Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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No gush; just plain prices on reliable merchandise. Statements of values easily proved by selling the goods.
HAYDENs $1.50 FOR FINE $3, $4 AND $5 SHOES, $1.50 HAYDEN
Thousands of pairs of fine shoes, made to sell for $3, $4 and $5, in this big shoe sale Saturday at $1.50. All fine, new
style shoes, made for other dealers and closed out to us for spot cash at a fraction of their value by such well known manu
facturers as A. H. Aborn & Son, George F. Daniels & Co., J. P. Smith Shoe Co., and Rochester Shoe Co.
Such wonderful bargain giving in fine New Shoes has never before been attempted. All new style goods and all sizes at $1.50.
Men's Fine Calf Lace and Congress Shoes
With genuino floodycar welt Holes, kangaroo
tor, leather top tarings nml host linings,
ehoMt mado to (or $3.50 & $ I, nil on sale at
$1.50 Hand Embroidered Pure Linen
Handkerchiefs, on sale, 25c.
15c Torchon Laces, 2c.
25c Torchon Laces, 5c,
35c Embroideries, 15c.
Lowest Drug Prices
The. Illg Storo can bo deponded on to cut
the. deepest.
I'lnkhain'H Compound, GOc.
Hood's Snrsnparllla, G9c,
Dr. Pleroo's Kavnrlto Proscription, GOc.
I)r. l'lerco'a Medical Discovery, BOc.
Wine of Curdul, fi'jc.
Pulne's Celory Compound, COc.
Doan's Kidney Tills, 35c.
Llsterlne, COc.
llromo Quinine, 15c.
Syrup of KIgs, 29c.
Cnstorlu, 23c.
l'aeker'H Tnr Soap, 15c.
Rlunnen'H Talcum Powder, lie.
Cuduhy't- Deef Hxtrnct, 29c.
I-ozzonl's Face Powder, 29c.
Lablunchc Kare I'owder, 35c.
Malvlnn ("ream. 35c
Klrk'H Juvetillo Soap, 25c box.
Specials in China
Decorated waro at less than prices of
whltii goods. These nro broken lole In Eng
lish and American soml-porcclaln.
Decorated Dinner Plates, 194c.
Dmorated Soup Plates, 5c.
Decorated Tea Plates, lc.
Decorated Pie Plates, 3c.
Decorated Cups and Saucers, set, 30c.
Decorated Tea Pots, 35c.
Decorated Platters, 19c.
Decorated Pickle Dishes, Sc.
Tumblers, 2c.
Whlto (iranlto Howls, pint size, 3ic.
Toilet Sets, Decorated, 0 pieces, $1.29.
Toilet Sottt, Docornted. latest Bhapca and
designs, full 12 piece, $3.37.
Head of State School for Blind Summarily
Expels an Offending Pupil.
Wluit Sldlitle" So"' "' "f lll'rc
('allien liy t'liiiiiill"K ,,p
I'll u i of HI" nlsHiUlNllcU
IVIIimv I'liplln.
Sam Rich, a blind boy whoso home Is In
lloldrego. Is in Omaha on hN way homo
from tho Institute for tho Wind at Nebinaku
Ulty, from which Institution he was Bum
tnarlly llrcd Friday morning by Superin
tendent J. 13. Harris. From the conditions
und circumstances accompanying tho lad's
dlschargo from tho state school for youth
it his kind. It Is more or Icsm evident that
ihn imi-rliitiniloiit was mud. At least, ac
cording to the boy's story, he was unccre
niouloualy kicked out without any semblance
of such consideration as one would naturally
expect to sec- exercised toward ono In his
unfortunate condltlou. Rich appear to bo
totally blind, and while In Omaha he Is
piloted around by a former comrndo at the
institution whose home Is In this city.
