Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1900, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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A Week of Big Values. We Advise You to Attend Our Suit Sale Monday.
Closing Qut the Benjamin Stock of Suits and Overcoats
Making Room for the Spring Goods Which Are Now on the Way.
Beimirched School Board Dofendants Ap
pear Before Judge Baker.
Hen Mnlnlnlnn III" Delimit All-, Cowie
In Ncrwiim mill I'nlllil anil
Sear I.iiokM I.Ike Hope
lluil L,cft Him.
Tho Incident of tho forenoon at tho court
house, yesterday was tlin arralgnmcut of Ar
thur M. Cowie, flcorgo II. Hess nml Frank L.
Hears, licensed of bribery In connection with
tho award of school board contracts for
building .supplied. .
Tho defendants were arraigned separately
beforo Judge linker. Kiich pleaded not guilty.
Tho dates of trial have not been positively
llicod, but Urn county attorney announced
that ho would I) ok In with Hess, each de
fendant, to be tried separately, and that ho
would bo ready to enter tlio trial within tho
next two weeks. It is expected that Cowlo
will come next.
Kvorybody about the court room roraarked
tho dcflunt'poso of Hess as ho mopped for
ward to doay his guilt. Ho was neatly
dressed, as usual, and his manner Indicated
absolute repose and contentment.
Cowlo appeared weak and nervous udgrty,
n court houso lounger oxprmsed It. There
wan a slight tremor In his voice ns he spoke,
and his knees seemingly lurked but Utile of
knocking together. Sears was In about the
iiamo condition. He leaned hopelessly on the
clurk'a desk when he was told to stand up
and plead. Ono hand was raised to his head
mid ho appeared generally disconcerted.
A sample of tho reasons set forth by
Tin Mont Ilcniiirkiililc IIciihmI- of I lie
Ktit- for VII U I10 Vi e Weak,
NiTVnii" nml Hun llmvn
ConIn .Notlilnu to Try.
If You lliivr Any of tin' Fullim luir
S nilitoiiiN Sriul Your Niiuii- mill
Aildrt-KK for 11 Fri'i Trill!
Do you feel generally miserable, or suffer
with a thousand .mil one indescribable bad
fooling, both mental and physical, among
thorn low spirit, nerv.uisness, wi-arlmss.
llfelessness, weakness, dizziness, feelings of
fullness, or bloating after eating, or sense
of "goneness" or emptiness of stomach In
morning, IIcsh soft and luckine limine?,
headache, blurring of eyesight, spooks float
ing before tlio eye, neiw im Inl at! Ity, poir
memory, chilliness, alternallnt; with hot
tlushoH, lassitude, throbbing, gurgling "r
rumbling sensation In bowels, with heat an 1
nipping pains occasionally, palpitation of
heart, short breath on exertion, slow circu
lation of tdood. eold feel, pain and oppres
sion In chest and back, pain around tho
loins, aching and weariness of the lower
limbs, ilruwslucus after meals, but nervous
wakefulness at night, languor In tho morn
ing, anil a constant feeling of dread as If
something awful was nbout to batmen-
If you have tiny or all of these symptoms,
send your name and address to llavei A:
Coun, 117 Hull Iiulldlng, Detroit. Midi,
and Ihev will gladly s,eiul ou a free trial
tmx of Dr. Dlx Tonic Tablets. The most
perfect remedy known. You will be tie
lighted wltli them and they may i-uvr your
life. They are put up in tablet form pleas
ant to take and cas directions, which, if
you follow, will positively und effectually
cum In a short time, no muttur how bad
you may be, or If you prefer you can get a
full sized box at your druggists for only M
cents, We don't ask ou to take, our word
for what Dr Dlx Tonic Tabids v 111 do
t-ciid for the free package and give them n
tent Ten minute after yuu take the tlrst
tablet yuu will feel better.
