12 THIS OMATIA DATTV BEE: WEDNESDAY, PETIT? I A T?V 21, 1900, MOORES AS A GRACIOUS HOST At Million Guests Carry Happj Mtmory of Exposition Major. SCORES OF CONVENTIONS ENTERTAINED VI, I lorn from PrrnMriit to IVimnnt Are (Jreelcil "Hli llimnllnlMy Which Prutm Vnlunlili AiWit llmMiii'Ht fur the Clt. "While I wot attending the national tion Inst summer' re marked Dr. W. II. Hanchctt oil his rcturn.V "I met a nunihcr of prominent thyIcluns who had been In Omaha during the Trans inlslllipl Kxposltlon. They all epokc warmly of thojr entertainment here and Hcvcral of tbem cherished In particular a Wmlly remembrance of Mayor Moorcs an a gracious host. 'Is No. 05 still In working order?' Inquired one. Hu referred, you know, to Mayor Moorcs' custom of Inviting Btrangcra to call him up by telephone when ever they lout their way or fell Into nny of the unres In waiting for inltorn to a large city. Tho medical mm In fact Bccmcd to Identify Moorcs with tho city and tho ex position. They really felt that no Btnalt por tion of tho enjoyment of their visit was duo to tho efforts of thnlr kindly entertainer.' Tho exposition Is too recent an event to renulro any dctnllcd mention of Mayor lloorcH" part therein as tho cNccutlvo head of the city government. Ills wmb a never falling hospitality and neither in appear ance, tn inner or Bpcech did he ever provo fllniinnnlntment In receiving tho city's KiiefctH. Thn million visitors quartered In .' , , tho city during that oventfu summer carried iimjiv a much higher regard for Omaha nnd its resources than If tho city's executive had been Ipfh adequato to tho situation. During tho llvo months of tho cxpoeltler, Mayor Moores addressed uncounted conven tions, congresses. RB90clatloits and cluba, of lerlng them tho freedom nf tho ,clty and feeing that their wants wcro properly at tended to. It Is intimated that tho mayor npoko tn an nggrcgato of over 100,000 people of various crafts and professions, giving to each some evidence that ho took particular Interest In their lino of work and was In sympathy with their motives. Ki'ju lo Any Lock'. Each delegation was presented with the Jeys of thn city constructed on n heroic plan nnd guaranteed to fit any lock In tho munici pal limits. Tho mayor also, distributed 25, t)00 largo buttons bearing his picture to gether with tho Inscription. "Omaha Tako it, It Is Yours." Whllo tho supply lasted tho mayor'B office was thronged with an unceasing stream of souvenir hunters. In structlons were given to a corps of Janl- I reason ho has for holding hie present Job tors nnd thousands of visitors woro shown 1 ls tnat no nml Mr- Hoctor nro old acquaint through tho city hall, tho finest council aDCfa' Wo also understand that Mr. Hoc chamber In tho United Stntcs, tho exquisite ' tor ,has , ndmltted that he had to get his jnctalc work, and various other attractions brother-in-law n Job ns fireman at tho court Lolng pointed out, concluding with the view i houeo or feeJ hlm anJ ability was not from tho tower. Such courtesies as these a maltt?r o considered, with tho co-operation of citizens caused the ' Now as t0 "republican schemes de ilepartlng guests to carry nway an exalted eated, we find that the politics of the Idea of Omaha as a hospitable convention , nIP'lcants for the position of engineer nt cjtjr tho county court houso are as follows: .Mnyor'M Trnv.l on Fool. Charles Larson is u populist, nnd ran for i I,.. i . ' councilman In this city Beveral years niro .Aln ?'