Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    TTTE OMAHA -DATTjY HTCE: 3fO'DAY, FEB HI' AH Y 20, 1000.
er a ,
Iwn a mlssLrm f r M'trnl )r iw Ho I) i; A i0 I'O T V I) Vfl? ' no to deliver mhlrrsscg. I
left thtr nt the brc ikl k out of tlu war , IvbtllJ JLu lAMi lUillii Mr. l'lckler nml others wuttld
I'M.l . ..;int will V Jte on the iiUMtl.-n ' I untttrcU tholr services ami
WO SI FN AIIOWFI) TO VOTE Wnterlco Courier U Informed thn
siinoii 3u:ntion.
Pavln Bells gla.
fine A. U. C. beer, Neiimnyor'B hotel.
IVelabnch burners at Mxby's. Tel. 193.
(luilwclscr btcr U. IlosenfelJt. agent.
Photos, Mnirnrrcll & Co.. 45 Muln street.
Oct your work dono at the popular Euglo
laundry, 721 llroadway. '1'hono 157.
V. C. Kstcii, undertaker, S3 Pearl street
Telephones: Ofllce, S7i icsldence. 23.
I II. Christy of CIiIciiro l In the city
on IjusIiicsh and ileanuro combined.
Tho place to havo your framing done.
Alexander's Art Emporium, 333 Iiroadway.
Mrg. Oeorgo U. Smith has been called to
Pueblo, Colo,, by the serious Illness of a
City Treasurer Hrooks Iteed and wife
Hpent yesterday visiting friends In I'latts-
moutll, JNCU. Thn unaril of I-Muenllnn h.u ruled that the
MT. anil .Mrs. W. i. .ni'uiiuiuu ii y , . .,,. ,.. ,,,i.i , ,., !" ' .1"
talulni: Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Williams oi """i" "u',v-" """""'- i"""i'' u increase us lonRevity
1t,.,tr,.r.t. In. upon tho lilRM rCllOOl fcltu proposition at tno Tho Wnah nctnn Pi-pm InlU Mil nlnn-
Jacob films, chairman of tho Hoard of school election to bo held .March 12. Tho conrernlnir fomc ; oak lumbor that hns been
IMucatlon, Is still conllnd to bis homo by wotIlcll wcro alottca to voto 0I1 thu question "T ",.f
of tho iFKtinncc of tho bonds at tho election to tho recorder's museum a section of burr
in 18'J'J and the board feels that they should iwk plank that the United States covern
mrt.ilnlv bo t,ni-n,i(in.i .,. n nminn mcnt cllt.nni "awed 111 the summer of IMS
where they would prefer the school should
bo built with the proceeds of these bonds.
Thcro nppcars to be some misconception
regarding tho resolution presented by Mem
May Participate in Coming Election to Dc-
cido High Echool Bite.
I'linnlMllly of mi Injunction Suit
lldiiK llroimlit l I'reti'tit the Mut
ter HeliiK Iteferrcil tu it
Popular Vote.
of uniformly of text h "its In the county
sitioois at trie approa nin? scnooi elections.
IlurlltiKton has a branch of Debs soelnl
dc-morrary. It will have a complete munici
pal ticket In the Held at the approaching
remove In Iiliino to nc
cent the stato ngency of a life Insuriinoo
Tho ellv nf Atlnnt e. wh eh boueht the
Atlantic water works a year aito. has paid
WOO of the bonded Indebtedness of the old
water company in tnui time.
Tho lfi-vrnr-o i dnuchter nf D. 1). Woods
of (Idldllf Id has disappeared from her homo
ana no trace or lier can bo round. No mi-
son Is known for her Ieavlnir. ns her homo
life was supposed to be pleasant.
U. I,. Klinefelter of Mason City, who Is
lecturing In Iowa for tho State Agricultural
college, exhibits some nnnles of thn cron
of 1S98 which were grown In Monona by a
man named Kane. Tno npples are called
Kane s long keepers nnd were grown on
seedlings planted thirty year ago. The
trees. It Is stated, were llfleen years old
before they began to bear. Tho fruit which
Mr. Klinefelter exhibits hns not been kept
In cold storage or protected In any way to
u mi.viti. nttnek of tile grip.
Mrs. Hobert Colvlllo of fjalusburg. III.,
who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Victor H. Ilender, has returned home.
Hd Hothert of the Northwestern city
ticket olllcu spent yesterday In lies Moines,
wlu.r-n Mrs. Hothert Is visiting friends.
Mrs. H. I). Wheeler of Willow nvenuc is
and nut In the Goose creek brtduo on the
military road In Highland. It served there
thirty. four years, when John Stone tore It
out. That was In li72. Mr. Anderson took
somo of tho planks for walks and they
mivu optri iiiuier loot ior twentv-emnt
had hoped that
il havo also vol
pa and his great ills-
appointments, polltlcclly, seem to have
clouded his memory. Ho was at tho state
republican convention at Hnlfleld when I
stated very emphatically that I had returned
to tho republican party. Tho fact that 1
aa thero as a delegate, from Deuel county
should havo been sufficient evidence as to my
status. Ab to tuoro recent declarations, the
In.lfnr hno ficnn mlfclt.fnt'mrtil In mnrv twoi
Pretty tilrl U'rirrslter Xnme on One, i .., ,,,1,,. i i,BV ,,i., i, ..i-i,. .i.J
Iowa Gir a Signal "Corps Operator and
Uncle Sam's Cblofllal Policy.
tioeM to Ciiluiti AVIiere
DnnliliiK'' Viwii(,4 rvllmr
ii -in
... . 1....'.... nvlittnli..! i.ImII hor inothcr.
