Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1900, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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v i y
concerned about (he decency of the voters
the city.
Stlurdsy's Work Mainly Devoted to Gstting
Out the- Non-Rcpistercd Vols.
ltciiilllcitn 1 1 n 1 1 m Hold's Theitter
Toninrron I'.MMiliiu lift fa-li of linn.
ll Conec rillllK city II 111 pti I u II
nml (he ruinpitluiicrs.
The active work of tUo campaign ir
tually elojul Inat cvenim?, with the exeep
lion of tho republican rnlly that Is to be
hold tomorrow iiIkIiI at lloyd's theater.
Tho work yesterday un principally de
vokd to Retting out tho nqiireglstercxl vote.
Tho addition to tho roglitratlon wa un
uually larKC nearly 2,flno names having
been added.
As it rule, scratch under I ho surface ami
ou will Ilnd a personal motive or nit
imaginary grievance at tin- botlom of the
II. (' llnmmon, one of Omaha' early set
lift rfsldltm at 2958 Miami street, pays of
Fiank 1!. Mooree:
"I Omnlnt In 1S83 and have known
all of it limyom and wa well acquainted
with Frank K. Moores when he wag ticket
agent of the Wabash railroad. I voted for
him for clerk of the dlntrlrt court and have
bad thousands of dollar worth of dealings
with htm. I voted for him for mayor of
Omaha and myclf and four sons will vote
for him In the coming election for the reason
. thut he ha proved to bo the best mayor for
I the common people that Omaha ever had.
I I have never had occimlon to ask him for
any assistance, but If I should I am sure 1
would get It. I wish Mr. 1 H. Moores the
greatest succew In this election."
Modern systems of electioneering are nug
montlng t'nrlp Snm'n revenues materially,
ns tho mulls Just now nre being deluged
with npiwals to tho voters of tho respective
parti!", tho perhonnl iippwils of candidates
and lustrtictlonH from clut nnd committees.
Tho deluge hni caused an exress of work
at the postnl delivery heudiuarters. Friday
morning this class of work was responsible
for the fact that the carriers got away on
hostility to Mayor Moore. This In lru 1 their routc'M an hour or mote late anil Sat-
ft certain democrats, as well as republican
ii is especially trite of J. II. Mcintosh, who
has recently been endeavoring to bring him
.lf Into prominence by a repetition of h;
old tirade of abuse o,' Mayor Moorei. Wlt'i
flontllth. delight he roltorntin the llmllng:i
Inspired by himself, of his old running mate
nuu noon companion, Itoferce Clemens. At
urday morning they wero required to report
an hour earlier than usual to enable them
to handle the political prist and Ret It out
to Its Intended readers In time to avoid crit
icism of the postolllce.
Tho redoubtable Charley Fanning is nbout
to fprlng Ills nnmml retirement from pol-
ll.o bottom of his bitterness nnd Kali lies Hlc. At tho close of the present campaign
the fact that by tho nromnt action of Mavnr ! he says ho will enter tho employ of Hugh
Moorm ho ma a signal defeat in Kin?, i Murphy in tho contracting buslnewi In a
man's alley, nnd his inciica m 1 capacity that will permit of bis enjoyment
prevent the building of thn new ileum un. of ii'shuro of Hie prollls. Fanning says that
knocked In the heml. A II... f In tho course of two or three weeks he will
-Miivnr Mimnu' uLiinr. it... n.. bii out of politics permanently. In which
j -. ........ .... ......u,,, i in,iii(i ii nuc-y - -
was graded and a new foundation was placid l'venl an win ll,lvt' lo " ncw
under the KIiiRtnan building. While nre , financier to levy its assessments.
had caused both th. hitlld'tig and its now
foundation to illinppmr, the maRtiincent
Htructuro known as tho "Hurllni;ton Sta
tion" hIIII remulns as a tnunument lo tho
iltterprlne and nerve of Omaha's present
proRresslvo mayor.
An old soldier with the "Loyal I,glon"
htlttca In the lapel or his coat, referrltiR to the
World-Herald attacks on Mayor Moores, re
marked: "The old soldiers, with scarcely
an exception, propose to vote and work for
their old comrade, Frank U, Moores. Do
you ouppose that a story told In tho 'smoker,'
which never would have caused as much
tm a rlpplo of comment but for iiolltleal
reasons, is going to Inlluence the old sol
diers aR.tliist Frank U. Moores? Not much.
Wo know that Frank Ii. Moores loves the
Hug; ho foiiRht for tho llag; his llrst vote
for president was cast In camp for Abraham
Lincoln; his firm acquaintance with Wil
liam McKlnley was on tho battlefield ; he
Is as bravo nnd true u soldier ns over drew
a aword for his country and his old com
rades are not going to now dcner! him."
"Did you notlro that viaduct pier as we
turned the corner nt Sixteenth street? re
marked a patron of the Leavenworth Htreet
car lino. "It does me good to see those
Immense Mtnno blocks being moved Into
place, bearlnR ns they do such solid evi
dence of tho early completion of the miiR
nlllccnt steel viaduct for Sixteenth street,
which Is o much needed. And do you
know," ho continued, "that If young Mr.
I'opplototi had been mayor of Omaha you
would not sco that viaduct under way? No,
not by a Rood deal; Iho obstructionists
would luivo got his ear and he would rather
listen to a kicker any tlmo than to u wide
nwako citizen.