The young man tells what Booms to be
candid story of tho trouble that led to
his summary expulsion. Kver since Super
intendent Harris took hold of tho school, he
eay, there havo been frequent changes In'
the rules established anil lone observed by
the former superintendent, and as a rulo
these changes were of a character not ac
ceptable to tho pupils. Feeling has been
running high of late among the pupils over
tomo of them. For Instance, it Is related
that under Superintendent Jones poplin were
allowed nn hour each day in which to mingle
t-oclally, but for some reason or other Super
intendent Harris has seen tit to deny them
this pleasure which was enjoyed during the
latter hours of the afternoon. They nlso
formerly enjoyed socials every week or two
In tho evenings, but these funotlonn have
mny bs suffering while positive
and permanent relief is easily
California's Mission Remedies
Cala Cactus Liniment
arc warranted to cure
and HI diseases of the
Kidneys and Bladder
Tin d-mlit olll rtturi )our mooty
If Sn Curt) fairs U txotlll you
San Curo Cathartic Tablets
Work plnlesly and ImmcdUUly relieve
constipation and LIVER ILLS.
Men's Fine Tan Box Calf Lace Shoes
Willi full double fnlr-stltchod soles, now
coin toes and Kngllsh bark stays, show) made
up for n big eastern dealer to sell for $1
all on ualo ut
The Big Silk Dept
SATURDAY, blark china silk for 25c.
SATURDAY, black taffeta, fine grade, 49c.
SATURDAY, black brocade for 39c.
SATURDAY, black gros grain, cry fine,
SATURDAY, black corded satin novelty,
for t'i9c.
SATURDAY, black peau do solo dress
Bilk, 75c.
" SATURDAY, black satin rhadame on sale,
SATURDAY, 36-Inch black wash Jap silk,
SATURDAY, 27-Inch black taffeta, $1.50
grade, for $1.00.
SATURDAY, beautiful black corded
taffeta, 75c.
vSATURDAY, black grenadine, 15 Inches
wide at 75c.
SATURDAY, black silk scrgo lining for
Thcso prices arc for Saturday; no limit to
quantity, and wo have plenty for every one.
Spring Millinery
Newness and brightness characterize every
part of our millinery parlors. Wo display
In great profusion the choicest and most
cxqulslto trimmed hats fnr spring wear.
Wo have spared no efforts to excel all former
seasons' showings In hats, feathers, orna
ments, etc. Wo call special attention to
our handsome, display of vloletn and tho
uniform low prices all through the depart
ment. been abolished of late nnd under tho new
management, even boforo they wero abol
ished, they wero accompanied by few
"Undor Superintendent Jones," said Rich,
"teachers nnd pupils used to mingle In these
social, but under tho new management tho
pupils wero herded together, while the
teachers tmt around and watched them like
a Hqund of policemen."
Another grlevanco related to n literary
society that was in considerable popularity
among tho pupils when the change of man
agement came. They had organized the so
ciety with a vlow of learning the rules of
deliberative holies and the methods of con
ducting public meetings. When Superin
tendent Harris became the head of the estab
lishment ho elected himself chairman nnd
secretary of tho literary society meetings
and proposed to run the whole concern him
self. Ills ambition to be, In slnng parlance,
"the whole cheese," disgusted tho boys, and
when ho finally announced thnt Roberts'
rules of order, to which they wero partial,
would bo abolished In tho government of the
society, they were ready to throw up their
hands. Later Superintendent Harris abol
ished tho society entirely and established In
Its stead ubout the llrst of the year what he
termed a "rhetorical." This feature of his
own invention he mude compulsory with stu
dents, whereas their old favorite had been
a volunteer concern.
There wero many other changes effected
that did not meet the approval of tho pupils,
but these appear to havo been tho principal
grievances that rendered thorn dissatisfied,
So thoroughly wero they dissatisfied, how
ever, with these changes In dlsclpllno that
at the last meeting of the board of trustees
of tho Institution at NobraBkn City four of
their number walled upon the board and pre
sented their complaints. Sam Rich was one
of tho spokesmen of the pupils on that oc
casion, and sln.'c that time ho has not been
In very good odor with tho superintendent,
who, Rich says, Informed him thnt tho board
had no more authority over him as superin
tendent than any other three men In the
An A lion j mioiim Letter.
