I 10 THE OMATJA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, rATtOTT 0, IflOO. FIRST LIVE STOCK CENSUS Special Agent Fred F, Jobcs)n Shows Im pottance of Haying it Correct. GREAT VALUE OF COMPLETE ENUMERATION yVl I'lH nn Hinl ( llir (,'onnt nut (iiirnxlnu nm to Wlirlhcr Tltcrc In MiorliiK In Mint tnttlt Work Tlioroimlil)' NtPinntlEi'l Hoyden IlniK. Sprflnl Antler. Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock wo place on snlo two cases of mill remnants of yard wldo soft finished bleached musllri at S'fco yard. This tot Is fully as Rood It not belter than tho lot wo sold Inst week, which drew n bis crowd to tho IJIr Storealso mll remnants of plain whlto India linen and 40-Inch wide India lawn worth 10c, 124c and IS.-, all In one lot tomorrow, choice Dc. These aro bargains you can not dupllcato outside of llnydcns, 2 DKKSS (lOOt)S BTOCK O.V SAI.B KVBRV DAY THIS WEEK. All goods ad vfrtlsed for Monday will rontlnuo on salo Tuetday, somo lines will be reduced still more homespuns luc worsted plaids Sc, "Wo nro simply trying to put n stop to this ' ik0 ami 23c. Oreat reduction on coif nlnl.if, tternnl guessing ns to whether thcro Is, a etCi Crcpons 39c, Cfle, 75c and 08c worth monago in meal cattle. aiu trcn r. junn- double. agent of the con-I nas lecn in unia.m , ln lno cail wlth tIlc biggest bargains ton, n special Ills olllce, who on business connected with thJ ltvo Block census which Is to be taken this year for the first time In bltory. Mr. Johnnnn Is tho editor of the Denver, Dally Stockman, the nlllclal newspaper of tho Na tional Live Stock association, which organi zation Is iiMdstlng the government In the making of this census. "Wo say It Is the firm live stock censu. ever taken," continued Mr. Johnson. "It may round strange, but such Im thu fact. There have been attempts made heretofore, tut they wero little moro than attempti nnd tho statistics xccured arc admitted, cvun by tho government, to be unreliable ami of llttlo use. It has heretofore been an al tnotit Imposslblo proposition to secure nn accurate census on live stock, principally tor the reason that the stockmen themselves liavo been opposed to telling tho truth abDUt what they own. No matter how honest tho otockman might bo otherwise, when it came to tho nutrition, 'How many cattle do you own?' nine out of ten would simply find it Impossible to tell tho truth. Tho result was that tho figures secured wero totally unre liable. "When the National I.lve Stock nfworln tlon asked tho government to make this census Director Merrrlam at first refused point blank, Insisting that the thing was Im practicable. Secretary WlIon and Chief Statistician Powers of tho Department of Agriculture took the matter up, however, nnd after much consultation It wns agreed that tho consliR should bo taken If the Na tional Llvo Stock association would back up tho efforts of tho government. The na tional association Include about all of tho organized stockmen of the went now nnd It ngreed to noslst In every way possible. Con Krcss lion made a special appropriation for tho work nnd wo are already pushing tho preliminaries. Secretary Martin of tho na tional association has been appointed special ngent In chargo and plans nro already well tinder way. "Wo realize, however, that wo nave a big Job ahead of us nnd that without tho nctlve co-operation of tho stockmen themselves It will bo nn almost Impossible, task. The ar rangements nro such, however, that there Is renlly no excuso for any stockman to lie nbout his holdings In this case, for wo hive thrown ovory posslblo safeguard around the work, and tho information received as to what nny Individual owns cannot possibly be Known to nny ono