12 THE OMAHA DATLT "REE: TTITJUSDAV, "MAT1CTT S. 1000. PACKERS f,ET LOWER RATES R'.duotion in Bates on Important Packing House Products is Announced. OMAHA LINES WILL ADOPT NEW TARIFFS Shipment iif Fertilizer In .New Or lenim, .tf tttH mill -Mlllpil Val ley I'nlntH Will ll Lowered Fori)' t'cnlM Per Ton. Tho Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis rallroail bag ruado olllclal onnounccment that, effective March 8, It wilt reduce tbo rates on fertilizer from Kansas City to New Orleans, Mobllo ami Mlralsslppl valley points. Tho now rates will bo 10 cents per ton lower than nt present. Thu new tarllt Is announced In ndvanco by J I). lllddell, general freight agunt. nnd has created con siderable consternation among tho railroads operating from Kansas City and Omaha Into tho territory effected by tho new rates. Th rutting of published tiirlffs by competitive roads In Kansas City In known to bo tho rofliion for tho reduction announcot by tlm Memphis line. Local railroad men predict that Its action may terminate In n rate war ns bitter ns the one which characterized the recent conflict between tho MomphlB and Ilurllngton railroads on packing products to the southeast. The reduction announced by the Memphis line from KansnB City will be followed by corresponding reductions In thu rate from Omaha on fertilizer to the torrltory covered by the new tariffs. Tho local llnrs which nrc Interested In this mnttor aro tho Mis souri 1'nclflc, llurllngton. Omaha St. I.ouli nml Illinois Central. The rate from Omaha to New Orleann, Mobile and Mississippi val ley points Ib $1 In ndvanco over that from Kansas City. Fertilizer Is one of the Important products of the packlng-houso Industry. Shipments from Omaha to tho territory effected by tho now tnrirfs announced by the Memphis lino reach a considerable number of cars during tho course of a year. Packing-house men arc by no means displeased with- tho rato war which Is imminent, although local rail road officials connected with tho linos neces sarily Interested In the matter aro by no menus jubilant over the prospect of reduced revenues In shipments of fertilizer. I-HUSinUNTS' (II HTKItl.V SKSSION. oniclitlN of Winifi'ii nml TrmiNconll ni'iilal IIomiIn (intlier ill Nimv VorU. NI3W YOUK. Mnrch 7. The presidents of tho various western nnd transcontinental roods held their quarterly session In this city tuday. With the chief executives aro a number of traffic managers, whose nttend nnco Is nn Innovation, all previous meeting! having been confined mrlrtly to the prcsl denln, Tho abrogation of ticket commUslons, tho nlleged rupturo between tho roads running from Chicago nnd the recent decision of the eastern trunk lines to rescind the prorating ngreement aro nmong tho matters arraigned for consideration. Kdward T. Jeffrey, presi dent nnd gencrnl manager of tho Denver A Itlo (Iran tin railroad, presided nt the meeting. II a I cm for Coiiiinoreliil CoiiKren. 'HOUSTON, LMnrch 7. Tho southwestern pasHcnger bureau has authorized n rnto of ono faro. plus $2 for the TransmlsslsBlppI Commercial congress, which meets at Hous ton April 17 to SI, tickets to bo on sale Aprll 13 and 14, limited to tweuty-ono days. This rato will npply from nil atiitcs und territories west of tho Mississippi river. Itiilltrny Note anil I'e i-noihiIa. II. H. Kooer, commercial agent of the TUIssourl Paclllo at Knit Irfike, Is In the city on a brief business trip. W. J. Stone-lturner. f'uperlntcndent of transportation of tint Omaliu & Ht, t.ouls, is a visitor In tho city from Stnnberry. Cook's Imperial Kxtra Dry Champagne should bo In every household. It Is per fectly pure nnd naturally fermented. NEWSBOY STRIKESTt RICH Quickly ScIIm Out IIIk Lot of Hslrn Klrcllon llccH to llie Ciouil nt IIii)iI'm Tlicutcr. Tuesday night tho Iloyd theater was filled with ono of tho largest crowds which over passed through Its doors. rictwcen tho parts of the Sanaa concert tho election an nouncement was mnilo from tho stngo. At that tUno about half of the city had been heard