About n month ago Superintendent Harris
received an anonymous letter getting forth
In pretty plain terms the reasons of dlssatls-
J faction among the pupils, and a week ago
another was sent htm. Friday morning In
chapel tho superintendent announced tho re
ceipt of tho latter letter and proclalned his
intention of Inflicting summary punishment
upon Its author. Ho had allowed his sus
picion .to fall upon one of tho pupils and an
nounced his determination to expel him for
It. When Sam Rich discovered that this boy
was nbout to be expelled he visited tho su
perintendent and Informed him In a manly
way that ho was (he author of the last letter
and was instrumental In connection with two
or three other boys In sending the other one.
It did not take Superintendent Harris long
to notify him that ho was fired. He declared
that Rich should leave the school at once
and threatened to put him out by force. The
boy demanded tlmo to communicate with his
folks at Holdrege, but the superintendent
Informed htm that his trunk would bo ready
at u specified hour Friday afternoon, and
thnt ho must go with It. Ho oven becanio
so obliging as to supply money wl.'.i which
to pay tho boy's faro home, and landed him
at the depot nt such a time that ho had to
come around by way of Omaha or remain
nil night In Nebraska City at his own ex
pense, when ho had only sufficient means
with which to pay his faro to his home.
Therefore It was that Sam Rich came grop
ing his way In darkness to Omaha, where
ho found frlcmlB who could sympathize with
him und see that bo had a guide for his
faltering footsteps.
Questioned as to what was n th ltter
thnt aroused the Ire of tho superintendent,
Rich said that there was nothing In It that
was not true, nothing that could not have
been rend In nny company and nothing dis
respectful except lu that It wag so cutting
Two Specials for
Saturday Morning
from 10 to II
100 dozen ladles' flno embroidered or laco
trimmed gowns, worth up to $1.00, at 39c.
100 dozen boys' waists. In light and dark
colors, all sizes from I to 12 years, on alo
at 12V.
Men's Furnishings
200 dozen men's half hose, full seamless,
warranted fast colors, made to sell nt 25c,
on salo at 10c.
600 dozen men's fine suspendors. mado In
every style, worth 60c. on sale at 23c.
All tho newest styles In 75c neckwear
at 15c.
2 cam men's fine Jcrsey-rlbbcd shirts
and drawers, In all sizes, mado to sell at
50c, on salo at 29c.
600 dozen men's colored laundered shlrK
with collars and cuffs uttached, worth 75c,
at 45c.
Men's $1.60 colored laundered shirts, In
nil the latest Htylcta, at 75c.
Ladies' and Children's
The Victoria glove, In all the new shades,
made to sell at $150, on salo at $1.00.
Ladles' lino maco and lisle thread hose,
lu black, brown and fancy colors, regular
60u values, at 25c.
Children's black bicycle hose, made with
double knee, heel and toe, every pair war
ranted, on sale at 25c.
Ladles' full (seamless hone, fast black or
tan, at 10c.
Special sale on ladles' muslin underwear
and corsets. The best assorted stock lu
In Its truth as to bo possibly very uupalata
ble. Tenor of the I.etlrr.
"I told iMr. Ularrls that I had taken this
method of letting him know bow we felt,
because If wo had nono to him nnd told
him tho same things ho would havo dis
charged us at once. ..Ml of tho pupils with
whom I talked nnd somo of tho teachurs,
who would of course not daro to say so
w-lthln his hearing or to his knowledge have
said that the letter was all right, and I told
i.Mr. Harris that I would bo glad to havo him
publish tho letter and sign my iinmo to it in
big lcttors. nut ho Is not likely to do that.
In fact, he thinks so much of It that ho
keeps It In his pocketbook."
If 'Rich's story Is reliable there are W
number of pupils who are In a state of sup
pressed rebellion down thcro tiecnuse of tho
Institution nnd enforcement of obnoxious
rules that unnecessarily curtail their pleas
ures and their Interest In the school. Under
'tho former management, ho says, there was
a sort of community of Interest among
teachers and pupils, which has boon de
stroyed by tho new superintendent. It was
formerly tho custom to hold faculty meet
ings every two or threo weeks, when tho
superintendent would tako counsel of tho
teachers for the betterment of the school,
but tho now superintendent Is his own coun
sellor nnd runs tho Institution to suit his
swvet will, regardless, of tho Inclinations,
wishes or plcasuro of anyone else, bo they
teachers or pupils.
