30 THE OMAHA 11AILV HEB: Til T USD AT"", MATCIT 1, moil. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Hearj Fall of Snow ExerU a B'trlih Infln ence on Wheat. MARKETS ON BOARD OF TR DE ARE QUIET Uclnys mil niiilinrrnssiiirnt of Miirm llntr fitilllim lilTcel on forii Mnr Uvt ntul I'M I lliilcl I'rot 1 nlons Are Wi-iik, CIMCAno, I'ob. 21 Hoard of Trade mnr kruu were 'inlet todiiy. The heavy snow foH was a bearish llilltience In wheat. May closing Mlc under yesterday. May corn and Mny oats closed each 11 shade down. May pork closed l depressed, Mny Inril :'s ti3o lower ntul Mny ribs 3c down. l'i to llftecn minutes or the end of the ei-sslon tho wheat miirket was dull and elrady nt a fractional decline from yester day's close. Husliies was almost entirely In tin) hiinils of scalpers. The heavy strw fall over the wheat belt wns the bearish In fluence, but the nrnrkel bore up n millit It with great fortitude till the patlrn.o of the boars was exhausted and the utilized the Iiihi bnrter of an hour In ridding them Helves of a burden which nobody seemed 'o Rant. May opened 'All lie lower nt V7tl ' mid touched 66'fcc rly, but the maj 'r por tion of the tent of the seslon llilctuntlnin were bet eon f,'',r and I'A'. The ultimo which wound up the ilay carried May from t5"j,e to ' and the .lose wan weak, 'ftlc under vestcrlii, at I'lV'n'!")1 ic New York reported 10 loads taken for export. Atlantic IMirl clearances In wheat .md Hour were ctiunl to iWM) bu. 1'rltnary roctlpts were 663.H0O bu., loinpareil with 50't.OOO bu. lait year. Minneapolis and Pultith rcporteil 523 cars, against .Vl last week and 122 a yelli ng!). I.rti.il receipts were II cars, none of contract grade The cash demand was slack, although 80, Mm bu. wete worked from here tin a 11c rate to the sea. The ilelas and embarrassments of the storm had a dulling effect on the corn mar ket and the. pit was very iUlct. I'ountry of fering were small and served an a support, ulihoiiRh the shipping demnnd was slack. The brink In wheat cost the coarse cereal only a shndo at the end. Local receipts were AVto-iirH, II can under the estimate. May ranged ftnn to 3l"(,l(35c and idnsed at the latter tlgurc, a shade, reduced from yi-sterdai. Oats were Inactive, remaining at one price, SP.'ic for .May, throughout the ses sion. The close yesterday was at 2.IMllVc. ItecelplH here wore 13H cars, 11 under the estimate. The snow kcit many trailer from business, n condition which mate rially contributed to the stagnation. Provisions were weak. There was scat tered liquidation throughout the day and late outside demand. On the decline there was considerable stoploss selling bv com mission houses, which helped nl'i'ug the weakness. There was some demand for lard early against foreign ii'-coptancos, but this was soon s.itlsllcd. May pork sold from $10.70 to $10.50 and closed 10e under yeteidny at $10.55; May lard, rrom $5.S5 to J.VTT'sfifi.M), closing 2V'5o down at $S.f0?i fiS2'4. anil May ribs, fioin $3.N7i52i.i to 15.73, with the close flc depresseil at I5.7MS.77',. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat," 22 ears; turn. 375 cars; outs, 123 cars; hogs, 27. (0a head. The leading futures ranged as follows: A rtlcios. Open . I I Ugh. Low. I t'lose.l Yes'y. Wheat Fob. .1.. ., rsT,, ci "' Wilt i i;i!iH May July Corn I'rb. .May .Inly Oats May July I'ork May July l.ard .May July Ribs May July Ifi3iifli lOWit'il ! ' 3ii;i 35(,3IT;Ti3S'37;fl35 33 33 33 I 35ft:i5li33i,W(U, ,T I !31. 21V(i'4 2i-l22U?j''s'22t3 I I i 10 70 in 72 10 70 10 72" a io no 10 iT,l. 10 55 10 GO 0 70 10 72's, 5 S3 f. S3 6 f2'i, 5 SO I r. ram r. m f 5 93 r. S2'vi r. S2'.:.i r. 77'i 5 S7". r. S2V-' 3 ! 5 92' j .3 S2 5 S2' ti i.i ! fi 77' 5 so No 2. Cash ouotatloiw were as follows: M-tlt'It-llull; patents. $;.5oft:.70; n. ter Htralghts. J.UmKm I.Cmj; clears. $.,.SfKn 3 lo spring specials. $.Vj0; patents. $.V'01i'!V,' stralKhts. $2.fiOfi3.oo: bakers. $2.ik) io ' -, w!J'jAT'N'0 " Hl)rl". ta'ifnilc; No. 2 red, OATS-.No. 2. 23'i2lc; No. 3 white. 2lff IbVl-V-No. 2. 53c. HARl,EY-No. 2. .TOiM.V. ii'n'i:.l':.!i!;S.""No; ' Jlaxse.d and northwest, Jl.fiO prime tlmolhy, $2.:t3fi2.IO: clover. n tract yHOYIS ONH-Muss ,.,,, 1(,r ,,,,, , -,inl '.53115 70. Short r lis .-Ides (foos,... $5.lM5.lo. salted s ioulders (boxed). $1123110.60. short cle ir sides Iboxed). $i.S.5?ir..!. V-Dlstlllers' llnlshcd goods, on basis hlRli wines. p,.r ji.p(, h ' MnMAIiSC'"1 !',,1,f' '!-05: tanulated, $5 19 for'todaj'!S "r, "'"'"I'Ih and shipments n,a. , lilt illlllll I 111 - Receipts. Slilptu'ts Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu On the Produce ter market was G7.O0O 17,01 0 I.'.OOO IhS.IKI 1.11, (KH 4,W ISi.Ortrt exihanse todav i:7.r)) 199,rtH 21S.O0II 3.000 r.i.fHm llln I.,,, tlrni; creamerlcH, lSTi2.lc: dallies. lA'ifiSle. i ueese, nrm at 12fM3c. Eggs, sarong; fi.h, M!IV VtlllK (iEMBtAI, MVItKI'T. tllMltlltlllllM for Hie l)o Various II in in 1 1 1 ... NEW YORK, Feb. 2S.-F.OUR-Recelpts 1G.9..0 bids.; eMirts. 5.SS2 bbls.. more active on spring patents at the decline, but quiet and about un. hanged otherwise. Mlnne sola patents, $3.sij,..l0; .Mlni.-e.soia bakers $2.!i3,05; winter patents, $I.G5fi3.S5: wln'er MralKhtK $.i1;i.55; winter ,-vtra,, vV 2.90; winter low grades. $2.25',t2.IO tVl, 'Wlr.m: .-"; holer... nt $l.7(Vjil.Ki. '.".'. ..-'-" s.i". nuciiivoeai inir mtM..i.. IIUCKWIIEAT-Fltmer New ork. at 5ii?i57c c, I. f. it. iv.''ir Vn,,v: '""'"v western, im- .'v;s' llt'andvwine. $2.20fi2.;jj. m E-Qulet; N 2 western, file f , car'lotsH,"" r5'0, ''"'"L, '' '' f' Vork! IIARLEY Weak; foiling I liifi i.ti W". New Ybrk '" vl' ',:irrl,l"H- -W" Spot weak- No. 2 red 73',.; elevator: No. 2 red. 71V. 75r iiitn, 1 1 si f. o. b. aiioa'. iiromnt' 'o t bard. Duluth. 79Vc f. . . lilo.t. pro, 't .1.V,ln',,s...,:a'y ' htMxy snoiNs ln ,t,,e0w'l.st ',. '"." "i:gni mny on steadv e.ililns dec mil rapidly under 1lool,lii, ,',..' 11 s er.il estern m.ivrment. Tin. ..i.wA !... weak. rloi-od TISc; .1 7le: Julv rti,.-: . " .' ,"!"'1' at teniber. r ria..ir,ri ii nv. .. . . Sep- CORN . . ' loseu at it'HC in. ... . "' r . l'uris, .'.i.::oi U.jd 4l,H2r ..icVa.or.-' , ,. ms o ic ,W ft with wh.Mt, but held steadv most f the day op iiKht country a, t epunecs ,,", , If. of nressuie and a moderate dcinand fVoii. HiortH: ,1,'sed easy with h.at. " "nL. decline. .Mny. ,i v, ... 1 I,;V'. cloned at 1.IC 2 ivhltis'.lli,,.'; 'N'i.'3"w'hrte. ... 2S'sc: No. I'ii'ic: fro .If Vion , V ,";..rv1 irae !. :;d35, timiciV 'riv.1;;: Ui" t0 llOPS-Oulel: tttilfP. ("IIIBtlWtii .. ..l...t . IV!: I:,, line . -;:' " '.'" cnoice ... .! 1 . io ' ."I1. roJC 1S99 cron. vim i.ic; i-acinc coast, isiiij crop "line; IS99 crop, 121 13c. HI PES-Firm; Oalveslon J9'tc; Texas dry. 21 to 30 lbs 21 to 25 lbs.. 21't.c. ltic; IStis crop. 20 to 2.3 llin . 15c; Callforn 11. LI "ATI I ER Firm : liionln.L- sole. Buenos ! AyTe.. Ugh, ,o I.eavywe.gh.sai.cV:; j PltOVISIONS-Biof, dull f ll.tll 11 r I c 1:1 mi- n,. tin nii. i,i'-.. v.' V" 'l-,"i CI...); packet. $10.5 12:00; tV" '; mess. $1:1 oo-,i 22.00. fUl m'.,uls I iiii-kicii iicines. Jb.u;ia'i7. i0; it )U. shoul in, im-Riru iiiuiiK, J.