s T1TE OfATTA DATLV 1EE: SUN DAT, FETJ"RITA11 Y 25, 1000. COUNCIL BLUFFS. SU N Oil M lVI'ION. pavls sells glass. J'lno A. B. C. beer, Neumaycr's hotel. Welsbnch burners at Hlxby's. Tel. l'J3. JiUdweHer beer L ltosenfldt. agent. Photo. Mmturrell & Co.. 45 Main street. llr. O. II Hcolt In convolving from n Severn Htt.uk of the arl; J. T. Oliver mid John Ilcno, sr.. arc In Chicago on it business trip. Get your work done at the popular Eaglo laundry. 751 Broadway. 'Phono 157. W. C. Estop, undortnker. 2S Pearl street Telephones: Olllee, 97: tesldencc. 13. Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. V. I-. Harris, 216 ''ourth street, lust night, a daughter. Tho place to have your framing done. Alexander's Art Emporium. 333 Broadway. Ohio Knox reported the thoft of plumb Ilii' from thi' house at 3ii9 Ross street Frl )Hy night .1. I'. Ultimo u prominent member of the Ainlulion fotinty h,ir. wus In the city H.itwilny. culling on friend-. The regular public meeting of the Theo nipdiciil Koclcty will lie belli this afternoon nt :( o'clock ut 715 Fourth street. A motion for h new trial ims been llleil In tho district court by the plaintiff In tho suit of Itlley f'liirk against J. H. Hems worth. Andrew Hunks and H. H. Dower, who lirenmo luvnhed In a noisy altercation on jtrnadwny I" r i f 1 1 1 night, were assessed J5 una costs encn in ixiiice court. .lohn Korlnell and Venule Ktidrnn, both from lliitler cotintv. Nebraska, were mar- rieu in tills city yesterday, the ceremony iiemg performed ny Justice Fcrrler ilea Hawyer and Fred Holder, tho two runaway boys picked up by the police Fri day afternoon, were released and allowed to continue on tneir way home to riileugo, Hen Howard, a young fellow wanted In Omaha to answer to 4hc charge of the iircrny oi two overcoats, was sentenced to llftien days In tho county Jail for vag rancy. Jacob Thompson, chief clerk 1n the mail ing department at the postolllce, was Handing- a-oiiml the cigar" yesterday lit Honor or Hie advent or a lit lu liaby dailgh ter at b's home. Thi- February term of the superior court will bf convened next Tuesday. In the ab sence of Judge Aylesworth, Acting Judge Paul Aylerworth "ill mako an assignment or causes ior trial. Word h'm been received from Jmlire Aylesworth of the superior court that he o!ect to return Home tne early part or tills week. He had Intended to start last Thursday, but was taken sick with a so- vero cold. Tho monthly meeting of the Council TllurfH Ministerial association will be held tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock at tbo first I'resiiyterian eiiuron. Rev. v. ll Cable, pastor of Trinity Methodist church will read a paper. F. C Harrison, the prisoner at the county jiiii. wno was routiii to lie insane, was taken to Lincoln, Neh.. Saturday by Dep uty Shcrirf Canning, who will turn him over to the authorities there. Horrl'oti has relatives In Lincoln and fprmerly made his nome wicie. Will sell nt a bargain, my home, 2110 Avenue O, llfty foot frontage, two lots, with lemalnder of building left standing ironi recent pre, togetner wun goon out iiuiinings anil tine wen, ror Jioo. uooii loeu tlon for a home. Address or call on August Almuerg. ziti Aveuuo council muffs The Redmond company heglnH a week's engagement at the uohany theater tomor row night. The plays to be nroduced bv this company nro said to ton very bright jiiii! tno spec-laities nro pleasing. The com pany linn been highly spoken of by tho critics in other cities -wncro it nas appeared Gcorgo Smith, who assaulted his wife and kidnaped his little baby dnughtcr Frl day morning, returned tho child to tho mother yesterday morning and then dellv ored himself up to tho authorities. Justice. Vlon lined him $X and costs for beating Ills wife and not having tho money to pay the. lino lie wan committed to tno counti- Jail to board It out. Harry Murphy, a young fellow over whoso head a Hfteen-dnya suspended sen lenco in the county jail was hanging ro intoxication, was before Acting rolli Judge Aylesworth on a similar charge. I To tried to maKe the court helleve ho was sick nnd not drunk when arrowed, but tho ex ciiso did not go nnd the court gave him twenty days In tho county jail to reform. William Diwey, tho chronic thief, rhartred with the larceny of a fur cape Ithe nronertv of Mrs. Miller of South Muln street, waived examination In police court ml was bound over to tho grand jury Jinwoy Is wanted 1n Omahri for tho larceny of a quantity of wearing nppnrel from u hulldlug In the daytime nnd Is not nt 'nil anxious mat tno nuinormes across in river should get a chance nt him. Often you can pee a, play that pleases lie iliiwnstalrs. but falls utterly to catch tho gallery, or olio Just the reverse; but with Lincoln J. Carter's nlays It can bo. truthfully nald tlioy mako a hit with tho entlrn house, from boxes to tho gallery. Ills new piece, "Ilomornbor the Maine," Is itho most startling ho has ever produced. Tho wonderful scenic effect, the blowing tip of tho Maine, as seen in tho second net, Is something hard to excel In stage mech unlsm. This play will be seen for the tlrst tlmo In thin city tonight nt the