8 THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: FKIDAY", MARCIX 2, li)00. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL .Ml. NO II .iiri.vrio.v. Jlavls rclls RlafB. inn A. 1J. C. beer, Neumaycr'a hotel. Welsbuch burners nt Itlxby'B. Tel. 191 Jludwelser beer U Uoscnfeldt, acont. I'liotoH. Mnarrcll Sc. Co., 15 Main street. lir. Stcph' iifon, Merrlam block. Tel. K. N.-w nlHtimrv at 333 Ilroadwny. C. L. Alexander Ai Co. Oct your work dono at the popular Laglo laundry, "21 Iiroadway. 'I'hone lo7. W. C. Kstcp. undertaker. ffl Pearl Btreot Telephones: Ulllce, ST: icsldcnce. Mm Charier L. Haas will leave today for n vh.it S Hit sister, Miss Uabcock. In fill" "KO, iVx.Hherlff John a. Morgan, who lias been critl.allV 111 for e. vcral wceK, is rci-u.t t be convalescing The regular mectlntf of W'LlSThls jj iM. Hojal Armnum, will bo held tills Iv nlng fit S o'rlock. ririv-evfn innrrlnKe licenses were Issued j,n in? clerk nf i he district court during tli" inotith of I'ebrunry. Ilfirrv M. Ilardln, who has been visiting fri. "ta in thU city, returned to his home In r.retna, Neb., yesterday. Itev. H. I Morehouse, p.. of New oi k , in tho city, the KUMt of bis brother, h. H. rlorehouse. ldoj Fourth nvenue. Thomas Bowman returned yesterday from , in sure trip to New Orleans, where he lit tended the Mardl Oras festivities. Mis Kate C'onroy, imed '.'3 yearn, died yes terday at St. llcriiar.rfl hospital. She came lure from Clinton. In., whero her relatives iivi'. Kmlt r.ehrman. n prominent citizen of r.ion. I his county, has been brought to St. Jiirmird's hospital for treatment for an uf Ti, tlon of the hraln. The .Merehants" Herald, a monthly P""" r.illfill devoted to the Inteiesls of t ouncll Jtluffs and vlelnlty. published by ti. D. Voods, has made It Initial nppenrance. Miss IMnii Uster left ycutrrdny for Day- nport on a visit of several weeks to friends. She will also visit with Mrs. llattle 3ieKay in Hock Island, 111., before return In c The. rcKtilar meeting of Hluffs company N. 27. unlforin rank. Knights of l'ythlat;, will be held this evening In Hughes hnll. when every member Is requested to bo pres fnt. Charley L. Wortoy, baggageman nt the Milwaukee depot, has report ed to the police the theft of his overcoat from the baggage, loom, lie missed the garment Wednesday night. 1 1. im Knutznmn. an old-time newspaper onan of Council Hlufls, who In the early .lavs published the Ileaeon In this city, was lierc yesterday visiting friends. He is now located at Yankton, S. D., where he pub IiMich the Heaeon Light. Mrs. Pearl Vanclovo of Crescent City. In., died hist evening at St. Homard'H hospital of sceptic delirium, -aged 23 years. She had licen sick but a short time und was taken to the hospital February 22. Notice of fu neral will be given later. Miss Alma 1'felffer of this city will be married next Sunday to Hurry V. Hay ward nf Omaha. The ceremony will be performed nt (.race. lOplwopal church, Hev. XI. Knox olllclatlng. They will take a six weeks' wedding trip in the south. Herbert Howell, who has 1ieen a member of the force In the express otlloe at the Vnloii Purine transfer for the last eleven j ears, has resigned to arrcpt the position of traveling passenger agent of the Mil waukee road, with headquarters In Omaha. The wish against W. M. Howells, the Uroailway blacksmith arrested on complaint of his wife, who charged him with ills turbllig the peare of the household, was dis missed In police, court yesterday morning and the costs taxed to the prosecuting wit ness. ft. N. Church nnd Miss Anna Cnseolgne were married yesterday at the homo of tho rlde, 1722 Sixth avenue, Hev. K. V. Krlck hoii, pastor of tho Fifth Avenuo Methodist church, olllclatlng. The ceremony was wit nessed by relatives and a few Intimate friends only. Tho Hedmond company, which Is lining n week's engagement at the Onhany theater, idaveil to a laruit house iiL'nln hist nliiht. The play presented was llm comedy drama. "The Strike," which win well staged and was well received. A number of pleasing specialties were given netween tlio acts The explosion of a gasoline stove caused about J KM) worth of damage yesterday even ing at the residence of (i. A. Schoedsack at 21 North Twenty-sixth street. The prompt nrrlv.il of the lire department prevented what looked for the time like a serious maze, i no damage w is coutineii principally to tlie walls and celling of the kitchen. J. C. Harrington, arrested two weeks ago on complaint of A V tney on the rharge of assault, was di .irged in po lice court yesterday morning for want of prosecution. The trouble between tho two men arose over the arrest of Mrs. Har rington on complaint of Forney, who cnargeo ner wnn uie embezzlement or J1W). John Ister. charecd with criminal libel Ids alleged offense belli? the t..isttinr nf mi obscene notice in front of Mary Devaney's uMxr, kiivu iniiisHii up 10 mo ponco yeS' tcrday. He was released on hU own recog. nlzance to appear In court this tnorntng Isler was recently discharged fr. m St. Her Hard s hospital, where he was trea'ed for neuralgia of the head, and It Is believed by the authorities that he Is somewhat de- langtMi menially. Hev. A. W. I.lnlnghain of lied Oak. super Intendeut for this district of the lown f 111, drop's Home soelotv. was In tho cltv v.a tenlay to make arrangements for taking emu oi nun- tirinur nuns, ine voung lad who had been abaiiduned by his father, Harry Sims. Ho also made arrangements to Lime i.ue 01 iwo nine gins, tno (laugh ters of John Taylor. Their mother has left Jier husb.ind and Is now llvlior in r im. Hhnix. The society has found homes for Jlfteen children from this city within tho mm nvcivu iiuinins. N. V. Plumbing Co.. Tei. 2."C. Ileal Cxliite TriiunfcrK. Tim following transfers were Hied yestor nay in tno aosiract, title nnd loan offlco J. V. Squire, ini Pearl street. fdlchael .'ox and wife to fleorge and Theresa Schroeder, so'i nw'i. swli neii. ii'i se ami nei,i si'j 2S-7.1-IJ. of ..w : 7.000 jiciuoni uiiamners and wue to Mary A. Hlgelow, part lot 11, Amos' subdiv ll-77-3ii, w d Anne Johnson and husband to August Ketclsen. outlotH s and !) in nlliclal plat, ii'.k n ir,-77-3s, W'al mi i, w il.... Jlclnrlch Aiidresen and wife to Alice 11. I.ongnrrker, eU lot 1. Idork 1, Noe's add to town of Walnut, w d.... B C. Harlow and wife to Annie Po land, w'sj hi, 22-77-31). s w d Slopes F. Trice to Fred -,. I'utnain, part mi t-71-39, xv d 3 -it 1 1 1 Hand. ill and husband to John Johnson, swV( 27-77-X'. w d (Margaret fireen to August Husse. nr'i rt-'S-ll w d (ieolge S. Wright to George Ilenrv. lots 2S and Sit. block 3. Wright's ndil. s w d Jlllzabeth A. Shaw and husband to Samuel and Uzzle Muy Senior, lot S In nwl4 ne'4 anil lot 12 In ne'i ne'i :i(-75-l l. w d IMnry Ann Tyson to Harry Maddo'c'ks! part II'., joA, 21-7I.J2, q e d jlarry Maddorks and wife to Peler Mnckeprang. 153 acres In eU 21-74-12. w d .'.V'''..".'"?? 10 T1o"" Otlloer'aiid . 11. M. Pu-tt'y. part nei, mi4 2U-77-l.t. q c il PellTerl & Wleso I, umber company to James Hunttr, lots 0 nnd 6, block 11, Mlnden. Ia., w d ,, K.mm t.i I. k'm It tir l,t tno ..J.i".' 1 1..100 WO 5,000 3.C0O C.OOO 21V) 1,350 1 7,30) block 11, Mind 'ii. la., w d. ' ina Si niiie A. Mcninty and husband to ' r . "l - ,u " i anil to nw'j 21-77-12, w d ". , J-ouls Hitter and wife to 13. F. Hatt'v wj nw 16-76-U. w d J J.ynian ClijiU t Walbildge I,. Clark, wu lot I, block 12, Kvcrott's add w d Jlogan Omen nnd wife to wilYlani ljrO4)0k, e!, se! mid eis wa sei, 17- "William II. Ilronn and "ui'fe to "lV V Hort, ne'i iiw'l and nwU nolt 3l-7tl js, w (I 31 It. KohorUon ami wlfo to Jit'ine Delantv, n'v nwt l-77-t;', w d... Soreii Wllladson nml lfn to Jiicob Thompson, w' Ke4 77-12. w d Nancy I Cronen and husband to J. 13. MoOlnty and A A Horn, mvi, 9 ami ci nei, S-77.12. w d I.UGO 3,2lX 100 6,720 2.550 3, ICO 2,300 :oo Total, twenty-threo transfers $67,12J Howell's Antl- Kawf cure coughs, cold. FARM LOANS Negotiated in Eastern Nebraska nnd Iowa James N Cucady, Jr., Us Main b'L, Council Uluffs. BLUFFS. Slate Lw ii DfoWred Unnotntitutional by Judss Thornell. CASE OF IOWA AGAINST ELI BROWN (Men In (IiicMIoii Not Colored to Sim ulate Ht-Kiilnr Unlry I'rolui;ts Delnlln of the l.rgul Action. Judge Thornell of tho district court handed down his decision yesterday In tho cac of the State of Iowa against Kit Drown, sustaining the defendant's demurrer to tho Indictment. The decision Is of moro than ordinary Importance, as It holds that the Htato law prohibiting the talo of oleomar garine, tho color of which resembles tho genulno dnlry product of butter, but whlrh has not been purposely colored to Imitate butter, Is unconstitutional. Kll Brown, a grocer doing business In thin city, wus arrested on an Information filed! beforo a Justice of the piacc by State Dairy Commissioner Norton, who charged him with selling and keeping for sale oleo- I mavgarlno In violation of section 2518 of the 1 code. At the tlmo of the arrest a con- sldcrablc quantity of the oleomargarine, which was alleged to bo colored to Imitate puro butter, whs seized, llrown waived a preliminary examination and tho grand Jury returned un Indictment, Section 2518 of the code, for the alleged violation of which llrown was Indicted, Is as follows: 'No one shall color with any matter whatever any substance Intended as n sub stitute for butter or cheese so as to cause It to resemble truo dairy product or com bine any animal fat, vegetable oil or other substance with butter or cheese, or combine with any nubstanco whatever, Intended as a substitute for butter or cheese, anything of any kind or nature for the purpose or wjth the effect of imparting to tho com pound tho color of yellow butter or cheese, tho product of tho milk or cream from cows, or use, solicit orders for delivery, keep for nalo or sell any such substance so colored and disguised as a substitute for butter or checso; but nothing In this chapter shall bo construed to prohibit the use of salt, rennet or harmless coloring matter In mak ing butter or cheese from such milk or cream. Tho caso wan submitted to Judge Thornell on an agreed statement of facts, which were that the oleomargarlno found in llrown's possession and whlrh ho kept for sale to his customers was entirely wholesome and contained no coloring matter for the pur poso of deceiving his customers nnd making tho goods resemble tho truo dairy product: that the color of the oleomargarine was due solely to the ingredients used In Its man ufacture and that nothing contained In It was for tho purpose of causing an imitation of dairy butter. The defense demurred to the indictment on tho grounds that the sec tion of tho codo under which it was brought wan unconstitutional, Innsmuch as It pro hibited the salo of a wholesome commer cial product. Judgo Thornell In handing down his de cision held that whllo tho state undoubtedly had the right to pass laws prohibiting the placing of any substance In oleomargarine for the express purposo of coloring It to simulate the truo dairy butter and to pre vent winter butter being colored to Imitate tho summer product, or poor nutter being colored to appear like the flrst-class nrtlcle, it had not the right to prohibit tho sale of a commercial product which Is recog nized as a good substance for food. The color of the oleomargarine, as It had been agreed In this Instance, was natural and not caused by foreign substances for tho purpose of imparting a fslso color. He quotsd several decisions of the supremo court of the United States In support of hi ruling. THIHliTI3 TO T1IU llOXOIlHtl I) I" A I). - It enolu I Ions on 1). C. Illoonirr's Dentil 1 Nt. I'll ill's VeHtry. Tho following resolutions relatlvo to the death of Hon. D. C. Illoomor were adopted yesterday at a meeting of tho vestry nf St. Paul's Kplscopal church: Whereas, In the providence of Almighty fJod Ho has seen tit to receive Into paradise tho honored nnd venerable senior warden