TINS OMAHA DAIJLiY JIEE: SUNDAY, FEJJKVARY 25, 1U00. IOWA LEGISLATURE IS 0111FT 1 mont ot c "nj r .i0. Little i Dane in the Senate and Hone at State Capital. BLOW AT BUILDING AND LOAN COMPANIES i oik county .1 considerable amount of money, tip it removes from tholr legal m eossmen'. and taxation tlio grant moneyed Insurnncc comrianls operating and located h"o. Tho opinion wn a victory for tlio plaintiff In (he onto brought by the Hankers' I.lfo association against tho city of Pes Mo I ties. In handing down lis opinion tho court I elates that Insurance corporations and ns- Three i.,v t nl.......r(n..i tun .. ""'ii-n mat insurance corporations and ns- j ii iii ,, ' , HP ' ,h,,mu 1 Nation must temporarily crape taxation. uttH Ir rcr Inllvr, !..,..l In Blrtuta fnmc(1 by lcg1s,alllre. bl,-( "hi Inn 1'rcss (IiiIIitj-. that a remedy may bo secured by prompt legislative nctlon. Tho Hankers' Mfo as llrv-lftllnn tvai nutiw.ml nti.1 I.i , . ., .I 1'0b' 2' (Spcclnl Tele-, The arar-unt of the tax was considerable PWlilfl) IV 1)111) T A l)l'A 1)111 i bottlo which had contained th morphine LUIH'Mv Uil i UIUU lUlU DILL ; wa found on a table In the room with the One Hundred Republican Members of the House Hold a Meeting. REAL EFFORT MADE FOR IHRMONY Committer of i'lyr to lli-proi-ii t IJnoli Side nt it Citifi-rener .Mnuilii) SlX'iiUiT llt-mli-mon Mntit-M n t'oiii'llliitor' Talk, WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. At tho con- bodlre l)r. K. II. Hayes camo from Cblrogo four yenra ago to tako charge of the dc-nt.il rooms of :i department store. He had been a dentist U known In Ohlcitgo and when ho loft thero ho placed his olllce In charge of Ur. Caldwell, who did the shooting to night. Mrs. Hayes did not como to thn city with her husband, but remained In Chicago for tome time, Just how long Is not known. Tonight after dltincr Dr. Hayes and his nephew went out. Within half an hour Dr. Hayes' npphow returned end as tho servant opened tho door to admit lilm there csme the sound of two pistol shots. Another shot was fired a mrment later. The young mutt and several others who had heard tho shots ondays Jjale of furniture onderful gargains. ,N. B. You can buy furutluro here on the easy payment plan and make payments as stilta your convenience. This U n great holt) to many who tloslro to furnish tt homo 1.89 rrum.j Hut llttlo wan accomplished nt to- and tho Hc-ard of Review refusing tn nvnr. elusion tonight of tho conferenco of renuh nays session of tho legislature. After hard rule tho finding of tho assessor, tho In- llco" members 0f the house on tho l'orto ran bito -Mrs- Hayes' apartments. On tho work, tho senato managed to gather enough suranco company appealed to tho district Klcan tarlfr bl" Keprcscntatlvo Cannon of bed lay Mrs. Hayes. Sho had thrown off members together to mako n quorum and COUrt. It fought Its cane along two lines- Illinois was elected ns chairman and was 'ho dress sho had worn at dinner. She lay In transact somo unimportant business. In the first, that it lc rxemnt hnonun tt i. i. authorized to muke a statement of tho ccn- natural position. There were two ragged nouso hut flvo members showed up. The flvo ready nald stato tare nn,i .wnn,i Wa,..n oral results. Ho said: wounds In her right temple from which tho members passed ubout twenty minutes In u i. m,ltlni , Kuylng" members of tho prc gallery and )0 Ln pt' unh then adjourned. Senator Lewis aimed an- 1 other blow at tho building ami loan com panics or tho stato In tho sennto today. Tho author proposes to reduce the rate of Interest which associations. At concern and hot operated fo I l" ronieronco was tn Rood temper and uoneu. mo uuncia na.i entered ner . ... I ft A ... ti,i I t)l,l a llln 1 n ta t1l,l..idll ary profit. euuri was mono to Harmonize uir- ih-shid iu uw. m, vuiunvu. Twrtitv-Pitfht nnn ,j ,.,iiv . m terences or opinion. It looks as though this ueau- tlno aro roported to the State Hoard of cffort wnul11 bo Buccejsful. After full dls- ! Uayes could not offer tho faintest bus Health today. Hoono reports ono caso and CU8fll0n 11,0 acnce by unanimous consent , Btlon of a cause for tho act of Caldwell. UhH-t.-i lu lliu SUIUUUUII OI U CCtninillieO Ok t tn ,j,-n mm miiii- .a ..utu mv iuiu u. ....... ,,,,,, may bo charged by these ,' V.. . .. . . ten members, flvo of whom worn tn tm nn. well chatted together for n few minutes : present tho building and ' .JU'' ."1 .""'. or Jom'" J0C' lpony nltltp. hv thn .., , . ' ...... ,hn ,,..- liniI ic(, tho ,nh, t,hr loan buslnef of tho stato Is exempted by 13 and from all present In- ' ti e bill and flvo "t o slightest suggestion of n quar- Htatuto from tho usury law and may law- ; 0"ScttInro.m3m oro to be appoints Jron, tho, "L not rcl. They vero talking of commonplace at- fully charge 12 per cent upon Its loans, I ' n' . ' 1,13 nt tho Northwest- ugrco o U(j bl n or fMra, sho says. wni.o no omer nus ncss in tbo state may ;""--"'' ? 