Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Ditappointlng Cables and Argentina Ship
menti Cause Weak Wheat Opening.
Oat Arr Firm, lull (Inlet Provision
Mlirlo-I In Unlet lull MimiiI III
S llipntliy lllth Mrt'llKlli
III Corn.
CHICAGO, March 9. Disappointing cables
nnd tlio enormous Argentine flhliimciiH
caused a wexk opening In wheal today, bill
this was overcome by the strength of the
Liverpool spot market urn! the cash bind
nes here. Tim mnrkcl receded from the
top on pinllt-tnklng, but cloned firm, May
,,4t(-1ic under yesterday. May corn cloed
c and May oh tit Vlf'.c up. At the close
tho provisions market wan practically tin
chanced and steady.
The wheat market was active, Irregular
and Influenced by two strong but opposing
causes the Indifference of cable and tin)
enormous Argentine shipments against the
Flrength of the Liverpool spot tn.irket and
the big carh business here. The record
breaking exports rrom the other side of tlio
cipmtor mill the Indifference of Liverpool
to i!m advance hero yesterday were felt
rurly, May noenlng y depressed at IB'!,
(f;r,c. The selling was probably a bit ton
lieavy, fur the news of the spot advance at
Liverpool caused liberal covering by shorts.
H ho prediction of a cold wave was also an
liuentlvo for buying-, and as a big cash
tmslneMH reported under way '.May shot
rapidly up to (W,c 'I be bulge was met
with liberal prollt-tnklng, but the sales
Worn readily absorbed at reduced price!".
The close caught the market on the return
trip from fffi;i,e, where It had been forced
li the desire for prollls. and the close was
.i'ir down at (','( f(,r .May, which, de
spite the fact that It whs under lat night's
cliise. was considered a wood Indication of
strength. The rash bur'liefs here was put
nt ?.)H,m bu.. 2mi,m) bu. of It for export.
New York reported 1.1 loads taken for ex
port Atlantic port clranmccs In wheat ami
flmir were eipial to I'll.oM) bu. Primary re
ceipts were fm.wyo bu., comoared with ri.
(V1 bu. last year. Mlnneaimlls and Iliiliitii
reported ":t cars, against ll last week and
5V1 .1 year a no. I, oca I receipts were 7a cars,
35 of contract srndc.
The corn market was Strom? ami active.
The opening was cay with wheal, bin later
there was a recovery, nearly all of which
was held. Cables were higher, recclnts
moderate 32S cars here country offerings
very smnll and ttie cash demand iriod. in
loads being reported for export ol the scn
lioard. Iloads were reported In bad shape,
with a prospect of a severe curtailment
of tho movement. With there facts In mind
the short Interest bought heavily, one man
taking In an amount put at IVK,(Vn bu.
Mav ransed from .Ti'lc to 3.Ve and closed
'. over yesterday at .""He.
Cats wero firm, apparently In sympathy
with corn, but quiet. Shorts were buyers
nnd there was a fair demand for ship
ment. Feeling was bearish, however, be-t-mit-n
of largo country supplies anil a be
lief that the Rovernment report will be
bearish. Receipts here were isa cars. May
lunged from War to 23ic nnd closed 'iT(c
up at 23Hc
The provision market was quiet, but
Headlfd In sympathy with the strength In
corn and tlio Liverpool advance In ham and
lard. There was a fair cash demand. The
opening was a Irllle lower on the liberal
hog receipts. May pork ratipcd from $10. ST1.,
to anil closed a shade blRhcr at $H).Si.
Way lard from T..90 to ".;". closing un
cbanRed at f.".n2l(fi.!r, and .May ribs from
tu S7'i to r.:!i, with tho close a shado
lower nt tfi.90. ., .
Kstlmaled receipts tomorrow: Whcnt, 4.i
cars; corn, 470 cars; onts, 230 cars; hoes,
Sl.nm head.
The leadlnR futures ranged ns follows:
Articles.! Open.lTiTgh. I Low. I Close.l Ves'y.
Wheat II
or, I ft-i,4c.ii-u
evil i;i;4 a'rW'i
May July
May July
May July
3t'f, 31
33 V 3.11 f.
M'M .iH'-i
I 2'li
10 7T.
10 80
10 w
10 T'lW 10 so
10 so
10 S3
r. !i
fi (VI
r. 92'4
5 95
10 S7i
10 77
10 So
n 9:i,i r, rr, 1 r, no
coo I COi'M coo
r 9,1
C 02K'
S S7',i r. MV41
f. 90 I c I
r. S7'.AI r, 90
6 90 ! 5 !)24
No 2.
Cash uuotnttons were as follows:
1-M.Ot' It Steady; winter patents, J3.40U
3.r.0; stralRhts. J.90fl3.30; clears, $2.7MiJ.0O;
t'prliiK specials, $3.80; patents, $:i.HV3.43;
utrnlRhts. Ji.iWi3.00; bakers, $.'.002.10.
WI I BAT-No. 2. sprlriR. fil'.ic; No. 3
HpiitiK, tWie; No. 2 red. fMdSMc.
COHN-No. 2, 3IWH?ic; No. 2 yellow,
OALS-No. C, 23iifl23e; No. 2 white, 2i
l27'a; No. 3 white. 2.1U1(2iic.
ItVH-JN'o. 2. WVH07-.
IIAUl.K.Y-No. 2, ST.iTfftV.
SKF.DS Klax. No. 1 and northwest, $1.00.
a'rlme timothy. $2.M.
PHOV1SIONS Mess pork. er bbl., i.85W
lft.i-0. Lard, per 100 lbs., $5.72Mi.1.S.r.. Short
ribs sides (loose), $.1. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), $t;.25tf6.GQ. Short clear
fides (boxed). Jfl.OOMClO.
WHISKY Distillers" finished Roods, on
basis of hlKh wines, per Rnl., $1.21.
SUOAltS-Cut loaf, $fi.0T.; Rranulated. $3.19.
FoIIowIiik are the receipts and shipments
for today:
Itcrelpts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour, bills 4S.000 4!,0iV
AVhcat, bu 32,000 57,0-0
Corn, bu 201.000 167 OJO
Oats, bu 231.000 152.ik)
ltye, bu 4,i 4,00.)
H.irlcy. bu CO.OOO 22.00')
On the Produce exehanue. today tho but
ter market was strong; creameries, 191
2t'sc; dairies, 16ifi22c. Cheese, linn at 12
f(13e. Hrrs, easy; fresh, llflll'.ic.
m:v yoiiic (;i:M:itAi, mahkiit.
riiiotntlons for (be liny on Various
NBW YOItK, Match 9-FI,OL'n-He-celpts.
12.9S0 bbls.; exports, 15,107 bids.;
market for .spring patents and winter
ftralKhts was held higher, with a fair de
mand for tho former. In other respects the
market was quiet: Minnesota patents, $3.70fi
8.90; Minnesota Imkern, $2 Will. 03; winter
patents, $.'!.Giir;l S5; winter straights. Jl l.vw
S.Ki; winter extras. $2.fifi2.90; winter low
grades, $.'.2iTi2.40. Hye Hour, fair to Rood.
S3.lMvri3.20; choice to fancy, $3.2033 60
Huckwheat Hour, dull at $1.60i1.76.
mH'KXniHAT-Qulet at G7c, c. I. f,, Xew-
CoilNMKAI-Dull; yellow western. S3c;
city. Wc; Hrandywlne, $2 2O",i2.30
HYK Steady; No. 2 western, i;3Ue, fob; state, 6Sft&9e c. 1. f., New York ear
HA RLF.Y Quiet: feedinc iww- v.....
York: mailing. 49r,lc '
HARLKY MAIl-)ull: western, 5503e
WHKAT-Hcceipts, 47.2W) bu.; s. 32..
fl bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red. 76..c elevator
?o. 2 red. 7S,e f. o. b. afloat. In store; No!
1 northern, Dulutli, 774c f. o. b afloat
prompt. Options at first were Influenced bv
very beavv Argentine shipments, bearish
Htnto crop rexu-t and active short selling
Subsequently they recovered on a scare of
shorts following strength In corn, but
finally declined under realizing and closed
easy at 4B4c not decline; March closed at
76c; May, 724ti734e, closed. 72e; Julv
7241f73 3-16C. closed, 724c; September, 72 7-16
C73c, closed, 724c
CORN Receipts. 51,675 bu ; exports S7 "l
bu. Spot, firmer; 'No. 2. 42c f. o. b. allo'at
nnd 42J )24o elevator. Options opened e.irv
with whenl, but at once turned strong oil
light country acceptances and prospects of
light receipts owing to bad country roads
closed firm at 4fl4' net advance; May
4iVg41o. closed nt 404e; July, I04fi4i4r
closed, 414c.
OATS-ltecelpts. 42.900 bu.; exports. 4O06
bu. Spot, firm: No. 2. 2S4c; No. 3, 2Sc; No
2 while. 32c; No. 3 white, 314c; track,
mixed western. iSUfiSOe: track, white, 311
ffi;!5c. Options very slow all day, hut ruled
stead;1 with corn.
