12 TIIT3 OATTA DATIV BEE: TUT DAT", MAIUMf 2, 11)00. MAKING CUBAN I'OSTOFFiCES Inspecter W. T. EoIHtrd Telli of an ImportiDt Work. UTTER LACK OF SYSTEM UNDER SPAIN Kol n Mull I'nr in I lie InIiimiI nnil I'iiiiMic") Were t nUmm II Amrrl ciiii .Mrllinil .ov In Oiicriilliiii 'rliroimlioiil lilunil. l'ostoillco Innpector W. T. Hulllvan, for jnurly ntfttlonwl at Omalm, but who has for ivoinc tlmo hroii limnemor In charsc of this St. l'aul OlvlHlon, va In Ontahn Thursday I'nroilto to Dunvur, whrrr ho tukm chargo of that illvlilon. Mr. Sullivan was sent to Cuba, by the I'ogtnlllco department Jnnu.iry 1, 1&90. to establish pOHtolllces and Introduce the American Myatcm of handling tho malls. "Cuba hud, iindur tho Spanish tule, .1 ir.ont ancient and Ineffeetivo method of tnifmportlm; tho malln," said .Mr. Sullivan. "In tho first placo them was not 11 mall ear on tho liland, nor a mall pouch, nor a (llatributlnf; rack. Tho postal clerks, as wo call them here, but pontal conductors, as ihoy were called In Cuba, wero restricted to 1J10 uce of a section two seats In a hecond rlnts car arm 11 Red somewhat like our cars In this country, hut with plain wooden seatr. Here, Hlttlni; with tho traveling public, ho received tho mall In open packages, tied Willi 11 Hiring; cutting the string he placed the mall In pll(n for the different towns nlnne his route, and they wero again tliil up without a cover when nil of tho mall for a jmrtleiilar placo had been aortal. lltilli'M (if 11 Ciirlrrn. "Thu train was, in the smaller towns, met nt tho station by 11 man termed a eartcro, 11 t,ort of compromise between a mall car rier and a pojtmuHter of an American city. This eartcro, upon receiving the mall, Marled out to deliver It. After ho had loft tho letters for whom he eoulil find a con rlgnco, ho took tho others to hla odlce, where ho held them for some time, awaiting 11 call. When he decided In his own mind that ho had held them long enough, he tore open tho envelope, and if ho could ascertain tho address of tho writer returned tho letter to that address, but It Is not of record that any letters containing money were ever 10 turned. Tho practice of tearing open tho letters uncalled for Is so general that It Is looked upon ns quite legitimate among tho Cubans. At ono placo I appointed a very Intolllgent Cuban as acting postmaster, and ho now holds tho olllco; but sometlmo after he took ehargu of tho olllco I visited him nnd ho whoweil mo 11 lot of undelivered lot tors and asked If he should not tear open tho onvnlopes nud return tho letters to tho writers. When I told him that It was a miro trip to tho penitentiary if ho did, ho wnH Hurprlscd nnd nskcl mo what they did with tho undelivered letters in the United Htntrn, and whou I told him of the Menu letter' system ho thought It a wnato of time nnd money to go to that trouble when the matter could bo so much moro quickly set tled by each postmaster sending the unde livered letters at his olllco back to the writers. HnnilliMl No MlllilliN. "Ono trouble with tho Spnnlh system was that tho postofllco handled no atnmps. When 11 person wanted stamps ho went to tho reve nue olllrer. Tho postmaster was very care lens about Jiandllng tho mailt). When he re. cclviil a paper and several letters for the name postolllce ho wrapped tho letters In thu paper and placing n wrapper around tho bun dle nddre.od it to Its destination. When tho receiving postotllco got tho bundle the wrapper was torn ort and tlie paper wao generally delivered to tho person addrrused, together with all of tho letter) wrapped In It, nnd that person would be compelled to run u small postolllco for a short time till all of tho letters were delivered. For deliver ing tho lettoro tho enrteroH