THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, FEBBUARY 22, 1900. 7 NEW BOORS AND MAGAZINES Vsrj Vlaible Eeferenco Book for thi Library. ENGLAND'S GREAT DEEDS IN HISTORY Cvonfa In American lllntiir)' Worked Up Into fiood Plt'tlon Hendlnir for the Vciiiiik People Current Mncnrlne l'nlillcntloii. "Cyclopedia of Classified Dates," by Charles B. Little, Is a new reference book of the very great est Importance. Tho editor, with, a competent corps of assistants, Is said the humiliation of Ilrltaln and the downfall of tho empire, the story of England's mili tary prowess In the past ought to bo Inter esting reading. Charles Scrlbner's Sons, Now York. Cloth, $2. "Voices of Freedom," now at hand, Is said to bo Horatio W. Dresser's strongest, most I philosophical book. It Is stronger, more fundamental than the previous volumes. It replies to crltlclsm and contains advanced views and doctrines which are In some sense a departure from the teaching of tho earlier volumes. Several of the chapters have al ready appeared In Tho Arena. Tho nuthor assumes that tho problem In the world of phllosoplcal thought has ever been the re lation of the ono and tho many, tho ad justment of the Individual to so:lcty, and the purpose of bis book Is to bring this Issue to a focus. Those who havo read the au thor's earlier works will bo especially ln- nrd Safeguard Publishing company, Port lam!, Mo. Paper, 25 cents. "Tho Priest s Marriage," by Nora Vynne. 0. P. pjtnnm's Sons. "Santa Teresa," a talc of the Yaqull re bellion. Town Topics Publishing company, Now York. Price, 50 cents. Iiltprnrr iU". The Stnte. published at Tacoma. presented n most Interesting number for January. Tho "Memoir of Princess Mary, Duchess ot Teck," will bo Issued almost Immediately by tho Scrlbners. The March number of The Wide World Magazine contains enough of the literature of adventuro to please the most persistent render of that class of stories. "Short Stores," published by The Cur rent Literature Publishing company. Is a monthly magazlno of fact nnd fiction that will Interest all lovers of tho short story. Madam Flora P. Koptn of Castle Pod mok, llohemla, has In press with tho Loth- TROUBLE OVER INHERITANCE Administrator of Eitate of LncinJa Mnlllion Hakes Ugly Ohargoi. ALLEGATION OF CONSPIRACY IS FILED Intervention SrttliiK l'ortli Hint liy ItcitNtin of I'udnc Influence Mm, Mulllon Made Unfair Discrimination, Harry Jordon, administrator of the estate of tho lato Luclnda Mulllson, who died a few weeks ngo at tho ago of SO years, has to havo spent nine years In Its compilation ?rel'd ln,Ul'8' hls mo,U rc(c,(;n' cHort' nnd the publisher's $30,000 before a single p- Sons. Price, $1.25. roi) Publishing company a simple but pic- i filed In tho district court a petition of in lorvctuion in wnicn sensational allegations copy was ready for sale, It Is a volutno of 1,462 pages, containing 05,000 entries of Im portant historical events. Tho nrrangement of this vast material Is a quick reference plan never beforo devised for any book. Thcro Is a threefold classification: First, tho classification by countries, or by geo graphical location. Second, tho classifica tion by dates. Third, tho classification ac cording to tho nature of tho event Itsolf. This threefold classification, It will be noted, answers tho threefold question which ono must ask concerning any event: (1) Where? (2) When? (3) What? Tho classification by countries Is In alphabetical order. On the first pago comes Abyssinia, on tho last page tho west coast of Africa, llctwcen these np rear all tho countries of tho earth (seventy ntno In numbor) of which thero aro any historical records. Thu facts pertaining to nny country aro then classified according to date. Thuo each pair of facing pages In cludcn tho events pertaining to a particular segment ot time. For Instance, pages 10 nnd 17 contain tho facts of American history -irrtalnlng to tho period between December 17, 1500 and tho year 1518. At the top of each pago tho dato for that pago Is Indi cated In black faco typo In tho corner and tho name of tho country In black faco type in tho center, as a running title. After the classification by country and by date tho facta aro again classified according to their nature. That Is to say, tho events pertain ing to America In tho period between De cember 17, 1500, and tho year 1518, all of 'which aro found on the pair of pages If! and 17, are there arranged under nlno divisions, namely: (I) Army, Navy; (2) Art, Science, Nature; (3) Births, Deaths; (4) Church; (5) Discovery, Exploration; (C) Letters; (7) So ciety; (8) State; ('J) Miscellaneous. It ono desires to locato a particular event In his tory, but does not know tho dato and wishes to ascertain it ho can turn to tho Index of ino pages containing 125,000 entries, In which nil tho oventu nnd names recorded In the book aro again entered, this tlmu In alpha betical order and on tho topical plan. The Koncral arrangement of tho