Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1900, Page 7, Image 19

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    March 1, 1000.
Features of Manila,
Capital of Philippines
iCu!iK'y V,nk,?' " Jo,,rnal nnJ lnscrt thercon
JL , ,22T.(Spoc,nl Co"08!51"1- varieties of questions. I had to give my
! UJ-l7n y.. '"Ah? ?W. -ox. nationality. Inst residence, pro-
V., . 7 uiutH m coining iroin rcsslon nnd to state whether I wi
How Chance Made
Cousins an Orator
wnsnington to tho Phlllpplno Islands. I
Imvo gono almost half way around tho world
and If I could boro an nuger nolo through
this groat, round ball on which wo llvo nnd
fasten my oyo to It I might feast on rays of
light which nro now washing tho United
States. It has been n long trip, a hard
trip and a costly trip. In actual travel,
not Including tho short etny I mado in
Japan, It took mo thirty-seven days to get
hero. Six days wero fpent In crossing tho
United Stntcs and seven days more In coin
ing to Honolulu. Wo had twelvo days of
smooth sea between tho Hawaiian Islands
nnd Japan and about ton dnya, Including
our stops at the ports between Yokohanin
and Hong Kong. From Hong Kong to
Manila wo steamed over C30 miles of
rtonny sen, our llttlo tugboat of a steamer,
tho Diamante, bouncing up nnd down like n
cork on tho waves, rolling nnd pitching nnd
twisting its tnll nbout in corkscrew curves
during tho whole of tho voyngo. This trip
Is always rough. It Is ono of sixty hours,
during which few cscnpo seasickness.
As to cost. Uio trip from Washington to
Snn Francisco, with sleeper and meals, re
quires about $100, nnd tho fare frbm there
to Manila Is ?2Sr.. Add $13 for extras nnd
stny nt tho ports nnd you will soo thnt the
oxpenso of a flrst-clnss passage to tho Phil
ippines Is Just nbout $100 In gold. A
second-clns3 passage, with tho Incidentals
Pllt. down, roilllnn 41m fnlil tn torn
- -1 -" fl " " '.nil k.n 111V, LtllLll lu fbUV VJ 1
$300, but tho lcrs In comfort would bo great.
in. in l-hchi an ui inc steamers nro crowuou
to their utmost. I found tho hotels nt the
ports of China and Jnpan full nt prices
ranging from six to eight silver dollars a
day, nnd at Hong Kong hnlf of theso of our
ship passengors, who applied for rooms nt
tho leading hotel, wero turned nway. Here
at Manila I am In tho Orlcnto, tho biggest
and supposedly tho best hotel In tho Philip
pines, but nono too good for all that. Tho
first night I had n room with three other
guests and now I have to fight dally to keep
from having an extra bed put In my apart
ments for tho night.
TniK'l to (lie riillliiplucn.
vns mar-
rlcd or single. I was made to stato whothor
I had money upward of $30, whether I had
produced, If they had any reason to suspect
tho parties they met. Ho told mo, however,
ho would glvo mo n speclnl pas3 If I found
thero wns occasion for Its use. .
Outside of this tho city Is ns quiet and
peaceful as any In the United Stntes. Tho
people go about their business as usual nnd
every ono Is as good-natured and smiling
as though tho country wns not In n state of
In .Mitnllii.
