Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Eavla fells glaes.
fine A. V. C. beer, Ncumayer'u hotel.
VeInbueh burners ut TJIxby's. Tol. 191.
.fludwelaer beer U Hosenfeldt. agent.
I'hotos, MiiRurrell & Co., 5 Muln street.
Att irnfy H. A. HallcnKcr left yesterday
lor (Smut. Neb., on business.
Mlixt Florence Diamond left last evening
on u visit to Wllsonvllle. Neb.
C!ct your work dono at the popular Eagle
laundry. "21 Broadway. 'I'hono 157.
Iir Hanson has been appointed elevator
conductor at tho federal building.
W. C. KBtop, undertaker, 28 Pearl treet.
Telephones: Otllcc, S7: icsidence. 23.
Mlrt Kiln. Torrenco left hint evening on a
Visit to friends In Howling Green, Ky.
Tho placo to have your frnmlnB done,
Alexander's Art Kmporlum. 233 Uroadway.
J. 15. Hudd la seriously 111, at the homo
nf his diiushter-ln-law, Mrs. John Itudd,
icrj Avenue II.
Mr and Mrs. J. It. Kllsworth have been
culled to Madison. WIm , by tho death of
Mrs. KIlHwnrtb'B father.
H V McDonnell, a former resident of
Council HluffH, now llvliif, In Ht. Imls, Is In
the city vIslMriK old-time friend.
Mm. V. l'r. Ilrown of Third avenue, who
Ii.ih been HUfferltur from un nttack of tho
trio, Is reported to be convalesclnc.
I' B. MunKor, traveling freight nsent
of tho Illinois fenlral. with headquarters
at Sioux City, wiui In the Muffs yesterday.
Samuel A. IVnso and Mary K. Schtiell,
both from Harvard, Neb., were married In
this city yesterday. Justice Vlen olllelutlnfr.
fieorue, son of O. W. Phelps, 702 First
nvenue, was reported to tho Board of
Health yesterday as HtifforlliB from diph
theria. Mis A. n Mlkesell of North htKlith
treet Is roiillrutl to her home with a
broken let,' tho rtttfult of a full on a sllp
jinry sidewalk.
The cases against J. C Harrington nnd
John McNamara in police court, charged
with disturbing the peace, were continued
yesterday until March 1.
Meorge Adams, an expressman, will havo
a hearing thU afternoon before
avrrler on a charge of threatening to Kill
jirefcrred by A. U. Southwell.
V. W. Ilanthorn has purchased tho
three-story brick Imlldlng on Broadway be
tween Fourth and Main streets, recently
occupied by U. 15. Adams as a shoo store.
Tho trial of tho damage stilt of M. W.
r.eorgo against the city was completed yes
terday and given to the Jury at 6 o clock.
At a lato hour tho Jury nad failed to re
turn a veidlct.
Harry Walker, charged with stealing a
chain, tho property of a man named t.ul
Juti, last summer, entered n plea of guilty
In tho superior court and was sentenced to
thirty day In tho county Jail.
Tho meeting of the ladles' Aid society of
St. JoIhi'm Kngllsh Lutheran church will bo
held Friday afternoon at tho residence of
Mrs, M. P. Schmidt, H20 rutrinouiu iivenu.-,
Instead of on Thursday, as previously ar
ranged. ,
Colonel .loo Snaldlng linn announced hlm
pelf im a candidate, on the republican ticket
for tho nomination for city welghmaster
Ho Is a veteran of the civil war. In which
lie, lost his right arm. and has many friends
in tho city. .
Hans Olsen died last night at his borne In
Madison park of pneumonia ii ler a short
Illness, aged I'J years. His wlfo and four
"Ken survive. Two brothers It : er and
'harlot! Olsen. are residents of this city.
Kotlco of funeral will bo given later.
Shaduklam temple, No. 84. Drama tie Or
der Knights of Khorassan of Council Hlurrs,
tiled articles of Incorporation yesterday In
the county recorder's olllce, 1 red U
l.ocwe, J. A. Hereld and J. J. Klein nre
jiamed art trustei'S for tho corporation for
tho llr.t rear.
. Mrs. Hva Hough, wife of C. Hough, died
(Monday night In Omaha, ugeu
deceased was a slater of V. H. Leo of Gnr
nur township. Tho body has been brought
?o tl m i city and Is now at tho undertaking
i-ooms of V. C. Kstep. Notice of funeral
iwill be elven later.
As many of those Interested desired to
attend the republican meeting in tho clt
JmN. the meeting called for last night to
dispose of tho surplus cash In the Ilft
llrst Iowa reception fund was adjourned
until 11 o'clock this morning, when It "will
lie held in Secretary Tlnlcy officii.
Thursday being Washington's birthday
nnd a legal holiday, the public schools of
till" :ltv will be closed. Patriotic exercises
will be held this afternoon In all the school
All ilw. uclinnl rooms have been
..pproprlately decorated and tho exercises
this afternoon will consist of patriotic
eongs, recitations and addresses.
John Voentker. who conducted a snlpon at
1021 South Main street. Is missing. Ho left
Ills place of business Monday afternoon nnd
'as not been seen since. The South Omaha
Brewing company has taken charge of the
Hiiloon. He was a single man and his
friends think thut. Ilndlng the .saloon was
not a paying concern, lie decided to mitt
without giving the brewing company notice.
A mini giving tho name of John "vine,
ww arrested last night, charged with i tho
theft of two horso blankets from "Dutch,
the veteran hackmnii. last Sunday morning.
3lo was Identified ns the person who pledged
In a local pawnshop n number of carpenter
tools, maikcd with the Initials P. I..
