Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1900, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tins OMA1IA DATLV TiTA-:-. SUVDAT, MAHCTf 1, 1000.
Rennetfs Monday Leaders
To Close
Ladies' fc's
link buttons, lev
Collar But-if!
Out at
er ends: rolled plate,
(fold filled and (fold
fnnCJ 1 V" t,,M' fd'he regular Cc
CCJxiO X 1 i,utt(m wm fa piavClf
front. Not an old pattern in
the lot: all netn and stylish.
on sale Monday at tv each,
i styles, pointer, ball top,
TIJor twenty -two years we've studied to please the people and we are success
ful. The irresistible power of quality is the key to our success. We create
business by the very magnitude of our bargains. The most skeptical bargain seek
ers are more than satisfied with the Bennett value.
Jieynlar pricus Jsc, tsc and ?6c. We
ojfer the entire line at a tremendous bar
(tain. On Hale Monday without reserve,
they all do your choice for i O
per pair
la rue round lever and small lever. Jiolled
gold plate top, white celluloid back. War
wanted not to fall apart; not more than
one dozen to a customer and none 1
to dealers A-
col- I
la IS
creditocl with being able to
taku care of thomsolvu?.
No place on earth will
they (io it so nicely a in
our Grocery Dept. Our
prices are lower than oth
ers auk without our quality
I'.i'iiiii'H'M Lemon Kxtrnot.
IIciiih'II'h Viiiillln Kxtiiiet
'Oxford Corn Stnrcli,
AsNorli'il .linns,
lib. Jar
('npltnl Wlli'ilt, delicious
TilHt I'noel. U-llw
(iriii)t' Nuts,
pitt-kiip' .
Cnpltol Hnklnp;
olive Oil. iHittlo.
California Prunes,
pioil ones, Hi . . . .
Horse ItMillsli. per
Uutter, :! lli.
Quaker Oats,
package ., ,
Pears, 1MI call,
Asparagus, l-lb. ran
Table Syrup, KitHon
.. 10c
.. . 5c
Crockery gi
in Crockery. A
ing sale
sacrifice of value.
cut to the center.
Wo place on Bale tomoriow. our 011
tiro line of decorated Kngltsh tcuil
ptrccluln wares ut less than Import
coat. These are stock ends and mint
bo Hold. The qualities offered are the
very best; no shoddy Roods,
Dinner and Soup Plates,
Ten and Pie Plates,
only ...
Tea Set, six cups and
Covered Dishes,
Open Vegetable Dishes,
Sauce Moats,
Sugar Howls,
Pickle Dishes,
only ,
Double Kgg Cuiw,
Covered Huttcr Dishes,
Iirgo Steak Dish,
Plain Pint Howls,
Plain Turkey Dish,
... 18c
Butter Dept,
We want you for a permanent butter ens-
totuor unci for tv tttiir tut wo tire Koltig to offer you nn ex
trtioriliimrv Inducement, Uotinott'd Cntiltol butter is
itkhI. s weot nnd ALWAYS fresh fur ahead of the common butter livory ounce ffuuruntccd.
Kcgttlur price c introductory price .Mummy, per puutiti
Cmmtrv Rtitter An immense supply of pure country butter, direct from the farmer. 2()c
Jjnitwi Othol.sll9k yo o5c0ut. prieowit , Uonnott'siruurunteo
Pirklen -I"1 t0 sharpen up your notiottte YVo have pickles to sell till kinds with spico tind without spice
L . tv a bit? and little. Hero's an Index
Large Dill
Pickles, per
m Hour Pickles, f Swrrt ricKIes, u r
l'er iliizen. QfJ per tuiri, 1 OC
Fruit Preserves Pure and wholesome,
per eiiiurt,
all llavors, .'5 lbs. Tor 20c.
Asia Pickles,
;:oe and
OvsterS ''vor trv 10 cat n,iv ' those, little dried, shriveled oysters? Well thoy didn't come from Honnott's. Wo
recelvo our oyster's fresh every morning. Ovals, pur cm, '2Vz. Kxtni Select, per e.ui, irc.
i"1 ff V Hpft All cutlery if fairly well made, looks much the same.
aCI X LCp &.. impossible to determine the (piality by looking at
the goods. The only safeguard is to buy from a rep
utable dealer got the Bennett quality and you're safe.
Kitchen Kniws, il-in blade, (i styles, very best American Cutlery, black enameled handle, war'ntd. !)c
Tea Spoons, silvered steel, per set of six, ))c,
CAPITOL UA.OIt-Our own tr.inl wu-urnteil 'u-iiii li H A &-lnrn 1 OS Vlnch O OA.