of St. Paul's parish. Council Hluffs, Dexter C. Ulonmor, and Whereas, For forty years Mr. Hlnomcr had been a faithful and loyal member of tho parish, enjoying the love and esteem of all Its member, serving the church In Its days of prosperity and adversity and never faltering In the tivist lonllded to him, there fore be It Hesolved. by the rector and vestry of St. Paul's parish. Council Hlun's. That we ex press our sine -re sorrow over his loss to us i as a leaner ami councillor in me arrairs or tho parish; that wo will over cherish the memory of his faithfulness und devotion to the church ninl encourage others to emu late his noble example; that as a mm It of our respect hl pew in tno church bo prop- oily draped, to remain So until Hastor, when tho funeral emblem shall bo exchanged for syinl-olw of the resurrection, nnd that a copy of these ri solutions be sent to the sur viving member, of Mr. Hloomet's family, (i copy printed In the dally newspapers and n cony bo spread upon the records of the urlt.li. Davis sells paints. Mfl'lierton to Succeed AVooInoii, Advices received hero from Washington yesterday are that Congressman Smith Mr Pherson will he nppolnted federal Judge to succeed the Into John S. Woolson. This announcement has created no surpilse In this city, as it was known from tho begin ning that If Congritunian MclMioreon elected to have tho appointment there would be no obstacle In his way. Mr. McPherson han strongly supported the candidacy of Ju'g Walter I. Smith of this city for the ap pointment and the presumption Is that (ail ing to secure the support of the other m. tu bers of tho Iowa delegation he has yield d to the pressure of his friends and ennwntid to accept tho appointment hlnu. If. The same advices Intimate that the appointment will not bo mado for another month or m.re. Answer to Slack I'etrrnoo, Judge Thornoll has given the Hoard nf IMucatlon. as representing the Independ ent School district of Council l)lufT.-, until 10 o'clock this morning to tile Its nnswer to the petition of Slaik Peterson for an In junction to ro drain the district from sub mitting the lllsli school site question to the voters at the coming school election. Attorney I. N. Fllckliigor, counsel for Pe terson, appeared beforo Judge Thornell ye." tcrday moinlng 3Jd ;ul;ed for a default in the case, the beard havlcg filed no c.iswer. Attorney J. J. Stewart, a mcatber of the I board, resisted the application, g.atlnc to the court that owing to the Illness of Pie.il dent Sims the answer bad not been filtd, but that ono would 1-c entered tills inori,lnsr, Mit'iinrtl Wnn( TrcuMircrililp, W. M. Shepard, wUj was reemm -nded .by C. V. Hail's committee ns tho republican cati-u-nte for v:o noriinuiot or city as - scssor. has announced In a nubl'c statement fliat bo It not an nsplrant for that partle- ';'"'" i ....... i, III ,i Vn, ii.. ..i... ... i...i. i in in ,i,J' He .' ' .tllH. druKKlats do not . pro. ulnr ofllcc, Shepard' aspirations He In tho dlrcctlou of the emra of rJtv treasurer, tho nrmlnatlon for whleh he will seek to se curo at the republican city convention. Ilia candidacy for the city trrnMityshlp, ho says, Is at tho earnest sillellaiton of hla friends In tho party. January 1, 18H9, Mr. Shepard completed a lx rears' tenure of thn olllco of county recorder. Cbarlei W. McDonald, whom the committee selected to head the city ttckct, stated that he was not n candidate for mavor. hut that ho was willing to serve tho Fourth ward in the city council. District Court lliilnus, Tho last Jury enso of tho present lerm of tho district court, that of Mrs. Charles llanther against Swalno k Mauer. was tried yestorday. Tho plaintiff claimed damages by reason of tho defendants taking back a stovo ou which sho had made partial pay ment. Tho Jury gnvo a verdict for the plaintiff In tho sum of $23.1G. This morning Judge Thornell will resume tho hearing In tho Injunction suit of For rest Smith ngalnM the City of Council lllurfs to restrain It from enterln; Into an oho trie lighting contract with Thomas llowman. Tho motion for a new trial In tho ult of IUley Clark against J. 13. Hensworth has been withdrawn. In tho suit of M. C. flood win asnlnst the Omaha llruulng association, the portion of tho caso referring to Ulio cancellation nf tho notes asked and the Injunction sought was, on motion of tho plaintiff, transferred to the equity from the law dockot. Judge Thornell declined to transfer tho part In whlrh the plaintiff nstta for tho return of 53.000. which ho alleges ho paid tho do- fnmlant association for liquor. The plaintiff t,ln dismissed that portion of his suit on w uocaei aim nt oti-e. riled an amoml- ment to the- equity suli sc-tlnir up the same cause as contained In the Uw action. Joseph Ford commenced suit agalnEt Thomas French to enforce the contract for the sain .to him of ccrtnln land In tho county. The suits of Alnseow against Zimmerman and Myers against Shepard wore dismissed In tho superior court yesterday at plaintiff's cost. Defaults worn taken In the foreclosure suit of Alamanda Irvine against Hena Kncpher and In tho suit of William Whlto against Mrs. Annlo James. Mr. lllooiuer'N Will. Tho will of the Into Dexter C. Illoonicr was Hied for probate yesterday In tho of flco of ttu clerk of the district court. The instrument Is dated November 2S, lfrft. and by It Mr. Uloomer leaves the bulk of h!s property to his adopted chlldicn. I-3daid D. Hloomer anil Mrs. Mniy A. Strclght. He provides for a number of small legach to his brothors and other rclatlvm. Sr. Paul's church Is remembered by n gift of $1.00. His private library, with tho ex ception of 100 hooks, which he gives to hln adopted son and niece, Jennie Irvine, Is he qucated to the public library of this city. Ho also makes a request that his diaries, which ho kept for a long number of years, be deposited in tho public library. J. D. Kdmundpon and 1-3. B. Hart of this city arc named an executors without bond. loiioio.'iil