Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1900, Page 6, Image 18

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Western Girls Push
ing to the Front
Two bright young western women, daugh
ter of CiicbrlllcB, nio In llio cast Becking
to emulate llio parental example and become
latnous. liutli bid fair to bo successful,
iiuih nru liandBoine In an Individual Htylo.
no Hi lmvo talent which Ih likely to develop
into gciiliiB. lloth are energetic and um
lilil,.UH. Iloth aro working tirelessly to reach
the goal of fame long since attained by their
uno Ih Xabcllo Alungnsarlnn, the daughter
t,( .Mungnsar Maugntarlan, the great Ar
menian scholar and preacher. The other Is
i.iitiiho livelyn Lcnse, daughter ot Mrs. Alary
Kilzubeth Ieune, tho lecturer, gtatcBWomaii
and leformer.
Alias .Maugasarlau Ih HVelte, low-voiced, of
ready anil graceful Hpeecli, relates the Chi
cago Tribune. On Uruadwny, In Now York,
or at home, bIio Booms tho well-bred, clover
American girl. Hut a word of her reminis
cences or her ambitions and the Armenian
(inugniur of the Armenians Is revealed.
Aiungnsar .Maugasarlau, her father, has the
reputation oi being tho moat loarnoil Ar
menian In tho world, lie Ih tho author of
"A Htudy of Harem Life" and of hlsloilus
of Turkey and Armenia, lie was tho leader
of the Society fur Hthlcnl Culture In Chicago
for many years. It woh ho more than any
other ono man who enlisted tho active aym
pathy of tho United States ror Armenia In
the latest massacres by tho Turkish soldlory.
A temporary bllnduesB has allllctcd him, and
ho Is now In tho oust for rest and export
With him are his wlfo and daughtor
Znbello. Their homo tu at Orange, N. J.
Znbcllo left it last month to go to New
York, as small boys have run away from
homo, in pursuit ot fortune. She was inoro
successful than tho average small boy, for
already sho 1b Installed in tho pretension
of her choice. Her feet nro on a rung,
even though It bo tho lowest ono, on tho
ladder ot fortune.
Will Co on Mm; Stum1.
(lifted musically and with mualcal grace
of luovomonts, she bus chosen tho stage as
her "vocation. Sho Is playing small parts
with tho Cnstlo Situaro Opera company at
the American theater In Now York. Critics
have already noticed tho fresh, Btrong,
young volco with ilute-llko notes lu It. AIIbs
Alungnsurlun Is sure ot that voice, no sure
iiH sho Is ot hor determination tho golden
means to a greater ambition, to slug before
tho mi Kan. if sho gains an audience with
the Turkish monarch hIio says tho double
object of hur ambition Is assured. Shu will
awaken his sympathy for tho Armenians by
showing him what one ambitious Armenian
girl can do, and sho will manage n company
that will. play at giant benollts for poor
Alias Atnugnsnrmn has largo black eyes
that are tho homo of seriousness. A great
purpose fills thoso eyes as It 1111s her life.
Sho Is tho most earnest girl ot l'J one may
Mud among thousands. The reason for this
Ih not a mytdciy. Tho girl has lived In the
shadow of tuassacru and horrors all her lite.
Her grandfather wan u famous physician.
It was that fame nlono that saved him from
death by a Turkish scimitar. Possessed of
tho name, Dr. .Maugasarlau, he was still
forced to lice from his house to escape being
burned to death.
Her uncles wero driven through tho streets
pursued by Turkish soldiers, and ono of
young girls with
they wero babc.4
them was killed. Tho
whom sho played when
have met horrible deaths, All this tho young
Armenian girl is never permitted to forget.
It Is In tho tttmoaphero of her father's home,
In the pictured on tho walls, tho bookB on
tho shelves, tho conversation of tho family,
and In her own dreams.
Hum mi ICiiriiCNt I'lirpoHv.
So (the has set about, with a girlish earn
estness that Is half pathetic, to carry out her
purposo of aiding her countrymen. Sho
works hard at rehearsals every morning,
and nt tho performance evry night. Sho
takes music and dancing ltsaons, and in tho
half-hour dally rest she thinks always of tho
time when sho will tdng before tho sultan
lu his palace and so soften his heart toward
the Armenians.