received from 3 to ft cents above tho postage, nnd whon the iltfltcultlcs of delivery could not be repaid hy n eents tho letter was generally returned to tho wrltnr or destroyisl. "When tho I'nltod Stntes took chargo of tho work mall cars wero Introduced, the jnllrondK showing a readiness to co-opornte with tho government. I'ostolllces were es tablished under tho American Hyntem and uro now bolnc successfully operated In all parts of the Island. Tho postmasters at vresent work under tho War department, their salaries being paid from tho Island revenues. In tho larger towns the sytjtem workH an well ns It does In this country, nnd even In tho remoto Interior It Is hotter than It ww thirty years ago In tho far west." HUGH MULLIN GETS A MEDAL 1'oiiiiKiilrr Siivcb 11 l,lfe While ill Sen IllKh Honor Coiifrri'fil for !) Ncrvlntc Act. A Washington dispatch contains the fol lowing concerning Hugh I'. Mullln, who lived In this city with his uncle, M. C. Law less of 2242 North Nineteenth street: "Cnptnln Slgslice, commanding tho Texas, recommended that Hugh V. Mullln, who en listed Juno 23 ns u seamnn, ho given a mednl of honor In recognition of meritorious services. Mullln Jumped Into tho sea No Mmber U and saved Alfred Kosmlnskl, who hnd fallen ovorboard, until ho was safely hauled out of tho wnter. Secretary Long Indorsed tho suggestion nnd Mullln will be distinguished by tho presentation of ono of tho highest prizes In tho navy." Mullln was for three years a student of Crelghton university and Is now but 21 years of age. About six yearn ngo ho left Omaha to live with his grandmother In El gin. HI. From there he went lo California, whern he shipped on hoard a whaler, after ward sailing to nearly every country in tho world. Two years ago ho returned to Elgin and was employed by tho Illinois Creamery company, but was attacked with the war fever nnd enlisted In tho-army. Tho Texas In now at New Orleans and will remain there during tho carnival, ns tho officers and sailors will take part In tho parades of tho iMardl Oras. The HocrN Vllllirilliv lute lllucut. Tho South African liners nro not an lg- noraut class by any means, but will rank lu point of Intelligence with any nation In Europe. Tho following Is n translation of 11 letter wrltteu In Cape Dutch by Mr. J. Addy 1'entz, a lloer, residing nenr Vryburg. In llechuanaland, South Africa: "Some tlrao ngo, when I was suffering with oeverc pain throughout my back, I received a copy of tho Vryburg Courier In which I read of Chamberlain's l'uln Dulni nnd linmedltcly sent for a bottlo of it. After applying It thrco or four times I had total relief nnd slnco that tlmo havo not suffered nny from pains in my back " Tain Ilnlui Is famous for Its cures of muscular rheumatism, lame back, sprains nnd bruises-. ('hitiiKc In Time MARCH 1ST. UNION PACIFIC. Trains for tho west will leave as follows: No. 1 leaves 8:20 a. m. Instead 8:50 a. m. No. 101 leaves 8-50 a. m. distend 9:00 a. m. No, G loaves 11:35 p. in. Instead 11:05 p. in., enstbound. No. 4 will arrive C:G0 a. iu. Instead 0:33 11. in. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1302 FA UN AM. Seo C. F. Hnrrlson's Innd bargains. orr,v She T00U (he .Money. A lii-yenr-old girl, employed ns 11 domestic, told n pitiful tnlo to the police matron yes terday. She said it wns the lrt time lu her life she had tnkvn anything thnt dldu t belong to her, but she needed clothes, and tho $20 bill she round under the mattress when uho mudo tho bed Wednesday morn- Ing tempted lier, nnd she yielded. There wero live $20 bills In tho roll, and she had taken only ono of them. She was willlnit to restore that. Later In the day her employer enme to the station to Illo a complaint, but the girl's grief nnd contrition