THE OMAHA DAILY IW3E: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. minor sh;.tion. ANOTHER INJUNCTION SUIT Davis ren claes. Fine A. I). C. beer, Neumnycr'a hotel. Wetnbach burners nt Hlxby's. Tel. 103. Jiudwcfscr bcor I Kosctifeldt. aeont. l'hoton, Maxarrpll & Co.. 15 Muln street. Get your work tlono at the popular BubIs laundry, "21 UronUvvay. 'l'liono lo7. Wllllujn Ollbort of Hluux City la vUMnB Ms punnita ttt 620 Sevntli nvptiun. W. C. listen, undertaker. M IVarl etrcot Tolephonos: Olllce, 87; icsiJenco. . Tho plnco to havo your frnminu rtono, Alexander's Art Kmporlum. 333 Broadway. T..I... rl.l. lu lllln- ,.rltldlllV 111 Wltll pneumonia at tho homo of his brotllor-ln-law, Justice Ovldo Vlon. Although no ollXlal rail has bron lmiic.1 yet. It Is bmI.1 that tho pmorr-itl'V '-ity ionvcntlon will bo held Wednesday, JIarch 7. , ,. floorer Shartdon nnd Lizzie Jtc(.nnn, both from Orescent, In., wcro inurrlrd In this rlty yesterday, tho ocromoiiy Ikmiib per formed by Jusllro Vlon. Martin Murray and Hlchard Jewell ouch drew u ton days' Honlence In tho roiility Jail yesterday, morning In police court Tor vacancy and drunkennetit!. Charles M. Sheldon will publish the To peka Capital six days. lieKlnnlnir Mareli 1.1. Thoso wIshlnK to Htibscrlbo 'an, do ' by leaving 25 cents-tills week ut Smith & Ilrwl ley's, I1R llroadway. All members of Council camp. N. 1'. Woodmen of tho World, aro requested to meet at their hall this nfternoon at 1:.W o'clock to attend the funeral of tho lato CoverelKn C. It. llloss. MIsh .Millie. Olscn, daiiKhter of Mrs. N. Olson. 714 Madison avenur. .lied Monday ovenliiK from vonsumptlon after an llloe-s of nlno months. aed 'Jl Notice of funeral will bo Riven later. Tho remains of tho lato lion. p. C Jlloomcr will lie in state at the residence, 3 Fourth street, from 9 to 11 a. in. and from 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. in. at St. t'au ,s church tomorrow. The services will ibo at 1! p. m. and burial will bo in I alrvlow cemetery. "i.'ri..niilv" tirnseriitloiis were rotnmenced In Justice Vlon's court Monday against ten luirhrni who oiled their trade Sunday. Flip Informations were llled by Clark It. 1'etll Following tho usual procedure tho cases heard On imreod statement of facts nnd tho defendants acquitted, the costs be liiK taxed to tho county. Cornelius nnd Charles Jobnnsen were ar rested yesterday mornlnt; on an Information llled In .lustlco Vlcii's court. liarKlHB them with robblnu Martin Hastings of 2111 M nf 7 In (Vivle's saloon on West Uroadway Friday nlKht. They Rave ball In tlm mim of J.mhj each and will have their preliminary hearliiB Thursday mornltm'. Arthur Zlpp, the proprietor of a second lit, tul r-nniln Mtnre fin Went Uroadway, com plalnctl to Justice I'Yrrler yesterday that Arthur Miller had threatened to take his life. Ah Zlpp desired to stay on earth for Homo tlmn yet ho asked that Miller lio placed under bonds to keep the peace. Jus- tlco I'Crncr win near me ."- m"... lmr. Funeral services over the late C. It. llloss will lio held this afternoon nt 2 o clock ut tho First ConKroKatlonai church, the .u.uinr n..v .1 v. U'llsno. i.lllclaUiie. TIlP funeral corteKo will leave tho lesldence of Milton K Hloss. ISM) Tostevln street, at 1:30 it. m. Tho funeral will bp In chaiKo of th Woodmen of tho World. Interment will bo in Walnut Hill cemetery. Tho rcKular mootlm? of Park City lodRP, Jn'o. CM, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will bo held this ovenlne at X o'clock, when ihn ci ml est In team work In -tlie llrst de- Krco will tako placo between tho dpreo teams of this lodso and Council lllulTs lodge A. numbor of visitors from Omaha and surrounding towns aro expected to bo pros cut to witness tho contest. I. F. Malier, 1'JlC Tostevln street, com plained to tho police lato Sunday nlKht that hl wife liail left borne and he was afraid rdio mlKht come to harm, us ho sald she wax not all together right In her mind. Investi gation bv tho police yesterday morning tthowett that the woman had been driven from her homo by Malier and that sho had sought refuge In tho homo of a neighbor. William Mooney, who has been an Inmato of tho state insane asyium ai i larinoa tnniln his eseiino from that Institution Kn day night, lie walked to lied Oak. wheie lio mummed to board a freight train and rodo to l'aclllc Junction. He tramped It to Council llluffs from there and arrived at tho homo of his brother, Theodore Mooney, on Scott jdreot late Sunday night. Ho np pears to bo perfectly rational Fred Hurler of 1114 Uroadway was before Jndi'n Avlesworth 111 liollce court Monday morning to unswer to a charge of assault nnd battery preferred iigaliist him by tl. W. Carlton, who occupies the front part of the uimo house. Saturday afternoon Hurler In terfered when Carlton, ho alleged, was beat ing Ids wife. Carllou received a black eyo and sundry bruises, but failed to appear to prosecuto, so Harter was discharged J. T. Hart, an old-tlmo resident of Council niuffs, now a resident or Hllvjir ltcpk. Colo., where lie Is Interested In some valu able mining claims, Is in tho city renewing ncoualntance with former friends. Mr Hurt's minim: nronertles havo been in vnlveil In litigation for several years, but It has now been ended and Mr. Hart can now 1... .. ........ I.l.r OlTlir.l Thomas Olllcer of (he banking firm of Olll- "inm One More ObiUc'e Placed in tbe "Wht of Lo cating New High School. SLACK PLTFRSON GETS IN UK ROAD U'nnl, (lio Hon id Knjolnril from Soli oiltllnu (lie (liirllon of it Site lo (be Voter nt the Coin ing I'.leclloii, os much lo do with tho administration of nchool aftalrs as was generally claimed. Uev. Mr. Wilson tliouRht there ought to be moro politics Infused Into school affair, hut politics of a different kind. Rev. Mr. Cable was of tho opinion that If politics was to ho excluded from the city schojls It should nlo bo eliminated from county and stato administration of tho public reboots. ornrni, i yv cowr.vriov ru.i.s. ItiMliilillcnno Nhiic TIii-iii Through Chairman lliimn of Comiiilttrc. Harry M. Ilrown, chairman of the repub lican city central committee, Issued yc.sttr- Inv llin nOlplnl rnll for till) school Otlll City cmveiitlons and primaries of the party. Tho j calls read as follows: The republicans of the Ii. dependent t-cliooi sanity Commissioners Monday. Williams labors under tho delusion that ho Is being persecuted by unknown enemies who desire to do him harm. Investigation showed that tho young man's parents live In Cedar county. Missouri, and that his homo was properly there. Tho case was referred to tho State Hoard of Control, and pending an answer from that body Williams was com mitted to St. Hernard's hospital. TltllllTIJ I'O A IIHOTIIMIt. NEW DEPARTMENT FOR IOWA Hawkejo State is Liying Plans to Have an Agricultural Brancb. HARRIMAN INTRODUCES BILL IN SENATE lllll Provides Department Ho Managed liy n llonril nml Is I2icctcd tu Pro mote the llest I'arinliiir I it -lerests of the Slute. league, and Uev. J. U, Trimble, prroldlng rider of the Sioux City district of the Metho dlst church. It was a very cnthuslnstic meeting, nnd na n result 400 men signed a pledge not to vole for any mati for mayor of Sioux City who would not pledge himself to fulfill tho provisions of tho Mnrtln liquor law. Tho ministers sny they will nt once canvass tho city, and declare they will se cure 1,000 names to tho pledge before the primaries or conventions for the coming 1 city election are held. In the meantime the . palomi men havo secured 3,100 signatures of consent for the operation of saloons In ' loux City, which Is really 700 more names than Is necessary according lo the returns from the last general election. Sour Stomach liar Assiieliitloii Tuke etloii on the Dcntli of 1). (',. llloomci-. Tho I'ottawattamlo liar nssoclntlon met vesterdav morning In tho superior court UKS MOINES. Feb. 26. (Special Tele gram.) Iowa 1j practically nssiired of u ! stato department of agriculture. Today tho measure by Senator llarrlmon, cx-presldent of the Iowa Agricultural society, for tho Another oIhUcIo was placed in way of an early sottlemont of the High school silo controversy yesterday and an other chapter addvd to the lltlgatlun In stituted by the opponents' to tho Oakland nvcnuo property. Attorney I. X. Fllck- Ingpr, representing Slack Peterson, IIIpiI a supplemental amendment to tho petition In tho orlglnol injunction proceedings against tho Independent Srliool district of Council llluffs in which tho court Is asked to Ihbuo an Injunction rcr training the Don iil of Kducatlon from submitting to tho i voters nt the coming school election i!'0 question of a location for the proposed new High Kcliool building. I In tho amendment, nftcr refrrrlng to :l.c soloctlon by tho Hoard of Kducatlon of tho Dullard proper' y on First avenue os tho slto for tho school and tho subsequent rescinding of such action, it Is shown that tho board on January 20 selected the Trt nor and Detaining properties on First nvonuo as a suitable location for tho erec tion of tho building. It Is also alleged that tho board accepted tho offer of this prop erty for $10,.'iU0 and that by Its acceptance tho board has mado Itflelf responsible for tho purchaso price. It Is further stated that no action has been subsequently taken by tho board rescinding tho selection of the Treynor-Demmlng site. Continuing tho amendment sctH forth that tho board Is preparing to suomlt at the com ing school election tho proposition of tho location of the High school to tho voters of tho district "nt great oxpenso to tho tax payers! thereof." The allegation Is mado that tho submission of tho location of the High school to tho voters of tho district and tho Incurring of expensou thereon Is against the expressed provisions of sec tion 2773 of tho codo nnd Is unauthorized and void for tho following reasons: The Iteiisimo for It, First That the board of directors has al ready mado and selected tho Treynor slto for a High school building and Is obligated to pay therefor and said election has never been vacated or rescinded. Second That the electors or tno uisirici hnvo no