but a fow men connected with tho census olllco, nhd they nro sworn to secrecy. Tho excuso that a stockman will not tell what cattle ho owns for fenr of tho county assessor Is no good this year, for tho.county nsscssor cannot possibly learn what nny man reports unless he tells hlm- clf. I in perl iwr of Correct Oiimiih, "Asldo from all this, however, n correct census Is of such Importance to each Indi vidual engaged In tho Industry that onco tho matter Is thoroughly understood wo antici pate llttlo trouble. In tho first place stock men havo for years been busy guessing how many cattle, or sheep, or hogs thcro aro In tho country nnd no two will agree on tho BUbJcct. Hundrods of stockmen have gone broke In thu llvo stock business simply bo cause they pinned tholr faith to the propo sition that thcro was a shortago of cattlo in tho country. Thousands more have sold their cattlo for llttlo or nothing only a fow months later to buy back at an Increased price. Wo claim that It Is posslblo to have n knowledgo of tho supply of cattlo ln the country, and onco this condition Is known tho llvo stock Industry can be put upon a stablo nnd safo basis. "Tho Information wo proposo to get Is tho number of cattlo, sheep, hogs, horses and Boats In tho country on Juno 1, this year. This Information will bo classified to show tho ages and sex and class, nnd It wo nro successful, as wo expect to bo, wo will have u basis upon which to build a system of annual and perhaps monthly statistics for tho Information of tho Industry as to tho visible supply of cattlo of commerce. It Is tho opinion of tho natlonnl association that tho future of tho Industry depends largely tipon tho securing of this Information. Such Information will reduce to the minimum tho risk to capital Invested, and wo hope will iniablo stockmen to secure loans on cattlo security nt n much lower rate of lutereat than nt present. This of Itself would be well worth tho trouble nnd should bo nn Induce went for every stockman to tell tho truth. Wlutlo Country In t (Touted. "The wholo country Is Interested In this work, nnd tho only wonder Is that It has so long gono unattended to, Stockmen talk plenty nbout a shortago In the cattlo supply, (but tho peoplo llttlo realize what such n. shortage would mean. It would mean nn advance In tho prlco of meat far beyond present figures nnd thcro Is no way of dls covering tho approach of such n shortago or Its oct tent until the high prices fall to bring the cattlo to market. Then thero Is nlways tho danger ot a fictitious shortage, If a largo number of peoplo can be mado to bollovo that thero Is a shortage, whether ono exists or not, they will hold back their cattlo, prlcos will advnnco and then tho tlammcwl-up supply will come In suddenly, bringing disaster and ruin with It. Thn market depends upon tho supply nnd de mand. It tho supply Is n known quantity, tho danger from wild speculation Is re duced to a minimum, and tho llvo stock Industry Is soon diverted of tho largn tjpcculutlvn condition that Is now Its curse nnd results In such wldo fluctuations on the least provocation. "It is our intention to use overy posslblo moans to get at the real facts as to the number of head ot llvo stock In tho Unite' States. Wo shall collect the figures on all owners of hug than BOO head, through the regular e-nnumerntora, but on the raugo and Where an Individual or enrnnnillnn nwn over GOO If ad, we Bhall go after him with special agents. While wo hope In this way to KCt tho real facta In the enre, wo still have other resources the many organizations, for instance, who nro well acquainted with tho conditions of their members nnd wo shall use overy possible plan to check the