Olil Price iftUS.OO
eiv Price
Olil I'rlce ftU.-S.llll
mv I'rlce
oiii price vuimio
.cv Price-
(lid Price 1MM0
JVt-u- Price
(Mil Price 1JIH.00
Sciv Price
Olil Price I? 1.1.00
Ximv Price
Cowlo's motion for quashing the Informa
tion against him Is as follows: '
"Uecauso It Is not stated In said Informa
tion or In any count thereof whethor tha
school district mentioned Is one within the
city or whether duly organized."
Thero nro eighteen In all, and the forego
ing is a fair sam"io of the lot.
.IiiiIki- Dickinson Dciilcn 'Writ of In
junction AKiilimt till City.
"Micky" Mullen's concert hall may bo
wiped oft tho map so far as tho courts aro
concerned. Judgo Dickinson yesterday
heard Mullen's application for n restraining
order preventing the city authorities from
removing tho building In which ho docs busi
ness. At tho close of tho hearing the Judgo
I Said he would deny tho writ and that the
' city building Inspector might proceed with
! his work of demolition if so desired.
! Assistant City Attorney Scott wanted the
j court to order the building destroyed, but
I Judgo Dickinson held that was not within
his province Ab tho matter now stands,
the writ of Injunction In denied and tho re
lations of tho city toward Mullen aro the
same as they wero before the caso was
taken Into court. What tho outcomo will
be has not yet developed,
Iiulldlng Inspector Dutler says that In
lov of Judgo Dickinson's ruling ho will
proceed nt onco to raze Mullen's building.
"I will probably bo ready to do the work
by next Monday," Mr. Ilutlor says.
Coiiiiiil-iNloiicr-i iicnr llcforc .Indue
KejNor in UiiKliiccr KiitmiKlciiiciil,
Tl'o county ojir.ilii&loucrs aro before
Judgo Keysor In equity court to answer
the nnlon of Anton Vltousch, who seeks to
prevent tho board from employing an un
licensed engineer at tho court house. Ed
J. Deo, who was appointed engineer by tho
popocrutle majority of tho board, has no
licenac. Deo still holds tho position nnd
tho majority nays, will contlnuo to do
so, and that It defeated In tho lower courts
they will appeal to the ouprcme court. If
that is done, it will bo sovornl years beforo
tho cia-o Is reafthod owing to tho congested
condition of 'he supremo court docket.
Attorneys representing Vltouaeh set forth
that human life Is Jeopardized by tho re
tention of an unlicensed engineer. An ex
amination as 10 qualification is required
beforo a license can be obtained, and Deo
hna thu i far failed to pass. Tho caao Is
being argued at great length.
nr.uii r.vsij stii.i. csi:tti,i:ii.
Jnrv Mwirn to I'iinm on Cute of Ac
ciimciI I'll 1 1" lo 1 1 I'll li Agreement,
Krank Der." U still wondering what the
. law Is going to do with him for tho killing
! of Thomas Flaherty on the night of Decem
ber 2t. After being out fifteen hours the
Jurors failed to reach an ugrremont and at
10 a ni. yesterday Judgo Halter (Uncharged
them. No Information was mode public as
to how tho Jury stood.
Dorr will hnvo a new trial, but the date
has not yet been set. Meanwhile, ho Is out
cn bond. He apparently preferred a verdict
to further suspense. Court houso spectators
havo remarked frequently about the con
stancy of Dcrr'B wifo. who tat by his sldo
In tho court room each day of the trial,
which began last Monday.
col yv asks run m:w thiai,.
Million SliimliiK I'rror Is l'lleil hi
Alliyn I'riinU MmiiliiiiuiM Ciinc,
The county attorney has llled a motion for
a new trial In the mandamus action of the
county against Albyn I 'rant, ex-clerk of
the dlatiiet court, which was decided In
favor of Krank by Judge Kstollo a fow days
ago. .
