1 6 THE OMAHA DAILY HER: SUNDAY, FI51VR TATTY 25, 1000. DAME FASHION IS A PATRIOT 8nggeition8 of Washington Prominent In Ricent Social Eyents, MYERS-NASH WEDDING EVENT OF IHi WEEK Orcnioii)- Ik 'ltiii'cil by Sot'lrtjr Lender of 'lit I m mill (It her Cities Cnlemliir Cium-n to Halt on Anil I'lliifiiln) . Soclnl t'nl i-nil nr. MONDAY, February LS-"Mlnuet Military." Miss Donne, Miss McKclinn, Metropolis inn hall, I to 0 p. in. Kvenlng enter tainment at 8. lion 'ion Card club. MrK. Puffcnrnth. Ounl party, Mrs. Tzschuck. TUKSIMV, February Si-Mr. 13d win Ituth ven Perfect, .Mrs. Owriin McClellun Jtlbbel, progressive cucliro lurty, .Motro liolltati hull. Sloney-Neison nuptials. Thurston Wilts, a dance. Mm. WpsscI, whist lunclieon. WKDNHSDAY, February L'v-Muslcal, Miss Julia OlUcer. Cooking club, Minn Kllpatrlck. Mrs. Van Horn, Mil Sigma Card club. Wednesday Lunch club, Mrs. Uurgoss, Mrs. Smith. A society girl's letter of this week gives nn accurate description of the premier ovent of the week, tho .Myers-Nash wedding: "OMAHA, February Twenty-flrat. Kleanor Dear: 1 liavo Just returned from tlio Myers Nash wedding, nnd knowlnft your great love for gorgeous occasion, I decided to glvo you tho full benefit of my knowledge whllo It la fre3h In mind and whllo my spirits nro bubbling over wljh cnthusliwm; for It was onu of the most bountiful and elaborate core mem lc of tho season. "To start with, you must know Miss Nash In ono of tho lcant-spolled girls In eoclcty In Hp I to of tho fact that she has been a great favorlto ever since her Introduction into tho social world. The groom was one of thu typical kind that you read of In boolt), you know, but oeldom sec. Tall, with a lino physique, and dark hair with a sprinkling of gray; now Isn't that romantic? When I get married tho man must havo gray hair, even If ho powders It for tho occasion. It gives a young man a kind of mysterious air, you know, Just as If ho luul a history that was worth delvlug into. "And now that tho preliminaries arc settled, Imagine tbl.i charming society girl In her gorgoous wedding robes. "Long beforo tho appointed time, St. John's church was thronged with tho beauty nnd fashion of upper tendom. it was n -whlto and gold wedding and tho sun shonu through tho Etalncd glass windows with a golden Hood of light which was In perfect harmony with tho Interior colorings of the edldco (mighty kind of dear old Sol, wasn't It?). Tho altar was a perfect bower of Murcchal Nlol roses, while tho myriads of whlto candies glowed with yellow lights. Tall palniK with thin, broad, sword-llko leaves formed a beautiful background for tho decorations. "Tho organist played tho softest, Bwcot rat music, whllo tho ladles In beautiful reception totlots chatted of their friend who was bo soon to loavo them. Soon tho strains of "Faithful und Truo" announced tho bridal cortege. "First came tho ushers, Mcsnr8. H. For tiott, Frank Coatcs, I). Myers of Dubuque, James Edwards of Notro Dame, Tom Crelgh, Henry Allen, Fred Nash, Jr., nnd Louis Nash. (Nobody paid any attention to 'them, of course, becauso men don't count fit a wedding.) Then tho four littlo llowcr girls dainty In frocks of whlto with sashes of yellow, picture hatx of yellow and great bunches of Marpch.il NIel roscu. Tho six bridesmaids followed, looking llko em bryo brides In soft whlto cllnglug gowns and short Illusion vcIIh, held In placo by Jaunty bows of white. They wore no ornaments nnd carried no ilowers. Then came Oh, but I forgot tho bridesmaids' names. They wero: Mm. Joseph Darker I supposo she was rcully tho matron of honor Miss Helen Peck, Miss Crclghton, Miss Myers of Dubuquo, Mlas Doylo of De troit and Miss Danncmlller of Canton. Tho maid of honor, Miss Kmlly Myers, followed, a perfect plcturo in yellow crepo do china. Ths long, clinging hklrt, trimmed In tho softest roso plcatlngs of lisso of tho samo hue. Her Jaunty hut wan a Pariu creation of yellow, which brought out tho most ravishing tints of her hair and complexion. Sho carried an Immense bouquet of yellow roses. "Then came the cynosuro of all eyes, tho brlilo herself, In thn heaviest cream satin. Tho nklrt fell In a triple boxpleat from tho waist to tho edgo of tho long, sweoping train. Tho peplum was bordered with point laco. Tho bodlco of satin had a yoko effeot of mil laco, whllo over all fell a magnill cont veil of point laco which caused a thrill of admiration through tho wholo audience. "Tho wedding servlco "was particularly Interesting becauso of tho distinct responses, and then It was tho nuptial solemn high ma&e, which calls for tho most elaborate musical servlco and nny number of priests and