princeton team has been elected coach of the Uni versity of Nebraska foot ball team. Mr. Ilooth played contcr for Princeton two years and was considered ono of tho best men on tho team. There Is an abuudance of good foot ball cnatcral In the State university and the prospects for tho uoxt foot ball season are exceptionally good. AGAINST LAND LEASING BILL MnnH Mootlnjr of Hooker G'ntintr fit lxoim Denounce Turnluir Prop erty fiver to Stutcn. MULLKN, Neb., March 11. (Special.) At a mass meeting of citizens of Hooker county, held hero March 3, the project to have tho government lands In tho western states nnd territories turned. over to tho states for leas ing purposes was bitterly denounced. Tho following resolutions, nddrcssed to the na tional congress, before which a resolution to the above effect Is -pending, were adopted: Whorens, There Is now vending beforo congress u measure having In view the leasing to prlvato Individuals and local corporations nil tho public hinds in the I'nlted States lying west of tho ii'Jtli meri dian; and Whereas, Sold bill withdraws from settle ment and threatens seriously to check the future development of tho west; nnd Whereas, Such a measure would have an undoubted tendency to concentrate the con trol of lnrgn tracts of whnt Is now nubile domain In tho hnnds of a few, to tho detri ment of many; and Whcrens, We believe that greater gen eral prosperity would lie had It l.Ooo ranch men pastured 100.000 or 200,00) cnttlo tlian If &o or three lnrgo companies pastured tho samo number of cattle on the name, land; and WhcreuH, Tho said measure Is fr'menaco to the weltare of tho Inhabitants of the ter ritory thereby nffected nnd Is fraught with disaster to the agrarian population of such territory; and Whereas. Tho said measure Is In direct conlllet with the American system of pro viding bonus nnd Is a menace to the wel fare of a Inrgo number of the citizens ot tho United States, and will nerlously de pleto and partially dcpopulato this vast area, comprising half the territory of the United States reducing tho revenue nilslng from' the public lands Instead of Increasing It: and Whereas, We believe that tho stnto ownership of tho arid lands of tho WfSt would result In the leasing or selling of large bodies of said lands to Individuals or companies, thus retarding development. In that farmers and small ranchmen as set tlers would bo shut out from tho lands. Therefore bo It Hesolved, That the several different acts of congress In reference to the artd lands meet tho necessities of the nctunl settler moro fully and Justly than could any "acts" of the different states In reference thereto do. And bo It Hesolved, Thnt wo aro unalterably op posed to tho proposed or any similar meas ure nnd earnestly protest ngaln.it Its enact ment Into law. And bo It further Hesolved, That this meeting of citizens tnko such action ns will procure tho dis semination of this protest throughout the territory affected and enrnestly request the Immediate co-npcratlon of Its Inhabitants. And bo It further Resolved, That wo aro- unalterably op posed to the leasing of tho public hinds ns proposed In said bill, or of giving the states control of public, lands lytug within its, boundaries, with power to leaso or sell tho same. And we pledge ourselves not to support nny man for public otllco that will work or vote for said bill. ANOTHER SIDE TO IlICH'S STOIIY. Hiiperlntenileiit of Institution for llllnil Tells of RxpnlNlou of Stnilmt. NEBRASKA CITY, March 11. (Special.) Superintendent J. E. Harris ot tho Institu tion for tho Blind In this city relates a dif ferent story to that printed In Tho Bco yes terday regarding Sara Rich, the blind stu dent who was summarily "fired" from tho Institution a few dnys ago. Mr. Harris states that tho reason for Rich's expulsion from tho school was dis obedience ot tho rules of the institution, coupled with an attempt on his part to breed discontent among the other pupils nnd to Incite them to acts of great4nnnoyanco to their teachers. A fow days after young Rich had been disciplined for his disobedience tho superintendent received nn anonymous let ter coucjied In vile and Indecent terms, tho nuthorshlp of which was traced to Rich. For these reasons tho superintendent deemed It for the best Interests of tho Institution to rid J It of the presence of the student, and he was j accordingly sent homo. ICH HHKAItS IX TUB PIATTK. Spun of Plnttp Hirer llrlde nt Oreun oIIn la Wimlifd Atvuy. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. March 11. (Spe cial.) Tho Ice broko In the Platte river t last night nud took out one span ot tho I Missouri Pacific railroad brldgo at Oreap olls this morning about 1 o'closk. At Ixiuls vlllo the wagon tirldge over tho main chan nel Is reported to have been washed out by Mi. ten. OriivA fears were untertnlnod th:tt that Burlington brldgo at Oreapolls would J also give way to the pressure ami trains ' wero only allowed to pass over it very alnwlxr. Tt ts now thrnraht thp worst hn passed and othor bridges wt)l not be injured by the flood caused "by tho blockading ot tho Ico. AIIpkimI Thief U Mound Over. PLATTSMOUTH, Nob.. March 11. (Spe cial.) Georgo S. Lee, who Is said to havo appropriated to his own tisa money belong ing to tho Rurltugtaq railroad. we given a preliminary hearing beforo Justice Archer on two charges, and 'was bound "over to the district court, the- ,bond being Q.ved at $500 In each case. J. M. Saxton, special claim agent for tho Burlington;' J. H. McKornon, routo agent for tho express company, and Conductor F. E. Lonts were witnesses against tho prisoner. Court Promises Much. YORK, Nob.. March 11. (Special.) The March term of district court, widen cctn mences this week, promts to bo a tlrely Eesslrn. Carey Sell, a young married man, was arrested a day or two nfter his mar riage by Klla Snider, n 16-year-old mother, who charges Sell with assault and. being father of her child. Itobcrt Clydo will ba tried for shooting nt Paul Oeyser with In tent to kill, Clyde believes that Oeyser la the cause of the separation of himself nnd wife. Samuel lloby, a one-armed man, Is. charged with representing himself ns n land owner and obtaining by misrepresenta tion the signature cf Peter Erthum to a $230 note. Ono of the largest suits and prom ising to bo sens.itlonnl Is tho caso ot Marlon Robertson, who asks Itobert Drown, n York county farmer, to pay him $15,000 as a balm for alienation of his (Ilobertson's) wife. Judge Good will preside. HEATH IC U El.t'OMKS A HOI.nilllt. I'lro 'Wlilntlf-it Are lllown on Kctnrn of I, lent run nt Wiul m ortli, IIEATRICE, Neb., March 11. (Special Tel ogram.) Lieutenant Androw S. Wadsworth of Company C, First Nebraska, arrived homo today from service In the Philippines and was welcomed by the blowing of tho fire whistle and n large crowd at the depot. Lieutenant Wndsworth left Manila last July with tho regiment, but being badly wounded In the leg was compelled to remain In the hospital at San Francisco until a tew weeks ago. Since then ho has visited friends on the coast. Ho la nearly recovered from his wounds. Prosperity In Ulinne County. IMPRUIAL, Neb., Mnreh 11. (Special.) Chase county Is receiving nn abundance of moisture at the present time. Slnco Feb ruary 22 thero has moro snow fallen than any previous winter slnco 1890 nnd 1891, and nt this time tho ground Is thoroughly sat urated. The roads aro so muddy that they are almost Impassable and it Is the opinion of tho farmers that tho ground la In better shape for spring work than It has over been. It Is the prophecy of evoryono that wo aro going to havo a big crop this season and extensive preparations aro being mado by tho farmers. Thero nre a large number of people mqvlng Into tho county this spring, thero being mcro transfers of real estate than for n number of years, and tho real cwtnte dealers report nn Increased demand for farms to rent. During the last winter tho stockmen havo not had to feed anything with tho exception of llvo or six days and stock of all kinds nro looking as If they were cornfed, nnd from reports tho loss at stock In the county has been very smalt. .Sprlnit Striken Coliimliiis, COLUMI1US, Neb., March 11. (Special.) Tho Ice Is going out of tho Loup river and tho south bank Is overflowing. Tho warm weather of tho last few days has melted tho Ico fast and no danger Is apprehended unless n gorge should form at some ot tho low bridges. Railroad companies nro keeping a watch to protect their property In caso of a gorge, but another day of warm weather will pass mcst of tho Ico out Into the Plntto. Tho geese and ducks nro appearing In large num bers nnd every Indication points to the fact that spring Is here. Tho frost Is nearly all out of tho ground and much work will bo commenced on farms this week. The soli Is said to be In first-class condition. Woman Sues I.oilne. NEBRASKA CITY, March 11. (Spcolal.) Suit was commenced In tho district court hero yesterday by Mrs. Anna L. Bauer against tho supremo lodge of the Business and Frnternnl association nnd Bankers' Union of tho World. Tho plaintiff Is seeking to recover $2,200, the amount of a Judgment which sho obtatnod a short time ago against tho Independent Workmen of America, In which her husband, now deceased, held a certificate. Sho alleges that tho Workmen of America society was consolidated with fll.t(tioi. nrnnnUnltnn li,t 1. ....... . . f , 1. ' another organization under tho name of tho oliler enemies. We cannot, In the netir fu Supremo Lodge of tho Buslnoss and Fra- . tUre. expect to have a navy nearly ns largo icrnui nssuciauon. Socialist Nnine Ticket. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., March 11. (Spc clal.) Tho socialists mot In city convention and placed In nomination tho following city ticket: Mayor, B. O. Hadley: clerk. Jacob Jacobson; treasurer, Lauren Llmer; police Judge, Ernest Argley: Board of Education, Mrs. James Herold nnd Peter Wolfcnberger. Councilmen: First word, Charles Martin; Second ward, Mlko Bajek; Third ward, An tono Carlson; Fourth ward, Frank Neumann; Fifth ward, John Javalt, Ciilitnln Kxiirrteil in Mllfnri, MILFORD, Neb.. March 11. (Special.) r-n.in i ii f hm,!.;.,... a ... ""w ---"' regiment Is expected horo from Manila next " "" ."..Uxh... 24th of last December the captain received a serious fracturo of the thigh bono by be ing thrown from his horse while on duty. His sons, Elwln, Clarence nnd Fred, aro still In the Philippines. Ilnliy Ilurnril to Ilentli, MILFORD, Neb., March 11. (Special.) Tho llttlo daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Sovereign, who live near Ruby, was burned to death Monday evening by her clothes catching fire from a kerosene flro-ktndlor In the hands of an older sister who was play ing with It. The parents wero absent nt the time of tho accident. Populists Name Dclcmitcs. GENEVA. Neb., March 11. (Special.) Tho popullBt convention was held yesterdny afternoon In tho court room, with full dele gations. They elected thirteen delegates to attend tho state convention on March 16. District Court Adjourned. TECUMSEH, Neb.. March 11. (Special.) The March term of the district court was to havo convened here tomorrow morning, but for some reason tho Judge has adjourned tho session until March 20. XclirnsUn. Xi'hh Notes. Ilartlett Is to havo a creamery. Unldrcgn nmateurs have organized n cnnicrn club. Elmwood Is to havo a creamery operated by a local company. J. C. llllnklrnn will start a broom factory nt South Sioux City. Bnynrd Is to have n saloon, tho first ono fdnce the town was founded, Wausa. people propose to organize a mutual tiro Insurance company. Hon. J. H. Van Dusen of South Omaha will deliver the Memorial day oration nt Tecumsuh. Albert Bwnnson nnd Peter Olson ot Liberty were wrestling and Olson fell nnd broko his leg. Tho Central Nebraska Teachers' associa tion meeting Is to bo held nt Hastings March 2S, 29 and 30. Arthur 11. Itoark, a Durllncton emntoyo nt Hnldrege, fell Into a hole tilled with hot water and was severely scalded. Tho South Sioux City authorities bnvo de cided that the cock tights and dog tights which Sioux City sports have been holding there every Sunday must stop. Tho former memliers of Company P, First Nebraska, of Beatrice nre organizing a monument association to erect n monument to the fallen members of the company. Papers throughout the state every week report tho nrrlvnl of new settlers, who uro coming In from stntes to tho east nf Ne braska. Tho Indications point to the largest Immigration for a number of years. According to the reckoning of Mr. Kras tus Smith, who has kept tho local record at Ravenna for tho government Weather bureau for moro than twenty years, more snow fell during tho month of Februnry of this year than has ever before fullen dur ing that month in tho period covered by his records. G. V. Swlnk of Itocfey Ford. Colo., ono of tho pioneers In tha raising of cantaloupes thereahouts nnd who has resided In that portion of the state slnco 1S71, visited Omaha und Kansas City last week. lie re ports Rocky Ford on a boom, caused In great measure by the tl.OOO.OOa hoet sugar plant, which Is now In course of erection there by the Oxnard people. This year thero will be 4,0ol acres of sugar beets planted within live miles of Rocky Ford and between Pueblo and tho state lino tt,000 acres. Mr. Swlnk says the beet sugar In terests will not Interfere with tho canta loupe interests, . MAI1AN ON MONROE DOCTUINE Conditions thnkWill Bo Impoietl bj ths Iitbm'mn Canal. . )MiJ CARIBBEAN SEA WILL BE IMPORTANT POINT l lilted Stntei AVIM No oil n HtroiiKor N nvy to liri'ii r.uropoim Niilloiin from eiiitfllctlnw with the .Monrnv Onctrliie. NEW YORK, March 11. In a papor on "Tho Monroo Doctrine and Our N.ivy," which ho has written for the forthcoming Issuo of Leslie's Weekly, Captain A. T. Mahan says: "Tho settlement and growth of our Pa cific coast, the Increasing commercial con sequence of tho Paelflo coast and the ques tions arising about China, Its future govern ment nnd Its trade, mnko It necessary to connect our Atlantic and gulf seaboard with tho Pacific by n canal across tho Isthmus, establishing thereby consecutive water com munication between tho two, as well ns shortening tho nccess from our cistern shores to Asia. The Isthmus and Its Im mediate surroundings thus become tho great est of our external interests. Scarcely sec ondary to them is tho Caribbean sen, because nil set roads to tho Isthmus run through It nnd It contains many strong positions, tho acquisition of which by a formidable Euro pean stnto would In war endanger our ship