(Kr, I0.51). L.m! llrm; western steam, $ii.b); February, $11171.,' TKiinlti.il ; rellned steady; continent, $6.30": touth America, $6.10; 1 nuippuild, Sil.tNrtjS lju Pork, tlrm; mess. $10 751i l'.25: short i-leni-' 1 . "1 1 1 . . i,illlll. n . 1:1.50, Tallow. arm: city. .i'i.'uf.c; country, nv(i3"4i' ci'.-Hiea.i . uomestlr, fair to extra. 4jiii'c; Japan. Is'ific. xtra, open .MOIASSl'iS-Sleadj ; New Orleans kettle, good to chohc. llliKic PEANUTS-Steady, fancy hand-picked tii'tc; other domestics, 3-..fnr 4 Holler, lluu 11 ml Cheese Market, ST. LOUIS. Feb. S. - BUTTER - Firm; i en lurry. 2fi2l'iii : dilr, lcWdOc. ICOOS-lllirher a- 15' j. NEW YORK. Feb. SS.-IU'TTHR-Ue-eclpts, 4,714 pkgs. ; market steady: western creamery. 1Mi2Ic: June. isfi22'ac CHEESE Receipts. 3,ii7s pkg.s : tlrm: fall made fancy, largo and hiiiall. 13c; cholco fcrndes. 12'kI2c. ElillS-Receipts, 7,53.1 pkgs. wrsteril, HUe i'lmVDELl'lllA, Feb, 2S. - BUTTER - fancy I Sle.vh fan v western creamery, ?3c western nrlnts. 2c I'OOH-KIrm and good demand; fresh nearby, western and southwestern, lie; fresh southern, l:tc fllKKSK-Klrtn. KANSAS (MTV. Feb. 2S. - ni'TTI' -t'rea. icry. 2Crcf23c; dnlry, 1Sc. HO OH-Scarce and 'sc higher; trade brisk: fresh .Missouri and Kansas stock, 12c, cases returned; new white wood cases Included, I2'2c OJtllA WIIOIjKS Mil!' lHIIKIVr.l, ('mnllllon of Trade mill (luotntlnn nit Mniile ami I'ltney I'roilncr. I'dOS llcceipts, light; fresh stock Arm at l.'lc. lMlKH.SI!) POHl.TKY - Choice to fancy I turkeys. lOfJIli ; ducks, 10c; gecse. 10c; 1 , -i.i.t iiimti., i .. - iini . riillllH ciliriceil?, dijj'.si;, iic-ii?-, (.i-,2u, roosters, Hitic. 1 IVK I'ol l.TItY-IIens. Sc; spring chick ens, c; young, stilly and oid roosters, 4Jp Co; ducks, Sc; Keese, c; turkeys, 7'sllbc. Ht'TTKK-t ommon :o fair, ltic; choice. lifISc; Hcpuiutor, 26c; Rathered crsamery, 22B'JJ'. I'KIKONS-l.lve, per doz.. OOctJl.OO. VIIAI.H-i'holce. DJiIOe. flAMi: -Uiicks, mallards. W.003.23; blu wlru teal, Jl.73, Rieen wing teal, Jl.KQLGO; mixed ducks, Jl 3v;S.oo. OYSTmtK Medium, per can. 18t; stand nr' per ran, 22c, bulk stnndnrd, per gal., fl 25; extra selects, per can. 30c; extra ! l"r.n, per Rnl., $1.00173; New York counts, per can, 37t; New Yolk countn. tier 100. J1.25. HAY 1'er carload lots: Upland, cltolcc, M; midland, choice. 13.50: lowland, cholco, 1 $5; rye stnnv, choice, $1.30; No. 3 corn. 27Hc; ! No. 3 white oats, 22'te; cracked corn, per ' ton. $12; corn and oats, chopped, per ton, $12.3rt; bran, per '.on. $12.30; shorts, per ton, J13.C0. V ISO UTAB L.KS. NEW TtrrtNll'S-l'er doz. bunches. 60c. SI'INACIt Per box, $1. NEW ItEETS-I'er doz. iiunchcs. 40330c I-HTTl't'U- Per doz. bunches. 40c; fancy head lettuce, per bbl.. $; HAniSMi:S-Per doz. bunches, 33c. SWEKT POTATOES-Per bbl., Illinois. J3; Jcrseyc, $5; larRe bMs , kitnsas, $2.76. POTATOES-l'er hi! . choice, ii0jf40c. CAHIIAOE llollatu! eed. ie. CAL'LIPLOW ER-Calltornla, per crate, $2.25 t'El.nUY-Per dcz., C5if30c; California, ner bunch, 4CKf75c. TCIINH'S RutnbnKas, per 11:., Hie. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crats, SI. MfRIinOOMS-Per lb. box. 50c. Itlll'IlAim-I'cr doz.. G3S75C. ONIONS-Uetall, yellow, Tic, red, S5O90c; Ohlos. per bbl . $:'.21. KHUITS. A PPI.ES Choice western shipping stock, $3.SOf3.75; New York stock, $1; fancy, $1.50 W 1.7.5. Oil A PES MalfiRn, per bbl., $7.0009.00. (.'llANItEIlHtES Hell and Uugle, per bbl . V 00. TnOPICAt. FRUITS. OKA NO KS California, fancy navels, per box, $3,257(3.00; choice .mvels. $2.73;i3.00; Cal ifornia seedlli'KS, oer box. J2.50f,2.75. l,E.MONS-t-allfornla. choice, per hox. $3.00; fancy. $3.50; Messlnas, choice, per box, $3.00; fancy, S4.CM, BANANAS Per bunch, medium, $1,733 2.00, fancy, $2.0002.23. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY-Per 24-scctlon case, $3.60. NUTS Hickory, large, per bu., $t.2S; shcllbarks. $1.35. EIOS Callfomln, layers, per 10-lb. box, 90c; California carton, per 10-lb. box, $1.00; Imported tigs, per lb., 13c. HIDES. HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7Hc; No. 2 green hides, ii'2c; No. 1 salted hides, Mic; No. 2 raited hides. "V: No. 1 veal calf, S to 12 lbs., 9c; No 2 veal calf la 's 13 lbs.. Sc. St. l.ouU l.rnln and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 2S.-WIIEAT-Lower; No. " red iah, elevator, CSic; track, 72W 73c; February, csm , May, C!i'rc; July, i"3c: No. 2 hard, GSVdOii'sc; receipts, 13.500 bushels. CORN-Stead; No. 2 cash. 33c; track. 31 :il'ic; Ffbrii-iiy. :wc; .May, kpc; July, 33Ji( OATS Steadv; No. 2 ensh, 24',4c; 21'ic: Frluuary, 21'tc; .May, 2l'io; track. No. 2 W lllle, .li'O.'li'ic. RYE Firm at 53c. FI.ol'R-Steady and unchanged. SEEDS Timothy, linn at $2,001(2.30; prime, $2.15. Flax, nominal at $1.57. 'ORNM EA I. Steadv at $1.S0J1.S3. BRAN-Steady; sacked, east track, Citt cme. HAY Tim 'thy, steady at nralrle. Or in at $S $3.76011.00; WIIISK5' Steady at $1.23',i. IRON COTTON T1ES-$1.20. IIACi(iINO-5Vilfifc. HEMP TWINE !'c. POULTRY Higher; chickens. Gln'e; tur keys, 7JiSc; ducks. h-.v; geee, SUfific. ll!nVIlriVCl Pnl-tt ..ill..)- Inl.l,li. n1.l I $10.60; new. $11.37'.. Luril. Irregular; choice! $.i.r.ii. bid, $.i.(,i I, asked. Drv salt meals (boxed), dull; extra shorts, $; clear ribs, $ii.l2l,j!; i lear sides, $0.25. Bacon (boxed), dull; extra shorts, $'i.30; clear ribs, $G.G2'!j; clear sides. $11.78. METALS-Lend- Dull at $l.57'Vi4.G0. REl'KI ITS Flour, 3.Ri0bbls.; wheat, 14,0"" uu.; corn, w.tw mi.; oats, 21.WO bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. s.eOO bbls.: wheat, 23,0(,O bu , torn, 29.IKU I. a.; 'ats, 23.01 bu. Kihisiis Cll (irnlli mill Peot ImIoiin. KANSAS CITY, l'eb. 28.-WIIKAT-.Miiy. (ilc; cash, No. 2 hard, (Be; No. 3, RiflCI'sc; No. 2 led, 70c: No. 3 spring, CaG9c. CORN- May. 31V ; cn.tli, No. 2 mixed, 3PV: No. 2 white, 32ls.1i32ie; N"o. 3, 32'ic OATS-No. 2 white. 21WJ5e. RYU No. 2. 62c HAY-Cholce timothy. $9,231)9.73; choice prairie, $7.i.ofi".25. RECEIPTS -Wheat, 2,000 bu.; corn, 11,000 bu.; oats, 4,(C'0 bu. SHIPMENTS, Wheat. 13.S0O bu.; corn, 13, 200 tui ; oats. G.INO bu. Liverpool (irnlli and I'rot Inlons, LIVERPOOL. Feb. 2V-WII EAT-FutUI es, dull: March, CsS'jd; May. 6sSd; Julv. 5sS'Md. Spur, No. 1 northern, spring, steady at :-s !!d. CORN -Futures, dull; May. 3s7"d: Julv, 3s 7r'Hd. Spot. American mixed, new, firm at ,",ssd: American mixed, old, llrnv at 3s 9d. PROVISIONS-llams. short cut. steady at 47s. Bacon. Cumberland cut, dull at 35s; clear bellies, dull at 37s (Id. lird, prime western. 3ns 3d; American rellned, 32s 3d. Tallow, prime city, tlrm at 39s. Toledo Miirket, TOLEDO. Feb. 2S.-WIIEAT-actlve for May: No. 2 cash. Lower and 70c; M.ij, CORN-Steady; NM. 2 mixed. 55'2o. OATS Dull: NO. 2 mixed, "Ic. It YE Weak: No. 2 cash, BS-. CLOVEH'-KKD-FIrm; "rime cash $I.U5 bid; March, new, $5.67'-; No. 2 $I.COfl.ro. old.' hCCll, lliitlilli (irnln Miirltel. DULUTH. Feb. 2S.