8 A Real Life Romance February Ua. HKX). "Quito a few yen aw," mild tho leather- than his own to numerous pieces of paper ,Tho c uiciliil wi'iircr of tho Homely Menn club, ro- and realizing upon tho sume dlvcra bunches ?' tb,s ...uo iuiui ror you aro by no means mo last porson In tho book who would be suspected of Huch a thine!" rno other Is at onco struck by tho force mis argument and si nks aw.iv. fimi ported by tho Washington Star, "a homely of coin wherewith to purchaso alcohol In U'lllns ,a" tho Rlltterlng dagger from his inn. jiimiiuiK yiniiiK mini oi mis lovciy capi- various forms. His wlfo, who had been ,"",UUB ""Kr, wnno mo millionaire fcllc tul decided to make the break to see If tho tnklng In plain sowing, thereupon seized "atCB ll,,nfic,f unon uls accurate understand- in inn vimin! Hiiiiiu miivo mm. ao no ine opportunity to obtain a dlvorco from " literary properties usked her right out loud, without any beat- hor Greek god. A few weeks nfter tho y 1MB about the bush whatever. granting of tho samo tho homely but bus- CrUSllinC Out Al OMAHA ILLUSTRATED 35EE. Bankers' Reserve Life Association i vc goi a pretty goon start said no, "'"S young man need I say that ho Is a wuiiom nny imuuo innation or tlie cbest, nicniuor in excellent standing of this club Chicago Tribune: Ambition You told mo you Had Was It but as a man who know Just whero bo nloxl, drovo up to tho door of her humblo homo 8cnt nn arUclo to tho magazine, 'and I think I'll do pretty well when It comes la a swell trap with red running gear PUoll8nd?" to taking caro of you. I know I'm not pretty, hitched to which was a pair of matched "No-" but I think you'll find mm square enough blnckn that had cost 1,1500 frigid plunks, ii it 1 1, mm in n iui'Hiiiu in ircuiiiig you umi emu no to tno girl of his choice, now a right. I am likewise perfectly honest whin saddened and sobered woman, with tho I add that you aro tho only girl In tho world Oulda end of It cut out altogether said ho- forme. How about It?' " 'nn "The only Klrl In tho world for him said to you on tho limt niidit w tMko,, . Thcy 8ald tho ninniiflcrlpt was not worth r Why don't you suo them for It?" Thoy tiavo It rend In court." No. Hlio bad been devoting a consider- cetlier. nnvnml vnnt-a ,. nble share of her time to tho porusal of one " 'Yes, Jim," said she, quietly. i.i v'MKinn null ii linn, twil'll'lll, 11 HI'IMIIH, VVCII, tnOy Still iniieli Is set down concerning tho fascinating ht'stllnir vounir mnn male persons of tho general type of beauty "Whereupon It camo to nass that hv of Creek gods Tho homely but hustling were quietly married Tin IlaUllro on Z young man, being unable to conform In his day after Chrtatmna and the next day thC own er,m to hiicIi standards of imihcuIIiio might have been observed drlvh.fi aroZ lovollnem. iinfertunately dlil not apnea to Washington In nn nMn "round tho artistic : side of tho girl of his choice. Mr Moreover. It appeared, from some remarks nd looking as hannv n uu LI " ' which Hliti let fall, that sho entertained " 0f n,nk PPy kltlCnS "0xt to R sundry and divers Ideals with respect to "Whlrh la n . i .... what Is called the higher and nobler which , n of moUo No 1 nV . J' !?" . !ho ,,"",0,y i'!'1 .hu"U,.n? r X that Talomo i as 1 mnkes good." Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Seventh I'ngo.) tho Chlncso ships, and they aro to bo found "Did tho publishers return It?" "They did not." "Then you didn't send stamps for return postago?" lea, I did. Thoy returned tho stamna. Woll. thov still irn' 1,1 h i ,.. ..... 