volume, as well as Its contents, appears to bo a decided Im provement over anything that has gone be fore. It cannot fall to bo a very valuablo addition to the labor-saving tools of tho lit erary worker. To tho ordinary reader, as well as to all persons engaged In important lines of business, the work will bo invalua blo and will certainly supply a void which now exists." Funk & Wagnalls Company, Now York. Cloth, $10; halt morocco, $15. Tho work of Darwin on the derivation of species and tho descent of man awakened a new Interest In tho lower animals nnd fur nished additional evldenco of their closu kin ship with ourselves. A fresh field of study was thus opened up, embracing tho like- 1 nouses and differences of action ns well as structure found throughout the animal kingdom. In his new work, "Outlines of Comparative Physiology and Morphology of Animals," Prof. Lc Conte gives us an Interesting outllno of these similarities and variations of function, ns displayed among tho various classes of animals from the lowest to tho highest, man Included, Tho work Is the final embodiment of a courso of lectures continued and compacted for many yoars nnd given In connection with and preparatory to tho laboratory courses In zoology In tho University of California. D. Appleton & Co. Price, $2.00. AiiicTliMin Novels, A firm believer In "the great American romanco" is Mr. E. S. Van Zlle, nuthor of "With Sword and Crucifix," which Is fresh from tho press. In speaking of the his torical sources from which tho background to his Btory Is taken, Mr. Van Zlle In a re cent letter says: "This tnle had Its origin In a half pago of Francis Parkman's La 45allc. J had never written historical ro mance, and whllo I folt tho Inspiration of an Incident lightly touched upon by Park man, 1 realized "that a large amount of drudgery was necessary to give the story I had In mind Its necessary rcasserablancc. I began Investigations connected with the Mississippi sun-worshlpcrs the Natchez turesquo nnd. In many ways, unique story or peasant lire in uonemia, nio i-oresi-man of VImpek." Among tho features of the New- Illus trated Magazine for March might bo men tioned: "Picturesque Paris," "How Fires nro Extinguished," "Fighting Fish," "Flashes From tho Footlights," "Titled Colonials," "Some Notable Dwarfs," etc. "Tho Expositor' Hlble." In t-vonty-tlvo crown octnvo volumes, will 'be published In a few weeks by Funk & AVucnalls com pany. New York, -who have arranged for the exclusive publication of this Important work In America. This great Wblo library, which Is edited by Hov. W. Itnbertson Nlcoll, LL.D.. consists or expository lec tures on all tho books of the bible by the foremost preachers and theologians of tho day. Hon. llousevcjlo Wlldman, United States consul general nt Hong Kong, has Just Is sued through tho Lothrop Publishing com pany a little volume of entertaining talks on men nnd things, entitled "As Talked In tho Sanctum." Mr. Wlldman was. tome years ago, editor of tho Overland Monthly, nnd theso crisp essays aro the outgrowth of that editorial connection. Ills "Talcs of the Malayan Const," published last year, had u wide sale. Of the Importnnt articles In tho March number of Everybody's Magazine Is "A mirnnsn of the Cierm World." by O. W. Wlnterburn, M. D. This Is the Simple Ex planation for tho month and takes up the I subject of bacteria and the enormous amount or coon incv u to immunity, n rnl nf tlmlr orlcln and labors In a fascl natlng way nnd Imparts an nstonlshlng nmount of Information In n manner which makes it stick to tho memory lirctnno'8 have In press and will soon pub lish a number of bright novels. Foremost nmonc those we might place tho "Attack on tho Mill," by Emlle Zola. "A Wild Proxy," ihy Sir.. W. K. Clifford, Is, as tho author describes, a tragic comedy ot today. "Old llnclot's 'Million," -from tho French of Emlle Riphobounr. is a story of great power nnd tho mvsterv attached to it keens tho Inter est of tho render from start to finish. "Two j'arsons aro made against Lucy Lucas, a daughter In-law ot tho deceased. Tho administrator intervenes In tho suit ot Mrs. Lucas against tho Western Travelers' Acccldent associa tion, wherein sho seeks to collect the amount of an lnsuranco policy which was Issued In favor of Mrs. Mulllson a short whllo prior to her death. It Is alleged, atnong other things, that Mrs. Lucas and her husband Induced the aged woman to lcavo tho home that other relatives had provided '"jr her, nnd that by demonstrations of nfrcctlon they so preyed upon her mind that sho became biased In their favor and mado over to them her prop erty, tho valuo of which, including tho ac cldcnt Insurance policy, Is estimated at $3,500. A part ot tho assets la laud In Kan sag. Tho petitioner goes on at great length to pllo up charges against Mrs. LucaB, and tho words "fraud" nnd conspiracy" occur at frequent intervals. Whllo tho amount Involved Is compara tlvely small the case la of more than or ill nary Interest becauso of the lssuo that has been raised. It Is expected there will be n spirited skirmish In court when tho case comes to trial. i , I , m .. 