Dohany theater. N. T. Plumbing C Tei. 25C. BAR ASSOCIATION MEETING Resolution! Favoring Transfer of Harmon Conntj to Fifteenth District. ITTLE OPPOSITION TO -THE MEASURE (llllcem for tli KtintiliiK Yrur Are lllcctctl mid Several Other Mutters of IiniiorlHiiee Come Li fur Decision, The Pottawattamie County liar association at Its adjourned meeting yesterday adopted the resolutions offered at the previous ses-,' lon favoring the bill now pending In the state legislature for the transfer of Harrison county from tho Fourth to the Fifteenth Judicial district. Flnley Iliirke, find vlco president of the as sociation, wielded the gavel in tho absence i lltny Week In the rliclc of the of President Iiloomer. At tho fw-mer meet- .sueii svt. Ing tho resolutions, which had bcn Intro- r' last week before Lent has proved a duccd by Secretary Altchlson, were referred rrmarkably busy one in tho gay world worth Icnguo meeting at' C 15 p. m. Tho nerved. The next meeting of the club wll. midweek prayer meeting will bo held Thtirs- j occur Tueuday with Mrs. George F. Hamil ton and Airs u. j rattorson, at tneir nome, day evening at 7 '30 o'clock. Rev. It. Venting, pastor of tho First llap tlst church, will take s tho subject of his sermon this morning "Political anil Roll glous Liberty." At the evening sorvlco his themo will bo "The Thorn-Crowned King." Sundny school will bo at noon; Young Peo ple's union meeting nt tl .10 p. in. In tho chapel. There will be no evening service nt llethnny chapel, but Sunday school will be held nt 3 p. m. At the Twenty-ninth Street mission there will be Sunday school nt 3 p. in. nnd preaching at 7-30 p. m. At tho First Presbyterian church this morning the pastor, Rev. W. S. llarnes, will preach on "Tho Growth of a Passion." His sermon nt the evening service will bo on "A Light from Heaven." Sunday school will bo held nt tuon: Junior league meeting at 1 p. in.; Westminster league prayer meeting nt C:30 p. m. "Love and Obedience" will be, tho themo of Key. J. W. Wilson's discourse this morn ing nt tho First Congregational church; Sunday school will bo at noon; hos' nnd girls' meeting at 3 p. in.; Christian En deavor meeting at .30 p. in.: evening serv ice wllh short sermon by the pastor, at 7:30 o'clock. SOCIKTV IN CO! CIL III. I I'l'S. L. J lit North First strev't. Tho Hamilton Whist club was entertained Tuesdny afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Mer rlain nnd the prizes for the month were dis tributed. Mrs. Lyman Shugart nnd Miss Fnrnsworth were given the prizes. The meet ing on Tuesday next will bo with Mrs. Blanche Williams. Tho meetings of tho Ktichcr club have been discontinued until after Lent. Thursday afternoon a number of the sen iors of the High school gave n dinner at the home of Miss Kittle Warner on Washington avenue. Tho afternoon was spent In games, music and colonial dances. At 5 o'clock a dinner was served In true colonial style, after which toastn appropriate to the day were given. Tho guests were In costumo repre senting George nnd Martha Washington, Miles Standlah and Prlocllla, Captain John Smith nnd Pocahontas and several others. An enjoyable party was given Thursday evening by Mrs. W. F. Fisher of Vine street, tho occasion being the 8th birthday of her llttlo niece, lluby Whittlesey. The evening was pleasantly spent at games and music, after which refreshments were served. Those present were: Hazel Cook, Vera Stork. Leila Sterlck, Lulu Carter, niossom Forbes, Mignon and Itnchel Maynnrd, Irene nnd Ce cil Ward, Dymar Sorcnsen, Kthol Holdler, .Vonlo Simmons, Iithel Simmons, Cecil and Helen Fisher. Mm Tin n Vim nt ltmiA t to the committee on legislation, and this Charming affairs both large and miall havo ,,rl,ny PV0IllnK , honor of Ule b,rthd' of cotnmltteo presented a majority and a ml norlty report. The majority report, olgned by W. II. Ware and S. II. Wndsworth, rec ommended the adoption of the resolutions, while tho minority report, Blgnnd by N. M. Pusey, the third member of tho committee, opposed the passage of them. Tho reports led to considerable discus- followed each other In bewildering con fusion. Pretty gowns wero given a final op portunity to show how really fascinating they could innko their owners appear. Anil tho mr tubers of tho card clubs, well thoy have played fast and furiously all week, no Importunities for a game being tost. A very delightful party was given last her sons, 111 and Sidney. A large number of children wero entertained, games were played and refreshments were served. Miss Letha Ilutler entertained charmingly at a colonial tea Thursday afternoon Misses Hazel and llosslo Hammer, Donnldlne Hell 'and Hbtin Ycagcr. Tho table was prettily owning by Mr. nnd Mrs. F. T. True. About 'Iceowteil In pink and .white hyacinths. nMv rf7,mmma'.'