Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1900, Page 6, Image 18

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City of Dawson
Before the Fire
It Ig( a grim country, n country of ex- shoulder of tho big hill that curves orouutl
tromcs." Dawson. At tho summit wc find somo rustic
Desplto tho recent rain, tho Klondlko la nonts beside tho trail. Wo wonder who over
crystal cloar, tho trail Is washed clean, took tho time to build them, when labor In
In a plcturcsquo cabin bosldo tho path a tho mines, until recently, had been worth
woman Is singing her baby to sleep, and $15 a day. Near by thero Is a sun dial,
over the willows Is wafted tho sound of with the marks N. W. M. P., and we know
(Copyright, 1&00, by Cy Wurman.)
Whllo tho world Is filled with sorrow,
And hearts must break and breed,
It's day nil day In the daytime,
And there Is no night In Oreedo.
A green garden set high on a hill, llko n
picture on an casol, was tho strange sight
I saw from my stateroom window ns Daw
son dawned upon my view at 15:30 of nil
August morning, and, of course, baforo
tho II ro that recently devastated the place
It had rained In Dawson tlio day before.
Tho hills wero all washed clean. Tho lit
Ho garden, facing tho cast, bathed In sun
light, smiled down on mo llko a pretty
girl In tho gallery. Klondlko City was
slipping by us, and Just below, over a wide
gravel bar, itho crystal Klondike rushed
In, making u wide, green path far out In
tho gray waters of tho Yukon. Just bo
low tho mouth of that far-famed river tho
city of Dawscn begins. It has nil cniiio Into
vlow so suddenly and wo sweep down tho
swift stream so rapidly thai one llmls lb
bewildering. After GOO miles of almost
houseless shore, this Imposing camp, with
lis shipping, Moating wharfs and great
Iron warehouse was u revelation, At tho
upper end of the town are tho government
buildings, tho prison and tho barracks,
where tho mcuuted police live.
Almost a mllo of houses, all sorts, shapes
and hIzih, are ranged along tho embank
ment facing tho river. Theso aro tho" prin
cipal busliuss establishments of the town
hotels, shops of all kinds, saloons, danco
halls, banks and barber shops. It Is M
weird picture, n wonderful panornma that
passes our window as wo drop down stream.
Thoro goes a milk wagon drawn by seven
dogs, n perfect llttlo wngon, and tho dogs
havo harnesses with collars and hames,
llko tho harness of a horse. It reminds
mo of Austria and Ilohciula, only thero
aro no women In harness hero. A tnll
girl In n red wrapper nnd a miner In a
whlto hat aro waltzing on tho sidewalk
In front of a danco ball. (Although It la
barely C o'clock, nil tho shops nro open. FRONT STREET, DAWSON CITY, AT TIME OF ITS GREATEST ACTIVITY.
IU C'TtS 'V"1 sho,)kco,;or8 1n,r10 "1 loo" u small room, but It Is clean. Meals are tinkling bolls. In front of a little roadsldo that tho police, who aro always doing sotno-
.r "iLL 1Z nLRLrZ.K UM' 1111)10 d'hoto' bul thcy aro uxcclIent- SUP raan is candling a crato of oggs- thing-blazing a trail, bridging a stream or
i.. . . , " "urrylt g down to tho ,t you want a spring chicken It will cost you holding thorn one by oue between him and marking a mud hole-havo put theso things
wharf to meet friends and oved ones they ,0. u cculs G0 cenl8 to qucncll nt all flr8t. tho flllni Th ro worth nM a dozcn ,,ero
.!,!. ,? ! "; i n C88et womnn looks C,B bnra. Hero Is a copy of a typewritten "Thero is llttlo vegetable mould, and Overlooking Uuwao,,.
anxiously up at the purser as tho boat ties ,,, of faro verbatim ot literatim. plant life Is sparse." Our trail lies along an almost level stretch
up. Tho purser shakes his head, and n Anhcuscr Dusch or Schlltz Ucer. . a , " , a,i"B nn almosl 10V .slro cn
Ijalmtt'B Engll8'h'Aie"'por"i)lnt!.'.'!!!!.'!!!$2.G0 laturo field of oats. Tho well-fllled heads cabins along tho trail, but very few people.
Guinnesses Extra Stout, per pint $2.50 como up to my shoulders. Tho grain is In Some of tho cabins aro very pretty. Many
tho dough it will bo ripe in a week. SInco havo doublo walls, filled with dtrt between.