Mrs. Mnry Moon of Humphrey, Neb. ber Stewart at tho meeting of tho board last 'j!,r,,J;I 'J' h'L00'1 lsfml, though It has
Hobert Henderson, city editor of tho Non- MonJny night. The first propailtlon In the " "
parell, who bus been seriously sick ut tno
Orand hotel for the last week, is con
There will bo i special meeting this even
ing of Kxcelslor lodge, No. 2i!, Ancient
Kreo nnd Accepted Masons, for work In
the third degree.
Tho personal Injury dnmnge suit of At
torney O. D. Wheeler ngnlnst the Omnha
Hi St. Louis railway Is set for trial In the
district court at thu completion of tho
Sin II I Injunction suit ngninsi ine ciiy,
Mrs. Mnry Sinclair Is seriously ill witn
ltodli-H iif a Ci-riiiaii I'm r liter mill II In
'Pen in Art' l'oinnl In a
resolution which Is to be submitted to the
voters was as follows:
Shall tho board of directors of the Inde
pendent sehool district of Council Illuffs
bo authorized to expend tho proceeds of
tho bonds Issued for tho construction of a
liluh school by tho vote of tho electors nt
til.. nunlKil !..l,r...1 oliuMr.,, It. W 111 Ihn
tuirchasa of a slto and construction of a YANKTON, S. D., Kcb. 25. (Special Tele-
high ivliool building at tho place receiving gram.) Last night tho body of Adolph A
tno nircesi numuer ot votes oi ino cipciors ,,i,u , ... . . .
of snld district, under the proKsltlon there- u'" ",m l" 101 slB wero ,ou,UI 1,1 a C,P
for submltteil to said electors nt the an- gulch near his home, twelve miles west of
pneumonia ut the homo ot her daughter, nual school election held March 12, 1000. here. Ho was gathering wood for fuel, and
Mm .If HMO I III In IT. Oil 1'OUrtll Street. All- 1 Tim .irLMltnnnf U nilvnneeil liv Knmo that I In itrlultnv r,tt,., !,., ,l.. .t
T :i: - . .. .1...,- i l,.l... Illm..i t linn. " . ' . . -"" w-V wninu
oek a I i be"e summoned tJ her bed- a '"Vorable vote is not recorded for tuis per- nll3 team probably (dipped and tho team and
rim imitiililv meotlnir of the Council Hluffs denied nutliorlty to use tno proceeds or tue tJlelcli had been missing for thro days from
Ministerial association will be held nt 10:30 bond Isfiuo for tho erection of a high school his home, but It was thought ho was at a
as 73 years old and
German farmers In Yank
paper. ooara snan uo empowered to uso tne money i ion county,
Mr. and Mrs. HcnJamln Winchester ecle- for tho erection of a high school building on
united the sixtieth anniversary of their suc, el(o ns tuo majority of tho people shall
wedding yesterday nt their homo on . . . . .. , ISTI the neonlo
Washington iivenue. During the ilny u s-itci. ai me election in isjj tne peopio
number of their friends cnlled nnd ten- voted for tho Issuanco of tho bonds on con-
dered them their hearty congratulations. Ultlon that tho school ehould be erected on
Ministerial nssocintion win no neiu ni nonu isfiuo ror tno erection or a nign scnuai nis Home, but It wi
o'clock this morning ut the Klrst Presby- buUln?i This proposition was Included for neighbor's. Ho wo
of TrInllty'Methodls't church will reVd a the exprcts purposo of deciding whether the one ot tho oldest G(
I nm n republican."
"As a matter of fact, during 1S93 I secured
tho adoption by the Reform Press ossrclatlon
ot a distinctively protective tariff plnnk, and
had the samo adonled bv the Nntlnnnl Pnrin
OT DODOB. In., Keb. 23. tSticckiU ers' Alllanco and Industrial union, and In
An unlquo romance Involving tho colonial 1S06 had tho people's party of South Dakota.
pone) or tno united btates, of tho towa hen In stato ccnvcntlon. ndopt tho samo protee
and n romantic nnd pretty clrl has lust do- tlvo nlank. These facts nre known to rverv
vciopeu in tnis city. This city has betoaie Scuth Dakotan of average Intelligence. The
tho acknowledged headquarters of tho egg major needs to brush awny tho cobwebs
anu poultry business for Uio west, ninny that envelop his mind.
irain lends of uvo nnd d raised noultrv and "As to tho finance nuestlnn. I nm Hiirnrlned
hundreds of thousands of dozens of cgRS that Mr. Plcklor should refer to a matter
being shipped annually to tho eastern mar- In which ho Is so exceedingly vulnerable. It
ktCs. During tho shipping sensou in the la well known that I opposed the adoption
summer mon'hs largo forces of girls arc cm- of free coinage of Bllver ns a paramount
pioyed handling eggs taken from pickling Issue, nnd reduced Its Importance. The
vats to bo prepared for shipment. Ono of columns of tho llurallst nnd my opposition
tho girls employed In tho Loomls ece house nt tho stato convention In 1SD6 oro In evl-
last summer selected a largo smooth egg dence. Mr. Plcklcr was a rampant free
and in a moment of romnnco and day dream- coinage man dining his wholo career In
ing wroto her natno nnd address upon It congress, and In tho campaign of 1S!6 ndvo
witn an indelible pencil. It was plnced In catixl It; In fact, he advocated tho whole
n case with 277 others and shipped to New populist financial theories In and out of
iork, thcro It found Its way to tho ware- congress. In 1S90. after his election to con
houso of an exporter nnd was ono of the gress, as n republican, ho made thnt long
first shipments of American eggs made to trln to Ocaln. Fin . to assure tho farmers'
Cuba. Weeks slipped Into months and tho nlllanco of his undying devotion to all of
young woman forgot her romantic "our principles.' That ho came there to find
summer dreams nnd eggshells, but tho out what we wanted so ho might push our
maiden's messngo wns working out her mensures In congress. Ho made n I . . for
destiny. Early In December sho received" a tho leadership In congress, and later Intro
letter winch boro tho postmnrk of Gulncs, duccd nnd advocated tho sub-treasury bill
Cuba. On tho upper rlghthnnd corner of If tho republican party could so generously
tho envclopo wcro tho words, "ofllclal busl- forgive him, Biircly ho ought to forgive me.
ness.' Thcso wcro carefully cancelled and Tho difference Is. he was n renubllcnn In
In tho regulation placo wns a marcon-colored theory and stood on a populist platform nnd
stamp, on opening It sho found tho follow- republican ticket, while I stood on n populist
ing letter enclcsed: platform and populist ticket. At present I
U. S. SIGNAL COUPS, TELEGRAPH am doing what I can ns a private In the
Or ! ICE, GUINES, Cuba, Jan. 11, 1900. ranks to help build up tho republican party."