'if . l. L". nrrolntmeuts to bo made by a committee of uiiiui uuniufBB i ii mo siuio may . " ' "" nrrollltnieiin tn lm mniln hv il nnn llect nn Interest rate ot more than tho most noted crooks In tho wcat and many ,,tcmn"1l63tI,n ofTnrcsen aUv t. This privilege was extended to a cUtcp Job Is crlltl to him. Ho had 7'elZl"to legally collect 8 per ccn building and loan corporations when tho new codo went Into effect In 1897. Senator MacArthur Introduced n resolution today asking that tho Iowa dolegatlon In congress bo memorialized to advocato n law looking toward tho frco distribution of coun try mulls. ' Four unlmportnnt measures were Intro duced In tho senato this morning. served several terms In tho penitentiary. ELECTRIC PLANT IN RED OAK I'nvtrr mid llrut l'lirnlxtii'il from Central I'olnt to All I'lMij't" In th- tit J. cs Powers packer of Indiana and Lorltncr of Illinois. "This committed Is to report Its con clusions and recommendations to a repub lican conference to bo held In tho hnll ot tho house Monday ovenlng next at S o'clock. In accordance with tho resolution I have named Messrs. I 'ay no, Dalzcll. Hopkins, ltus Ili:i) OAK, la., Fob. 24. (Special.) Tho bo handed to Chairman I'ayno tomorrow." i.l f 1 1 1 T.-vn,.n.a . I . 1 J i . .Inffttrtu ... 'T 1. . . . I . l .. ' t , 1 . 1 I ' 1...... , . , . .,, . 'un l,.tiVDO u. I l 1.1(1 ilVTW.vo iii.hu 1 UU lUllll'l L'llLU Ulltlll.U Ul O U LIUCK IU11IKI inmotj unit illuming uireo now oius camo in ,. , iii)M)i ,,..n, i, i,ii , ,i, i,,. it..,,.. ... i i... . . . r. ... . ni" iiikv tu iiiusnuiuu ii i i in niu null vi vuu iiuuavi J uunuiil iitivitoi i '. . m .w ,!,lm c?" inlTomc 'no of tho Red Oak Elcotrlc company's niw ta.hed to tho meeting owing to tho division l?l?r JTl?0, -.f SJTtli-In"".:? B02l.Ct.1,0a venture, tho installation of a heat and of cntlment which has developed on tho bill. power plant ln connection with lis clectris light plant. Tho pntom of heating used by the company, known ns the Rvans ex TWO MEETINGS ON NORTH SIDE Merit nf tlio Itt'liiiollciin Ticket Are I'rcuruH'tl to tin Votcrn of lu SUIIi Ward. A large gathering ot Sixth ward voters, re- Inforued by an amplo drleg.itlon from tho Fifth ward, met ln tho Woodmen hall, sell and Oolllvor and tho other flvo nro to Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue, Inst night til I tin luonli- n,ln. . l,ll.l) l I ..... . u. ... v.-i.v. , u mn.uvu lu viiu.iumii lujuu lUUIUllun. , lo UCqUUIUl lUCUlBClVCa Willi IUO IIlCrilB Ol . L .ui' . i . ? . 1 1.. y V Ul'' 0ak Kxprcss of Friday devotes more Tho conference opened at 8 o'clock tonight 1 tho republican candidates nud to listen to republican doctrlno expounded by well known citizens. Tho program was opened by William I. Klerstead, who spoko with a personal kuowloJgo ot every man on tho ticket. Referring to tho candidacy of Mayor Moores ho condemned tho policy ot the op- ehall not bo bound by nny provision of tho codo except tho chapter governing them. l'rcntlra Introduced n bill regarding tho collection of personal taxes which provides that county treasurers shall deduct tho amount of delinquent personal taxes ns scFHcd against nny person In -whose favor a county warrant should bo negotiable. Slit'iiliei II did i mo ii Attend. About 100 republican members were pres ntt u-ltlr.li U'na .'iirr'1 nlmt na n t-nnit nttnnil haust hot water heating system, Is probably anc'0j Vow. 0f n10 weather. Thoso present I,08"lon, which Ignored tho olllcinl record of ir.e most pcr:"ci yci ueviscu lor iiunisning included Speakor Henderson, Chairman i " "u,u uuu "seu tuiuiiuiBii ui peisuuin heat from a central plant. Ily the Hvnns i.ayno of tho ways and means' committee,! abuse. ... svistem of hot water luvUlmr the water Is iin .,miivu tirxavmor tinittvi iim.. "I d"efy any one, ho nald, "to produco a Tblll. ton kins, Dalzell, Russell. Tawney. Hepburn. lnBlo ordlnanco ''h rc. hnrtlv hn Inirniliipn.t In tlm nannmhlv nrn. nxnawi sicjni iiom me enginch. n la steel. Cannon. Hltt nud otner well known " .. poses to sot usldo In ono or more of tho men pumpc.i uirousn a eysiem oi inaiiw, iron ngnrcs ot tno noue. tuo opposmon eie- , - - r Mate hospitals for tho Insane a ward whero 1U covered with layer after layer cf ment was also represented, McCall. Little- record as dlstrlc clerk Is concerned ho was IncbrlatcB and persons addicted to tho ex- paper ami wootl, to business houses and Held, Powers, Lorlmor and others prcm- "u. , ""f , 'J""1..10 flV,f r , ... -.t... .... ral,lmiv whom It tlimlii.li mill. I.,nl1ir l.lntitlfln.l ttllli lhi nnlinltlnn hplmr "l 11 pOtiltlOll to pro0 it, 101 IUO roaSOtl IU31 urnnivt. iibu in inui liuiiiu ur uiuur iitii Luiita . .v-.xvu.wi ..... .v. . ... -..r,.. ..,v.,...j ..v........ ... "i-,- - morn may be detained and trentcd. ators, finally returning to tho station to on hand. .Mr. Canuon acted ns cnairman ami Tho Anti-Saloon league, however, has a ' bo ro-hcated. having lost not moro than Mr. Loudcnslager of Now Jersey ns secre- plan which Is believed to bo better than this from live to twcnty-clglit degroca in tern- , tary. Speaker Henderson took an actlvo part In tho conference and mado tho first speech of tho evening. Ho spoke In a conciliatory one, and will shortly have Introduced In tho pcraturo In traveling a mile or as much as assembly a measure providing that tho In- two or thrco miles, diistrtnl HnniH for thn 111 I nn innv hn used I Thn temneraturo of the blllldlncs heated In tho caso of unfortunates which the other , Is regulated at tho central station, so that plrlt, urging that differences bo reconciled bill proposes to keep In the stato hospitals, i when tho thermometer registers 30 nbovo by tho nlr of tolcrnnco on both sides. The Tho Anti-Saloon lcaguo believes It Is un- j ,)r below, the degreo of beat remains prac- rst uennilo proposition camo irom ruarro Just to tho persons who como under this tlcally the sune, and lis tho plant Is oper- of Maryland, who suggested a compromise class, ns well as to their relatives, to have ', Ilttti continuously days, nights and Sundays, ""Ing two yearB as tho limit for tho opera- .1 i ...i.i. ........... n .,,i an , . . .... ... . . , ,.. . finn fniv ihn tirnnnRp-d tariff. Pearro sud- lllCUl UUIlllllull .villi ..inilliu I't.i.utl.n, .1111. nu propoHcti this new plan. MINE WORKERS MAKE SCALE CoiiuhIKpi at lien MoIiu-n 1Iiin- ivltli llcport to Niilimtt to t'onven tluu of .MIiiith, DBS .MOINKS, Feb. 21. (Special Tcle grutn.) Tho scale committee of tho United Mine Workers of Iown met In session here today and began tho work of making a scalo of prices to rcgulato mining throughout tho ntate. The miners themselves meet In con vention hero Monday and the report of this sraio committee will be referred to them. Tho convention will- Jirobably adopt tho re port and then on Tuesday the miners and the operators will meet ln Joint bchsIou and the i miners will submit tho scale and demand Its adoption. President Reese said today: "The mlncM aro bound to see their demands for a mlno run granted. It Is In force In Illlnolo, Missouri and Kansas, states that arc chief competitors of Iowu In the coal business, nud we must bo put on equal terms with 1 1 ... .ti ii . ii iii! U' I ii I inn nmrnnn iin.i.1 f ivn uwii " . " " i ' absolutely no attention to tno heating ques- ! Ported this in a speech htKicatlng no pur- poao to mako an Issue ugalnat tho bill, but One of tho bonetlts tho town hopes to do- ! th" a disposition to secure united action rlvo from the entcrprlso of the Red Ouk . by compromlBO. ilUllUll... mKl IIH ... vwiiiw v -" " ...... convenient power and he.it, ns with this plan ono doesn't require nn expensive power plant nnd ho can dispense with the scrv iccii of nn engineer, besides doing away with all the dirt, dust and annoyance that uro necessary adjuncts to a power plaut. enco In tho hope and expectation that AM- ferences would be adjusted. His remarks wero regarded as tending toward a har monious adjustment. Chairman Payno npoko at considerable length and, while ln a good humor, ho man ifested some feeling at times. Thoso present gathered from what Payne said that the sec retary of war and thooo most familiar witn Our .rrcnt I.imiiIs to Another. FORT DODGE, la., Fob. 21. (Spechl Telcgrum.)-Tho arrest of Prange and Paape. .,, nlffln ,irnwn the bm. Mr. thq notorious robbers and flrobugs of Pom- payn(J n,s() convcycd lho Impression that tho croy, iniB nuu a .,.iru..u..a. -v..iu ... ... nriwirtmnt was not onnosed to tho bill, cer- senXonciug of Theodore Idodo: to two years In tho penitentiary for adultery with tho wife of Prange. Prange and Paape were arrested on the charge of having been con cerned In tho robberies nnd flreo which had become n seemingly everyday occurrence. Previous to Prange's arrest ho had known of Llnde's Intimacy with his wife and had threatened to shoot him, but had been with them. It simply given the miners pay for all nolJ (ron, nliy vlolcnca by ti threat of tho coal mined Instead of screening tho coal and paying the miners for what tho screen misses." Tho ralso that Is iiHkcd by tho miners Is 22 per cert above the present prices. The tncrcaso would mako tho miners' pay from 03 contw to $1.10 per ton. Tho operators suy that they will refuse to consider nny propo sition to mako tho mine-run scalo effective, and It Is hurd to seo how trouble Is going to he avoided. Mayor MacVicar was renominated for a exposure of his own misdeeds. After Prange's arrest they wero arrcntcd. Llnde pleaded guilty and has been sentenced to two years lu tho penitentiary. The woman is now nwaltlng trial ln Jetferson. talnly not on tho constitutional questions In volved, nlthough ho carefully refrained from any direct statement ns to the attltudo or wishes of tho president. I.aeey "Want I'n-Hldfiit to Act. Orosvonor of Ohio was expected to mako a utatemcnt moro directly Indicating tho presi dent's desires, but ho carefully refrained from doing so. Tho speechmaking became general, Rep rouentatlvcH