VEItV I1KST KAnit MADIi-Headv to life. blade I. i,,,. l.JO biu-
lloi'schide Ri.or atrnp. '21 -in Ioiik. wide, canvas buck, black wood handle, sale price l ie.
An I mnieiixc n(irOiii'nl of Vn
K'llnn eoloreil itjnIiiI vvnre,
enrcl rt'Crlvcm, roue IioitIh, ullvr
IImIii'n, niiHiirn, Jolly iIIkIitk, viisi'm
eli'. Thin In it liiiuilnnnii- line mill
Mliuulil lir Mn, yiiur eboliu thin
Mnle, uiteh SHi.
Guns and Revolvers
action. sIiikIo barrel shot
servleeable KUti. rolled
steel barrel. 13 KiniKo
wnlRht 6 lxiumLs.
UaelHe double barrel. 10 tfaUKe. pistol
grip, patent strikers.
steel twist unisn.
.splendid value,
Prices to suit the most particular buyer.
hot irun-u'iod
Some guns are- made to sell others are
made for service we have the latter
kind. Best material, tine finish and easy
Stevens. Favorite
Take Down Ultle,
boat made,
22 en I lire,
Miirlln Hi-peuttnu Shotgun, take down.
12 KrillRe, WelKllt iVs
liw., ;;o-in barrel,
tubers nsk more
money, our prleo
on. take down.
Wlnehrster HopiMtlni; Hltle. weight M,
uiH , tune down, 3
e.illlire, our Hpe--iiil
Flobert Itllle,
2J eallbre, the boss
boy's Kim
Forehand double action, .32 calibre. . 1.78 Cartridges, 22 cal. long, box of 50 ...18c
Revolvers, 32 and :S cal., double action Cartridges, JJ2 cal., box 50,SifcW long 53c
and automatic shell ejector ffift ... .3.75 Loaded Shells, box of 25, 12 gauge . ..45c
Cardboard gun wads, per box 100 6c B. B. Shot, per lb 8c
Guns to rent.
There's a.
sense of se
curity in
eating our candy that it is
impossible to feel when
eating candy of doubtful
purity. Our candy is ab
solutely pure, wholesome
and fresh from the kitchen
Assorted Nut lliittorcupa,
per pound
Jelly Deans, per pound,
Snow Drops, per pound
Hork Candy, per pound,
Cream Coco.uiut bar. A moat delleloim
confection, retaining the rl h nat
ural coeoanut flavor,
per pound
Walnut Taffy, ix'r pound
Tea and Coffee
We offer uiuihuuI opportunities for
money savins In tea. Our stork ion
.slsts of the llneHt the world produces,
l'urlty In tho wluuliiK card In this
lino with us. Ilnskct Fired Japan, Sun
Dried Japan, Kngllsh Hreak- OQi-
fast, OoloiiK, per pound ,00"
Our coffee Is roasted oery day. Qual
ity considered, oar prices are with
out an equal. 1'er pound
up from
SmoMiiR Tobacco, good qual
Ity, per pound
Ilattlo Ax l'liiK, known the
world over, per II
Clears. SO In box, $1 2f.,
iiOe and
Our line of briar pipeB Is lmmeiifo
and prices ianKo from Tic up.
We've bee n
telling you
about our
completeness in the drug
line but there's one stock
that we have not mention
ed. That's wines and li
quors. You'll begin to
think that wo don't carry
these, but we do, and have
tho most complete stock of
pure wines, brandy, cor
dials, etc. Kor medicinal
purposes wines ami liquors
must be strictly pure and
of the highest quality. Ou r
liquors are chemically pure
and selected for their ele
gant llavor and value as a
tonic for invalids. Kor cul
linary purposes, purity and
tlavorare absolutely essen
tial to got satisfactory re
sults. We handle nothing
but brands manufactured
by reliable distillers.
We Include In our liquor list, a lonlt
whisky, absolutely pure. Tills Is not
u be crane, but n Ionic and for that
tired feelliiK ho prevalent In the sprlnR
It has no superior. Our wlno list In
cludes. Sherry. Port, Angelica, Cataw
ba, etc.
Old rrenllco ltye. Old HrmMnK
nnd MnKiiolla.
.Malt Kxtract. Standntd llrands.
Schlltr. Malt Fxtr.u-t,
l'abst Malt Kxtract,
Malt Nutrlne.
llemiell'M Moll WIiIhUj tho
Iiurt-Ht iiieilleliuil Mlilxliry uiiiclc.
Fifteanth Street
and Capitol Avenue
Fifteenth Street
and Capitol Avenue
Hwdsoms Mrs. Ohaney Syi Dr. Tucket
II b Occult Power.
thcHo tours and electcd his patients, attcr
Yvards forclnR collection of the notes.
