THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; T1IUKSDAV, F KI1IU" A1.V 22, 11RH. 1 t ( SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement lor these column Mill lie I H li on until VJt in, for the t-M-nlim edition anil until Hillli in in. lor morning; 1111U .Sunday edition. Itnlr". I l-ilc a mini llrst Insertion) 1c it ttnril thereafter, .Notlitnu lulicii for lex tliiui U.'u for (lie llrt limrr tlon. These uilt ertfciuent imiiit be run coimrcutl vclr. Adv rrl Isers, by rrrjnrstliiK u iiuin liVrcil elicel., can Imte miniver ml lrvnni.'il to a numbered letter In care nf Tin; ller. Aiisnrrs no addressed Mill Im- 1 1 1 erod on presentation of tin; check on I)-, , WANTEII-SITLATIONS. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want pna please call up the Remington typewriter olllcc, ltS13 Furnum sL. telephone loi3. A -600 CO.MPETENT doublc-cnlry bookkeeper, rapid iienmnn, accurate, accountant, wlin tavcral years' experience In retail Htm wholesale, desires position ns nrd man ngcr or bookkeeper; best of referetues; would bo out of city. Addr-ss A ; A -.Mio'J 21 ava x ri : i-3i am: i i eli. WANTED. Wo havo steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appiar unco. C. IT. Adams Co., 161'J Howard St. WE TEACH the barber trado thoroughly In Hhort tlmo und furnish each graduate with a guaranteed position at good wages. There urn more than ton barber positions advertised to ono at bookkeeping or utiort hand. Write for free, calaioguu nnd pur tlculurs. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. 11-902 CASH for acceptable Ideas: stale If pat ented. Address, Tho Patent Record, itai- tlmoro. Aid. B-903 WANTED, mnnugcr and agents; salary or commission; cheapest and largost lino. Hunter Taliotlng- und Shirt Co.. Clncln natl, O. B-A114S A.' I plcturo agents; expenses pljJ('-3 'pojV- BALESAIEN to sell otlloe specialties; lino side lines; used by nil merchants; milling free. .Model Atfg. Co., Box H. South Mend, Ind. B-AtlbS AI1C WANTED, men to learn'barbcr trade; only eight weeks required; special offer now fur graduates to work for us; 500 position open, new Held; can earn tuition by brlng four students. Our catalogue explaining spei-lnl offer mailed free. Alolcr College, ('hlciHo, 111. B-.M590 22' WANTED, experienced eleotrlo elevator conductor; only tnoso nnving experience nnd best references need apply. Super intendent Peovlo'n Htore, 10th und Fnr nam streets. I1-A1723 22 THAI PER ATE man. to travel and appoint accents In Nebraska; $0 monthly besides commission and expenses; references. C. Adams, 350 Dearborn. Chicago. B-A174 22 WANTED, men to learn bnrbcr trade; free railroad fare to Denver: free board: tools furnished; misltlons KUuruntccd. Write for particulars, Alnlnr Barber College, representative, Crclxhton Block, Omaha. B-AI7II 23 WHOLESALE house wants n few travel ing salesmen who are steady, temperate, on salary 50 per month and expenses; previous- cxperlrncc not absolutely re inlred; state age and occupation; must have good references and small capital. Jennings & Co.. 521 Vino ave.. Kansas City, Kan. B-.M7f.S 23 WANTED, good coatmaker: steady work and llt-At-claxs prices. Call at llelln & Thompson's between 2 nnd 3 o'clock to day. Then. (1. Stenlke, Atlantic. Iowa. 1I-A1761 2! WANTED, a llrs'-class traveling ralcsinan, quick. Sctll I. Zemer, 630 Bninge.llldg. It J.A176S H WHITE niilck for traveling .Job.; .straight sitlar. Triumph Information Co.. D'tllas, Texas'. B AI7C7 2S WANTED salusmen; reliable men with bent tefercrtees I" liandle 4ilifh-clas-specialty; terms very liberal. Holeomb, W (Jreetnvleh St., New York. B AI7C3 At 2 WANTED, a magnetic henlijr at once, Iidy or genlletnan. Adilres? A is, cure Bee. B M772 22 WAXTUD l'IC.MAI.n Itl'I.I'. WANTED. 2fl0 girls. 1521 Dcnlge. Tel. &7i!. C-005 WANTED, competent young nurfo girl. Call at 125 So. 35th street. C-171 WANTED, girl for general housework, small family. Apply at 123 N. 31st ave. C-003 WANTED girl for genernl housework. Ap ply 3305 Leavenworth. C-M575 WANTED, girl for housework. Airs. l,ed wleh. MiO'.i Sherwood ave C AI5m 22 COMPETENT girl wanted for general housework. .213 So. 36th. St. C "30-22" OIBI, wanted, generil housework, 2 In fam ily, lilghost wage,, to right girl; refer ences. Call from 3 to I o'clock Thursday and Friday afternoons. 322 S. 20th st. C A!7f) WANTED, competent Kiel for housework; good wnges. 2533 California su C-M7I7 Zi' WANTED, competent nurse girl at 257S Harney street. C 757 23 WANTED, two good, nll-around girls (conk lug excepted): pleasant homo; permanent position; wages, $ IS. Dlx House, AUtchell, C A 1764 21' WANTED, woman, washltig nnd general work, Koiintzc Place. A 17, Bio. C-JEGO 2P DHESS.MAKEB to sew In the house; plain Hewing. Call between 10 and 2, 4 and S MIS St. Alary's. C At 770 23 ' W A NTH I), a magnetic heiler at once I.ndy or gentleman. Address A is iii0 C A1773 22 ' FOB HUM' MOUSES. IF YOU' want your nouses wull rented place, them with Ilenowa Co. D OOti CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Honrv 13. Payne, C01 N. Y. Ll 'Phone, ion;. J D-Wl HOUSES, store1). Ilentls, Pnxton block D-903 MAOOAIlD Van & Storage. 161G Cap. Ave Tel. 1496, .. , ' i br-UOO HOUSES for rent tn all parts of tho city? Urennun-Lovo Co.,. 30 So. 13th street . D-910 HOUSES to rent. Y. Life. II. C. Pattorson. 303 N, D-913 I TO It room's, i3 to $50. 36-U. S. lVk bldg , D-913 HOUSES and flats. Hlngwalt, Barker TdlT ' ' ' - D-914 ' IP J,ll ,p,n"t ynur iiouscl with W. V. Hedges. 509 Paxton block. D-4S0 FOB BENT. 2912 Seward st.. C-room cot tage, city water, $10. 1 f4t So. 21d st.. 4-rootn flat, city wnter $10 2302rN, 25th t.. 9-room house, city water. IJJ4 Decatiir St.. 7-roam hoits city water, Witt renovate throughout. This Is a bar- OMAIIA LOAN ,1 TBUST CO ICtlt and nouclan St. D-AI5I3 HOUSES, otc. F. D. Wend. 1521 Douglas. D-119 FOB BENT To small family. 