from and the election of Moorcs was assured. Ah soon as tho crowd caught tho Import of tho announcement n cheer went tip -which shook tho big building. The sup porters of Poppleton caught their breath In a mlnuto or two ami started to IiIbs, but tho nolso they mado was only audible for a second, whon It was completely drowned by the cheers for Moorea. Iater, when the performance was con cluded, tho newsboys, with extra edition1 of tho city papers, were on hand. Ono boy, known among the frnternlty as Abe, and "whose full grown volco gavo no Intimation of his size, mannged to worm his way Into tho theater lobby. His cries of "Moorcs elected! Hero's your extra Ileo! Only paper In tho city which supported him!" echoed throughout tho building. Ho had about all tho pnpers ho could carry when ho went In, tout they wero all soon sold. Ho passod thorn out as fast us peoplo could get to him, nnd during his busiest moments never lulsECd a yell with oach breath. To I lie Pill. tic. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy slneo It was Introduced in thin vlolnlty, both for myself and family, nnd always with tho best results, anil cannot speak too highly of it. It docs Its work thoroughly and effectually," says Klllott Ingram, South Lee, Masi. This remedy Is a favorlto because It It prompt nnd certain In Its cures and la pleasant and safe to tnke. Price 25 and 30 ceuts per bottle. Announce menl. Miss Ulllnn Ilurkhnrt. tho dalpty and charming comedienne will tomorrow even ing nt tho Crclghton-Orphcum theater pro duce a new and novel playlet, entitled "Fifty Years Ago." It la called n costume comedy. Asldo from the costumo features It Is Bald to no very witty and has an excellent Plot It will provo an Interesting event to the many ndmlrcrs of this vorsatlle actresi. Next nfternoon n Iiurkhart matlneo will bo given. i;very lady unending will be nre sentod with n sterling silver spoon of hand Bomo design and artistic cngravlne. The Indies will treasure this little work of art ns u keepsake of Miss Ilurkhnrt. who Is always n great favorlto with her own sex. This evening thero will 'bo an additional attrac tlon In tho playing of sevoral selections by tho Francis Potter Mandolin club of fifty persons. Wllllo Colllor, Louisa Allen and nn excep. tionaiiy strong company win bo seen In "Mr. Smooth," Mr. Collier's now comedy, nt the Iloyd tomorrow night. The engagement continues until Saturday night, with matlneo Saturday nfternoon. Tho piece Is said to bo one or tho best vehicles Mr. Col Her over had In which to display his vena tlllly. It should bo so, as Mr. Collier wrote tho play himself, Mr. Collier was last seen lioro In "Tho Man from Mexico." Oiniiiiti-riiiciiuo, 7:00 a. m S:30 p. m. 4 : f,5 p. m 7:4f a, m. 7:30 p. m 9.30 u. ra. via "Tho Northwestern Lino," 1401 and 1403 Farnam street. "The bttit of everything." IIAVIUJ.V UIUIS'. SPHriAI.H. IVeiT Prlern for Tlitirxilay' Urn mini -Icnl lliiyem, DUKSS OOODS. Our dress goodB salo stilt continues; two large stocks from tho Ilotnny mills nnd C. A. Auftmordt, New York City. IUnck cheviots, nil wool, sponged, shrunk nnd ready for use, Gftc, 7fic, Sc up to $3.50 yard, Illack IJngilsh plerolas, 39c, 59c, 7no, 08c, 11.25, $1.50, up to $8.50 yard, Flno heavy black tailor suitings, In Venetians, broadcloths, gros do Londro, gros do France, doeskins, meltons, etc., nt PSc, $1.25, 12.60, $3.G0, $4.50, $6.60 up. We aro head quarters for high grado homespuns In nil tho grays, oxfords, tans, wines, etc., 68 Inches wide, 98c, $1.23, $1.60, $2.00, $3.00. $1.00 ynrd. We- have homespun alo ut 25c. 39c, 49c, 75c. Oolf cloth nnd plaid back? homespuns, the newest cloth for tailor suits, requires no linings, at 98c, $1.25. $1.60, $1.98 up to $4.50 ynrd. Lansdowue strictly con fined 'to Haydpn Ilros., nnd positively found In no other Btore in Omaha1, 72 new spring shades. TUB MO 45ILK DEI'AUTMKNT. Our Thursday special silk Bales are eag erly looked forward to by thoso that know. 60 pieces of bright colored volvct for 25c: 100 pieces plain