(1 MOJ? DAY, THE OMAHA DAILY 1JEE: FEBltUAHY 2G, 1900. SPECIAL NQTICES Adt rrt Uciiients for these columns Will he tnkru until 114 m. for (lie CVeiiliiu; rlltlou u ml until HlttO i. m. for tuornliiK nnd Sunday edition. Itnlca. 1 l-Ue n word llrnt Insertion! la n ltiinl thereafter. NntliliiK tuUen for Its til ii ii for the 'first lii-er- tlon. These advertisements must be run -oimeuiitlvcly. Ad ertlacrK, !) requesting: n nom liereil clu-ek, cull have nmiirri nil drcanvil to u iiiiiutir rnl letter In onre of Tins Hee. Anintn mo addressed Tivlll In- delivered on jircucututlon of the cliceU null'. WANTED SITUATIONS. A STENOGRAPHER, r-litn you want on. pleawj call up tho Remington typewriter oinco, 1613 Farnam st.. telephone 13J- A 3w WANTED-MALH HELP. WANTED. Wo havo steady work for a few KOOd hustlers of good habits and appear unco. C. F. Adama Co., Howard 81. B-9QI WE TIJACH the barber trado thoroughly In short time and furnish each graduate wltli a guaranteed position nt good wages. There urn mora than ten barber positions udvertlsed to ono at bookkeeping or short hand, N rite for free catnloguo and par ticulars. Western Harriers' Institute, Omaha. 11-Wi CASH for acceptable Ideas; stnta If pat ented Address. Tho Patent Record. Bal timore, Md. 11-303 WANTED, manager nnd agento; salary or rnintTilflwinn ; (li.itut unit Inrcsl Hue. Hunter Tailoring and Shirt C.. Cincin nati, O. B-MHO AT I picture agents; expenses pald.ljl Cj- SALESMEN to soil omcc specialties; flno side lines; used by all merchants; caiamc free. .Model Mfg. Co., llox II, South llend. Ind. lJ-M38S M16 WRITE quick for traveling Job; straight salary. Triumph Information Co., Dallas, Tcxns. II Mltfl WANTED, salesmen; reliable mon with best references to handle hlh-rlas sto- rfalty: terms very liberal. Holcomb, 80 urecmvicn hi., ;nuw vorK. ii .MiB'J SALESMAN. Ilrst-clnss medical bonk sales man for Nebraska on new special work; slate experience P. Illaklstnn's Son tic CO., l'lillndelphla. II M795 Ml SALESMEN. Automatic Copying Hook Just out; sells Itself: needed by every bust ncss mnn; n bonanza for agents; write at once for exeluslvo territory. Pershing Aug. .o., Houth iiend, I ml. u nisi Mis WANTED, men to learn barber trade; only two months required ; special advantages offered now. freo trnmportutlon to our colleges at Chicago, St. I.nuls and Minne apolis, as wu have no school In Omaha or Denver; beware of cheap Imitations; wo employ our own graduates or will as sist In stnrtlng them In business In liny location; our diplomas allow you work anywhere; write today for catalogue, and particulars. Moler Harber College, Chi cago, III. U-A112I Ml' AT once. n. good printer who plays good baritone In brum anil trombone In or chestra. Everett Moore, llroken How, rei. ii Airai i" WANTED, bookkeeper In packing house onice; must lie experienced, competent anil well recommended; also a clerk for gen ernl ollleo work, with some qtiullllcntlons. A 33, Hoe. II MS2B i AN experienced, nblo life Itisurnnce solid tor, old line; salary nnd commission. Ail dress A 30. nee. B-MSCO 20 GOVERNMENT positions; don't prepare ror any civil service or census examination without seeing our catalogue of Informa tion. Sent free, Columbian Correspond ence I'onege, wusmngioti, u. c. B M87C 26 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; free railroad fare to Denver; free board; tools furnished; positions guaranteed; write for particulars. .Moler Burner college, representative, creignton iiiock. umana. D-M951 3 wanted female help. WANTED. 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 876. C-SKS WANTED, competent young nurpo girl. Call nl 123 So. 33th street. C-171 WANTED girl for general housework. Ap ply 3905 Leavenworth. C M575 GIRL for general housework In small family: wages it per week Apply 1213 H. 7th street. C M823 '- WANTED, experienced sales ladles In lace department, veiling department nnd lining department. Only such ns have had nt least ii year's experience need apply. Boston Store, J. I nrnndela gc Sons, pro prietors. C-M331 27 -l'OR HUNT HOUSES. IP YOU wnnt your nouses well rented place, them with Henowa & Co. D 906 CHOICE houses, cottages, stores, Hcnrv 11. Payne. 001 N, Y. Life. 'Phone. 1018. D-907 HOUSES, store. Bcmls. Pnxton block. D-90S MAOfiAUD Van & Storage. 1010 Can Ave Tel. H'JC. HOUSES for rent In all ports of thocltv Urcnnnn-l.ovo Co., 3) So. 13th Btreet D-910 HOUSES to rent. Y. Life. It. C. Patterson. 30T. N. D-913 irOUSE and Hats, lllngwalt, Harker hlk D-914 " FOH HENT-To small family; 7-room coN tnge In good repnlr; city water Inside cistern; coal shed; 22nd and California BtB 23. Inquire at C07 N. 19th St. Dai3 IP YOIT need n tennnt list your houses with W. V. Hedges, 509 Paxton block D-1S0 HOUSES, etc. P. D. Wend. 1521 Douglaji D-119 POIl KRNT. 2312 Seward st. 5-room cot- tage, city water, 10. 845 So. S3d St., 4-room flat, city water, llo. 2303 N. 23th Bt.. 9-ruom house, city water. SIS. tC04 Decatur St., 7-room house, city water, SIC, Will renovate tliroughout. This Is a bar gain OMAHA I.OAN .-i TltUST CO.. 10th and Douglao St. m D-MMS ALWAYS moving H. H. goods. Pianos. OHlco 131HJ Pamam st. Tel. 1J33 or N3. D-364 POH KENT, two nlco seven-room houses In samo yard, almost opposite UemU park; all modern except furnace; are now bH'ig papered anil painted throughout. V 111 rent for J20 each to good tenants with references. OMAHA WAN & THUBT CO.. ICth and DoukI.ii Bt. D-MOH FOH HUNT-HOUSES. It rooms, nil modern. 210 N. 19th $15.00 I rooms, partly modern, 2.'lti Leaven worth 22.DO I rooms, partly modern, 1513 S Mth 1.00 J rooms, partly modern, 221 N. I4tli 22.&0 lyvo 7-room houses near 20th and Popplo ton nve. til and $15. THE HVHON-HEED CO., 212 S. 14th St. D-M733 PINE modern residence, 12 rooms, on motor C'arke, 213 Hoard of Trade. . D-XI692 M3 PUHNISHED or unfurnished hnusiTof 9 rooms, 1921 Locust St. D 777 27 NINE-HOOM house, modern, 22tM Harney D-MSC7 US 8. 