touched her nnd she decided not to prosecute. Tl.e employer lins recovered tho $20 nnd the girl will bo retained In her service. TIME CALLED ON APPLICANTS They Will Ninv Hint- in Slninl IJnni I1111II011 for I'lnoeft n C'ensii IliiiiiiM-rntorn. Consus Supervisor D. II. Wheeler has closed tho woik of receiving applications for Iiosltlons ns census enumerators In tho Sec ond Nebraska district. Ho will now mall to all applicants examination papers, which muBt bo 111 I til out and returned within live days from tho time they arc received. The work of filling out the papers Is apparently simple, but requires tho greatest care, and tho applicant must bo careful In the manner of folding tho papers when they are mailed to the supervisor. Tho government describes tho manner In which they nro to be folded nnd tho supervisor Is Instructed to Ignore nil papers folded In a different manner, It being tho theory of tho bureau that If an applicant will not pay tho closest attention to Instruc tions as enumerator ho Is likely to ignoro Instructions which may be Important. In nddltlou to tho ISO positions as regular enumerators there will bo about fifteen po Hltlons as xpeclal enumerators to bo filled. Mr. Wheclor has been empowered by tho bureau to select the special men from the enumerators making tho best record In tho regular work, as the special work Is not to bu started until the regular Is done. These positions pay n salary of from $.1 to V per day, and tho work Is of such a character that It will last for somo time, making the poultlnns desirable, Tho total enrollment of applications amounts to .11., while several persons from towns outside of tho Second district havo written for places. FARMER BOLLS WINS A BET Hut U Arri'Mcil llrfnrc Hp ('nil Co 1 1 re I, nnd the Mtiikeliolilcr Drop Out of M1H. Jonathan Hollo, a well-to-do stockman and fanner living near Geneva, camo to Omaha Wednesday with a carload of hogs, which ho old, and then, with part of tho pro ceeds, set out to sample trio Julco of tho corn for which his fields nro famous. Yesterday In police court ho was asked to plead to n charge of drunk. "I was 110 drunker than I nm now, your honor," ho said. "It happened this way: I had n dispute with a man down In tho bar room of tho Her (Irand hotel on tho point of whether I would stay In town nil night. I told him I Intended to stay, and that I had 11 room paid for at tho I'axton. Ho offered to bet mo that I didn't have. Wo both put up $1." In tho haudo of a mau who Is a stranger to me. "Tben I started down to tho hotel to piovo It to him, and I hadn't much more than got out on the street till I was ar rtbtcd. "You seo this badge, Judge?" ho asked, pointing to a gold pin on his vest bearing tho Initials of a fraternal order. "Well, I'm going to take that oft' and bury It as soon as I get home. It ain't kept me out of trouble worth a worth a continental." HoIIh wns discharged and Is now search ing for tho stakeholder. Correction. In tho nd of Thompson, Ilclden & Co. of February 28 thero was n mistake made by tho printers In saying Dr. Warner's bust proof corsets, when It should havo read as follows: Dr. Warner's RUST PROOF COR SETS, a corset which wo absolutely guar antee not to rust. THOMPSON, DF.LDKN & CO NEW DEADW00D-DENVER LINE lliirllnKlon'H i:.t Ii-iinIoii lo Ilrimli, Colo,, Will Open Direct l,ln- Mi--Iwcfii llliiek IIIIIh nnd Denver. Tho Ilurllngton Is continuing nctlvo oper ations In tho building of Its extension from Alliance to Hartvllle, Wyo.. nnd tho new line is being built with unusual ranldltv It la ofllclally stated that ns soon as the present extension reaches Hnrtvlllo work on the extension from Bridgeport whoro tho Alllanro-Hnrtvlllo line branches nnd follows the