For the lat three weeks this pair has been
operating In Omaha and Council Dluffs. Mrs.
Chancy camo to Join her husband, and then
the trouble began. The husband took excep
tions to the unduo familiarity of the doctor
toward Mrs. Chauoy.
Threiitriin In Shoot tho Doctor.
Her llunliiuiil l Full" WHhln tin
Wlti'hlnu liillin-nee xlriniKO Mor)
t'i-iiiN Out In no Ollllllllt
.IiimIIi-o liiiill.
February in Chancy came upon Dr. Tucker
and tho woman suddenly at the Chany
home on Hurt street. There was a scene.
the basis of the total gross receipts from It has been decided that legal steps will be 1
all messages sent from the city of South taken nt once In order that the work of grad- J
Omaha to points outsjdo the city, together Ing may commence as soon as possible In the i
with 5 per cent of the groy receipts from spring. While this question has been talked
telephones rented In tli c- city, exceeds tho of for years nothing has resulted but talk.
There setms to be a diversity of opinion sum of $300, then tho company is to pay Now. however. It Is determined to go ahead,
among members of the Commercial club In annually to tho city 5 per cent of Its gro?a ' President Flynn asserts that with a depot at
relation to the granting of a franchise to receipts.
A weird story of love, hypnotism. Jeal-
the Western Long Distance Telephono com- A statement of the. gro?s receipts must
pany. The ordinance, now before the city ''o filed with the city clerk on December 1
council, will without doubt be withdrawn ""'I June 1 of each year,
and a substitute offered by the Commercial u ls further provided that n bond of $15,.
Ch anev threatened shoot the doctor and cIub committee on telegraph and telephones. 000 be filed with the city clerk to protect the
HiT Zt. ?1 lut Z h H was admitted at the club meeting Friday city from damage claims, etc. The actual
night that the ordinance utibmlttcd by the work or putting in a telephono exchangn
company was full or holes, and was entirely shall commence within thirty days after the
too broad. Decides It glvcw nothing to acceptance of tho ordlnanco by tho com-
tho city, and it appears to be tho dcalro of pany.
a great many to have tho company pay a J The um of $300 Is to be kept on deposit
with tho city treasurer all the time and
the nubject to tho order of the mayor nnd coun-
the next day the man of magnetism had him
arrested on a charge of threatening to kill.
Tho warrant was served by Constablo A. It.
Hensel of Justice Long's court.
"The three of them were there when I ar
rived." said the constable, "and tlio husband
nusy and intrigue new jusi ueueaiu im- begged me not in inKe mm away aim icavu uuu.
iirfm-n of n drv legal nroceduio which has the other two alone. He said. 'She Is com- ; It was nrsertcd yesterday
tho foot of N street Incoming malls will
reach South Omaha an hour earlier, and will
depart nn hour later. Packers' meats sent
by express can bo sent nn hour later than
now, which Is considered a great advantage,
especially In warm weather, when refrigera
tor boxes must bo Iced. It appears that
members of tho South Omaha Commercial
club have been securing pointers from Secre
tory Utt of tho Omaha Commercial club, and
from this time on it ls expected that busi
ness will ho carried through with a rush.
that if
i. .irmrviin. ihrninrh Juattco Long's court niotelv within his nottor. She Is all right franchise; was granted thero would be nn to r restoring pavements,
for the last two weeks. It Is the atory of until he gets his eyes upon her, but Just effort made for tho present to nstabllsh toll etc., where tho company Is negligent.
a doctor who. by his own confeislon, pos- that moment her will Is gone and he can do stations cast of tho tracks. Tho public gen
The IIiiiiiI I'roimxltloii.
From expressions of taxpayers it appears
that thero is qulto u strong sentiment
against the Issuing of bonds for a High
school building, and It Is barely possible that
No assignment of tho franchise is valid
. . ' .U I. n l. nlmi..nd ' Thrt unmntl U'hfl .irnllv will thi.pcifn.n nr.. h.nnfltl In .. .. 11 II 1 1 1 t ll O S.mif Slmll hflVP tlt'PTl flloil U'ltll ' .. ... ...... ... ....
bcmcs certain preiernaiurai i;r mm mi u. mwunvn. .... . j ...... ......., ,- ,iy - l(u, proposition may 1101 e hiiuiiiiuou io urn
stt.ry of a woman who has fallen within had been sitting there crying, also begged great extent by the granting of the franchise, the clt' c'i'rk and approved by tho mayor ,)t,op!t. nt the municipal election in April. A
- .... . .. ,. . ...1,1. ,lm .Innln, 21i ... .. ....... t ... , i .. nn.l nnimnll H-h., inat nt rn Kl Yt I rr ,1... ...... .... ... . .