to Solilleio. At tho meeting yesterday of tho Council Muffs Sanitary Woman's Kellcf commis sion It was decided to raise a fund for thn purpose of erecting a monument to tho mem bers of Company L. Flfty-lirat Ioua volun teers, who lost their lives In tho Philip pines. To raise this fund a series of en tertainments will be given, tho first to be a grand military ball which, It Is pro-, posed, acrordlng to the present plans, to give, on the night of April 26, the anni versary of the day that tho company left tlilu ltt fil rtnu Mnlnnil Ttlr. nninmla.ln., I has In Its hospital fund about $100 which. If not needed, will be turned Into the moiiu- mont fund. The following wero appointed a committee to take charge of the matter: Mrsdnmes Kdson and Compton and MIm .. l'ovcrty Hull. Kags nnd tatters and faded calico dresses were tho order of things at the "Poverty Hall" given last night by the members of Court council. Independent Order of For esters, In their hall In tho Hrown block. The affair attracted a large gathering nnd the extreme! to whleh some of thn guests went to carry out the Idea of It being a poverty ball created no ond of merriment. A good program of dancca and excellent music helped to complete one of the most suc cessful social happenings of tho season. Tho committees In charge were: Arrange ments Thomas Q. Anderson. Harvoy Do Long. Frank l-31gan. Frank Norman, A. C. Hammond. Hc-eeptiun -John II. Tuber, John W. Ferrler. James P. Hendricks. W. F. Kemp. Fl -or Frank Norman, Hay Cook, Clyde Eu.brey, Frank C. Smith, Charleo (J my. Murrluirc I, Iconic. Licenses lo wed wero Iteucd yesterday to the following persons: Name .itjd 11' ;,ll,n,lT-iIi,,fr, AZ 1 M Doolev, Council lllliffi Ida May H her, Council Hlufls 0 i. rv.,,r,,.lt muff 22 i Anna (iiis. ol -,ue. Council Hlufls Mnn.iiii Wciiii). Omaha... . 40 . 21) Mrs. Mary A. J ffru. Omuui. lowu Coiiipnuy lneorpoi'iitcN. nn n.vif. la.. March 1. (Special.) The I - .,,,,,, ,.,. iu ...v ' Kretchner Manufacturing com.iany Is a new corporation orsvinizuu m v,., The now company lias a capital litock of $25,000. of which $1S.OOO is paid up. The inrurporal rs are: H. H. Clnrk, F. M. llyrklt, C. F. Clarke, A. C. Illnchmm. fieorge Palmer, S. (5. Ilewman, M. Chandler, C. Ilolmc-i Taylor, II. C. Houghton, J-3. Kretchner and W. N. M.ilony. Tho business of the new eum-rrirwlll be to manufacture' bcuhlvfs nnd beo supplies and wood and stiel tankJ. IllVtll MVB NolCS. Four liuii'r-'d nnd ninety patents wcro IsMicd to residents of Iowa during tho last fhe, Independence nlretrlc light Plant, owned by the municipality, lust year yielded ii net prollt of $1,G5iU7. John Walthall, who lives near Iowa Falls, had both bands mutilated by the explosion of some dynamite which he was handling. Tim canvassing committee of the Orwnd Armv of the Hepubllc has rulscil 42.210 at Dubuque for the coming state encampment. FU'vd county will vote on the question of uniformity or text books In the county schools ut the approaching school elections. On account of tho fulliiro to certify the tax low the town of Hlvtfr.ddo In Wash ington county llnils itself without funds for the current year. Major W. It Orah.im of v-lar Falls, who has been in the mllltjiy service in Cum, has been unpointed piiymnstor for the army in the Philippines. The Mil. 'hell County Antl-Horsethlof as pociatlon has 1.B52"0 In Its treasury, but no thieves, ft therefore proposes to uhi the inouey to establish a hospital. The 2-year-old child of Hev. Mr. and Mrs. Hose of Sibula thrust it smll porcelain button Into Its po-.e and thn child hud to bo taken to cnu-ago in nave u rimoveii Mrs. Martin Ueiiiifcar of Clarion com milted suicide bv .Uillllg. SMio was de spondent ov;-r lf avinK lier od hu.ne. whh i llliu UI-ll r-.i. -.. I,.,.. to Mlnn-Jula The lll'"oN '. mi ll 'lallroud oilKlals ns strt tliul ." ii!.s of ceil ;..( year urn stolen r.-rn H e lo.'uuny in Waterloo and I lacy I'l.ii eve lo ne it a mop cunuui do pui I t.i lUl) i 'ncli. f. VUs I'stse, daiu-htnr of Frank Page of Vur!iln-ton, was terribly burned by un ex- i I'l-'sluii of ruiinywdur which she Uiilntcn- ' " ' "l " ,, t " " . .. u,,r.w of ciafin in. have ctvon I .iiih-1 ' -i . un Cic.r 11 i"or Ltrmlts ie teinper.uu c ' "P. " ' ' W S. 1,., 'AVai V.V 1 tlon, HUNTERS MUST BE LICENSED Sporti Visitinp lows. Will Qite Ten DolUn to Each County Visited. LEGISLATURE ATTEMPTS TO PROTECT GAME Cmiimlltrr Appointed lo Correct llvll In Olllcc of Printer nml Hinder limn House ami Semite Sprint n Dull l)n. D13S MOIN13S. March 1. (Special Tele gram.) Tho legislative sessions were lame today compared with tho last week. Sovcral measures of tnore or less Importance were brought to a vote nnd a number of Impor tant queiitions wcro made special orders In , tho h"i'o for wxl week, but otherwise tho sessions wero dull. Among tho leisures adopted today Is tho huiilcts' lleenso hill, which passed the sen ate after going through tho houso several days ago. Tho measure is olio of the most Important uhlch will become a law at this' session. It was endorsed by tnc state llsh I and gamo warden in his annual report and recommended by tho governor In his biennial message. It prohibits any nonresident sportsman coming Into lowu to kill game without taking out a license of $10 In each county In whlrh ho proposes to hunt. Thcro was nn effort to make the $10 fee cover tho stale, hut this was defeated. .Stale Oilier I'orrrcllou. The house took an Important action In view of the active controversy which has been pending over tho abolition of tho ofllces of htato printer nnd binder, by adopting ui resolution offered by Dunham to have tho house printing committee frame a bill cor recting as far as possible tho evils which now exist In tho olllces of printer and binder. The resolution by Lyman, offered yester day along the same lines, was mnde a spe cial order for next Wednesday In the house. The one school normal bill will como up ns a special order next Tuesday, and the