2Tdh st., 9-r. mod. br. terraco, $35. 51fl Emmet, new 4-r. cottage, $1. XM1 Hlondo, C-r. cot., city water, $S. Also u few others. 36 V 8, Nat. Ilk. Hldg. D-MSail 2i! PAWNllllOKI'ltS, JEFFERSON Squaro Loan OITIcc. 41S N. 11 -Wl EAOLE Loan Olllcc. reliable, aecommodat. Ing, all business lomldcntlal, 1301 Douglas. rou iii-nt-puhnisiiiir rooms. THREE nice rooms for housekeeping, 1111 nouih Eleventh. i;-.mw FURNISHED rooms, modern. 2JM Harney. E-1C6 28 FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 2023 St. aiary s. i; .moti m- Ft'HNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing, 2IJO Dodge. K iU2o V' FOH HENT, partly furnished large south rront parior; monern nouse. iiis usugias. K M92I 2i' HOOM8 for couple, for care of modern, convenient Hat. Inquire Photo. Gallery, 91S N. 21th street. PL'ltMSIli:i UOOMS AM) HOAItl). THE Mcrrlam family hole!, 23th and Dodge. P 913 TO 2 gentlemen, In private family. 2020 St Mary's Ave. . P 913 HANDSOME steam-heated front room, with board. 1903 Capitol uvenue. P-M727 20 HEATHICE HAHLOW. elegant massage, mo nam: Arauian treatment. Fiat f, 3174 N. luth, P M79S Ml THE I It ATT, front room, with alcove. Tel, iw-. a. SjIJi st. p SU2 FOH HENT, nicely furnished room with noiirii. ziuz cass, p 01932 3" FINE accommodations by Thursday for a select tew desiring n rellned home, pleas ant surroundings, cholco rooms steam heated, excellent board, unsurpassed locu tion, largo grounds, one minute to park line; stable In connection; references ex changed. OH H. 27th st. P 970 Ss I'Olt ItHNT STOItUS AM) OPPICKS. FOIt HENT, store in first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply H. C Peters St Co., ground Iloor, Hee bldg. 1203 FOH HENT, brick warehouse, two floors, each COQW feet; power elevators; U. P. truckage. Apply Haurmanu Uros., 1914 So. 20th. 1-020 STOHEHObM. 1100 Fnrnam St. John N. Prenzer. Opp. old P. O. I C3'J STOUE HOOM, 1100 Farnntn. Opp. old P. O. I -633 AtlllJSTS WANTED. "LIFE OP MOODY," 600 pages. 200 lllus., authorized edition; best com, credit given, Hlxenbaugh & Co., Ware block, Omaha. J 747 AO E NTS' IIONANZA! THE IDEAL POLISH! Cleans nnd polishes ANY metal. LASTING LUSTER, easy work. 417 South 10th St. J MM I M12 WANTED TO 11EXT. WANTED, to rent, or 9-room modern house In good locality. Address A 15. Hee OHlco. K M731 STOHAtiE. PACIFIC Storage nnd Wnrehouso Co.. 012 914 Jones, general storngo and forwarding. 9U OM. Van Stor. Co., IGIPj Farn. Tel. 1539, SC3. M-3G3 WANTED TO 11UV. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co., 1408-10 Dodge. Tel, 2020. N-022 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Dunk accounts. Ilrcnnnn Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. N-923 AMERICAN dealer: tiuy seconflhand furni ture and Btoves 1719 Cuming. Tel. 1073. N-291 ELK teeth. A. Edholm, Jeweler, 107 N. ICth. N-M771 CAVALRY horses for the Trunsvnal wanted. Monday nnd Tiesday we will hnvo a buyer for horses nnd mares for cavalry purposes. Must be practically sound, dark colors, 1 to 8 years old, broke to drive and rldo; ono class 15 hands and nnother 15 two to thrco. Bring them to us Monday or Tuesday. Walworth-Hllllker Co., Union Stock Yards, South Omaha. N M9I2 2G WANTED, second-hand hack In good re pair; send description and price to Lock Hox 7, Wymore, Neb. POIl HAM 1IOHSF.H, VKIIICI.BS, ETC. TOP nUOOY for sale. In good condition. U 40, Hee. P M190 POIl HALE MISCUI.LANKOUS. CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing nnd hog fences, 901 Douglas at. Q 921 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc Council Drug Co., 1513 Dodge St. Q 933 POH SALE, ten H-I-P-A-N-S for & cents nt druggists. One gives relief. Q 926 H. HAAS, Florist, 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 770. Plants, cut flowers, boquets, hall, resi dence, wedding and grave decorations Orders by mall or express promptly tilled Q-937 INDIAN relics, mounted heads. ll!Farn'm Q-92S 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1110 Farnnm Q323 SAFES, buy, sull, exc. Schwartz, 111 s. 13. Tel. 1C97 Q-930 NEW bicycle tires. $2.23. $2.50 and $3.00. Good secondhand wheels, $s, $10 and $12 Omaha Hlcycle Co., 10th und Chicago Sts. Q-331 $183 WILL buy flno Stelnwny upright: cash or time. Address W 4G, Hea. Q MS3S HEAUTIFUL Voso piano. Smith Premier typewriter cheap; cash or payments. Ad dress, X 60 Dec office. Q 031 FOR SALE, pldowulk plank, nil widths, ii to 12 Inches, nnd B, S and 10 feet lengths C for $3.t) per thousand feet. Also kindling wood at $1.00 n load. Chicago Hnuso Wrecking Co., Exposition Grounds, 'Phono 2501. Q S09-S1I SIISCEM.ANEOIJS. NOTICE, country denlers. Idhand furnlturo & stoves nt lowest prices, cnrload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co., 1406-10 Dodgo. R-1132 FOR RENT, barn, nt 2020 St. Mnrys' Ave. H-3S0 CLAIHVOVANTS, MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, SOS N. 16th. S-933 MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1005 Dodge 8-131 MME. PALMER, medium. Res. 1707 Cass st 8-.M7IS M20 Sl.VSS.VCE AM) IIATHS. Mlta. HERRY, bathi. maraage. PARLORS best In city. 119 N 16th. 2d floor; opp P o. T-1.0-M 2 ELITE PARLORS. 015 So. ICth. UDStnlr.. T 607 20 MME. SMITH, room 2, llSVj N. 15th T-M937 S HEATHICE ITAHLOW, elegant massage. tub b.iths; Arabian treatment. 3I7U s. ,5.,i',ll',t J'-MH n MAY WILSON, liuth, mussnge. filfl S. lfith. P-M977 M12 l'laitso.v.vL. VIA VI, woman's way to health. 316 Hoe bid. U-1KI0 8HAMPOOINO SSc. hair dressing 25c, hair nnd toilet goods, best equipped, Monhelt. 151S Pumnm. Tel. 21SJ. U-937 MONHEIT. lending chiropodist. ISIS Far nnm, 2d Iloor. Tel. 2333. U-!J UrlP tedS?. VJ-t ln "rth iW' c" ' In'iulra 2124 Locust. V'-IOS TTT-i.timm. ,,, 1 . i. ., ,' I 1 ViJ..1 ' ,U cu.rSa' r2lt.nlf0 Vnl,V, no ' .n"r;. Sen' S.'- laiT ,Kmre Llu,)- I tu-o Cure. 932 N. 1. Life Hldg.. Omaha. ' 311 LIE HEN, coatumer, catalogue. 