The motion entens Into details and thir
teen reasons are set forth by the county at
torney In support of his plea for another
hearing. If a new trial Is not granted In
tho lower courts It U the Intention of thu
Some special
values in Spring
Top Coats at
Your heavy over
coat you will
wear very little
this season but
it will pay
you to buy for
next winter.
county attorney to appeal to tho supremo
.Major Wheeler Talkn About tin Itc
cent Conference svlth AxNliitiint
Dlrrntur AVllie.
Major D. H. Wheeler has returned from a
trip to Dea Moines, whero ho went to con
sult with tho asslHtant director of the
census, Fred II. Wines, relative to the work
of the next census, which will be begun June
t. At tho Des Moines meeting there were
present mipcrvisors from Iowa, tho Dakotas,
Minnesota nnd Nebraska, wllllnm K. I'eeblc3
of Tender and Major Wheeler of Omaha
representing Nebraska. The other Ne
braska supervisors met tho asoistant director
at Kansas City. The supervisors were In
structed in tho work and wero nhown the
methods best approved by tho department.
"Tho work of taking this censuo will be
more thorough than that of any previous
decade," says Major Wheeler, "and the
method adopted for tho selection of enumer
ators will place tho work In the hands of
competent men. When tbo application for
an appointment Is received It Is filed, and
as soon thereafter an possible, In the ease
of Omaha somo tlmo next week, tho ap
plicants nro furnished with a sample census
blank with tho work of an enumerator in
narrative form. The applicant Is expected
to fill tho blank from tho narrative and re
turn tho papers to the supervisor, who wnds
them to Washington for examination. The
appointment Is based upon tho grado made
by tho applicant In tho examination of tho
"Tho census bureau hns taken tho greatest
earo to prevent padding of the returns by
tho rnurneratorf In cities which dcslro a
hotter bhowing than they deserve. Mr.
Wines told mo that, for example, the bureau
has listed every houso In Omaha, with Its
location, and If any attempt Is made to pad
It will appear on tho face of tbo returns
nnd tho papers will bo sent back by a special
offlccr for rovlolon. Thero will bo about 1 15
enumerators In tho Second Nebraska dis
trict, und so far thero havo been filed 2.'n
applications, which, with the blanks yet out
will bring the number up to 275 or 2S0. Tho
question of appointing female enumerators
In this district will bo decided In Washing
ton. All such applicants will bo furnished
examlnatlcn papers nnd will be treated tho
same as their brothers."
No Truth In Report Hint Hp Huh lleen
Klpctcil 1'rcHlilcut of An
Iihult TriiKt,
Hugh Murphy, tho well known contrac
tor, has returned from Now York. Referring
to tho statement published a fow days ago
that ho had been mado president of an
asphalt trust at a enlnry of $23,000, Mr.
Murphy puts an emphatic quietus upon It.
"Of course," said he, "l have no Injunction
against tho newspapers to restrain tho
publication of Items concerning me, but this
statement Is much In error. I am, as I long
havo been, a contractor for public works.
That is my business, and nsphaltum Is
merely a sldo Issue with roe. As far as
tho salary of $25,000 por annum Is con
cerned, I havo had no trouble for years In
cleaning up that amount annually out of my
business, nnd that salary could, therefore,
hardly bo on Inducement for mo to enter
Into any complicated buslnesa Interests. I
havo been able to clean up that amount an
nually and bo at all times rny own boss, and
I would not bo likely to throw up all
chance of doubling It ineroly for tho privi
lege of drawing my salary and being u
figurehead. I expect to contlnuo In busl
new as a contractor for public works., and
nny propositions looking to my debut In tho
lolo of a trust magnate havo been turned
down. I have no divided lutoresta with
any man or corporation."
I $10 1
$2. GO no more.