77nom7ot tago In good repair; city water inside; cistern; roal shed; end nnd California Sts.. $23. Inqulro tit 607 N, 13th St. D-343 ALWAYS moving H. H. goods iMnnos Oltlco UUVi Farnam st. Tel. iug (lr y&) D-361 FOB KENT, two nlro seven-room hoii7s In same yard, almost oppoalto llemls nark; all modern except furnace; are now being papered and painted throughout. Will rent for $20 each to good tenants Wlin reterences. OMAHA LOAN & TBt'ST CO . JOt ti and Dmisluf St D M544 UNSUBPASSED; central, steam heat., alt inoftern, ,-room house, also B-room flit , Tlrard, iZ3 N. 2tth. D-..5 2f ion iiext-iioi ses. FOR RENT-HOUSES. It rooms, all modern, 216 N 19th $16.00 8 room, partly modern, 2214 leaven- worth 5J.M 6 room, partly modern. 1313 9. 2th 16.") partly modern, 3X3 N. 11th ... 22.60 Two "-room house neur Uith and Popple ton uvf . $11 and ill. THE BYRON-REED CO., 212 8. 14th St. D-.M753 FOIt A FEW months; lower story of dwelllns. I room, furnlched for house keeping, central, no children, $20. Ad dress with reference, A 16 Bee. D-7S5-23 HorSES-lfC. Peters & Co . Bee UUig. D-M7J2 21 EINE modern residence. 12 rooms, on motor llu. No. 113 North 20th street. J. T. Clarke, 210 Board of Trade. D-AI592 At2 kuh iii;T-ii;it.i.siii:i) booms. THHEE nice rooms for housekeeping, 1113 South Eleventh. E-AI330 rUUNISHED rooms, modern. 25S0 Harney. E 166 28' El'HNISHED rooms, housekeepltiB. :)23 St. Mary s. E AI6SI 2ti I'lm.MSIII'.D BOOMS AMI IIOAHIJ. TUB Mcrrlam family hotel, 23th and Dodge. F-31S TO 2 gentlemen, In private family. 2'20 St. AInry's Ave. F 91S FOIt HENT, a nice south room. 212 H. 2-p st. F-37S FOB BENT, nlcoly furnished room with boa.d. 2102 Cass. F -M7U7 21 IIANDSOAtE stenm-lieated front room, with board. 190U Capitol avenue. l-'-.M727 2C Koit ituvr-r.M-M itMsiiiin booms. 3 OB 4 modern; fnelnt; Hanscom park; H block from car line. 2Vtl Woolworth. O-720 25 3 FN'Ft'BNISHED rooms with ratise, sult nhle for llfiht housekcepliiK. 2023 Farnatn. Flat D. 1 1722 21 FOB Itn.VI STOItES AMI OFFICES. FOB BENT, store In llrst-class location; rent reasonable. Apply B. C. Peters & Co., ground Moor, Jco bldg 1 2Cfi FOB BENT, brick wnrehouse, two floors, each OOijOO feet; power elevators; U. P. tracknu Apply Hanrmann Bros., 1011 Ho. COth. 1-320 STOBEBOOM, 1105 Farnam St. Frenzer, Opp. old 1'. O. John N. I-C33 AC.H.Vrs WAATEI). "LIFE OF AIOODV," 000 pnges, 200 lllus.. authorized edition; best com, credit given, lllxunbaugh & Co., Wure block, Omaha. J-717 AGENTS' BONANZA! THE IDEAL POLISH! Cleans and polishes A .NY metal. 1.ASTINO LUHTKB, easy work. 417 South 10th St. .1 Moll AU2 LADY agents, tho new stylo Petticoat, lined at bottom of the skirt. This skirt is mndo up lit lluest style. liasy seller, nconts mako from J5 to $15 a daj Tho Bain Bow skirt Alfg. Co.. St. lyouls. AIo. J-754-21 OBEAT success, l'lno engravings, 56th con gress: sells at sight; agonts' samplm, 30o, The Western Photogravure Co.. St. Jo rcph, AIo. .r-AI7CI 22 WA.NTEII TO llHXT. WANTED, to rent. S or 9-room modern house In good locality. Address A 15. Bee Ulllce. K M7B1 STOIl.VUR. PACIFIC Stornc- and Warehouse Co., 912 314 Jones, general storage and forwarding, 921 OM. Van Stor. Co., 15UV4 Farn. TeV. 1559, S63. AI-363 wA.vrnn-To buy. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc. In large or smnn quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co., 1100-10 Dodge. Tel, 2020. N-922 WILIj purchnso n limited number of r- r-t .... n . ijiiiaiiii e3.ivuii;m uuiik iiccounis, iirennan Lovo Co.. 309 So. 13th. N 923 $5,000 TO INVEST In bargains. 1512 Davetf port. N-AI710 F25 AAtEBICAN dealer; tiny secondhand furnl turo and stoves 1719 Cuming. Tel. 1673. N-231 A FULLY equipped, first class coal yard with trackage and good storage capacity; gtvo location and full particulars. Ad dress, A 10 lice. N 723 21 ELK TEETH. Albert Edholm, Jeweler, 107 isortn lijin sr. u AI771 FOB SALE Fl Il.MTUBE Cl.OSINO out our entlro stock of new and second hand furniture of nil kinds; also toil kitchen and round restaurant tables: 400 pillows nnd hair mnttresses; ranges and stoves or all Kinus mentlonnble; llx tures. counters nnd u lot of lumber tn be sold Atnrcii 1 regardless of cost; n chance for dealers and private parties Tho Va riety Furniture co., lw-iu s. inn tt. 0-AI617 25 FOIt SALE HOUSES, MDI.ES, AVAfiOXS TOP BUQOY for sale, In good condition. U 10, Bee. 1' AI190 FOB S.VLi: MISCEI.L.WnoUS. CHEAPEST nnd best oak cribbing and hog fences, aui uougias si. u asi CUTTERS of drug prices. Shormnn & MT Council Drug Co., 1513 Dodge St. Q-323 FOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggists. One gives relief. Q 926 n. HAArCFlorlst, 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 7K Plants, cut flowers, bnqunts, hall, rest dence, wedding and gravo decorations Orders by mall or express promptly tilled, Q-927 INDIAN relics, mounted heads. 1116 Farn'm Q-92S 2D1IAND snfe cheap. Derlght, 1110 Fnrnam QD29 HaI-'ES. buy, soil, exchange. 114 8. l3thSL Q-930 NEW bleyclo tires. $2.23, $2 50 and $3.0-1. Good secondhand wheels, $s. $10 und $12. Omaha Ulcjele CO.. 16th and Chicago Hts. Q-311 NEW bicycles Oomplete, J13.C0. Neb. Cvelo Co., cor. 13th nnd Hnrney. Q AI67I F23. $1S5 WILL buy fine Stclnwny upright; rash or time. Address W 46, Uuo. Q AIS53 BEAUTIFUL Vose .piano, Smith Premier typewriter ehenp; cash or payments. Ad dress. X M Bee oftl.-e Q fio FAMILY horse nnd good phaeton; will sell separate Perlleld, 211 S. ISth. Q 717 21 $250 CASH or time buys slightly used Hard man piano; big bargain; former price isoo A 4. nee. Q-718 21 AtUST have room; square pianos. $10 and $ir. each. Schmoller & .Mueller, 1313 Far nmu St. Q.M6C 2 .MISCELLAMJOU.H, NOTICE, country drnlers. 