".lust say for mo," continued tho speaker
ns he swung from the car at the Intersec
tion of Far mi in street, "that It Ih duo to
Mayor Moores and his nerve nnd enterprise
that obstructionists wero relegated to the
renr and that wo hnvo two maRiilllccnt de
pots already completed anil a splendid via
duct system now under way."
.luiluc of slate Clreull Court Hi-fuses
Him Hull I'emlliiU' UN ( omiilliiiiee
Mltli Order of C t Court.
SIOCX FALLS. S. D., March 3. (Special
Telccram.) As the result of the heniinR
ordered by the etatc supremo court In tho
contempt proceedltiRS agnlnst 12. J. Tuber,
a loc,al banker, who was rlued $30 by Judge
Wilkes of tho county court for contempt
becauso ho refused to transfer tho McClellan
extuto to n tocently appointed administrator
and who has been In custody of the sheriff
ncndltiK payment of tho line. Judge Jones
of the stnto circuit court today rendered n
decision, refusing to admit Taber to ball
pending bis compliance with the order of
tlio county court requiring him to transfer
tho estate.
OMAHA, March 3. To the Wheelmen of
tho City of Omaha: I dcslro to sound a word
of warning. You will all remember tho
long, bitter light we had over ,what was
known a, tho bicycle lamp ordinance, which
was forced on to tho wheelmen, as we be
llove, through tho efforts of tho paid at
torneys of the lamp manufacturers.
It has been said that Councilman Myron
I). Knrr, who Is now u candidate for re
election, was against the wheelmen In that
light. I dcslro to brand any such statement
ns being absolutely false. Mr. Karr did
everything In his power to defeat the pas
rage of said ordinance, also to have the
same repealed after it had finally been
passed and approved.
Mr. Karr has always been a friend of the
wheelmen. It was principally through his
persistent work that what Is known as
tho Florenco bicycle, path, which has been
such n great source of pleasure to Omaha
wheelmen, was constructed. So let us not
forget those who by trial have shown them
selves to bo our friends.
.VknIkim iin Mmle to County lll'lt-
tuien for Hie Coiuluu Summer.
SIOUX FALLS. S. I)., March 3. tSpeclal.1
- 12. 12. Collins, stute superintendent of pub
lie Instruction, has Just completed his as
sifrnments or Instructors of county lustl
tuttu for the coining summer, as follows:
I. D. Aldrlch, Mllbank; J. F. Armstrong,
Fuulktnn; A. 11. Avery, Woonsocket; b
L. Ilrown. Centcrvllle; W. (!. Ilurkhend
Mllbank; (i. O. Clark. Yankton; II. K,
Clark. Tvndall: W. It. Davis. Clark; W. H.
Dempster, Madison; J. F. Doderer. Cham
berlaln; Kdwin Dukes, Huron: S. A. r2mery.
Itcdfield; J. S. Frazee, Springfield; H. 12.
French, Klk I'olnt: 1-2. T. Fitch. Aberdeen;
W. W. Olrton, Madison; 12. M. Oreen, l-2gan
F. II. Hoff, l'lankinton; C. 12. Holmes, Sioux
Falls; 12. W. Hyler. Huron; .1. Jones, j
Vermillion; It. F. Kerr. Ilrooklngs; (1. W.
Kephart, Vermillion; M. A. Lunge. Salem;
tt i t iin,,i.i nit,., r II l.llrVl-
I II. I. UaiiilUC.'. lkllUM 1'J, l. l'tJM
. Parkston: W. W. M.igoun, Itodlleld; F. C.
McClelland. Sioux Falls; It. 12. McClcnon
Mudlson; M. A. Miller. Wtbster; (5. W
Nash, Yankton; A. W. llorton. Sioux Falls.
F. A. I'.ingborn, Faulktou; C. M. l'lnkurton
Lead City; F. C. l'opham. Salem; J. A. Hop
Valley Springs; I). F. Small. Armour; (J. M,
Smith, Vermillion: H. M. Stevens, Knpid
City; A. M. Steyer, Ilryant; L. A. Stout
Mitchell; Alexander Stracban. Dcadwood
S. S. Townsley, Vermillion; J. 12. Tschantz,
Doll Haplds: A. 11. Tattle, Alpena; H. f
Utley, Tyndall: K. J. Vert. Yaukton; L. J
Walters. Ilrooklngs; N. fi. Wnrk, Water
town; U. H. Wheeler, Ilowdle; O. O. Wll
Hams. Watcrbury; C. M. Youhr. Vermll
lion; 0. W. Youiir, Sturgi?.
Thomas Harrington, the fusion candidate
foi councilman from tho Third ward, has
taken occasion In several ot his nttempts to
talk at public meetings to exprens the hope
that "there are enough decent people In the
clt)" to securo hlb election. TIiIb may sound
h llttlo tough on rho groat majority of the
voters of the city, but It was not so Intended,
perhaps, by Harrington. He merely sough'
by this exprcfslun to disparage the claims
of bis opponent, Harry I). Xlinmau. If a
comparison of the two candidates wero
poufclble, Tom Harrington would not be n
moiety the gainer thereby. Harry Klmmitn
Is a bright young man, a graduate, It Is
said, of the Omaha schools, who nan held
h responsible position for years with Olad
stono Co., which he never could have held
had he not been nn Industrious, Intelligent
and honest young man. What about Tom Har
tiliKlon, who is so sollcltoiM about the
decency of tho voters of Omaha? Ho has
been assewor In the Thlid ward, and h
reported to have been a thrifty oue, but hl3
t hi If t has not been of a character to appeal
to tho decency of the taxpayers nnd voters
of the city. Numerous Instances are re
ported of tho acceptance of gifts by him of
jewelry and clothing from property owners,
whose belongings he wan called upon to as
sess, and in oue Instance In particular hn
Is teported to have demanded MS from a
property owner as the price of his kindlier
In omitting that owner's holdings from the
list. It Is small wonder that Harrington
After Much Deliberation Jury Eeturns
Verdict of Kanilaujhtcr.