anti-pass bill, on which a motion to recon sider has been tiled, will bo ie-voted on Wednesday. I-3qual suffrage has been made a special order for Thursday next. The bill by Miller of Fayette, for teaching tho elements of vocal music In all the public sclvools of tho state, passed the house by n vote of fill to 111. An amendment by Eaton, carried with It, provided that instruction for the teaching of music be given In the Btate normal Institutes. Tho bill does not go Into elTect until July. 11)01. In order that the teachers may have time for preparation. It provides that whllo all teachers must be qualified to teach tho elements of music, no one shall bo disqualified because of an in ability to sing. The hill for which the veterinary surgeons have been working for some time passed the house by u vote of 77 to 8. it provides .for tho establishment of a board of three examiners to issuo certificates giving license to practlco veterinary medicine, Biirgery or dentistry. All veterinarians who have prac ticed for flvo years In tho stato or aro graduates of veterinary colleges or depart ments shall bo granted a license when the law goes Into effect. lulrt 'Afternoon Session. An afternoon sct-slon was held by the senate today to clean up tho calendar of a largo number of measures which are upon It. Hut nothing was (lone except to kill a nieaourc, by Healy. firoposlng to make re- I corded liens and Ileus created by written In struments Uko priority over liens for labor. Thcro was an extended discussion upon tho "." aim u i I ls u 2fi' Another bill, by Healy, involving ' 1 10, 8amo Principle, relating to preferred , cllllm8, 'r jjettlemcnl of movent estates. I wu" a'so KllU!a' . i At the H.imo session a motion was voted liMiwi to adjourn from Friday noon to Mon- iy "'ternoon In order to glvo tho legls- . 'lor opportunity to take a Junket to 1 tno 1,0-VK' Industrial school nt Eldorn. The 'pwuiin unions tno memoers is io Keep religiously at work and complete their taMks as soon as possible, but even with hard work it Is not believed the adjourn ment can bo taken earlier than the first of April, if not ten days later. Tho bill for tho establishment of an In Mltutlon for tho care of dipsomaniacs. In ebriates and those addicted to excessive use of narcotics was Introduced by Stratton. Such persons arc now cared for at hospitals for the Insane and thn bill suggests tho con version of tho Knoxvllle School for the Wind Into such an institution. Saner introduced a bill asking an ap propriation of $1,000 for tho establishment of a resruo home at Dubuque, and a bill by Santro asks an appropriation of the same amount for tho women's and babies' homo at Sioux City. Another hill to prohibit traveling sales men soliciting orders for Intoxicating liq uors was Introduced by Campbell. Lymnn Introduced a measure, to ralso the ago under which sheep aro exempt from taxation from six months to one year. DEADLOCK IN CONFERENCE Mlncrx nml OpcrutorN ill Do. Moliico I'll 1 1 In .lifrei- ou n (Scale nf Wiiucm, DES MOINES, March l.-(SpeclaI Tele gram.) No agreement has yet been reached by tho Joint conference of the scale commit tee of the minors and operators, and tonight it seems as If tho committees would bo at deadlock for some limn to come. Tho conference proper between tho miners and the operators Is still adjourned, await ing the report of tho secretary of tho con ference b.-nlo committees. In thn meantime tho miners In tho southern district of Iowa aro lu troublo and 1,500 miners are out and will remain Idle until somo settlement Is reached. Their contrac(s ran out n month beforo the contracts of the other districts and they aro out on a strike awaiting de velopments. No kind of a compromise could be put Into effect and today the men In that district walked out. Doth sides aro standing llrm. Tho operators sny they cannot afford to grant the scalo that tho miners ask, and say if they did so the miners of .Missouri and Kansas would be able to deliver coal In Iowa cheaper than the lowu mines can. becnuso of tho differential In freight rates. They say that tho ralso the minors ask would hurt the coal business of Iowa. On tho other hand, (he miners say that tho scalo must bo granted or nil of tho mines of Iowa will close. The situation Is becom ing serious. Tho now saloon petition will bo canvassed by the Hoard of Super visors on Monday, March 12. The former poltlon, filed December 30, Is set for Wednesday, March 14, and tho can vais of (ho new one (lint precludes tho board canvassing tho other on tho 14th. according . ... ulntlltp. Tho Hoard of Supervisors met today and discussed tho now consent jictitlon which was filed Wednesday nfiernoon by the sa loon people. Its filing brings in Intrlcato legal problems before tho board and It was nt-ccssary to adjourn until legal advice could bo secured. At tho session today two resolutions were offered containing exactly opposite plans of action, ono presented by K. II. Evans for lt" anti-saioon ropio ami tno omer by n ,T for thn Kaioon nPO!1lo. As usual I T Morris, for thn saloon people. As usual. lQU two fictions tali directly opposite views and both threaten thn board nnd each other with action In the district. The anti saloon people contend that the board has no right to ree-gnizo the new petition illed Wednesday; that It has already begun the canvass of tho ons- (lied at Des Mollies De cember 30. The Kiloon people contend they did not lllo tho former petition, had nothing to do with It when tho board commenced Its canvass and that the new petition must be substituted therefor. BOER WAR FUND RETURNED limn I'coplc Not Mucccusful In Itcncli Inir Haul Knitter ttltlt ItrsultN of Suliocrliitlon 1,11. FORT DOIMJE, la., March 1. (Special Telegram.) A large Iloer snr fund which was recently sent by J. W. 1 1 Inchon of Al gonn by United States postal money order to Paul Krugcr at Pretoria has been re turned by the Postolllco department with the statement that the