2dhnnd furniture ,t stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furntturo Co., 1400-10 Dodge. R-932 FOR RENT. barn, nt 2026 St. Alarys' Ave. R3S0 WANTED, 50i farmers, gardeners, etc., In vlclnltv of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs to grow sugar beets for shipment to Ames, Neb.; llbiral terms to beet growers. If you have, suitable land available for beets this fcesson that you will cultivate yourself or rent for beets, nrtdress J. F. Weybrlght. Merchants' Hotel, Omaha, or call Saturday R A! 763 23 Hill US AMI TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird wore. 1603 Lodvenworth. -90 CLAIRVOYANTS. Ains. FRITZ, clnlrvoynnt. SOS N. 16th. & 9SJ A1AIE. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodga a sat MME. PALMER, medium. Res. 1707 rt.s st. M .VlitS MV)' ALVSSAt! li AM) llATi:s. AIBS. BEBIIY, baths, rnawnge. PA BLOBS best In city. 119 N 16th, 2d lloor; onp i.o. T-170-AI 2 MAY WILSON, bath, massage. 610 S. 16th. T AM77 2.1 ELITE PABLORS. C15 So. 16th, upstairs. T-507 20 AIA1E. AMES. B 2, 607 S. 13; massage baths. T Aloio 2S MME. SMITH, room 2, IIS'4 N. 15th. I Al66i 21' I'lBtSOXAIi, VIAVI, woman s way to health. 316 nco bid. U 930 SHAMPOOING 25c, hair dressing 25c, hair nnu toilet gouus, nest equipped. Aionneit, 151S Farnam. Tel. 2333. U-337 AIONHEIT, lending chiropodist. 151S Far- nnm, su noor. rei. asj. u ws PRIVATE hospital for ladles beforo & dur ing connnemcnt; babies adopted, liso n. 17. U-310 GOOD largo barn for rent In north part of city, inqulro 2121 Lopust. V iw IH'PTrnB cured, no knife, no pain, no danger, ncnd ror nlrculars. Ktnpire ltup turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Ltfo Bldg., Omaha. U Oil LIEBEN, costumor. 1313 Howard. Get U-912 catalogue. ALL diseases of the feet skillfully treated I'-utsrc ror tho benetit of students, .miss Alayer, 400 Paxton Blk. Pupils wanted. U-136 2S PLEATING nnd pleated skirts of all kinds, AI. Goldman & Co., 2C0 Douglas bloeki U 353 IU. ROY, chiropodist, corns, superlluous hair removed by electricity, r. 12, Frcnr.or block. U-579 PROF. LUND positively destroys corns, n til in, iiiuiva. Oil jnii.n;i U-GI5 AU7 LADIES' frco harmless monthly regulator cannot fall. Airs. B. Bowan, Alllwaukce, Wis. U- HATH PARLORS for ladles only; hygienic treatment ny nrst-eiass iaoy atteniiaui; electric and magnetic treatment by new and Improved apparatus. Rooms 216, 21S nnd 220. Bee building. Tclcphnno 716. S. A. Glenn, manager. U AI7C2 24 atoxnv to loax-beai. estate. AIONEY to loan on Neuraswa and Iowa fwrms; lowest rates. Iirennan-Lovq Co., 303 S. 13th, Omaha. W-911 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas W-943 WANTED, city and farm loans; alsojonds nnd warrants. It. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Bco Bldg. W 310 C PER CENT money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-913 MONEY to lonn on flrstclass Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne Knox Co., N. Y. L. W-350 B, C'4, C per cent loans on Omaha. S. Omaha. l ( . i r mi -. . . . , . r, ' I ir.Q . ii. xiiumas, wi isi mat, duiik. - W-351 MONEY to loan at 5 nnd G'.4 per cent on Omaha property. XV. U. Jleikle, 401 S. loth. FIVE per cent farm loans. Chas. E. Wil liamson. W-953 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-LoVo Co., 309 So. 13th. W 9ol PBlVATE money, $100 to $1,000. J. H. Sher iwood, 333 N. Y. Life. W-9M $100 to $5,000. 1512 Davenport. W-AI715 F25 $l,0oo and upwnrds to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Fnrnam W-313 BIOXEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. I-F-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-AI-O-N-12-Y - S-E-E-U8 Wo have a large amount to loan on house hold furniture, pianos, organs, wurehouso receipts, horses, cnrringes, etc. You can get the money within a fow hours nfter making application. WE CHABGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILINQ PAPERS. Wo give you as much time as you need and you may repay the loan ns soon as you choose nnd you need not pay for It ONE DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Tel. 2293. 300 South 16th Streot S-A-L-A-R-Y-L-O-A-N-S From $10.00 up mado to people permanently employed In OMAHA. SOUTH OMAHA nnd COUNCIL BLUFFS. You can borrow of us on your own name. without endorser or mortgage. We ar range the payments as easy as Is possible, allowing you to pay ALL or IN PART AT ANY TIAIE AND YOU PAY FOR THE .MONEY ONLY WHAT TIME YOU KEEP IT. Our business Is confidential. Omaha Alortgago Loan Co. Room 119. 300 South 16th Street. Board of Trade Blue. Tel. 2295. X-957 AIONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser or mortgage STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW- F.ST RATES. No enquiries mado of em ployer or friends. You can borrow any miinnnt and retiav on ensy weekly or mnn'hly payments. Beforo borrowing eo us. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. sulto G25-526 N. Y. Life Bldg. .-S AIONEY TO LOAN ON ! HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, diamonds, watches, on easy payments, un known to others; you keep tho goods, each payment lessens the cost or mo loan; no charge for papers and wo mako no In quiries ol your neighbors. BERGERS' t XT . r ICni (.rtn.rt n.