-WI I EAT-No. 1 bard, cash. i'5"e; No. 1 northern, cash, fl.l'e; Mav, CVc: Jul-. GGc; No. 2 northern, Glc; Nil. 3 silting. 57V'. OAT?-.'3Mi2lc CORN -32" i e. lllliiiiul.ee (irii I n llnrkel. MILWAUKEE. Fob. 2S.-WIIEAT-Dull; No. 1 northrrn, 63'ic; No. 2 northern, 63(i G3'..r. RYE Easy ; No. 1, fi;",'i)57c. BARLEY Lower: No. 2, 44GI3c; s.miDlc. 351 Jo. I'vorln Mui-Uet. PEORIA. Feb. 2S.-CORN-Hlsher; No. 2, 33'. c. OATS- Steady; No. 2 white. 2l!?2ILi WHISK Vr-Flnn. on the basis of $1,23' Unlabel! ;oods. for MIiiiii'UIiiiIIm Wht-nt mill liiiur. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 2s. - WHEAT -- 111 store: N '. 1 northern, fi3"c; Ma, il'iliumr; .lull, i:'4ii'.l,c On track: No. I hard, f.iv.e; No. 1 norlhern, 63'sr; No. 2 northern, Cl'iC Wool Market. I'c.'ii. 2S. -The Am'rl.'nn Wool Reoorter will my; There has demand for wool during the entire sales being only about BOSTON, and Cotton been little v "K. tile 1 4 11.0,10 lioilllils 'I'll,, ,1,1m. nil u.ill iiiuu I principally to medium and low wools, ol pthough a little more Inoulry Is noticeabln lor tino wools ntul uie reeling with refer- cme 10 the lalter Is slightly Improved. 1 Prices are Irregular and on lathing terri- slightly e.mb r. The Lomton - .w.. .II..-.M..1 11,(1, Unlink 2hi.iki nairs "'in no onereu. tup fnies for ,.A"...V'Mf0" !m'!''V' !? '?'0,1,) " '. . .' " " u ".":. : . . : 101 lM"; 'a total or 2 3, 1 ,(o pounds for the previous 1 week and a total of 3.261.f i0 pounds for the , corresponding week lust car. The sales since Jauuaiy 1 aniouut to 30,Clti.O!0 pounds, againsi ,i.i. 1 umiw pouiiim tor me correspond ing period last voar. So mir Miirket. NEW YORK. Feb. 25. - SUOAR - Raw, weak and lower to sell: fair retlnln.r. 3I3-IU-. centrifugal, 91 test. 15-lGc; molasses siiKar. ur; rellned. steady. LONDON, Feb. 2S. - BEET SUC.AR -9s ' s' id I NEW ORLEANS. Feb 25. - SUOAR - ! Qllitt op n kettle l',fi 1 ,1-liic; open kettle. centrifugal. 4';fi I 9-lite : rrutiifusal, yellow, I I'it 11-llV . soconds. 2(l'4r. .MOLAtSES-Qulei; centtlftisal, Sr3e. (.'oiler .Miirket. NEW YORK. Fib. 2S.-(01'FEE-FutureH opened baicl steady .11 utlchuiFcd prices 10 io points ileclit'c and ruled ipilei with a weak undertone, in the absence of Brazil ian cables, while Europeun cables were un sat sfactory and the spot market easier It biume more active In the aftruoon under llfpildallon In increasing 'he decline to Wit ' ' i.i points anil -l sed stcvlv at a net decline rf Pfil.5 point" Total sales were ?fl"t) biiRs, I Ini IlidltlK- Mitch, $K!iO; .Mny, $i5.!1t7 OS, Sei tember. $7 leii7.15, November. $7.16. Decem ber. $7 W. Stint. I!lo stpmlt- tnlt.l mllnl- Cordova, !''i?(Ili . MOVIJMI'.NTS til' vroi'Kx AMI IIOMIS. Apimrcllt AiioiiiiiI.v of Rise In Sloetts llcnrlnc t oeoiilriidlcled Mini r. NEW YORK, Feb. 2S.-Evldene- nc umu lated ns tlu day progressed In the sto k market that the short Interest In the group of specialties, willed has recently been dr. cllnlnir. had become unwieldy and before tiiii day had r lortnl an urgent demand ile v,'i!""fd for these stocks from the bears, wno had overstayed tMo market and who wero eager bidders tor stock to mver short contracts. Thus the apparent anomalv was presented of a buoyant rise In th price of stocks. concTnlnc wMch recent unfavora li. e news mm still un -nntradlcted, nr new facts developed of a still more unfavorable character. Additional nie.hnuliK' Hens were piled tip on the assets of the Tilrd Avenue and a tocelver wn appointed; y.et the stock olTered firm teslKance at Vlenliiv's low level and rose at one time as n'i"h ns S'. I ho franchise tax commission, which re cent rumors by profe.-islonals have credited with a purpuse to iiriictlcally contlscatc the net earnlnns of local corporations, bgan Its sltthig-i today, but the slocks of the New 5ork public utilities rose from 2, to G points. Published retmiu alleged con tinued demoralization aiid cutting of prices of sugar and the conviction of profes'Monal t-peeiilators remains unshaken that the ti"t dividend will bo (lit; but Sugar shows a net gain of 2'. The simple explanation I that be-ir trad ers have been selling these stocks without loldlng certificates with which to make delivery, and when they tried to buv thev found a horde of traders In the same r!l uallon and a. lively competition sprang up to secure the Hunting' supply. People's (lis, the Tobacco slocks a number of the Metal stocks, Weste-n Union and .some others whlcli have been under recent pressure moved urward under the same Inlluence. The Leather stoekn weakened on the yearly earnings reported, which wcie much below recent sangulno estimates, and tho heirs endeavored to create a diversion In their favor by raiding storks. The rest of tho market refused to respond. Relieved of the elements of acute weakness which havo rccentlv dragged It buck, the railroad list rose strongly and quite uniformly, tho exception"! being stocks which have already advanced in faco of the recent weakness. Tho ndvance wns ratliT marked In a group of low-priced common stocks of companies' whoso senior preferred stocks have already rellected their Improved prospects of div idends by reason of Increased earning". Foremost of the group were Atchison and Southern Railway, which ro e 1 and 1. respectively. There were good advances also in Erie, St. Loui Southwestern, Wa bash preforred, Chicago Orcat Western, Colorado Southern second preferred and North American. Tho movement In the grangers left by Burlington was based on the fall of snow in the northwest, which Is believed to af ford security to the wheat In the cround. as was rellected by the downward tendency of t nil cereal on tho grain exchanges. T1il movement Is of special Interest as belior the first of any movement In the Flock market founded on the prospects of this year's crop, thus ushering In n cew Intlu euce and hazard wh'ch will play a grow ing1 part In tho problem of values. Tho closing was active and strong at about the best. TV-o bond market was not very active, but was tlrtn. Total sales, nar value, $1, 593,0i. United States us, coupon, advanced 'i, as also registered; old Is anil 3e, (, and new Is decline 1 ' in the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The markets here opened verv quiet todny: they wero also dull, but Improved on the news of Bu11er' progress. No public 'business re sulted, however; none Is expected tint M Ladvsmlth Is telleved. Pari' and Berlin wero Idle. Americans were good through out tho session. A blind tip on Atchison Issues, particularly common, was current. New York sold early, but turned buyer on AttMlson and Southern Rallwav. lifting the market to the best point. The bank bought UlU.oO) In gold bars. The week's Influx wan .CSltf.Ooo. Money was In demand. A small sum due. the bank was repaid this inornlii". but In thf afternoon there was fre.sh borrjwlng. estimated nt . CI. 300,0.1a. Continental exchange, wore unaltered. Tho following nre the quotr.ilons for tho leading stocks on Iho New York exchanco today; Atchison do pfd Baltimore & O.. Can. Paclllc .... Can. Southern Chcs. & Ohio... Chicago Ot. W. . 