Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Monstary Conditions In Wall Street Sized Up
by an Expert Financier.
DrlllNh .StiorrsncM Tend n Strcnutlieii
the Price of SecurlHe Itnplil
AiIviiiifi CiiUiin
10 ruble I'n M or.
WBW YORK, March (Special.) Henry
CIowb of tho banking house of Henry Clows
& Co. writes:
The Third Avenue disclosures have
clouded tho stock market for si conslder
nblo period. So long as uncertainty pro
vnllrd In this ciuarter and Important finan
cial interests worn diverted from ordinary
nffulrs tho market was effectually pre
vented from responding to natural lullu
onccs. Now that tho worst has come out
concerning Third Avenue and been amply
discounted substantial conditions nro moro
likely to assert themselves again.
Apart from this unfortunate circumstance
there havo been developments of a favor
able nature that must eventually work out
licnollclally to values. I'lrst In Importnnco
Is tho turn of the tldo In favor of llrltlsh
nrms In South Africa. Uoth Klmberley
nnd I.adysmlth havo been relieved in a
Hiirprlslngly short space of tlmo as soon
as tho llrltlsh nrmy really fitted itself for
tho task. This Is tho beginning of the end,
for whllo the lloers may bo expected to
prolong their resistance, nature being a
powerful ally on their side, still with wan
ing resources nnd discouraging results on
tho ono side, compared with unlimited re
sources nnd BUccess on the other, thero Is
nothing but sheer stubbornness on which
tho lloers can continue tho struggle. If
Oom Paul exercises his usual Bhrewdness
lie will mnko an early peace to secure bet
ter terms than nro likely If ho waits for
tho fall of Pretoria.
Tho effect of llrltlsh military success on
theso mnrkcts will of course be Indirect.
London has been relieved of a threatening
money pressure, tho cost of the war nec
essarily being n depressing Inlltlenco upon
tho security mnrkcts. With a diminution
of tho prospective pressiiro on the London
money market confidence should revive nnd
enlarged buying follow. London Is less
likely to draw upon New York for funds
and thero Is a corresponding sense of re
lief here. It Is not nt nil Improbable that
If tho war should come to an early closo
London would become a frco buyer of
American securities.
AilriuieeH Held In Check.
An advance movement In this market Is
held in cheek by the prospect of firm
money for tho next three or four weeks
nnd the Indisposition of tho big holders
to pull together on tho long side. Thero
Is no question whatever but that tho heavy
operators aro bulls for a long pull, but for
various reasons, such as tho troubles in
tho traction and gas stocks, they are not
u. unit; hence the mnrket falls to respond
to tho many favorablo conditions which
nro cropping to the surface almost dally.
l'r the present tho new gold standard
law has little effect, because Its enactment
lias been a foregone conclusion for months,
Later on, possibly within a few months,
it will have n still further effect, owing
to tho expansion of the currency, which
It will facilitate. There Is no need to fear
unduo Inflation. Ily allowing the bankH to
Issue circulation up to tho par value of
tho new 2 per cent bonds and reducing
tho tax on circulation from 1 per cent per
annum to one-half of 1 per cent It Is con
servatively estimated that the banknote
circulation may bo Increased $100,000,000. and
possibly more. This Is an Important addi
tion and Is likely to bo much needed next
iintnmn. when tho usunl cron demands
net in. Another excellent fenturo of the
new bill Is tho raising of the treasury re
serve from fiwm.'m to ji&o.wu.wu com
together with additional measures of pro
tection foe tho sumo. Tho treasury Is still
taking funds from tho banks and In view
nt tlm lnrifo linrrowlnir demands for le
gitimate trado purposes nil unfavorable
Htatemcnt Is anticipated nt tho end of the
week. Since Jnnunry 1 thero has been an
expansion of about JC0,0OO,0oO In tho loans
of tho associated bankH,
General trado conditions continue very
satisfactory. In tho Iron trade thero are
no signs of nbatement In the extraordlnniy
ni-ilvltv whlnli that industry Is sharing.
On tho contrary, there nro Indications that
It will continue through WOO, nnd many of
tho leading concerns aro making much
lnrrrf.1- lirntlln. lmvlllir UlllSllCd old contracts
on tho low-price basis and nro now work
ing on higher-priced contracts. The cotton
Boods trado Is nlso experiencing a large
nnd moro prnlltablo business. Ituyers are
taking hold with unusual freedom nnd nro
morn nnxlous about deliveries than prices.
Haw cotton took a surprising lenp nnd
tho better prices now obtained menu many
additional millions to mo bouui. iiio nu
ter station of tho country Is to bo con
gratulated upon n degree of prosperity
that has not been witnessed slnco tho
war. Hnllroad earnings continue to dem
onstrate In tho most emphatic manner the
liiiHlni'ss netlvitv evcrywhero. According to
tho statements of the Interstate Commerce
commission the Increase In grois enrnlngs
of Amcrlcnn railroads from 1SP0 to WJ3
was over J305,000,000. Of this total $I"5,OJ0,-
000 went In Increased expenses anil only
jiMimooo to not earnlnus. Current earn
ings show reinnrkablo gains, sixty-ono
roads reporting nn increnso of over 30 per
cent in the second week of February,
In the faco of such facts it will bo lm
nnxslliln to keen tho Btock market down
i,i..iiiiltnlv Sninn tlmo In the not very
distant future more activity In speculation
In Inevitable, l'or tno present, nowever,
aniM-lllntlvn lllll'ril 1 1(111.4 will linVO tO be Con
ducted with prudence, especially until tho
futuro of tho money marnei is moro ci
tied. , ,
r.vcntfiil Week.
This week hns certainly been eventful.
Tho surrender of General CronJo to tho
llrltlsh nnd relief of Liwlysmlth hnvo been
favorablo influences to Wall Btrcet. ns
against the unfavorable influence of the
Third Avenuo railroad going Into the hands
nt n receiver. Tho stock market should
from tlio latter adverse fac
tor, owing to the substantial backing of
phonomennl rnllroad earnings nt tho pres
ent time, as evidenced by those of tho
Atchison road, It is no wonder, therefore,
Hint nillrnnd securities should occupy n
Arm position In tho world's markets; other
wise, such a allocking disaster ns has hnp
poned tho Third Avenuo railroad (a stock
which was held by everybody who had it
no n Enllil Investment, was this time Inst
year selling at 212 nnd has since depre
ciated 107 per cent) would havo been very
likely to havo cnuseti a gonu-sizcu panic,
'rim tnnrkpt mil now lio snld to bQ soil-
In,- fv Third Avenuo disaster, but Is held
In considerable check by tho doubt as to
what tho next dividend is to do on auciir.
WIHCll 1H 111 liu neiei iiiiuuu nj. mu miv.iu.o
mnAltnc tinvf Vll nPSllftV.