department could not certify tho order for payment either In tho Free State or tho Transvaal. Tho action of the department Is of a .far reaching Interest to Doer sympathizers all over tho I'nltcd Stn(cs, whoie sympathy ls taking tho form of money contributions, showing that It ls not an easy matter to send money to a country which Is engaged In war. Sotno tlmo since tho Stato department announce! that money could be sent to the belligerents for the purpose of furnishing aid for tho lck nnd wounded or for other purposes of a similar character without violating tho laws of neutrality. Tho peo ple of Algona, whore pro-Hoer sentiment exists, acting In good faith upon this an nouncement, raised n fund, which was for warded to Its destination In tho manner mentioned, Tho action of the postolflce olllclnls would lndlcato that the department has reconolil crod Its decision and It will be exceedingly dimcult In the future to forwnrd money which has been raised for tho Hoers. Mr. Hlnehon now has the money oil Ills hands and Is corresponding with the Stato department In order to discover some means by which tho money may be sent without violating the neutrality laws. GUEST MURDERED AT DANCE Wllllniii llfillnMny of llllsiry. In., Mint by .lllnrr In n ((nan-el nt AVclr City. HUSSEY. Ia., Mnrch 1. (Special.) A shocking tragedy occurred at Weir City, a coal mining suburb ono mile south nf Hus scy, between the hours of 11 and 12 last night. A dance was In progress In the house of ii young miner named John Davis nnd several young men from Husscy wero In at tendance. William Halloway, son of Dr. J, C. Hallo way of Iltissey, got Into an altercation with Davis anil was ejected from tho house. It Is stated that Halloway started in again with a knlfo in his hand and that Davis drove him out with a stick of wood. Davis Is said to huvo then got his rifle nnd taken up a position to guard tho door, and when Halloway again appeared In range Davis tired. Halloway turned half way around and then fell, expiring almost Immediately und without uttering a word after being shot. The bull passed through his left arm. striking tho body near his suspender buckle nnd passing through the body In n slightly dowuward course. Tho coroner was summoned and held an inquest over tho remains this morning. Sheriff Davis came down from Knoxvllle and arrested tho murderer, who readily gave himself up. Davis is tho man who was suspected by many of being guilty of tho murder of Dan McCarty of Marysvlllp somo yoars ago, but no proof was ever found against him. C13I.1-3IIHAT1 l. ii i;i it oi,i ;i:.. I. on it Mfe llccoiuinu: Common Murk of Sllilcy Cltlrcu. SIULEV, la., Mnrch 1. (Special Tele gram.) Last evening tho fiftieth anni versary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. S. Van Norman wns publicly celebrated. Hov. C. W. Barnes, their pastor, read a clover original poem. Dr. Wilder was toastmaster, and lively responses to toasts were made by Messrs. Aupperle, Miller and Olover. One hundred nnd twelve guests partook of a fine supper provided by Mr. Van Norman In the spacious dining room of thn Methodist church. A purse containing $100 in gold was handed thn couple, who were united In new matrimonial bonds by Rev. Mr Barnes. They are thn fifth Sibley couple to cele brate golden wedding anniversaries, tho others being: Messrs. and Mesdames Robin son, Cole, Halrd and Falrbrnther. Mr. Van Norman's sister. Mrs. John S. Smith of Elmlra. N. V.: his daughters, Mrs. Stago of Coifeyvllle, Kan., and Mrs. Kramer of Little Rock, la., were present. Sibley bids fair to have a centenarian. Mr. William Miller, formerly of Lifayctlo, Intl., who resides here with his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Smith, enters upon his 100th year the ISth of this month. SiniiMiioY Scnrc ''ue Trouble, FORT DODOE. Ia., :. arch 1. (Special.) Considerable feeling has developed among u number of citizens of this city In regard to tho alleged smallpox scare here. It is openly stated by many that the facts have been greatly exaggerated, In order that the people might be frightened Into a vaccina tion epidemic. A number of prominent citi zens have refused to permit their children to bo vaccinated, thereby defying tho rule.- of tho School Hoard, which requires that each child shall show n certificate of vac cination from somo physician before the child will bo permitted to attend school. As !a tcsult of this action several humlrc! chil I dren wero taken from the schools this wcpk The matter culminated today In a strong protest made by a number of the leading I business men of the city who published a ; card In a local paper stating over their Ulgnatuies that none of tho so-called cases i of smallpox had been sick enough to be con fined In bed. and requesting a more rigid Investigation of the disease. In this state ment It is asserted that Mrs. Hack Hurley, said to bo the most virulent caso. has been able to do her housework during the time of her supposed illness. IntcrcNt In lliillroiul. FORT DODOE, March 1- (Special )-The towns along tho proposed line of the n w Fort Dodgo & Southeastern railway an evincing much Interest In that enterprise The Commercial club of Marshalltown has taken the matter up with Trainee Manager Clark of tho Iowa Central nnd has given nssuranco to tho projectors of tho road In this ilty of their hearty co-operation In pushing tho matter to a successful lssu Tho cltlzons of the town of Duneoinbe hold n meeting recently and appointed a commit tee to confer with tho officers of tho new road to ascertain what Inducements would bo necessary to secure tho lino for their 'city They have aireauy huucuicmi ...... 1 willingness to vote a & per cent tax to th proposed road. The officers of the line, how ovor, have deferred definite nctlon until the 'completion of the preliminary survey. The i ! .n,iiJ nf the Iowa Central road are expected to nrrlvo In this city within a week to make, a trip over mo inu,.u.-.. .... 