12 THE OMATfA DATTjV BEE; TTirnSDAY, FEnnUATY 22, 1900. BIG HANDKERCH'F PURCHASE 25(000 Mannfsotvrsr'i Sample Handkircblefs on Sale Thursday at People's Storo. HANDKERCHIEFS OF ALL KINDS JIcii'k nml Wiinirii'fi I'Iiip Cnnilirlc, I.lnrii, I.ikm- nml l.mvn, Almi S1IU Inlllnl llniiilUiTi'lilffii Von Clin II ii -I or fi for I'rlee of One. Tlio great lot of manufacturer's sample handkerchiefs go on sale Thursday morning ut 8 a. m. Thorn are about 25,000 In the lot and Includes handkerchiefs of overy de scrlptlon; for men, wonieu and children. The values range from Cc to 91.00 each. Thry have been divided Into 8 big lot as follows: Lot 1 Consists of handkerchiefs worth Cc each, cholco only lc. IyOt 2 Consists of handkerchiefs worth 10c and 16c each, cbulco only 3c. Lot 3 Consists of handkerchiefs worth 20c each, cholco only Cc. Lot I Consists of handkerchiefs worth 25c each, choice only Vc Iot C Co tin Int h of handkerchiefs worth 33c each, chnlci" only 10c. Lot fi ConslstH of handkerchiefs worth COc each, cholco only 12'ic. It 7 Couslsta of handkerchiefs worth 60c and "fie each, choice lfic. Lot 8 Constats of handkerchtcfn worth "f.e and $1.00 each, choice 10c. Those are unmistakably the greatest hand kerchief values over offered in Omnha. fmnc prepared to buy n years' supply.- the values will tempt you. The handkerchiefs arc nil on the orlglnnl sample cards and are trifle mussed from belni? shown to merchants. They will be sold on bargain squares on main floor, but tbero will be an overflow gale In the baw mcnt. Itetra salespeople have been cn Eagel. IIIO OHOCHKY SAUK TIIUUSDAY, The Teoplo'o Superior Klour, sack, 9Sc. Snow White Klour, per sack, 8Cc. 10-lb sack Oraham Klour, l!lc. 2 gallon pall Table Syrup, 15c. Kancy whole (leorRC's Codfish, lb. 3'.4c VnnCamp's Catsup, bottle, "',4c Mnthor's Oats, package. "Vie. New Laid Kggs, per dozen, 12 Vfec Kaglo Hrand Condensed Milk, enn, 12',ic. A. B. C. Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb. ic. THE I'KOKLKS STOHE, 16th and Karnam Sts. ELABORATE CHURCH WEDDING 3Iyern-n?ili .Miirrlnni- IVrfurmril Xtf lllnliop .Si'illlimll, 1'ri'C'i-lliiiK holriiin Itluli Mhmn. Tho marriage of Miss Adeline Nash, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Nash, to Mr. Georgo Wallace Myers of Dubuque, la., ww solemnized yesterday nt 11 a. m. In St. John's Catholic church, Twenty-fifth nnd California streets. It was ono of the most clahoruto church weddings In tbo his tory of Omnha oc!cty. Admission to the church was by card nnd tho leaders of social affairs In this city wcro In attendance. Long beforo tho hour sot for the celebra tion of the mnrrlago tho guests began to nrrlvo nnd tho church was filled to overflow ing. Tho decorations wcro profuse. Palms nnd whlto carnations were scattered through out lh nntlrn runm. hllnnlina nt rtirnritlnnrt 1elng at each pew. tAt 11 o'clock promptly j tho wedding party entered tho church. The bride watt supported on tho arm of her fnthcr. Mrs. K. W. Nash was accompanied j by Mr. R A. Nnsh. Tho cortege consisted, besldo thoso mentioned, of tho four children j attendants, Esther and Francis Nnsh, Nathalln and Matilda Myers; tho maid of honor, Miss Emily MyerH; tho six brides maids, Mrs, Joseph Darker, Miss Helen Peck, Miss Crolghton, Miss Myers of Du buque, Miss Doylo of Detroit, Miss Dannc miller of Canton, O.; tho ushors, Messrs. II. Torbett. Frank Coates, D. Myers, Du buque; James Edwards. Notro Dame, Ind.; Tom Crclgb, Henry Allen, Fred Nash, Jr., LouIh