Omaha Illustrated Bei:. Published Weekly by Tho Hue Publishing Company, llto Building, Omiuha, Neb. Price, 5 ceri.j4 per copy ler year, VIM, Kntoreil at tint Omaha Postolllco ua Second CIiijw Mull .Matter. I-'r advertising rates nddrcHH Publisher. Communications rHiitlng to photographs or article for publication nhoubl bo ad dressed "Editor Omaba Illustrated Bco, Omaha." Pen and Picture Pointers Tho frontlap'cco of The Ilee HiIh week will readily be rocognhed uh a striking likeness of Omaha's popular mayor, Frank E, Moores, who has been renominated for that nfllce on tho republican city ticket, which will bo voted on at tho election Tuesday, .March C. Mr. Moonw enjoys tho distinction of know ing personally more iieoplo In Omaha than any other one man. Ah ho said In his speech of acceptance to tho republican convention, ho known them not only before election, but also nfter election and every day In the year. Ho ran walk down Farnam stree bowing right and left to ncqunlntnncen, slinking hnndH with worklngmen nnd labor imi, nodding to tho roachman and at tho Haino tlmo acknowledging tho recognition of tho occupants of tho cnrrlngo. During tho exposition, by welcoming o many of the city's guests, ho beenmo nlmcst synonymous with Omaha. While ho him hnd to meet tho vlndlct'vo attneks of bitter personal nnd po litical enemies, Ills administration of tho city government during the throe years In which ho hn occupied tho executive ofllco Is ndmlttcd en nil sides to have given more gnnornl Kitlsfnctlon to nil classes of tho peo ple thnn the mayoralty of any of his prede cessors. Tho republicans In renominating him hnvo simply followed tho custom of presenting for second terms oincow who hnvo served creditably during their flrft term. Fow peoplo renll7o to what extent nn election such ns that which Is Impending for Omnha becomes n center of public In terest. On election day from 12,000 to 20,000 peoplo In tho city of Omnhn, according to wenthor, go to tho respective balloting plncen and record their votes, Indicating their preferences among tho vnrlous can didates for office. No other one event In tho nnnunl history of tho community draws out tho actlvo personnl participation of so mnny people. Whllo those who nro not directly Intereslod In political mntters often crwn plnln becnuso tho public press devotes so much spneo to politics, they too frequently forget this feature of the situntlon. Tho present number of Tho Beo presents a gnllery of portraits of a selected rop rehontatlon of Omaha's most prominent lead ers In society circles ns thoy nppenr In their tisunl street costumes. Mnny of our readers will thus bo Introduced by fneo-to-fneo photographs to tho pooplo about whom thoy rend from week to week In tho society columns of their pnpor. Omnha boasts a fnshlonnblo net which will comparo In tho matter of dress, manners nnd general at trnctlvoness -with thnt of nny othor progressive city. To securo a place In that society Is tho munition of every womnn who aspires to social recognition. Mnny of tho?o women, It will bo remcmbcred, served on tho woman's bonrd of tho Trnnsmlsslsslppl Exposition nnd mado for thotraelvoa n reputa tion ns hospitable ontertnlners which ox tends fnr beyond tho points of tho city nnd stnto, Tho llttlo girl whoso plcturo Is herewith glvon Is regarded by hor friends nnd ndmlr ors m a romnrknblo pianist. Hor nnmo Is Llzzlo Drako; sho reside.1 with her parents In Council muffs; sho Is 10 years old, nl though small for hor ago, and has taken piano lersons not qulto two yenrs. Hor ro tentlvo memory enables her to play difficult musle without hnvlng It before her. This faculty has advanced her moro In thnt time than Ib uminl, nnd sho has already nppenred In a number of public entertainments. Sho Ih the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. It. Drnke