1 Fort Dodge to Story city, wherp It will con ,' net with their line. I Accident IIcmiIIm 1'iilnll. 1 HAHLAN. Ia.. March 1. -(Special. I--M- n day afternoon Mr. VIUIara Carter atu-mpied to carry a heavy p'ece of furniture upstairs at his homo cast of Corley. The suuia wcro unusuully uteep and when nbout bulf way up he lost his balance and fell lw k ward, striking In such a way that he hi.; talned a fracturo at tho base of 'he brum Physicians wero summoned, but nothing could be done. Ho died Wednesday evening without having regained consclousnet-s. Mr. Carter wan 6S years old. He wns n soldier In the civil war. He leaves n largo family. He was a pioneer In Shelby county. lilrl Commit Sulclilc. FORT MADISON, la.. March 1. (Special Telegram.) Hazel Rogers, nged 12 years, delloerately shot herself to death this morn ing with a revoher. placing the weapon against her breast and sending tho bullet through hor heart. She was a bright nnd popular child, nnd no cnuse Is known for the deed, except a childish love affair. She was (he daiiiflKor of Mr. and Mrs. II. U. Rogers, highly respecled citizens, and has always advanced In her classes. Just before breakfast thn child went to her mother's room and procured the revolver from Its hiding place, took It to her own room nnd committed tho deed. The powder set tire to her clothing, which was still burning When her horrified parents reached her. She died ulmost Instantly. Ioim! Mini Killed lu Mouth. A DEL. In., March 1. (Special Telegram ) Joe Payne, cx-sherlff of Dallas county, wa3 killed In Welch, La., yesterday by a train. A telegram announcing the hews was re- celved here by relatives this morning. No I particulars of the accident are given. Payne went to the south nbout three weeks ago, ! Intending to make an extended visit there I to cover the remainder of (ho winter. I t'luirue secretiir Mill Crime. WATERLOO. Ia.. March 1 -(Special Tele gram.) A. I. Hreckenrldge. for several years sncrelary of the Perpetual Hulldlng and Ioan association, has been arrested, charged with embezzlement. Thn shortngc ls nearly $20,000. Wlno nnd women nro alleged to bo tho cause of his downfall. COMPANY PAYS Tfl STATF .... ..... ' ' - W Vffllft! Henderson- Vine Cnnipnuy lilve I .Money llcucil to llntr lleen He cclii'il ThroiiLth I'riiiitl. I DETROIT. Mich., March 1. Tho Henderson-Ames company of Kalamazoo, dealers lu military clothing and supplies, has paid over to Attorney General Oren $12,347.73, which amount tho company acknowledges belongs to the state on account of moneys received by tho company In tho alleged fraudulent Bale and repurchase of clothing by tho military board. The attorney general In return gavo a re ceipt which expressly slates that tho Btate waives no right of suing for the balance of the $13,000 claimed to have been lost through tho nllegod fraud, nor of prosecution of members nf the military board, who aro alleged to be responsible therefor. I. ill. Murders llelutlonm, CHICAGO. March I. - William Lutz shot and fatally Injured his brother and Instantly killed tho latter's wlfo la the offices of the Acmo Copying company this nfternoon. Kiiiiniin Note und Comment. Kansas will huvo eighty-four delegate!) In tho populist national convention. A $10,0.0 gymnasium Is a coming featuro i Cur you t guaraii of the l'3nipoila Stale Normal school, I tec It. The prices of The populists expect to begin their cam- my Holts me within palgn with $2.1,(100 In the hands of the stato the leach of all the committee. atlllcted. You can An lolu family sold n horse In order to Tt", assured my belt raise the cash with whleh to nav the town V111 .no b"1'". nd tux on three dogs. .1. W, Robinson of Eldorado Is tho owner of the largest farm In Kansas. Jlo ha. GOO acres under cultivation. Horsehujers are advertising for fi() Kan sas horses, from font teen to fifteen hands high lor mounted Infantry and cavalry t-erv-Ice In the Transvaal. An Indian couple near Coffeyvllle adopted the ways of the while man before acquiring Ills language and got a divorce. Thn groom was Ml and the bilde w. Saline county's poultry output In 1MS ls valued at $1,07)1.2X1.12 ami on ton of this It Is claimed that nuggets or gold are found In the gizzards of Saline county turkeys. lu Clark county English sparrows are de stroying tho buds of fruit trees and farmerH are trying to get the county commissioners to offer a reward for tho destruction of tho birds. It Is claimed that Dr. John P. Wood of Coffeyvllle Is (he oldest practicing physician In the United States. He Is over 90 years old and has been practicing medicine for seventy-six years. Kansas has Mi7 newspapers. Of these 61 arc dallies, )!l!l weeklies, ;l seml-w eeklles. 10:1 monthlies. 1 bimonthly. Id quarierlles and S occasional.. The list does not Include Frnnk .Inn ell's "Knocker,'' as It 1. not born yet. I The Kansas grand lodge of United Work- men Is In session at Topeka. The report of , the Brand recorder shows IS.') lodges Janu ary, 19i, with a total membership of Jl Ml. i a net gain of S.tViTi during the year, and that I there was paid to benetl.-l.irles $50J ;i;ri.s j The i'"0 acres left of the Severy ran. h were sold last week by Major Hood to D Helhlcr , of Dickinson count,. The price paid was; $l,ooo. During boom time tin- Sever) rath n , was one of the finest to be found in Kan sas. It comprised U,K" acres and was v.il- I ucd at $12ii.0ini. The Kansas grain dealers and millers will meet at Concordia March 7. After the meeting al least 2")0 of the members of the I state association will take ull excursion to the south, which may be extended to .Mia- ' Ico. Eight Pullman cars have been se- ! cured for the trip. i Kentucky Is not the whole thing. 'I'heie ' are feuds lu western Kansas. The count) clerk of Stuiitoii county Is postimisi.r .u 1 Johnnin City and runs a Htorr In connection with his two olllces. Right aciohs the space I county UruHUier 'also lias a llttV store and he hates the postmaster finugh to gel hi.: mall at Kdwlu. nln. miles away. MIhniiui'I null HlNnnurliiiiN. Wakenda Is without a colored citizen. Nodawav county has an assessed valu.i tlon of $9.