Nasli. At tbo nltnr tho bridal party 'was met by Mr. Myers nnd his best man, Mr. I). Hervey of Dubuquo. Tho nuptial solemn high mass was cele brated In 11k elaborate entirety. Very Rev. Augustine M. Colanerl wan tho master of coremonlcs. lit. Rev. Richard Scannoll, D. I)., bishop of Omaha, performed tho mar rlago ceremony Immediately beforo tho ob servance of tho solemn high uihhs, which was rolebrated by Very Rev. Michael P. Dowllng, S. J., president of Crelghton uni versity, celebrant; Rev. Martin M. Urons gcest, S. J., pastor of St. John's church, deacon; Rev. P. A. Mullens, 9. J., professor of belles-letters of Crelghton university, eobdeacon. The bishop was assisted nt tho throne by Very Rov. William Choka, vicar general of tho diocese- of Omnha, ns assistant priest; Very Rov. Dean John Jeannette, first deacon of honor; Rov. Stephun F. Carroll, second deacon of honor. Tho assistants of tbo mass vere Rev. C. F. Wolklng, S. J., president of tho Crolghton Oratorical association, mas ter of ceremonies; Mr. .Inmes McShane, book licaror; Mr. Clement Leo, candlo bearer; Mr. Guy V. Fumy, thurlfer; Mr. Jiuncs E, Wood ward nnd Mr. Paul L. Murtlu, acolytes. The music was magnificent. It was given by the regular choir of St. John's church, iiMlsted nnd augmented largely by a num ber of outsldo singers. They sang tho llrltlal ohorus from "Lohengrin" tiB tho enrtego en tered, and following tbo ceremony, tho "Messn Solcnnello" of Gounod. Tho entire program of music was under tho direction of Mr. Thomas J. Kelly, who conducted. Mrs. Rurkhard being nt tho organ. Previous 4n tho hour of tho nuptials Mr. Kelly guvo nn Intoi ruling organ program of a suitable nature, and closed tho service with tho Mendelssohn march. At tho conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party was driven to tho homo of Mr. E. W. NaHh, Thirty-eighth nnd Hurt streets, whero n banquet was served. Mr. and Mrs. Myers left In tho nftornoon for n western bridal tour. Among tho guests nt the wed ding from out of tho city woro the follow ing from Dubuque, In.: D. D. Myers and wlfe, Mkn T. Myers, Miss N. Myers, Mrs. J. L. Dcuss, Senator J. II. Shields, Judge M. n. Hendrlck, Mr. William Lauther, Jr.. nnd Mrs. Iauther, Mrs. W. G. Cox. Miss Pappln, Mrs. H. E. Trcdway. Miss M. L. Hervey, Mr. William II. Myert Mr. I. T. Myers, Mr. Thomas Myers, Miss Genevieve Stapleton. Mr. F. W. Coates, Mr. 11. G. Torbcrt, Mr. R. R. Hervey. Meii'n l'an In AIihiiM IJIvimi Vivny. Haydcn Bros, put 4,000 pairs men's odd pnnts, bought at 35c on the dollar, on sale. All sizes, 30 to 50 waist, 29 to 37 lengths; heavy nnd medium weights, all wool pants, worth $1.50, nt 60c. Pants worth from $2.00 to $3.00, on salo at 03e. Pants worth $1.50 to $5.00. on salo at $2.50. HAY DEN BROS. Attend tho big shoo salo. Iliillilliur I'eriiittH, Tbo following permits linvo been Issued f'nni tbo olllce of tho building Inspector; Homo Miller. Sixteenth nnd Jackson. attorn t Ions to hotel, Sl.ttfO; jf Sergul, 1111 , ("unltoi n venue, shed, $15; Jnmos Oahm, i iv"i i in umi nownra, nurrauons io noto , $J0,0iO. I'lirnif in' liiHtllute nt llriiiiliiKtiin, A Fa'rmrr' Institute will b held nt llnimltu'ton on Friday nml Saturday of thlf week. Good speakers will be in attendance, nnd the ill-emulous will no doubt urovo Drolltalilo to tho member. DrWltt's Witch Hazel 3alve Is unequalled for piles, Injuries anil skin dlicuaes, It Is the original Witch Hazel Salvo. Beware of all counterfeits. Itiilrn ItroK. Spri'lnl .Snlr, The Mill remnants of plain, white India lawn 10 Inches wide, worth 10c, 12t3c and 15c, selling at Cc yard, Is drawing crowds and Is ono of tho liveliest parts at present of tbo big store; C dozen "2x90 sheets, full blcachhed, torn and hemmed, on sale COc each. This sheeting Is worth 25c yard. Linen glass checked toweling, Cc yard, n bargain. Wamsutta twilled muslin, known ns nightgown cotton, one sale, 10c yard. "0 Inch wide, Imported cream eol'd tablo linen, this grade of linen you find only In ono storo In Omnha and that's "TUB MO STORK." where tbey sell tablo linen, nml this particu lar grado at 35c yard. Ask to seo this bargain. Our bed spreads, whlto or col'd fringed or plain hemmed, selling now at $1. Can't bo duplicated In this city. TUB 1)10 SILK DEPARTMENT. No let-up to this grand silk salo of ours. The peoplo know where to find tho big silk values, and that's tbo reason for the dally crowds. Half-silk cloth, pretty figures for lining, 17c. Plain silks, nil the bright colors for 25c. Fine, all-silk plaids for waists at 39c. All shades in silk finished velvet, 25c. New Bhades In fine satins at only 39c. Pretty striped silks, extra at 49c. Now Poulard's latest styles, C9c. New waist squares, ns good as the best, COc. Kancy silk, worth up to $2.00, on salo COc. Illack Taffeta, 27 Inches wide, special, 79c. Hlack 'Orenndlne, 43 Inches wide, $2.00 kind for 73c. II LACK DRESS GOODS. Ilaydcns carry tho finest stock of black dress goods over seen In Omaha. Priestley of Rradford, England; Coutlero of Lyons, Franco; Lupin of France, Sir Titus Salts of Saltalrc, England, otc. These are the standard makers of tho world. Wo carry tho products of nil of them. Priestley's black novelties, in figures nnd stripes. Priestley's plrolas in figure and stripes, 98e, $1.25, $1.50. $1.98 up. Priestley's crcpons and Countleres French silk crepons, $1.25, $1.50. $1.98, up to $6.50 yard. Priest ley's and Countleres grenadine crcpons, $2 60, $2.98, $3.50, $3.00. $6.50. 7.60. Priestley's hand woven matalasse at $5.00, $0.00, $7.00, $8.00, $9.00, $10.00 per yard. Sir Titus Salts' mohairs nnd Sicilians nt 75c, 98c, $1.25, $1.60. $2.00. $2.60, $3.50 per yard. Ilrlllcntlnes from 25o up. Nice bright, black fancies, 25c, 29c. 39c 19c, COc. A largo lino of now silk and wool grenadines nt popular prices. TRUANTS MUST GO TO SCHOOL Srcrodiry (illlnn MnUox Cninpnrlxon of Itnlln vtlth Oiiniih Whloli lit triiN lii' !) 1 1 ii i n ii t Our. Secretary Glllan, of tho Hoard of Edu cation, Is on tho trail of truants. At the meeting of tho board Tuesday ho was cm powered to employ clerical assistance nt an cxpenso not exceeding $10 for tho purpoao of comparing tho school rolls with tho school ccnsii3. Tho principals of tho thirty-eight public schools huvo emptied with a request for n list of their pupils and all of the parochial schools with a few exceptions have also submitted copies of their rolls. The complete lists will bo In hand within a few days nnd tho secretary will be nblo to ac count for each pupil In tbo city between tho specified nges of 8 nnd 11. Thoso whoso names appear on tho school census nnd not on tho rolls will bo notified that tho tlmo has almost expired in which they can attend school for twelve weeks ns .required by law. If tho delinquents still fall to appear tho secretary will take somo final step not yet determined upon. The school census which Is used as n basis for the checking process Is takon each Juno un der the direction of tho