Tho rnpld ndvanco In cotton recently
lias been a favorablo factor, especially to
tho south, as It will glvo that section of
l,r rnntitrv vnHt Increased A'eolth nnd will
bo in that respect what tho Lelter boom
In wheat was to tho west. With tho staple
lit Its present prleo the south can farlly
..lnim Hint rotton Is klnc amiln after hnv-
lng been dethroned for many yenrs. The
lilgher price for cotton Justllks higher
prices for tho good southern rnllroad
utnrkM. It ml tli reduction In the price for
wheat which hns taken placo this week-
representing as It does tno prospect ot n
good winter wnent cnui-Biniuiu m
Dart confidence to western railroad prop
1 'op the oin I n if llnnk Statement.
Tim outlook for next Saturday's bank
utatement Is unfavorable, ns tho trensury
litis tnken In n very largo sum nnd tho
bunks luivo also lost to tho Interior. Thero
t mm mil Isf uetloii. however, und that Is
that the money hns not gono out of tho
country. ....
Tho liussinn loan taKen in tins
nnd shows how f'nst Wall street Is becoming
tho world's market, vying with Loudon
recently is certainly siirniucnni
In thnt respect. Tlio tlmo is coming wnen
Government securities of nil nations will
i, dealt In nt tho New York Stock ex
chnngo as nn Inevltablo seqiienco of tho
fabulous growth of wealth In this coun
Tim fnllnwlnc was written nnd printed
In my weekly letter under dnto of January
13, nnd 118 it nns ueen veinu-u uy reivm
nvni It hoars ronrlntliiir today:
Tho Hoer victories aro about ut an end.
If they have- not been nblo to tnko Lady
smith nnd Klmberley, with their ndvnn
tages nt their zenith In tho contest, It la
nrottv Buro they will not do so herenfter,
iiecnuso tho British nro very apt to booh
forgo to tho renr of tho Boers' fortlflca
iinn nml nmvo rapidly on Pretoria,
thereby compelling tho Boers to plvo up
their prosent Impregnable Intrenclimcnts
nnd mnreh homo for tho protection of
i,.,ii- ennltal nnil the nrchlves of tho gov
,.t Tim llrltlsh certainly must have
learned the Btupldlty of nttncklnc tho
Boers behind fortifications which they have
been erecting for tho lost several years,
and, ns a rcBUlt of their experience, wlso
nnd sagacious- strategy In conducting the
la mnst Ukelv to be herentfer ndoptcd.
Wo mny theroXoro expect any moment to
bear that the British havo circumvented
tho Hocr army nnd nro movlnc; Into tho,
enemy 8 country and preparing to Klvo bat- .
llL'i uiu it'nuiL Ul Wllllll in liiuill tu ire ftxiii
i so tlmt llrltlsh victories mny bo expected
nt no distant date. Wo continue to mivisa
uulck turns In operntltiR and keeping neur
shore during the month ot March,
Fore I mi I'liinnelnl.
LONDON, March 4.-Vhllo tho Stock ex
chnngo received tho news of tho surrender
of General CronJo nnd the relief of Lady
smith with tho utmost enthusiasm, events
havo entirely tailed to stimulate business.
Although prices continue llrm thero Is
little doing In any of the markets and this
Is especially truo of Afrlcnn mines, which
havo had little outside support. Hands
show a rise of 6-16, but most others nro
fractionally lower.
Americans havo been for several days
unsatisfactory and closed below tho best
llguros for the week. Among the declines
wero Chicago, Mllwnukeo & St. Haul, which
fell points; Illinois Central, 1; Hnltlmoro
ft Ohio, -?J; Denver & Hlo Grando preferred,
; I'nlon Pacific preferred, ?4; Northern
Paclllc, Southern, , and most others
from !i to
-Money was In good demand, tho dis
count rate ranging from 34 to 4 per cent.
Threo months' bills brought 3 to 3 per
MADRID, March 4. Tho Hank of Snaln
report for tho week ended yesterday shows
the following changes: Gold In hand, de
crease 4Cl,iO pesetas; silver In hand, de
crease K2,l pesetas; notes In circulation,
decrease 3,741,000 pesetas. Gold was quoted
yesterday at 23.&0.
HIHtLIN, March 4. Tho conditions of
tho money market have grown less favor
able. Private discount was on tho rise all
of last week, tho total rlso being i. This
Is nulto exceptional, as easier money nl
most Invariably follows tho monthly set
tlement. Tho tightness In money reacted
unfavorably upon speculation. Govern
ment 3s continue declining, reaching tho
lowest figures on record yesterday. Coal
and Iron shares havo also suffered, ono
cause being the prospect of American com
petition. Mniiclirxlcr Textile Fabrics.
MANCIinSTKH, March 4.-There was n
fair cloth business nt tho beginning of
Inst week for India nnd China, but ever
since cotton has been running much too
fast and only urgent orders have been
put forward. Theso small commands seem
rather plentiful from tho minor mnrkcts,
but tho aggregate Is less than the output,
Kngngements, however, are still heavy und
nil tho producers now want la fall cover
ing on the dnily cotton oasis,
llnmn trniln Is fair. Fancy colored,
bleached, printed and figured goods nro do
ing well. In yarns current needs only arc
lielng covered. 1'rices nro strong, uemij rf ti fnrihlnn- hlt-tinr. Gnrmnnv hnd
nn active week's trade, ynrius following
cotton easily. Franco continues nctlvc and
deeply engaged, with prices rising.
FrnturcM of the TrndliiK unit ClodliiK
Price on Snliirtlny.
CHICAGO, March 3. Wheat was strong
nnd nctlvo today, Influenced by higher ca
bles and talk of crop damnge, together with
the report on farmers' reserves, Mny closing
HSiHc over yesterday. May corn closed
aj'iric down nnd May oats unchanged. The
provisions market ut tho close, wtis sllgntiy
in thu wheat nit .bullish feeling was
awakened early by tho firmness of Liver
pool and further encouraged by the strength
of Purls und reports of n severe frost In
France. Thero was considerable pessimistic
talk concerning domestic crop dnmages. The
report of Statistician Snow, making farm
ers' holdings of wheat 40,000,000 bu. less tnan
?. 5
..""f :,'", V-
L-IB WHO III MUIIIO IIIHlllllLea uvi'nuuncu
fact that, last year excepted, tno. quantity
now In reserve Is tho
in reservn la llin inruest sincn imji. I
With this encournirement nnd backed by re
ports of 300,000 bu. cash business done, hero
yesterday shorts hurried to cover. For
eigners nnd the northwest were nlso buyers
hero and trade generally became, animated.
May opened a shndo up nt 65?MCGVi:C,
touched CGic and then rallied to 05iltKic.