llefeuilMlil 1 it I it I fi I it IIU Vei'te llillt
He (ioev to Telephone M. ml
vh to Ills I 'ii 1 1 li f it I Wife,
Wli en He Ureal. Doitn,
t'nlcL.s John Shannahan secures a new trial
or obtains relief from the supreme court.
penitentiary stripes await him In exnlntlon ,
of the double killing which occurred In his 1
South Omaha saloon July 13, last year.
At the close of a week's trial on the charge
of taking the life of l-2d Callahan, a Jury 1
In Judgo Ilakcr's court has found Shannahan I
guilty of manslaughter. The penalty is fn m
one to ten years In the penitentiary. Judge
nakcr tins not yet pronoutr'od sentence.
A peculiar phase of the ease Is the fact
that when Shannahan was tried n few
weeks ago for killing 12d Joyce, who was
Callahan's pal, the Jury found liliu not i
guilty. Iloth men were killed nt the snme !
time and placo and under exactly the same j
circumstances. Tho evidence In each i
siparnto trlol was Identical. Tti shn'rt. the
trial on the Callahan charge was In every I
respect n duplicate of tho trial for the death i
of Joyce.
Sh.itinaban set up tho plea that he shot
Joyce and Callahan in self-defense, thnt he
believed them to be highwaymen, and that
after they bad made an attack upon him his
suspicions were confirmed and he began to
Mi n ii n it him llreukN llintii,
Throughout both trials and un to the t'me
Shannahan was taken to Jail after the
verdict, ho maintained surprising calmness.
His wife, who Is seemingly greatly devo'ed
to him nnd who sat In the court room with
him through tho greater part of his trial.
was not present yesterday when the
verdict was rendered. As n deputy sheriff
led Shannahan to Jail he remnrked that he
must telephone the news to Mrs. Shannahan ,
who was at homo In South Omaha. It was
when he undertook this message that his
nerve deserted him. For several minutes his
emotion so overcame hii.n that he could
scarcely speak. Tho poor woman at tho
other end of the Hue was equally dis im
ported, although sho made a brine eflort to !
cheer her husband. Court huuso spectators '
have frequently remarked tho constancy of
Mrs. Shatinahau. She Is a plain Utile (
woman, whoso appearance denotes demesne i
Inclinations. Shannahan has no property.
Tho saloon he operates Is said to be owned
by u brewery. At one tlmo he made
ullldavlt that he w.ih too poor to omplo a
Inwyer to defend him.
The caso went to tho Jury at 5:30 o'clock
Friday afternoon and a verdict was brought
In at 11 o'clock a. m. yesterday. The Shau
tiahans hae a bright baby boy who Is Just
learning to talk plainly, and ho was the
center of attraction In thu court room during
a part of the trial. Shannahan was out on
bond previous to trial, but since the verdict
is against him he is locked In a cell.
Great March Furniture Clearing Sale
Ati titv.i'offiitloM of values In lioincftii'iiisliiims never before show u trnh the greatest Altuvli Clenring Sale ever limugiiriiteil. Remember we
sell furniture on the easy payment plan, .is w.-ll us cloaks and uiillinerv! liver thing on the main floor nml in basement is sold for cash only.
.".-I'IKi i: PAltl.Olt SUT -dm
I i nlTeil. imhnlstc re, I In
IUm i t.ipt ti , w- rth hp
-Mm li rii tiring O'J
t.U- I'tf.e ... . '5.rjU
1 lilVAN-upholstercl In iir t i xtrv . tufted
lii( k. covered' frame, worth
yi- March Clearing rw
s.ti. im,, oni ... 4.yu
i.n m i : i . i : i Tiiw i:i. his'h
.'ilYiiint i idols worth in.,
h tie i rltiur O,,
S.i ! I'M e VC
lit i' l I. It -o ik or muling in
tin!-, i. olle or miro"ti frotm,
SIM II I line, Wortll $N ll
Mi,u,,,v1;v,.H,,,r io.9()
iMiritLK nnnll ItiiiiK
'.tu:-:. ft. 7 in. high. :t rt.
7 In wlili four nlci l lui
Nln d ml billable shelves,
hlghh poll'lied. JlTi.'-i x.iltie
M in li I'll ,1'i'ij f "T
Sale Price . . ViO
.MI.I'Al.l.loN W ALL I'HI K
LTS er ! it di'lgnv
w mi tli $1 no M.iti li IQn
Clearing Sali' price 'VL
iiovai. ti siii.ini: stovk
Kll.l T;l 111 i il to inn ! -ie I
r. unlar "i l. Ji ."in
M.irc b I'll irme O AO
Sale l'rlee iV
FANCY PAltl.lMi S':T
in.iboKiinv tlnliiil or o.ik
il.uv foot .1 Mil p.iml i irxed
man s oilil ilelgn $17
11 U A It P A N 1 CHINA
I'LOSHT-golden onk itmr-
ter-nweu 1 r e n i li imtoiit
value-M.-r. b C) OH 4SP,. mirror l.eaullful .1.-
Clearing Sale Ptii e . V.VU fvjM WfSv? wlSfe V?$NiiPW worth JIMiv Man h
CIIHVAL MIHUiiK ViiXr' Clearing Sale OO S()
...ik or timhonMiiv frame- fMi-) 1 'r'j.e mv e..v- ..