boundaries commit tee of tho Hoard of Education. It contains about 20,000 names and Is supposed to be nc- curate. A peculiar dlffercnco exists between tbo child labor lnw and tbo compulsory cduci llon law framed by tbo last legislature. Tho former provides that a child cannot bo em ployed by any proprietor unless twenty-ono weeks have been nnnunlly devoted to study. A child Is therefore permitted to remain at homo after twelve weeks at school, hut In order to sccuro employment must be In at tendanco for nlno weeks longer. V f.riMil Comiintiy. In reading tho 24th Annual Statement of tho Prudential Insurance Company of Amer lca, whoso Homo Ofilco Is located at New ark, N. J., ono Is Impressed with tho solid and substantial ndvanco which this com pany made In all Its departments during 1899: S This ono year's record of results achieved furnished plenty of food for tho thoughtful man. His mind will naturally go back to tho time when life Insurance was In Its Infancy, for tho reason that It was limited to men of means.. Ho will think of the advent of Tho Prudential and tho groat cbango It brought about In tho system of Llfo Insurnnco by tho Issuance of Industrial policies, thus making llfo tnsuranco accessl blo to all. This form of protection, then unknown In this country, and Introduced by Tho Prudential, served moro than any other one thing to popularize llfo Insurance. Each year has added to tho success of The Pru dential, enabling it to publish a statement that Is without equal for so young a com pany, whoso ago covers a period of less than n quarter of a century. Wo quoto from tho 1899 statement as fol lows: Incomo over $20J)00,000; nrsets to nearly $31,000,000; surpluB moro than $fi, 000,000; new business written nearly $222, 700,000; policies In forco over 3,500,000, In suring moro thnn $500,000,000. Xotlue. To tho mombcrs of Ivy Robekah lodge, the competltlvo drill between Ruth No. 1 and Ivy No. 33 will take place at the I. O. O. F ball, 14th and Dodge, on Thursday, tho 22d, ut 8 o'clock p. m. Tho chickens nro still laying. Eggs 9c. Bread 2c. Butter 20c per pound. Full lino of groceries. Wm. Gentleman, 16th and Cass .Voder. Any persons having claims against the As sociated Charities of Omaha will pleaso tllo samo with Mr. Frank Murphy, vice pres ident, on or beforo February 26. By order of Board of Trustees, JOHN LAUGHLAND, Secretary. Drs. Lord & Rustln, 501 Paxton blk. !!HX. Twin slrls, to Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II Sails bury, 1330 South Thirty-second street. ni i:n. STRINGER, Garnet Thurston, aged 9 yours, of pneumoilla. Funeral from family residence. 2C22 Caldwoll. Friday ufternoon ut 2 o'clock Friends welcome DDDY Mrs. II V , Wednesday morning. February 21. 100, ut Hellevue, Neb. Fun eral Friday, private. ORIGINAL SISTERS Wo nro plensed to uunouncn that two of tho ORIGINAL Seven Sutherland Sisters will bo nt our Htoro for tho next few days nnd will be plensed to ndvlso tho lailli-s of Omnlui as to tho treatment of tho liutr nnd sculp. Our lino of Hair ToiiIch unci vigors, now numbers about 150 articles, most of whU-ii uro sold ut cut prices. We mention below ii fow preparations only, but will be plcivoil to furnish quotations or ahow stock uuun Application. $1.00 Austin's Hnlr Grower, wo sell 80c $1.00 Coke's Dandruff Cure, we sell 5c 75c Coko's Dandruff Cure, we sell 6!'e $1 Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewer, wo sell 7.1c $1.00 Dnnderlne, wo sell 75c $1.00 Ayer's Hnlr Vigor, wo sell ... 