I am trying to swallow the city of Manila,
but It hno so many strange features that it la that of a wholehearted, healthy Amur
Hubert (1. Cousins, the Iowa congrwHinan tho heroes of tho Hanks Bed river oxpodl
tvho stirred his Now York auditors bo tlon, Tho next fall Cousins hlmsolf wns
mightily with his address on Lincoln the put up for tho legislature nnd eloctod. Ho
other night, Is only a llttlo over 10 and has been In congress bIiico 1803. His
looks younger. In truth, his appearance speeches on tho lloor of tho hnusn imvn nni
BBm tBiSaS ' HdflGBffltB
pnld my own passago nnd whether I was
going out to Join a relative, nnd, If bo,
whom. I put in writing tho fncts that I
was not a polygamlst; thnt I had never been
In prison or an almshouse, and that I was
been very numerous, but overy ono has
counted. Ho became known throughout tho
country ns a speaker of real ability In 1800,
when he delivered nn address, tho BUbJcct
whereof was tho course of Mr. llayard, then
ambassador to Great Britain. Naturally tho
political friends of Mr. llaynrd took Issuo
with tho substance of this address, but Its
power was questioned by nobody. Possibly
tho most forcible utterance of Cousins was
mado Just after tho blowing up of tho Mnlno.
It wns only eight or ten minutes' long, but It
electrified the house and tho nation.
Ills favorlto aniustonent Is llshlug. He
likes to Hpend tho summer near a certain
lown Inko wherein black hnss are to bo
found nbundnntly. He goes out both In
the early morning and at sundown. Not
many men of hl size nnd weight w uld
relish following tho spi rt after his fashion,
for ho stands In u moving boat sometimes
nn hour or two at n stretch while casting
the lly. This gives exercise- to every iiiusMo
In tho body besides furnishing an
appetite for breakfast. Men who have fished
with 111 in say that ho always catches enough
to furnish a menl f r a party. Ho likes to
cook tho llsh himself and Is an adept nt the
art. Mo shoots, also, and could make u
record as n marksman If he chose. Ho does
not ride horseback ami he does not play
golf. Ho thinks ho hasn't tho time. When
c ngress in Is session ho walks rrti.n the
Hiorehnni, where ho lives, to the cnpllol In
the morning and back again In tho evening.
hike ni(st men who speak well, Mr. Couilns
appreciates good speaking In others. Ilo
has told his friends that thu rarest lilt of
eloquence he has ever been privileged to
hear was delivered by an Iowa lad name.l
KnulTmnn, tho subject being "Srloneo and
Poetry." Knuffinnn was a llttlo cliap phy
sically, with a piping volro which novo?
,, . , co,,,,l Imvo '"'oh heard In a big auditorium,
Ho Is more than six ,.. ..... ,,,,, ,, ,, ,..
" - ..w ....... .. uiu viiuiuniiii'na Willi
neither deformed nor crippled. I wroto
Tho number of pcoplo coming hero steadily also where I expected to go and what to do
Increases and now that tho war is practi
cally over Americans will soon be found in
nil of tho Islands. A largo part of those
with whom I traveled were tho wives and
children, sisters, cousins nnd nunts of our
soldlers nnd especially of the officers On
nnd a number of other things about myself
making up nn Inquisitorial autobiography of
greater detail than any I was required to
make during my travols in Russia.
sticks In my throat, and It may bo weeks lean boy, grown
beforo I can digest It. It Is like no other feet tall, his avoirdupois lit his height. whlch ho trentm, ha HOlm!Wlml Imrmloxcl
city I have over seen, and I look In vain his face is s.noo h-shaven, his blue eyes llu,lll0 mmlo a , lllll)rL.S8loll ,, nt
for comparisons. At times I think I have are clear and Hashing, his manner Is earnest, lll8t ono 0( j,s mntors.