?g! )nBtnnco.ln " B Procession , ,ho 0,(, allnnco HckJt ycars 0R0 n cj't-uiui wiin ma uw in t-imuui'il mill ovi npart for Chicago, when special trains brought an Immense, representation from that city headed by Mayor Carter Harrison nnd tho Chicago Democratic Marching club, 250 strong In uniform and led by n military band. Tho mnyor nnd council wero In, wait ing nt tho depot when tho train arrived bearing tho city officials. Tho latter were invited to enter tho carriages provided for tho occasion, but Mayor Harrison refused, saying that It was bis Invnrlahlo custom to inarch with hlH fellow club members. Mayor Jloores responded that such nn ar rangement would ho equally satisfactory ex cept that he must Insist upon mnrchlng likewise. Tho mayors of tho two great cities therefore proceeded together at tho head of (bo column until the city hall was redched. Tho mayor entertained Mr. Harrison nt his rcsldcnco nnd tho distinguished democrat lecoratcd his host with an lmmenso Carter Harrison badge, promising that for n single . 1 . . t,n n-mtlnoln Tl rt ... n , I-' i, a.n,.,n- I day ho would eradicate tho mayor'B stalwart republicanism. Tho best of good feeling pro Tailed nnd tho occasion proved one of the most effective advertisements that Omaha could havo recclvod. The officials of St. Paul, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City and n dozen other cities wero similarly entertained nnd no chanco wns neglected during tho wholo period to plant soods In tho Interest of thn city's growth. Tho summer of 189S, In fact, af fords a oountlcsB number of Instances In which tho mnyor stood up for Omaha, no matter whether tho guest was tho "president of tho United Stntcs or a country cousin. "I hnfl dyspepsia for ycars. No medicine was no effective ns Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It gavo lmmedlato relief. Two bottlos pro duced marvelous results," writes L. H. War ren. Albany, Wis. It digests what you eat and cannot fnO to cure. FOR CRUELTY TO CHILDREN Tuclve-Ycnr-Old Hoy TelU n. Pitiful .Story nnd II In I'n renin Are l.nekrd Vp Another Chapter. Thero is more troublo in tho Welland family. 1216 Mnsou Btrect, nnd this tlmo It ls a 12-year-old boy who appear as complaining witness against his father, A. V. Wolland, nnd his Btopmotber and aunt, Iina Wolland, charging thctn with cruelty. Tho boy was examined by tho pollco ma tron yesterday, and was fouud to bo Imdly bruised. Tho marks, ho said, wcro jnado by Mrs. Wcllnnd, who had whipped him becauso ho carao homo from school with mud on his clothes. Ho was brought to the station by an Indignant neighbor, who eayB tho mistreatment of tho Wolland chil dren by their parents Is notorious through out tho neighborhood. lloth A. K. Welland and his wife wcro locked up, and the caso will be brought to u speedy trial. Two weeks ago Welland, who runs a baker shop adjoining bis homo on Mason street, uttempted to havo his 17-year-old daughter sent to tho reform school. He filed a complaint against her In pollco eourt, charging Incorrigibility, but upon hearing she wns acquitted nnd tho father Hevcrcly censured by tho Judgo and prose cuting attorney. Rlnce then tho girl haB been working In tho household of Pollco Cnptnln Ilor, vho gives her nn excellent character. Tho story told by tho children of their homo llfo discloses a deplorable stato of iiffnlrs. There aro hints of unspeakabla obscenities on tho pnrt of the parents, AVelland nnd bis wlfo wero arraigned In tho afternoon. Thoy pleaded not guilty nnd Jn default of $500 bonds each, wero con signed to Jail to await trial Saturday morn ing. Bean the- m wamnmm. i ha Kind You uais Always mp OA8TOIIIA. Sentk.v. Kind You llauAlwifS a.!... ha Kind YmHm Always lunnw mcvti.n hoots, vhc. 8 O'Clork Thin MornhiK on the I'ront Slum lliiritnln .Siiunro. AT BOSTON STOKB, OMAHA. There will bo on salo exactly 1.023 pairs of ladles' high cut, tan goat skin blcyclo boots and tan canvas top blcyclo boots In 11, C, D and E widths, In sizes from 2V4 to 7, which will bo sold at the remarkable prlco of 08c pair. AT BOSTON STOKE, OMAHA, 08C. You arc hereby notified that thin salo l positively for tomorrow only, from 8 o'clock In tho morning until 0 o'clock In the even ing, not a mlnuto longer. During that time you can tako your choice of any pair of theso ladles' real goat skin, high cut and