Tho bulge was met by profit taking sales,
which caused a break to GG'.ic, but tho
market recovered quickly. May ascended to
66V(,c and closed strong, 'Mt'Sc over yester
day, ot 6SfiOic. Atlantic nnd gulf port
clearances 111 wheat nnd Hour were equal to
353,000 bu. New York reported 11 loads taken
for export. 1'rlmnry receipts wero 617.000
bu., compared with 636,000 bu. last year.
.Minneapolis nnd uuiutli reported 090 curs,
against 637 last week and 500 a year ago.
laical receipts wero 45 cars. 1 of contract
corn was ncavy. country offerings were
a bit freer from some sections. The esti
mate of Statistician Snow, making reserves
of corn 151,000,000 bu. over last year, had a
depressing effect. Ixings liquidated through
out tho session. Tho'shlpplng demand was
slack. Receipts hero were 373 cars, 2 cars
under the estimate. May ranired from 21i
SliMTic at the opening, which was a shade
up with wheat, to 34V!:c and closed weak,
H5IV4c lower, nt SWaW&c.
Uats was barely steady, the weakness nf
corn having a depressing effect. The lower
ran rates nave stimulated 1110 cash business,
which In turn has lent some support to fu
tures. Tho market today was a small one.
Cash oats have Improved tV4c over May
this week. May ranged today from 23'4c to
23o and closed unchanged at 23i23Uc.
Local receipts were 17s cars.
rroviiions enjoyed a fair trado nnd hold
steady. Tho corn weakness was felt Bome-
wnat. out as packers were fair buyers and
ofterlngs wer not large the price did not
suffer. May pork ranged from J10.60 to Jlo.70
and closed Gc Improved from yesterduy at
JlO.Go; Mny lard, from JG.87',4 to J3.90, closing
unchanged nt Jf..S7H. nnd Mnv ribs, from
JG.82'4 to J5.87V4. with the close a shade up
at J3.85.
Estimated receipts tomorrow; Wheat. 40
cars; corn, G20 cars; oats, 210 cars; hogs,
37.000 head.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
66 l,ii3
34 i
22 V
22. S
10 62"4
10 60
10 66
10 70
6 S7U
10 63
10 63
10 70
10 67
G 87V41
5 S7UI
G 90
C 00
5 87V4
5 97&
& 8714
& 95
6 97H
G 85
G S7',4
5 S2'4'
G 85
5 SG
G 87'4!
6 90
& 85
5 87V4
5 87V4
No 2.
Cash quotations wero ns follows:
FLOUR Quiet: winter natcntn ti iftifM !
strnlghts, J2.90fi3.30; clears, $2.70if3.o0; spring
specials. J3.S0; patents, J3.104i3,13; straights.
J2.0O4i3.O0; bakers. J2.00fl2.40.
WHEAT No. 3 spring, 6I1366&C; No. 2 red,
CORN-No. 2, 33V4T3Ic; No. 2 yellow. 33ic
OATS-No. 2. 23lii23Uc: No. 2 white, ffiffj
HARLEY No. 2, 38iff39c.
HliKIW Vn. 1 flYRpil nnd nnH1.n-ait
J1.60; prlmo timothy. J2.50: clover, contract
grade, JS.25.
PHOVIHIUNH Mess pork, per bbl J9.70
10.(5, Uird, per 100 lbs., J3.12H?j.77. Short
ribs Bides (loose). .J5.70i&.95. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), J6.254i6.60. Short clear
sides (iioxeu;, w.innjo.m.
wninivi uisiiuers nnisned goods, on
basis of high wines, per gnl., J1.2I.
HUllAlta cut loar. I6.ur. cranulnteil. 15 49.
Followlnir aro tho recelnta and xhlnrnvnts
for today:
Iterelnts. Rhlnm'ts.
Flour, bblB 27,000 23.000
Wheat, bu 21.000 31.00)
Corn, bu 210,000 197,000
Oats, bu 212,000 103.CO3
Rye, bu 6,000
Hurley, bu 58,000 8.C09
On tho Produce exchange today th hut
ter mnrket was stronu: creameries. I8ffi
uiurit-,, wui'ese, nrm, i-'ttioc
Eggs, llrm; fresh, I6c.
St, I.outa (irnln nnd I'rovlsloim.
ST. LOUIS, March 3. WHEAT Hlghir:
No 2 red cash, elevator, 69c; track, 7l4
'2V4c: March, iOUc; -May, 69c; July, ivfc;
No. 2 hnrd. GGWiHe.
CORN Easy: No, 2 cash, 33c; trnck,
3IUc; Mnreh, 33c; May. 33Hc; July, 33Hc
OATS Steady; No. 2 cash. 2IWc: track.
211,4c; March, 21Hc; May, 2t4c; No. 2 white,
fiajuk quiet and uncnauged.
RYE Firm nt 65c.
SEEDS Timothy, steady, J2.00T2.SO;
prime, worth moro, Flax, nominal at J1.&7,
CORNMHAIz-Steady. Jl.S04fl,83.
BRAN Unsettled; sacked, cast track, 65c
bid, but nono obtainable that low.
HAY Strong; timothy, J9.OO0I2.OO; pratrlo,
WHISKY Steady. J1.24.
BAGGING Higher, 6745f7Hc
HEMP TWINE-Steadv. 9c.
PROVIHIONS-Pork, quiet: Jobbing, old
J10.50; now $11.25. Lard, unchanged: nrlmo
steam, J5.60; choice, JS.G5, Dry salt boxed
meatB. dull: extra shorts. J6: clear ribs.
J6.12V4: clear sides. J6.25. Bacon, boxed.
dull; extra shorts, (6.50; clear ribs, S6.62V4;
1'ieur tours, tu.ia.
M ETALS Lead, dull at 4.57!4iM.eO.
Spelter, dull at JI.45M.60.
RECEIPTB-Flour, 7,000 bbls.: wheat, 10,-
iw 1111.; corn, 011. ; oats, zs.vou DU.
SHIPMENTS-FIour, 6,000 bbls.; wheat,
e.vw uu.; corn, i,uuu uu.; oats, f,vw uu,
ntli III I IV CTflPff llADlfPT
UM Ail A LIVIj MUlll ill A l IVlj 1
Oattle Trade of tho Week Has Been a Series
of Up and Downs.
Mnrket nn a Whole linn llcen to the
Mklng; of .Sellers During (he
Week Co in 1 n k Week Prom
ises Well for Sheep.
HccclDts worn! Piittln. Hons. Sheer.
umciai Monday 1,153
Official Tuesday 1.S70
Official Wednesday 2,271
Olllclal Thursduy 1,975
umciai j- riuay 2,313
Olllclal Saturday
Total this week
.. 9,915
weeK ending Feb. 21.
Week ending Feb. 17.