1' I . ... 1 .,....-. . . .. - . . . . ... TIIII'M II L II. mill 11 IJV UCUIKU inuians-anu as i pursued my siumes my y- -., "A Superfluous Woman," tho all talo developed Itself. Historically nnd tth- tliorxhtp of which has been attributed to nologlcnlly tho data used In my story nro Sarah Oraml and others, is a delightful i I rnuvi Written nl, nni.nri.ln nnlnuo llio nrvontrnt nil. ' SlOry. WCII lO il, IIUU Wl call) 'U . I nv. .,. ....... ........... , lll011K rntertuiningiy to mo enu. William Morton nrlnncll has written for tho "Questions ot tho Day" series of books "Tho Regeneration ot the United States." Tho author reviews tho early development of tho colonics nnd tho beginnings of tho nation and traces tho commercial and in dustrial growth, at tho eamo tlmo pointing nut threatening dangers. He points out the evils of politics, considers the multiplica tion of trusts, devotes somo space to the Judiciary and the press as restraining Inllu fhec's'' In" tho writer's opinion the greatest ilangcr threatening the nation Is the sup pression of Individualism. He says: "Hy this our country was founded; by this it has become tho foremost nation of tho world." The author has evidently given much thought to tho great questions of which he writes ml ho brings out many good points and makes valuablo suggestions. It Is a book worth reading. O. P. Putnam's Sons, Now York. Price, $1. thorttles nro at fault, l'nrkman will prove to be a gold mlno o the American story tellers of tho future. Gilbert Parker, Mrs. Catherwood and others have already profited by the Inspiration that lurks between tho covers of his too few volumes. I firmly bc llovo that tho American historical romance Is not a tad, but a fixture. Tho moro ro mantic tho achievements of today tho greater will bo tho Interest In every feature of our national past. In other words, 1 be llevo that La Salle's voyage down tho Mis sissippi gains a new significance, because our arms havo become n factor In tho "Far Bast." The story has been attractively il lustrated by Keller and tho volume ns a whole will be found very attractive. Har per & Hros., New York. Price, $1.50. Itcv. W. II. Fltchett Is an Australian clergyman, who Is a thoroughgoing "(Ircater Ilrlton" nnd upholder of tho Hrltlsh cause -wherever he finds it. His latest and most Important literary work Is a story of tho great war from 1703 to 1815, which Is pub lished under tho title "How England Havid Europe." Mr. Fltchctt's former brokB, "Deeds that Won tho Empire" und "Fights for tho Flug," havo been widely popular, and since his tendency to ovcrenthuslasra runs with the main plan of his work Its faults seem tow and Its excellences many The fact that thcro was literally several millions of signatures to tho protest against Congressman-elect Jlobcrts to a seat In the house as a representative of Utah shows how keen an Interest there still Is on the "Mormon question." "Tho Fate of Madanio La Tour," Mrs. Paddock's remarkable novel, Is not only literature, but statesmanship of a high order. lAlrendy in Its tenth thousand, this strange romnnco of thlnly-velled fact depicts tho origin, Ideas, principles and mothods of Mormon life from the Inside In an alluring narrative, but with remorseless accuracy. 'It must find a still larger public, for it bears tho Impress of trustworthiness, while It Is "thrilling enough to Interest tho most exacting lover of fiction." It Is tho story chiefly of 'tho fortunes and misfor tunes of a single family, but at the samo tlmo It traces tho development ot tho Mor mon system In those distant Mormon val leys. The author says: "I do not pretend to tell tho worst of tho doings of tho Saints, for no decent pen could describe, and no decent reader would peruse, tho shocking facts." Fords, Howard & Hulbert, New- York. Price, $1. In lied" Is a story of lloston. DESCRIBES THE " BULL PEN ' limine Committee IiivestlKntliiR Idaho Mlnlni; Trouble Continue It I'.Tiiiiiliiut Ion of Holicrtson. I'"nr Yinillir Pronle, To Appleton's Scries of Home Reading Books has been added "Stories from tho Arabian Nights." Tho selections were made by Adam Singleton, who has shown good Judgment In picking out such stories as are Mr. Fltchett beet calculated to ntnuso and interest young gives us In chronological order and with people. There Is no better way to realize few connecting links a series of pictures the Ideas of nny nation than to know Its naval nnd military. Hy this means tho great literature. A famous book Is an epitome ot pageant of the war passes beforo our eyes national Instincts and Insights. A popular as in a moving panorama. This may not bo proverb represents a thousand years of ex- tho history required by tho student nnd tho politician, but It is exactly tho sort ot history doslrcd by the million. Croat figures move across the stage Napoleon, Pitt, Nelson, Wellington; great events shako tho world; passions and heroisms, virtues nnd vices, all on a colossal scale, more natural to primitive then to modern times, are shown In action. Tho story of this mighty contest Is told by Mr. Fltchett with a graphic power and dramatic Intensity worthy ot thd theme. Just at tho present time, when muny gelt appointed critics and prophets are predicting perlence. Whoever has read tho "Arabian NlghtB" has mado n long step toward tho comprehension of Moslem law and custom, and begins to understand bow deeply Ori ental fancy has Influenced the western world. Tho present book is In uniform binding with tho preceding issues belonging to tho samo scries. 