bishops, assistant priests and candle bearers. After tho -wedding ceremony, which lastod nn hour and n half ; by tho way, that's tho way to havo a wedding; wo Protestants havo tho knot tied so quickly that It is no wonder It comes loose, and tlit'ii wo don't havo time to catch but n fleeting glimpse of thn gowns that take so many hours to plan. Wall, after tho ceremony the bridal party repaired to tho Nash mansion, which wus claborato in colorings of yellow and whlto, whero n banquet was served, "and they lived happily over after." If this "llrBt edition" was not alroady beyond tho prescribed length, Including postscripts, I would tell you of all the other happenings of the week, which nro so numerous that ono would think the wholo society world expected novcr to come out of sackcloth and ash,es, and consequently wero bound to havo all tho fun possibly ' boforo their demise. Hut Lent will be here In threo days, tUon I Bhall bo good for forty days. No moro partloa, no moro theaters, no more dances, no more eating of tho stuff that dreams are made of. No moro of anything but Jack. 13vor your loving, MADOK." Mrriiinlltiiu Ouh Kiiti'rtnln, Another brllllnnt entertainment was given by the Metropolitan club at tho hall 'Wednes day evening. Tho rooms wero lavish In ft 77 99 To euro a Cold lu one day, Take "77." To check a touch of tho Grip, Take 77." To ''break up" a Cold that "hangs on," Take '77." Edition tie Luxe. Dr. Humphrey's Manual, In whlto nnd gold, sent free. Tells about tho cure, treat ment and euro of tho sick, A chapter es pecially on tho Diseases of Children, Humphreys' Homeopath!" Medlclno Co., Cor. William & John Sts., N V COLDS I decorations of bunting In nallon.il colors, lags, smllax and palms. A program of living pictures wero given, as follows: "Babble," Miss Hanchen Hehfeld. "La Toscn." MIm Dolly l'olnck; Josephine," Miss Kathryn 1 Polack; "Gibson Olrl, Miss Juliet Morris; , "Colonial .Olrl," Miss Laura OOcU; ".Mar guerite," Miss Lena Hehfeld; "Colonial Damo," Mrs. Hlllcr: "Prlscllla," Mrs. Simons; "Columbia," Miss Dolly Polack. After an elaborate supper dancing wus Indulged In and speeches 'given by Mr. dardncr of the Orphcum. Miss Itehfeld'8 solos wero much appreciated. Coiiilliin'iitnr' to .Mini Wilson. A ker.slngton was given Tuesday afternoon by Miss KounUe fop Miss Wilson of New York. After tho afternoon's pleasure a luncheon must delectable wus served to Mrs. Charleo Kountze, Mrs. Kenyon, Miss Wilson, Miss Webster, Miss Crounse, Miss Doyle of Detroit, Mlas Myers of Dubuquo, Miss Kllz nbeth Allen, Ml Webster, Miss Palmer. Miss Oraco Allen nnd Miss Higglnson. MIhs Wilson of Now York wns tho guest of honor at a perfectly appointed dinner given, by Miss Oertrudo Kountze Tuesday evening. The tnblo wos marked by nrtlstlc beauty. Tho centerpiece was a largo basket overflowing with hyacinths nnd ferns. Tho J handle was tied with a Jaunty bow of pale I green ribbon. Tho plates for the ludles wero I marked with biinclun of violets, whllo tho men wero favored with hyacinths. The plate cards wero pale green bands with tho names In raised gilt letters. Tho partici pants were: Miss Wilson, Miss Webster, ltaa l.-lnpn VVianr MUa Pnlmnr Mliw , Montgomery, Miss Swcnsbcrg, Mrs. Hustin, Mrs. Luther Kountze, Mrs. Charles Kountze, Miss Kountze, Mr. Hrown, Mr. Colpetzer, Mr. Morsman, Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Will Hums, Mr. Samuel Hums, Dr. Lyman, Mr. Dean ' I.vmnn. Mr. Chnrlen Kountzo. Mr. Luther I Kountze. Mlas Kllpatrlck entertained charmingly Wednesday afternoon for Mies Wilson of , Chase, pastor of the First Methodist Kplsco Now York. Luncheon was served for Mrs. pal church, of which tho groom Is n member. Luther Kountzo, Miss Wilson, Miss Crounse, , They left for tho oust at 0 o'clock for a MIsh Mario Crounse, Miss Duck, Miss Tay- short trip. After March 15 they will bo at lnr. MIfs Allen, Miss Kllzabcth Allen, Miss homo to their friends nt 2123 Webster street. Higglnson, Miss Millard. The groom Is a young lawyer, who was nd- mlttcd to the Omaha bar two years ago. Tho lifnrm- WiiNlihmtoii Cluli Kiiti'rtnlim. brldo Is n sister of Mrs. U. 11. Balcombe. Ono hundred 'guests enjoyed a most enter- 1 Mr. Kdmunj c. s,)angcr of this city nnd tnlnlng evening at tho hands of tho Oeorge ' Mlgs Margaret Hussell Mills of Now York Wuhhlngton club of the Union stock yards clty wero niarrled nt St. Thomas' church Thursday evening at the Metropolitan hall. i vow v0rk City last Wednesday morning I Tho danco hall and stairway wero clabor- nt In decorations. Tho main hall was adorned wttn rcstoona or bunting lu patriotic colors, whllo lings lloated from tho win- dows and