10 THE OMAHA DATLV BEE: WEDXESpAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL All of the Grain- Markets Broive a Setback. WHEAT IS DEPRESSED BY WEAK C4BLES Corn Mnrkpt Proml mnl Active lints Dull nml H'rnU tilth Inilcpeiiilrnt l-'eiiturrs l.nck I im (iiinil Trntle in Pro vliloni. CHICAGO, Feb. 20.-A1I the grain markets received a setback today, even the strength of corn evaporating under a pressure of lone 8turr showing prollts. Wheat was de pressed hy weak rabies and poor demand und closed WVt? lower. Corn declined M fio and oats Ufi'ie. Provisions closed lr regular, a shade lower to iSif higher. All tho strength which characterized the close In wheat yesterday had disappeared before tho opening of regular trading today, liarly cables were a distinct disappointment, showing but a slight response at the open ing to the advance, here yesterday and even this noon disappeared. Resides this, tho cash demand was exceedingly light. Shortly after the opening n realizing movement de veloped and selling pressure from t'lls nource was soon Increased by the weakness r how n bv orn, the result "being a material decline from yesterday's closing tlgur.s The liquidating movement was not of lung duration, but the demand did not Improve uh tho pressure was relieved, trading be coming dull almoin to stagnation. This condition existed, with short periods of moderate activity, almost to the close, with prices keeping within a narrow range tiome Improvement In tone was created by the decrease In the world's visible, where an Increase wan expected by most traders, Imt tlin nilvancf was slight, no really Im- portant buying following tho posting of 1 he. , llgur.s. 'I lie sou in west roporio.i ii goon , ash demand, with farmers hauling to mar ket on a large scale, -rne worm s visinie deereused TTiS.Ofni bu. Primary receipts were jdaced at isl.to) bu. Minneapolis and Uu luth receipts were 472 caw, against 40J last -week and I7!t a year ago. Chicago receipts iwtp 70 cars. Atlantic port clearances of wheat and Hour umountcd to 131,000 bu. The seaboard reported 12 loads taken for export. Sales here for shipment amounted to aoo.ori) bu. May wheat opened at C'o, a decline of 'i'd-V'. (Mild at toUc, di'.lllied to C'i1i(iiv and closed ti'4p lower at ti.se. There was a broad and active market for corn and prices changed rapidly, though the range was not wide. Karly In the day fi dis position to realize on long linen was shown, onie prominent bull traders unloading mod erately, and a sharp break In prices re united. Scalpers followed the lead of tho big traders ami accentuated the weakness. Shipping houses were also large sellets jigalnst country acceptances. On the de cline a good speculative demand developed and ultimately part of the decline was re covered, the market closing fairly uleady nftpr showing considerable nervousness at times. Receipts were 736 cars. Primary re ceipts were large and tho shipping demand rather slow. Tho neaboard reported 20 load ilaken for export. May ranged from C5c to BV4c nnd closed Ufo-V- lower it 33'ic Oats were dull and wcu' Independent features were lacking, the aarket for the most part being Inlluenc by the weak lies of wheat and cor- and ruled frac tionally lower all day. i. rings offered niod--rately. The demand was scattered. Re ceipts were 2CT cars. May ranged from Kl-V to 231t231ic nnd closed 'iflc lower at A fairly good trade wan done In provi sions. Karly In the day prices declined noinewhat In sympathy with lower yard jirlces for hogs anil liberal receipts, pork specially showing weakness tinder nhort M'lllug. Irfitn In the session the Improved tone In com helped provisions. Packers Hook hold moro freely and prices recovered the early loss. At tho elosV May pork was shade lower at $10.97',4H11.00. May lard unchanged at J'i.07'4 und May ribs 2'i.c lilgher at $i.03. Intimated receipts Wednesday: Wheat, r3 cars: corn, ISO cats; oata, ISO cars; hogs, rw.roi head. .TheJpadlucfuturesrancedasfollows: Xr t Icles.l Open.rillgl " I ,W, "C I o's e" "V e s ' y . Wheat J''eb : fic'i 1 civs, Rs4074(iJT(ii US iCS-Tuff Vs tiSV.fiVMi ,fc'fiSh? 9 .May IN ti; July l(;8S'??ai "t orn I I I'eb, ai'41 33i :nv35-Vii,. 35'4j a-!)i 23i4i23fi; 22' '220--i .May July Oat it May July Tork May July Lard May July Itlbs .May July lr.(ii'4i r-'4 r I :sTSI3.vvt'4l i I 2.1' - 10 90 10 g-J',4 fi or, a 12V4 o, m Ii oo 11 02'4 io no it m 11 on U iti'4 C 07U 6 17(5 fi 02' 11 02',t. 10 92' 11 02', fi 071,4' 6 17V4I fi or, u tv, l fi 02 u.' (i 12'l fi 03 0 1714 r, ft-, 03 fi (0 fi 00 No. 2. Cash quotations were" ns follows: FLOPR-Stoady; winter tiatents. J3.60W 3 70; stralghls, Jl.lOifCl.U); clears. J2.901i3.10: Hprlng spcclalH, $,'l.!Hif .(n); patents, $.1.2iMr 3.63: straights, $2.fi0Ti;i.00; bakers, SS.MfrsrA W II HAT No. 3 spring, 045tf.Se; No. 2 red. WhT'e 'ORN-No. 2, .He; No. 2 yellow. 3('ic. OATS-No. 2. 23K.fr.Hi4p; No. 2 white. 23'i fCi'.c: No. .1 white. SrMc. IIARLBY No. :;ii',iHc. SBBDS-Flaxseed. No. 1 nnd northwest. Jl.t.0. Prime timothy, $2.l'jjj2.i3. Clover, contract grade. $S.m. PROVISIONS Mem iork. per bbl., tS.Wif 10 93. Lard, tcr 100 lbs. J3.S7(,4I(5.,JTi. Short libs sides (looei, $3.SSi!iii. 13. Drv salted Hhoulders (boxed). Jfi.231iti.5U: short clear Hides Iboxed). JG.tWfili.in. WIIISICY-Olfitlllers' finished goods, on liasls of high wines, per gal., $1.2.114. KP(1ARS-Cut loaf, JiiOT,; granulated, J3.49. The following tiro tho receipts and ship mentH for the day: Article. Receipts. Hhlpm'ts. O'lour, bhla fi7.00i ;::l.0i Wheat, bu fij.inn) i;,0A) corn, bu fill.fliKt irt.ono Oats, bu KIS.UOU prJ.OilO -Rye, bu 10,000 JIarley, bu .7771.. M.000 2l,ifli On the Produco exchange today the but tur market was ilrm: creameries. 19f2lc; dairies, 13Sji22c. Cneesc, Ilrm at 12iii;!e. ICggs, ilrm; fr-sh. 13'4c. m;w vtiitu (;i:m:ii 11, muki:t, OlIlltlltloilN for (he liny CnniiiindUicN on VarloiiN NBW YORK, Feb. 20. FLOP R Receipts, ?.s30 bbls.; exports. 1S.327 bb!s.; very quiet and Inclined to go lower all around In line with tho lower ruling of wheat; Minnesota patcnti, JJ.S5ft4.23; Minnesota bakers, JJ.90 Ci3.03; winter patents. ja.fWil.sG; winter tdrnlghlH. $1. loji1.f"; winter extras. $2. flow vi i,,i,. i,.,,. i..u "-.., .,1 i,.... ilou'r, fair to good. J.l."(i320r'ch'olce to ifaney. J:l.2iVn J.oo. Rmkwheat Hour, quiet at $l.fiiill.iX). . HI'CK WHEAT Oulel at' 65c c 1 f V. York CoitNMBAIr-Oulet; yellow western, S3c; ..11.. v.i... 11. i.:...i.,.: '., oaz-.o ..n ' ' RYE- Weak; No. 2 weJ't'eiii" "ii2'ae f. o. b. nuoiit; stain rye. wuw c. 1. r. .M'v vorK cur lots. RARLEY Weak; feeding. 43fflHc; malt lilt:, dull at 5Hi65e. New York. WI11JAT- Receipts. 27,200 Im ; exports. 23.- fYl: Im MiimI vi-mil, V11 -1 ... ,1 ?!.. .,li-.ili.. i fNo. 2 red, 77'kc r. o". b. alloat,ln store: No! 1 northern, iuiutii. mvc r. n. 11. ntioat, lirompt; No. 1 hard. I ninth. M'kc f. n. b. nlloat, prompt. Options opened easy and Weill weak most of the day because of a 4' cut lu freight rate" between here ami tlie west. Supplementing this as a selling inottvo were lower cables, fair Interior re crlpts, a small cash trade and prospects of unow west. Closed weak at ijfrV net de cline; March closed at "fie; May. 74'in715.C, closed at 7t'i,c, July, 7.1Mi71-So, cIom-iI at 74c. CORN-Recelpts. 