golf cut blcyclo boots or outing boots, for !Sc pair. You know tho regular prlco of theso ladles' blcyclo boots Is very much more. $3.00, 94.00 AND M.OO LADIES' SHOES, J1.9S. Every day proves tho truth of our often repeated boast that no store anywhere ever equaled the shoo bargains wo offer, no mat tor what excuse, no matter what reason, no matter what Is said, our shoes whether on eale or In regular stock nro always better than anybody else's, Tho shoes wo offer now for J1.9S cannot bo duplicated for twlco tho money In nny storo in Omaha. Wo will glvo your money back at once It you aro not eutlfled that the shoes nro ex actly what we claim, worth twlco and even moro than twlco what wo nsk for them. We have nil slr.es nnd all widths from AA to EE; from -'Vi to 8. All on bargain Hquares. MEN'S $3.00, M OO AND $3.00 SHOES, 1.08. Tho fourth week of thin Immense Bale of men's shoes nhuus us big bargains as ever. I'lck out your sl.o and you nro bound to get more than twlco your money's worth In men's shoes In this sale. All on bar- in iiivii o Di.uT.-n ill mm rn nt M pa. Special sale of boys', misses', children's, ouths' nnd llttlo gents' shoes, on Bale on bargain squares nt .T.ie, GSe, G9c, "uc, 89c, JSC, $1.3!) and t. !!. HOSTON STOKE, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas Sts. STILL AFTER DEE'S SCALP Another . rrnlnninent of (lip l'ono erntlo t'oinnilNMlonerN by Hellpnc Club of Kimlnrcr,. OMAHA. Feb. 17 --To the Editor of Tho Bee: Messrs. Hoctor, Connolly and IIo feldt, aided nnd abetted by Che World Herald, are making n greot hue and cry about the political persecution of one Ed J. Dec tho no-called engineer nt tho county court house and "republican schemes de feated." On dllgent Inquiry wo find that Ed J. Dee has no standing as an engineer In this or any other community. Tho only good D. J. Wyckoff io a democrat. Henry Hill ls a republican. Anton Vltoush we do not know Just what his politics arc. AH theso men aro licensed by the city and enn bo vouched for ns good, competent men by steam userB and engineers. Tho huo and cry of Mr. Dee, that ho Is being persecuted on account of his political faith by tho board of engineers and engineers In general, is nil bosh, and reminds one of tho cry, "Stop thief!" Wo have no objection to the doctrine of tho Jackf3nlans, that to tho victors belong tho spoils, nnd fully believe that any ad ministration of public business or the bead of enterprise should be surrounded by their friends; but wo earnestly protest against any nuthorltles who arc public servants weeding out faithful employe, who havo given cntlro satisfaction heretofore, and re- piucluR them with Incompetent, lntemperato ... .... ward heelers as n payment for their serv lew to their party. And wo most emphatically denounce ns nn outrage tho retention of Ed J. Dee In charge of tho steam heating and power plant of the court liniioo nnd jail. Although ho was discharged from tho pollco court by Judge Oordon for viola Hon of tho city ordinance, when tho amo court mndo a finding of guilty against County Commissioners llofcldt, Hoctor and Connolly, nnd sentenced them to pay a flno of (5 and costs of court, which wo con. alder was right In regard to tho commls sloncrs, hut a travesty on Justice tn tho dlschargo of Sir. Dee, who was equally guilty with tho commissioners, by each day violating tho city ordinance. Wo havo patiently submitted to this Im position on our chosen occupation and as good law-abiding citizens, having no re dress in tho lower court for wrongs Im posed upon us, wo havo appealod to tho district court, In equity chambers, to havo said commissioner!! restrained from further violating thu city ordlnnnco In retaining in tbclr scrvlco a mini who has never been employed In nny capacity whatever ap pertaining to the construction or bundling of steam or power plants, which Is Jeop ardizing tho lives and property of district and county