ping mcrcantllo nnd naval alike passing betwesn our Atlantic ports and the PaclUc by tho canal. Interest of Other Nntlons. "Wo must remember that other nations, nnd especially European, because the most active, nro Interested likewise In using thnt cnnnl, and, for tho support of their Interests, In gaining positions. To their doing so we opposo tho .Monroo doctrlnn. Therefore, If wo Intend to make tho affirmations of the latter wo must bo prepared to resist, forci bly If need be, any attempt to obtain adja cent territory or ports which may serve as slntlons for a navy hostile to ourselves. It Is natural that Huropean nations should wish such positions; that Oermany, for In- stnnce, as has been lately rumored, should wish tho Danish Islands St. Thomas, etc. Her right to buy them Is as good In Inter national law as ours; the Monroo doctrine depends upon legal right, not upon the moral right of our Indispensable Interests nnd derives Its support from tho fact that It Is not worth whllo to Incur our enmity, pushed, perhaps, to the extent of war. "Now tho ono preparation for war In a marltlmo region llko the Caribbean Is a navy largo enough 4o be effective. Ports nro qulto secondary. They aro necessary to a navy which needs' a local base of opera tions, but they aro1 'useless without It, and especially In the7 Caribbean, because con ditions thero nrd en backward as to give no local resources': Positions held there not only mU9t bo fortlfletl, but everything to support shipping" must bo Imported, and a steady stream of 'supilly maintained. This can only bo donf by the navy keeping the sen open, which nt tlio samo time secures our other merchant shipping. Sle of' N'ni'y NeetleU. "To do thrso tbJrgs, which Is called con trolling the sea,' the i navy uhould strictly bo superior to any which can bo brought ngnlnst it, but this extreme conclusion Is qualified by other clKCumstunccs, such as our nearness to, tho Carlbbcau sea, our natural inunr thrniieh. nur creat resources. niay i,0 exposed Ut other; quarters and from i .. . ... t as that which Great Britain must keep, but Jt Is easily within our means to rival that of Franco or Germany, the only other Euro pean states other than Great Britain whoio general Interests might load them actively to dispute tho maintenance of the Monroo .i,.i.. l UUI-LlillV. "Reflection upon this condition will Indi cate the size necessary to our own war fleet and also tho wisdom of cultivating these cordial relations to which Great Britain has lnvltod us, which our Interests and our In stitutions ndvlse and tho existence of which will nut It out of thn nower or wlsli nf any other state to quarrel with us nbout the Monroe doctrine. It is to the Interest 0f i- . ti.ui.. a t a .. . I "" "" mac we snouin take naval i cilarf,0 of tno American isthmus nrnvlitnl sho f Jel .u. nr thftf nnr nrnnllnn o,l ...III nnswor to tho words of Washington and Monroe. ILLINOIS RIVERS RUN HIGH Ice f.'orKe and IIIKli Wilier Tlircntrn 1,1 fr nnd Property Ilottoni I.llllda Arc Flooded. LA quip in along tho Llttlo rmU. Ion IverTn La s la in tho Tlclnlty known a. "Strasburg" were I March 11. Residents 1 driven from their homes this morning by tho high water and nn Ico gorge, which threat ened tho destruction of their homes. They wero awakened by the Inrush of water and tlio pollco rescued them In boats. Many nar row escapes ure reported. Tho Illinois river Is ten feet above normal nnd still rising, the lowlands along the bot toms being Hooded. The bridge across tho Illinois nt Spring Valley wns carried away by the Ice last night. It Is the second struc ture to meet tho same fate In tho last two years. HI'.W AlllUCl) AT LAST. llurc Harvard IHNtlnotlou for Woman Whose Claim .In n Mud Story. Within a fow days tho picture of a womin will bo hung In ono of tho lecture rooms at tho Harvard law school, reports ths Boston Transcript. Harvard Is Justly proud of tho collection of some 200 or 380 portraits of eminent Judges,, barristers and law writers which adon, ,tfyo walls of "Its law school, but the picture o a woman has never beforo been given n.pJiYjo among them. To gain such n place fs n raro honor, and a recognition of somolhng mare thun legal notorloty. Tho stoj-y. af .Mrs. Austin's claim to this distinction puthetlc one, To tell it, ono must nlso3to). tho atory of her husband, John AtinUtyte Mrs. Austin marrJrtdlp 1819 or 1S20. John Austin, n young English, barrister. He had been In tho nrmy 3 ayouth, but had left It nt tho suggestlon,,,pf friends who thought they saw in htm t))ij making of a brilliant lawyer. Ife was tjp.jno confident himself, and frankly oxprcs'fldyjils forebodings In n lotter written to Jjlsj Taylor before their marriage. " jyid may God, above nil, strengthen us to bpa'r tin. under thoso priva tions and dlsappolnmejijs with which It Is but too probable wo nvi destined to con tend." In 