11 a wmi iney want mo to do. line- vnnnr, n" ' UWt Ba tny WOUld like to man wnild be qnllo tumble to assist her In realizing. With tho conventional remark thnt whllo she liked nnil respected him, It eould never be, nlio dismissed him, nnd re turned to the perusal of tho story books of Oulda, whllo hor elderly mother set tho In end for raising nn tho kitchen tnblo. "Whllo the homely but hustling young oven In Tokln mnn felt pretty soro over tho way he had I heard yesterday of a curious Incident been disbud, ho did n t swallow pulverized which shows how widely theso spies ate glass, nor did ho Insert nny lendui capsules scattcrod. It occurred at Tongku, tho port Into his framo. On tho contrary, he went nn tho Yellow sea, whero passengers from to work with nil tho energy of a beach- tho steanners embark for Tientsin nnd Po comber stripping n wreck, so that within a kin. An American who spoko Japanese few years after hl dismissal by tho girl of found hero a pnrty of twenty young Japii hls cholco his namo figured qulto exten- ncso students of a commercial college who slvely In tho nowspaiiors In connection with had been traveling with tholr professor largo real estato transactions, pro lit able about tho ports of Corea and China. Thoy paving contracts, heavy deals In sower woro being entertained nt Tongku by what pipes, and such llko, nnd nt tho end of one wan supposedly a Chlncso morchant of tho olympiad after tho girl of his cholco had town. Tho American addressed tho pro thought to put him In tho air by doclln- feasor In Japancso nnd ho was taken Into lug to consider his suit, tho homely but tho party. Ho soon saw that tho Chlncso htmtllng young mnn found that ho was In host spoko perfect Japaneso and ho charged possession of more money than ho actually him with being a Japancso. Tho man nc know wlint to do with. knowlcdged that ho was so, and from tho "Meanwhile, tho girl of liln cholco, who circumstances nnd his surroundings there had refused to entertain his mnttor-of-fact wna no doubt thnt ho was a Japanese spy. matrimonial bescochments, had met tho J-ntor on a bont was needed to go out to Orcek god whom sho hnd been longing to 1,10 steamer, nnd a Japaneso aallor. who have como Into her llfo and married him. woro n PlBtn.II and was dressed as a Chinese. Tho (Ircek god hnd been enabled to tako a commanded tho bant, noth woro probably dogrco nt a university through tho over- sttloncd at that Importnnt point to report tlmo exertions of his sister, who wan a ! 11,0 Rovornmont, tho sailor from his dressmnker. and when ho returned to his ""owlcilRo of tho waters being ready to act slHtor's humblo homo after taking hlH do- n8.a 1,1,01 ,for ,war vessels in caso of need, gree ho permitted hor to contlnuo hor over- , 1 ain '"I'' lnnt Jftnnn ,ins for BWno 1111,0 time exertions to the end thnt ho might bn ,ocn K "t Corea, nnd that sho furnished hlgli-grndo raiment and plenty of "" " iro m u.sgmse. ano ntcnrnttn .nnnnv ulMmnf M.n nnonanllv m, ,,ns' 1 know. ft ,nrK number Of Japaneso cigarette monny without tho necessity on his part of tolling nnd moiling for tho snmo. Although there was novor any question ns to his personnl beauty, tho Orcolc god who at all tho ports. A largo part of tho busl- ncFH of tho sencoast towns Is now dono by Japanese Tho high officials of Japan claim ... Ilin l.