Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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' 3
Motement on Toot to Remove Superintendent
of Lincoln Fublio Schools.
Alii In SccnrliiK the Nnmliintlim of
Tnu iimlliliitc for (lie llniiril
Wlin An- Mm ll In Hp 0ioctl
l l'ri'Hi'iil liictiinlicnt.
LINCOLN, Feb. 28. (Special.) An or-S
...... .IKni is uring muuo oy a nuinucr , ,.hattcls In the hotel, the up-set price being
of prominent men In thin city to secure thu flxc(1 at ,s fm Af(cr paylnK lne C041l of
removal of Dr. Charles A. (Jordon from itiK.lt0fl hr l to pay the remainder to the
the ptwltlon of Hiipcrlntendent of tho l.ln- John (. farson estate and tho First Nu
coln city s.itoots. Tho ndmlnUtratlon ot,tlonal bank, which hold mortgages on the
school affairs In this city has caused con- property for money loaned to Stuart Shears
sldcrablo tllmitlHfiictloti among tho parontH whllo lie was manasrr
of school children and thin fooling man- Thn IVnn Mutual Life Insurance company
lfcnted itself at tho republican primaries I cf Philadelphia, which ha been trying to
yesterday,, when two avowed antl-dordon grt possession berauso of a purchase under
linn were nominated for member of tr , a mortgago foreclosure, wlll'take poFecmloti
Hoard of Kducatlon. Yesterday was tho tomorrow. Thero were no lens than half
first time In many years that the women of
thin city took advantage nf their rights
of franehlso to vote for school directors
and It Is estimated that most of thnlr votes
worn cant for thn anti-Gordon men.
All sorts of charges aro m:ido against the
administration nf Dr. Cordon. He is ac
cused of removing teachnrB without causj
nnd of employing other who arc Incom
petent, with disorganizing the schools and
with showing favoritism to some, while
being unjustly prejudiced against others.
A part of the trouble grows out of tho mv
rules proposed by Superintendent (Jordon
which hnvo In part been adopted by the
Hoard of Kdilcatlon. Thetis rnlrn amend
nn old law nf thn board ndopteil several
years ago which mnkm all certificates of i
certain grade permanent after three years'
frrvlCH In the clly schools. majority
of tho teachers now employed in tho Lin
coln schools hold such certificates and until
tho rule o' Superintendent (lordon was put
Into effect they were alwajH recognized, lint
only In Lincoln, hut In other schools In
Nebraska of the name standard. lly tho
new rules nil of those certificates are re
voked and the te.icherH are compelled to
porn a rigid examination or be discharged.
Nearly ull tho Lincoln teachers have pet
iriiincnt homes in this city nnd Hpend moKt
of their salaries here. Soino of thene h vo
been summarily discharged by tho superin
tendent nnd In nearly every case their
place were filled by teachers from Chi
cago or some other city.
Another leform proposed by Supcrln (lordon that mot with decided ami
almost unanimous opposition, not onl;
among school patrons but among the mem
born of the Hoard of Kdiiciitloti, was to
cnticentrato nil seventh, eighth and ninth
grades nt two central buildings. ThH
would till two buildings to the exclusion .'
nil either graden. It was claimed by school
patronti that the Inevitable remit of carry
ing this plan Into effect would be to place
a heavy burden upon the parents of school
children for oar fain ami to compel many
puplln to walk a greater distance In cases
where street oars wore not convenient. The
plan was not adopted by tho board.
Mi-cIkIii Clinic" Mitjor.
The vote oast for a Hiicccjsor to William
Hay ward of Nebraska Clly as Junior major
of tho Second regiment was canvassed this
afternoon, resulting In the election of H.
J. Strclght, now commanding officer of Com
pany V of this clly. The fight for this
olllcc was warm and Mr. Strclght won out
by n majority of only one vote, his nearest
competitor being Captain Phelps of Schuy
ler, who received fifteen of n total of thirty
fivo votes. Cnptaln McCarty of Anion
received four votes.
The republican city central committee held
a meeting this afternoon and canvosscil the
voto cast at yesterday's primaries for city
nlllccrs and members of the S.-fcocl board.
12. C. Strode, who lnokod slxtv-Ilve votes
of having a majority over hl two com
petitors for city attorney, will bo com
pelled to tight it out with A.
(1. Greenlee next Tuesday. unless
the latter withdraws, which now seems Im
probable, although there are rumors to that
effect alloat today.
Thero ma yet be a contest between
Ppcers and Dav'n for the nomination to the
council from tro Third ward. Spcers Ih
representing the ward at present In the
council nnd was chosen yesterday by one
vote over Davis, according to tho returns
of the Judges nud clerks of the primaries
In that want. Davis filed .a, request with the
city central committee tli'.i nfternoon. re
ouoBtlng tbnt body to recount the ballots
of the Third ward. This action the commit
tee refused to take, granting Davis twenty
four hours In which to (lie a content should
he so desire. A contest is anticipated.
W A. Hackney, who received the third
highest vote for the School board, and
larked thirty-eight of receiving the nomina
tion, boon Importuned nil day to with
draw anil allow the next highest man tn
have the place. He asked for more time
In which to consider the matter. Should
lie ncriulrice I he nomination will go to C.
S. Allen.
Tomorrow ! the date set bv tho Slate
Hoard of Trvispnrtntlon -for tho hearing
of arguments bv the rallrnai'n. showing
why the order should not be enforced com-
Free to the
Dr. XV. M. Illce the Well Kuoun n
tlmrll.i, ciiiIm ii Trlnl of II In
I'niiiiiiiK Modioli I'rcc To All.
Out of the chaos of nlil-tlim- milnro comos
a now mid Hurtling .ore for rupture. ir.