1313 Howard. Get U-943 personal. PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing connnemeni; Dapies auoptta. unci. 11. U-910 ALL dlseiMcs of tho feet skillfully treated FHEE for tho bonclltsof students. Miss ... jrw . fill. ....! I ... r. n.l U 130 2$ PI,EAT!NO and pleated aklrt oTatt kinds, HflMn... f . 1 . nnllnln. Itrtl1s U 5jj DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns, superfluous hair removed by electricity, r, 12, Prenzer block. U-679 PROP. LUND positively destroys corns, bunions, warts, moles, ill Karbach Hlk. U-643 M17 HYGIENIC TREATMENT, bath parlors for ladles only by 11 rst -class Indy attendants, electric nnd mngnttlc treatment by new nnd Improved apparatus. Rooms 216. 21S and 220. life Hldg. Telephone 1716. Surah A, Glenn, manager. U M902 27 WANTED, un educated Italian (lady pre ferred) to tench the language. Address A 17, Hee oflice. U-976 27 MONEY TO LOAN HUAI. 13STATI-. PRIVATE money, 5, G&, 6 per cent; no de lay. Garvin IJrus., 1013 Farnum. W 936 MONEY to loan on Neoroswa and Iowa frms; lowest rates. Urennan-Lovo Co., 30 S. 13th, Omaha. W-9II PRIVATE money. P. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas W-94S WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds nnd warrants. It. C. Peters 6c Co., 1702 Fnrnam St., Ueo Uldg. W 918 6 PER CENT money. Hemls, Paxton block. W-B19 MONEY to loan on flrstclnss Improved city property or for building purposes. Payno Knox Co., N. Y. L. W-939 B, 5t4, 6 per cent loins on Omahn. S. Omaha. W. II. Thomas, 503 1st Nat, bank. Tel. 164S. W-051 MONEY to loan nt 5 and 5H per cent on Omaha property. W. U. Melkle, 401 8. 16th, FIVE per cent farm loans. Chas. E. Wil liamson. W-953 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha, real estate llrcnnan-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. W-031 $100 to $5,000. 1512 Davenport. W-M715 F23 $1,000 and tipwnrds to loan on Improved city property anil fnrms. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnnm. W-9IJ SIONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. I-P-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y S-E-E-US Wo have n large amount to loan on house hold furniture, pianos, organs, warehouse receipts, horses, carriages, etc. You con get tho money within a lew hours after mnklng application. WE CHARGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR PILING PAPERS. Wo give you as much tlmo as you need and you mny repay the loan as soon as you choose nnd you need not pay fr,r It ONE DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Tel. 2295. 306 South 16th Street. 8-A-L-A-R-Y-L-O-A-N-S . From $10.00 up made to people permanently employed in OMAHA, SOUTH OMAHA nnd COUNCIL BLUFFS. You enn borrow of us on your own name, without endorser or mortgngc. We ar range tho payments as easy us Is possible, nllowlug you to pay ALL or IN PAIlT AT ANY TIME AND YOU PAY FOR THE MONEY UPiLi WHAT TIME YOU KEEP IT. Our business Is confidential. Omaha Mortguge I.oan Co. Hoom 119. 306 South ICth Street. Hoard of Trado Bldi;. Tel. 2295. X-957 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without enunrser or mortgage. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST RATES. No enquiries made of em. ployer or friends. You can borrow any amount nnd repay on ensy weekly or monthly payments. Reforo borrowing tee us. OMAHA CREDIT CO., suite 625-520 N. Y. LifO Uldg. X 958 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS, diamonds, watches, on easy payments, un known to others; you keep the goods, each payment lessens the cost of tho loan; no charge ror papers nnu wo inn kg no in quiries ol your neighbors. HERGERS' LOAN CO., 1501 Farnam, over U. & M, ticket oflice. . X 959 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jowclry. Duff Green R, S.ltnrker blk. X-900 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent nosltlon with resnonslbla concerns upon their own names without security, - . . M',. 1 ... -A.' T V T nil UUBJF I'll --Milan, IVU .1. -. Ii, 11IUK. X-961 MONEY loans on furniture, rigs, bicycles diamonds, watches, etc.: navmcr.t nn. known to friends. Omaha Loan Hank, 1410 Parnain, upstairs. X 962 LOANS TO SALARIED TEOPLE em ployed In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs, holding gooil positions, on their own names; NO MORTGAGE; BEST TERMS; everything private; money can uo paiu dick in small wecKiy or montniy payments. American Loan Co., Room 001, Bee Bldg. X 9C6 MONEY loaned on olanos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. P. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-8G5 LOANS made salaried people on personal note without seourlty: rates reasonable. J. W. Tayloo, 218 1st Nat'l bank., 13 to 6 P. m. X-963 MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. J. W. Tayloe, 218 First National bank building; 12 to 6 p, m. X-961 11USIM1SS CHANCES. FOR SALE A new nnd clean stock of gen eral merchandise in n good northeast Ne braska town. Address, X62 Hee. Y MCI5 27 FOR RENT, a good store room In good location. In good town. Address box 87, Norfolk, Neb. Y M730 20 $4,501 clean, new stock of general mdse. in county seat of 2,500; cash or will trado for eastern Neb. or Iowa land. A 23, Hee Y M821 27 FOR SALE, for cash, $3,000 stock dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, gloves, mittens and notions In a good town In Nebraska, also storn building and dwelling. A 31, Hee. Y-M81S M7' FOR SALE, the business nnd stock of gen eral merchandise of Aaron Harnett, de ceased, late of West Point, Neb.; this Is n flno opportunity; tho stock can be bought either for ensh or on time with good se curity; do not delugo me with lptters. If ynu mean business call on me at West Point, Neb. L. Rosenthal, administrator. Y Mb02 POIl exciiaxcji;. CLEAR vacant .ot near 27th nnd Chicago. 60x140, $1,250. Will trado for good rental property and pay cash difference. George Q. Wallace, 313 J, J. Hrown block. Z-441 POIl SAMS HEAL, KSTATIS. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS: LOW EST RATES on LOANS: SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life Uldg. RE-907 81 FEIST front on N. 21th St., near Parker, with 9-room house und barn. A simp. $3 3(1 No.' 528 N. 32d at., 10 rooms. Don't miss this. $3.S00. Lot 4, block 3. Drake's addition on Daven port St. $6G0, Lot 8, block 5, Hanscom Plnce, 7-room house, modern, large barn ,nt h bargain. 11. R. HALL. 901 N. Y. LIFE. RE-M92i FOR SALE or exchange, corner, 2572 Doug las, unincumbered, for Chicugo residence. Owner, 6017 Ktmbark avenue, Chicago. RE-M315 2 AND W South 20th St.. two houses; ror),-, rm per year. clH,' . W-W0. S. W. corner S'lth Ave. and Jackson St., K fet -" 'l-"" hy 150 deen: snan $900. Acre lots. 15ixlS9 feet. Prutf sub.. S. W. of Hanscom park. $i30 each. 160 acres smooth land S. W. of Benning ton; tair improvements; iu per acre. JOHN N, FREN5CEH, Opp. old P. O. HE-G49 FOR SAM HUAI. ESTATE. BARGAINS FEBRUARY J4. 1900. C. F. HARRISON & OHO. T. MORTON. 913 N. Y. Life. 1 Tel. 3U or 2012 F. 3110 Marcv, neilr Park Ave. nnd Leavenworth, 7 larrfe rooms, liotnxj Just completed, ftilLlot; only $3,500. A down-town brick and frame row, rental $1,000 a y.arv" Price, $10,000. Wanted, a Part-am Hill house. Will pay $7,M0 lsh for right tiling. IOOK FOR THIS "AD" HEGUIARLY. RE-S33-24 HOUSES, lots, fnrms, lan.s, loans; also flra Insurance. Hemls, Paxton blk, RE 970 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only sea S. A. Broadwcll, 501 N. Y. Life Hldg. RE-972 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire- insurance, iiemis, iaxton o k. it-iiKi HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson. 305 N. Y. L. RE-M312 A BARGAIN, four acres. 40th nnd Pacific, two blocks from car line, on belt rnll road, $2,600; easy terms. McCngue In vestment Co., 1500 Dodge. RE-903 BARGAINS wanted, bargains for sale all tho time. A. P. Tukey, Hoard ot Trade. RE-745 C. F. HARRISON, FARMS, FARM LOANS RE-557 Mil HENRY H. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate Rentals, Loans, Insurance. nE-97fl A FINE stock fnnn for sale or exchange; wo have 11 130-ncre farm. 2S miles from Omahn, near Arlington, Neb.; tho owner will tnke $T,O0O or $0,000 In Omaha prop erty as part of purchase price. This Is worth Investigation, as the prop erty will bo sold at a great bargain. Price, $.15 per ncre, or $I5,0"0. PAYNE-KNOX CO., Solo Agents, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg.. Omaha. HE M731 Zi FOR SALE, flvo lots In Drake's nddltlon to Omaha, which can be sold In a bunch for $2,000.00. Also one nice lot, Dodge 29th. for $1,000.00. Tho Byron Reed Co., 212 So. Hth SL RE-73S-2G FOR SALE, at 36th California streets, three line resldenco lots nt $050.00 apiece, on easy terms. Tho Byron Reed Co.. 212 So, Hth St. RE 739-26 SNAPS In reil estate, money to lonn. L. L. Johnson Co., 311 S. 15th St. RE-374 IF YOU hnve a bargain to offer In real estate sec 8. A. Broudwoll, 601 N. Y. Llfo. RE 908 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. St per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co., 1625 Farnam St. Telephone 1281. 9-4 REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and supplies. 1619 Farnam. 938 TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam. -338 i r LOST. IX1ST. on Farnam between 21th nnd 36th streets, cnrrlago rbbo. Reward for return to 3614 Jnckpon. Lost-M922 2G SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S.school. 717 N. Y. Life. 930 AT OMAHA Bus. dbllece. 16th & Douglas. ' I -9S1 BOYLES. college court reporter principal. Beo bldg -9S2 NERRA8KA Buslnrss & Shorthand col lege. Boyd's theater. , -9S3 DANCINXI SCIIOOIJ. SPRING TERM Morand's dancing school begins this weok; children Wednesdays and Saturdays; adults Tuesday and Friday 8 p. m.: nttend the assemblies, Cretghton Hall Wednesday and Saturduy. 8:30 p. m. and learn the now dances, selute waltz, cako walk two step, and Cuban wnltx. Admission, couple, 50 cents. 8S0 F 28 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute. 615 N. Y. Llfo Bldg., Allco Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Glil E. Johnson, Osteopathia, mgr. -933 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., ot Still school, Klrksvllle, Mo.. 004 Paxton blk. Tel. 1307. 991 "RESULTS TELL." Osteopathy has cured where other methods have failed. Albert T. Hunt, D. O.. Sulto 303 Karbach blk., 16th and Douglas. Tel. 2332. 320 M5 MAOSBTIC INFIHMAIIY. THE NEXT class In tho Nebraska School of Magnetism begins March 1; positions nt from $30 to $05 a mouth guaranteed. Call or wrlto Prof. Theo. Kharas, 1515 1517 Chicago street, Omaha, Nob. BICYCLES. EXAMINE Crescent, Tribune, Olive, Fow ler, $25 to $50; $1 down, any nmount a week. Flescher, 1622 Capitol Avo. 479 MERCHANT TAILORS. BEN COHEN, artistic tailor. 404 N. ICth St. 879 F2i FURNITURE REPAIRING. PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S, Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. 989 MAGNETIC HEALING. THE Weltmcr mnll course, absolutely free. II. H. Ytites, Shenandoah, la. AUCTIONEERS. OMAHA AUCTION Cp. Satisfaction guar-anteedi- 620 N, ICth C -Telephone 2168. M743 STAMMERING A NT) STUT'I riCHINO. r CURED, Julia VuugBnn, 430 Ramge Rldg. MANTELS, tjtpC, ORATES. WELSHANS & HOtilROOK, 303 8. 17th St., mantles, tile lloor'liFates, repair work. M-410 M10 UUIC1C ONE million bulldlttg brick. Nebraska Brick Co., south uma-u. Teiepnono, 340. H SjB aw FOItfiJjj-SK. 66X132. with tracka enr heart of city. 573 F13 W 36, Bee, HQT.iaLP. METROPOLITAN. )Wmnnrr, Mgr.; $1 to $1.25. 12th and DoiUlaC 'Phone 244. jj M796 LAUNDRY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1W Lcovenw'h. Tel. 647 -997 FURNITURE PACKING. OM. Van Stor. Co., 151R4 Farn. Tel. 1553, S63. TRUNK FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired, Om, Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam -930 EB-'iOnO AriFWTI !pU CWPATtKCH'S " nCHKfOO'ROUNDS, CYUNpER Pianos and Hand Oran R I -C7 a n WA.V1 nnoSr1 (Mr I" T UIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird ftore. 