Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Btitiitical Information Bearish and Wbtat
Yields, but Olo3es Steatlj.
I.lKlit 'I'rnilr III Mnrl.rt for llnt Pro
vision .Market Open. Mimnant
mil Men J, lint ('loses
Fnlrl) Sleiul).
CHICAOO. Feb. 2.-StntMI al Informa
tion wan bearish todii) mid wheat yleldul,
but closed steady, .Ma) McV' under Sat
urday. .May eorn closed a shade down and
Slay oats a shade Improved. Provisions at
the close were a shade to 5r lower.
The day In the' wheat pit was unlet. The
etcadliifes of Liverpool Rave the market
a hit of backbone early. .May opening 'io
over Satutilny at tt!i,r. There was no ile
mrind at that figure and the price quickly
broke to Kl,c. where some support from
nhorts steadied the market. .May worked
up to 66c, hut lost Its hold again, as pri
mary receipts were heavy and the visible
disappointed holders by showing nn In
crease. lHy sold olf to Ifi'v. Wheie there
nan a hfttcr demand. The market steadied
nd May dosed UfiV' under Saturday,
re.irtlng from ' to iMMitc. The casii
demand wns slow, although bids were not
far out of line. The northwest was a seller
here and New York and St. l.ouls covered
tihorts. New York reported live loads taken
for export. Seaboard clearances In wheat
and Hour were rqii il to i53),0'JO hu. Primary
receipts were 767 ceo bu , compared with
Sri'i.oOO bu. last yer. Minneapolis and Du
luth reported 937 iur, against 723 mis last
wfok nnd 510 ears a year ago. Local ic
celpts were 67 cirs, one of contract grade
The corn market held steady on the light
country offerings and tlrm cable. Trade
was qulc and lluetiuillons were narrow.
The weakness of wheat had something of
a depressing Intluence, but the pi Ice yielded
but little and the close wan steady. Ship
pers were fair huycis. Elevator Interests
sold July anil bought May. the latter dos
ing only a shade under the more distant
future. Receipts here were 650 uirs, six
lira over the estimate. May ranged from
S.VC to 3i-V'l35'iic and closed a shade down
Ol 33c.
The trade In oats was light, but as there
was no pressure to sell nml shorts covered
the close was tlrm. The cash demand was
moderately fair. Local receipts were 29.1
cars. May sold from 2.'ltf(2.rv and closed
a shade over Saturday at 23c.
The. provisions market wns stagnant and
heavy, hut closed fairly steadv. Prices at
the yards were lower and the demand gen
erally was slow, although It was reported
that the export trade was a bit better.
Scattered longs sold perslstentlv anil pack
ers were moderate buyers. Ma) pork
ranged from $10,671. to $I0.57ifc and closed
i shade under Saturday at $l0.02"ifi 10.65;
May lard from K.fUM to $3.73, closing r.c
lower jit $."77't, and .May ribs from $.v23
to J3.75fi3.77'2. w'.th the close 2',fi5c dc
tuessed at $3.77i,ir.
Lstimatcd receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, i
ii nun, ewiu, mi'i nirs; oais, -ill cars: nog
81.000 head.
The leading Jutures ranged ns follows:
Artlcles.l Open.' High. Low
Close".' Sat'y".
Wheat '
...I e,i
Fcb. May
May Jnlv
May July
May July
May July
f.i.l B.5il0)','o.,
CB' .
U.l 31
35 3(Mi;
35' i .ToUf'-Sl 31'mI .Tiflli
J i I ! I
I 21M 21-iii21i4fl3i, 233
22i,fl-l 22-M22'4'M22i4fll
I i i i
22 li
10 75
10 77i,a
5 00
5 W
I 10 0214' 10 r,VM 10 S7'j 10 fi2',i
10 70
I" tv 1 ill ?i'5t U
1 ' I
5 S214I 5 75 I 5 77l.
6 00 5 82U 5 fiV.i,
5 S2i.' f. 73 I 5 77Ul
5 82'.. 5 77'ai 5 SO .
r. R2ii,
5 00 I
5 SO I
fi SO I
No. 2.
t-,lFA1,,',,.,10i.nt,0"s ,vrrp as follows:
T'LOUH Quiet: winter patent". J30n
S.i0: stralghtH. S3.10fi3 40: clears. S2 00fi3 10'
spring specials, S3.nof? 1.00; patents. ", SM?
3.5j; straights, J2.li0fr:i.00; bakers, J2.I0JI2 50.
o-V'.'c,'jAT'N'- "l'1'1" 61t'oc; No. 2 red.
WrUS"- s,f ! No- 2 vciiow. 3irnii1c.
OATS-No. 2, 22T,t!.V- No. 2 white. 2
Cfi'sc; No. 3 white, 23T(25'i.c-. 1
H YE No. 2. f.3"..fn 4 Uc. "
BARLEY No, 2, ,17Mrl3c
,f?.':l'mSl:,,l"xsf,p,l No- ' Sl e: northwest, 'Ilmothv seed, prime. .'.):.
'n.Pv1ISI.OXSMP!'' I'nrk. per bbl.. J0.C5
fn ; O.u,; laid, ner 100 )S.. JVC24fiG.70: short
r lis, sides (loose). S5 05.n0; !rv s ilted
Moulders (boxrd), SrtfiG.IO; hhoit clear
Hides I boxed). S3.0Ofjfi.00.
Tho following nro the receipts nnd ship-
tnpnln fnr llm ,l.i..
Receipts. Stllpm'ts.
flour, puis it con
heat, hu 3.1 001
r"r". bu 51S.00O
I'" 353,000
Bye. bu IS 1
Barley, bu Ul'.OOO
276.1 on
5 1, foil
i'ii mo i-roiiiico exchange todnv the hat
ter mnrket wan irm; ercninerlcs. isfc.'lc,
dairies lSHfCJIc Cheese, firm at 2J 12c
Eggs, firm; fresh. 13? 13!sc 1
M2W YOltlv (iK.VEIt.ll, SI AUK I VP,
for (lie liny on
NEW YORK, Feb. 26,-FLOUB-Hecclpts.
29.211 bbls.; exports. 5I.12U bbls.; dull nnd
easier In absence of buyers, who were dis
couraged over tho llmuier ot nulls li; face
or me lireak In wheal: Minnesota
tlt'r.t ,rt. ,i . . . ..'. ii'iii nil, i -a' iiiriii. i . iii.-ii iiciiuj,
cuts, 1.10; Mlnnesotu bakrrs. f!.:m( niac; fn sh western. I3V4C; fresh bouUi
3.0,: winter patents. S'l.G5f3.S5; winter western. 11c: fresh southern, 12c.
straights, S3. 10fi;t.55; winter extras, JJ.iKKr I ClIEESE-Unrhnliced.
2.90; winter low grades. I2.25TCJ.IO. live,
Hour. to trooil, S3.00f3.20; choice to llolllllioi-c
e' "ll..w. IIIICKWUCill 1 OUT. 11 r 111 lit
BUCK WHEAT- Firmer at 56fj57c c. I. f.
Tncw ork
-,f'OIi.N'M'iAI'7rstpady: yellow western.
S3c; city. Wo; Braiidywinc. S2.2Mi2.30.
HVE Quiet; No. 2 western. t'OUc f. o. b.; state rye, (WfjBIc c. I. f. New York
cr.r lots.
BARLEY- Weak: feeding, Wiji 4614c ;
malting, dull nt 5lfifi5c, New Yo-k.
WHEAT-Recelpts. 32.SOO hu.; exports. 63,
t9, bu. Spot, eney; No. 2 red, 7tc; elevator,
4'io f. o. b. afloat In store: No, 1 north
ein, Diiluth. 7014c f. o. b. atliat prompt:
Nn. t hard, Diiluth, soc f. . b. alloat
prompt. Options opened steady on better
cable!, than expected, but Immedhiteiv
weakened under heavy northwest recelnts
bearish weekly statistics and free shott
relllng. Heaviness continued nretty inin h
nil day, attended bv a very light local
trade and disappointing export lUinand;
rlored quiet at lit i(fi- net loss; Febru
nry closed nt 73';e: May. 7li,'l772Uc. closeil
nt 72c; July. 71 V72',',. closed at 72c; Sep
tember ilosed at 7ls4c
CORN Receipts. 2SI.70O bu.: exports, 196,
9(9 bu. Snot, ctendy; No. 2. 42c f. o. li.
nlloJt and 42c elevntor. Ontloiu m.irkct
opened steady on light country acceptances,
subsequently ndvancInT a little on a de
mnnd from shorts, but Inter prices easvd
off from top with wheat, closing steadv nt
unchanged prlcrn; May lOijfdO'ic, closed
lit 40i,c: July closed at 40V.
OATS-Receipts. 79,300 bu.; exports. 16J 7.i
bu. Spot, quiet: No. 2. 29c; No. 3. 2iac: No.
3 while. 3l'e: No. 3 white. 31c; track, mixed
western. 2Hfl30c: track, white western, 31'-.
e(35e; track, white state, 31i4'n35c. Ootlons
mnrket dull.
H'A Y Steadv: shipping, 00i70o; gooil to
rholce. 80fiS7li!C.