S Illce. 612 N Main St . Adams. N. Y..
has Invented u method that cures without
pain, danger, operation or an hour h loss of ground that Is to be liked for the new pcut
ti.,... rf,,... ti... .1... i ...-i .p.. ......1.1 ,.ii . ... ... 1
time from the das m w.itk To avoid nil
liK-stlntis nf diniln lie si mis free to every
sufferer n free trial of lii iii'-tlmd and there
can be no curt his reason whs an. one, rich
or poor, hhoiild nut avail themselves of this
generous on'or A an instance of this re
markable method, the cure of Charles
Lxukc, .Morrison, Ills., Is u wiicuni" piece
of Intelligence.
Mr. Lauge Is a well preened old gentle
man. 72 years of iu(fo anil for eighteen jears
had a bad double rupture wjilcli no treat
ment could cope with. After h short use
of the Rice method the loft rupture healed
entirely and the light was nlmost closed
nnlt J'nlZvM
and his cure Is only one nf hundreds of
hlmdar cases icvtor'jd by those who use'
the ltlco method. Send tor this free trial.
Doft't be backward It will surprise )().
thorn to write fur them Do not full to
r'tc at once, do so today.
manmni? them to lower their ratM on cattle neglect ami maladministration of office
10 cenM per humlred and on hogi 5 per Mrt cf the day was given to. preparing tho
cent The meeting will lie ndjonrned an soon case by the attorney. The witnesses are
an convened because of the temporary re- , ready to give their testimony. Few have
Mralnlng order Issued from the federal already done so. The' accused Is repro
court and nerved on tho board last Saturday, scnted b J. li. White, J. t McClure. V.
No action will be taken by the board con- It. Starr and A. C. Youchum; the accuser
cerning the regulation of freight rates until
nftcr March 8. the dale set by Judge Mungcr
for hearing argumentn on the motion to
make the temporary order permanent.
Lincoln llolrl l.ltlunllon Olnmlmacil.
All tho litigation pending over the Lin
coln hotel was riimmarlly dismissed this
afternoon by mutual agreement between the
litigants. v. M. Morrill, temporary rc-
eelver, was made permanent receiver and i
uiiihnrivfiil in ni n.h.q( niitim!
advertisement, all the furniture and other !
n dozen stilts pending in both state and
federal courts.
Murium tJol Ills Money.
Secretary of tho Senate Alpha Morgan
called on Secretary Porter yesterday and
presented a claim for 1270. This nmount
ho claimed as tho balance due him for pre
paring an Index for tho senate Journal de
stroyed somo time ago In the North Arc.
Tho property Is of no vnlue to the state
now, as It will not correspond with the
piges of the new Journal being prepared by
Maggie Kocie. Secrctnry Porter refused to
approve tho claim until ho had consulted
tho legal department of tho state. Deputy
Attorney General Oldham wns of the opinion
that since the legislature had appropriated
$300 lo pay for prepnrlng tho index, and
since Morgan had done the work he ha 1
agree 1 to do, there was nothing to do but
allow bis claim. Therefore. Mr. Porter
withdrew his objections, Auditor Cornell
drew a warrant. Treasurer Meserve cashed
the paper and Morgan returned home happy.
In the suit In district court of tho State
Hank of Seward against William H. Dorgan
the Jury returned a verdict this nfternoon
for tho plaintiff nnd dividing up tho nmount
due, nearly $1,200. among the signers of the
note. The verdict was one which could not
be returned tinder tho issues nnd the plead
ing, so tho Jury was sent back to brood over
the Intricacies of the law.
Tho suit of tho stale against Chnrles
Sharp, charged with robbing Itock Island
freight cars. Is being sharply contested In
district court. A number of witnesses from
Chicago wero on the stand this morning
identifying goods shipped over tho road nnd
found In possession of the defendant and his
pals. The defense Is being conducted by
Yclscr nnd Hoover of Omaha, nnd they aro
raising a number of technical points on
which they will depend, In case of convic
tion, for a reversal by the supreme court.
TM'.H Al, OF MHS. .11 m WAK12I.1N.
Sort loon Hold III Woman'" Christian
TeinperniH'r I nlon To in pie.
FRKMONT. Neb., Feb. 28. (Special Tele
gram.) The funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Wnkc
lln, who was murdered by 'her husband near
Ilrock, Otoe county, wan held from the
Woman's Christian Temperance union tem
ple this nfternoon at 5 o'clock. The services)
wero under the charge of Itev. C. W. Hrln-
stead, for many years a pastor of the Hap
tlst church of this city. The large audi
torium of tho temple wan tilled with the
many friends and relatives of the deceased.
The remains wore met nt the Elkhorn de
pot by n delegation from the Fremont
Woman's Christian Temperance union,
which organization occupied reeerved seats
in the front of the building. There were n
very large number of llornl offerings, many
of elaborate deulgn. The music was by n
iiuorttt, consisting of Mcssis. George Mur
rcll and J. H. Rogers nnd Mesdames Shlve
lcy nnd ltoycc.
Mrs. L. S. Moo of this city spoke of Mrs.
Wnkelln ns a member of tho Woman's
Christian Temperance union, of her ener
getic character and her zeal and devotion
to the cause of temperance. Mr. Hrlnstend
spake eloquently of her purity and nobility
of character, of her breadth of religious
views nnd of her kindliness of mnnnor.
which won for 'her tho love and respect of
all who knew her.
The pall -bearers were: J. A. Vananda.
George Hoges. S. Henson. G. W. D. Rey
nolds. O. F. (Hidden nnd Emll Clols. Her
remains were Interred In Ridge cemetery.
Motherly Cniilnp ut OWrlll Tnkon Cure
of n WiinilorliiK Porker.