Week ending Feb. 10.
tt.,l .....II.. . n
Avcrneo nrlco nald for hogs for tho last
several days with comuarlsons!
4 S3
3 6S 3 S9
3 34
4 90
4 S3
4 78
3 tS
3 81
3 25
3 31
4 S9
3 6!
3 S7
3 91
3 93
3 33
3 35
G 04
4 83
4 74
3 47
4 92
4 99
4 63) 3 CG
3 84
3 33
4 69 1
3 M
3 81
3 36
3 41
3 49
4 S3
3 63
3 83
3 79
4 S5
4 fit
3 6S
Feb, lo
3 81
3 77
3 42
3 43
4 8V
Feb. 27
4 67
3 62
3 C6
4 79
4 86
Feb. 2S
4 70
March 1....
3 51
3 7S
3 GO
4 11
iwnrcn 2....
4 60 3 69
3 8S
3 4
4 69
4 77 I
March 3....
4 63
3 671
Indicates Sunday.
. Tho olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cntiiiv ttntrM. sh'n. il'ses.
C., M. & St. P. Hy 7
Missouri Pnellle ltv... 1!
Union Paclllc System. .
V.. K. & M. V. it. n...
S. C. & P. Ily
c st. p., m. & o :
H. & M. R. R. H
C, II. & Q. Hy
1, J. AS S, J ,.
C., R. I. & P. Hy., E. .. 2
C. R. I. & P. Hy., W. .. B
iiiuioia Vwentrni l
Total receipts 10 S3 8
Tho disposition of tho dnv'n rerelntn wnB
as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num-
uer ut neau inuicatcu:
. uuyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha lacking Co
u. ti. jiammond Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour & Co
Omaha P. Co.. from K. n.
Cudahy P. Co., from K. C.
Cudahy, from country....'.
Vnnsant & Co
uincr ouycrs
2S6 6,483 1,674
CATTLE Only ten nr ti ilnnn inn, la nf
cattle wero reported in tho yards this
iiiumins; nnu tnreo loads of them wero
Iik to make a tlt of tho Vnarkot.
direct to pacners, so that there was noth-
iie cattlo market this week hns been
- sores of Htm n ,1,1 ,!nn,.,o n,,rln. !,. I
naif ot tho ,. -.r.n, 7,1, T-"n" , "i
.. . :- .. "--. " -l-j-
wero advanced nenernl v about &. Tii.n
camo tho reaction. On Thursday thn mar
ket closed lower, and it wus again lower
on Friday, bo that with the closing of the
tou inarKct is oniy nnout 100 nicner
man 11 was at tno clopo of tho previous
week, in some cases no-islhlv iSn. Kneelnts
of corn fed cattlo wero light all tho week, as
niuiipcrn eeeineu 10 00 inclined to Hold back
iinu give tno mantel an opportunity to
recover from tho glut of the previous
week. To mnko up for the deficiency pack
ers shipped In quite a good many cattle
rrom Kansas city.
Tho market on cows and heifers showed
consldernblo Improvement, tho samo as fat
cattle, during tho first threo days ot tho
week, but later In the week, when tho re
ceipts of cow stuff became much larger
tnan usual, buyers hit tho market a hard
blow, and at tho closo of the week tha
market is not very much better than It was
at tho low tlmo last week. The fact Is
that cow stuff has polrt very Inch as com
pared with steer beef, and buyers nro
certain to tako udvantago of any oppor
tunity to pound tho market. Hulls, stags
and other rouch stock has not shown much
It any Improvement. Veal calves havo
sold very high all tho week, tho best bring
ing on some days K.uu.
Half-fat or warmed-up cattle have fluc
tuated In about the same proportion as beef
cattlo and lecaers", uuyers novo taKen
nulto a irood many, thouch tho demand
has not been particularly good. On tho
other hand the market has been extremely
dull on tho thin and coyimon kinds of
light stock cattle, which afa hard to movo
at any price. Tho market on that kind is
tno lowest or tne season.
HOGS Today s mnrket was a shndo
hlchcr than yesterday nnd reasonably
active nt the advance, so that practically
everything sola in gooa season, some late
arrivals which came after tho most of tho
orders had been filled did not sell qulto so
strong. Tho market, however, as a whole
was nil rlcht nnd to tho liking of sellers.
The general run of the mixed loads which
brought $l.63ft4.67V4 yesterday sold today
nrlnclnallv nt 14.674ft4.70. Two loads of fat
backs brought SI. SO, as against n J1.72V4 top
Tho hog market, though It has not ranged
nulte so high ns It did tho previous week.
has 'been In very fair shape. Tho week
started out with a decline of closo to 6c,
but the loss was an recovereu during tho
two dayB following. On Thursday and
Friday it eased off again, but n part of th
loss was made up on Saturday, so that thn
week closed with tho market a shade higher
than It was at tho opnlng of the week, or
nooui on a icvei wan 1110 cioso or tno
previous week.
SIIF.F.P Thnro wero oJeht rum In tho nn.
this roorntn&t lut nil but ono loud were
I luiirlif in nrrivn nnil wpro tint n ff rrni
sale. The feellnp on the market wn
steady, and hnd there been anythlnp of
UruuH n 1 aiuuuy prices,
Tho market on both sheep nnd Iambs has
been In very Kood shano all this
Values havo been strong from day ln inv
and nt tho close of tho week tho market Is
j)tr.Kc nigner man it was last week. Tho
feeling seems to uo invorablo for a good
market for the coming week, unless tn.
should bo a largo run at eastern markets
consquent upon tno opening up of tho roads
utter tne storm.
Quotations: Choice handy welcht vonr.
lings. J8.10O6.25: good to choice fed venr.
lings, J5.85ih.00; fnlr to good yearlings, J5.63
(3.75; good to choice wethers. J3.604iG.75;
ralr to good wethers, j5.35flG.GO; good to
cholco fed ewes, J4.S5flG.15; fulr to good
ewes, J1.65SJ4.S5; good to cholco natlvo
lambs, J6.90fl7.15; good to cholco western
lambs, J0.S5fi7.O0; fair to good western
lambs, J6.50fi6.75; feeder wethers. JI.23fl4.7B:
feeder yearlings, J5.00fl5.60; good to cholco
feeder lambs, J4.7GQ5.75.
Cnttle Arc oniliuilly Strnilv Hairi
uiohc Hnitier Mieen St end 3-.
CHICAGO, March 3. CATTLE Reeelnts.
SCO head; nominally steady; natives.
good to prlmo steers, J3.00tf6.00; poor to me
dium, Jl.OOfl'l.SO; selected feeders, JI.160
4.70; mixed stockers, J3,40fi3.ftO; cows, J3.00
il4.&; heifers, J3.10fl4.60; canners. J2.Kra
j.uu; uuns. calves. J5.00flS.00.