of Council 111 lifts, Tho usual pngo lovotcd to women nnd em bellished with portraits of living fashion models linn been dispensed with this week. Tho pictures of Omnha society leaders Il lustrating tho Intcst fashions In women's wear present this featuro n well, If not hotter, thnn those which we hnve been hnv lng speclnlly po?od for us. Tho bloodhounds represented In tho ac companying plcturo hnvo figured In several recont incidents nhowlng the sngnclty of theso animals In tracking peoplo wlioso lo cation "was wanted. They belong to Dr. Pulton of Beatrice. Neb. Tho larger one Is known as Miss Columbia. Tho anlmnls nro of purest breed nnd nnturally nro the prldo of their owner. As everybody knows, Senator Chandler's, sarensm Is something to fear, relntes the Washington Pest. It Isn't every senator who will oponly ncknowlcdgo being nfrnld of It. Senator Money win, however, frnnk enough yesterdny. Mr. Chandler hnd naked him whothor thoy over held elections In Mississippi, Mr. Money replied In nn flvnslvo wny. "I wish tho senntnr would exnmlne his mind," Bald Chnndler. In nil Innocent mnn ner, "nnd tell mo whether bo thinks thnt there was nn election." "Oh, yes." wns tho nnswer, "there wn nn election, but I didn't know what to my L. ' J OMAHA ILLUSTRATED li.EE. that hnd fled. And under tho enro of Mr. Steevens nnd his wife they were trained to capacity and honcaty. February 1!5. 1000. Mayor Frank E. Moores Ono of the stntnes which will be placed In Prank E. Moores, who hns been renom- pressed him upon his departure with tho Coploy square In Iloston Is of Paul Hcvere Inntcd for mayor of Omnha on tho republican hospitality of the Omnha people, on his famous midnight ride at tho outbreak ticket, Is nn Ohio mnn by birth, nnd his In politics Mr. Moores has always been of tho revolution. Ho Is shown Just ns ho Ohio nativity may In a measure account for an ardent republican. Por years ho has has reined his horse to call to a farmer the prominence ho has attained In political given his services to tho cause. At cut- that tho Iirltlsh nre coming. Those who circles. cutes, conventions, ratification meeting have neon tho model say that tho work Is Mayor Moores' life has now covered fifty- am' rallies his entertaining faculties were most lifelike; tho horse preserves some of nine years, twenty-llvo of which hnve been alwnys In evidence, with pointed remarks tho momentum of his dnsh nnd Is full of fire, passed In Omnha. lie enmu to this city and timely stories. In every torchlight pio- whllo tho figure of Hevere shows tho In- frcm St. Jcseph, Mo., to take chargo of tho cession, especially In presidential cam- ttnso excitement of his wild Journey. Omaha ticket otllco of tho Kansas City, St. pnigns,' Mr. Moorea could alwnys bo found a.. i.'n..iii, in,iTTA'Zri oscph & Cm,,lc" . nl,,frs railway, then ti,'0 hert,i of ti,e procession" with the , n , : " ; . 'ncalc" nl 1,10 "rlt,n8i corner or renin nrilblton to mako his torch appear tho nnu rarnnut streets. It was during his loca- brghtest. Whllo working constantly In Hon nt this point that that particular spot tho ranks ,, was nevor an as)rant fo) rn.-i.-ii.uu R.iiiHii uh nuiiuvumii corner, us . llllM1 1ss7 ...,. ,, ...... ,,, , ,, to Oreat Hrltaln ns Mr. Cho-n-tc. He re minded hor that his name was not pro nounccd Cho-a-te, but ns If spelled Chote. Sho nnlvcly romnrked: "I thought nil Amer icans pronounced every letter In those old Indlnn names." Mr. Choato showed him self n verltablo Joseph, by running away present stntcly structure, but tho mcmorle from her J C. W. Deckhnm. who claims to bo the do Juro governor of Kentucky, comes of one of tho oldest families In Kentucky. His father wns William N. Beckham of Nelson county, nnd his mother Is tho dnughter of ex-Oovernor Knhcrt C. Wlckllffe of Iwla- Ifinn fin llin Ovaf .)m, Tin. in ........ w.. ..... ...a m? no mifiuiii; tress noni ino omco no was nominntod ly the democrats of Nelson county to represent It n,au. whllu Mr. Mooroa wrf nny old-timer will tell you today. Tho two- altInto of tho ,,nrly f()r tho 0lciJ ot cIcrfc s ory building In which tho oil co existed of tho ,ll8trlct C()Urti ,, trlllm)1)allUy ..h, t l., .u ciectca nnd re-elected In 1S01. At tho ex piration of his second term ho retired to prlvnto life. Ho wns elevated to tho olllce of mayor In April, 1S97, an the candidate of the republican party. His energies, however, were not confined to tho political Hold. Public-spirited In tho highest degree, no enterprise that prom ised good to Omaha failed to count liltn nmongst Its supporters. Although not u rich mnn, ho hns been active with tho promoters of our public enterprises and In- of "Benevolent Corner" remain as n dis tinguishing mark In tho history of Omaha. Tho corner took Its name from tho many benevolent nets nnd many kind deeds per formed by tho rnllroad mcn who had their headquarters In that vicinity, foremo3t nmong whom wns Prank P.. Moores. To Benovolent Corner" every traveler In dls- made his way, nnd rarely did ho nppeal for help without somo substnntlnl was not In n In tho hoiiBo of rcpresentntlves, where ho tinaiinn . ,iia,,no'n i.i.nnvninn v. stltutlons. Ho built n family residence on mu u,ro urvtM. as a page, inougn tensive scale, In conjunction with his ns- tho youngest member of thnt body, his voice SO0ntcH ho ennnnged to mntntnln tho well wns ofton henrd In Its counsels. Ho de clined to stand for re-election nnd was suc ceeded by tho late Isaac Wilson, who died at Prankfort during tho memorablo Blackburn-Hunter senatorial race. He was elected to fill out tho unexpired term nnd stood by Blackburn during that heated contest. Ho wns ro-elected to that body nt tho Inst ses sion, nnd wns mndo Its presiding officer, be ing tho nominee of tho democratic caucus without opposition. Capitol nvenue nenr Twentieth, nnd later his present residence on Klghtocnth street near Jackson. Tho ninyor nnd his family nre regular at tcudnnts nt All Saints' Pplse pal church. Told Out of Court A certnla well known British treasury LIZZIH DHAKH, A BLUPPS PIANIST. MTTM3 COUNCIL about It. I am as nfrnld of Senator Chan dler as I would bo of a monkey In a powder magazine I hnvo been a victim of his wit too often." Senator Chandler chuckled. It was tho best seldom cots It. earned reputation of the corner, so that n really worthy applicant was seldom turned nway. This sympathetic feeling for his fellows, and particularly those In distress, Is one of tho most notable characteristics of Omaha's present mayor and served to mnko him popular during his career as a railroad man. counsel wns driving over Blackfriars bridge When he left the agency of the Kansas City, one day on his way to Surrey sessions. St. Joseph & Council Bluffs road ho became Noticing Sir Peter Kdlln trudging along in tho city ngent for tho Wnhash rail wny, tho mud nnd rnln ho Instnntly stopped his, whoso rfllco wns locnted nt the corner of hansom and offered tho Judge a "lift." It Plftcrnth nnd Parnnm streets. Ono side of was accepted and tho pair proceeded to the hlllldlllg Was embellished With a huge Vnu.ii(nii In nront nmltiv Arrtvlnir Mir. Chicago News: Many n smart woman map of tho United Stnt ch wIMi tho WabiisTi lunrncMl counsel hurried In, ns ho hnd nil mnrrlcs n worthless man. railroad lines marked on It ns If they formed important application to make on tho slt- Clrcumstnnces mnke somo men nnd un- tho only means of transportation around the tnR of fo. court. To his horror nnd sur- mnko others. country and nil centering in Omaha. But rr,B0 tho sa,d application was curtly ro- Don't worry today If you