Hill. Cannon, Sperry, McCall, Hrown of Ohio, Fletcher, Lacey, Tompkins and Llttlclleld succeeding each other. Lacey brought forward a compromise giving to the president full authority to act. For a time tho discussion turned on this proposition, but It failed to develop much utrength. Tho speeches of McCall and Llttlclleld at tracted much Interest, because of tho positive attitude they have taken. Llttlclleld sug- ltnlxc I'll ml fur KnulUli, SIOUX CITY, In.. Feb. 21. (Special Tel efilm. ) In Sioux City has been formed an organization In sympathy with tho Ilrltlsh In I tin wnr with tho lloers. It la the In- tnntlnn of thn society to nrovldo n fund Bestod that frco trade be given to l'orto third twin by tlio republican city convention ,hn whlnwa and nmhans of Kncllsh sol- i KIco, with n distinct declaration that this this afternoon. Ho was nominated by a j lllt,rg wil0 ftX jn the war. Already 500 should not operate ns n precedent appllcuble vote of 70 to &7 on tho llrst roll, lho My- hn ,,,, nipiii,,,,! hv former Rrltlch subject i 10 0,ncl' msuiar possessions orly ,forcc mado a fight on tho Hoar, but nml thl w j ) i bo raised to $1,000 before it 'were unable to mnko any Improislon on ,s 8CIll t0 swcl tm, fund In England. The tho dolegates. Tho MaoVlcnr men won sloux city i;nf.sn and Scotchmen feel much every point In tho convention, and that body ( c)utP,i n tho amount raised, as 600 men only passed strong resolutions enuorsing tno sutCribcd 00 townrd the fund at a pro- presnnt adniluistratlon. Corporations won another victory todiy In the state courts, when Ji)dgo Dlsliop of tho equity division of the district court handed down nil opinion exempting- all In suranco companies In Iowa from tho pay- TIIE OLD METHOD Uncr meeting a short tlmo ago. ICIhIi' (larilner lIlNcluirueil. SIOUX CITV, la.. Feb. 21. (Special Tel egram.) Elsie flardner. who on the morning of February II, fatally stabbed her para LAWTON'S PLAN FOR ORDER SjHtcin of 1'olleliiK l'lilllpiiliii' InIiiiiiIk After tin- CIono of the ".V..r. WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. Beforo his death and after giving much thought to the subject General Lawton had worked out a plan for tho maintenance of order In the mour, Thomaa Haas, was thb afternoon ' Philippines, after the close pf nctual war. discharged from custody, it being found sho which bad been submitted to General Otis .1 ,.. . ......Ul.. .1.. ..1... ...1.1.1 II committed tho deed In self defense. The "'""V'V. J story of how this man brutally abused the """' j u. ... woman for the r.st eleven years wn, graph- t compt.tent to preserve order. Ical y doEcrlLed In .out. and t t o was , 0cnoM Ulwton(l ,Jea ,va(i , crcnto n Wild CJieenilfi ill int- ii""- " ." ...h---l.hu- fnn n. ,inlPH .vl,n nmnnra nt Oral Of 'rrcntliiK I'IIch anil ItiM-tnl III nvii ncm ..nv UlMearili'il, lllii.lluiiii.lu . ) .nrn....i linni. ll'llimtll In I ll H iuo ot the Pyramid Pile Cure and even In Hon. The ease has aroused much Interest )u u ,es nm, flnay n3 colluI;0ls ,ml - . I .. Olm... (i In nml vlinl I V I . ...... ill aiuu. - ..j .iii'i .....-. 1 began my term ns county commissioner as Moores resigned tho clerkship. Moores had filed claims against tho county aggregating $33,000, which political enemies had refused to allow, and tho only Item which It was shown ho had failed to turn over to tho county amounted to $7fl.G0. This wits made good by tho mayor as soon as It camo to his knowledge." John U Kennedy and N. P. Pratt then spoke briefly, advocating the principles ot tho party which rather than .any question of candidates aro put to the test at tho March election. Fred Hoye, who has mado this city his homo for thirty-two years, then modestly presented his claim for endorse ment. Ho wns followed by Slmoti Trostler, who has been casting his vote for repub. leans since tho election of Lincoln; Wllllum LI- I bourn and Harry Zlmman of the Third ward, 1 the "baby of the ticket." Councilman Karr, the home favorite, then spoke briefly to his fellow ward residents. Earlier In the evening a mooting was held at Idlowild hnll, which llnally merged Into tho demonstration nt Twenty-fourth and Ames aveuuo. Tho crowd was ad dressed by Charles Unltt und Dr. RIckotts. Tho former pointed out the Inconsistency of the democratic candldato who held meet ings In saloons and then sought tto win thi church vote by a claim of high morality. The -waterworks, ho eald, will bo secured for tho city all tho more wisely under re publican rule and will be moro competently managed when It Is onco acquired. "As boiler Inspector," Bald Mr. Unltt, "I havo been unablo to locate n competent funlonlst engineer for the plant at tho court house, and how much moro dllllcult would It be to nil positions of trust In the man agement of tho waterworks from democratic ranks?" Dr. Rlcketts called attention to tho lack of enterprise displayed by tho democratic candidate for mayor during his lifelong res idence In the city. "Tlio only tlmo I ovor had occasion to meet him ln any public ca pacity," concluded Dr. Rlcketts, "was when ho waB opposed to me on one occusiou in the polls and then ho was defeated by 1,100 votes." It t k It t Thro' to Hail Franclsoo. No changes; no delays; no chance of miss ing connections, It you tako the nurllngton Route to California. Through sleepers for San Francisco leave Omaha 4:25 p. m. dally. Dining cars all tho way. Finest scenery In tho world. Tickets, 150lj I(arnam st. Warrants for Ilnnk Oftirrrn. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 21. Warrants wore Issued todnv for the arrest of the president, cashier and directors of tho defunct Mul tunnhv Siivinirn bank, who nro churned with wrecking thin Institution by their erlmlnul negligence. ,imv York Itfimlilleiiii Con volition, NtlW YORK, Feb. 23. Tho republican stato committee today selected Now York City, April 17, for holding tho stuto eonvcntlnn to elect ilelogates-nt-largo to tho republican national convention ut Phila delphia. cases where a dangerous surgical operation has failed to euro, surprising results havo boon obtained from the new remedy after a few weeks' use. Relief from puln Is so Immediate that pa tients somctlpes Imnglno that tho Pyramid Pile Cure must contain some form of to calno or opiate, but ii careful analysis shows It to contain no oplnto, cocaine or any Inju-rlotw-drug whatever; In fact, It Is guaran teed absolutely free from any deleterious I substance. The old methods of treating plies by liga ture, knlfo or tho still more cruel treat ment by dilation, besides causing Intense pain and frequently collnpso and death, nro now known to bo practically useless as far as u permanent euro Is concerned. Nearly every caso of piles may be traced to faulty action of tho liver, nnd It Is a mls tako to treat tho trouble entirely by local applications of salves and ointments or by nny kind of operation. The new treatment by the Pyramid has clearly demonstrated Its superiority over nil of those. Tho Pyramid Pile Cure Is strictly sclen .tltlo both In Its composition nnd In Its thera peutic action, and tho best feature of it is "that It Is perfectly safo and harmless. No HI effects ever result from Its use. Tho cure Is accomplished gradually and painlessly by tho astringent properties con tained lu It, which causo tho llttlo tumors 'and congested blood vessels to contract nnd th obstruction to tho circulation to bo re moved. In view of tho Immense number of patent medicines on the markot. tt Is a singular fact that tho Pyramid Is tho only pile euro of note, the only ono that Is sold and recom 'mended in every drug store In tho United Stated. the remedy Is In suppository form and far superior to any salvo or ointment for convenience. It Is applied at r.'ght and ab sorbed Into tho sensitive rectal membrane, acting both as n local nnd a constitutional treatment. The treatment Is ctTectunl even In cases of many years' standing. Complete treatment of tho Pyramid Pllo Cure is sold by druggists everywhere at 50 cents, and a llttlo book on cause and euro ot piles will bo mailed free by addressing I'jrituild Drug Co., Marshall, Mlcb. prove. In upper grades alone, shall nil bo Amnrlrnns. Some such force as this Is now .Hmallliiiv Sen re In lna. kinreinfiillv nnnllod In Tuba bv Genernl Wnml SIOUX cm, ia.,- too. .i. opojmi.j ,llujt,- ti,u cognomcnt of rural police. Ow- Thcre Is really some cause to feed alarm ovor ,nR t0 ,)0 rac)al differences among tho in- tho proximity of smallpox to Sloux City. A habitants ef the Philippines It wns General number of cases aro reported from Maple- iJlwt0i8 jert that thero would bo no dlf- tou. which Is only forty miles distant, nnd nculty In securing pollco who should bo proof within a few miles of tho toSvns In the west- af,ant disloyalty In tho districts, apart from ern part of tho county. Of courso every- tU03e 0f their nativity, to which they might thing possible is ncing none to siamp out t.p asalnned. tho dlsceso, nnd apparently with- some elfect. T1)nt tna theory was well founded Is Indi- llut It is close, and the health authorltlci of t)y th0 successful uso of tho Macabcbo Sloux City are exercising tho utmost efforts trlbo 1)y (icner.il Lawton himself and . by General Young later on in his chase after Agulnaldo In the north of l.usou. Tho na tives by their aVqualntanco with tho country and the inhabitants would bo of great as sistance In running down lawbreakers. He to prevent It from getting In tho city. Woman WnntN Diuiiiiki'h. FORT DODGE, Feb. 21. (Special Tele gram.) Tho city of Dayton Is the defend ant ln n damage suit brought by Mrs. S. U. caa0 nt tu. similarity ot feature and figure Watson. Mrs. wnison sustained injuries of tll5 Tagala. the American troops have had some time ago as the result of a fall, and croa. iiitllculty in distinguishing one indl now brings suit for damages lu tho amount vdual from another; In telling friend from of $1,500. Tho caso will be fought. j