Judges, tho officers under them, nlso tho recorder of deeds, district and county clerks, treasurer, surveyor, superin tendent of education and their omployes, who are under bonds, obligation and salary to faithfully perform their duties, nnd aro compelled to do so In said court house. Also Jeopardizing tho lives of thousands of citizens of all elnsses, who arc compelled to do business in tho court house, us com plainants or defendants, with their wit nesses, walling for their cases; and, finally, thoso who aro Imprisoned In the county Jail. Tho gauntlet has been thrown down by tho autocratic majority of the county commis sioners nnd wo, tho engineers, havo taken It up and will seo It to a finish. We are entitled to and will receive tho support of brother craftsmen nnd all un biased law-abiding citizens. PRESS COMMITTEE ECLIPSE CLUR. WILLIAM AUSTIN. Chairman. Will Operate t'uder Old l.nir. After considering the matter of tho en forcement of tho law of 1S90 regarding the deposit In tho United Stales storehouse of IW per cent of tho metal taken from for eign lead ores imported to Omaha for tho purpose or smelting nnu reitning, l oueeior Taylor lias decided tn continue to enforce tho repealed law until an order Is received from the Treasury department lu response to a request sent by lilm yesterday. Ho bases this uctlon on the proposition that it Is Impossible that tho collector of tho port of Omaha could have been wrong so long without receiving a protest from tho de partment at Washington. The matter was taken up Informally nt tho customs house yesterday mid dis eased, tho collector admitting that tho law had been repealed, but decided ho would nwult tho decision of tho department nny wav. mill). ESTES Nelson T., nged 73 years, Febru ary 20, 1S00. Funeral from Calvary naptlst church, Twenty-sixth and Seward streets, Thurs day. February '.'. at 2 p. tn. interment nt Forest I.iwn. Friends Invited. Ml'LIJSN-Pntur J., nged 37 years. Funerul services at St. Peter s church, Twenty-seventh nnd Leavenworth streets, February II at 3 p. m. sharp. Then to llur llngton depot. Interment nt Cincinnati, t). Sir. Slullcn has lived In this city twenty tlvo years, tho greater part of the tlmo be ing connected with the Bradford Lumber company as bookkeeper. He leaves to mourn his loss u mother, two sisters and u brother. BOSTON STORE BARGAINS Grand Special Barealm in Ne Spring Wash Fabricj Today. Sl.00 LADIES' JIRSEY WAISTS, 15C Ifio Vnlenelpiinrs l,iurn nnil linor tliinn Jc, lie nml ilo Ynril "So l.nci'i He, Fie mill 7 i -'-'. Yd 'JSC HttL-IiliiK 1c Yd. $1.00 LADIES' JEIISEYS 15C. Today tho most sensational bargain wo cet placed on sale. Almost 1,000 ladles' pcrfect-flttlng, fast black nnd colored Jersey waists, one of the most serviceable and sensible houso waists to wear. They came In various nty'es, some with Jet, some with Bilk braid, some plain. To give everybody nu opporutnlty to secure Bomo of theso wonderful bargains wo will only sell two (2) to ench customer. 1!C LACES, 1C. 20 AND 3C YD. R.000 bolts of vulcnclcnnct lace and Inser tion from tho Detroit Block, which wero im ported by the Detroit Wholesale Co. for this spring's sale. All these grand laces arc In perfect condition, tho very latest patterns nnd deslgnB, Hue quality, all widths. Over to different patterns to select from, a part of which havo been displayed In our front Bhow window for the past few days. All will go on bargain squaru at lc, 2c nnd 3c yd., worth up to 15c. 5C LACES, 3( 50. 7lC YD. To mako this one of tho greatest laco sales ever known In Omuba wo will place on sale nbout 1,000 bolts of high-class, extra fine orchon laco and Insertion In match sets, xoctly tho same pnttcrns ns tho real hand- mado la;es. This la one of tho grandest lots of torchon laco ever Bhown In Omaha. All go on bargain Bquaro at 3c, 5c nnd i'jC yd. 25C SILK HUCHINO: 1C. Another lot of thoso grand silk crcpo lnce ruchlngs from tho Detroit stock. A small part of theBp line ru.