Freiieb patent plaf- worth W.-r'- ---"-rJf J OAK KNTHNSION TAHLI! Mtm h Clear- i i sn 1) f i " " r.! . J"1'-. J''K'
Ing Sale Price . .. I1'"" " w ortb JH ,V- Man b g Ql)
tt.ttiniK- I'o.ep imi';u. - i a e . n r-i i Cleurh ir Sale Price
ff A A -I- All I
' . I . . . . v si. I . . , r . . m ..... . ........ 111 i.lliuni til t 1 1 WllllWll MA 1 11 Hi A NY ( H 1 1' ! (INI 1.IC
Clenrlns Sale Prl. e . 1 Oilil kM,.n,.. . f oo.,1wm drawer- fancv patent
OAK UI2Ci:iTI(iN CHAIIJ uwn, uim ,,late inlrmr swell ilruwer
:t illlTennt pattetn-maliog- Of lllllllii'lll)y lltllslieil fi'tim( tiphnNte etl ill
tiny lliilsli-itlcfly upholstered two tllld tlil'eo tune vein it's, well iiimle titul
ffiriiiBlPriVr 3.24 t.Miuniiitee.1. Th were on dUHay all .lay
iinwi'iii' ui'iit.'i'vo t ...h yesterday in ""if llitn street wiiulow. ltccti-
...i..... .,,.. i. , , . Ail..,. . .. .. i.
till' price is ?i -.uti'-eu v leurunj itto
ptett d sign Worth ?!'("
M.m li (ienrlng 4 l
fold ft. il lii. high, slightly
ilalimgeil and siioi worn
sold regulaliv tor Jo .iO
Miireb ticiiting o AO
Sale l'rlee ' UJ
ni:i L(irNCii:-iipiioi-ter. .1
In blue, maroon or given
worth SIT- Mali li f tf
Ch.irllu: Sale I'l l, e . ViVU
:' PICTI ItlOS I7'.'l-ii large
Mtiet of siibleets and
frames regular price Jl.TiO
3lan li t Li it Ing
Sab- Prli e
Sale I't'iei
LAIUHS' S12W1M1 HlH'K 1-3 1 S
eobblcf am' lirilee
n rtn worth ft aii March
Clearing Sale VIOf'
(Mail oi'tlet's Illicit.
Agents for lleywooil (airritiges
mid flu-fiirta.
79c Itcpatrs at lowest prioos. Over 200 styles.
rnillll" ttleeh laiUetei
woi tli jmh Man li i
Cl.nrln Sali- PH. e -
laci.hup: iiicvci.iis one
piece hanger, en en trie i lialn
adjusters detach ill. prm h
etM Wutson niitoiiiiili -''a'
post bubs w lib li""' koiit
axles for men ?0 ())
tllitl women. onl -'"x
kit mm Kits' sn. i n
WAHK Knives and r.nK
let jdiited wate tint l
Wortll i a set
March Ce.irlng 111
Slle I'tn i- . IV
HKl IttH.M SI IT S-l 1
o.ik. large dteer .'tx-' l
el plate mlt rot, IJ-ln. i top
wot th .' i
March Clearing iu sn
Sale priie. IO.OU
titlc ttlaliogan tlmst
swell, drawi r ill en I i
oal mirror. $ll '" il
Mitlcli Clearing "7
Sate Price iJ. O
M-plece Tea Sets, th , . ,
muted Ware, ass.rtid ml r
worth ten dollars 4y8
Iirge size etni-i;t'uioo
Kwers nnd ltasln
l 0t value
I'lltllllV slT.e W.l-ll
stronglx ttiadi
Clothes HafJ ." It
high, wotlli x'h otil .
I )ak Towel Itolli I
worth I fn onl
Oak Towel Mm
Mo llatidli s ooU
Cam 1 'Inl i 'ill' -l..itgi
Milk strntn. r-
. 9c
It it VI(iM-l) lli:it)lti: .11 DC. I'. IIAWKlt.
Alleueil i:ll-Doers llrouulit Into
Crliuliiiil Court to I'.ntec I'lens.
Arraignment dny In the criminal court
brought out a largo list of defendants. Those
who pleaded not guilty to the charges en
tered against them wero an follows: John
Martin, grand larceny; Henry Olson, as
sault; George Headon, forgery; Hlchard Al
len, daylight breaking; William Jones, us
sitult to rob.
Louis Knupp pleaded guilty to forgery, bill
sentence baa not yet been pronounced.
George Ayers. charged with burglary and
larceny, withdrew a previous plea, of not
guilty ami entered a idea of guilty. He is
a youth and was sentenced to Industrial
school at Kearney.
Put Crawford acknowledged himself guilty
of Iurceny and was given a year penitentiary
Charles Davis pleaded guilty to daylight
breaking anil was sentenced to sl months
lu jail.
ei)imlli a-counters.
Big Notion Sale Monday
l'iir ( ii id Hooks nml Kjcs.
I'm- roll of Tupe. north .'to.
for Spool of Thread.
I'or iIommi I'eurl HuHoiis.
I'or I'll lr Corset l.liees.