1 W
shadow sottles on tho hopeful, almost
happy faco, ns tho woman turns away.
1)1 vi-i-nIIUmI (ri-ctlnur.
Now tho women, who havo mndo tho
long Journey of thousands of miles to Join
their husbands, como from their cabins
clad In neat traveling gowns that havo
not been worn on tho whole trip. A now
hat, n fresh ribbon hero and thero, n happy
siullo, all kept back for UiIb ouo Joyful mo
ment. "Huh," I heard a woman say; "Mow
funny ho looks In that horrid hat." A
man kissed his child, hold It off ami
gazed nt It through tcar-dlmmed oyes,
and tried hard to realize that this big
boy was "baby."
Tho boat had scarcely ceased rocking
when Jim and 1 walked nshoru. Two hand
some, clean-faced young Boldlera of tho
mounted police foreo woro tolling along tho
strand with a drunken man between them.
Theso lino young men do tho police duty In
Duwsou. It Is not a pleasant duty, but, since
they must perform It, they do It well, and
win tho respect nnd sympathy of all classes
ot citizens. Verily, thero Is no night In Cucumbers GOc,
Dawson. Tho men nt tho gaming tables nro
changing shift, but the guinea go on.
"Thoy hanged two Indians and u whlto man
last wook and started a dally paper." That
Cox & dates. I
Dinner G to 8 I'. M. $1.50.
IJcof broth Anglalsc, consomme.
Rolled king salmon hollandalsc.
Curried Iobstor with rice.
Ilrenst of Iamb with French peas.
Hell fritters, inaulo sauce.
l'rlmo ribs of beof au Jus.
Vcnl with dressing.
Rolled and mnshed potntocs.
Green peas.
Assorted pics. Assorted cakes.
I.emon Ico cream.
Radishes GOc.
A DitWNOii Ciirtlni.
this was written I havo seen a nowa dispatch Over tho door of ono rustic letters aro fixed
which read as follows: Recent oxporlmcnta to spell "Iowa."
with grain-growing nnd market-gardening Hero under tho nspen trees or cotton
in tho Yukon valloy, not far from Dawson wood nnd spruco, moss Is found in thick
and tho center of tho Klondlko region, give tufts, llko green bunches of swamp grass
promlso of fresh vegetables for tho miners, Ilon'" tho edgo of a swamp. It Is this thick
beforo long, produced in their own neigh- blanket of moss that keeps tho sun from
borhood. Wheat, oats, and barloy, all tho earth and holds tho frcst In the ground,
planted lato In May and harvested about tho When tho moss Is removed tho earth thaws
middle of August, havo roached Duluth, as out In tho summer, for tho days aro long
a samplo of what has been done in tho nero n,"I 00 warm as they nro In Colorado.
Klondlko region. All of tho grain is fully Nw wo como out on tho brow of tho hill
nvnturcd, and of good quality. Of course, overlooking Dawson. Tho vlow Is un
many vegetables can bo grown still moro broken. Hero, to our left, rushes tho clear
readily than such cereals. Klondlko and yonder, at tho farther end of
"Qnatu and mosquitoes move to and fro In 1,10 town- tho raStv Yukon, curving with
denso clouds during tho summer and add to n eNVecp sublime, glides away among the
tho many discomforts and discouragements hllls on tho lons Jurnoy to tho ocean,
of tho region." nearly 2,000 miles away.
The burro, tho husky and tho slwash are Between tho town and tho foot of tho hill
tho only Insects I havo seen thus far In or t,loro 18 a w,do slrtch ' lvol, marshy
about Dawson. Not a gnat. Not bo much Innd' Thl3 was a Quagmlro a year BO.
ns ono widowed, melancholy mosquito havo Now 11 bas IlU bcon drained wo can seo
I seen hero. tho drains and ditches from tho hilltop and
"Llfo Is a warfare" yn can walk or r'' 11,1 about.
Slttlnc In tho hillside ennlmi. nvorinnfcin,, lrlulm unu companion, ur. u., points
below, tho soft winds frolghted " . , . ,
fragrance of flowers, tho scent ot J 10 vulBnr'y boahhy town on the con
is and the perfume of tho pine, It tlnotU" CY WARMAN.