HAY-Slendy; shipping, 65070c: good to
choice. MMiS74c h 1 10
HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice
W crop. iic: 1S9S crop, 7iT0c; 1S99 cron r
13c, Pacific const. ISM crop, tfifio; 1VJS crdii
7fi9c: IS99 crop. 12fil3c. . 1 '
HIDKS Firm; Calveslnn, 20 to 23 ihs
19,c: California, 21 to 25 lbs., 20,-- Texas
dry. 21 to 30 lb.. 16c. 1 eJS
LKATHKH Hicudy. hemlock sole, nuenos
Ares. light to heavyweight, 254c; ncld "5
4f2.14o. '
PROVISIONS Heef. qulot; family, $ii.oon?
13.00; mess. $0.ooruo.M; h.ef hams. $-.iioiXf
K.00i packet, $II.oufill.76: city extra India
mess, $19.0Ofi22.l. Cut meats, steady . pb-kle
bellies,; pickled shoulders, $6;
pickled hams, J9.(Wi9.20. lird. firm; western
steam. $6,2il; March closed $6.15, nominal;
rellned, llrm. continent. $6,4.1. comiiouud.
$6,624; Soulli America, $6 70. Pork, steady,
family. U.1(W13.2S -hort tlear. $1: Wtlt "6.
mess, $10 75(511 25 Tallow, quiet, city. 54'
6"c. country. 54'i54c.
XlUCTKH-HeccljitK, 3,:5 jikga,, steady;
' Jn'ir re.nn'rj UViV-t ; western erfamery.
! 2'fi2"K . fa- t'rv ni.'o
r: Firm domestic, fair to extra, 4',li3
CSc. Japan, Ifcffic
Alci.ASfiKt' Steadv; New Orleans open
kelile K(,,l t0 ,-hoiif, 4IUo5c.
cili:i:si:-Hecelt.ts. I.C.S2 pkgs.: firm;
fancy large white. IJIiU'ic; fancy large
olorcd. I3ifl3c; fancy small white. 13?
1.1'ic; fancv small colored. 13'ie; rholce
guides, mtl2h'
K(UlS-Hcnpt . C. 1.16 pkgs.: steady nt
delln, western, at u.ark, lufilS'ic; south
ern, at mark, 12't'(i)3c.
MBTAI S-lliislmvK In metals was sla'k;
tin was ery firmly held, but quiet, cloltig
at ? 11. 7.1. nominal, against $1l.5o lat night.
Pig Iron lontluued to rule very dull. Lake
copm : was quiet nnd unchanged, closing
at $l'i.2'. t.'ail. Xl.7i;4.7.). closing quiet nnd
unchanged. Spelter ruled quiet and losed
barelv steady, with the Inside bid reduced
to $(.C .igalnt $1.70 yeslerdav. The nffl
clal closing quotation was $l.r.1W 1.7.1. Tho
b't.kers' !rhe for wap SI.U and for
copper II. So.
(mii uiiot.iN t,i: sivnicirrs.
Coiiillllon of Trade and (tiiolnllons
on siapli- mill I'll !! I'roiliice.
1:CC1H-Ite'clpfs liberal; fresh stock, 10?
I)Hi:PSi:D PorilnY-Clmlco to fancy
turkeys, O'-flOc; ducks. 9'illlOc: geese. 9'i
JilOc; spring hltkens, 7'4'ISe; liens, 7'sI?Sc;
toosfers, 4iii,c.
I.IVU pnrintY - Hens, 7c: sprliy:
rhli'kct s, 7c; young, stnggy nnd oid
rooster, I'fiic; ducks, 7',iTSc; geese, "V&'O.c;
turkeys, 7'i1iVc.
IICTTF.U -Common to fair, I6'2c; choice,
17ftlc; separator, 2Sc; gathered creamery,
PKIKUNS-l.lve. per doz., 90ci?Jl.00.
VIIAI.S-Cholce. 9Q10c.
O VST KKS Medium, per ran, ISc; stand
ard, per an, 22c; bulk standard, per gal..
$1.2.1, extra selects, per can, 30c; extra se
lects, per gal.. $l.iWft.7.7; New York counts,
per enn, 37c; Now York counts, per ICO, $1.25.
Ilini:.S-No. 1 preen hides, 7c; No. 2
green hides, f, ; No. 1 salted hides, Sc;
Ni'. 2 suited hides, 7c; No. 1 Veal calf. S to
12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to M lbs., Sc.
HAY Per carload lots: Upland, choice,
$C; midland, choice, $1.f,0; lowland, choice,
$1; rye stiuw. choice. $1.30; No. S corn, SJ'.ic;
N. 3 white oats, 22'je; cracked corn, per
ton, $12, corn and oais, chopped, per ton,
$12.50; bran, per ton, $12.60; shorts, per ton,
ASPAItAOT'S-Ca'Ifornla, per lb.. He.
NHW TVUNIPS- Per doz. bunches, 50c.
SPINACII-Per box, $1.
Ni:V Hi:irrs- Per iloz. bunches. 40SfiOc.
l.KTTt'ci: per doz. bunches, 40c; fancy
head lettuce, per bbl.. $.1.
HADISiiKS-Per doz. bunches, 33c.
HWHKT POTATOKS - Vt bbl., Illinois,
$3: Jerseys, $3; largo bbl., Kansas, $2.76.
POTATUF.S Per bu.. choice, 2(vf40c.
CAHHAniC-llolland seed, 24fl24c.
CAn.lFLOU'KK - California, per crate,
CMIjHHY IVr doz., 23g30c; California, per
bunch, 40fl73c.
TCHNIPS-nutabagns, per lb., lUc.
TOMATOICS - Florida, par six-basket
crate, $3.60.
MI'SIIUOOMS-Per lb. box. 60c.
KllirAKH-Pcr doz., ff(J7Sc.
ONIONS-Iletall, yellow. 75c; red, S3fl90c;
Oblos, per bbl., $2.2
A PPI.KS Choice western shipping stock,
$1.50; New York stock. $1.50; fancy. $4.75.
tlKAPES Malaga, per bbl.. $7.0039.00.
CltANHKHlllIOS Jerseys, per bbl., $10.50;
per trntc, $3.fA
ORANOF.S California, fancy navels, per
box. $3.2M)3.50; choice navels. $2.75tf3.00; Cali
fornia seedlings, per box, $2.fiI?2.75.
I.BMONS-Cnllfornta, choice, per box. $3;
fancy. $3.00; Messlnas, choice, per box, $3.50;
fancy. $4.
HANANAS For bunch, medium, $1.76
2.00; fancy, $2.wm2.2S.
HONICY-Per 2-sectlon case, $3.60.
Nl'TS - Hickory, large, per bu $1.25;
shcllbarks, $1.35.
St. I.iiiiIsj rirnlii mill Provisions.
ST. LOUIS, March 9. WH 12 AT Lower:
No. 2 rod cash, elevator. C9Hc; track, 72'Mi)
73c; March, C9c; May. CO'.-groc; July,
CG'c; No. 2 hard, (,VdWc,
FLOUR Steady and iinchanKed.
COHN-Hlghcr; No. 2 cash, 33?ic; track,
3tV; Murch, 33)4c; Mn', 31Hc; No. 2 July,
3 Pie.
OATS-Hlgher; No. 2, 21Uc; track,
tll'lo; Marcli, 2l?ic; May, 2lc; No. 2
white, 2t!ic
It Y 11-Firm nt 6Cc.
SKUns-Tlmnthy, dull nnd weak; ordi
nary. .lM2.2r,: prime worth more; flax,
nominal at $1.57.
I'OIi.NMKA I Steady at Sl.80iTt.S5.
HHIAN Higher; sacked, east track, 67c.
HAY Strong; timothy. $9.00812.50; prairie,
WHISKY-Steady. $1.21.
1 RON COTTONT1 KS-$1.23.
PROVISIONS-Pork: Firm: Jobbing, old,
$10.50; new. $11.2.1. Lard: Steady; prime
steam, $5.(6; cholre, $.1.70. Dry salt boxed
meats, firm; extra whorls, $ti; clear ribs,
$0.12'4; clear sides. $6.23, Ltacon, firm; extra
shorts, $r,.50; clear ribs, $6.1)214; clear sides,
VlkTALS-Lead: Dull at $4.67Htf4.G0.
Shelter: Firm at $1.60.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, r,J?7iic; tur
keys, SfalOc; ducks, 9c; geese, bbi$c.
KOOS 1miT nt 13c.
11UTTF.R -Steady; creamery. 20326c;
dnlrv. lCuc.
RKCKIPTS-Flour, 3,000 bbls.; wheat, 11,
M bu.; corn, S.1.000 bu.; oats, 31.CC0 bu.
SIIIPMKNTS-Flour. 7,000 bbls.; wheat,
34,000 bu.; corn, 53,OuO bu.; oats, 37,000 bu.
Liverpool (i nil it mid I'rovlaloua.
red western winter, no stock; No. 1 north
ern spring, firm, Csld; No. 1 California, no
stock. Futures, steady; March, 5sl0kd;
May, 5s9'd; July. 5s 8 d.
CORN Spot, firm; American mixed new,
3s9'4il; American mixed old, 3s 9?id. Fu
tures, steady; May, 3sS?,d; July, 3s 84d.