11. & Q Chicago, 1. .i L do nfd 22 Tex. St Pacific... C5', Union Pnclllf ... b2s do prcl 9V, Wnbash 4(iV do pfd i&Y. .t L. E Y-W do nfd lGi ... 19'k ... 74", . . . G'i ... 20-:t, .,. lf's ... 27'a ...17 ...115 ...143 ... 45 1243, wis. Central 2 lis Adams Ex nl'4 American Ex. I.. 93.. U. !). Ex Chicago & E Chicago Af N. W.lGOij We Is-Fargo Ex.122 3;i; 91 c., R. I. ti i 107-4 A. Cot. Oil C , C, C. Sr St. L. 59ai do pfd Colo. Southern ...... r.l ' a ..... i i , r,i(. 23 :i9; 901. j do 1st pfd. . . do 2d pfd... Del. & Hudson. Del. L. A W Denver R. O. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd... (St. Nor. pfd Hocking Coil .. Hocking Valley. Illinois Central., la. Central do pfd "K. C. P. L. E. & W do pfd Lake' Snore Louis. & Nash.. .Manhattan L ... Met. St. Ry Mx. Central ... Minn. St. L... do pfd Mo. Pacific Mobile & Ohio.. Mis.. K. li T.... do pfd N. .1. Central ... N. Y. Cpiitr.il... Nor. it Wet do pfd No. PaciHc do pfd Ontario & W.... Ore. Ry. .1 Nav do pfd Vennsylvanln ... . 4P4' do pfd . 17 Amer. S. & R. . .115 I do pfd .isO lAmer. Spirits . . 19' do pfd . 72'n Amer. S. H . 12"4 do pfd . :w(, Amer. S. & W.. .15l'a do pfd . !', Am. Tin Plate.. . 31'j do nfd .113 Amer. Tobacco . n't do pfd . 49ii(A. Mill. Co . 12H Brk. Rap. Tr... . 214 Colo. F. & 1.... . S3i Con. Tobacco .. .191 do prd . S2ij Federal Sleel .. . 94"" do pfd .171 Cell. Electric .. .. 17 .. 40 . . S2 . . 37"h .. 924 .. 32 1 i .. SI ..107; ,135'i .. 43i; .. GS .. 41s .. up;. .. SI'J .. 5T, .. 7 1'4 ..125 .. 51U .. 9S'I .. 21 .. 06' t. .. 71 " . 12s; Olucose Sugar . . . CO' do nfd . 91 Int'n'l l'anor ... . 4I1U do pfd . 43 Laclede Cas . I0ij Notional Biscuit . 33 do nfd 30 90 .116 NaConal Lead .IH-Im do pfd . 32?; National Steel ... 23 ...10311 in-1 . 73 do nfd 9P 53i N. Y. Air Brake.. 12fl'3 :K so. A-.iierlcan 15 19 , 2I; Pacific Coas: . 12 I do 1st pfd 7G 1 do 2d nfd. . S2 . GO . 3S .1005; . 551 1 . Si! .1S3 . 7'-, .107':. .10 " . 9.11 O'i . 701, . 31 . 9! . '.' . t . 67' ; 70 ,134 ."iclllc .Mall Reading 1ST. Per pie's Oas do HI pfd.... 9V. Pressed S. c. do pfd Pullman P. C Stand. R. & T. Sugar do Rio C. do SI. L. do do St. L. 2ii pru.... ,5V pfd K- S. F... Is. pfd... 2d pfd... 30 49- SS io; 7";i do pru IO; Teiin C. .r I... Leather. pfd Rubber.. 11 u. s. do u. s. do pfd St. Paul do nfd St. I". K- O S3, Paclllc .... So. Railway ., do pfd.... ""Ex-dlvldcnd . .. to ...1.'2' ...171 do pfd... ...110 Western Un'nn ... 3s't Republic 1. ft S. . . Ill's do pfd ... 5S' 1. C. C. fc St. I. First assessment paid. ISciv Ytirli 5luiii-- Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 2S 3IONE5" On call, s.eadv. nctunl tr.msactl mis ranging from 2 to 2't tur cent; last loan, a' 2'4 per rent; closed offered nt 2 pei'.ent; prime mercan tile paucr, O-ifi 5'v per cent. STERLING EXCIIANOE-Ileavy. with actual business !n bankers' bills 'it $I.S65; for demand and at $1 3'H for slyty days; posted rates. $.si'(i(.S5 and $4.S7'i-f I.S5; corn men l.il bills. $t.S2ii!l Jiv. SILVER Crrtltliaies s59",Ti;0"tc; bar, 59"c; .Mcxlca'i dollars. 47SC, BONDS Government, Irregular; state. In active; railroad, llrm. Tim following nro tho closing quotations on bonds: U S 2s. rcg.... do 3s, leg do coupon . .. do now Is, leg. .101 N Y. C Is 110 lll'i N. J. C. g. 5s,. .123 .lllli No. Carolina Gs.127 .117'V .lo U 105 .137'v No. Paclllc 3?.... 66 .1161,41 do 4s lOPi .117i N.Y.C. K- SI. I- IsiOS .11514 N. & W con. Is.. 9.1 .115";, do gen. fit 130 .US Ore. N'av. Is 110 .100';' do 4s w . S2'i O. S. L. fi 127'i .1091; do ions) 5s.. ..1131 do coupon no mil is. teg. do cannon ,do 3 rcg do coupon 1). of C 3 65s... Atrh, i:cn. is... do imIJ. 1s can. rid. Chcs. .t O. 4'js... 9'4 Rending Oen. li.. S5;. , (io m uvfj 11. ii. . is iji'. 1 C. .t N. W. e. 7.l It St.L. ,s: I..M. c.5s.lll do S. U. deb. 5.120 St.L. it S. F. .(!. 121 Chicago Ter. 4.s..92iSt. P. eosisjls. . . ,167'i I D. .v- R. O. Is.... .10T4 SI. P.. C. & P.ls.120 ' do it 9.;. da 5s 1201; ! P. T. V. .: O. S.lOI'So. Rallw iy 3,..1W Erie gen. Is 70 S. It. .1- T. Gs,... 76 F. W. - D. C. Is. 71 Trim. 11. . 2s 93 "Oen. E ec. Kb. ..117 ,T x. & Pae. ls...ltt'i O. II. Sc S. A. 0.111 1 .1 1 2. i52' do 2s 107'i Union Pacific ls..10IU 11 T. C. 6s. ...110 Wab.isli 13 110'i do con. (is 110 do 2s 69" In. Central 1s 113', West Shore Is. ..Ill "K.C.P. .- O.ls. 72'i, WU. Cen. Is 90 La. n. con. ts. .liil,Va. Centuries ... S9H L. .- N. mil. Is.. 91";Mo deferred .... S'i M . IC. Si T. 2s... 66 .Colo. So. 4s SI do 4s 9Utlfa'o. I'nclflc 4s Sl'i Ex-Interest. Oflered. Trust receipts. I Foreign li iimiclnl. PARIS, Feb. 2S.-Prlceg slarted lirm on the boiioe today 011 eai y contaiigoes. Bra I ztllans were in g..od demand on renmed ' rumor that the Franrn-BraT.IIaii treaiv was on the point of being settled Uracil i'i mines nnd Kutllrs were set back on re ris ing. Three per cent rentes 10f i7'-r for ill account Spanish Is closed Ht l.i.bl'i. BERLIN, Feb. 2i, Prices were Irr'gulur on thr bourse today lntcrnatlotial sccqrl ties were qui't. Americans were steady Can. iillim Parities Improved and Trxnsinal railroads were good. Mine .hares llitcui ntei, but closed stronger Bank sharrs were easier Exchange oil Loudon, 'i'ni f'O'apfg for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, for settlement. 5't per cent; tlvo months' bills. 4 tier cent. LONDON, Feb. 2S.-The market for Atuer lean securities ruled Irregular ntul without decided features and with little doing. The closing was dull. Spanish Is closed at (7. Calcutta Unseed, spot. 4s Gd. Uold pre miums: Madrid, flo.2; Rome, 7.13. llostmi MltilliK Mocks. BOSTON, Feb. :s.-i'all loans. 3'jOI tier rent: time loans, S-M') I'cT cent. Closing prices for stocks, bonds and mining shares; A.. T. S. F I'n'nn Land do pfd lf,t? West End Abler. Sugar ....WiWon:. Electric . do pfd 110 Atchls-in is Bell Te'eiihone .,;J0 N. E. O. & C. '. llostmi Mlnvntml nr. AiIvimimii-,i . 9.1 . 12' i ' . !M . 7l't . I'a1 . 2;i iiJSion v .lie. C. II. IJ.... Dam. Coal do pfd Federal Steel do pfd.... Fltchburg pfd On. E ertllc til nfil . . . . 195 Allourz M. Co ...12l'4 Amal. Copper .. ...12 i Boston .c 3lont, ...1M Butte & Boston ... 53', ('ill. Sr Ileclil ...71 Centennial ...I'M 'Franklin ...12 Osceola ...ir. Parrot . ni'i .215 . 5S .7m . 10"i . II . 72 . 42i .135 '. 5'i .1ST. .22 2'- ; 4 Mrx. Central 12', Qulney Atirb Ti'olilmnn Ifsl K.infn f t' LOp... V l.r f! X. f ' III. M'ni.iiirnrV Old Co'ony 207 Utah Mining Oid Dominion ... 1i Winona Rubber 32' i Wolvcrlnoi .. Union Paclllc .... iPi Vimv 5orli .MlnliiK (liiolntlnns. NEW YORK, Feb. 2S.-The following nro tho olllclal closing quotations for min imi shiuei': (hollar crown Point .... Con. Cn & Va. Deadwivnl . 20 , S 125 . 60 Ontario Ophlr Plymouth Qulcksl.vcr ... di Pfd Sierra Nevada Standard Union Con Yellow Jacket ...SfO ... ;o ... 12 ...175 ...750 3'1 .!!2S0 . . . 20 ... 14 Could ft Curry. 10 Hale & Norcros. 