roturns nnd got them absolutely correct, or so noarlr so that they may be relied upon. Thcro la already considerable Interest among stock mon over thla matter and we proprwo to glvo tho fullest publicity to our plans ln order that all stockmen may understana fully just what Is going to be done." Mr. Johnson left for Denver yesterday afternoon. TUB 1110 8U.K DEPARTMENT. Wonderful sale of new foulard silks not a fow pieces, but hundreds ot pieces In nil the cholco styles nt 5Dc, C!c. 75c and $1.00. Ilnndsomo black grenadines, all doiibl width In finest Imported and select styles, on snle at 69c, 75c, OSe anJ $1.50. All col ors plain silk 22c. ?2c. THE END OF THE WRECK SALE To Make an End of Everything R?mnining from Ibe Ihilroacl Wreck Purohaje. BOSTON STORE WILL CLOSE OUT Toilny All Hint's Left of Hry (JihhIn, Cm-lifts, DrnporloN nml Oil Cloth from the AVreeli (or A I moat .VothliiK. AT BOSTON STORE TODAY. LAST DAY OK THE WRECK SALE. 15c laco for l4c yard. Ureal sale of Lace, pah ot which has been exhibited ln our front show window. All, tho laco left from tho railroad wreck sale, Including valcnclcnued, torchon nnd plllowcnso lace, worth up to 15c, go nt Hie yard. Immense lot of fine French valenclcnnee laco and Insertion, In medium nnd extra flno All colore plain satins , patterns, go on bargain square at 2c and 3o yard. LAST 1AY HOSTOV STOItVMKII'. SAI.I3. Tnilnr llonloii .Store IlniW Hip Snle of 'Will I noe Ktllott Shoe Stork. $5.00 SHOES, $1.08. W.OO SHOES, $1.60. Today's selling will end tho greatest shoo salo that has over been held In Omaha. Today Boston Storo closes out tbo last 700 or S00 pair of ladles' nnd men's Bhocs from this stock. Tho shoes that wero made to sell for up to $3.00 will go for $1.69 a pair. And tho shoes that wero made to sell up to $3.00 and $6.00 will go for $1.93. This positively winds up tho sale. To day Is your last chance. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, Northwest Corner 16th nnd Douglas Sts. Soiihii, the .Mil roh ICIiik. Plays tho Hula-Hula cake walk, miss It. Don't Kino 36-Inch white wa?h silk at lis I Immcnso lot of nil widths of fine torchon yard wldo lining silk 25c 20-Inch black laco nnd Insertion ln match nets, oxtra flno taffeta, line grade, all llk 39c 27-Inch nnd heavy quality; regular prlco up to 23c, black taffeta, extra at 61c. Kancy silks In brat stylrs a bargain you should not mlm, worth up to $2.00, nt C9c. White and cream' ccrded silk for trimming, worth $1.30 for 75c. Extra help to wait upon you. HAYDEN DROS. go nt 3c, Cc nnd 7lc yard. Rig lots of black silk laces, worth 35c, go at 7',4c yard. 100 bolts of black nnd cream silk lace, extra flno quality. In matched sets; worth 33c, go nt 10c yard. 50c DRESS BUTTONS ltic DOZ, COO gross all kinds drcfd buttouj, over 100 different styles, worth 50c; In this salo lV4c dozen. SILK SIDE ELASTICS, Cc PR. Ladles', misses' nnd children's side clast Icf, In nil silk web, Including black, white, pink, blue and cardinal. They nil go on The establishment of a b-Pt sugar factory tj u,. nn.i ...i.i .... nt 4 . t I I .1 . , , I IIIIUI ItllJ Ull Jk till litVJ at Ames, .Neb., by the Standard company i raroml ,vrcck oarKnn. opons another market to the farmoro in tho An M,n i,in,. f m -..,.i i, ti neighborhood of this city nnd makes poi- i,, , .r. ,...i slblo tho production of a new and profitable A11' tho ,,rcB3 ,, , at lc crop. It has been fully demonstrated that 1 ynr( . the soli of Omaha and vicinity Is well , A,j tno of tho B,1Uollnca E0 nt 31jc adapted to tho raising of becLs and an In- , vnr.i , NEW USE FOR IDLE LANDS NiiKlir ItcrlK Will Prove n I'rolUnlilo Crop In tlie Vlelnlty of (liiiiilin. creased ncreago will probably be put In