Miss Llzzlo Gllday, Fort Dodge, la.: I nm
OIVI1N llimi.VI, OV A PA 1. 13 l'Wt'13.
.lint H'ImIi of Chief of the HIhinIiiiiion
In (Jrnlllcd.
nilRYPA'NR. tt'vn . I.VJ. 9S fSnnnlr.t
Tin Heilmond company onens a week's I n aiii "ronimllv inTt...i nmi ptnnn iimi wDi..n.i.i t.i . m..
........ I.. I.. ... ii..i1nn II.Aiitor I rf ...... ....... iiHDii-irniv, iiiiu tuiui Ul UIU VUSiUlil Oliu-
! " rZ,.:. ,V.. ,w,V'iu' .v : election tho state superintendent of public shones, has been laid at rest. His dylna re
tloually good and theatergoers will doubt- Instruction has held thnt the Oakland avenue quest was carried out and ho was "burled
less enjoy tno nignuy perioriiiuiiees io sue is noi centrally located. Tlie purposo or iiko a wnito mnn." The funeral, which was
mo exicni oi crunuiiiK mu nuuao m presenting this proposition Is to empower ono ot the largest ever held In Wyoming
... . ' V, r- n rimi , Wl.nmlnj tbo board to erect tho school on the Oakland was hold ut Fort Washaklo Friday nfter-
111 who hiive'been the guests of Mrs. Lin- nvenuo property, In the event of thnt slto so- noon. Tho old chief was burled with mill
coin's sister, Mins Allen of North First curing tho largest number of votes nt the tary honors. Tho First United States
street, Tor u monin past, returned norne coming election. cavalry and tho reglmentnl band ncted as
Haturday evening. Mr. Lincoln Is agent for escort nnd preceded tho funeral nrneesslon
thu Milwaukee at Wyoming nnd during llonnl fiulilrd by ltesult. , nnn nrcctu lu? P108810"
h i al ienee tho depot wns burned to tho ,,',, ,,, .,,,., ,u, ,. ot 2,000 persons. The chief, during his sav-
. - .v . ' r.n..i.i u.ii.v. .uu.l lUU, lllv
grollllu. I law does nnt pinrmivpr llin vnlun nt the.
Tho Economic lenguo will meet this even- I , , .... . ' "
lug at 7:30 o'clock In tho city council eliam- l" uremiw wuero iuo scuooi
ber. The subject for discussion will be should be placed, this authority nlono rest-
Tho Evil of Political nirusansnip in inK with tho members of tho Hoard of Edu-
suro you had no idea into whoso hands nnd
to what distant lands tho egg upon which
I you wroto your name would go. It came
with a largo shipment from tho United
fatntcB r.nd wns purchased by n Cuban mer
chant here, who, being unnblo to read Eng
llsh, brought It to me for translation. I
would bo very glad to havo you answer this
letter, as I am curious to know tho one who
adopted so novel a method of correspond
once, i havo a camera nnd havo nnd a
snap rhot taken of myself with tho egg In
my hand. If you care for ono of the pictures
let mo hear from you. Very truly,
This letter was promptly answered with
a request for tho picture, which arrived In
duo time, with nnothcr lettor. In which Mr,
cnty years' reign, never lifted his hand
ngnlnst tho whites. At tho grave three
volleys were flred and ns tho body was low
ered "taps" were sounded.
ilLJoXlor. l1. 'Siwr.nrrn cation. It Is not believed that tho schooled.,
county superintendent of schools In Pottu- rectors would oppose tho preference of the
I NnrntoKii Valley Stoekiueii Ormui Ire.
JO DAIIA1UUA, W JO., I'CB. .11. ll)eCI!ll.
wnttnmla county. majority of tho voters as cxprcaied at tho Tho Saratoga Viilley Stock association was
Pirn-mien 11. lllnss of IsOO Tostevin Street nol s. organized hero vesterdnv nmnnir thu alnoU
tiled Saturday nt Liny tenter, in en., iriim g.. ,h meclinr of ,hn B.,,on, ,,t men 0f this place, principally for protection
i.iK.iimnii n. l in wns n inemuer oi me iirm .. . . . . . . . - .
..... i i i ........ l Alnnilnv. wlipn it wnn ,T.liln.l n a..i....t tun l nirninsr rnlfln t.nipvi3. A rncnllltlnn u'na
Of IIIOSS lirOS. OI IIUS Cliy llim imu i"'-n - - '-"" m.unin uiv -n - - - ...,
nt Clay (tenter for some little time, tho question to tho voters, thcro hns been con- adopted that tho stockmen are In favor of
nr.., imvlnir il kintriict for bridge paint
Ing there. Ho was 12 years of ago. The
body 18 cxpecieu to urrivu nuiu immj.
Kl.U-lltv council. Hoynl Arcanum, will
give a curd nnd dancing party tomorrow
night for Its members and their friends.