Much has boon said latoly about shoo values. Monday
iik.ho n offer that bents thorn nil nil our $3. GO. SI und $5 shoes go at
This includes twenty-live cases of new spring lots of high
priced, stylish footwear which can only bo found in tho high grade stores
They coino in black, tan. calf, box calf, viol kid, enamel and patent leathern sin
glo and doublo soles with extension or closed edgos bull dog, London and Cor
nell toes This will bo tho scnsntional shoo sulo of Omaha.
Monday $2.50 No More
Sohool Board Committee Still Advocates
Closing Three Outlying School.
IiivcMtlKiHIiiu Committee Hum Iteeoiu
iiii'iiiliitlou for 111m KijhiInIoii,
lull TnkeN Krluht at At
torne h' Threat.
Notwithstanding tho revolution In senti
ment appuront In the Hoard of Education
relatlvo to tho closing of tho outlying
schools, tho special committee appointed to
Investlgnto complaints will report In favor
of tho new system nt tho meeting called
for tho purpose Monday night.
"Wo havo gono into the subject ex
haustively," said one of tho committeemen,
"and aro satisfied that tho new plan Is for
tho best Interests of all concerned. It Is
plain that tho Ambler, West Sldo and Kcker
tunnn districts, each with about twenty pupils
scattered through six grades, aro nothing
moro than country schools, and pupils who
havo attended them nro not prepared to
enter downtown schools In the samo grades.
When thero nro only two classes In a room
tlio training Is necessarily much moro uni
form nnd beneficial generally.
"Tho remonstranco Is mado primarily by
parties Interested In real estato who wish to
mnlntaln a school In their neighborhood at
whatever cost to tho city as an Inducement
to purchasers. As far as tho patrons nro
concerned, they aro receiving better school
facilities nt tho brick buildings to which
their children aro transported. We find tho
wagons used for the purpose in overy way
comfortnblo nnd adequate. If tho system Is
onco adopted It is probable that wagons will
bo specially constructed by order of tho
board. Wo consider tho saving effected by
tho new plan noarly 100 por month suffi
cient to Justify somo slight Inconvonlenco
nnd tho committee will mako no change in
tho report originally agreed upon."
Co nie Left In Pence.
In tho opinion of several mombers of tho
board no stops will be taken nt the meeting
Monday night toward tho expulsion of Mem
ber Cowie, although tho sentiment has been
previously expressed that further associa
tion with hlni would bo Intolerable, Tho
truth Is that something has happoncd to
alarm tho Investigating committee. It was
its intention to submit Its report last Mon
day night, rocomuHiidlng, among other
things, that Cowlo bo Immediately cast out.
At tho last moment, however, tho committee
held a consultation nnd begged for moro
tlmo. Attorney Jefferls, representing Cowie,
had already assured tho board that a resigna
tion would bo forthcoming after the trial,
but that at present such action wight work
Injury to the case of his client. The com
mlttco, however, would not coiment to any
delay and promised to use force. It is bc
lloved that tho attorney has taken stos In
tho direction of securing u restraining order
and has so notified tho committee. The lat
ter Is advising with tho hoard's attorney and
will probably submit n plan of action nt tho
regular meeting on March S. Cowle's attor
neys will glvo no indication nB to their prob
ablo course, but point out tho absurdity of
attempting, threugh the agency of Roberts'
Holes of Order, to oust a man who has been
elected by tin. people,
Tho only other mnttor to came before the
meeting Monday will be the installation of
Morris I,oy ns a member in tho plato of O,
(1. Irey.
Ailvnuce I'rlecN of W'oncl eon n re.
C I,i:'i:i,AND. Feb. 21 As a resul' of a
secret meeting of the Wooiienwarc associa
tion, which has been In session lure for
several days past It Is said there is likely
to be another advance In prices of small
woodenwnre articles Thn last mec'lng of
tbo assodatlou. held In this city a few
mouths ago, was followed by n 10 per cent
Iloiiril of Director of Ketull Lumber
men AVI II Meet In Oiniihii
March II.