-hlngs huve been dis played In our 'ront window. Tboy nro In black, whlto and nil colors, worth tip to 25c; choice of the entire lot at lo yd. SPECIAL HAIUJAINS IN NEW SPUING WASH KAIHUCS. 10.000 yards new spring percales, 36-lncb, 5c yard. New chambrny ginghams, Gc yard. Remnants all kinds finest grado dimity, 3 ',4c yard. Mill remnants of flno foulard sateens, 5c yard, worth 23c. IUmuants and full pieces new spring prints, 4c yard, worth 8',4c Dotted SwIfb and drapery Swiss, tue yarn, worth 25c. I-'Ino India linens at 7!c, 10c, 12c and 15c yard, 10 Inches wide, and worth 25c. New spring cretonne and drapery tlck ng, 10c yard, worth 35c. New seersucker and zephyr gingham, 30- inch, S',fcc yard, worth 15c, And hundrede of other new spring wash fabrics In tho basement. IJOSTON STORE, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas. An 110 mice men tn. There will bo a matinee today at tho Crclghton-Orpheum, and nn extra perform anco will bo given tomorrow afternoon In honor of Washington's birthday. Tomorrow being a holiday, tho houso will be crowded, as ls usual on such occasions, nnd the prob ability ls that tho audlcnco will bo largely mnde up of school children who are anxious to witness tho performance of tho three boys and three girls of tho nlno Nelson family of acrobats. All tho other acts of the pro gram nro of a high class and of a most en tertalnliig character. Tomorrow night Joseph Murphy, who has been before tho public for thirty ycars In Irish comedy dramas, will open at Boyd's for a four porfopmanco engagement. "Shaun Rhuo" will bo tho offering Thursday and Friday nights nnd "Kerry Oow" will bo given Saturday matinee ntid night. Mixed I'p In MolnNHen. Frank Small, n smelting works employe, Is in the city Jail and likes It. Small went Into a Sixteenth street restnurunt shortly after 10 o'clock Slondny night. Thero ho saw a particular enemy of his, Slaco Rush, nn employo of tho Pulaeo stables. Smali walked up to Rush's tnble and mado his presenco known by a few safe lilts. Rush promptly retaliated with n molosses jug and followed It up with n few more pieces of assorted tableware. Small returned tho sweet and sticky compliment and when Captain Hayes and Sergeant Whelnn sepa rated tho combatants they, too, wero In the molasses swim. Tho patrol wagon wns nlso decorated with the sticky product nnd Patrol Conductor Fahy looks uns-eakablo things when any one dares to si.v "mo lasses " Small was held for trial on u chnrso of assault. Sami Hums, 1318 Farnnra, discount sale on ovorytblng now going on, Dra. Lord & Rustln, D01 Paxton blk. FAST TIME TO DENVER The Denver Limited, leaving Omaha nt 4:25 p. m., Is duo at Denver at 7:10 next morning. It arrives thero nt 7:10 uot at 8:22 nor at 9:46 at 7:10. Relng thirty miles shorter than any other lino Omaha to Denver, it Is tho easiest thing In tho world for the Hurling ton to mako tho C3S-mllo run between tho Sllsaourl and tho mountains In a slnglo night. Ticket Office. 1502 FARNAM ST. Telephone 250. Burlington Station, 10th & MASON Sli Telephone 120 The Union Pacific takes 'SPICTO' you FROM Omaha to San Francisco in Fifty Seven Hours Which Is half n day quicker than other lines, NO CHAXtJKS. l'erfect Comfort, Pintsch Light, Hleam Heat, &c. City Tlukri Olllff, IStoa l-'Mriiniu Tut. am. St, ItAYUnv II It OS. Nrllltm Mil. oil, I3I.OO nml (HI 1'lne Shoo for Men nnd Women lit tM.SN. CROWDS THEIR TWO 1110 SHOE DE PARTMENTS EVERY DAY. Sl'CH SHOE EXCITEMENT HAS NEVER I1EEN KNOWN HE FORE IN OMAHA. Hargnln tables plied high with the finest shoes all at tl.SS a pair Is n wonderful sight. Shocti for men and women, in nil stvliti nnd bIzph. from the Krent factories of Rochester shnn fn.. Moore Sr. Shafer Shoo M'f'g Co., H. M. Merrlam Shoo Co., Myron ' nlso colored spreads, at $1.00 each. Is giving l Thomas &. Co., secured at a fraction of Krent