can put It off whether or not tho Wabash map really tuscdf Ho wna ,iumfounded nt tho sudden until tomorrow. represented actual conditions of rnllroad cllanco in tho demeanor of tho Jiidce. until Tho mnn who sits down and hopes for the transportation, It Is certain that It formed thp ugher , a hll8ly whspor( Ha,i: m Pointed Paragraphs highest compliment that could, hnvu been bestowed upon him. About Noted People Senator Vest Is n Mlssourlun almost by Many n harmless-looking botr.e contains a Job lot of snnko stories. Tho moro delusions some people have the moro nnppiness they enjoy. n center of attraction for Inntimorablo friends vm( UnQW what youvo ,,ono?.. No! What of tho popular ticket agent. Parnam and js ,t,., ..Vhy you ran in and left tho Fifteenth was better known ns the"Wnbash Ju(1ro to for cnb .. urrncr man oy any oiner name, nnu tne nmco wns tho most populnr "drop-In place "A Washington police court," says tho In tho city, to which many of tho old cus- Green Bag, "hnd occasion recently to pass When n man knows ho Is In tho right It tomors of "Benevolent Corner" transplanted ii nun tlin mnmnntniiQ nnrtlnn whnf hnr Mm mistake. Ho was on his way to California mntters nt whnt othors think. their affections. proprietor of a monkey can bo compelled to In 1853 to prnUlcu law there, wns snowbound Many a mnn becomes a pessimist when ho Another direction In which Mayor Moores furnish It with shoes. On tho complaint nt Oeorgotown, Mo., nnd, not being too well begins to harvest his wild oats. hns nlways had n particular leaning Is that of somo benevolent Idiot, Pletro Florcllo, supplied with money, decided to prnctlco Woro It not for tho dentist many a long- toward tho soldiers old nnd new. He him- by profession a hnnd organist, wns hauled there for tho rest of tho winter. Ho did so folt wnnt would remain unfilled. elf hnd served four years In tho war, hav- Into tho templo of Justice to answer a well that ho gavo up tho Pacific slope plan. Tho golden rulo must bo n puro one, qb It lnK enlisted with an Ohio regiment when chargo of cruelty to animals, In that ho wns Is soldom mndo to work both ways. scarcely of ago and ro-enllstcd twice at utilizing a barefooted monkoy In tho col- In hlu recently published 'book of mo- A thumb on tho hand Is far better than ,,1U cplrntlon f Ills term. Ho wns Incar- lection of his precarious Income. After a niolrs, on tit led "Thnt Homlnds Me," Sir Ed- thrco fingers of whisky In tho stomnch. cernted later In I.lbby prison and liberated enroful research Into tho law ot domestic ward Hussell says that John Bright rnrul- Evorv tlmo n womnn decnlvps n mnn hia towards tno cioso or tno ngnting. mm reintions tho court reached tho conclusion had nny differences with his wife, but that vanity col? a shock that puts It to sleep. whenever tho two caino to a point of abso luto disagreement tho blunt old Quaker al wnys threatened to ask Mr. Gladstone to mnko him a knight. The answer Invariably was: "Oh, anything rather than that," and John had his own way. Tho Iowa legislature paid an unusual com pliment to ox-Oovernor Irrnbco Inst week nJ(,"y " willing to allow a discount for when both brnncheo of tho assembly nd- 'i- Journod nnd mnrched In a body to Mr. Whenever a mnn Is browbeaten It Is usu- raboo's olllce, whoro tho lleutcnnnt governor n,,y Dy 1,10 Brly matter behind somo other Informed him thnt thoy hnd como to pay fellow's brow. htm n tribute of respect upon tho conclusion . . , of his duties ns n member of tho Stnto Board Att UnterillE Wedge of Control. $ Puck: Ho I don't think card-parties Tho lato 0. W. Steevens, tho English cor- foi church purposes nro qulto proper. associations with war veterans woro al- that Slgnor Plorello wns undor no legal ways kept up and when tho war with Spain obligation to furnish his friend with foot broke out In 1S0S ho know from experlenco genr nnd tho ense wns nccordlngly dls how to speed tho departure of tho soldier missed." w boys and how to welcome them on their ? hcmo-comlng. Tho part he took In on- "Wellington Wells, clerk of tho equity couraglng Omnhn's regiments ns they ro- flon," says tho Boston Hocord, "Is q snonded to their country's mil nnd In cnrlm? 