1603 Leavenworth. -930 NICKEL PLATING. CYCLE PARTS-A1I kinds plating. Omaha Plating Co., Ben Bldg., Tel. 2G35. 441 STOCKHOLDER! MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that tho regular annual meeting of tho stockholders of tho South Platto Land company will bo held at tho ollleo of snld company ln Lincoln, Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m., on tho first Wednesdny.ln Mnrch, A. D, 1300, being tho 7th day of tho month. Uy order of the board of directors. C. II. -MORRILL, A. D. MINOR, President. Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., February 6, 190ft Feb. B-d30t STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice, rs hereby given thnt the annual meeting of stockholders of Tho Beo Pub lishing company will be held at their ollleo, corner 17th nnd Farnam streets, in tho city of Omaha Neb., on Monday, March 6th, 1900, at 4 o'clock p. m. E. HOSEWATHR, President. GEO. II. TZSCHUCK. Secretary. F 21mAe-10t I'OSTOFPICH NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all Interested, as changes mny occur nt nny time.) Foreign mulls for the week ending March 3, 1900, will close (PROMPTLY In nil crtses) nt tho General Postolllce, ns follows: Parcels post ipalls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for act-many close ut D p. 111. Friday. TrniiN-Atlitntlc Mulls. W E DNESDA Y A t 9 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. in.) for EUROPE, ier s, s. Teu tonic, via Queenstowii; at U a. 111. (sup plementnry 10:30 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Frleslnnd, via .Southampton nnd Ant werp (letters must bo directed ' per s. H. Frleslnnd"); ut 9 u. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Ems, via Naples (letters must tx directed "per s. 8. Ems"). THURSDAY At 7 n. in. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT and BRIT ISH INDIA, per s. s. La Normnndle, via. Havre (letters for other parts of Eu rope) must be directed "per s. s. La Nor maudla"j. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for NETHER LANDS, per s. s. Rotterdam, via Rotterdam (letters must bo di rected "per s. h. Rotterdam"); nt 9 a. m. for ITALY, per h. s. Kaiser Wll helm II. via Naples (tetters must bo di rected "per s. s. Knlser Wllhelm II"): at 11 n. m. for NORWAY, per s. b. Thlng Valla, via Christian!., (letters must bo di rected "per s. s, Thlngvulla"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - German Btenmcrs sailing on Tuesdays take printed matter, etc., for Germany, nnd specially addressed printed mutter, etc., for other parts of Europe. American nnd Whlto Star steamers on Wednesdays, German steamers on Thursdays nnd Cunnrd, French and German steamers on Satur days take printed mutter, etc., for ail countries for which they ure udvertiscd to carry mail. After tho closing of tho supplementary transatlantic malls named above, addi tional supplementary mulls are opened on tho piers of the American, English, French nnd Gerinun steamers, una remain open until within ten minutes of thu hour of sailing of steamer. Mnlln for Sontli 11 nil Cent rnl Amerlcn, Wast Indies, Etc. MONDAY At "2:30 n. m. for NASSAU. N. P., per steamer from Miami, Pla.; at 2 p. m. for BARBADOS und NORTH BRA ZIL, per s. s. Sobrulcnse, via Para, and Munnos. T U EH DA Y At 10 a. tn. for BRAZIL, per s. h. Llvoruo. via Pernambuco nnd San tos (letters for North Ilruzll und La Plata Countries must be directed "per s. s. Llvorno"); nt 10 11. m. for 1NAOUA, HAITI und SANTA MARTA, per s. s. Helvernon; at 12.30 p, m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for BERMUDA. ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX, LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS, per s. s. Pretoria (letters for Porto Rico, via Sun Juun, Grenada and Trlnldiid must be- directed "per s. s. Pretoria"); at 1 p. m. for PONCE. Porto Rico, per s. s. Mne (let ters for other purts of Porto Rico must bo directed "per s, s. Mno"0; at 0 p. m. for JAMAICA, per steamer from Bos ton. WEDNESDAY-At "2:30 a. m. for NAS SAU, N. P., per steamer from Miami, Flu.; nt 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trlnlt'nd: nt 9:30 n. m. (sunnlementnry 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Finance, via Colon (letters for Guatemala must be di rected "per s. s. Finance"); nt 10:30 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per U. S. transport Burnstde, via San Junn; nt 1 p. m. for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAM PEC HE, TA BASCO nnd CHIAPAS, ier s. a. Orizaba, via Havana nnd Progreso (loiters for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Orizaba"); ut 1 p. m. (sup plemenlury 1:30 p. m.) for NASSAU, N. P.. per s. 8. Antlllu; at 2 p. in. for PER NAMBUCO nnd SANTOS, per h. s. East ern -Prince (letters for other parts of Brazil upd La Plata Couutrlcx must bo directed ,ier s. B. Eastern Prince"). THURSDAY At 1 a. m. for JAMAICA, per steamer from Philadelphia; at 1 p. in. (supplementury 1:30 p. m.) for NASSAU and SANTIAGO, per 8. s. Santiago. FRIDAY At 1 P. m. for JAMAICA, per 8. s. Erna (letters must bo directed "per s. s. Erna"); at 1 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. ra.) for TURKS ISLAND und DO MINICAN REPUBLIC, per a. 8. Cher kee. SATURDAY-At "2:30 n. m. for NASSAU, N. P., per steamer from Miami, Fla.; nt 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 8A VANILLA, CARTHAGENA and GREY TOWN, per s. s. Ateno (letters for Costn Rlcn. must bo directed "per 8. h. Aiene"); ut 10:30 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prlns William V (letters for Curncno, Venezuela, Trinidad, British nnd Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. s. Prlns William V"); at 11 u. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per 8. a. Silvia; ut 11 a. m. for CUBA, per 8, a. Havana, via Havana; nt 11 a. in. for MEXICO, per s. s. Mutanzas. via Tnmplco (letters must bo directed "por 8. 