his silbtlo sway, tho storv or all injureu noi in oe u-u mum' mm w..v..... ( m ii-bi. u niuuuer ui uusmeas men nave m-- K t many criticise tsupormicnnoni won lor
the nctivo part he has taken in the matter,
husband of threats to kill, of a telltale sum sue was niram 01 mm. in .i. so uuciareu. uiuuium-u niui uit mum- u) iuu cuiiiimny
letter of frantic efforts to keep the public, to look clear through me.' sho said. 'I can't j with a view to Introducing an amended "sklng for tho same.
in lg'noraiico. Tho principal characters I resist them. He makes me do just as he ordinance. Chairman Christie hn secure 1 U understood that .Messrs. Tollock nnd
wisucs. i-iease ici mo gu im mj u,.o......". from Lincoln a copy of the ordinance fran- '.""'K ul mo i iansiuouiii company are cir-
"1 had no objections to the woman's nc- cnso KrantPI t0 tj,0 Nebraska Telephone dilating a petition for signatures asking the
companylng her husband, but by the time I i C0Inpany nn,i no ),aa mo,eiPti , sulistltute "ouncll to grant a franchise to tho com-
Dr. J. Henry Tucker, a traveling special
lt. whose dlnloma bears testimony to hli ,
pl,nnl Was
IIIIVHIK Kidimun-w iiniii .....v.......
of Magnetic Healing. Nevada, Mo.
J. K. Ohaney. who worked with Tucker ns
ills collector nnd advance agent. He has
a home handsomely furnished at 3311 Ilu-t
Mrs. J. K. Chancy, bis wife, a handsome
lieison, who admits that trie doctor exerts
over her an occult power which she I".
unable to leslst.
The records of Justice Long's court, wl'h
ready to go wiiu my prisonei sub riiillanp on th nnpM nf . i.inmll,
nrt'lllt'll 111 lit ' Vllllllhin i - - i---
tho doctor bad looked at her In the mean
time; I don't know."
The next day Chancy employed counsel to
prefer a charge of adultery against Dr.
Tucker, but the case was never filed. For
some Inexplicable reason ho also changed his
mind anil decided not to prosecute. In con
versation with his lawyer ho said: "My
wife was a good woman until sho met
Tucker. Rven now she would bo nil right
Section 1 of this nronoscd amended nrdl- Workmen l.nilK- liilllHlen
nnnce grants to tho comnanv for a norlod Soutl1 Omaha lodge. No. 60, Ancient Order
of years the rlcht-nr-wnv through, nver of United Workmen, rejoices over tho result
nnd upon the strcet. alleys an.l . public of lta efforts In securing new members. On
places of tho city, subject to the condltioiii Thursday evening 171 candidates were added
Of Mm nnl lnmn Hi,. ari nt Ihi, uUI ,,l '"u iiraii ,ni.i, ...... . u nmn ut oimiui
Kieat leual pomp and verbosity, present the , S m) rRht -until his gae meets hers. Then
details of certain unsatisfactory money
transactions between Dr. Tucker and Cha
ncy. They show that various qbsch to
get possession of property liavo been filed
the stuff Is off. Then sho obeys his beck and
call without seeming to know or caro why."
Hut Chancy would not permit the case to
bo filed. , few days later the iviso against
tho ordinances of tho city now In 'force or
hereafter enacted.
All poles or posts must bo of such ma
terial anil located In such places In the
streets or alleys and the. wires nnd crosi
armiJ on mich poles at such height from
the ground as the city electrician may
Ing applications has been In progress for sev
eral' weeks, the Initiation taking placo March
1. On account of tho largo number of can
didates It was necessary to secure Ilium's
ball, ns the regulnr lodge room proved far
too small to accommodate tho members mid
the candidates.
Tho Junior nnd workmen degrees wero
only to be dismissed without coming to , him, charging him with threatening to kill,
trial. Tho real underlying cause of all tho was dismissed.
trouble Is not so much as hinted at.
Dr. Tucker's home is In Kansas City,
whore ho has an otllco at Fifth and Del
aware streets, and where Is situated the
house he represents the Western Medical
nnd Surgical Institute It l his biulness
to travel throughout the country ttcailiiB
"chronic, medical and surgical dlaeassn."
rxaotlng from rich patient a note which he
Saturday Dr. Tucker called upon Attorney
J. C. Cowln nnd sought his ndvlco In the
mntter of his troublo with Chnney. Ho said
a note by him (Tucker) to Mrs. Chnney had
been Intercepted by the husband and that
he feared trouble would
After healing further partkulnrs Attorney
Cowln refused to take the case.
and on account of his alleged "pernicious nc
tlvlty" It ls reported that many who realize
the need of moro school room will decline to
vote for the bonds when the proposition
cumcs up. If It ever does.