north bank of tho Plntte river to Urush, Colo., will bo Inaugurnted with ns much activity us Is now displayed In the building operations on the Hartvllle branch This lino from Alliance to Ilrush, when completed, will bo of considerable lin portnnce, becuuso of the opening up of direct communication between Deadwood nnd the rich mining district In the Black Hills of South Dakota and Denver. Through train service, It Is stated, will bo Inaugurated, uuu iuv ini iium jjuaiiwuuu 10 iJCUVer, which now consumes two nights and tho better port of two days, will be mado in from twelve to eighteen hours. At present a traveler from Deadwood to Denver has to como "ithcr to Omaha or Lincoln, und tako 11 westbound train on the Union Pacific or Ilurllngton. In this new sorvlco contemplated, connections will be mado at Edgcraont with tho Ilurllngton line extending Into Wyoming and Montana, and this territory will also ho opened up to moro direct communication with Denver. DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is unequalled for piles, Injuries and skin diseases. It Is tho orlginnl Witch Hazel Solve. Bawaro of all counterfeits. AnnoiincenieiilM, Few men on tho platform nro in every way as satisfactory to tho general public ns Robert Mclntyre. who will lecture nt Boyd's tonight on "Huttoned-Up People," as tbo fourth number of tho Association Entertain mont course Today filling tho pulpit of ono of Chicago's largest churches, ho has como up from tho common walks of life, having started his career ns a bricklayer, and has a keen insight and hearty sympathy In every thing that has to do with humanity. As a word-painter bo has no equal In this coun try. The lamented "I1II1 Nye." In refer ring to him, said: "Wo havo lecturers and lecturers, but only a favored few who can administer their lectures palnlofsly nnd without tho use of un.-vesthotics. Robert Mc lntyre Ib ono of these." Anyono who en Joys tho correct mlxturo of wit, pathos, fact and fancy, sense and nonsense, should not fall to hear Robert Mclntyro nt Iioyd's to night. Tbo nmateur program this evening at the Crelghton-Orphoum thenter will consist of singing, dancing, cnkownlklng. coon shout ing, Juvenile boxing, comedy, burlesquo nnd numerous specialties of nn original char nctor. Twenty-threo persons will tako part. Tho performance takes place immediately after tho professional program. Tomorrow afternoon thero will bo tho regular weekly matlueo for women nnd children. Tho ohlldrcn will bo much pleased with the per formances of Mile. Emmy's trained fox ter riers. Tho Amerlcnn people nre so used to seeing Sousa and his band once a year thnt they long ugo enmo to regard n Sousa concert as a suro thing. Hut tho present season brings n surprlso In this respect except to n limited number' of places. Sousa takes his band to Europo under contract, and his American concerts must bo compressed within eight weeks, January 31 to April 1. Sousa will be hero In concort Tuesday afternoon and night of next week, his only nppearuncn for a year or more. Tho sollsts for the coming tour nre Miss Illnncho Dultleld, soprano, and Miss Uerthu Bucklln, vlollnlsto. BOSTON STORE WRECK SALE Bargain Today that Will Oauis a Repe tition of the Grsat Ecrainbla Yesterday. IT'S GREATEST SALE OMAHA HAS EVER SEEN V.rry llollnr Worlli of Tlirao (iooiln lloiiKlit from thu Claim AKeul of the llnllroiul Coiuiiin , .Must lie .Hold Out lit Once. $10.00 LADIES' CLOAKS, 4SC AND PSC. Today wo will positively close out on our second lloor every Indies' cloak from this railroad wreck purchase. They will go In two lots at 48c nnd 9Sc each. SILKS KHOM THU HA1LKOAD WHECK, ISO, 23C, 39C. Kvcry yard of silk from this purchase, In cluding nil grades of black nnd colored