8 Features of Manila (Continued from I'nge Seven.) wo dash through the streets. Wo skirt one of tbo canals, cross a brldgo and enter tho church. A black-gowned priest with a shaven tonsure opens tbo door, and wo climb round and round up tho hundrods of steps of a slim spiral stalrcnso till wo como to tho top. Wo aro now far abovo tho city on tho outermost edgo of Manila. Tho city lies on a plain- backed by bluo mountains. It covern miles of land running about tho bay, beyond which ara other mountains and rolling hills. It Is a town of 350,000 In habitants, all of whom llvo In ono and two story houses. Thcro aro no tall buildings, except tho churches and cathedrals, which havo domes and towers rising high abovo tho rest of tho city. There aro green trees hero and thcro showing out above tho houso roofs. Almost In front of us Is tho walled part of tho town. This Is but small In comparl- OMAHA ILLUSTRATED JiEE. Mnrch 4, 1000. a shirt and pantaloons, and tho shirt Is In all cases outsldo tho trouscra. Tbo ma jority of tho men and boys, In fact, remind ono of tho hero of Mother Goose, "Llttlo Dlckoy Dout, who had his shirt tall out." Tho ahlrt talis of tho Filipinos, howovor, aro Intentionally out for tho enko of cool ness. Tho air Is thus admitted to tho bare flkln, tho whlto linen flapping merrily In tho brccza as they walk. Tho effect Is, on tho wholo, rather atrlklng and you look for them to rush around tho cornor and tuck their flhlrts In. Somo of tho shlrtu aro Im ported, with well-Iaundorcd bosoms, In which aro gold studs. Tho native shirts are of tho thinnest gauzo, a sort of cross be tween haircloth ond mosquito netting. Thoy aro all colors whlto, yellow, black and pink being often embroidered and stamped. Tho stuff is llko that which tho women horo wear for their dressce stuff which Is so dollcato and no beautiful that tho American women buy It for party or evening gowns. Further down In tho buslnens streets of the MANILA TUB FILIPINOS AUK CLEANLY. son with tho rest, which spreads for a long dlstanco up and down and back from tho sea. At tho right, runnlug through tho midst of tho city, Is tho Hlvcr I'aslg, a dirty stream perhaps a thousand feot wide, which at times of tho year Is so doop that small steamers can como up It and anchor nt tho wharves, but now bo low that tho boat lu which wo camo from Hong Kong must re main out In tho bay. Tho walled city Is old Manila. It Is largely taken up with government buildings. Thore Is tho palaco whero Ocneral Otis and his officials do their business, and thcro also aro a largo number of churches and monasteries, tho church owning, I should say, at least ono-thlrd of tho old city. That part or Manila nt tho right outsldo tho walls In whero tho most of tho people llvo and whero nearly all of tho business Is dona. Away off nt tho edges you can seo fiiBlilonnblo suburbn, such as Malato, where tho finest rcflldoncro of tho Filipinos aro, ind thoro down on tho bay Is tho Lunotn, tho park whero all nwoll Manila goes to drlvo at G o'clock ovory nftoruoon. Hack of tho city, as you can seo If you will but turn bout on tho church tower, Is a great green plain as fresh now as Ohio In Juno, with clumps of green trees npottlng tho fields. That Is tho country, tho rlco fields and tho vegetable gardeim which aid In supplying tho marketfl of tho town. As 'wo look tho sun comes near to lUs setting. Tho roads in tho plain arc filled with people who miiko whlto lines through tho green fields. Thcwo nro tho suburbanites of this Filipino capital, tho poor who work In tho stores nnd factories nnd aro now re turning to their homos. Many of thorn aro woman, who havo bright rod sklrta. nbovo which arc draped black nhawls. Tho red catches tho rays of tho sun and wc havo a band of vcrmllllon botwocn tho green and tho black. Hut lot us go down and walk through tho streets back to our hotel. Wo nro moving along with tho strango charactora of this etrungo city. Hundrods of brown-skinned, black-cycd men, women nnd children xo by us. Thoy havo eyes nlmcnt Blunting