It Is stated In some circles that a proposi
tion to voto bonds for ward Hchnols will meet
with much moro favor than tho scheme to
erect a High school building.
smith of Couiuil HlulTs. Ills train became
frightened nnd ran away, overturning the
velib le.
Hev. Irving Johnson lectures this evening-
at St. Martin's church on "What Is
the Proper Discipline of tho Church."
ndmtts ho obtains through ' extraordinary I HUSH'S MEAL IS INTERRUPTED
pcmuaslvo powers. inaney. until tne
piVKCiit trouble arose, prceded hlni on
hfcnl;,s up
Colds that liatin on.
I, en t cm Off nntliiK HrciiLfiiKt lo I e n
Syrup -linv ui Hiiiiil
lire node.
Mace Hu3h pl.K-cd a lump of butter In
tihe middle of a big buckwheat cake, 'oldcd
one-half of the a team Ins dlc over the other
and. leaned back In his elmlr to wait for
the butler lo melt.
As he w.illtd Frank Small
and said certain things calculated to pro
voke a breach of tho peace. Illows were
exchanged and Hush, reaching fur the eyrup
Jug, hurled It against Small's breast, where
direct. Interference with other poles o.- conferred upon 117 candidates by the degree
newer, water nr gas mains la btrlctly pro- ,.,.,.. of i,i v i:k , i v
hlblted. Further, all poles must be paint, d, Schultz of Deatrlce', grand muster workman!
tho first seven feet from tho surface to bo ami o. J. VanDykc, deputy grand master I
pointed green, ami tne. tmimico of the pole workman, nnd F. J. Morgan of I'inttismouth.
fl ; grand receiver.
Win a desired to net poles and string: ' A largo number of olllcers of subordinate
wlrc3 nn application must be made to tli" lodges also attended the ceremony. In order
mayor and council, setting out the particular to allow tho cnn.Ildateu a chance to get a
streets and allcya to be Ira verged
lliilhlliiK Conl rnclorM licet.
The building contractors of South Omaha
met at tho otllce of llulldlng Inspector Duns
combo In tho city hall biilhling Friday night
and decided to perfect nn organization to bo
known ns tho Contractors nnd Hulldors' as
sociation. A committee, composed of T. C.
McDonald. Dan Fnrroll and Theodore
Schroder, was appointed to draft a constitu
tion and by-laws. Tho carpenters' scale was
discussed nnd partly approved. Next Friday
night a meeting will be held for tho election
of permanent officers.
Tt in pri-ii nee Merlin un.
Hev. C. I'. St. John and wife commenced a
series of temperance meetings ut Ilium's
hall Inst night. This afternoon thero will hi
a meeting for men at tho hall, while Mrs. St.
John will hold a meeting for women at tlio
Tho breath of fresh nlr a recess wns tnken at 0 ; l'reshvterlan church. These meetings aro
samo shall then be set under the direction o'clock and a procession, headed by Franek's
of the city electrician. All poles of tnii Imnd, was formed, nnd tho parade marchol
company nhall bo avnllablo for lire nnd poller through the business portion of tho city,
department wires In case It Is so desired by Visiting degree crews completed the Inltla
the city. 1 Hon. This was followed hy a fancy drill by
One st ctlon or this proposed ordinandi Union Pacific lodge, No. 1". degree crew. Ad
provides that tho new company Is to rurnish dresses wcro delivered hy tho grand master
rree of cost to tho city such number of workman, Rev. It. L. Wheeler, 0. J. Van
telephones properly connected with the syt- W- '. Morgan, C. W. Miller and others,
tem and kept In proper repair as tho mayor , uht refreshments were served,
and rouucll may deem necessary for tlu
file and police departments of the city. In I'luinm-relnl I Int. r r.
addition to this, ten telephones to Chairman Preen of the Commercial club
bo placed In other departments or tho city. ' rommltteo on statistics reports that tho
... . . ..... ....... . . . f.,1l..u In.t l.ciiml 1,,, tVi. nltilt ,i rn 1 , ..wnn.
. reiutai to comply wiiu mo provisions or i, n i" -. ". w.. .... hicuv ,
...i. - . . .. il,rtiiitiil Fnr mil venlenco Ihn fnlilnra nrrtl
iius stH-ium uni wuru i lorivuiuu 01 iu5
being held under tlio nusptces or tno
Women's Christian Temperanco union nnd
will continuo tor somo time.