satisfaction; CO-lnch bleached, all their worth by our buyer for spot cash. "n. damask at 50c nrd; Wamsutt.i Over 4.000 pairs of ladles' finest vlcl kid ; bleached muslin, 10c yard; fringed napkin, shoes, In laco nnd button, with kid nnd silk!130 oz.: Hill's blenched muslin, only ic vtMlne tens, welt nnd turn sol, to bo ; ard. Selling ready-mado' BheetH nnd plllort closed out this week nt I1.8S, nil worth $3.00, $1.00 nnd $5.00. Over 5.000 pairs of men's flno calf and vlcl kid shoes, In black nnd tans, with genuine welt soles, plain and tip toes, all sizes, shoes that sell regularly for $3.50, $1.00 aiia $5.on. nil on the great bargnln tables In our two bis shoe de partments nt $l,gs a pair. Every pair fit ted nnd guaranteed to wear well. Como n and look them oVer. SPECIALS IN Otflt MAMMOTH CHINA DEPARTMENT. Cups and saucers, each 2c. 1-gallon milk crocks, 3c. Tablo tumblers. Ilro polished. per set, lie. I'ancy decorated vrUo plates, edges stippled In gold, worth Me, for !c. Salt nnd pepper shakers, opalescent, as sorted tints, 3c. Oenulno Holland bowl, undcrglazcd decorations, cholco of patterns, It". Imitation cut clnfs vases, hlchly to- llthcd, worth 15c, for Sc. Jnpancae cream- ors, worth 25c. for fie. Oatmeal howls. neat decorations, with or without geld ' band, worth 10c, for 4!;C. Cream set, crystal warp, highly polished, 10c. Japan ese cups and saucers, atsorted nnMornr , worm i.ue, 1214 p. i'ancy covered dishes, famous American Reality shape, worth 75c, for 3214c. Decorated cups and saucers, set of (i for 3!)c. Royal English dinner plaios, scmi-porcclairi, underglazcd dcoratlons. I'fcc. Egg shell cups and saucers. Aus- tr'nn china, worth $1.50, Ret of fi for 53c. HAYDEN HROS. MorlMlllj- MnllMllcN. The fdlloulllL- hlrlha nml ,l....tl,u ..... .. ported at the oflllm nf llio llniir,lV,f lloin. during, the twenty-four hours elided 11 1 noon TucsOn:': Ulrths-Anton Abels, Thirteenth and Jones, irlrl: John ltnhimtuttti. ,,n. ' .V.kn?1 1 .3". Swansoii, 2.l South I'ortietn, boy; Ncls Jensen. East nmaho. :lrl. Death John DlnePen, 1 year. DeWltt'8 Witch Hazel 3alve Is unequalled for piles, Injuries and skin diseases. It ls tho original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. A Red Hot Ad. Did you over Interview yourself? Well hero It goes: "Yes," mid Sir. Siiiaefcr to himself) "there's nn use talking, our busi ness for tho past live years has been grow ing steadily, notwithstanding 11 certain class of grafters did not spenk 11 good word for me. Even had they tried to, It would possibly bavo choked them. Look through our stock nnd seo for yourself Isn't It a corker?" When usked nbout tho Drug Trust, why ho only smiled nnd said, "those fellers' today feel like kicking one another nround tho block." "How Is your pre. serlptlon trade?" (To himself, of course.) "Never wns better. Just glanco through our tile nnd look nt the different doctors' nnd. docs' blanks. Isn't it proof that doo's 'song and dnnce' about us not being capable of filling them Is nil bosh? And every clerk that puts up proscriptions for us Is reg istered ill Nebrasku, Speaking about kid ney remedies, there is none today 011 tho market that hns published such strong tes timonials ns CHASLEIVS. Man, man, man, that remedy will bp udvertlsed extensively and regardless, 01 .expense, SCHAEFER CUT PRICE DRUGGIST Cor. lOtu Jilld Chlcnco Sin. 111 Early days the old barrel of ashes and scrapo of pork and bones produced tho soap. This Is an ago of Improvement, and WASH-A-LONE Soap produces the best re sult! of tho entire soap family. HAYDEKs $1.88 SHOE SALE. Greatest Shoe Selling in the West. $3, $'1, $5 and $0 fine shoes, from fifteen of the leading slice manufacturers of tho world di O O on eale at, pair i.p I.OO Astonishes and pleases crowds of people. Thousands of pairs of fine new stylo shoes being added every day to tho big bar gain tables, livery pair fully guaranteed and fitted to your ieet as if you paid $5 or $('. 