1'Httll scholar of no mean nttninments. Every mnn mny havo his prlco, but th f0r them on their return after having been 0v;lK t exceptional circumstances tho mustered out will never bo forgotten by canny merit list ror tho noxt sitting was those who shared In his enthusiastic na- ordered printed and Mr. Wells sent tho trlotlsm. 'copy' to tho printer with tho nnclent nnif A student of human nature who knows his business never wastes much tlmo In so ciety. What a Jolly old world this would bo If others would sharo your opinion of yourself. Mnvnr Mnnron- invini .,irit n,i m,inriin. tlmo-houored heading: 'Coram Hnrdy, J.' Ing mnnnors woro never put so much to tho , Ufrturiately, tho printer Is not so pro- test ns during tho trying period of tho 01 ml " 8Cholnr ns Mr- Wol,B n'"1' nccu- Trnnsmlsslsslppl exposition, when he did ton:P,1 J" Melng moro thnn the Justice' tho honors for tho city, untortnlnlng Its n.nnU) nt,tli, nen1 f C"rl llst8' Icn,,c,, to Hinumerablo guests from abroad and wel- ho 0iicl,ils'n thnt a new member of th. coming a succession of conventions, con- ,ch I1"'1 "eon .appointed, Cornm by nnmo, un ),n fnl Inn-Ail I I n . 1 ,,. . n.. iiu 11. no nun inn iukiu m H'KllimUlO COI1- ' elusion nnd tho now list nppenrs ndornetl m)uiuiL-iiiK umiijB mm iwvivu whiih ami cuu um pruKrcasivo cucuro isn i any prcffips nnd conferences held In tho city strnys under his care six boys nnd six girls. Imnu. tn rnninnz-tinn ith h fi- -r. Thoy woro collected from nil tho dnrk cor- Ho Perhaps not; but It may ho only a opting nnd arduous duties attaching to tho W"h "l0 cnbnlltt, nen,,: 'Coram, J.' mm in uiu nun", niiuii nnu iiiu-y, ijui-uiiuh 01 nine wiicn iney ii oo noiding ofhco by reason of tho visiting guests were from workhouse nnd thieves' den. from par- poker games with a kitty for tho benefit performed In a wny that mado ovory stranger m nuii. inn- in MiiiM-u nnu ii u 111 luui-iim ui iiu- iii-iuiiiiii in nireign lanue feel that he was among friends nnd Im- In respect to tho claim of a barber to an exemption of his mirror nnd chair as tools of a mechanic Judgo Wilkes of Tenncsseo says: "It Is argued that no ono Is a me chanic except n person who works on wood or metal; but It Is replied the barber works upon tho head and upon tho check, so that, whllo thoro Is a distinction botween the two, It seems to bo a distinction without nny material difference. Attention Is called to tho fact also that frequently tho Im pression mndo on the customer's faco Is similar to that mndo by n carpenter with his saw. Tho argument Is thnt, If n mnn who sprends paint on n board nnd makes It moro attrnctlvo Is a mechanic nnd laboring mnn. nnother mnn who spreads, soap on tho faco nnd makes It moro pro sontnblo Is llkewlso n mechanic nnd labor Ing man. Wo must confess thnt wo nro not nblo to nnswer such logic ns this. To look nlm tho harbor appears to bo n profes- Hlonnl gentleman and wo feel much lies Itntlon In classing him with mechanics ex copt upon his own request. At his request ho must bo classed ns n mechanic and laborer ns well as orator and news agent" A Hint Detroit Journnl: sno wroto to him, nnd closed her letter with theso mennlng words: "I remain "OliADVS FITZMAURICE." Sho sighed deeply ns sho wiped hor pen upon her hair. "How long shall I remain this?" she asked,, horsolf. n much agony of spirit. Then sho folded tho missive nnd sealed II with tho nnclent crest of tho house of F1U-maurlce.