Company L, Fifty-lirst regiment, Nowa
National (iiiuril. hns received Its caulp
ment from the stnto nnd samo hns been
partly .distributed. A further distribution
will bo made ut drill tomorrow evening.
slderable talk of tho possibility of Injunction the Department of Agrlculturo continuing
proceedings being brought against tho board tho free distribution of blackleg vaccine,
to restrain It from submitting tho question
to tho people. It Is reported that tho per
sons Interested In tho present litigation
ngalnst the Oakland nvenuo slto Intend to
bring such Injunction proceedings, fearing
that a majority of tho voters of tho school
district would cast their ballots In favor of
Mliclit FlrniH lliirned Out,
uiuuvuiu, t-eD. z&. Right nrms wcro
burned out today in a llro which destroyed
n four-story btlck building nt Cl-55 Jef
I .. . , , rfl... 1 . tl... . . . I I 1 I
will bo held this evening in Hoynl Arcanum Member Stewnrt when asked If ho thought ,, ., ' ... .or A Alu.
lm . Monde sso in will be Uio oomposer ,,., ., ,, . ... ... (, "" " ,uuu. iuo
treated nnd an Interesting feature of the '" ' "'J
program will be the rendering of "Ho strain t'' hoard from submitting tha slto
'wnieiiein liver israei, irom ine oraiono ipit'eiiuu m mu vuiura Eiim no nnu nearu
Oruniilzcn fiiild and Copper ('oiiipiiuy
ivlth 151,(11)11.(100 Cnpllnl Itoilll to
Yi'IIimi stone Park.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Fob. 25. (Special.)
A gold nnd copper company, nt tho head of
which is Colonel W. F. Cody (Iluffnlo 11111),
will Incorporate In Wyoming In a few days
A short time ago two shafts were sunk to
a depth of sixty feet In a property owned
by Cclonel Cody and situated about forty
miles from Cody City, nnd paying oro was
struck. The company will havo a capital
stock ot $1,000,000. With Cody aro associated
J. M. Schwocd, George T. Hock, George
Phnrntflfltn Inhn llnvlu 1? Mnrlid 1
rimlth gnvo n mora,, detailed personnl nc- Hll,. .,,' r,i.-r,i mu'H.. nil nf Vvn.
count of himself. Ip this letter Mr. Smith ,
I' l CnAv whn la hnrn trulfiv nnvn Hint n rpl 1
i nm in iuo cmpioy oi iuo united amies n i, , . nnro ,.0iHn,- thn
. V . , mijacimrgo oi 'e ouico estnl),fhmcnt of ro;1(, from Co,,y (o tho
at this place. I like, If hem Very Well, In- Ynllmiotnn,, tnrb. With thn romnlnllnn of
deed. It is a nlco healthy place, and tho
peopio treat you wjcll. ,They think nn
American Is n small God. Now, plcaso
answer this letter soon, and after wo be-
a lino to Cody by tho Burlington, this wagon
road would bo tho most direct route to tho
wonderland. It would also enable residents
of northern Wyoming to go direct to tho
Sou'b Dakota Conercjmnn After tbe Seat
Occupied by Pettigrew.
ot I.lkelv (but Hi- Will Hate the
l'LId All to Ulutsc If-Other
Asplrnutn l.lkcl)' to
l'.iiler tlie ltuee.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Robert J, Gamble, member of con
gress from South Dakota, tonight nuthor-
Ized tho statement that ho was a candidate
for the United States senate to succeed
Richard F. Pettigrew nnd that ho would not
bo n candidate for reuomluntlon to the lower
"I have arrived at this conclusion." said
Mr. Gamble, "after careful consideration. 1
have Invited opinions from my friends mil
they have advised nie to tnko this course. 1
shall go Into tho contest to win If posdble
nnd shall make every effort to help carry
our stato for McKlnley and tho republican
ticket. Our peopio stnnd with tho adminis
tration In Its policies nnd I havo not the
least doubt that South Dakota will cast Us
voto In the electoral college for tho repub
lican candidates for president and vice president."
Robert J. Gamble came to congress llrst
In 1S9I, serving through thu Fifty-fourth
congress with much credit. In 1 800 he wns
renominated, but In the slump ot the west
to Ilrynnlsm ho wns defeated by n plurality
of 1S2 votes out ot a total poll of 83,000. Ill
1S9S be sought vindication and eo pron iuncol
wcro tho voters of South Dakota in his favor
that ho was elected by a majority ot 6.".000.
Gamble Is popular with his collcnguiM ond
Is regarded ns one ot tho strong men In the
house. He Is looked upon ns the logical
candidate to make the light ugnliist Petti
grew, ns has been nppnrent for some time,
nnd his determination to mnkc tho ro-o
for the senate nnd not to bo a candidate for
re-cloctltiii to the house clears the nlnus
phcro very considerably. It Is believed
here that actlvo workers In tho republican
party in South Dakotn are with Gamble mi l
that ho will bo nblo to bring nbout Pettl
grew's political undoing.
Two Killed III Ntrei-t far Wreok.
ATLANTA, Ga., Feb. 25. A street car on
tho Decntur Illue It no wns wrecked this
morning near Oakland cemetery, by striking
nn obstruction which had evidently been
placed across the track. Tho car Jumpel
fully ten feet Into the nlr ond rolled fifteen
feet down nn embankment. Tho twelve pas
sengers on the car wero more or les.i In
jured. Those sustaining serious Injuries
Motormnn George Maddox, Hcrschcll Del
lapcrry, Policeman Eugene Coker, Policeman
Sid Cooglcr nnd E. W. Wallace.
It Is thought Dellaperry and Cokcr are
fatally wounded.
Duffy'o Pure
Malt Whiskey M
cures ctmRhs, colds,
pnp, nstliiim, bron
chitis nmi consump
tion. It stimulates
the Moorf. Thonrent-
iat known heart tonic
It Is a we'l- v V kunwr
generally reco X gnlzcd
ntivmg medio ni in
mnko n speeln firi
. disorders, that fix Jni
DEATH, folio M I
I the Iiim'Im nf I VSAsy
whether cnu" J$.s5
mental of bod AyC
eret vice. Hear ' I
Nervo - Vital,
come a little better acquainted I will write park (1Btcai, of B0I1R MBt ,lU(l nrou1(1 by
uuu uiii;n.oiii(i mnui in. in i vim iiWny 0( Montana.
nils letter was answered na promptly ns nrimni'N for Alkali SolU
the nrst. unclo Banys ovccllont mall facill- CHEYENNE, Feb. 2.ri. (Special.) An
1 it 1 1 ii ii to Hi Mli'i'troeiili'd.