1). Appleton & Co. Price, 63 cents. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Tho Investlga tlon of tho mining troubles nnd tho conduct of tho United States forces In Idaho last summer continued today beforo tho house committee on military affairs. Frederick C. Kobertton resumed his narrative begun yes terday, giving tho legal proceedings he adopted In behalf ot tho imprisoned miners and the difficulties ho claims to have en countered from tho military authorities, stnte officials and tho court. Ho said ho was ro fused permission to be present nt tho Inquest ot thoso killed during tho outbreak and was unable to conrmunlcato with the accused miners as to their rights, although repre sentatives of thu mining company were pres ent. Ho protested to the nttorncy general that the miners were being denied the right of couusel. Throughout these prococdlngs, tho witness raid, tho military authorities wero In control of affairs, and United Stntes soldiers guarded the Imprisoned men, bring ing them to and from the court. Tho witness said Oeneral Merrlam was In chargo of tho "bull pen." Theso were improvised quarters, 83 no prison was available and consisted of old buildings and box cars surrounded by a wire fence. Robert son expressed tho opinion that tho United States forces should havo been used to pre serve order and uphold the civil authorities, but In fact, he declared, tbey superseded the civil authorities and In somo Instnnccs, which wero detailed, arrested men In no way connected with tho outbreak. Ho said thcro wero no warrants and nono of tho usual forms ot law, but when a man was wanted ho was stopped on tho street and sent to tho "bull pen." This was done by deputies, who acted under the state officials and the mili tary authorities. Tho witness will proceed with his statement tomorrow. Messrs. Morrison nnd Furuseth of tho American Federation of Labor were present during tho hearing today, and President Oompers Is expected to attend when he ar rives. WOODRUFF IN MICHIGAN Lieutenant (iovrrnor of Xrn York Siu-itkH iih n Cnnilllntp for Vice rrralilentlnl Nomination. 'DETROIT, Mfch., Feb. 21. Lieutenant Governor L. T. Woodruff of Now York ar rived here today to attend tho fifteenth annual gathering of tho Republican Michi gan club. Mr, Woodruff said today; "I do not wish It to bo understood that this western trip of mlno Is to be considered In nny sense os a stumping tour. I havo been Invited to be ono of the speakers to DI'llll MCKIH'lt THIAI, IMtOCCIUDS. KvIiIciicp for Uefciisp Well Alone nnd Cam- Nc:ir the 1'liilnli. The third day of tho trial ot Frank Dorr In Judge Baker's court on tho chargo of killing Thomas Flaherty December 24 last year, was devoid of special Incident. Tho stato having rested Tuesday afternoon, cvl denco for tho defenso Is In progress. Dorr's countenance has brightened somowhnt since the introduction of favorable testimony and that careworn look which characterized him In tho beginning has partially given way to hope. Walter Antrim was subjected to lengthy examination. Ho sworo that ho heard tho revelry at Derr's homo ou Christmas eve, which led Derr to ask Flaherty and his companions to keep quiet or got out ot tho house. His testimony was favorable to Derr to the extent ot showing that there was more disturbance than Is usually per mitted In a well-regulated home. Hiram Cockrcll, well known In South Omaha, where tho tragedy occurred, was another of Derr s witnesses. Ho also told of tho boisterous conduct alleged against the dead man and tho others who wero with htm. The case will probably reach the Jury some time Thursday. I.1TIOATIOX OVER A TEI.EGKABI Mrs. Kiln Sclirocder Flrlnun Ilnninttc Suit AicnliiKt Wcntrrn Union. Mrs. Ella Schroedcr of this city has filed damage uit against the Western Union Telegraph company, alleging failure to make prompt delivery of a death message. She asks for $2,000. The petition sets forth that on January 13 of thin year a mcssago wus received at tho offices of tho defendant cAmpany In this city announcing that Mrs, SchfouJ&r's father wan dying at his home In, Hull) In., and that her presence was wanted at once. Th telegram was addressed to a number on Durdcttc street which did not