A maximum charge of $; n month Is pro.
It exploded, discharging a copious How 0r J vl.leil for buness 'phones and Jl a mnn'h
glucoso upon his vent front. Ho then do- for residence Instruments. A violation of
pitted his. assailant upon the lloor. folded I t"1 section means a flno of 1100.
him un as ho had tho pancake sud pat on I ,l3"a' provlnlons In regard to remov-
"8BVKNTY SEVRN ' breaks up hard, j him. A waitress, sauuterlng by, said tlio I 'K w'res to permit tho passage of housts
itubborr.Colds tha. hang on. known an, house would havo to charge him for tho i or buildings being moved lis Inserted.
Mimic city i:xiii.
OtH VA Munsliaw & f'o. for lumber. Tel. 2
Dr. II. K. Wolfo is expected homo from
Chicago' 'oday.
Tho Hospital uSHoelatlon is now In first-clus-t
financial condition.
The High school bond proposition Is eon
sldcn d us good .i rtcntl.
The cllv eoundl will meet In regular
monthly session Monday night.
The smallpox iaucnt ut tho pest liaune
will be released un Tuesday.
i n r.l u'lfu '111H I.Mtrnnt. nil.
ilemanil. For convenience tho folders nro , ! .V,. l.lrth or u dntigllter.
placed In packages of fifty and 100. All tho rUy npr cnrnonter is taking In the
packers and the Stock Yard a company are I sights of New Orleans therae dnys.
now In possession or large numhers or those j Window glnpn ut Molchor'B drug store,
folders, and will enclose them In letter Quito a numbor of South Omaha men
going out of tho city. livery business man H I iuhsi-.1 thi-oiigh High .Masonic degrees lust
The Polish club will meet this afternoon
"77" restores tho eheikcd circulation (In
dicated by a chill or shiver), starts the
blood coursing through tho veins, and
breaks up u fresh Cold In one day.
White unci Gold.
Dr. Humphrey' Manual. IMItlou de Luxe,
mailed re Tell about the care, treat
ment and cure of the ilck A chapter oa
peelnlly on the of Children
Humphreys Homo-Mtliu Mmllelno Co.,
Cor. WillUm and John Sin , N, Y
"No, you don't!" he retorted. "When
a restaurant serves a pork chop as big ns
thisji must furnish condiments In propor
tion"1' Then a policeman came and. rubbing
Small down with a napkin to overcome the
adhesiveness of tho syrup took him to tho
station and Hush rcturnod to his panrake
This happened In Moore's restaurant. 2:0
North Sixteenth street February 10
In police court Saturday Small wig Qnvd
$j mid coots,
asked to send out these rolders and nil who
apply will bo provided. About 2.-..000 rolders llt' 0vi0rk in Hex hall. Thirty-third und
have been printed ami more win no issucii as I. streets.
soon as the supply on hand Is used up. Ileal Assistant Socrotary Hill of the Young
Tho city reserves tho right to amend or inir hr,. nm ,iin 't. , n;s Clirlsllan nssoclutlon lias relurned
filler V t rtprllnQlinn 'it A u t HntA nn.l t m. . . . frnin TntVII
mivi - iiiiip ii . iiui" ttint i ir
. .J 7 ' , " correspondents an over uio country, and t is " . ' , ,,, ...Mi.-r. ,.nntr-ii
rofiula.c ho rates to be- charSed or iho , . t.( tlliu ln n hort tlmo SoulIl 0maIu ee wi I m Uht" t nl . ' IS
uso or toleplwnes under tU fnnchlse and ,,, nlu r tlc best advertised cities In I judges .. ml clerks for tho primaries.
from Iowa.
ho United States.
to nrescrlbe other re.isonablu rules and te,iu
intlntia '
In return for this franchise th c npiny ( oml.-munlhui itiii-itiIIiikn LIKpIj.
U to pnv to t.. cltv of Pou-h Ociaht an- Condemnation proceedings will moa tho film of JuOO. c'ch paynin to likely be commenced In a fcbort tune toward
be made on June 1 of oach year This b-c
Hon 1 to hold good until the business
the company Is developed to that point who
5 por cent of the grma receipts figured on tho movement and so ls Secretary Watkma, thrown from his UusoV whic driwni; jn",
A meettiiy of the United UWr euili will
be held nt Labor temple ut 3 o'clock tills
afternoon. This mi-otlnz will If rriien ,ind
' llif puhllc is Invited
Ad members nf Ct.urt Allemanl.i N'
I ideiiri li nt i ir'i r I' .1 s'l ru ui r. nucste I
c iho opening of N street, from Twentieth east "':", '1"", "''K Tt' ,r'",'k "'b'11
of to the river President Flynn of the Com a,,1 '"WH h" ' .. Mtl
., , . , , J D Wldoc, a nt ei n salesman was k
morclal club Is taking an active Interest In s.r'rrl ,nirc, Hatnrla af.crnuon In bi-. g
County Treasurer Flsassor lias Issued a
rill for general fund warrants up to ami In
cluding No. lilS.