135.525 bu.: exports. 19.- , mo bu. Soot. Ilrm: No. 2, I3'kc f. o. b. nlloat; 42Vtc elevator. Options market opened eiiHler and was Inlluenced by tho drop In freight rates, us well as by mod- crate realizing, local trade was small and featureless all day, the closing being weak lit 5j 140 net decline: May. 40',SI; 10 11-KV, closed at 4014c; July, Hike. OATS Receipts. 11700 bu.; exports, 123,311 easy; Mi. 2. wc; .no. ;;, 2SHc; (N11. 2 white. 31!(3Hvo: No. 3 white. 31c: track, mixed western, 29':toc; track, white, 3IMi:re. Options quiet and easy. HAY Steady; shipping, C55.i70e; good to choice. 80rflS7',so. HOPS Quiet ; state, common to choice, lS9i crop, tic; 1S9S crop, '.'fi9c: 1S03 crop, 12fr 13c; Pacltlo coast, IWi crop, ftc; 1S5S crnti, 7fic: sm crop, 120130. HI DBS-Finn; Galveston. 10 to 25 lbs., 19'ic; Texas dry, 21 to 30 lbs., 15c; Califor nia. 21 to 25 lbs.. 2P4C LEATHER Firm; hemlock sole, Ruenos Avres. light to heavyweights, 25fi'2fi!i1c; acid. 2-.25Vc PROVISIONS-Reof. dull; family. $11.00 ft 13.00; mess. $IO.OiVirl0..vi: beef hams. $.30lf 21. 00; packet. Jlo..vv,12.tk): city extra India mess. $20.0041 22.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellliw, iiij'ii7ia( ; pickled shoulders, Co; ickled liHtns, SVfilOijc iud. Ilrm we.t rn sleam. $tl 3S; February $i.;ti. nntnluiil; rellncil titcady, continent. si.fO. South America. KSO. comiHiund. $5.ivn6.12'a. Pork Ilrm ss. JlCTiill W); shurt clear, tU.7&4ii3.; ratnlly, J13,tal3.W, Tallow, steady. My. ,V,1i:i',(; hlil, country. 5MTSJ,o. ' Tallow. Ilrm. rlty. Jfi5'c; country, o'iff KICK 8trmly: domestic, fnlr to extra, CORN 41'c. .l.-ipntt. -fVfKx .HM, MPH'iy: .ew uricans, open kettle, good to choice, 4l4fS5c. I'KANFTS Steady: fnnry hand-picked, (fll'v1; o'her dome.itlcs. 3',vtk METALS General sentiment In the metal markit was depressed liy utrsutisiacinry cables, particularly regarding tin. Advices fro-i the tendon market were decidedly unatlsfutorv and the local mnrket de- , rlined from yesterday's quotations iJ32.25f? m.tt.i tn Jat.5V!31.So. The market was nulte I nominal nt tho decline, being without nc- I tlvlty. The demand for copper continued slack, leaving quotations more or less noml- ' nal at unchanged tlgtirep. Lake ecwr, I J16.25. Ieiid ruled dull at nominally tin- changed figures at Jl.70fi4.75. Spelter was also dull at JI.GOft I.GT.. closing easy, the out- , Hide Ilguro representing Ii slight shading from the quotation of yesterday. Tho mar liet for rlir Iron warrants continued ver" dull and too nominal to miotc. The brok ers1 price for lead Is Jl.iS and for copper 51(3.25. Omaha gk.vf.kai. m.wikkt. Cimilltlnn of Truil" nml tintntlon mi Staple nml 1'nney rroiluce. ICOtJS Receipts, moderate; fresh stock, firm at 12'ic DUi:SSi:i I'OfLTnY-CnoIce to fancy turkeys. Dfiinc; ducks. OfflOc; geese, DUlOc; spring chickens, nc; hens, 9c; roosters, 5yt!c I.IVB I'OfLTnY-IIens, 7Uc; spring chickens, 7',jc; old nnd staggy roosters, 4 tfc; ducks, 7',!c; turkeys, 7'4gSc. Hl'TTKH t'oinmnn to fair, 16c; choice KfilSc; separator, 23c; gathered creamery, Zl'aZlc. IMOKONS-Llve, per doz., McHJl-OO. VKALS-Cholce. Itf 10c. OAMK-Ducks, mallards, $.1.00y3.M: blue wing teal, $1.75; green wing teal, Jl.25Ol.00; mixed ducks, Jl.ri0a2.00. OYSTKHS-Mcdlum. per can, 18c; stand an,, per can, 22e, bulk standard, per gal., $1 2T; extra selecli, per can, SOc; extra He lec:!, per gal.. $l.mfjl.75; New York counts, per can, 37c; New York countn. tier 100. $1.26. HAY Per carload lots; Upland, choice, JO; midland, choice, J5.50; lowland, choice, J."; rye straw, choice, $4.50: No. 3 corn. 2tit4c; No. a wnile oats, iK'ic; cracKco corn, per . ' ;. "J per' ton m:,.:: .,. $12: aborts, t.er ton. J13. V BO BTAI1 LF.S. NEW TL'RNIPS-Per doz. bunches, 60c. SPINACH- Per box. Jl. NBW HBBTS-Per doz. bunches, 40360c. LBTTl'C'B Per doz. bunches, 40c; fancy head lettuce, per bbl.. $E. RAUISHBS-Pcr doz. bunches. 35c. SWBBT POTATOBS Per bbl., Illinois, J; Jerseys, $3; largo bbls., Kansas, J2.7S. l'OTATOBS-Per hi!., choice, i0'd40c. CAIUIAOB-Holland eced, lc. CAULIFi-'JWBR-Callfornla, per crate, J2.25. CBLBRY Per doz., 23y30c; California, per buneh, 401T73C. TrRNIPS-Rutahagas, per lb., Hie. TOMATOBS Florida, per C-basket crato, $4. Mt'SIIROOMS-Pcr lb. box, 60c. ONIONS-Rotnll, yellow, 75c; red, SoflDOc; Chios, per bbl., J2.23. RIICUARH-Pcr doz.. C3ffi7Gc. FRUIT3. APPLBS-Cholci; western shipping stock, J3.0n1J3.50; New York atock. Jl; fancy, J1.5y G 1.73. C.RAPBS-Mnlaqa. per bbl.. J7.00O9.00. CRANUBRRIBS-Bcll and BUBle,por bbl.. J9. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOBS California, fancy nnvcls, per box, Vi.ZYifi.w, cliolcu nuveis. jL'.75ii3.uu; tjai ifnrnla seedlings, per box, J2.60B'2.75. LBM0NS- "allfornla. choice, per box, J3.0U: fancy, $.'1.60; Messinas, choice, per box, fl.00: fancy. $1.00. HANANAS Per hunch, medium, $1.73 2.00, fancy, J2.00ix2.25. .MISCBLL.ANE0US. HONBY-Per 21-sectlon case, $3.25. NI'TS Hickory, large, per bu., Jl. shellbarks. SI. S3. FIOS California, layers, per 10-lb. box, SOc; California carton, per 10-lb. box, $1.00; importeu tigs, per lb., lac. HIDES. TALLOW, ETC. HIDES-No. 1 grtcn hides, Sc; No. 2 green hides, 7c; No. 1 salted hides, 9c; No. 2 salted hides, So; No. 1 veal calf, S to 12 lbs., 9c; xso. i veal cair, l- to lo ins., tc. en am;i:s is a ail. mil SITPMKK. .Votatlons fro 111 Special Tclcurnplilc nml Cnlile Coiiiniiinlcnt Ions. NBW YORK, Feb. 20. Special telegraphic and ca'blo communications to Uradstreet'H show the following changes In available supplies, since the last account: WHEAT I'nlted States and Canada, east of Rockies, decrease. K.3,000 bu. Liverpool Corn Trade News: Afloat for and In Europe, increase, JW.WJ oil. Total mtppiy, decrease. i&vuoii 1111. CORN-l'nlted Stntes and Canada, east of ItocKIos. increase. Xiz.uia im. Among the moro Itunortant Increases re- ported, not given In the official visible sup ply statement, aro those of 87.000 bu. at Rochester. 70,000 bu. at Lincoln, i-,3,o00 bu. at Newport News and C0.U00 bu. at Ogdensburg, Tho principal decreases aro those of SOO.OuO bu. at northwestern Interior elevntors und 12i.fK) bu. at Manitoba storago points. Tho aggregate stocks of wheat at Port land. Ore., and Tacoma and Seattle, Wash., Increased lll.ew) bu. last week. St. I.oiiln (irnln nml Provisions. ST l.oriS. Feb. 20-WHEAT-Lower; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 70-V; track, 72',s?f 72'tjc; February, 70'4c; May. 70'?70'4C July, 0744,r(ili7'1ic; No. 2 hard. tiG'a'J?67',ie. CORN laiwcr; No. 2 cash, 31c; track. 3l',4c; February. 31c; May, 31Tl(34c; July, 3;ifcf3iic OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 2l!4c; tra"k, 21'4c; February, 24141; May, No. i white. 2M(2Uc. RVB-ltetter at 5mfiC;c. FLOFR Quiet and steady. SBBDS-Tlmothy. dull at JJ.10; llaxseed, nominal at J1.60. CORNM BA L-Steady. $I.S0jt 1.83. I1HAN Dull, sacked, east track, file. I L Y Firm; timothy, $9,001(12.00; prairie, $7.23TN.(l. WIIISKY-Sleady. $1.231.4. IRON COTTONTIES-J1.20. HAtiC.INC-STiifilic. 1 1 BMP T W I N B 9c. MBTAI.S Leud. bett-r nt $ l.S'l'jt? I.C2".3. Spi-lter dull at Jl.i'O. POCLTRY (julet: chickens anil turkeys, Oltli'ijc; ducks. sffiS'.i'; gei se. ti'.jtjCe. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, old. J1U.50; new. J!1..17'. Iird. steady; prime Hlcain. J3.7r,; clrili c. Ji'i.Si). Dry salt meats 1 iboxed). extra shorts, $i!.12'4; clear rilM, I Jil.2)'!iii.:l7'a; clear sides, $ii.:i;ufi6.S0. Uacon , iImiuciI). extra shnris Jil.t'J'...; 1 lear ribs, 1 Ji!.7.'Wiii.s7'u: clear sides, $ii.).71-..'f7.0i). UKCBIPTS-Flour. 7.100 bids ; wheat, IS, 000 bu.: earn, xum bu.; oats, Ofl.ixx) tin. SHII1.MBNTS Flour, 9,i'00 bbls.; wheat, ii.uoo on.; corn, -1.1,1 uu. ; oais, ;u.uuii uu. Iliitter. I'ioK nnd Clieeup Mnrket. ST. LOL'IS. .i-b. 2).-ltl'TTi:R-Stcady; creamery. 2i"(2l'i. ; dairy, l(,ft2e. Bl.C,!- Lower at Dic. LIVERPOOL. Feb 20 -CIIEESE-Amerl- lean llinst white tlmi at t'.istid; American 1 lineal coioreo, nnu ill i 1Y9"K'1 . CO.-ni'TTER-Re- 1 ?J !"" V,Vi' 1'"1''"' "4ody; Juno cream cry. 19fj22'4c; western ereatnery, 'JOte; fnflry, UVSil.'r. ! ClIEBSB-Heclptt. 7"S packages; firm; ' fa" ,",, r '";?! ,jr,R'V 1::"r'",ri'; .ii't-V.',',"1" tancv. Email. 1 3i-: cliolep urndes. 12Ufil2'c. BGC.S-Rd elpt . H.79S package; steady 1 .. ,, , , """" cm at mH.". lS'ifiie KANSAS Cm, Feb. 20. IH'TTBR Creamery. 2')Vi23i ; dairy, ISc. HUGS Supply hiavlcr than expected: trade active: fresh Missouri and Khus.-is ' h,."0.U'1 l,nVfr :'1 now' caFfs ln eluded. 12c I'lilLA DBLPI 1 1 A. Feb. !0. - n UTTER -Dull and weak; fancy western creamery, 2J'"c: fancy western prints, 27e. I'.tltlS Dull and ! lower: fresh nearby, western and southwestern, 13c; fresh south 0111, He. Liverpool (irnln nml l'i-n ImIoiib, LIVERPOOL Feb. 20. Wl I BAT Futures cloM-d dull; March, ShIikI; Mav. Ssli'dd; July. 5s9VI. Spot, dull. No. 1 California, tis r.diiiu jijii. CORN -- Sunt. American mWed. new. stcad tu :NMd. American mixed, old, 1 steady at 3s 9d. Futures, quiet; February, 3s si,d ; March, i's SV1 ; .May. 3b 7tl. I PROVISDNS -llams, short cut, easy at 1 ls. Bacon, Cumberland cut, dull nt :s; clear bellies, dull at 3s Cd. Shoulders, 1 square, steady nt 23s. Receipts of wheat during the last three days. iv.,un i-cninls. all American. Receipts 01 American corn during 1110 last threo days KW.201 centals Weather, mild and open. 't't'.edii .'tort. et. TOLEDO, Fob. 20.-W11EAT-Lower nnd weak; No 2 cash, 7lsc; May. 73JHc. CORN -Quite aitlve. und lower; No. ; tnlxei!. ;we; May. S. ' OATS-Dull: No. 2 mixed. He. RYE Inactive: No. 2 cash. f,9iic. CI.OVBRSBED-Dull; prime cash $ I. ; February, new, JS.6G; March, No. 2 seed. Jl.5id5.05. old. J5.G0; I'enrlii .Itarl.ci. PEORIA. Feb. 20.-CORN-Hlsher; No. 2, Zic. OATS-Steady: No. 2 white. 24Vjc. WHISKY- Firm, on tho basis of J1.23I, for Unlshcd goods. Duliitb (irnln Market, nULFTll. Ftb, ). WHEAT No 1 hard, cash, tifi, No. 1 northern, cath, Witt; May, .lulv. fi.'-V; No. - northern. K .nritiT mt.- No. 3 .'I'Tll.ll 32V Mliiiieiinolls Ulient it ml I'loiir. IIVVtHlinl.ia t.-l. nrt UMM. IT t I store; No 1 nnrtliern, iKc: May, iVv4c; July, tMN,p. On track; No. 1 hard. (XV; N'o. 1 northern, fine; No. '.' northern, K!c. J'",1 "7. Lm ;, ,'-!'' ,iri; C7?.'rA, frlear 1 13 ii uvln hi lit ill' noi? II "5 "Aj-in nunc. jii.oowii.,,. FLorn Firm; llrst patents, Jl.ffifi3.7u; urst clear. i .11 1 1 rn ii lice (irnln Market. M1MVAUKHK, Feb. 20.-VHKAT-Kas-ler; No. 1 northern, 7'4fCS'4c; No. 2 north ern, C3tii',4c. RYB Half cent lower; No. I. ri7'4c HAHLBV Uasler; No. 2, 4511 He; sample, .MOVUJIUAT.S )F VntfKS AMI IIOMIS. Favorable Nov Full In Attract Any Ueiiinnil from tieiiernl Public. NEW YORK. Feb. 20. -Speculative opera tion showed Itself today rather unsettled and doubtful, as rellectcd by the opera tions of profcsplonal traders. The news of the day so far as It affected values of se curities was all favor-able, but It failed to attract any demand for Mocks from the general public. This Induced a spirit of caution aiming professional operators about taking on large lines of stock In view of tno iloiibtrul market afforded ror realizing. The bears wero Inclined to mnke overtures, encouraged by thin doubtful spirit. Hut wnllo tbey suceeded In forcing large dc- ; dines In a few special stocks they failed 1 to induce any general liquidations. Tho undertone of the market was ills- uneiiy nrni nnu me opening gains, wuicn wero pretty generally wiped out, wero largely recovered again In tho Him! deal- tngs. l,ondon was disposed to buy stocks hero nnd wMlo the volume of the huiln was not Important, the tendency was con sidered to bo so, In view of the condition In the ex let 1 11 5 market and the approach ing loan ror war purposes to be placed by the Hrltlsh government. 1 ho tendency of railroad stocks wns tin- ward at the start nnd there was special strength where reports saow-d a high level of earnings. fioutVTn Railway was the most notali o addition today to the iiruo gains for the second week In February. Its increase over laft year's similar period be ing no less man 4. per cent, 'tno soutnrrn 1 group generally snoweu me nenetii or mis Increase. The last week's entbound ship- 1 ments from Chicago eclipsed all previous records and stimulated ttie railroad list 1 generally. The yearly report of the Dola- j wnre, iacKnwannn western gave nit impetus to the anthracite group. In which ' Reading llrrt preferred led. Lackawanna I ltelf yielding on realizing. The net result ' of tho year's operation for this road was 11 surplus after dividends of Jl.nu7.173, against 11 deficit last year of J3".l,73fi. This result was achieved In spite or tile large decrease In gross earnings (no lesi than half of which Is due to the decllno in the return for transportation of coal) by a cutting down of tho co.U of conducting transporta tion of over $2,000,000. The miscellaneous ; Income, the earnings from the coal depart ment, wero Increased some $2.C"0.2W. Tho weakness of Third Avenue, whlc'i I fell an extreme (I!, ex-dlvldend, nnd of People's Oas. which lost l1, were the un rottllng Inlluences In the market. Tho late strenirth In the coalers and a sudiTen rlc of 2',i In St. Louis & Southwestern pre- 1 ferred Induced the late recovery In prices, Tho call money market continued easy. ! Inn tho rate of absomtlon of funds by the , which reached the tiesct in many cases. subtreasury. which has reached $2.:S7.O0O since last Friday nnd the continued down- ward course of New York exchange nt In- terlor point caused continued unoTslnes I over tho comoany situation. Sterling ex- 1 choiiLTi. eased off a. frnctlon In rfsnonse to n slightly easier tone for Loudon discount and tHe buying of stocks here for London account. In th's connection It Is notnblo that tho exports from Niw York of general merchandise for the week Just past reached the highest level since January 1. amount ing to $14,521,508, as against J9,fill,143 In tho preceding week and $10,S2.1"S In the corre sponding period of last year. Railroad bonds were In good demand nt advancing prices. Sales. $1,177,000. Fnlted States new 4s und 5s advanced U per cent in the bid price. Commercial-Advertiser's London llnan clal cablegram says: "The markets here wero verr slack today because of t'-e end of the account, but the tone was distinctly cheerful and tho close was at the best, al though the news of General Huller'f occu pation of Colenso was not known before tho end of tho session. Paris wns strong, but Herlln refused to take any hnnd In the dealing. Americans opened well above parity. Iondon buying more briskly than it has dono for n. considerable time. The favorites were Norfolk & Western nnd Ujulsvllle & Nnshvllle. The clo-v was. at about tho top on New York support. The bank bought .29.000 gold In Oerman co n and rS.OOO lu bars nnd .30.000 came In from Denmark. The cape took 10,000. It Is surmised that yesterday's snle of gold was a loan trnimactlon. Call loans were In ootf demand, but the bank did lesf In loans. Fixtures wero strong: bills steady. I'nrls check. SCJS3: Herlln. JO.W. Tho following are the quotations for the lending stocks on tho New York cxclinnite today: Atchison . ... 