These the pollco believe, he stole some
whero utul aro Investigating. Ho Is a
BtniUBcr here.
Uecelpts at tho Christian Home eontlnuo
in be below tho needs of the Institution.
Tho tlnunclal report for last week nhows
that 111 tho cenernl fund SUH.30 was re
ceived, being $:sti.70 below the estimated
needs for tho current expenses of the week
nnd increasing tho dellclency In this fund
to dato to $Jl,-i. In the manager s fund
-.7.50 was received, being $7.W below the
needs of the week and Increasing dellclency
to dato to Ul-.l in xnis num.
'Mrs. Jolninnan Wlesehann died yesterday
morning ut her home, "St South Main street,
of heart failure, aged 0.1 years. A son and
daughter survive hex. Tho funeral will be
held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o clock rrom
the residence and Interment will bo In I'lUr
vlcw cemetery. Itev. Vanderauo will con
d ic tho servues. Decease.1 had conducted
a bakery and restaurant on South Muln for
the last twenty years. The pull ei ers w I t
bo Messrs. Meruen. Arnd, Spetmun, Sulli
van, KverH and Greet.
Mrs. Sedella Hough died yesterday after
noon at her home near Crescent City, ngeil
W years. Two daughters and three sons,
who were at her bedside when death came,
mirvlvo her. Her husband died about two
months ago from Injuries received In a fill
from a windmill. The fullers! will bo held
Thut winy afternoon at 1 p clock from the
Hoonier uemetery church, leaving the fain
llv residence at noon. Hev. Mr. intlyHlft
will conduct tho services and Interment will
ibe In tho Boomer townsli!' cemetery.
lllchard llooteii wns arrested last evening
on complaint of his wife, who charged him
with disturbing the peace, assault and but
tery and malicious destruction of properly.
It Is charged that Hooten, after a quarrel
with his wife, assaulted her by strlk tig her
w ith a brick and that, not content with this,
lie proceeded to smash the household goods
until the house looked as If It had been
si ruck by n cyclone. Hooten was recently
before tho Insanity commissioners on com
n ,!. ii-if., who eharued him with
being mentally unbalanced. Ho Is said to bo
an inveterate siiiomt oi iinunuvo,
N. Y. l'lutnblng C'. Tei. 250.
Ileal r.ntnte 'rrniiNftT.
The following transfer were filed yester
day In tho abstract, tjtlo and loan otfico of
J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street:
llnrold Ollford nnd wife to W. W.
Ilanthorn. 1 i'-lS feet lot 2 unit w;
iu f.,i t,it :I rpiilat nf James
Miibd. of lot Kf. Original Plat. w. d.l S,CX)
"W. R. lfttutHberrv and wife to Jonah
II Allen, northerly 1-j of lot 2, subd.
of original lot "K," J"lm Johnson's
add., w. t
Eanio to Hiiinllton W. Manner, south
erly of lot 2, subd. of original lot
John Johnson's add., w. d
William Hulier tu William H. Tolbert,
et al. nei section 15, i4 feVt section
21. sei4 no 21-73-lW: ot'j ot section
27, anil w4 swi,( 20-71-2S. w. d. ........
J,, p. Jmlson to Fort Dodge & Omahii
Railroad Co.. right of wuy In sec
tions 2 and :i-75-ll, d
J Holt Kasley ct al, tnistees, to
fleorgo Bullls et al, llU sis no ne'
M-7B-3S, q. c. d....
i:ecutors of lloruce Hverett to Al
bert B. Morgan. eV net; 12-i5-S)i,
i:quiniblo' i.ifo " in'surunco Co. to
Omaha. Council Bluffs & Suburban
Rullwav Co.. Cut feel Wide across lot
S, Douglass' subd., d
Rlirht transfers, aggregating J12.237
Negotiated tn Kaaturn. Nbrask
and town. James N. Casndy, Jr..
VtH Mulii BU, Council uiuns.
Largt Gathering of R'preientativB Okizins
ii Held at tho Oitj flail,
Hcpiihllcnii McctinK Ailopls Hesolu
tlmia Hint Declare fur (loud C'aii
dldnlcn nnd Honesty In
.Municipal A (In Irs.
Tho business men havo decided to tako
an active part In tho coming city election
anil tho republican meeting held Tuesday
night at tho city hall, attracted a largo
gathering of repreacntutlvo citizens. The
council chamber was inadequate to accom
modato tho number present and many had
to h content and watch tho proceeding!)
from the hall and landing outside. Thu
gathering was tho most representative held I
In this city for many years. It was marked
by harmony and tho sentiment unanimously
voiced was that nono but men of undoubted
fitnce.1, efficiency and Integrity should be
tho nomlnern of tho party for the various
municipal officer to bo voted on March 20
next. The following resolutions, submitted
by 15. H. Lotlgee, were unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That In the now era of prosperity 1 stnte.
upon which wo are enterliiff, fraught, as It Tho marshal s office I In receipt of let
Is, with abundant opportunities for tho ml- irri) dally, coming from almost every town
vuncement of Council Bluffs there la a spe
cial need for wise, conservative and efficient
administration of our municipal affairs
that enterprise, growth and prosperity may
not bn handicapped by unwise municipal
Resolved. That It Is especially necessary
Ht this time that tho Implement, manufac
turing, mercantile, real estate and laboring
interests of our city, upon which so largely
depends the welfare of our people, nhould bo
represented In the city government and that
men representative of these Interests should
be selected for the positions of mayor and
members of the city council, ns an adminis
tration of municipal a mi Irs In the hands of
representatives of these great Interests will
materially advance the prosperity and in
terests of the city ut large and of every
Resolved, That we are In favor of a wlso
nnd prudent municipal administration that
will encourngo every legitimate enterprise
and by reducing tho burdens of taxation to
tho lowest posslblo limit and Hccurlng tho
larucst results from evorv inunlcloal cv-
pendlturo will add to tho opportunities of
success from business enterprise.