1818 ho was called to tho bar, and two years later married Miss Taylor, to whom he had been engaged llvo years. Mr. Austin soon gavo up his unsuccessful practice and began tho study of Jurispru dence. There were no law schools In Eng land at tho time, but in 182C London uni versity attempted something like one, and Austin was asked to tako the chair of Ju risprudence To tt himself for this, he wont with his wlfo to Ronu and Dresden, where ho perfected himself In tho German lnnguago, and came under the mose eminent professors of Jurisprudence, Both he and hta wife were thoroughly Irnbuod with the cptrlt ot tho German universities, and this period ot study-left Ineffaceable mark on them. ' In 1828 they"-returned to England and the work &t London university was begun, Tho class Included several men who afterward took tho highest rank as Jurists and writers, among whom were Jobu Stuart Mill and Lord Roraltly. Financially the lectures Were a failure. Disappointed nt his failure Austin gnvo up tho ohnlr, but published his lectures, only to be dlsnppolnted again, for nt tho tlmo they received slight notice. After many subsequent failures his health gatn way and ho was obliged to live at Carls bad In the summer nnd Paris In tho winter. During all this time Mrs. Austin was tot lowing and aiding her husband In his work, bullies adding to their scanty Income by making translations from the German, Mr. Austin died In December, 1S59, n dis appointed man. After her husband's death Mrs. Austin tried to find somo ono to put In form for publication tho notes which Mr. Austin had left, but there seemed to bo no one com petent nnd willing to ttndertnko tho task. At last a friend who had known them both urged Mrs. Austin to try It herself. "It will bo a great and dlfllcult labor, but If you do not do It It will never be done." For several years she was engaged on tho work, which was even moro dlfllcult than was ex pected, far most of the lectures were given extempore and tho notes were very meager. Mrs. Austin triumphed at last. Tho book wno published nnd today, after having gone through flvo editions, Is still the authority on the subject. So, after his death. John Austin's hopes wero realized by the loving labor of his wife. Today tho wlfo Is hon ored no less than tho husband, for her In tellect saved to the world what his created. I'ttlNTINH WITHOUT IMC. Itecont Ailvniicrs llnili In tlu- ICIcetro-('lii-inlcii! Process. Several months ngo mention was made of a system ot printing without Ink, which or iginated in Kngland and which was the In vention of n man nnmcd firevn. The paper used In this process Is chemically prepnred. so that when electricity Hows through It from tho faco of the typo the chemicals con tallied aro turned dark. A syndicate hns been formed In tho British cnpltal to develop tho Invention and for about four mnntlia elaborato experiments with It havo been In progress. Public exhibitions of the system havo been given and tho nttcntlon of publish ers and scientific folk, not "merely In Eng land, but nlso on tho continent of Kuronn. has been drawn to It. A. Sanderson, tho managing director of tho comnanv behind the ",lien. now supplies n number of nddl- tlonnl particulars In tho February number or unnmners- Journal. Thnt which Mr. Sanderson regards ns tho chlof Improvement marlo In the procoss within tho last fow "weeks Is doing away with tho necessity for wetting tho nnuor. formerly resorted to in order to fncllltato tho passage, of tho current through. It. Yenrs ago It was customary to moisten the sheets several hours beforo printing, as It was beliovod that better results wero thus obtained. That practice has now been aban doned nnd If wetting wero nccess.ry In tho now electrical process tho labor Involved would constitute a drawback to the plun. It has been found to be practicable to dispense with It, howovcr. Ono of tho first questions that arlso Iji re gard to tho Green lirocess relates to tho speed with which It can bo worked. Of course, tho electricity must net upon tho chemicals for a sensible period of tlmo In order to accomplish tho desired object. And If tho tlmo required should prove to bo much greater than that needed with Ink this limitation would provo a serious one. Whnt Sir. Sanderson says on this point Is not alto gether clear. Ho speaks 'of "a small rotary press" which gavo him "0,000 impressions an hour," If ho employed only a single set of plates, or forms, then tho speed attained was nbout half that of tho best modern nens paper presses. Tho latter make nbout 12,000 revolutions nn hour. Their capacity can be doubled by putting on two full sets of stereo- . . .... ... . iypo piates, out ino snmo tning can no none with tho Oreen process, too. Tho vital question is tho number of revolutions an hour thnt can bo mado nnd apparently, at the present time, this Is only one-half