2o Texas &: Paclllc. 165, ... f.li Fnlon Paclllc ... f-0'4 do prd naltlmore & O. Canadian Pac. Canada So Ches. & Ohio... Chicago (R. W C. H. & Q. .. Chi.. Imt. & L. do pfd rid. .c- i-:. ill... . f,2",' do pfd 7fi'4 . 9s-4 'Wabash 'Pi . 47 W. & L. E 10U . 'J9si do 2d pfd K'i . 13TH Wis. Central .... IS'v .123 Adams Ex 115 . IS'j American Ex 14(1 . 51 V. S. Express 4ii . 92V. Wellf-Fargo Bx.123 ! Chicago & N. W.Hil AraiT. Cot. Oil. ,.c ; c. it. 1. p....iwi' do nfii 91 r.'i C. C. C. & S:. L. ris Amer. Malting Colo. Southern .. S do pfd do l"t pfd.... 4'1'i Amer. S. & R. do 2d pfd.... l.V do pfd Del. & Hudson.. U3V4 Amer. Spirits llel I.. X- W lS3i.ii do nfd 40-1; 90 17 Denver & R. O.. K Amer. S. Hoop... 4i',r, do pfd. t.'V 110 pill M'4 12, Amer. S. .t W... 5v?, 31 ij do Pfd 91'ii 137 Amer. Tin Plate. :il'a Hi 1 do nfd S2 Erie do ' la't" pfd'. C.t. Nor. pfd. Hocking Coil ItiipkhiL- Valfv.. Hi Amer. Tobacco. ..lOl'j Illinois Central.. 11.1i do Pfd lown Central ... 13 Anne. MIn. Co... Ij1 do pfd 31 Hrk. Rap. Tr 71'i K. C.. P. & C..... 12-7 Colo. !'. & 1 13 l.Mlte Brie & W.. 1 Con. Tobacco ... "iU 1 do pfd M'ii do pfd S.'.'i 1 Lake Shore 191 Federal Steel ....53'1 ! 1.. N y'li, do Pfd 7l'i Maiihaltan 1 971... Oen. Electric ....1271 Met. St. Ry lTs'a.ciucose Sugar .. r,",'n Mex. Central .. 12 1 do pfd.. MI; I Minn. St. L.. do pfd I Mo. Paclllc l.2-'w Inter. Paper . . 92' 1 do pfd t."i Laclede Gas ., 42 Nit. Ulscult . I0U do pfd 22'.' National Lead 117'.., do pfd V.M National Steel 31 1 do nfd .. s .. 70 .. 3; .. 924 .. 2l'i ..100 .. 4S' Mobile- & Ohio . Mis.. K. & T... do pl'd N. J. Central . N. Y. Central .. Norfo k & W. . do pfd No. Paclllc do pfd Ontar'o ."i W... Ore. Rv. & Nir. do pfd Pennsylvania ... Reading do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd... tKi'S 73' i N. Y. Air llrake.ir. ."I3 No. American 7 Hi Paclllc Const 25 ! do Ik: pfd . . M do 2d pfd 70 P.-ic.lllo Mall . 1 lli Peop'-e's Gas . 1S'4 I'resed S. C. 5'i'i do nfd ... 50'i ... SI . .. fit'i ... 37 ...102 ... 55V, . .. ?r,'S !M1 Pullman P. C....1K7 Illn 0. u ... 4S Standard R. ft T. 7L', S7'a Sugar I12',i ID'i ' do pfd 112 OS Tenn. Coal li I..100 do nfd St. L. do H S. F... 1st nfd. 2d pfd... SniltllW.. do 3v;r, s. Leither.. lfi'i 1 s, , do pfd. .jo Pfd t'4 V. S. Rubber 31"', 95 fit. Pin ..121H do pfd.... do pfd St. P. ft O So. Pnc'.ue .... ..1711, Western Union... SH; ..P5 .Republic I ft S.. 2l'i .. 29 I do pfd fiSU .. 12 P., C, C. ft St. L. 70 . . 47 80. Railway .. do pfd..... ""Ex-dlvldend. tloxloii Mlulnu Storks, nOHTCN, .Vb. 20 -Call loans, r.i-lU per cent; time Inane, l4T5 pc cent, closing prices for stocks, bonds and mining shares: A.. T. ft S. F. do nfd Amer. Sugar .. .. 20 West Bud .. (.:!, Westlngh. Elec, . .112 Wis. Centra. ... ..112 Atchison Is ..325 N. B. G. ft C. 6 . 231 Adventure 92'4 41 1SU 9) I do pfd I Hell Telephone ' Itoston ft A... Ronton L lln..'on ft Me. . c.. n. ft o I Dominion c.ml I do nfd Federal S!pp' i do pfd... . FItchburg nfd, Cpii. F.'ectr.c . Mex. Central . ...I'") 'Allonez M. Co.., ...199 .Amul. Copper ., ...12:rf4iAtliullo .. 4Hs Ho. ft Mont..., ...I'7 lllutle ft Hoston ... 5'i'slCententilal ... 7l'i Franklin ...111". lOtpo'ii !d' r.', is 15 ...12s 1 Parrot . . 12', Qulncy C. 19 ITittnarJck .. . .iW" Fifth Mining ... 19'AW:iionn ... 50-,;iWolverlncs ., d'i no 192 .... 3 II . N. E. Gas. ft Old Coleny .. (d )3"dnlnn X.'nlon Paclllc I'nrelun I'liiniiclnl. PARIS. Fob. 20. Three per cent rentes, lrtif 95c for the account; Spanish 4s, rn. On the bourse today prices were very Ilrm and animated, the bears hastening to cover. This was prompted by an advance lu llra zlllun (.petirllles. which were In strong de mand on the rumor that the Franco-lira-zlllaii governments were on tho e of an understnndlng respecting the duty on coffee. Turks advanced considerably ; Rio tlntns were maintained, Kulllrs were ac tively bought. Ilnlshlng at top prices BERLIN. Feb. 20, -Prices wero Ilrm on the bourt'o today, being I'licouraged by Lon don advices, Spanish Is wero harder owing to I'nrls advices, Canadian Pacltlcs and AmprlprmM wnrp, maintained locals. cs- pcclully mine shares, were In strong do - r,m i nfss. for i h.-cks. Iilsc tmt rues Short' " . ItilN. I ' r cent, thru months 1)111.1 nor i 'til LONDON. Feb. 50. -On the Stock ex change today Amprlcim railway shuns f.t.it'n.l ul.i.ll'lt ....! fiint Ilia lnrl wllll Norfolk & Western xtneks showing tho most strength. The closing was tlrtn and the demnnil fair. American eagles, 7i!s Id. The amount of bullion taken Into the Hank of F.ngland on balance loilay was j;w.toi. l.niii premiums are quotcu us ioiiows: HuenoM Ayre. 127.30: Madrid. 29.23; Lisbon, II; Home, 7.27's. ew York Money MnrUet. NEW YORK. Feb. 20-MONBY-On call, steady at 2i'9 per cent; last loan at 2 per cent; clo'p'l offered at 2 per cent; prime mercantile paper. ITif prr cent. STBRL1NC, BXCI1ANOB - EaMer nt II s7,fM S7, fur demand and nt Jt.HU for .T... O ...1 i. ,,i..l seit, i conimerclal bill-, J I.Vl'.t I.S3H. I SILVER - Cirtlllcntes. SSttCO-lie; bar. lo'ni1: Mexican dollars, 17'c. , HONIW-'lovcrtimctit, ttrong; state Inac tive; railroad, tlrtn. I The following nro tho closing quotations on uouus: U. S. 2, teg do 3s. ret:. TlOl N.Y. C. Is 1095i .i r.ii, N. J. C. gen. 5.121(3 iln eniioon tiVlL No. Cnroilna Cj.127 do new l, leg. ism No. Caro'lna 4 ; . . 10-J do coupon 131',-j No. Paclllc :!s 07 do old K reg..U3'4. do 4s lo:!'4 do coupon lliijN.V.C. .s; St.L.I.l"Si, do 6s, rcg IKI'VN. & W. con. Is. 9Fi do coupon lll'il do gen. Cs 130 II nf C. 3 1T.9 ll Orn. Nov. Is Ill) Alch. gen. 4s... do ndj. Is ..10'v, do If 10F .. 82',4 O. S. L. (ii 127'', ..lir.1'41 do tonsol Cs....U3''i .. ti4( Reading gen. 4s.. Kt ..11'jtA I!. O. W. Is 97 'Canada So. :s. C. & O. iss.... uo in C. & N. W. o. 7s. 1 IP . St. L. .! I.M. c.'.s.lll'i do S. F. deb. 3'. 120 iSt.L. & S.I, g.fis.120 Chicago Tor. 4i. K'i St. P. consols ago Tor. 4i. K'i St. P. consols lio'i P. & R. I',. ls....in:ii'.;st.l'.. C. & P. ls.U9H do Is 9V, do 3s 120' E. T.. V. ,i (1. Is.ioi'j So. Ry. 6s 107' Brie gen. H 71 Is. It. & T. fi.... 7S'a F. W. Ji. D. C. Is. 71' iTenn. 11. m. 3. .. 95 lien. Elce. 6.1... .110 iTcxan & Pac. lstir.'i tl. H. & S. A. Ch.107 I d 2s 62'3 , do 2s 1117 11 11:011 I'aciuc Is.l0ls i ...Wh II. ,t T. C. ft, ...110 Wabash Is do consol f, HO do 2s la. Central U 113 West Shore 4s. K. C P. & O. Is. Ti'i WH. Central 1 asu 1 1314 I .113'j . 91 . Sfi , 5 . H . ?3i La. new con. 41.IWK.. Va. Centuiies . i,. & jf. uni, 93',i do iiererred .. nj' . Co o. So. 4i 91 So. Pacific 4s.. jj. K. ft T. 2s. (i0 Is cw York Mlnliiu lliiotnlloiis. NEW YORK, Feb. 20.