?n f ,bC ' Mur ' "Ali Si' niM anVa d.uereut game , , Mr. and Mrs. H. Markel entertained majority prevailed and the resolutions were adopted on motion of Kmmet Tlnley. Let ters from a number of Harrison county at torneys and the clerk of the district court of that county wero read urging the trano was played at cm h table. The guests wero: " ''"finuuiij m mo L'nion depot hotel Thuru Mr. and Mrs. Clem Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. evening. The evening was spent nt Abbott of Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. H jiibam, j t,iir,Is au' music. An elegantly served lunch Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Jones, Mr. and Mr. Gor- concluded the evening. The guests were: ham. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mntthcws of South I Messrs. and Mcsdamcfl Gcorgo Van Annan, fer. The secretary had been Instructed to oma'ha, Mr. mid .Mrs. Frank Danforth, Mr. M- Maynard of Omaha. Merwln Maynnrd i ue me iour gauges oi tins district ror tneir anu- Mrs, j c Mitchell. Mrs. Mnttlo Allen, opinions on the proposed change, but an- mib Klteh. Mlssf Donovan of Ashland. Neb.. swers only wero received from Judge Miiey ' miim Ilisslo Gorham, Mr. Fitch. Mrs. Ttuo and Judge Green. Tho former wroto that he had not tho necesaary Information to ex press an opinion, while the latter raised ob jections to the transfer. Judge Green's let ter was as follown: "My Judgment Is that It would be against was nsslfted In serving tho guests by Miss Georgia Mitchell. Otic of the most delightful social events of the week was the card party given Wednes day afternoon by Mrs. Millard F. ltohrca' and .Mrs. James N. Casady, Jr., nt the tho public interests for the following rea- ! Kohrer homo, complimentary to MIsb hpauld- sons: inc and Miss Ingerson of Sioux City. The "There would not bo enough buslucos to rooms wero elaborately trimmed In gorgojus Justify the appointment of another Judge, meteor roses nnd only crimson lights woro nnd, whlio we codld do the work nt present, ' employed In lighting. Tho guests wero rc- witn four Judges, if business revives, as ! celved by Mrs. ltoiiror, wno woro a nniui- everyono expects It will, four could not do somo tollctto of black nnd white; Mrs. the business properly. Casady, In a gown of sheer white, with trlm- "The district would simply bo of such a ! tilings of black lace; Miss bpauiding. a cream size, with the addition of Harrison county, that there, would be either too many or too few Judges. The number of JudgCH could not bo adjusted to It. liberty silk over pink fichu of lnce, edged with swansdown which fell to the edgo of the skirt, nnd Miss Ingerson, who woro an exdtilsltcly dainty frock of whlto mous- Objectlrns wero raised to tho nronosed soIlno 1,0 t,olc' w,Ul laco "Immlngs. Assist- chango on behalf of the court reporters of throughout tho rooms were: a 50 Cents a Pair: FIRE FIRE 50 Cents a Pair Will put on sale tomorrow, Monday, 500 pairs children's and misses shoes, slightly damaged by water. Not a pair of this lot was damaged by fire. 50 Cents a Pair. This includes some of our finest children's shoes. S. A. PIERCE Si CO. Sellers of good shoes, Cor. Broadway and Main Streets. .Misses Florence Maynard of Omaha, Clara Clark, MuIvHiIII of New York; Messrs. Charleo J. Sales, L, A. Markel, Clyde Opclt of North Platte. John N. Norrls of Omaha. ami .Mr. ami .Mrs. W. W. ,Ynle. Mt i . I t, (' 1. .. . ... , . . ' wuiijuiu t'uicriiiincn ai caras Wednesday evening for Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan forth. Tho Twentieth Century High Five club was entertained Wednesday by Mr. and Mrs. J. .!. Klein nt their homo on Damon street. HefresbmentH were served. Mrs. Anna Lunkley nnd Mr. James Matthalo were tho winners of(tho first prizes nnd Mra. Anna Coy of Omaha and Mr. N. 13. Tyrrell of the second. Thoho from hero who attended the ball given Thursday evening nt the Metropolitan club, Omaha, by tho Oeorgo Washington club of tho Union Stock Yards, were: Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Casady, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Itohrer nnd Miss Spauldlng of Sioux City. Miss Madge Watts, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I). Watts, and Mr. Dodrldge Alloy of this district, It being claimed that at present Schoentgcn, Miss Chcrrlo Wells nnd Miss thev hnrniu ,!, ui. , Carrie Itohrer. A very pretty luncheon was that if a nfi t.wi ),. 1 .,., 1 served during tho afternoon. About eighty I Atwood, Kan., were married Saturday after trlct It would mean tho appointment of an- ' RUests wero l'ntrrtn'np1' , Mrs- ,F;1,,lonn.H" i,C.oat.illS,rC8ll,CI3CO tho brldc's liarcn,s' other reporter, which would still lessen their LoURCO c"VCl1 l,rat rU nml ?Irs- T,mn ! 7r01 South Twenty-fourth street. Key. K. L. home from their European trip. They are expected In Council Hluffs the early part of this week. Mrs. Donald Macrae. Jr., gave a children's party Wednesday afternoon In honor of the birthday of her daughter Marlon. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. U. Casady will entertain Informally nt a chafing dish supper this evening In honor of Miss Suo Spalding ami .Miss Ingerson of Sioux City. Mrs. Drayton W. Iluslinell entertained charmingly Thursday evening tho members of tho Council Illuffs chapter. Daughters of tho American Revolution. Mrs. J. N. C'aBady, sr., entertained nt din ner Thursday evening In honor of Miss Spalding nnd Miss Ingerson of Sioux City. Covers wero laid for ten. ItK.VTII OK IIOV. I). III.OOMF.It. Bank Cole s Cycle Savings Wheels Wheels $1.00 Down $1.00 Week. Coles' groat sensational ofTor. Every one can got a wheel. Thir? oHer good until April 1st, and only on wheels under $.