I'or Two Ciilils Dill'lllnw Wool.
. 1 -
These unit huiliH'ods ol oilier values
great have populai'lzoil onv notion.
Big Notion Sale Monday
lloen nickel plated safety liliu for .
II 'V of bull' pills, all kinds for
Mo' n kid cuilers, worth Oc. fot
l.nnnie eil stocking diirncr- fi r
i "teel tracing wheels, tie kind or
lard lilas elveteett only
Careful inspection will
reveal the fact that your
(Iresd findings are cheap
est when purchased here.
March Sale Embroideries-Laces
i.i i,..t.. nt ew oi'ii aui'tlon eii
able-, lis to olTet- bili'CallH ill embrolderi-H
au.l twos that sli mltl Intorost ovory liouso
keoiiof in Oinalia anil vicinity.
Lot 1 I'.mbroldcrlcw worth 15c a yard.. I'1
Lot 2-Umliroldorles worth 12'ie a yard..
Lot ;l--i:mbtollleries wortll 'JOc a yard..7'2c
Lot I-Kiubtolilerles wortll 2..c il ard..l"r
Lot r i:mbrolilerle worth 3ac a yard 1
Lot f.-Kitibroblcrlcs worth MIc a yanL.l'ic
Tho Orlontul Lueos ooino In both oei'ti atitl
white. Tnu patterns aro oxttotiu'ly pretty
anil dainty iIosIbih, all widths Fivo lots at
5c, 7ic, lc, 15c and 19c Yd.,
Worth just double.
Tito Torchon Laces aro beyond description
tho stvles and nattcrns aro very lidtnofous
six lots.' dmiblo values In every instance
lo, 2c. 5c, "c anil 10c ai d.
The Valenciennes Laces include every .Uolrablo width, and the patterns are
vi ry rare. Ilemember. you get two yards for the price of one. Seven lot-lc, -c,
3c, 5c, "'c, 10c and Li1.'.
LI Cli
vt; vist
u r.i.i.v.
ltenii to lloli I'oslolllee.
SIOUX KALIS, R. O., March X (Special.
After several monthf' tiulet In tho post
olllco robbery lino Information rouchcH hero
that unknown partlin a few nlshts ago at
tempted to rob tho postolllce at IlrooUltiKS.
The hulldliiK was entered nnd the safe
drilled In two places, but an attempt to
blow off the safe was unsuccessful.
Tho bui'Klars, when they had progressed
this far In their operations, probably feared
discovery and lied without leaving any clue
to their identity.
CiinnmieetliiK Utiles et.
AI1EKDKKN', S. I)., Mnrch 3. (Special.)
Tho directors ot the Tacjtna l'ark associa
tion have llxed upon tho following dates,
Juno 27 to July 1 inclusive, for the holding
of the HUtuiuer popullrt enmpmceting or
Industrial encampment. Noted speakers will
be arranged for and every effort made to
make the session fully as Interesting and
liniortant us lust season. Jt Is doubtful
If llryan will be among the Attractions.
Irrigation sel le on Toot.
UAYVLINS, Wyo , March 3. (Special. t
A scheme Is on foot here to establish a largo
irrigating system to Irrigate a great plntenu
between Kort Steele and Saratoga nnd North
park. Colorado. The plan Is to take water
from the Pintle river and convey It through
a big canal to the lands to be Irrlgnted. If
this Is dono thousands of acres will bo re
deemed for proiltuble cultivation.
Aliened lloiliezler I'hIIs lo I'lnd
Itoiidsmeo ii n llllsll.v us i;ieeted.
KrederlcU S. Kelly, the alleged embezzler
of $0,0011 from the Phoenix Insurance com
pany, which he represented In this city a
cashier a few years ago, sat In the private
olllco of Sheriff Power all day Friday wait
ing for the bondsmen who did not come
At night he was sent back to Jail and is still
there. Kelly Is visibly disconcerted over
the failure of hltt friends to come promptly
to tho rescue. lie Btlll expects to give bond,
but his hope of immediate releufe beems to
bo shuttered. Negotiations are still In
Kelly's mcalH nro set veil by n hotel, where
his wife luiB upartmcntM, that arrangement
having been made upon his arrival In Oniha.
Mrs. Kelly, who Is u bride of four months,
evinces great devotion for her huidund. She
seldom visits the court house, however, on
arcount of the notoriety resulting from her
appearance there.
AS 5
What a chestnut
Wool (iroers' Kleellou.
H.WVLINS. Wyo.. March 3. (Special.)
The Carbon County Wool drawers' associ
ation held Its annual meeting Wednesday
and re-elected all of tho old ofllcers. Tho
members of tho association were urged to
use their 'best endeavors to form a stnto
association for mutual protection and gain
admittance to tho National Association of
Wool Growers.
IIiikIiicss nt I. ii ml Olllee.
UiminiJHN. S. I)., March 3. (Special.)
lluslness at tho United States land ottlco
for the month of February was compara
tively light. Thet'o were 20 homestead en
tticw. embracing 3.7S3 acres; 23 final proofs,
3.l't aires,' 5 timber culture proofs, U
nciTs. i tie soldier declaratory, the llrst one
in years.
"Iluirnlo" ooiies' i'.iiu . litimloneil.