authority In law to vote upon or determine tho location of a. High school building. Third That at the time of the voting of the bonds at tho March (lM'JJ election tho voters had already determined that tho lo cation of the High school should be as cen trally located as in tlie judgment or tne school board was possible and delegated to the board the selection or tno slto. Fourth That at the said election the voters of tho district had already expressed whatever selection Is permitted or author ized by statute. Firth -That tho voters of said district at the Mnrch OKO electlAli fletermlneil that tho old High school site snouiu uo useu as a ward school und that said site Is now In eligible and ea'niiht -again be voted upon by tho peopio or seiecieu y me uuiiiu. Sixth That tho selection of tho Oakland avenue site by reason of tho appeal, to tho stato superintendent of publlo Instruction has been determined to bo not centrally lo cated and not a proper place for tho loca tion of tho High school ami inai oy reason if such proceedings said imKiiinu iivenuu slto Is no longer ellglblo or tho suojcci or selection by the peopio or by the board, and that tho submission to ine iieoiue i uu m tempt to relltigato und retry said location, ngalnst which the highest trlhunal of tho stato has decided; that such dpclslon Is binding not only on tho peopio of tho dis trict, but upon tno uoaru uiiu uiu mi-mui-ia thoruof. In conclusion the amendment setn rortn tho allegation that tho board and Its olll cers nnd agentB are' taking steps to jiubmlt tho propcHltion at tho coming election ana nrn having ballots printed and thereby In curring great expeuuo to the taxpayers of the district and the court Is nsKCii to issuo an Injunction restraining them from doing 80. Attorney Fllcklngcr said Jils reason ror the amendment and KeeKing tne in- J nomas iimcer tu ine iiiiiikuik hi hi o uiu- 7 n .. ,.(nii ,vhnt cer Pusey of this city was Interested with Junction was to kill off at Its inception wrmi Mr. Hart in tho mining property. N. Y. I'lumblng C Tel. 2.r.C. Howell's Antl-"Knwf cures coucbs, colds. .liinii'MOii for Major. Tho following resolution was ndopted yes terday at a meeting of Pottawattamie dlvl' slon, No. 32S, Order of Hallway Conductors of America; "Resolved, That we, mombers of Potta- wattatulo division, No. 32S, Order of Hallway Conductors of Council lllulTs. Ia., recom mend to tho cltlzons of Council llluffs tho nanno of W. J. Jameson, a member of this division and a citizen of this city, as our choice, und whom wo aro pleased to endorse, for tho position of mayor nt tho coming election, nnd request all goo,l citizens to endorso him nn a worthy candidate." .MarrliiKf l.leenxes. tvmiiii nniv lead to endless litigation, tic said: "If this question wero suomiucu 10 tho peopio nt tho coming election It would Involve tho district in endless litigation that would only end after tho supreme court had boen appealed to. It would re sult In tho most bitter fight ever experienced In this city, a light that would be as rjiiier as the Oocbnl-Taylor fight In Kentucky. It In to prevent such a possibility that wo seek nn injunction." Attorney Fllcklnger mid tho court would bo asked to glvo tho mutter a speedy hoar lug. POLITICS IV SCHOOL KLIK'TIONS. Subject In IlUetisseil nt Lenitlli li)' the r.coliolillc l.ciimic. The Evils of Politics In School Elections and School Management" was tno sunjeei discussed lust night nt the first regular meet ,f I'm, 1,1.11 lllllfTj will lllll't ill tlol' goto convention In the south courtroom of tho comity courthouse Thursday, March s, at i, o'clock p. m. for the purpose of plac ing In nomination two members of the Mfhnnl liimril and one treasurer nnd to til" I transact uny other business that may prop erly conic lieroro the convention. The republicans of the city of Council JllulTs will meet In delegation convention in the outh courtroom or the county court house Wednesday. March II. at 1 o'clock p. m. for tho purpose of nominating candi dates for mayor, city treasurer, city audi tor, city solicitor, city engineer, two nlder-mcn-nt-lnrge. city welghmaster, two mem bers of tho Hoard of Park Commissioners and to transact such other business that mny properly come beforo the convention. The basis of representation will be one tlelegato-at-largp and one delegate for every forty vol's or fraction of tlfteen or over cast for Governor Shaw at tho last gcnerul ulcctlun. Tlf number of votes to which each pre cinct is entitled is us follows: First ward. First precinct, six delegates; First ward. Second precinct, seven delegates: becond ward, First precinct, seven delegates; Sec ond ward, Second precinct, seven delegutes; Third ward. First precinct, seven delegates; Third ward, Second precinct, six delegates; Fourth ward, First precinct, six delegates; Fourth ward, Second precinct, five dele M.inu. lrinVi wnril. First tireclnct. seven tlelegutes; Fifth ward. Second precinct, five delegates; Hixth warn, rirsi iirecuiui, m delegates; Sixth ward, Second precinct, one delegate: Kane, outside city, 0110 delegate: total, soventy-one delegates. Kano (outside) will select tlelegutes for tho school conven tion only. Tho i-enubllcan primaries will bo held uvitnesil.iv. March 7. nt 8 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of selecting one set of delegates in nttond both tho school ana cuy coin en tlons. Tho places whoro tho primaries will bo held In tho several precincts nrc ns 101 lows: t.