8. Mutunzus"); nt 12 in. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Asiatic Prince; nt 1 p. in. for NUEVITAS, GI 11ARA, BARACOA and PUERTO PA DRE, per s. s. Olludu. SUNDAY At 8:30 p. m. for ST. PIERRE MIQUELON, per steamer from Halifax, Malls for Newfoundland, by rati to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, closo at this office daily nt 8:30 p, in, (connecting closo here every Monday, Wednesday nnd Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon. by rail to Boston, und thence by Hteumer, closo nt this ollleo dally at 8:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail tn Port Tampa. Fla., nnd thence by stenmer, close ut this ollleo dally (except Monday) at "7 a. m. (the connecting cloies ure on Sunday, Wed nesday und Friday). Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fla., and thenco by stenmer, closo nt this oflice every Monilay, Tues day nnd Saturduy at "2:30 a. in. (the con necting closes ure on Tuesday nnd Satur day). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially uddressed for dispatch by steamer, close nt this office dally ut 2:30 n. m. and 2:30 p. m. Mnlls for Costa Rica, Belize. Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, nnd thenco bv steamer, close at this nfflco dally at '"3 p. rn. (connecting closes hero Tuesdays for Costa Rica anil Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala). '"Regis tered mall closes at 6 p. in. previous day. "Registered mall closes at 6 m. second day before. Trnna-rncirtr Mnlls. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and the Philippine Islands, via Han Fran cisco close here dally at 0:30 p, m, up to March 2d, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. America Mum, Mulls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hero dnlly nt 6:30 p. 111. up to March 2d, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Aus tralia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via Han Francisco), Hawaii ami Fill Islands, via, Vaneouveri close here dally at 0:30 p. m. up to March 3d, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Anrnngl. Malls for China nnd Japan nnd Philippine Islands, vln Seattle, closo hero dnlly at 0:30 p, m. up to March Oth for dispatch per a, h. Kinshlu Maru (registered letters must be directed "via Seattle"). Malls for Ha waii, China, Jnpan and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, closo here dally nt 0:20 p. m. up to March 10th, inclusive, for dlsputch per s, 8. City of Peking. Mnlls for Australia (ox cept West Australia), New Zea land. Hawaii, FIJI and Samo.Mi Islands, via San Francisco, close hern dally nt 0:30 p. m. nfter March 3d' nnd up tr, March 17th, Inclusive, or on day of nrrlval of s. s. Campania, due at New York March 17th, for dispatch per s. 8. Marlpngu. Mulls for China and Japan, via Van couver, close here dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to March 20th, Inclusive, for dispatch per 8, 8. Empress of India (registered mull must be directed "via Vancouver"). Mnlls for Society Islands, via San Fran- POSTOFFICIJ NOTICE. Cisco, close here dnlly nt 6:30 p. m, up to March 26th, Inclusive, for dlipateh by ship Tropic Bird. Transpacific mnlls nre forwarded to port of sailing dnlly and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mall closes at 0 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster, Postofllce, New York, N. Y February 23. 1900. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited .a 8:50 nni Tho Fast Mnll a 9:00 nm Tho Colorado Special., .1111:55 pm The Portland Special. . .a 8:50 am Lincoln, Beatrice nnd Stromsburg Express.. b 4:10 pm rnclflc Express a 1:25 pm n 7:20 pm a 3:25 pm a 6:35 nm a 4:40 pm 1)12:25 pm a 0:35 am Urn ml Island Local. ...b 6:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket office, 1402 Farnnm street. Tele pnun. 2ts. Depot, Tentn and Mason streets. Leave, a 12:10 pm a 7:35 pm b 7:0Q am a 7:33 pm Arrive, a 4:05 pm a S:15 am b 9:40 pm a 8:15 am Chicago Express Chicago Limited Minneapolis and St. Paul Express Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited Port Dodgo Locnl from Co. Bluffs b 1:30 pm b 10:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sundays. FREMONT. ELKIIORN & Missouri Valley Railroad "Tho Northwestern Line" General Offices, United States National Uk. Hldg.. 9 W. Corner Twelfth unit TAirnnm HI. TlnUef Office. HOI Farnnm Bt. Telephone 561. Do-po- 15th und Webster Sts. Teiephono 1133. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dendwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper nnd Douglas .... d 3:00 pm o 6:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward.... b 3:00 pm b 5:00 Dm Norfolk. Vcrdlgra and P Fremont b 7:30 am bi0:25 am Lincoln, Wuhoo and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am Fremont Locnl 0 7:30 n a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Daily except Saturday, e Dally except Mondnv. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Lin." City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phono 661. Depot. Tenth und Mnson Streets. Tele phone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Clol Chicago Passenger Spe- a 6:40 am a 4:15 pm a11:55 pm aioao am j-nstern i-;xpress. ues Moines, Marshalltown, Ccdir Hnplds and Chi cago al0:55 am Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East a 4:55 pm Past Mall, Chicago to Omaha Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:30 pm Fast Mall a Dally. a 4:05 pm a 4:05 pm a 2:45 pm a 8:00 am a 8:30 am CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omnha Hallway "The North western Line" General Offices, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th nnd Wobster Sts. City Ticket Office. 