-The following are the olllclal closing quotations for min ing sharee: Chollnr Crown Point .. Con. Cal. .t Va 15 Ontario Ophlr P yinoutli ,(tili ksllvcr ... ! do pfd Sierra Nevada Standard Fnlon Con Yellow Jacket ..S23 .. 30 .. 11 ...175 ..43.) .. 31 ..2C ..20 .. 13 .110 . 60 Deadwood Could Citriie.. Haie ,i Norcross. 2.i Homestako 500) Iron SI ver til Mexican 20 London Stool.- llllotntlous. LONDON, Feb. 20. I p. m.-CIoslng Cotis.. tnonlyTlM"ll7ifi'i'eiin'sylvnnlaT. .. 69"" Cnnu . iieet 1(1) 1 l-lll ItlMlllllir 9'i Canadian Pnc....l01it No. Paclllc pfd.. TIN Brio Atcni'on do 1st pfd.... .".Sii, lxulsi.le .... Illinois Central.. .117 dram! Trunk 8IH 9 35i Vnlou I'ac. pfd.. AnifO' 1 .... St. P. 5 ommqn...l2fi't Rand Minos . - t cntrni ...l.i.y nAU SILVElt Htcady, 27'41 Tier ounce, MONEY 3'i per cent, rato of ,,.nnnt In the open mnrket f , ih0n nnd thtee-months' bills Is 3T ;er cent. Hank ( leiirlnus. CHICAGO, Feb. 20.-Clearlngs. J21,R1S,3I7; balnnces. J2.193.71S; New York cxchinge. SOs dlspnunt: sterling exchnnge, $4.Mft4.8Si,4. IIALTIMORE. I'eb. 20. Clearings. $3.43C, 11S: balances, MM1.73I. ST. LOFIS, l-'eb. 20. Clearings, $j,401.6.'(i; balances. $703,012; money, 5If7 per cent; New York exchange, 10c discount bid. par asked. NEW YORK, Feb. 20,-Clearlngs. $202,493. 317; balances. $S,72S,077. BOSTON. Feb. '.1). Clearings, $21,8iI,60j; balances. $2.590,131 Condition of thr Tronmiry. WASHINGTON. Feb. 20.-Today's fitnte ment of the condition pf the treasury shows: Available cash balance, $29..,.2,212; gold rcs-ervc. $223,300,130. Cotton Market. NBW YORK. Feb. 20-COTTON-Future.s closed quiet and rttendy; February. JS.t-0. March, JS.59: April,, .oi: .May. o.m, .nun-. 4) JS.63; July, JS.&t; Attgusi, ts.vr. ocpieiii , $7.72; October, J7.1S: November. J..CS; De- cember. $7.3S; January. $7.39. Spot ;losod . . ...t.i.iii ...J.. .lu Q7.'.o' mlMillltll? uteiulv: middling uplands. Tc mmuiing uulf U'ic: sales. 1.190 bales. K(3AIA'ESTON. I'eb. 20.-COTTON-Qulet "st'lOFIS. Fob. aO.-COTTON-Qulet and unchanged: middling, S'4c; wiles, ,1.0 ba es; receipts, 3.70S bales: shipments, 4,8.3 bales, r.l-lfid; middling. 5d; low middling. 4'4i; good ordinary, 4 U-ltld; ordinary. 4'jjd. . T. hp sales of the dav were .X.000 hales, of which rn) were for speculation and cxnort and in cluded 7.IW American. Receipts. 29,000 bales. Including 2S.M American. Futures npenrtl quiet and closed Htea.ly; American middling. 1 m c. February. tfts-ftlfMi.9-r.-lil, value, Frbruary and March, 4 M-filff I Rfi-fi d, pe ers. Ma c nnd April. K.2-C45.4 63-rtld. sellers; April und May. 4 19-Old. sellers; May and June. t-IMld. buyers: June and .Jul, t ll-t'ld, sellers; July and August. 4 4J-t,l'ii t 11-Old. sellers; August and bcplcmber. l.-f.4d, sellers; September and October, 4 13-Gllcl 20-6 Id buyers; October and Novem ber 4 10-iilff l U-Old. buyers: November and December, I C-C4d. sellers. ,.r.rr,v NBW ORLEANS. Feb. 20. - COT TON -Steady sain. 3.750 bales; ord nnry. ..J.c; good ordinary. 7V". low middling. . middling, S9-lfic; middling. SV; '"V1""" fair 91-16c; receipts. 11.311 bales; stock. 33S. 192 bales. Futures, s'eady; l-'ebruary. nom- Wonl Mnrket. ROPTON Feb, 20. There Is n moderate doniand for wool, together with a continued . all for inuii-ter-bb.od domestics nnd terri tory wools as a whole have not been called for so much, although there are buyers n plenty that would take part If they could llnd lots which thev think are bargains. Fleece wools are nominal, but no indication of weakness is shown. Following are the quotations for lending wools: Ohio and Pennsylvania llee.es: X. r.5t,3le; X. and above. 33.': No. 1 rcmhlng. 3sfc.9c; No. 2 combing. 3Sfi;!9c; coarse and bra d. ..In Michigan Wisconsin, etc.: N Michigan. ..( 2Sc; No. 1 Michigan combing. 3ofi.Wc; No. . Michigan combing, .WfStic; coarre and braid, SI ft 33c: X New York and New Hampshire. 37c: Michigan delaine, ;himjc. i uv. nsii.u medium, etc.: Kentucky and Indiana quar-tcr-bl'iod comblnr. 2i(29c; three-eighths-blood .omblng. Mil.; Missouri qilal'ter bloud .omblup, 27fi2Sc: braid combing. Jlic '.'ic; Luke and Georgia. 2KU20C. Territory wools: Montana and Dakota line nnd me dium and line. 22'i2lc; scoured, b'JnlJc; staple, i;sf70c: Utah and Wyoming tine me dium and line. Mlii". scoured. Upty, stanle, i'5'dfiSr; Idaho line medium nnd line. 1S'.i2Ic; Kd ureil, .COfi.hlc; medium nnd line. I'0ii21c; scoured. 47fi53. Auslrallati, scoured basis, spot prices; combing, superfine. 93 ft 95c. ' Drv GooiIh Market. NEW YORK. Feb. V0.-DRY GOODS Furtlier advances of Vic per yard have been reported In romo lines of blue and brown denims and tickings, the coari-p colored goods division continuing decidedly strong, l.'nlr ilemiinil for blenched cotton, particu larly In inedlum nnd low grades. Hrown sheetings and drills lltm with moderate business Prints quiet, fancy staples Ilrm. Light advances In some mourning lines. No further eh-uigi' In lngham Ptlnt cloths quiet but Ilrm. Odd goods In steady dr. mand. Men's wear woolen fabrics quiet without material change In feature. Colfec Mfrl.ct. NEW YORK. Feb. 2n COFFEE Futures opened quiet at unchanged prices to n de cline nf 5 points and ruled barelv stpady, with alow speculation und some disposition to liquidate owing 10 the unsatisfactory ca bles and pros-nirc from foreign selling. Cov ering bv local aborts nrrcnled the decline. The market c'.rihed barelv steady, with prlciM 5510 points net decline. Total sales were 13.740 bags. Including May at $7.25; Siptunber. $7,354(7 tn; December, J7.WK7.55; January, $7 fo. Spot, Itlo. dull; No. 7 In voice. MI-16-: No 7 lobbing, 93-lGc; mild, quiet; Cordova. lofilS't'- Oll Mnrket. NEW YORIC. Feb. 20.-OI LS-Cottonenl, quiet; prime crude, 31c; prime yellow. 27',4c Use. Petroleum. Ilrm. Rosin. steady; strained, lotnmon to good, $1.73. Turpen tine, quiet lit tTiVjfl'iic. LIVERPOOL. Feb 20.-OILS-I'etroleun). relltied. 71.1l. I.lnscid, 21s 9d. LONDON. Feb. 20.-OILS-Llnsced, 21s Cd. Turpentine, ins 3d. Siitrnr Mnrket. LONDON. Feb. 20.-HEET SCO A R Feb ruary. !'S Id NI5W ORLEANS, Feb 20 - Sl'GAR - Quiet, fnon kettle 3 f 1 1 3-ttii , open kettle, cen rlfugal. 4i I -l . centrifugal, yellow. .41 il l't-llif sei anus, . vk 1'ic 1 MOLASSES-Qukt, centrifugal. &'u35c. mand: exihnttgo on London, at marks na : March, js.rwis.u; Ai'"i. ' " JS.fflS.Hi; .lulv. $S.IIHS.!: August. JS.23fiS.2l; September. $7.Kii7.M: October. J.ft November, $7.17f7.19; December, $..l.f..19. nil i ll i turn PTiwrr llinrnT WAN A r. M Jl. HI A r,l . Receipts of Cattle nnd Hogs Largest of tho Mcntb. CATTLE EXPERIENCE A SHARP DECLINE lines In (iootl Demand nt n Decline of n II I k Five Cents Sheep mid lanolin Active nnd I'rlccs Stcr.d- to Stroimcc. SOUTH OMAHA, Fob. 20. Cattle lloss. Sheep. Receipts were; Olllclal Monday Olllclal Tuesday I.MS 2.007 S.133 4,! 