-irut U'nril First nrcclnct. Wheeler & lterniil's olllce. 131 Fast Hroudwny; Second precinct, Merrlam's building, Upper llroad Second Ward-First precinct, city council chamber; Spcond precinct, 711 Uroadway. Third Ward-First precinct, Masonic temple: Second precinct, hose house, South Main streui. Fourth Ward-First precinct. armors ball, county courthouse; Second precinct, u.ttl.'u linll Hlvlnofith iivenlle. Fifth Ward-First precinct, county build ing. Kleventh street and Fifth avenue; Sec ond precinct, county building. Thirteenth between Firteeiith ami Sixteenth fivniiilPO. Sixth Ward-First precinct, place not yet selected; Second precinct, M. P. Nelson's place. For tho nurnoso of nominating ward alder men the First and Second precincts of each ward will meet Jointly and hold primaries Wednesday, .March 14, at 8 o'clock p. m. at tho following places: First wnrd, Wheeler & llereld's olllco: Second ward, city council chamber; Third ward, Masonic temple; Fourth ward, tlls- .,!! nnurtrnnm. count V COIirtllOUSO: I' lftll ,.',.r.l ennntv building. Fifth avenue and Kleveuth street; Sixth ward, pWce not yet selected. The omclal notice of tho school election to bo held Monday, March 12, was published yesterday morning by Secretary Hoos of the Hoard of Education. The Independent school district of Council llluffs Is for tho purposes of tho election divided Into live precincts tho extent and polling place of each precinct being as follows: Tho First precinct consists of the First ward of the city of Council lllulTs, la., and all territory of the school district con tiguous to said ward, and lying without thf limits of said city. The polling place will Iki in tho Wheeler & llereld building, 131 Kaat Broadway. The Second precinct consists of the Sec ond wnrd of said city, and tho polling place will be at Mlnnick's livery bam, OKI West Broadway. . . , , The Third precinct consists of the Third wanl of said city anil all territory of th school district contiguous to said ward and lying without the limits of said city, and all of tho Fourth ward of said city lvlng north of Seventh avenue; and tho polling place will be at H. S. Terwllllger's livery barn, :2l South Main street. ...... The Fourth precinct consists of nil of the Fourth wanl of said city lying south of Seventh avenue, and all of the Fifth ward of said city: and the polling place will be nt the county voting houso on tho corner of Fifth avenue nnd Twelfth rtreot. Tho Fifth product consists of the Sixth ward of said city, and the polling place will bo at Dland Itlshton's store, 2100 Ilroad- 'i'lic polls will open nt 9 o'clock n. m. nnd closo ut 7 o'clock p. n. In response to a call Issued by tho llrst vice establishment of such a department came up president. Flnley Hurke, to ttko action re- i In tho upper body of the legislature and gardlng the death of Hon. I). C. Illooracr. would have passed had tho session been president of tho association Blnce Its organ- , about fifteen minutes longer. Aa It was, the Izatlon. i measure was amenueu in a nuiuucr oi minm Tho following wcro appointed a committee particulars nothing which materially to draft sultaulo resolutions: c ii. sauu- enangrs it irom lis original lorm aim wcui dors, Judgo J, H. Heed, J. J. Stewart, Emmut i over until tomorrow, when It will, without Tlnlcy and A. T. Fllcklnger. The matter or doubt, bo put upon its passage and adopted securing a "oral tribute was left to tno flnaneo committee, consisting of Ueorgo li. Mayne. O. S. Illanchard nnd John J. Hess. Tho following wero appointed as n commit tee on arrangements: (leorge F. Wright. C. M. llarl. Judgo Gcorgo Carson, J. P. Organ and George W. Hewitt. This com- mltteo will meet this morning nt 10 o ciock In the onico of Wright & Ilaldwln In the llaldwln block. A meeting of the association will be held tomorrow morning nt 10 o'clock in tho Fouth room at tho county court house to receive tho renorts of tho several committees, and nt that time tho resolutions adopted will bo reported to Judgo Thorncll of the district court for tho purpoBO of having them spread upon tho records of tho court. According to present arrangements tno funeral will bo held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. Paul's Episcopal church. Davis rells paints. Dollies In the ItUlrlct Court. In tho district court Judgo Thorncll is acting both ns judge and Jury In the trial of tho personal Injury damage suit of O. I). Wheeler against tho Omaha & St. Louis Hallway company, both sides huvlng ngreed to walvo a Jury. Wheeler sues for $1,990 damages for Injuries alleged to have been received whllo riding on a train of tho de fendant company botwecn