HOPS-Qulet; alnie, comiuou to choice.,
isofi crop. Cc; 1S9.S crop, 7ff9c: 1S90 iroi, 2ir 1
13c; Pacltlc coast. KWi crop, tfjUe: ISOo crop.
7fi9c; 1899 crop. I2tjl3c. 1
HIDES Firm; 7alvcston, 23 to ; His . I
191.4c; Texns dry. 21 to CO ihs , 15e; C illforn n.
21 to 25 lbs.. 211-0. I
LEATHER Firm: hemlock sole, lluen.m
Ayres. light to heavyweights, 25fi25i'.c; nc'.d.
PROVISIONS Beef, dull: family,
Hi 13 ft); mrss. S10.oviil0.6'i: beef hams. $20.5vfr
21.00; packet. S10.50K 12.00; ctly, extra India
mens. FJO.Wi22.oo. Cut tncatN. steady:
pickled bellies. S0.62'i.'n7.50: pickled rtioul
ders, S6; pickled hams, S3.0iVii pi.,v). Lord,
firm: western steam, S0.10: February, S6.i;'i.,
nominal; rellned steady; continent. JS.Sii;
South Amerlcn. S6.t)0; eompoiind, S6.00'it6.12'.
Fork, firm: mess, Slo.75'q 11.30: hort clear.
S1I.7MT 13.00: family. SI3.omi 13.50. Tallow,
firm; city. 6lic; coiuitr). StiSr.
BICE Steady . domestic, fair to extra.
4fi6vc; Japan, l4li5c.
MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, IlitSS'-. I
PEANUTS-Steady ; f.uu ) hand-picked. I'
fi'l'vc: other dnmesucs, jyiv
METALS Cotidltlnns In tlie metal mar. '
list were quite generally unsatlrfactory
nhroad as well ns nt home. The local I
ket for pig Iron warrants wns extremelv
dull nnd quite nominal. !.ake copper con- I
tinned on Us protracted course of apathy :
thn int..r,liir- tirli,,, nf 11 ft "A 'Cli.. ,.,l,. ,
chaiigo made by prices was In 1111 entirely'
,7-, t oi -e ... .-...wi.a t - - 1
lionunni iiiivino-e imho ji.ij hi i(,.jii (or
tin. while lead ruled dull nnd unchanged at
(1.70 bid and $1.75 asked and upelter easy,
but without di.mgr. at $I..Wfi4.65. The '
c fnr lead was SI. IS and for
Cntiillf Inn of Trnilr nml lnotnllons
mi stnple mill Fnney I'rodnre.
EOOS Hecelpts, liberal; fresh stock,
weak at l2e.
DRESSED POULTRY - Choice to fancy
turkeys, lOfille; ducks, 10c; gocV. 10c;
spring chickens, DfjOifcr; hens, OiiO'ic;
roosters, Mfii. .
LI VI-: POULTRY-llens. Sc; spring chick
ens, So; young, staggy and old roosters, 4?
0c; ducks, Sfjx'-ie; geese, SfSHc; turkeys, "li
iti'TTKH-common to tair. 16c; cnoice,
1 I7uip; separator, 20c; gathered creamery,
' 2."&Mc.
I'KJKONrf- Mve, per doz.. 90ciJl.C0.
VMAI.H. I'liMlre i? in-
riAMI-ll-niieks. mnllnrrl.. M mtli .53: him '
wing teal, JI.75; gieen wIiib teal, il.KQl.C0; J
mixed ducks. JI.50Q2.00. ,
oHlf.KS-Medlum. per can, 1st; stana- i
nr,.. per .an, 22c; bulk standard, per gal.,
Si r,: extra selects, ner can. 30r: extra s- 1
lec:s, per gal., ILfiOft 1.75; New York counts.
per can. 37c; New York counts, per 100, jl.zo.
If AY Per carle id lots: Fplnnd, choice,
'"; midland, choice, tS.50; lowland, choice,
$.1; ryo straw, choice, JI.W); No. 3 corn, 27Ho:
No. 3 white oats, 22Vje; cracked corn, per
ton, JI2; corn and oats, chopped, per ton,
t2.M: bran, per ton, 112.50; shorts, per ton,
V K(5 F.T AD LF.S.
NF.W TFHN'IPS Per doz. bunches. 60c.
SPINACH- Per box, SI.
NFW 1IKKT8-Ier doz. bunche", 40JJ50O.
LHTTFCI3 Per doz. bunches, 40c; fancy
head lettuce, per lib!.. Si.
HADI8MF.S- I'er doz. bunches, 35c.
HWUI5T POTATOKS-Per bbl., Illinois.
J3; Jerseys, f, largo tit1!:., itnnsns, S2.75.
POTATOK8- Per bu., choice, i0340c.
CAHIlAOl-:- Holland seed, ii:.
CAULIFL'JWKH-Callfornla, per crate,
CFLKHY- Per doz., KfSOc; California,
per bunch, 40f!75c.
TFHNIPS-Hutabngas. per lb., Hie.
TO.MATOKS-Florlda, per 6-basket crate,
MFSIIHOOMS-Per lb. box. EOc.
HIIFHAHH Per doz., fi5B75c.
OXIONS-Hetall. yellow, 73c, red, S5S?0c;
Olilos, per bbl.. $?.2.".
A I'PLKS Choice western shipping stock.
$3.0n3.50; Now York Stock, S4; fancy, S4-5"
CeHAPFS- Malngn, per bbl., S7.00n.OO.
CHANIJKHIUES-Hcll nnd Uuglc, per
bbl.. SS.
OHANC.F.S-Callfornla, fancy navels, per
box, S.1.2.rfi3.50; choice imvels. S2,75?3.00; Cal
ifornia scedlli gs, oer box, S2.592.75.
I.KMONS- California, choice, per box,
S3.00; fancy. S3.50; Messlnns, choice, per box,
SXOO; fancy, Sl.00.
BANANAS Per bunch, medium, S1.753
2.00; fancy, J2.00fT2.23.
HONKY Per 21-Rcctlon case. S3.25.
NUTS-lllckory, large, por bu., $1.25:
shcllbnrks, SI.35.
FIGS-Callfornla, layers, per 10-lb. box,
00c; California carton, per 10-lb. box, S1.00;
Imported tigs, per lb., 13c.
HI DBS-No. 1 green hides. 7V4e; No. 2
green hides, 6t$c; No. 1 salted hides. 8c;
No. 2 raited hides, 7',c; No. 1 veal calf, S to
12 lbs.. Uc; No 2 veal culf. 12 to 15 lbi 8c.
St, I, mils f.rnln nml Provisions,
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 2fi.-WHEAT-I.ower;
No. 2 red cash, elevator. 68-He; track, 72c;,. M.... C a. f.,1. C'Knr
No. 2 hnrd. CfiijC7c.
CORN liwer; No. 2 cash. 32e; track,
33Tifi34e; February, 32c; May, 33?c; July,
OATS-Steady; No. 2 cash. 2l!c; track.
2414c; February. 24c; May, 24W24(,c; No. 2
white. "e
P.YF-FI.-m nt 55c.
FLOUR Dull nnd unchanged; patents,
S3.85fi3.B5j extra fancy, Sl.20fJ3.23; clear,
SEEDS-Tlmothy seed. S2.0OBC.30; prlmo
worth more. Flaxseed, lower at S1.67
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, (!4ff
I HAY-Stcady: timothy, S9.00fJU.C0; prairie,
, S3.001cS.25.
WIUSKY-Steady at Sl.231,4.
PHOVISIONS-Pork: Steady; jobbing,
old. SIO.50: new. $11.371,4. I-ard: Iower;
prime steam. S3.C5; choice, S5.C0. Drv salt
meals, boxed shoulders, lower; extra shorts,
Sii.00; clear libs, $fU2&: clear sides, S5.25.
Bacon, boxrl, dull: extra shorts, SS.50;
clear ribs. S'.li2.2; clear sides, Sti.i.V
METALS-Lead' Dull nt SI.57iif?4.C2H
Spelter: Dull ot Sl.43fi4.30.
RECEIPTS-Flour. S,0e0 bbls.'; wheat. IS,
OnO bu.; corn, 157.000 bu.; oats, 76.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. H.Om) bbls.; wheat,
K.OJO bu.; corn. 115,000 bu.: oats. C.000 bu.
llnlter. Kkk nml Cheese Mnrket.
ST. LOI IS. Feb. 2'5.-EaaS-HlBher at
BUTTER - Steady; creamery, 20ff2lc;
dairy, liMiiyc.
ceipts, 7.S61 pkgs. ; steady; June creamery,
19T(22ljc; western. 20f2lc; factory, 16filfc.
CHEESE Receipts. 731 pkgs.; market
firm: fall mnde fancy, large and small, 13c;
iholce gi.ides. lifilSc.
EUOS Receipts, 10,619 pkgs.; mnrket firm;
wctern. at mark, lFiv; southern, at mark,
141'. oi II' c
Creamery. 20fi23o; dairy, ISc.