NEW YORK. Feb. 2.1. Everything Is In
readiness for tho execution of Antonio Fcr
raro In tho electric chnlr nt Sing Sing tomor
row morning. On April 4. 1SUS, In a fight
with a fellow countryman, Luciano Muchluo,
In Hrooklyn, Ferrnro cut his opponent's
throat with a razor, killing htm Instautly.
Uy of special
r e u u e u t l y
w closely upon
d by severo
lly labor or se
In mind that
llnfli.v !STnr-
ous nnd ussoelate Pelvic Diseases oro nil
ear of kin to IMPivpiini'V mnl ilmt
hose pains neross tlie tiack, spots befom
lie eves, lllld Hint llllliili Hrnsntlitn urn nil
forerunners of an oncoming Inipoteney
If you nre the victim of Inipoteney you
know It, nnd so do many of your nssocU
Have Cured Thousands
Of Impotent men nnd will guaianteo to
cure you If you place your ease 111 my
Electricity as applied to the human bod
by my
Dr, Bennett's Electric Belt
s today the only known cure for Impo
tent man. My Holt has patented soft, sllk-
n. ehamols-covered spongo ele'ctrodes that
cannot burn nnd blister ns do the other
lectrodeH on nil other mukes of belts; do
not bo deceived when others claim to hnvo
them; Investigate for yourself. Phvslelnim
say that there can be only ono result when
ELECTRICITY Is upplleil to tile hllmall
system through my patented electtodes
that result u euro. My Electrical Suspen
sory for the permanent euro of the va
rious weaknesses of nun Is FREE to every
male purchaser of one of my Holts.
I have it book called "THE FIND INO
YOl'TIl" that every man and woman
diould have; It contains a large amount of
uformatliiu uml udlti'e that you will Hud
iivaluable. 1 will send you a copy f rw
f you eunnot call. CniTsultatlon and ud
,'lee FREE, either at my olileo or by mall.
whether you decide to take iny treatment
or not ns I wish every one to iiive-stlgato
wlint my bell lius ilone ror others.
Why not write or call without delnvT
You ran bo cured quicker and cheaper
now than when you get worse. Auuress
tor DCMMCTT Electric Belt
Tho regular meeting of the Dorthlck club tho very slto which they nro now opposing.
following firms suffered: Lammert & Mann,
machinery; William W. Vernon, gas ma
chinery; James Harry & Co., patternmakers;
llrynii llended for Mi'inpbls
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 23. Tonight nt
1, nnlnA1. II' T ll..n.. nf.nn...nn I...I 1...
... . . . . . . til . . I41 U V.IUil t, . . i.ljllll, ill,V.Mtl'.l II III) 11
Ml l, ut ll ( u, ini.. ... interesting bulletin nas just neon issued . Socretary of Stato W. S. Morgan, left hero
n vniv.nm In tr tun nl.alnnli.u nt It,.,.. annon I , .. . , .... . . . ,. r..... . r. .
" " -I""-'" uy IUO ngriCUlturni ucparuiicni oi uio ailllll , f. ln.,,nhlo tlnrlmr t in .lnv Mr llrvmi
T rnlln..-n.t It ..ln..rt 1..., t I. n I .. .. . ... .... I .'.....,'.. n .."rf
..n.t.o ,t..u.,i.-u iui, .i .uiiuu9, uui. iin; 11 in vers tv on nat vo torago p ants tor niKan ... iiu,.i i. .,,.r,i rn,im,i oi.
communications wero of such a nature that aolls; Ti10 ra(C!i cimngcs that hnvo been llcnt8 ot Nasuvi,0 nna teccUcA tnnlly caner3
...v, ,.u..w ..wv ..,,..vU , .A", wroiiRiu in mo management, oi hiook in m j,s hotel.
ouiutiuui w iuiuilv. lUnH iuo imuuB ii.iyu their feeding, sheltering nnu humane su-
been so satlsractory that n recent letter ,,crviaon have. In the opinion of tho nu
from tbo Cuban Islo intimates that Mr. thor rrofi xclson, not only placed tho stock
Scnlth will scon secure n leave of absenco i,iinlnnK nn a sum nnd nnvlntr foundation.
Elijah." by a chorus of nbout twenty there was such a possibility, but ho could not nf m mrT? & Co - lttornmokcrB;
i..mbers of tin-club, under the direction of , , . ,, ' ,. ' ' " X Ilnrtry EIl;ctro company; Gcorgo H. Nye,
Vllllam L. Thlcksttin. 1 ,,11 i h, .,.i, nV u PWMns no pump manufacturer; Charles H. Saiidham,
Mrs. Rachel E. Pu.erbaugh died yester- "'lbr'" ' ' 3 i'i,BS- "U,1J1 patternmaker; A. J. Holkln Circular Ad
day morning nt' 72:1 Hotith Eighth street bcllovo nny court would for n moment Issue
nfter nn Illness extending over two yours, any order that would prevent tho will of the
uged 42 yenrs. She leaves one son by a peopio being expressed, especially as such
f.r.!!T ,!rSlr", 7 m w.?n - m" I'xprcsslon from tho voters would not bo
M. Siithnril nnd Mrs. L. Jotinston of this legnlly binding nnd would not in nny way in-
city. The funeral will be held this after- tcrfcro with tho Hoard ot Education excr-
from hla governmental duties nnd his vaca
Hon will bo spent in Iowa. When ho returns
It Is not unlikely that an American goddess
will Bharo tbe honors which admiring Cubans
bestow upon ono of Unclo Sam's officials.
dressing company; W. A. Jones company,
foundryincn (olllces only). Tho building and
most of tho contents wcro burned.
noon nt 2 o'clock from tho resldenco nnd
Interment will bo In Wulnut Hill ceme
tery. . .
clslng Its rights In the mntter.