"It will t.-.ko mo about Ilvo years to n.hlevo
my aim and head u company of players In
i'urkoy," sho says. "I am working hard,
and I shall think of nothing else until it U
done. 'Die sultan is not n cruel mnn, but lm
has bill advlHcis, .Matters In Armenia lmvo
been misrepresented to him. Once his heart
Is softened through music It will bo easy to
tell him the truth. I will lmvo no trouble In
getting nn audience, because my family U
well known lu Constantinople. I pray every
tltiy that (lod will give mo health and pro
servo my life until that time."
MIhM l.t'lINC Will I.Cl't II !.
Alias lottlso Kvelyn Lease wants to go
upon tho lecture platform, but her plan con
templates some Intermediate stages. After
who is graduated from tho Normal school
II. Oiborn, (1. C. Clemens, "Calamity" Wollor, V. II. Dech,
Ceorgla, ICnusas. Iowa. Nebraska.
Mnrcli 4, 1000.
Louis. In ringing tones sho said: "You
men must keep your promises and glvo us n
stiff rage plank. You all have been used to
say, 'The hand that rocks tho cradle rules
the world,' but I say to you, gentlemen, If
you do not keep ycur promise there will be no
crndlea to rock and no babies to put In them."
vMIbh Lcaso blitshingly deprecates this
childish spoech now. Sho Is a girl ot tender
sensibilities. When sho wns 12 years old
sho visited tho stock yards In Chlcng". The
scenes she saw made a vegetarian of hor.
"It was bccauBO I could never forgot the
look of ageny In tho eyes of tho dylns
animals that I could never eat meat ngn'.n,"
sho said. "Besides, I met a Hind o Boon
afterward, who convinced me that life Is
sacred." Therefore Alias Lease eschewH meat,
eggs and milk nnil all their modified forms.
Allss Alnngaparlan would bo the Ksthcr f
her people. AIIbb Lcnse would bo the gent o
teacher of hers.
A Woman's Work
Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
When breakfast things are cleared awnv
Tho same old nrnblcm's rising,
l'or s ie again sits down to think
Of something
The dinner she must wojii pretiare,
Or glvo tho cook directions',
And urent Is the relief she feels
When she has made selection.?.
Whi'ii dinner things nru cleared away
Tho problem that Is upper
Is Just tho same with one word ehangej
"Whnt can I get for supuer?"
She wants to give them something now,
And long Is meditation,
Till choice Is made, nnd then begins"
Tho work of ire:aratlon.
When supper things nro cleared uwny
Aunln lior mind Is worried.
For then she thinks of breakfast time,
When meals nro often hurried.
Sho ponders o'er It long until
Tho question Is decided.
Then bustles 'round till sho makes sure
That everything's provided.
with hor U A. next year Bho will teach for n" amateur drama or two. Sho has dollv- "Resolved, That tho rich help tho world as
a year or two. wrlto for tho nowsunncrs and orLMl sovcral lectures on reform topics. Once much by giving largo and costly entortaln-
mngazlucB, nnd so grow gradually Into tho Bno addressed 200 Inmates of the Hoys' Ho- ments ns by making bequests to charltablo That "woman's work Is never dono"
stature of a lecturer on reform topics. form sclicol at TopoKa and hold their re- Institutions," sho carried off the honors by
Allss Leaso resombles hor gifted inothor as speotful attention whllo sho told them to bo a touching plcturo of poverty and a spirited
to feature, though sho Is a woo girl, and hor god boys' nnd why. plea for Its Instant relief.
mother Is of commanding height. Sho has
tho faco of a dreamer, but tho mind ot a
practical woman of affairs. Her diction l(
pure, her stylo ot conversation a trlllo do 1
clamatory. Sho Is modest, but as deter
mined ns her Armenian sister.