PROVISIONS-lIatns, abort cut. steady,
4Ss. Hacon, I'umberland cut, firm, 3Ss;
short ribs, firm, Ms; long clear middles,
light, firm, irTsfid; long clear middles,
lieavy, firm, 37s; short clear backs, firm,
33s lid. Shoulders, square, firm. 33s Cd.
Lard, American refined, firm, 32s 9d; prime
western tierces, steady, 30s 9d.
FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter, steady,
7s "d
PKAS-Canndlan, Cs 7Ud.
Rerelpts of wheat during the Inst threo
days, H9.000 centnls, Including 115,000 Amer
ican. Receipts of corn tho last three days, 169,
OX) centals.
Knnsiis City Cralii mill Provisions,
624c; cash. No. 2 hard, 61c; No. 3,
Oil -tic; No. 2 red. 70c; No. 3, Gif?C9c.
CORN May, 324c; cash, No. 2 mixed,
32s, e; No. 3, 334c.
OATS-No. 2 white, 2l4iB254c
RYU No. 2, 61c.
HAY-Cholce timothy, $10.0010.50; choice
prairie, $7.2.r'5t7.50.
HU'ITICR-Creamery. 20'c?23c; dairy. 19c.
HOGS Lower: fresh Missouri and Kansas
stock, 1114c dozen, cases returned; new,
while wood cases Included, lie.
RKOKIPTS-Whcat. 12.600 bu.; corn, 5,200
bu.; oats, 17.0CO bu
SIIIPMKNTS-Whoat, 36,600 bu.; corn, 21,.
700 4)11.; oats, 10.000 bu.
I'lillndrlnlilii l'lodiice Hiirllct,
good demand: fancy western cream
ery. 264c; fancy western prints, 27c.
KOOS Firm: good demand: fresh nearbv,
154c: fresh western, 154c; fresh southwest
ern, 154c: fresh southern, 15c.
CIIKKSK-Flrm; fair demand.
Toledo Sliirlet.
TOLEDO, O, Mnrch 9. WHEAT Dull,
lower; No. 2 cash, 714c; May, 72Hc
CORN-Flrm. active; No. 2 mixed, 36c.
OATS Lower: No. 2 mixed, 2i..c
RYE Nominal; No. 2 cash. 5c.
SEEPS Clover, firm, hither: prime cash,
old, $1.95: March, new, $3,624; October. J5.10
No. 2, $ LUX 4.75.
Duliilli ; nil 11 Mnrkcl.
DULUTIt. Mnrch 9-AVHEAT-No. 1 hard
cash, 664c; May. 074c; No. 1 northern cash,
6l4ir; May, 66e; July, 674c; No. 2 northern,
624c: No. 3 spring, 59c,
CORN-33e. '
MlluuiiWco Cm 1 11 SlnrUrl,
Firm; No. 1 northern, 651f654c; No. 2 north,
em. t3i 63'vc.
RYE-Steady; No. 1. 374ri3e.
HARLEY-FIrm; No. 1, 12013c; sample,
I'eorln SlurUel,
rKOHIA, .March 9 CORN-Hlgher; No.
OATS Firm: No. 3 white. 2lj2l4c
WHISKY Firm, on the basis of $1.21 for
finished go"dfc.
Minneapolis Wheat 11 ml Flour.
?'nre: , No. I northern. March. 614c: Mny,
63V; July f.,i,-,34c On track: No. 1 hard.
r.4 ; No. 1 northern, 614c No. 2 northern.
rnllfiirnlH Dried Fruits.
iin!':,)V ,Y.n.HK March 9 CALIFORNIA
DRIED FRUITS Quiet and barely steady,
owing to liberal offerings and 11 llsht sup
l'i. Exporters executed some orders of
fair volume today, and together with
lighter receipts than looked for tended to
develop firmness of undertone In the mar
ket for evaporated apples. Hut as adtbes
from country sources were uttfavor.ible
they served to check any advatuc In prices
here. At the close, However, the market
was firm, with the tendency townrd a .
higher level of value. Prices, however, re- 1
malned unchanged. Apples, Sfnte, common. I
4'ifinijc; choice, 7fi7'c; fancy, 7-14t?'lji'. I
Prunes. 3'4U7c per lb., as to size ami
quality. Apricots, Koyal. 13fi!3c; Moor 1
Park, lM?le. I'eaches, peeled, I Hi 22c; im
peded, 71ill9c. i
ItcinnrUnlilc Dull liny In TriulliiK, lull
! MmilHrnnl III Ncuntlva' Yn.
I NEW YORK, March 9. A day of remark
1 able dullness in the trading nnd slight
movement In prices In stocks was neverthe
less highly significant In a negative wa.
There was some Interest In Sugar, wlili h
covered two-thirds of lis dividend. There
was pressure agMnst Metropolitan, which
fell nf one time to 102, and Pittsburg, Cln
einv.itl. cblcag.) & St. Louis dropped 7'3
without explanation. Third Avenue. Con
solidated (Jas. People's (las and some other
specialties recently under pressure showed
a tendency to rally on covering by shorts.
Rubber was raided down C points nnd re
covered 3. There were sharp advances In
the HnsF-cd oil stocks and declines In Man
hattan nnd Western Union. These changes
wero quite Independent of any lommon In
llilence nnd reflected no feature of the gen
eral outlook. Hut the fact that the small
bear trailers were moved to cover thidr
short contracts before the close and the re
sistance t0 decline offcied by the general
list In the face of notably weak bank re
turns, which authorities ucrco must be
faced tomorrow, exhibited very strikingly
the underlying strength of tho uccurltlis
Apparently the banks will show a loss In
cash by toinorrow-'s stntemcnt of nbout $n,
(""o.irni. It had been hoped during the week
that the payments of pensions would de
crease the absorption of funds by the sub
treasury nnd the fact that the last wek's
gains bv that Institution Included the pay
ment of a $.1,0iO,0i) note to the iovernmeni
by the Central Pacltlc all1 wed that much
margin for n fnvorable showing this week.
Nevertheless, the sublreasury has taken
from the New York banks during the week
ns 'nuch as last werk. the total footlnc up
$7.G7S.OOt. In addition the net shipments of
the cash bv the banks to the Interior bv
express amount to nearly $.'.ni),(K), com
pared with a small gnln from the same
source last week. This may be partly offset
by the registered mall covering.
Considering that the surplus reserves were
below $U.0';0,Oj0 last week and that the
money market has shown no other sign of
disturbance thnn a slight hardening In cnll
loan rates to I per cent, opinion In the strec t
Is prepared for some surprising showing In
the loan account In tomorrow's statement.
The unruffled demennor of the stock mar
ket In face of this drain on money re
sources make It clear thnt loan obligations
on account of s'ocks held nre small.
Sterling exehnnge was heavy today In
splto of some small selling of stocks for
London nccount. The question Is canvassed
of the effect upon the New York money
market of the easier tendency of money In
London, which it Is expected will be caused
by government disbursements for tho pur
po.o of maklnir a market for the new gov
ernment loan. Easy money in I,onlon
would Invite gold Imports to New York. It
is worthy of comment in considering the
sterling exchange outlook that announce,
ment was made In Wall street today Hut
subscriptions would be received for the new
Lngllsh loan.
The reported Initiative by President Kru
ger toward negotiations for peace seemed
to have very slight Influence on the market.
Itonds were dull and prices were Irregular
iiV.cJSir c,1Jn,1!KSs TotnI sales- value.
$1,615,000. United States 2s declined 4 In tho
bid price.
,iJh0. pn?prclal Advertiser's Ixmdon
ilnnnclal cablegram says; Details of the
TI0il," W,1S today received. It is for
po.OOO.OOO nt 9SW with Interest at 2'i !e
deemable at pnr in 1910. Postoffices are not
mentioned for the reception of applications,
but bids have been received nt all tho Ion
don banks and lending brokers' ofllces. The
i;n?,Sr'iec,tU!! W."B 1101 l!,!,UP(1 during business
hours, but thoro was considerable dealing
1 ,,,npll?ns nt 2 5or ;"nt Premium. Pro
nounced success for tho Issue U regarded
ns certain. Tho markets here were dull and
onl .'in.l, 0'1,ay- 11 !" ejected that the
public will begin to take an Interest In tho
markets again when the war loan is out of
the way. Consols were up 4, despite tho
know edge that tho war loan w d'l"
Americans were particularly Idle and hcuvv
In tone on overnight cable orders to sell
Paris i bought Spanish 4s nnd tlntos. but An
acondas relnpsed 3-ltf after yesterdays
spurt. Thero was no gold movement, rail
money was easier and bills were firm but
X Pnt.,ru,i. A thlrd of 1110 vpry large amo
f 1 s v?.rbiVik.h"U8 rpHlre"- The movement
or sliver at the closo yesterday wns re
ported to have .been on a home colnuae ir
de, 1 nr .R equo, 22.224; Herlin. -0.51.
Tho fol owing are thu quotations for the
leading Btocks on tho New York exchango
Atchison 22Texas it Pacific"
.!!? ',f(I -'A- S?h L'nlpn Pacific ...
Tlnlllmnra O (Ml
do pfd'....
-uiinauian l'ac
Canada So 4Mi
do pfd
Wheel. & L. E...
do 2d pfd....
Win r'.,i...i
i-nes. & oiuo .... 2S4
Chicago O. XV.,.. 13
C, B. & Q 123'i
1 .')
