Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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iMUOblU Ij UllLly 1113 llllllljl
Twd fiindred Thouinnu of the Permtntnt
School Fund Remains Uninvested.
l'roionrt to ( nil (lip tleiitlmi of the
lion lit or llilticiitlonnl I.iiiiiU
mill I'iiiiiIh to the
LINCOLN, March 0. (Special.) It Is
romnrnl at tho stale house that Secretary
of Stiito Porter will again will tho attention
3f 'he Hoard of I-Mucntlcnnl I.atnU and 1'iinds
to tho fact that a balance ct nearly $200,000
of tho permanent m.hrol fund remain unin
vested and In the hands of tho state trcan-
urcr. At a recent tueellng of tho board Sec
retary lVrter dPtnandrd 1111 oxila!iatio:i of
this Mtato of affairs, but rerchlng no s.UIj
action tlio matter wns dropped.
The constitution of tho mate provides that
n'l of the permanent school money Khali l.c
Invested In either government or state re
ciflUcs, and that tho revenue derlvej M'inll
li" tur:cd Into tho tcmrorary funds for main
tilnlni? publlr (durational Institutions. Tho
Mvrstmrnt of the balance now lying l-llc In
the hands of l he irrasmor would very .ma
terially Inrrease the revenue of lh s"hcols
nd Secretary I'ortcr prone; oh to llud cut
why this hj no been done.
Secrttnry I'ortcr said today that h- would
'.ako up the matter ttgaln In it few days ami
wrtild probably consult with the state treas
urer before bringing It to (lie attention o'
the boaid. He asfcrted that Treasurer Me
lervc dcidrcd to iclaln a good Inlincc of
tlm permanent school fund for the pur.lure
of Re.ieril fund nsrrnnts.
Several stalo oftVluls have a'serted that
fireretar) Porter Is Inslmorc In advocating
tho liivcttrent of the entile permanent c lu
catluial fund, his only purpose In ho doing
tiolng to strengthen himself with his cm
ntltiionls In the Third congressional district,
whero he Is 11 candidate to sii" cvl Ccn
gressmnn Hoblnion. who Is now serving his
llrst term.
I'orter Itcfuien lo SIkii.
Secretary I'orter has refused to sign an
order dlsmlrslng the ease of John O. Wiser,
who Books to have a gate placed In the fence
between tho Ilurllngt n and Union Pacific
depots In Omaha.
"I consider tho building of that fenre a
piece of spltewoik and pure rus.edness."
laid, "and thoro Ih no reason why there
thould not be a Rate there far the benefit i f
passengers and other persona who desire to
fo from one depot to the other w I' hunt going
around by the way of the vladu-t."
Private Secretary Jewell said today that
no charges agnlnst Siiprrlnteiulent I.ang of
llrattlce had been llled In the exe'iitlve
rlepar.mer.t. I!e admitted, bono. cf. that he
pxpecled a formal complaint, but had no In
timation as to when It would bp presented.
Peter Janren of Jefferson county has re
flijned as u member cf the lower house of
tho State Icglhitaturo. Mr. Jansen took this
action becauso of his appointment as com
rnlralcncr to the International Imposition at
fci'i'ToiiH AitIiIi nt Orcum on (lie I nlon
I'lta-1 lie l.lne AlMiut Somi MIIi-m
I rout Ilentrlt'c.
HEATIHCE. Neb.. March (Special Tel
egram. )Tho rpeclal stork train on the
Union l'acdll- whlrh left Kansas City for
Valpamho, No').,lat night met with a scrims
nreldent at Hock Cut, soven mlloj southeast
of llcatrlco, about 10 o'clock this morning.
Ihlrtrno, rqiH i$fj. tlnjtrnjfk,, two loaded
ttock caro were overturned and one lumber
ear whs completely wrecked. Tho topi of
tho cars had lo be torn on to let tho cnltle
out. Many cattk- were) badly Injured and
levernl had to bo killed. Four ears arc
:omplote wreck!) on either side of the track.
Kails were broken nnd b?nt and tle3 for
200 yardn wc:o ground Into splinters.
Tho nccldent was caused by a broken
flnngo on the head stork car, tho wrock oc
curring In the center cf the train. None of
tho tialn crew were hurt. Wrecking crews
Vioro ent from here nnd Marysvllle. Tho
cars not damaged were taken to Marysvllle
to bo tranifetred to the St. Joseph .t C.rand
Island route.
in itt;i, uts woitK nwii) rrrv.
Tit ItrvlilcntN of (lif Illy Are Ar-ri-nli'il
on (In- Cluirj;)-.
DAVID CITV. Nob., March 0. (Special.)
I.aHt Tuctvlay night burglnrs broke Into
thti resldcnre of G. W. Davis while tho fam
ily were nt church and stole $0 In money
slid a valuable gold ring. Frcm there th?y
went '0 th rcHldeiue of Mr.-t. VanDoozer.
where they stele a gold watch nnd chain
Vesterday evening Chief of Police West nr
restcd Dick Smith and Oliver Stephens, both
resident!) of this city. Smith win. sent hi
tho penitentiary from Fremont about two
years af.o and was released a short time
ago. Slepheiw han been arrested before
on misdemeanor charges. The parents of
both pnrtlio aro hlghly-rei'pccted citizens
Illoml I'oIkoiiIiik from Scratch.