2S I lomestake 50"0 Iron Sl.ver G5 Mexican 17 London SloeU (liioliitlons. LONDON. Feb. 2.-l !. in-Closing: Conso'i1, t'lot'.ev. .10iH Pennsylvania .... CS's 9s 7G' ', sii'i s- 37 do account.. 10F, Beading 10 No. Paclllc pfd.. 13'4 Atchison 3S7J, i.ouisvl Io lHPt (Jrand Trunk .... 7('.'i Anaconda 125 IRand Mines 1 W Can. Paclllc Erie do 1st pfd.... IlHno!" Central... U. P. pfd St. Paul, com.... N. Y. Central ... BAR SILVER -Steady at 27'id per ounce. JIOSBY-J's per cent. The rate ot discount In the open market for short bills Is HM.I I1-1G per cent and for throe-months' hl'.ls II H-lGft3 per cent. Bunk CI en lints. 1 PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 2S.-Clearlngs, fli,157.37fl: lia'anres. $2,37,137. BALTIMORE. Feb. 2s.-Cleai Ings, $3,5S., 214: balances. $liil,"2.i. CHICAGO. Fib. 2S. Clearings. $22.39,).GS2; balances, $2.6is,l7t. Postetl exchange. $4.S5W 4,.S7'f: New York exchange. 50r discount. NEW YORK. Feb. 2S.-Clearlngs. $103,939. 212; balances, $7.2s.,i.li72. ItOSTON. 1'Vb. 2.S.-Clearlngs, $2,22,S,S21; balaiU'cs, $I.527.G16. ST LOUIS, l'eb. 2S. Clearings, $i!,5ll.9.1t; balances. J.i.lOii. Money, Ififi per cent. N w York exchange, 25c discount bid, 10c discount asked. Condition of (lie Treasury. WASHINOTON. Feb. 23.-Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows: Avnilable cash balance, f;iOI,2i7,t'.i!i; gold reserve, $222,019, 70S. Colton Marlict. NEW YORK. Feb. 2s. -The excllement on tho Cotton e hange ran high again today. Prices showed a net rise uf ls'n39 points after tho market had opened 31(7 points higher. The early cables were disappoint ing and the local contingent was little in- lined to sell until It became ny;iarent that '.he speculative public was still on the buy ing lmnd with a limited capacity for nb Mirblng cotton. J'ur.pean orders were par ticularly heavy, although the demand was general. A fiature of the local buying was the business of a Wall street concern, which bought enormously with apparently a limit less and special demand for August c ,n tracts. This concern was a heavy seller yesterday and had changed front so many times lately that the local traders weie puzzled as to the actual relations of the. house to the market at the present' time. There is said to be a large short interest in .March cotton. ,'The local traders are. nervous and, while more or less out of sym pathy with any forther advance nt the present time, lemaln afraid to go short on the market, dreading manipulation and the effects of renewed spe 'illative buying by tho public bull Interests, with the statistical position still exceptionally strong, except tor the largo rerelnts. Talk of increased acrenge and heavy fertilizer purchiiFes was fl factor which held the new crop positions In check. The excitement increased as the session advanced. Just before the close, however, there was a period of reaction un der enormous realizing, which caused a sharp dei line from the top. The market Dually closed easy and Irregular at an (nivalin- of 141t2l point. The sales if tho da are estimated at 1,000.000 bales, this be ing the largest business, with a few excep tions. In the history of thr colton market. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 2S. COTTON -Steady; sales. S.300 bales : ordinary. T13-1tic; good ordinary, KG-lGc; low middling, S"4r; middling. 9c; guod middling. 9 3-1Gr: mid dling fair. 9'i'; receipts, 19.371 bales; stock, 374.711 bales. Futuris, tlrm; March, $S.9ll bid: April. Mn. June and July, $9.029.0.!; August, SS.K1fiS.St: September. $s.t2'uS.I4; October, $7.741 7.7-5; November, 7.65 bid; De comber $7.C4t7.65r January. 7.66 bid. ST. I.( ULS, Feb. 2S COTTON Firm and 1-lGe hlgliei ; sales, 1 one; middling. S 13-16c; lecelpts, 2,014 bales; shipments, 2,912 hales; stork, SI, 427 bales. LIVEbPOOL. Feb. 2S. - COTTON - Spot, moderate demand and prices l-32d higher; Amerlc-in middling fair, 5 7-lGd; good mid dling, .".iil; middling, 5 3-lCd; good ordinary, I'id; rdlnary. 1 ll-10d. The wiles of Hie day were S,io bales, of which 5oo were for speculation and export and included 7,T30 American' receipts. IJ.l'O) bales, includingi 7,600 American. Futtitcs opened quiet and closed st 1 11 ily at the adiali.e; American middling. I. m. cr, .March. -5 G-Glfr5 7-iild. value; March and April, 5 1-61115 l-Sld. April and May. I Gll-tifiiSd. buyers; Ma and June, 4 m-r.vii 1 61 -Gld, value; June and July, I 5s-64d. buyers: July and August, 1 56-Gld, and September. I 49-Glft September and Octo'het, October and November, November and December, sellers: August 1 W-64d, buyers; 131-Glil, sellers; 1 21-Clil, sellers; I IG-CId, sellers. Clitifornl'i Dried Fruits, NEW YORK, Feb. 2S.-CAL1FORNIA DRIED FRUITS- Ruled st-ady, wit!: a sm ill Jobbing business doing. Altliouuh ie ielt. were considerably less lliari ln.ked for and country advices of favorable pur port the market for exaporated apples de. I ve:opeii utile or no cliauge in the situation; ihujnrs and sellers ti,o far apart for busl- uess; nt tho close the liniler'oiio was , :eady at the old'basls of oiiertlons; state, i.VtiGc; prime, (i',4r; Iiolcc, 7i7',-.c; fancy, Cfi IS'-c. Prunes. 3',"'ii7c. Apricots. Royal. 131 15c; Moor park, I5f1Sr. Peaches, peeled, 13 ((22c; unpeclcd, 7'i59c. (Ill MiirUel. OIL CITY. Pa., l'eb. 2S. - OILS - Credit balances. $1.CS, certlllcates, no bills, sales or on'eis: shlnmenin !)S,033 lihls.. an averncn 1 of 91,250; runs, P5.ISI bbls., an nvcrago of S3.920. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 2S. - OILS - Llmfeed, 25s 3d. Cottonseed, Hull rellned, Muy-Au-CilHt, dull at 22n. IC 11 11 sns (it t,lt Mock. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 2S. CATTLE Re celpts, 1,300 natives, 2m Texans; sninll sup. ply op accfiuul of htiowbound trains; market 5'iilOc higher: no holre native steers; com mon grades, J.5ii'.i5.0O; stnekers and feed ers -S.25f(5.(K); butcher cows and heifers, $3.25111.75; runners, $2.3.'ift3.20; fed wetterns, $3.931 l.s." : v.ittirn feeders, $2. ISfy 1.25; Tex 11ns. $'!.5ii(j 4.50. IIOdS-Rcceltits. 3.10.) head: steady to 5e I lilglier; heavy, $1.751(4. S2's: mixed. $1.03?' 4.75; light. SI.Krit.7n: pigs. $4.00fil.50. SHEEP AND LAMUS-Recelpts. 'IPO bend: light supply met with quick sales nt i'e.idy , prices; lambs, t,uiil m; yearlings, Vf.lmf muttons, 5. . . . 1 ? d . 1 . . : stucicers ami feed era, 3.23tiG.uo; culls, 'J.onf3.50. '(. I, mils lil vi Slock, ST. LOUIS, Feb. 2S CATTLE I'ec ;its, 1,!"') head. Including 1 21'' head Texans; mar ket IO'- hlilier; native -nipping nnd export steer. XI.H34i.'i.S5; dress. .1 be. f and l utrliei streis, Jl.l.'ui S3: st.ci under J.WO His., $..0 Cl3.SU; Mockers and terilcrs, ;l.33)G.(0: cowh and hello's, ij.oiwji .;15; ( tuners. $.50fi2.sjj hulls. $.1. 13'(i3."5; Tevus mid Indian Fleers, $.',.S5f( l.'.O; mw- and helfets. $2 IMfil.tS. IK'MiS-Rrci Ipts. I. ion head: market f,H0.i higher: pig and light. $l.7o;t.s3; packers, JI.T5fM.Wi; lumbers. !l "i 1.97'C SIIEFP AND LAM BS Recefpls, 1 0il hen 1; market nomln..l; nnlho muttons, $5.'KiUi5.T5; lambu, $rt.00f7.i " u'ln or I bucks, $J.50?j .'u. Sine 111 Mulit, I I Following are the receipts Ht the four ! principal western markets for February 2?: i ! Cattle. Ib -s f!)