Sam Rich Is tho third boy expelled during
tho current term, tho other two being Holla
Halo of lloldrego nnd Richard Inco of York.
Ho says thnt there aro soveral others who
oxpeet to go soon. Two of .them Intend to
1 cave during tho coming week if thov can
get away before they aro expelled. Ho says
tho superintendent has announced that
thcro aro about a halt n dozen whom he In
tends to expel.
Rich Is 20 years of ngo nnd has been
In tho Institution three years. Ho appears
to bo unusually bright nnd well Informed.
Ho will today go to Holdrege, whero his
parents reside.
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia Curo In my family
with wonderful results. It gives Immediate
relief. Is pleasnnt to tako and Is truly tho
dyspeptic's best friend." says 1-3. Hartgerlnk,
Overlsel, Mich. Digests what you eat. Can
not fall to cure.
niri'florx if (lie Annoi-IhIIoh TriuiMiiet
HiihIik'nn ami Iteporl u I'rim
liei'iiim Yeiir,
Tho board of directors of tho Nebraska
Retail Lumber Dealers' association was In
session Friday afternoon nnd evening In
tho parlors of tho Dellono hotel for the pur
pose of putting In operation tho plans
adopted at the lam convention of the ns.m
clatlou lu this city. Tho afternoon session
was dovotoiivto tho transaction of routine
matters. A. X. Snyder of O'Neill reported
tho result of his visit to tho annual meet
ing of the Mlbslsslppl Valley Manufacturers'
and Wholesale Dealer"' at-soclation, whero
he co-operated with a commltteo of tho
Northwestern Retail Lumber Dealers' nsso
elation to secure greater harmony of feeling
and action between the wholesalers and ro
tallers. He said that much good work
had been done nnd that matters at Issue be
tween tho two clafsetj would be settled to
IllJU BUI laiuuwuii in (Ji'lK.
The matter of putting an organizer on
i tho road was discussed nt length, und whllo
no definite order wns made. It was practl
I cally decided to put no ouo on the road
for the preont, but that tho secretary should
visit the towns of the otato ds he found
time and do what he could to Increaso tha
membership, In this connection tho sec,
rctnry reported that since tho adjournment
of tho Omaha convention twenty new mem
hers had enrolled, uiaklne the Increaso in
Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Shoes-
Lace, with silk vesting tops, new coin toes,
kid tips and turn soIih, all mado to ecll for
$4.50 In this naje ut
Ever on tho alert to eecuro n really
usoful artlclo of furniture, Bomethlng that
Is good, strong and durable, wo have Just
got tho agem y for this elegant steel cou-ii
and bed combined. The frame Is all stoel
no wood anywhere Tho spring is the best
that can bo sorurcd. When folded down
and n cover spread over, as shown in cut,
you have a handsomo couch no spring to
fall down, no dust to sift out on tho floor,
everything .strong, handsome and clean. You
-want an extra bed, off cornea tho cover, up
go tho Bides, and you have a bed for a
king, I feet wido uud (5 feet long. And
then tho price, as usual with us, Is mod
erate $12.60. Call nnd see this.
Four cars of new furniture arrived this
week. Kino oak bookcase, glass door,
golden oak, JS.S5. Oak combination caao,
glass door, 1 adjustable shelves, writing
desk and lower cabinet, for $8.85.
Call and sco our new lino of framed.
membership flfty-flvo since the convection
assembled. It was decided to empower the
secretnry to issue a monthly bulletin con
taining matters of Interest to the members
of tho association, tho bulletin to bo mailed
to all members.
Tho members of the board of directors
como from all parts of the state and are
unanimous in reporting the condition of
trado better now than one year ago. A.
A. Snyder of O'NoIll and tho president of
tho association, K. U Myer of Newport,
have tho largtst local territory of any of
the members of tho association, It reaching
from Wheeler county to the South Dakota
line. They .both report Improved condi
tions and that thero Is nn Increase of build
ing In their localities, the Increaso In tho
price of lumber being offset by the advance
In the prlco of the products of the country.
A. Powell of St. Edward says: "The
peoplo are bettor satlffled with prices th'a
year than they wore a year ngo and aro
going to build more. Last year they thought
tho advanco was Tho work of retail dealers,
but this year they realize that the In
creased prlco has como to stay for a while
at least."
O. F. hidings of North Pintle stntcs: "The
Increased price of lumber Is retarding build
ing In my section. Our trade will not be as
good nf It was last year, but we are not
expecting a had season by any means."
(inle (ily 1 1 1 k 1 1 S(. Oriitoi-s Win
Out hy nrrMV Hurt; ill DInciinn
I'liUI-i-ilue UucnIIoii.
In the oratorical contest Friday night, be
tween tho Demosthenlans of Omaha and tho
Clceronlnns of Lincoln the Omaha team won
dj a narrow majority. That the Lincoln
I Inlent lest Is probably duo partially to the
fact that, being the affirmative, II was held
responsible for tho faulty construction of the
question debated. It read thus:
"Retolvcd, That civilization demnnds that
tho United States ndopt tho policy she is
now pursuing In the Phlllpplno islandH."
In reference to this ono of the Judges said:
"Inasmuch as tho United States aro pursuing
a certain policy In the Islands, It follows that
they already must havo adopted that policy.
The question should have been stated thus
'That civilization demands that tho United
Stntes contlnuo In pursuit of their present
policy In tho Phlllpplno Islnnds.' "
Tho auditorium on tho fifth floor of tho
City hall was crowded. Tho speakers wero
.Mason Wheeler, John Tobln and Charles
Sawyer of Lincoln, and Warren S. Hlllls,
Ilurdett Lewis and Arthur Jorgensen of
Omaha. The three last named argued against
tho government's foreign policy, nnd advo
cated giving the Filipinos the right of Im-
(nellate self-government.
Tho Judges wore Rov. Dr. Hubert Herring,
O. M. Hitchcock nnd W. P. nreene.
Somo excellent music was furnished hy the
girls of the P. L. S. society of the Omaha
High school and by a mandolin quartet.
Our supply of pictures Is being rapidly di
minished. If you havo not seen "The De
fenso of Champlgny" nnd "Tho Ilalloon,"
call at tho Ileo office. Drlng your coupins
cut from Tho Ilec.
Orator of a iieai SIkmv lute rruiiletl
While llariuiKuliiK a roiil
lit Srel.K Hi-ilrexH,
Frank H. Overacker, tho "spieler" for
tho Park theater, sworn out a complaint
Friday against "Oert" McCoy, charging him
with disturbing his peaco and threatenins
his life. Tho "piece" which McCoy dis
turbed was about 0,000 words long and was
devoted to advertising tho wonderful show
"on the Inolde. ' McCoy, it seems, took
exceptions to somo of tho nrlnclDleo ex.
I pounded by the hot air virtuoso nnd, draw-
Ladies' Fine Chrome Kid Shoes
Lnco mid button, made on the new mannish
last, with double fair stitched solos and pat
ent calf tlpn, made to sell for J3.50 and $1
all go on e.ilo at
Latest Sheet Music 19c
Tomorrow wo will sell tho latest sheet
music nt only 19c per copy, regular price,
25c. "What Is Homo Without Iiovc." "I
Used to Know Her Years Ago," two now
songH, by Charles K. Harris; these aro bound
to be big eellets; " 'Mid tho Oreen Kielda
of Virginia." "One Night in June." "With
out Your lovo Oh Let Mo Die," tooth by
Harris; "In Naples l'alr," "You're (letting
Kind of Distant In Your Way." "When I
think of You," "Just Dry Away Your
Tears," "She's a Princess Just the Same"
i and Quo Vadls waltzes; tho above six se
lections nro by tho composers of "Ilocauso"
and "Always" nnd are spleudld sellers. No
one will miss it by taking a copy of each.
"I'll Come Hack When tho Hawthorne
Illooms Again," "Whllo the Loaves Camo
Drifting Down," patriotic song, "Mls Lib
erty," "Sho Loved Him Just the Same,"
"Sweet Marjorle," "When Knighthood Was
In Flower" waltzes, "Impecunious Davis,"
"Hearts Are Trumps," "Original Rags," a
medley; "Hokcy Pokey Cake Walk," tho
nbovo four all good cako walks, tomorrow
only 19c; by mall, 20c.