this spring. An experiment wai- made last sea son by M. A. Lunn, 3528 North Twenty- eighth street, under the auspices of tho Commercial club, with excellent results. "Thrco locations were selected," said Mr. Lund, "with tho view of testing dif ferent qualltlert of soil. One field was chosen near Klorence lake, one north of time. Ames ayenuo near Slxteonth street, and one bargains on salo today for tho last tl uii minium Bireoi nrar tap ueil line. 1110 yield ran from twelve to fifteen tons per ncro on all three tracts; the per cent of sugar was 13.fi with an average purity ot 80,6 por cent. Tho beets grown on the first tract wero sold to peoplo In tho neighbor hood and used by theira as feed for cows with satisfactory results. "Within tbo limits of Omaha thero aro lying Idlo lots, blocks and acres which If put under cultivation might furnish a suffi cient supply for a factory in this city lnrger than any In the state. Ilcsldo this area ln tho city there Is n much larger ter ritory nvallablo near railroad towns wltbln twenty-flvo miles of Omaha. The Ames factory will agree to pay $4 per ton for beets nnd at that rate an acre would pro duce $50. If tho unemployed laborers of tho city could bo given employment In till ing tho vacant soil In tho vicinity of Omaha for this purposo a largo revenue would be produced to tho benefit ot nil concerned. Till" Attention of tile. Traveling tvuMIc Is respectfully Invited to tho magnificent equipment offered to patrons of tho CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha nnd Chi cago. Solid vestlhulcd, steam heated mil electric lighted trains. Pnlaco sleepers nnd diners, buffet nnd library enrs, free reclin ing chair enrs, fast tlmo nnd union depots. City Ticket Office, 1501 Karnnm st. A. NASH General Western Agent. For Drug Buyers This Is certainly your opportunity to buy drugs. Wo nro going to reduce our stock. Tho Drug Trust we busted, and our stock Is entirely too large. Druggists nnd 2x1 pels nro welcomo to tnko nil they want It they pay for It. lno of t iirilnl title Syrup of I'lw (Cnllfornlu) ...... '-'to Cinliitiy'H Kxtrnet of lleef lille l.iimliert'N I. Uterine fit If I'liikliniii'N (oinpoiinil title frittiier'n Klitnoy Cure tlllo IIoiiiI'n SnrNiipiirlllii tide tlem t'ntiirrh I'nviilcr .......... -tie Selinefer'n I'oiikIi Cure ........ trie I'leree'H Pntorlte Prescription . . title I'liynt'lnc . . . ,.tj i!.."ll OroiiiiiUlon 7."o t'lmttirln -Ito Doiiii'n Klilne.v Pllln it.lc K hl-ne-olilx (Morrlnv'n) ........ Ulle A Setting lien All tho summer lawns, l&c n yard. All tho drapery ticking nnd denim remn ants, 10c yard. All tho damaged shirting prints lc yard. All dress prints 3c yard. All tho railroad wrecked percales, 30 inches wide, 3!c yard. All tho 15c cotton towels, Co each. And hundreds of other railroad wrecked BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, Northwest Corner 16th and Douglas Sts. Oiiuilin-Clilonuo, 7:00 n. m 8:30 p. m. 4:55 p. m 7:45 a. m. 7:30 p. m 9:30 n. in. v!n "Tho Northwestern Line," 1401 and 1403 Karnam street. "Tho best of everything." See C. P. Harrison's land bargains. CHILD'S PHOTO GIVES A CLUE Stolen St. Ilcrnnrd Dor, Tnken with the. Untie, In IleeoenUeil liy It Owner. Whllo looking over tho curiosities dis played in tho window of a bird storo on In my opinion an organization should be Loavcnworth street Sunday, Attornoy C. W. formed for the purpose of putting Idle land nrltt suddenly became Interested ln the to this profltnblo use." Soiihii, the 'Mil roll Klnnr, Plays tho Hula-Hula cake walk. miss It. Don't Stvltehmcn'N Hull. March 17, nt Washington hall, 18th nnd Harney streets. Good music, flno program. Ticket, admitting gentleman and