f0Ui ined, thero Is a story In circulation - I ninnnir snmo nf thn armv odlccrs who hnvn TRANSPORT DRIFTS FOUR DAYS ! Just returned to Washington from Manila ; thatthe army actually captured Agulnaldo A co Id nt to Mol'lu'rutn, Hrnkeit shaft, j in Cnvite province, put him lu Jail for fifteen I.eavliiK It llelplenn It. -mimic li- ' days na a suspicious nmlgo and Uu released I'rult Steamer. : him, only to hear of his Identity after he had gotten away. Tho ability ot tho Philippine NORFOLK. Va.. Feb. 21. The inlted leader to mnko up ns a Chinaman, or Statin army tranrport Mcl'heraon now lies "Chlno," as they are called In tho Philip off Old Point, helpless, ns tho result of a pines, Is said to be romarkable, nd only a broken shaft. When soveral days out of fellow native Is able to penetrate such a dls San Juan, tho McPhersoti encoun-tered very guise. i, ttnnihnr nnd nn tho nleht of tho 21st . Its main rhaft broke and left It helpless. STRANGE TRAGEDY IN GOTHAM Distress signals wero co.is.anuy niauc. l)nctor' Amilatliiit Kills IIIh i;niilo- er'ii Wife ami Himself, Seeiiilnttly Without n Motive After four dnvs the fruit attamcr Admiral Sampson, bound from Jamaica, saw tho Mc Phorson, steamed up und took It In tow nnd drooped It off Old Point Comfort this morning about 8 o'clock. NEW YORK, Feb. 21. Mrs. Mamie Hayes Mninr Hutchlns. who U in command of was murdered tonight In her sleeping apart thn Mcl'horson. was severely Injured during tnents In the Hotel Endlcott by Dr. Frank- tho storm by being thrown against a dock Un L. Caldwell, who then shot nnd killed house. During tho stcrm, aJter great dim- lumscir. i no woman wus snu. in mo ncm nniiv four of the sailer succeeded In Thn man who did the shooting was em- lathing the propeller so II would not turn ployed as an nslstant by Dr. Ephrnlm ond bent the rudder po3t. wniii tno uis- nayes, nusDanu m ine num.tu. obled transport was drifting along, thoso on Two days ago Caldwell ordered a solution board, numbering In all 16S persons, were ot morphine, which was delivered to him put on bolt ration, tonight an hour before tho shooting. Tha MM When witnesses are examined the Court insists that they shall tell only what they know, not what they think or believe. Time llliu again mc wandering witness is brought back to the point by the stem voice of the judge: "Mad am we are not interested in what you think, wc want to hear what you ac tually know." There's no such trouble experienced with the worthy wom en witnesses to the cures wrouclit bv Dr. Pierce's 1'avorite Prescription. They to'what they arc talking about. Women who suffered from painful irregularities, from inflatnmation, ulceration, displaced organs, bearing-down pains, or auy other form of female disorder, which undermines the health and shatters the nerves, such women know when they are well and why they are well. They do not hesitate to say: "I know 'Favorite Prescription' cured me." There are half a million women witnesses like these : " I am enjoylnc good henltli. thanks to your Vlnd advice aud valmble remedies," write Mrs, Amia Willy, of Northvllle. Spink Co., S. Dak . (Michigan Home). " I Miuercd very much with female weakne and other ailment for more than two year, when 1 wrote to you forndvice. After carefully followinir your advice and taking tlx bottlei each of Dr. iHerce' Favorite Prescrip tion aud' Golden Medical Discovery' lam now a well and happy woman " " I had been a great sufferer from female weak nn" writes Mm. M. M. Wallace, of Muenster, Cook Co.. Texas. " I tried four doctors aud none did me any good. I -suffered six years, but at lat I found relief. I followed your ndvice. and took four botttet of Golden Medical Discovery.' nnd eight of the ' Favorite Prescription ' I now feel like a itwuvman. I have gained eighteen l.ound." Sick women can consult Dr. Pierce with out charge, and thtw get the benefits of hi. long experience in diseaites peculiar to women. Write freely Write fully Your letter will be treated as a sacred coufidence, and Its answer will be written with fatherly friendliness, as well as medical knowledge. Write without fear s without fee. (Z ff for ioldcn Onk ( J'rJ Cart, uphi-Utered In lied ford cord, detaelmblo cutli loin, equlppe . with lubber tires, steel whccls.paraxil and bra lies, worth tla&O. r A q for (io-Ciii t, stcl O f'ar, double spoke, wurth M,oO. Q nj? for Hiihv ('urrlitRC, Oti O reed, beautiful design, up- hnlxterod with American ilninaik. equipped with rubber tlrcs.pnr aiol nud brake, J15.00 value. O A CA Solid Onk &lHtJJ Hod llooin Suit, nwell tip dreser and swell drawer, heavy cat brass handles, 'J'Jx2rt French hovel pinto mirror, height 7i ft., top 122x44 -worth S40.00, ry A for White Etuitnclcd Iron Red, with brass trim inlugs,Httong built, worth 14. 