Shenandoah and Couucll llluffs July 19 of laat year. Ho waa seated In a cabocno when a number of freight cars bumped Into tho train. The Jar Injured his neck and he was confined to tho hospital for several weeks. He claims tho Injury in permanent. Tho evi dence for the plaintiff was not concluded when court adjourned for the day. Tho railway has a largo number of witnesses subpoeuacd and the enso will, It Is ex pected, last all of toduy and part of Wednesday. Tho further hearing In tho Injunction milt of J''orcst Smith agnlnat tho city to rc utraln tho awarding of tho electric lighting contract to Tlomas Howmau bns been con tinued until Wednesduy. In tho case of tho Pottawattamie County Mercantile association against J. I). M. Prultt, Its former manager, the defendant ban llled n motion for a continuance on tho grounds that ho had not had time to cx amlno tho company's books. Tho transac tions Involved extend over n period of a year and represent over $20,000. Tho February term of the superior court will bo convened today by Acting Judgo Paul Aylesworth 'and all cases listed for trial at this term will bo called and assigned at 2 o'clock this afternoon. I lilted SIiIcm Circuit Court. Trial notices for tho March term of United States circuit court, which will bo convened In this city March 20, have been llled In the following cases: United States of America ngalnst It. N. Whittlesey and others; Mlttle J. Clark agalimt Albert A. Clark; Jesslo Kerr against Modern Wood men of Americn; M. E. Smith & Co. ngalnst Martin Neul and others; Chnrleo McEvers against Chicago & Northwestern Hallway Company; E. A. Hclnn ngalnst Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council llluffs Hallway Com pany; Outline against Darrow Investment Company: Hall against Duggan. Judge Munger will prcslilo. Licenses to wed wcro issued yesterday to Ing of tho Economic league, rocently oigan- i tho following persons: I'1 l thin city. Tho meeting, which was gO. I1P1I1 1U XllO Cliy coum-ll ciiiiiuiili , nun n.n U 27 nttenilpd. much Interest being displayed In the discussion, and a number of spirited Knmn and residence ntMiri'n lintlilon Crescent. l.lzzlo McCunn. Crescent, la (Hans Anderson, westoi, ia...... -i ,,., ......, ,,, ,,v th muniber.- jeillllU VI. r.4W.... ........, " .ll.,.,,l .a 1,1 l,v l.v,f w. n II T nim l'ntttlll'ilttlltnln I'll " Him uonn'ii " -.. -J ... l.lzzlo llennings, roiiuwuiiainie. nawyer, lonueriy buiu'iiuli-uuiui m mi- mi "W. 11. Summers. Living Springs. Ia 2.1 schools, and fiuoro recently county supcrln lithol Pe.irco. Macedonia, lu .0 undent of schools of I'ottawattamlo county J. 11. Wlllmott. LouUo Ostlduk, Neolu, .. IS GAIL " BORDEN . EAGLE BRAND, Condensed Milk Borden's Condensed Milk Co., N. Y. FARM LOANS Negotiated in Eastern Nebraska nnd Iowa Jaiuea N Cumdy, Jr., I2i Main St., Council Dlufts. He arraigned thu custom of Injecting poli tics Into school oio.tlons and Into tho man agement of tho public fcchools. For one thing, ho claimed, It prevented the con tinuity of EPivlcc, which was ono cf tho essentials to gcod schnol work. In support of this argument, ho cited a number of large cities whero tho heads of tho school system did not change when ono party succeeded the other in puww. Citing a number of largo cities, he showed whero superintend ents had remained In olllce from twenty-six to forty-Fix jcut-i, Irrespective of their political leanings. Another point he made was that under tho preacnt practice men who were elected to olllco more frequently foU themselves re sponsible to tho leaders of their particular p party than to tho people who had elected thorn to serve their Intereits. Ho contcnJtd that frequently members of school In aids thwarted tho superintendents i.nd ' interfered with tho proper management of j tho schools for political reasons. Touching on school elections, Prof. Sawyer clalmad that tho majority of voters wcro moro loyal to their political party than they wcro In terested tu securing good, capable men to servo them; that moro often than otherwlso they would oto for .t poorly qualified man If ho was a member of their political party than they would for a man known to bo thoroughly capable nnd In every way fit for tho position If ho should happen to belong to tho opposite tarty. Tho dlsi ut-jlon was taken part In by V.