silk, go In three lots nt lftc, 25c nnd 39c yard. J1.G0 CAUIMCT, 09O YARD. Moquetto, Wilton, Velvet and Axmlnstcr carpet, all sound and perfect, new styles, with nnd without borders, at C9c yard. Too brussellH carpet, sound and perfect, all grades, 4'Jc yard. All tho strictly nil wool Ingrain carpet, absolutely sound anil perfect, 39c yard. All tho damaged carpet, no matter what tho grado or former price, in ono big lot at 23c yard. $3.50 HUOS, $1.23. Ml tho monuctte, all wool smyrna nnd Wilton rugs, that cold up to $3.50, nil sound anil perfect, go nt 91.25 each. All tho Smyrna rugs, Wilton carpet rugs, etc., that generally sell up to $3.00 each, nil go nt 75c each. ilado-up carpets, most of them sound and perfect, nil hIzpj, Moquette Wilton, Axmln- ster, etc., go at U their regular price. One rime turkey red table damask, worth Up to GOr, go nt 10c yard. One assorted case linen crnoh toweling, nil tho 10c kind, go nt 5c yard. Thrco cases of bedspreado, Marseilles, crochet, Imported satin, etc., worth up to $3.50, go at 83e each. HIIUIONS KHOM TUB UAILUOAD WllKCK Ono big lot of alt kinds of plain all silk ribbon that generally sells ut 15c, in this fbIo 3V&c yard. 10c for all the 25c rlbbonn. 15c for all the 50c rlbbom. $3.00 DLANKKTS. $2.50 I'AIR. 2 cases of genuine United States navy blankets, extra heavy and all wool, as long nH they last nt $2.30 pair. LACES FHO.U THE UAILUOAD WRECK. 10 bargain squares piled high with all kinds of laces, regular price up to 15c, go at ll4o and 3c yard. All tho laco worth up to 25c goes at 5c and 7'4c yard. Many bargain tables of embroidery In all widths, worth up to 50c, goes at 6c, S(c and 12',4o yurd. All the samples of drco3 trimmings from tho wreck no at 2c and 3c card. All the wrecked dress buttons, many of them the very latest styles, go nt 2c doz. All tho handkerchiefs from tho wreck go at le, 31,4c nnd 5c, worth up to 23c. All tho ladles' spring and summer union suits from the wreck, worth 50c suit, In this sale nt 15c wilt. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. 16th and Douglas Sts. WORKING IN HIGH DEGREES Itennlon of SciiIIInIi Idle .Mnnonn I'ro Mrrcmic tilth l.nrKc A tie mill ncr nnd (ircnl I'.iiIIiiihIiiniii. Tho opening feature of tho third dny of tho Scottish Illta reunion nt Masonic temple yesterday was u buslncai session of Saint Andrew's preceptory. Degrees from nine teen to twenty-nine were conferred, an in tho evening there was 11 tiotnblo sos slon nt which tho thirtieth degreo wns reached. Visitors are coming frcn outsldo towns, and It Is expected that the closing oxerclsea tonight will bo largely attended. A banquet will conclude tho rounlon. Tho "Old Rellublo Sioux City Route," "Northwestern Line," Is tho best to St. Paul-Minneapolis. Two through fast tralnB dally from Union Depot 7:20 p. m-0:BO n. m. Observation Parlor Huffot Care 'on tho day trains. Modern Pullman Palaco Sloepers on tho night trains. Via Northwestern Line From Union Passenger Station. Why I'ndri'K In (he Dark When by traveling In tho luxurious sleep ing cars of tho CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on the electric lamp and make tho berth as light as day. City Oftlce, 1504 Farnara at. Read Tukey's great offer on homes n real estnto column. Drs. Lord & Rustln, 501 Paxton blk. Mr. Frank Sleeps Well Mr. S. Frnnk, who has been with J. Son nenborg nt 1303 Douglas street for years, snys thlH nbout CRAMER'S KIDNEY Cl'RE: "You have 110 Idea, how well I now feel and 1 don't have to tako nny more medicine. I sleep well nt night and awnke In the morning rested, nnd 11m entirely free from pnln In the back. 1 havo used other medicines, but CHAM ICR'S lias made mo 11 well man, and I now desire to ntfd my words of praise to tho list