-10. 50 down, $2.50 weekly on same plan as abovu on Col uinbia chain and chainless and Spalding wheolf. , Cot our pass book and save your money. Money re funded before April 1st, if required. COLE & COLE, 41 MAIN STREET, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. Buy 100 Lbs. Moore's food KM OP Tlll'l HOIIKKIl I.ITIUATION. l.'eiioo Will Come Down nnd Third Street He Thrown Oiien. Tho litigation between the city and Mrs. M. F. Hohror over the opening of Third street at Sixteenth avenue was brought to n closo Saturday, when tho city elected to tiecopt tho appraisement of tho petit Jury of tho property in controversy. Tho city will pay Mrs, Itohrer $1,000 for tho land necessary for the opening of tho street. It will nlso have to pay $37S to tho Omaha & 8t. Iyouia railway and $75 to the railway company's attorneyn. Tho controversy between tho city and Mra. Hohror was of several yiiara standiu?. About four years ago Mrs. Hohror demanded that tho city pay her for tho portion of her property which had boon used as a con tlnunncti of Third street nt Sixteenth nvenuo. This wan refused and Mrs. Itohrer had the property fenced off, rhus closing tho streot nnd lost. It being hold that tho Btreet nt this point, when tho adjoining property wus platted had never been deeded to tho city. The city took an appeal, but the supremo court ruled In favor of Mrs. Hohror. Then tho city commenced condemnation proceed ings nnd the appraisers fixed the valuo of tho property belonging to-Mm. Itohrer nt J'.'.OOO and tho strip belonging to tno vn earnings. Against these objections it was stated that thcro was n bill pending making tho offlco of the court reporters salaried ono nt $1,500 per annum. Thcro was some ob jection also raised to tho proposed transfer on political groundB. At prespnt tho Fif teenth district Is republican, while Harrison county la strongly democrat. On the resolu tions, however, being put to tho vote thero wero only three dissenting votes Member Ware brought tiio matter of tho removal Ansel Brlggs, first governor of Iowa, from Omaha to Dea Moines. Tho Pioneer Law makers' association of Iowa has frequently attempted to havo this done, but has fnlled to socure tho permission of tho relatives. This has now been obtained nnd a bill Is now befo'ro the state legislature to appro priate $5,000 to defray the expenses of tho removal nnd for the purpose of erecting a monument. Tho following resolution was adopted: "That It Is tho sense of the Pattawattamlo County liar association In its called meeting that it Is In favor of the bill pending for tho removal of tho remnlns of Ansel Ilrlggs, first governor of Iowa, to the city of Des Moines and tho election there of a monu ment to bis memory." Governor Ilrlggs was a( iSD tlnrt- a resident of Council Illuffs. Tho election of ofllcers resulted In the old officers being selected for tho not year as follows: President, D. C. Bloomer; first vlco president, Flnley Burko; second vlco president, Spencor Smith; third vlco presi dent, Jacob Sims; secretary, C. 11. Altchlson; treasurer, Caroline Ij. Dodge; grlevanco com mittee, C. M. Hurl, 0. S. Wright, J. M. Onl vln. Mr. Burke reappointed tho standing com mittees. They are: Finance, G. II. Mnyne, 0. S. Blanchard, J. J. Hess; legislation, W. II. Ware, N. M. Pusey, S. B. Wadsworth; court, A. W. Askwlth, A. S. Hazolton, J. N. Baldwin. Howell's Antl-"Kawf cure coughs, colds. Church Note.. St. Paul's Episcopal church, Rev. George Edward Wulk, rector Qulnquagcslnui Sun day; Holy communion at 8 a. m.; morning prayer, litany and sermon at 10:30; subject of sermon, "Somo Things About Lent;" evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. Ash Wednesday, February 28, services will bo I , , , ... ,n..n ... .... I ... I .. T t The city took the matter Into court I " ',"- T:ST:?"L."Lr"u k Hill iirt, . ! wt.tvu ...... V I,., UK, ,,(.,, brief sermon by tho rector. Lenten services will bo held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 4:30 p. in., and on Friday evenings nt 7:30. Services at Graco Episcopal church today will bo as follows: Sunday school at fl:4! n. in., morning prayer and sermon at 11 Tldd was the winner of the consolation prize. A prize was won by Mrs. Howard W. Tllton In a guessing contest. Mr. -Mid Mrs. J. D. Edmundson gave a handsomely appointed dinner Fridny oven lng. In tho center of tho tablo was a largo cut glass rose bowl heaped with American Beauty roses and at cither end of tho tablo was a candelabrum with ta'pers and silk uimrtna in Din American Beautv colors. Lr h m. Covers wero laid for Mr. nnd Mrs. Walk, Mr. before the meeting , Mr and MrR, Ho.ml w. T. 1 of the remains cf n U an(, Mr8 HaucUett and Mr. and Mrs. Edmundson. A beautiful luncheon was glvon yesterday afternoon by Mra. John Davis and Mrs. Fred Davln at their homo on South Eighth street. Meteor roses, red carnations nnd broad red satin ribbons wero used with