&5l.:i(rj. i Thn peoolc of Cl.iy county huvo decided 1 they do mil want a new Jail. IJiicl. .r iii-.-cn. president of Wllllam- Jewell i ollegt' ut Libcity, -Is making an i (Tort t" l.i'.ik h i the (ireek fraternities. Mr, Ii. P. McAllister, Hni-rodo-burg, Ky,, Raysr "I employed nu merous methods of ioc-nl treatment for a SDvereeaao of Catarrh, but the disease grew worse steadily, getting n firmer grip on me nil the time, I finally realized that this treatment did not re nch the disease', nnd decided to try Swift's Specific, S.S.S.rThe Blood which promptl; tho trouble, run' nentlv." got at the scat of cured mo purma- Catarrh is n blood disease and can not he reached bv sprays, inhaling mix tures, etc S S i tho only cure. Send for valuable bonks mailed free by Bwift Bpticilio Company, Atlanta, Ua. 15 Out The students threaten to leave the college If the light Is continued. ' A Clinton man has made and sold :') dozen ax handles during the winter. A youn woman nt Sedallu bus a cotton quilt that curtains I5.:" pieces, each pic. o belnir llvc-elghths of nil Inch square. An orchard near Mnyvlew was ruined last week by thoughtless boys who set Ire to the grass in order to smoke the rabbits out list week a lifnyctte county man chopped down n blK tree near tlreenton iiti.l In Its fall It broke (he guy rods of n J2.0.JJ Iron bridge, unit caused It to fall Into the Sill. .1 lttehn nl llnrihel. n recluse who recently .lilul nt St Units, left an esluto of nearly $I.Ui.iX Since 1M2 he never passed outside of thn limits of that city, never boarded n inun, nor uuoiiuco u juueu. ui v. m . mint. The gooil feeling between the blue nnd the gray wns well Illustrated In Springfield n few days ngo. At a banquet given bv Campbell camp. Confederate Veterans, tho heroes of the lirand Army were the guests of h nor. Obstinate Diseases Of Men nml Women limit Coiinot Cure Thcj Oppose nturc nt I3ter Turn llr. IIcuiicIPn l-llcelrle licit HciircKcut I cur nf Study nml ii Cure I liuuriiuteeil. If you suffer from any weakness peculiar to men -one of (he disor.lers. the dire, t result of youthful Indiscretion or excess In later years the very worst posslblo thing you can do is to put drugs Into your atoiti neh. The medicines all doctors use for these illseases-morphlue, damlutia, enn thurldes. strvehnbi, phosphorus, cite. nro deadly poison (hey stimulate or deaden -they eiitinot cur.-. Theie are a great many inoi e drug wrecks than alcoholic wrecks I inn telling von the triitli--tio one enn deny II. I offer you the natural remedy for alt weak men and women I-3LECTH1CITY und t nlisolutely guarantee a perfect euro where the F.leetrlilty Is applied by tho greatest of remedial agents DR. BENNETT'S ELECTRIC BELT .., . . . 1 I'U l I l-.it-ctl IV j bv treating with my licit In It piir.-st form. There is no I 1 Wl lOKS-lblo t hum e for to inline you. It does not stimulate. I: must strengthen. It is nature's slienpth oncr. To got good reu!ts fi-u m Klertrlr lty you mut hae constant application several hour. at u time. You cannot get this with (lie batter ies used In doctors' olllces. It would keep ynu nway from your business. Mv Helt doe lint ho: her you a lilt and nop can work, tide, .lump or run with It on I have known for maliv years that ele. -irlclty was the grcat om curative agent that would ever bo known. I do not glvo drug at all now I could make more money if I did It does not cot iui -I thing (o write a pi' -scriptlon. I have de voted n good iwrtli n I of my life mid I money in pcrfei ting my Klcctrle Holt. I .In lint or., in Inn in hllMtor on ns do all the other kinds of 'Klcctrle Belts. It Iiiih soft, silken, chainols-cevcieil spongo electrodes that entirely do awny with the hurtling. They rati he renewed when worn out for 7,1 cents -no other belt can bo renewed for any price. iuarauteed to cure Sexual lmpotcncy, Lost Manhood, Varicocele und all Sexual Disorders; ihsImI'o Shrunken and I'lidoveloped Organ and Vi tality: cure Khciiniutlm in any form, Kid ney, Liver and Bin. 1.1. r Troubles. Const I uatlon, Dyspepsia. Female Complaints, etc. Call at nix olllcc If you live in the cltv. If. out of town write to nic sacredly cjiinll dentlnl and I will hcihI you my symptom blanks, books and literatim'. My Elect rjc 1 Suspensory for the various wekiicse.i "op men FREE to everj male purchiiKT of one of my belts Couultutloii and advice without cost. Address Dr. BENNETT !" ItumiiN IN lo ill, DoiiLctll HlocU, Opp. Ilii) iIciin. C orner llllli nml lloduiv Stn.. (11 All . M3II. OFFICE HOI RS From S HO a m. to S.-3.) p m Sundays From lo 30 a in lo 1 p in. Kbcioi Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartlllcliillytllixt'ststliofoodandulda Nutuio in HtreiiKtlicnlnir und recon structing Mic exhausted dlnestlvo or gans. 1 1 Is tlie lat est discovered diirest ant and tonic. No other iircparatlou can approach It In eillclency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, IndlLrc&tlon, Heartburn, Flatulence. .Sour .Stomach, Nausea. Sick lleadaehi'.Gastralnia, Cramps and I llll OtllCf rt!StlltSlf ilUIierfeCtUiBCStioil. I'rlco &0o. and $1. Largo hl.ocontnliis2mime limillsUe, IlookalliLhouldvhliupslii mailed free Prepared by E. C. De'VI T & CO., Chicago lil El- m Some Good Things WOODWARD'S Angel Food Taffy Cnutnlim Hest ,NTrrt Crmu, Crciimcry Mutter, I'ure Sugar und Drllcloim l'liivora. John G. Woodward & Go. Manufacturing Conltctlonert, Jobbf ri ol High Grids Clgt rt. Council Bluffs, la. - of - town jmtionts will find us able to attonrl to thoir dontal work while thoy aro in tlio city. Wu liavo just put in another chair, ho that putionts will not ho obliged lo wait or be disap pointed. You will be pleased both by the quality of the work and tho price. j Telephone ns J H. A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs, 30 Pearl St. ' Grand Hotel,