'Iho .Millard hotel gave a dunce Friday
night to ItH guests. Thero wero sixty
couples on the lloor.
The regulnr weekly meeting of the county
commissioners wup omitted vewterduy.
ihere was no business In the budget.
John Ponton complains that while riding
In a hack with Lllllo Mmlson Friday night
she robbed him of JHO. He Is from Daven
port, and has had her arrested.
The Omaha I'lillosonlilcal kiicIcIv wilt
disctLis tho city campaign today from 3 to
r.:) p. in. in tho public library, third lloor.
All candidates am Invited to attend anil
participate. Tho Invitation Is ex
tended to tho public.
ileforo Commissioner Anderson yester
day John Ilrltt waived examination on
charge of maintaining a public exhibition
without n government license and was
bound over lu tho hum of $300 to appear lie
fnn tho United States district court in
The Church of tho Latter Day Saints of
Jesus Christ, otherwise known as the .Mor
mon church, will hold a conference In Idle
wild hall. Twenty-fourth and Ornnt streets,
nil day today. Twenty elder will be In
attendance. President Lewis A. Ketch of
Chicago will bo present.
In police court Saturday Olllcer Woolrldge
explained how Charles Flora had Interfered
with him while he was arresting J. Linda
for "a drunk and disorderly" After hear
ing both sides Judge Gordon decided that
the charge was too technical to be consld
en cl seriously and Flora Was discharged.
Klnier Wooclccmk, "Dock" Sllklrt and
Harry Shelly, after a hearing In police
court, wero bound over to the district court
under JOou bonds each. The charge is
"daylight breaking and entering " It ls
alleged that they are members of a gang
of nix young men and boys who for several
months have mude a practice of burglariz
ing Union Puollli! freight cars.
J. It. Osborne, a youne man who styles
himself tho national organizer of the Social
Democracy or America. liariiiiL'iicil mini
ciowds on various street eorncis Saturday
night In opposition to tho proposed water
bonds. Ills remarks Were, not taken seil
ously and ho was listened to merely out of
curiosity. Osborno announced that the per
formance would be ropeuted Monday night.
Kiln .Mr.Mahon of Fifteenth and Capitol
avonuci had a trick pocketbook containing
$!::). Sho thought tho spring which opened
tlio purse was so cleverly concealed as to
elude all save the initiated, so she cave
It to W. F. Adams with soine remark to
t'io offect that a reward would be contin
gent upon his discovering the neciet. Ho
liiH;iected the bocik a moment, said "Ku
reka," and passed It back to her empty,
telling her she could keep It for her gen
erosity. Yesterday shn swore out a com
plaint of larceny against Adams.
The meeting of republicans advertised to
bo held nt the Millard Saturday night was
adjourned early In tho evening and all pres.
out went In a body to attend the Swocll-Ji-Aineilcun
rally at ('relghtcm hall. At Iho
conclusion of this meeting it number of re
publlcuiis returned to the hotel and held a
short business session, ufter which an In
formal dlscusMlon of tho campaign was en
gaged In. PoveriU of the eiindldntoH were
present and all expressed themselves uh
morn than pleased with the- prospec ts of a
sweeping victory at Tuesday's election.
llron Mitroney, aged II, and Ncnl
Thoininon, aged y. wero on trial In pollen
cuuri yi-Hieniny. cuargeu Willi committing
u'Vuult upon Mis .Mamie I lime, a stenog
rapher. Miss Hlino nays the boys wero
llghtlntr her little brother at Twelfth and
California streets. She Interceded In his
behalf, whereupon the defendants threw'
stones at Imr. and tho .Maroimy bov lilt her
i In the e.vo with his (1st. knocking her down.
1 Mitroney admits "mixing 11 up" with MIsm
nun i.', out nays no uiu so tn protect a plav
mato whom the youtif woman was be
laboring with a gallon con of c oal oil.