O'NEILL. Nob., Feb. 28. (Special.) E. .1
Mack, foreman for the Elkhorn Irrigation nnd
Cattle company, while looking over the ranch
tho other day found a very Bmall pig, that
was either orphaned, had strayed away from
tho fold or boon abandoned by Its mother. His
first Impulse was to kill It. but on second
thought ho placed It In his buggy and took
It home-. When ho arrived at his barn ho
carclesily dropped the pig on the barn llnor
near a highly prized thornug-hbred cojllo
which had a llttor of pups. When he had cared
tor his team r.tid went to look nfter the pig he
found It nestled dewn among the pups tnklng
much needed icfreshmonts from the canine
udder with many grunts of 3iipremo satis
faction. Tho mother cleg lavishes her af
fectlrii upon It as a piodlgal son and seorrs
to take as great Interest in It as she does
In the eight little puff-balls Cf her own flesh
and blood. Mr. Mack, finding things so
agreeably adjusted, left the foundling with
Its foster mother. Many people visit tho
premiss dnlly to confirm with their own
cjej a htory srnroely credible.
I niiinereliil Clnli OrKiinlxeil,
YORK. Neb., Feb. 28. (Special.) The
mass meeting 'held last evening at the city
hall was one of tho largest and most cntliusl
asll- meetings over held by business men nnd
a permanent organization was effected known
ns tho York Commercial club and the fol
lowing ofilcers were e'eeted: C. I). Hnrrhan
president; W. W. Wyckoff, secretary; Hen.
D. II. Scdgowlek, vice president; A. D.
Hlcomcr, treasurer; executive committee,
Prtf. J. A. Parks. C. W. Post, N. P. Lun
deen, Geoigo It. Reed and C. A. McCloud.
Siipcrlnlriuleiit In .Niuiieil,
WAHOO. Neb.. Feb. 28. (Special.) Tho
question of selecting a new superintendent
for the county poor farm, which has been
up to tho county commissioners for settle
menl slnco last fall, was solved today by
naming Frank Knspar of Prague, a demo
crat. The republican and democratic mem
bers of the board voted together for this
Prepare for Ni'iv PiiHlofllcc.
111. AIR. Neb., Feb. 28. (Special.) On
Tuesday morning the moving contractors
commenced diking the old building frcm the
ofilcu 3lte. The tltlea and dccdi to tho
ground have been perfected. Tho old build
ings will be placed on other lots, repaired
and used for renting purposes.
SniMtfnll nt Mullen.
MUI.LF.N, Neb.. Feb. 2S- (Special.) Tho
'heaviest fall cf snow of the triu'uu com
menced here nt I o'clock Monday afternoon
and las'ei) twentv-fnnr hour..' There aro
now ten Inches on a level of damp snow,
which will be a great banellt to the comitry.
'?-k "CttCr ,h"n many yCnr" at
liiiienehinent Cusp.
TRENTON. Neb.. Feb, 28. -iSpcclal Tele
Kram.)-The Impeachnient case that was
continued from yesterdav came off today.
j W, A. Stewart belug charged with willful
by IV. S. Morlan, L. It. Ulacklcdge and V
S. Taylor.
The case U continued till to-
MII.M'.ll M.M)l,i:i) IV MACIHMJHY.
.lolin Itnfl.T Will I'rnlinlily Dip from
Injiirlrn I'pcolscil nt York.
YOHK. Neb.. Feb. 28 (Special.) John
Hafter. a miller, aged 71 years, employed
as head miller In Crabb's roller water power
millft. Mpf'nnl hotter knntvn n thn
S1K ms. was working around the shaft
ing, when his clothing became entangled In
the shafting rod. He was wound around
nnd around, striking floor, celling and ma
chinery. Only by reason of his clothes
tearing looso did lie escape Instant death.
He received such injuries that little hope
nro entertained for his recovery. His left
side was torn open, exposing bis lungs.
I'lnttniiiiintli Clly Council.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Feb. 2S. (Spe-t
clal.) At a meeting of the city council
Tuesday evening a petition signed by tho
employes In (he stores In this city asking
to have the stores closed tt S S0 evenings
except Saturday and payday was read br
Mr. Battler, wno stated that tho merchants
favored tho fiamc providing the council
would pass nn ordinance preventing tho
opening of tho stores on Sundays, and mado
a motion that the city clerk draw up an
ordinance (o that effect. Tho voto of the
council being evenly divided, Mayor Hlchoy
voted "No." Tho chief of police was
then Instructed to see that tho state law
wan enforced, which will include the re
moval of Kcn-ons from tha front windows of
saloons. An attempt wns then mado to
call up the case to oust Night Policeman
Fry, but a motion to ndjourn was Inter-
poced and thtr vote resulting In a tie the
mayor voted aye
PrniiiiKi to lliillil HrltlKcs.
GERINO. Nebt. Feb. 28. (Special.)
Propositions are being circulated In the form
of petitions for building two new bridges
across the North Platte river In this county.
This will glvo the county three bridges.
there being ono now at this point. The
proposition Is asked for by reason of the
desire of south side penplo to reach tho
railroad now being finished through tho
IvoyKor YlnltN I'IiiIIniiiouIIi.
PLATT8MOIITH, Neb., FcT). 2S. (Spen
clal.) Grand Master of tho Royal Arch
Masons Judge Keysor of Omaha was In the
city and visited the Masonic lodge here
Tuesday evening and conferred the third
ilegree of the order on n candidate. After
tbo work a (lne lunch was spread.
City Convention Called.
NORFOLK, Neb., Feb. 28. (Special.)
Tho republican city convention has been
called to meet at the city hall on Mnrch
10 to nnmlnato candidates for mayor, treas
urer, engineer, police Judge nnd city clerk;
also two members of School board will bo
Slllllf PIl'IIMPN I'll I IIKTK.
CURTIS. Neb.. Feb. 28. (Special Tele
gram.) One-half Inch of rain nnd sixteen
Inches of snow have fallen here In the Inst
four days. Farmers aro Jubilant and spring
wheat raisers are in luck.