91 4,293 Two days this week 0.1.17 10,607 Same days last week.... t;,2"!i 9.161 Satno days week before., li.l.ll 9,207 Same three weeks ago... 5., 31 9,602 Tho olllclal number of cars of hroujrht In todny by each road was: 12.72S IS.XINi ?.i.1) in :f. 1 stock Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C. M. & St. P. Ry.. 9 II O. it St. L. K. 1 Missouri Pacini Ry.. 10 V. P. system 32 C. .S: N. W. Ry 2 '.. E. .1 M. V. R. R.. 37 S. C. (S: P. Ry 2 C, St. P.. M. & O... 30 It. A M. R. R. R 6T C, II. ,t Q. Ry 9 K. C. St. J. Ry.... 1 C. It. I. ,t I'. Ry.. E. fi C. R. I. & P. Ry.. W. .1 Illinois Central Ry... 2 ii 21 I 29 io hi 12 t 1 1 1 m Totnt receipts ....199 Tho disposition of tho day's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Iluyeri. Caltlo Hogs. Sheep Omana PacKing Co 3i7 d- Hamtuotid Co l!S:l 912 l.5l.) l.fi'il 2.2S2 2.1 OS 9J5 1.150 l.itn 975 hwiii aim 1 oinpany Cudahy Packing Co 1.129 armour ,v 10 Omaha Packing Co Cudahy, from country... Atmour, Sioux City 11. llccker & Dcg.in J. L. Carey I.obman Co lllll A: Huntzlnrer Huston & Co Livingstone ,- Schaller. Hamilton & Rothschild. Other buyers sn is 39 tl 113 s It s 29J 330 Totnls 3.SS5 S,li7 6.003 CATTLE Receipts ot cuttle numbered 199 cars, which was the largest run of the month to date. The Inrgest run of the month previous to today was on February 0. when IM cars were reported In the yards. Tho largest run during January win KS cars so that today's receipts were, t hi heaviest of the year to date, more than that they were the largest of any day since the middle of November. The run was not the only notable feature of the day's situation the quality of the cattle was moft noticeable in that It wilt the pootest of any day In n long time. The yards were crammed full of the trashiest 1 101 or near steers seen here in n long time. . Not only were common natives. Texas, cat tle of off folnrs. nml In fuel evert- kind of undesirable cattle that could be mentioned. Among the offerings thee wns. how'evcr, a bunch or two of right choice and well finished steers. The market was pretty "rocky." viewed from a sellers standpoint. With recelpta io large nnd average quality so poor buyers took the bear side and they pounded the market good and plenty. It Is safe to say that the nuirket on the general run if steers was HVfrtSc lower nnd slow at tho de cline. Cows and heifers were generally 10c lower. In some casts the most desirable did not sell 11s much off, while on tho other hand there were sales at a decline of 13c. The bull market was In equally unfavorable condition. Veal cnlves were scarce and Ilrm. the best bringing J7.X). Considering the Innre tun of cattle In the yards the olTeilngs of Blockers and feeder were very small, and thero was no' much doing In that kind of entile. The market was lower In svmnnthy with the decline on fat cattle. Representative miles: IJEEF STEERS. No. O r.ii 4... 6... A v. Pr. . . SOI 3 50 ..1000 3 00 .. 836 3 73 .. 812 $3 S3 No. 19... Si. . . 19... 20... II... 20... 21... 4... 11... 23... 13!." 20... 10... 8... t . 17... 2... 17... 13... 2t... 10... 3fi... 33... A V. ...11SS ...10ii9 ...12) ...1170 . . .114S ...12B2 ...1107 ...1000 ...1125 ...1079 ...1151 .. .119.1 ...1273 ...1113 ...1210 ...H40 ...1312 ...1120 ...1194 ...1205 ...1254 ...1240 ...1227 ...1145 Pr. 4 30 4 30 I 3D I 35 I 35 4 35 t 55 4 X, I 40 I U) 4 10 4 45 4 15 t 45 ( 60 I 60 4 63 t 63 4 55 t .V, t 55 ' t 00 t 75 I 90 5 20 t 50 I 70 3 60 3 60 3 50 3 65 3 55 3 55 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 CO 3 00 3 m 3 (15 3 05 3 03 3 05 3 IK 3 K5 3 05 3 ii. 3 (15 3 ll", 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 0 3 S3 3 S3 3 85 3 90 3 90 3 90 3 90 3 95 I 00 i no 1 00 1 00 4 no 1 10 I 25 900 3 90 ...1017 I (0 9 2S 9, I ...1090 ... 9M ...1172 91G ... 809 970 ...1241 .... 609 ...1203 ,...1050 .... 9S1 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 10 t 10 4 15 4 15 1 20 4 20 4 20 4 26 IJI Ts! 12 is 20 21 10 ic 11 801 v.. 12.10 1 IS 21 17 . ... aw ....1175 ....1210 ....1210 .... 8H 4 25 4 30 4 30 4 20 4 30 1 IS. 961 4 30 13. .1450 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .1075 I 13 21. .1182 944 810 8S0 9V) 9W 870 1000 1110 1173 1097 1100 1150 4 25 29. . . 12S1 1140 10515 10S3 1177 1001 1133 10SS 1171 1102 1071 913 UCO 1102 1050 1113 1120 991 1176 1177 10H2 1200 9SI 1310 1219 1095 11 lift 11'75 loss i..... 90 77.... 95S 1075 1010 moo 1102 1216 K32 1330 1077 1110 12S0 1001 COWS. 2 00 1 2 50 2 IV) 5 3 7 IS 12 8 ii 21 fi 17.... 1.... 4.... 1.... 13.... 3.... 17.... 5. . . . Ifi. . . . 7.... 4.... 5.... 1.... It.... 1 i)"!! fi.... 19.... 17.... 19...; 9.... 1.... 1.... 12.... 10.... 7. . J to 2 90 2 90 3 O.) 3 On n no 3 0) 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 20 3 20 3 20 1 25 3 25 3 25 10SO 1155 1091 9V) 10SO rx" 1120 800 lono 1015 inoo 1 8 1 21 fi 4 O i!"..'. 25 fi 12!"" 1 1 :t s 19 13 12 11 . 973 9. 832 1105 1100 930 1131 I1f5 1027 1100 10S0 103(1 10.13 1015 1058 902 1013 1101 1020 10SS 1232 1015 1148 1000 1170 1420 1150 3 30 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 40 3 III 3 40 3 15 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 1 18 13 I 12 5 6 4 4 12 o V.'."'. r, 1 r. ...1102 1210 ...i:s5 ...1210 ... 950 ... 955 ...1017 ...1400 1... n V.'.'. 1... 1... 1G... 2t... 1290 60 COWS AND HEIFEPP ...1018 70 20. ....1081 .... 930 4 10 4 45 ...1020 ... 780 ... 470 ... 830 ... 762 ... 9H ...939 ... Wfi ...1001 ...1050 3 HEIFERS. 1 1 :o!!!!l 11 n ii. 17 13 3 r, 1.'. n 11 r, 7 t n 'i'.'.'.Y. 1 1 1 1 o V.'.'.'.'. 1 1 1 25 31. 7. 795 758 lino 10m; 993 1380 1070 1090 1 10 I to 4 '0 I 10 4 15 I 15 1 25 4 23 2 60 3 80 3 S3 3 90 4 no 4 no 4 no 1.1! 3 ...1050 t 05 8TOCKBR3 AND FEEDERS. snr, 810 .... 991 758 1131 1011 91-". 097 850 915 3 'i 5 13 1132 I 30 3 05 11 977 I 10 3 95 72 588 4 3". 3 75 21 611 4 33 4 10 1fi 1)60 If, 1 10 2 930 I 13 4 15 10 Ml) I 13 I 15 2 813 4 15 '4 25 20 l'ltl I M I 25 8 rr, 4 73 BULLS. 1 20 1 WOO 3 10 2 25 1 1070 3 ro 2 00 1 1(10 3 .VI 3 13 1 1000 3 50 3 i 1 ISM 3 60 1 10 2 1750 3 r.n 3 95 3 Hi-fi- 3 CO 9 40 1 1570 3 fiO 3 10 1 IfiM 3 CA 3 40 1 1IS0 3 r.,3 3 10 1 19M 3 75 0 10 1 1030 4 40 CALVES, fi 60 1 1?0 7 M r. 50 3 i4o t no 7 no ? no 7 m 7 no 1 130 7 25 STUiS. ... f ...1310 ...1370 ...1110 ... Sf.0 ...1410 ...1390 1. 1. 1. 12"1 1170 90 120 110 1... 1... 1... UtO I ro STOCK- COWS AND HEIFERS. 1270 3 M 1 fi70 3 73 1 3 20 1 tin 4 M 1110 1 10 1 ICO 1 00 STOCK CALVES. 215 3 20 1 . . . 330 5 03 1... 4... 1... Hous Today's hog run was the lamest of the month to date, thero being 118 cam In slcht l lin marKet opened a b'g 5c lower I nnd not ven active, as sellers wor slow t let go at tho bids, A little later on tho trade became more nctiyp nun hip iros; ' minted hands nunc nip ny at a .iirciiiie 01 against JI.WMit.V. yestprdny. Huyprs ) seemed to want I hp hogs at current prices nnd there did not nppnr to tie any u.o mativ on sale. Practically everything changed hands In good senson nnd the feel ing at the close wns better than at the opening. . ... It will be noted from the table of average prices above that the advance of vester dav was pretty well wiped out. and that the lums sold very nearly where they did nt tho close of last week. It will also be noted that the market today was 2't1)6o lower than one week ago. but Just about on a par with the nverage market of last week. Representative sales: . . , SI I EBP Receipts of sheep nnd lambs were fairly liberal for this market, though not so large ns yesterday. The demand waj very good on the part of nil local packers, and buyers without exception wero out parly and the offprlngs pre till sold and weighed up nt an early hour. The prices rn all kinds wero steady to stronger und tho trado active. No. is.... SO. . . . 15.... tin..., a..., 12..., 73.... 