EC.OS V higher; supply on hnnd small;
demand greater than usual; fresh Missouri
and Kansas stock, llie doz., cases re
turned. BALTIMORE. Fob. 2t;.-CIIEESE-Stendv
and active; large. 13(l3i.c; medium, 13Wtl
W-.v: small. 13i,fil3c.
ii i i r.u i-iiiii. iiioc ui cuioery. ..lune;
fancy Imitation, 21fi2)c: fancy ladle, 19fi20a:
gi.ud ladle. 17fH8c, store packed, lGJilSc;
roll i-. 17C'20i
Quiet; f.incy western creamery, 23c; fancy
western prints. 26c,
l.'rwic Pl., .....i l i.lnl.A. Auv. H.n.i.
BAl.TI.MOBE. Feb. 2-!.-FLOUR--Dull;
western suiierllnc. J2.25fi2.X: western extra.
$2.401l2.DO; weste: n family. S.!.20Tf3.50; winter
wheat patents. S3.651i3.S5: spring patents.
SI.ijTiI'iO; -prlng wheat straights, S1.15fj
' 3.10; receipts. 1I.90S bbls.
WHEAT-Very dull: spot and February,
7l-Vfc7tV; March. 71Vi7F.c; May. 72Uii
i72'sc; steamer, No. 2 ihU, 79i i!7c; receipts.
IH.l Im. : Hiinllieru whrit. by sample, Oflfi
Tie; southern wheat, oil grade, 6Sfj7Jc.
CORN- Dull and easier; Kpot and Fcbru
arv, 39'K'r:3'4c; .M.irch. :tDTi.t9Ue; April, 39I4
fi3:i'ac: steamer ml- d, 3,S'if3ii'tc; receipt",
1M.1S7 bu.; "oiiiheru white corn, lOifllc;
southern el!ow. 4Kn llijc.
OATS- ; No. 2 white, 32c; No. 2
mixed. 2;ifi30'jc.
HAY Firm; No. 1 timothy. $16.00.
Liverpool I it'll 1 11 nml Provision.,
I.IVEHPOOI.. Feb. 2i!.-VHI3AT-Futurcs
eloed n'lid) ; .March. Is EV!; May, Es Sd;
July. 5s f.'ii1. Spot. No. 1 northern, Bprlng,
CORN Spot, American mixed, new. quiet
111 .U 77d. Futures steady; May, 3s 7d,
PROVISIONS- Shoulders, square, 12 to II
lbs., dull i.t ,"2s. l.nrd. prime western, In
tierces, steady .it 30s 3d.
Tne imports or wticit Into Liverpool last
week were i.o.iifi quarters from Atlantic
ports. quarters from Pacific ports and
l,0fJ quarter, irom other ports.
The im;'ons 01' 1 o rii from Atlantic ports
la -it wicl. :,'J.'M qunrti ry.
I tin noil" City (.ruin noil Provision.,
'62c; 1 ash. No. 2 hard, C'V: No. 3, J9fT62c;
' No. 2 red. lUc; No. 3, GHTCSc.
I CORN May. ?l'sc: i.ish. No. 2 mixed,
.w.-ji': .mi, J nunc. "n,i.'--; ,o. J, o.-
OATS- No. 2 white, 2t;c.
It YE No. 2, 5.V.
IIAY-chol.-e timothy, SMOfftO.CO; choice
i-nl l. 7iOfi7r
UECEIPTS-Whent. 7.000 bu.; corn, 16.CC0
bu. ; oats, 2.,i.v0 Im.
Toll-do MllrUct,
TOLEDO. Feh. 2ii.-VHEAT-Dull. lower:
No. 2 cash, 70'jc; May, 721.4c: July. "uie.
CORN Firm, active: No. 2 mixed. .TiNc.
OATS Dull, weak; No. J mixed, 21c.
BYE Dull, weiik; No. 2 canh. 5Si5c.
SEEDS-Clover, active, higher; prime
cash, old. $5; February and .March, new,
$3.70; No. 2. $I.OOfi"5.20.
PiMirln Mnrket,
PEORIA. Feb. 2ti.-CORN-Steady ; No.
UO ..I
OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 2(ijC.
WHISKY-Firm, on the basis of $1,2314
for flnbheil goods.
Iliilnlli liriiln HiirUet,
DULUTII. Feb. 26,-WHEAT-Nn. hard
cash. No. 1 tinrhern, May, 65i;o; July,
fiiVV: No. 3. i'.l4c; No. 3 spring, 5SI40.
Miileineiit nf Vlallilr Supply
NEW YOHK. Feb. 26.-Tho statement of
the, visible supply of grain In store and
tillmit nil S:il1ir.l l-ehrnnrv '1 am e.,m.
":: .. v ' - : - v:" -v -
idled by the New ork Produce exchange,
Is as follows: Wheat, 53,111,000 bu.; Increase, hu. Corn, 16.332i bu. ; Increase. 317.-
000 hu. O.its. S,755,ooo hu.. Increase. IJ.noo
hu. Byr, I.152.f) hu : lurren.c, (!.() hu.
Barley, i.3II,iaj till.; decrease, si.i'ju im. :
, iiiitttrnpuils wuenl nml i iimr.
store: Nn. 1 northern, February. fi"2V:
May. CSUo; July. filV- On track: No. 1
hard. iS5'5c; No. 3, 29e; No. s northern, tPc.
II HAN Steady, unohntiBod.
At 1 1 1 null ce (jrnln Mnrketi
MII.WAFKIOF. Feb. 2r,.-WlinAT-'e
lower; No. 1 northern, &c; No. 2 hard,
HYF-Diill; No. 1. 57c.
HAHLISY Dull; No. 2, ISUc; sample, S7i
Itnllriind Drimrtmi'iil ('rentes .Most i
ulnlile Feature III MnrUet.
NF.W YOHK. Feb. 2.-The most notable
feature of today's feverish and excited
..,,pk mnrk. ,.., . fnr, .. . rairo.ail
"'l "l '"""
department apparently succeeded In break
ing nwny irom tne inuiicncc 01 me indus
trials nnd specialties and In differentiating
tho undeniable elements of strength In that ;
'I'-imi I iik-iil ,ii,iii nil- uriiiui iiiinui'ii ,n,.
weakness In the other. The railroads suc
cumbed In tho early dealings to the sym
pathetic Influence of the violent declines
amongst the Industrials, but during the day
a confident demand sprang up for n num
ber of railroad stocks which lifted the whole
level of Hint department materially above ,
Saturday's close. So fnr as the news of the
day went It shed little light on the extreme ,
weakness of a number of tho Industrials.
The. movement had all the appearance of a
sort of duel between powerful contending
Interests and there are clroumstnnccs tend-
Ing to confirm this explanation of the move- '
meat. I
A report finds credence that the long In- '
tercsts of Third Avenue stock are thriftily i
availing themselves of the unsettling In-
fluence of the weakness In this stock to
mako a bear turn in other stocks, 'that
bitter animosities and rivalries are In
volved Is also n current rumor In the street,
the same potential entitles coming Into
play as during the panic of Inst December.
The battle raged mont llercely nboiit the
stocks of the New York public utilities, for
the centralized control of which a long
stnnding contest has been waged.
The notorious llnnnclnl dltllcultles of
Third Avenue plnyed a continuing part to
day nnd there was added to this rumors
that tho companies would be severely dealt
with In the approaching nppllcntlon of the
new state franchise tnxatlon law. The ex
treme declines In the New York Traction
nnd Oas stocks ran from 2 to nearly 0
points, the latter In Third Avenue.
Sugnr wns another storm center, the
furious speculation In that stock hinting
upon the doubts regarding the next quar
terly dividend, action upon which Is Immi
nent. A reduction In tho existing rate Is
taken for granted, but opinion differs ns
to the amount of tho reduction, extending
nil the way to total suspension. Sugar's
total fall was 71!. nnd It closed practically
nt the lowest. Tennessee Coal nnd the To
bacco stocks also showed notable weak
ness. Except In Sugnr there were violent
rallies from time to time, reflecting the de
mands from the bears to cover shorts. The
strength of the railroad stocks was based
upon the substantial ground of Increased
enrnlngs. A large number of returns were
mndo during the day. all showing cry
striking gnlns over the corresponding period
of Inst year. For the last week In Feb
maty the most notable examples were Nor
folk A- Western, Ontnrlo Sc Western. Louis
ville & Nashville nnd Chicago, Indianapolis
fi: Louisville. For January a handsome
showing of net earnings wns mndo by
Wabash. Chicago & Eastern Illinois and
Hocking Valley Saturday's weak bank
statement had some continued effect In the
early dealings, but there Is nn Impression
held In speculative circles that some part
of the recent large expansion of loans Is
designed for future usa In thn stock market.
Sterling exchange wns weak on Increasing
offerings of cotton bills. The nctunl rate
for demnnd sterling declined (, nnd for long
sterling H per cent.
The bond mnrket was rather dull nnd Ir
regular. Total sales, par value. SUSO.OOO.
CJovernment bonds were buoyant under
the Inlluenco of the refunding bill now In
conference. United States new 4s nnd old
4s. coupon, advanced H4. nnd old 4s. regis
tered, the 3s and 6s a point In tho bid price.