of those who havo used this medicine, and whom 1 know It has helped." CRAMEIVS KIDNEY Cl'RE 7Sc Wine of Cardui 75e Cnrtcr's Liver Pills 5o Laxative Ilromo Quinine 5c l'lilnc's Celery Compound 75o Hood's Sarsapnrilla 75c 1'crunn 75e Plnkham's Compound 75c Syrup of Figs , '.'Do Lotus Creum 10c CPUJtECCD cut price ounACrCn druggist Cor. Kit U and Chlcnco Sta. One of the GREAT RAILROADS of ihe WORLD -THE UNION PACIFIC Makes tho Quickest Tlmo to Ogden, Suit Lako fclty, Portland, San Francisco, and nearly all other Prom inent Western Cities 3 Trains Daily to Utah, California. 2 Trains Daily to Colorado. I Train Daily to Oregon. nnd North Pacific Coast Points, City Ticket Office 1302 Farnam. Tel, 316. . . vj BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Today In Oonntc'.lon with Our Grand Wrto' Ealo These Grand Remnant Bargait a SI.OO DRESS GOODS 15 CENTS YARD Ami the (ruiiilcM nnd Creittcxt Lot of .Mill lleliiliuutM of Wnnli UoiiiIh, While (iooiIm. Cnllcn mill Hit (iooiln on Nnlc for (he 1'lrnt TIME TODAY. $1.00 DRESS GOODS, 15C YD. Wo placo on salo on bargain square every yard of dress good3 from tho railroad wreck nnd every short end, odd piece nnd dress length of dress goods In our entire estab lishment, nil go nt 15c yd. $1.50 DRESS ClOODS, 330 YD. Today the choleo of every remnant, short piece and odd piece of dress goods of overy description that sold up to $1.50, go nt 35c yd. $5.00 IMPORTED CLOTHS, $1.00. Today tho balance of tho entire New York tailoring establishment, 1'4 yards wide lmiwrlcd cloths for men's anil boys' suits and tnllormado suits, golf skirts and rainy day skirts In worsteds, cheviots and cassl merc, all go at $1.00 yd. $1.00 CLOTHS, IOC YD. Today and elegant lot of extra wide Im ported worsted and casslmeies, suitable for boys' pants and Incites' skirts, go at 19c yd. NEW SILK ENDS, BC. IOC AND 150. Wo placo on salo for the llrst time lO.Onn small endi of high grado slllc from ono of tho largest Importers In th United Stntes, In all tho very latest styles and colors, at 5c, lOe and 15c for the entire remnants. An Immense lot of dress goods remnants at 5c bunch. SILK MOUSSELINE DE SOIE 15C AND 2SC YARD. A grand lot of silk mousscllne do sole goes today In two lots, all the short remnants at 15c yard. All tho long remnants at 29c yd. FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY. One big counter mill remnants of calico, go at lc yd. Ono big counter mill remnants best grade of dress prints, 3V4c yd. Mill remnants 3fl-lnch wido percale, worth lGe, go at Gc yd. Mill remnants dotted drapery Swiss, worth 23e, go nt Go yd. Mill remnants eh am bray glngbam, worth 12',4e, go nt 6jc yd. Mill remnants drapery cretonnes, ticking, etc., worth fe, go at 10c yd. Mill remnants plain black percale, worth 25e, go at 3'jC yd. Mill remnants of 40-inch India linen, worth 23c, po at tOc yd. And hundreds of other remnant bargains on salo In tho baseraont for tho first time tomorrow. nOSTON STORE, OMAHA. If. th and Douglas Sts. The Attention of the Travullng public Is respectfully Invited to the magnificent equipment offered to patrons of tho CHICAOO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha nnd Chi cago. Solid vostlbulcd, steam boated nud electric lighted trains. Palace sleepers nnd diners, buffet nnd library cars, free reclin ing chnlr cars, faBt tlmo and union depots. City Ticket Olllce, 1504 Farnam St. F. A. NASH General Western Agent. Union Pnclllo Change In time March 1st. No, 1 will lonvo 8 20 0. m. Instead of 8 50. No. 101 wilt leavo. 8:50 n. m. Instead of 9:00. No. G will leave 11:35 p. m. instead of 11:55. -CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1302 FARNAM. Either of thsse syringes 25c Either of Syringes shown above we will sell 25c, by mail 30c. The shape will show the uses for which they are adapted. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go 10th and DiiiIk" SI... Oiniihu. Neb. HAYDEHsSEuiNosnoEs Worth S3 to $5 for $1.88 OMAHA'S GREATEST SHOE SALE. NEW SHIPMENTS ADDED DAILY. From bargain tables, piled high with somo of tho finest shoes made to sell at 3, $4, 5 and $0, late spring 1 Q$2 styles, all sizes, at Infant's kid button shoes, wortli 85c, at 38c. Boys' calf, heavy solo, laco, $1.35 shoes, at 90c. HAYDEN BROS iiwnnv.H pr.iti i,i: vi,r The IHkkcM ViiIiipk liter OlTcrcil In I'l ne I'erenle. 1.000 pieces fine percales, nny quantity or length desired, tho regular 15c quality, on sale Friday nt 7c. A big line of short lengths In tegular 12tic quality percales on nle at fn The nbove uro all good, fast colors and new pntterns. DRESS OOODS. Spring dress goods now nen. Wo would call special attention to our large assort ment of homispuns. ono of the most popular and serviceable fabrics of the season: we carry thciu In light gras, oxford grajs and medium grays; wo sell a union, 31-Inch nt 25c; nn nil wool at l!c. etc.; a 51-Inch extra heavy homespun nt G9c; nn extra line weight nil wool domestic homcjpun. 32 Inches wide, at 73c; tho finest homespun made to sell at $1.50, wo sell at $1.00; we carry tho extra heavy homespuns, made In Scotland, double warp shrunk, sponged and ready for the needle to be made with or without, lining, at $1.50, $1.98, $2.50, $2.98. $3 50, all 5S Inehm wide. Wo nre opening up 11 new line of golf cloth for tailor suits In tho homespun weaves, they nre double laced nnd to no made up without linings, ono of tho most popular dresses for spring, at9Sc, $1.23, $1.30. $1.9S up; we have a new line of golf cloth for rainy dny skirts ut 75c, 9Se. $1.15. $1.98 up to $1.50 yard; wo have the new stnr cloth for skirts nnd spring capes, come In anil examine them. THE 111(1 SILK DEPT. Holds the first Friday March sale. 100 pieces of brocades on sale, 15e: 200 pieces of plain silk, all colors, 25c; 75 pleees of plain Nitln. fine quality. 35e; 100 plccei both plaid nnd stripes, waist silk, 3c; 50 pieces of fine grnde black taffeta, 50e; 2" pieces of 27-lniii wide black talTeta for 73c; lino foulard silks, swell designs. 59c. Host Cheney tiros, foulards; when wo say Cheney Bros, wo have got the genuine and direct from tho mills nt 75c nnd $1.00; tho big snlo on fancy silks nt G9c, many of our best styles worth up to $2.00: black (ircna dlnes In tho double width, tho finest Im ported, now styles, new weaves, the up-to-date nnd stylish lady is now buying so as to get first choice of styles; Wlnslow talTeta here In all colors nnd black, the mil. tho genuine, tho right kind that wears best. 11AYDEN HIIOS. I SIMPI FD f.HFAPFR l V -aa v i - ..AND.. Better than Ever. Taking nlco pictures Is no pass ing fad, but has como to stay Tho stylo and workmanship of KODAK OR CAMERA. Is now so complete, and the prices for same so remarkable that this branch of art Is now within the reach of all. This Is our exclusive business wo are theroforo In position to supply you with nil Information and our stock so thoroughly up-to -date thnt It will bo to your interest to consult us before purchasing. If you nlready have n camera, but wish n better one, call nnd see us. Wo cau fix you. The Robert Dempster Go,, . 