as great as with the bc-st web perfecting presi; per haps only n quarter. Tho chemicals requlrod to render the paper sensitive nre said to bo very cheap. They aro essentially different from those used In photography. For tho present the Inventor and thoso who control his process are not willing to mention tho nature of these ma terials. It Is announced, however, that they are Incorporated Into the paper during the operation of manufacturing the Intter and aro not nPP"1 afterward, as ore the sensitizing dements of photographic printing paper. To Hnmn v Innl time a piortilnnla tfilrn Mm nlfifft " . --- ----- or oiners now usoa in paper maning ami air. "blares that no additional cost reSUHS. Tho paper can bo had Just as cheaply, ho says, as if It had not been treated with a view to electrical printing. A comparison between tho old and new methods Is offered to show tho economy that Is said to bo ono ot tho epcclal advantages of tho Oreen plan. It Is assumed that a form of eight quarto pages for nn lllustrnted catnloguo Is being used, three of the pages being In light faced typo and five devoted to 'process" or half-tono blocks. Every thou 8aml 'nk Involve , the con. suml,tlcu .ot 0Uml "V,, k"3'? consequent outlay of 2 shillings sterling. In a week's work, covering 36,000 Impres sions, this Item would omiount to J33 12s, or '!? VT f fl,fty:ono 'oc1 to 18 12i' Mr, Sanderson declares that the current re quired to do tho same work by thti electri cal method would cost 1 pence nn hour, C shillings and 9 pence a week of Ofty-four hours, or 17 Is 3d a year. To this must bo added 20 for the license to use tho process. According to this estimate thero would be n saving of 14f 7s 9d a yoar. lAtnong the other claims put forwnrd In behalf of tho electrical process is that It leaves a permanent Impression. Inasmuch as the system Is a now ono, little chance haa been afforded for a thorough test on this score, but specimens of work nro In existence that aro six months old, and some of these have been constantly exposed to the light. "Mr. Sanderson says that they retain their original strength and solidity, which Is moro thau can lie said of somo printing Inks. Tho regulnUon of Intensity of shade Is effected by Introducing a "re sist" Into the press. This dovlco Is not described In detail, but tho principle is easily understood. Tho degree of the In fluence exerted on the Ink by tho current Is proportional to the amount of electricity passing through it. By introducing In Its path something which offers resistance to Its How tho amount of tho current that Is effective Is lessened and the darkness of tho Impression Is abated accordingly. Tho amount of current required Is said to bo so small that no accident can occur from the uso of electricity, and the con trol ot tho operation Is simplicity tte!f. To current Is turned on and off by nn ordi nary push button. Tho enro with whloh. tho Green process can bo adapted to presses now In uae will doubtless facilitate Its Introduction If In other respeclH It shall bo found satisfactory. No change appears to b necessary beyond tiro removal of tho old Ink" rollers nnd rocep tacltw and tho attachment of a few electric wires. But a supply of the right kind of paper Is requisite. Although tho company of which Mr. Sanderson Is the managing director has Its own presses for test pur praff, It has under consideration offers from two Ijndon dully papers to try tho system on the fast presses of the latter. Similar proposals havo been made by continental publishers. As yet, ovldently, tho company Is not ready to take advantage of the oppor tunity thus afforded, from which It may be Inferred that perfectlcn ban not yet been reached, In fact, Mr. Sanderson frankly says; "Wo do not claim finality for our pro ces, but wo do clarm that It Is commercially practicable-, and In duo tltoo wo hopo to prove It." TAKE TOWNS WITflOUT STRIFE 0;e Ohtpter In tho American Occupation of Southern Luzon. NATIVES SIMPLY LOOK ON CURIOUSLY Surprised nt MorliiMT Americans, Whom the Tit u u I o l.cndi'rs Hint Told Them Wert All Prisoner nt .Mil n 1 1 n. SORSOOE.V, Southern Luzon, Jan. 20. (Correspondence of tho Associated Press.) Two days ago a military expedition of some 2,500 American troops, under General Kobbe, left Manila and proceeded on sevcrnl steam ships to tho southern und ot Luzon Island, thero to occupy nnd permanently garrison clx scacoast towns and villages. Up to the present time throe such towns have come under tho American Hag nnd the control ot American nrmy olflclals nnd no ono has been hurt on cither side. Two or threo moro places still remain to be garrisoned down hero and then tho expedition will proceed to Samara and Leyte, there to occupy and hold tho principal towns of these neighbor ing Islands. General Kobbe's commnnd Is competed of the Forty-third nnd Forty-seventh United States