Kcfrulvci), That wo urn In favor of equal
and Just taxation and that all property shall
bear Its, due share of public burdens, but
with tho heavy burden of taxation now rest-
,LK.uJ,?,i "r.l,(,J'I,1.c.w.n are opposed to any
iirupuai'41 Hiaio legislation mat win nuu to
that 'burden or glvo opportunities for In-
creased taxation or Indebtedness on tho part
or mo municipality, that. In our Judgment,
tho condition of tho finances of our city can
be best Improved by wise, economical nnd
efficient adminlstrat
rather than in seek- 1
ing new suujects or taxation.
nosoived. -mat in the present emergency I l"u - ; - -
tho supremo test for appointment to public 1 tho hUIo by supplying his fellow towns
iiosltlon should bo fitness nnd efficiency and nlcn wjth liquor
Integrity and not mado to depend upon ad-1 Tth,i 'tjit, Mnrihnl McNnUEht.
vuncement or personal or partisan Interests. I Vopuly United States Jlarsnni .Mc.NauRni,
Resolved, That we, as republicans, bellovo i In discussing the effect of Judgo oolson fl
the policy above outlined to be best, not order In this district, said: "While In Rome
orthfe a professional witness to not al-
nose Is to outline this nollev nnd tr mubn vuvs reliable and may at tlnYes not adncre
suggestions to the party, not In any spirit strictly to the truth, especially If by strctch
of ruction or antagonism, but In the boiler , , .it iMi hn rnn make somc
that tho course outlined will meet with tho ! ,UK nta vpraclty a little ho can maKO some
approval or tho runk and tile of the remib- thing by It. still without them It Is almost
Mean party of Council Bluffs, and tn Invlir.
them to united effort to secure tho adoption
of this policy, believing that If uble, eillclent
nnd conservatlvo tiuslness men are nom
inated with a view to and efficient ad
ministration, the action of the republican
primaries will appeal to tno judgment nnd
business Interests of the citizens or Council
Bluffs, Irrespective of rormer party affilia
tions, and will result ut once In republican
triumph nnd public good.
Resolved, Thnt we congratulate, the re-
puuucnn city central
cnmmlttf.n nn llin
rSffanuViSTpS?, XrSK 1
in inrvii un uuiivi' wan in mo anuirs oi tne
republican caucuses to the end that they
may register the highest conscience utul
l..,l..,M .1 u. ..
wcai jun.iiviii ui nil. Jfitl I) ,
SiieneiT .Smith Spenkn.
Tho meeting was called to order by Spen
cer Smith, who mado a short opening ad
dress. He said In part: "One week ago
tonight at a private otllco In tho city some
twenty representative republicans met In
conference regnrdlng tho approaching city
election. Tho Importance of the coming
election was Impressed upon them and tho
noccsslty of tho republican party making
ouch nominations ns will Insure the admin
istration of this city for tho next two years
being In tho hands of the republican party."
Mr. Smith reviewed tho city expenditures
under tho democratic and republican admin
tstratlons for a number of yeais back and
showed that tho floating Indebtedness of the
city hud been formed during the
tlmo tbo affairs of tho munici
pality wero In tho hands of the
democrats. Ho urged tho necessity of hav
ing tho various Interests of the city rep
resented in tho council, haying "that those
who pay tho fiddler and dance to tho nutate"
should havo somo say In tho city's affairs
Closing, he called upon the meeting to se
lect Its chairman and secretary, and C. M.
Hurl and Steve Connors wero selected chair
man and secretnry respectively.
On taking his scat Mr. Harl made n rous
ing talk, In which ho dwelt upon tho neces
sity of tho solid business men of tho city
taking a more ucllvo part In local politics
ind raid ho was glad to see by tho number
present that they evidently Intended to do
so this year. Ho reviewed tho prosperity
that had come to the country since the
election of McKlnley and said the Indication
wero for n sweeping republican victory thl
spring that would anco moro place the ad
ministration of tbo affairs nf the munici
pality In tho hands of the grand old party
His speech was frequently interrupted by
Coiuiiiitli'o In It !' in m c-iifl ('uiiilldiiti'N.
After tho adoption of the resolution sub
mitted by K. H. IftOUgee, Frank Keys sug
gested that In order to secure the nun.
representative candidates obtainable a com
mittee 'bo appointed by tho chulr, consist
ing of two members from each ward to se
lect candidates for each ofilco to bo voted
on who would accept the nomination If of
fered them.
Somo question was raised as tn whether
this would not interfero with the cnucuscs,
but on It being explained that such selec
tion was only Intended to act as u recom
mendation, tho suggestion, placed In the
form of a motion, wus carried unanimously.
Chairman Harl stated that tbo selection of
tho ccwnmltteo being such an Important mat
ter, ho would tako time to appoint It.
II. II. Field brought up the matter of tho
abolishment of tho superior court with a mo
tion to the effect that It was the scoso of the
meeting that tho city council bo requested
to submit to tho voters at the coming city
olectlcn tho question of abolishing this
court. The motion was carried without a
dissenting voice.
Tho meeting then adjourned subject to the
call of the chairman. It being practically
understood that one will bo called as soon
as the conunltteo on candidates It ready to
mako Its report.
Red Men dance tonight. 0, A. R. hall.