Texans, receipt 300 head; market steady
finil WfnK! renetntw fnr lw .......l a taa , -
111, aiui-ia, fd.irvitl.W. 16XILS mill
1 nw.-n rc . ... .
jiuuej iieceipis today, 18.000 head: to
morrow. 33,ooo head, estimated: 1.G00 left
uvit; tiusro easier: iiutcii anil iiiiteiw.fB
.tim.o; good to cnoico heavy, tl.OOS-I.P'Vi;
iiiuKii ncuvy,; llgnt pigS, 6il IOC
lower, J4.60fl4.S2H; bulk ot sales, J1.77V4fl
B11EE1' AND LAMnRTttv-elnlo 9 nnrt
head; sheep and lambs, steady; good ' to
cholco wethers, J5.6Ofl6,00; fair to' cholco
mixed, H.iMi&.w: nniivn lambs. JG.0Osi7.40:
western lambs. J6.00fl7.40.
Week'B receipts: Cattle. 41.200 head! hnn-n
114,325 head; sheep, 61,700 hend. Week ago:
Cattle. 62,000 head; hogs, 185,000 head; sheep,
T 0fi I . ... . 1 '
im,iiuv iiuau,
u ii hiik City Live Stock.
ceipts, 135 head; for tho week, 37,000; prices
limn- luitfriy uuiiiium; mo ncavy siorm
this week, shortened BUPPllea and strencrth.
prices of all classes of killing cattlo being1
about 25o higher, with feeding grades fully
steady; heavy natlvo steer brought Jl.TGfl)
6.75: llghtwelghtB, J3.60fl6.30; etockera and
feeders, J3.25flG,2G; butcher cows and heif
ers, J3.2GU4.60; canners, J2.60fl3.2; fed west
erns, J3.76i(G.00; western feeders, I3.60ft4,25;
Texas, J3.354.S0,
HOGS Receipts, 3,000 hetul; market nc
tlvo and uteady; receipts for the week, 45,
000; very llttlo change In values this week,
but hog products aro weak and lower;
heavy hogs brought todny $4.70fl4.82i4:
mixed, J4.6504.75; light, J4.35M-I.66; pigs,
SHEEP AND LAMBS-JRecelpts for tho
week. 13,000 head; market continues very
active at stronger prices, tho net advance
S 79
JM !
3 81 3 85
3 81 3 76
3 87 3 71
3 87 3 78
3 SO
3 S3
3 75 3 81
3 70 3 82
3 73 3 82
3 66 3 87
3 SS
3 74 3 10
3 80
this week amounting to 10ffl5e! lambs
broiiKht M,(i04Jimjr i-carllnKs. J5.ToiiG.25;
muttons, Jl S&fiG.Cp,, smokers and feeder!",
3.7(V(jo.60; culls, ?5.o$3."5.
St. I.ntilM Mvr Slonk.
LOttlfl. Mnfeh'rt.-rA'PTLtC Hecelnts.
4W head. lncludlnR''2'yTexnns; market ipilet i
nnd steady, no ton cattle here! native ship
icnoy, no top enmo nere; nauve snip-
and export TtKWs, 4.50ji5.W; dressed ,
and butcher, steers, J3.7fry-I.95: stccrei
1,000 lbs., '; stackers nnd ;
13.CWi4.4C: .cows
n.1,1 l.lf,.ra l"rl
sii.30, ennners, l
tsWifc.SG: bulls. JJ.4Oft4.O0;
Texas nnd Indian "'steers, 13.45UI.65; cows
nnd heifers', J3.loa3.7Pi , .
IIOOS Hecelpts;1' 4,100 hearts mnrket
steady; pigs and lights, 14.7GSf4.S5; packers,
JI.70iI4.Sfi; butchers. JI.SMTI.95. ,
MllliWl' AMD LAMlia lteceipts, iwt ncmi;
market steady; natlvo muttons,;
lambs. J5.50'7.2;,:''rUllB and bucks, $3.tXH?
4.76; stackers, J3.CO4.'40.
.e- York Live Sfoek.
NEW YORIv. Mnreh 3. HI3KVES Re
ceipts, nono; no trading; feeling steady; ex
ports, 129 Head cattle.
UAiiViiH lteceipts. none; notnmg uouik.
nominally steady.
SIII3KP AND LAMHS Hecelpts, . 1,167
head. Sheep, llrm. Lambs, 15c higher.
Good sheep, JO. Fair to choice lambs, Jb.00
68.60; yearlings, J7. , ,
HOGS Receipts. 2.721 licau; nono tor eiuo
alive; nominally steady.
Stock tit Sight.
Fnllnwlnir nrn thn reeelnts nt tho four
principal western markets for March 3:
Cattle. I logs. Sheep.
South Omaha 321 6,2tl 1,623
Chicago 800 18,000 2,000
Knnsas t-'lty iaj j.ww
St. Louis 400 4,100
.1,656 31,396
Condition of Triutc nnil QuotntloiiB
on Stnple nnil Fuiiey Produce.
EaaS-Rccelpts, light; fresh stock llrm
at 13c.
DRESSED POULTRY Cholco to fancy
turkeys, 10011c; ducks. 10c; geese, 10c;
spring chlcKens, 8V4G9c: hens, SV4Q9C;
roosters, 6Q6c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. 7fft7Uc: spring
chickens, 7fl1V4c; young, staggy and old
roosters, 4y6c; ducks, Sc; geese, sc; turKeys,
i',tisc. ,
H UTTER Common to fair, ice cnoice.
17TlSc; separator. 20c; gathered creamery,
PIGEONS Live, per doz., wctfl.w.
VEALS Choice, 9810c.
OYSTERS Medium, per can. 18c; stand-
aro, per cun, 22c; bulk standnrd, per gai.,
J1.25; extra selects, per enn, 30c; extr-- se
lects, per gal., Jl.n0flil.75: New York counts,
per can, 37c; New York counts, per 100, J1.25.
HIDES-No. 1 green hides, 7Wc; No. 2
green hide", 6V4c; No. 1 salted hides, $W,
No. 2 salted hldeB, 7Hc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to
12 lbs.. 9c; No 2 veal calf. 13 to 16 lbs.. 8c.
HAY Per carload lots: Upland, choice,
ii. midland, choice. J5.G0: lowlnnd. choice,
J3; ryo straw, choice, J1.50; No. 3 corn, 27c;
No. 3 white oats, 22i4c; cracked corn, per
ton, J12; corn nnd oats, chopped, per ton,
J12.60; bran, per ton. J12.50: shorts, per ton,
NEW TURNIPS rer doz. bunches. DOc
SPINACH-Per box, Jl.
NEW DUETS Per doz. bunches. 40S50O.
LETTUCE Per doz. bunches. 4uc: fancy
head lettuce, per bbl.. Ji.