silks, very fine, all shades, 25c; 60 pieces of flno corded wash silk nt only 29c; bright nnd pretty satins, nil col ors, on Bale, 35c: nil colors In 21-Inch taffeta on sale, 49c; choice of 100 pieces flno ori ental drapery silk, 59c; ynrd-wldo black Jap wash Bilk, ono day only, C9c; new line of flno black taffeta, very good, 60c; new lino of guaranteed black boulevard velvet, $1.00. Wo Bhow tho black sterling taffeta now waist silks, on sale at 75c nnd 98c. To buy tho correct style In foulard dress silk you must buy It hero. Persian, flornl, scroll, dot, stripe nnd n thousand other designs at 69c, C9c. 75c, $1.00. SPECIAL SIHHT SALE. 100 dozen shirts, with collars and cuffs at tached; all tho latest styles, worth up to $1.00, nt 45c; 100 doz. men's colored laun dered shirts In nil the newest styles, mndc to sell at $1.50; on sale nt 75c. Men's 60o Jersey ribbed underwear at 29c. Men's 25c suspenders nt 10c. Men's 15c handker chiefs nt 5c. .Men's 60c suspenders In all styles at 25c, HAYDEN BROS. BOSTON STORE BARGAINS DEVOTED TO HER SWEETHEART I'ntbcllc DrinoiiNtratloii of Woman's t'oniliuiey In Criminal Court, Bweet-faced girl In her teens sat within tho railing of Judge linker's court room Wednesday afternon, crying as though her henrt would break. Sho burled her face In her hands and sobbed convulsively. It would have been her wedding day but for tho fact that tho law had Interfered. Chris Thomp son, tho young girl's betrothed, was In court prisoner on trial for tho nlleged stealing of a watch. Ida Oleson Is tho namo of tho disappointed brido-to-be. Sho followed her Bwecthcart to tho court houso to Intercede, If possible, for his release. But 'tho law takes no cognizance of plnns mado by lovers, nnd tho fact that Thompson stood charged with a crlmo was sufficient to hold him In court, desplto tho agreement ho mado several weeks ago to marry Miss Oleson on Wednesday, .March 7. Thompson apparently reciprocates tho devotion of tho girl, but ho Is not bo demonstrative. It Is alleged that on tho night of February 11 Thompson stolo n watch from Jnmes Flood, a hackmnn. It Is said that tho theft occurred In a lower Farnam street salon. Suspicion Immediately pointed to Thompson, and ho was arrested and thrown In Jnll a tow days later. Ho has since been In con finement and his sweethenrt has been a fro qucnt caller, never falling to bring some reminder of her affection In tho wny of delicacies. Desplto tho solemnity In the rourt room thnt camo as n mark of respect to Miss OleBon'fl grief, a smile passed around the court room when Thompson's attorney an nounced what ho termed the absurdity of a hackdrlver being robbed. Ho declared such an Instnnco had never been recorded nnd ho didn't bollevo It ever would be. Tho county uttorncy entered n protest, on tho ground that such statement was not within tho record. Judgo linker sustained the ob jection, and tho case proceeded on Its morlts, Most Remarkable Bargains in Today's Sals of Any Offerod This Beaton. LADIES' TAILORED VESTS 103 EACH Special llarRolnn In I. allien" Suit, Sklrln, (iolf ('ape (iraiiil Hllilion Sale 111k Sale Xmv MprliiK Wash (lOOllM III llllMCtltCIlt ioituj. $1.00 VESTS, IOC. LADIES' TAILORED VESTS. 1,000 ladles' tailored vests, tho latest fad, oild vests, to bu worn with any suit. Made of nil wool material, trimmed with lino quality pearl buttons, as displayed In our window, on tule nt 10c each. $7.60 OOLF CAPES, $2.60. 