volunteer Infantry nud Captain Ran dolph's battery of tho Third artillery. These trcops wero loaded on the transports Han cock and Garonne and tho local steamers Venus, Aeroltis, Salvadora nnd Custellnno. Convoyed by tho gunboat Nashville the ex pedition left Manila January IS and slowly steamed down the coast to the entrance of tho deep bay that leadw from the sea up to tho town of Sotsogen, near tho southern ex tremity ot Luzon. On the mornlug of-January 20 wo met the gunboat Helena and tho llttlo caravclo and, tho three warships lend ing tho transports in single file, the whole expedition slowly proceeded up Sorsogen bay. liny I.lko Luke Cliiiiiipluln. It was llko Ltko Champlnln. Tho water sparkled brightly, stirred by the morning breeze, and tho hills that run back from tho sldos of tho bay were well-wooded. We swung past eieveral Islands. Wo woro clcso enough to tho shoro to detect the tropical follngo and there was a fre.ihuess In thp morning nlr that reminded our soldiers of homo. Thoro had followed us from Manila a sldowhcel steamer called the Nunez with a serviceable draft of six feet, lis uso and valuo now became apparent. Two companies of the Forty-wevcnth were loaded Into eight of the Hancock's pull boats, and pulled nboard tho Nunez. The Nunoz towed tho whole outfit toward Sor sogen, some eight miles up tho bay. After an hour and a half tho small boats arrived off Sorsogen and we saw tho town was decorated with white nnd American Hags. Tho Helena. Nashv llln nnd thn mm. vels had preceded tho Nunez nnd Its boats to Sorsogen and wero anchored In front of ino town. General Kobbo and Captain Carlel, Col onel Howo of tho Forty-seventh, Captain Bradley of tho Hancock nnd Lieutenant Kobbe, the general's son, wero on board ono of tho caravels. This gunboat steamed close to the wharf In front of tho stono ware houses along tho water front nnd a pull beat set the party mentioned on shore. They wero met by n number of natives and Span lards, whllo crowds of tho vlllagora stood and gaped in wonder and curiosity. It was their first sight of tho American. Whnt AkuIiiiiIiIo'h Men Toll Natives. Only three days ngo tho Tngalo leaders had convincingly told them that Agulnnldo had driven us out of Manila and held us prisoners upon vessels In Manila bay. The Spaniards told General Kobbe that tho Insurgent forces had evacuated the town that morning, whereupon Colonol Howe with an American Hag under bis nrm ond ac companied by an orderly, walked rapidly across tho square In front of the church and raised tho Hag upon n polo facing a build ing that had tho nppenranco of a inrm. The soldiers from tho Nunez wero landed on mo wnari ami, immedlatoly foKnlmr Intn companies, marched up Into town. The people seemed Indifferent to our nres. ence, their only vlsiblo characteristic being curiosity. All day long they looked at tho Americans rrom street corners, doorways nnd second-story windows, nnd several times crowds of curious had to bo dispersed from In front of Colonel Howo's headquarters. Thoro were several Spaniards In town nnd from thorn was learned something of tho recent happenings on shore. Sorsogen Is nn Important shipping port and n district capital. It has, like the rest of this coast nnd the Islands of Saraar nnd Leyte, been blockaded by our vessels bIiico August last nnd consequently Its people havo suffered from tho lack of varieties o' food. They seemed to have had sufficient of rice, llsh and bananas, which Is the diet of thn poorer classes, but nil such materials ns came from Manila had long since been exhausted. Tho Spaniards said thoy were glad to see us nnd they hoped for the immediate ro estnblishmcnt of commercial relations with Manila. It seems thero had been stationed In Sorsogen about 300 Tngal soldiers under the command of Colonel Leon Paras, Thoro woro only 100 rifles In tho command, however, and we were told they bnd llttlo ammunition. Theso Spaniards had been uniformly well treated by the Filipinos, thoro had been no ofllclal Imposition or Injustice, tho Spaniards were allowed every liberty and they averred that travel In the country had been safe at nil times. The town nnd tho provlnco had been ruled by tho Tngal lenders and such civil forces as they established wero directly under the control of tho military and acted for them. Priests nud l'rlnrs Driven (till. Thero havo never been nny Spanish pris oners In tho provlnco of Sorsogen nnd all Spanish friars nnd priests were driven away more than a year ago; churchin are now oc cupied nnd services conducted by the native clorgy. Tho natives of southern Luzon are called VIcoIh. Thoy seem a qulot and peace ful people, unlikely to give trouble If Tngal Influence bo removed from them nnd thoy nro apparently moro anxious to bo let alone to grow small crops limn to fight nnd die for tho Agulnnldo Ideal of liberty. This provlnco Is a hemp producer and ns thoro havo been no shipments out for six months past con siderable of this product Is stored here wait ing transfer to a market. It appears that tho main body of tho Fil ipinos retreated toward a village called Cas tillo, some eight miles distant, but a rear guard of twenty men wero left In Sorsogen and only quitted tho outskirts of the town when General Kobbo'a party landed on tho wharf. OlelirntCH 1'imlnrntr Auul vrranrv, CIIfCAnO, March ll.