Cochrane t'linc IICHini.
GENEVA, Neb., Feb. 2S. (Special.)
Yesterday the case of Herbert Cochrane.
who has been held for burglary In Fair
mont, was called and a Jury Impanelled.
The trial will begin today.
County Coininlllrc Will Mppl.
NORFOLK. Neb., Feb. 28. (Special.)
The republican county central committee
wU meet nt Battle Creek March 10 and
fix the time nnd place of holding the county
Step Taken nt Cliloimn lo Force
IIccokiiIIIoii of I nlon mul Mini
mum Settle of Whuck.
CHICGO. Fob. 28. -The first steps toward
making general tbo strike of machinists for
recognition of their union and a minimum
scalo of wages was taken tcday by the execu
tive council of the International Machinists'
union, when a member of the executive com
mlttee left for Mllwnukee to call out tho
union machinists In that city.
The number of striking machinists In this
city was augmented today by the calling
out of the men nt tho Gates Iron works, the
Link Holt and Machinery company nnd the
Excelsior Iron works, about 400 In nil, mak
ing the total number of striking machinists
In this city ab.ut 2.000.
Members of thu machinists' executive
council Intimate that there is a possibility
of a strike being ordered of the machinists
empioyeu ny cne various railroads centering 1(on ot hls distinguished father, crcatel hy
in Chicago. Of the 210 machine shops In the ctrcns nf Quincy. Mass. This monu
Chleago tbo union men claim about twenty- lent is BCrlbed "William Stephen Hnmll
flvo or thirty are now tied up. nnd that tho , g n of Alexander; born August 4, 1717.
I.. . L. .... l ...111 l.
uuiuii iiiiii'iHiiiDiK in liie uiiirr nmii win lie
called out as fast as possible, it such a
course Is found neressary.
cwn iuipohf. si puumi: cot it r.
I'lrxt I'llllxe of Context Ih (liieneil for
Properly of John McClcllnn.
PIERRE, S. D.. Feb. 28. -(Special Tclo
grom.) The first phase of the contc3t for
thd property of John McClellan of SIoik
Falls came up before tho supremo court this
morning In an application for a stay In pro
codings and ball on Iho part of E. J. Tnber.
who Is conOncd in Jnll on a charge of con
tempt of tho county court om Minnehaha
county for refusal to turn over property of!
the estate on nn order of tho court.
Objection mis mado to tho court taking
Jurisdiction on the ground that the applica
tion was not mado In correct form. The
court rcrerved it decision on the objection
for consldcraticn of the application and
tho whnlo matirr wns opened up for argu
ment. Tho court decided this nfternoon to
withhold Its decihlon until tomorrow nfter
noon. Another phase of the caso will bo
prrnrntod tomorrow.
The court ndmltted R. W. Paige of
Deadttrod on a certificate from the Iowa su
premo court.
IMItorx Will Drunulrp.
DEADWOOI), S. I)., Feb. 2S. -(Special.)
A movement his been started among tho
republican editors of tho Illn-k Hills to or
ganize a HepuhJIcan Press association.
Thero nro nt present fourteen dally and
wesxiy rcpunucun papers puuiisaeii in tno
Hhi"U Hills and eleven populist papers. Tho
editors of Iho fmlon Journals have already
organized. A mooting of the republi-au
prints has hen called for March 10 at Dead
wood, w'jen an otganlzatlon will bo per
fc :tcd.
Trnlii for Kelonc.
KEYSTONE. S. I)., Feb. 28. (Special.)
Regular tralnp nro running Into this city
now ftnin Hill City cm tho Hurlington route.
Tho tritn3 will run Mondays, We-Jncsdays
and Frldavs, arriving at this place at 11:15
a. in., and leaving nt 1:1.1 p. in. It Is an
rtco" "m .Jation train, which leaves Dead
wbiT at 5 o. m.
rrcloil fur I'lu li( Inn.
W. N. Lee ami "DMy" Hornhh had a dis
pute in n t'n'dt'd .ivenuc "hop J dm"
Wednesday nlsht. Tlioy w.r.t out on thn
side walle. r.h ro H .rtil-M hit i.oo In the face
tx.ire The latter .ielil.d llornlsh liy liU
Unn him mire r the lei' c e witli i
"blacUlai'k." Hnth nrrc-tnl .rid taken
to ftp. tn.ltl'n. Whre Ilornir't'H hid . re-
elved the ncedul medical treatment. A
warrant was already out for Hnrnlsh's nr.
rest on n charge of assault committed
SMin.Uy ulgnt In n Douglas btrcet restuu-
Kentucky Rjpnblicins Want Congrcsa to
Pu on Bontbern Election L&wj.
Contention to lie t'nlleil to ltriiirt
Nntliinnl Lrulslnture to Control
Uleetlnti Mnclilncry In Selec
tion or .ntliiniil Olllccrn.
Fit WU-r.-niiT tfi. tvi, io ti, ..,.. k nil-liner. n' men on me lop uojr.
I.can jo'nt'caun.'so Vh g.s ae" mhh e ""r""' nbo," v . ,
evening, and. after a long discussion con- L,n . v . " , , , t
cerning election laws In the south, and par- ' 0 ' ,wn 0,l,tT chll,lrr'1 ft
tlcularly tli (ioebel election law in this ,I,L th nrrmr" -r?'iC " "
state, decided to take the Initiative In J broke ou rn Third avenue Just live
movement to bring the matter before con- I :8 !mlrr l'ct similar clrcum
grpgg stances. The lire uas iiulckly extinguished.
The purpose Is to call a convention In 1 'l 'h 8'?,n, Vme ,llt'r,, "nS n. "r ?T,n.B
which the states of Kentucky. Tennessee, I " . Second avenue, very close nt hand.