Indies, COc. INTERNAL REVENUE DECISIONS Clcrli nnil SuU'Miiieii Cnmint .Miilfe He- turiiH far 3peolul Olenmnr Kiirlm; Stump Tux. A novy ruling has been rendered by tho department ot internal revenue In regard to tho applications for stamps for tho salo ot nlenmnrirnrlnn to rntnll ilnnlom ITnrplnfnrn the city salesmen of tho wholesale houses ?er- Mr- "rllt wu clean-shaven. Since then photograph of a 'beautiful St. Bernard dog. Sitting .besldo tho dog on n fur rug was a 3-ycar-old child, but tho Infant, to him, was a matter of only casual concern. The dog, however, valued at $200, bad been stolen from him seven months ago. Tho child ho had never (beforo seen. Attornoy Brltt, a fancier and bench show exhibitor, Is nuthor of tho law passed by tbo last legislature making canines personal property, tho purposo ot which Is to aid ln tho detection and punishment ot dog thlovcB. Ho Is also something ot a detective. After a fow hours' work as a sleuth ho found the parents of tho child, and recovered his St. Bernard. Yostnrday ho caused a warrant to bo Is sued for tho arrest of C. J. Bassctt, 3009 South Twenty-third street, charging him with larceny. When the nnlmnl wan stolen last Septcm- havo mado applications for tbo stamps nnd havo filled out and certified to the returns, but by tho ruling of tho department tho re turn and certificate must bo signed by ono ot the firm composing the wholesale house. In connection with tho sale of a bbslnc33 required by tho Internal revonuo law to operate under n special tax and the right ot tho successor of tho firm taking out the Hcouso to do business under tho original nnmo of tho firm a decision has been ren dered which will nppenr strange to the or dinary citizen. It Is held that where the original llccuso was Issued to a firm and one or moro partners sell their holdings to ono member of tho firm that member can contlnuo tho business under tho original license, but If ho takes In another partner or sells his holdings tho firm continuing the buBlncsB ln cither caso must secure a new Ucenso and pay a new tax. ho has grown a full sot of deep red alfalfa whiskers, but notwithstanding this chango ln his personal nppearanco tho dog knew him at onco nnd manifested great Joy at meeting him again. Iteoeptloii nt llrnmleln Home, Hugo Hrnndels nnd wife, who recently roturncl from a southern weddlns tour, received their friends Sunday ufternoon be tween 4 nnd C o'clock nt their home. Twenty-ninth nnd Leavenworth streets. Over 100 friends wero present during tho nfter noon, tho occasion being their first op portunity of meeting Mrs. Brundels. who was Mls Julia Lycla Kdclman of ! Angolctv The reception rooms nnd pnrlors wero tastefully decorated nnd dainty re freshments wero served In the dining room, TSose who nsslstcd In rccelvlne were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hrnndels, Mr. nnd Mm. A. D. Hrnndels and Mr. nnd Mm. H, Cohen. BESTF0RTHE BOWELS If jou haTcn't a regular, healthy mqroment of the boticli OTerr dor. jou'ra sick, of will bs. Keep your bonoU open, and be well. Force, In tho shape of violent iihjilo or pill polton.U danieroua. The mootbest, castoftt. most perfect way ot keeping Ike bowols clear ana clean la to take CANDY I vMnrtii4i TRADI MAMK RMWTtRIO Pleasant. Palatable, Potent, Taste flood. Do Good. Neyur sicken. Weaken, or tirlpe. 