Tho following are the quotations for the
leading stocks on the New York exchango
Atchison 20Tex. &"Pnclllc... KV
do nrd ill". L.H.OU i'uciiiu ...iv.t
llnlllmnro O... 62's llO Pfd ibN
Canada Pacific .. 97'fc 'Wabash
Cuiudn So -I8l4 do pfd........ 20s
Chcs. Si Ohio.... 28 Wheel. & L. E.. 10Va
Chicago Ot. W.. i:i' do pfd 2.i
C. B. & Q 122'ls. Central .... IS
Chicago. 1. & L. . 21H Adams Ex 115
do pfd M'i American Ex ....lPi
Chicago fc E. I . 951b U. S. Express.... 40
'.Chicago & N. . Wcllsr-Fargo Ex. 123
I ., I. 1 I'... Alliri, LUL. WI 10-3
C, C, C. & St. L. 6Si2' do pfd 93J.i
Colorudo So Di-Atner. Malting .. r'3
do 1st pfd.
. 42',-j uo pm
. 16V Amer. S. & It...
,116i; do iifd
.IMH4 Amer. Spirits ..
. 19-H do pfd
. 71a4 Amer. S. Hoop.
. 12ii do nfd
. 2t2
. :to-i4
. w
. 2'.,
. 17
. 43
. 82
. 56-
. 9Fi
. 511-j
. SI
. I3H
. 6S1
. Ill;
. 30
. M
. 53
. 73U
. OW't
. 9SI,
. 221 ,
. 671 4
. 74
. 361 4
. 90
. 2F
. 40U
do 2d pin..
Del. fc Hudson.
Del. L. & W....
Den. & Rio O..
do pfd
do 1st iifd.
37ii'Amer. S. & W
Gt. Nor. pfd 150 I do pfd
Hocking Coal ... WAmer. Tin Plate
Hocking Valley do pfd.
Illnois t;eiitrni
la. Central
do pfd
K. C. P. & C...
Lake lCr.e & W
do pfd
Lake Shore
Louis. & Nash.
Manhattan L ..
Met. St. Ry....
.113 Amer. Tobacco.,
. lti do pfd
. 49' 2 A. Mill. Co
. 12'j Brk. Bap. Tr..,
. 2lsCoo. F. & 1
. 8t Con. Tobacco . .
.191 ' do pfd
. 81 Federal Steel .,
. DHj do pfd
.lC9ij Ocu. Electric ..
. ll'j Cilucosi) Sugar
. I'oij do pfd
. Ml liU'n'l Paper ..
. 15ii do pfd
. 41 'Laclede t!a ..
. lOli Nat. Biscuit ..
. 3214 do pfd
.lieu National Lead
.132 do pfd
. SJH National Steei
.75 do Pfd
Mex. Central
ji.. t St I
do pfd
Mo. Pacltlc ...
Mobile & Ohio
Mis.. K. .t T..
do pfd
N. J. Central
N. Y. Central
Nor. & West..
do nfd
No. Pnclllf
do pfd
Ontario & W...
Ore. Ry. & Nnv
do nfd
. 521- N. Y. All' Brnke.120
. 74 No. American .. HU
. 24iB Pacltlc Const .... I9'i
. 12 do 1st pfd.... 82
. 76 do 2d pfd.... 62
.131 Pacific Mall fSJ
. isi2 People's Oas .... PSij
. 59 Pressed S. C 51
. 30U do pfd S5U
. to Pullman P. Car..lS7
Pennsylvania ...
I Reading
1st pfd..
Rio a
St. L.
.(1 pin..
& S. F..
u nfd..
,. 89V Standard it. t,
10V Sugar
67 do pfd
?.Vi Tenn. C. fi 1.. .
131 1
2d pfd..
8, Tj. S. W IHi U. S. Leather..
do pfd 2!"'j do pfd
St. Paul 122, 1'. S. Rubber..
do pfd 171 do pfd
St. P. f Omalu.110 Western Union
So. Pacific
... 3SU Republic I. & S.
So. Railway
do pfd...
Vi'n 110 pill..
P, C. C. fc St. L. 70
INerv York .Money Mnrltot.
NEW YOHK, Feb. 26,-MONEY-On enll.
leniic: .ictiinl transactions ranging from 2
I to 214 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent; clo.-ed
otfereti ni per rpiii.
PHI.MK JlKltOMlliB f.fl'.ll i'j'i(0"4
per cent.
tual business In bankers' bills at $l.86'i,
t.SO'i for demand nnd at t.S5i l.fC3 for
slxtv days; pasted rates. $I.S4Ti4.SB, and
$ 1.88; commercial bills. $4.83i t.Sb1...
SIliVER Certificates, 5!iM(C0V ; bar,
D9J4c; Mexican dollars. 47s'e.
BONDS Governments. hi:u)ant; state,
Innctlvo; railroad, Irrcsular.
The following uro the closing quotations
on bonds:
U.sr2s7 rcg 103 N. Y.""C." 1s110i(,
do 3s. reg HC'i'N. J. C. g. 5s....12.i
do coupon 110-,4 No. Cnro.tna 6i.i27
do new 4. l( g.. 136if do Is in",
do coupon 1361; No. Paclllc 6s....C6,
do old 4s. reg.. 117 1 do 4s 10.1'i
do coupon 117'4V.Y.C. fc S.L.U.10S
do 5s. re 113 ,N. fc W. c. 4s.... 931-
do coupon 115 do gen. 6s 130
D. of C. 3 63s 11? Ore. Nav. l 110
Ateh. gen, 4s 10O'' do Is 101
do adj. 4n 81K O. 8. L. 6 127
Canada So. 2s.. .,100 do con, fis ti::t;
C, fc O. 4'jS 9S. Rending gen. Is. 85
do 5" IIS14 R. O. W. Is 9714
C. fc N. W. c. 7.ltl St.L. fc I.M. c.Ss.IIO'h
In S. F. deb. S.120 St.L. fc 8.F. g6.122
Chicago Ter. 4s. 92i St. P. conso's....10;ii
D. fc H. G. In. ...lOPj St. P.. C. fc
do 4s 9SV-I do 5s 1201,
E. T. V. fc G. !.10lH So. Railway 5s. .107-1,
Erie gen. is -n. 1., 1. us .v3
fc D.
Is. 71'j Tenn. 11. n- 3 Ut
G. II.
fc S.
...16 ,Teiis fc Pac, Is. 11 1
A. 6s. 1ii7
I do 2s 52'4
1U11I011 Paclllc s,10i.
do 2s
11. fc T. C.
do consnl
Wnb.ish Is ....
do 2s
West Shore 4s
W'.s. Cen. (s...
Va. Centuries
!'1'4 '
la. Central Is.... Ill
"K.C. P. fc G. is, 72
La. new con. I 10ii
L. fc N. mil. U . 991,
, 00
, 0
, S3"
do deferred .
M.. K. fc T. Is... 651-eColo. So. Is
do 4s WNISo. Paclllc 4s....
Trust receipts.
I'orclmi I'lnnncliil.
LONDON. Feb, 26.-4 p. ni American
railway shares opened dull and were weaker
In most cases throughout the sesstm. Tho
final tone was steady and the demand
light. Spanleh U, 67lj. The amount of bul
lion taken Into the Bank of England on
h.ilnnrn i.iflav .... J-KOrtO. Consols for
money nnd the- neiount. 101-V Hold Is i
quoted nt M.nlrlcl at 31.20: at Rmo. 7 10.
hkiimx, i-vp k. Exchange on intuioti,
20 murk 301 n'f if. for . lic ks. Discount
rates, short bills, I per cent; three months'
bills. I iwp rent. The weeklv statement
of the Imperial Hank of Oermany shows
the following changes: Cash In hand. In
crease, Kpyi.KiO marks; treasury notes, In
crease, fnioio marks; other securities, de
crease. 2,ilo."io marks; notes In circulation,
dei rf use. lii.200.COO marks. On the bourse
todav locals were tlrm and animated, be
ing stimulated 'bv the favorable coal mine
bilance sheets. Internationals were dull.
Turks were in good dftnnud. Americans
Were ll-.-.U'tlve.
1'AHIS, Feb. M. 4 p. m. Three per cent
rentes. ioif 3214c for the account. Sp.mlsh
4 closed nt t' tri's. Hulness was (pilot on
the hotirso liwliiv KnnnKh 4m were uciker
on the declining rate of exchange. Hlo
tlntos were neglected. DeHeers and Kaf-
tbs were strong, chiefly on London buy-
iiik mom noiaoiy nrier tne cioso 01 regular
business o!i the bourse.
Itiixlon MlnlliK Slocl.s.
BOSTON. Feb. IS. -Call loans. 3V(i I'fc per
cent: time loaim, Fitn'i per cent Closing
prices for stocks, bonds nnd mining shares:
A., T
Union Pacific . . 43'i
Vest End P."
Wot. Electric .. 41
Wis. Central .... 17'i
Atohlson Is OS'.j
N.E. Clas fc C. fis. 7l'i
Adventure 4'J
A. Mln. Co 2
Amnl. Copper ... Mi'j
Boston & Mont..2C
Hutte & Boston.. 53
t'a timet & llecTtK
Amor. Sugar
, ..
Bell Telephone
Boston : Al...
Boston i:ievated.Hii
Boston & Me ni
i .. li. g
Doin. Coal ....
do pfd
Federal Steel
do pfd...
Fltchbiirg nfd
tlen. Electric
. 12
. Mi V
3'.i Centennial lr.i!.