N. Y. numbing G Tei. 2P0.
llnr ANNoelnllon Merllnir,
first VIco President Flnley Hurko has
Called a meeting of the Pottawattamie
County liar nssocintion for this morning
decuple tin I'lari- Klllt-il by (be I.nte
IIoncoo Cmiklliig; for EIkIU
Troy ilron Work.
ALBANY, N. Y., Fob. 25. Flro destroyed
threo buildings of tho Troy Mnllcablo Iron
works today. Loss, J150.000. The plant Is
located In tho town of Colonic, Just liorth of
the Wntervllet city boundary line and cast
of tho Erlo canal. Fully 1,000 employes will
bo throw ii out of work for threo months.
Mill at New CiliiNunw.
HALIFAX, Feb. 25. Tho works of the
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. (Special.)
at 1 o'clock. In tho superior court, to take Senator Gear of Iowa occupies tho llrst seat Marltlmo Milling company nt Now Glasgow
nctlon on tho death of Hon. 1). C. Hloomcr. of tho second row on tho middle nlslo of tho wero destroyed by flro today, together with
iwhn hail bffMi president of the nssocintion senate chamber, whero Roscoe Conkllng sat a grain elevator and thousands of bushels of
over slnco Its organization. It wns only for eight years nnd William Pitt Feseendcn grain. This wns tno pioneer hour mill In
Saturday, tho day of his death, thnt tho for six. Mr. Allison sits besldo his col- tno lower provinces, loss, $i&u,uuu
nuaftplntlmi hnnnrnl ItRf.lf na wnll na Mm I InnpllO nnil litis nrfMlnlpil thn ftnmp llpalf for I "
uu......,.w,. ..u..u. . .... ...., it. . I nii.iut,. Tt.i.t. TTn..i i- . . . .. , t .i
In re-electing him Its presiding officer for nearly eighteen years. Mr. Gear wears an I '" u"l,iu'"t"
nnnil,..r vi-nr. old-fashioned blnck slouch hat. nnd for somo for PIes' Injuries nnd skin diseases. It is
ilrrnnninnl. for Mm funnrnl hmn, rnnsnii nr nnllthir npvnr JinnuR It on thn nou ll0 orlgllinl Witch Hazel SnlVO, Hewaro of
left In tho hands of J. D. Edmundson, who that Is nsslgned to him in tho republlcnn n11 .counterfeits
irum isuu io ioiu wan uusiui'ss partner oi mmiw imm, uu. nu.i.a .i. ...m mu CtlDCOACT flC TUC UCATUfTD
Mr. Hloomcr. Tho present plans nro that and drops it on tho iloor be3ldo his desk, IrUntoAOl Ur Inu WtAlntn
thn funeral shall bo held Wednesday nfter- where everybody who comes down tho mlddlo
noon nt 2 o'clock from St. Paul's Episcopal of tho alslo Is likely to step upon It. Senator Partly Cloudy Monday for .VebriiNka
nliureh. imli-ss li s brnlhnr whn llvna In Stewart. Who occupies 1110 seat DCIlllUl 111111,1 nnu viiiimiim. ihii t iiriiu-r ill
Now York, should deslrn to bo nresent nnd Is In tho habit of shunilng when ho walks ICiiHtern Portion
dn nnniiin tn, rimph hnrn hv iimi timn tiimn anil seldom passes without kicking Senator
I ... . .. . . . ... . I Vl r rrr r t. l m
li lm Twti.nnml iiniii thn ,inf tniinuino Gear's hat as lar as tno uesK or tno onicini aoiu.h i w., ruo. ij. rorecasi ior
Tim Korvlcea nt the cemelerv will ho unilnr stcnogrnphcr. Senator Tillman, who sits Monday and Tuesday:
tho auspices of tho Odd Fellows Mr across tho way, Is a frequent speaker, and For Nobraska and Kansas Partly cloudy
Hloomcr having been n charter member of
Council Hluffs lodgo No. 49. He has held
nil tho offices at ono time or another In that
lodge, nnd nt the tkuo of his death was
past grand.
Tho remains will bo Inld to rest In Fulr-
whenovcr ho takes tho Iloor ho prances Monday, with warmer In eastern portion;
around a good denl. Tho other day, when ho
had n controversy with Mr. Allison on tho
currency bill, 'ho crossed over to tho repub
lican side, Jumped up nnd down on Senator
Gear's hat for nbout ten minutes, until feel-
view cemetery by tho side of his wife, who lK somo Irregular substance under his fee
died December 30, 1S91. " Ko It nn Impatient kick which sent it
Resides Ills brother, Charles Hloomcr, who aXnl hnlf-way across tho chamber.
Uvea In Hurfnlo. N. Y., Mr. Hloomcr is sur- ,. ,n?M V1'? B,t " tho 8'CPS f. ,V,?