T nn,,bn r n .M....lnnll.n1t.. l...t . . - ... . D 1 rt mil t l-rv linonltnla I linfr
was ii news Item given tho captain of our 4" "' "'" tlio beautiful Klondlko, with Its picturesque " ""'ZZ "
boat by a man who camo on board. Just l"u "luo K;LU" Bnru," on. ,co, anu nw 'ry and trim bonis gliding down stream; p."-""'" ir typuom
u ... .. .. u i.. .i wo aro going up the Klondlko to seo It. the nnv nt n ,m,,if n,.nri, o, mr,., r fover patients. Only thrco cases thoro.
"Ilavn vol, Rm. vnii, w.nn u C0Ui a quarter to walk ocrois tho river below, tho soft 'Wlnl frnl.rhtn.1 "Wiy." said tho doctor, "Dawson today la
wan kid on des boat?" luu DUBi,u"Blu "'"i spans mo mue with tho fi
"Yes," said Thompson. "Freckled kid !"lvor' Tho. l,ay ,B (le,Khtfu. but niy mind Hwcet peas
with his noso skinned." m consianuy roverung to a poworiui, uiu- seems to mo that If man had money enough
"Val, hn'B been baby when a seo 'em last, 11,111 y woruou ucsonpuon mat i navo seen to keep him from pining for tho "creeks" "Now, Dicky, don't you want to give up
but a tank ho would havo ha's noso skin by rt'ml,"K of tno Klondlko by a gifted author nnd mosquitoes enough to keop him from taking sugar with your medicine during
des time." who ,,n8 navor 800n tno country. I shall brooding, llfo bore, In summer at least, would Lent?"
llott-l 1,1 fc tu Dimiioii. ,ll")t0 b,ls of hls 'Iworlptlon as I go, setting bo ono grand, sweot Bong,. "No, ma; but I tell you what I'll give up
"Thoro Is no lock on my door " said I to tfccm sl,1 by sldo w,th thc thlnB 08 1 seo U' llnK garden wo climb up over a takln' tho med'clno."
the young woman who was head clerk and
half owner In tho hotel.
"Oh, well we'll give you a bottor room
ns soon us ono Is vacant."
"Hut In tho meantime," I oxplalnod, "any
one can como up tho back stairs und step
Into my rom It won't oven latch."
Tho clerk smiled.
"Well," she said, as sho changed a $100
bill, taking out $1.00 for tho man's
breakfast. "I guess we'll havo to put locks
on nil our doors, l'eoplo seem to expect It.
'l'liu fact Is," sho went on, "wo have been In
such a rush that wo had not thought ot It.,
Hut things nro changing, l'eoplo nro com
ing In from tho oust and now I supposo
we'll havo to lock up."
She did not mean to bo discourteous. She
simply Indicated a well known condition, t'o
long as a mining camp Is occupied by min
ers, mountnlncors, pioneers nnd prospectors,
no one over thinks of locks. It Is tho com
ing of tho cultured tenderfoot, tho Oheo
chawko, that makes bolts nocessary. Even
tho IndlnnB wero reasonably honest with
each other until we began to civilize thorn.
I seo nothing hero marked less than a
quarter. That Is .the prtco of a four-page
paper. At Seattle tho penny passes out of
uho, at Skngway the nickel, nnd at Dawson
the dime Hut prices nro dropping rapidly
hero. Fresh signs In the restaurants rend:
"Meals only ouo dollar." In somo places
thoy aro but 7G cents, with drinks. In one of
the best hotels In town I pay $5 a day for HIGH SCHOOL CADETS KEARNEY, NED.
March 11, 1000.
A Holly and
Mistletoe Ranch'
"Yes, 1 think wo havo about tho first and
only holly and mlBtletoo farm In tho coun
try, or In tho world, for that mattor." Tho
speaker was Miss Lucy Cartelcdgo, tho older
of the two young women who three years ngj
began to ralso holly and mistletoe for mar
ket. "You ask how It began the farm, you
moan? Why, It all started from my going
to New York to study art. My mother, who
is my only living parent, by many sacrifices,
finally saved enough tiKncy for mo to make
tho venture. I did not achiavo much In tho
wny of art, but 1 learned what a big world
of smart people this Is and how much I had
to Improve beforo thero was any chance of
setting It nflro with cny brilliancy. Ouco
convinced that I had llttlo or no artistic abil
ity I set about to find some way to earn
n living. Tho high price paid for holly and
mistletoe in New York City was ono ot
many revelations and on Inquiry I found that
tho prettiest pieces were brought over from
England. This gavo mo nu Idea and I wrote
homo about It to my sister, who is a very
practical person.