1401 Parr.am St, and Webster Sts, Teiephono 561. Depot, 16th Leave, Arrive Twin City Passenger.. .a 0:00 am a 9:00 pm Omaha Passengei all:20 am Sioux City & North- ara east Nebraska a 3:10 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" General Offices, United Stntes National Hank Building. S. W. Corner Twelfth Office, 1101 Farnam St. Teiephono 601. De pot, Tenth & ilason Sts. Teiephono 023, Lcnvo. Arrive. Twin City Express n 6:50 am al0:50 pm Twin City Limited a 7:20 pm u 8:15 am Sioux City Local a S:00 am a 4:20 pm a Dally. OMAHA A ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "Tho Qulncy Route" Tlckot Of lice, 1415 Fnrnam Street. Telephone. 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Toe. ohone. i;2!i Leave. Cannon Ball & 4:45 nm Arrive. a 8:35 pm a 8 35 am St. Louis Express i-xprcss ..a 4:43 pm Kansas City and Quincy I.ne . 6:40 am a 8:50 pm a Dally CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route." City Tick et Olllct, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone 428. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, 023. Leave. Arrive. Des Moines and Daven port Local a 7:05 am bll:3S am Chicago Express bll:15 am a 8:10 am Chicago Past Expres..a 5:on pm a 1:33 pm St. Paul Express a 5:00 pm bll:35 am Lincoln, Colorado Spies., Denver, Pueblo and Wes- a 1:30 pm a 4:23 pm Des Moines, Hock Isl and and Chicago a 7:23 pm a 5:50 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer. a 5 65pm a 9:20 am a Daily, b Daily except Sunday. . BURLINGTON & MIS sourl River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Offleos, N. W. Corner Tenth und Farnam Sts. Ticket office, 1502 Far nam street. Tolcnhone. 250. Depot, nhunc. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telo- 128. Leave. Arrlvo. Lincoln TT-ioHnm a find McCnok a 8:10 am a 7:23 pm Lincoln, Denver. Colo rado, Utnh. Callfornia.a 4:2j pm a 3:00pm Lincoln, Black Hills, Montana & Puget Sound , a 4:25 pm u 3:00 pm Lincoln Ijcat a 7:00 pm nl05 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm al0:33 am Denver, Colorado Utah & California all:63 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. nUHLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Routo" Ticket Office, 130S Fnrnam St. Tel., 250. Dopot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Teiephono, 128. I.envn. Arrive. Daylight Express . a 7:30 nm Chicago Special . all:59 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex a 4:00 pm n 7 45 nm Chicago Local Express. a 8:50 am a 1:05 pm Chicago Limited ..a 7:30 pm a 7:15 am l'aciiic junction ici..iu.ij ui Fast Mali a 2:15 pm n Dally. KANSA8 CITY, 3T. Jo seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Routo" Ticket Office, 1E02 Farnnm mreet nhone. 250. Depot. Tele. Tenth Tele. Iuud Mason Streets, nhone. 128. Leave. Arrive, a 0:17 pm a 0:15 am Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 8:50 am Kansas City Night Ex .alOilS pm St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis.. a 4:55 pm all:15 am a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC HAIL road General Offices nnd Ticket OlllcC Southeast Cor ner Hth nnd Douglas Sts. Telephone, 101. Depot, 15th nnd Webster Sts. Telephone, 1133. Ieave. Arrive. St. Louis, Kansas 8c Neb. Limited a 2:30 pm al2:55 pm K. CSt. L. Expross....a 9:50 pm a 5:60 am Nebruska I.ocul Via Weplng Water b 6:0.,pm a 3:45 am a Dtlly. b Dally excopt Sunday CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE 4 Ht, Puiil Hallway City Ticket Office. 1504 Fnrnam Street. Teiephono 2il. Depot, Tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone C23. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex... .11 7:35 pm a 8:30 am Chicago tc Omaha Ex..bU:00 am b 3:55 pm Sioux City and Des Moines Express . . hll-no am b 3:U Dm a Dally, b Dully except Sunday. A-A UNIONPAvUFIC-'THEOVER. fflUUJv land Houto"-Goncral Offices, tJlWH N. K. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam ffJfrtSlk Streets. City Ticket Office. 13113 I RJaRtrJ Farnnm Street. Telephone 319. llrflW Depot, Tenth nnd Mason iiXiIi Streets. Telephone 629. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. TT A II A B II RAILROAD Ticket Office, 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone SS5. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Teiephono 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 4:15 pm a 8:40 nm a Daily. TO STUDY NEEDS OP TREE GROWERS Division of I'oreslry Will Soon Benin. Work In the lllnpk Hills, Tho Department of tho Interior has re cently applied to the IVpnrtment of Agri culture for complete working plans, to b proparcd by the division of forestry, for all of tho national forest reservations In tho west. Tho dlvlilon of forestry will begin work In n few weeks In tho Black Hills resenrn In South Dakota. This requires tho earliest attention because Its timber supply Is needed by a largo number of settlors, miners nnd mill men. Tha extent of thl di-uatid will bo Investigated nnd plans devised for meet ing It without exhaustion ot the supply. An estimate ot standing Umber -will bo nrndn nnd tho rate of growth will bo studied In older to provide a satisfactory basis for predicting tho future yield of the forest. Henry S. Graves, superintendent of work ing plans, mid E. M. Griffith, an expert for ester ot tho division, will begin the work. After a few weeks Mr. (1 raves will proceed to make reconnolasanco surveys of several other westorn reserves, proliably In the fol lowing order: The Hlg Horn reservo, la Wyoming; tho Priest River reserve, In Idaho, and thu Olympic and Mount ltalnler reserves of Washington. Tho section of working plans of tho divi sion of forestry, which given nralstaitco la owners of timber lands desirous of applying (onservntlvo methods ot cutting, began thn now year with applications representing nearly 2,000.000 acres. This innovation was Introduced In October, 1S9S, and has bcon exceedingly popular, not only with farmers owning small wood lotB, but with larga timber proprietors. The olTer to give advice and furnish work ing plans to persons desirous to plant forest trees, made last August by the division of forestry, has received Immediate response