!.' p. I Smith Omaha 1,52 9 .'. '. ; Chicago 13.0 290.ni Ij.doii Kansas 'ity .... 1.50'j 3.1m) ;tOi ! St Louis 1 1N t (on 1111 Totals ..is,3 i3,c:o iu,:"jj OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Ltbeul revsipts of Ho;i, but Light Oattle Ktctjpti. IVtRY THING St LIS IN GOOD SEASON Cuttle In llriiinnil nt .MrnitK Prices lilies ' in in it li l Prices n Simile Blither Sheep mill l.niubs Meiiily to Slrinicrr, SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 2S. Receipts wete: Cnttte. Hog. Sheep. Olllclal Monday 1.155 3..!l T.tmt Olllclal Tuesday I.i70 o.l-'J T.4U Olllclal Wednesday I,s32 9MH 3-" Three days this week. . I.S77 19.UH Same days last week.... 9.237 19.929 21.9S9 Same ilnyjt wiek before. . s, Hi 17.6S2 25,3S Same lliroi' weeks ago.. 9,12 15.151 ll.tiTS Average iilie paid for hogs icr the but several days with comparisons: 11000,11590, 1 ffl8.lS!)7.ll'0S.lMj.l:4 Feb. I. Feb. 2. Feb. 3. Feb. l'eb. 6 Fob. G. 4 til! 3 Oil 3 6I J 271 4 CSi J 671 3 (ill 3 191 4 OJ 3 641 1 CO! 4 021 3 fill 3 731 3 20, 4 03 i 15 I J IjI'i J T2 3 :V ,1 i I 4 (W , 3 72i 3 211 .1 ii 3 IGl h 0! ..I 4 70 3 i(t: 1 3 13 t W 3 82 l 5 01 ..' 4 61 3 GGl 3 75 4 01 3 95 4 S I 4 75, 3 GO' 3 71. 3 2.1 3 93 4 07l 4 .'J Feb. l'eb. Fob. l'eb. Feb. Feb Feb. Feb. l'eb. Feb. l'eb. Feb. l'eb. l'eb. 8... 9... 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. II.. 15.. IG. . 17 . IS. . 19.. 4 SI 3 TO 3 71 3 2? 3 90, r. u. 4 S0 3 71 3 76 3 27 3 S9 4 S) 63 3 3 55 3 S4i .1 f.9 ' .1 is a sii 3 75, 5 K 79 1 ' , 3 Sl 6S i 3 30 3 91 3 SG 6 OS 3 fi.. 3 S3, 3 SSI 3 S9 3 P3 3 i :i 3 381 3 92! 3 T6 4 S7 3 311 I 3 791 4 90 S3 1 3 5SI 3 S9, 4 7ti .1 f,s, 3 S4I 3 231 .1 SS t 4 S3 I 3 5.3 S7I 3 3 rv .1 Sj S3' I 3 91 3 3S, 3 Sli 3 S3 5 Ol 4 SS 4 92 I 99 4 SS I S3 I SI 4 79 20.. I iSl 3 50 3 33 4 74' 3 47' 3 95, 4 G9 3 55' 3 S( 1 3S 4 TO 3 5S 3 SI 3 3t'.i 1 Ul 3 76' l'eb. 21.. -J c?1 71, 1' el). 22. . . . Fob. 23.... l'eb. 24.... Feb. 25 .. Feb. 2.;.. Feb. 27.... Fob. 2S 3 S., 3 7S 3 SOi I C9 ' I ,i I ir. ., I 07, I I 70 3 G3 3 Uli 3 41 3 6il 3 79, 3 X I 3 Sl 3 42i 3 G2, I 3 43, 3 66 3 77, I 3 S3 I 3 7i 3 Sli 3 70 3 S2l 3 73' 3 S2I 3 (A 3 S7 4 SG 'Indicates Sunday. rhe olllclal number of cars of stock brought in today by each rontl was: ,,,,, . Cattle. Hog.t. Sh'p. H'scs. C.. M. & St. p. Hy.. 3 tj . ft St. L. Rv........ 1 .MO. l'acltlr Ry Union Pae. System.. 17 C N. W. Ry ,t 1 24 8 i' .. ;. si. v. it ii u: 2S s I. iV 1'. II ('.. St. P.. M. A. n tit. ft B. 51. R. R. R.... IG C. , B. te y. Hy ;i K. C. iM- St. .1 IS C, R. I. fi P. Ry., E. 3 C , R. 1. A- P. Ry.. W. 3 Illinois Central 3rt 3 'h I Total receipts .100 122 The disposition cif'tho day's receipt was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Bllvers. r'.,ti 1 1 .. .. tn X . ,, . . """'.I' "W' Ollll-i. wiiimii.i i nciting io O. II. Hammond Co.... Swift and Company Cudahy P. Co Armour & Co Cuday P. Co., K. c Swift and Company, from country R. Becker K- Degan.... .1. L. Carey W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntzlnuer Benton Underwood... Livingstone & SehaHer. L. F. litis- H. L. Dennis .t Co Held over 111 1,167 1GI 1,700 260 1,39 1 433 2.419 299 2.S1S 207 .... fii 15 GS 20 31 35 Gi .... GS 19S Ml 1.101 204 1,170 SC3 Totals 2,252 9.562 4.139 CATTLE Receipts at this point were again light today and the offerings of all kinds of cattle were rmall. At the same time there was a good local demand, which resulted in the market on killing cattle of all kinds being strong and active. Buveis wero out early and the fat cattle offereJ wero dlsposfd of In a very short time. It Is safe to i-ay that the uurket on fat cat tle l.s 1M.i23c higher than It was the latter part of last week. Among the offerings to dny were somo pretty good cattle, a. f'mall bunch of cholco black cattle, about as good In quality as anything seen here In some time, bringing $5.25. As was re marked yesterday, It takes right good cattle to brlnr Jt.OOWUV). and something ex(r to go abovo that point. At the same tlino this market does not get as good cattle a.s the other large markets or tho top hero would show up better than It does. Cows und heifers were in good demnnd and the market strong und active. Practically everything at all df-slrable chanced hands In a very short time nt tatlsfactory prices. The demand for cow stuff has been exceedingly good at this point right along. There was no change In tho market on bulls, stau.s, etc. Sellers report almost no demand for dinky llltlo Block cattle, of which there are quite, a good many In the yards All the In quiry Is for cattle ready to put In tho feed lots and scrubs are not wanted. The fact Is that the feeder market has not re covered from the discouragement of tho break In fat cattle last week and the buy ing demand I still limited. Fortunately the receipts are .small, so that there Is no great surpluti on hand. Represcnlatlvo sales: - BEEF STEERS. No. 1... O L.'." n 12.'.'.' ''.'.'. 1... 7. . . Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4 x; 4 10 4 15 4 45 4 (5 I !5 t 45 4 45 4 45 4 50 I 50 4 55 4 55 4 CO 4 65 I to I 65 4 65 4 75 I 75 4 90 5 00 ... 700 ... 605 ... SS0 ... 660 ... 917 ... 956 ... S50 ...950 ...1113 ...1010 ... 9SI ...1100 ...HIM ...1137 ... SS5 ...1061 ...ions ... sin .. .1000 ...1196 ...10S6 ...1217 ...1033 2 S3 3 25 3 50 3 fK 3 S5 3 S3 4 IN) I 00 4 00 4 10 1 10 1 10 I 20 4 20 t 25 4 25 4 25 I 25 4 25 1 31 I 30 I 30 4 33 Gt t 19 9 19 17"!!"! 29 10 13 1 , 4 20 17 G 1 1. 21 li!!!!!! V.'.'.'.'.'. ...10(3 ...1310 ...1147 ...1100 ...1192 ...1251 ...1210 ...1205 ...1171 ...1141 ...1230 ...1125 ...12'N ...1.175 ...13)1 ...1276 ...1.150 .1" '.'.'.15?. ...1320 ...14:.). ...1510 I 21... I 22... 1 a. . . . I 10.... I :::: 19.... 1.... S.... li.... 20.... 20.,.. I IT JO... 1279 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .1210 .1 85 3... .1106 1 20 4 15 li 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,. 927 s . S17 . 02 . 910 . SI0 . soo . Sfrt . SGO . SS0 . 900 . 700 4 10 COWS ! 0.5 : 00 ft... 1... 1... 1... O 1... 1... s... o !!! 1... 1... 10... 1... 6... R. . . 1... 10... 1... 1... 1... 1... ....1021 .... S10 ....1120 ....1390 ....1005 ...-11S0 ....1260 ....10O1 ....1127 ....1055 .... 97S ....1300 ....1150 ....10S2 ....1000 ....1220 3 Vt 3 15 3 35 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 2 45 3 ro 2 50 3 50 1 .V. 3 : :, :: 60 3 60 3 60 2 50 1... 50 1. 1. 900 2 50 1200 60 1... . S20 . 913 : no ! GO 1 1020 1 970 1 900 ....1176 1. SM .1370 3 65 1.... 1.... T.'.','. 1.... ....1050 ....1020 ....1056 1IS.1 1290 1170 1220 1500 IBS 63 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 7S 3 75 3 75 3 73 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 SO 3 0 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 f,0 3 SO 3 SO 3 S3 3 S 1120 910 905 93 1005 11D0 10.15 000 1050 KV, -ro 1240 2 S3 3 (fi 3 no 3 00 3 On 3 00 3 Of) 3 00 1 05 3 05 3 10 3 15 f.t.... 1215 ll.'O 1160 1216 970 1200 1127 60S 1.. 