plcturto of patriots wero placed In tho most advantageous positions. From tbo chandelier In tho center of tho hall extended strands of nmllax and graceful asparagus vines to tho four walls. In two corners were magnlllccnt trees of American Beauties un- dor which wns dispensed delicious punch. A , largo shield In red, whlto nnd blue lmmor- tcllcf, two beautiful silken Hags draped over n plcturo of Oeorge Washington and the In- itals of tho club in patriotic hue added to tho beauty of tho scone. I An elaborate supper was served from small tables, which wero gorgeous with roses, hya- ' clnths nnd tulips. The cover for each lndy was marked with an American lleauty rose, whlio tho men had boutonnlervs of carnn- Hom. Somo cxqulslto gowns wero worn by the women, which, together with the bcautl- ful lights, the strntns of bright music and tho pcrfumo of many roues mado it nn occasion long to bo remembered. The members of tho club ure: Messrs. W. H. Wood, Charle.i Hone, Paxton, Wallwork, Sanders, Murphy, Kenyon, Wood, Tagg, McOrath, Ingworsoy, , Martin, M. Murphy, Dudley, Frank, Fred- . cricks, Welthclmer, Smith, Lennon and Strauss, Vointili- llliiiii-i- Piii-Mi-n. Miss Kmma Crclghton entertained tho bridesmaids of tho Myers-Nash wedding party TLa,jr!""U3. !lnn0r M0"ay CV0,,1"B- , I 1 '"auKV' ...... I. a vtlHCIIUU, it UiUhUl Ui CllUllaUU carnations resting on a beautiful creation of Hattcnberg' lace, through tho meshes of which glistened crimson satin. Covers wero laid for Miss Nash, Miss Crelghton, Mrs. Joseph Barker, Miss Helen Peck, Miss Myers, Miss Danncmlller, Mli Doyle, .Mr. , Fred Nash, Mr. Joseph Hnrkcr and Mr, Adujus of Salt Lake. At tho samo tlmo Mr. Myers gave a dinner nt tho Omahn club. The ccntcrpleco con sisted of yellow and white tulips. Tho participants were: Mr. Frederick Nash, Jr., Mr. Louis Nnsh, Mr. Forbctt. Mr. Tom Crolgh, Mr. Henry Allen, Mr. Oeorge Myers, Mr. Dorrenco Myers, Mr. Frank Coatcs, .Mr. Hen Hervoy and Mr. James Edwards. Aftor tho dinner tho two affairs wero merced Into a lolni box nartv Mr. and Mrs. Ketlyon entertained nt dinner 1,1,8 weeK Saturday evening complimentary to Mr. and Mr- aml Mrs- J H- Evans of West Farnam Mrs. Luther Kountze. Tho tablo was re- street entertained delightfully nt cards Sat splcndent with rt"cs, candelabra with silken urday evening. shades. About the festal board Vcro gath- Tho Winter club danced nwoy tho hours ercd Mr. and Mrs. Luthor Kquntzo, Miss Thursday evening at Morand's In a dc- Gortrudo Kountze, Miss Wilson of Now York, . Miss Webster, Mr. James PaXtou, Mr. W. Furnam Smith, Mr. Bourlund of Peoria, Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon. i:iun' Dniicf, The Elks enjoyed a dancing party Wednes day evening at tho Waro block. Tho rooms, with their new decorations, presented n beautiful nlcture. further ndnrnnl uitb rrra nnd American flags. A canopy of American Beauties and La Franco roses attracted much attention, ns well ns tho heads of tho ' elks with their lights of white and violet, Tho chandellcrfl wero festooned with sml lax nnd vines of asparagus. An nlr of pa- trlotlsm wns given to tho occasslon by tho ' many American (lags that graced the walls. At least ono hundred guests enjoyed tbo oveulng's gaycty. Punch was sorved In one of tbo card rooms and an elaborate lunch enjnyeu jaior in mo evening, t ne commit. ; teo consisted of Messrs. n. 11, Smith, Bar rett, Cronk, Gibson, McGrnth, Abbott, Tay lor, Scanucll, Hnber, Touwilln. Ingram, Brown, Estello, Ilrlgga, Vlnsonhaler, Mullen, Murphy, Whlnncry, Myers, Clnpp, Dewar, McIIugh, Gurley, Moore, Kimball, Broad well, Lnmpmanu. Afternoon lti'i'i-iitlon. Thn homo Of Mrs. fl. W. Plntnnr nrnonntn.l a charnilni? nnnn.irnn Tin.ru.inv nft.,,n In honoii of tho reception given by Mrs. Plainer. Mrs. J. Stewart Whlto and MUa Blessing. Tho hall was gorgeous In red. Tall Amcrlcon Beauties wero used profusely. Tho drawing room was udornwl with brldea- maid roses, while tho dining room was stunning In decorations of meteors. The tablo had nn Immcnso bed of tbo fragrant j blossoms resting on a centerpiece of ren- i alfsance laco over roso satin. Candelabra, with crimson tapors and dainty roso Blmdes. shod a Foft huo over the room. Tho ns- slfrtlng women were Mrs, McMullcn, Miss Besslo Field, Miss Bennett, Mlsj Blanche Comstock and Miss Gall Conmtock. YHIinv l.iinelieoii. Miss Webster guvo an exquisite luncheou In honor of Miss Wilson of New York Thurs day nftemoon. Tho perfect appointments I: , In u, i,"J"" ?. " Mies Webster bad for her guests: Miss Wil son, Miss Swcnsbcrg, Mrs. Luther Kountze, .Mrs. CharlcH Kountze, Miss Hutchinson of Colorado, Miss Oertrudo