75c $1,00 Mexican Hnlr Restorutlvo, we sell 75c $1.00 Seven Sutherland Sisters' Halt' Grower, wo sell S3e $1,00 iMnuud'x Euu do Quinine, wo sell.. "Jo coo Parker's Hair Balm, wo noil 40o 50c Lyon's Kuthiilrou, we sell 4"o 60o Hrllllantlne, wo sell 33c CRANITONIO FOR HAIR, wo veil.. ..$1.00 $1,00 YuIo'h Hnlr Tonic, wo sell 75c Write for Cntulosue. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go Kith ion' limine St.., Iliuiilin, .Xeb. BOSTON STORE IN THREE DAYS Will Positirely 0!oso Out Erarything from the Detroit Wholesale Stock. EVERYTHING REDUCED IN PRICE In Tltce I.nM 'I'll rep llnyn We Will Offer (lie (Jrentent nml .Hunt Sur prlslnu: lliirunlii of (lie l'.n llre .Sale llverj tlilim (iuex. $1.00 SILKS FOR 30C YARD. Every yard of silk of every description from tho Detroit wholcsalo dry goods stock that they sold for up to $1.00, goes at 39c yd. ALL $1.60 SILK GOES AT COC. ALL $2.00 SILKS AT 08C. 75C SILK MOUSSELIN DE SOIE, 20C. 76C ALL WOOL CIIALLIS. 29C. S0C WOOL PLAID DRESS GOODS, 29C. 75C DRESS GOODS. 35C. $1.00 NEW BLACK GOODS. IOC. Almost a Million yards lace piled high on bargain squares, less than . wholcsalo price. Imtncnso lots extra fine valeiiclcnues lnce nnd Insertion, many styles and patterns, nil widths, worth up to 15c. go nt le. 2c and 3c yard. Thousands of bolts of torchon lace and In sertion, all olegant now patterns, excellent quality, regular price up to 25c, go nt 3c, 6c and 7',ie yard. Hundreds of dozrtis hidlcs' nnd children's plain white, hemstitched, Initial handker chiefs, go nt 214c each. Iirge bargain sqtlaro with many styles plain white, all width hemstitched, lace and embroidered handkerchief, worth up to 2Dc, Iti this sale nt 3'c nnd 5c. 5.000 pairs child's fnst black, derby-ribbed hose, on bargain tnblo at 2c pair. Indies' extra line gauge, fast black, full seamless hosiery, all sizes, go at 6c pair. 600 dozen child's fancy colored hem stitched school handkerchiefs ut lc each. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA, N. W. Cor. lfith and Douglas. 1 1 1; H M X (i TO .V ll( I'T n. Sew Tlnipenril, I'elirunr.v i!5. On nnd after February 25 Burlington trains will lenvo Omaha as follows: Chicago 7:30 n. in., 4:00 p. m., 7:30 p. m., 12:05 midnight. Denver and West 1:25 p. m. St. Louis 1:55 p. m. St. Joseph 8:50 a. in., 4:53 p. m., 10:13 p. in. Kansas City S:50 a. m.. 10:15 p. m. Illack Hills and Montana 1:25 p. m. Lincoln 8:40 a. m., 3:00 p. m 4:25 p. m., 7:00 o. m. Get tickets at 1502 Farnam or at Burling ton station, Tenth and Muson streets. Vntlee, I. O. O. F! All Odd Fellows aro requested to attend the funeral of our lato brother, N. T. Estes, Thursday, February 22, at the house, 2803 Bristol street, at 1 o'clock p. m. General relief committee. T. H. COOPER, Chairman. P. A. EDQUIST, Secretary. NEW TIME CARD FEBRUARY 25 ' On nnd after February 25th Burlington trains will leave Omaha ns follows- Chicago 7 30 a. m., 4:00 p. m.. 7 30 p. m., 12:05 midnight. Denver and west 4:25 p. m. St. Louis 4:55 p. m. St. Joseph 8:50 a. m., 4:55 ' p. m., 10:13 p. m. Kansas City S:50 a. in., 10:15 p. m. Black Hills and Montana 1:25 p. m. Lincoln S:40 a. m., 3:00 p. m., 4.25 p. m., 7.00 p. in. Ticket Olllce, Burlington Station. 