Tlved. by an adopted son. Edward Hloomcr, P'jl cnt'B platform nro so accustomed to
. ,ai.n,.t r,f Piinnnlv rlr uch ncldents that they always run after the
u resident of 1 hoenlx. ArU. hat HkQ boyg who'chai0 tno fouU tllat
Howell's Antl-"Kawf curw coughs, cold. K over tho fenco at n ball game. Then
when It Is recovered they tnko It Into tho
7linrlen Mlddlcloii l IImmIiik-. I cloakroom, carefully brush It off nnd return
Charlca Mlddleton, n member of tho Owl It to Senator Gear, who sits through tho
club Is missing, nnd so, It Is said, Is a con- proceedings blissfully unconscious of tho
slderablo sum belonging tu tho organization, treatment that part of hU wardrobe Is under
Mlddlcton wns employed by tho club recently Kolng. Something cccurs to thnt hat almost
to collect dues owing by tho members. At j every day. It Is cither tramped on or klrkod
tho close of tho cyclo show held In tho club' down tho aisle, nnd thcro is n strong sua-
rooms Thursday and Friday nights r.r lnst . piciou mm boiuo oi tno scnniors uo u pur
wcedi ho Is said to- havo collected for tho
advertising on tho program. This, It Is
claimed, ho had no nutliorlty to do. The
members of tho club say ho admitted having
upctit boiuo of tho dues ho had collected,
but Hint he had promised to mnko restitu
tion. This ho fnlled to do, and the matter
was placed In tho hands of tho authorities.
Mlddleton got wind of tho fact that tho club
ivas after him nnd ho Is Bald to havo left
tho city. One of tho members also lost
tin overcoat at tho tluio Mlddleton left.
Davln sells paints.
Deatli In an Ohio llllirnrd.
CLEVELAND, O.. Feb. 25. The storm
which began on Friday night reached Its
height today. The tenipernturo hero was
near tho xero mark and a tierce gnlo from
tho northwest blow all day. During most
of tho dny snow fell nlsa. Cars on tho
street railway lines wero operated with
dtllleulty. The storm was general through
out northern Ohio and In severnl plnces
very low teniperaturo was recorded, tho
minimum nt Youngstown being H below
A wealthy farmer named Matthew Lat
tlmer, aged 72 years, was frozen to death
lost night while walking n half nillo to
his homo near Elyrlu, O.
Neeotlated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N. Caaady, Jr.,
111! Main St., Council Bluffs.
poscly, although they are', of course, so is
nlfled that they would resent nny such In
slnuatlon. Tho other dny somebody sug
gested thnt those who aro guilty of such
rcprchenslblo conduct would bu wlso to ab
stain horeafter, becauso Senator Gear has
p'robnbly fair Tuesday; variable -winds.
For Iowa Snow Hurries nnd warmer Mon
day; Tuesday partly cloudy; fresh north
easterly winds.
For Missouri Warmer, with rain or snow-
Monday; Tuesday partly cloudy, with prob
ably rain; easterly winds.
For South Dakota Warmor nnd partly
cloudy Monday; Tuesday fair; varlablo
For Wyoming Cloudy Monday, with
warmer In southeast portion; fair Tuesday;
vnrlnbln winds.
I.ocnl Iteeord.
OMAHA, Feb. 25. Omuhn record of tem
perature nnu precipuaiion, compnred with
tho corresponding day of tho last three
1000. 1S99. 1S93. 1S97.
Maximum temperature .. 10 25 34 is
Minimum temperature ... 2 10 18
Average teniperaturo .... ! 18 28 12
Precipitation 01 .00 .CO T
Record of temperature and precipitation
nt Omaha for this day and slnco March
l. imh:
Normal for tho dny 21
Dellclency for tho day 19
Excess slnco March 1, 1S99 635
Normall rnlnfnll for the dny 03 Inch
decided to put a brick In his hat, and several , Excess for tho day 01 Inch
senators aro gouty,
Oppose 1,1'iinIiik; Arid I.nnilN,
SULPHUR SPRINGS, Colo., Feb. 25.
(Special.) Tho stockmen of Mlddlo park
aro up tn nrms ngalnst tho proposed legis
lation for tho ceding or leasing of tho pub.
lie domain. The sentiment ngalnst tho
schemes ot the landgrabbers lo almost
unanimous among tho stock growers und
thu feeling Is very bitter. At a largely
attended meeting of the Mlddlo Park Stock
flnwnrs' association, held nt Kremmllmr.
... ... i .. . i Omaha, cloudv
in mid euiiiuy. i ... .....Uc, .,, un..ii- N , ,iartly cloudy
tlon, by resolution, declared themselves J Salt iMhCi cloudy ,
rigidly nnd unalterably oppesed to any nnd , Cheyenne, snowing
li in l rainfall sinno March 1 2fi.9t inelipf
Dellclency slnco sinrcn t i.ra inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1S9S.. 4.31 Inches
Dellclency for cor. period, 1&97..10.CC Inches
llfimrt from StntloiiN nt H p
all legislation which provides for tho ced
ing, leasing or In nny manner conveying
by tho government of tho United States
tho public domain or any part thereof to
tho states in which said domain lies, nnd
call upon tho senators and representatives
In congress from tho western Btntcs to con
demn, opposo and defeat, If In their power,
all such proposed legislation,
Ioivn Nrim VoU-h,
new I. S. Ijivelcy of Shenandoah has Just
returned from tho Transvaal, where ho bun
Rapid Cltv. clear
Huron, partly cloUdy
WilllHton, pnrtly cjoudy ...
Chicago, clear
St. Louis, snowing
St. Paul, partly cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Knnsas City, partly cloudy
Havre1, cloudy
Hlsmarck, snowing ,
Galveston, clear
but havo In reality given tho stnto greater
resources for supporting n larger number
of stock nnlmals than over before.
Former Populist, oiv n Republican,
Siijm a Few AVorilM to Major
HURON, S. D., Feb. 25. (Special.)
Among prominent porsonages attending the
lato meeting In this city of the. republican
stato central committee wns H. L. Loucks,
onco tho recognized leader of Kpulism In
South Dakota. A tow months slnco Mr.