and thoy nro of all Bhadcw from yellow to black. Thoy arc not bo tall as our peoplo nt home nnd moat of them aro lean rather than fat. How qucerly they dress. Many of tho men nnd women nro clad In stiff gauzo ns thin us mosquito nottlng, through which tho air has free patwago and through which tho okln till own. Thoy havo clothes of tho dlfferont Philippine, clotlm nuiila of tho fiber of tho plneapplo and other plnnts, which Is ns stiff ns hair, but which In somo cases Is na lino oa spun silk. The women nro without hats or bonnots and their lux uriant black hair lu dono up In a knot on tho crown of tho head. Thoy wear Jacketn of gauzo cut very low In tho nock, with great bell-IIko alcoves reaching only to tho olbow, but so full and so stiff that the arm Is baro to tho shouldor. Under this, cr rather bolow It, is a tight eklrt, which con alsts of a wldo bag of calico or other light cloth wrappod around tho waist and legs. It falls to tho anklce and la fastened by n twlat at tho waist. Over this waist cloth or skirt thoro Is usually a black ahawl, which oxtonds from tho waist to tho knees nnd -which seems to bo Intended to hold on the skirt. Tbo worklngmen hare on llttlo more than city, and cflpecln-lly on tho Escolta, you meet many mon In suits of whlto duck, Filipinos of tho higher clntwes, who drcsa much as wo do. Ciooil-Xitttirt'il mill Clriiii. Wo hear In America much about tho dirt nnd savagery of tho peoplo of Manila. So far I havo soon nono of it. Tho peoplo nro far more cleanly than tho Chinese. Even tho poorest of them wear elenn clothes and tho most of tho cretumcs nro whlto. In many respects the Filipinos nro llko tho Japnneso, or, rathor, more llko tho Bur mceo, lioth of whom nro noted for their clennllnefis nnd frequent bathing. Among tho women on tho strcots you seo mnny who wear their hair down their bncks, their rich black manes falling usually from their ncckH to tholr walstB. My guide, "Thomas a Heckut," ho snys his nnmo la Docket, tolls mo thin Is bocauso thoy aro fresh from tho bath nnd that they go nbout so to lot tholr lialr dry. Ho says thoro arc swim ming bnths for woman in tho city and that ho hlmeclf takes n plungo In the canal near his homo every morning. An to savngencas, tho peoplo seom to mo moro civilized thnn any of tho Malay races I havo yet soon. They aro far moro good natured and friendly than tho nntlves of tho Straits Sottlomonts. Thoy appear to bo fond of ono another, and I seo mon nnd boys going along with Joined hands. Tho women go In pairs as n rule, and all laugh and chat as thoy movo along together. Thoro Is no scowling nt tho foreigner as In Chlnn, and if thoy really hato tho Ameri cans they do not show it in tholr faces. Ilut to return to tho streets through which we nro moving. Tho crowd has grown ns wo approached tho business section, and wo nro often forced to step out in tho road. Tho sidewalks of Manila aro seldom moro than threo feet in width, and moro than tlireo peoplo cannot well walk abreast upon thean. Thoy nro flagged with rough stones, tho roadway being unpaved ns n rule. Tho houses nro everywhere closo to tho streets, and In many cases thcro aro blocks of build ings which havo theso overhanging balconies so that na you walk you aro shaded by them from tho rays of tho sun. Many of tho balconies havo Uielr shell windows pushed back, and wo frequently got a glanco from n Filipino innldon as she sits in them nnd looks down on tho street. HiiIn ami IIokh iih DrmiKlit Aiiliiinln. Tho scenes In tho mlddlo of tho street aro even moro Btrnngo than tlioso on tho side walks. What would you think of having rats and hogs to pull your drays and your carriages? Well, tho Filipino drought animals aro not much unllko these. Tho carriages aro drawn by llttlo ponies not bigger than 3-montlis-old calves, who nro as ratty looking as tho tenm of mlco which appeared boforo Cinderella, to bo turned by tho wnnd of tho fairy Into tho magnificent steeds which took her to tho ball of tho prince. Thoy form tho riding and driving animals of