"Sho began nt onco to go over our 500
acres and cleared away tho underbrush
ground every holly bush. In somo Instances,
ivlth those around the house, sho had gotio
so far as to trim away all tho dead limbs
and havo the earth about tho roots enriched
ud spaded up.
"For tho preservation of tho mistletoe sho
cut off tho muscadine and Jasmlno vines
climbing over every treo where thoro was
a sprig ot It growing. Sho also declared hor
Intention of trying to plant tho seeds In tho
hollows and forks of old oaks, where she
saw a chanco ot Its taking root and grow
ing. "During tho next summer wo had llttlo to
do besides sit and wait for what tho autumn
would bring forth, but this energetic sister
of mine was careful to seo that no haron
camo to tho numerous llttlo holly trees which
she dlscovered'about tho roots of tho largo
trees. She stated that sho Intended trans
planting thorn 'u winter and for tho first
tlmo wo realized It might not bo such nn
easy mattor to got a holly farm aB wo antici
pated. I.VuroiI Hail I.utik.
"Negroes aro so superstitious that it is
almost impossible for a whlto person to keep
up with tho numerous queer things they
bellovo. When our old cook heard us talk
ing about transplanting young holly she
was horrllled and told us It wus tho worst
. . . . i .1.... ,l,nm. ,11,1 It llin
niiiu u. iuwi ' " '
mlnuto tho bush grow anu cast a shadow
largo enough to cover their grave they
would die. Wo found the superstition qulto
goueral among tho negroes", so, of course,
wo realized at once tiiat none of them
could bo depended on to plant our holly
grovo. According to their udvlco tho only
way to obtain such trees was by placing
n in r i.ofeina nn fi ntitmn near where
tl iUb U. UU ivm w. " .
wo wished tho tree and allow tho wind to
blow them. Only fancy what a stupid Idea.
Still, It was most sorlous to us, as wo
wero entirely dependent on them as la
borers, SellliiK tlie Crop.
"However, our ilrst harvest camo before
transplanting time. As soon ns tho berrlco
woro sulllclontly grown to Judge ot we
sent spoclmons on to several firms In Wash
ington and New York. Almost by return
mall wo received surprisingly large orders,
but at different prices. The best came
frnm tho Washlncton firm which supplies
tho Whlto House.
"At Christmas wo found there were two
distinct grades of holly. Dranches gath
ered from trees around tho house, which
had been trimmed and fertilized, woro moro
beautiful than the others. Tho foliage was,
richer and tho berries larger, moro numor
ous and very much moro brilliant. My sis
ter fancied tho same improvement was to
bo observed iu the mistletoe, but wo finally
decided that tho most beautiful specimen1
of this wero taken from post-oak trees.
And now, after thrco years' experience, we
still consider it a fact.
"Our profits for tho first year were grati
fying, and as soon as thero was sufficient
cold to send tho sap down Into tho roots
of tho treo wo began our transplanting.
Rut do you know my sister and I were com
pelled to do it with our own hands. Tho
negroes would dig tho holes and put In the
fertilizer, but when It camo to actually"
planting tho llttlo trees wo had to do that
ourselves. Wo worked early and Into all
during tho months of January and Febru
ary and managed to sot out ten acres of
"This last senscn wo cut out every other
ono of theso young trees and Bold thoni
na Christmas trees. They wero well shaped,
had flno foliage, with large, rich berries,
si, of course, they brought tho very best
"For our mlstletoo wo select old oak trees,
preferably post-oaks, and Insert well-ripened
berries under tho bark In tho fork or hollow,
where they will have a chance to germinate
nnd catch hold. Just how old tho plant has
to bo beforo It bears berries we have not
been nhlo to decide ns yet.
"This last Beason wo added to our farm
products by shipping quantities of bamboi
and Chrletmas berry vines. In the north
the bamboo Is known as tho southern smllax
and makes a charming decoration.
"Wo havo no trouble In getting orders
for our goods, nnd ns our farm Is on n trunk
lino railroad shipment Is easy. Wo first
bogan by crating; now wo simply pack the
trees nnd branches In tho railroad cars and
they go straight through to their destination."