RADISHES-Pcr doz. bunches. 35c.
SWEET POTATOES Ptr bhl.. llllnoU,
13; Jerseys, J5; largo bl-!., itansas, J2.76.
I'u iATUiis-i'er bu cnoice, iosjioc.
CAnHAOE-Hollarul seed, iu.
CAULIS"' OWER-Callfornla. oer crate.
CELERY Per "doz.. 25fl30c: California,
per bunch, 40f?75c,
turnips Hutabaeas, per lb., lVio.
TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate,
MUSHROOMS-Per lb. box. GOc.
RHUBARn Per doz.. 6575c.
ONIONS Retail, vellow. 75c: red. E5iB90o:
Chios, per bbl.. J?JiG. ,
APPLES Cholcil ivcstern shinning stock.
J3.f0fl3.75; New Y'orktf stock, $1; fancy, J1.50
Ul.iJ. 1
GRAPES Malftfra, per bbl.. J7.00O9.00.
CRANBERRIES Dell and Ducle. Per
mil., w.w. 1 1
ORANGES California, fancy navels, ner
box, .zrij3.6o; cholce'rutvela. ;2.737i.OO; Cal
norma seeaungs. -oer box. J2.GOiff2.75.
LEMONS California, cholco. ner box.
J3.00;-ifnnoy, J3.60; fllcsslnas, cholccfiper box,
w.uo; rancy, n.w.
BANANAS Per bunch, medium. J1.755J
z.oo; rancy, iz.'mczi.
HONEY Per 24-scctlon case. J3.60.
NUTS-Hlckory. large, per bu.. J1.25:
Ehellbarks, J1.35.
FIGS-Callfornla. layers, ner 10-lb. box.
wc; uaiuornia carton, per 10-lb. box, Jl.oo;
imported ugs, per id., 13c.
Liverpool (irnln nnil Prnvlnlona,
LIVERPOOL. March 3. CORN Stmt.
film; American mixed, new, 3a S)id; Ameri
can mixed, oiu, .is uftu; lutures uun; juny.
3.1 7Hd; July. 3s 7&d.
WHEjVT Spot, llrm: No. 2 red western.
winter. 6s: No. 1 red northern snrlnir. 5s
UHd; futures, steady; March, 5s Sld; May,
5s S?,d: July, 5s Slid.
FLOUR-St. Lou fancy winter, dull.
7s 3d.
HOPS At London. Pacific coast, dull 3
l'EAS Canadian. 63 Sd.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady: extra Indian
mess. 80s: nrlmo mess. 72s 6d. Pork. llrm
prime meia, western, 72s 6d. Hams, Bhort
cut, 14 to 16 lbs... Btcndy 47s Gd. Bacon.
steady; Cumberland cut, 28 to 30 lbs., 36s;
nhort ribs, is to ks ids., ;ss; long clear mia
dies, llffht. 30 to 4o lbs.. is: long clear mid
dies, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs,, 36s Gd; Hhort clear
bacKs. is to is ins., sis cicar ncuios, 14
to 16 lbs.. 37s 6d. snouiders, square, n to
14 lbs., nteadv. 32s. Lard American refined
in pans. Pienay, 3zs wi; pnmo western, m
tlorces, 30s, llrm. Tallow, prlmo city,
strong, 29s: Australian, In London, llrm,
29s 3d.
Butter. Ectr nnd Cheern Mnrliet.
nml irood United States, nominal.
CHEESE Firm; United States finest
white, GOsSdi finest colored, 62s 6d.
Firm; rood demnnd: fancy western cream
nrv. 25Uo: fancy western prints. 27c.
EGGS Firm nnd ',4c higher; fresh nearby,
154e; fresh western, ammc; rresn soutn
western. 1514c: fresh southern. 16c.
NEW YUKK, iMarcn a. jimr-.arj
Strong; fancy large white and colored, 13fl
Wiio; fancy small colored, nUflWjc; choice
grades, izaii-.ic; lanuy uniuu wiiiic, iu
Prenmerv. 20fl23c: dairy. 18c.
eggs very nrm: siock selling at pre
mlnm ns n rulo: freBh Missouri and Kansas
stock, 124c, cases returned; now white wood
cases luciuuea, jac.
Kniisnn City Grnln nnd Provision
May. 62,4c: No. 2 cash, hard, 63c; No.
fat.Mpi Nn. 2 red. 69fl70c: No. 3. 64flic.
CORN May. 3114c: cash, No. 2 mixed
31Ufl"31Vic: No. 2 whlto, 32c No. 3, 3l?ic
UATS-KO, ii wnito, HWU'liltK.
HVP IMn 9 Mi.
HAY-Cholce timothy, J9.25fl9.75; cholco
RECEIPTS-Whent, 42,300 bu.; corn, 27.400
bu.; oats. 10,000 buT "
SHIPMENTS v neat, b,iw du.; corn, ,iw
bu.; oats, uu. " '
MllwniiUoc' Grnln Mnrket.
MU.WAlTlfRR. March 3. AVI I EAT Ho
hlcher: No. 1 westorm 454514c; No. 2 north
em, 63'4fl6314c ,1, r.
11 Yi. i.t.e nicfiierc .ro. 1. uic.
BARLEY Steady u No. 2, 43c; sample, 3514
PEORIA, March'iJ.-CORN-Steady; No
WHISKY Ffrrrt.ibli, the basis of J1.21 for
llnlshed gooas.
SllnnrnnollH fWbent nnd Flonr.
store: No. 1 northern, Alnrcn, eio; May,
C3o; July, 65Jj6515o7On track: No. 1 hard
66c: No. 1 nortlipcn,, 64o; No. 2 northern
nulutli Grnln SInrkct.
DULUTH. March 3. WH EAT No. 1 hard
cash, 664o: May, 6716c; No. 1 northern, 6614
67c; July, 67a bid; No. 3 spring, 5Sftc bid.
Bout th 9 m mam tan
Ihi Kind You HivtAlwirs B0U.m
Betri the ( Ilw Kind You Have Always Bo
Bunth t
Tha Kind You Hate Alrrays souga
A Secret of 'IVinpcrlnw Steol by Which
Hi Wilt .Not l'rollt.
Dan Stocking of Fort Atkinson, Wis..
,H8 tho secret of tempering steel that was
believed to havo been lost with tho death
lhn .... (n , Tnlniln t.ln,ia
.nc makers of Uo ramous Toledo blades,
Ana this secret will die with him, for he
cannot tell how ho does It. It Is all In .his
head nnd finds expression In his work, bu
If ho wished to ho could not tell his procow.
Dan makes carving knives, not swords, but
tho knives aro of n quality so rare that tho
old Toledo sword Is tho only thing that Is n
fitting comparison. A few people In Chi
cago, New York, Cincinnati nnd .Milwaukee
havo knives mado by Dan which they would
not exchnngo for tho weight of tho knife
In gold, If nnothcr could not bo procured,
nnd tho knlfo l not light cither.