Kountze, Mls3 Llnd scy und Miss Kelly. Whim Luncheon. Mrs. Charles Coutant gavo a charming wniat lunclieon Wednesday for Mrs. Barka- Inw of Denver. The plato curds wero flags tied with national colors, tho bonbons tiny hatchets, The decorations wero exquisite, In roses nnd ferns. .Plates wero marked for Mrs. Barkalow, Mrs. S. D. Barkalow, Mrs, Guthrie, Mrs. Clarke, Mm. Ogden, Mrs. Crelgh, Mrs, Davis, Mrs. Prltchett, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Shlvorlck, Mrs, Potter, Mrs. Gannett, Mrs. Drinker, Mrs. lllack of Chicago, Mrs. Manderson, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Crummer, Mrs. Merrlam, Mrs. Llndscy, Mrs. M. M. Mortmnn, Mrs. dales. Mrs. Martin. Mrs. Colpctxer, Mrs. F. M. KlrhardFon and Mrs. Wessells. nil ni'l iik I li r I j Delightful In every respect was tho danc ing party given Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin Whitney, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. James Munn, at Thurston Miles' armory. The hall presented n gala appearance, with Its decorations of palms, smllax nnd pink carnations. Tho pillars wero twined with feathery asparagus nnd caught here nnd there with pink carnations. Tho punch bowl rested on nn exquisite bed of pink blossoms. Fifty couples enjoyed tho dancing. The dance cards wero especially unique and wero dainty souvenirs of tho occasion. Wl'llllllIU Hint Illlmllil-IIH-Ill. Mr. and Mrs. John Steel nnnotinco tho en gagement of their daughter, Miss Lilly Ann, to Mr. (leorgo Andrew Lovcland of Lincoln. Mr. Thomas Dupont Stoncy nnd Miss Mabel Dlnncho Nelson will be married nt St. John'a Fplscop.il church. Twenty-sixth and Franklin streets, at S:30 p. m., Tuesday next. Thursday, February 1., Miss Florence Donahue and Mr. Hubert Craig wero united in marriage by tho Hcv. Clarence R. Mlnnrd of Denver, Colo. At homo at tho Manltou, Salt Lake ,Clty, nfter March 1. Mr. Walter A. Sturgcs nnd Miss Oertrudo McOllvary wero married Wednesday at p. ui. by Hev. Charles Herbert Young nt St .Tnlitl'fl Fnllirnnnl rhlirflh. Tho rprnmnnv W.1A witnessed by relatives only. Mr. Slurgcs Is employed by Armour & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Sturgea departed on tho evening train for tlio east, to bo gone two weeks. On their return they will be at home to their friends HI tho Ure.XCl. Mr. Charles Battello nnd Mla Clara Turner wore married Wednesday by Hev. M. W. ,,t 10 o'clock by Hev. J. O. Williams, pastor, assisted by Hov. C. F. Head, J. H. Millard nnd J. A. Wallace. Tho church was filled with friends of both the brldo and groom and was beautifully decorated In yel- low roses. After tho ceremony the rela- tlves und tho bridal party wero given n wedding breakfast nt tho home of tho brldo, g."7 Fifth avenue. Tho houso wns beautifully decorated with violets and orchids, combined with delicate asparagus vines. Mr. nnd Mrs. Spangler left New York City ou tho follow- lng day on tho Whlto Star steamer Teutonic nnd will spend six months in Kurope. On their return they will inako their homo lu New York. Mr. Wllllum Llewellyn Williams and Miss Kato Daugberty were united In marriage last Wednesday evening at tho residence of Hev. P. A. McOovcrn, rector of St. Phllo- mena's cathedral, Ninth nnd Howard streets. Father McGovern performed tho ceremony, Only imnedlato relatives of tho contracting parties vcro present, but a largo number of friends gathered at tho bride's residence, lf.nn Davenport street, to welcome them home nnd extend congratulations. Mr. Williams l.s nn old nnd trusted employo of tho nmelting works, whllo tbo brldo Is well known In Omahn and enjoys tho friendship and good will of n large circle of admirers. Mr. and Mrs. Williams wero the recipients of numer ous appropriate wedding gifts and other tokens of good will. Mr. J. H. Williams of Stato Center, la., and Mrs. Mary Tracy were witnesses to tho nuptial rites at the church. The newly wedded couple will bo at homo at 1H09 Davenport street I'leiiMiiri'H Paul. Mrs. Manderson gavo nn elaborate card party Saturday ovenlug. Mrs. Hosenstock entertained the Wash- ington Whist club Thursday. Mr8. V. W. Morsman cavo an enjoyable whist luncheon Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Hunt entertained at a patriotic party the meimbcrs of tho Unity Guild Wednesday. Mrs. C. II. Liver entertained a dozen friends nt a Kensington Wednesday after noon. t A large number of dental students en Joyed n danco at tho collego Wednesday evening. Tho Wednesday Lunch club was royally entertained by Mrs, Weaver and Mrs. Kelvy llghtful manner. The Cooking club was entertained by Miss Rowena Higglnson Mciiday. Covers wero laid for twenty-two. Tho