tho people, who flog thorn with out tncrcy as thoy go through tho stroots. Tho heavy work Is all done by caribou, or wator buffaloes, which can bost bo described by calling them tmmenso black hogs, with borns. Thoy are as big aa tho avorago Durham cow, and aro of tho same genus, but no rcnpectablo American cow would acknowledge that It had any relation to thorn. Tho caribou has a skin llko a pig, with black bristling hair standing out upon It, so that you can see everywhere the hide through tho bristles. They nave, I am told, few pores in their skin, and they wallow In tho water nnd mud Just llko hogs. They are worso In this respect than hogs, for thoy muBt wnllow several times a day in the hot weather or they will go cruzy, and a mad caribou Is a dangerous beast. For this reason tholr drivers stop them every now and then at tho river or a canal as they go through tho streets nnd let thorn tako a ten-ralnuto bath. Tho great toasts walk down stops Into tho water and llo thoro with nothing but thur heads showing out. You may seo scores of them so bathing during a half hour's walk along tho waterways of Manila. Tho most of tho hauling Is dono by thoso caribou on drnys and carts. Thoy form a part of tho street cleaning brlgado which aencrnl Otis has organized, and thousands of them aro employed In transporting tho sup plies for tho troops. They usually work single In shafts which aro Joined at the end by a hoop-llko yoke, which rcstB on tho neck Just In front of tho shoulders. Thoy are led or driven by means of a ring through tho nose, to which lines nro fastenod. They aro very strong and, ns a rulo, vory gontlo If thoy hnvo their regular baths of water and mud. I am told that they aro used gen erally throughout tho Philippines. Even tho children rldo them, and out In tho coun try It Is not nn uncommon sight to seo a l-yenr-old boy astrldo of a caribou aa It feeds In the pasture. They furnish much of tho milk of Manila, nnd tho poorer classes use their meat for roasts and stows. FRANK O. CARPENTER. Old Noll Detroit Journal: Tho spirit of tho great Oliver Cromwell, ntlrnctcd by tho clash of nrniH, thereupon betook Itself to South Africa. "What?" cried Old Noll. "Theso nro tho Ilrltons? And not thoso? . I fnlth, thou strlngrst me, or elso tho English soldiery hnvo changed mightily since my day!" At tho moment of his approach, under stand, It chanced that n battle was prepar ing, and tho Dritlsh wero covering their breasts with their gllttorlng decorations, whllo tho Doors wore quoting scripture nnd singing psalms through their nosen. The Savage Bachelor Indlnnnpolln Preps: "If you had been nt tho Drowns' golden wedding celebration last night," snid tho Sweet Young Thing, "you would hnve filtered your views on matrimony." "I wouldn't, olther." said tho Savngo Dachelor. "If matrimony wero not a fnko thore would not bo such n pow-wow raised over a couplo that hnvo mnnaged to endure each other for a few years, and don't you forget it!" "cA Perfect Food" '"Preserves Health" "Prolongs Life" i m FOUR t f FULL QUARTS W Expren PrepilrJ. W DPS DISTILLER CONSUMER Saving Middlemen's Profits, Preventing Possibility of Adulteration. Wc arc distillers with a wide reputation of 30 years' standing. Wc sell to consumers direct, so that our whiskey may be pure when it reaches you. It is almost impossible to get pure whiskey from dealers. Wc have tens of thousands of customers who nnvrr buy elsewhere. Wc want more of them and wc make this offer to get them: (' We will snd four full quart bottles ol Hay ner's Seven 1 Year Old Double Copper Distilled Rye for $3.30, Ex. 1 press Prepaid. We ship In plain packages-no mirks ' to Indicate contents. When you get It and teit It, II It I Isn't satisfactory return It at our expenie and we will 1 I returnyour$3.ao. Such whiskey cannot bepurchased 1 1 eiiewnere lor less man $5.00. Wc arc the only distillers selling to consumers direct. Others who claim to be arc only dealers. Our whiskey has our reputation behind it. Hayner Distilling Co., 325-331 W. Filth St., Dayton, 