Mlnlnir Com puny Klerta lllreclnm.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of tho Molllo Olbson Consolidated Mining
and Milling, company of Colorado was held
yesterday morning at the office of Ross &
Hons, the company's agents In this state
the corporation being one of thu many Colo-
rado mining concerns Incorporated under tho
laws of Iowa. Tho following directors wcro
elected: J. J. Hagortnan, H. J. Holies, Percy
Hagerman. W. O'Brien, C. 15. Palmer, Irving
Hoahcrt and J. B. (Irant. W. F. Oreonwood,
secrctnry nnd treasurer of tho company, was
tho only stockholder present nnd voted the
proxies. The reimrts showed that tho. com
pany had enjoyed a fairly encouraging year
In lSfO and had managed to save a little. In
former years tho Molllo Gibson was one of
tho most productive mines In Colorado, but
of lato years has not been paying. Tho
stockholders are, however, keeping their
holdings and feel confident that tho property
will yet he a big money producer. No dlvl
dtiids havo been paid for several years.
IIAItS I'll ( I' I1SS I . A I, WITXHSMl.S.
Woolnnn'n ItiilhiK 1" I'ediTiil Court In
Cnni'N if Mootli-HKlim:.
When Judge Munger convenes the March
term of United States court In this city, ho
will bo asked by the United States mar- I
shal of this dlutrlct to rescind a certain
order made by tho Into Judgo 'Woolson
shortly before his death. Tho order In
question was that no inoro revcuuo viola
tion eases were to be brought on tho tetl
mony of 'Witnesses who ninko this a busi
ness nnd furnish Information to tho federal
nuthoritlcH for tho fees they expect to re
cclvo. In other words, Judgo Woolson or-
dered that no prosecutions for "bootleg-
glng" were to lie Instituted on tho testl
tnony of- professional wllncsacs.
Tho effect of this order. It Is claimed by
tho mnrshal and his deputies, has been to
materially IncreaBo bootlegging nnd that
there Is more Illegal whisky selling doing
on In tho southern district of Iowa right
I today than over before In the history of tho
In tho district, ami especially from the
towns where prohibition provalls, complain
ing that whisky in being sold illegally and
calling upon tho United Slates marshal to
stop It. Without the assistance of so-called
profofHlonnl witnessed or "spotters." tho
deputy marshals find little can bo accom
plished. Kvcry small town has Its boot
legger and somo of them moro than one,
but the person to whom they noil will not
testify ngalnst them, except In very rare
Instances. Tlmo nnd time nguln, when tho
marshal has been notified of n person vio
lating tbo revenue law by selling whisky
or beer without a government license, nn
effort has been made to secure the- neces
sary evidence, but to no avail. The pur
chasers will not furnish tho oITlcerB with
tho evidence that would Justify them making
an arrcat. For a number of years It had
been the policy In this district, before Judge
Woolson set his heel down on the practice,
to send a professional witness Into the
community whero bootlegging was reported
. . rnmnnf TMlI witn(,SB would remain
w 1 " . . . . .. .. ,,
long enough In tho town to get pretty well
nrrmalnted and tr.ko a hand In tho card
" , ,, ..- rnrnrv store Bv
Karnes nt tho corner grocery store. liy
method ho would not
bo long before he
W0Uld worm himself Into the confidence of
,, nn nvtrn .iniaP on
ImposHlble to seeuro cvldcnco against tno
men who make a living by defrauding Uncle
Sam. Since Judgo Woolson's order, nnd tho
bootleggers were not slow to get on to the
mirnort of It. illicit whisky selling has been
rapidly on tho Increase In this district. If
wo were nllowed. to have tho use or assist
ance of these profefulonal witnesses or
spotters, I bellovo that wo would be nble
to round up 100 or even moro violators oi
tho revenue law before the spring term of
leuerai rauri uiiens huai iiwuiu.
eminent wants the practice of bootlegging
really stopped, why the sooner Judgo ooI
.son's order Is revoked the better."
Tied Men dance tonight. O. A. R. hall.
Davis sells paints.
Itur ANMiieliitlnn .Meeting: Cnllcd.
A meeting of tho Bar association has been
called for this morning at 10 o'clock in the
superior court room, nt tho request of Gtato
Senator Hazelton, for tho purpose of discuss
ing tho question of tho transferor Harrison
county from the Fourth to the Fifteenth
Judicial district, as contemplated In a bill
now before tho legislature. Another matter
likely to romo before the meeting will bo
that of securing legislation prohibiting tho
practice of foreign attorneys In tho Iowa
courts who have not been admitted to prac
tice In tho courts of this Btate. Also to
compel foreign attorneys to employ local
attorneys upon whom servlco can bo mado.
Star of Jupiter lodgo will glvo a grand ball
at W. O. W. hall Thursday, Fob. 22. Prizes
for clog danco and two-step. Tickets, 25c
per couple.
"Wanted A nurse girl,
(iee, &27 Willow five.
.Mrs. J. R. T. Mc
Red Men dance tonight. O. A. R. hall.
VlnrrliiKc IiIci-iinch.
Licenses to wed were iFsued yesterday to
the following persons:
Name and Residence. Age.
Samuel A. Pense, Harvard, Neb 2)
Mary K. Schnell, Harvard, Neb 23
J. I,. Adams, Des Moines .Tl
Kilna J. Brass. Des Moines 23
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" curco coujhs, colds.
War AuiiIiimI Siilnoiin,
ON'AWA. In., Feb. 20. (Special Tele
gram.) Last night somo of tho temperance
people mot nnd formed an anti-saloon
league. A president, secretary and treasurer
were elected, also an executlvo committee
of seven wns chosen. Today they notified
each of the threo saloons here that thoy
must close within twenly-four hours or pro
ceedings would be commenced against them.