artistic effect throughout tho rooms nnd on tho tables. Tho out-of-town guests wero: Mm. Hobort Col vlllo of Galesburg, Mla Spauldlng nnd Miss Ingerson of Sioux City, Mosdamcs Dale Tukoy, Ingrain, Goss nnd Hudd of Omaha. Mrs. S. B. Wadsworth entertained on Thursday and Friday evenings for her chil dren, Mary and Paul. About thirty children wero" prcHont Thursday evening In costumo, which caused no end of fun. About the same number wero entertained Friday evening. Mrs. Day of Willow avenue gavo a most charming masquerado party Thursday even ing for her daughter Ixittlc. Sixteen guc&ts were present. Miss Florence Shea won tho prlzo for tho best darkoy costumo and Miss Juliet Lango and Mlsa Ethel West proved themselves tho bent cako walkers and were given tho cake. Miss 'Mary Fitzpatrlck was very delight fully" surprised Wednesday evening by a number of her friends nt her homo on Fifth nvenuo. Cards wero played during tho oven Ing, tho prl.es being won by Miss Minnie Ourcn nnd Will Holsor. The conspirators wero Mioses Kntlo Klrloy, Minnie Ourcn, Anna Madden, Mnymo O'Donnell, Alberta Woods, Annie Wlckham, Messrs. Murphy of Omaha, Will Holsor. Davis of Pacific Junc tion, Spauldlng. Sterns, Kerns of Omaha, Mytiien, Dr. Elliott of Pnclflc Junction nnd Fitzpatrlck. At tho homo of Mrs. E. C. Shcpard Miss Gertrudo Oleasnn nnd Harry Oleafon enter tained tho H. S. club at dinner Fridny even lug. Thuredny nt Washington, D. C, occurred tho wedding of John O. Coady, son of Mr. nnd Mm. T. I.. Coady of Sixth nvenuo, nnd Mls Mnymo Monohan. Tho ceremony was' performed by Father Kervlck nt St. Matthow'o church. Mr. and, Mrs. Coady will make their homo in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Patterson entertained about six- j teen guests evening. High wero wrn by Knox of Oraco Episcopal church ofhclatcd Relatives nnd Intimate friends only were present. Tho bride wore a lovely gown of pale blue taffeta and carried bride roses. After tho ceremony an elaborate eupper was served. Mr. and Mrs, Alley loft for n trip through the east, after which thoy will be at homo at Atwood, Kan., where the groom Is largely Interested In stock raising, Mr. Cyrus Alley of Atwood, fattier of the groom, wns also present. Miss Mnngum entertained a number of the teachers very pleasantly Wednesday even ing. In n rlddlo guessing contest Mies Pllo proved tho most successful and, was glvon a bunch of carnations. Light refreshments were served. Mrs. F. Worloy of Fifth avenue enter tained In a pleasing manner Wednesday evening. Miss Grace Foster entertained a number of her friends most delightfully Thursday j prominent in tho .movement to establish tho Prominent Clllr.en of Council lllnfTo I'iinncn Suddenly Out of Life. Hon. D. C. Bloomer died suddenly nt his i home, 12,1 Fourth street, last night nbout n o'clock. Ho wns Hitting in a chair prepara tory to retiring for tho night when ho sud denly fell forward dead. He was SI years of age nnd about a week ngo was thrown from a sleigh while out driving. Although not seriously Injured ho was severely shaken and bruised nnd this accident evidently hastened his death. Ho has no near relatives In this city. A brother lives In New York. Then 150 pounds of nny nthcr feed nml 1.000 pounds oil men! dlvlrtti No arrangements havo been made for the J your slock - iiml;t spnlo test. MOOHK S HXCHLS OH COSTS MOTH I NO. A funeral. i thirty-pound pull kills the vonnn nml cures touch lu sixty hogs atitl makes Dexter Chamberlain Bloomer wns born in! you $I!0 or costs you nothing. POIMntY FOOD tM UKS tMIOLKKA. UOL'P Sclplo, Cayuga county, N. Y., July 4, 181C ' and jiroducus plenty of eges. lAChi KlLMMl KILLS M1THS, HKDIIUUS nnd ami was reared under ijuauer influences. Ho commenced tho study of law In 1837 and about the same time took up tho study of political affairs. Ho became tho editor of tho Seneca County Courier, a Whig organ published In Seneca, N. Y., which position ho held for fifteen years. He wan admitted to tho practice of tho law In Now York In 1813 and during tho Inst four years of the Taylor Flllmoro administration was postmaster. Iu 1853 Mr. Bloomer moved to Mount Vernon, O., where ho edited tho Western Home Visitor. April 1C, 1855, Mr. Bloomer arrived In Council Bluffs, where he made his home up to tho tlmo of his death. With tho into John T. Baldwin nnd C. E. Stone he took a prominent part In tho organization of tho republican party In western Iowa and filled a number of Important olllces. For eleven years ho was a member of tho Board of Edu cation, one of the principal school buildings In tho city being nnmed after him. Ho was DUSTHOYS (iOl'IIKUS. 1,000 poundB Oil Meal . 100 pounds Moore's Food Difference . $12..r)0 8.00 8-1. 