u in unngKOK, ior mo lown is cui up oy jiuuii on iiaiiu nnu unsniuieci. jusi iiko n jjr. Cousins works hard and likes It. Ever
rivers nnu. cannis uiicu wim siraugo craii, ouj a, miu ins voice, uesiues ucing mil anil
In which families of theso brown-skinned round, Iiiih tho unmistakable ring of youth,
pcoplo live and dlo and do business. At It Is not lucking In virility, though thero
times tho canals remind mo of Holland, for nro times when 11b quality Is almost hnrsli,
thoro nro tiled roofs of curious shnpes over- and It always "carries." His laugh, some-
hanging them, and again you strlko a times the quiet chuckle of maturity, some-
Upcn reaching tho harbor of Manila I had ,1Uilrtor whch has somo of tho ta of (lmos tllQ r, , b , oxpn!llllhin of (lf 1
to make a written statement as to the VcnIco. Thoro nro Btreetg W(Q thoso of Joy , tho 0VUI)t of .,, momenti Catch,..g. h,8 Btm'ly LXo,
since tho battle of Mnnlla bay bo has been
studying tho cotistltutlcnal questions In
volved In tho extension of American au
thority over tho Isles of the sen, and boiiio
dny undoubtedly ho will express himself
with regard to thoso questions upcn tho lloor
not until lie has made
for thnrniiL'ImiHiH in
old Spain, having bright-colored houses, with Mr. Cousins ls essentially a trnnsmlssls- ono of ills qualities,
balconies and barred windows, which hang slppl type. For threo full generations his Nnturally, ho tolls a story well, but ho Is
rut over tho streets, and In tho older part "of family has dwelt in lown and his entire by no means a prufessl nnl story teller. Ho
tho city, which is surrounded by a wido training wns received In his native slate, likes to hear stories but ho wants good ones,
moat nnd grent wnlls, you nro In tho Europe first nt tho district school and then nt Cor- His reading Is volumilnous nnd broad nnd It
of tho middle ages. noli college, from which ho was graduated Includes the best of modern fiction. Ho
Tho business sections nro still stranger, beforo ho wns 23. As a boy he wanted t has never yet found tlnio to contribute ex-
Thero Is ono made up of Chinese, where '- a civil engineer nnd through nil the first tenslvely to tho periodicals, but ho has tho
tons of thousands of Chlnoso llvo nnd have I'nrt of his collcgo coiirso paid particular taste, tho creative power and tho habit of
their stores. The chief street of this sec- attention to mnthcmntlcH. Undoubtedly he
tion Is Just iiko ono of tho streets of Can- would imvo kept to h!s first lovo In the
ton. There are so many Spanish Blgns and choice of n enreer but for two things
Spnnlsh merchnnts on tho Escoltn, tho main T1o first of theso wns his chance doclslon
business thoroughfare, that you might 10 spenk for a prlzo In tho Junior year. His
Imnglno yourself to be In Madrid or Buenos clnssmntcs woro surprised both at bis do-
Ayres, and In other nlaces tho bazaar-llko cision and his subject, "Lord Byron." for
shops, mere holes In the walls, with their 1,0 liml Hitherto shown nptltudo neither for zephyr quite ns effectively ns tho foinner
awnings and curtains of Happing, dirty can- nrn,HrJ'" nr tho study of lltornturo. How- speokor of the h ;iise.
vas, aro not unlike tho thoroughfares of ovnr' ,lc wont n,lcnd nnn gnvo tho wholo Mr. Cousins ls unmnrrled. Before his
Delhi or Agrn, In northern India. In overy clnss- Including himself, n furthor surprise election to congress ho had built up an ex-
enso, howover, Mnnlln 1ms fontures pcculluily by wlml,"B- T,,Q second determining causo tensive law prnctlco in Iowa, a part of
Its own, features which mako It one of tho wth rloforcllco to ls career waB tho dim- which ho still retains.
most curious birds In tho wholo municipal y , ,!X',ur'onco" n graduation m get
nvinry tln" n chanco to prnctlco engineering. Not
studying humanity that betoken tho llternry
man. Until Thonins B. Heed forsook o n
grcss for tho law ho and Cousins woro great
chums. Tho latter shares Heed's admira
tion of tho pootry of Eugeno F. Wnro (Iron-
qulll) and can recite tho famous Hues about
tho brasseyed bird pup and tho Kansas
tho China, tho steamer in which I came vnluo of my baggago, and, notwithstanding mo'Bt kisses of this damp cllmato have
n vlnrv
Tni, M,n i,ti.ii ... . rinding a Job in thnt lino ho got a placo as
fj , i , b S 11 .f Cr08.3 Ul. Way """keeper for a Dos Molnos house. Ho
from tho hotel. I can sco It as I write. It i.ol.l this place till ho had saved up $75 or
s an Immcnso two-story structure, with $ioo and then returned to his homo at Tlp-
hugo balconies Jutting out from tho second ton, where ho begnn to study law, investing
story and ovorhanglng the street. It has most of his capital In Blackstono Com-
a rldgo roof of dark red tiles, which curve mentarles and other law books.