32 ladles' lino golf capes, worth $7.60, go today nt $2.60. $5.00 TAILORED SKIRTS. $3.98. Indies' lino all wool herringbone cheviot skirts, with good linings, thoroughly well tnllored, worth $5.00, today nt $3.98. GRAND PURCHASE OF LADIES' SUITS. Our recent exceptional purchase of 325 ladles' high grade man-tailored suits, en ables u.i to offer tomorrow the greatest bar gain In strictly all wool up-to-dato sultn over mndc In Omaha. Your choice of all theso ladles' fine suits in flno covert, Venetian cloths, with silk llnctl Jnckcts, percallno lined and corduroy bound skirts. Also ladles' suits In the new Eton, single and double-breasted and tlght flttlng styles, all new colors, go nt special price, $8.95 suit. $1.00 AND $1.60 CORSETS, 49C. 1,500 ladles' perfect fitting corsets, the entire ramplo line of ono of tho largest manufacturers of high grade corsets. Many different styles In black, white and fancy colore, all sizes, nil lengths. Every corset guaranteed worth from $1.00 to $1.50; nil go on bargain square nt 49c. 50C UNION SUITS, 15C. 1,000 ladles' perfect fitting union suits, handsomely silk nnd lace trimmed, nil sizes, nil styles, suitable for spring wear; worth up to 50c, go at 15c suit. GRAND SPECIAL RinilON SALE. Wo will plnco on salo tomorrow 1,000 bolts of tho flneot quality black taffeta, black satin nnd black taffeta moire ribbons, from 4 to 7 Inches wide, nil worth up to 50c yd.; tomorrow only wo offer them at 15c yd. This Is tho greatest bargain we have ever offered In ribbons. GRAND HAROAINS IN FINISHING URAID. Wo offer on ono big counter nil kinds of finishing brnld, worth up to 25c bolt, In nllk or cotton stitched, all absolutely new de signs, at 6e bolt. SPECIAL HAROAINS IN THE BASEMENT. For tomorrow only wo will offer 500 pieces of lining cambric nt lc yard. 10,000 yards remnants1 of 36-lnch wide per cale, go nt 3'4c yard. Full standard dress prints In long mill rcmnnntfl, at lc yard. Mill lengths of dimity, organdy, lawns and Awiss, worth tip to 25c, go nt 3'Ac yard. IiOSTON STORE, OMAHA, , , ICth and Douglas Sts. The Attention of tile Traveling public Is respectfully Invited to tho magnificent equipment offered to patrons of tho CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AND ST. FAUL RAILWAY between Omaha and Chi cago. Solid vcstlbuled, steam heated and electric lighted trains. Palaco Blecpcrs nnd diners, buffet nnd library cars, free reclin ing chair cars, fast tlmo and union depots. City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam st. F. A. NASH General Western Agent. Hunker IIoiiih ii llnlilier. J. R. Garrison, cashier 'of tho bank of Thornvllle, Ohio, had been robbed of health by a serious lung trouble until ho tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Then he wrote: "It Is the best medicine I ever used for a severe cold or a bad caso of lung trouble. I always keep a bottlo on hand." Don't suffer with coughs, colds or any throat, chest or lung troublo when you can bo cured ho easily. Only 60c nnd $1.00. Trial bottles free at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. Tho New Snow Church company has re moved to rooms 401-405 Now York Life bldg. Sco C. F. Harrison's land bargains. Ml Ml M The Northwestern I.lne Daylight special leaves Omaha 7.00 a, m. and arrives nt 8:30 tho snmo evening. Tho only daylight train from Omaha with library buffet service. City offices. 1401 and 1403 Farnam street. Quicker Time TO DENVER iS 1.HD COLORADO POINTS AFTER MARCH 1ST "THE COLORADO SPECIAL" will leave Omaha 11:35 p. m. and ar rlvo Denver 1-20 p. m, next day, mak ing nearly an hour quicker time than formerly. ''THE PACIFIC EXPRESS" for Colorado leaves Omaha 4:25 p. m. arrives Denver 7:35 a. m. next day. Through Pullman Sleepers, Dlnlnf Cars, Iluffet Cars. California Athlete (in Knnt. HERICELEY. Oil.. March 7.-The Uni versity of I'nllfornm track team will, If conditions nro satisfactory, meet Ynlo nt New Huven on Slay 5. Manager Decoto of tho California team received u telegram to duy from the Vain manager stntliig that ine mnicn wouni tie accepted ror tliat nate sublect to conditions to be forwarded by mall. Tho date named Is the one which Manaccr Decoto wanted. It will inakn the . contest tho llrst In which California will comueto in tno east, tho team will leave Horkeley on April 29 and will reach New Haven .May 3, Decoto has received a challenge from tho I'nlverslty of Michigan for a date on the return trip. California wants thlH match und will make an effort i to urrnnKo It. With Princeton, Pennsyl- I van la. and Ynln this will ctvo four dual meets, besides the two championship