Mabama. Mississippi. Missouri, Virginia and
North and South Carolina are to take part.
Action is to bo taken memorializing congrest
to amend the nntional election Inus so as
In t.nkn nut tt ttin linr.ila nf llm nlnnllnn .tin.
dilnorv of ihn .mi-lnim vnni. ',
ihn .ir.mii. n. tn. ,.n...rnn,i .i .
presidential elections.
The caucus convened nt 6 o'clock nnd sev
eral prominent republican leaders, In addi
tion to the republican members of both
houses, wero present. National Committee
man John W. Yerkcs wns among the leaders
present nnd mado n speech.
Speakers declared that tho election Inws
In the states mentioned practically amount
to disfranchisement of tho republican votera
living in those states nnd the call for the
convention will Invite all persons who op
pose partisan election laws to participate
" ll- Slll, Senators Cox nnd Howard and
Representative siacK wero usmeii ns a com
mittee to lake the matter up and secure the
co-opcrutlon of republicans In tho stntcs
named and all over tho country and Interest
them In tho movement In favor of election
Ono of tho republican leaders said the
movement wns ns much to secure enforce
ment of tho present federul statutes relating
to congressional district apportionments as
anything else.
Ten or the llllt I'nlversltles Farm nn
Imiiortnnt ssnelntlon nt
CHICAGO, Feb. 28. Representatives of
the leading American universities edected
a permanent organization today at the Flno
,. ... ,, ,, n, ..tinmni
Arts building. This Is tho flret attempt
to bring Into closer relations with .each .
other the various American universities.
President Harper of the University of Chi
cago said that this was the most Important
movement that had taken place in higher
education In this country for the last fifty
Tho now organization Is to ba called "The
Association of American 1'nlversltlcs." 11
In for tho purpose of considering matters of
common Interest, relating to graduate study.
The Initial membership consists of:
University of California. Catholic Univer
sity of America, University of Chicago,
Clark university, Columbia university, Cor
nell university, Harvard university, Johns
Hopkins university. University of Michigan,
Princeton university, University of Penn
sylvania, Leland Stanford university, Unl
veiolty of Wisconsin, Yale university.
This executive committee was elected:
President, Charlett W. Eliot of Harvard;
vice president, Henjaraln Ido Wheeler of
the University of California; secretary, Wil
liam Ralney Harper of tho University of
Chicago; President D. C. Gllman of Johns
Hopkins, President Seth Low of Columbia.
No lees than ten Institutions have already
agreed to nrrango their work In accordance
with this action.
Son if the SlntoMinnn Whom nron
llurr KIIIpiI Wiin Hurled ut
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Feb. 2S. The his
torical society of Wisconsin has been mak
ing n search for the s;.ot in California where
William S. Hamilton, son of Alexander
Hamilton, lies buried.
The Bee tonight reveals tho burial placo
of tho eon of the grcnt statesman as (ha city
cemetery of Sacramento.
Alexander Hamilton, It will be remem
bered, met his death In a duel with Aaron
Hurr. Young William Stephen Hamilton
then challenged Hurr to a duel, but the Int
ter declined because of his extreme youth.
Hamilton was of nn adventurous spirit and
came to California. He died In Sacramento
of cholera. August 7. isr.n. The mionument
! ovcr n' Kri,Vo bonrs a brenzo mednl-
. Icd AUgUSt 7, 180.
Members of the Hamilton family rccsntly
sent for tho medallion, which was cast many
years ngo, and returned It nftcr having ob
tained copies of It for preservation.
Fnlrly Liberal MnrUellnu of Hon U
Itcporlcil for the Pun I
Secii Unyn.
CINCINNATI. Feb. 28. tSpcolal
Current says: The clo3li.g
wrok of tho winter season has witnesrcil a
fnlrly liberal marketing of hogy for tho tlmii
cT yeai. liciurns inuicaie a loun oi tvu.uuu
for wenlorn slaughterings, compared with
47f.,00O the preceding week mil 115,000 tho
coi responding week last year. Total for tho
four winter inonthB. 8,07.1.000, against y.720,
000 last year. Total for twelve months. 22,-
! 20o'.000. pgulnst tho procedlng year.
Prominent pince3 compare as mnows ior iu-?
l:ut four months :
Kansas City ..
O ma ha
St. Louis
Indianapolis ..
Milwaukee ....
St. Joseph ....
Cedar R.iplds
Sioux City ...
St. Paul
lmitKil ....
.. 570.0O0
.. 7l.1,("Xi
.. C3ii.10i)
.. 112.000
,.. 310,000
... 270.0OO
, ,. 4!m,tKl
.. 2Jj,i100
.. lfiO.OtiO
.. 215.10)
.; 170,0.0
.. 1.W.OK)
,.. 17.VHO
,.. 1I0.OJ0
j t, tl0't
lull l.iiKlin In Arrested.
.DENVER, Colo.. Feb. 28. A special to the
Repuhllcan from Cripple Creek, Colo., says
that Hob Curry, nllas Hob Logan, allege! to
lie one of tho men who rebbed the Union Pa
clflc mull train at Wlleix. Wyo., In June,
1899. was arrested hero tonight by n sheriff's
posse. The arrest wns the result of Informa
tion received today from Dodson, Mo., where
Iwls Curry, another of the robbers, was
killed by tho officials this morning.
IIIhiimI roils i:iIokIou,
WATERLOO, la., Feb. 28. A torrlblo
rxplodlon nt tbo farmhouse of Custavux
Horn tcday wrecked the houw and Injured
his two young children no badly that they
will die. Tho explosion Ii supposed to have
resulted from a keg of gunpowder Ftored
In the garret.
.No Sielllun lleforiu CoiiiiiiInrIoii Vet.