0. Itarmattt Tklrd Jlit'l link, u; builatu aot laDaytoa erCea'llaelM. U. 8. order for Ari.,Colo.,Ca.,Idaho,Mont.,Ner.,N. Met.. Ore.. tah,Watb., Wyo., rnuit call for 20 quarta, bjr freight, prepaid. I'Xho above offor is genuine. Wo guarantee tho abovo firm will do as thoy ntrroe. Editob.1 Hayner's tVDi YEAR 01 5' 1 1 4k4 5 DISTILLING CO L!N,0HI0,U.SA "THE MORE YOU SAY THE LESS PEOPLE REMEMBER." ONE WORD WITH YOU SAPOLIO : BAKER'S : -BREAKFAST: : COCOA " Known the world over. . . Received the highest In- dorscments from the medical practitioner, the nurse, and the Intelligent housekeeper BJ and caterer." Diedie and Hygltnlc GaulU. WalterBaker&Co.ud.I DORCHESTER, MASS. KaUblUheil 1780. Trade-Mark Ion Every Package ARNICA TOOTH SOAP llcmitlllon, clpnnKO.pri" Hcrvi'D and wliltciiH tho teeth, Btrenutlii'ii tln (iiiiiH ami 8tteotoiiK me irt-nth. The World'a Sundnrd Dentifrice lor 39 tors. lined In 11 million lllllllCK, I'm 11 1 III lll'llt and liniiily IxixeH the Meal t.nckuuti for tliu traveler. No (hint, mi lumilnr. tin ll'iulii til wuste, or III plain or noil uiiriiifntM. .-.! 11I ul I DrnitvUI. . II, KTIIOMIIO..I'rw.l tklfaio. III., I.8.A. "HAVE ROOT PRINT IT" X t. Hoot Hr inter 1609 HOWARD I STREET BOOK BINDER BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER OMAHA I n t HA? Length "d Quality OF Service Remington Standard Typewriter defies competition WYCKOFF, SEAMANS & BENEDICT 327 Broadway, New York, N. Y. OMAHA URANCII, IOIO FAUNAS! ST. All the Ladlea Eat Gold Medal Chocolate Bon bons By Bxpreaa, 1, 2, 8 and H pound bozci, OOo a pound W. S. Balduff, lHSiO Karnam St., Omaha. "THE BUST OF BEAUTY, i HOWT08ECUt.T.)the till of HI 711 I i mm tviiurt time lUtely FRCEtoUhoamly, auie, Reader. hv not be able to use the most tn)steiious ami powerful force of nature? lly nty method you can learn to I lypnotizo In a few hours time, without leaving your home. You can perform all of tho many marvelous feats that are puUlo to tho lUnnotist. Through 11 vrmotism vou can I cure fli&casc, conquer pain, win reluctant affection, gratify your ambitions, ami pro duceamufccmentbythehour, it costs you nothing to find out all about It I havo Just issue t In tv)k form a mammoth illus trated LEU HUN or 7 10 IIJP"Ol'm, wnicn ruiiy expu crets of the Art. beautiful and artistic engravings, and Is the mott elaborate and cipentlve tiling ui me Rum crcr puoiisneu. ror a Flit Buit i aid Scrawajr Nccki re I Qulcklj Made I Roood, Plump I and , Graceful. xpidfnt the mysteries ami tc It contains hundreds 01 miii semi tins mafrntneent work AbSO I will also Include ' arire amount of other valuai gantiy Illustrated literature without Interesting amlele Kemcmbcr, all this costs you ir. A ostaI card win iring It. in noth Order to-ilay and learn lo charge. linif llvni It Is a cliaiKc of a lifetime. Ad Jress, I'ltOF. Ii. A. IIAIlItADKX, Station 13, Jackson. Midi. 1 it LADIES WANTED TOSELLTHI Latest moil Faehlonablt) Petti coat made. Agent make from 13 to SCO per week. Addrtta lirpt N.PABISSKIIITCO. 491 arl it. Cleveland OA Is) MP nn InterextlnK lUn trott'il book, which vrHSvill nuilLlienlod In a i I ul n onvolore for tliu nkUiiK. It tclln how Iwlthout tlmuHoot Jmstiiinr Iutly may iKHwepfi it twrieci una lvn tlKuru, wrlect nnd nttruct. M n tlguru. t r.veu me piainont tlpure can Ix loruiou to n u ItAlltltV. erb nnd A nwlnntlnu. W nilencn ennflilpntlal. I at.mn n.rftMnni Addrma, u. fCAi. mcuiuinc t.u., iicveiaoa e plalnont A i tie trunt- f ;o one of ueenl; BIIUtT. mi " nnd A Ina. f to- rent .0. f H'rllR Kv. nrty encu Ing twoce Mra. Wlnalovr'e) Soothtnit Syrup. Hbji been uaed for over FIFTY TEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL DItEN WHILE TEETHING, with PER FECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the. CHILD," SOFTENS the GUMS, XLLATS all PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC, and la the beat rem ody for DIARRHOEA. Bold by Druugtata In every part of the world. Be euro and oak for "Mrs. Wlnalow'a Soothlnjr Syrup," an take no other kind. Twmty-nve ceiila hottu.