many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Marc G. Perkins testify to a most enjoyable oven lug at cards Saturday evening. Mrs. D. V. llarkalow of Denver was tho guest of honor nt n kenslngtou given by ur"' "",') 1 OULr ',om,aJ uueniuon. MrH- H- Coun entertained very elaborately nt rcd luncheon Inst Friday afternoon lu honor of .Mrs. .M. P. Maaa of Sterling, III. A delightfully novel entertntnmcnt wns tho bowling party given by Mrs. SImoii3 at the Metropolitan club Tuesday afternoon Tlio North Omaha Pleasure club gave tho last of Its pleasant sorles of dances at Thurston Rifles' armory Thursday evening, Mrs. H. W. Bailey gavo a pleasant whist luncheon at 1 o'clock Thursday to sixteen women friends. Tho rooms wero dulnty In bridesmaid roses and pink carnations. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Hnydci entertained nt Morand'a Friday evening for their daughters, Misses Mary nnd Lucllo. Tho eighty young people enjoyed tho evening ut dancing. A truo patriotic card party wns given Wednesday evening by Miss Louise Smith. The scoro cards wero (lags, tho Ices wero in ,,aB 8",upe wUn PP"Prlal, colorings, us wero alst tUo cakes nrul confcctl"3- Mr- aKd Mrs- 1Iando fivo u reception Thursday evening ut tho Thurston Rules' nrmory- T"e waliB wero hung with bunting lu nlUloni11 clrs, with flags, while palms aml riwe3 furtlllr beautified tho interior, 0,10 of tll Pleasant parties of tho week was U,BU flvo car1 party enjoyed by tuo 'flnus of Mr. and Mrs. Iiushnell. Prizes wero awarded to Mrs. Lanzondorf, Mrs. llllUer J,r Shlller and Mr. Carl Bergstrom. surprise party In honor of tho 27th birthday of Mr. Charles Leeder was given nt tho homo of his mother, 1310 Davenport strec-t. About thirty guests wero present. Curds nnd music wero tho features of the evening. A largo party of young folk enjoyed tho dance given by tho King's Daughters of tho C""" ' 'h a Shepherd at tho Thurston proved qultu tho most enjoyable. Mrs. J. S. Tlpprry entertained tho South Side Whist club this week. A very pleasant and social tlmo wns had. Nluo games wore played. Mrs. Curry wen first prize, a beautiful Austrian vuso, Mrs. Rlggs taking scccnd, a preity china plate. Dulnty re- iresnmenis were sorved. Tho anniversary of tbo birth of Georgo Washington was celebrated In a very op- proprlate manner by thu Knocker Card club at tho homo of Miss Lynn Wlgman lu Kountze Place, Tho decorations throughout the rooms wero of a military ordor, as wero also tho scoro cards, and the national colors were much In evidence. The, woman's prize was won by Miss Auerswald, whll Mr. I Noyes was awarded the gentleman's prize.' The consolntlons fell to Miss Lynn Wlg-roan nnd Mr. Heyden. I The Hnnscom Park club was entertained tu Friday by Mrsdnmes Gould and Iloyd. Tho favors were sn.all hatchets and red, I white nnd blue emblems. After a pleasant' afternoon at cards a dainty lunch wns served. . Tho tokens were won by Mesdnmes Duculx, Ingersoll, Olson and linker. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. A. Dillon were most Joy fully surprised Friday evening, the occasion j being their eighth wedding anniversary. Whist wns tho featuro of tho evening. The , prizes wore awarded to Mrs. Halght, Mrs. Huntly nnd Mrs. Matthes; D. J. O'llrlen, H. U. Mntthfs nnd John Smelzer. Mix. Htinion's ten" of tho Chur U of tho Good Shepherd cntertnUicd tho women otfj tho church pleasantly Wednesday nftemoon. A guessing contest served to keep a de lightful interest lu tho atternoon's enjoy ment. Tho dainty refreshments added mucJi to tho pleasuro of tho occasion. Complimentary tq Mrs. Hlgclow of Chi cago, Mi. Anderson gave n luncheon Thurs day. Tho tablo was bcputlful with Its huge bed of pink and whlto carnations as a center piece, tho candelabra with pink shades nnd tho Immcnso bowa of pink und whlto satin which graced each corner of tho table. Miss Mabel Morrow celebrated Washing ton's birthday by entertaining a number of her little friends nt her home, 2123 Shoitnan avenue. Sixteen littlo folks surrounded a tnblo of dainty refreshments under n canopy of red, white and blue. Tho cherries eorved In tho cream nnd tho souvculr hutohcts wero reminders of tho holiday. A reception was given Thursday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Ezra Millard. The rooms wero ndorncd with roses and palms. Assisting In tho rooms were Mrs. (lllford, Mrs. Metz, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Moriarlty, Miss Crounse, Miss Mario Crounse, Miss Millard, Miss Helen Millard, Miss Chandler, Miss Orcutt, Miss Kllpatrlck. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Gunner of Kountze Place wero surprised by tho N. (1. (). club Tuesday night In honor of their eighteenth wedding anniversary. Dancing und cards wore Indulged In during tho evening. Mr. Huso uud .Mrs. Williams carried off tho first prizes, whllo Mr. Gunner nnd Mrs. Cook carried off tho consolation prizes. The M. W. club was delightfully enter tained by Mrs. Rhondcs and Mrs. Iloyd at tho homo of tho latter Friday afternoon. Vlolots wero In evldenco throughout tho rooms, tho color schemo being carried out In dainty refreshments. A violet guessing contest concluded tho entertainment, prizes being awarded to Mrs. Cobb nnd Mrs. Cronk. Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Wallwork entertained tho Hawthorno High Flvo club Saturday evening. Mr. J. II. Illauchard, Mr. Charles Lennon nnd Mr. Al Lowry won tho gentle men's prizes nnd Mrs. M. H. Murphy, Mrs. Mlkesell und Mrs. Lowry tho women's prizes. Tho members of tho club surprised tho host nnd hostess by nppcnrlng In rags und tutters. Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Hush delightfully en ertalned at high flvo Saturday evoning. The first prizes we.ro awarded t6 Mrs. C. S. Stockham nnd Mr. Claude Stockham. Mrs. Orr and Mr. Hayes wero given tho consola tion prlzeis. After refreshments nnd a short musical program a flashlight photograph was taken. A konslngton was given Wednesday after noon to n small number of guests by Mrs. C. H. Liver ut her home, 1022 South Twenty eighth street. Tho afternoon was pleas antly spout by Mrs. A. Anderson, Mrs. M. Nellsoii, Mis. I. J. Harr, Mrs. P. Hiinak, Mrs. F. S. Do Vor and Mrs. W. J. Cattln. A dainty luncheon added to tho aftornoou's pleasure. MUa Harriet D. Baldwin entertained a number of her young friends at her homo Thursday evening In honor of her 18th birthday. Tbo evening was spent In a very enjoyable manner, music, singing and dan cing bolng tho leading features. Mr. Ralph Darling and Mr. F. A. Mulllnger played delightfully on the mandolin and guitar and Miss Fayo Pardun on tho piano. Tho Twin City High Five club, composed of Omaha nnd South Omaha parties, met with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kunnedy Wednes day evening and spent tho evoning ut tho gamo for which tho club Is named. Tha club consists of Messrs. and Mesdames W. 1). Godfrey, 12. G. Smith, C. A. Sbnrwood, W. C. Turner, Georgo I). Rlggs, C. F. Hop per, C. W. Fear, C. A. Wagner, Saunders, W. E. Flndley und W. R. McBe-th. A pink und whlto lunclieon wns very charmingly solved by Mrs. C. J. Andersen. 2773 Wob3ter street, to a number of her 1 frlonds last Thursday afternoon In honor of her daughter, Mrs. L. H. Ulgolow of Chi cago. The tnblo was very tastefully ar ranged with largo bows of pink and whlto satin ribbon, carnations and ferns. In mom: ory of Washington's birthday a hugo flag wns dinped In tho archway leading Into tho dining room. MoV4"iriitN mill Wlii-ri'itliutit. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith are In Buf falo. Mrs. Swift Is visiting her mother In New York. Mr. A. L. Reed Is sojourning at Colorado Springs. Mrs. Thompson left Wednesday for a trip to Chicago. Senator John M. Thurston was In tho city Wednesday. Mrs. Mumaugh returned Monday from her Cuban trip. Mr3. F. A. Green nnd Miss Green havo gono to Denver. Dr. Harold GIfford has gone to Chicago for n. week's trip. Miss Helen Peck has gone to Chlcngo for u threo weeks' trip. Mr. ond Mrs. G. W. Clark are now lo. cited at 2117 Dodge sticet. Mr. W. T. Wymao left last weeki for n ehoit visit to Phoenix. Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kountzo hnve gono to New York for a visit of two weeks. Mrs. Samuel Burns has gono to Los An geles, Cal., for a visit of sovpr.il weeks. Major H. S. Wilcox, accompanied by his two daughters, returned Monday from Now York. Mrs. Kdmund Burko ami daughter nro vis iting friends and relatives In Chicago and Uulcaburg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Ford are located In their new homo, Thirty-sixth and Far nam streets, .Mrs. John Steele, accompanied by her daughter, has gono on n three weeks' trip to New Orleans. Mr3. A. Scburz and daughter of ISO," Cnrby street havo gono to South Dakota to be ab sent until April 1. MrH. J. A. Dempater nnd her sister. Mrs. W. H. Parsons of Binghamtou, N. Y aro homo from Wjmioro, Mrs. Rdwnul A. Sondhctoner, nfter a month's visit with hor parentu In Chicago, has returned to Omahn. Mrs. AV. S. Rector has returned from a two weeks' visit In Chicago with har sister, Mrs. Charles Ford Scovll. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hugo Biuudels retuinrd Sunday from their wedding trip of a month's duration In tho boutb nnd tho Bahamas. Bishop Williams is in Chicago. Ho as sisted yesterday at tho consecration of Itov. Charlci Pulmcrston Audcrtoa us blshop-co- adjutor of Chicago. Mrs. F. K. Hall mid Miss L'llnore Dutcher I havo gono to Washington to attend tho na j ttmial convention cf tho Daughtcis of the American Revolution. Tho MIhu-s Fluronco Richardson and Blanche und Bertha Kennedy of liitu, mouth nro visiting at tbea homo of Mr. L Drew on Marcy street. Mr. and Mra. Hugo Brandeli have returned to Omuha and will bo ut home to their friends &, 722 Couth Twenty-ninth street the fltat GOOD JACKETS -AT SCOFIELD'S FOR MONDAY'S SALE $2.50, $3.95 AND $10. It Is not often that you seo s-uli bar gains but wo novo a few choice Jacket3 left nnd tlmy must bo sold this week ns wo need tho room for our spring goods. Wo nro now showing New Suits, New Dress Skirts nnd New Silk Wals'.s. SCOFIELD CLOAK &SMT CO. 1510 Douglas Street. HARSHBERGERS SHIRT WAISTS Made to Measure. MILITARY AND TAILOR-MADE The Most Popular Styles for 11)00, Workmanship the Hcst, Fit (luaranteeil: Samples of .Materials Sent on Application. 177 Slatc Street, Chicago, III. Palmer House Block. MONDAY IS WASH DAY. ThnfH why wo hnll make some fetch lng cutH on the price of FINK SOAPS 2c 4711 White Roso Soap 60c Society Hyglonlmio (without odor) COc Rleger Soap fiue Lubln's Soap Kirk's Jap Hose. Soap Pear's Unscontinl Soap 10c 2!C 'I'M ;;'.'c "c 12c Sherman & McConnel! Drug Go NEW LOCATION- S. W. Corner 16th and Dodge Sts, Arthur Delmore Cknej Basso-Baritone Vocal Instruction Special Attention Given to English Oratorio. Suite 315 Ramp Bldg,, Omaha nnd second Sundays In March from 3 to 0 o'clock. Mrs. L. H. Blgelow and daughters, who havo been vlHltlug their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, C. J. Andersen, 2775 Webster Btrcot, for tho last three weeks, will return to tholr. homo In Chicago tho early pnrt of tho week. Out uf To it il Oucnl. Mr. Itay Nya und wife of Fremont aro In tho city. Mr. W. 13. Perkins of Sturgls, S. D., Is an Omaha guest. Hov. Travis J. Hall has returned to his homo In Chlcngo. Miss Dstcllo M. Vodrlc has returned from San Antonio, Tex. Mrs. Kellogg Is home for a visit to her father In California. Mrs. M. T. Hatcllff of Northflcld Is visit ing her parents In Omaha. Mrs. McIIugh of Sioux City Is tho guet of her sister, Mrs. G. W. Wattles. Mrs. S. P. Morso of Chicago, formerly of Omaha, Is visiting Mrs. J. B. Kitchen. Mrs. W. W, Lawrence of Denver is tho guest of Mrs. Charles Stockham. Miss Webster of Chicago, Mlns Swens berg's guest, left for her homo this week. Mr. James Starr of Kansas City Is tho guest of his cousin, .Mr. Charles D. Thomp son. Mr. Harry .Mollring, u prominent buslnt's mnn of Nelmrfka City, visited Omaha lust week. Mr. David Cat ton of St. Louis came to attend the wedding of MIbs Nash and Mr. Myers. MIsa Frances Cunningham of Lincoln Is tbo guest of her sister, Mru. Hmuird Ken nedy, Jr. Miss L. V. Ilawhes has returned from Lin coln, where sbo visited her slbter und friends last week. Mrs. 13. Grnnlich of Denver left last wcok for her home, after an extended visit with Omaha friends. Mrs. A. C. Wilcox of Clinton, HI., is visit ing her ulster, Mrs. W. J. Haes of louS Sherman avenue. Mrs, C. II. Schmidt of Pueblo. Colo, wi'l spend n fortnight with her daughter. Mr. Georgo B. Tzschuck, ut the H.hrlner. Mr. ami Mr. John McGhlo of Arnpahoo and .Mr3. J. C. Cummins anil Mrs. Samuel Richardson or PlattEmouth are visiting Mn, 13. Drc.v. Miss Batt-s of St. Louis, niece of Grncr.il Bates, formerly In commnnd of Fort Omaha, and MIsh Hnnna of Kansas City are visiting nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Giiiilth A largo party of goclety people from Dubuque, jn., ciuuo to attend tho Myors. Nash nuptials of Wednesday. The purty coubhstcil of .Mr. nnd Mrs. D. D. Myers, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Law-ton, Jr., tho Missej Tudlo und Nathalie Myers, Mrs. J. Llnn Douca, Mis. W. (I. Cox, MIsm P.ipln, Mrs. H. 13. Trod way, Mil's M. L. Ilorvcy. Mr. Wil liam Myers, Mr. J. P. Mycie, Mr Thomaa Myers, Mr. J. T. Adams, Mr. It. R. Hervey and Mr. II. G. Tarbcrt. MUtnrle, i:lill.H at I'ulilli; 1,1 lumy, Tho Daughter of tho American Revolu tion urn awukenlnn an interest In the cum. toins of our graiidpnrcntH ihruugli their Joan exhibit in thi- iniiwum of tliw public- library. Three sliowcaHis have nlready been lllltd, w-ltli proml-- .if more to Imj added. Among the- valuublo heirlooms In this exhibit In a porringer from the Pilgrim settlement, n lump in which whalo oil wan burned, u queer old whisky Husk und noma pewter dishes, An old Hlilrt mudtt before buttons wen, uscl