1S02 FARNAM ST. 10th & MASON Sts Telephone 250. Telephone 120 The Union Pacific takes FROM Omaha to San Francisco in Fifty Seven Hours Which la half a day quicker thun other lines. xo ciiA.vr.us. Perfect Comfort, Pintsch Light, Steam Heat, &c. City TleUet OIUpp, laoU Karnam Nt. Tut. am. Omaha & S r. Louis R, R, AND WABASH ROUTE. Shortest and Quickest Line TO ST. LOUIS. Train Imvo UNION STATION daily for Knnaim City, Qnlnoy, St. I.nnU nuil nil iinlnla rami nr noath. SPKCIAIi UATHS TO HOT SI'ltlXiS, AUK, 1IOMIB&1CUKKHS' K.XCI'llSION M AUCII nml -O. All Information nl City TleUet nlllec, 1415 Faraam St., (I'axtnu Ilntxl SHU), ,z hi m s n in u u 3 IIIIBV itn for our best Bet of teeth, In cluding frco palnlesfl extracting by tho use of vitalized air. We use only tho best material In tho construc tion of this plate, Kit guaranteed. Crowns $5.00 Oold Killing tl.60 up Silver Killing 75c Extracting 25c Tad's Philadelphia Dental Rooms. ir.17 UOUULAS ST. y hostox stoiii: sm.i.s siion .stock. Choice nt lOntlre ItiiiiKriipt .Moek of n Slme Denier Clone II)', TOR 76C A l'AIH. (Men's, women's, girls', child's, youths shoes and oxfords, all go nt 76c a pair. IN' BASBMKNT TOMORROW 75C. ON BAHOA1N SQUARES 73C. AT BOSTON STORK 75C. Some of theso shoes were marked to sell for as high as $3.60, but you can take your cholco of tho entile stock for 75c a pair In our basement. AT BOSTON WTO RE. 51.08 SALE ON MAIN KLOOR Still 4,000 pairs of those celebrated flno shoes, worth up to $5.00 a pair which wo aro selling at ll.fiS. For men nnd women $1. OS. On bargain squares $1.03. On main floor M.08. BOSTON STORH. OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas. A ii untitle cine it (n. Tonight Joieph Murphy will begin a four performance engagement nt Boyd'c. Ho will present duilng tho engagement "Sb.mi Hhue" and "Kerry (low." The former Thttrfdny and Friday nights and the lat'.er Saturday matlneo nnd night. Today Is tho anniversary of Washington's birthday and In honor of the event tho C 'elghton-Orpheum will give an extra pc focmance this nftornoon for tho women tin l children, more especially for tho latter, wito hnvo n school holiday nnd who wish to se tho wonderful acrobatic performances of thi three boys and three girls of the nine Nelcon fsmlly, conceded to stand without a rival b;i their lino of work. llityilen Mm. Shirt sale Saturday of Monarch. Manhat tan, Wilson Bros, nnd Star shirt at llay den Bros. Mortality stii t Ixtlcn, The following birth mid deatht were reported .it the olllce of the Hoard of Health during the twenty-four hours ended ut noon Wedticudm Births-. I M Thompson, 1S1.1 North Twcnty-llftb. boy, IJnn ,1. Creednn, 1022 What the Jobbers Say Mr Hurry Weller of the Itlrbnrdson Drug Co. says. 'if remarkable what onlcrs wo receive by mull from out of town druggists for CltA.MEU'H KIDNEY (Till: I can say that Instead of ordering In gros lots, wo are eompelled to plaee our orders now In 25 gross uuaiitltles." It I put mi In neat, good size bottles nnd strong tes timonials nro published from thoso who hnvo used 11 for kidney trouble. ("rn titer's Kidney Cure 7."o llrotiiii Uiiliilne i.t(. I'leree'N HemeiHc n 7,-,. S. S. S r.-.e Curler' Liver 111 In .-,(. Dr. Illv Tonic Tablet in,. I'eriiiin 7.1,. Ayer's Hitrsii'iiirlllit 7.o tiilteit IIIU Hie, 7.-.e, :t.ir. West'M II nil 11 nml Vere 'I'rent m'l lie I nele Siim'n Tolineeii Cure r.ile Syrup of 1'Ikn 11,. I, Uterine ,-,! Seltnefer's ("oimli Sjriii uo AVI ne of ( uriliil 7.",(. SCHAEFER CUT PRTCF. DRUGGIST Cor. 10th nntl CltlcnKu St: STEIKWAY tho leading piano of tho world, you havo a choice stock of the celebrated A. B. Chaso, Vose, Emerson, Packard, Ivors & Pond and C. U. Pease to select from Nowhere clso In tho city can you find such a flno variety of high grado Instru ments. In slightly used pianos we offer tho following bargains. , m.