Clll.. Ind. & L.
do pfd
Cbl. A K 111
204 Adams Ex....'.'.'.'
ui lAinerlcan Ex
954 U. S. Ex...
CbicaKo & N.,6
Wells-Fargo Ex..
Amer. Cot. Oil...
. do pfd
Amer. Mu'tlng...
do pfd
Amer. S. & n
I do pfd
Amer. Spirits ...
do t.r.i
C, R. I. & P....IO64I
C. C. C. & St. L. 6S41
Colo. Southern... 6
do 1st pfd.... 424
do 2d pfd.... 164
Del. & Hudson ..1114
Ilnl. I. K, IV 1l.ll
Denver & R. (3.. 194
do iM
do 1st pfd.
Ot. Nor. pfd...
Hocking Coal
Hocking Vulley
7Hi Amer. Ki.mi'iir
do pfd....:.'::
3i4'Amer. S. & W....
Ii4i do pfd
134 Amer. Tin Plate.
M I ,n ..r.i
IlinnlH fVntrnl "ll'l' A ,on n-ii.J".''"
- ,a - mini, 1 Uliilt'LU . .
lowu Central .... 13?i do pfd
.do pfd 48 lAnne. Min. Co!!:!
MC. C. P. Ji C. 124lHrooklyii R T
Lako Erin & XV.. 20 Co!o. Fuel & j "
I" I'l" S-i-Ji COM. 'I nlinrr-n
1 A ke Shoro ..
L. & N
Manhnttnu L.
Met. St. Ry..
Mex. Contra'
Minn. & Ft. L
do Ti Til . .
191 I do pfd
. M4 'Federal Steel ..
, 34i do pfd......
1634 Cen. Electric ....
. i Glucose Sugar ..
. 604' do pfd
. 904 Inter. Paper ....
ir.ii. 1 .i
Mo. Paullic
Mis K. & T 104 Nationul Hlscult.
do Pfd... 32V, do pfd
tv v.- vriiwii ...mi .ationni f.ead ...
N. Y. Central
Norfolk & XV.
do pfd....
No. Pacific ..
do pfd....
Ontnrlo a W.
Wih do pfd
. 311 Nntlonai Steel ...
. do jifd
S;!" M- v- 'Mr Hrake.
. i,p. No. American ...
. 234 Pacific Conn ....
Ore. Ry. & Nav. 42
;- I do 1st pfd....
110 pin
Pennsylvania .
do 1st pfd.
do 2d pfd.
Rio G. W
do pfd
St. L. 8c S. F.
do 1st pfd.
do 2d pfd.
St. L. Southw
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
St. P. ,fc O
So. Pacific ....
So. Railway ..
do pfd
' 00 .11 piq....
.1344 Pacific Mall
. 174 People's (ins ....
. CS Pretsed s. Cnr..
. 2S4 do pfd
. 62 Pullman P. Car..
. 90 Standard R. & T.
. my, -wugxir
. 1 do pfd
?Lir.onn- L'onl & I..
. U?i U. S. Leother ...
23', I do pfd
.1204,U. S. Rubber ....
.1724: do pfd
.106 1 Western Union..
Rep. I. & S...
. 13a do Iif.l
674 P. C. C. & St. L:
Ex-dlvldend. "First asst. paid.
Hoslon Mining; Stocks,,
H03TON, March 9,-Call loans, 3'fi44 per
cent; time loans. 4T5 per cent. ' Closing
prices for stocks, bonds nnd mining shares:
A.. T. ft"SF24 West End ."..".'..7. 91
. do pfd 6..J,Westlngh. Elec. 124
Amer. Sugar ..97'4Wis. Central ... 17
iln ,,r,i 1,1 W..I.I ... ......
Hell Telephone ..311
Hoslon ft Alb'y.239
.wj ..n in 'jii is r I,
N. E. G. ft C. 3il 7u4
Adventure ii.
lAllouez M. Co.... 2ii
'Amal. Connor
HOftoit Elevated. 116
C. H, ft Q
Dominion Coal
do pfd
Federal Steel
do pfd
Gen. Elective .
do pfd
Ed. Elec. III...
Mex. Central .
N. E. G. ft C
Old Colony ...
Old Dominion
Ui.lcn Pacltlc
Union Laud ...
114 Atlantic "I
.116 IHoston ft Mont..2:)3
unite ft lloston. 6l'j
Cal. ft Hecla 727
Centennial IS'i
Franklin 114
Oscoo a r.i
. .20.1
12 1 Parrot 41
11 yuincy ni
2074 Santa Fo Cop... 6
19 Tamarack l)
28 lUtnh Mining .... 24
4f U?4
Nimv York .IIIiiIiik Stocks,
NEW YORK. March 9.-The following are
tho ofllclal closing cpiotatlons for mining
('hollar 20 .Ontario ...
Crown Point 15 Ophlr
Con. Cal. ft Va..l50 P'ymouth .
Deadwood 60 Quicksilver
Gould ft Currie... 10 dr, . vt,
, 31
. 20
. 13
Hale ft Noivrof' 21 'Slerrn Nevada
Homestako SOfrt 'undard
Iron S'.lver "0 Union Con
Mexican 20 u.uii' Jacket
lln 11 U ClfiirliiK.
CHICAGO, March 9-Clearings $19,025,013,
balances, $1,322,550; posted exchange, $1 Sty
4,S. New Ycrk exihangc 45 discount
ST. LOUIS, March 9,-Clearlnss. $4,310,-
I'fMI.AMl.'f.tltfft Mr, ! ft l'lnrlMe
,l7.9.''.''9, ' halan. es. $2.2o1. 54.
, HAL1 IMciRK. March 9 -Clearings, $3.29')..
''vW.'l?.1''!' 512.5$l.
N VORK, March n.-Clenrlngs. $161..
9L.1I9; balances. $s.'W.S59
Neil- orU Sloney Slnrkrl,
cnll. steadier at Sffl per ent; Inst lo-in. nt
3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 44154
ST KltLlNG KXCHANOK-Hcavi-. with
iiclual business in bankers' bills nt $I.S6 for
demand ami nt $t.S24 for sixty days; posted
rates, $l.v24l( and $I.S7fl I.S74; commer
cial Mils. Il.si4fii.s24.
SILVi:R-(rtlflcates. 60iOSl'ic; bars,
694c: Mexican dollars. 174c.
HONDfl-Coveruinciit. easy; state, easier;
railroad. Inci-ular.
The follow lug are tlio closing quotations
on bonds:
V S. 2. l-eg ....
do 3s. rcg
do coupon
do new 4s. rcg
do coupon
do old 4 s, rcg.
do coupon ....
do Cs. leg
do coupon
T. of C. 3 65s. ..
Atoh. gen. Is
do adj. 4
Canada So. 2s..
Ches. & Cl. 44s.
do 6s
C. N. W. c. 7s
do S. F. deb.6.
CMcagii Tcr. 4s
I). & Rio O. Is..
lln l
1024 No. Carolina 6s.. 117
1114 N. Y. C. Is 110
112 iN. J. C. gen. 5s..l2!4
I3S41 do 1 106
136. Nd. Pnclllc 3s.... 1,1,4
1174 do 4s 1044
11S4 N.Y C. ft S.L. Is 1084
1164 N. & W. con. 4s.. 9.14
1164 do gen. 6s 13)
lis .Ore. Nav. ls 101
1014 do 10J4
S2 Ore. S. L. 6s I2;i,
I0'4 do consol 6s. ...H.14
9" Reiidln.T gen. Is.. S14
1194 Rio G. W. ls ... mt
111 St.L. ft I.M. c.5s.1ll
121 St.L. ft S.F. g.6s.i:o
Ti SI. Paul cons,- s.1674
10.1 St. P.. C. ft P. ls.119'.
. 94i do 6 12i'-4
K. t.. v. a g. is
w: mi. nainvay rxs...ini
704 S. R. ft T. 6s.... 73
72 Tenn. 11. s. 3s.... 9.1
1164 Tex. ft Pacific ls.lll
W ; do 2s 5.1
I074 Union Pacific 4..K1
llftli Wabash ls 116V
112 1 do 2s 9S4
111 Vest Shoie 4s.. .1134
W'ls. Central Is.. 904
106 iVn. Centuries ... SSi
99'4' do deferred .... 9.'.
614 Colo. So. 4s S31;
9l?i So. Pacific 4s.... S34
i-.rie gen. Is
F. W. I).
Get. Mice, fis...
O. II. it S. A. 6s
do' 2s
H. & T. C. ,1s...,
do consol 6s...,
In. Centra' ls...
K. C., p. & c,. 1
La. new con. 4
L. Si N. unl. 4s.,
M'-'. K & T. 2s,
do 4s
I.iiriilnii VI
LONDON, March 9.-I p. m. Closing:
foils., monov.inon-16 Pennsylvania .... (9
( onsolo. acct mi4 Reading 94
( anadlan Pac. . ..inns, x0. Pacific pfd.. 76
Erie 124 Alehlsflii 234
do 1st pfd.... 3s4 Loulsvl le S3'-,
Illinois ( entral.. in. Grand Tnnik .... M,
I 11I011 Pac pfd. 7.V4 Anaconda 94
y- J.- fyminon... 1214 Hands 374
N. X. Central ...137
n,'Mt.,i5!.,,Vr'-St,''dy. 274d.