CHICAGO. Foli. 2s. Stormy weather had
little offci t on I he attendance today at thn
meeting r inc ueparimoni i suporin
toniiui. nf the Nntional Educational asso
elation In the Flno Arts building Hy a vote
or 9i to 71 tno eiiuca'ors ueioateo a rosniu
lion mrmoriullzing the association tn nro
mote tho cuuvo of SDelllnc reform by tht
appointment of n special commlslm n
study the sublet utnl report A-tloti w.t
deferred fr a jmr and the siibj' -t wll,
be tir light up at the next minim! mooting
of the department ns ,t special order . r
'Hirer Clillilrrn I'nlnlly Hornet! nt
Mess- York Three Fires of Ini'rti
illnry (irlulu,
NEW YOHK. March l.-At a midnight fire
In a tenement nt ISO'.f Third avenue police
ami firemen made many thrilling rcscuei.
After the fury of the llame.i had been spent
the bodies of three children wore foilnJ In
the ruins. They were the children of 1M-
whore a four-story flat was entirely gutted,
Hero also tho police and firemen mado a
number of rescues.
The third (ire was' alio easily ex
tinguished. The police and Chief Croker of
tn flrr' ,l( partmctu are strongly of the opln
'on that the fires were ptcarranged nnd the
work of Incendiary origin
Oil Wi:TF.II VI2TI2H '
tt'nr .Snrvltori Hpiiipniherpil hy
tieneriil t!o eminent.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 2b. (Special.)
Thcso pensions have been granted.
Nebraska: Original--James It Ciithoy
Murray, IS; John . Wteonian. Saint Jntnes,
Jii: Albert K. Marsh. Sutton. $10. Increase
-John W. Tiivlnr. Hlucvnlc, $S to $12
Chambers H. Ho.ich, Lincoln. $ to $$, John
Kllnbbs. Seward, $S to $10; M ullnui Itrown,
Mcrua. $10 to $12; John A llodgln, Wnv
erly. t to $S: John W. ltlckmiiu. Decatur,
$s to 10; William Itradloy Deweeso, $11 to
$17. Reissue James M. MoPhorron, Rock
ford. $lii. Itolssue and Increase -Cornelius
W. Hohart. Hroketi How. $S to $10
lowii: Original- Henry P'tglitmaster,
Farnilngton. . Increnne--William It.
Pickerlm- Dos Mnlnes. to t. Itklianl T.
Helior. Crostnn. $12 to $17; Henry A Hoff
man. New Hartford, $14 to $17. David H.
Ililll.i. KeoKuK. 5i. to .;u. .Martin i..
Slaughter. Dallas Center, $S to $12. Reissue
and Increase- David Preston. Wlntersot, $i)
to $S. Original widow (special nccruod.
February 111) Anianda Davis, l'armlngtou,
$S. War with Sjialn ( wldowsl Mnrgaretlm
Malzeii, Davenport. $3; Johaunn F.betispor
gor (mother), Aokley, $12. Restitution and
Helssue William II. Thrift, Dubuqquo,
South Dakota: Renewal John A. Van
Loan, Pierre. $10.
Clinton Meellnir.
A mooting of fuslonlsts In Wahlngton
ball Wednesday night brought out tho full
complement of ponocratlo attendants. .Mr.
Popplctou. tho fusion candidate for mayor,
made one of hN characterlstle HPeceheH. In
which lie mlvoiMteil municipal ownorslilp or
p tuites. There was utter luck
0f enthusiasm and Hie only approach to
ward any demonstration wos when some
body In tho crowd wild: "Lot's adjourn.'
Mr. Pnpplcton mingled witli the audience
and shook hands with tho few who re
mained it the end rf Ids speech. Hrlcf talks
wore made bv other fiiHtonlst omullilatos, as
follows: C. O Iobeck, Dr. Pea body and
Messrs 0i. M. Hitchcock and .1. II. .Molntosll.
Clly (llllelnl" .Not In ('iiitpiiipl.
MADISON, Wis.. Foil. 27 The supremo
court today handed down a decision (iiinsh
Ing the contempt proceedings against the
mayor, city clerk and twenty-live alder
men of the city of Milwaukee for passitu:
and approving the street railway ordinance
nftcr they had boon enjoined from dolus
so by tho superior court.
Mo cnieiitH of tlcenii Vesicl. Fell. 5!H.
At Liverpool Arrlved-Oceanle. from New
York. At Southampton Arrived Lahn, from
New York.
At Sunderland Sailed Ohio, for Haltl
rr.ore At Now York Sailed Ems, for Naples,
(to. ; Frlosbind, for Antwerp, via .South
ampton; Teutonic, for Liverpool. Arrived
Southampton, from Antwerp.
At Antwerp Arrived Kensington, from
Now York.
At Cenoa Sailed Fuerst Sllsmarck. for
Now York, via Naples.
At Hong Kong Arrived previously -Thvra,
from Portland, Ore.; San Diego, via
Yokohama; 25tli, Arab, from Portland, Ore.,
via Yokohama.
At Southampton Arrived St. Louis, from
Nov; York.
Fnlr nml Wnrmer Predicted for
Toilnyi Southerly U'lniU. Pnrlly
Cliimly for Friday.
WASHINGTON. Fob. 28. Forecast for
Thurrday ami Friday:
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair and
warmer Thursday; southerly winds; partly
cloudy Friday.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair and warmer
Thursday; Increasing cloudiness Friday;
northerly, shifting lo southerly winds.
For South Dakota Fair Thursday, with
warmer in eastern portions; rain or snovr
and colder Friday; southerly winds Thurs
da. I.nenl Iteeoril.
OMAHA, Feb. 2S.-Olllclal record of tem
peratuie and precipitation, compared with
the lOrre-spondlnj: dny of the lust three
1900. 159D. 1S3S. 1S57.