from farmers ln every part of tho country. Although but a few months havo elapsed Blnco tho offer becamo generally known, lis application! have been received, and plan for thlrty-clght of theso will bo completed before tho time for spring planting to begin. A still larger number have asked for writ ton advice, which docs not reqillro floM Inspection by tho forest officials. The tree less stntes have been quickest to avail them selves of assistance, the number of appli cations tulng UH follows: Kansan, 38; Okla homa, 13; Nebraska, 12; North Dakota, ti; Iowa, 6; Indiana, 5; Texas, 5; Minnesota, 1; Colorado, 3; Wnshlugton, 3; South Dakota, 2; California, 2; Illinois, 2; Now' York, 2r Ohio, 1; Missouri, 1; Delaware, 1. Tho majority of plans aro for tracts of five to ten ncres, Intended by prairie tann ers to afford wind-breaks nnd fuel supplies. A fow plantings of 1.000 nnd 2,000 acrrn are being made as experiments In raining forwt crops for market In regions whero such material Is scarce After considering these medications In order, tho division of forestry has sent experts to Btudy the condltlouo ot ns ninny ad paialhlo ot localities which, offered tho best opportunities for object les sons to the public. Plniifl will bn gent with out delny to each owner, Instructing him Inj tic tall how to plant, and recommending thu npcolcs best adapted to his tract, CI.ISSII'II.D LIVE STUCK CENSUS. Secretory Murtln Goes In WnsliliiKtoit In Confer wllli l)e tnirtiuent. Charles F. Martin of Denver, secretary of tho Natlonnl Llvo Stock association, linn gono to Washington to consult with tho di rector of tho census regarding the coming clnssllled census of llvo stock, tho first that was over taken. The national association hns been working for tho Inst year to get tho government to ngreo to mnko a real census of llvo stock and the government has finally agreed to grnnt tho request of tho stockmen nnd Secretary Martin will assist tho director In prepnrlng a plan for collect ing tho Information wanted. It is tho In tention to mnko this census nn full ns possi ble. Heretofore the census on llvo Btock has been very meager, but this year It Is tho Intention to make a classified census, show ing tho number nnd different kinds of cattle, nheep, hogs nnd horsca ln tho country. Tho natlonnl association has n greed tn asnlst the government nn fnr as possible and Mr. Mar tin Is going to Washington to learn whero tho association can bo of bcncllt. GornIii for Fumier. Potatoes In Greenland never grow larger than a marble. Toronto holds Its annual horso show April 20, 27, 2S. Colonel G. C. Coutant, tho historian, as serts that tho Wyoming rangos aro being overstocked with sheep. Soutlt Omaha cattlo receipts slnoo January 1 show nn Increnso of 18,372 hejul ns compared with tho same period of tlmo last year. Iowa raised SdC.OOO.OOO bushels of corn In 1899 tho greatest corn yield In tho United Stutrft, Kansas ranks second and Ne braska third. The report for January, 1900. shows Unit 1,100 more horses wore sold at Soutli. Omaha during thnt month than during the month of Jnnuary, 1S93. Tho average yield of mignr beetH In European Russia last yenr wus seven lonn per acre. Tho total yield was 7,02fl,M3 tona und tho value our ton about JI. Tho municipality of I'asndena, Cal., ownii a D'.xty-two-ucre grove of English wnlnuts. This year It yielded il.OO pounds of nuts, for which the city retelved J3.023.3O. Atlunta. Ga., papers report a mule famine In tho south, it Is assorted thnt nearly all tho mules aro being purchased for tho British In South Africa. Tho United States still hns on this con tinent 1,1X3.601) square miles of public lund.i that havo not been taken up for settlement or development about one-third of thu to tul area. A farmer can't at the same tlmo saw wood und sit on n. goods-box nnd tell what ought to be done with the Philippines. Tho jobs are too far apart and require too great diversity of talent. The annual official estlmato of the 1S99 wheat crop of Manitoba Is 2S,M)2,000 bushels. The official estimate of tho Ontario crop Is 22,158,000 bushels or 198,000 bushels less than the preliminary official estimate in August. Tho special expert sent nbrond by thn Agricultural detriment In search of new sei-ils and edible plants has brought back an overbearing struwberry which Is rvild to tiroduco a frul' for months 011 the same plant. A small patch, It is also said, will supply 11 family table a whole season. A glguntto willow tree, which hud been pluiilt'd near the Hlver Chelnwr at Bore num, Essex, in England, In 1815, wus cut down noinii time ago und has btuii found to weigh nearly twelve tons. It was 101 feet long aiKl live und three-fourths feel In diameter, u magnificent pleco of willow. It Is said that this one tree contained wojd sufficient for making mure than 1,000 linn cricket bats. January receipts of horses ami mule ut St. Louis broke all records, 23,911 being re ceived, as against 1I.0S4 last year. Ho fur this year, compared with last, there ho been an increime of about 12,0k) head. Cattle, hogs ami sheep all show a decrease. Ono of tho largest com growers of Illinois said thn other day, In commenting on tho prlcn of corn: "I Intend to hold my surplus corn for better prices. Wo had a bumper crop lust year and, reasoning from past ex perience, wo may expect a smaller crop this year und better prlcen ns a result. I may bf making a mistake, but I Intend to hold on to my corn." For Wireless Steering;. An Knullab Invention for steering any craft, whether submerge! or olhorwlso, by menus ot an ether wave on the wlrolem telegraph principle has been perfected. In naval war It Is expected to make the tor pedo boat almcrtt Infallible, In this respect it will equal tho great American dyspepsia cure Hoitettcr'fl Stomach Hitters which never falls to cure constipation, ludlgottlon, I dycpcpMa, bllloiiBnesu, malaria fever ami 1 ague, Evoryono needs It and all druggists -ell It.