.132 Franklin ll'i
.12'! Oseeo'a 72'4
.13(1 Parrot 42'A
.205 Qllluey 135
do pfd
Ed. kw in
Mcx. Central
H'a S.iuta Fe Cop
Mich Teleiibnne lf1 TniinirneW
. 2S
. 3
. II
N. H. O. Coke., im, Utah Mining
old Colony 207 iWluona
Old Dominion ... 13 Wolverines .
Rubber 32 I
Vi'iv YorW .11 1 o Im; (1 notn I Ion.,
NEW YORK, I-Yli. 2;.-The following
nro tho closing quotations for mln
Inff shares:
1.7 Ontario
... 4S
... 12
, . .750
.. 3.1
... 10
Crown Point 5
Con. Cat. &. Va.,130
Dcndwood 50
(Sould X- Currle,. H
Hale & Norcross. 2S
llomcstnke 51
Iron Sliver i!
Mexican IS
Quicksilver ...
' do pfd
Sierra Nevnila
Union Con
Yc low Jacket
London stock ttimlnf Ions.
LONDON, Feb. 2ii.-l p. m.-Closlug:
Consols, money.. 101 Pcnnsy'vanla
do nccount. .lOl3. Reading M,
Can. Pacific ioo No. Pacific pfd... 7i'.i
Erie 13 Atchison 2U,
do 1st pfd.... 'i Louisville H
Illinois Central ..Hfi C.rand Trunk .... S
U. P. pfd 7fii'i Anaconda 0
St. Paul. com. .. .I2li Hand Mines S7'(i
N. Y. Central.... 130 I
BAH SILVER-Stendy nt 27'4il per oz.
MONEY-3111 ner cent.
The rate of discount In the open mnrket
for short bills Is 3 to 3 11-16 per cent; for
three months' bills, 3 ll-b to S't per cent.
Itiinlv Clenrlnus.
CHICAGO. Feb. 26.-Clearings. $26, 131 ,53 ;
balances. $2,916,217; posted exchnnge. $I.S3ff
4.SSi; New York exchnnge, 30c discount.
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 23.-Clenrlngs,
$14,677,069: balances, $2,039,720.
BALTIMORE. Feb. 20.-Clearlngs. $2,501,
300; balanres, $521,801.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 26.-C!earlngs, $.727.Rffi;
balances. $615,160; money, easy, 4f?6 per
cent; New York exchange, 25c discount bid,
10c discount asked.
NEW YOHK. Feb. 2G.-CIcarlngs, $213,516,
f.62; balances, $7,602,917.
BOSTON. Feb. 26,-CIenrlngs, $16,950,191;
balances, $1,241,465.
Condition of (lie Trcnmirj-.
WASHINGTON. Feb. SG.-Todny's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
shows: Available cash balance, $196,69.1,321;
gold reserve, $227,747,616.
Colfon Mnrket.
NEW YORK. Feb. 20. -COTTON-Futures
closed steady: February. $S,St; March. SS.SI;
April, S.S..S7; May. $S.S6; June. SS.S6; July.
SS.S7; August, SS.70; September. SS.17; Octo
ber. $7.S0; November, $7.68; December, $7.6S;
Janusry, $7.70. Spot closed dull: middling
uplands, 9 3-16c; middling gulf, 9 7-16c: sales,
i.VSO bales.
ST. 1XI1TS. Feb. 2fl.-COTTON-Flrm;
sales, none; middling. Sll-16c; receipts,
2,039 bales: shipments, 1,774 bales; stock,
S4,!06 bale.
lit 8i4c
L1VEBPOOL, Feb. 26.-COTTON-.Spot,
moderate buslines; prices lower; middling,
nnd firm; sales. 2,000 bales; good or
dinary. 8 1-16c; ordinary, 7 9-16c; low- mid
dling. Rijc; middling. good middling.
u 5.16c; middling, fair. 5 9-16c; receipts, 15,
025 bales; shipments. 13.680 bales. Cotton
futures: February, $S.72 bid; Alnrcli, $8.72
bid; April, $;fiS.ir7: .May, $S.76fiS.77; June,
$S.76fS.77; July. 1S.76TiS.77; August, JS.rKi
S.60; September, $7.89fi7.90; October, J7..r4f?
7.55; November. $7.4lTe7.Ci; December, $7.44
5l7.43; Jniiunry, $7.4irfi7. 17
moderato business; 1-1CI lower; American
middling, fair.; good middling. 5 3-16d;
middling. : low middling. 5d: good or
dinary. I 13-16d: ordinary. 41- The sales
of the day were 8,000 bales, of which fi0
bales were for -peculation and export, and
Included 7.600 hale. American. Futures
opened quiet and closed steady at the de
cline; American middling. I. in. c. Febru
ary. 5 4-6lfc3r,-6ld; February and .March.
5 2-OITiG 3-04(1, selli rs; .March and April,
lfi!-61f(3d, buyers; April anil May, 4 60-6ld,
buyers: May and June. 4 57-6ld, sellers:
June and July. 4 51-614 55-61(1. buvers; July
and August, 4 52-Otfi I 53-61(1. sellers; August
nnd September, I 16-61(1, buyers; September
and October. I I7-C4d. sellers- October and
November. I 17-61(1, sellers; November and
December, 1 11-Ctfi I 12-64(1. buyers.
CnrTve llnrkpf,
Rio, iiomlunl; No. 7 Invoice. SIl-IGe; No. 7
jobbing, 0 3-16c. Mild, market htendv: Cor
dova, flisfilto. The market for coffee futurei
opened steniiv, with prices Bf10 points
lower, following a loss of "ifil franc ut
Havre nnd n partial i4 pfg. decline nt
Hamburg, with no cables from Rio nnd
Santos on nrcount of holidays. This led to
local caution, while a general undertone,
wns easy, following weaker ruling of the
spot market nnd a Inek of public support.
The market closed quiet, with prices 5ff10
points net lower. Total snles wire 13.250
bags, Including: March. $7: May. $7 00fj7.(5;
June. $7; July. $7.10: September. S7.21; 0"to
ber, $7.20; November, $7.25: December, $7.35.
Won I 1ltirlel.
LdNDON. Feb. 26.-WOOL-The nrrlvnls
of wool for the series of wool miction sales
closed today with the followlncr nmount of
stock available: New South Wales, 65.768
bales: Queensland. 35,155; Vlctnili. 1,169;
South AuMrnlln. 8,0S; West Australia, 10,
807: Tasmania, 16; New Zealand, 85.493: i npi
of Good Hope and Natal. 11,251; t' lul. 2'0,7IO.
Dciliietiug from this amount 81,500 haloi
forwarded direct to spinners and adding
5S.0O0 held over from the Inst series thn
actual nmount available Is 257,210 bales.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 21.-WOOL-Nomliially
weak for all dcpcrlptloiiH of fine, medium
nnd coarse grades steady; medium grades,
19f!2de: light tine. I!tfi22c; heavy line, 15Ti
19c; tub wnslicd, 2lf?5c.
CeMfnriil-i Dried I'm Its.
DRIED FRUITS Evaporated applei, quiet
ml without Important new feature of con
sequence todny: prime grades ruled n 'lnd
lower on liberal offerings nnd mi absence of
buyers, hut o' her rereals rem iln unchanged.
California dried fruits ruled dull nnd ten
t tireless. State evaporated apples, comm-11,
5fiCc; prime, Oftiiijc; choice, 7i7,;c; fancy,
KfiSUe. Di led prunes, 3'4fi7c per lb., as to
size nnd quality. Apricots, Royal, ntilSe:
Moor Park. ISflSe. Peaches, peeled, lSt
22c; iiupcelcd, 7'sf9c.
Drv (iiiinlM llnrkel.
NEW YORK. Feb. 26.-DRV GOODS-De-mand
for brown sheetings Is on a fullo'
scule nnd mnrket verv tlrm. with upward
tendency. Brown drills quiet In heavy
weights, four yards very scarce and strong.
Bleached cottons In fair demnnd, lone linn
and tendency upward. Wide sheetlngM
quiet nnd firmer. Bids for denims turud
down In some quarters at current prices.
These nnd other coarse colored cottons
quite strong, but no cliungc In quotations.
Prints steady, more doing In fancies. Gleg,
bnms are without change. Print cloths
quiet but firm.
simnr .MiirKel,
Q.ilet: open kettle. 3Mil;Mfio; open kettle.
emitrlfnual. P .'o I 9.I6-. velloiv.
4i.n I 13-liic; seconds, 2!fi H4C Molasses,
quiet: centrifugal, Sf36c.
quiet, but steady; refined quiet.
Pl.1i Trust I'iiIHiil; Prices,
CLEVELAND. O. IVb. 26,-The flh triift.
organized ,1 vear ago last August by sixty
five of the llsh-deallng concerns of the coun
try, Is now eignged In cutting of prices.
In locnlllles where the trust has absolute
control It Is stated an advance 0f about
40 per cent hns been made, while In territory
covered In part by Independent companies
prices have been cut to water-edge prices,
& S. F 20
Iifd till.
lit lift I I1TP f Tll'lf II i h I'PT
II 31 AMA 1. 1 V Jj Mill. IV 111 A It IV I . I
Moderate Ktcoipls of All Hindi of Lira
Stcc'i for Monday.
Hubs Open Five t.nnrr Thnn Sntnr
iln Mornliiir. nml Close Still
I, cm er Sheep In Deiunml nt
(iiioil, Stemly Prices.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep,
umciai .Motxla)
One week ago. .
Two weeks ago
Three weeks ago
Four week, ago
3. ISO
3.0,1 1
Average price paid for hojrs lor the last
several days with comparison?:
3 641 i 271 4 03
3 C3 3 191 I
3 73 3 20 4 03
3 64
6 ii :
3 C6
i 13 I
3 CP
3 7S
3 72 3 21. 3 3
i i 19! t no:
5 M
6 01
3 7;,l I Oil 3 95 4 SI
3 71 3 23 3 331 4 071 4 ii
3 71 3 27 I 3 90 6 02
Feb. 10....
3 761 3 271 3 S3 4 89
Feb. 11...,
Feb. 12...,
Feb. 13....
Feb. 14....
Fob. 15....
Feb. 18..,.
Feb. 17 ...
Feh. IS
Feb. 10...,
Feb. 20...,
Feb. 21....
Feb. 22...,
Feb. 2t....
Feb. 24....
Feb. 25....
Feh. 2'i
3 77 3 251 3 S4 3 69
3 St 3 281 3 SSI 3 75 5 06
3 30 3 91 3 86 5 OJ
3 S3 ' 3 P9I 3 S2 4 9i
3 S.ll 3 361 3 921 3 75 4 S7
3 S1I 3 31 1 I 3 791 4 90
.1 4 761 3 5S 3 S4 3 151 f. SS 14 S9
.1 I 3 521 3 S7I .1 31 3 WI 3 SSI
.1 4 S.T 3 91' 3 3Si 3 M 3 S5I 0 Ol
.' I 7Si 3 50, 3 3il 3 SI 3 76' 4 SS
.1 4 741 3 171 5 !il I 3 87l 3 71 I 92
.1 4 61' 3 55 3 SI! 3 3S 3 k7l 3 7S1 l 09
lO 3 5S 3 SI' 3 3SI ' 3 SO, t S
.1 I 69 3 63' 3 S3 3 411 3 S3 1 I 4 S3
. I .". Gs! 3 79 3 191 3 75! 3 Sl
I 4 Of. I 3 81 3 421 3 70i 3 S2 4 SI
IndlcntcH Sunday.
The number of cars ot stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'scs.
C M. & St P. H.v 1
t nlon Pacltlc system.. S
C. N. W. Hv 2
l. E. fi- M. V." R. II... 5
C. St. P.. M. A: O. By. 7
B. Sr M. H R. It 20
'.. B. Q. Hy 2
'.. It. I. P.. east 1
Illinois Central 1
Total receipts 47
3 S
The disposition of the dav's recelntu tens
ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Omahn Packing Co...
G. H. Hammond Co..
Swift nnd Company..
Cildahy Packing Co..
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
1.20 1
Armour fc Co
Swift nnd Co.. country.
B. Becker fc Dcgan
Vansnnt fc Co
Lobman & Co
McCreary fc Clark
W. I. St'tidien
Hill fc Htintzlnger
Huston fi Co
Livingstone fi Schaller,
L. F. Husz
II. L. Dennis & Co
Other buyers
Totals 1.173 1,202 7,123
CATTLE Receipts of all kind, were light
today and advices from other market
points woie, more encouraging so that tho
geenrnl situation was rather favorable for
the seller. Tho feeling on the market
as a whole was better and another dav
or two of light receipts ought to bring
decided Improvement.
Only a fnw cornfed steers were Included
In the day's arrivals, nnd as there was
some little demand the market was actlvo
and In a few spots possibly 10c higher. At
tho samo time buyers were not disposed to
boom the mnrket very fast and In some
cases went back on their earlier bids 5ftl0c.
Apparently buyers were hoping for a good
run of cattle for Tuefday at the different
market points and were int dlsuosed to
put up prices very much so long as thero
was a possibility of that. Moreover cattle
here are selling high ns compared with Chi
cago. Most everything on sale wns disposed
of at an early hour.
Cows and heifers were In good demnnd
and as was the caso with fat steers, some
so'd higher and somo did not show much
Improvement over last week's prices. The
mnrket might be described as active and
steady to 10v hlgr. Everything was sold
and welshed up nt nn early hour. Thero
was no chanre In tho market for bulls,
stags. calve, etc.
Stockers and feeders were In llcht supply
and speculators were pretty well sold out
Saturday ro that tho mnrket was In a good
healthv condition. There was not much In
quiry from the country, but speculators
seemed to want a few nnd the prices paid
were generally a little stronger. Ropre
sentatlve sales:
4 57 .1 04
4 6S 3 67
4 12 3 69
3 63
4 6S
4 70 J 56
4 CS 3 6C
4 75 3 66
4 S4 3 70
t SO 3 71
3 65
4 73
4 Wi 3 6S
4 75 3 63
4 75 3 SS
4 R? I 3 f.s
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 580 SI 25 li 1118 I 10
fi 700 $3 35 IS 1067 4 40
1 S30 3 65 17 1130 4 (3
1 740 3 85 25 1191 4 471
1 910 3 85 19...: 1163 4 50
17 1098 I 20 4 1395 4 GO
2 1115 4 20 1 6 124S 4 60
153 103S t 25 38 1221 1 fn
S 1025 4 30 S 1330 t 65
21 1201 I 35 4 1263 4 73
12 127S 4 40
21 1181 4 50
1 860 2 00 2 1115 3 35
1 720 2 50 1 103S 3 35
1 670 2 50 1 S70 3 35
1 970 2 50 2 1010 3 35
5 946 2 60 1 1080 3 35
4 895 III 1 1005 3 35
1 910 2 75 2 1160 3 Vi
1 10T.0 2 75 3 1026 3 40
2 7W 2 75 2 Onn 3 40
1 1160 2 7. 1 1100 3 i.3
4 1010 2 75 32 1021 3 50
4 1017 2 80 14 1071 3 50
3 10(0 2 80 1 1010 1 50
6 ,...10,16 2 05 6 1210 3 40
1 :...1080 3 00 1... ..1020 3 ffl
1 900 3 f 10 B 1000 3 50
1 S70 3 (V) 1 1370 3 .-0
1 880 3 00 1 lien 3 50
3 1006 3 10 1 1150 3 50
5 1072 3 10 S 1210 3 35
1 1120 5 10 4 1000 3 M
3 1006 3 10 : 1160 3 60
7 109S 3 10 3 1106 3 60
5 1140 1 10 1R 1032 3 60
1 8(0 3 10 6 1018 3 60
13 9S0 3 10 13 919 3 70
5 1162 3 1 5 1 9 1140 3 70
1 1150 3 13 1 1100 3 80
4 1123 3 13 1 890 3 SO
1 1050 3 15 12 993 3 80
1 1030 3 20 1 10S0 3 80
14 1OI0 3 25 11 1017 3 SO
1 10:0 3 25 1 1131 3 85
1 1140 3 25 2 770 3 S3
1 1180 3 25 62 050 3 S5
1 980 3 25 18 956 3 .8.5
1 1110 3 2.5 6 10S1 3 90
1 800 3 25 1 1150 4 03
1 1030 3 25
1 101 6 75 1 160 7 25
1 10O 7 00 1 140 7 25
1. UO 7 25 1 110 7 25
11 Oil 3 35
3 00
3 50
3 V,
n V"
3 65
3 75
3 S3
1 25
. 720
3 05
, 787
, 5S0
3 40
3 15
ii i'o
3 "9
3 30
3 75
t 13
4 25
4 23
1 25
1 750
t 30
7 J
12 9V
19 f,7S
n JfiSI
22 935
3 1126
15 (Oil
23 931
4 30
1 33
1 35
4 40
I 43
4 43
t rn
4 53
4 80
3 SO
3 90
.. 691
,. 510
. . 900
4 25
.. 670 3
3 SO
3 80
3 35 17
3 10 2
3 05 1
3 75 23
. ... 720
.... 780
.... 721
, 695
, 910
. 581
4 00
1 00
1 00
4 05
., ni
1 650 2 50 1 11 in 3 Ri
1 POO 2 80 1 11.50 .". 15
1 (110 3 00 1 900 3 10
1 13T0 3 00 1 2110 3 (0
1 110 3 00 1 12"0 3 (0
2 1310 3 10 1 1231 3 15
1 14)0 3 10 2 1050 3 15
1 11S0 3 15 3 1923 3 f.0
1 1160 3 "' 1 1450 3 30
1 icon 5 2-5 1 630 3 50
1 .'..1210 3 10 1 1310 n 'J)
2 1305 3 35 1 780 3 81
1 1010 3 33 1 110 I 73
2 1630 3 53
HOGS-Fifty fresh loads and ten h.dd
overs from Baturdai constituted the rupiiI)
today, which wa fair for a Monday The
demand was good, but reports o p.-nkers
from eastern points were such as to make
them cautious and they started out bidding
prices that were about 5c lower Mian Satur
day morning, or steady with Saturday'
rlntn. Seller pro vcrv backward nhntlt
making the eoncet.lon. o that tlif market
'was Very slow at the opening, tm our being
willing to sell. Iwiter on rc-uirls from cm
c.igo came still more unfavorable nnd sell- I
ers were forced to let go. Early the hogs )
sold largely at I.6Mi4.hJ's for good mixed
and hem y loads, which were the prices I
prevailing at Saturday's close, with a ti-'ih
too I ne ChluiKO market ciosed bad. late1
advices fr'in there Indliatlng a lower (lose,
and the nmrki t here c.ised off and closed it
shade lower than It opened, buyers wanting
the last hogs at Jl.fiJijfl I.K5.
It will be observed from the table of
averace prh es above that the week starts
out with the mnrket Jut about 17'se lower
than It was nt the beginning of last week
nnd about on a par with the market tho
tlrst .Monday of the month. In ottu r words,
the advance of the last two or three weeks
has been :rn -1 l-iill wiped out within the
last six das. Willi the great shortage In
the total pick of hogs for the season to
date operator general!) appear to look
upon the present decline as ol a temporary
Charm ter. hot tlll nmn nt-e tmlnttnt- ti
i ne inoicaiioii. mat mere are just at pres
U.'O ent n good many hogs In the country ready
4.177 to market and that receipts for some llttlo
G.4M i tline to conic arc likely to b" unite large,
which would have n tendency to hold prices
down. hat the outcome will lie remains
to lie seen Representative sales:
Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
$ " 61 2S3 120 4 115
t -55 t.9 221 120 4 65
' M " 239 40 I 63
80 $1 60 1,9 -2Z1 ... ( 05
... 4 621-j 70 22S ... 4 05
1 M's 21 220 10 4 05
; I O-'a 20 20S ... I 65
SO 4 62ij, 73 22S 120 I ",
... I 624 78 231 2(1 1 63
... I 6214 66 200 160 4 65
... 4 6214 66 SSI 10 4 63
... 4 (Vi 72 211 10 I 65
... I l'.5 82 218 10 ( 65
... 4 65 f.9 271 ... 4 65
... -1 65 97 212 ... I 65
... I 65 61 25S 120 I 65
... t l'" 74 220 10 I 65
160 t 65 71 236 160 I 65
SO 4 65 69 230 ... 4 65
... I 65 70 208 80 ( 65
120 4 6.3 63 30il SO 4 671 4
160 4 65 S4 215 120 I 67'5
... 4 65 59 265 80 I 67'4
10 4 65 49 321 100 4 6714
... 4 65 75 244 ... 4 6;ii
SO I IV. 73 211 120 4 67i5
... 4 63 71 210 ... I 6714
80 1 65 62 272 ... I l"H.
2O0 4 6.5 67 251 40 I 67" J
... I 65 63 295 ... 4 70
... 4 65 51 280 ... 4 70
... 4 65 68 27S 10 4 72' 4
! 71.
12. . .
70 ..
15 ..
45. . .
tVS. . .
- ...
I f.7...
' SO. . .
1 07...
I 79. . .
, S2...
1 tfl. . .
55. . .
...2i iS
. . .357
. ..25S
SH EEP Packers had In seven enrs con
signed direct, which were not offered on the
market, but there was a fnlr run. so that
the mnrket was pretty well supplied nfler
nil. The demnuit 011 the part of local pack
ers wns good and the dny's trading could
best lie described us n good, steady mid
active market. There were buyers for
everything on sale nnd the pens were prac
tically denied In good se,ion. The repre
sentative snles below will show the kind of
prices paid.
Quotations: Choice handy weight year
lings. $.75T76.00; good to rholre fed year
lings. $5.605 75; fair to good yearlings, $3 40
573.60; good to choice wet here. $5.."0fJ5.riO:
fair to good wethers. $5. 15.5. 30; good to
choice fed ewes. $l.65fH 85; fair to good
ewes. $1 4Of4.60: good to choice native
Iambs, $6 0Ofi6S5; good to choice western
lambs. $6 6Mi6 75: fair to good western
Iamb". S.35fi6 50; feeder wethers. $1 Kill 75;
feeder yearlings, $5.00fi5.63; good to cholcti
feeder Iambs. $l.75fr3.73. Representative
2 cult lambs
16 western ewes
S bucks
211 Mexican ewes
201 westfrn ewes
IS cull lambs
19 western ewes
411 western wetherp
18S western sheep
SO1 western wethers
6! ) curlings, and sheep
624 yearlings nnd wethers...
2lS yearlings and wethers...
9 buck lambs
I9l western yearlings
256 Mexican yearlings
2 yearlings
292 western lamb?
222 lambe and yearlings
200 western lambs
269 WAstern lambs
314 western lambs
410 western lamb
501 western lambs
6J1 western lambs
$4 to
4 00
4 25
4 65
5 no
5 10
5 25
5 35
fi 5
5 CO
5 60
5 65
5 724
5 75
f. 90
6 00
fi 00
fi 25
6 ,35
fi 15
6 60
6 63
Cnlllr Active, C.cnernlly I Ho Higher
Sheep StrniiK. I.ninlm AcGvc.
CHICAGO. Feb. 26.-CATTLE-Becelpts,
13.000 head: nctlve. generally 10c higher;
natives, good to prime steers, 10fT15c higher,
$5.oofifi.O0; poor to medium, 5ffl0e higher.
$l.00fll.80; selected feeders, strong, SS.tVOff
3.90; mixed stockers. $4.23fT4.75; cows, nctlve;
best shade, higher, J3.00fil.35; heifers,
strong, $3.25f4.75; ennners, sternly. $2.25fU!0;
bulls, steady, $2.50fi l.ifi; cnlvcs. unchanged,
$.".0ofi S.fs); Texiins. receipts, $9: Texas-fed
steers, steady, $3.9'VTi l.'.H); Texas bulls,
steady. $3.15115.75.
HOGS -Hecelpts. 32,0(10 head; tomorrow,
23.H00 bend; left over. 6.000 head, average, Be
lower; fair clearance; mixed nnd butcher,
$l.65fil.90; good to choice, heavy. $1 75ft
4,871,4: rough, heavy. $l.60fj .S0; light. $f.55fi
4.80; bulk of sales. $l.75fil.SO.
bend. Sheep, strong. Lambs, nt ttve. H5il5e
higher: good to choice wethers. $5,ofi5.S5.
fnlr to choice mixed, Sl.50fi5 35. Sheep,
western. $5.00f?5.75; yearlings, $5,75fifi.50. nu
llvo lambs, $5.00f?7.25: western lambs, $0.0O'(
11 o Mis City 1,1 vr Sliieli.
reipts. 4.000 head natives. 2.100 head Tcxaq
llberal supply consisted of ((million quallt
pood strong market for desirable klU'ng and
feeding cattle; few trashy offerings, sold
ensy: no choice native steers offered com
mon native steers, l.33fi5.15. stockers and
feeders, $3,501(5.25; butcher cows and hejf
ers, $3.15fil35: dinners. $2 50f3,15, fed wrst
erns. $3.iVW 1.65: wostern feeders $3.E0q4 25.
Texans. S3.l5f(.20.
HOGS-Hccelpls. 2.IJ00 head. offerlucs
mostly of poor quality; market slow prlmi
nveraged 5c lower; henvv. $4.65fTI.75: mixed.
SI.WWl4.70: light. $.30fl4.65; pigs. SHOfiinO
SHEEP AND LAMR8 Recelnts. 2 550
head: light supply consisted of Venning
and muttons : market nctlve, hlghe.t of sen
son: lambs bring $1550197.00. venrllngs. nil
sold, $5.75f76.05; muttons, $17505 50, stock
ers and feeders, $3.50ff3 50: culls. $3.00f3.f,0.
(. I mis Lire Stock.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 26. -CATTLE Receipts.
3,200 head, Including 2,50n head Texans.
market strong, with Texnns 10c higher, na
tive shipping nnd export steers. $(.50fi5.5,
dressed beef nnd butcher steers. S3.50Til.90.
steers under 1.000 lbs., S3.05fil.25: stockers
and feeders. $2.85fl.75' cows and heifer".
S2.00fi4.75; ennners. 51.502 85; bulls, SS.SOtj
4.00; Texas and Indian sters, $3.45'!j4.SO,
cows and heifers. $2 30f3.75
HOGS Hecelpts, 6,300 bend: market weak.
Br lower: pigs and lights. $i.70fi4 75; pnekers.
$4.70fTl.SO; butchers. JI.8OTrl.90.
SHEEP AND LAMBS--Rf reipts. SOOhesd.
market strong: cnllve muttons, J5.00fi5.75;
lambs. $6.0ni7.23: culls nnd bucks, $1.00fi4.B0,
stockers, $3.00f
mv Vorl' Live Ntncti.
NEW YORK, Feb. 28.-nEEVKS -Receipts,
3.636 head; firtn to 11 shade higher,
enrlv arrivals closed out promptly; steers,
Sl.40firi.i5: oxen nnd stags. $3.00J?5.00: hulls.