400U pairs ladies' finest viei kid, vesting tops, kid, patent tip, plain and welt soles, all latest styles, rogular price $3.50, $4 and $5, all sizes, your choice for $1.88 Special for Boys and Girls. Special lot of 050 pairs of youth's, boys' and girlb' fine shoos, worth up to $2 and $2.50, on salo at 1.1 8 for choice. HAYDEN BROS. iiAimsv linos, specials. Illir million Miili-Utnt- million nt ir.f. Just rccclvod from New York a big lino of fancy corded taffeta ribbon In all colors nnd black, never before sold for less than 3 yd.; 3-in. wide; on salo Wednesday at i:.c. HIO SALE ON MILL HEMNANTS of plain India linens and India lawns, 30 to 40-Inch, wide; you will nn some big bar gains anion c them. Sc a yard and up. Our salo of larso nnd flue, whlto bed spreads. cases nt old prices. ILVYDEN I1ROS. Cornell y l,j Omului IM11 ) rlulil". A bright eiitneilleltit. entitled "The Widow Winkle," written mid staged by nniiilui playwrights, vt.i t invented Monday night nt Woodmen of the World hull. Sixteenth nnd ('upllnl nvetiee. midr the utipplccK of til' women of. Hi. Juliu s Episcopal church. Th ; words were written by Mm. John tfehtll, nnd the production was arranged for the stum by .Mrs. It. K. Mi Kelvey and l.'tank Itnlll iniin. The program wns eniuitiiietl without 11 liltch to the manifest approval of 11 large audience. ' The cast of character was n follows: Prof. Kuntl, I'rniilt llallliniii. Jonuthiui . Trump. Sir. fumpdnti; H'iltn. Stephen Kntcne; Widow Winkle. Miss Stella. Sclilll; Dillelnn, Sllss Is.ibelle Williams. 11111I1I, SIIkm Ilcrtlo Wlllliinin; cook, Mls Nelllo Moone.V. "After uoelors failed to cure mo of pneu mciia I used One Minute Cough Cure nnd thtco bottles of It cured mc. H Is nlso tho list remedy on earth for whooping cough. It cured my grandchildren of tho worst cr.Kes" writes Jol.n Rerry, Log.mton. p.i. It lu the only harmless remedy tha. gives Imtrrdlntc results. Cures coughs, rolds, cieup nnd throat and lung troubles. Sloth crs endorse It. mmm. sisters AVe lire nleiioed to atuiouiH'e that two r i llli' imuui.naii ni'vi'ii riiuiii'i iiiiiii rti-.ii-.--will he nt our store for the next few days w mid will be pleaded to ndvlye the Indies of oniiiba. aa to the treattuont of the hair and KCIllll. Our line of I lair Tonics and vigors, now numbers about 15" articles, mnxt of wlil.il are sold nt cut prices. We mention below 11 Tew preparations only, but will bo plea-el to furnish (luotntlons or show stock utun application. ji.oo Austin's Hair (irower. we sell 1 i ii r'i..v nnminirr corn r- Klc 75p dike's Dandruff Cure, we sell l llntl'M SlrlllMii llulr Henewer. we sell Ti II Jul Dandi'lillc, we sell 5e $1.00 Ayer's Hnlr Vigor, we sell e $l.m) Mexican llulr Restorative, we sell 73o $1.00 Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair (Irower, wo sell $I.U0 l'lnaud's Kail de Quinine, wo sell., etc Mc Parker's llulr Halm, we sell !' Me Lyon's Kntliulron, we sell 40- 5Dc Hiilllmitliie, wo sell 3c (UtANITONIC TOR HAIR, we sell.. ..$101 $l.nij Yale's Hair Tonic, we sell 73c Write for Catnlosue. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go llltli nnd llodite Sin.. O11111I111, .eli. "TONE" Of the proper kind Is admirable In every Ihlnj, but to be so In a Piano It mutt be KICII, ROUND and RESONANT, as well OS , , SWEET, SINClINd and SY.MPATHETIC. THE Manufactured by HARDMAN, PECK & CO., Filth Ave. and lothSt., N.V., "The Only Piano Which Improves Undtr Usage." Alone Possesses They Six Quatltlei ol "TONE" A CALL ON THE Mueller Piano & Organ Company tho western representatives of this "World Itenowned" make, nt their warerooms, would convinco you of tho nterllng truth of those assertions, tho Instruments tolling their own story. 1'lanos tuned and repaired. Thones 101 Co. Ululfs, 1093 Omaha. 214-16-18 So. 18th, Omaha. 103 Main St., Co. Bluffs, la. pairs men's finest tihoes, made of fine calf and viei kid, with genuine welt sole3, tip and plain loos, worth S3. 