50 MOORE'S STOCK FOOD CO., Council Bluffs, Iowa. evening. Palm grove, Woodmen circle, will glvo ono of Its enjoyablo entertainments next Tuesday evening. A novel program has been pro pared for tho affair. Tho dancing party given by Bluffs com pany, Uniform Hank, Knights of Pythias, last Saturday evening wns a very successful uffalr socially and highly enjoyed by those present. Saturday afternoon there will bo a gen eral meeting of tho Council Bluffs Woman's club, tho program being In charge of tho department of current topics. Thursday evening tho Council Bluffs Women's club gave a most enjoyable colo nial supper and entertainment at the Hoyal Arcanum hall. Tho members of tho club free public library In Council Bluffs nnd has been president of tho board of trustees for n long term of years. For twelve years he held tho position of receiver of public moneys until that oftlco wns abolished. He was elected alderman In 1850 and was mayor of tho city for two yeara, 1S69 and 1871. During 1872 and 1873 Mr. Bloomer turned again to Journalism and edited tho Council Bluffs Republican nnd also tho Northwestern Odd Fellow. Ho compiled a history of Pot tawattamie county, which wns published In a magazlno called Annals of Iowa. For thirty years or moro 'beforo his death Mr Hldomor was a member of tho Episcopal church and took nn active Interest In tho work of St. Paul's parish. He was married In 1840 to Miss Amelia Jenks, who until her wero In costumo and mado charming host- death In this city a fow years ago, was of esses. Tho inrocram consisted of "Tho Old nntlnnnl nromlnonce ns an advosate of Oaken Bucket," by the "women singers;" j woman suffrage, and whose advocacy of dress DAY & HESS, COUNCIL BLUFFS Have for sale choice Fruit, Farm and Garden Land near Council Bluffs. HO acres, mostly in fruit, adjoining city with 2 nets buildings. !J3 acres 4 miles east, with buildings find fruit. 4 acres, house, barn and fruit, 24 miles from post-oHlce. 1 acre, with 7 room house, 14 miles from post-office. 85 acre farm at a bargain. 39 Poarl St. Telephone 344. Council Bluffs tho rehearsal of tbo old church choir, a rec itation by Miss Freeman of Omaha, piano solo by .Mrs, Prcntlco of Omaha, vocal duet by Miss Caldwell and '.Mr. Rlgdon and a se lection by Mrs. Montgomery on an old fashioned melodlon. The program was con cluded with the singing of "Auld Lang Syno" by tho women slugers, with raelo dion accompaniment. Tho current topics department of. the Council Bluffs Woman's club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Hunter as leader. Tho sub-literary department of tho Coun cil UlutfH Woman's club met yesterday aft ernoon with Mrs. Clifford ns leader. Tho English and American literature de partment of tho Council Bluffs Woman's club will meet Monday afternoon. Tho meeting of tho department of city improvements of tho Council Bluffs Woman's club, which was to have occurred bash railway at $150. Both tho city and Idra. Itohrer appealed from tho award of tho appraisers and pn .being brought to trial tho Jury In the district court beforo which tho ease wus heard brought In a ver dict fixing $1,000 ns the damages the city o'clock. Mr. Herrlck'H blblo clasB for adults ' will meet at 3 p. m. Evening prayer and , Brown. Dancing and a lunch completed tho , rriiZmorimmn ' Uondav Monday, has been postponed. Announcement profossed to know somotl at tho Hamilton homo Monday meetlng la or. trlclty and electric llghtin vr? ".no O car TueX ernoon the department of tornoy McCnbo got throu, y Mrs. John femall and O.icar . ' . . .. '., ,-, I, ,i,orn ..,- ,, ovenlng. Mttis Cora Smith entertained her friends in a charming mannor Friday afternoon. sermon at 7:30. Row S. M. Perkins, pastor of tho First Christian church, will take as tho subject of his sermon this morning, "What Is Your I Each of tho guests drew a picture lllustrnt Llfo?" At tho evening service his topic will I1K somo old cr populnr song; thtua were bo '-dreater Works." Sunday hrhonl will i numbered and A prlzo wns given to tho ono should pay Mrs. Itohrer nnd ?3iS that It ; bo held at noon. Junior Christian hndeavor j guessing the greatest number. Miss Spauld nhould pay tho Wabash road. As tho Jury i society meeting nt 3:30 p. in. and Christian ln(! eurrled off tho honors. The guests were: raised tho original uppralsements of the ' Endeavor society meeting nt 6:30 p, m. Mrs. Ilrli.fciaald, Mrs. Thomas D. Motcalf, Wabash road's property, tne city is com- , uei niua vmw iukuiuci umu me uur- jj,8i Tiwmns caaaiiy, .Mrs. v. li. uoug reform for women during her younger years gavo her name to the Bloomer costume. Despite his 84 years Mr. Bloomer remained in tho nctlvo practice of law and his mini retained all Its clearness and vigor up to tho time of his death. F.Ieetrle l.lulitlnc Ciihc. Attorney McCabe, who appears for For rest Smith In the electric lighting enntrao injunction suit ngalnst tho city, has beei priming himself on electricity for the occa sion and when the several aldermen weri placed on tho stand yestorday ho put them through a rigid cross-examination as to their knowledge of electricity. Aldermen Johnson and Shubert admitted that they wero not versed In the science and In voting for tho awarding of tho contract to Bowman did so on tho Information secured from Electrician I.ovett. Alderman Chrlstenscn to know somothlng about olec- g, but when At- through with him he I wlh runronte that my Rheumatism Cure will relieve lum bago, iclnticu and all rheumatic pains la two or three hours, and cure in ttir days. MUNYON. At 11 drucrfstt, 25c. a