has tho cuffs fastened with atrlucs drawn tbroma eyelets. A aroull If you want the finest fit that is made. This corset is like the Fasso in all but price. White only $2.50, black $3, If you want the best Si or $1.50 corset in the market, try the P. N, Corset, with cork pad. Keeps the steel from rusting or breaking. OIOIOBOIOIOIOIOIORIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOI The 99-Ccut Store. House Furnishing Bargains in our "Economy'' Basement Large pnrk.igo best perforated T.dlet Paper Lnrgti roll perforated Toilet Piii'cr, Hk- kind Brass Kxtetislon Curtain Rodi. the '."Or kind Willow Clothes Baskets, gond s'ze. best make Hxtrii heuvy Wu.hIi Boards, thn HIJou pattern llnrdwood Center Tables, for lump or jardiniere Oak Wall Pockets for Papers, derornted front Willow- Clothes Hampers, best make Family Seules, will weigh JO pounds Good Glass limp, eomnleto No. 2 burner C Crystal Glass Tumblers, worth 2.V Set Wuvn Blade Knives, Christy pattern Steel laid Shears, brass belt. per nulr Fancy Deeornted Creamer. Austrian China ..."5C 5c JOc 49c 25c 25c 49c 79c 98c 25c 9c 25c 9c 10c 1519-1521 Douglas i Street. Haav 10th St. OIOHOIOBOIOIOIOIOI NEBRASKA CORNER 15th AND RENTS $25 for a League Sewing Machine Wo havo no agents. Wo pay no commis sion. Wo Boll tho DAVIS' BALL BI3AH IN(J, Singer, Dometlc, Standard, and n full lino of cheap mnehlneri, us low us $1 COO. Second-hand machines from $1.00 tip Monday, Feb. 2ti, only. Wo rent machines for 75 cunt.f per week. Wo sell parts and repairs for overy machlno manufactured. TELEPHONE 1663. Nunn ft Clnrk SiiU..re (!ale Piun, , round corners .Sir, .$26 Iiullet & Uavls, good condition....:!.', I jfesPIMIOSl Our stock of new Stcinway, A. I). Cha.se, Iv.-ib A Pond, Vcc, Kmcrxon, Packard, Pmv Pliinr-t In the largest and most pchri In the entire wesi and our prlcui) aro absolutely the lowest. Wo sell on eay monthly payments, rent, itino un.l 1,'palr pianos. Telephone lti2". Wiito for catalogues, prices and barguln lint or pay tin .1 visit of Inipeetlnii. VISITOItS AUI3 COIUlIALI.V INVITIMi TO IN.-'PBf'T TIII3 SI3LF-PLAV-I.Nfl PIANO, THR CltBATKST MfSK'AL INVENTION OF TII13 CEN TL'ltV. ...Schmoller & Mueller... 'I'lm Olil Itelliililr PIhihi Hiiiihi-, Stcinway & Sons (1313 rarnnm Street HeprescnitiiiYcs. m grepn sllli-ovi red sllpinr. dut"' . li'i' " heel threo In. h. blub Bool; wti Intert-sted In ti uuuliii old lllnxiiui- ' "!' ut tho "i'lilldri-i of Uu- Alii .i'l WcbHter'H famuus i-nelllng bo..k ukiI-.h. Ir. addition to the spelling lesson". c veml jii-p. ceptB for the yuung on uvmu -, frunullty nml Industry 'Hie ii hc-IiouI books uro IHIed Willi moi.ii 1- -unn and (inotutloiis fi-jm tho wnrlntures The flnu collection of china cornejt from tho family of tho lath Mrs, John M Thurston Onn entire, sut Is of wliltu norcelaln trimmed with crimson and Mrs. J. Benson. TRY THE Redfern Corset Wire Kgg Beaters, the Sur prise pattern Biiulit Wire Soap DlHhcs, tbo 10c kind Parlor Mutclicti, 0 boxes, wortli lfle. Bright Wire Meat Forks, tho 10c kind Dover li.illern 13gg Heaters, best niiido 2.1 yards bright who Plcturo cord, wortli 2Te 1 dozen Brass Picture Honks, new puttern, wortli 25e Best Steel Hindu Purlin; Knife, lOo kind Heavy Butcher Knife, steel blade, 'iic. kind Best quality Dish Mops, very Htronir, lne kind Strong 1-hook Cont Hack, 2."e kind lleu" Wlro Coat Forms, worth lee Box TnpcM for Gas Lighters, worth "V (ti-nulto Irun Dippers, bct quality 3c ...5c ...5c ...5c l()c 10c ,10c ...5c .10c 5c .10c 5c 10c 10c 1519-1521 Douglas . Street. ! tatk m. OIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIO CYCLE CO., FARNAM STREETS, AND SKLI.S Bicycles Columbia, Humbler, SlenriiB, Barnes, WoHL' and American, AT POPULAR PRICES Fully Guaranteed. Retn-Sho Typewriter Tho host Typewriter' manufactured. Soo uB nml we will suvo you monoy. Wo huvo a full Huo of seiontl hand typowi'ltorf, at low pi-lees, GEO. E. MICKEL, Mgr. Sold Regardless of Cost. Io not let this opportunity passIn ull uur life you will never buy h fine pianos ro cheap. C. 1). Puine. Suhmer, (iubler and othci-K i 15.00 and up Upright I'Unos,vuil(U3 makes. ?.,., $110 and up uiuminuy, Minimi uiuiis. g 't l,.in.' Mift r tin, nieces nro decn. i.u.'l ll'i sceniK ironi I u-jil fe. An Im ineni-e pint Ui of 4iluc ,md whlto chlim li ovi re 1 wlili an ,ntlro l.inils ape. evldentl. a popular ilpporHtlnn 150 cnr ngo. TIiIm hlnu ilntes hai k to 17S0 It Is very ln'uvv nnd duruble uml In aim .t perfect condition I i ii t- I'lmt 'I'm I no llnll)- Vla the Burlington to Chicago--7 30 a, ra., i p. m., 7.30 p, m , 11 &9 p, ra, 4 l O O H O o o m o m a u o u C) o o o o o o C9 H o o o o o o H