I1AKVAHD. Neb.. March P.-(Sreclal.)
Komo ton days ago. Peter Ingen, u farmer
rrldlng eight miles north from Harvard,
while repairing a wire fence, re reived a
lllght scratch on n linger of the left hand.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
OVERCOMES lrru 1 .T:.
i nrnim akicvitiv
but not C"K to filvo any attention nt tho
.time. Two or three days tatcr tho finger
time. Two or three days tatcr tho finger
became ioro and after some delay Dr.
Drown, from Bromllold. was called and has
been In attendance since.
Vesterday Or. butler of our city received
n messago from Dr. Urown, requesting him
to meet hint at Mr. Ingen'a In consultation,
which resulted this morning In the amputa
tion of the left arm about three Inches above
tho wrist, blocil poisoning having set In.
i'ito(iit..M roit Tin: t;.
.11 o li li mi ii ( nt Colutuliii to Memory
Xnliller of ( li II War,
COI.tWlIIt'S. Neb.. March . (Special.)
With favorable weather this city will en
tertain a ery large crowd next Thursday,
March lo, that being the date chosen for
tho unveiling exercises. The monument re-
cently erected In Krankfort park to the mem
ory ef tho soldiers of the civil war will be
formally accepted by tho committee and then
oflMally turned over by baker post to the i
city. I
An extensive program has been arranged j
nnd all railroads have made a reduced rate
for tho oc?aslon. Department Commander
J. E. Evans, Governor l'oyntcr, Adjutant
General Harry and other distinguished vis
Hois will be here and take part In the ex
ercises. Grand Army posts from a number
r.f tcwus In this part of the state will bo
The monument h a very ptotty one, erected
In the center of the park, built of Vermont
granite and cost $2,500. It Is thlrty-ono feet
high and p"tchcd on the top Is a bronze eagle
with a seven-foot spread of wings. On the
east and west sides mounted on heavy gran
ite pedr.itals with the muzzles pointing to
the south are two large cannon donated by
tho government. They aro rlvc-lnch rifles
and weigh 2.(100 pounds each.
ClIliillilnli'H for l)'U'Kii(p lo tin- Ml
lloniil 1 1 i it ! 1 1 en ii Coin eiitloii.
TABLE HOCK, Neb., March 0. (Special).
C. I. Norrls, republican lommltteeman
from this iireclnct, has issued a call for a
precinct primary, to bo held here, nt tho
city hall, Friday, March 30, to elect dele
gates to tho county convention, to bo held
tho following day, nt Pawnee City.
Tho republican senatorial convention of
tho tlrst senatorial district has been called
to muet at Table Hock, May 21.
Hon. E. A. Tucker of Illehardson, and
Hon. II. C. Lindsay of Pawnee, both of
whom have friends In tho senatorial district,
nro urging tholr claims as candidates for
delegates to tho national republican conven
tion at Philadelphia, Juno 19.
.lor KiiIiin Itri'elvi-M Midi! Woiiml
Atti'iittlK to I'rt-ii'rvi' I'cnee.
GENEVA. Neb., March 0. (Special Tele
gram.) Marshal Kotan of Mllllgan was shot
and slightly wounded last night In trying to
quell a disturbance nt the railroad ball. One
of the parties concerned, named H. C. Sprlg
gon ef Daykln. lo here In Jail, charged with
attempted murder. Orcy Teppln of Tobias,
the man who did the shooting, Is still at
Caxrx unliiftt Doctor ('ontliiiicil.
PLATTSMOUTII. Neb., March 9. (Spo
olal.) Tho ease brought by William Hrownell
ngalnst Dr. Isaac I). Jones, charging him
with living nnd cohabiting with Hattlo
Hrownell, the wife of tho plaintiff, wan
called In police court today and a continu
ance granted by Judge Archer. Dr. Jones
informs the correspondent of The Hee that
he was not over tho drug store of Hrownell
In South nend nt tho time ho was arrested
by Constable J. L. Hartshorn of Louisville,
but was In a room on the opposlto side of
tho street.
The case brought by Minnie Koncff against
the doctor, charging him .with having pro
duced nn nbortlon upon her, was also con
tinued. rincil for Colli Sli-nlliiK.
AINSWOUTH. Neb., Mnrch 9. (Special
Telegram.) Detective linns had a few more
men up from Long Pino today under arrest
for tho theft of company coal. Each pleaded
guilty. The names of the partlea and amounts
of linos aro as follows: Samuel C. Oliver,
$20; Zone Mustfelt, $10; Alva II. White, $5;
Frank Farrer. $.1, John Harris, $.".
Tho fines and costs amount to over $100.
which have or will bo paid, as all the par
ties aro worth It. And still there nro moro
to follow. Ono party, William F. Werner,
who paid n lino of $50 and costs Wednesday,
nnd who was wanted on several other counts,
has skipped. Ho was tho worst of tho outfit.
Nominate Coznil Tlt'krl.
COZAD. Neb.. March 9. (Special.) Pur
suant to a call of tho village Hoard of
Trustees n caucus waw held at tho town
hall last ovenlng for the purpose of nom
inating candidates for election as village
trusteeo and also to submit the question of
llccnso or no llccnue at the coming election.
Tho caucus was largely attended nnd re
sulted in tho harmonizing of all factions
and the nomination of tho following ticket
C. K. Hrown, W. L. Dovlne, Henry Ncmus,
G. I), nice nnd E. E. Cook.
I'iiIIh friim a llnnileiir.
GHAND ISLAND, Nob., March 0. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The colliding of two hand
cans near the railroad bridge over the Loup
river on the Ord branch today cnused W.
M. Roach, a bridge carpenter of this city,
to fall from ono car and bo run over by
tho othor, resulting In a scalp wound six
Inches long, compound fracture of right
leg Just nbove the nnkle, fracture of left
leg at anklo Joint and ccntiHon of hips. Dr.
Hose reduced the fractures and the patient
U doing well.
I'lntli' County Milrinone llrroril.
COLUMIIUS. Neb., March 9. (Special.)
Following Is a copy of the mortgage indebt
ednoss record of Platte county for the
month of February, 1900: Forty-ono farm
nortsagcB tiled, $'.2,913; releasrd, fifty-nlno
$71,270; town nnd city nortgages filed, nine.
$j,9D0: tame released, eight. $2,795. Tho
battel record shows sixty-three mortgages
filed, representing $115,104, nnd fifty-four re-
leapid. worth $20,159.
I'oiiKlilcr li ev Court limine.
HEBHON, Neb., March 9. (Special. )-
There was a meeting of delegates from dlf
fen-nt parts of the county at the opera
house today to discuss the advisability of
building a new court house. After con-
stdirable deliberation a resolution was pa?tcd
to circulate a petition for voting on tho
pi-opctilt'on of bending the county In tho
sum or $C0,000 for that purpese nt the next
I. ant of Lecture Scrlcc.
TABLE BOCK. Neb., March 9. (Special.)
Hev. Fletcher Wharton, pastor of St
Paul's Methodist Episcopal church nt Lin
coln, delivered the fifth and last
of tho scries of Kpwortu League lec
turcs at tho opera house hero last night
to n crowded house. His subject was, "That
Preacher's Boy."
Itnllroiiil Work In I'riMpoet.
UEOATl'R. Neb.. Mnrch P. (Special.) It
Is given out hero that Mr. Sublotlo of the
Northern line, will begin condemnation pro
ceedings for his railroad ne.v weok. Real
estate transfers hnvo been frequent of late,
and It Is the sentiment of the people that
n-t'vo cperntions on tho road will begin tho
1st of April.
IMcctrlc I' tn li t nt Vlllaoee.
ALLIANCE, Neb.. March 9. (Special.)
Tho city council last night passed ;in ordi
nance granting to Alfred Mlnnlck n twenty
year franchise for an electric plant for fur
nishing light, heat and power In the city of
Alllnnce. Work will begin on the 15th Inst
Company Will l'.rccl Moiintncnt.
YORK, Neb,, March 9 (Spe Inl )- Tho
members of Company A, tho veteran Firs'
(Nebraska, have selected a committee to sell
, their nroDertv. tho nrocctds of the sale to be
Invested In a fund to erect n monument
cither In n publl" square or the cemetery
lo tho memory of tho dead comrades of Com
pany A. It is expected that funds will be
readily subscribed by others. The follow
ing monument committee was olestod: Cap
tain George lloldeman, chairman: Dan Cor
coran. Charles Stroman, Otto Todd and Jack
I.ectnro h- lliirlionr.
NEHItASKA CITV. Neb., March ft (Spe
cial. I Tho Otce County Teachers' association
is holding a two-days' session here. Dr. E.
H. Harbour, professor of geology In tho State
university, delivered a lecturo on "Kossll
i)9Cfvery In tho niack Hills
at the court
house this evening.
Mnule On (ioi'H to Kentucky.
EWINCJ, Neb.. March 0. (Special.) Shado
On, tho 0-year-old pacing stallion, with n
record of
:10, and owned by Mr. J. N. Kay
of liwlng,
was shipped to Louisville, Ky.
via the American Express company March
8, at which place he Is leased for tho com
ing season. Mr. Kay accompanied him.
TertlliiT'll SIiinu Mcclllm,
TBCUMSEII, Neb., Mnrch 0. (Special.)
The voters of tho city will hold n mass meet
ing Monday night to determine the best way
to proceed with the city campaign and name
candidates for municipal ofllccs. Presuma
bly the license Issue will recclvo a direct
voto as In previous years.
Will Itnlni' Snunr Heel.
CULHEItTSON. Nch.. March 0. (Special.)
Ed Ewcl, representing the Amerlcnn Hcct
Sugar company of Grand Island, was In the
city this week. The company has leased
land to plant thirty ncres of sugar beets for
Itself, while tho farmers have contracted
to plant over 100 acres.
Will lniii'iicli Comity .luilue.
CFLHEHTSON, Neb.. March '.. (Special.)
Vesterday articles of Impeachment were
drawn to bo filed against C. W. Shurtleff.
county Judge. The complaint consists of
nbout twenty pccltlentlon. leading with
his neglect to seal tho ballots after the
nrown-Crews content.
Smnllit Near Drrnlnr.
DECATl'It, Neb.. March 9. (Special.) Dr.
Hoss of this city reports ft case of small
pox nlno miles northwest or here on the
reservation. Tho name of tho patient Is
Gallup. Today the doctors here wore busy
vaccinating many resldonts of Decatur.
I'i'tltloii for llonil 1'lret ion.
TABLE HOCK. Neb.. March P. (Special.)
A petition Is In circulation hero to call a
special election In this school district for the
ptirposo of voting school lxmrts to build n
now brick schoolhousc. to cost $12,000.
It I'l'iibllean Committee Mcctlllu.
GHAND ISLAND. Neb., March 9. (Spe
cial ) The republican county central com
mittee will meet on tho 17th instant and fix
tho time and place for holding tho Hall
county republlcnn convention.
Hoy it ton Want n Divorce.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. March 9. (Spe
cial.) II. M. Hoydston commenced suit yes
terday In the district court for divorce from
his wife. Ho nllegea cruelty and desertion
as grounds for his notion.
Hardwire .Store Knlln.
NORTH BEND. Neb., March 9. (Special.)
Tho W. H. Soevers hardware store closed
Its doors this morning. Tho stock Is turned
over to tho creditors nnd a receiver will
probably bo appointed.
llnllillnir llooin for Alliance.
iVLLIANCE. Neb., March 9. (Special.)
Thirty-six new buildings arc now In process
of construction nnd nearly 100 more nro to
bo conrtructcd ns soon ns Bprlng comes.
Our Popular I'lol tiro.
PERU, Neb., March S. Beo Publishing
Co: Sirs Pleaso find enclosed 20 cents In
stamps to pay for tho picture called tho
Defense of Chnmplgny." I received your
other picture, "Tho Balloon," nnd It Is Just
fine. Yours truly, D. J. YOUNG.
Kins I'reeliiltutt-N llioitllltlen.
Frank l'eiinell nnd Frank L?rny. netty
thieves who wore released from the county
j.ill Thursday after serving thirty-day sen
tences, met an o-n menu nnmeu i;u Mut
ton Friday evening, and the latter Invited
them to fls resilience on tne iiotttimn to
properly celebrate their deliverance with
a large can of Inger. T'nder the exhilarat
ing Inlluepco of the beverage one of the
guests s far lort nil sense of proorlety
that ho deliberately kissed Mri. Sutton,
better known ni Mm Hoodie. ThW gross
breae'-. of good behavior greatly Incensed
Mr. Sutton nnd he remonstrated "dth the
guest and his wife. Hut hlf smooth words
did no' iiour on unon me irouuieu waters
and as Mrs. Hefdle, who Is tho iieknow.
eilged chnmnlon of moro pitched battles
than any remaie in umn i.i. iiihk hii- kucmi
part In a vigorous minner. International
hostilities wre nt once precipitated. Otllcer
Woolrldce wns coileu in to iirimrnie win
dlflli'Ulty and rendered a decision unfav
orable to all tne comnaiuaiH, uaauv tunn
ing tho quartet In the city bartllo to await
tho decision oi ino n:gner iriuuniti.
Anne Ximii'il for Alilerinnn.
CHICAGO. March 9. Adrian C Anson,
thn fnrmer )me ball nlaver. was today
uninitiated as Cie democratic candidate for
alderman from the Third wnrd of Chicago.
Movement" of (leenii VeMel. March 0,
At' VnrU Arrived State of NenrasKn,
from (ilassow; Anchorla, from Olasgmy.
At C.r.iniltar Arriveu I'.ms, iroin .
Y.-rk for Nn riles.
At (jueenstown Arrived Helgcnland.
from Phllndeplphlii.
At Hamburg Arrived Phoenicia, from
New York.
Fnlr Snlurilny In rlirnln anil
AViirim-r In Knslern I'ortloiiH
anil In limn,
WASHINGTON. March 9. Forecast for
Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska Fair Saturday; warmer In
eastern portion; Sunday fair; colder In west-
crn portion; variable winds.
For Iowa Fair, warmer Saturday; Sun
day, fair; variable winds.
For MUuourl Fair Saturday and Sunday;
northerly winds, beccming variable.
I, ileal Itceoril.
OMAHA. March 9-Oltlclal record of tem
perature nnd precipitation, compared with
tho corresponding day of tho last three
195. IS03. 1S9?. 1S97.
Maximum temperature... H) lis G7 37
Minimum temperature.... 3S 3rt ?,n 2)
Average temperature 11 17 II XI
Precipitation 00 .ID .00 T
Hrcnrd of temperature) and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and slnco March
1, !?C0-
Normal for tho day 31
Excess for tho day 11
Excess In temperature since March 1 3
Normal rainfall for the day 01 Inch
Deficiency In precipitation for day.. .o inch
Total precipitation since March 1... .35 livh
Deficiency since Mnrch t 01 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1W 31 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1SDS 35 Inch
Itnioil from Stntlona nt H p, m.
-t -3
Omaha, eleor i t'i t" .
North Platte, clear I 51 i2l M
Salt Lake City, clear ! IV) All .tiO
Cht-yonne. partly cloudy 50' till .in
Rapid city, partly cloudy 1 .'.v ti." .no
Huron, clear 31 10; .00
WIlllKlon, clear ' .Ti 411 .'0
Chicago, clear I to HI T
St. Louis, clear IS Ml T
St. Paul, partly cloudy ' 2i 3i .01
Davenport, clear SJi Hi T
Helena, partly cloudy 1 M 5SI .00
Kansas City, clear 51 f.l .)
Havre, cloudy I i Ml .no
Hlmuirck, clear 3 (0 0)
Galveston, partlv cloudy 5S t.- .00
T traco of ureO'iltalloii
Local Forecast Official.
i UU jEiU UlLll illLtA I DILL
Interatts of Agrarians Against Oommeicial
Eodiei of Qermanj,
llolirnlnlic I'enrs He .Will Sot He
Able (o Itemnla In (llllce
If (lie .Measure U
BERLIN. March 9. In tho Reichstag to
day during the discussion on the meat bill
Count von Kanltz, tho agrarian leader, ob
served that America's share of tho Imports
cf prepared meat wns only $1,000,000, which
he declared was n trlilc compared with the
Immense figures of America's balance of
trade. America, ho added, would surely not
herself destroy her huge exports to Ger
many on account of exclusion of her meat
from this country.
Tho secretary of state for the Interior.
Count von PcHidowsky-Wehner. replying to
various speakers, said tho bill wns n purely
hygienic measure which had been demanded
by all parties with tho sole object to pro
tect tho health of tho Germans. The gov
ernment, he added, had been formally asked
to apply the same rules of Inspection to for
eign meat nr. to Germany. The committee,
however, had not gone to such n length ns
thnt. It had admitted lard, hams, etc., In
some easts permanently and In other for
stated periods. Sausages, It Is true, some
tlmss rontalncd horrible Ingredients, but
what justified unequal treatment of bacon
and salted pork?
The secretary of state declared the debate
had taken a turn from whlrh It might bo
Imagined that they were discussing not a
bill for the protection of the German people,
but the Introduction of a new customs tariff,
.strain In llluli I'lcccx.
The whole controversy has occasioned
during tho last few days considerable strain
In the highest places.
At first Emperor William was Inclined to
fulfill the wishes of the ngrnrlans, especially
ns thoy energetically declared that their sup
porters would not be ablo to enthuse for
naval Incre.iBo If they were not passed In
nccordanco with their desires. After Baron
von Hammerstcln had spoken In favor of
tho committee's report and arguments had
been made against it In tho emperor's pres
ence, Chancellor Hohenlohc sided with Count
von Buelow, saying ho would not be able
to remain In office were the bill in Its present
torm to hecomo a law.
Finally the emperor yielded to the chan
cellor. It Is now almost certain the hundes.
rath will not accept the bill In Its present
form nnd before the third reading u compro
mise Ih assured.
The wholo nation Is thoroughly aroused.
Tho agricultural council has declared lbs
satisfaction with tho committee's report, hut
tno i nambers of Commerce nt Bremen.
Hamburg. Chemnitz, Essen and Elbcrfcld
have held Indignation meetings. Tho Na
tional Chemical society has called a meeting
ior .Monuny to protest. The central bureau
for the preparation of commercial treaties
has reported In favor of an "agitation against
tne hill, involving almost the whole of Ger
many's commerce, Industry and shipping."
ino diii nas artcclcd the bourses, especially
Atlantic stcamahlp lines, whose securltlp
declined today.
(Continued from First Page.)
tho part of tho loyal Inhabitants. Ills scouts
report that largo numbers, of the rebels In
the neighborhood are anxious,. to surrender."
IVnr onifo M ill Not Go Hint Tnr In Its
LONDON, Mnrch 9. Replying to Patrick
O'Brien, nationalist, who asked In tho house
of commons today whether the government
will glvo a shilling to each Irish soldier on
St. Patrick's day to enable him to celebrate
tno occasion by "drowning tho shamrock."
Joseph Powell Williams, financial secretary
to tno war olllce, raid he thought the army
funds could hardly bo devoted to that pur
It Is suggested that all the Irish soldlsrs.
whether in Irish regiments or not, bo al
lowed to wear tho shamrock on St. Patrick's
day and that the same privilege be extended
to tho navy.
Iloi-m Will llnre .loliiiiineNliurur.
LONDON, March 10. A correspondent cf
tho Daily Mall at Lourenzo Marnucz, tele
graphing Thursday, says:
"I am reliably informed that high offiela's
openly nvpw that the British (lag shall
never fly at Johannesburg. Tho place will
bo razed to the ground and the mlnni put
In readiness tn bn Alpptrlp.iltv nvntnitn.i t.nm
the fort as occasion requires. Most of tho
gold mines, except thoso which the govern
ment controls, aro In n shocking state.
They aro flooded and tho machinery rusting
and being wilfully smashed."
Hanker DInciinh Wnr I.oaii.
LONDON, March -0.-4:25 p. m. Tho bank
ers of London met tho chancellor of tho ex
chequer. Sir Michael Hhks-neach, at tho
Hank of England today to dls;uss the terms
of the war loan, which will he advertised
tomonow. Tho amount of the now war
loan will be JC30.O00.00O. Tho Interest will
bo at 2?i per cent nnd the bonds will bo
redeemable at par May 5, 1910. Tho Issue
price Is 89 10s.
.Mayor of Hnplil City Wnnts Ten TI1011
hiiiiiI Dollar I)iiiiiuu;ni for Ac
tion of Hoard (llllccr.
RAPID CITY, S.D March 9. (Special
Telegram.) Chauncey L. Wcod, mayor of
Rapid City, commenced suit for $10,000 dam
ages against F. II. Rugg. president of the
city school board, and H. B. Larable, super
intendent of public Instruction, for expelling
ma 12-year-old son from school.
Tho reason of tho suit Is that tho presi
dent of tho board ordered tho boy expelled
bctoro tno matter had been brought before
tho board.
Tno Ind had been exasperating, but had
not been upheld by his parents.
Conilll Ion of Wyoming llunlH.
CHEYENNE, Wyo March 9. (Special. )-
Stato Examiner Henderson has filed a re-
Speaking of Little Shoes
Dri'x U .Slioomnn 1ms a hIio? nnd It's
not a now ono, eltlicr-tlmt Just bonis
thorn all-It's our hoys 51. no shoe
innde from real calfskin- put 011 kooiI,
substantial solos-thls lias boon a iradt!
winner for us tlie( many years and
really needs no further recommendation
from us- yet your boy may be Just tret
tltiK hlf: enough lo wear boys' fines and
If he's your lirst boy how could you
know we had the best boys' shoe In tho
world If we didn't tell you brlni: him
In we'll start him out riht.
Drexel Shoe Co.,
uka' Vwinf Shoe Hm
port of the c ndltlon of the Stale banks of
Wyoming at the close of business nn Feb
ruary 13 last. The loans and discounts of
these Institutions aggregated $555,210.94,
with aggregated tesourccs of $852,251.50. The
deposits of the banks aggregated the sum of I
Must Show ( ntme Why He .should Mil
lie Dlmiuitllllril lo Art III Mc
Clvllnn Cimc.
SlOfX FALLS. a7b., March 9. (Special
Telegram.) In accordance with a decision
of the stale supreme court in the now famous
McClelfnn case, Judge JoneJ of tho state cir
cuit court today granted a motion citing
County Judge Wilkes lo nppear before him
and show cause why he should not be de
clared disqualified to act further In the case.
A motion In behalf of the American and
Canadian claimants asking that County
Judge Wilkes bp prohibited from acting In
the McClcllan ease pending tho result of
the disqualification proceedings before Judge
Jonrti was denied, ns wns also n motion to
admit to ball E. J. T.iber, n prominent local
hanker, who Is yet In custody of tho sherllt
btvause he has steadfastly refused to pay a
fine Imposed upon him by Judge Wilkes for
contempt of court.
Cuttle ConilltlooK Are (iooil,
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. March 9. (Special.)
Decidedly encouraging reports continue tn
bo received fr.-m tho great cattle ranges In
tho western part of tho state. There have
been comparatively no losses of cnttlc dur
ing tho winter. This Is remarkable. In view
of the fact that on Upper White rler alono
moro than 1,000 young southern cattle were
last fall turned loose on the range. On other
portions of tho range many thnusnnds of
these animals have been rustling for them
selves all winter. Tho mow fall has been
Kiilllclent to furnish necessary moisture on
those Tortious of the range remote from the
larger water courses, and still has not been
great enough to prevent cattle reaching the
cured grasses which have been abundant on
nil parts of tho range.
Ilniim for limine Strenini.
PIERRE. S. I).. March 9. (Special ) Tho
dry headquarters of tho range streams will
In a few yeats bo mado to furnish water for
n large number of ,-attlo If the present policy
Is continued. Tho Northwestern and St.
Paul roads havp put In n large number of
dams In past years, and are this year both
Increasing tho size of those already con
structed and putting In new ones.
Municipal Otitic rftlilp In Pierre.
PIERRE, S. D.. March 9. (Special.) The
report of tho city auditor for February shows
a total Income to tho city from water nnd
gas of $520. This, with the saving to tho
city on coal hills at tho pumping station,
gives over $S0O for municipal ownership of
water and nowcr for tho month, with the
electric lights as n gift.
DUelui rueil am IllinUrttptfl.
SIOUX FALLS. S. I).. March O.-iSpeclnl )
In tho United Slates court here the f I
lowlng have been discharged as bankrupts
nnd nil claloiB against thorn canceled
Michael H. Russell, Crew Lake. Jerauld
county; Nelson & Co.. Hartford; Eugene
Sunderlln. Tyndnll; William J. McLaughlin.
Clarnc, Lake county.
Imiioi Dnrlou.
Mr. Alfred Darlow of the Union Pacific
passenger department has been called to
Chicago by the death of his brother. James
Darlow, an attorney, who had resided In
Chicago for nearly thirty years.
At 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon as Mr.
Darlow was aBout to step Into nn elevator
on tho ninth Door of the Hartford building,
Madison and Dearborn streets, he suddenly
expired. Ho had been suffering from heart
failure for nearly a year, and It Is bclloved
that his death was duo to that cause. Ho
died beforo a doctor could bo summoned. Ml
Darlow had an office In the Tacoma build
Ing. He wns CO years old. A wife and four
children survive him.