games, City Ticket Office 1302 Farnam. Tel. 316. j Collar CHICAGO TRAINS A PLENTY. Four daily via the Burlington: Daylight Express 7:80 a.m. Vestibuled Flyer 4:00 p. in. Chicago Limited 7:80 p. in. Chicago Special 11 :59 p. m. Sleeping or parlor cars and free reclining cliair cars on all four trains. Dining cars on three of them. Library cars on the Chicago Special. ticket nri'ici:, 1.10'J KAHXAM ST It KMT. Telephone U.IO, iiimi.i.vr.Tox station, IOTII AM) MASC STHKKTS, Telephone li!S. THIS SHOE SALE HEOIN3 SATURDAY AT IIOSTON STORK, OMAHA. . SPKCIAL ANNOUNCKMKNT. Mcfsrs. J. L. Hrandels & Sons, proprie tors of Uoston Store, tnke plcnstiro In an nouncing their purchase from tho repre sentatives of Messrs. Herbert, MoDowel & Smith, trustees, The choice of $(.0,000 WORTH OF Finest, high grade TURN AND WKLT SHOES. For men, women, boys, girls and Infants This sbOe sale will commend Itself to every lover of fine shoes. It Is a mojt ele gant stock. In tho sales commencing Saturday thero will bo represented shoes from the flneM shoo miikois In America, Including such famous maket-3 ns Trlmby &. Ilrowstcr, lMdy & Webster, Harding Sons & Johnson, Todl & Hrancroft, Terrell, Curtis & Terrell, Sid well, DcWIndt Shoo Co., Florshelm, etc. Wo personally ndvlso your attendanco at this sale, and wo also personally guarantee that of all the shoo sales we hovo over hold, Including even tho last one, which wo have Just completed, thnt none of them hnvo ever compared with this one. It Is truo that each tlmo wo begin a sale we bollovo it Is the biggest, but this one, whl.h commenciH Saturday, Is by far tho most Important of any wo ever held. Tho man ner of our purchases permits us to promise extraordinary bargains. And you will find on attending this sale that our promises will bo entirely fulfilled. Kindly remember that this commence.! Saturday, .March 10. and will contlnuo until nil tho shoes arc sold. Particularly ndvlsing your nttendancc at this salo for your own benefit If you want oxcoedlngly lino hand-made shoes, wo are Yours very respectfully, J. L. I1RANDBIS & SONS, Proprietors, BOSTON STORK. OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 18th and Douglas Sta. Why riiitrrss In ihe nnrli OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOOOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOO When by traveling In tho luxurious sleep ing cars of the CHICAOO, M1LWAUKRH AND ST PAUL RAILWAY you mny turn on tho electric lamp and mnko tho berth as light as dny. City Office, 1501 Farnam st. We mean it. $6.95 Thursday you can have the choice of our Jackets that sold "for 18, '20 and 25, for $6.S5 you want a good coat for little money now is your ciiance. I'lve Trains dally for Chicago via tho NORTH WK3TKRN LIN' 12. A full lint of them can bo secured at 1401 nnd 1103 Farnnm street. SCOflElQ CUUSUITCO. 1510 Doimlas St. u FOR THE DEFEATED Of course there Is tint "funny-feellnc" niter you have worked liiml tnr wnnWu before tho election nnd then get defeated. on nro bound to feel blue, down-hearted, feel llko kicking somebody nil over. Ilraco up 'till next election, you might do better for tho present-and tnke a few bottk':) of t'UA MICH'S K1DNHY OlIRH. Thnfn tho medicine that will drlvo that "funny-feel- i Inc" nwny. Cramer'H Kidney Cure r.flc l.lsterlue f,gt. , Syrup of Flss iic I'lnkhiim's Compound isic i Plcrcc'fi Favorlto Prescription ifflo ! Slennen'B Tnlcum Powder lie I'liiiH s CnlerV Comtiound ran Hood's Sarsnpnrllln tiiu West's Nerve and Hrnln Treatment.... fflc Doan's Kidney Pills ,Te Morrow's Kldnoyolds 2:te Castorln, a5c Wine of Cardiil roe Schncfer's Cough Syrup l5o Aycr's Ilnlr Vlifor (Wc Perunn "3u CUT PRICK DRUGGIST Chlcneo Ht: WHERE CAN YOU FIND A BETTER PLACE to do your trading thnn our store. Our drugH nro the best we can buy. Wo tiflo tho utmost caro lr preparing prescriptions, using no substitutes, the prices nro ns low ns any reliable druggist In town. You can get In our store at nny time, day or night. Wo novor close. Again wo ask WHKRU CAN YOU do