exist, but the mesfiengcr who was sent out with the dispatch was Informed by another mes oenger, so tho petition sots forth, that Mrs Schroedcr could bo found at 1514 Ohio street. Continuing, tho petitioner alleges that tho dispatch did not reach her until the evening of January 14, twenty-four hours after It had been received. Sh hastened to tho homo of her father, but had died, sho alleges, before she reached there. When n Chinaman becomes a criminal, the law punishes his par ents and even the crand parcuU. This is only the extreme logtcul ap olication of the doctrine of bered ity. In this conn try, we leave nat ural law to deal with its own offenses, and many a mother is punished through the physical weak ness and peev ish temper of Tumv oftsnrint.'. Women mainly err through ignorance. They enter the marriage state already disordered by irregularity of the periods. The delicate and sensitive organs, pecu liarly feminine, are in no condition for the shock whicli is consequent on tho great chauge. Drains that are offensive and debilitating are set up, inflammation and ulceration with female trouble nrc added in time, and when motherhood comes the strength of body is inadequate, and the condition of mind unfit, for the responsibility. The natural result is a child that is unhealthy and unhappy. Happy wifehood, healthy motherhood, beautiful children, all follow the use of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription. It stops the drains, allays inflammation, heals ul ceration, cures female trouble, soothes the nerves, and puts the delicate female organs in a condition of perfect health. ilr. Annie Ulacker, of 6)9 Catharine Street, Byurone, M. Y., write' " Your medicine have done woudert for ine I'or yean my health wai very poor; I had four mlcarriagei, but time taklnar Dr Pierce' Golden Medical DUcovery and 'Y'avotlte Inscription,' 1 have much better health, and now I have a fine, htatlhy baby. I have recommended your aiediclnea to several of my friends aud they have been btuefited by them," Women find valuable help in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. Bent free on receipt of stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Send 31 one -cent stamps for the book in paper binding, or XI stamp for cloth btndini;. Address r. R. V. Kerce, Buffalo, N. Y. Isa nowman has told of tho life and work of Lewis Carroll In a small volume of 120 pages bourlug tho title, "The Story of Lewis Carroll." It Is told In such language that hood's greatest friend, tho originator of j , banquet f the Michigan club "Alice in Wonderland." Theact that tho!"'Bhl nnJ ,tho Washington birthday din-wrii-P lu ihn ,,.1 aiip.. will n.i.i tn. thn in. ner of tho Union League club of Chicago tercst of the bojlt. Tho vol 11 mo contains In addition to tho story n dairy and numerous fnc-slmlle letters written to Miss Isa Dow- man and others. There aro also many sketches and photos by Lewis Carroll, be sides other Illustrations. Thoso who havo rend "Allco In Wonderland" will greatly enjoy reading of the man who conceived the Idea that has entertained many thousands of children. K. P. Dutton & Co., New York. Price. $1. "Poems." by John Drydcn, has been added to Casscll's National IJbrury. Tho llttlo volutno contains tho most Important of the poetical works of John Drydrn and nil that tho nverage reader would core for. Cassell Sc. Co. Paper. 10 cents. tomorrow evening. My candidacy for the vice presidential nomlnntlon was projected by ray frlendB republicans of Kings county, who havo a predominating Influence In republican politlcx In Now Y'ork state. It has been taken up with similar spon tanlety throughout tho state and my friends claim to have numerous assurances of sup port from other statce." SAPPHO WILL BE ARRESTED Wiirrniiln Are Out for 1'artlcn Con- net' tnt itIIIi Piny on rhnrtte of Of-ft-nav Aunlnxt Di-i-r lie) . Hooka Iti-t'elvcil. "At Start nnd Finish," by William I.lnd- scy Small, Maynard &. Co., Hoston. Price, $1.25. "Tho Lovely Malincourt." by Helca Mathers. Charles II. Sergei Co., Chicago. Price. $1.25. "Anglo-Saxons nnd Others." by Allno Gorrcn. Charles Scrlbner's Sons. Price. $1.50. "The First American; His Homes and His Households," by Leila Herbert. Harper & Hros. Price, $2. "A Manifest Destiny;" by Julia Magruder. Harper Dros. Price, $1.25. "Tho Nervo of Foley." and othor railroad stories, by Frank II. Spearman, Harper & Droa. Price. $1.25. "The Love of Parson Lord," and other stories, by .Mary IS. Wllklns. Harper & Hros, Price, $1.25. "Tho Talisman, " n talo of tho cruBades, by Sir Walter Scott. Tho American nook company. Price, cu cents. "A Rational Grammar of the English Language," by W. II. Powell and Louise Connolly. American Hook company, Chi cago, Price, 60 cents. "High Stakes," by Lawrence U Lynch. 