Itecoriler of City of London.
LONDON, March 9 Sir Charles Hall, In
his 5Sth year, died this morning.
Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Hall, K. C. M. O..
was born In 1S43. Ho was recorder of the
city of Iyomloii nnd nt tho time of his death
wns a member of Parliament frotn the Hol
born division of Flnsbury. He represented
West Cambridgeshire In Parliament from
1SS5 to 1S92 and was nt ono time attorney
general to tho prince of Wales. Ho was
first delegate for Great Britain nt tho In
tel national Maritime conference held at
Washington in 1SS9.
Itcnlilcnt of Columbus.
COLUMBUS, Neb., March 9. (Special.)
John Selpp died at his residence In this
city this morning, after an Illness of several
months from drcpay. Ho wns born In Wis
consin, but had lived In this city the past
twenty years. He carried a po'.lcy In tho
Modern Wordmen of America and was also
! ? mcmber f tllp, Mnncrchor society
leaves a wife and several children. He wai
40 years of age. The funeral will bo held
Sunday afternoon, conducted by the two or
ders above named.
I' o lie in 1 of Mrx, Klne.
HASTINGS, Neb., March 9. (Special.)--Tho
funeral of Mrs. Lulu King, wife of Dr,
Frank L. King, who died Tuesday evening
at tho Woman's Christian Temperance Union
hospital In Kearney, waet held at the Chris
tian church In this city nt 2.30 yesterday
afternoon. Rev. H. O. Wllkenson preached
tho funeral sermon. Tho remains wore In
tcrrod In Parkview cemetery. The de
ceased was secretary of the Young Woman's
Christian association for Nebraska.
I'll 11 era I of llr, AllirlKlit,
TECUMSEII. Neb., March 9.-(Spcclal.)
The remains of Mrs. John Albright wero In
terred In the Tccumwh cemetery today. Mrs
Albright was a daughter of the late Judge
and Mra. R. W McKee of Teeumsch nnd
died In Maryvllle, Mo., Wednesday uftcr a
long Illness. She was aged about 45 years
and leaves a husband nnd several children
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Relieves the sense of fullness, distress
and pain in the stomach after meals.
Makes digestion natural nnd easy.
Genuine bn r.wic HoniroKU's on tapper.
Rnxa Tyler. Vl.o President of tho Illinois
Woman's Alliance, epoaks In hlch praise of
Perunii to restore tlreil nervea and weak
body. It a letter written to lr Hartmnn
from 010 East C.Olh street. Chicago, 111., sho
rr.ys tho following:
"Utirlnc tin. int year I urnilunlly
loot iIcnIi mill Ntri'OKlh until I mih
iinalili lo perform in? wi.rli troii"rlj.
I tried illlVi'ri'tlt rr iiiimIIpk anil llnnllv
rutin miih NiiKKCMtril to me. It ml vi
lli i' iw 11 iiv mill ri'Ntornl my if rciictu.
raiiiiot Nu-uk loo IiIkIiIj of It,"
Mlsn Anna Cinton, Clayton, 111., says:
"Your Perunn did mo so much good.
I believe I should
hnvo been dead by
this tlmo had I not
used it. I nm feel
ing bo well now.
I have not taken any
medicine for four or
flvo months. 1 can
cheerfully recom
mend Peruna to my
Mr. Peter Hatten
bergor, Porterfleld,
Wis., writes: "I suf
fered with chronic
catarrh for nlno
years. Tho catarrh
Mlif Anna Carsten,
Clayton, 111.
settled on my lungs nnd I had nil tho symp
toms of consumption. Through tho uso of
Perunc. 1 nm now well and happy."
Catarrh of tho lungH Is, ordinarily, known
ns consumption: also called tuberculosis. In
those cases tho catarrh has usually found Its
wny Into tho lungs by tho gradual extension
of tho dlscaso from tho throat through
tho bronchial tubes. Consumption Is tho
natural termination of all cases of neglected
A sister, Mrs. H. J. Parkinson, resldce In
I'linernl of "-ovvnHi'iiil.
TECUMSEII. Neb., March 0. (Special.)
Cyrus Townsend, who died In tho Lincoln
Insane asylum Wednesday, was burled here
yesterday. Ho had been In tho Institution
for treatment nbout n yenr. Mr. Townsend
was about 18 years of age and !eavr a
mother, two brothers and a sister.
I'ioneer of Omaha.
Mrs. Dnllcy, mother of Thomas Dalley, died
yesterday at her son's home, 1834 Sherman
avenue. Mrs. Dalley was 77 years old and
had made this city her hcune for many years.
Thomas Ilallcy Is chief clerk In the offloe of
superintendent of motive power of the Union
Pacific shops.
Pioneer of ehlllKa.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., March 0. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Herman Hueter died today nt
tho residence of Mrs. Strnblc, In this city,
after a short Illness. Sho was ono of tho
pioneer residents of this section. The funeral
will be held Saturday morning.
Con mil l.elxue,
Conrad Lelsgo, aged 81 years, died Friday
night of apoplexy nt tho homo of his sin.