$.1 r.0T(4..';0; cows, J1.10fn.10; exports tomor
row, 53 head cattle and 111 head sheep
CALVES Rerflpts, 2,202 head; weak to
25c lower; early arrivals nil sold; veals. J5 00
r,iS.'-i.; top. $S 50fs.i5n: little calves, $1 fO'o
1.75; barnyard calves, $3 25fi4.0fl
head: sheep, 11 rtit : lambs, hWhcr she.
$l.0OAifi.00; lambs. Jli.SOfi S 00 ; culls, S5.01fS'-i
vcarllncs, Sa.BOfid 00.
IIOGS-Rrcetpts. 11.7'i0 head, steadv at
$5. 10ft 3.30.
s, .liiKepli l,l Mock,
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo, Ffb 26 -(Spe-rial.
) The .1 1111 1 n,i 1 quote:
CATTLE -Recelnts. 900 head, market
steady to 10c higher' qiial'ts omiiinn 10
fnlr: natives, $3 90fi(.95: Texnns and west
erns. $'l50'ul,90; cows and heifers. S2.25TI l.4.i
bulls nnd stairs. $2AOfit80; venrllngs and
calves. $4O0fi3IO; stockers and feeders, $3 2.3
5i4.60: veals, $4.50f7.50,
HOGS Receipts, 6.300 head, market Cff
10c lower; all grades. Sl.eoff I 77',2. bulk. $1.65
f 1.721,.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Hecelpts. 1 Of)
bead; market steady to 10c higher; native
Iambs, $7.00; westerns, $1.73; Colorado year
lings. $6.10.
Slock In Sluhl.
Following are thn rerelpls nt the four
principal western markets for February ns
Cuttle. Dogs. Sheen
South Om.ih.i 1.154
Chlcagn 13.010
Kansas City 6.101
St. Louis 3.200
3. Ml
32 O-iO
fi 310
16 (mil
2 'M
2.1.(58 43,S.!
Ximt York Murderer Elect roculed.
NEW YORK, Feb 26 Antonio 1-Vrr.iro
was electrocuted at Sing Sing prima today
for the murder of Luciano Muchin in Hrook
iMi, on April I, 18DS The elect rb- current
was turned on al 8:20 a 111. nnd live shin ks
wero administered before the attending phi
sb Inns were s.illslled dial he wns dead. He
w.m pronounced dead nt ! n m The
murder of Muchlo was the result of a
quarrel over 11 fancied wrong on the part nf
Ferraro The quarrel led lo blows nnd
Ferraro was being roughly handled by
Muchlo. when he suddenly drew n razor,
and, seizins Muchlo around tho bod). , ,.t
his throit, severing the Jugular ci,i.
Mttihln died almost lnlantly.
ItiMinril fnr GiioIicI'm lluiilerci'..
'A.VKFORT, Kv.. Feb, il!. The (.pe
rn ..miner- Having in charge th bill
lir.iprlalltig $im.nnn Hs a rowan! t.-
1 1 1
iipiucnension or the murderer or mutd. im
of the late locrinr Goiliel will tcp.r;
the bill to the hme Tucdnv With tho
expression of oplnlno that It epould pass
The light will be made to Immediately
Hih.niie tile bill to Keiniid reading null
democratic leaders have untitled 1 demo,
cratlc members to be In ihelr .cuts tint
day. The meiinure will probably come In
11 vote on lis tltinl p.nsnge either Wcdli' s
dav or Thnoda v.
( bloee (ii Ui-hIm Herman,
NEW YORK Feb 26- A illspat, h lo tho
Herald from Pekln suys: John Fouler
United States consul at Chee Fo". irotn ,'
of Shan Tung, reports Hint l.oon armed
li'itlves ti'ive gathered on the line of th,
survey ror the new German railway to
iilv'ufl file nrrll-il nt I ? a -,. . ......
........ .... ., ...,,,11,,, mm,,?.. I MO
natlies arc determined fo resist the con-
siruciion 01 1 0 e rvnu.
Two Prisoners llnrtieil lo llcnlli.
FOREST CITY, Ark.. IVb. 25. -Frank
Hogan nnd Clinrles Norrls, prisoners at
the station house here, were burned lo
denth today. The lire Is supposed to li ive
been started by the men In 1111 attempt
to kern warm.
W. S. rhllnot. Alhnnv. fin.. .iv..r "tie.
WKt'a Llttlo Early Risers did me moro
good than any pills I ever took." Tho fa
mous little pills for constipation, blllouj.
ncss and liver nnd bowel troubles
KilliHiix Nnlex nnd I ooilnrill.
Carbntidnle ami Tonganmlo cnh have a
new riirnl free deiixerj runic ihit month.
I'.nch is twcnly-srvi 11 and nnc-halr miles In
length nnd each in cemniodatrs 7ii patrons.
Stanton Is tho baby county of the mute,
rho recent statistics credit it with oulv
llfty-sevcn school children. There are 501,'.
130 m the Mate. Wynndotte leads with
The slate executive council will shortly
let 11 contract for the. completion of tho
fourth story of the cupltol. The Improve
"'o '.!) Involve 1111 expenditure of about
Kan- is occupies third place among thn
slates in order of salt production. New
3 oi k retains fit Mt plncc nnd Michigan s
ohd. I'hc iinniial product of the Sunflower
state 1k about 2,onn.OcV barrels.
There ate twent) -the lawyers In Brown
county and Ewlng Herbert, who sns thero
wiVrt been less than secnly-llve cases tiled
in the courts In the l,,t three monllis. I
unable to see how the members of the pro
fession manage to win a fair living.
There are about 200 members of the Prnlrlo
band of Potltiwutotnlo Indians nn the reser
vation In Kansas. As they desire to go
back to their old hunting grounds In Wis
consin a Joint resolution has been Intro
dined In congress to permit them to edl
their allotments in Kansas nnd purchase,
unds In Wisconsin. Tin- two chiefs of Iho
band are Me-ta-w.ish-ku and Peter Ha-busk-quock.
Kunsns has 2,807 wards divided Into thn
following rlnsses: Insane, 1 871; orphan, at
Atchison home, 112; deaf ann dumb, Ol.nhe,
216; Idiots nnd Imbecile. Wlnllcld, 175; blind
Kiinsim City, S6; girls, ludustrlnl school.
Ilclolt. 113; reform school. 171. It requires
522 olllclals nnd employed to manage tho
state Institutions mid the com of tnaln
talnnnce. repairs nnd salaries for January
was $I3.I5S in. J
.Missouri nml lllN.onrliuiM.
Cnssvlllo Is hopeful of securing n canning
factory. "
JopIIii Is for expansion and will extend
tho city limits.
Peo.ilo In the ivhool districts of Macon
county are enjoying the old nnd Instructive
spoMIn-; matches.
Niirfervmen urc of the opinion that 110
dninage to the fruit crop has so far been
done in this utatc.
"Uncle Tommy" Hutchinson of Caldwell
county, If he lives till February 26, will bo
n centenarian.
On Mnrc'i 20 the people of Livingston
county will decide whether they nro for or
ngalnst a $50,000 appropriation for a new
court house.
A Klrksvillo minister who bus married,
on nil avenue one couple a day for thn
last twenty yenrr, sayn that not one of
them has been divorced, so tar as ho
ksiiws. United Confederate Veterans have,
deleated ono of their members to lslt
every county In tho state to raise funds for
the erection of a monument to the confed
erate soldiers at Sarlngllcld.
The nubile schools of the stnfe cost about.
iXCM.tff) anniiall;'. There are about "
pupils. In attendance and lO.ooO teachers nro
employed. The valuation of the ivhoo!
property Is estimated at about SI7.oO0.n0i).
The Ministers' alliance of St Joseph and
tho bettc" element of the saloov kee.iers
of that city will get together Friday for
tlie purpose of 1 onslderlng Sundav closing
of the Milouns It Is believed that tho
meeting v III result In the closing of thn
saloons and the ministers- congratu,.ito
themselves unou being fie first prcathcr
to bring about such a conference.
Soap, and nrove i with
yourself regards Its goo 1
qualities our friends are
be ones that use It
give us a trial and save
the wrappers for iie
Tho vTrt rase ran tie rurril lijr nu
taa Mnmirt Pile ICIIIar. (Innrunteci.
01.00 per box by mnll.
Wmltra Depot. Omaha,
Wliyfinlrcr! Treatment
an Apprornl. No lurtltu
tlon on earth treats debility
In men ns wc do, IlrjulU
Inure Method so rapid u
I tend en crrdil Pay for It or
' return appliance and reme-
dlc at our eipcnie. I lulu
boolt " Complete MnnhMul,"
sent feriled trie. Address
taken at night will mako you,
feel right, act right and look
' f - I- "Tl. . - . f A. 1 II I
I rtgni. i noy euro ansupanon. 4
I loraotsnniiaSeent. ntall drUKstorox. t
L t --"- 1 1 J
WANTED tnse u nrtu ..ealth that
n-l-P-A-N-S will no' oeneiit Send 5 cents
to Rlpms Chemical Co . Neil York, for 10
samples nnd 1,000 testimonial.
. M 1 TV
M'.61M file-
'Iclcplionc 10:tf). Omnli i. Nji
Correspondence: John A Warren i Co
uirect wlrfi t,o Chicago and New York.
H Feb, 27 EH
H It's Easy Kj
BMj to place an order with HK'
BD voir grocer for KWM