-Ai- II XC tlckot olllce. a 9a'J MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, horses i cows, Jowolry. Duff Green R. 8,Rarker blk, j X-900 ! AIONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position wun rrapnnsiDiB concerns unon their own nnmes without security; easy payiiimiio. ivu-ii iv .i. i. iiiuu. AIONEY loans on rurnlture, rigs, bicycles, ainmnnilx watchca. etc. : uavmont un. known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank, 1416 Farnam, upstairs. a wi LOANS mado Balarled pooplo on personal note wlthom security: rntes reasonable. J W. Tayloc, 218 1st Nat'l bank., 12 to 6 p. m. -v w AIONEY loaned on olanos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reod, 313 S. 13. a . . - trm a I T . T ttiti Xiinnr n ployed In Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs, holding good positions, on their own names; NO .MORTGAGE; BEST I rr.ii.un; t-vuij iihuh i..u, iuumu) u.iii be paid bick In small weekly or monthly I payments. American Loan Co., Room 601, I Bco Bldg. X-DCO AIONEY to loan on furniture, nlanos. horses, cows, etc. J. W. Tnyloe, 218 First National bank building; 12 to 6 p. m. X-961 III SIVESS CIIANl MS. FOR SALE A new and clean stock of gen eral merchnndlso In u good northeast Ne braska town. Address, X62 Bee. Y-.M6I8 27 SUBUBBAN DRUG STORE, tho nearest drug store for f,000 people. In the best residence part of city. Address A S. Bee. Y-AI711 23 SHOE stock cheap for cash. Bernhardt, Ponieroy, la. Address Fred Y-556 21 100 BARRELS whisky, owner will exchange part or nil for good paving business or real estate, Address Whisky, A 11. Bee. Y 734-20 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. A No. 1 open Ing for u llrst class dentlet; good rooms, good location; can build up a permnnent business In one of tho best towns In Ne braska. Addiesa A 12, Omaha Bee, Y-737-23 ( FOB BENT, n good store room In good location, l'i good town. Addrpss box S7. Norfolk, Neb. Y-A1730 26 FOB n.CIIAX(IP.. CLEAB vacant .ot near 27th and Chicago, 06x140, $1,250. Will trade for good rental property and pay cash difference. George O. Wallace, 313 J. J. Brown blo"ok. Z 112 BENT of 2 nnd 3-r. house; want well dug. 36 U. S. Bk. Bldg. Z-AI6S3 21 'Oil SALE BEAIi ESTATE. 9CW AND m South 20th St., two houses; ronlnl $300 per year; ehHtp at $3,fjO0. S. W. corner 3Sth Ave. and Jackson St., i;u ieei tasi trout ny isv accn; snnu r.w. Are lots, 15SXIS9 feet, Pratt's sub., S. W. of Hanscom park, $260 each. 160 acres smooth land S. W. of Benning ton; fair Improvements; $45 per aero. JUtl.N N. l-'UUKKKK, upp. old r. O. BE-610 BARGAINS Feb. 21. 1!W. C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. .MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tie. 311 or 2612 F. 3 lots at 40th and Webster. Just east Lowe Ave. $525 each. 10 room house fronting east on 32d st. near Pacific tchoap), $6,500. 96xS7 cor 31st and Alason; Mason paved, small house ami barn, $2,000. 210 or 320 acres Sarpy Co.. the Spearman farm, 15 miles from So Omaha, best farm In Co.. $55 an acre. RE 7G6-21 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS ror REAL KSTATK BARGAINS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN BUHANCE; HOUSES, FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First lloor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-967 IF YOU linvo a bargain to offer In real estate seo s. A. uroadwcli, &ui .n. y. Lite. UE-30S HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also lira insurance. Bemls, J'nxton uik. bis a.u SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co., 311 S. 5th St. BE 974 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only hco a. a. uroadwcli, out .n. y. Lice uiug. RE-972 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also lire- insurance Bemls, raxton o k. he-iW HOUSES, furms. R. C. Patterson. 300 N. Y. L. BE M312 A BARGAIN, four acres. 40th nnd Pacific. two blocks from car line, on belt rnu road, $2,500; easy terms. AlcCague In vestment Co., 1500 Dodge. RE 963 BARGAINS wanted, bargains for sale all tno tune. A. i: TUkey, uoard or Trade. RE-745 C. F. HARRISON. FAR.MS, FARA1 LOANS 111-; 007 MM HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE BLUG. Beal Estato Rentals, Loans, Insurance. BE-976 A FINE stock farm for sale or exchange; wo have a 130-ncre farm. 2s miles from Omaha, near Arlington. Neb.; tho owner will take $3,10 or $6.0ixj In Omaha prop erty ns part of purchase price. This Is worth Investigation, as the prop erty will be sold at n great bargain. Price, $35 per acre, or $15,0ikj. PAYNE-KNOX CO., Sole Agents, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg.. Omaha. BE-.M731 2i FOB SALE, flvo lots In Drake's addition to Omnha, which can lie sold In a bunch for $2,600.00. Also one nlco Int, Dodge & 29th. for $1,000.00. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. Hth St. HE 73S-2S FOR SALE, at 36th .1- California streets, thren lino residence lots at $030.00 atilece. on ensy terms. Tho Byron Reed Co., 212 So. llth St. ilia iov-jij SHORTHAND AXI) TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -jyj AT OMAHA Bus. College, 16th & Douglas. 931 BOYLES, collego court reporter principal Ben bldcr ' f 9S2 NEBBASKA Business' ii'.'SJiorthand col lego, Boyd's theater. ,n 93 DANCING SCHOOL, SPRING TERM Alornnd's dancing school begins this week; children Wednesdays and Saturdays: adults Tuesday and Friday H p. m.: nttend tho nssemhlles, Crolghton Hall Wednesday and Saturday. S:30 p. m. and learn the now dances, salute waltz, cako walk two step, and Cuban waits. Admission, couple, no cents kso v 23 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 61G N. Y. Llfo Bldg., Allco Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst. mgr. -933 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school, KirKsvnie, iuo wt i-axton oik. tci. -991 "RESULTS TELL." Osteopathv has cured where other methods have failed. Albert T. Hunt. u. u., anno 3"u Kurbnch blk., 15th nnd uougias. xci. mi. aitf A15 TYI'EWIUTICIIS. Tho Smith-Premier Tynowrltor Co., 1625 Tnrnnm Q Tplnnhnn,, IL'Sl !W1 REAUNGTON Stnndard Typewriter and supplies. Pit'J i-arnnm. so TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Fnrnam. ass I'AWNIinOlCERS. JEFFERSON Squaro Loan Ofllce. 413 N. 16, -991 EAGLE Iian Ofllce. reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas -992 MEDICAL. r.APTRa. Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are tho best; safe, reliable; take no other: send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for LadliV In letter by raturn mall. At druggists. Chichester Chemical Co.. Uhllaceipnia. ra. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vnughnn, 430 Bnmgo Bldg. 93o MANTELS, TILES, GRATES. WELSIIAN8 & HOLBROOK. 309 S. 17th st., mantles, tile poors, grates, ropnir worn. AI 110 AI10 lllllCK. ONE million building brick. Nebraska Brick Co., Bout n umuua. iciepnone. am, -356 Al-7 FOR LEASE. 66X132. with trackngo, scar henrt of city, W 33, Beo. 673 F23 MERCHANT TAILORS, BEN COHEN, nrtistlc tnllor. 404 N. 16th St HOTELS. AIETROPOLITAN, Wm. Bnrr.. Algr.: $1 to $1.23. 12th and Douglas, t'none z. 644 f: BICYCLES, EXAAIINE Crescent. Tribune, Olive. Fow ler, $25 to $50; $1 down, any amount a week, r lescner, irez capnoi .we. n FUllXITl'RE REPAIIUXU. PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather renovating tci. ixsi. m. a waikiin, 2111 cuming '. sre LAUXDHY. O At AHA STEAAt LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY 17S0 Leavenw'h. Tel. 517 -937 FUl.MTtltE PACKING. OM. Vn Stor. Co., UUft Farn. Tel. 1533, S3, ntsixnss cnvxci'.x. MAtiXI'.TIC IM'lltM.Vin. nit'. Nebraskt M.ignoth- Intlrmaiy and the Nchrask i H hool nf M.ign.tsm imtiiui- i nentlv lo oted at lf.15-1517 fhlc.isii st.. tmaha. For iist tea month at Ne braska city Bran, u mllrmorles at Broi k. Auburn. Frold. Humboldt and Ne braska city. Neb. anil Hamburg. In. All dlseise- cun-d Without drugs or sur gerj Honest men and women taught magnetic bulling nnd employed at splen 'did salaries to work In branch Inllrma rles Call or write the main otlbe In Omali.1 for partkulars. J'rof. . THeo. Kharas. Supf ; Mrs. Emtnn Kharns, Matron. . . 774 tiu:mc factory. TRUNKS, traveling bags, ult cases. 'lYunks repaired, otn Trunk Factory, t-arnam -936 NICKEL PLATING. CYCLE PARTS-AII kinds plating. Omnha I'lating co , nee niug . tci zos.. -hi AU'TIOXHEIIS. O.MAUA AUCTION CO. Satisfaction guar anteed. 620 N 16th st Telephone 210V AI7I9 5000 AGENTS psu CW.ParkerU " ntRHT'OO" ROUNDS, CVUNptR PIANOS and iwnd Organs. loot Bex 2S5.A5(UJhE.KAft (iOVEBXMEXT XO'I'ILE. PROPOSALS FOR LAUNDRY AtACHIN :RY United Sltiten Indian School Service, Milestone, Allnti . Feb, 7. 1900. -Sealed pro posals, endorsed "Proposal for laun dry Alachlnery," etc., and addressed :o the undersigned at Pipestone, Minn , will bo received at llilrt school until 2 o'clock p. tn. of .Monday, .March 5, 110. for furnish ing steam nouer. engine, extractor, wood wasner, raclt drying-rooni, an necessary tlttlngs. etc., to Install and complcto Inun drv ul the above school In strict accord ance with plans nnd specillcatluns on file at the seliooi. I tie right is reserved to re ject any and all bids; or any part of any bid. If deemed for tho best Interests of the service. Ccrtllled Checks Each bid must bo accompanied by a ertllled check for mrnti upon somo United Htatd depository or solvent national bank. made payable to the order of tho Commissioner nf Indian I Affairs, for at least o per cent of the amount of the proposal, which check or urait win no rorreited to tno culled states In caso any bidder or bidders receiving tin award shall fall to nromntlv execute n contract with good nnd sulllcletit sureties, otherwise to bo returned to the bidder Bids accompanied ny cawh In lieu of a ccrtllled check will not bo considered. For any additional Information apply to DeWItt S. Harris, Superintendent. F3-10-13-15-17-20-22-24-27.M. LEGAL NOTICE STOCKIlOLDERb .MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the roculnr annual meeting of tho stockholders Of tho South Platte Kind romnunv will bo held nt tho olllco of said company In Lincoln, iNcn., nt it o clock a. m., on the llrst Wednesdny In Alnreh, A. D. 1900, being tho 7th day ot tho month. By order of the board of directors. C. 11. AIORRILL. A. B. AIINOR, President. Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., February 6, 130A Feb. 5-d3Qt STOCKHOLDERS' AIEET1NG. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of stockholders of The Beo Pub- llshini? f'OlnnnllV will ho linM nt tlmln ortlort corner 17th anif Farnam streets, m the city of Omaha Neb., on .Monday, Alarch 6th. 1S"N), at 4 o'clock p. in. U. HOSE WATER, President. OEO. B. TZSCHUCK, Secretary. F 21m&e-10t NOTICE. NOTICE The niinual meeting of the stock- iiumers oi me Hianunrd Hallway signal and Switch company will bo held nt the otlli e of tho company, 129 Omaha National Bank building, Omaha, Neb., on Tuesday, Alarch 6, I duo. at 2 p. tn. Omaha, Feb. 21. 1900. AI. H. Bcdlleltl, Secrctnry 75S-22 POSTOKFICIl NOTICE. (Should bo read dally by all Interested, ns iiiuiKcn iiuiy occur at any time.) Foreign mulls for the week ending Feb uary 21. 1900. will closo fPROMPTLY in nit cases) at the General Postolllce, ns follows: i-arceis post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close at 5 p. m. .uouuuy. TrtiiiH-.Vtliintlc Mulls, THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, mvv l IV.I'iltl.A.NU, ITALY, SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT nnd BRIT ISH INDIA, per s. s. La Touralne, via Havro (letters for other parts of Europe must bo directed "ner s. s. La Toiimlnc 'i. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for NETHER- j,a.nijh, per s. s. spaurndum, via Rotter dam (letters must be directed "per s. s. Spaarndam"): ut 9 a. m. for ITALY, per s. s. AUer, via Naples (letters must bo directed "per s. s. Aller"); ut 8:30 a. m. (supplementary lo a. nt.) for EUROPE, per s. b. Campania, via Quecnstown. PRINTED AIATTEB, ETC. - German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take printed mutter, etc.. for Germany, and specially addressed printed mutter, etc., for other parts of Europe. American und Whlto Star steamers on Wednesdays, German steamers on Thursdays nnd Ciinard, French and German steamers on Satur days take printed matter, etc , for all countries for which thoy are advertised to carry mail. After tho closing of tho supplementary transatlantic malls named above, addi tional supplementary mulls are opebed on tho piers of tho American, English, French and German steamers, nnd remain open until within tun minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. Mulls for South mill Central America, Went IiullfN, lite. THURSDAY-At 1 n. m. f ir JAMAICA, per steumer from Philadelphia, at 10 a m. (supplementary 10:30 a. tn.) for HER AIUDA. per s. s. Orinoco. SATURDAY-At "2:30 a. m. for NASSAU, N. P., per steamer from Miami, Fin . at 7 a. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Cyrene; at 9.30 a. m. (supplemen tary 10 a. m) for BERMUDA, PORTO RICO (via San Juan), ST, THOJIAS. ST CROIX. LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS, per H. s. Pretoria; tit 10 a in. (supplementary 10:30 a. in.) for HAITI, per s. s. Amies; at 10 a. nt. (supplemen tary 10:30 ii. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAVAN1LLA and CARTIIA GENA. per h. s. Adirondack (letters for Costn Rlcn must be directed "per s. s. Adirondack "); at 10 a. ni. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Themis (letters must bo directed "per 8. s. Themis"; nt 11 a. in. for C'UIJA. per s. s. Alexlcn, via Havana: ut 11 i in. for BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUN TRIES, per s. s. Llvorno, via IVrnambui'o (letters for North Brazil must bo dlrei ted "per n. s. Llvorno"); nt 11 a. in. tor PORTO RICO. CURACAO, VENE ZUELA, SA VANILLA and CAIITIIA OENA, per s. s. Maracalbo, via San Juan, Curacao und Marucalbo; at I p. in. lor NASSAU. N. P., per s. s. Antllla; nt 1 p. m. for YUCATAN, per s. s. Tordensk Jolil, via Progreso. Alnlls for Newfoundland, by rnll to North Sydney, nnd thence by steamer, close nt this oltlco dally ut 8:30 p. m, (connecting closo hern every .Monday, Wednesday and Suturday). Alnlls for Mlquelon, by rnll to BoHtou. unit thctico by steamer, closo ut this olllco dally nt 8:30 p. m. .Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa. Fin., and thence by steamer, close ut this ofllce dally (except .Monday) at "'7 n. 111. (tho connecting closes aro on Sunday, Wed nesday and Friday). .Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fin., nnd thonco by steamer, close at tills oillco every .Monday, Tues day nnd Saturday ut 2:30 n. 111. (the con necting closes nro on Tuesday ami Satur day). Alulls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close ut this olllce dally ut 2 30 n. m. and 2:30 p. m. .Malls for Costn III, a, Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence b steamer, eloso at this olllco dally at 3 p. m. (connecting closes here Tuesdays for Costa Rlcn and Alondnys ror Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala). '"Regis tered mall closes nt 0 p. m previous day Registered mall closes at 0 p. tu. second day before. Triina-Puelllo MiiIIn, Malls for China und Japan, via Vancouver, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. 111. up to Feb ruary '"20111, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of China (registered mall must bo directed 'via Vancouver"). Alnlls for Hnwall, China, Japan and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close litre dally nt 6:30 p. m, up to IVdiruury 22d, Inclusive, for dlspati h per s s OmUi Alalia for Society Islands, via Sail Fran- n i -cs a vmuh I'OSTOFFH E XOTILE. cIsco, close here dally nt 6.3n p. in " i IVbrunry ns;l. Inclusive, for dlspati h by slilo Galilee .Mails for Hun nit. Japan. I'l.loa and the Philippine Islands, via San Fraiulsco. close here dally at 6-30 p tn. up to .March 2d. Inclusive, fur dispatch per s. s. America .Marti. .Mails for Hawaii, via San FrntHsco, elosp here dally nt 6 3n p. m. up to Mnrch 2d. Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Australia. .Malls for Alts- tralla (except West Australia, which goes vht Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco). Hnwall nnd Fill Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at 0:30 p. m. up to .March "Mil, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aorailgl. Alalls for r"hliia and Japan and Philippine Islands, via Seattle, close here dallv nt CM p. m. up to-.March 'Ith. for illspatch per s s, Kinsniu Jiaru (reglsterei tetters must no directed "via Seat"e"i Malls fur Aus tralla lexcent West Australia). New Zea laud. Hawaii. 1'IH ami Ha moan Islands. via San Fratu Isco. close hero dally at 0.30 r ' . " ! h p. m. after March ".Id nnd up to Mnrcii "17th. Inclusive, or on day of nrrlval of s. s. ("atnpnnlu. due at New York Alnreh "17lh, for dispatch per j. s. Mariposa. Transpacific malls nre forwarded to port of sailing dally rind the schedule of closing is airnnired on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. 'Begls tercd mall closes at 6 p. tn. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postolllce. New York. N Y Feb. 16, 1900. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. BURLINGTON & .Mis souri River Railroad -"The Burlington Route' -General Oltlccs, N. N . Comer Tenth and Fnrnnm Sts. Ticket olllce, 1502 Far nam street. Telephone. 200. Streets. Tele- Depot, Tenth and Mason Leave. Arrive. Phone, 310. ,, a 7:10 pm a 85 pm Lincoln. Denver Colo- rndo. Utah. Uatlforn it i.a 4..o pm Lincoln, Black HUK Montana & Pugot pm Lincoln Fast .Mall .......ft 3;O0 pm Denver. Colorado Utah & California a 3:00 pm al0:35 ant al0:35 am n 6:20 am a Daily CHICAGO. RURLINOTON it Cjumcy lllllro.1.lur.1J'l? BiirUnBton Route '-Hck't opi.-e 1303 Farnam St. Tel. 250. Depot. Tenth & Alason Streots. Telephone, 310 Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spc- . . . a 6:40 am ciai , , . Chicago Vest Untied. Ex Chicago Express Chicago t St. L. Ex . Patiilc Junction Local Fast Alnli r Dally a 5:05 put a S:CO nm a 8:50 nut a 4:05 pm a 7:15 ptu u 8:05 am alOtla an. a 2:13 pm KANSAS CITY, ST. Jo seph ,t Council Bluffs Railroad "Tho Burling ton Route' Tlckot Office, 102 Farnatn Street. Tele phone. 