1.. 1. 1... o V.'.'. 1... 1... 9... 1... 6... 3 1 9 5 3 11 n ...1201 ...1022 ...1110 1051 .1070 3 1". tV.3 3 15 3. 3. .1013 .1006 ..1001 3 20 3 23 ..105.5 1 13S0 1 1210 . . 970 1 "3 1.. .1.. 1.. .1070 3 ?5 1 l!!!!!!! ..12"0 ....1196 ....1050 3 ! 10S5 3 25 1 2.5 3 25 3 15 3 25 3 23 1 25 3 ?5 1 S3 3 25 3 30 3 "0 3 30 3 30 3 SO 3 50 n 35 .1250 ....11S0 ....1035 ....1010 ....1010 . . . . two ,...1W0 .... fl'1 .... 02.5 ....1110 ....1015 ....1112 ....112S ....1f3 .1375. 1 S3 1.... :.... 10.... 1.... 1..., 1.... s,,..' 27 I,,., 3.... 960 3 S5 mi 1070 1070 1110 nr.-. 0S 1150 Ilro 10S5 IfVfi rco 1210 K9i? 1131 3 90 3 90 3 91 3 91 3 91 3 90 3 95 4 00 I 00 I 00 4 00 I 00 4 V) 4 00 I CO 1.... 1.... t.... i'!!!! 1,... i!!!! 13.... 4. 11... 10V, 1 am n..,. wo 1 1110 3 35 1... CALVES. 3 nsp. 11 Ji 210 100 515 IfO 100 1:0 5 23 1 O i!!!!!!! i!!!!!!; 1 1 260 11 15 195 fl 00 3(0 01 ISO r, 75 150 7 25 150 7 25 7 25 7 25 : 23 7 25 1 1 1 mi 10.1 1.. STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 730 1 15 t.,) Ui) !93 ! IO ' 75 ! s.5 67) 715 7i.1 76! W 6W 3 ' It 1 1.. I Ml 1 1.0 5 TO 'I "5 3 i 3 .') 3 33 1.. 33.. 910 !H 4 11 3 75 WJ It f'5 10 4VI I CO STOCK CALVES. 253 I 1 2S0 5 ft) 490 I Ctt STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. !0 3 0) K.... :... . 12..,. 12.... 7. . . 4S.... (".... 17.... t&S S20 1003 1110 m 1025 So5 7S2 9(0 S77 671 1016 KS0 lid) 3 30 3 M I l0 I (M) 4 W I () I 0) I 15 4 15 I 15 4 20 ..timi ..1025 ..1122 .. S9I .. 792 ,.loi ..1121 .. S.'0 ..1013 ..1012 .. 720 .. 417 .. SGo 4 25 4 25 4 X, I 3.5 I 35 I 57' I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I li. I T5 15... S... 4... 35... 31 . . 1... 1... 3... S... Hi... I 20 9. STAOS. 60 l.... : t 1.... .1310 I 0) 3 9 3 90 4 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. 97f. 3 lo 3 GO It 70 1).. 31. 6. ...1113 ...1lU ...107G IS... IS... . 746 .K'!S . 9SI1 3 V5 HEIFERS. 1 srvt 1 IrOU 2 910 1 940 1.. ... SIO .. 715 .. 710 .. 915 ..KOO ..102( .. 950 .. 7!) ..1370 ..1311 .. 810 3 23 1 no 4 (l I 00 1 CO I I") 4 05 4 10 4 15 1 20 4 30 3 25 3 C. 3 SO 3 S3 3 S3 3 S3 3 S3 3 ST. 3 90 3 90 11.... 1.... 9.... 1.... 1.... 4.... 3.... 1.... &.... 1.... 530 1.... 1.... 1.... ....1050 .... 450 .... 500 .... 915 ....1012 ....1035 ....10V) .... 406 ....1350 ....Hill ... .140,5 ....1530 ....1210 ....1110 ....1213 ....1170 lc-.o 1.-.40 ir.To ....2P-0 ....1(100 ....2110 ....IfifO 3 90 BULLS. 3 2 50 ...axto 3 50 3 5i) II 50 3 50 3 SO 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 55 3 55 3 55 3 () 3 00 3 65 3 (15 3 0.5 3 70 3 70 2 75 2 '5 3 M 3 (0 3 00 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 ' Si 3 35 3 35 .1 35 3 13 3 35 3 10 5 40 3 10 1 13tn 2 190 1 B30 1 1170 2 1100 1 .1520 .1355 .1S20 .17W .1500 .1200 2 ...1640 ...1690 ...20(0 ... 530 ...1910 ... 770 ...910 1.... 1 1 -1270 1720 1 .1219 m'm 3 45 1 910 I () HOtlS F resh receipts consisted of 122 cars and there were six loads of hold overs In hands of speculators. The market today, under the inlluence of the good de mand and ravorable reports fiom other selling points, w,ni mtlve at prices that wero a shade higher than yesterday. Buy ers wero ull wanting a good many hugs and they got down to business right at the start and the big bulk of all the hogs changed hands In a short lime after tho market opened. The hogs sold very largely lit J4.70, us ugjlust Sl.tf'i yesterday, with some eholrii heavy hogs at $1.7i'4fi I. so. 5"rsterday the top was $l.72's early, though ns high as $4.70 was p.ild late in the after noon. Today's advance makes up for the de cllnt outing the tlrst two davs this wok and carries the market to a point sllgatly above the overage market on ntiy day the latter half of last week. It Ip still 11 little belcw the market of a week ago. Rep resentative sales: No. III..., 97... 117.. 12. . . 67. . . S7... 46... 79... M... K2... 7 7L.'. f4... 62. . . 7S... Si... 75... SI... M... 49... SI... IK... 66... S3... A v. ..isi; ..173 ..201 ..2") . .292 ..199 ..2(15 ..205 ..201 . 20) ..215 . 211 ..215 ..2U0 ..210 . 230 ..217 ..204 ..201 ..253 ..1S9 ..334 o Sh. P". No. Av. Sh. Br. 40 4 Co f.S 225 ... 4 70 40 4 60 75 217 40 4 70 120 4 63 59 270 10 4 70 ... 4 to SO 217 SO 4 70 120 4 63 72 271 SCO 1 70 ... 4 67'i to 260 120 1 70 ... I 6'2 72 227 ... 4 70 SO 4 G7's KG 251 . . 4 70 120 I 67'... 76 215 SO 4 70 ... 4 67'i 70 141 ... 4 70 160 4 G7'4 G3 250 1G0 4 70 ... 4 C7'v 77 213 40 4 70 10 I G7'4 71 259 GO 4 70 SO 4 C7', 39 2GS ... 4 70 40 1 C74 S3 21S 40 4 70 10 4 67'- S2 201 120 1 70 120 I 674 26 222 ... 4 70 ... 4 67'2 76 220 . . 4 70 1M) I 67'i S'J 21S . 4 70 40 4 G7'4 51 241 ... 4 70 40 4 67 ' j CO 211 ... 4 70 40 4 G' 64 247 ... 4 70 ... I 67'. SG 213 ... 4 70 40 4 70 S4 233 40 I 70 ... 4 70 GS 211 2S0 4 70 SO 4 70 29 243 40 4 70 ... 4 70 C9 216 ... 4 70 ... 1 70 65 22.1 ... 4 70 SO 4 70 47 217 .. I 70 40 4 70 62 250 4 0 4 70 40 I 70 fi- 241 ... I 70 40 4 70 (7 219 . . I 70 110 4 70 64 2SS ... 4 70 SO 4 70 S3 2S ... 4 70 40 4 70 f,J 2.16 ... 4 72H 40 4 70 57 215 40 4 72'a ... 170 11. ... 4 72't ... 4 70 S4 2.11 ... t 72'a 160 4 70 62 2.59 ... 4 72', 80 4 70 7S 241 40 4 72'fc 40 4 70 SG 213 SO 4 72'.. SO I 70 7? 237 40 4 72'fe ... 4 70 r.S 2S3 120 4 72'4 ... 4 70 43 197 ... 4 72'i ... t 70 27 277 ... 4 72'- 40 I 70 117 251 240 4 72'.) ... 1 70 55 2S2 40 4 72'i 120 4 70 ,52 235 ... 4 72'; SO 4 70 69 239 ... 1 72'4 40 4 70 2t 319 ... 4 72', SO 4 70 76 232 ... 4 72'', ... 4 70 69 251 ... I 72'i ... 1 70 70 255 . . 4 72':, 10 I 70 69 269 ... I 72', ,40 t 70 71 269 40 I 72't, ... 4 70 ;-, 2 to ... I 72'.. ... 4 70 51 299 SO I 72U 160 I 70 71 2S0 SO I 72't ... 1 70 71 291 120 1 72'- ... 4 70 79 211 . . 4 72U 10 4 70 fl) 29.1 40 4 72U 10 4 70 66 241 . . I 72' . ... 4 70 to 270 ... 4 72k. ... 4 70 73 244 ... 4 72'- ... I 70 70 259 ... 4 72' SO 4 70 62 2M ... 4 75 SO 4 7 0 56 2'0 . . 4 75 160 4 70 59 240 . . 4 75 120 I 70 55 26.1 ... 4 77U 40 4 70 91 221 40 4 77',4 ... t 70 55 307 ... 4 SO " SO I 70 (58. .206 13 241 3. 229 71.... 91. .. '0.... 0.3.... 6! . . . . W.. . CO.... 62.... S3.... 71.... 3.!.... 69.... SO.... 61.... 7S.... 29. . . . ..261 ..20fi ..225 .269 ..207 ..239 ..279 ..2S4 ,.21S ..223 ..2S5 ..263 ..23S qui ....219 . . . .273 S iiiiSi ....2S1 . . . .233 ....211 ....201 ....217 102 SI 241 SO 203 10 213 G5 240 34 315 43 216 ISO .24 G7 214 S9 217 61 201 75 221 75 211 61 251 91 212 SO 224 M 2IS 30 269 27 192 01 2in. SHEEP The demand today was of liberal proriortlons and the market onened steadv nnd closed a little stronger. The trade ws's falrlv active nt prevailing nrlces and the liens '-ere emntled In good season. Rep res.'nt.itlvo sab below will fhow Uie prices paid for the d'fferent kind-. Quotations: Choice bandy weight veor lings. $3 iViiiO); good to choice fed year lings, $5.l'.iVft5,75; fair lo good yearlings. $5. to 15.G0; good to cholco wethers. $5..W5.50; fair to goon wethers, $5,1515.30: good to choice fed ewes, $I.G5fj4.S3; fair lo good ewes. $t IOIi 4.00: good to choice native Inmbs. Ji. fiuai! sr.: good to choice western Is nibs, $6.65 fi 6.75; fair to good western lambs, $6.25716.50; feeder wethers. $1.25774 75; feeder yearlings, $5,0015.60; good to cholco feeder Iambs, $1.7555.75. Representative pales: No. 10 ewes 257 Mevlcnn ewes, culls 8 bucks 221 hi" ttin lambs I ewes 155 ewes .', . 