(!,r?0! Gl,ljfirt' Kimball. Sohmer and Bradbury Squares, $10.00, $28.00, $39.00, $60.00 and up. .-'iL""."5''' Hallct UavI!, lvura & 1,011,1 Stclnway Uprights, $S5.00. $lCu.O0, $20j.00 and up. Every Instrument fully guaranteed. Kasy payments If desired. New planoH for rent; ono year's rental allowed If purchased. Write for catalogues prices and terms. You aro cordially Invited to Inspect tho Self-Playlne Pianola, tbo greatest muslcjl Invention of tho age. Tclephono 1625. ...Schmoller & Mueller... The O0I1I llellnlile I'liiiio Itoilie. Stcinway & Sons ( 1313 rarnam Street Representatives. 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs. HAYDEI I S At $1.88 Shoes made to sell for $3, $4 and $5. Tho most wonderful slioo soiling in America. It's the talk of Omaha .and attracts crowds of eager buyers every day. New shipments of fine shoes from tho largest shoo fac tories in the east, added to the immense bargain tables every day. All sizes and all widths; go at tho one price, $1.88. at $3.50, 4 and $5, all on our SPECIAL. Over 000 pairs of fine shoes for bovs and girls, worih 1. HO, $2 and $2.50, on salo at HAYDEN Charles !m , Carl .1. Nelson 2n!; Arbor, boy, Lev.'iit Foy. 3B21 Hamilton, boy. Paul DenWon, aan Hurt, boy. Hentln Kiln Hugh, County honpttat, 3.1 yeais; Ida Young. !!! North Tweniv-srv "tul. fcl yearn, l'eter .1. Mullen, 2721 Jnekon, i!7 years; William C Thomas. Kalr ground), M venrs. Ue in t'. Adklns, 3 Saratoga. 1 f ar pnn Scofield's Suits. The most fashionable effects In now black materials received within tho past few days. ETON EFFFCTS TIOHT-FITTINT, EFFECTS FLY FRONT EI- FECTS All having the newest and ni"st prartlra! skirt for the coining heason. No better time to buy than right now. h Gioak Bought Now mcatifi u big saving to you. with n chance to get your money s worth of comfort out of It even this soason. New I'ulley Belts New Waists New 1 Wrapprrrt CLOAK &. SUIT CD. InlO l)onj;his Street. GOOD THING" " FuR T'lH I'l BLli-- PUSH IT ALONG I 5i Swift's 1-; x : rn 1 P.i ef j 2Se Brown s Troches I (I ia) l.lslerlne 1 6i- (Join Catarrh Cure 4'1.' kO,' V.v t'X '.lie 30c lie 25s 75c 40c 4"e 4de .... 3.r i.V ..... SOe .... 75c .... I!U 7.')C .... 4V .... 4tn keoping In our 2Jr Kondon's l atarrh Jelly 25e Carter Ller IMIls 'iV' I'aeker'H Tar Soai 35e C.istorla , Jl 00 Hi'onui-Soltzcr 5i)e Hronio-Sellzer fOc- Hodd's Kidney Fills 5i)c Oudd's Dysiiojislu Me Llthlu T.iblotH It 00 Turtnrllthliie Site (iiainberl.ilirs Cough Cure Jl (Xi Wine of Cnrdul , Uie Cutleura Soap Jl 00 I'l-iii-na -.0 Mellln's Foixl Cii I'oml s Exin ft We d'e the i.lj store In the elty a registered man, anil a gniol one, plilee all llli.il Never cloT. J. A. FULLER & CO 1 H tli uinl Douglas St. n m Sfnirin n u I I 1 Sf' PIANOS It Is easy to belect a piano at our warn rooms, for tho slmplo leaeon thnt wo only carry Instruments of tb highest standard, Aside from the artistic SELLING SHOES Over 3,600 pairs Ladies' finest, vici kid lace and but ton shoes, fine silk vesting and kid tops, turn and welt solos, shoes made in all the latest styled to sell for $3, ?l and 5, all sizes and widths, on bargain tables at $1.88. Over 4300 pairs mens fine calf and box calf shoes lace and congress, tan and black with genuine welt soled, shoes mado up by tho manufac turers for othe dealers to sel sale counters at one price $1.88 $1.1B. 