vlaj. Guldo to Uaalth and medi cal advice free. 1505 Arch t., PbUa. household economics of the Council Bluffs discovered thero wero many thlngo connected Woman's club will hold n mooting with I with tho sclenco that he had yet to learn. Mrs. Montgomery as leadsr. F. J. Pearson, an electrical expert from 'Mrs. Agnes Caldwell Is visiting In Missouri Omaha, was tho principal witness for tho Valley for a week and Miss May Caldwell is plaintiff. Tho hearing was not completed tho guest of .Miss Arkwrlght of Sixth street. whon court ndjourned for tho day and -will Dr. Mason's PILE Remedy A rurant? to euro or money IB funded In every pucknge, Price Coo and $l.ol. For wvl at th" following dm BtarM In Omaha. Ily Kuhn & Co , lfth and Douxlaii Hts., J. H. Schmidt, 24th and Cumlnr streets; H. B. Urahnm, 24th and f'arnnm streets. South Omnha by K. J. Sykora & Co., 21th nnd N stroets. 10$ TO GET YOUR MONEYS WORTH SMOKE JtTNT' him CIGARS TRY ONE iMIss Mary Wadsworth of Eighth street has as her guest Miss Ollvo Bagg of Peru. III. Mrs. Packard and daughter, Miss Maud, of Kausns City, who havo been tho guests . of Mrs. 11. A. Ojilnn of Eighth street, havo .. . . . , .. i..,, I vnul" tvlll hn Ihn mihlArt nf Tlev Alnvnilflpr . ,,. llnd c.., ,1 .1 Itm rel eil to pay mat couipuny u ii"i"j", " " 7, ' ,as- Mra- 10,11 '"""" i'"t ... , . otttimwn wbern thev will visit for i . ni,nrn,. I. ther .mil's sermon this morn nc at the1 mt.. t.-., mij. tinnnnlt u Mlllu lo 'umwii, wnoro uny will vihii ior IIS. UOnrtT Will Will IU mj l.vi nuumt-v . " OI niUU. I llf, .uma ivuj, ..v.. bo resumed Monday morning. I'lu.'clty will at once proceed to take the Second Prcsbytirlan churi. In the evening ( SchocniKe1 M! enco down and open the thoroughfare to the ithe.no of his discourse will bo "The I,ord . M.s j s Cj!i. T feiiCi tranic. Tho amount of ground involved in tho controversy would mako about flvo or plx ordinary city lots. Hen I Kxtute Tim iim fern. The following transfers wero filed yester day In tho abftract. tit lo and loan olllco of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Andrew tioodwnter ami wife to Adam Eckert. o'fr nei, 21-77-11. w d $ 3,3hO tSherllT to W II. Klmbnll. lots 10 anil II, block 1. Park udd, ml Oeorgo V. Burnett and wife to Oeorge 11. Miithls. wV and w S rods of eV of HW 31-75-.-K, w it Oeorge V. Burnett nnd wife to Jnmes It. Urn hum, el hwU (except w S rods) 3M5-:tS, w d John Hartley to John O. Malbi. lots 19 mid SO. block 35. and lot 4. block 3s, In Fleming .- Davis" add, a e d Total, six transfers S50 3,: 10 3.340 Miss Insertion of Stoux City, uadv. Jr.. and Mrs. Itohrer. Rejected." M, nnJ Mr6 rcm Kimball ontertulncd at Itev. W. II. Cable, pastor of Trinity Mclhn. fln p,rKantly appointed dinner Thursday evening. Decorations wero In pink carna tions. Covers were laid for Mr. nnd Mrs. Danforth. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. True and Mr. dltil church, will preach this morning on "Without Which." and his subject In the evening will bo "Tho I-und Wo Love." Tho mombers of Company L, Fifty-first regiment, Iowa National Ouards, havo been specially Invited to bo present ut tho ovunlng service. Sunday school will be held at noon, Junior nnd Mrs. Kimball. Mr. and Mis. F. T. Truo cnlertnlned very nleiisantly at cards Monday evening. Tho iAJAX Tablets A very popular nerve ami Vitalizing tonic Dcllnven's drug store. Davis sells palt.ts. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska nnd lowu James N, Cnnady, Jr., Ui Main St., Council B tuft's. " """"I -""I"! I' ,1 .,, , 1, ,.,.. league meeting at 3:30 p. m.. Epworth league h' " , vnVer n 1 meeting at 0:30 p. m. The mid-week prayer tlms and a dainty lunch was served. Mrs. and praise service will be held Wcdnes ay True was assisted n .serving by X Im Georgia evening at 7 30. Mitchell. The first prizes were given to Mrs. The First Church of Christ (Scientist) will Smith and Dr. Waterman. The guests were hold services this morning at 10:45 In tho Messrs. and MesJatncH I rank Morgan, Cor Sapp building. Tho experience meeting will ham, Dell Morgan. J. C. Mitchell, Binder, bo held Wednesday evening at S o'clock. , Danforth. Judge and Mrs. Smith, Dr. and Thero will bo no services today kt St. , Mrs. Waterman, Mlm Oorham and Mlsa Mln John's English Lutheran church on account 1 nlo Danforth. of tho Illness of tho pastor, Rev. 0. W. I Mrs. Pippin ontertalned nt dinner yednes. Snvder. Sunday school will bo held as usual . day ovenlng Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Davis, Mr. ana .Mrs. itch junnson, miss barrio Wredo and MIhs Agnes Cnnk. Tho U and I club was entertained Tues day evening by Mrs. Rlsser. Tho tlrst prlzo for tho women, a handsome plate, was given to Mm. J. N. Ciuudy, Jr., and that for tho mon. a bookmark, was wou by Mr. M. F. Rohrer. Tbo club was charmingly enter tained Friday ovenlng by Mrs. Flnley Burke. A meet delectable course luncheon was nt noon, Rov. E. W. Erlckson announces the fol lowing for today at tho Fifth Avenue Meth odist church: Class meeting nt 0-4." a, m.j preaching nt 10:30 n. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 11:15 n. m.; Epworth league meeting at 6:30 p. m. Services at Epworth Methodist church will bo held today as follows- Sunday school at 2 P. u.; preaching at 3 p. m. and Hp- a few weeks beforo returning to tholr homo .Mrs. Copprck. who has been tho guest of , her sister, Mrs. W. L. Douglas, has re turned to her homo in Mason City, 7a. (Miss 'Mnrgarot Madden of Sixth nvenuo Is visiting In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Van nrunt and son, Oeorge, left Wednesday for Chicago. From thero Mr. Van Brunt will go to Michigan on a short business trip, whlio Mra, Van Brunt and son will go to Culver, Ind., whero they will visit nt tho Culver Mili tary academy. 01 r. and Mrs. A. Jones are visiting friends In Oklahomn City. Mrs. E. 11. Itothert Is visiting In Des Moines. Mnrrliiste Licenses. LIcoiifcs to wod wero Issued Saturday to tho following persons: Name, und Residence. Ago. Dodge Alley. Atwood, Kan 2D Mil due Watts, Council Hluffs in John Korlnell, Butler county, Nebrat-kn.. 2 Venule Kudrnu, Butler county, Nebiaskn. Fred W. Ivers. Pottawattamie -I (lertrudo Schmidt. Pottawatt.imle i: Tliom.is O'ilalre. Council UlulTs M May O'Neill. Council Bluffs U CONSECRATION OF A BISHOP Coadjutor for Kplncopiil IIInIiop CIiIchko the Youiinent on Hvuord. of by Bishop Charles C. (Jruflon of Fond lu Iyac, Wis. Oilier participants in the con hrcrntlon ceremonies were Bishop J. 11 Whlto of Michigan City, lnd.; Bishop I. L. Nicholson of Milwaukee and Bishop A. L. Wllllaihs of Nebraska. This evening the Chicago Church club will tender Illshop-Coadjutor AnderBtin. Bishop McLaren and other vlidtlng bishops and . clergymen a banquet in honor of the occnslon. Rov. Anderson enjoys the dis tinction of being ono of the youngest men ever consecrated bishop-coadjutor of tho Protestant Episcopal church In America. Ho is not yet 38 years old. OHICAflO. Feb. 24. Rov. Charles Palm crston Anderson was today consecrated i bishop-coadjutor of tho Episcopal dloceso of Chicago by Bishop McLaren, aaslsted by . Ulshon Olllesnle of Western Mlchlgau and Miss Etta Wakofleld of Logan was tho i nisbop Seymour of Springfield, III. Tho guest last wock of Mrs, J. F. Ollvor. I ceremonies wero conducted at Oraco church, Mrs. H. II. Hillwinkel Is visiting friends ; Wabash avenuo and Fourteenth street, In at Hurling, la. the presenco of nu Immense congregation of Miss Flornnco Brown Is visiting friends laymen and most of the leading dignitaries In l'eorla, 111. of tbo Episcopal church In tho wostcrn and Miss Suo Spalding of Sioux City Is tho ; middle states guest of Mrs. J. N. Ciuady, Jr. ! Tho occasion was observed by the cele- Mrs. W. O. Woodbury and daughtor. 1 bratlon of holy communion in every Epls copsl church In Chicago at 7 a. in., while morning prayttru and an elaborate musical program were held in Ornce house, adjoin CuiiMi'iiin Sule "f Mull I'nrU. DETROIT, Mich.. Feb. 24. Judge Wnlle announced today that he would confirm the sale of tho Detroit ball club to Mrs. Mary H. Vanderbcck. "A condition which I will Impose, how ever," said tho court, "In that If the de fendant dispose of tbo property within tho tlmo limit for tho defendant to lako an np pen.l. she either must deposit $5,000 with the court or give a bond for that amount. This Is to tako euro of any reduction which tho supremo court may make In tho amount of nllmony granted. I have waited to see if Vandorbeck would not tako some steps to retain his property, but I do not think there l any tutu of waiting longer." JOHN G-WOODWARD 8c CO. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLUFFS.IOWAM, DOHANY THEATER Stxvpnaon A Kniilfdy, Managers. Sunday, Feb. 25 Lincoln J. Carter's Naval Drama REMEMBER THE MAINE i in. C In Us Realism N , el In Its Construction. I'l. turesuue und Truo to I, If- in Us Rendition I Hre tbo destruction of thu I Maine, tile (ireat Nuvnl I Battle nf Manila. Oniml i phi, most novel and origi nal effects over produced. Al.l, HANY flPERA PSE UDIJC riMMlllNCIMi MONDAY IIIUziu-il III Ohio, CLEVELAND. O., Fid). 21 One of tho llorcest storms of the winter provallcd throughout northern Ohio today. A forty- mllo galo from tho northwost was areom Hazel, nro visiting In Now Orleans and tnk Ing lu tho Mardl (iras festivities, 'Mies Ingerson of Sioux City Is the guest of Mrs, J. N. Casady, Jr., and Mrs. M. F. Rohrer. Mm. M P Doden and daughter. Miss Nel lie, havo arrived In New- York on their way . rUon of Iowa, The sermon was delivered especially wentliound, were drUycd Ing tho church, previous to tho consecration ' panled by a heavy, driving snow, causing ceremonies. Rev. Anderson's presenters were ! big drifts to form everywhere. Tho tompera- Blshops Kdsall of North Dakota and Mor- turo fell rapidly Trains on tbe trunk lines, , NHJIIT, THE REDMOND CO. iv ,m:v ro.MiiiMi'.s m ihiamah. I'OITLAH I'ltK K.(-Hie-UOr-aOn. A Coiniiniiy of NUtct-ii People All the I.Mlcxt SonuM mill DiuieeH. A Co ii tin li o us Performance, LADIES IMUCI7.IY MCMT. XHTI'J lliieli iii-rxiiii inirfliuNlnjr h .'Ule ticket Mill he iillowrd to ri-nl'rui iiiiotlier rt free of clmrucj for u. Indj', ;) w 4 Itl'.Sl l,TS Tni.L. 4 w oo Till". IIUi: WANT AD8 t. piionucK ni:st;r,i's.