Chickens Chickens
Fresh dressed chickens 7'ic
No. 1 skinned ham, only lie
Summer sausage 7c
Fresh pork sausage GV-
Fancy lean bacon 10c
Salt 'pork Gc
Rest boneWss corned beef 7V
10 lb. palls best brand lard 72c
Rest New bologna 6r
25 lbs. sugar $1.00
Crackers, per lb ;tc
(linger snaps, per lb 3c
lug a knife threatened to stab him. There
was a tussle which looked wicked for n
fow seconds Overacker. who calls himself
the "pnoumatlc marvel." was without weap
ons and his strength Ih not In his arms, but
a theater patron nppeared opportunely and
brought about a truce.
I'll 1 1 1 1 tllllcr ami Wire I'ont It All (lie
Way from l'riins I viinlu
to Onialin.
Just as the bells were striking tho half
hour after n o'clock Friday evening a
small man with unkempt popullstlc whiskers
timidly walked Into tho presence of Desk
Sergeant .Marshall at the police station nnd
"allowed iih how one of them olueors had
said ho could git a bed here." Tho ser
geant looked up from his work and nsked
tho usual questions as to doitinntlon nnd
business. Not receiving satisfactory replies
tho Ksrgeant walked from behind the railing
and searched tho small man's clothes to seo
If ho could And something In the wny of
credentials. Nothing came to light and tho
small mini) coulidcd that his wife was with
him out lu the middle of tho road.
"Ilrlng her In," said the sergeant, "and
we'll llnd u place for you to sleep."
And the small man brought not only "her,"
but also u baby buggy containing a real llvo
Infant nnd the baggago of the party, con
slating of one telescope, somewhat damaged,
and one bundle of clothes.
Tho woman was aleo short of stature, but
not of speech. Sho wus willing to tell all
gIio knew.
"We come from Pcnnsylvnny and are going
to .Mlzzoura, whero my uncle lives. Now,
Just to tell yer tho truth, 1 don't 'zackly
know the name of the town, but Us the fust
one ve come to ucrcss the etato line going
In response to questions It wns found that
the family had been on the road to "Mlz
zoura" for two months, three weeks and live
ON 30
For thirty years I have been
the confidential adviser of thou
ands of sufferers in all parts of the
world. I have devoted my life to
the careful study of Nervous De
bility and weaknesses of men and
women, from whatever cause. I
have made a life study of electro
therapeutic appliances and have
restored over a hundred thou
sand men and women to physical
strength and vigor with my world
The use of Galvanic Electricity,
Electric Suspensory for Men; with all Belts.
Why should sufl'ering ones hesitate to try this cure by natural means ? a cure based on nature's laws. Of
course there are thousands who are as yet unacquainted with the value of my great discovery, and to these I
say 1 have decided for a time to allow my latest and most improved 1900 Model Delt to lie taken on
From this offer it is apparent that I am sincere In what 1 stale. I will curo where drugs have failed,
and it is my knowledge of this fact that warrants me in offering you my licit on 30 Days' Trial. It cures
j. 11 . jou -"ri " yuu
i.ium ncimcurii uiKrfii-,, me bus x:iiv)ry aiiacnineni 1
nrnfc(Bl hn,l Writ 1 1.. I . L 1. 1.1 ' 1.
proitatc gland. Write for
4 Dr. F. G. Sanden, 183
Boys' and Girls' Fine Shoes-
Mado to sell for l 50, $2.00
and $2.60 go on salo
Look in Our
Clothing Window
nnd see If you can duplicate the values and
styles shown at twleo tho prices marked
Our spring ntylei nro ready. A partial
gllmpso of our magnificent otTorlncs is In
At $7 50 we nro showing the largest nnd
most exclusive range of bright, nobby, nbso
lutely nil wool casslmcres in every con
ceivable pattern. Tho excellent tailoring,
tit and tlnish of these suitings ut tho urlco
mako them positively tho best values wo
havo over offered.