Hcltninu Bros, and F. O'Connor sny they
will William Wlso. owner of the
largest saloon, is undo:lded nnd said ho
would see tho committee. They havo been
paying $1,800 undor tho mulct law. Present
Indications nro that Onnwa will bo dry
until tho bootlegger commences action.
lllUII .Vl'HK .Vllll-H.
Tho threo banks of Mason City purchased
the $7G.n block of bonds Issued by Cervo
Oordo county fur tho purpose of erecting
u new court house.
Kdltor Crawford of the Cherokee Herald
bus departed for Paris, where he has a
government Jib ut tho exposition, uud Mrs.
Crawford is In chnrge uf the Herald.
William (iliscm. a bridge foreman on tho
Northwestern road, had both tyes blown
out by an explosion of dynamite. Ho was
workln- near M.ifvm City ut the time.
The opposition to grantluir cmiMnnt in
operate bullions In Palo Alto county Is very
active and the Kmmnicburg Reporter savs
It looks like hard sloddlug fur tho sulnon
Harry liming, un Adams county man,
makes skunk trapping a profitable In
dustry llo brought thirty pelts to Corning
tho other day for shipment. Pelts Urlny
t each.
William Northcutt nf Brighton hns been
arrested at Mexico, Mo., on tho chargo of
Identity. It Is asserted he has a wife nnd
amlly at Bilghton. but notwithstanding
That lias married a blind girl who lives at
Scotland, Mo.
The body of William Huff, nn old m.n
who dUuapcuriHl some time ngo from his
homo near West Union, was found in a
cayo In the woods. It was apparent that
hii had died t( natural death, but there Is
nothing to show why he had uone to that
out-of-the- wuy pluce,
Attorney General Pays His RespeoU to Iowa
,y Building and Loan.
Mimr Coniiiniilen Are DiiIiik nn I
lllislness In Inirn Heiinrt
llcml Before the .Scnntc
on Tiicxdnj'.
DBS MOINKS, Feb. 20. (Special Tcto
gram.) Attorney fiencral Hcmley's oplnlona
regarding tho existing evils In tho laws
governing tho building and loan nnd Insur-
I nnco business of Iowa and tho needed romo
....... ' ,. ,., ,1,.,
senate today, lit reply to a request from that
body mado over n week ngo. They aro even
moro sweeping than has been expected.
According to Mr. Rcmlcy there nro mnny
corporations which may bo ehibsed under
theso heads now doing business of an Illegal
kind In tho stato nnd swindling the poorer
classes of people every day. Mr. Rcmlcy
docs not point directly ut uny particular cor
poration, hut tho elements of his charges arc
so sweeping and of such n nature as to as
sure tho bringing out of many prominent
uicit in the statu who nre connected with
largo associations of tho kind, and who will
undoubtedly refuse to rest under tho charges
which havo been mrnle.
Mr. Rcmlcy expresses the opinion that
neither tho stato oxocuttvo council nor the
attorney general has tho power which should
bu given to theso authorities In passing
upon the business of the corporations In
volved. His criticisms on tho building and
loan builness do not so much npply to tho
domestic associations doing business In tho
ututo us to tho larger associations where
stock Is purchased In larg amounts by capi
talists who deslro to obtain exorbitant Inter
est rates on their Investments nnd are thus
crushing tho poorer classes, tho ones which
tho law wns Intended to benefit and protect.
His criticisms on insuranco organizations
aro ulined at tho class of companies known
as tho farmers' niutuals and some of the
larger llfo insurance organizations. Many of
theso companies, according to Mr. Rcmlcy,
nro conducted in a decidedly loose manner,
thus bringing all tho Inwa companies Into
disrepute. Tho recommendations of Mr.
Remley for chnngos In the laws explain
largely tho fault ho has to find with tho
present methods governing theso corpora
tions. Some Iti'iiii'dlcN SiiKKcntril.
His recommendations In brief relating to
building and loan associations nro as fol
lows: First Tho law should forbid nnv tmrt nt
thu principal paid In by tho stockholder to
uit ur.i',1 mi- rAli'MlMCM.
hecond Thero should he a limit unnn itio
l-AUl'liaus oi mo iissociuiions.
riilru All guaranty slock or nreferred
stock under any and all names which re
ceives a llxod dividend, whether urntlts
havo been earned or not, should be elim
inated. Fourth The power to Impose fines and
forreltures upon persons wlm full tn nav
the Installments on their stock ought to bo
Fifth The exemption of building and loan
associations from tho law of usury works
a iinnisuip which tne rormor general as
semblles could not havo seen, in Mr. Rem
ley's opinion.
Sixth Tho executlvo council ought to bo
given moro plenury powers. Including the
power to revoko the certificate authorizing
the association tn do business.
Seventh Provision should bo mado by
which money paid fin stock by the party
who has borrowed thereon,, In case of fore
closure, should 1)0 trcnted as an itb-tolute
payment on tho money borrbwed, together
with tho profits, if any, credited on such
Klghth Some provision should be made
to enable, associations to go Into voluntary
liquidation, with suitable provision for the
protection of tho borro'vlng member. It
might bo well ulsn to authorize the nsslgn
meat of loans made by the lluuldatlnc as
soelatioii to somo association of similar
character, subject to the rights of the bor
rowing member, to have tho amount paid
on his stock credited on such loan, or to
permit two or moro associations to con
solidnto by a three-fourths voto of tho
stock of the respective nssoc atlotis. on
terms which the executive council or somo
officer of tho stato should npprovo us equl
tablo to all concerned.