These carvers nro marvels. Their tomner
Is so fine that they will keep a razor edge
for years, with nothing liut a steel ns a
sharpener, nnd they nro a source of con
stant delight to thoso fortunate enough to
possess them, nnd a perpetual guaranty ot
good naturo In tho hend of tho household
ho docs tho carving. But tho knives arc
not on tho market and money cannot buy
them. That Is to say, ho docs not mako them
for every Tom, Dick and Harry who comes
along with tho prlco and wants a knife. Ho
only makes them for his friends and for
thoso who aro fortunnto enough to got a
friend to Intercede for them to havo Dan
mako them knives. To theso people he
charges n nominal price, which Is not In
tho least commensurate with tho value of
tho knife.
Dan Is about GS years old nnd has spent
nil his llfo on theso waters, Ho Is a blnck-
mlth by trade, knocked around tho civil
wur, acquiring in military servlco so much
rheumatism that ho cannot follow his trade,
though vory expert at It. Ho can temper
steel as no other man can and has plenty
f work tempering tools to cut stone, which
Is n great Industry here, but ho never has
work enough to interfere with his ,-tolng
down to Koshkonong every Saturday for
two days of shooting nnd fishing. Ho will
mako tho seven miles down to Sim Card's
placo If ho has to pull a boat all tho way,
and when ho Is thero ho Is In his clement,
no matter what tho seanon of tho year.
Dan has been making theso wonderful
carving knives for a great many years, and
ho can mako any kind of knlfo you may draw
him a plan of better than any ono else In
tho country, but ho cannot mako a business
of It. Ho would no moro think of having
two knives to make at tho samo time than
ho would of flying. It would disturb him so
that he could not mako any to havo threo
to finish at once. Ho has n proper prldo In
his work and tho knlfo when finished bears
I). Stocking" In bold lettering on tho blade,
and epicures who do dainty and artistic
carving nro proud enough to show u knife
with that Imprint.
Dr. Kranklyn H. Tower of Milwaukee had
a knlfo mado from a special design he drow
hlmsolf that Is the envy of nil his friends,
but they cannot get similar ones becauso
they do not know Dan Stocking. Postmaster
John A. Cbllds of Evanston has mado all
his club frlonds Jealous by showing thom
ono of Dan's carving knives, nnd Mr. Loudon
of tho Skinner & Loudon Arm In Cincinnati
has done tho snmo thing In tho Queen City,
while Georgo Taylor Is boasting of their
wonderful quality around Marinette.
Dan takes a proper prldo In making such
knives as no ono else can make, but If ho
should mako any money out of his knives
ho would bo miserable.
Incubators Are l'rotltuhle.
Onco In a great 'while," said President
Gllcrest of tho Des Moines Incubator com
pany, "you find an agricultural paper that
thrown out a llttlo fling at artificial Incuba
tion, but they aro few and far between and
are found only In tho far-back districts.
Tho period of education In tho UBe of In
cubators Is largely past. Now, tho averago
man or woman who wants to raise poultry
for profit does not stop to debato whether
an Incubator Is profitable or not; that ques
tion Is settled. The only question Is to get
tho best machlno for the. money. And on
this question, too. the peoplo nro becoming
Premium Offer
To Readers
Beautiful Pictures for the Home.
A Spirited
Battle Picture
Which wns awarded the prize medal
In the rnrls Salon. Cost 500.000.
This flno picture, ta 14 colors re
produces Hue for lino nnd color for
color, every detail of the original.
Famous Oil Painting
Is 22x30 inches and Is fit to ndorn
tho art gallery of a Vanderbllt.
You enn havo cither or both of theso famous paintings for 10c each and
S consecutive coupons cut from this advertisement In The Dally IJee.
These benuttful pictures havo never been sold for less than $1.00 ench.
The Bee has purchnsed several thousand as a special subscription feature,
thus making tho prlco very low for Hoc readers only.
THE BALLOON By Julien Dupre.
The subject trents of a Broup of p ensants In the harvest-Hold. Tho peas
ants have spent the morning raking a nd stacking hay, the sun Is at Its zenith,
not a breath of air la stirring, you can almost hear the bees as they buzz from
llowvr to flower, and nway oft In tho distance Is seen n balloon Moating ma
jestically In the clear, blue sky. Kvldently tho vlllngers are holding their
country fair, and a balloon ascension is ono or the features. Tho group con
8lsting of tho peasant nnd his family are In tho plcturesinio costutno of the
country. They have all stopped work and stand with their rakes In their
hands gnzlng Intently at tho distant balloon. Wonder, awe and admlintlon
nro blended In their expressive faces, and revealed In their attitudes. The
subject has been treated with those soft, mellow tints which Its nrtlst knows
so well how to paint, and recalls to tho mind nintiy Just such Incidents In utir
childhood life. It Is Justly popular, both on account of Its artistic (juallty and
deep human Interest with which It has been clothed.
ONLY 10c
Of SI. Detatllo'a Panioua l'nlntlnc.
"The Defense of
Thin pounon. with two others
consecutive dates nnd 10 cents, pre
sented nt tho neo otlleo entitles any
render of tho Heo to this beautiful
picture, 22x30 Inches. If you want
It mailed, send 10 cents extra for
tube, postage, etc.
If you send port or all In two-cent
Dot stick together. Address nil letters
rapidly odttcatcd; they know what constitutes
a good machine and how much It ought to
cost. Tho date Is past when they will pay a
big prlco for n soap box with an oil lam,-i
tacked to tho sldo of It. Consequently we
may expect In tho next few seasons to see n
good many of tho Inferior machines go to
tho wall. In our factory wo havo been
bending every energy to build tip a mechanic
ally perfect plant, filling It with machinery
especially ndaptcd to our work of making the
best possible. Incubator for the least money,
We go on tho snmo principle as the farmer
who Is building up n good farm, Wo aro
not afraid to plow under n llltlo 'clover,'
knowing that wo are making our business
better In tho end,"
February unit .Mnreh I'i;us.
Poultry breeders ought to know nnd most
of them do know, that eggs will not hatch
ns well In February and .March ns In April
and May. Sellers of eggs cannot chnngo
this, and nil their efforts to that end will
bo successful only In n very limited meas
ure. They havo a right to assume that peo
plo who order for delivery during theso
early months understand tho risk they aro
taking, and will not bo disappointed If n
poor hatch Is tho result. It occasionally
happens that tho eggs will turn out what
would bo regarded ns nu averago hatch In
May, but this Is not tho rulo, and It should
not bo expected.