WASHINGTON. March 3. The houso
committee on public lands has acted ad
versely on tho proposition to establish a
buffalo preserve of eleven townships In
Nov Mexico nnd stock It with a herd of 100
or the.c .inlmalj to be given by C. J. Jones
of Kansas. A tubntltuto committee wan
appointed to prepare a bill grantlns a
smaller tr.nt for a buffalo range as a pri
vate NitnrprWe and ut a rental.
none are "as good ns" tho new
nt y It (icsMer's Magic Headache
Wafeis, 10 cents a box t) doicsi.
all druggists.
Si ti. I 10 fo- suni'de box to M i
ill r.iu I tiiiiniiiinii' . n- i .11 . h -
gist does 11 it ki-p them (gj
.SI1PTI (ii:xAIIIAN WW Willi,
Nimv tiiiurilliiii iioluleil for .lohu
lxinll.or I uiler Cerlulu Conditions,
Mrs. L'JUlse Kochanowskl. the guardian of
her fnthrr, John Kudlzor, appeared bifoto
Judge Vlnsonhuler vesterdny to answer
allegitlnns of cruelty to her charge. Tills
action was tho result of Information filed
with the court Friday afternoon. The evi
dence showed that Mrs. Kochanowskl has re
fused to allow her father to mnke his home
with her. although that obligation was a
stipulation In connection with her appoint
ment ns guardian. Judge Vlnsonhaler ds- j
ehurged her and appointed Julius Socha. an
other relative, to the vacancy.
John Kudlzor. 77 years old, was In the
court room. He Is the patriarch who a few
days ago attempted to secure license to
marry a 15-year-old girl. The child's par
ents were willing, and but for the Interfer
ence of tho old man's relatives tho ll.'enso
would hnvo been Issued. In passing on tho
caco Judge Vlnsonhaler announced that un
less the new guardian Is faithful to bis ob
ligation In every respect ho will rovoko the
order of guardianship nnd permit the sep
tuagenarian to marry his child sweetheart.
The aged Kudlzor has property valued at
$5,000, and ho had previous to the guardian
ship action announced his Intention to trans
fer It to the girl ho proposed to mart-). Ills
rolntlves declaro him mentally Irresponsible
Ml 111 f) lines to llospillils,
FUANKI.1N. Pa., .March ll.-Shortly .ifter
the eleet'nn lion, .lose.ih Sibley, as
KrMMiiaii from the Twenty-seventh district,
untu tinenl that he would divide his salurv
lor his term heiwci n the live hospital in
Ills" district. In fulllllment of this nromli-e
tho olllciuls of the projected hosidtal In
tills city have received a check for Jl.iioO
from Congressman Sibley, and 11 clink for
the snme amount was received bv each of
the hospltitU at Oil City, Warren, Ilrad
ford and Kane. At tho end of hi- turn
each hospital will luie receive I $2 i 1
WMle .Mr. Sibley represented Mi Krle
Crawford itlstrUt he took similar netlon
with hi' Kilni'v, dividing it uin-wig iho
labor oruanlzuiluns of the dlrtrUt.
1'omler Hill lUplodes,
ROCHKSTKH. N. V., March :l.-News has
reached here of u ttrrlble exidonlon wliKh
oi etirred at the Hand powder mills at Oak
Itldge, .Uiout lx mill's eHHt of Plttsfoi I
ettiilj, probably fatally Injuring l'rt I
Iluh iltz, un i iniiloye, and causing the oe-:-u
mt Ion of iiiitny ions c. .n,'d r and ,i
valuable building.
t'mn eotlon ol I'.leet rlen I Coiitriietocs.
IMTrSIU Itii. Mareli 3 A cull for a con
vention ' ill tho eleetrhal contractors In
the l'titted Stutes to be held In this cltv
on Mmi h iti b.' been Usued by the Pitts.
'hurt F H-trlrul Contr.u tors' nvnel.itlnn : ; , ,
1 ti i t f iho utii ntioii Is to I 'I'l'iiiispoi l'M l.iiuueli i:plodes,
ionic 'i'f 1lc .i in irseiuicn' nnoii t I FIlW 'Si "). .l,ir 1 ' I e o"
I furmatloti of i "iibmc of th- elr ni ,it t- . , rt II k ''ew a n-s u k
I H id' limisi and I' i pribabli eUai l"g ' t icl,i serloesl Inurlm. tw." ef tl'e crrw
MAHBABaA of rrr'f on m.Uir'.u An rffert will belli is I -: ie i 1 t i.u It i rollers hud been a.
IVIVIVIW vlVv'11 I inailo to form a national oruanlzatlcru lowed to run dry, Tnc launch did net uik,
far' i"?ltf I
i ft"" i
March Sale Silk Ribbons
A b'g purc'luiso of Hibbous rociMitly
made lias arrived. Tho outlro is
now on sale. Phis lot includes
riilk and satin ribbons of ovory shade
and ovory width also fancy colored
ribbons in choicest patterns and do-
signs. uaiL price aim loss is wnab we
bought them for and that's the way wo sell Ilium. Hero
is the way we priced thorn:
u, I miliums, north i!e jui'il. .'t-le
No. - Itllilioiis, nortli le jllld.. -e
No. I Itllilion, north lie jllld.. tie
No. ,". Itllilion, vvortli tie mil.. le
So. 7 Itllilion, wortll Hie Jiinl, . .'e
These eoliiiuinillve pliees nre 111
this ltmiIo til' silk a ml Mil 1 1 li ribbons.