6Cf for White Enameled f j Iron Rod, brass top, tullson head und foot, bow ond, worth J12.00, 6n-for White Enameled .7VOdd Dresser, shaped top, sold rugular for J13.00. ffn Artificial Palms tmtzXm Ferns and Plants, largo as sortiuent, worth 65e. iMiihopiny .Morris Umlr 4 Denim and eretunno cushion, O J worth fully is. tale price ... .... Towel Ulnus lllue, i nk and Ivory enamel, worth lie, only Handsome Piano Stoo's aq Kbniiy.oiik or mahogany, worth zOw tl. To, only Iled l.omme IS ft. lone solid onk frame, ho'iutlful velour covering, north lia.oi. Imitittlon Leather Uottoli, Cm 4 rows of tufts, good sprint:, Jl Jl KJ Vf 118.00 value Kltetien Safes- An hulls- q pensabb' article, worth double tts OijiU cost to housekeepers, M value 9.75 aW X. VMA aV fc I61S.A TARSAM STPEETS. OMAIU. t.ottott Tp .Mattress heavy ticning, well worth i.'.oO, sale price Odd Wood Heds-cont- j OtTi plete withsla's nnd eastors - 1 . V, VI worth 176, only ' Grand Sewlni; .Mnehine a tnti chine that embodies nil the new nud lat est Improvements adapted for nil kinds of smtlnit guaranteed hy makers and tho Copies' More for D years othsr ask 150 for machines that aro 4 f CZ ( no better ourspeoml IVJ.rjll price I'inlit-Day Clocks, oak o O friiino warranted ncetirate Umceopor. worth fully it ' Ladies' Dressing Table - tnahoi; nny finish, ISx'JJ mirror, 1'roncb bevel fancy brass swivels, swell rr CA dr iwers and I romii legs, ..jlJ wor.h ill. only . , Folding Hook bhelf eolden oak, 15-iu hlgli - l-OV fj.SO value ,VF White Enameled and r0 (lolil Reed Chairs, w rth S., J tl.M)- site prlco . ll-Picce Parlor ijnlt inahojiany framo- upholstered lu velour and da lunik, en eannt frame 4 ,4 rr f worth fully ii!7- 14,nU sale price X $l2l!ifc!EieSflii$5-98 5.98 your choice of tt line lot of tailor mailo StiltH, lino VoiH'tlnn cloths, lihicU nml blue, worth fully Sl'J.OO. for only Your choice of our ?1L' und $15 'rnllor-itiiitlo .InckotH, nil colors nud Muck, cli'Kiiutly lined with tnlTftii, iierfcct r-" g t llttliiK, sale f UK price Latllcs' fancy Velvet Waists, tho newest styles, latest -v -x Hlt'ovo, worlh ?5, LJ 4 sale pike ' S Hlack Satin and Taffeta sjllk Waists, newest styles, worth fully .i.."0, sale - -w r price tJ.yO only S- (Mc for Uo of 50 Koyal Eelle Cignrs. 3c paekut-e for Duke's .Slixture. lien's and Women's i Shoes Don't fall to seo the Ininienso wo aro oftevlnt; In Women's Kid Shoes, with plain and ves till sizes, and widths, shoes that sell for $;t.(Kt a pair everywher bought 11 few odd lines and eluded to let them go at u reiltt tho result !s our prlco Is only $1 69 ,mrBn,im ti- lino Viol Mil tliiK tons, U will yj $1.98 Men's very good tptallly Shoes, nil leathers, .McKay's and welts, worth tip to .fi't.rK) a pair, on sale Monday special price ALL WINTER SHOES AND ARCTICS AT COST. Cream Almonds, '20c kind, lb 10c Wrapped Caramels, I '2c kind, lb (ic The Elsie Series books for j;lrls (i!)c 8c 8c 14c 19 4c 79 19c 49c 12 c for Children's Hose heavy ribbed, fnst color, the rcgulur 16o kind. for Children's Vests lino vool und cotton, mitdo to button all tho wny down 25e kind. for Children's Nnz nrotli waists well knitted sold rcRulur for 25c. for Children's Clleecod undorwear va rious aizos, shirts und drawers, aae kiiiu, for Women's Hose fast blncic tho regular 10c kind. for women's Kid C Gloves tho Camillo never sold uador 11, except here, -for Women's Union Suits lino ribbed well knitted tho rop- uiar ouc Kinu. -for Women's Union Suits wool mixed, extra pood duality, worth 11.00 ti pair for Wo- men's Hose fnnoy V colors, extra good quality, worth 'JBc, a bKcin lor aaxony Yarn all colors nnd black worth fully 10c. -s a pair for Wol I 9 Mittens women's nnd A. V. children's, the regular JJl- Ultl.d -for Men's and Women's Underwear a lot of odds und ends, that ranirc lu val ue from 60c to $1 uo. 25c Handkerchiefs The final wliul-up of tho sroat Hand kerchief sale All lots will ho closed out. Tho Krcut handkerchief sale bns proved to bo a creat success and numbers liuvn laid ly a Rood supply, having 11 view of tho future and knowlnp such bargains come but seldom. Despite tho preat selling for the Inst few dnys there are plenty left. Tho orlKluul amount was 25,000. The lot Includes handkerchiefs of nil kinds for men, women and children, the values, ranso from fle to "5c. They ko In seven lots ns follows: lie, n., 7Jc. 10c, 12Je, 15c, lc. You can buy 3 or t handkerchiefs fo.' the price of one. alr pressing Department. On our second lloor Is a tboroiiKlily equip ped hulr dreeing and inunlcurltiK depart ment. All WOHIC Is Kiinrnnteed KIU8T CI.AHS, but our PUICKS uro decidedly SICCOND-CLASS. Kor Instance, Hulr Dresslnc. only ISc. ShumpooliiK, Zc; Munleurlni;, 2."e; l'aclal Treatment "0i ete., etc. Hair goods 'nt very low prices. Optical Department Alumlnold or gold plated spectacles with finest quality crystul lenses. J2.00 value, 79e. Solid cold tilled Krames, usuul price $2.50 snlo prlco 9Se Thermometers, only lie. No charKo for testing your eyes lix lierleneed refractlonlst in t-harfie. Kodaks and Cameras. On Slo.iday only wo will sell Keastman Kodaks for plates or (Urns (only one sotd to each ucrson) for 