1 Laird & Lee, Chicago, Cloth, 75 cents. "Battle ot the Hooks," by Jonathan Swift. Casacll & Co., Now Y'ork. Paper, 10 cents. "The Itusslan Problem," by D. II, Wood- NEW YORK. Feb. 21. On application of District Attorney Gardner today warrants were Issued for tho arrest of Theodore Moss, Marcus Mayer and Olga Nethersnle, the actre?s, for the production of "Snpphn," now on at Wallack's. The chargo Is vio lation of the statuto against "offences apalnBt public decency'." Marcus Mnycr, manager for Miss Nether solo, nnd Hamilton Rcvllle wero subse quently nrrested at Wallack's theater. "After doctors failed to euro me ot pneu I used Ono Minute Cough Curo and three bottles ot It cured me. It Is also tho best remedy on earth for whooping cough It cured my grandchildren of the worst caies," writes John Rorry, Loganton, Pa, U Is the only harmless remedy that gives lmmedlato results. Cures coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung troubles. Moth rs endorse It Xott of the Courts. L. K. Harding has sued tho Tlurllngton railroad company ror o,wo on account alleged personal Injuries. John Gavin has sued the street rnllway company for jio.ow, alleging tnnt on octo. ber 28, last year, no was injured wml alighting- from a Sherman avenue car. Juliette Sumner has filed divorce suit .ic-.iliiHt Charles Sumner, nlleclnt: crueltv nnu oiner uiuiirniiim, !iie oumncrs wero married at Bloux city June ui, im They nave two cnuuren. A Mtrlit of Terror. "Awful anxiety wus folt for the widow 0 tho bravo General Uurnham of Machlas, Me when the doctors said nho would die from I A Red Letter Day on the 22d of February, W: ASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY and it is right nnd just that it is so. Since the day when Washington first saw tho light what a number of red lottor days brighten the calendar of tho years. Hundreds of inventions and dis coveries now annihilate space, lighten toil, deaden pain and lengthen life. Among the great discoveries of tho nineteenth century nono stand out more prominent than that of Warner's Safe Cure, a vogelablo preparation for tho curo of that terrible insidious disease Bright's diseaso of tho kidneys. Tho disease way first named by Dr. Bright of England. It had been known previous to his time as dropsy, and death certificates were given, and aro given today, by reputoblu physicians, for dropsy, heart disease, heart failure, convulsions, etc., instead of Bright's diseaso. Dropsy, heart failure, convulsions, etc,, are but flpmptoms of Bright's disease, a diseaso beforo which physicians stand aghast. Bright's disease and consumption do not kill at once There aro first, second and third stages. Tho time to treat these ter rible diseases is at their inception. Bright's disease is consumption of the kiduoys and no man or woman can live without kidneys any moro than they can without lungs. The kidneys have few nerves of sensation, hence Bright's disease cannot be detected except by its symptoms or a micro scopical examination of the fluids of tho body. Prominent among tho symptoms aro fickle appetite failure of eyesight, nervousness, frequent desire to pass fluids, constipation, chronic rheumatic pains, gradual failure of strength, pallor of faco, a welling of tho ankles, shortness of breath, chills, fever, scanty, high colored fluids, etc. A person may not havo all of the symptoms, but one of them continued for any length of time is a warning that tho kiduoys aro not doing tho work nature intended them to do and that the body through that failure is surely becoming poisoned by tho deadly acids which ought to be eliminated. Warner's Safe Cure is a specific for kidney disease when taken in time and .according to directions. It will not work mir acles but it will do all that human agency can accomplish. It is the part of wisdom to get rid of kidney di sease and to begin today. Medical advloo free, Address Warner's Safe Cure Co., Kochester, N.V. Mlctoscoplcal examination on application. I ASSETS ARE IN JEOPARDY Holders of Majority of Unpaid Exposition Stock Hold KolsuM. LIABILITY MUST BE ESTABLISHED BY SUIT Mvatluir of the (.renter America Im position Crcdltorn llrlitK" Out the Knct tliut No UiiiIIn liutrd AsaetM Kxlit, Tbo creditors ot the Greater America Expedition association held a meeting nt tho federal building yesterday to luqulro further into tbo affairs of tho defunct cor poration, but, as announced by Referee W. H. Herduian, the trusteo and his attorney was not ready to make the examination and the meeting was adjourned subject to tho call of tho referee. During tbo discussion ot tho affairs ot tho association It was brought out that there Is not ono clear liability on tho part of tho debtors ot tho association aside from what has been paid to the trustee. On tbo list bo liquidated until tho work ot wrecking nnd weighing Is coranlctc. It was reported yesterday that since taking hold of the affairs of tho company tho trusteo hud collected between (000 und $700 of outstanding accounts, somo ot this money resulting from tho sale of certain horses which had been turned over to the trustee. The receiver reported that tho trusteo was malting rapid progress In ar ranging tho accounts ot the association and that in a short time he would bo ready to cxamlno tho odlcers of the association and others In regard to the management of af fairs, but as the tlmo Is uncertain, tho ad journment of the crcdltorn' meeting Is sub ject to call. pneumonia oetore morning, writes airs. h. 1 0f assets filed with the referee appears an II. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful , item Qf about J34.600 duo the association night, "but sho begged for Dr. King's New from tockholdors. After tho trusteo had Discovery, which had more than onco saved I nuallflrd ho becan to nrcaent bills to tho her ilfo and cured her of.consumptlon. After I stockholders, and was surprised to find taking sho slept all night. Further uso en- I that overv man ho saw held a release signed tircly cured her." TblB marvelous medicine Is guaranteed to curo all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only EOo nnd $1. Trial bottles free at Kuhn & Co's drug storo. IvniKua .Voted anil t'o in ill out. All Arkansas City 'loot or has ordered a J620 automobile to be used In mnking his professional visits. Something has happened ( Mother Nn turo ut Smith Center. Wells there thut havo been dry for u dozen yeurs are now full of water. Tully Scott announces thnt lie will nccept tho fusion nomination for cijiwi'ss In tho Sixth district If the dear people insist hard enough. Tho lielfer market nt Sahethn scored its highest notch last work. One lot of year lings brought tl'ii a head and another lot ot ten Drought jhu a neaa. 1 Thero Is a vacancy In the I'resbyterlan lB0 olncr assets, pulpit nt Atchison for which there nr 123 , Tho largest nset applicants, -i no inea lias ueen suggested to give a Sunday trial to each on without sal ary. This would mean IK choice sermons without expense to the church. Tho state superintendent Is sending out chucks In payment of the seml-unnual dis tribution of the Interest on tho state school fund. This sum amounts to 5 cents per capita, tho total school population of the stato being 604,130. Tho amount ot money to bo distributed is by tho officers of tho association, and an examination of tho books, which nbout that time came Into his possession, showed that of the $31,600 unpaid stock about $32,000 had been surrendered to and cancelled by tho association, whllo no Indication ot such action appeared upon tho list given thu referee. Tho trusteo after consulting with his attorney decided that the surrender and cancellation Is not binding lis between tho stockholders and the creditors of tho as sociation, nnd ho is now taking steps to havo the matter tested In tho courts. If the contention of tbo trusteo Is sustained tho unpaid stock will produco enough to pay the preferred creditors nnd leave nbout $3,000 for tho unprefcrrcd creditors, besides stock Is a claim Wrecking company contract of tho tho payment of lumber In tho Ou Trliil (or Three Irnrn, O, Morltz Zepp of Westminster, Mary land, says: "1 havo u-u-d t'lmmberlaln'3 Cough Itcmedy In my family for the past threo years, and with marked success es pecially with croup, It giving relief In from ten to fifteen minutes. I beltevo It to be the beet cough medlclno on tho market." After threo years' trial Mr. Zepp Is well qualified to speak on tho merits of this remedy. It Is perfectly rcliablo and always gives quick relief. I.imitph tlic I'll vimiNt vr Short. NBW YOHK. ret). Sl.-When the cruller Charleston was wrecked two months ago on un uncharted reef north of Luzon tho ship's paymaster was compelled to nban ilon his money safe, which contained about 20,() Mexican dollurs and $100 In sold. Thu money loft behind had been charged against Paymaster Reynolds ot the Charles ton, to the amount of $i;.2to, and when ho reached MuntU his accounts wero found to bo sluit that much. lTnder the regulations Admiral Watson ordered a board to In vestlgnto this falluro to balance accounts, The report, which has Just reached Wash ington, fully exonerates tho paymaster, Mlanoiirl 11111I .MINniirliiun. Laclede Is working for a public school llbrarj'. Altamont bus u new $2,000 Mothodlst Kpls copal church. Lathrop has a now enterprise a sunbon net factory. Husscllvlllo Is making an effort to organ ize a stock company with 11 capital of JIO.ikjO 1 to tjutld a colleu'o there. 1 The estlmutcd vnluo of all school property I In 'Missouri It J17.OW.C6o. 