Ninth Chapter vlll of the laws of the
twenty-seventh general assembly should be
repealed. Its effect was to mako new and
different contracts for those affected
thereby, which has worked a hardslilp in
many instances.
CIiiiiikch In
Iimuruiicr Unit
In regard to tho remedies needed In tho
ItiEtiranco code, tho following recommenda
tions are mnde
First All articles of Incorporation of
companies ami associations Incorporated
uniier the laws or this state, ns well ns
thoso Incorporated In other states, should
Do submitted to the auditor or statu and
attorney general for their approval, am
theso officers bo authorized to disapprove
all plans which do not provide proper safe
guards for the protection of policyholders
Second All companies and associations
which mako assessments on the members,
or by a so-called safety clause reserve the
right tn maid! assessments, should by
statute be prohibited from Issuing so-called
paid-up policies, limited payment policies
and from accumulating a fund to be paid
back to the members as dividends, dlstrlbu
tlou nf surplus or endowments In uny form
Third All forms of policies should bo
submitted tn tho nudltor for his upprova
and he should bo required to disapprove all
rorms widen do not state on tno raco or tn
policy nil tho terms, conditions or war
rnntles, by tho breach of which the policy
is voided, (mil to revoKo tne ceriiiicnte oi
any company not complying with this pro
Fourth All policies which require tho
payment nf a, fixed premium should b
made nonforfeitable after two annual pay
Fifth Any company or association which
publishes its literature witn iiuse anil mis
leading statesments as to the nature of lti
business should forfeit Its right to do bus
lness In tbo state.
Slxth-Tho section of the code requiring
a medical examination or nil members n
associations should be tnnne to nppiy t
eve iirem tun companies
Seventh Nn mutual company or nssocln
tlou should be permitted, by an amendment
ur articles nf Incorporation, tu Increase the
premium or, rate of ussessments on existing
Klghth No stipulated premium or assess
ment company Incorporated under tho luwi
of another stato should bo permitted to do
business In Iowa If It uses a greater aer
cent of tho premium or assessments for ex
neiiHes. or snllcltlnir new business, than 1
allowed to similar associations organized
under the laws of t lis stntc.
Ninth All associations which have at
tempted to absorb any other association,
either by reinsuring or consolidation tn any
way. which the attorney general contends ,
cannot be legnlly done under the laws nf
Iowa, and have made assessments on the
members thus received, should bo required
tn treat such members as their own original
members nnd pay the same amount, In
case nf death, as their own original mem
bers receive.
The above leport has been an absorbing
topic of conversation among the mombors
of the nssombly today. Several Important
measures are pending to chaugo tho build
ing and loan nnd Insurnnco laws and tho
attorney general's opinion wab asked for as
a guldo In determining the best policy to
pursun tnwnrd these corporations. It Is
safe to say that the first noto of one of
the biggest fights of tho session has been
A Kill ii Deferred.
Tho matter of abolishing the offices of
stato printer and binder baa been defcrrod
again. Today tho question camo up In tho
house, having been made n special order.
Tho committee on Investigation wero not
ready to submit their report and asked for
a week's tlmo to do so. This brought out
a protest from tho supporters of tho meas
uro nnd a hard tight resulted on tho floor.
It was charged openly that tho delay lu
the report of tho committee wns for no
other reason than to defer the matter until
It would bo too late for the senate to taku
It up. Mr. Clark, In urging that the bill
bo taken up at once, called up the fnet that
tho bill was Introduced by him Jnnuury 21,
tho committee had It until February 0. when
It reported back, recommending passage,
but claiming it necessary to have two moro
weeks' time. Tho two weeks had expired
today nnd still tho committee wns not ready.
On the 18th day of January a resolution
was Introduced for the appointment of this
investigating committee and tho samo day
camo the resolution to confer with tho
Board of Control regarding Its system.
Tho latter committee. Upon which It was
held that n great duty devolved, reported
back to tho houso January 23. A month
has passed nnd tho Inveslgatlng committee
is still cnlllng for time. Before the motion
by Kerr to defer a week was put Dunham
offered an amendment Instructing tho print
ing committee to report prior to thnt tlmo.
Blake nttcmpted to fix Saturday as the
tlmo for tho report In order that thero
would be a few days for members to con
alder It, but he was ruled out of order, both
on tho amendment and nn an original mo
tion mnde to that effect after tho other
had carried.
Ciiursi" nf ItemlliiK for Tcnclirrs.
Tho members of tho reading circle board
of tho stato educational department, who
aro In the city outlining a course of reading
for the teachers, appeared before the educa
tional conunltteo of tho sttiato and presented
rgutnents In favor of new normal schools
for thu state. Among those who wero pres-
nt at tho meeting In the Interests of the
bill wcie: II. K. Blackmar of Kmmetshurg,
city superintendent of schools; Miss Anna
Donavau of Hmmctshurg, county superin
tendent; J. D. Shorett of Harlan, county
superintendent of Shelby county: J. K. Dttr
keo of Storm Lake, county superintendent of
Bucna Vista county; W. H. (lenunlll of
Slgourney, comity superintendent of Keokuk
county, nnd J. B. Martin of Churles City,
county superintendent of Floyd county.
Senator Lowls Introduced a bill involving
tho question of county care of Insane.
Scnutor (larst today Introduced a mil to
prohibit tho charging off of unexpended
balances of appropriations. It is in lino
with tho rccommcndntlon of tho Stato Board
f Control that it ho allowed discretion In
using the balances for other purposes.
Appeal fur Funds.