"I shall work for municipal ro.'onn. I am
lu favor of municipal ownership of public
franchises," sho says, sagely. "I Bhall al
ways rulso my volco for purity of llfo for
men and women men, as well as women. I
bellovo lu woman suffrage, tt course, al
though I don't a hi nk all women aro ready
for Btitfrage. 1 would lmvo women vote, but
I would restrict tho ballet. There should bo
an educational qualification for the fran
chise, I think. I bellovo thnt capital pun
ishment should bo abolished and I would
like to see cur reformatory lustttut.ons
really reformatory. Instead of brooding
places of crime. I plcaso don't think 'what
an antl-cllmax!' il would like to convert
thu world to vegetarianism."
iAUss Leaso was born amid surroundings
vnstly different from thoso ot tho other
young WLiunu, who believes sho has a mis
sion to make the world better. Allss Alau
gasurlan was born lu Alnltasar, a village on
tho Bosporus. Allss Leaso was born at
Donlscn, Tex. Hut tho dnuchters of tho
Occident and Orient havo a slugulnr ono
ness of purpose, lloth long for fame, not
because ( t Its Individual luster, but becauso
of tho good It may enable them to do. Iloth
nro curiously lacking lu self-consclousncsj.
Iloth nro remnrkably unselfish.
Allss Leaso has written clover verses and
Sho Is a skillful debater. When chosen to
represent tho negative of tho question:
When but 9 years old sho made a suffrage
speech at a people's party meeting in St.
Has often been dlsnutcd.
Hut thnt she's worried Is a fact,
And cannot bo refuted.
Tho worry over what to eat
Is greatest of these questions,
And clad sho'd be If somo ono else
Would tnako tho meal suggestions.
Tho nbovo cut shows tho business homo of thu leading Glass and Paint house of this section of the west.
Tho c mpnny was organized last October'for tho purposo of purchasing tho Glass and Paint stock of Air. V. II. Kennard nnd
taking over tho busltuss of tho Pittsburg Plato Glass company In Nebraskn, Wyoming, western Iowa and part of South Dakota.
Air. J. H. Dumont, who hns lived In Omnha for inoro than twenty years and has been personally Interested In the Omaha
water works, tho stock yards at South Omaha and several other enterprises that hnvo helped to bring Omnha up to its present
position, Is president, nnd Air. V. W. Judson, for several years agent of the Pittsburg Plato Glass company In this territory, Is sec
retary and manager of tho glues department.
Air. J. A. Sunderland Is vlco president and Air. L. T. Sunderland treasurer. Thoso gentlemen nro well and favorably known
throughout tho west ns olllcers and owners of tho Omnha Coal, Coko and Llmo company.
Tho nbovo named olllcers, together with Air. H. II. Ilnldrlge, ono of tho leading members of tho Omnha bar, and Air. Georgo
C. Kdgorly, formerly with tho ICdgorly Driig compnny, Ottumwn, la., comprise the directors and are tho stockholders ot tho com
pany. When Interviewed by our reporter a few days ago, Air. Dumont nnd Air. Judson expressed themselves ns very well satisfied
with tho trado that tho company had been favored with, and that they expect a largo Increnso during tho present yonr Is shown by
tho fact that they havo recently rented a wnrehouso ot 1312 Harney street to provldo storage room fcr the largo stock which they
aro accumulating for tho spring nnd sumniT trado.
One of l,iinenter'N
Modal I'llOtllM,
Lancaster pnotoorapner
Racolved two medals nt National Photog
raphers' Convention, Celeron, N. Y. the high
est honors ever awarded to any Omaha
Jo A. Parker, H. II. Wheeler, I). Clem Deaver,
Kontucky. Ohio. Nebraska.
Bankers Reserve Life Association
a. :i. nonisoN, president.
Home Office Cor. Dodge and 15th Sts., McCague Building,
One-Half Million Dollars New Business
Write for Circulars and Terms.
Easy to Explain
It's easy to explain how we can
sell a shoo others nsk J.V0O nnd
$G.0O for nnd wo sell tho same
Identical shoe the same lu quality
nnd stylo for $2.50 nnd J3.E0 be
causo they nro sold direct from the
factory nt factory prices no trav
elling men no Jobbers no retailers
protlts to pay thereby saving tho
middleman's prollt which wo donate
to you.
so. intii St., oiiiiiiin.
Write (or Illuntruted Cutulotfue Free,