Tho board of directors of tho Nebraska
Lumber Deulerfl' association met at noon
yesterday at the Dcllono hotel, and after re
organizing, elected J. C. Clelanil of Fro
raont, secretary, and William Fried of the
samo city, treasurer. O. O. Snyder of
O'Neill wna selected as tho representative
of tho osioilatlon to visit Minneapolis dur
ing tho meeting of tho .Mississippi Valley
Wholesalers', and Manufacturers." association,
which convenes Mnrch 27, to tako up and
sottlo sOveral matters now in consideration
by the two associations relatlvo to tho halo
of lumber by the members of tho whole
salers' organization to poachers in the Ne
braska district.
Tho board adjourned to meet nt the Del
Iono hotel Friday, March !i, at 10 o'clock,
whon recommendations of the convention
will bo considered and plans adopted for
putting them Into effect.
liuiiK of the I'riiternlty HoIiIm Hluh
On rn I nl In it Siiloini While
Loollntr II.
Ilurglats forced an entrance to tho saloon
of Ollio J. Kaneft. Twenty-eighth nnd Far
nnm, Friday night, ami socurcd about $25
worth of plunder In money and goods. Tho
ostnblishment suffered soverely from tho
depredations of tho robbers. When the
porter entered to scrub out about daylight
thn place looked, ax though It had been
struck by a cyclone. Tho storm window
of tho cellar had boon chopped away. In
tho mlddlo of the Moor lay tho fragments of
tho slot machine, nnd by them tho stovo
poker with which tho device had been do
niollshcd. Several glasses and beer muga
wore broken. Thero was evldonco that tho
burglars had been "drinking on tho houso"
and converting tho plnco Into a bedlam.
Tho family which slept overhead was not
disturbed by tho noise.
Ton dollars was taken from tho cash reg
ister and $5 from the slot mnchlne. A
quantity of cigars, bottled goods and a 38
caliber rovolvor aro alto missing.
UvletH mi I'luveleonie Suitor hy Scml
lnii Hlni for lleer The Sullor
In I'IiiimI.
(leorgo C. Callls. a locomotive engineer,
with tho remains of an elaborato toilet anil
a Jag, stood boforo tho bar of tho police
court yesterday and told why It had
suited hjs purposo to threaten tho life of
Mrs. Shorty O roves.
Callls is In love with the widow; nil
parties agreo to Hint. Ordinarily, too, his
attentions would not bo (llstnsteful to her,
but when ho called Friday night he had
been drinking. Cloves, brilliant lno, po
mudo and bay rum had been used lavishly
In his tolet, but thepo combined could not
neutralize tho odor of spirits, so Mrs.
flroves, who lives at 1312 Chicago street,
osked him to leave. Ho refused. Sho re
sorted to strategy.
Sho asked him to go and get n bucket of
beer, and whllo ho whs gone sho locked tho
doors, drew tho curtains nnd retired to tho
conning tower on tho third lloor. From
this coign of vantage tho wal.-hcd hlin ns
ho returned, she saw Mm kick tho door
nnd try to pour tho beer through tho key
hole, and then sho called tho pollco by
He was fined Jl aud costs.
Old price
8!55.00 Mon
day's price. . .
Old price
&M). 00 Mon
day's price . .
Old price
$2S. 00 Mon
day's price. . . .
Old price
$25.00 Mon-
day's price. . . .
Old price
?22. 00 Mon
day's price
Old price
$20.00 Mon
day's price
Old price
818.00 Mon
day's price. . . .
Old price
815.00 Mon-
day's price. . .
Old price
812.00 Mon
m -m
II if
day's price .
Old price
10.00 Mon
day's price.
Monday's Sale
Premium Offer
To Renders
Beautiful Pictures for the Home.
A Spirited
Battle Picture
Which wns awarded thu prize mcdnl
In tlio I'ntiR Knlon. Cost $00,000.