21.... r.2.... Av. ..157 ..20i) ..101 ..lfiS ..173 ..2S3 ..221 . .2ft3 ..233 ..231 ..237 '210 ..190 Sit. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. ... J I tr. 61 23S ... I 77ii 200 I 70 70 2S2 H) 4 77 'i ... I 70 55 210 ... ' 77i ... I 70 85 201 ... 4 77'a ... 4 70 85 222 80 I 77r, ... 4 72'i M 255 100 4 7"Kj 80 4 72'i 75 22i! ... 4 77'i 40 I 72'4 65 207 80 I 77l. ... I 72i.j 73 217 ... I 77'i SO 4 72'4 71 230 ... I 77',4 ... I 72'4 "0 230 ... 1 7714 120 4 72'4 71 217 10 I 77'4 ... I 72'4 C.9 25.1 ... 180 0 I 77U. 12 2X5 ... I 80 ... 77li IS 301 ... 4 80 ... 4 77V4 65 -50 80 I 80 ... I 75 73 201 40 I 80 ... I 76 U7 2tl! ... I SO HV0 4 75 69 263 ... I 80 160 4 75 59 279 ... 4 80 ... 4 75 72 217 ... 4 so ... 4 73 69 20S SO 4 80 40 I 75 72 2Hi 160 4 80 ... I 75 71 20S ... I 80 120 I 75 S 24.1 ... 4 80 ... 4 75 65 292 ... 4 80 SO I 73 6S 251 ... I SO ... I 75 62 2ii0 SO I 80 ... I 75 70 257 ... 1 80 80 4 75 21 2-il ... I 80 ... t 75 64 270 ... 4 SO 80 4 75 70 235 ... 4 SO SO I 75 69 257 ... 4 80 10 1 771 G 71 250 40 I 80 1 771? Cfi 201 SO 1 80 80 4 77'i " 212 ... 4 80 80 I 77'4 5 771? ES 320 Jfiit 4 SO 'sii 771: 65 290 ... S ! I 3 27S ... I 80 4 771'; 72 21" 12? 80 'vii I 4-1? 01 2.51 ... I 80 ! Ii 62 290 SO 4 SO 'in I u 02 290 80 t 811 ?X ii f fi.1 255 100 1 80 W L'J'j 71 2.11 ... t SO " ii ? 79 2.11 .. 1 SO " 1 ii! 73 230 ... 4 82". iAA 1 ii j 01 27S SO 1 S2l 10 4 m!,4 71 oVS A S.. 0 1 ..'4 71 250 ... I 82'-i SO 4 .714 f.0 332 10 4 82V4 SO 4 ..14 t.2 2SS ... I S2Vi 120 I 7714 fid 295 ... 1 S2'4 120 4 774 41 KB ... 1 R.5 I '.4 64 34S SO 4 85 "0 I 77'4 IS 105 ... t 85 80 4 7714 IS 3S2 ... 1 85 40 4 77'4 C3 259 ... 1 85 ; 73..., i GS..., 1 si.... I 4-1, 1 fit 213 es, .207 81.... Hi... 71... til... 74... 21... 2S... 73... (53... fili... 20 . . . 61 . . . (71... Ml... 07... 71... fil... 93... 82... 82... 00... 70... 70... 72... 7.1... 99. . . S. . . 7(1. . 72... M... (11... 10... II... 03... ill... 59. . . 155... 80. .. 68... ns... ,.205 ..199 ,.23li '19 '.'.251 ..210 ...203 ..211 ...222 ..241 ,..210 !'.'.20il , . .220 ...241 ..203 ...230 ,..20.1 ,..215 ...203 ...218 ...215 ...210 ...212 ...19S . .22.1 ...215 ...25.1 ...212 ...211 ...25! . . .21.!! ...197 ...271 ...2lit ...217 ...233 ".Tot ...250 ...2V.1 ...202 ...212 . . .237 70. . . fill... 70... 71... Quotations: Choice handy weight year ngs, ..iafr.09; good to choice fed year "'v5r ''cflJ.'5: tnr to good yearlings. J3.10 Ji.i.fiO; good to cholco wethers. J5.25f.i5. 10; fair to good wethers, J5.10f?6.2o; good to choice fed ewes. $4.70f?4.S5; fnlr to good ewes $4 lAJM.fiO; good to cholco native lambs. $6.7507.00: good to choice western lambs, $.5.60f?fi.75: fair to good ivostern lambs. $C40fti;.60; feeder wethers, .,6; feeder yearlings. J.00fo.fi0: good to choice feeder lambs, JI.75Q5.75. Repre sentative sales: N'o. 55 cull ewes 3 culls 7 cull western ewes... 2 goats 16 cull wethers 2 cull ewes 19 ewes 05 western owes It goats 1 buck (Hi lambs 220 lambs 10 lambs Ifi cull ewes 7 cull ewes 15 cull ewes 209 western ewes 3 hit: ks 2s western ewes 220 western ewes 1 bucks 2ofl cull wethers 211 western lambs 2 western wethers ... 2.15 western wethers.... 25 western wethers.... 7 cull lambs 165 western lambs 61 western wethers.... ti western yearlings... 5 western yearlings . 3 cull ewes 2 bucks 101 western ewes 12S western ewes 2 western ewes 3 western wethers.... 88 western wethers.... 4 western lambs 210 western yearlings.. 210 western yearlings.. 20S western yearlings... 2 western lambs 32 buck lambs 1 lamb 13S western lambs 37 western lambs 260 western lambs 120 western lambs Av. Pr. 7fi J2 25 8(i 2 75 107 3 00 110 3 f.0 IM 3 60 83 J3 60 91 3 90 83 4 25 07 4 ro 230 I 75 69 5 r,5 104 5 OO 110 Ii 75 93 .". fill 84 3 00 101 3 25 1011 I 70 1S.1 4 no 112 4 .V. 100 4 75 90 5 M IM 6 12V4 75 ti 25 ice, r. 45 92 6 60 89 6 60 60 5 60 80 Ii 65 108 5 70 90 6 70 Sli 5 86 10R 2 25 135 4 00 110 4 60 99 1 60 110 4 05 !I0 6 00 131 r. ro 65 .'. 5" 101 5 75 101 5 75 10? 5 75 70 1; no 92 6 (1) 70 1; 00 67 0 35 7S ll 40 77 6 60 77 6 CO CHICAGO I.IVB STOCK MA It K I VI'. Choice ntlve Steer About Sternly Otliem Slow nnd l.oiver. CHICAGO, Feb. 20.- CATTLE-Cholro na tivo steers about steady, others slow to lOo lower; Texas steers about 10c lower; Texas bulls Pteady; butchers' stock and canners steady; feeders slow: calves stronger; good tn choice, $5.20fn5.75; poor to medium, $4,0011.75; mixed stnekers. $3.10 f3.80: selected feeders, $t.25fil.S0; good to cholco cnw.i, $3. 107 1. 10; heifers. $.1. lOff 4.60; canners, $2.2O'.2.90; bulls. $2.5014. 25; calves. $l.50f).0O; fed Texas beeves, $l.00fj 5.(0. HOGS -Weak at yerterday's closing prices; lop, $5.02Vv; fair clearance; mixed nnd butchers. $1.Siifi3.iV); good heavy, $1.90 K5.02V,: nugh heavy. J 1 . 751 1 . 83 ; light, $1.65 1. 90; hulk of salPH. $l.s3fil.95. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Slow to 10c lower; native wethers. Jl.Tfi'If 4.3- u-nutnin u-ntlmt-a M.75f;iT.63; native lambs, $5.0o1i7.ijO; western i.mbn. J5.75ftfi.Sfi. Receipts: Cattle, 3,5M head; hogs, 30,000 head; sheep, 16,000 he-ad. Kiiiimiim City Live Stuck, KANSAS CITY, Feb. 20. -C A TT LE R e celpts, 7,300 natives. 350 Texan; excellent demand for all grade.", juices Ilrm: heavv native t-tcers. $l.;nf0,30; lightweights, $1.10 ft5.no- Blockers and feeders. $3.5ftnr,.;sff; butcher cows and heifers, J.1.20f(4.20; can tiers. $2. 6053. 20; fed westerns, $3.75f4.80; wesicrn i.'cucrs, i.(i..i; icxaiis, ja.cnfji ''HOGS -Re.-elpti, 12.2M head; market fairly active, about 2'Ac lower: heavv, $1.80 fi4.90; mixed, $l.70f I.V.; light, $.6irJM.77V, pigs. $1,235 1.65. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 2 SM h.ad; market actlvo and steady; killing lambs, slow to 10c lower; stockers and fu'dcrn ilrm; lambs, Jfl.lOfiA.70: yearling.. J5.50Ji5.75; muttons, Jl.Vxfl5.60: stockers and feeders, Jl. 5055. 50: culls. Jl.OOff'l.&o. York l.lvo Stuck, NEW YORK. I'eb. 20.-HKHVB.S-Ro-celpts. 802 bead, mainly for cxp.irt and slaughterers; no trading; feeling steadv: no change In cables; exports today, none; tomorrow. 6,S2S quarters of beef CALVES-Receipts, 121 head; market steady; all sold; veals, JS.OOfS.tV); tops, K.7'. southern calves, $t no, SHEEP AND LAMHS-Reieipts, 1.110 liead; eight cars on i-ale; market quiet: good slock. Ilrm: three cars held over; fair to choice sheep, J5.12'5fi.OO; extra wclh''.'". $6.25; lambs, J'i.6H5(7.75; culls and yearlings. $0.60. IIOGS-Rccelpts. 1,492 head; half a ear 011 salo; steady at J5.2T.fi5. 40; pigs, $5.l5f(6.M. Stuck- lu SI2I1I. Following aro tho recelpt at the four principal western markets for IVbruniv 20. UaillC- Il'l'"- on..-' South Omaha 1.2)5 Chicago 3.6no Kansas City 7.650 St. Ixmls 3,900 s.Oi'iO 4,W :;ri coo I2.2'-' pi.diiO I5.f a 2,si ) ?) Totals .19,315 0" 700 21. "Ji St. I.iiiiU Live Stuck. KM' l.ntMK l.-i.h til CATTLE It" , .-i il - n 'm in. ., 1 in,.io.ii..i 1300 Trxiic.s. market active and steady fn' natives. fieinK and easier for Toxans: native shipping and ex port stuers, $l.r,0f?6.no; drec-.-l h. ef and butcher steers. Jl.lOftS.SS; stccis under LoOO lbs. $3.3M 1.45. stockers and feeders, $1.00 fl.tO; cows and heifers J2 005 1 .0 e.m ii.T.'. $1,255(2.85. bulls. Jl. 101.1. 