'During the year 159H an average of 23.000 pupils attended tho high schools of .Mis. Kiuri. Hydrophobia Is rampant In many countli-s, many furmors suffering from loss of stock. The. Hprlngtleld Town Insurance company has pone out of binduesH, due to tho aggres sive light made on It by the old lino compa nies, A woman at Albany has Just been allowed Si.UTi, oai.mce one ner nusn.ina for pay aside from the unpaid against the Chicago upon contract. The company called for $37,000 for thu buildings, of which $29,000 bus boon paid according to tbo books nf the association, leaving n balanco of $8,000, which, according to tho forms ot tho contract, Is not due until April 1. Tho con tract wn'a tho wr'-Mtinj: componv provides tbnt tho comp-ry shall protect the nssocla tlon from all mechanics' llcn upon tbo buildings and deduct from tho mcucy to bo pi'ld tho nssocla'lin the amounts paid to creditors ot tbo association unnn order of an court. Ily reason of this proO.lon the wrecking company may hold the $8,000 bal anco until certain cases pending In the courts nt Omaha and Chicago against tho company, somo to enforo mechanics' liens nnd somo attaching tho balanco In tho hands of tho company. aro disposed of. This places the $8,000 asset In Jeopardy, because If the liens and attachments u.-o enforced It will wipe out tho balance. The remaining $9,000 of the estimated $17,000 duo tbo association ny tbo wrecking company Is but an estlma'e of tho exact amount duo from tho salo of tho copper wire, which was purchased nt about $13,50 per Mndred weight. This amount cannot DIME SAVINGS BANK REPORT .1. O. Di'twllrr, Commissioned to Make Ill CMtlUlltlOII, I'lU'H lU'MllIt of Ills Work. J. O. Detwllcr, who was commissioned to mako on ln estimation of the Dlmo Savings bank, which collapnetl during the panic of 1S93, has filed In the office of the district court a report of bis findings. Mr, Detwllcr reports that the assets and liabilities are equal, and that the aggregate Is $60,091.16. Hut out of theso nssots. It Ih set forth that $18,954 appear as profit and loss, and outstanding Judgments amount to $19,963. lion over and says he be leves his prop erties will meet all obllga:loiis and leavu a surplus. Tliri-r I, oil In SiiiMVKllilf'. ASI'UN. Colo.. 1---1.. '.M -Ninvs was re ceived hero today Hint Hurry Wy". Ld Iloblnsou und Tom MeDerniltt, mlnctp, working at the ICutorprlse group in Cm Taylor river country, wole burled In a snowsllde two or threo days ago and their -bodies recovered yesterday. The scciio of tho accident Is twenty-live or thirty tulles from this plare and there Is no telegraphic communication with that place. RACINE BATH CABINETS Ileeolver for Stliinon Proper I jr. CHICAGO. Feb. 21. II. 8. Hrlght of Bu perior. Wis., was named receiver for the largo properties of James Stlnson, -14'iG Drexel Hnulevard. by Judge Kohlsnat, sit ting in the Cnlted States circuit court. Mr, Stlnsou's assets are not stated. Ills liabilities aro nut at $S0O,0O0, An Intlmn tlon that Mr. Stlnsou's affairs worn not In satisfactory fhapo was given recently when his hank at Hamilton. Out., was doped. Ho takes a hopeful view of the situation. A Turkish Hath In the Itaclno Bjtti Cab inet costs but .1 conts per bath. For Kucumutlsm and ull blood pnlrionlns diseases for the quick curo of colds for tho reduction of tat, nothing else Is su quick nnd powerful. We havo them for $7. SO, $10.00 and $12.00. Write fur catalogue. The Aloe & Penfold Co., litis r ii ii in .St., Onuiliti. You Stand as Much Chance of wlnnliiK 11 ruco loatleil tlown will) wclRhtK us 11 sliof lmiiKht mill sold by nicii that nrc hliocini'ii in nitinc only tloes of clvlng HiillHfiictlon In wear 11111I comfort It In not so with our iiioclmnlcs' thiw-Holp shoo with n lop sole-lui'e only n full slock ciilfsUIn upppr Those soles nro of Hit' very best quality of 011U sole leather Our years of (lnimmI once In shoe buyinj; eimllen us to Klve you a valuo at ?'J.r,o that we know cannot he duplicated anywhere. Were we to ask you SI you would ho satlslled - JihIkIiik from what you must pay fur the same shoo at some 'stores We nuaraiilee every upper will wear out two pair of soles, Drexei Shoe Co., Oaaka'i Vs-M-'st 1410 FAKNAJl STHBE'ff. 5 WHAT DO THE CHILDREN DRINK ? Don't give thtm tea or coffee. Hnvn you tried the new food drink called GHAIN-O? It Is delicious and nourishing nnd tnkes tn place of coffee. The mors Oratn-O you give the children tho more health you dis tribute tnrougn tneir systems, urnin-u is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastas uxe the choice grants clothlncr nnd traveling M-htlr, n .a). . Hut oKnui lz mm mtmi. an I died In the war ot tho rebellion, groMrs till If. lio and ifo. The Stock of Slighily Used Pianos- Are moving lu a hurry ami it's the prices that Is responsible for never were such prices made on standard Instruments- and In dime ft Ion with tho easy payment plan of ours It Is easy for any one to own 11 piano- A few bargains that will soon so-One uprlKlit Knierson plano-.f'.il'--terms. $10 cash, .." per mouth. One solid oak uprlj-'ht Whit uoy piano, price Sll'S-U-rms. SH) canh, .fS per mouth. One upright cabinet urn ml piano, IiIkIi Kiude iimlio, price .fL'l.'i terms, $1.1 cash, ,s.()0 per mouth. One. solid oak Htnudard I'lnno, nearly new, price $1!)" terms $15 cash, $8 per month. Kino inahoKiiuy ('plight I'lauo, as .ood as now, worth $:ir0, only Jf-li. terms, $1. rash, i8 per month. A. HOSPE, Muslo and Art. 1613 Douglas.