-'r. J, W Wilson, Hcv. W. II. Cable. H, O. Nichols, L. (1. Scott, C. F. Kimball and J. P. Hess, mimbern of tho school board. Tlie latter said bv thought polltl.'s did. not have llenl Untitle TiaiiHlerH. Tho following transfers wero filed yester day In tho abstract, tltlo and loan odlco of J. W. Squire, 101 Peurl street: William P. Olllcer. trustee, to W. K. Seltzer, lot 11, block 2, Vun llrutu & Hlce's add. q c d $ 23 Kuto 10. Sachet t and husband to John N. Haskell, lots 11 to 14, block 1. Hutchinson's add, nnd lots 2S and 20, block 0. Sackett's add, t c d 1 Scott C. Campbell and wlfo to Harry It. ami Arthur W. Plumb, s',4 swU 19-73-10, w d 3,r.00 U.inlel U t imnr and wire to James O'f'onnor. undlv '.'j of ne'i 32-77-12 nnd V, sw'i 13-7U-I3, w d 6,000 Flnley Hurke and wlfo lo X. P. Hunt, lecelver, lot 21, bio' k 33, Central subdlv, it c d Nathan P. Hunt, receiver, to (Jeoigp. A. Lee, lot 21, block 33, Central subdlv. s w d 4; F. J. Plughuft and wlfo to lienjamln Halubow. nart lot 1. block 11. Mace donia, w d.: 300 xienjamin liainoow to Frank J. Plog hoft. part lot D. block 10. Mace donla, w d 13 'i nonius uiuccr and w. it. M, Pusey nnd wives to James F. Hunt, hit in, block 11, Colby's Wnlnut Cirove add, no tl........ 43 u. w. round and wire to jonn uer mody. lots 1 und 2, block 22. Avoca, w U i.ieo uxecutors or Iioraro Kverott to Cieorse Eybcrg, w',a nwU 19-73-41, w d Eleven tiniiifers, total 2,031 W.2- Mt-ctiiitt or llerllilek Cluli, Tho excellence of tho program attracted a largo gathering of music lovers last night to tho musical of tho Uorthlck club. pleasing fcaturo of tho program was tho rendition by a chorus under W. I.. Thick Btun of "Ho Watching Over Israol" from tho oratoilo "Elijah." Tho program fol lons: ui) Nocturne, from "Midsummer Night's Dream" Mendelssohn (b) Cnuzomitto Mendelssohn U. Wert Thou n tho Cauld 11 ast.. Mendelssohn Miss Wilson and (.' ydo H. Alton son. .Spinning Song Mendelssohn Miss Hull. (Ircotlng Mendelssohn Mis Mclntyro nnd .Miss Porterllp d Hondo Caprlccloso, ip. II Mendclt-sohn Char es II. Keofer. Andante, op. CI Mendelssohn Charles F. Steckelliers. Jirusalem, Thou that Kltlest the Pronh- els, from "St. Paul" Mendelssohn i. m. Treynor, Spring Song MendelPsohn .Miss Wright Ho Watching Over Israel, from "EllJuh" Mendelssohn Dcrthlck Club Chorus, w. L. Thiekstun Conductor Accompanists, Miss Ellis, Miss Wright, Mr. LowU and Mr. Thiekstun. Commute tl lo the Hospital, Low- Williams, 29 years of age, who has been making his homo slnco last October with his brother, (lus Williams, on the Stewart farm, near tho Institute for tho Deaf, was brought before the Hoard of Id- 1 0WA MINING DIFFERENCES Miner ri ml Operator Meet In Secret Session und UIhcunh Outcome of FlKlit. DBS MOINES, Feb. 2C (Special Tele gram.) uotn minors anil operators aro meeting In secret session today discussing tho Joint conference to bo held tomorrow and tho probable outcome of the present differences which exist between employer nnd employe In tho mining of Iowa coal. Tho nilneis today ndopted tho scale pre pared by tholr scale committee nnd to morrow, when the conference Is held with tbo operators, they will demand Its ndop lion by nil miros in tho state. Despite tho recent action In Illinois, tho operators aro still an hostile as ever to tbo proposed mine run basis, and say that it simply means the retention of tho screen or their re tlremcnt from business, as tho mine-run basis would put an Inferior grado of coal upon tho market, and thoy could not compete, with tho coal shipped Into tho state. Confldenco Is still expressed that the miners will win out, though many nn tlclpato a strugglo between the operators and delegates and several attempted com promises beforo an agreement Is reached Tho men aro determined and they will not hcsltato to btrlko If they aro unablo uflcct n settlement, but It Is thought that nftor a bitter fight In confcrcnco Is over, all will bo pcact'ful. Tho bill which H. II. Abrains, superin tendent of tbo Anti-Saloon league of Iowa. Is preparing for lutroductlon at tho present session of tho general iissembly, providing for tho establishment of a homo for In ebriates lu tho building now used for a homo fur tho blind ut Knoxvlllo, was dis cussed at tho rogular weekly meeting of tho Ministerial association this morning. Although the hill has not yet been Intro duced Into tho house, It will probably bo championed by somo friend of temperance In that body within the next week or ten days. Dr. A. L. Friable brought the matter up nt tho meeting nnd after a general dis cussion tho following resolution was passed: "Resolved, That wo fully roiuur In asking tho legislature, now in session, to rrcaio a homo for tho retention of nnd treatment of unfortunate drunknrds." James Archie, an old-time employe of tho Hock Island, wan run down and killed hy tho castbound Ilyer when that train was rushing through Valley Junrtlon, a suburb Archie was sweeping snow from the tracks and stepped In front of tho ilyer. A meeting was to havo been held to put up a citizen's ticket to light John MacVlcar. recently nomlnted by the republicans for a third term as mayor. Tho republican who opposed hltn aro nt tho bottom of the move ment. A bitter fight Is certain. Senator Hnrrlmnn tiled two years ngo to get such a mensuro through tho legislature aud failed, but this year tho proposition ha met with favor. There waB nn effort mado on the floor of tho senato to tako tho horticultural interesUi of tho state out from under tho proposed department, but It did uot carry. As outlined lu the bill, the, department Is for thu promotion of tho agricultural, horticultural ami other fanning Interests of the fctate. It will ewbrnce all the dis trict and county agricultural societies or ganized or to be organized under existing statutes