Loucks renounced What ho terms "tho new
faith," re-entered thtf republlcnn ranks,
where ho formorly ' belonged, nnd pro
poses to glvo his energies In behalf of thnt
party. Recently nn Interview with ex
Congressman J. A. Plcklor was published
In tho metropolitan Dnpcrs, In which tho
major took decided exceptions to bringing
Mr. Loucks to the front ns a speaker, or
ganlzer or otherwise, referring to him ns
not being In sympathy with republican prin
ciples, and quite out of harmony with what
that party will present as Issues In tho
approaching campaign, Tho attention ot
Mr. Loucks was called to tho Interview and
In reply ho made tho following statement
"I havo perpetrated a great many Jokes
on Major Tickler and wns Inclined to regard
hla published Interview as nn attempt to
get oven with me. No republican In tho
stnto has given mo so many urgent Invi
tations to return to tho republican fold as
hns Major Plcklcr; ho assured mo a cordial
reception, but It now appears that ho re
grets that I accepted his Invttntlon. Ho
appears grieved bccatiso I volunteered my
services In whatever way I could bo useful
to the party, and that tho samo wero ac-
copted by thu stato central committee, and
becauso numerous renuests liavo come to
Hallway Clerk llt'lr to a Fortune.
LARAMIE, Wyo., Feb. 25. (Special.)
William C. Thomas, clerk In the odlco ot As
slstnnt Superintendent Hay of tho Union
Pacific at this point, has been notified that
by tho denth of nn unclo nenr Auburn, N. Y.,
ho Is ono of tho heirs to nn cstnto estimated
at from $100,000 to $200,000. There are sev
eral other heirs now living In Wyoming.
Ono of these. Mrs. F, II. Smith, resides In
Cheyenno, nnd two brothers, John nnd
AVIiereiibniitH of Canal f oiiiiiiIhnIoii,
SAN JUAN DEL SUR, Nicaragua. (Via
Galveston, Tex., Feb. 25.) Tho United
States canal commission, nfter having con
ferred for severnl days with President
Zelnyo, left for Panama, via Corlnto. AH
tho members nro well.
On Trial fur 'I'luii- Yearn,
O. Morltz Zepp of Westminster, Mnry
land, anys: "1 havo uied Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy In my family for the pas
threo years, and with marked success ei
peclnlly with croup, It giving rollof In from
ten to fifteen minutes. I bcllovo It to be tho
beet cough medlclno on tho mnrkct." After
threo years' trial Mr. Zepp Is well qualified
to speak on the merits of this remedy. It Is
Charles Thomas, rcsldo at Egbert, Laramie . perfectly rcllablo nnd always gives quick
county. relief,
The Cosmopolitan
Mantles, ns manufactured by tho Cosmopolitan Incandescent Gas Light
Co., of Chicago, havo boon pronounced by tho Unitod States Circuit Court
as no infringement upon tho Welbbach mantles tho Injunction under tho
Itewson patents being denied, snld patents being declared null and void.
The Cosmopolitan Incandescent
Gas Mantles
have now n clear title nnd dealers nnd users may now purchase, sell and
use the Cosmopolitan Incandescent CJns Light Mantles without Interfer
ence, and rely upon them to
Beat the
best mantle for durability, brilliancy of light nnd economy of price. 'J.7
cents at nil dealers. No part or tho Cosmopolitan Mantlo can now bo
construed as infringing upon any patents of tho
1G 1G .01
42 50 .00
60 52 M
2fi 44 .OS
40 41 .00
fi 12 .OS
12 lb .02
S 10 .IV)
20 20 T
K S .00
10 10 .00
38 42 . 00"
21 - as T
3G 40 .0)
4 4 .00
S3 64 .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
8fioufd be irteru
home. It mMs
the body strong
ann me
prescribe it for
the nursing mother
fea s Perries
" IT
. . frt
The Original
" Is adapted for every variety of dish from Turtle to Beef, from Salmon
to Steaks, to nil of which it gives a famous relish."
Marioni Wine.. World Famous Tonlo
TIIF FVinFNPF irtirrtlttei olnarly
111. LTIULllL proves that tlio med
ical iirofesHlon oh well na all who havo
lined Vln Marian! pronounce It nnciial
cd, iibHolutcly rcllablo nnd mife. Can
bo taken with perfect confidence when
ever a tonic restorative Is required,
All DrucglsU. Ilefuse Substitutes,
Hooiiin IS to ill DouuliiN llliiolc, Opp.
Mm ili'iiN, Curlier lilt II nmi IIoiIko
sis., omaiia, m:ii.
OFFICE HOl'ItS From S30 n. in. to E.30
m. Sundays- From 10:30 n. in. to l p. in.
Best Dining Car Service.
22 Yean rperltnce.
Mhlllt'Al, Treatment
r.,.,,1, !...! V..-I
Stricture, Syphilis, l.osdot Vleor ami Vitality'
t'UIli:S till tllANTKhf). CUnrucs low. IIOMK
THKATJIKNT. Hook, Consultation and Exam.
I ii a 1 1 mi Free. Hours, S a. ni. to6; 7lrBp m.
Sumlay.otci 12. 1'. O. Ilox 766. Office, N. R.
Cot. lltuauil Faruaru Streets, OMAIIA, NKJI.
pationts will find us ablo to
nil ond to thoirdontal work whilo tlioy
aro in tho city. Wo havo jupt put in
another chair, eo that patients will
not bo obliged to wait or bo disap
pointed. You will bo pleased both by
tho quality of the work and tho price.
Telephone MB
H. A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. ' Grand Hotel,
AM. WKliK CtM.lli:.("IVf
.MO.MJAV xiairr.
i.v m:v ctMi;iii:s ami diia.iiah,
l'IIIMI,Alt I'ltll'HS- IOi 'Jl nop,
A Complin)- nf Slvti'rii I'riipli
All llii' l.uli'Ht hiuiUM mnl IIiiikm-h,
A t.'o n tin il iiiix I'l-rformiiiiuet
i.AiunH I'll i:i: uiimiav vkjiit.
Mi'i'i ; i : 1 1 i prrxiin piii'ciuiNiiiw n
:(lf llrl.i-t iv 1 1 1 lie nlliiiii'il lii ri'Hrrve
iiiiiiIIkt unit frri; of uluiritu (ur d