.Maximum temperature.... 27 it l :!.'
Minimum temperature 12 7 2."i 23
Average temperature 20 2.1 :d '.'i
Precipitation ( .00 ,u) .00
Record of temperature nnd precipitation
ni wmniiii lur una uu itnu auiuu ,nurL-n
N' rinal for the day 29
Dcllcloncy for the day H
llxcess in lemperniurc since .Mar. i,
.N'onniill rainfall for the day 0;l Inch
Dcllcloncy for the day 0! Inch
Total rainfall since .March 1. 1SW.2S.P2 Inches
Dotlclency Hini o March 1. isnfl 1.77 Indies
Deficiency for cor. period, 1R9S. .. 1.10 Inches
Delloienoy for period. 1SA7 10.01 Inches
It is just ns easy to drift into danger
as to drive into it. The progress is slower
but the etui is entuilly sure. It is the
gradual progress of drifting which blinds
to the dourer Meti and women drift into
ijl-henlth in such a way. There m a
little feeling of oppression after eating.
After n time it passer, away. Some day
it returns and brings another symptom
headache, perhaps. Something is done
to relieve the headache, but nothing to
relieve the cause. So one more victim
goes drifting on to the rocks of disease.
Young women who are teaching or
studying are very apt to become victims
of disease of the stomach. They eat in
judiciously, in some cases, and in gen
eral the brain is loo occupied to allow
the .stomach the blood necessary to carry
on its functions. Hence in time the
organs of digestion and nutrition are
totally deranged, and the young gradu
ate goes home a chronic invalid.
The timely tise of Dr. Pierce's Oolden
Medical Discovery will avert such a con
dition ; the faithful use of it in chronic
cases will eflect a complete cure.
" I was troubled with verv frequent headaches,
often accompanied by ftvere vomiting writes
Miss Marvllelle Summcrton. of San Diego Duval
Co. Texas " Ilowels wfre Irregular and my
stomach and liver seemed continually out of
order Odcn I could rat almost nothing and
sometimes absolutely nothing for twenty four
hours nt a time I was entirely unfit for work
and my whole system seemed so run down that
I feared a were sick spell and was very ranch
discouraged I was advised to try Dr Picrct's
Golden Medical Discovery and befoie finishing
the third bottle I was able to undertake the du
ties of public school life, nuc! contracted to do so
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse
the complexion and sweeten the breath.
All Oliioan's Remarkable Achievement.
Invents a Device That Brings Happiness and Health to Every User and
Cures Without Drugs the Most Obstinate Diseases by Nature's
Method of Steaming the Poisons Out of the Blood.
A genius .ir etc, 1'in.iit has on
tno tnatkit a new Hatb Cabinet, whereby
.iu one icstlu? on ii i h ilr wltli.u enjnv s
toe runiuii.s Turklh. hot ,umr or mcdl
onte.1 Until home for :i e, u'k cue i,
livret ifoie rii.lojod n!j by the tio'i at,
public Ivitht'ni.m. health lo-orts. hot
ciirltiKs ami imnlturlum. These li.itlis ate,l for their marvelous ol nmdnc.
iiitatUe. lumfvliiK and ItivhrnlilllnK ot
feet n; on the human lem. an 1 this
Iiimihi. ii luiiiKj. them within tin- r.uclt of
I"1 1'ixoii in tb. countrx .
lion. i ii v.r.i.M ,,t- niodiciled vapor
sir I our 1 t ,. , itti e l ..1 o nlim the mil
IIoiim of jttiei iiohs, (.uisltig profiuo per-
splrntion. drawitiR out of the system nil
linnuro pull" tirldM and doioikmis matter,
which If retained, overwork the lionrt,
kldnoyH. Iimirn and nkln. catmint: disease,
fcverM. debility nnd sltm't?lslino!
Anlonislilntr Is the Improvement In
health, reel'iiRH and eottiplexloti by the tlco
of this Cabinet, and It seems to us that
the lonu-snimht-ror natural method nf our
Iiik and preventing illseiine without mi'dl
clue Iiuh icrtalnly been founil.
The miikorH Inform the writer that mote
tins it U6.W of tho Cabinet have boon
sold ulneo AtiKttst, and howed letters
from thousands of users who speak ot this
Cabinet as kIvIiik entire satisfaction, and n
most marvelous Health Producer and Pro
or er.
Dr. M. It HeeeJt, CIiIciiro; K. M. n.
Moore, of Brooklyn, ntul liunilrcds of our
lietM doctors Itave given up their practice
to fell those Cabinets because they fay
It licucllts humanity more than drugs, and
Is all that Is necessary to got well and
kci;i well.
Congroiisnian Joint J. Ientz, ltt. Itev.
Illshop .1. 1.. Hpauldlng. Itev. C. M. Keith,
islltor Holiness Advocate; Prof. Kline, Ot
tawa I'nlverslly; Kdw. Hl'hert, M. I).
I'tilvendtv of Pennsylvania: Senator Mr
Carroll, Mm Kondticks. Ptlnelpal vnssor
College; .Mrs. Senator Douglai". Itev. John
A. Kerry, Hronklyu. and a host of our
most eminent people ue and recommend
Persons who were full of drugs nnd
nostrum, and had been given up to die,
were rcctorrd to perfect, robust health, to
the astonishment of their ft lends and phys
icians. J. A. Ctohrlng. .".12 Nngliten street. Co
Premium Offer
To Readers
Beautiful Pictures for the Home.
A Spirited
Battle Picture
Which was nwnrrfed the prize, medal
in tho Paris .Salon. Cost $00,000.
This fine picture. In 11 colors re
produces line for lino nml color for
color, every detail of tho original.
famous Oil Painting
Is 02xa0 inches and Is fit to adorn
the art gallery of a Vanderbllt.