At wo are showing tho newest and
most desirable styles that will be si'on this
season. Theso garments contain all the
llttln "kinks" and new Idojs that can be
found only In high grade merchant tailor
ing. We glvo you choice of either slnglo
or double breasted vests. Tho tailoring In
every detail In tbeso garments Is superb.
The fabrics of grade solid easslniero
fleets. Also ninny line fancy worsteds,
Venetian suitings and club checks.
At $12.00 we are showing the very latest
iiiid most striking styles In herringbone
lasslmeres, hard twisted, closely woven
cheviots and fancy worsteds. Tho line gives
you a wide scope In attractiveness nnd
styles. These garments, like all our suits,
are tailored by the best known manufac
turers, representing tho highest standard
of ready-to-wear clothing lu America.
At $I5.1) we particularly call the, attention
of gentlemen who have their clothes mado
to order to the extraordinary offerings at
this price. This line contains all the newest
nnd most fashionable fabrics that are shown
by the swell merchant tailors. The ex
quisite tailoring of every detail has been
done with cure nnd thought and equals high
class nu n hum tailoring In every particular.
Wo will tit you perfectly and with less
trouble than If ou had your suit mud. to
order. Your saving will bo from $10.00 to
$15.00. Sco our new spring suits ut $J.75 uud
Dress Goods
Saturday children's dress goods day.
Half wool plaids, 32 Inchiyt wide; half wool
cashmeres, 27-Inch; half wool serges, 27
Inch, and silk, wool and cotton novelties
Half wool zlbellues, 31 Inches wide, half
wool Novelties. Si-Inch; half wool home
spun, 34-Inch l,"c.
Nli e, new, up-to-date plaids. In silk
stripes, etc., sells up to 50o yard, on sale
ut 23e.
Jamestown plaids nnd other novelties -29e.
oO'l pieces of -all wool plaids, all wool
homespuns, silk and wool novelties, French
novelties, black crepons, etc., 39c.
Alt wool zlbullnrs. all wool homespuns, all
wooi novelties, all wool polka dots, all wool
silk dotted noVeltles, c.
days exactly. Not being well-informed on
the geography of the great west, the little '
party had trnveled by way of t'hicngo and I
Mlt'sourl Valley. Yesterday twenty miles of '
road wero covered. The 1 1-inontho-old baby '
had been transported in the dilapidated
buggy and the parents had walked every
step of the way. When they left, their former
homo In Strnshurg, among tho mountains
of Monroo county in eastern Pennsylvania,
tho family exchequer contained $1.80. At
night the family would enjoy tho hospitality
of some klndhenrtcd farmer, so that they
never slept out onco nnd were never In n
police station until Omaha wns reached.
Tho man gave the name of Philip Miller
nnd his wife answers to plain "Jane." The
baby glorlcn in the cognomen of "Hdlth Nar
clssy," "but you can put It Kdlth N. for
short. " said the fond mother. After u
night's repose nt tho station the Miller
family will ngaln strike tho trail for Ne
braska's neighboring sister on the south
east. M. n. Smith, nutternnt, Mich.. 3ays, "Do- '
Witt's Llttlo Karly Risers aro tho very best '
pills I ever usod for costlvcness, liver and
bowel troubles."
. t
l nilei- I)ci-InIoii of Hit- Coninilaiiliinor
or liilermil lleveiuie They He
ll ul ri- .No Slump.
A new decision has been rendered hv thn
commissioner cf Internal revenue In tho mat
ter or stamp tax upon deeds. Tho decision
was rendered nt tho lnstanco of a resident
of New York, who stated thnt ho was trusteo
under a will with another person who had
died nnd that under the terms of tho will
ho would havo to appoint a co-trustee, nnd
it thus became necessary for him to mnk
ileedH to tho property held In trust. He
nsked If stamps would be required upon tho
jileeus tnus given. I lie decision or tho com
i mlssloner Is us follows:
"Thla olll 'o now rules that the tonveyanco
r. Sanden's Electric Belt
pay wuen. curea," worn at nignt, it senasa pleasant,
to the
my little book, mailed free, or call.
S. Clark St., Chicago, 111.
Great Cut in
Housefurnishing Goods
Set Mrs Potts' Irons, regular $1 15;
price 93c.