MONEY-3434 per cent.
The rnte of discount In the open market
for short bills. 1 per cent; for three months'
bills, I per cent.
I-irelttii I'liiimclnl.
nERLIN, March 9. The weeklv rtate
ment of the Imperial Hank of Germany
shoivs the following changes: Cash In
hand, decrease, SSO.ono marks; treasury
notes. Iiierrnsc. 600,ik) marks; other securi
ties. Increase. 12, marks; notes in cir
culation, decrease, .s.62i),0no marks. Huslness
was ipilet on the bourse todav. Spanish
4s wero firm. Americans wero dull on the
rumor of the appearance of the bubonic
plague In San Francisco. Locals were
easier. Austrian credits lernvorcd on fav
orable lennn advices. Exchange on Lon
don. 2ftm tdpfgs. Unto of discount for
short bills. 64 per cent; three months' bills,
64 per cent.
PARIS. March 9. Huslness opened good
pn the bourse, today, but later. Influenced
by the decline In rentes. It beenme less
cheerful. The proposed Income tnx caused
uneasiness. Tho closing was generally dull,
except that thero was 11 good demand for
Spanish 4s and Rio tlntos. Three per cent
i-'JlUy.' 10Jfs74c. Exchange on London.
r?r c for checks. Spanish 4s closed
1 1.40.
LONDON. March 9.-The market for
American securities ruled dull nnd inactive
all day, with the settlement absorbing tho
attention of members. The final tone wns
dull. Spanish Is cloed 704.
Condition nt Hie Trensnrv.
WASHINGTON, March 9.-Todays state
merit of the condition of the treasury
shows: Available cash balance, $30),S48,
022; gold reserve. $239,469,020.
Cofliin Market.
NEW YORK, Mnrch 9.-COTTON-Spot.
closed quiet. 1-lSr- ndvanco; middling up
hnds, 9 9.16c; middling gulf. 9 13-16c; sales,
;iU5.,,1l m",i,0 rlosp'1 flrm: March.
$9.32: April, $9.21; Mny, $9.2S; June. $3 2;
July. $9.29: August. $9.H: September, $8.23;
October. $,.9S; November, $7.SS; December,
$i.SI: Jnnunrv. $7.S1.
NI-:W ORLEANS, March 9.-COTTON-Qulet;
sales. 2.6nn bales; ordinary, Sl-lCc-good
ordinary, S9-16c; low middling, 9c;
m (Idling. 94c; Rood middling, 71-16c; mld
,U.n? fni,nri.fl.,"1.6": r,,cf,IPs. fi.775 bales;
oSki i''0.0" V.nlo.M- '-'"Hires firm; Mnrch.
$9.22 bid; April. J9. 231(9. 27; Mny, $9.2SCT9 21;
Juno. $9.27H'.2a: July, $9.27H92S; August
1?1 September.' $S.H 'bid;' October
ii-i"Zi2: November. $7.6T.fi7.67; December,
$i.6ii'f(i.67; Janunry. $7.67f7.6S.
??'; 'ol;'s- March 9.-COTTON-Qulet;
middling. 9',c; sales, none; receipts, 3.06
tin es; shipments, 3.653 bales; stock. 7S.110
bale -.
In fair demand, prices higher. The sales
nf tho dny were 10.000 bales, of which 1 000
were for speculation and export and In
cluded 1.900 American. Receipts, 7,100 bales
"!J American. American middling fair,
!i.,2,:,2,1V S0?!'. middling. 6 17-32,1: low mid
dling, 5 11-3.VI; good ordinary. 55-32(1; ordi
nary, 131-32.1. Futures opened firm and
closed barely steady; American middling
1. III. c. March. 5 20-6lf5 21-6td. vnlucs:
March and April. 5 17-61fi,1 is.6ld. sellers:" nr",'n cM,,ly' 5 WM- '"'Vrs; May ami
rn-'c. iB 0 l4'1' J'")" nnd July,
.10,-(,ld. buyers; July nnd August. 6 04-6!d.
buyers; August nnd September, 1 60-fitd,
Wool lilnrUel,
LONDON, March 9. The offerings at tho
wool auction snips todny amounted to IO.-'iO
Hales. Merlnon wero well supported bv
Helclan and (.ernian traders and American
reprehpnta lives secured 11 good quantity of
Queensland Geelrng. Home trade secured
most of the cross-bred.s offered. Prices
wero against buyers. Followlnif nro the
rales In detail: New South Wales, 2,200
!MV.: WLui-o(l. 94dfjls 10d; greasy. 4'(KC
QuP'll'land. 900 bales; scoured, ls
iiUdl s S4d; greasy, liHils id. victoria,
l.ii1 ales; scoured, Ir KdfK lid: greasy,
ii'sdifils Ed.- Sout' Australia 700 ba's;
scoiiifd W 101: greasy, r,nWU. New
ealand. 1,1.1 bales; scoured, 64dffs 1'sd;
greasv, .i4d1is u,d. cino of Good Hope
and Natal, lflrt bale?- greasy, 7f(34d,
ColVep )llll',
NEW YORK, March 9.-cOFFEE-Tho
market for futures opened barelv steady at
lOTyll ;iolnts decline and further declined .1
points under realizing and local raiding
followed by inver European and Hrazlllnn
cables. Selling was arrested by large ware
house deliveries, small receipts at Rio and
Santos and reslrtnnco shown by S'lot de
partment. Closed steady with nrlces 10fi'
20 points lower. Total sales, 19,000 hags. In
cluding May at $0.7Ofri 7.1; June. $6.7,1; Julv,
$6.7.Vf6.0; Aiigu-st, W.SO; September, M.85;
October. $ii.S5: November. $6.9,); December,
$7.10. Spot, steady. Mild, quiet; Cordova.
v9. 059. 50.
Drv Goods Mnrkcl. .
NEW YORK. Mnrch 9.-''he market Is
Ftrong In all lines of staple cottons, but tho
business doing is largely confined to special
goods, buyers not anxious to place orders
for forward delivery at present prices. No
changes In quotations. Print clotb-i 1110
dull, but prices llrm. Pilnis unchanged
throughout nnd no change In ginghams.
Linens are still in limited supply, foreign
markets advancing and prices hero are
against buyers. Hur'aps are quiet anil
while udvanci.ig abroad are without clr.ingo
in price here.
Oll Market.
OIL CITY, Pa., March 9.-OILS-Credlt
balances. $I.6S; ertlllcates. no bid; ship
ments. 111,211 bbls.: average. 2..'!29 bbls.;
runs. 99,915 libla. ; average, S6.730 bbls.
NEW YORK, .March 9 -OI LS-Cntlon-need,
dull; prlmo crude, 31'sc; prima ynjlow,
36c. Pitrolfuni. steady. Rosin, qulel;
strained, t amnion fo good, $I.70T1.72'..
Tiir-Mitluc. unlet a' 65fi35sc
LONDON. Mnre'i 9.-f)ILS-Calcutta Up
seed, spot. ISs. Turpentine sp'rlts, 39s IO41I.
Mine mill l.ciilbci- Trnde.
CHICAGO, March 9 -The Shoe nnd
Leather Review nf March 10 will say:
The packer hide market 1 waiting for
buyers. The decline seems 10 bavo chocked
buying and no one appeals to want to trndo
until the bottom of the market Is rent-licit.
The packers arc taklnc the position that It
Is useless to force a declining market nnd
one of them ls even trying to quote romo
selections a fraction higher. Wo qunto
nattvo steers l'.'4c, butt hands 117,0 nnd
Texas 124c
l.olldoi, Mlicopsklu Mile.
LONDON, Mnrch 9.-Slxty-flve thousand
fhcepsklns wore sold at auction In Mincing
Lane today Tho attendance was small
and competition very slow Home irnda
was the principal buyer London wool do
filned 2124d, short wooied, 24d und lumb3
Cattle Rtcaipts Aro Light and 8ales Are
Steady with Thursday.
llott Slinvr SIIkIU Decline Compared
Mlth riiiirsdnj's .Hiil,-s-Sliccp Are
Steady In 11 Little Loiter,
but In Dciiiiuid,
Receipts were;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
umciai .Monday 2,12) 1,5 215 tt.tir
Ofllclal Tuesday 2,501 7,3l5 6.S14
Olllclal Wrdnesday 1.477 6.M3 5,5s
Olllclal Thursday ,620 7,4vj k,lll
Ofllclal Friday 1,11$ 7.13 9,219
Flvo days this week 9.110 32,560 3.1.9.V)
Hatno days last week ... 9,611 3I.66 29,350
Sanio days week before.. 12. V17 :,2s;i ill.oil
h.iliu three weeks ngo..l2,S02 2S.I11 37,ir2-)
Average price paid for hogs tor Hie last
several days with coninarlsnus'
I900.,199.I1S9S.1S37. 1S9.,1S93.',1894.
17 .
I 4 83 3 63
I 4 76 3 6S1
3 S3, 3 34) I 3 731 4 to
3 8I 3 25 3 SS j 4 89
3 52
4 3l I
3 hi 3 31 3 w o .il
3 91 3 331 3 SI I 3 H
6 Ot
4 S3
4 93
4 '.')