1215 Farnam St. Developing and Printing Done Bracelets In gold, sliver and utcil. We uro showing n benutl ful line of these gwods -also hearts lor bracelets. We are nlso show ing a nobby line of Helt Duckies, Gir dles' and Holts. Spend a few min utes nt our store. S. W. LINDSAY THU JHWELER 151fi DOUGLAS STREET. I JLtKJJ 2500 pairs fine vici kid shoeB for ladies, with plain and silk vesting tops, with turn and flexible soles, shoes made to self for .'i,$4 and $5 on salo 2200 pairs men's fine box calf and vici kid, welt solo shoes, in all sizes, shoes mado to sell for to $5, all on the big bargain ta- T: 1.88 In Our Ann ex Dept Child's kid laco shoos, worth $1, 48c. A OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo o o o o o o o On With the Top Coat. It is a distitiKuishitiK feature Of your spring wardrobe ' Necessity demands and fashion requires it. We havo thousands of them, and we guaran tee to satisfy the taste and meet tho purse of each and every one. The same guarantee holds good on our Spring Suits for Men. The assortment is vast and complete it in cludes all the striking new patterns and styles, they are made by the best tailors, and never in the history of this store have prices been so reasonable, quality considered. You cannot afford to bo behind in the procession. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o io o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o DOLLAR SPRING TOP COATS. Fine quality covert cloth, reinforced, excellent qual ity linings, piped, and vel- vet collar, correctly tail- ored, most stores say $7.50, or $8.00. qD Top i-oaN at $h 00 that briii 810.00 olt.o.vhore. Tod mats at $'.)., )0 that hrlnjj 1 1.00 olbowlnro. Top cnatM ut Slo.no that hr.nj; $12,110 ols-owhere. Top fonts at $12.01) that I rhiff Sd.VOO ulauwhct-p. Top coats at $1.;.60 that biin: $10. .10 olsowhoro. O o o o o o o o o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lAYDENs Furnishing Goods Sale. 159 COLORED SHIRTS at 75c Each 200 dozen fine colored laundered shirts, with collars and cuffs, separate and to wear white collars, all tho latost stylos, worth up to $1.50, r on sale at , .... SI.25 COLORED SHIRTS at 59c. 200 dozen colored laundered shirts, with collars and cuffs attached or separate, regular $1.25 quality, ECOr on sale at Dzss SI.OO STANLEY SHIRTS at 49c 100 dozen colored laundered shirts, with separate cuffs, to wear white collars with, the regular $1 shirts, at The largest lino of men's working shirts A g in Omaha, at 500 dozen men's fine suspenders in all the latest stylos, worth up to 75c, at 25c. Men's 25c suspenders at 10c. Wen's 15c handkerchiefs at 5c. Men's 50c undershirts and drawers, in all sizes, at 29c. Ladies' and Children's Sk ruriiisniners. lloavy Jersey ribbed vests and pants, for ladies and children, at 15c. Boys' 50c shirt waists, at 15c. Ladies' 75c gowns, at .'59c. Ladies' $1 corsets, at 49c. Ladies' $1 gowns at 49c. A full line of American Lady and Kabo corsets on sale. HAYDEN BROS A j 1311co Wagons Ruggics (Jarringcs Concords Jhaclons Spring Wiigoixs ln rrn Wa go ns Just rwlvcil two carUwlfl of tlicso flno vehicles. i ! ; I I : i: II. JS. Fredricltson liono Listen to those who advise rather than those who praise you. We advise you to USE SHERIDAN COAL best coal mined in Wyoming;. Lump $5.50, Nut or Egg $5.00, Pea Nut $4.50. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 FARNAM STREET. TEL. I2T nott'TA stnw,wiini) c rst i,i:.s, Cures Gonorrhoea, OlfCt or unnatural ill chark'-fc In ;i ow (liy Tull dlractlons. Price Jl.JO. All druggist, or mall U. Dick Co., 1S3 Centru St.. Now York. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o DOLLAR SPRING TOP COATS. Fine quality top coating, reinforced, good quality, body and sleeve lining, lapol pockets, all sizes, first class in every particular, else where $S and $10. o Stanley brand, Cr -rc r7 250 1800 model $10.00 World Bicycles as long an they last for $30.00 Other whrrlR from $1!.00 up. onil liuiul wlu'flji from $5.00 up. nri'l oxamlnr ihnn. Sec Call latli nnd Uoclna. nOWEMS Anti-Kawf I plcusant to tak. Prompt to rllv, Kufo for all Ujfea. Burs to cur. I