At 2 p. m. today President MacKeah and
ther friends of tho stato university ap
peared beforo tho senate committee on ap
propriations In tho Interests of the requests
which havo been made for additional sup
port fund and funds to meet other needs of
tho school. It Is understood that in tno
nenr futuro tho senato cooimltteo on schools
will report Hayward's compulsory education
bill for passage.
Tho bill by Temple to amend the codo so
as to mako It posslblo for ltiBtirnnco com
panies to receive loans upon their own
policies, and not wait until thrco years after
nnllcv Is taken out as now required, passed
by a voto of 09 to 13. Tho object oi tno
bill, as stated by Temple, was to make it
possible for Iowa companies to make loans
at good Interest and help build up a center
of canltal In tho stato. It was looked upon
as especially reasonable now when policies
aro frequently takeu out paiu up in mil.
Governor Shaw stated late this aliernoon
that Captalu J. O. Hutchison of Ottumwa
had declined positively to reconsider ins de
cision declining the appointment to tho
Stato Board of Control. The govornor has
not yet offered It to another man.
Aiitl.Snliiiiii I'lMinte of Ic nninci
Hound I'll tin- I'lniTN Hint Are
NcllliiK Iiliinnr.
DBS MOINES, Fob. 20. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho nntl-saloon leaders began a
crusade this morning to find all saloons and
drug stores that are selling liquor aud it Is
their intention to seize all liquors and close
tho places as rapidly as possible. This morn
Ing they netzed tho stock of liquors in tne
saloon of K. Ilommnnl and toon possession
of two airloads of wine, whisky and beer
Tho liquor In two or threo drug stores was
also seized and tho antl-snloon pcoplo an
nounced that they would contlnuo tho fight
to tho bitter end. In the meuntlmo tho
saloon peoplo aro working night and day to
perfect their new petition of consent. They
clnlm thoy now havo 3,fi00 out of 6.200 names
necessary to open tho saloons and run them
In accordance with tho law, and that sue
cess is certain.
Tho American Society of tho Sons of the
American Revolution of Iowa will hold their
convention here tomorrow. Sovcnty-tlve
delegates aro expected.
Kx-Covornor Larrabee, It was announced
at thn stato house, has given $3,000 for the
purchaso of a lino organ for tho Soldiers'
Orphans' homo at Davenport.
John Long, an nttorney of somo promi
nence, who was indicted for forgery severa
weekB ago, has disappeared, ana when his
case was called in court this morning he
could not he found. It Is believed ho has
left tho city.
Warrants were sworn out this nftcTtioon
for tho nrrest of seven men who nre charged
with repeating nt yesterday's republican
primary. Tho vote cast at tho republican
primaries yesterday was larger than the
voto of tho republican and domocrat parties
at the last state election nnd it seems to be
plain that hundreds of democrats voted and
that thero was much repeating. Tno do
feated faction say they will prohecuto every
ono against whom they can obtain proof o
Strlii Fnctnry nf Machinery.
FORT DODGE, la., Fob. 20. (Special Tel
ecram.l Yesterday afternoon throe men
with a tenm and wagon wont to tho Klmcr
Ick fuctory, which Is not In operation, and
loading all tho Iron machinery which could
bo handled, drovo to a foundry and fold It
for old Iron. This morning M. M. Tabor and
Robert Elder wero arrested, charged with
the crime. Elder was bound over to the ills
trlct court nnd Tabor secured a continuance
Thn robbery was tho boldest thnt over oc
curred here. Tho machltiory taken wn
valued at $100,
Hull Driver lli-lil I p.
DUBUQUI), la., Feb. 20. IMwanl Sml'h
driver of n United StutcH mall wtiRon, n
held up todny by two masked mm. Tip
took his cold watch nnd money nnd force
him to kIvo up his key to the wagon. He
had Just delivered his mall at tho depot and
tho wagon was empty.
cured while ilrcsslnj; with
(icsslcr's .Magic llcadachu
Wafers. 10 cents a box
doses), all drujiKists.
Send 10c for Bumplo box to
Mux ClesBler. Milwaukee. Wis .
If dniKclHt does not keep them.
Cures Gonorrhoea, Gleet or unnatural Ul
charges In a fnw days. Full direction..
Price 11.50. All drucc!u. or mull D. Dick
& Co., 1J3 Centre til , New York.
A confidential chat
The Most Remarkable
All Who Are Weak, Nervous and Run
Down Costs Nothing to Try.
f You Have Any of fhe Following Symptoms Send Your
Name and Address for a Free Trial Package.
Do you feel generally miserable or suf
fer with a thousand and one Indi scrlbable
bad feelings, both mental uud physical,
among ihrm low spirits,, weari
ness, llfeli-ssiii-ss. weakness, dizziness, feel
ing of fullness or bloallng nfter eating, or
sense of "goneness nr emptiness or
stomach In iiinrnliiK. Ilcsh -oft and lacklim
firmness, headache, blurring or eyesight.
specks Moating before the eyes, nervous
IrrltnbllltN. poor inemorv. chilliness, altern
ating with hot lliishes. lassitude, throbbing,
gurgling nr rumbling sen-MMon In bowels,
with heal iiml nipping pains occasionally,
palpitation of heart, short tin nth on ex
ertion, slow circulation of blood, cold feel.
pain and oppression In iluxi and back, puln
iround liu loins, ii'-uing and wiariuess or
the lower limbs, drowsiness after meals, but
nenous wakefulness at night, languor In
Cole's Cycle Savings Bank
. Wheels Wheels
$1.00 Down $1.00 Week.
Coles' great sensational ofTor. livery one can get a wheel.