You can have either or both ot these famous paintings for 10c each and
3 consecutive coupons cut from this advertisement In The Unity Hee.
Thcso. beautiful pictures have never been sold tor Mess than $1.00 oaeh.
The lice has purchased several thousand as a special subscription feature,
thus making the ptico very low for Uee readers only.
Of M. Drlisllle'H I'liiimu" I'nlnllnu.
"The Defense of
i m I'tiv run Miirn i.
This million, with two others of
consecutive dates and 10 cents, pre
sented at the Uee ollleo entitles any
reader of the Ilee to this beautiful
picture, 'Slx'-'-O inches. If you want
It mailed, send 10 cents extra for
tube, postage, etc.
If you send part or all In two-cent postage stnmps bo caroful that they da
not stick together. Address all IcttetB to
lumbus o. anil.led fx- venrs with Ithou
mnt'sm In Us worst foiin. also Pleurisy.
In .Mm ic-. lUr.iliii-"-. St. much Troubles,
wm inred with three treatment, and
sas: "My wife tluds It a grand remedy
for her in, also, for our children A
mlzhhur cured Scrofula and Had Hlood
nrter dm its failed " V. I.. Iltowii, Ovford
t.. round It better than J.V) worth of driuis
A hidy In ItiK'b. stcr, Mrs. It. Wllllatus
wns i u red of woman's aliments after sur
feting for year., and wtlte, "It's a (el
wilt blerslng to me w.irtlt Jl (W. No worn
an should be wit limit It " t!. M. l.anott
Covington, Jy , unable to walk, was oured
of IthciimutlMn. Piles and Kidney Troubles
A prominent citizen or Ml llr.itthv. ti .
Mr. t)-en C. Stnllh. nllllcted since child
hood, wns cured of Catarrh. Astlmm, lluv
Fever, n ml writes: "Have sold hundreds of
those I'ahlnets. Kvorvono whs dellghteil
ltov II. C. Itoernacs, Kvorott. Kan., siivs;
"It ii a blessing, made tne full of life and
vlcor Should bo In use In every family "
Hi v. Rikor Smith, I) I)., of Knlrmont.
s.iys "Your Cabinet lids tho body nf aches
and nalus. nnd. as cleanliness Is next to
tlodllnes. it merits IiIrIi recommendation "
After exatnlnatlon. we can my this 1W)J
stylo Siiuare (junker Hnth Is a genuine
Cabinet, with a door, handswinely nnd dtlf
nb'i trade of best materials, rubber lined,
has a tc frame, and should certnlnlv
l.i'U a lirctlmc It folds Hat In 1 Inch spacn
when not In use, can be easily carried;
weighs but 10 lbs
to know that the mnkets gulrantee re
sults, and nssert positively, ns do
thousands of users, that tills Cabinet will
ilear tho skin, purify and enrich the blood,
euro Ncrvou-mess. Woaknes., that Tlnyl
Keellnir and the worst rorms of Rheuma
tism iThev otTor $50 reward Tor a case
not relieved i CureM Sleeplessness, Neu
ralgia. 1 li'.iil.o lie. iilos. Dropsy, Kczonui,
Malaria, nil Hlood .mil Skin Diseases,
Stomach. I.lver Kidney, Hlitddcr, Nervou
Troubles olid all allmenls peculiar to
women It cures tho worst Cold In ono
night and breaks up all symptoms of I .a
(illppe, Pneumonia, Kevers. Hronchltls, and
Is really u household necessity n (lod-scml
lo every family.
To please tile ladles a face and heait
steaming attachment Is furnished. If de
sired, which clears thn nklu. beautifies thu
eomplo.Nlon. removes Pimples, Hlackheads,
Kruptlons. nnd Is a sure nro for Skin
Diseases, Catarrh and Asthma.
should have one of thoso remnrknble Cab
inets. The price Is wonderfully low. Cabi
net complete, with 1 loiter, formulas anil
directions, only V. Head Seati.ier (1 ex
tra; and It Is, Indeed, dltllcult li Imagine
where one could Invest that nmount of
money In anything else tliut guarantees so
much coniilno health, strength and vigor.
Write today to the World Mfg. Co.. IMS
World Hulldlng, Cincinnati, ()., tor full In
formation; or, better still, order a Cabi
net. Vou won't be disappointed, ns thn
makers guarantee, every Cabinet, nnd will
refund your money after SO days' use if
not Junt as represented. We know them
to bo perfectly reliable. Capital. Jirrt.nart.mi.
Tlie Cabinet Is Just as represented, anil
docs all they claim, and will be sent
promptly on receipt of romlttnuce by ex
press or P. O. money order, draft or check
Don't fall to Fend for booklet
This Cabinet
for agents, ns thero are millions of home
without bathing facilities, nnd tho llrirt
offers special Inducements to both men
and women upon ieitiet; and. to our
knowledge, manv are making troin JIM to
$150 per month and expenses. Write them
today and mention our paper.
of The Bee.
In tlio linrvcst field see for tlie first
tlmo a balloon In thu slty.
This famous Painting,
owned by the Metropolitan Art Mil
fcetnn of New York, reproduced In
color nud effect, Is V.-'M Inches, Ii
handsome and beautiful,
AiirouitA vt'itn
Of Duvre'i Mnrvnlouii fainting.
t tn I'ov rtm m wu ii i.
This coupon with two others ot
consecutive dates and 10 cents, pre
sented nt the Hot olllcc untitles any
reader of the Hee to this beautiful
picture, 2'J.xriO Inches. If you want
It mailed, send 10 cunts extra for
tube, postage, etc.
Gn Lard, on Ham, on
Bacon is a guarantao
of purity.
Swift and Company,
Chicago, Kansas City, Ouiuhii,
St, Louis, tit Joseph, St. Paul,