10c. JSC, tOa Write for free sample, and booklet on benUh. Address SUrllsi !; i'mpfj. Ctltsgs, MtslrMl, H t.rk. 321 KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Why l'iili-eNN In the Onrl; When by traveling In tho luxurious sleep ing cars of tho CHICAGO, MILWAUKUK AND ST. PAUL ItAILWAY you may turn on tho eloctrlo lamp and make tho berth as light ns day. City Oirtce, 1501 Farnim st. v.,, ....... ... IW Jl-UID, 111 her Into home, 2532 Decatur Mtreet, nt 7 n. m.. Mnrah -I, 1, of Ilrlght's disease. Kimornl Wednesday. March 7, nt 1:30 p, jn. frotn St. John's Kplscnpal church, Twenty-sixth nnd Kraukllu streets. Now York jupora pleaae copy. EVERY TRAIN IS PLACARDED Every train which loaves tho Burlington Station is properly placarded. No matter whore you aro houud for St. Louis Kansas City Chicago( , Black Hills Denver California you can find your train EASILY, QUICKLY, SURE LY. No need to ask for information about it. There it is -right ahead of you and properly placarded. th'icet niM'irn, inoa i'ahxam sTiimvr. Telephone SiftO. IIURMNOTOX STATION, 10TII .AMI MASOX HTHKP.TS, Telephone 11IS, The .ortlnventerii l,lne Daylight special loaves Omaha 7.00 a. m. nnd arrives nt 8:30 tho namo evening. Tho only daylight train from Omaha with Ilbrury buffct service. City ofllcea, 1101 nnd 1103 Farnam street. SCHAEFER Cor. Kith nnil CI t Announcement. Sousa nnd his famous band will he nt Boyd's this afternoon nnd tonight. Tho pro grams to bo presented nt both performances will In no wlso bo nllke. Doth will contnln tho latest gems from tho Sousa repertoire nnd tho choicest ot Its old ones, Sousa's lat est march, "Tho Man Behind tho dun," will bo given at -both performances. Tho New Snow Church company has re moved to rooms 401-105 Now York Life bldg. I'lve Trains dnlly for Chicago via tho NOItTH- WESTE11N LINK. A full list of them con bo secured nt 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam street. ANEW DRUG PLANT Our new store, when comnleted. will give us as complete and us commodious n drug plant as is to bo found In the wholn coun try, nffordlng as It does FACILITY for tho transaction of ALL CLASSICS of drug busi ness. Thn llrst Hoor of tho new store wilt be it SALESROOM proper, while thu PRE SCIUI'TION DEPARTMENT will bo In tho largo nnd ulry RASEMENT. Here nil tho comnoundlnir will be done. AWAY FROM THE NOISE nnd CONFUSION INCIDENT to n busy store. Our LABORATORY und WAREHOUSE nnd wholesale, department occupy tho REAR portion or tho FIRST floor nnd tho ENTIRE SECOND and THIRD lloors nt our old location, 1513 Dodge street, nnd hero every possible con venience Is nt hand to render the hnudllnir of orders for nil clusses of drug merchan dise easily nnd quickly. A PRIVATE LINE TELEPHONE connects the two de partments, so that the utmost resources of tho wholesalo department nre ut the com mnnd of tho retail store. Popular or "cut" prices provall at all times. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go S. W. Cor. Kith uml Doilife. I.nhorntory mill 'Wiirehoime, lRltt Doowo St., Middle of llloek. mm uMKrfan t il aaani CUT PRICF. DRUddlST ilenco Sin. Quicker Time TO DENVER AND Q0L0R&D0 POINTS AFTER MARCH 1ST II "THE COLORADO SPECIAL will lenvo Omaha 11-33 p. m. and ar rlvo Denver 1:20 p. m, next day, mak ing nearly an hour quicker time than formerly. "THE PACIFIC EXPRESS" for Colorado loaves Omaha 4:25 p. m. arrives Denver 7:35 a. m, next day. Through Pullman Slotpers, Dlntng Cars, Uuftct Cars. City Ticket Office 1302 Farnam. Tel. 316. WHERE CAN YOU FIND A BETTER PLAGE to do your trading than our store. Our drugs nro tho best wo can buy. Wo uso tho utmost enro In preparing prescriptions, using no substitutes, tho prices are as low as any reliable druggist In town. You can get In our Btore nt nny tlmo, day or night. We never close. Again wo ask WHERE CAN YOU do better? (luuther'n Best Chocolate, per lb 60c COo Dodd'6 Kldnoy Pills 40c COc Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets . 40c $1.00 Hclmrod's Asthma Cure 75c $1,00 Popham's Asthma Curo 7Cc 2Go Krnuse's Headache Cure 20c $1.00 Llstcrlno C'Jc COc Syrup ot Figs 30c COc Blrncy's Catarrh Powder 30c $1.00 Swamp Root 75c 75c Swamp Root 40c $1.00 Wino of Cardul 7Ec J. A. FULLER & CO cut rnici: imtjr:GisT.s, l-lth mill DouglU Stsj. OPEN ALL NIGHT. TO CHICAGO and EAST, LEAVE 7:00 A. M. 1:05 P. jr. 7:30 P. M. ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, LEAVE C:5S A. M. 7:20 P. M. HOT SPRINGS - DEADW00D. IiBAVB 3.00 P. M. Git Offices, 1401-03 Farnam. k fj n mnrn ft IIUIU About Teeth. Our best set of teeth havo used In their construction tho most .expensive and tie highest quality tooth that dentistry caa af ford. You cannot get a bettor tooth. They aro tho best. Fit guaranteed. Oood Set Teeth $5.00 Rest Sot ot Teeth $8.00 Partial Sets $2.50 up Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1517 DOUGLAS ST. HAYDEN s Special Election for Ladies To the business mnn olcctlon Is kno tliclr voting nnd women stny nt I101110. Tomorrow wo will lioltl 11 special ele respectfully ask every woman to conio a or your pntronnKe. wo Imvo gathered tho world the largest and most eleuan spring skirts, now silk waists, new under west of Chicago nnd still hundreds moro to push will do It. To clear out quickly quoto you prices for tomorrow less than ovo Your choice of nny ladles' Jacket In tho houso that sold up to $25 f r for election day, Jk only w . y v-r Your cholco of any misses' Jacket In tho house they have Bold as high as $12.00 for Your cholco of 170 -4 g Children's Jackets, for 1 - onlv , S VJ Your cholco of 150 Children's Jackets, for only Your choice of lf0 In dies' all wool sujts worth $15, for , Your clioico of L00 ladles, silk waists, very newest styles, r 0f E? worth ?7.50- . rl 3.50 2.98 5.98 for Your cholco of 20 dozen ladles per- calluo underskirts, In nil tho new shades and black, for Your eholce of 50 dozen wnippors- that sold for election day for 98c wrappers 89c wn ns a quiet day. rsually men do ctlon in our cloak department and -would nd see If we are not entitled to a sliaro together from the foremost markets of 1 stock ot ladles' now spring stills, new skirts nnd new wrappers that ever camo come. Wo are bound to lead If money nnd what fow winter goods wo have left wo will r beforo nnmed. Our new enlarged ladles' underskirt de partment Is crowded with tho nowest nnd brst things In tho market. Wo havo un dorsklrts in all tho now shades. Imported morcorlzed skirts, some corded to tho knee, somo with 8, 10 nnd 12 ruflles, some with two or thrco accordion pleated ruflles and uu mo most exquisite styles to bo found In inu mttrKci ni Jl.uu, ja.su, $3.00, $2.60. and Will bo pleased to havo you call and ex amlno them. Our now silk waist department Is also worth your attention. This wo aro making tho banner waist department of Omaha. All tno now nnd most elaborato styles in waists Kronen anu Lon don styles, at $25.00, $15.00, $12.00. $10,00 and Our now and enlarged wrapper depart ment Is woll known to you nil. 20 dozen Wrappors with deep 15-lnch ruf- 110, muiio 01 dcsi percaie, rumo over shoulder, trimmed with braid election day 50 dozen wrappers In navlea, blacks and bluer, worth $1, for only found In $2 ato styles $8 1 ju-incn rui- 98c 49c See Our New Millinery. HAYDEN BROS. A sotting lion guthora no foathorS' A man who is contont with a small today, is not apt to enjoy a moro generous tomorrow. If you do not care to save tho dilforonco that exists between high priced clothing stores and "The Nebraska's prices," you'll gatlior no feathers. Tho general apathy which is so prevalent in the political situation, sooms to havo iound its like with some of our merchants judging from tho number of calamity howlers which wo havo hereabouts., but it finds no