This fine nlcttue. In 11 colors re
produces lino for lino nnd color for
color, overy detail or tho orlglnnl.
Famous Oil Painting
Is 'J2x:io Inches und Is fit to ndorn
the nit Ktillery of it Vnnderbllt.
Yon can have either or both of
3 consecutive coupons cut from this
These beautiful pictures have
The lice has purchased several
thus making the piico very low for
3 C01P0NS
ONLY 10c
MtKMiltAVI hi:
Of .11. Ilclllllle'H I'lilllllllN I'llllltlnu.
"The Defense of
fill I'OX Ftlll FUIIIU IIY
This coupon, with two others of
consecutlvu dates nnd 10 cents, pre
sented at the JJee olllce entitles any
tender of tho Heo to this beautiful
picture, IKixiM) Inches. If you want
U mailed, send 10 cents extra for
tube. postiiKC, etc.
If you send part or all In two-cent
not stick together. Address all letters
TI1K 11
.Mortnlll- NIiiIInIIcn.
The following births and deuth were re
ported at the ollbe of the Hoard of Health
during tho twenty-four hours ended ut n ion
Hiitnrdny :
Mirths Cornelius Itoynolds, 022 North
Twenty-fourth, boy: J. It. Ford, 11017 Frank
lin, boy; August Iliaun, 815 I.oavemvorth,
Death Thomas Ouplta, Fifty-fourth and
Center, 03 years.
i'.i,ii,ii in ii.i I,,.... ri v.. i, ....i
Tho pupils of the Kiincrnfl school enter
tained their frluids from P::!o until 5 o'clock
yesterday with an cxlunlt of art pro-1
uiieiloui. Tin. rooms wire darkened and 1
arilllclullv light -.l, giving ,i plcailim t ffei-t
lo Ibi' illpl.i The plr-turcH .ire fm the
ll)n! tjiii fi 'iroilui ' 1' ri - of hlnitiilr plH'.i
or pi tm ages mil ure Instn Ivt Ir mi
in nrtlsit prim of Mew T i .n'oiloi)
wu Mix ull patr'imzt'd Id tin u.irenls
und friends of the pupils und with the
Kvory Winter Over
coat reduced to tho
abovo schedule.
of The Bee.
In the harvest field hoc for the first
time a balloon In tho sky.
This Famous Painting,
owned by the Metropolitan Art Mu
Bonn) of New York, reproduced In
color nnd effect, Is l2xao inches, la
bnndsomo nnd beautiful.
theso famous paintings for 10c each nnd
advertisement lu Tho Dally Iiee.
never been sold lor less than $1.00 each
thousand as n special subscription feature
U eo readers only.
Of Duure'n Slnrvcloud l'uliitluu.
t'Ot l'O.V FOR I'lOllltl WHY
This coupon with two others of
consecutive dates and 10 cents, pre
sented at tbo llei olllce eiitltles nny
leader of the llee to this beuutlful
picture, '22x'M inches. If you want
it mailed, send 10 cents extra for
tube, postage, etc.
postage stamps bo careful that thoy do
proceeds tho pupils will bo ablo to cover
the lilunk spaces of tho different rooms
with uttructlvo pictures.
Mcl'lif mon TimvciI In.
NBW YOHK, Feb. 2t. A dispatch received
from Norfolk says that tho Mcl'herson has
arrived there In tow of tho Admiral Samp
son, cno of tho United Fruit company'H Nj
or steamers, Tho tall shaft of tho Mcl'her
won broke lust Monday when the vessel was
In north latitude 31.50, longltudo 71.05. Sho
was taken lu tow by tho Sampson ycoterduy,
fifty miles east of HatternH,
The dispatch further says there are on
board the Mcl'herson twclvo llrKt-elass pas
sengers and nineteen enlisted ami dis
charged foldleru. besldo the rcnuiins '
ninety-six fcoldlers which are being brought
to tho United Htntcs for Interment.