Plain sad Irons, nickel-plated per lb.,
Set Chrlallo knives (3 in set) ,
3 lusts and stand, per set ,
A good steel shingling hatchet ,
An A 1 wood frame wringer
C-Inch stove plpo
Royal shoo dressing ,
1-quart granlto dish pan ,
$1 29
2-qUart granlto tea pots .,
Large granlto dippers 15c
No. H cook stoves, regular $15.00 $10 60
Air tight wood stoves, 21-Inch $2 25
12-Inch floor brooms, with handles .... GOc
Special low price on all heating stoves.
Towel Sale
On Saturday morning from 10 to 12
o'clock we will havo one of our old-fashioned
towel sales. Large Illicit, damask
nnd Turkish towels, cotton towels, all linen
towels, nil Kinds of towels, worth 12V.
15c, 17c, 19c. and 25c, all In one lot; out)
price, CHOICK 10c KACH; only G towolf
to each customer; nono sold heforo 10
o'clock. All towels left In this lot will bo
6old In tho evening between S and 9 p. ni.
at 6c each. Remember, none sold before 8
o'clock nt 5c each. Como propared to buy
towels on Saturday. Is nil wo will say In
regard to this towel sale.
Big Hat Values
A large lino of Men's Hats, 'in latest
blocks, In qualtlos worth up to $1.60; In
Iinllroad, Pasha. Colonel uud Fedora styles,
on ealo ut 60c and 75c.
of real estate without valuable consideration
to a trustee, or by a trusteo to another
trustee, or by a trustee to n cestui quo trust,
requires no stamp tux under the Internal
revenue laws." The decision Is based upon
n ruling by Judgo Phillips of the western
district of Missouri.
Itc-iuK or tli liiiinNt llt-li! 1'rldiiy In
the rime of I'rnnU
A Jury of six men went through the form
of holding an Inquest Friday afternoon upon
thn body of Frank Steele, who committed
sulcldo Wednesday night after shooting his
wlfo three times. The verdict was that "tho
deceased camo lo his death us the result of
a gunshot wound llrcd by himself with
suicidal Intent."
Tlie funeral will be held Sundny at B p. ni.
from tho undertaking rooms of Coroner
Swanson, and tho body .will bo burled In
Laurel Hill cemetery.
It Is belloved thnt Mrs. Steele will survive
tho effects of tho shots. Dr. .r. n.
of Clarkson hospital has removed ono of the
bullets, but doesn't think it necessary to
remove the other two.
AVIint'x Your Face Worth t
Sometimes n fortune, but novor, If you
havo a sallow complexion, n jaundiced look,
moth patches and hlothes on the skin, nil
signs of liver trouble. Hut Dr. King's Now
Llfo Pills glvo clear skin, rosy cheoks, rich
complexion. Only 2.1 cents at Kuhn & Co.'s
drug store.
Mortality StatlNtlex,
The following births nnd deaths havo
been reported at the otllre of the Hoard of
Health during the twenty-four hours ended
at noon Friday:
Hlrths -William .Murphy, 1S21 Wirt, glrP
Thomas DcmilHui. r,o7 Yutes. boy; 'harlot
White, 2iW South Thirl y-second. girl; John
Gerln. B North Thirteenth, boy; Morltx
Wulpy, 2010 South Twentieth, girl; Henry
Clrultz. 1 km; North Twenty-eighth, boy.
Deaths -Jut! l'olioku. it'i Walnut, fil
years, Mar-?art-t M-rtons, 2SSU Hurt, 3 years.
as applied under my personal di
rection, has become universal for
the cure ol nerve, glandular, or
ganic weaknesses, rheumatism,
sciatica, lumbago, varicocele, etc.
Nature demands a certain sup
ply of natural Klectricity, and if
this supply is reduced by excesses,
overwork, exposure, etc., weak
ness and debility arc the results.
To repair this weakness, nature
must be paid. I pay nature by
returning to her storehouse that
which has been wasted and dis
sipatedthis is electricitywhich
is the very essence of life itself.
toothing current which you
belt resting directly over Ihc
."w 1'