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O O RtVERBt g OF THE I If g if Wm"m IO When you rind the sign examine tho waists tho o o quality tho make the worth the colors tho O ' aaa , I 1 sign-. We vo taKou au mo waisis worm upio$iu, plain waists, waists that are tuckel, waists that aro oorderl. wa'nts with fancy yokM, in fact, all kinds of wnUt. V.itt t'lii' will stivo y )ti fiMtu :i t 5 il illti'M if yoitf waist tiunoy and slia 1 j; v v (i ftuti 'Sit U. tli t b waUt y u Imvo as yot aooti for tho m may. It's tn itiev vvii-tuil to nutci't this grail want bhIo. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Clearing Sale Prices ill the Cloak Department. Spring shipments aro already on tho way. Every garment now in stock must bo closed out. Bargains Utiequaled in America Come early Thursday. A largo assort ment of ladies' tine heavy and medium Aveicrht Jackets, handsomely and sty lishly made, that sold up to each will no Thursday at Choice of any Jacket in tho house, including imported garments and direct copies of im ported models tho best assortment of lino jackets in Omaha somo worth A Q SI50 your choice Tiiiu-s lay only v.'-tO Closing out Ladies' Suits Kvery suit now in stock must bo sold, no matter what price it will bring. All our very fluent Suits, In tlio boat nialorlnln nnd styles, Hint hnvo sold ax hlgli an $2...00. will ro Thursday nt , Another very line lot of Suits, Jnckcts silk lined throughout, regular $15.00 values, will b closed out ut Selling Out Children's Jackets livery one must lie sold they bo In two 1st hot All Jackets worth up to $1.00 your Mfi choice ,SiZJ Dress Skirts and Underskirts In ladles' Dress Skirts wo have n very neat assortment. Ono lot In black -4 0 serges, plaids, Btrlpes and checks, that sold up to $5.00, on salu ut 1"0 Crepnn Skirts that sold up to $9.00on flfi salo at O JJ Our Underrkirt drpattment we prldo ourselves on. iAII tho new Hprlng styles and spring shades. In the mn mcrc.erl7.ed ranterlal. Moro arriving daily Closing out Fur (iarmen's. Clojing out 20 dozen Klnnnclotto Wrappers at V2 pries. ALL SMOKERS endorse tho Stoecker Five Cent Cigar because it's a good cigar mado of lino Havana filler, good binder and Sumatra wrapper. For sale by all dealers and at our TVO STORES-1404 Douglas and 221 S, 16th. THE BEST TEH-GES4T CONTAINS T 1 O v. xx. xxu i: . c. ( .. mam pu rl m:as, sr. js, mo. llMRnftl MflniE C. A. HAll.SIIAt IC, OMAHA, UISTUIIIDTOIU UlVllUil IliMUC RAIION WOMEN'S SILK WASSf SALE We've selected out all our silk waists, taffeta and satin, we've piled them out on a table, and placed a large sign just over ths table. The sign reads for choice. style tho assortment tho sizes then you'll boliovo in J I i Jt i . s-v Final 15 A A )7 c-.tS ...9.98 ....5.48 lots about half the usual prlcc3. 2nd Iot 'All our best Jacliota your choIc of any In the house at rf EZ only 4JLKJ EN BROS 1 Gause for Alarm Them ause for alarm when you tlml the enamel breaklnK down untl jour leeth softening. H'h only A iiui'Mlfiii of I lino when you must con Mill u Ointtst. Delays aro not rian Rirmih, but they are foolish, as tho lonRi r you watt the moro labor will In- icijmred. You ehoiid ica u dentist in the first appearance of docay, BASLEV, the Dentist :tl' I'attnii Illk. Kllh .fc r run in. i.dti vtti'iiitiiiit. Piiiiuti limn, l . Dr. II. V. Iln !! TootU I'iMtili'r. All IriiuulNtH. mm IN THE MARKET 0 o o o o o c o c c o o c c c c c c c o o o o o o o o c c o c o c c c 0 o G w o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 i i I