bettor? Ountlicr'fl Rest Chocolates, per lb t'.Oc r,0e Dodd's Kidney Pills 40o COc Dodd's Dyspepsia Tnblots 40c $1.00 Helmrod's Asthma Cure 75c $1.00 Ponham's Asthma Curo 73c I 25c Krauso's Hcndncho Curo 0c $1.00 Ltsterlno f.'Jc fiOo Syrup of Figs 30c O O o o o IO o o o ft o 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o COe Hlrney'H Catarrh Powder. SOc ! O SGHAEFER Cor. lUlh nml A Word About Teeth. Our best set,pf teeth have used In their construction the most expensive and tho highest quality tooth that dentistry can af ford. You cannot get u better tooth. They aro the best. ,Flt guaranteed. flood Set Teetlv $5.00 Rest Sot of Tooth $S.OO Partial Sets $2.50 up Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms. 1517 DOUGLAS ST. $1.00 Swamp Root 75c 75c, Swamp Root 40c $1.00 Wlnu of Cardul 7Cc J. A. FULLER & CO cut rmcn imucinsTs, lllli mid DiiukKh Sta. OPKN ALL NIGHT. Black Silk Suspensory, 75c. V'o aro selling black silk suspensory, with leg itrapsand waist bands and rubber drawstring, fnr".')C. Another one at same prlcolJ mado out of whlto silk bolting cloth, with leg straps, vert cool, lllg value ntTBo Then wo havo nlco silk suspensories with Just ono band nround tho waist at ic, and very good suspensories In both styles mentioned nbovo at '.'Do. Mailed postpaid ui'on receipt of price. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go Now Location lfith nnd Dodgo Streots, Omaha, Neb. HAYDENs NEW SPRING STYLES S IN LADIES' WEAR j a jinn, uui n, uuu 10.00 3.98 Our wrapper salo was n great success. Thousands of women wcro more than satis fied and pleased. THURSDAY WE WILL SHOW tho advance styles of our now spring goods. Our firm determination Is to sell hotter. goods for less money than nny other houso. OUR LEADER as usual will be our $10.00 suit. They como In all colors nnd all styles taffeta lined Jackets, percallno lined skirts with tho now box pleat back, and nro worth anywhero $17.50 our prlco will always be Wo havo finer onea direct copies of Imported raodols nt $20.00, $30.00, $40.00 nnd $50.00. OUR SILK WAIST DEPT. Is larger nnd moro complete than over. Moro silk waists than nil tho houses In Omaha combined. For Thursday wo havo selected 300 vory best silk waists In taffetas and satins worth up to $7.00 and $8.00 fort only Wo hnvo also tho high grade Imported samplo waists at $ir..00, $25.00 and $30.00 each. OUR SKIRT DEPT. You nre nil ncqualnted with our vnrloty of tailor mado skirts nnd high grndo qualities Is unsurpassed nt $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00. NEW MILLINERY Advanco spring styles In trimmed street hats. See tho now Ideas. A handsome display of violets and all tho Btyllsh trimmings. When We Mention Bargains In the Cloak Department We Mean What We Say. Your choice of 103 ladles' high clnss tailor mad Jackets they come In all colors nnd all Blzes They wcro sold as high as $20.00 Thursday tako your pick at only , 25 dozen Indies' 'black mercerized foulard waists, lined throughout all tho now effects corded collar nnd cuffs grand sweoplng sale, your cbolco for 73 ladles' tallor-mado suits all wool every thread they nro In homespuns nnd vonetlans Jackets silk lined In colors and black, worth $15.00, your cholco 107 children's Jnckcts 4 to 12 sizes they Bold up to $8.00 your cbolco for , 20 dozen ladles' satin underskirts, flannel lined braid trimmed for 15 dozen ladles underskirts with two rows of ruflles and deep llounco worth $1.50 for f.O dozen Indies' wrappers from tho M. I). Mirsky stock worth up to $2.00 for iu it u it v.uiui a 5.00 1.25 5.98 2.50 49c 59c 98c HAYDEN BROS. Consult the Mirror HtiuV tho effect of tno places left by lost tenth, Look at tho cllscolora Hons produced by diseases, Do they Improvn the appearance"' You will dceido In tho negative. Our Artificial Teeth nro perfect duplicates of nnturo'H pro ductlonM, Perfect In form, color, nnd uho. Either plates or Crown and Bridge Work. at moderato prices. BAILEY, the Dentist Jtl'J lntfiii llik. llltli fc Fiii'iinm. 1.11(1) Attriulii.it. I'Iiumv lUS.. Le Or. II. W. Ilnllry'a Tooth rowifcr, All ilruKKUU. O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG The Boys' Clothing Js full of newness. New in design, now in stylo, new in pattern, new in the latest kinks of fash ion, and with it all, economy studied in giv ing tho lowest prices consistent with good qual ity. It's the kind of clothing that saves at both ends. First saving in purchase, you pay less for good quality. Next, pay is in good ser vice. It costs less and wears longer. Ono of tho prettiest suits wo have costs but 82.50 not one of tho kind, that anything will do. so it's a 2.50 suit. Oh, no it's our own make, de signed by us and sold onlv bv us. Boys' Vestee Suits. tetJiT; patterns, double breasted vests, largo pearl buttons, fancy vestee, latest style, and perfect ly tailored. You'll find tho assortment of boys' clothing away beyond what you expect in quantity and quality. Our boys' department has been allotted moro space, on account of the growing sales, and will need moro room when mothers find out tho wonderful economy that can bo found in buying her boys' clothes here. Our line of boys' clothing has boon designed, made and sold by us with tho understanding that they must please not onlv the youths themselves, which is hard enough but goner- ally the youths' parents and friends. The favorite sellers for past week j aro tho o SCHMOLLER & MUELLER The Largest Piano Dealers in the West Offer great Inducements during tho next 1! days In now and slightly used Pianos to mako room fot spring stock which is dnily arriving from eastern factories, asldo from tho artistic STEINWAY cWWiJZr I tu' leading piano of tho world. Yrm havo n cholco stock of 1H0 A. II, nhasc, Voso, Kmeraon, Packard, Ivors & Pond, and other well known ennkes to select from. !ew IMimoH ii ft I oh- iin yMH. I'n.mI I'lmwin nn low an qts.l. I Nfil Oruillin nn li.lv nn WIS. We sell on easy monthly payments, rent, tunc, repair and exchnngo pianos. K8timntcs furnished free of charge for repairing and rellnlshing old Instruments. Telephone lC2r. Wrlto for catalogue, prices and bargain list. Wo aro representa tives for tho self-playing pianolas; also tho IlarWood Guitars and Mnudollns; only Instruments of Its kind guaranteed for G years. ...Schmoller & Mueller.. The Hid Stelnway & Sons Representatives. Itellnlilc IMnuo Iloune. f 1313 rarnam Street 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs. HAYDENs S4 and $5 SHOES IS for $1.50 A Radical Cut Price to Close Out. Thousands of pairs oJf lino shoes madG to sell at 4 and $G, For &1.GO. All Omaha was surprised at buying such fine shoos for 1.88. Now, they aro astonished whon wo say only $,50 a pair, for every pah, including five new shipments that we've received lato, from the well known factories of P. M. Wadloy it Son, Cioo. F. Daniels & Co., A. II. Aborn & Son, Huiskamp Bro6 it Co., and liochester Shoo Co. $1.50 $1.50 15 big bargain tables aro loaded down with fine shoes.of tli6 latest styles and all sizes, mado for other dealers to sell for to 85, all on salo now ipi.Ovl MKN'S FINK CALF WRI.T S1IOKS I.nco and congress, with full double soles, Eng lish back stays, best linings nnd leather top facings mado to sell for $1.00 and $5.00 a pair, only $1,110. MKN'S KINK TAN BOX CAW SIIOKS Laco with double stitched soles, leather rlmmlngs, new back stny nml best linings LAWKS' FINK VICI KID SIIOKS-Ice, with new stylo French heels, hand turned soles, Bilk top, facings and finest linings a flno dress shoe, tniido to sell for $5,00 all slues In this sale, $1.50. I.ADIKS' FINK VKSTINO TOP SIIOKS madn of tho best velnur kid, laco nnd button, with single flexible soles, kid tips and the nnd coin Ucs Shoes niado to bcII for $1.00, j best trimmings all slzea and widths madt on sale at $1 50. to sell for $3.00 and $1.00, on salo at $1.50. HAYDEN BROS. THE BEST TEN CENT CIGAR IN THE MARKET CONTAINS THE FINEST CUBAN TODACCO, i It. HICK M. C. CO,, MAM"I'ACTIJHi:HS, ST. I.OLIH, MO, O. A. IIAILSIIACIC, OSIAIIA, UlbTllIIH'TOIU UNION MADE