- tllllMU UUlim, lllU lllt-'UIV K'l Willi M,... . , , married tho girl of tho homely but hustling , - " CTr.C'y young man'H choice was undeniably regarded 7 mori patHo 1c ' n a on tha 1 oxcrywhero as a mutt of tho purest ray so- JapnncBOi nnil 'tho Inka0 knowfl Umt e reno Tho ono or more blackened eyes can cn 0 of ,8 bJ , , , whlrli his wife generally tried to cover over ,1CC(1 with a heavy veil w-ero popularly attributed TI0 nusslans may conduct themselves so to tho prowfls of her Greek god husl.nn.) (Jscreotly that there will bo no oxcuso for (although sho nlwnys claimed thnt hIio had war, but any ovort act on their part mny fnllpfi ilnU'tiHtnlra tr antiintlilntr tlmt ....... .. ... , ' ; ' " " " procipitato it ni any timo, nnu tnoro is a nnd tho frayed and worn garments with 8trol,g likelihood thnt It will como aoonor which nnu nppnreled herself and her two or inter FRANK O. CATtPIiVTEH children wero accepted as sidelights on tho charactor of tho Greek god, who looked Tho Miitvinr- in T itfi"iturp rummler nnd rummlor as tlmo sped on. 1 IlC iUUI UCF 111 lrL "About a year ago tho tlreok god wno Detroit Journal: Hut tho gray old mil - corralled by tho mighty hand of tho law llonnlro in tho problem story Is by no means nnd Incontinently dumped Into a reforma- without recourse. tnry Institution for a term of two years and "Why do you murdor me?" ho exclaims, eleven months for nttachlng other names "It is not for you to commit tills myste- VAlll Or FAMOUS HUOOUIIOUNUS, OWNKD UV U. FULTON OF lII3ATmC12 $2.50 or From Maker to Wearer Is tho way tho celebrated KICOICNT I3.&0 SHOES aro sold-no one but the authorized factory agents can sell you this well known shoe they nre nil tho very latest of styles and In clude all kinds of leather a shoo that you have always paid $3.00 and JO.OO for our prices $2.50 nnd $3.50 they nro sold direct from the factory nl factory prices no middleman's profits that's the reason shoes for men only. THE REGENT SHOE CO. 'JOn So. IRtfc St., Omnba. Wrltr for Illustrated 'UIiikui-fr (how to secui Pitt Bniti and Scrtwir Nccki re Quickly Made Round, " Plumo nd Ortceful. I itita In tlin title of eel f nn Inlerrntlnii lilu- irmt'ii IMM)K, wlilcn , will mall.nenleil In a t'MUn niiTeloi fnr tlin Uhlcitiir. iriin nnw iwmioul i tliHUfwof ilrtttfniuiy M Imlr may pokhphh n Iii'tfcct anil utlract- A vnllKura. f r.ven tho rlalnput j flpura can Imj trans- I foruitxl to oiih of q u n h n 1 y f beauty, mi- l b r li anil A IimclnatlnK. V fitiimn. rVirHMtwinilHnon rnnfl A,l,lre. 0. PEAt MEDICINK , Write to- i- nay tniclox- Iiiil two cent ilentlal, A 4K CO , Cleveland, O. f r "HAVE ROOT PRINT IT" I j H r inter - j 1609 HOWARD STREET BOOK BINDER BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER OMAHA? Julian ilo Ariiirn. Savon Ih'iitltrlcu H'Ariilcu. Arnic.i y.ului Srlfe. 1 The Only International Dentifrice. The Standard for jo yeurs. I'roncrvi'H umi nliltciiH tlie tectli, ulronutliuin IIki kuius unofleiiH lliu lireatli. 35c lit All Druggists. C II.5TK0NU &CO.,lrop!i.1ChlcuKolU.5.A. UWANTA Snow White Cotton Down SECTIONAL MATTRESS, Ileil of lliiitn kIvm iiUlitaof rext; Put tli llHanlu In tlin tel. In ectlonn A.MM ill one piece II.OO, Heller than il liulri never acki never Mtlractn inothi In cleaneri iihIi a lifetime, From factory to cutomert worth at retail (I I. Semi for cataloiiuenf illnlnnriMim (urnlturej frelaht ealil e.int of the Mllip'l ami uorth ot Ten r.eueaamt part to more iliitanl (hi) nt . FORT WAYNE FURNITURE CO., Fort Wane. Intl LADIES WANTED TO SELL THE Latest moil Fashionable Petti, coat made. ARenta make from 1A to SOO per week. AddreM llf. N. IMHISKKIHTCO. 