and will be entitled to receive aid from tho state, tho state weather crop service and tho olllces of tttato dairy com missioner and state veterinarian, tho Im proved Stockbreeder' association and tho Swine-breeders' association of lown. Mummed liy a Hoard. The department is to ho managed by n board, called the State Hoard of Agriculture, of which tho governor, tho president of the Iowa Agricultural college, tho state dairy commissioner and tho stnte veterinarian hall bo members ex-ofllcto, and a president Ice preslJcnt, secretary, treasurer and one llrector from each congressional district, to bo chosen at tho annual convention of dele gates provided for In tho bill. The prln- Ipal business of tho department will be to hold the state fair annually. Senator Finch introduced two Important measures In tho senato today. Ono pro poses a system of parole for criminals of unsound mind or who aro apparently lrre sponsible for their acts. The bill In brief provides that any district Judgo who has sentenced a prisoner to not more than five years In the state penitentiary, nnd has rea son to bellovo tho prisoners mind is un sound or ho was otherwise Irresponsible for his acts, may suspend Iho sentenre ngalnst him after the prisoner has given bond for $1,000, and Investlgato his case If tho Judgo Is finally convinced that his convictions are correct ho may, upon state ment of the govornor, further suspend his sentence or place him under parole upon tho issuance of another bond of tho same amount as the. first. This Is the first measure bearing upon tho subject of parole which has yet como beforo the assembly, though Gov ernor Shaw recommended a system of stnto parolo In his mcosago this year. Sonator Finch's other bill provides that duplicate returns In sheriffs' sales must bo mado In both the county where goods are sold nnd tho one whero they nro located Hunters on the SeiiNiitloiiul. An afternoon session was held by the houso at which two resolutions bordering on the sensational woto Introduced by Head of Jefferson. Ono proposes to go after the members of tho stato executlvo council who aro members of building nnd loan nsso clatlons. It proposes to request each mem uer oi ino council to stato to tno ucst o! his ability Just what building and loan oi insurauco organization ho Is a member of, what position ho occupies nnd how much salary ho receives In such capacity. Thl Is in lino with tho policy of tho assembly to get down to the bottom of tho building and loan Irregularities In the state, and Is tho result of tho fact that tho executive council parses upon tho building and loan articles of Incorporation in tho state, nnd the stato auditor upon Insurance companies. The other resolution proposes to request Hon. John Cownle. a prominent ngrlcul turlst nnd member of the State Hoard of Control, to cither resign his position a nipmbcr or tno hoard or ns crop reportor, which ho also holds. The resolution pro poses to havo a commlttco nppolntcd to Investlgato and sco If Mr. Cownle- Is not holding two government positions contrary to law. Tho calendar of the house was cleared of twenty-six bills recommended for In dcflnlto postponement, tho operation tnkln not moro than twenty minutes of tho hcs slons time. Three new bills were Intro duced, one by Carr of Polk, in the interest of West Dos Molnos school elections. It proposes to provide moro careful lestrlc tlons on the registration of voters, th holding of elections and canvassing of votes In independent school districts having a population of fi.OOO or more. flftirl to I hiiimc Ctun eiitlnii Uny on Account of I'rolinlile Ituil Weather on Date I'lvcd. SIOUX CITV. Fob! 2G.-(Slicclal Tele- gram.) Oovornor Andrew Leo of South Dakota, nnd his political adviser. M. L Fox, aro in Sioux Cltv toniclu. etermlticd cflort Is being mado to hum the dato of tho national fusion populist conven- j lion nt Sioux Fulls, S. D.. ohnnue.l fr,i.,i May 9 to a dato about the llrst of June. As n leason for this. It Is stated tuerv venr nt about that time there Is a spell of bad wcattier nt Sioux Falls, and It would be very luconvenilent to have tho convention nt such a tlcne. Tho dato of tho convention was llxcd under agreement by the Texas de euatlon. nnd if . I, MUOnllf ,l.o.. 1.- ... - ' m, iinoiu. i mi-mi uii'ii cmii uv aecuicti me date will ho fixed to about threo weeks later. It was tho thought In fixing tho date of tho convention of the fuslonlsts tit May that It would be about ono month In nd- anco of tho democratic convention, hut ns , that has been set for July I, tho first of Juno would give tho fuslonlsts ample time J Governor Leo says Sioux Falls expects 1 bout 12.000 persons at tho convention, nnd ( that school houses will hnve to be utilized to take euro of tho delegate's and other visi tors to tho city. limn MlnlNteiN In Politico. SIOUX CITV, Ia.. Feb. 2(5. (Special.) The Ministerial association of Sioux City has mado Itself a factor In local politics, by tnk Ing up In force the liquor question, which has been agitating tho minds of the penpl of Sioux City, as well ns other places, for several weeks. The ministers called a big miass meeting at tho oppra house, and fully 1,100 persons wero present. Tho principal speakers wcro F. S Dunsheo of Des Molnos attorney for the Des Moines Anti-Saloon lull lllrtls llMfiipc. DAVENPOHT, Ia.. Feb. 20. tSpeclal Tele gram.) Harry Elwell and (luy HobertB broke out of Jail today by poking a bolo through tho cell celling with a mop handle. They lowered themselvPH to tho ground by a ropo made from a hammock, and are s1- ill at large. Patronlzo American goods, especially when you know they are brat, like Cook's Irc- ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Muot Bear Signature of AD SEASON FOR POPULISTS "Aflfr I win Induced lo Irr CVIUCA' Itr.TH, I will ne?Cf b without ttitai In Iho home. ty llrer na nn Terr tuil ihapo. unit my laud achoit and I had t rniach trouble Now. ilnce tk Ine Caicaret. 1 feci due lf wlfo lui alio mod them wltb brnoflcial result (or four atom.tcn." Jos. ttliEUMKa, 1W1 1'ougruss St . St IOuli, Mo. CANDY TRAOC MARK RtOISTtHtO I'loanant, Valatnulo, Potent Taitc (lood. Ito Good, Surer sicken, Weaken, or tlrlpc 10c. Soc.lOc. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... !trll. ILia.4; C.MJ,, V.., Tort. 511 NO-TO-BAC Sold and innrontfcit njr nil 1riic Kltiato V II Hi: Tobacco llnbll. 11 ii tiM for x 1 1 In r IIInIiiiiin, SlOt'X CITV, Kob. 26. (Special Telegram ) Mont Hev. John Hennessey of Dubuque. rchblshon of lhlhumip who Is verv 111 h.m made provision for lightening of his duties n case he recovers. It being learned on un doubted authority thnt ho has suppll"ated ' tho pope to create the olllce of auxlliao , bishop. In doing this ho submitted the 1 name!) of three priests, from which u Hole - i Inn ii-lll li.. ni,t,. r.t,r. ,,A,t ,...,., .,, I ui. ,1.1. iw .mini;. i uj iiuiu uuiurrt m Hi re ns follows: Very Hev. Hoger Hyatt, vicar general of Duhuquo diocese; Hev. Mure Cooney of Waterloo, la., and Hev. P. 1). (1111 of Chicago. These names aro being held by Homo until It Is known whether Archbishop lonncsBOy will recover. If he should die. hh reports tonight would Indlrato as probable, no appointment will bo made. In thu event of tho nrchblBhop'H death tho archdiocese will bo divided. A division has been ru mored, but this Is tho first announcement which Is authoritative. Sioux City would he rtiado tho noo city of the western and new diocese. The decision to divide the arch diocese was submitted to Dishop f'osgrove of Davenport, Illshop Scannell of Omaha. Ulshop Honacum of Lincoln and Hlidiop .cnlhan of Cheyenne and they unanimously favored It. TO GET YOUR MONEYS WORTH SMOKE 5t0 mm CIGARS TRY ONE JOHN G.W00DWARD 8c CO WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS ( CO'vNCIL BLUFFS.IOWA, DOHANY QPERA pSE DeVltt' Witch Hazel Pnlve is unequalled for piles, Injuries and skin diseases. It is tho original Witch Hazel Salve. Ileware of all counterfeits. AM COMUI1M I Mi MOMI V u i:i;k MtiUT, THE REDMOND CO. M1U tIMI'.DII'.S (Ml lilt M S. IN imii'i i.vit run i nic smc :tui'. A ' ! li ll il' sixteen I'rniile All the l,Mlc( Siiiiun nml llnueen. A I'oiiIIiiiioiim I'erftiriiiiuiee, i.aimks ritr.i: mommy mcut. XO'l'l' Illicit iiernon iitireliiiMlnu a lllle ticket iilll lie itlliiueil to rcnci'tr finiitlier Neat free tif elm rue tor n liul). sua JSVcBctablcPrcparationror As similating ilwToodantlRcdula tlig Ihc Stomachs and Bowls of PromotcsDIgcslion.Ckcirul ncssandRest.Contalns neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral, Not Nabcotic. Ktdfit cfOldHrSAMVELnKBSa FumJnn SnJL' Mx.Stnno JM.IU SJlt -j4ninSttit Jkmrmint -iACartanattSal f firm Still -ftanfud Suqar Jjion.SourStoniach.Diorrhoca, ucss and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of TEW "YORK. LXACTCOFVOr WRAPPED. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tlie Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years IA THC CENTAUn CCMPANV. HEW VOHK CITY. A A Iff id rac-Slmlla Wrapper lUlow. V7 wall and aa awf to tke a anenz. FOR HEADACHK. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR IILI0USMESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION CAWIRS lVER BMlli. tTSita I Corel? TftUMe.uS M14ULUKWUIU " Cole's Cycle Savings Bank Wheels Wheels $1.00 Down $1.00 Week. Coles' great sensational odor. Kvory ono can get a wheel. This otter good until April lnt.and only on wheels under SUO. 2. CO down, $2.r0 weekly on same plan an above on Col umbia chain and chainlet and Spalding wheoln. Get our pass book and wivo your money. Money re funded before April 1st, if required. COLE & COLE, 41 MAIN STREET, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. DAY & HESS, COUNCIL BLUFFS Have for sale choice Fruit, Farm and Garden Land near Council Bluffs. 80 acres, mostly in fruit, adjoining city with'J pots buildingri. 33 acres 4 miles east, with buildinirs and fruit. 4 acres, house, barn and fruit, 2.J, miles from post-ollice. 1 aero, with 7 room house, li miles from post-ollice. 8.r aero farm at a bargain. 39 Poarl Si. Telephone 344. Council Bluffs 1 gURE.8 tOK.HEAOAP.H.. t