4 83
4 81
4 79
4 86
4 7
I 69
4 77
4 78 3 501
3 33 3 Hll 3 76,
3 Ml
3 87
1 71 3 47
3 95
3 71
4 691
3 8I
3 SI
3 S3i
3 79i
3 811
3 38. 3 til.
3 78
1 us,
4 69
3 6S1
3 361
3 SO
3 63.
3 ev
3 41
3 831
3 731
3 701
3 73
3 65
3 74
3 49
3 42
3 43
3 60
S 47
3 S4
I 661 I
4 67, 3 62
4 TO1 3 66
4 CS 3 51
4 66 3 69
4 69 3 67
3 821
Feb. 27...
Feb. 2S...
-March L.
.Mnrch 2..
March 4..
.March 5..
March 6.,
-March "..
March 8..
-Man h 9..
3 82
3 871
3 SS
3 7&
3 86
3 SS
3 87'
3 891
3 76
3 76
3 10
3 49
3 $0'
3 52
3 4SI 3 831
3 911
4 74
1 70
3 5.1, 3 88
3 63 3 79
I 3 801
3 671
3 eo 3 si
3 S7 4 77
3 02, 4 72
4 (0 4 61
I 06 4 71
4 031 4 72
3 641
3 '
3 63
3 5S
I 71
I 72
4 71
Indicate Sunday
The olllclnl number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
t tll.l.. Ill
C. M. ft St. P. Ry.... 3
O. ft St. L. Ry
Missouri Pacific Ry... I
I'nlon pnclllc system 10
C. ft N. W. Ry 2
F.. E. ft M. V. R. R.. 9
S. C. ft P. Ry 1
C. SI. P., M. ft O. R. 3
'22 is
21 6 1
"4 'i
20 3
"7 2
5 2
101 42 "l
11 X- M 11 l IJ
C.. H. ft Q. Ry 1
K. C. ft St. J 10
C. R. I. ft p.. east.... 3
C. R, I. ft p., west.. ..
Illinois Centra)
Total recclnts 60
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
nninliii Piirllnf- Cn 1
G. H. Hammond Co 182 60.1
Swift and Company 14.1 1,67.1
Cuduhy Packing Co 417 1,916
Armour ft Co 61 2,226
Omaha Pack. Co., K, C. 202 ....
Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C. 75
Swift and Co., country
Vansnnt ft Co 23 ....
1. unman c t o 2 .... .,
Hill ft Huntr.inger 10
Huston ft Co 1
Livingstone ft Schallcr... 1
H. L. Dennis ft Co 69
Other buyers $9 .... 1,(171
Totnls 1,361 7,247 6,893
CATTLE Total receipts of cattle wre
small, and of the few reported In thero
were n dozen loads here from Kansas City
shipped direct to naekers nun not offered
for sale. As there was a fair demand for
an Kinds of cattle everything In the yards
was sold nnd weighed up in n very short
No new features wero developed In the
beef steer mnrket this morning. Such cat
tle as buyers wanted sold at Just about
steady prices, and owing to the fact that
thero were so few 011 sale the most of tho
offerings were soon disposed of. Tho prices
paid wero just about the same as prevailed
on yesterday's market and there was no
quotable change.
Cows and heifers were In good demand
and the market wns steady nnd fairly ac
tive, so that practically everything changed
hands eurly In the morning. There were a
few pretty good corn-fed heifers, as will
be noted from the sales below at $4.0031 23.
Hulls sold In nbout the same notches as
There seemed to be some little demand
for stockers and feeders and for the latter
part ot the week the market was In good
shape. Speculators were pretty well sold
out, and there seemed to bo quite a little
Inquiry, so that the holders of the few
cattle here wore disposed of without
trouble. Representative sales;
No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr.
1 630 $2 00 7 1101 4 4.1
1 630 3 60 10 1098 4 4.1
1 S30 3 7.1 4 1220 4 60
2 9Jf. 3 75 6 1130 4 50
1 1310 4 00 2 1215 4 60
1 1220 4 00 4 1199 4 60
1 950 4 1 0 21 1373 4 6.1
3 1090 4 10 36 1216 4 61
14 10S0 4 2.1 41 1305 4 70
20 1242 4 3D 20 1283 4 70
2 1061 I 30 66 1292 4 72 4
9 1197 4 3.1 20 1180 4 75
1 1230 I 3.1 3 1266 4 73
19 1141 4 31 44 1 150 4 80
13 1033 4 31 11 1366 4 SO
7 1101 4 40
16 1021 4 2.1 23 10dS 4 40
2 IfW 4 2.1 13 1111 4 C.1
6 1143 4 31
1 R50 2 00 1 1OI0 3 50
1 900 2 21 1 910 3 60
1 900 2 60 6 1102 3 60
1 8)0 2 60 10 1063 3 fo
1 R50 2 V) 6 llOS 3 50
1 630 2 50 1 1111) 3 ,10
1 810 2 75 1 1110 .1 60
2 10S0 2 80 3.., 12.10 3 60
1 1110 3 00 41 982 3 60
1 1120 3 01 2 126T, 3 61
1 960 3 ()') 8 1160 3 1".
4 990 3 00 1 1360 3 6i
1 10.10 3 0i) 4 1167 3 70
1 890 3 0-) 1 1010 3 7.1
2 9.10 3 M 1 1050 3 7.1
3 723 3 00 . 1 1090 3 7.1
1 920 3 00 2 73.1 3 7.1
6 9S3 3 (0 1 1020 3 7.1
1 lnriO 3 10 2 61.1 3 76
1 1050 3 10 1 630 3 7.1
5 1111 3 20 1 1560 3 7.1
3 730 3 21 1 1220 3 7,1
1 120) 3 31 1 1240 3 80
1 760 3 2.1 1 inoO 3 8.1
1 1210 3 2.1 7 12S2 3 8.1
1 1060 3 3.1 1 1rt) 3 81
1 880 3 1.1 1 970 3 81
2 1130 3 10 1 1400 3 M)
1 1380 3 10 3 1J01 3 90
1 1240 3 10 3 1123 3 9)
1 89') 3 40 9 10V, 3 91
1 1030 3 10 1 1220 4 00
13 1085 3 10 2 1215 4 M
3 1003 3 10
3 616 3 15 16 T7S 3 8.1
10 846 3 ir, 1 7)0 3 9)
2 673 3 2.1 2 900 4 0)
2 621 3 21 1 870 1 0)
2 640 3 60 2 921 I W
1 750 3 7.1 I .W) 4 00
2 8i) 3 7.1 21 96) I 10
11 9:0 3 8.1 5 970 3 8.1
1 970 3 21 1 710 3 8.1
1 UK) 3 50 2 7.10 3 9.7
2 SCO 3 70 2f. ....912 I 0)
1 960 2 75 1 1(KV 3 30
1 9.10 2 75 1 1370 3 10
1 920 2 71 1 1360 3 30 .
1 970 2 7,1 1 1701 3 35
1 1180 2 80 1 1190 3 31
1 12J0 3 20 1 1210 3 31
1 860 K1 1 1s0 3 31
1 1220 2 R5 1 1360 3 40
2 9.15 3 10 1 1.10) 3 40
1 1120 3 15 1 1620 3 10
1 1180 3 15 1 1720 3 fO
1 1200 3 15 3 1673 3 60
1 1300 3 15 1 llT,0 3 .10
1 1(00 3 20 1 1330 3 .1.1
2 1430 3 2.1 1 1710 3 60
1 810 3 25 1 1630 3 65
I 200 2 50 6 206 7 (V
1 310 4 75 1 110 7 25 1
1 250 6 00 1 120 7 2.1
3 1260 3 93
1 970 3 HO 3 500 3 3.7
1 520 3 () 1 9T0 3 60
1 1070 3 15 2 770 3 60
1 loVt 3 30 1 910 3 IB
1 1630 3 35 1 730 3 75
1 HO 3 37 1 78. 3 80
1 630 3 11 1 670 4 15
1 710 3 50 1 7W I 23
2 700 3 M
2 660 2 80 IS 91.1 I 2.1
1 970 3 ?o 1 760 2,7
3 700 3 60 1 nil '1 21
3 196 3 50 1 710 I "')
5 1012 4 00 39 RI7 1 37
4 787 4 CO 3 1026 I 40
1 WI) 4 00 1 U50 4 II
II 618 1 00 2 977 I 40
8 633 I 01 1 730 I 40
2 717 I Oil 33 . .1011 I 41
6 . . 720 4 00 5 . 651 4 15
1 410 4 10
HOGS Clikugo reported a big hog run
this morning and a prospective, largo run
I fur Snliirda (Hhtr markets were hIso
, well supplbd. so that lliere was a weaken-
nig 111 h I ti. s all along the line I he mar
ket at this point, In s.wnpiithy with Hie
g' WimKiii.-s. was 11 iMde lower. The
general run of mixed hogs sold largeh ei
$170, while yesterday there were more at
$1 724 thnn at any other price. The light
hog market was decidedly slow. The sup
pl of light hogs at nil the market points
Is large and sellers are discriminating
against them. A load of light hogs b it
self Is hard to sell, ns buyers are all look
ing for b. nvy This morning buvcrs would
pay $1 774ffl.80 for light good hcuvv or fat
backs quicker than they would pay $1,674
for a load of light hogs.