50, 4, 5 and $0, all on sale at $1.88 a pair. ' 5000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o g g Do You Believe in Signs ? Most everybody dot's. ' O you COtltO llOl'O nnd 00 ovot U10 counter loaded with we've placed a The sign O o o gN lillll 9 a wesm m When you read tho sign examine the waists tho o (juality tho inako the btyle the assortment tho O , o worth the colors tho sizes then you 11 boliovo in signs. We've taken all the waists worth up to $10, o o o plain waist-!, waists that aro 6 corded, waists with fancy yokes, in fact, all kinds of O wnlst. Viilit- Unit will siivo you frout ;i t 5 d illurs of your waist m Jtioy O nnd slmll tf .vo von :i i,tuin. t j buy thn Inst wnUt y m havo ns yot scon O f ic tho inoiiov. It's tivjiiev wnttoil to noirlcct this trrotit waist salo. Salo i O ',"uii::i''iii;e' this u, in. i r-'iin::i'iioo- this u, in. O O O O O O O ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooo HAY UCns suTs In vesfee and double breasted styles, all sizes, 3 to 16. Great values. SI. 75 for boys' $3.50 to $4.50 suits, in double breasted and vestee styles, sizes 3 to 10. Great values. We have had a wonderfully successful clothing soason the largest in our history, and there is a reason for it, too. Selling better clothing and more of it than any one else, and at lower prices, the re sult of buying the cloth direct from the mills, and mado ut by the best manufacturers, on a per cent, in enormous quantities, coupled with tho lowest pri ces ever named on equal qual ities. 95c g for men's $1-75 and oin 3S to 40 waist, $2.95 $2.50 &1 A I( for all men's jqJIHb. JL kJ i;ir 30, $25 HAYDEN BROS It's Rude to Jut who could help Pointing at tho enor- in mm k:i!(!S of.... Move than all other soft coals combined. Best coal mined in Wyoming. Lump $5.50, Nut or Ek$5, Peanut $4.50. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 FflRNflfl TEL. I27. Winter Scenes ThlB Is Just tho weather to Ret Rood out-door pictures. (Jot u good, rellahlo KODAK OR CAMERA. Wo havo thorn at lowest prl cs Everything for tho amateur photo grapher. OKT A PIIOTOOItAlMIIC MAtiA ZINi: KOK 10O A COI'V. The Robert Dempsier Go,, 1215 I'limam St. Developing and Printing Done, Wrlto u lieforo purchasing. Wo do, nnd ho will you nftor o tilt) sign thill WO ll!lVO plnC.ud O O O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o Women's Silk Waists. We've selected out all waists, taffeta and satin, piled them out on a table, and large sign just over the table, reads o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n for choice. tucked, waists that aro o o o o o o o o o o We are now closing out the residue of our winter stock of clothing, prior to re ceiving spring styles to make a decisive clearing Tho prices for tho next eight days means a saving well worth your consideration. All the best and finest men's and boys' clothing in winter weight at half and less than HALF REGULAR PRICES. 2.50 pants, mostly large sizes. great values. 90 for men's $5 and $0.50 all wool frieze ulBtorB, great values. for men's 4.00 and $5.00 trousers, all sizes great values. finest Buits and overcoats, rogu- and $22.50 goods. Point SHERIDAN COAL Dr. Jno. Roy, Chiropodist. t iiltSs umin ! i""" ami up. New ete.tr,. il nut.iutl. mi kmf". painless opera imn ( i .l.iair.- i ...iiii iy i ii red Wiirt. mole. l.ir'li in iik warn and mipcrtluom iiatr ruiiirtiti I- 11 y Him keniMl eyes palnt- (ii niiiunil ruior -i eurs' experience, Vi i i'.uh In Dinallii. llooin 12, l-ren-iter lllotk. umm IODIDE OF IRON , forANHAllA.POOKNUSSoflliMl .OOD, CONS I ITUl IONAI. WI.AKMihS SCKOI UI.A. I tc. NoneEemiliirnulesiiiiKm'l Ili.ANCAKri AM. DKrot.IiiTS. U. POUdllKA & CO., N, Y. Agt-,or u s- WANT 15 O -t nn t 'u ''tJ Il-I-l'-A .N H will not norm It Send 6 ccntj to Itlninu Chemical Co. Nm; orlt, for 10 Mtnplca and l.W) ustlmonlali. a D (