No. II Itllilion. i orili IUe j u ril . . lie
No. I- Itllilion, north l.'e iilnl, . To
No. lit llllilioii, north 'Jlle uril.. tie
No. '-- Itllilion. north -.".e n ill . . Hie
No. Ill llllihon, north illle urd.. l.'e
e iiiiies you arc naked eveiywlieie I'or
Dress Goods Sale Big Purchase from Lord & Taylor
V hist received a tine lot of choice ch ess fabrics. They were bought of Lord & Taylor at about line on the dollar. The designs are rare
and very exclusive. No better fabrics are made than the Lord ,V Taylor kind-thercfore you do not need a second invitation to attend this sale.
Colored Dress Goods
Black Dress Goods
Ci-ii)ch All Wool Kronen SerRo only, yard
l.',-lnch Mohair Novelties the Mc quality, yard
,1-iuch all wool Venetian Cloth for, yard
Very stylish for tallor-tnailo unltH.
A handPome line of Illack Mohair Crepons. double blister,
at. per yard
.. Illle
. LSI)
The very beat Kiiftllsh Victoria Cloths anil Venetians, the
ii 00 grade for 1-1 '
IM-lnch heavy Jap. Silks, all colors, 40c
20-Inch heavy Illack 1'eau do s-ole.
value '3t"
io-lnch Storm Sew, very heavy, SOc quality l!)c
10-Inch Heverslble Plaids, all wool, HOe value illlc
r.8-lnch Oolf Cloth, all wool, the $1.00 Krade '. illli
45-Inch Whipcords, all the new shades for street costumes,
worth $1.2.1 yard, only T.)i
41-Inch French DlaBiual I)u dene, Just Imported, nnthltiK neater
for street wear soj them before purehanltiK. Hie tesular
$1.25 crude, for
Kino Taffeta Silks, sprltiK Bhades..
27-Inch Illack Satin Duchesse, $12,ri
Hot of 0O Koyal tLC
Hello l luufs
tloou smoker
l!o of &" Hoss
L'lnrs. nickel
Ulnd, only
liiu tinod I iuuts ,
In tiu, wot III J t I
. .10, OIII
Itiittleax Plus 0 4-,
Tobucco, only , J IH
tier lb
llilkn's Mlxtuie 1
Sinokliot Tobacco, JofJ
per puekuKe ....
March Sale Men's & Women's Shoes
A Continuation of the 1'hunomciitil Values that Urotiuht and I'ieaseu tne i.iowus naiuiiuij
The Men's Shoes include tho linost
calf shoes niado, also onamolH. This lot
u-i ontirely now and represents tho makes
The Women's Shoes aro the linost
vici kid shoes made silk vesting and
kid tops, hand turned and wolt, all
! 5
oi the best known fnetorUs in
tdai k and tans, newest styles
and toiu, worth from $2.50 to
$4 50 a pair your choice for
only $1.85. We have nil sizes.
stylcn and ioch maile bv
such famous makern as
HardltiK & To.ld. Selz.
Schwab & Co., shoes that
are worth up lo $1.00 n pair
all sizes choice $1.05.
Candy Dept
Lemon Droits, l b II tl.n -oih,
lief pound, 7 Ac
onlv -w
I'urumcls nil lluvoth,
nicely wrapped. (c
per Hi. oiil
Sheet Mnsic
Several buinlicil copies of
U)i- Sbei t Mush on s.ili .
III. luillni; t'hli ken mi the
llraln. .M Jliiiinah l.a.iy.
eti . et.
chub e olil
Corset Sale
Womon'i well tnatlo eorst'ts full bnnoil,
two sido stools, worth fully Hie
stilo iifico cJC
C'or.stit wulsts, woll tiiiule. oxtni
jjootl muility, worth oUc. t.ulo .... it5C
Hustles, till sizes, itiiulo ill various
styles, worm out-,
tiiilo prico
'I'liere nre still it jji'out iiiiiny of tluxe
Sample lliinilUeicliIet's left. The nrljil
mil .iiiioiiut vjs l'.' The lot Inclinles
men anil women's title 1 lillldlierclilel's of every tlesei'lptloii. Yon cull net
.'! of I for the price of one. Seven lii
lots, ns follows:
3c, 5c, 7 Ac, 10c, 12 Ac,
15c and 19c.
arch Sale Spring Suits & Jackets
I; misses'
:e 'I'll Hot'
Your choice ol' HI new Spring Tnllor
P'tide Stilts. In (iinicl's liaii. worth S
on sn'e for
Your choice of7."i nil vy lilue nml lilucl; misses'
'rtilloi'-miKle Suits, linihlcil ilCCOl'tlllle; in
the Idlest unities of Cushion su.titi
Vitlues -for
Your choice of ,N7 eMi'it line storm serjre Th ilnr
niiKle Suits lilue anil liluck-lniiltletl.
lio. pleat hacks worth .si:i..rill
stile price
Your clioi.'e of 'J."il Itlitck Silllll IMlcll
esse Silk Waists, eleaiii looUIni;, new
esl styles, worth ."!"..". sale price
Your choice of 7." cxl ni line Moluili'
I'rcpon Skirls -all the newest modes -
wortll .rJ.oii -only
Your choice of I'm Illle Kei'sev Sjit lllK
.luckets In tans and hlue lined
tlitoiiKliout -wortll .yil.."i" sale prlct
Women's Gloves
Women's lino kid jlovos various styles,
slightly soiled, worth 1 .00 and Or
l.fiO a pair, to clear only
Fine .lorsoy (i'ovos for wonion, 4
woll maiio und worth 2"io a imlr . . . IOC
The "I'ninillo" (Jlovo Is the ro'iilar
tlollui' kind, mailo ol lino kid, ft
nowest f Initios, per pair VC
Tho Montfot'd kid hvos nro tho fjiuir
nnteed kind.nuwoat shades, eqiiiil 4
to any 1.50 "love in city, only . . , 1UU
Hosiery Sale
Womon's fancy hoso.vory t;ood
qimlltv, worth 'Sm ti puir
Women's flno hose, silk emhroitl- -ofcd,
.'l."io values for aOC
Children's lino ribbed hose, extra.