Sellers were not at all anxious to take off
anything this morning and that fact helped
t make, the market a little slow, then the
reluctance of buyers 10 take the light
weights prolonged the trade somewhat,
still practically everything In sight cbaiiked
hands at a reasonably early hour. The
matket as 11 whole was In very fair shape
considering the kind of reports received
from other market. Representative sales;
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pi.
18 2flt ... 4 1,7 77 2'2 160 I 70
II... . 221 ... I 67 68 2?) 200 I 70
91 174 ... 4 674 71 !-'l? lt 4 70
68 2;'5 ... 4 67 4 31 227 ... 4 7n
13 21 ... $1 674 "1 221 ... I 70
22 ... 4 674 61 231 10 I 70
47 -JO.l 4.1 i C'.ii. tx "II J ?,i
87 2,13 40 I 673 60 267 120 4 724
45 2.33 160 4 70 71 260 ... 4 724
?'! 2 ... 4 70 61 274 40 4 724
1.1 213 160 1 70 66 216 ... 1 724
5i 30) 10 I 70 73 236 ... 4 724
76 2.71 160 I 70 111 213 ... 4 724
62 227 80 1 70 61 23S ... 4 724
79 .... 22.7 40 1 70 7S 261 80 1 724
49 251 vo I 70 107 1S 80 4 724
6t 261 2ni) 170 73 217 ... 4 72'
68 287 80 1 70 66 2.70 ... 4 724
88 216 10 4 70 71 239 80 4 724
61 229 40 I 70 61 24S ... 4 724
SI 211 10 I 70 72 235 ... 4 724
62 20S 40 4 70 70 267 ... 4 724
83 22) ... I 10 65 271 ... 4 72't.
fil 223 40 4 70 61...!.. 260 ... I 72'i
211 4 70 SI as ... 4 72'i
.5 2sS ... ( 70 67 251 ... I 724
j? ; I"'1 70 69 277 ... 4 72'I
i i 70 79 236 40 4 724
3 2.12 ... 4 70 r,fl 22-1 ... 4 724
8(1 231 120 I 70 (9 2c ... 4 7:o'
70 233 40 I 70 68 226 ... 4 724
70 ZK 40 I 70 72 281 10 4 7.'4
K5 221 40 I 70 73.... "252 ...4 72'4
82 210 SO 4 70 Ri ((, 4 ;
'4 2.'0 120 1 70 71 -) . ) ;..i
76 272 120 4 70 I'd 277 160 724
73 21X 80 4 70 61 276 SO 4 72'2
61 267 4 0 4 70 26 . 2)" 4 7"4
87 208 SO 4 70 S....;;3.U SO 4 74
86 254 160 4 70 66 276 80 4 75
82 2(9 160 4 70 46 381 2( I 7.7
16 219 80 I 70 71 . . 7-,
88 216 10 4 70 51 251 'to 4 75
ft 235 10 4 70 60 2,70 120 1 70
201 40 4 70 78 211 80 4 70
6' 2.I ... 4 70 79 268 280 4 70
SI 228 SO 4 70 6.1 257 ... 4 774
69 257 ... 4 70 91 215 20) (774
i' 213 120 4 70 67 258 ... 4 774
'2 2-2 4 70 53 299 SO 4 774
" HI SO 4 70 73 218 ... 4 77'
72 215 ... I 70 70 271 40 4 7714
0 231 40 4 70 70 257 ... 4 SiP
60 211 SO 4 70 27 Ill ... 4 K0
fi" 240 ... 4 70 50 339 ... 4 SO
22 271 40 4 70 23 406 ... 4 HO
M 229 ... 4 70 31 406 ... 4 SO
SHEEP Receipts; todny were larirc, cs.
pcclally for the latter part of the week, but
n considerable proportion of the nrrlvals
consisted of Colorado Inmbs. The market
w-as steady to a little lower In spots, but
there was at the same time a pretty good
demand, so that the nffnrlni?s for the mil
part changed hands In good season. Some
or me receipts did not come In until pretty
close to midday, which prolonged tho mar
ket somewhnt.
Quotations: Choice handy weight year
lings, $6.15fifl.25; good to choice fed yenr
llngs. KV9OJ6.10; fair to good yearlings,
$5.7Wi.90: good to choice wethers, $5.4ViT"i 76.
fair to good wethers, $5.356.4.7; good to
choice fed ewes. $5.15776.25: fair to good
ewes, $1.9016.16; good to choice native
i.imns, iinw; good to choice western
lnmbs. $6.90fi7 10: fair to cood western
lambs. $6.60776.85: feeders wethers, $l.501c
w.mi: reeoer yearlings.; good 10
choice feeder lambs, $5.75fj6.20. Represent
atlvo salm.
No. Av. Pr
241 culls 86 $1 60
4 culls 82 4 00
25 western wethers and ylgs.... 97 4 60
439 western ewes 9.1 4 95
213 western ewes 97 f 00
1 western ewe 120 5 20
413 western ewes' 113 5 20
614 western ewes 101 5 20
3 ewes 106 6 2d
1 ewo 160 5 25
201 western wethers 110 5 40
81 ewes and wethers 91 5 60
743 western wethers and ylgs.... 97 6 65
10 western wethers 107 5 75
2r western lambs SS 6 91
2 western lambs SO 6 95
1 lamb , 160 7 00
1M western ewes 90 4 10
39 western ewes 71 4 10
17 bucks 158 4 20
2 bucks Ill 4 60
107 western wethers 90 6 1.1
2 western ewes 105 5 25
22 western lambs 72 6 no
1 western lamb 120 7 01
Sfpcrsi fJencrnllj- Slow. Kxcopt Good
I.lulitiTclitlils IIok Simile Lower.
CHICAGO, March 9.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
9.000 head; steers, genernlly slow, except
good lightweights; butchers' stock, steady
to strong; nntives, good to prime steers,
$5.1(WG.0O; poor to medium, $1.00-34.90; se
lected feeders, $4.15fI4.75; mixed stockers,
$3.50fi3.90; cows, J3.00ffl.35j heifers, $3,165?
4.65; canners, $2.4073.00; bulls, $3.WT4.40;
calves, $l.75fi7.75; Texas-fed steers, about
steady, $3.00171.90; Texas bulls, good de
mand. $3.2303.73.
HOGS-Recelpts today. 32.000 lifad; to
morrow. 20.000 head; left over, 3.00O head;
fairly active, shade lower; top, $4.9.7; good
clearance; mixed nnd butchers, $4.7017-4.91;
good to choice, heavy, $4.85171.95; rough,
lieavy, $1.70174.80; light, .S0; bulk of
sales. $1,8014.90
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpls, S.cno
head. Sheep, steady. Lambs generally
slow, except choice; good to choice wethers,
$5.60175.90; fair to choice mixed, JI.7.W5 15.
Sheep, western, $5,1015.85; yearlings, $5.7517
6.30. Lambs, native, J5.50ifi7 50; western,
Veiv Vorlc Live S(oel.
ceipts, 2.63S head; steers, steady to strong;
bulls, strong: cows, 10c lower, nbout nit
sold; steers. $4.7O'.1.50, tops, $.1.60; oxen nnd
Kliiirs. M.IOfil.on: bulls. $3.65 1.30: cows. 12.25
((7.3 60; London cables lower on heavy sup
plies; live cattle, l-vl24c; refrigerator
beef. 10c ner lb.: live cattle, stendv at Liv
erpool ai 1l41i12o; exports today, none, to
morrow .'.11 ciiinc, ins sneep mm s.suo quar
ters of beef.
CALVES- Receipts. 365 head; weak to 23c
lower; veals $1.0'i1cS.25: tops. $8,374; little
cnlves. $3 5014 60; banmird Mock, nominal
head; sheep, firm: lambs, stoadv: sheen.
f 1.20176.25; lambs, $6.60fS.5, mainly $7 2)0
HOGS-Recelpts, 3.732 head: weak: nigs,
lower; prlmo hogs, $3.2f7u.30; pigs, $.1.006 15.
Kansas city l,lv. Sloe!.-.
relpts, 3.000 head natives, 900 head Texnns.
choice grades active, steady; common
grades steady to shade lower; heavy native
steers, $1,7013.30; lightweights. $1451(85.
stockers and feeders, .$, butcher
cows anil heifers. $3.25174.60: canners. J2 50 fi
3.25; fed westerns, SI. 101 1.75: western feed
ers, hi.stnuw. rexans, n.70jn.:ai
HOGS- Receipts, I0,8il bend opening
nrlces shade easier, bill recovered nml
closed strong; heavy. J I Mifil.AO ; mixed. $175 Unlit, $1 4.W 1.824; Pigs. Sl.Onf 1 60. 1
S1IEI-;P AND LAMHS-Rccelnts. 390
head; liberal supply of good oiialllv. null k .
sale at llrm prices; Colorado lambs 6 Mr,,
Y.ini; yearlings. j.i.iinu in; mim-ins $,3vr.
6.00; Blockers and feeders, $1 0016 (i, till
$3.001i 1.00.
St. Louis l,v SIim'L,
T T.IHMH O ,' A TTt 1.' Tl... 1. . ..