250. Deot. Tenth and Alason Streets. Tele phone, 310. Leave. Arrive. Kanfas City Dnv Ex . .a 8:50 am a 6:17 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:15 pm a 6:15 am St Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis, a 4:53 pm all:15 am u Dally FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Vnlloy Rnllroad "Tho Northwestern Line" General Otllces. United Btntes National Bk. Bldg . S W Corner Twelfth nnd Fnrnnm Hta Tlcltet Olllce, 1401 Fnrnam Ot. Telcphono 561. De po'., 16th and Webster Sts. Telcphono I45S. i.eave. Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Soward....b 3:00 pm Norfolk, Vcrdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 nm Lincoln, Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 nm Fremont Local c 7:30 am Arrive. a 5:00 pm o 5:00 pm b 0:00 pm bi0:23 am bl0:25 am a Dnlly. b Dally except Sunduy. c Sun day only d Dnlly except Saturduy. o Dally except Alondav. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Olllce, 1401 I-arnatii Strcot. Tele phone 561. Depot, Tenth and Alason Streets. Tel,.. phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a6;10nm all:63 pm Chicago Passenger a 1:15 pm ul0;10 am Eastern Express. Des Alolnes, Alarshalltown, Cedar Rapids and Chi cago al0:53 am a 4:05 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago and Ens a 1:55 pm a 4:03 pm Fast .Mall. Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chleago Special. a 7:30 pm a 8:00 am Fast Mail u 8:30 am a .Dally. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "Tho North western Lino" Genernl Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. Cltv Tlcknt nm,.., HOI r arnum St Telephone 661, Depot. 15th nnd Webster Sts. ... . Lenvc. Arrlvo. Twin City Passonger. . .a 6:00 nm a 9:00 pm Omaha Passengei .. , all:20 am Sioux City & North- east Nebraska a 3:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" Geiipral Otllces, United States National Bank Building. S. W. Corni.r Tivnlfiv, iind Farnam Kt Tlrlmt Oflico, 1401 Farnam St. Telcphono 661. De pot, Tenth & Alason Sts. Telephone 623. Leave. Arrive, Twin City Express a 0.50 am nl0;50 pm Twin City Limited .. .u 7:20 pm a 8:15 am Sioux City Local a S:00 am u 4:20 pm a Dally. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL rond Omaha. Kansas City & Eastern Rullroad "Tho Qulncy Routo"-Tlckat Of fice, 1115 Furnam Strict. Telephone. 322. Depot, Tenth nnd Alarcy Streots. Tolo. phone, 029 Leave, Arrive. Cannon Ball a 4:45 pm n 8:35 pm St. Loins Express r;x press a 4:10 pm a s 30 nm KaniMin City and Qulncy Loca. a 6:40 am a 8:50 pm a Dally. UNION PACIFIC "THEOVER land Routo" General Ofllces, N E. Cor. Ninth nnd Fnrnam Streets. City Ticket Olllco, 1.102 Fnrnuin Street. Telophono 316. Depot, Tenth and Aluson Streets. Tel-pnono 629. Leave Arrlvo. Tho Overland Limited.. a 8 50 am a 7.20 pm Tho Fast Atall a 9:00 nm a 3:23 pm The Colorado Special... all :53 pm a 0:55 nm The Portlnnd Speclnl ..11 8:50 am u 4:40 pin Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromslmrg Express, .b 1 10 pm Iil2:25 pm Pacific Expn-.s ... .11 1:25 pm a 6:85 unt Grntiil I'und Local ...b 6:30 pm b 9:30 am b Dally excopt hiiuuuy. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket ofllce, 1402 Farnam street. Telo pnoii" 2l.i. Depot, Tenin und Alasuii streets. Lenve. a 12:10 pm Arrive, a 4:03 pm a 8:15 am b 9:40 pm a 8 '15 am Chicago Express Chlcngit Limited a 7:3 j pm Minneapolis and HI. Paul Express Allnneapolls nnd St. Paul Limited Fort Dndgo Local 7:00 am 7;33 pm from Co. Bluffs b 4:30 pm bl0:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sundays. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Ofllces and TI. ket OHIO Southeast Cor ner 14th und Douglas Sts, Telephone, 104. Depot, 15th and Webster Hu. Telephone, 1433. Leave. Arrive. S. Ixiuls, Kansas He Nob. L inlted ...a2:S0pm nl2:55 pm K C -St L Express, a 9:50 pm n 5:50 am Nebruska lcil Via Weeping Water b 5:05pm a 3:45 am a Dttly. b Dally except Sunday UHlCAaO, MILWAUKEE & HinuAiiicc' "Cket Ofllce. 1501 Fnrnnm lni!LWA'"ttl Street. Telephone 2. Depot. CJ ' ?p. Tenth nnd Aluson Streets. Telephone 629. " Leave Arrive Chicago Limited Ex, ...a 7:35 pm a 8:20 am Chicago & Omuha Ex blLoO urn b 3 55 pm Hiouic City and Dea 'AI sines Express, bit ',00 am b 3:55 pm u Dully, U Dally except Sunday. .Mm a Dally I IIIIMVVV TIMi: T.VtlLF.S. CHICAGO. ROCK 1SL and & Pacific Railroad ' The Great Book 1st and Boulo." City Tick et Olllce, 1$S Frnftin Street Telephone 4li. Depot. Tenth .Mason Streets. Telephone, (39. t,cs Aloincs and Daven- i.eavc. Arrive. nort iA ul a 7:05 am c hi aRo l-.pres .. . btt;15 am i idiago last Exiuc-i. .it 5;t pm st, Paul Express .. a 5.00 pm i incolr. Col ir.'do Spgs., Denver, Fueblo and Ww. a 1:30 pm Dcs Alolnes R0ek Isl- nnd and 1 hlcago . ..a 7:25 pm bll:.T am a S:10 am a 1:35 pm bll:35 am 4 4:25 pm a 5-SO pm v uiuiiiuy .v i riu o oopni a Dally b Dally 'except Sunday a v.