ood tiiallty, loo kind for "C
Wash Goods
A nice showino- of
new spriiiji tulVs--wo
(,uote a few specials for
Monday - -
Fine. Dimities, choice
imtterra, lic (f,
(luality, yard
.ephyr diii!;hiiin. tho
ice kind, on '
sulu Monthly J1W
Madi iis cloth, new spr'e;
uaitein nil A -fix
iiiliiis lse I '
'onds . . ' "
IJitnitios Flciif do Len
lmttei'iis 4 Tf I
2."e trrurto.
March Sale Linens, Domestics, Linings Etc
Hair Dressing
Wo wish to will the
intention 'f the Indies
u! iinalin to out' Jlalr
I)iesiii' and Muniour
itiii I'at'loi'i on the sec
ond llnoi . All work Is
i,'uui'autcod llrst da's,
expert attendents beinpr
in i hat'oe. Our iii'leos
- Ik ac in mind - tiro
the lowest.
Switches of All Kinds
llair llrossln.' 1HC
Mauii-iii wt Otsri
only OW
Itcmnnnts of I.onsdale Cambric
very i?oud (ualliy, JL C
yard -l
lfi-lnch TowellnR, Iho.'ic
kind, per yard
St.tndnril Lining, sold resularly at
... a yard, on sale Mon
day for
! l'ercallno Dress
I.lnltiK, per yard
Itlbbon Cloth Skllilns, all
colutB, 2Se kind, yard .
I.arso sizo Iluck Towels,
worth Ue, only
. ... K'
Turkey lied Table Damask, r.O Inches
wide, worth 2.1c a
.1S-lnch Turkey lted Table Damask
very Roud quality the .10c
kind, yard tl;
llleached Table Danioak aS-ln. wide
worth S5e a yard "I Qt
only 1
Half llleached Damask .il-inchcs
wbli 10c grade
".'x'.mi, worth He
'.kix'.ki (Dallas)
Pillow Cuses, I2x;lfi,
worth 10c, only
i'i;i'i'r.i(i:i.i. I'liii.ow si(i.
12-ln., yard, only '.'
45-liich, yard, only 12V4c
l'Ul (IT I'llil.OW CASIMJ.
12-inch, yard, ..
11-Inch, yard ..
s-l. per yard
'.(-1, per yard
10-1, pi r yard
Dili S l.t: N Wli IN'.
I'lnlii nml l'rlimed.
sii I'.r.'ii Mi,
March Grocery Sale Lenten Foods
Our Ncw I'iih Dopiti tiiiont is Now Open All Kimls Special Prices.
II KIMi -I'OW'lir.ll NVl.r.. Van Cutup's Tomato Cutsup, (t I'ancy Italian ITuiuh,
Dr. I'llee's or lloal 12 07. .an (,, per bottlo ' 1y per potirrd. only
l!ie. S oz. can He. I oz. can H Urg) b()Ulu AMrlcll Choice Holl llutter.
Tho Peoplo's Superior IIIrIi- (to,, PIcklOB ml1""
est Patent Kiour, back iCH Fancy Creamery llutter.
,,,,, I.aro can lied Alatika "T t pound. 21c and
nold Modal Flour, nn,. Salmon only ' '2 ... ,
.,(.). VJUC Daimon, oniy - niRiti creamery llutter,
' , I'ancy Whole fioorRo's ')l I'o'ind
flood Wlilin Hour. c0,llh. per pound 2-lb. Self HaUhiK or
011ly "" , lt, lluekwhent Hour
r. pounds Moiled 7' I., A. II. C Sodu or Oyster A.. OranKOH.
oau, only ' 2 I'raekers. per pound 'l' ,,,,....,;......
3-lb ran Solid Packed 7 I r. i'ancy Uomehtlc Swiss I 4) 1 , , cholco Dates, per
Toma'ors only 'J- cheefce. per pound '- pound
2 lb tan Kan y Sweet ('t 1J u'" kHKl a.-hniK k) I (t New Haiti. wi in Dates.
Sugar Corn o'il ... I'I- IVwdrr inly ... . . ',2V ptitind ...
1 7.Ut
Optical Dept.
We . .111 lit all Muds or
eyes with siiiiulde ulissen
aud our prices discount the sioro prices
by half.
Wo posit ively make 11 1
I'liatKii for ill 1 In;:.
I'llio cold ti I lf 1 fraiio ,
u,,,,,!.,,, ,,,,'..,, lt()()
lioltl plated frame with
crystal lenses, 'J.011 Q(p
value, only. ...
A 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 0 1 I spectacles 11. th
et vstal lenses, I, no 7()p
value, only
And book hamulus.
1 liolco of talilets
worth lli to lUr for
Hut tic of
1 artci's Ink for. .
li lb. line octiiMi piipci Willi
ll bill i.nlul en 1 eliijies Q.,
o match for
t bolce of II nu in und tiouUs,
.'Oil title 1 wot III jOi I f,
Monday only Iijw