1,200 head. Including 600 head Texnns; mar
ket sternly : native shipping and export
steers, $I6016S5: dressed beef and butcher
....,.... A;.r. - .
rlt;ri. in,, nirrm UIMlcr l.l-HI 1I1K,
$3,1011.60: Ktockers and feeders. $.1351161
cows und heifers. $2.nofl6.1; canners, $1231
2.85: bulls. $2 8513.03; Texas and Indian
steers. $.1.7.11(1.70; cows and heifers, $2.60f7
HOGS-Recepts, S.200 head: market
strong on best hogs, stonily on others; pigs
und lights, $1. will 4.90; packers, $1.851 1.1-5;
butchers. Jl.90fifi.00.
SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts. 1.100
head; market steady; native muttons, $7.00
ff5.75: lambs. $5 5017 25; culls and bucks.
$3,6015 00; Blockers, $3.501 1.().
SlocW In MkIiI.
Following nre the receipts nt (he four
principal western mnrkcts for March
Cattle. Hogs. Sheen
South Omaha 1.118 7 13s 9.2H
Chicago 9,001 3J.0M MKIO
Kansas citv .'!,' 1.wn, 3 wm
St. Louis 1,200 S.2K) 1,)
..1.7.518 68,138
SI. .loscpli Lite slur I,,
SOFT1I ST. JOSEPH, Mo, March 9
(Spcclal.) The Journal uuofes:
CATTLE- Receipts, I.IOo head- mar'et
weak to 10c lower, uatlvo, $3 '01 vis, Tixis
and westerns, $3.501 1 85 . cows nod heifers.
$2,251 1 50. bulls and slags $2 2'l-5. year
ling , $1 oof5,10, stockers and feeders. $7,311
4.60. veals tlWn' .VI.
lIOG8-Hceclptn, C.OOO head, market weak
1 to 5c lower, nil grades. $1700190; bulk of
snles. $l.7lrTJ 1.80.
head; market nctlve, steady; western
lambs, $7.10, lambs, $S.nou7 2.1. ar'iriK-.
$5 -Mmi 25: sheep and yearlings, $5 naff 3.73;
ewes, $1 ts.KfjA.2ft.
W'lM'lilj- Colllltl SlnlctllClll,
NEW ORLEANS, March 9. Secretary
Hosier's weekly cotton statement shows;
the amount lirouutit Into slirht ilurlnt- Ih.i
last week has been 155,553 bales, against
i 1II.7M last year, 170.332 year before last und
, KXI.30S in iMi7, Total movement from Sup
, lember I lo date, T.VMi.KW bales, ngulnst
9.6ll.ittt ,,t year, P.SI 1.718 year beforo Inst
nnd 7.7.Mi.5ii; la IV97. Receipts nt I'nltcd
Stales ports, 6.7I!M23 bales, ngHlnst 7.3I0.1SU
' last car, 7.K47..132 year before last and
t.l3l..ll in sii7; iivcrlnnd to northern mills
! and Canada. 1,061.719 bales, against 1.101.131
lasl year. t.c2H.I67 your before last nnd 747.-
111 icriur siocks 111 excess 01 inosu
hcd nt the close of the commercial ycilf.
lii..(i,i, bales, against 319,168 last venr, 3.'.6l!l
r before last und 193.3VI In 17: niutherii
mill takings, w.,512 bales, against 2).6I2
as year ;. .66,6611 ,ar befoi-i lasl and 672.817
In 189,. Exports for t tic week. II6.I5V1 balon,
VS",'" laHl i'u' "d for the season
4...19.395 bales, against 5.971. 531 Inst vcar. 11
decrease or 1,735,139 bales. The total 'tukltig.i
of American mills and Cnnnda this scusoii, bales, against 2.6.M.671 lasl year.
Including stpeks ,-rt n,.r ft 0111 the last
crop mid brought into sight of the new crop
the supply to date Is s,5ot.38s bales, against
9.8SI.699 Ibis time last scar. The world's
Visible supply Is given as 3.871,089 bales,
llgalnst 3,911,(1.19 lat week. 6,366.503 last Veur
nnd 1,839.391 year before lasl Of this jtj ft..
(185 bales nre American, against 3,197.019
last week. 1,231.603 last year unit 1,002,391 tlio
yenr before.
SiiKiir Mnrkcl,
NEW YORK. March 9 - Sl'OAR-llnw.
sternly: fair rellnlng, 3 13-t6o; centrifugal, M
lest, 4 5-16c; innlas'vs sugar, (,4c; refined,
ipilet and stculv.
I M"i Liberals Lender less,
ST. PAUL, March 8 A Winnipeg. Man.,
special to the Dispatch Fays: The Llber
nls nro placed In rather n rjueer position
over the Henutlful I'lnlns election tomorrow,
if Davidson is defeated by Ilrcmer Hough
Sir McDonald will ask tho governor to dls
koIvo tho House. If ho docs so tho liberals
will II ml themselves practically leaderless
and the result will be disastrous to them.
Tho nucfitlnn tnlked of today Is: "Will the
governor grant tho dissolution?"
IMllltne (liilirontllic Mill Unforced.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 9. The quaran
tine of Chlnntown Instituted several das
ago owing to tho suspicious death of a
Chinaman, who, It n claimed, showed symp
toms of the plague, ls still enforced. Tho
doctorn who have been Investigating tho
case tuny mako n report today. Tho rnti
nnd guinea pigs Inoculated with germs
tnken from tho deceased Chinamen are still
When otters Ml constat
raus mm) &
op MEN
W fpiaruivM to cure ll oa.os ouimbla ml
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Jflchtly Emissions, Lot Manhood, Hjdrooolo
Verloocole, Oonorrbea, Gloot, Byphtlls, Etrlct
m Plies, Fistula and Rooul Ulcere and
All Private Diseases
and Dlsordors of Men.
Consultation I res Call on or tulrtreM
?9 Sa. ith St. OH AHA.
Purely Vegetable, Mild and Ho'lable
Slolc llendoclic, IJIIIonsnrss,
Iiidlurrsllon, Torpid I.lvrr,
111.- Feeling", Ilj pciiln.
One or two of Hndway's Pills, fnken dallj
by those subject to bilious pains and or
pldlty ot the Liver, will keep tho
regular and sfcure healthy digestion.
The following symptoms resulting from
Disease of the Digestive Organs, Constipa
tion, Inward piles, fullness of the blood In
tho head, ncldltv of the stomach, nausea.
heartburn, disgust of food, fulness or weight
111 me stomacn, sour orucmuons, siiik
Inc or fluttering of the heart, choklnir or
puffocnting Honsntlons when In n lying pos
ture, dimness of vision, dizziness on rls ng
suddenly, dots or webs bwfore the sight,
fever and dull pain In the head, d Mli-lem-y
or perspiration, yellowness nf the nk'.n and
eyes, pain In the side, chest, llmlis. and
sudden flushes of heat, burning In the lleilt,
A few doses of IIADWAY'S PILLS w.ll
free tho system of nil the above named dis
orders. Price. 2u cents per box. Sold by drus
gists, or sent by mall.
ItiiUnny A Co., (IB 151m St., Heir York.
Treatment for IMInrrnlil.
Men, Free. Ueuknm,
ncrVOUS Ullif,. l. ,.r.,t (,.... u
decline, curedby our enclii-
Xll im.lli.ula l ,,..,t.f..l
apiillmice und remedies trnt
mi trial mul opproiuf. Ko
ndvmico pay lerpilrcd. 110
JA co l' kc
WLtf of ktiprei
-iil olio obti
ccneuic ininnnntlnii
iri'lllo lilnn. ti,,v- li...
(? IllfftfJ fnr unimttif-Al
ichftri'd. iiiflanium-iouJ,
1 Irritations ur uttttnttjonf
of nine 01m 1-3nn.l1r.tnf--I,alnI',M.
And not uvtiiu
n S. X, Ei0" 13 Plain wrapper
it i-pri-i, pir-pni'i it
Mrinly v.Kor rlorril. jtotitii' inistak- rnrrfcoi,
o;,r.tTtief(errMedical Institute
lot ell 11, I I In mil 1. Illiln ll.ilillilin, 1W,7. Tlin
nlili,,' larfMtund uin-t wulelr known lu.tltutlon In
UiB U.S. llcwk .out .ul'l fru for 1 uur com. u .tam'.a-
' 1 i, h whun nil
,.ihcrs fall. Prompt
In ,ict Ion Bafo and
mire Try It 2jo.
WANTED-l uhb 01 liau lieulth that
Il-I-P-A-N-H will not benefit. Send j cunti
to Hln-ins Climlcal Co.. Nei) York, for M
tnmplo" and l.oCiO lestlmonlali.
nOCTTA f(A.M)AI,VOOII C Vl"il'l,i:i.
Cures Gonorrhoea, Gleet or unnatural dl
charss In n few days. Full directions.
Price SI. 50. All druggist., or mull D. Dick
. Co.. 133 Centre St . Nov York
r:f. isa
ERA.1CH in.iuH.'ir
enui ti"?
'J clcplionc mail. Onmli i, j ,
IIOAltl) OF Tll,l)l:,
Correspondence. John A Warren & Co.
uirect wires to Chicago nnd New York.
sw m nq( 1. iin.iur.
if Tlf."iin e.Bt.cioa