-Hlnhop Charles Edward Cheney of the Christ Reformed Episcopal church today celebrated tho fortieth nnnlversary of his pastorate. Clergy nnd laymen united In according pralso to lllshop Chancy. Addresses wera Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. Used by people of rofmurnont for over u quarter of a coutury. made by ntshop Samuel Fnllawn, Klhrldgo O. Keith, Itev. Merrick Johnson and others. Among tho founders of Christ Unformed church was Melvllln W Fuller, now chUf Justice of the supreme court. 'run old missions of California J nro HiixttvAtlvn of the tnwuy rnco, who, beforo the buildings wern wrought, dlv coveted that sickness results when tho kidneys IxTome closed nnd Instead of tu toring the lil(xl, retain tirte. acid Impurities, until the poison permeates the whole sys tem, nmnfrcstlng Itself In many forms of disease. Willi Inutility kidneys you will alwnys be well. Ktn Cnro nnd Vn euro t'.ithsrtlf Tbln will prevent uric neld nc cumulations, and positively remove them from t he system where they have scoured a hold. Rheumatism mid Kidney nnd lllndder Trouble were unknown to the Mission In dians who Uncovered tho wonderful prop erties of these, specifics now given to tho world as California's Mission Remedies for Siile by all I)rujgl$ti. CAJA Cactus Lin,ment is a manic balm for nil Inflammation. Its work Is practically Instantaneous. SEND YOUR NAME To Dr. Ilcnnett and ho will forward you by return mall his book, "The Finding of the Fountain ot Eternal Youth," symptom blank, etc. You will receive lots of Kood, wholesome ndvlce, whether you begin my treatment or not. Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt Restores the health, strength and vigor of youth; creates' uuiu and brain matter by purifying the fu:vst nud most vigorous conditions of robust health, and body nnd mind, so that all tho duties of Ufo may bo punnted with confi dence and pleasure. Is today tno uesi known ngent for ap plying electricity to the human system; Indorsed by physi cians and recom mended by 10.0U0 cured patients. I guarantee It to euro Sexual Impoteucy, Lost Manhood, Vari cocele and nil Sexual Discuses; restore Shrunken and I'lidc voloped MrU and Lost Vigor; euro Kidney, Liver und It'adder Troubles, Constlpntlnn, Dys pepsia nnd nil Fe male Complaints. I!o sure and write today nnd get my book, testimonials, etc. My ICIectrlenl Suspensory for the radical cum of the various weaknesses of men Is FRKM to every mule purchaser of one of my Hells. Dr. BENNETT W ItoouiN IS to 21, DniiKln Iltoek, 0ip, HiiyiloiiM', Corner Itttli mill I)oi1k StM.. OMAHA, NKIl. OFFICI3 HOURS: From 8:30 n. m. to 8:30 p. m. Sundays From :30 a. m. to 1 p. m. Omaha & St. Louis R. It. HHMHDMHniHBM'iUsaMII Wabash Route "St. Louis Cannon Ball" LAST TO LEAVE-FIRST TO ARRIVE LEAVE OMAHA 5:05 P. M. ARRIVE ST. LOUIS 7:00 A. M, Trnlns lenvo Union Station dally for KANSAS CITY. Ql'INOY. ST. LOPIS nnd all points east or south. SPECIAL RATES to HOT SPRINGS, AIIIC. HomeseekerH' excursion March B nnd 20. All Information nt CITY TICKUT OFFICIO, H15 FARNAM ST., (Pnxlon Hotel Block) or write Harry E. Moores, C P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. ACCOMMOnATIO.VS T TIII3 Trocadero Hotels (Facing the River Selno und thoExposltlon) in iiivt; Tin: PARIS EXPOSITION OF 1900 N SOW OK Itl'.SKIt vi;n. An illiiMtratcd folder, containing a map of tho Exposition Grounds, nlve full par ticulars. Send for It. Malted free. MiitcruoniN rcMcrvi-d mid HcUcIh moIi! on nil TriiiiM-Allnullc xti'iiiuciH. lt.WJIOMI A WIIITCOMII, 201 Washington Street, Huston, .Mans. WANTED Case or riu Health that R-I-P-A-N-S will not bcnellt. Send 5 cants to Rloinx Chimlcal Co., Neil York, for 11 utmpluw and 1,000 testimonials. AMD.HHMKVTM. BOYD'S Woodwurd & lliircosa. Mgra. Tel. 1919. Tonight Tomorrow Night The Greatest of All Spectacles, Devil's Auction New nnd elaborate transformation nnd trick scenery-I'nhiuo novelties and a big company. PRICES $1 00, 75c, 60c, 23c. NEXT ATTRACTIo"N Matinee und Night Thursday. "SECRET SERVICE" William (Illicit' Masterpiece Scuts, on sale Tttosday. CJUicmto Telculiotio l.'.'tt. ve : tho roof yesterday matlneo and night -Another iirilltnm uggregiiuon oi biai acts, TONIGHT 8:15 Sill, nnd HUM. PF.HICINH I'lHIIKIl In "Tho Half-way House." K IIOI.I.OIVAlrt H. PAHTIH TIlIO. kki.i.v n.iii vioi.i'vrns. O'lllllli.V nnd HUCKM3V, ,11 I.IA K.l,TIK)ll. 'HIE I.IiU.VAItUS. 1