PfoiiIh are In the habit of remllnir nil
i kinds of curious want artvc rtUenmnts in
Tim Ileo and cither dally papers, so they
I will not bo startled or surprised when they
I read thnmt asking all the men and women
who saw tho grout star shmver of is.n to
I ut tend tlio flee louturu In Washington hall
t .l. evening when Luther Warren will
1 nnlMrtuke lo provo to ilietn. from the
hible ibut thy and othuis who aie :n, w)
and !I0 years old. will live to see Jesus come
to this earth a second tlmn. and that dur
' ing their lifetime will occur tlu. overthrow
nr a'l mvmimeiUs now Id cxlstuncn und
tho destruction of the world,
I'lircliilxci'K r fill,,,,, Properly Mux!
I'lty I. or tie Siiiiin to Secure
'I'll t-1 1- I'iinmi-nnIiihk,
HAVANA, March 3. -The fruit company
which recently purchased a million acres or
land at Nlpo Hay, paid $10,000 to have the
deeds recorded, titles examined and docu
ments put In such a Main that It was hafo
to take over the property.
A Cuban lawyer this morning wild: "Slm
Ilur cases to this merely prevents American
capital from coming to tho island. A relia
bio Judiciary is needed and the mioner (iov
ernor General Woods' Judiciary commission
reports tho better for Cuba. Then acilou
can bo tnken. Tho delay oven ln the highest
cotirtfl in connection with tho custom hoimo
cases injures Cuba in tho eytw of lis lost
friends, while If enormnuH fecn aro not paid
to perfect titles lo land every obstacle Is
placed In tho way and tho probability Is that
you will own laud with nn liwecuro title.''
I'lini-Kccl tilth Child .Murder.
ANOKA, Minn. March 3 -Mrs. Melissa
llliikit mill Hi. ii M,,.u.i . .
' ""I ..uti.-.. ill mile iiiifMicii io
day nn thi! charge of murdering a babe to
which Mrs Jllaki. gave birth Fobruan 1t
At the preliminary examination the mother
,l.,nili.,l ..till,,, (Jl... I.. ..I..... , ...
........... r,..,,.,. .tii,. iimincti, oowovei , lltat
Matsoii committed tho deed. The child w,i
burtiecl In a stove. Mutson claims tt w,m
dead and they burned the child to save tu
nernl expenses. Ho will light the c hargi s
The imv Discovery for Cnlnrrli ,.,.,MH
lo Ionn-nh l(eiiiiirl.nlii Mi-i-lt.
A now catarrh cure has recently appeared
which so far us tested has hern remarkably
successful in curing all forms or catarrh
whether In the head, throat, bronchlul nilif'
or In stomach and liver.
Tho remedy Is lu tablet form, pleasant
and convenient to take, and no special sc. -
rocy is mniniuincil as lo what It minimis
the tablets being a sclontlllc combination of
(Jualacol, Kucalyptol, Sangiilnariu, Hydra
tlu nnd similar valuablo and harmless anti
septics. This safe Htid elfeetlvo catarrh cure may
bo found nt any drug store, undur name of
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets.
Whether the catarrh is located In the nose
throat, bronchial tubes or stomach, lb,. ii,.'
lets seem to act with onual success, removing
tho stuffy feeling In head and nose, clearing
the mucous membrane of throat und trache a
rrom catarrhal secretions, which cause the
tickling, coughing, hawking and gagging so
annoying to every catarrh suffnror.
Nusal catarrh generally leads to ulceration
111 somo cases to such an extent ns to destroy
the noso entirely and In many old cases of
catunh tho bones or tho head become dis
eased. Nasal catarrh gradually extends io
the throat nnd bronchial tubes and very
often to tho stomach, causing that o y
obstlnnto trouble, catarrh of tho stom.u h.
Catarrh Is a systemic poison, Inherent In
tho blood, nnd local wnshes, douches, salves,
Inhalers nnd sprays ean havo no effect mi
tho rcul cniiso of tho dlseaso. ' An lni,.r.,,.i
remedy which acts upon the blood Is tho
only rational treatment 'and Stuart's. CntarrU
Tablets Is Iho safest of all Internal remedies,
ns well as tho most convenient and mitlariu -tory
rrom a medical standpoint.
Dr. Kutnn recently stated that ho had
successfully uscil Stuart's Catnrrh Tablets in
old chronic cases, oven whero ulceration had
extended to far ns to destroy tho nopiuni of
tho I10KC. Ho snvs' "I am nlnnMiimlv
prised almost every clay by the excellent re
sults rrom Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. It ii
' rumnrknhlo link eflectually they romovo iho
! excessive) secretion und bring alrnii a
healthy condition of the mucous membranes
!of the nohe. throat and Hlominh."
i All druggists bell compleite Ir. aiiuent or
Iho tablets nt W) Lents and a llttlo book gl
lag tho symptoms and causss or tho varo ut.
forms of catarrh will be mallml free by ai-
1 drciklng y A. Stuurt Co , .Marahull. Ml h.