11. Ioxiis nnd bull in ulcers, 1.35fl I. IS. cow nnd heifers, J2.WI.75 HOGS- Re. elp Is, lo.intn In id market st udy, nigs and llshis JIS9fil9o. packers. Jl srii fr, huti hers tl C0fi5 n Slll'.r.r A.NU I.A.Mim .reruns n iitoii, market a. tlvc and teni! native muttnrH, It. 76510.75. lumbtf. $0.15fi7 15, tulls and bucks. $.1.5nfT4.SO; stockprs, $.1.0.Hi4.33, Mpx lean lambs, $6.25, Cntlfornln Dried Fruits. NBW YORK, Feb 20. -CALIFORNIA DRIED FRFlTtt-tJulet and Ilrm. but not quota-lily higher. Tho market for evapo rated applp.s ruled unlet and steady ul tin etmngci! prices, light renin Is were offset by unfavorable news from (he country, state, common, 5ft0e; prime, C.MitSVip; i lioi.-c, 7fi7'4c; fancy, MtSV. Prunes. I'vll.c. as :o size and quality. Apricots, Royal, 13H1.V . -.Moor park. loflSc. Poaches, peeled, lsjjjac. unpecleil, 7's1f9c. Strpl nml Wire Coiiipiiny Meeting, NEW YORK, Feb. 20.-At the annual meeting of tho American Steel nnd Wlrn cctmpany In Jersey City today Alfred Clif ford wan elected a director for ono year In place of F. !!. Voorhres, nml tho following were elected directors to servo live years. Thotnr.s Dolan. (1. II. Ward. James Hopkins. J. A. Drake and Charles Hoynton. Tho stockholders unanimously voted to adopt Hit- proposed amendment to the arti cles which permits the company to build nnd operate railroads and to enlarge its power of operation In other directions. An amendment wns also adopted authorizing Ihu cancellation cf part of Iho preferrtd stock. Cuban Autonomist Party Dead. HAVANA. Feb. 20. -The autonomist party has formally dissolved ns a political organ ization. Its Icailern have decided that, under present conditions, It would be foollfh to continue to champion political doctrine, which apparently belong neither to the fu ture nor tho present. Consequently, ut a. meeting held at tho residence of the .Mar quis do Montoro, a resolution dissolving the organization wa adopted, ullh permis sion to tho members of the party to n ill ! 1 11 to with whatever political organization they might profcr. Court' Decision Itciillltincd. , SPRINGFIELD, III.. Fob. 20. The hu prcme court today reaffirmed Its decision of last November In the suit ngalnst the estnto of former State Treasurer Rufim N. Ramsay brought by tho latter's bondemrn to recover tho amount spent In making, good a shortage of $478,000 ln Treasurer Ram! ay's accounts with the Htate. The former decision of tho court reversed and remanded tho decision of tho lower courr, thus compelling tho bondsmen to slnnd re spoiiHlblo for tho shortage. Today's de cision wan on a rehearing of tho case. (n Trlnl fur Three Ycnrs. O. Morltz Zepp of Westmlntcr, Mary, land, says: "I havo used Ch,imberaln'a' Cough Remedy ln my family for the past threo years, and with marked success es pecially with croup, It giving relief In from ten to fifteen minutes. I believe It to bo the heat cough mcdlclno on tho market." After threo years' trial Mr. Zepp Is well qualllled to speak on tho merits of this remedy. It is perfectly rellablo nnd always gives quick relief. Snip of Compiiny lief. .re Court. NEW YORK, Feb. 20. The salo of tho I'nlted Verdo Copper company again occu pied the nttcntlon of the supremo court to day, when Prof. Gcorgo Trcadwcll, one of the minority shareholdcts, applied to JiiHtlio Smyth to permit him to fllo a supplemental complaint In the action which ho has pend ing against Senator William A. Clark of Montana and the United Verde Copper com pany of Jerome, Ariz. Justice Smyth after hearing argument reserved his decision. Gift ror Olierlln. OnERLIN, O.. Feb. 20. President liar rows todny announced a gift of $10,000 for Oherlln college from tho estate of William E, Osborn of Pittsburg, who died In Florida a few weeks ago, for the endowment of iho president's chair. VcNliiilnter Kennel Club Shot v. NEW YORK, Feb. 2n.nTn twenty-fourth annual bench show of the Westminster Kennel club opened today at Madison Square Garden and will continue until midnight Friday. There are more ilogg on exhibition this yeur than ever. In all 2110 canles of thirty-nine breeds are on ex hibition. These Include the finest dogs of this country and some of the best of Europe. Over 200 prizes will be given, In addition to many individual awards. A noteworthy fact In connection with tho exhlhlt i the Increase lu American docs of fine breeding. Admit Slirnlnir False Slntciiirnt. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 20.-Chlef En glneer McDonald of the transport Mnnuenso has admitted on cross-examination before Hrltlsh Consul Plckersglll that ho signed an Incnrre-ct statement whllo under pressure, favoring the owners of the vessel. This statement w-is to the effect that he considered tho Mnnuon. was In a thoroughly good and seaworthy condition. 'I'll 15 HBAI.TV MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday, February 19. 1900: Wiiirniit:' Deeds. J. B. George to Henry Haas, e 40 feet of w 80 feet lot 7, Moloney's add... $ 050 C. S. HIIIls and wife to Harold Glf ford. n's and sw 3 and e'4 1-16-9.. 31,000 Emma Knapp and husband to Louise de St Aublii, lots 9 and 10, block 2. Ambler Place .5-1 M. M. W. Gahm nnd husband to Jo seph (iahm, e'4 lot 7 and nil lot 8, block 150. Omaha 65,010 M. I. Crelgli and husband to E. A. Walker. 22 acres In wl4 se IS-16-13.. 1,500 S. K Jackson to D. W. Tlllotson, lot 1, block 6, Relvedero (HO 1) In. Sheriff to J. I,. Rrowne, subdlv of lot 3.1 in tnx lot 6 In 16-15-13 700 Total amount of transfers .. .J9S.M)') SENT FREE TO MEN A .Most Retnnrkahle Remedy Tlint Quickly Restores Lost Vigor To Aluti. A Frt Trinl PackjiRO Sent By Mnll To All Who Write. Free trial packagn of a most remarkable remedy tire belnp mulled to all who wMto iha M... . M.aini lnuiliiii,. tihv eureil so aiany men who had battlud for yoar nsatnit the mcntul and physical Buffering of lost manhood that tho lnstltuio has derided to dlstr.bute. free trial package "' , "J" write, it is a home treatment und ill m'n who suffer with any form of J'""1 npes reaultlntf from youinfi.l Mil, P""1"" , turn los of Htrenwth and 'nB,orv, baik. varicocele or eniuuaMon or parts ran 1 now cure themselves at '""ine . ' Tho remedy has 1 ie. uriarly 'fM), ,' feet of warmth and semis to act direct to no desired 'location, giving "trjnBtli and daveloDtuent Just whet" l ' needed it ! ct'reT the 'lis and troubles that com from y""r "of minim- of the. natural func- ' E ami has been absolute success In ad ca?c A reoue.l to the State Medkftl fn.U tut,,' .W Klektrun Rulldlmf, Ft. Wayne. Ind -tli'lng that ym ds'.ru one of their f?ee tr'a psckaues will be coinaltcd with .loiniVtlv The Institute, in de rous of e""hlng that greai class of men who are iiniili!.. to leave home to be treated and :.i free taniple will enable them to nee how ''... n s to hi cured of Bexual weakness when the proper romedlea are employed. The Institute timkm no restrlot'.ons. Any man who writes will be sent a freo sam ne carefully sealed In a plain package, so 1 that Its re-'-lp ent need have no feur of era baMissment or publicity. Rtadr ar r quested tu write without dUy. rs ' i?si H.R.PEMMEY&C0. R00M4HY- LIFE BL2C B3ANCH I034IC4T osiiu "i OrlWUi MIB. JAMES E BOYD & GO,, Iclcphonc 10111), Onicli.t, COMMISSION, CRAIN, PROVISIONS nml STOCKS I IIO.ltI OF TIIADF,. I Correspondence. John A Warren & Co 1 uircti wires to Chicago and New Vorli t