After tho first of Juno many breeders of
fer to eell eggs nt half price, and thoao who '
buy them nro not likely to find any fault
with them on tho scoro of fertility. But
even nt half prlco they nro dear eggs, as I
coinpnred to thoso b'ught In March nml '
April nt full price. Still, If it Is the most
chicks ono Is nfter for tho least money ro
gardlcss of tho season Tn which they cincrgo
from tho shell, after the first of Juno Is the
tlmo for them to buy. Ho Bhould know,
however, that half n dozen April chicks of
tho heay or middle weight breeds aro worth
a full dozen and n half hatched In July.
Wlnterlnur DiicUh nml Goose.
In wintering ducks and gorso It Is very
Important that their houses should be warm
nnd dry, but of tho two dryness Is mora
Important than wnrmth. They will con
sumo moro food If tho house Is not warm,
and probably begin laying later In the sea
son, but this Is not as bad as a damp house,
which gives them cramps and rheumatism,
or that which Is enough Ilka It to bo called
by that name. They should havo plenty ot
dry straw In which to sit during tho night,
nnd It should bo changed frequently, nnd
certainly after every wot day when they havo
been traveling In and out with muddy feet.
On such a day as that clean out tho straw
and mud before letting them In nt night, and
give a clean bed, and plenty ot It, then shut
them In until morning. They do not bear
crowding any better than hens, nnd need
plenty of room. Nor 1b It well to havo too
many in ono house, as they will crowd to
gether and bo too warm when tho cntranco
Is closed.
Hun In Winter.
To secure eggs through the cold season It
Is necessary first to hatch the pullets so
thoy will begin to lay about October 1; sec
ond, keep no birds moro than 2 years old;
third, havo substantial, warm, but well
ventilated houses; fourth, nutritious and
stimulating food, with plenty of exercise.
Whether egga should be stamped with dato
of shipment Ls a question to be determined
by circumstances. Guaranteed eggs are bet
ter marked and this should bo dono by the
producer. Edward Ilrown.
One on (lie UriiKulNt.
Salt I.ako Herald: A Main street drug
gist tells this story on himself: Happening
to bo out nt tho house of n friend lie no
ticed a boy very busy with slnto and pen-
ill. "Seo here, my son." ho said, "I'll glvo
you n miestlon In profit nnd loss. I havo
a mixture down nt my store that Is com
pounded a" follows: A liquid worth 60
cent per ounce, n powder worth $ per
pound, n crystal worth 10 cents nn ounce,
to which I add two gallons of water which
I get for nothing. I sell tho mixture nt IS
cents per ounce. What Is my percentage
of profit?"
Tho boy thought for a moment nnd then
resiled: "It's no use, sir; that ls out of
profit und loss nnd Is Just plain swindle."
of The Bee.
In tho harvest field see for tho
time a balloon In the sky.
This Famous Painting,
owned by tho Metropolitan Art Mu
seum of New York, reproduced In
color and effect, ls 22x30 Inches, ls
uandromo and beautiful.
Of Dupre'a Mnrveloua I'nln tli.u,
This coupon with two others of
consecutive dates nnd 10 cenls, pre
sented nt tho lice olllco entitles any
render of the Ueo to this beautiful
picture, 22x110 Inches. If you want
It mailed, send 10 cents extra for
tube, postage, etc.
postage stnmps bo careful that thoy d
Wfccn other UU cotnuTt
mmi CHRQH13
W suaruntoo to euro all c&4 ourabl of
SEXUALLY. cured for Jlf.
JflGhtly Lmlulons, Lost Manhood, Hydrol
Verlcoccle, Gonorrhea, Olrot, Syphilis, fitrloV)
Wo, Plh, Fistula and Rooul Uloera tvd
All Private Diseases
and Disorder of Ma.
Consultation frco Call on or ivddreo
ittt s nth st. OH AHA.
Coated tongue sudden, darting pains
nervous-cold feet and hands-lull
headache pnlpntntlon of the heart Ir
ritable backache pain In side dlzzt-ness-ronrlng
lit tho head? Such uro
tho marks of Dyspepsia I
Hradlcntos all such troubles. It cures
all diseases of tho stomach nnd,
through tho stomach, nearly nil tho
Ills which mnn Is heir to, by renovat
ing nnd Invigorating the stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels nnd removing the
waste nnd poisonous particles which
clog tho body and wrecks tho stomach.
HKllIi'.S lltllKKHTAHIiK l'HOOF;
iti;v. tilOOHCI? HllOW.N,
Pastor Haptlst Church, Kmerson, In.,
writes: "I was In a vory distressed
condition from Dyspepsia. Food fer
mented In my stomach nnd a square
meal was n forerunner of agony. I
feared cancer of tho stomach, but Dr.
Kay's Hcnovntor straightened mo out,
so that I now havo 110 trouble.'
line iiuitlleil 11 n u Spring .Medicine.
'Just us nood" as Dr. Kay's ltenov
ANY ONK ANYWHlHli:. At drug
gists, or from us ut 2Jc nnd tl six for
J5. Addrens us for Kreo Advice, Sam
ple and Hook.
SnrntOKii Spring;, N. Y.
M. E. Smiih & Co.
T Imftfnmmi loktaraaf
Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods,
ryake, Wilson
SnccrnNnrs Wllnon fc DruUe.
Manufacture boilers, smoko stucks nnd
brecchlngs, pressure, tendering, sheep dip,
lard and water tanks, poller tubes con
stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought
nnd sold. Special and piompt attontlon to
repairs In city or country. 19th and Pierce.
U ester n E!GfrteaI
vv Compasiy
Electrical Supplies,,
Eleotrlo Wirlofr Bells nnd Una LijjMhfj
a. W, J0UN8T0N. Mrr. 1H "owr4
n merican Hand
1 V Sewed Shoe Go
M'frs Jobbers of Foot Wtar
wxstciiii iairami
Th Jotcph Banican Rubbar O
he American
GSiiGory Oe.
fra a4 Mauraeturtrt of all (rma el
Chloory Omh-lrTmont-0'Nll.
'he Omaha Safe
and Iron Works,
M&keiaipcclalty of
Ind Durxlar Proof Safes and Vuu t Poors, at
OIO 8. ltlh S.. Oinabx. Neb.
H. Davis & Son
Electric Ilydr.uilic und
Iltinu l.lcvdtoi-K
Elevator Snfety dates. Rlovator repair.
InB a specialty. Leather Valve Cups fol
Hlovators, Knglncs and 1'rlntlng Presses.
Davis & Cowgill Iron Works.
I.'OI, inillt nml irillft Jhi-Unoii Ktreef,
O11111I111, Xi-li. Tel. B!W.
K, y.abrlsklo, Agent. J. H. CowkIII, Mgr.
Telephone ina. Omnliu, No!j
Correspondence: John A. Warren Sc Co,
iJirect wires to Chicago and Nr Tori