Inward Iiko tho corrugations of a gigantic Ho had no notion of doing anything In
wasnuoaru. in each of tho tllo val oys thero nolltlcs till 1RR4. Thnt wn im vonr nr ... ."
Is a lino or row tho greenest of green. Tho Ulnlno campaign nnd Cousins stumped his iioroulion wo withdrew ourselves nimrt
birds of tho nlr have dropped tho seeds, the congressional district for W. T. Shaw, ono of nnd wept quieUy "1vcb apart
Detroit Journal: Wo wero thinking today
of thu deciideneo of our Institutions.
"Thoro Is the Press," wo oxolulincil, in
especial sorrow. "Tho power of thu Press
Ih as nothing to whnt It wns!"
"Nonsensol" replied tho Press, positively.
"Why, I can print In seven different colors
warmed them into life and hnvo
thoro a very garden of tho air.
Now look at tho lattlco work of that snow
whlto and sky-bluo balcony which shows out
under tho roof. See, tho sun has caught It
nnd has turned tho lattlco Into a checker
board of mothor-of-poarl. Each sntiaro In
from San Francisco to Japan, we had fifty- I showed tho American customs Inspector
elx women, and children of all ages, from a letters of Introduction from our secretaries
llttlo ten-day-old oaby, whoso mother wa3 of tho State, War and Navy departments, had
on hor way from Atlanta to Join her bus- to open my trunks and allow him to dlll-
bnnd, a lieutenant supposed to bo on tho gently search for firearms. I fortunately
firing line, to an Oregon girl of 19, who was had nono. Tho old German was not so
going out to marry her soldier sweetheart. lucky. Tho lnsnoctor discovered a -
On the Doric, which took mo to Hong Kong, volvcr in ono of his boxes and thereupon tho utructuro is filled with an oyster or other
thero were moro army women, and on tho gnvo hlm a chanco of having It confiscated opalescent shell, so thin thnt It lotB In tho
uiiiiiiiiuiu wo nnu, uihuuk umuiB, u. yuuiiK hv thn Government nr thrnwlnir tl nvor. Ilgnt Wllllo t keens out the hnnt. Thorn nro
board. Tho Gorman preferred not to con- thousands of such balconies In Mnnlla. Thoy
trlbuto to Undo Snm and tossed tho ro- wn" 1,10 second stories of tho houses of the
volvor Into tho sen. A great numbor of better parts of tho city, so thnt tho town Is
armed soldiers camo out to tho vessol nnd t,mt neir heaven In that It has pearly wln
mcn with guns nt their sides stood nt the 'lows, If not gntes of pearl.
gangway until tho Inspection was finished. Iok again at tho house. Whero Is Its
Upon landing wo found soldiers overy- Jlinoy? It has nono. Tho town does Its
whoro on guard. Thoro are- 5,000 so cm- C00kl"B vor charcoal or fires mado of sticks
nloved In Mnnlla alnnn. Tiioi. nro n n not niucli bigger than your finger. Thorn
, mm u iui ui young men wiiu - . .. .. . .. U bo llttlo omoi, iui i .u.
i i i i lurco exieiit. inn nnnen or inn n tv nm tiio " uii iuiku uiiiiiuiuya nro
.hnni,, n rnnitn tnoi. forinoa in nnn wnv most rigid ordor Is overywhcro kopt. Every- not nceilc(l. nnd in most cases tho smoke
'.... thine closes tin nt. R;sn n. m. nni nftor ii.nt Rots out ns it can. Bolow tho balcony you
may notlco tho stores and shops. Tho first
wlfo, who was taking her little baby to glvo
It Its first introduction to its papa, a cap
tain In tho ranks, who had loft America
beforo his baby was born.