-v am VT A BASH RAILROAD- OtVTrr:l Ticket Olllce. IWI Fn: C-.MIiOV Street. Telephone $. M.IWnWfl I'ot. Tenth and A J VZZZXi. streets. Telephone , nrtinm Be- Alatcy Leave. Arrive. St. Louts "Cannon Ball" Express ti 4:15 pm a f :40 am a Dally. AlilllCI l.i'l It AL GOSSIP. Tho reclamation of arid lands, which was a prominent feature of food-producing' opera tions In India. Chlua mid Egypt many centuries ngo, Is now receiving more at tention from the United Stntes government than ever befote. Doth houses of congrera have strong committees on Irrigation. The olllcets of tho gcloglenl survey nre making extended Investigation In Irrigable districts. comparing tho vnlttes of different methods ot Irrigation and tho utilities of different t-otirees of water supply. Tho census oflho Is supplementing these efforts of tho govern ment by mnklng a census of Irrigation wells, dams, reservoirs, springs, raunls and dltchra nnd tho cost and character thereof, oi water rights, stiles and rates; of the acreage, quantity and valuo of Irrigated crops and of unclaimed but Irrigable land areas. According to the Grocery World the pickle, crop Is short and prlcea $1.60 to $2 higher than last )tir. Conservative estimate placo It at 50 per cent of last year, mnklng It tho smallest crop In twenty years. Pickle Jobbers will bo paying S per barrel of 1,200 pickles, which mentis another dollar tidvnnre. Last yenr tit tills time tho price was $6. nnd a llttlo later $3. Still tho present price Is reasonable, compared with sotnii previous years. Last yenr the retailer paid $S, and a few years before $3. The cause of crop shortage Is a peculiar blight, for which as yet the scientists havo found no remedy. An Illustration of agricultural siic'imii under disadvantages Is related h an English paper, which says Hint an Intelligent Irish farmer has discovered that by plant Ing onions and potatoes in tho taine Held In nltevtiato rows tho onions become eo strong Hint they bring tears, to tho ccs of tho potato In such volume that the roots aie kept moist, and a big crop Is raised In splto of tho drouth. Montana boasts of the second largest apple orchard In the United States, It Ii the property of Marcus Daly, and contains 565.000 trees, being part of tho fatuous Bitter Hoot stock farm. Another big orchard, I owned by the Bitter Root Orchard com pany, containing 49.000 apples trees in one solid block. There nro many orchards In western Montana containing frcan ,000 to 10,000 trees. For 1899 the world's corn crop Is 2,611, 000,000 bushels, ot which the United State furnishes 2,200,000,000$ bushels: Austria Hungary furnishes 08,000,000 bushels, a serious fnlllng off from the 153,000,000 bush els of last year. Argentina comes next, with 72.000,000 bushels; then conies Italy with 68,000,000 htuihela. Tho crop In about 111,000.000 bushels moro than tho aVerags crop of tho last four years. Holders of mules In tho bOtithwcst nro reaping a harvest ft otn England's eagerness to provide themselves with tho American animal, vvhcwo musical notes ore long among the familiar features nf life In tho American army, says the Corn Belt. An order for 2,400 mules raised tho price, and It Is ex picteil that 9,000 or 10,000 will bo needed, na they certainly will bo If tho disease which has broken out lu South Africa, Bhould spread. Tho American niulo Is found to be superior to the Spanish or itnllan Importa tion. Minnesota HtutlstleUns furnish tho follow ing facta regarding poultry nnd egg ship n cuts from that state during the yenr 1899; Eighteen hundred wa of eggs wero shipped out ot tho Btato, averaging 100 cases to tho car. making 720.000 cases, 21,600.000 eggs, averaging 12 cents per doien, bringing Into tho state $2,692,000. In dressed poultry, :17." cars wero nhlppcd from tho stnte, averaging 30,000 pounds per car, making a total of 11.250.000 pounds, which fetched an average ot 8 cents per pound, amounting to the sum ot $900,000, which, lidded to the egg ship ments, inailo n grand total of (3,192,000, In tho year Just closed Nebraska hroku l'u corn-producing record. Tho corn crop of 1899 exceeded tho record ot the best previous year by 11,217,210 bushels, tin footing showing tho enormous total of 244,. 125,093 bushels. Vrovlous to 1899 tho great, eat corn year was 1897. Last year the aver age yield per aero was 31.5 bushels. Tho Kar.ja corn crop, with ono exception, wan the largest yet ptodtieed In the elate, being; 22i.. 183,432 bushels. The only previous year which surpassed these figures was 1899, when tho yield was 273.8S8.32t bushels, but last year's crop rxceedod In valuo any preceding crop by $1,131,627. Tim Dost (111 Daily Globo has this tu say on heot Htiger: It Is said on what should ho excellent authority thnt fully two-thirds of the world's supply ot sugar now conies from the beet. Certain it In that tho production of thli no veeslty Is no longer conllnod to tropic regions, hut Is found prolltnhlo by dwellers In toinpornto zones, notably tin we of our own continent. "Snnio Idea of tho development of the beet liugar industry ot tho world may bo gained by the comparison of btutlstlcs regarding this product. Ilefuro the '70'n It Is doubtful whether tho production of the wholn world lu this lino rcarhcl,000,000 Ions yearly. For tho present season tho beet Migar out put la estimated nt 6,510.000 tons figures which put tho statistics ot tho yield ot ciuie sugar, unco ho Important, qultu In the uhade. "Clearly, sugar ,1s likely to havo a Keen Interest, for people particularly American people tor many a loug year to tome." I'oivl Note fur I'clirnii i-, St. Paul (ilobo: Cleaullncni should be our special coptdiloratlnn this month. Fowl havo been housed for many wscka up to now, ami great care must be taken lo keep coops frco from dampness. Therefore change, all the old, worn-out litter tor new, fieali 1.1 raw or hay. On some mild, plcnsuiU day open tho wimlowH wide and give the house us many such airings as poslblo. Kerosenn rnoats, upper und tinder Hide, ovory week. Keep your layers busy, nnd don't over feed. Eggs ate high, and It is now that you want ull each hen can possibly lay. Weed out your lazy layers; mako each hen a producer. Feed plenty of green food, nnd. keep tho shell boxes full. Green cut bono or lean uirat, fed three times a weelf, will utlm ulate your layers. 1)0 not glvo co mid water to your fowls tit 7 o'clock In the morning; wait until 10 or 11, and then glvo them warm water Feed plenty of wholn corn at night when tho weHther Is very (old, ' Due lis should begin to lay this month. i I