resting placo in our establishments. Wo aro in tho very throes of activity of a most fruitful season, and wo can account for it in a fow words SELLING HONEST WARES at HONEST PRICES. Exceptional Overcoat Opportunities. Tho aggressive spirit of this storo is again shown in tho spring overcoat prices, nnd tho matchless values placed upon them, A llko stock was novor shown to greater advantage. I no overcoats wo oiior you nro mil of worthiness ami economy nnd tho Ilka ot thorn is not olaauhcro for tho monoy. DOLLAR SPRING TOP COATS Fine quality covort cloth, reinforced, excellent qual ity linings, piped, and vol vet collar, correctly tail ored, most stores say $7.50 or 8.00. 6 DOLLAR SPRING TOP COATS Fine quality top coating, reinforced, good quality, body and sleeve lining, lapel pockets, all sizes, first 'class in overy particular, olsewhoro $8 and $10. ' m "1 wrir'"-'-'" I Schmoller & Muller The Largest Piano Dealers in the West. Tho greatest Inducements during tho next 15 days In new, slightly used Pianos, ln order to mako room for spring stock, which Is dally arrlvlnj from eastern factories. Asldo from tho celebrated STBINWAY tho leading piano of tho world, you have a cholco stock of 150 A. D. Chase, Vose, Kmcrson, Packard, Ivors & Pond and other well known makes to select from. New Pianos ns low ns $148.00. Used Pianos as low as $25.00. Used Organs an low as $18.00. Wo sell on monthly payments, rent, tune, repair and exebango pianos. Esti mates furnished freo of chargo for repairing nnd rcflnlshlng old Instruments. Telephono 1625. Write for catalogues, prices and bargain list. Wo aro representatives for tho SEMM'I.AYING PIANOLA. Also tho Har wood Guitars and Mandolins, only instruments of Its kind. Guaranteed for five yenrs. ...Schmoller & Mueller... The Old nellnlilc Plnno House. Stelnway & Sons j 1313 farnam Street Representatives. 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs. uivncm SHOE SALE LAST WEEK OF THE GREAT $1. Sals $1.88 Fine Shoes Made to Sell for $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00. The last week of tho greatest Bhoe sale in America. New shipments of over 1200 pairs of men's and women's fine vici kid and box calf shoes, just received and put on the big bargain tables at $1.88. AH made up for eastern dealers, and not a pair in tho lot worth less than $3 to $5, all new styles, all sizes; and all on salo at $1.88 Special on Boys' and Girl's Shoes. Fine shoes for boys and girls, worth $1.50, $2 and $2.50 a pair, all on a big bargain table at $1.18 Special Bargains in Annex Shoe Department. Infant's fine 75c patent lenthor shoes, sizes 2 to 5, at .'18c. Child's fine $1 kid; laco spring heel shoes, sizes 5 to 8, at 49c. Youths' fine $1..'J5 Cascoo, calf heel shoes, sizes 12 to 2,at90c Some New Jewelry Prices. On our bargain tables you will find unusual values. Handsome shell emplro coenbs, rlilncstono sotting, nt lDc, 250 and COc; worth double), l'ompadcur combs, COc, lino rhlnostones, for 25c nnd EOc, eold olsowhoro at 15c and 7Cc. licit buckles on salo nt 15c. Handsome jewelled hat pins, strong and best quality on salo Tuesday at Cc. Hcauty pins on sale at lc and 2c, .Special silverware sale. AV3EN BROS. r What Can You Do If you pot ii poor Ciuar? You can't toll until you smoko It how (rood It In, mid jitter you'vo burned your monoy you ain't not it bnck. "THE STOECKER" is tho immo of aO-oont cigar thut'B good nil good nnd always will bo Rood, Hold by all dealers and at our two stores 1404 Douglna nnd 221 South 16th Stroot. 1 THE BEST TEN-CENT CIGAR IN THE MARKET CONTAINS THE FINEST CUBAN TOBACCO, p. n, riiCB ii. c. oo jianuimctiuihhs, st. i.ouis, ho C. A. HAH. SHACK, OMAHA, MISTIIIUUTQU. UNION MADE r