Wo had a numbor of commercial and
business men who wero going to the Islands
to look up tho prospects for Investment and
trade, a dentist who had left Japan to accept
a partnership with ono of tho American
dentists hero, and a lot of young men who
or another. mint; closes up nt s:so p. m. nnd nftor that
A queer couplo in tho second class was a no ono ,s "Howed to bo out on tho strcots
Gorman of CO nnd his 18-year-old daughter, without a pass. Any person walking or
who hnd sold out their farm in southern driving through tho town nftor that hour
California for $5,000 and expected to Invest w111 bo halted by guards at overy few steps
tho money In a hemp raising ranch In ono n"d If ho cannot quickly show that ho Is
of tho Islands. Tho girl was nearly six feet ol't on business, and that with tho author
in holght, and hor father told mo sho tty of tho military governor, ho will bo
weighed 205 pounds and that sho could plow taken to Jnll. But few parses nro given.
with a four-horso team as well as any man. I was refused ono today by General Schwnn,
floor Is UBiinlly given up to business nnd
trndo nnd tho hotter clnsses of tho pcoplo
uvo nnovo stairs.
A lllnl'M-Mye VlfW.
But that Is only one house. Como with
mo to tho great galvanized Iron church of
St. Sobastlnn. Its towor ls tho highest In
nil Manila, and from It we can get n blrd's-
a. it rr t . ., n., ,,i.i i,n i,i m i, ,...i ... o vlow of tho city. Wo tako a carriage
liuu, ikuug a on fciiu ,1101, uiiuuui,u ...... kiu uu viuiiu jiuai uoiiik niiuv lly - 1 1. .4 M llnl. I , . ...
of tho rigid martial law which ls now ex- mistake hlmsolf the other night, and that n ' ,,! bnoCk booxit th0,8'z0 ot a Road-slzed
Uon nvr thn lalnnna. Whon T hn,irhr lust now ho thoi.Phr It nf..r nn,l l.ottor fo PacInS CaSO. SWUng botweon Wheels, nnd
-Tny ticket there I wns required to sign a me to bo In nt night, for tho pollco wero Ur Drown-sklnncd driver flogs his pony as
sboet of paper as big as two pages of tbla apt to shoot before such passes could be (Continued on Page Elgtit.)
ooldetruth WHISKEY
Thlm Whlmhey Im abmoluiely pure. It is good for medic
lnal ns well ns other purposes. Wherever it 1ms been introduced
ll liaslieen royally received. In order to prove it to you by actual
use wo offer St at coat-$2.0S. We defy competition nt this
puce, nk AHE DISTILLERS. All our output Is distilled by our i
utvn iuiuii nnu every urop is subject to our personal Inspection I
Dcioreu leaves our wareiiouse. In buying from urn you
uo away wnn tho mldtlleman'm profit. This 1
nccounts for our low cost on the whiskey. If you doii't
think we save you nt least 50 per cent, on your purclinsc
send the whiskey lmcknt our expense and we return t lie
money. That weore good forthisoiTeryou can nscertnln
through the Commercial Agencies orany Chicago Dank.
UowU neiit Immediately an receipt uf
order. V ulilp In pluln pucUuecn.
Make Iteinlttunces to
M-.Sn,er?,! l51,.Co.lS' C'- IdM"l Mntan, Ner , N.
tt f "1 1 m' WMh-' Wjro, ,nu,t cal' t0T 180 iwta, by
(ITe piruln Dtiprti Dlilllllat Co. will d u Utr r.-rdllor.)
V 1 uvn nn'".