This oiTor good until April 1st, and. only on wheels under $40.
$2.50 down, $2.50 weekly on same plan as above on Col
umbia chain and chainless and
Get our pass book and
funded before April 1st, if required.
Have for sale choice Fruit, Farm and
Garden Land near Council Bluffs.
30 acres, mostly in fruit, adjoining city with 2 sots buildings.
.'.' acres 4 miles east, with buildings and fruit.
4 acres, house, barn and fruit, 2i miles from post-oilice.
1 acre, with 7 room house, 1A miles from post-oflice.
85 aero farm at a bargain.
39 Pearl St. Telephone 344. Council Bluffs
Keclved of Sir. Flv0 Dollars (J5.C0) for full treatment of
Turkish U M. Caps., which ar. boI il to him with u guarantee to euro hoxubI
wtaknens, strengthen tsexunl power, rum nhrunkrn parts and stop nil unnatural
discharge or omission, cure nerve an d brain weakness or mone to be ro
turned. This guarantee holds rood for three ytarp Should n weakness return,
Medicine will again be furnl.hed fr eo of chirite. Halm's I'hnrmacy, 18th an4
frunom Sts., Neb. N. B.-lVo glvo thin guaronte to our cusuimera.
Whea other fall consolt
mwt mm: i
private mm
W. fuawiioe to our. .11 ea.ea ourM at
SrXUALLV. cured for life.
Hlntitlj Emlnslona, Lom Manhood, HjdroeeU
Verleoole. Gonorrhea, Gleet, ByphllU, Btrlol
re, Pllea, FUlulu and Iteolal Ulsen and
All Private Diseases
and Disorder of Ma.
Consultation trca Cull on or uddrcM
19 Sc. nth BU OH A HA.
Dr. Mason's
A guarantee to euro or money re
funded In every package. Trice (Ac and
l (O Kor sxl at the following dr
stores In Omshn Hy Kulili & On . Ifa U
and Douxla Hts . J 11 Schmidt. J-tttr
and l miilnif ntrecu. II It Orn'mm.
Hlfh nnd Karnatn strtcts. South
Omaha b K J Heykora 4: Co, 2b a
aid N Urre's
I III? ii lor iiiiiki' 'i ft
iliiUiurxi-a, iiilluDiinu'ii'iii.
irritation, ur ulmraliom
of hi ii i u h pji'iiiliruii''-
l'.iuil',, ale! I."1 uilriL-
j.'1-nt or f....
Slilil l7 DniCKUt.
nr fnt In plain wrarP'f
In rxprfM, iir4il, f
II ui, ur l. ImtilM, It TV
Circular ttui ua fnju:ft
.jdPiii, uriH trouble-fnino
Agents Wanted r,.im,ii. complnlntN rcm
pletn treatment, neuled. II IS. Honk. Ii
WiTAI ITV t 'tires nervous men. IteHlnres
VIIALIII vitality In 21 hri HaimlesH,
miro .Month'K mipply ueulcd, II 25. Hook o,
Uradfunl ,Snelnll y Lu,. (.UIouki HI.
JeiAptn I li 4 Jf
Aitfjf lmtrtii'.1
ffCWH n,l 19 mliiurt
Hi .fTr.t.ntl C0Q1IIB.
Remedy of the Age for
ttie morning nml a ..instant feeling of
dread .is If something awful was about to
happi ii?
If ou have unv fir ill of t In so symptoms,
send jour name and iiddrcn tn Hayes ft
c'oon, mi Hull Hldg , I .-t roll . Mich,, ami
they will gladlv send nu u free trial box
of Dr. HIV Tonic Tablets. The mint tier,
feet remedy I; noun Vmi will bo delighted
with tli"iii and they may sae your life.
They ale put up In tablet form, pleasant to
take and cay directions, which, If you fol
low, will positively ami effectually cute In
a short lime, pn matter how bail you may
be, or If ou prefer you can get a full sized
box at your drugglni f 'r only fin cents.
We don't ask mi to tike nur word for
what Dr Dlx's Tnnli Tablets will do. send
for the fiee package and give llntn a test.
tell minutes nter SOU Like tho Hist tablet
! you will feel better
Spalding wheels.
save your money., Money re
22 Ytin
12 Yean In Umiki,
MKItlt'Ali Treatment
COltlllinprf Varlrn-1a
WMUitmnpniiia, WBU1 llj'UrAUU Vliaillft
,V.V,l.lE1i5WUNTf:K:'' ClurjM low. H0MK
Tllh I r JU.M. JlimU, Coniultatlnn and Kxatn.
inatiiiii Irce. lluiiM, Ha in io6t 7 to Hp m.
.Sniiilav,Qlol2 I' (), llnx 'ft Other, N. K
C tr. Htn and I'arnam HtrceU, OMAHA, NT.l
Ct m r. UifHl.MI. r ... I tft i if i . . .
ht ciiu iii:sTi;u'h i:n;i,isii
kin KM) ta4 U,J um.ll Uiim 'ilel
j iin L uf r.jtjfii ' MkMio tlir r. flr-a
I UinrrroMi Kubatltiltl'B und Iwlta
Hon. Hi f jmur Urufctit. ut fo4 4r m
lUisf tut I'MrtfcuUra 'I rtl womUIi
J WUIIcrrr.rl.ii4le.nn,ifi'.t; r.
lurnMMlL 1 II.IHH 1 ilJtami&. B14 hr
all Ilraf Uta l't.lrLat. f'ka.ll I?..
Pehnvroyai. pills
Bl iMSTTu . ...."f1u' nd "."'J 'riiiil.
i 1