'11! 13 OM-AJIA DAILY M13J3: MONDAY, 'KMHtUAHY 10, 1J)()0. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these column .fill lin InUen until 11! m, for the evcnlnir edition mill until Miilt) i, in. for morning; nnil Siniilny edition. Hates, 1 J.lle it iroril Ilrnl Insert lnn lo 11 ttoril (Iicrciillcr. XoIIiIhk taken for lc (Unit Uftu for tin; first Inner (Inn. These itdvcrdnciiicii t must tic run uiiiiseuutl vcly. Advertisers, liy rciiientliiK n nnm liercd check, cun lime nniinrr nil dressed lo it iiiiinlicrril letter in rare f 'I'liij lice. Anntvcm no addressed ivlll lie delivered on irccntii( Ion of the check tint'. WA.vrnu situations. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want ono plcaso call up the Remington typewriter ollltc, 1613 Farnum t., telephone 1373. A -300 EXPERIENCED double entry bookkeeper, accurntu accouiitiint. raplil penman, de sires position at once. Address X 63, lice. WANTED situation, lumberman, to lake ,.hr,n, r iiimiIht vnnl. Exiicrlenco mfg.. buying and xolltriK. Address Bee iitilce, Fiomont, Neb. A Miio w WASTUII SIAI.I: 11111.1. u'AiTHn. Wn httvn steady work for a tow good hustlers of good habits and appear ance. U. r . Auams io.. I'iij iiuwuiu m. 11301 WK TEACH tho barber trade thorouahly In short time and furnish each graduate wltli u itmrnntciMl imMlttnn nt cood wnges. Thero are morn than ten barber positions advertised to ono at bookkeeping or short hand. Write for freo cataioguu anu pur tlculars. Western Harbors" Iiistltutu, Omaha. U-Wi CASH for acceptable Idea state If pat- r.ntcd Aildrc,s. Tho l'tilelll llccord. Hal- tlmore, Md 11-303 WANTED, manager and ngents; salary or commission; cneapest anu larswii imu. Hunter Tailoring- and Shirt Co.. Cincin nati, O. 11-MH6 A" A YOUNO man attending school desires a nlaco to work for board; any honest work. Address lloyles College, Uee bldg. tel. im. n-43'i i picture agents; expenses paid. 1819 I.eav. n-MSbT r-s WANTED. In nil olllce, a thoroughly ex perlenced Invoice entry clerk; one cxperl enced In hanilllng railway clulms iire- ferred. Address X 30, Hee. H-oiJ SALESMEN to sell otllce specialties; line sliln lines: used In' nil merchants: catalog free. Model Mfff. Co,, Uox II, South Ilend, inU. JJ .1110 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; only eight weeks required ; special offer now for graduates to work for us; 600 poltlons iineu: new Held: can earn tuition bv bring- four BtiideiilH. Our catalogue explaining special oner mailed iree. .iioicr couegc, Chicago, 111, ii .11&W2Z" WANTED, men to leant barber trade; free railroad faro to Denver: free hoard: tools furnished; positions guaranteed. Write for particulars. Moler Barber College, representative, crelgliton iiiock. omana. H-M3SI 20 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Don't pre u:irn for any civil servlco or census ex amination without seeing our catalogue of liifnt ma tloti. Sent free. Columbian ( orrespondenco College, Washington, D. C. 11 .M012-20 HELPER for all kinds of repair work, also man and team, also well digger, nil to tako part pay in nouso rent. A :i. nee. U-6S3 13 SALESMEN for our scale scoop; absolute neeesslty lor tradesmen anil privaio fami lies: salary or commission: territory given: sample fiOo. Wrlto to Scale Scoop Co., Cincinnati. u .mot-j tj WANTED I'EMAI.F. HELP. WANTED. 200 girls. 132 Dodge. Tel. R7fl. C KG WANTED, competent young nurpo girl. call ni 12j ho. 36tii Btreet. c 171 WANTED, girl for general housework, smau iamny. Appiy at 1-1 in. Jist ave. C-503 WANTED, girl for general housework. Ap ply ;.'jii. i.eavcnworm. c .iioij WANTED, girl for housework. Mrs. Led- wleli, H'JO'.ij Sherwood ave. C M363 22 HELP WANTED. WANTED. In every town, a young man or lady to act as our representative. No denoslt. olltllt or cnnvasslm; reoulred' good pay; send stamp for partlciJars. National Addressing & Distributing .luuiic;-, uox -iu, ni. i-aui, .1111111. 613-20 FOR H12XT HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses well rented placo lllt'lll llllll JM-IIUU IX. u. u 1 1 CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry is. i u iiu, wi xiiu. 1 none, loiti. D-307 HOUSES, store?. Demls, Paxton block. D-903 FOR lin.vr, IKS Hlnney street, n line homo In a line locution. This houso Is to iin i'iiiiii'ij ii'iiuviiieu; i.iieriu at ten ant's selection; also painted outside ltent $30 per montn; will give lease. V.M.Wl.l l.U.l.N iV I'lU'BT CO, 16th and DoucliiH St. D-M5IS MAGOARD Van & Storage, 1616 Cap. Ave. jei. (.b. u lv9 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Ilrcnnan-Lovo Co., 303 So. 13th street. D-310 HOUSES for rent. J. H. Sherwood. 939 N Y. Life. 'Phono 3SS. D-9li 311 HOUSES to rent. Y. Life. R. C. Patterson. 303 N. D-9I2 2 TO H rooms, $3 to $30. 36 U. S. H'k bldg. u 313 FOR RENT, deslrablo houses Hlngwalt, Harkor block. und flats. d 911 FOH HUNT, modern steam-heated apart- mem im nri-inm 111,111 111 j'tlYKIgo nuildintr. JOHN W. ROIUUNS, 1S02 FARNAM. D-609 OR HENT, two nlco live-room cottages In same yard. Will bo put In Hrst-class condition; wen arranged; city water. Will rent to good tenants with r..rr. rnees for $1U and $15, near 21th and fam ines. OMAHA I DAN A- TRUST CO.. 16th nnd Duuzln st D-M5I6 IF YOU need n tenant list your houses with w. v. 1 lodges, wj i-uxion liloek. D- ) 112 SOUTH 2Sth. 7 rooms, modern. $;:o; SWJ Webster. S rooms, bath: 2222 North isth. i rooms, barn, large yard; also flats. Ring wan iiros., uarKer iiiock. d C13 FOH RENT. 2913 Seward st., B-ruom cot- lare. wilier. i" fli'i So. 23d id . i-room Hat. i ll v iviit,.)-. tin 23iO N. 23th St., 9-riioiu house, city water. i. 2601 Decatur st.. 7-rooiu house, city water, iu. Will renovate throughout. This Is a bar g-.tti OMAHA LOAN X- TRUST CO.. 16th and Untii'hip St. D-M5I3 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. u 113 FOR RENT To small family, 7-room cot- tngo In good rspalr: city water inside: cistern: coal rhed; 22nd nnd California hid.. 23. inquire ai OUT n. 19th St. D 313 ALWAYS moving H. 1L oillco 1311V? lfarnnm tit. goods. Pianos. I vl. 1&j9 or S63. D-361 FOR HENT, two ulcii seven-room houses In fain yard, almost opposite Hemls park; ull modern except fur usee; arc now being papered and painted throughout. Will rent for $20 each to good tenants with references. OMAHA LOAX TRUST CO.. 16th and Douvlax St. D-M6H FINE modern residence, 11 rooms, on motor line, No. 113 North ih street J. T. Clarke. 219 Hoard ot Trade, ciarnr. D-M592 it; FOR HENT. cheap, furnished house near llaneeom pars,; uu inuuvui S""' ' A 5. Dw. D ilfcSO 20 FOR HE.NT-HOl HUH. AN eight-room home, modern Improve ments No. 2B3 Harney St. U-Jiw si DI-.HIK.MII.I-: H.r limine. West Famnm district, largo lawn. $w. M u. ati Batik lll'lB D MB'B 20 for lease. 66X132, with trackage, car heart of city. W 3S, Uee. uiJ KOII HEVI' I'Mt.MSIir.l) ROOMS. THREE nice rooms for housekeeping, 1113 south Eleventh. E M&0 FURNISHED rooms, modern. 23V) Hnrney. FURNISHED room', housekeeping. 2623 St. miry a. e m&m 26' 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for man ami wue. Kent laKen in Hoard, am n. lit n. K I'l'll.M.slinn HOOMS AM) ItOAItl). TUB Merrlam family hotel, 23th and Dodge. TO 2 Kcntlemen, In private family. 2020 St. .Mary a Ave. v vn FOIl KENT, a nlco south room. 212 S. 23 st. I' 3l3 HANDSOME steam heated front room, witn board. lMft Capitol avenue. ! .M5Ij 13- NICE warm room, modern; board If de sired. 516 N. 23d. F-M716 13 FOIl HUNT, nicely furnished room with ixmiii svn l ass. e .m,u, .i- roii it i :.vi mtoiiiis a.m offices. FOH HENT. store In llrst-class location: rent reasonable. Apply II. C. I'eters A: Co.. ground lloor, lice uidg. i iv FOR HENT. brick warehouse, two floors, eneb GofOJ feet: nower elevators! I;. 1. tracKage. Apply iiaarmunn uros., ijii So. 20th. 1-920 STOHEHOOM. lltv. Furnam St. John N. Frenzer. Opp. old I'. O. I-6.TJ AUH.NTS WA.VI'Kll. "LIFE OF MOODY," 600 pages, 200 lllus.. authorized edition; best com. credit given. lllxenbaugli & Co., wure uiock, umana. J HI WANTED nirentn for "Wnr In South Africa, or the story or a nrave peopic sirugKiing ior rreedom, ny i iinain jihiii' Ing. the iamous author and African irav' eler. Only SI U). Contains authentic, up- to-date hlstorv Hrltlsh. liner war. Biggest bonk. Hundreds Illustrations. Enormous sale". Endorsed bv Kruirer. Jouuert. etc. Credit given: freight nald: highest com- missions, uutllt free. Enclose ti two-cent stamps for mailing. Tho Dominion com' puny. Dept. 5, ciucngo. .11 otu AOENTa- HON'ANZA! THE IDEAL POLISH! Cleans nnd polishes ANY metal. EASTING I.UHTEll. easy wont, am outu loth st. J Mil .mi: WANTED, live agents everywhere to setl -4 our new gas lamp; 11 gas plant: brighter lluht than electricity; cheaner than kero sene: lou-eandln light: cent a day: fully guaranteed; polished brass; retails $3; big money inaKer. standard Eamp co., iik Michigan st., Chicago. J-M719 19 WA XTI3II TO It E.T. WANTED To rent n furnished house: mod ern; centrally located. Address, a. 11., Millard Hotel. K 59 13 WANTED, two nicelv furnished rooms. Ilglit iinuseKeeping. man and wire; gas and batn; references given, x 63. Hee. k juko-i!) STOIIAGE. PACIFIC Storagn nnd Warehouse Co., 012- 31 J ones, general storage anu for warning. 921 OM. Van Stor. Co., IBP 14 Farn. Tel. IK?. 863. ji aw AVAXTED TO 1IUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.. In lnrge or small quantities, cnicago Fur niture Co., nou-io Douge. Tei, 2020. N-922 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Hank accounts. Hrennnn' Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. N-923 $3,000 TO INVEST In bargains. 1512 Daven port. N M7I0 F2o AMERICAN dealer: tiuy secondhand furnl- turo anu stoves 1713 cuming. tci. 11573. X 291 WANTED, to buy, four 16-foot counters and sneiving. suitatiie ior ury goous. t. Toue, City bldg., Council HlulTs, Iowa. N IS? VOR SALE Fl llXITl llE. CLOSING nut our entire stock of new and second hand furniture of nil Kinds; nlso 400 kitchen and round restnurnnt tables: 1(0 pillows and hair mattresses; ranges and stoves or an ainus menuonauic; ux tures. counteis and a lot of lumber to be sold March 1 regardless of cost; a chanee for dealers and prlvnte parties. The Va riety Furniture Co., 110-112 n. nth st. 0-M6I7 23 FOIl SALE HOUSES, MULES, WAfiOXS. TOP Hl'GGY for sale, lu good condition. U 10, Hoe. l' JU130 FOH SALE, carload mules. Glenwood. In.: weigh 1,000 to 1.10", nil, ready ror mar- net, a. .11. esics. i' ,ii;ski .11 FOIl S A I.F.-M I HUH LI, A V EO US. CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog fonccs. 901 uougins si. u :rji CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman Mc- Conuell Drug co., ibu uougo ni. ij 3:4 FOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggists, uuo gives reuer. y v.n H. HAAS. Florist. 1SI3 Vinton St. Tel. 776. r ants, cut uowers. oonueis. nan. resi- denee. wedding anil grave decorations Orders by mall or express promptly tilled. INDIAN relics, mounted heads, 1110 Farn'm J 92S I 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlfjlit, 1116 Farnam Q929 SAFES, buy, sell, exchange. Ill 8. 13th St. Q-930 NEW blcycln tires. $2.23, $2.30 and $1.00. (innil seromlhnnd wheels. S(. $10 nnd S12. Omaha lllcclo Co.. 16th and Chicago Sts. y 931 NEW bicycles .'nmplete, $13.50. Neb. Cycle Co., cor. win nnd iiarney. cj M671 vzs $1S3 WILL buv tine Slelnwny upright: cash or time. Addre.i W 16, Hen. Q-MS33 IlF.Al'TII'UL Voi-o piano. Smith Premier typewriter eiuap; c.nn or payments. Ail- dress. X fifi l!ee olllce. Q-631 FAMILY horse nnd good phaeton: will sell he panic, l'etlleld. 2H S. INlli. Q-T17 21 S2S0 CASH or time buys slightly used lln'-d- man piano; nig nargain; inrmer priie A I. Uee. IJ-71S 21 MUST have room: squiirc pianos. $10 and 1 eaen. ri umoiiei ,v .mii'iier. 1 11 1 e ar- mm St. Q--M602 21 Fell HALE. flue, larjjo linffalo robe; also line woir rone, iineu. inquire ncoti street. Council HlUfls g-.M7CS 21 MISCEI.IiAXEOl'S. NOTICE, country denlers. 2dhand furniture stoves at lowest priees, cnnoaii inrs or less, cnicago v urnuuro co.. itw-iu uouae. H 93w FOR HENT. barn, nt 2026 St. Marys' Ave. ii .01 CliAIHVOYAXTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. SO? M. 16th. B 933 MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodg 'ui XICKl'.l. PLATIXO. CYCLE PARTS All kinds platlnit. Omaha Plating Co., Uee Hide , Tel. 2533. 411 MASSAGE AMI BATHS. MRS. HHHRV, baths, mnmnw. PARLORS best n city. 119 N 18th, 2d floor; opp p. o. m 1'n it ii 1 ilViH MAY WILSON, bath, mnssagc. 610 S. Hth. 1 .Mill S- ELtTE PARLORS. 615 So. 16th. upstairs. T-507 26 MISS GYPSY, mnssago baths; Hindoo ircauneiu. oii'Ti ...... juin, i.i. i-. BEATRICE HARLOW, elegant mnssago tub imth; Amman ircaimeni. eint u, ,uj S, 18th. T-M532 20 MME. AMES. It 2. 607 S. 13; mass.ign baths. MMK. SMITH, room IK' i N. l.uh. T M6C6 21' PKItSO.N l. VIA VI, woman n way to health. 316 nee bid. SIIAMI'OOINO 23c. hair tlrcsslnc 23c, hair and toilet goudH, nest equipped. lonnrit, WIS rnrnnm. Tel. vs.n. u 337 MONIIEIT. leading chiropodist. 1318 Fnr-U-03S nam, .u uoor. iei. -msj. I'lUVATB hospital for ladles before & dur- ing connncmem; names adopted, iisu .n. u. GOOD large barn for rent In north part ot city, imiuiro 2121 locust. u i'.w Ht'I'TI'HE cured, no knife, no pain, no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Hup- turu cure, !32 N. Y. I.lfo Hldg., omana. u an I.IEHEN, costumer. 1313 Ilowurd. Oet 912 catalogue. ALL diseases of tho feet iiklllfully treated fhee for tho beneiit or stuiieius. .MISS Mayer, 100 Paxton Hlk. Pupils wanted. u iju 113 S. 1STH ST.. Hiiporlluous hair, birth marks and wrinkles cured. Mm. Jr. True. u Mill 13" PI.EATINO and pleated skirts of all kinds, M. uoiuman : Co., -w Douglas oiock. U o.u DR. HOY, chiropodist, corns, superfluous nair removed uy eieciricuy, r. ., e render block. U-579 YOUNO man In good position deslies nr- iiuaintancn 01 eiiucnteii young uuiy; oojeci matrimony; uerman-American preicrren. Address X 5S, Hee. 1-M5S9 13 PROF. LUND positively destroys corns, bunions, warts, moles, oil Karbacli hik. U W .Mil LADIES' secret to enlarge, your 'just six inencs irec. iianzemeiio Co., .nuwauKce, wis. u WANTED TO UOItllOW. $2,000 THREE or llv years at 5 per cent without commission on loo acres or land 1.1 miles west of Omaha; all under cultivation una veil rented. X 61, lice. M fUl 20 MOXEY TO LOAX-HEAl. USTATE. $1,000 & upwards to loan on Improved city property & farms. W. Farnam Smith & co,, 1320 Farnam. w 313 MONEY to loan on Nebraska nnd Iowa farms; lowest rates. llrennan-Eovo Co., 303 S. 13th, Omaha. W-941 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas 1 WANTED, city and farm loans; nlso bonds nnu warrants. 11. c. Peters ec co., iiw Farnam St., Heo Hldg. w w $100,000,000 TO invest through Hankers, nroKcrs, I'romoters; send for circumr, Investors' Directory, N. Y. W 9IS 5 PER CENT money. Demls. Paxton .block. MONEY to loan on flratclass Improved clty propcrty or for building purposes. I'uyue Knox Co., N. Y. L. W 9o0 6, CV4, 6 per cent loans on Omaha, S. Omaha. w. 11. Tliomas, 603 1st Nat. oaim. 1 ci. run. MONEY to loan at D nnd rM per cent on umana property. W. 13. iieutie, wi a. win. W 952 1'IVB per cent farm loans. Chas. E. Wll iiumaun. ' ' - MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. llrcnnan-Love Co., 303 so. . W 9jI PRIVATE money. $100 to $1,000. J. H. Sher- WOOd, 333 N. v. Eire. $100 to $3,000. 1512 Davenport W-M713 F23 PRIVATE money, 5, 5i. 0 per cent; no de my. iiarvin uros., iui3 r arnam. MOXEY TO LOAX CHATTELS. I-FY-O-U-N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y S-E-E US Wo have a largo amount to loan on house hold furnlttle. pianos, organs, warenoue receipts, horses, carriages, etc. You can get tho money within a few liours after making application, we uiiAiiui'i YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOH MAKING OH FILING PAPERS. Wo glvo you as much time as you need and you may repay tne loan ns soon as yuu choose and you need not pay for It ONE DAY LONGER THAN VUl' K E E 1 11. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Tel. 2235. 306 South 16th Street. S-A-L-A-R-Y L-O-A-N-S From $10.00 up made to people permanently employed in u.iiaiia. nunii u.mah.i. nnd COUNCIL HLUFF8. Y'ou can borrow ot its on your own name, witiiniit nimorner or moricaue. ve ni- rniii-n Mm nnviiieiits as easy as is nosslble. nllnulnu von lo nay ALL or IN PART AT ANY TIME AND YOU PAY FOH THE MONEY ONEY WHAT TE11E 1UU KEEP IT. , Our business Is conlldenllal. Omalia Mortgage Loan Co. Room 119. 300 South 16th Rtret Hoard of Trnilo mug. icl;i. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on ineir own name without endorser or mortgage STIIICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST HATES. No enquiries made of cm ntnver nr frtuuds. Y'ou can borrow any amount nnd repuy on easy weekly or monthly payments. Hefnro borrowing see us. OMAHA CREDIT CO., suite D2C-526 N. Y. Llfo Hldg. A i"us MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , iimnniis. waic nes. on easy iiuyiurniB. 1 11 known to others; yon keep the goods, each payment lessens tho cost of the loan; no elinruo ior iiiiiiri uuu j iiiuuu im in (iiilrlcs ol your neighbors. HEHGERS LOAN CO., 1501 Furnam, over H. fo M tlcKet oiucc. . MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, horses COWS, JUWCiry. uuii uirai v. o,uiuhci hik, MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with resjionslblo concern! unon their own names without tccurlty easy pal' nients. Tolman. 706 N. Y. L. Hldg, X 961 MONEY loans on furntttiro, rigs, bicycles 1 nmnllilH Wll irill'tt. 1'lt.. . II. 1 3 III, '111 llll known to friends. Omaha Loan Hank, 1116 Farnam, upstairs. X-902 i riAK-a inado salaried people on personal note wltnom seeuruy. inii-n i I'limni.iiuc. J. W. Tayloo, SIS 1st Nat'l bank., 12 to 6 dONEY loaned on diiuiob, lurnuure jew elry, hortes. cows. etc-. C. F. Reed. 3I9 S. 13, .v w l.OAVrt TO SAL.iRIED l'KOl'EE cm ployed In Omaha, South Omaha and ivitm, n tiiurrs. bolillng good nosltlons. on their own names; NO MORTGAGE: REST TERMS; everything private; money ran be paid back In small weekly or monthly payments. AmcrUun Loan Co., Room 601, lice Hldg. -v iron MON'EY tn loan on furniture, nlanos horscp. cows. etc. .1. W. Tnylon, 21, First National bank minding; 13 10 u p. m. X-961 m sim;ss chances. SHOE stock cheap for cash. Addresa Fred iiernuarui, i-omeroj', in. Y 536 21 SNAP Tho leading restaurant In tho iltj dnlnc S'j.iiOO business a year, have ti leavi the cltl reason ror selling, great nargain If Held at once, price, $1,60). will bear clos est Investigation, For particulars uddress middle mock cans iw-iu nesi .u . i-u eblo, Colo. Y-J166S 21 III Ml !'. 411 N( T.1. I'OII HAIjK A now anil clean utm l oi ufii rral mcrrhamllst In n good northeast N braska town. Address, X2 llee. Y-M61S ST SI'HrilltAN DIU'O STOIM:, the nearest drug Ktoro fur r,Cn) people, In the best residence part of clt. Address A v, llee. Y-M7I1 23 rou i:xcitA.(in CliEAtt vacant .ot near I,th and Chicago. 60x110, J1.2.V). Will trade for good rental property and pay cash difference. Ocorge. CJ. Wallace, 313 J. J. IJrown block. KENT of 2 and 3-r. house; 36 T. S. Ilk. Hldg. tant well dug. X.-M6S3 22 t'OH SA l.i: It i: VI. H1TVTH. 9ii AND f-os South 2oth St., two housca; rental $360 per year: cheap at M.Onn. S. W. corner 8s th Ave. and J.ickvon St., 126 feet east front by 1G0 !cei; snai) JW. Aero Iota. loSxlsi) feet, Trail's sub., S. W. of llnuscom nark, JAW each. 160 acres ninootli land . . of uennlug ton; fair improvements; $13 per iwre. JUIl.N .N. i'Kli.NUll, upp. old r. O. HE-610 HEAPEST lot on 24th St.; on grade near liancrort; on y jmi. tiio llvron Heed Co., 212 South 11th St. HE M642 20 'AYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS. STORES, for HENT. First lloor, N, Y. Life Hldg. HE-967 IF YOU have a bargain to offer lu real estato sco s. A. uroauweii, &oi N. Y. Life. m: 'jus IIOI'SES, lots, farms. land,s, loans.; also nra insurnnee. iienus, i-axiou oik he dto SNAPS lu real estate, money to loan. I.. I., Joliusou Co., 311 a. l&tn ttt. 1113074 1362 NOHTII 17TH slieet, two houses, rent- ing ior iu per iiioiuii, paving pnut, pays II per cent gros; price, $1,350. John N. Frcnzcr, opp. old P. O. HE 978 'OR QUICK returns on bargains only see k. Ill UUUIVCI1, UVl .- 1.I1U mug. RE-972 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso fire- insurance, ucmis, I'axtou o k. HE 706 HOUSES, farms. H. C. Pallerson. 20G N. Y. E. HE-M312 A HA HO A IN, four ncrcs, 10th nnd Pacific, two 11100KS irom car line, on licit rail road, $2,600; easy terms. McCaguo In vestment Co., 1506 Dodge. HE 063 UAROAINS wanted, bargains for sale all tno time. A. r. TtiKey, iionrd of Trade, HE-74 F, HARRISON, FARMS. FARM LOANS KB-657 M14 OWNERS of real eRtate willing to sell at nargain prices slinuld call upon or write JOHN W. ROmilNS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. RE-C7S FOR SALE or trnde, 120 aeres of land 9 miles from Pino HlulTs, Ark.: CO acres broke; house and out buildings; 30 ucres under fence; big spring of water. Henry Stevens, Red Cloud, Noli. RE M709 20' FOH SALE. $1,930 for 6-room cottage and 30-foot south front lot, so. 2o02 St. .nary s avenue $2 150 for 6-room cottace and 30-foot south from lot. xo. 2M St. .Nlarv s avenue, sue- clal taxes paid In full on both of tho above nroneriies. S18.0O0 for brick business block In good loca tion: inuimng unisneii one ear ago aim leased ior n yeara 10 responsinic tenant. Hentul. J3.0U0 iter year. $2,500 for two-story frame store building nnd House in rear or store, No. 1133 s. 16th st. Rentnl. $3IS ner vcar. $4,OK) for 107x109 feet, northeast corner 23th and cmcago streets. so eacn for cast rront lots on l3tn st . on grade, onu uiock norm or end of car line. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1001 FARNAM ST. Illi .11593 19 HENRY H. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE HLDG, Heal Estato Hcntals, Eqans, insurnnee RB-976 BARGAINS FEB. 17. 1900. F. HARRISON' & GEO. T. MORTON 913 N. X. Life. Tel. 311 or 2612 F. N. H.-ICEAD BARGAINS IN REE OF 16th S. W. Cor. 21th and Ummett, S6xll5; S6 east front on 21th; 115 on Emmett, 7-room house. Price, 2,000. One of the best U. P. trackage lots handy to wholesale concerns; some improvement on it. $10,000; want offer. Farm of 610 acres- very fine, level land In Douglas Co.; no better farm In county; special price, $10 an acre, RE-602 17 LOST. LOST. Several weeks ago, gentleman's otter fur eollar or mulller, owners name Inside. Return to uou N. y. Life Hldg Reward. Lost M630-20 SHOHTHAXn AXD TVPEWUITIXC. ,. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life -930 AT OMAHA Bus. College, 16th & Douglas 9S1 nOYLES. collego court reporter principal. neo mug 313 NEBRASKA Business & Shorthand col lege. Hoyd S theater. 9S3 ll.VXCIXfi SCHOOL, SPRING TERM Morand's dancing school negins mis wcck: cniiurcn wennesdnys and Saturdays; adults Tuesday and Friday S p, in.; attend tho assemblies, Crelgliton llail Wednesday and sniuwuy. 8:30 p. m, nnd learn the new dances, salute wnltz. enkn walk two step, and Cuban waltz. Admission, couple, 50 cents. SS0- F 2S OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Insfltute, 615 N. Y, Llfo Hldg.. Alice jonnsnn. n. 0., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst. mgr. -9tt M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school, Klrksvlllc, .110., uu i-axton oik. Tel. 1367. -991 RESULTS TELL " Osteopathy has cured where other methods have failed. Albert T. Hunt. D. O., Sulto 303 Karbach hlk., 13th and Douglas. Tel. 2352. 320-M5 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4 per mouth. The smltn-i'remier lypowritor Co., 1625 Farnam St. Telephone r.'Sl. m REMINGTON Stnndnrd Typewriter and supplies, mia rnrniiin. 3511 THE Oliver Typewriter, visible writing; heaviest mannoiaer aim emu me nnest stencil. Tel 2279 J S. Stewart, Special Agent, 318'.4 8. 15th St. Omalia. 937 TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Famnm. -3SS PAWMIIIOKIins, JEFFERSON Bqunro Loan Ofllce. 413 N. 16. 331 EAGLE Loan Olllce, rellnblo. accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1501 Douglas. -33J BICYCLES. EXAMINE Crescent. Tribune, Olive, Fow Icr. $25 to $50; $1 down, any amount a week. Flescher, 1C22 Capitol Ave. 479 TIIVMC FACTOR V. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory. 12C9 Farnam 935 ST.VM.MERIXfi AM) STUTTER I. Ml, CURED. Julia Vnughan, 430 Ramgo Hldg. -935 UlllUS AMI TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird store, 1603 Leavenworth. -990 UlltCK. I ON 15 million building brick Nebraska I llflnL' ( 'r Unth il.M..k.. 'It-..i..... tin ' -3j-Ai-: JtOTIll.S. METROPOLITAN, Wm. Unrr. Mgr : $1 to ti.io. urn anu uougias. mono ZH. 611 F22 Ullt.MTLItn PACKI.NG. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1S112 Farn. Tel. 1359, S63. LA I Mill V, kV.!:.ST,'AM LAUNDRY AND CITY iu v, t,i, aui'1'i.v. 1743 i.eavenw h. Tel 517 -937 I'UHMTPlli: HEI'AIIllXi, PACKING. unholstcrltiK. mattress, feather ruiiovaung -i el. 1331. JI. S. alklln, 2111 MA.NTEI.S. TILES, (! HATES, WEI.SIIANS & IIOLI1ROOK. ffl S. 17th st , iiiuiiues. uic uoors, grates, repair worn. M-II0 M10 MEItfllAXT TAILORS. BEN COHEN, urtlstlc tailor. 401 N. 16ih St. S73 F2S .W,NnD-5O0OA0ENT5. PARKER NEW MtRfTf-GO-ROUNDi. CYUNDER PIANOS. stHAND ORGANS, LEG VI, XOTICE. STOCKIIOI.DFRb MEETING. Nollre Is hereby ulvcn thin (he reeiilne aiinu.il meeting o the stockholders of tho South Platte Land company will be held nt the otllce of sold company In Lincoln. Neli,. at 11 o clock a. in., on the llrst edntvday lu Mnrch. A. D. 1900, being thu 7th day nf ihe month. By order of the board of dlrei tors.- . . -' 11- MOHRILU A. B. MINOR. President. Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., February B, 1P00. . Feb. 3-d30t H All.W V TIME TABLES. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Hotito" General Olllces, N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Farnam ftts. Ticket olllce, 1502 Far nam street. Telephone, 289. Depot, Tenth nnu ""Ye-avo Arrive phone, 310. . . Leavo. Arrivt. ''Mccook Ha8,l.nKr.. " ' a S:tO am a 7:40 pm Lrmlo'1UtuhV'ulif,.n?la:a 4:23 pm a 3::.5 pnt Lincoln, Black llUls. Sound "a U..a4 25pm 5:00 pm Ilncolii ijcn. n 7:00 pm nl0:3f am Lincoln Fast Mull a 3:00 pm ul0;35 am Denver. Colorado Utah ,t California a 6:0 am a Dally. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route "Ticket Olllce. 1302 Farnam St. Tel., 230. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streots. Telephone. 310. . , Leavo. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 5:03 pm a 8:08 am Chicago Express a S:50 11m n 4:05 pm Chicago & St. L. Ex.... a 7:15 pm a S:03 am Paclllc Junction Local. .al0:45 on. Fast Mali a 2:15 pm a Dally KANSAS CITY, ST. .IO sph & Council Bluffs Railroad "Tho Burling ton Routo" Ticket Olllce, U02 Farnam Street. Tele phone, 230. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tole phone, 310. Ecnve. Arrive. Kansvis City Day Ex. ...a 8:50 am a 6:17 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:15 pm a 6:1S am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis. .a 4:33 pm all:13 am a Dally. IFREMONT. ELKHORN & .Missouri vnuuy Hallrond "Tho Northwestern Line" -General Olllces. United Stntes National Bk. Bldg.. H W. Corner Twelfth nnd Piiriifim ciu n-i.i.n Olllce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 561. De pot, 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone 1453. , , Leave. Arrive Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas ... d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward.... b 3:00 pm b G:00 pro Norfolk. Verdlgro mid Fremont . . b 7:30 nm bi0:23 am Lincoln, Wnhoo and Fremont... b 7:30 am bl0:23 are Fremont Local c 7;30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. c Sun day only 1 Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Hallway "Tho Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnum Street. Tele phono 561. Depot. Tontn und Ma Hon Strrnia t..i,, phone, 629, Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 6:10 nm a1l:B5 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm aI0:10 am Eastern Express. Des Moines, Marshalltowu, Ccdir Hapld.s and Chi cago ...alOijjam a 4:05 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago and Kiimi a 4:55 pm n 4:03 pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha , a 2:45 pm Omnha-Chlcago Special, a 7:30 pm a 8:oo am Fast Mull a S:30 am a Dally. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & Omaha Hallway "The North western Line" - General Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sis. Cltv Tlr-kni nm,... 1101 Farnam St Tclephono 561. Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. Leave. A rH.-a Twin City Passenger... a 0:00 am a 9:00 pm Omaha Passengei all:20 um Sioux city & North east Nebraska n 3:10 pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Olllces. United States National Hank Building, 8. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Farnam Sts. Tlelmt Ofllce, 1101 Farnam St. Telcphono 561. De pot, Tenth Ai Mason Sts. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive Twin City Express Twin City Limited Sioux City Local .. ..a 6:50 am al0:50 pm ..a 7:20 pm a 8:15 um ..a 8:'.J am u 4.20 pm a uauy UNION PAClFIC-"THEOVEH land Route" General nniri N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam fctirceis. city TicKOt Olllce, 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone 316. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tol"phono 629. Leave. Arrive. Tho 0crl.vid Limited.. n 8:50 am a 7:20 pm Tho Fast Mall a 9:00 am a 3:25 pm Tho Colorado Special ,.nll:C5 pm a 6:35 am The Portland S n'clal...n S;50 am a 4:40 pm Lincoln. Beatrice and Stromsbnrg Express.. b 4:10 pm bl2;25 pin Padllo Express n 1:25 pm n 6:35 nm Grand Island Local. ...b 0:30 pm b 9:30 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA ft ST. LOUIS RAIL-road-Omaha, Kansa3 City .C. l,i1..ni Tlnllr,mil'"eiiV. joiepnonc, wopai, Tallin and Marcy Streots, Toio- phone, US). Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 4:15 pm n 8:36 pm Express a 4:43 pm u S 33 am Kansas. C Uy and Qulncy Lot a a 6:10 am a 8:50 pin a Dally. s.V A B A S II RAILROAD Thket Ollire, 1501 Parnnm Street. Telcphono M5. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Directs. Tcicpuono icu. Leave. Arrive. St Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 4:40 pm 5:40 um c DMIy IM ft 9 U M'T It II,W V TMII1 T llll. Us, ILLINOIS CENTRAL , Knlimail. Clly Ticket oilloe, IH'2 Farnam street Tele- , piiolt"- 2D. Depot, Tentn I utul Mason streets. 1 !.enve. Arrive. 1 a 12:10 pm n 4:fpm a 7:33 pin a. Sil&ani ' Chicago Express .. .. Chicago Limited Minneapolis mid Si. Paul Express Minneapolis nnd St. Paul Limited Fort Dodge Local b 7:03 am b 9:40 pm a 7:33 pm a S :15 am t 4:30 pin b 10:15nm from Co. Bluffs n Dally, b Dally except Sundays. CHICAGO, HOCK ISL and & Pncltlc Railroad The Great Hock lsl nnd P.oute " City Tick et Olllce. 18J.1 Farnam Street. Tcleyhone 42S. Depot, Tenth Mason Streets Telephone, ijj. Leave. Arrive. Les Moines and Davcn- port Locu .a T:0.i am bll:33 am Chl-uto Express . bll :15 om a S: 10 11111 t-hKai,0 Fast Express, a S:W pm a 1:23 pm St. I'uul Exprcs- 11 5:00 pm bll:33 am Lincoln, coior.Mii) spgs., Duuxcr, Pueblo mid Wes a 1:30 pm a 4:25 nm Des Moines. Hock Isl and nna cnicago..... .11 i: pm a r.:iu pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 3 Mpm n 9:20 am " Da"y- b l)lUl1 ccoul St't'oav. 1 CIIICAO 8t- M'LW'KEEI Street. Tclcplu Chicago Umlted Ut CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & uui jiaiiway i. uy . Oltlre 111 l.-'ii-imin Telenhotio 'si Uc no ! niepnonoi. icpoi, und Mason Streets, Telephone 029. T.mil-f Vrrll'o Chicago Limited Ut ..a7:rpm a S:30 nm Chlmgo .1 Omaha Ex biliOO am b 3:53 pm Slonx City und Dcs Moines Express bll:00am b 3:55 0111 n Dally, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC HAIL-road- General Ollkos nnd Ticket Olhci Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot, 15th nnd Webiter Sts. Telephone, 1133, T-ifilrt A rflitn S. IjuIp, Kansas H Neb. Limited . . .a 2:30 pm nl2:53 pm I C -w E Express. ..a 9:50 pm a 5:50 am Nebraska IajciiI Via Weeping Water b 5:03pm n 9:13 am a D-'lly. b Dally except Sunday. POSTOFFICE MITIl'E (Should bo read dally by ull Interested, ns changes may occur at any time. I Fotelgn malls for tho week ending Feb ruary 21, 1900. will elos- (PROMPTLY In nil c.isiiMi ut tho General I'ostoltlce, as rollows: Parcels post malls close one hour earlier than closing Hme shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close nt & p. m. Monda . Ti n ii s-A 1 1 a n I le .Mil 1 1 k, TUESDAY -At 7 a. in. for EUROPE, per s. s. Lalin, via Southampton mid Bremen (letters for Ireland must bo directed "per s. s. l.iihn"). WBDNESDAY-.U 6 a. tn. for IRELAND, per s. s. Oceunle. vl.-v Queenstowti (letters for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per s. s. Oceanic"); at 7 a. in. (supple mentary 9 u. m.i for EUROPE, per s. H. St. Louis, via Southampton; at 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND, per s, s. Astoria, via Glas gow (letters must bo directed "per s. s. Astoria"); at Uh.TO u. m. for BELGIUM, per s. s. Noordlaud, via Antwerp (letters must be directed "per s. s. Noordlaud "). TIIUHSOAY-At 7 a. in. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, POR- ,TUOAL, TURKEY, EGYPT und BRIT ISH INDIA, per s. s. Lu Tourulne. via Havre (letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Touralne";. SATURDAY At S il. m. for NETHE't LANDS. per s. s. Spnurndam, via Roller dam Metiers must be directed "per s s. Spaarndam"). ut ! a. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Aller, via Naples (letters must be directed "per s. s. Aller"); at S:30 n. in. (supplementary 10 n. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Campania, via Qucenstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - German steamers Milling on Tuesdays take printed matter, etc., for Germany, nnd specially addressed printed matter, etc., for other parts of Europe. American and Whlto Star steamers on Wednesdays, Gormnn steamers on Thursdays and Cuniird, French nnd German steamers on Satur days tako printed matter, etc., for ull countiles for which they aro advertised lo curry mall. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic malls named above, addi tional sunnlemcutnrv mails are oneiied on the piers of the Amerlcnn, English, French nnu German stenmcrs, nnd remain opon until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing ot steamer. .1lnll for South nnil Cenlriil Ainerleii, West Indies, i:ic. MONDAY-At 2:30 a. m. for NASSAU, N 1'., per steamer from Miami. Flu.; at 10:30 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prins Frederlk lluiuirlK (letters for Curacao. Venezue a. Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. s. Prlns Frederlk llen- ii rui j. TUESDAY At 9:30 a. in. for BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUNTRIES, per s. s. Words worth, via Pcrnambiico, Hnhla and Hio de Janeiro (letters for North Brazil must he directed "per s. s. Wordsworth"!; at 10 a. in. for INAGl.'A, HAITI and SANTA .il A II I A. per s. s. Wurtburir: nt II a. in. (supplementary 11:30 u. m.) for PORTO KICU, Cl IIACAO, VENE.CEEA. MA- VANILLA and CARTIIAGENA. per s. s. Philadelphia, via S.in Juan, Curacao and Puerto Cubello; at !i p. in. lor JAMAICA, per steamer from Boston. WEDNESDAY-At 2:.;o a. in. lor NAS- SAl . N. P.. per steamer lrom i.'Iaml Fin ; at 9:30 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 II. 111.) ror CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Advance, via Colon Met ters for Guatemala must be directed "per s. s. Advance"); at 10:30 a. in. for PORTO RICO, per U. S. Transport, via San Juan; at 1 p. III. for CUBA, YUCATAN. CAM PEC HE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. H-, V ullnnc In. via Havana and Pro greso (letters for other parts of .Mexico must lie directed "per s. s. Vlgllaneia ). THURSDAY At 1 a. in. for JAMAICA, per steamer mini l'lilladulphia; ut 10 a. m (supplementary 10:30 u. m.J for BER MUDA, per s. H. Orinoco. SATURDAY-At 2:30 a. m. for NASSAU N. P.. per steamer from Miami. Flu.: at ' a. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. cyrene; at :i:30 a. in. (suiiplemeii lary 10 a. in.) for BERMUDA. PORTO RICO (via San Juan). ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, per s. s. Pretoria; at 10 a. m. (supplementary io:;jo a. m.) ror HAiri pur s. s. Andes: ut 10 a. in. isumilenien. lary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SA VANILLA and CARTIIA GENA. per H. s, Adirondack (letters for Costa Him must be directed per s s. Adirondack"); at 10 a. m. for JAMAICA per t. s. Themis (letters must be directed "per h. s. Themis"; at 11 a. in. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 11 a. tn. for BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUN TRIES, tiir s. s. Llvorno, via Pernnmbuco Metiers for North Brazil must ho directed "per s. s. Llvorno ); nl 11 a. m. for PORTO RICO. CURACAO. VENI ZUELA. SA VANILLA and CARTIIA GENA, per s. s. Maracalbo, via San Juan, Curacao and Maraealbo; at 1 p. in. for NASSAU, N. P.. per s. s. Antllla: at 1 p. m. for YUCATAN, per s. H. TordelibU Jold, via Progrcso. Malls for Newfoundland, by mil to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close ul this olllce dally ut 8:30 p. in. (connecting close hero every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Mulls for Ml'iiielnn. by rail to Boston, and tliencc liy steamer, close at this oillco dally at b:30 p. in. Malls for Cuba, bv rail to Port Tamna. Pin., and thence bj steamer, closo ut this olllie dally (except Monday) at 7 a. in. (tho cnnncctlnu closes aro on Sunday. Wed nesduy and Friday). Malls for Cuba, by rat to Miami. Flu-, and thence by steamer closo nt this olllce every Monday, Tues day and Saturday at "3:30 a. m. (tno con iiectlnir closes are on Tuesday and Satur ilavj. Malls for Mexico City, overland unless stieelally addressed for illsputch by steamer, close at this olllce dally at 2.30 a. m. and 2:30 n. m. Mil s for Cnsta Rica Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by i-i 1 1 1 to New Orleans, and theme bv steamer, close ut this olllce dallv at "3 p. in. (connecting closes here Tuesdays for Costa Rica and Mondays for Belize Puerto Cortez and Guatemala). '"Regis tered mall closes at 6 P. III. previous day Registered mall clos.es at 6 p. ill. second day Iierote. Tllllln-I'lli'lllc Mill U, Malls fur china and Japan, via Vuneouwr, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Feb ruary 20lh, Incluslvis for dls'iatch net' s. s. Empress of China (registered mull must be directed 'via Vancouver"). Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan und Philippine Islands, via Han Francisco, clou- Iito dally at 6:.;o p. m. up to February 22d, Inclusive, for dlsp.il li per i. s. Copilc. Malls for H"'t''. l-laudi. via Sao Fran cisco, close here dally at 0.JO p in " February -til Inclusive, for dispatch by ship Galilee Malls for Hawaii, Japun, China and the Philippine Islands, via San Fran'i iseo, close here dally .t 6'30 p, in up I'OS'l'OI'I'll'l! MITIti:. to Marih Jil. Iiicltisltc, fur illumtch per s. s Aiiicilni Mnru Mai's for Huwali, ln Sun Fran 'Isco. cloe here dally at R:.1 p. m. up to March Id, Imtuslvc, for ills paleh per s. s Australia. Malls for Aus tralia leNcept West AustrnllH, which goi via F.urnpf, ami New Zealand, which goei Ma San Franclscoi. Hawaii and Fill Islands, via Vmicoiiveri close here dally at h.SO p in. up to March .hi, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aorangl. Malls for China Hint Japan and Philippine Islands, via Seattle, close here dally at 0:30 p. 111. up to March Itli. for dispatch per s. s. Klnshlu Marti (registered letters must bo directed "via Seattle 1. Malls for Aus tralia (except West Australia), New Zea land, Hawaii, FIJI and Samii'ii Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at ('..30 p. in. after March 3d and up to March 17lli, Inclusive, or on day or arrival ot s. s. Campnula, due at New York March 17th, for dispatch per j. s. Mariposa. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is 111 ranged on tin- presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mull closes at 6 p in. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postolllce. New York. N. Y.. Feb. H. im). GOV l".lt MHT XO'l'ICi: CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE -n,...l... v.. 1. I.-..I. ..,,.-. 11! iikHi u...l...l proposals. In triplicate, will be received hero mu a o l.,ooU p'. ,., ,.,.tral standard lime. March it;, 1900, nnd tlicn opened for lurmsn Ing transportation, drnyiige. and for lintidl- , - ... ,,.,....,..-.,, ,i, i "'I- """ " li i',,, mu ni in .,iv- .,..--.--wn. ., ',UI,B iUfaX ,0,lr eoiumenclng July 1, I'.-K). ,. --.. ..,i,, ,n -,.,.. r re eet niiv or all iiroposals. or any part thereof. In formal Ion furnished on application. En velopes containing proposals to be marked 'Proposals for transportation on routo No. -" and addressed to MAJOR 1-. 11. HATHAWAY, C. Q. M. 1". n;.e-m-17-19-20-M. 13-11. ON THE YYESTEHX II A Mi E. (imnslnu I.iiiiiIm Iuci'cicnIuu lu ill in SlocU In I'lne Sliiipe. The winter of 1899.1900 has so far been very mild In the wctitcrn half of Nebraska. This has been particularly favorable to tho stockmen ot tho western hall of the state. Up to this date there has been very llttln snow, and cattle have done very well, In deed, on the rich buffalo grasses of tho tablelands. Hunches of calves and young slock, which ordinarily require considerable) hay. are being grazed on the buffalo grass of the tablelands, and nro doing very well Indeed. Older and stronger cattle are doing sd well that good beef for the butcher shops Is furnished by tho herds on tho nineties, so far, grazed without additional forage, savo grass. One enthusiastic man declared that. thu cattle were doing better than in tho middle of the hiitutiicr, because of thu ub senco of flies at this seiison of the year. Calves me worth $1S to $20 each, yearlings $23 to $30, ami rows $30 to $40. according to qunllty. But very llttlo hay has been con sumed up to this date, and cattle will bo in most excellent condition to withstand tho expected Uurms ot February and Murch. This should Insure a full calf crop, one factor In the continued prosperity of tho cattlemen. Nearly all tho herds aro under closo supcr- lslon In tho hands ot what are now called sninll cattle men. that Is. In bunches of twenty-live to HRy, or with strong men, 500 to 3.000 held. Tho homesteaders who stayed on the table lands, and particularly thoso who stayed where water was ocecsfilble, aro most pros pered. They try to farm enough to ralso rough forago for winter, or to get hay for the sume purpose, ordinarily planning about, one ton for each animal. Tho Indications aio thnt one-half ton of rough feed will ho needed for each animal. Soino of tho more enterprising stockmen, wltli tho hotter guides of stock, aro cither raising or buying grain to ptich their calves to a moi'o vigorous growth through tho winter, feeling sure that they will bring enough morn as two-year-olds to Justify the extra expense. lu imany cases sepurnto slutlons have been established and In families whero the farmer has abundance ot help tho cows are milked, milk Is taken to the separator and a fair siip,ort for tho family secured from the milk, leaving tho Increase from the herd a clear lirollt, and a foundation for a larger herd. I am Informed by a banker nt Jiilcsburg, Colo., that they have found It prntltnblo to liurchaso cows nnd lcaso them out lo neighboring farmers for periods of three jcars, receiving In return the original stock and one-half of tho Increase although they can loan their money in that country In sums ot $100 on Hi per cent a month and nbout 10 to 12 per cent a year, to the largo stoek'aicn. They regard their Investment In cows loaned out lo faiwora ns returning a larger percentage. Another plan on which cows arc loaned out to families who hovo help enough lo milk tho cows and euro for young slock, Is for tho capitalist to leceliC' one-half of tho valuo of tho cream from tho eeparntor nnd one halt of tho Increase of the stock. Families who aro too poor to commence as owners of cattle are making a living nnil securing; a substantial start In cattle li this way. I notice wherever I travel among stockmen tho feeling that as long as the working people of Ihe United States are octlvely and fully employed, with meat on their tables and lu their dinner palls, that it Is safn lo purchase, cows mid young stock at high priec-s, feeling sure that thp present prices of beef would bo maintained ns long as our people were nrtlvoly engaged in pro dtlctlvo lines of work. Grazing' lands are Incrcnsed in value. Tho Stockmen's association, which recently met nt Fort Worth, Tex., advocated tho policy of the United States leasing nil grazing lands, securing thereby some return and glv- Inc tho Mncknien to whom tho lands were leased a sure conttnl of needed grazing lands. This proposition also linds favor nmong tho stockmen. E. P. STEPHENS. Creto, Neb. Ivy n h ii TiellU nnd 1 1 nunc Simile. To tho Editor of Tho llee: Another lino overgrecui fchudo Is tho "running winter Ivy." which Is clinging lo and climbing up tho sides of numberless cottugm, porehcB und stately houses in our capital city, affordliig a hlght In midwinter most beautiful and pleasing, not only to our own citizens, but to all strangers within our gutcs. There aro several klnilB of Ivy grown horn, hut wo only find one variety completely Im pervious lo frost and cold, and that Is tho kind almvo numcd. To say that It Is a beau tiful thing does not half express It. It Is such a wonderful climber thnt to set your cuttings eight or tm feet apart thoy will grow to rover tho sldn of your house com pletely, giving you u. mass ot evergreen foliage nearly three Inches In thickness. Ah spou ns tho vine begins to climb It thrown out myriads of llttlo libers which fasten themselves to unythlng within touch, llius holding vines up without other support. After growing a fow feet Its spread of laterals is fan-lllto, tho vines meantime pushing out In all directions nnd clkiiblng llnnlly to thn topmost part of yctir house, tho foliage mean time putting on an tho vines climb higher ami higher. This evergreen, like tho honeysuckle, Is vry hardy, and Is easy of propagation. On receipts of your cuttings placo one end In a tumbler of water and they will soon put out flprous roots. When large enough Hot them out whero you want them to stand perman ently. If )ou order cuttings from friends to be sent by mall or otherwise charge tllem tn send you only tho kind I name above, as tho others would only bo n naif pleasure to you. while tills would bo a per iod delight. CAPTAIN B. A. WILSON. Washington, I). (' "After doctors failed to euro mo of pneu mci.la I UEcd Ono Mlnuto Cough Cure, and tliHu bottles of It cured mc. It Is nlso th bist remedy on earth for whooping cough, It cured my grandchildren of tho worst caics." wrlto John Horry, I)ganton, Pa. It Is the only harmless remedy that give liunedlalo rcnults. Cures coughs, colds, croui ond throat and lung troubles. Moth- J rs endorse It.