Henry, 1111 South Thirty-second street. He
wns ill only n few hours. Mr. I.elsgo Is a
pioneer of Omaha, and owns considerable
properly In tho city.
1'illtor'N Trial for Murder.
SIOL'X CITY, In., March 0. (Special )
At Hartlngtcn. Neb., next Monday will begin
tho trial of Chirlcs H. Harris for tho murder
of J. II Illenklron of Hidden, Neb., last
Two Specials for Saturday
Saturday we place on t-ale a IiIr lot of
our Hlaek Walnut Pourcc candy which
retails tejiularly for -10c a ixiund at 'JOe
a pound Tills Is a delicious candy nnd
received the highest honors at tlm
Tninsniisslsslppl K.vpoiltion It's a
candy you'll enjoy Hliu'lc Walnut meats
never retail for less than (10c a pound,
hut we've pot a pretty lii stock and
will malie a run on them at Kle a pound
-You want to set into store tomorrow
whether you wish to buy or not.
W. $. Balduff,
1520 Farnam St.
We're Giving Free Concerts-
Kvery ilny in our new auditorium, on
tho second lleor- every dny between tho
hours of Hi ami 1 o'clock, noon. Tho
new automatic piano plnyer-tlie uuto
miitl.' lteKlnn music box nnd tho Kdlson
urapliaplione phiylng alternately. The
wnlls are artistically htms with the
works of the best miislei's and we know
you can spend a very pleasant hour
with us, and we Invite you to coino ns
often as you can.
Music and Art 1513 Douglas.
chronic catarrh. Every one who Is nffllctert
with chronic catarrh Is llablo to be ntt.v' '
with consumption nt any time. In the 1. .
singes of the disease Peruna Is n sure cure,
In thn Inter stngiu of the disease Peruna
can bo relied upon to produce great benefit,
and In n largo per cent of cascH produce a
permanent euro. All thoso nfllicted with
this dread disease should begin nt onco
treatment with Peruna.
Mr. W. W. Slrarsler, C4 West Mnln street,
Corry, Pa., snys: "I had tried three of tho
best physicians in In
diana county, and spent
n great deal of money,
all tn no effect. My
friends bpIiI I could Vj Jfi US
not get well. I had
about given up all
earthly hones. I
weighed 130 pounds. I miWM4
accidentally saw tho
namn Peruna. I Inime- Mr. W. W. Strassler
dlatcly commenced tnk
Ing it nnd continued taking It until 1 had
taken twelve bottles. I then weighed ISO
pounds and never felt better In my life."
A llulit I'oimli. wiilrii, Ytitiiout 11
vi'tttlm of 1I011I1I, iiolil noon lln-lM-ar
tilth tli iini of I'i'riiiiii, lie.-onipii
cliroulo lironoliltlH, Mlilrh riMiilrrs
11 irrxlli-nl n. of I'eriinii for miiiiip
1 in-. 'I'licn- tire n uri'iit ninny oaai'i
of t'oiiHiiiuiitlon rvrry cnr ilup di
rectly to it nenlect of fotiuliN, i'oIiIh,
etc. vthll'h, If I'eriiua linil lieeli kept
lii llii Iioiini a nil uhi'iI ni'oorilliiK to
illrei'tloiiN, mo 11 1 it have heen pre
vented. Send to Tho Poruna Medlclno Company,
Columbus, O., for Dr. Hartman's latest free
book on chronic catarrh, la grippe, con
shiiptlon, coughs, colds', etc.
fall. Harris was editor of tho Beldcn News
nnd lllcuklron, who wns n prominent bus
iness mnn, went to tho News otllco to de
mand a retraction of a certain article.
During tho discission which followed Unrrls
t'hot and killed Illenklron nnd then gave
himself up.
Southern Itnllvtay 1)1 vl, lend.
NEW YORK, Mnrch . The directors of
tho Southern railway company declared a
dividend of l'i per cent on Us preferred
stock, nn Increase of yt per rent.
Innniie. KIIIn llrother a ml lllinoelf.
i OAKLAND. Cul.. March 0.--Alexander
I Carter. X' years of ago, In a temporary lit
; of Insanity, today shot and killed his
. brother, Charles, n unlverhllv student, aged
years, ai ino nouse or tholr parents in
North Herkoley.- Then placing the muzzln
of tho pistol In his mouth he blew his br.ilm
St. .IonciiIi I'renelirr Coex to llnlue.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Mnrch n.-Ilev. o. It.
llrailforil of tho Wosleyon Methodist Epls
. enpal church of this city has accepted an
1 appointment to the pastorate of n church
i In Home. Italy He will become the bend
. of the denomination In Italy and will hnvo
, charge of tho Methodist Episcopal book
I concern there.
Don't Ivb them tea or coffee, Hnvo you
trlod the new food drink cnlled OUAIN-O?
It Is delicious nnd nourishing nnd taXes
tho pHco of coffee. The more Ornln-O you
glvn the children the more health ynu dis
tribute through their systems Clraln-O Is
mnd of pure grains, nnd when properly
prepnred tastes like tho choice grades of
coffee, but costs about 4 rs much. All
grocers soil 1'. 16c and 3So.
1 t ri
I ' t v v"