11.00. Card mounts, 4xi, any color, dozen, 10c. 11 Tripods for Monday, Gsc. Karma cut out Malts, sill sizes nnd shapes S In package, 10c. Wo aro silll cutting supplies". Pound line Octavo Pa per (iO shoots and Ha ronlal Envelopes to ninteu 'J0e value Ink and Pencil Tablets all kinds and si.os--worth fm nnd 10c choice only Copyrighted Novels Old ICbene.er, ete, i-bolee Men's Heavy Kin ked Svvonters tlarlc blue, worth 05o tm sale Monthly for Men's Shirts fan cy porctilo bosom muslin body t5i) VillU back. Mild regular t.'2' Infant's White .Mus lin Slips embroidery trimming, tho kind soltl regular for 60c, only Children's Fancy Gingham Dresses also porcalo, nicely trimmed w II made tho fiOc kind, only. 9c c paper imund, Incliiilinir Tfl C2? The .luckllnx. A Ton- jf nrsseo Judge, Th t'olomm, JL H ' 35c 33c Men' Hlne Elan- pmr df nol Overshicts made J M with doiiblo front nnd JL , 19c 39c Men's Underwoar 111 stly drnwors -b odd lots tho tioc t KJ1 49c kind on salo for Men's Fine Wool Underwear, sold roo ulnr for $1 a pat'iiiout, sllu'htl.v HOtn-,1. price. A Special Lot of Em- Prt broideries recently arrived various widths worth 10c and 16c n yard, only 2c Notion Sule Monday dozen kid ciuiers, for I cards hooks nnd eyes, -V- be eauinel ot hair plus. !',2c S)0c l!lc 011 . jempting grocery prices 2l)c for lb. can Royal or Dr. Price's Baiting Powdor. 08c for 18-1 b. sack People's Superior Elour. for4S-lb. sack Gold Medal Flour. for 10-lb. sack Puro Graham Flour. for 10 lbs. Now York Buck wheat Flour. 15c for 2-gallon pail Fancy Tablo Syrup. ' 'Mc lb. for Fancy Wholo George's Codllah. 7Jc for bottlo Van Camp's Catsup. 25c for 10 bars Laundry Soau, any brand. 71c for --lb. puckage Mothers' Oats. 7c for 2-lb. paekago Solf-Kulslng Buckwheat Flour. i jc for lb. Fancy Largo Italian Prune. 11c for can Eagle Brand Condensed Milk. 7ie for tail can Red Alaska Snlmon. 15c furu-lb. pall Fruit Jelly. (lie a lb. for Superior Link Sausage. 121c a dozen for new laid Eggs. 7c a lb. for Fancy Turkish Figs. 15c for 5 bi. good .InpauMliee. 7ic for 5 lbs. Breakfast Rolled Oats. Ijc for lb. A B C Soda or Oyster Crackers; ppEEi lb. of our Superior Blond Mocha and .lava Coll'oe to ovcry uurchasor of 1 lb. of our Basket Fired Uncolorcd Japan or Engllsti Breakfast Tea from .1Uc a lb. up. press Goods and ilks. BLACK DKESS GOODS. 40-Inch fltorm Serge, good valuo ut 33a yard, only 43-Inch All Wool Krench flcrse, worth 79r yard, t nly ."iii-llieli All Wool Serge, worth Wc a. yard, only 40-Inch Novelties, the newest Ilgllurcs, tOe value, yard r.4-lneli All Wool Venetlun Cloth, 11. P value, yurd WI1II0 tho I'.'.oo Habit Cloths lust they go for per yard COLOR DRESS "GOODS. 3'i-luch Qermnu Novelties, new patterns, 13e valuo, yard fitl-lnch. All Wool Ilomefpun, spring shade, 60u value, yard DO-lneh All Wool Ktnmllie t'loth, all colois, CM- value, yard 40-Inch All Wool iteveralhlo IMtilds, 5!)e vnlue, yard 5t-lneb All Wool Venetian Cloths, latest shades, $1.4it value, ynrd Flno Silk Topped Crepons, all colors, ll.S!) value, " yard BIG SILK SAVINGS. Kino Tuffeta Silks, newest spring shades, CTc value, .11rd Ileiuitlfui new I'll! Striped Taffetus, 83c value, yurd -7-lncli ltiaik riatlti DiuheHne, Jl.:'5 value, yard 22-ltu-h Hlack Taffetn, vety heuvy, che.to ut J1.W ynrd , 19c 49c 25c 25c 75c 75c 224c 29c 33c 33c ,79c 75c 39c 59c 69c 75c T Monday's (jreat o tt yard for all Linen "I Crash various widths, 4V plain and llgurcd. u yard for Bleached Table Damask (13 in, very good quality, the regular U3e kind. a yard for nnh ch Table Damask M lu. oxtra trood qual ity. -We ulnrt, 1 vd for Turkey Red "I Tnhle Damask. very 1!V neat nattcrns, tbo 0o kind. Uo.for Linen Nap kinsblenched, slzo 18x!8, rogular prlco ii docn. do., for Fringed Napkins neat pat terns, worth 7ou. for Mursitles Pat tern Bed QnlUs eold rogular ut $1, for choice new Dimi ties and Organdies very handsome patterns, 16c values. 3 15c 25c 12 69c 49c 49c 8c $ale of incus Monarch Bed Sheets ready for use Slxfw, 35c only Slzo 90xW- fl9c only Itendy mado pllloy cases 12c 45x30, elumed 42-lneh l'epperell 1'lllow Casing He Iht yard, only w -ld-Incli l'epperell l'lllow Casing 1Cc only 1 w Blenched Pepperell Sheeting R-4 slzo sale :irlce IClr. yard IOC 9- 4 size snlo price "ii r yurd 1 " 10- 1 size tale price ffin yard Farmer's cholco sheeting, the be A3 r quality, per yard 4 w V0i t6U & rARNAM STDtETS, OMAIIA. Qomest ics, inings Large Size Iltick Tow elsdark brown, tho "1 kind for 15c 4c Extra Onulity II nek Jraar Towels blenched, nicely fringed, worth l'Jc, prlco X Fringed Linen Tow els very good quality, worth 25c, salo price. Fancy KibbonSkirt- MR various co sold rogularly for ayiiru, ouiy .... Standard Dress Skirt lug bold every wlioto nt Go 11 yurd, only Fancy Striped Tallet t I.ipliiR extra good qutdlty, rogulnr 1 2c griuio l ine (iingham - now psj spring patterns, l'Jc quid- " Ityuyartl JL. V Extra Ouality Madras Cloth handsomo pa torns, worm 10c yan Sl.lrt O 1 3c 7ic ?10c -1