2i wcitern yearlings 412 n ester n wethers 12' KT'll'I'll yearlltlRS 42 western wethers s western yearlings 190 western yearlings 97 western lambs and yearlings I western lambs .. 2SI wesiorn Prritis 1 western lamb 311 western larrbs 197 western lambs 201 western lambs A-. Pr. 110 3 25 75 $1 CO 16 I 2.5 91 t 50 110 I SO 110 I SO 111 5 25 10S 5 10 111 5 CO 119 5 63 96 5 72'j 104 5 72 65 5 M) 105 6 00 65 fi 43 90 6 75 67 6 50 93 fi 75 S9 6 75 (IIM'UiO 1,1 VII STI1CIC MARKET. ('utile (lenernlly St mutter Ilou" Are i.flvi. Siii.i null l.nttlbs Mi'iiligr. CHICAOO. Fob 2. OATTLK-Roieipn. 13,000 bend; generally stronger: natives, good to prime steers, steady to 10c higher. J5.n0fiii.00; poor to medium, about st"iid.v, $1 001( 1.75: selected feeders, rtcady. Jl 255;' 1.75; stoekers, ipdet, $1. lOiil.HO; cows, steady. W.OOfi 1.25; heifers llrm J3 2.r1il.C5; cinners. atrotiK. $2.IOfJ.!i. bulls, steady, $2.71f l.2i: lalves. strong, $5 OilK CO; Texans, receipts, soo head; Texas fud slers. steady, $3,001(5.00; Texas bulls, firm. $3,251(5 T5. HOCiS- Receipts, 29.000 heid, tomorrow, estimated 30.0n0 head: left over, '..nro; active, averaging shade higher: top, $I97'j; mixed nnd butchers $1 TOfj I.Wa, good to choice heavy. $1 W I.'i7k., lough lieaw. J4.TOfi4.fsl; light. $1. GOfli. S5; bulk of snles. jl.snfj4.fHi. SHEEP AND LAMBS-RccelnlH, 12.000 head: sheep mid lnmln strong. lolSc lilglier: good to choice wethers, $5 I015.S5; fair to choice mlxul. $l.50f5. 10; W'-st.-rn sheep, $5.25f(5.Mi: yearlings, $5.T51 SO; na tive lambs, $3.00177.35; western lambs, $G 00 f7.33. .imv VorU l,le Slocl.. Ni:V YdltK, Feb. 2,.-HK."V'r Hc celptu, 2,15 liend: slenily to 11 sbaile lower; bulls steaily; cows lirm to 10c higher, aluoil rill sold; steers, $l.55f5 15; mw, $2. lu'n.l 75: oxen anil stags, J3..W l.'o, bulls. $1 50? 1 To; cablef steaily; exnorls, 57 cattle, I'.'li -lireii anil li.floo imarters of I .- f : none tomorrow. CAI.VMS-necelptM. l.ffls beml; weak, . 'n. Ing dull; venlH. J5.l.05S (A; clinlre, JO.5. Ilttl" calvis. 11. mu I ..Vi ; barnyard stocit, $:i Mtf 3.50; sfiiillicrii calves, $3 (Wif3 60. fill i:KI" AND I.AMHS-Uei clnts. tM bend: sheep, llrm; lambs, piffl'i higher; 25 car" iinsnld' sheei. S(0ft(i1; l.irnb", $7 (NViifc, 12'.,. Willis, $5 miin 00 III 11 IS Iteifipt-. 7 I'.' b'.iil, 111 m at $5 25ff 5 !'i Korlluiiiiil.cN In tin- 'I01111I11I01. WAHI'IM 1 at I'Vli ii JAmm I'a h stem und ' It Krcbs, wlu have arrived hero from Uie Santiago momitH'ns, report that there hale been m.iti) earthquike shucks In tkit section since last Cn-l't-nuts, being very seine on January 2- and February II. No ivrlous damnge Is Imoi.n to havo been done, ns there are few h.iliha tioua there. BrerdlllK 11 ml Knlnillix Horses, A writer in (ho Journal of Agriculture offers the following pertinent suggeaUun to the brooders of grade hoises- "No nun rhould breed a grade or natlio mare to a si-tob stallion, or even to a grado stallion, when I: is possible to have the serv ices of a flm-cisss imported stallion or .1 stallion of puio breeding. One should also bo careful that the general conformation of the tn.tre corresponds sutTUirtitly with that of tho xtalllon to make the product of tho mating an animal of good lines. "A good colt haling been produced, tho qtleMlioi ef proper raising Is the vital rne. If it grade colt lie given scrub earn und scrub fcfls he will iilnimt certainly be 11 disap pointment to tho breeder. This is where tl.o great mistake is nude on most of our fanm. It Is frequently true that the scrub colt w 111 do better on scrub euro than the high grade, for tho reason that tho parents of the scrub have given him blood that preparrn him to f'irn Just mirh treatment. Under an Impronrr mode of treatment the grade Is likely to pre noiit 11 poor showing as ho approaches ma turity. The showing vclll llnd that ho h.ia really lost his high stallion fee unless he fol Ios It up with good feed and good care. "The breeder must remember that tho good qualities of the hloodnl home are really due to a long line of good management In tho anrestors of that horse, and tint this good ninnaKtmrnt must be continued to per mit him to gfvo a good return for money in vented." N'ct 1, ,ill's Hog". Prospects arc reully good for hog produ "s nnxt year, says the St. Paul (Jlohe. Every thing Indicates that the stock of hogs will run very low this winter. Even the bis packers, with all their dtiilrc to bear tho market, are confcHsing that hom will be woll rleaned up by spring. This uhou'd encourage growers to keep careful wat h on their blood tows; make arrangements for comfortable farrowing places; feed mjws for milk development; see that they get exercise, pure air In their hleeplng places, dry quarters, and In other ways make them comfortable, ah well as her little ones when they come. Every pig saved this spring may be a big, valuable hog next fall or winter. When oHttr fall cooiult DOCTOR SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. nervous mm) i miStfr OF n"T?rvT SPECIALIST Wf fuarame to oura all cmssi onrnbla el WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY, curd for life. Klgbtlr Emlialona, Lett Mwhooil, llydrojela Terlooc-ls, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Syphilis, Strict mr PUea, FUtuki and ReoUl Uloers and All Private DUeases and DUorderA f Man. 8TRICTURE and GLEET "SBSP Ccnsultatlon frea Call on or addroea DR. SEARLB3 A IBARLEfl, it to. itb st. OHAHA. TO CHICAGO and EAST, I.KAVK 0,10 A. M 155 1'. M 7 30 1' M. ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, lHAVH G.50 A M 7 20 P M HOT SPRINGS - DEADWOOD. LililAVU X00 I'. M Gify Offices, 1401-03 Farnam. Omaha & St. Louis R, R, AND WABASH ROUTE. Shortest and Quickest Lino TO ST. WM. Trnlns lenve IMIIV STATION ilnlly for Kmisns t'Hy, Qulney, St, l.ool mill nil polnln mnt or noiilli. MM-C IAI, llTHi TO MOT SIMtlVnS, ltK. itOMi:si:i:ivi"its' i:ct nmov Mitrn O nml (). All Information nt City Ticket oilier, .M l.' I'nrnuui Ht., (I'ustuu llottrl ItlL). I'rlccUfn Inforroatlon In scnicd i-nvi'l"H' Murvcloui ticntinrnt, Kiuedlcs and pliuncv, furtiitlird on trial and approval. If not nlirand SnrcoHs, rcliirn tlirmut our oiik-hnii nnd I ' Nothing, 5'c tntot oa. Vigor rcntorw), luiii'S checked .No C.O.I)., nor other deception. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N.V. ROOM A HY Lire BLDG. CMAHA RED BH.MCH lf)36IUJt UMC5U1 mv. JAMES E- BOYD & GO., 1 ciciihoiic JO.'U). Oinnil 1. Si) COMAIISSION, (iUAI.N, I'UOVISIONS ami H TOLKS IIOAIIH OK TltADi:. Correspondence. John A Warren & Co. Direct wires to Chicago and New VorK m H.RPENMEYaCO.