491 Peorl St. Cleveland CMila UAMTCn an In each town, open small IfHUlLU olllco to handle kooiU Posi tion permnnent. A. T. Morris, Cincinnati. Illustrated catalogue 4c stamp. D. II. ROBISON, PflESIDENT. Home Office Cor. Dodge and 15th Sts., McCague Building, OMAHA, NEB. ITS POLICIES ARE NOT EXCELLED IN THE WORLD. One-Half Million Dollars New Business WRITTEN QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER, 1099: Write for Circulars and Terms. e9i W OTL-i'aa lglffiaaililfJlMM5iai31liJ19iaMlMM M ii LfJ KMt Jk afil HIM ilftl BM 1 BaHftH aaaawJaaaaaaaaM?!TTT'y aaaaBLafawBarwTTTaftiiaff -A GOOD TALE WILL BEAR TELLINU TWICE." USESAPOLIOI USE SAPOLIO FOR Length and Quality OF Service Remington Standard Typewriter defies competition WYCKOFF. SHAMANS & BENEDICT 327 Uroadway, New York, N. Y. OMAHA HltA.VCII, 10H) FAUNAS! ST, LEARN TO HYPNOTIZE ! Instruction Free! Tdu icom HlMtvtltl in a frw huuri tiiua without laitn tim Umt ou run ibt mln-) of othrri. eonlrol Itrlrmiitilu tal ftffrrlion. run diawkM knl bivl hahlia !friifj t uf tniMtlont tm rluc am uM-nrnl b? itit hour Mj nainiHth Illuiritl iofaor ktytoilip ttxlUm vtililt 1 fM frf pf chr( a n't (hmia yiiA, will tflljuuftll tboutttiW oiknaloui rlrnor. Iob Ulnt huiitrvil ef lullful fen I arllalld mmilnH. faMtJ tttuvt u Jul lial ljiootUm It ni ibti It I iu tocurapiun. miki iof u tni uirntu I Doiiie, ItfmroiUr, thU ul(rful buod eosU' trtai IL If vtu mm- lion thli mwi, I vlll fe'fw IneluJ Ur iaku of albrr ttluablt, Iftlrtriltng fenl .rcfulj U luatrtird litrtur, without cbtrr. A fhn f t llfrllm. Writ td.r AJJrt.i. I'ltOK If A. lUHIUUkN, Jackioa, Xlehlftn.1 abaaaflaW A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Garden Flowers Ifimlv Hnsns. T.lllnH. Rlirnlu nnil rll..tino Hnnnlne tri till .ntnru llhnwii lllilnv .... I .' r-.w,.,vM, ... .... ........ j ........ .., , uiu. .tin, iiiitiiy otlior lino hardy Perennials, also Gladiolus and Dahlias. A tl:x stockof tho oliolcot vn-rlutk-s tit ii very low prlco. All Mold orown, itirKi'i iiiuuiiiv iniiiiit unit u ru suro to iiloiiin inn iitm yviir, FRI-Ii with tllrnutlont) liow to crow CAT A I OK 11,1(1 euro for ilium to clvo hou ,"x rosults. If you uro In nnv wiiy IntoroHtod In Ilo worn ndiintod ton cold climate you Hhould SEND FORTIUS BOOK-IT IS FREE. Address, J, F. Rosenlleld, West Point, Neb. All the I.iullea Rut Gold Medal Chocolate Bon bons II y ISziirmR, 1, .'t nnil ti pounil liozeit, tide it iioimil W. S. Baiduff, 1R1SO I-'nriinni St., Oiiialin. tlft tn tt WEEKLY I MEN and WOMCN CDIO IU tDOt) and I Xl i r.MH ! Al II mi-ir Irii u Mr, Smith, of Ind mmle i')X ) lir.t SinontliH. Allmrt Hill, of .N.J , tiisiil month. Mr, Muncy,otTniaa,tlJMHr.t '1 hours. (1irrtH Willi IIIH4. rlnrli. St II In A wkbIis. Mm. Hltchfiii, J.V.'. I.e.liln uuuRHKeepiim. j.iun iHiinei)r.ivHv!iiie twichlnu. LET US START YOU- .iij ipri0nr niOfiii. iiur Asentu 111 ml H otrr I7.0IIII III) lull mnnlh uiiplylim th rnormoua demand for our fnmoua Qmikitr llnth Culiinnt, and ntioliitlni Huuntii. iVomlnrful teller, KvMPvlm.lv hlir.l.n.inu.. r..ni ''".nnd l'lilrliiri. .N.i.i hi nii-.rriiud urruLrini'lhodt. !',, J,M'"r for our rroMMltlnn. Nw Inn.vta, Fro. Jlorld Mfc Co., IT World ll'ld'ir. I liulnnutl, O. I e itcammtnd above firm as teliablt d 1 in-""- 4 mm Mr, Wlnalow'a SootliliiK Syrup. Has been used for over FIFTY YEAItS by MILLIONS of MOTHEKS for their CHIL DHEN WHILE TEETHINQ, with PER FECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES tho CHILD, SOFTENS the QUMS, ALLATS all PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC, nnd la tho beat rem ely for DIARRHOEA. Sold by DruBBlsta In every part of the world. Be suro and usk for "Mrt. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and tako no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottU.