10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SAT UK DAY, FEBRUAHY 17, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn Yields to Liquidation bj Recent Heavy Burin. WHEAT OPENS EASY, LOWER CABLES Corn Mnrli.et SnfTers llelnpsr from Its Recently .i'iiilri'il Slrcnulli OiiIh llreeitr ullli Other MlirLctw Provision Ileiircsscd. CHICAGO, Feb IS Corn yielded to liqui dation liy recent heavy ljuyers, Muy finish ing tho day's session ipiiKc tuulcr yesiei lay. Wheat weakened with corn, ft ding ulso the heavy Argentine shipments nml lower cables. May elosfd -fee lower. Oats cloff d 'Jc ami provisions n trllle depressed. Tlw wheat market opened easy on the heavy Argentine shipments imil lowir cu hlcs. Mny Mj'ic depressed nt tVMl'ivnc There whs little doing In cash wheat, the xporl demand was not encouraging und. following the opening. Mny gradually sold en" to hUfiiS-r. The decline wus helped along hy the weakness of porn. At the bot tom there was some demand fron commis sion houses, which caused a ri action of Hm market to iISp. The (dose was weak, May ,ac down at 68V5C The ftrciili r purl or the n-sslon was quiet. although there was some activity during tin- llrst hour and also dur ing the lust thirty minutes. New Vork re ported 26 loads taken ror oxpoil. Atlantic vnrt clearances In wheat and tlmir are equal to 2.!6,nOo hu. Primary receipts were liiy.oo bu , compared with 507,000 hu. last year. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 5M cars, (iKalnst 311 last week and 3!H a year ago. Local receipts were 17 cars, none of which traded contract The corn market suffered ft relapse' from Its recently acquired strength, the price he lm,' unahle to withstand the heavy lines thrown on the market. Tne sales were for jirollts and. considering the deluge, the price held pnity well, fountry orrerlngs gener ally were reported small. Receipts here were 176 cars. May opened at IfeMlS.)1'. touched 35,c. declined to SWSPie and closed 'i'lV down at "IV4C Oats, cllngltiK lo the skirts of Hie other grain markets, cnuld do nothing hut recede, which they did. The cash demand was poor. Receipts here were 173 cars. May ranged from 21c to 2l34e, closing at the bot tom. ',4P under yesterday. The weakness of orn and selling by longs depressed the provisions market, which losed bands steady. Trade was quiet. There was covering of pork and lard and a little nibbling nt lard by exports. Slaj pork Mild from 111.05 to 110.00 and closed 2'!!'i3c down at IIO.M'iflO.Hii,; Mny lard, rrom 16.10 1o 602'jiil.OS. (dosing n shade depressed at 6.05firt.o7'4. and May ribs, rrotn $;.frj j to $' !"', with the cloe a shado under yes terday at IWe'tj. Kstimntcd icctdptH tomorrow: Wheat. 46 cars; com, 670 cars; oats, 200 cars; hogs, 22.0HI head. The leading rutures ranged as follows: ArtlclesTfOpen", I " 1 1 1 g liT ' 1 .0 w "( 77so7 ' V es"' y1 . Uhent I ! I I Teb. May July Corn Feb. May July Oats May July J'ork May .Inly July Ulbs Moy July 7i till 68ifi-T, It&Wf'.i t.v.s I ' ISii.MlUi 35S.I3Wl4 .ToS,i-ir.igTsl :ir'i,i i 5.V, S3i n43.-ii1ian 3.)'4 0,1 i 23!Ml2l 21 I 23' 22Vfl 2322''i23l LIN 'Will ?' I 11 (o j 11 nr. ; 10 90 1 10 i-7i ti m I 11 0"',i 11 07'.ii 10 !C'S, 10 97141 H & 6 07'.a 0 I.! I fi 02" j 6 05 I fi 10 , 0 15 I I r. 02', ii or. 1 fi 02',! fi 12'il ti 07',i 0 15 I fi 07Vj C 17'6 5 .17'.4 6 02'. fi (5 fi 00 I '! Q2',fcl fi 03 No. 2. 'ash quotations were as follows: KI.orH-StP.11ly; winter patents, 3.IOft 3 Wl; straights, J1.V!i!l.r; clears. K.:Wi?..0; uprlng specials, tXWnt.W; patents, Jt.20'(3.55; Ktralghts. tl.WaXM); bakers, J2.KK(i2.50. WIIKAT-No. 3 spring, tlfi74c; No. 2 red, 70iii"l'jc. COHN No. 2, S3'.ifi:!.T4e; No. 2 yellow, 33c. OAT.S-No. 2, XWXXc; No. 2 white, 23ic; No. 3 white, 2.1'sf 1 2Hc. HVK-No. 2. Kilic. HAHI.UY-No. 2, 37il2c. SKKPS KliiXHPed. No. 1 nnd northwest, II. fio. I'rlmo timothy. 12.501(2.52';;. Clover, contract grade, S.351S.10. IMtOVIrtlONS-Mess iiork. per bbl., M.701T J0.M,'. I.ard. per 100 lbs., JTi.sofl.'i.O.V short ribs sides (loose), $,'.W(i0.15. Dry salted Khouldnrs (boxed), fi.S3f)li.fii). Short clear Hides (boxed), WWll'iAo. UIIIHKY-Dlstlllers' finished goods, on basis of high wines, per gal., l.2.m. SrC.ARS-Cut loaf, Jfi.ori; granulated. The following arc tlu receipts and ship ments Kir 1 no nay Artlolw. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. ... fi3,0mi 3S,(iivj . .. 38,000 IJ.ro) ...27!l.ni'0 lOi.OOO ...22S.OOO 1IS.CIM . .. 3,000 2,(iC() . .. fifi.OK) 12.(100 Klour. bbls... Wheat, bu... Corn, bu OatR. bu Hyp, bu llarlcy, bu... On tho Produco exuhanire todav the hut. ter market wan steady; creameries, l!i2lc; dairies. 19ft22c. Cheese, llrm nt 12ffl3c. Kggs, firm; fresh. 12',41fl3c. m:w yohk (;i:m:ii.i. maiikkt. ) inilntloiis fop the liny on Vnrloiis ( iiniiniMlltlt's, NKW YORK. Keb. 1. -KLOl'R-Rc-cclpts, 11,922 bbls ; exports. 7.200 bbls.; dull and featureless; Minnesota 21.055 bids.; exiiorts, 21.1K0 bbls.; more actlvo on winter patents, but held too high on spring Hour for buyers, who were only too willing lo pay old asking prices; Minnesota patents, $J.S55) 1.15; Minnesota bakers, $2.90if 3.DS; winter low grade, $2 25'((2. 0; winter patents, $.1.fi5fi3.S.), winter straights. $1. 151f 8.BS, winter extras. $2.u"?2.!Hi; winter low grades. $2.23(02. la. Hyp Hour, dull; fair to good, $3.(3.20; choice to fair. $3 2nfo3.t;o. 1 luck wheat Hour, quiet al ILSnfiLfiO. CORNM 1 2A1 Firmer: yellow western. Me; city. M'c; Hrandywlue. $2.2i)j2.3n. HYI'J Klrm; No. 2 western, i.'.c, f. o. h.. atloal; stale, tioiiilc, c. I. ., Nov York car lot bl. IIARLICY-Klcady; feeding. 4.il(fil7c c I f.. New York; malting. 31U35c, c. I. f., New York. IIARLKY MAI.T-Oull; wpstem. ;S?,Bp. W 1 1 HAT Receipts, S.Gin) hu.; exports, 10). f) bu. Spot, weak: No. 2 red. 7f,Tc. eleva tor; No. 2 red. 7MC. f. o. b., alloat, In store; No. 1 northern Duluth, flc, f. o. h., alloat. prompt: No. 1 hard Dululh. Sic. r. o. b, nlloat. pronitit. Options opened jasv and dropped nit Into punitive weakness later In tho day, owing to heavy Argentine ship ments, bearish Paris markets, liquidation, now In the west and drop In corn. Trado was slack here all day and price changes narrow. Closed weak, net decline: March clos-ed, 76V; May. 71 l.l-ltiflTS 7-lfic-closed. 75c; July. 7P75Vc; closed, 71V. September. 75ti75 3-liic. CORN Receipts, 31,200 bu.; exports. 11S bu. Spot, weak; No. 2, i:lc, f o. Ii., atloal, and I2!ic elevator. Options opi ned oasy nud'weakeued under active western liquida tion; liberal seaboard clearances and ste.tdy cables had no effect on the market. ciued weak nt 'iih&i,e net lower: May, nifj R'.c closed. 40V-: July closed, lie. OATS Receipts, 63.3H0 tm.; epnits 3i5 till. Spot, steady; No. 2. 2!i'ic; No. ;!, No. 2 white, 32c; No. 3 white, ;tp .; track mixed western. Siijillu'ijc, truck white, ai'ij J3c. Options dull and easy. HAY Sternly; good to choice, E0ri57i:c Hhljudng, fiS.tip. ,! 1 IIOPS Steady : slate, common lo choice 1MM prop, fic, IS'JS crop, 7lj9c; 1S99 crop J"jf 13o; Paclllu coast. IbiHi crop, titfc; lV.is pron 74i!U; I MM crop. I2jI3c4 r ' ' I1IDKS Klrm; (lalveston, 20 to 23 lbs JO'jc; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs,, J3c; i'ati'1 fornla. 21 to 23 lbs., 211-c. LriATIIKR Firm; hemlock sole, Huenos Ay res. light 10 heavyweights, ssyjsi-p-ncld, 25fi2S'jc I'ROVISIONS-Heef. dull: family, llliolf 12.(0; nnss, $10.005110.50; heef hafns. 20.60fli 21.00; iMok.-t. $l0.&inl2.00; city. , xtrn inihi mess, $20.00f 22.00, cm meats, steady; pickled bellies. $11.23117.50: pickled shoulders. Si; pickled hams, tlKi 10.25. Lard. easy. rn steam, closed, liiI.'it.; Fidirunry. lii.TJ'j iinmlniil; rellned, llrm; eoiitlueut. $,ii; South America, IfisO: comiiound, ld.diio.12''. l'ork, nidet; mess, II0.5O4i 11.25; short deaf II175W13.00; family. Il3.mviil3.sn. Tallow! strong; city, 5c; counto, SLtifii.r. MKTALH It waft 11 very quiet, unlnterct. log day In the local metal market. In svm. pathy with 11 further rNe In values In Lou. Ion tin again advanced quite sharply, hut displayed no marked stiength of Us own on tho upturn. Advices from the west were not of special significance, Al the close the Metal exchange called pig Iron warrants very dull; lake copper, unchanged at 116,23; tin. quiet at $.I0.ST: lead, unchanged, with $1.70 bid and 11.73 asked; spelter, unchanged, with ll.fiu bid and 11.70 asked. Tho brokers' price for lead Is $1.15 and for copper ilti.23ff 16.50. Minneapolis Wlirnt 11 nil Klour. MINNEAPOLIS. Keb, Ifi. V II HAT-In store: No, 1 northern. Kcbruary, 03Uc; May, to; July, 67,fttii'iC. On track; No. 1 rani, STc; No. 1 northern, 6&4c; No. 2 northern, 63!c. FLOPR Mnrket strong and fie per bhl, higher, llrst patents, 13.65173.75; second pat ents, l!.3,Vfj3.4S; llrst clears, I2.68HC76; sec ond clears, HHAN-CnchnnKed. OMAHA Ji:.M:itAI, MAllKHT. Condition nt Trnd- n(l (inotntlon, 011 i(ile nml I'nner I'rodnee. KOOS-Hccelpts Increasing; fresh stock, firm nt 12ic Olti:sSHI) roi t.TnY-Cholce to fancy turkeys. fifpH ; ducks. OplOc; geese. OfllOc; spring ( hlcketu'. !ic; hens. Be; roosters, uiific f.lVK I'Oll.THV-IIens. 7'ie: spring chickens, 7'jc: old and slnggy roosters, 1 '(Ifie; ducks, 7'2c; turkeys, 7'jfSc. Ht'TI hu-1 ommon to fair, lCc; oholee, 17f(Ue; separator, 2Se; gnthcrci! creamery, 22V. i.'. I'I;i:o:.y-T.lve, per iloz., SOclJI.OO. Vn.VI.M-Cholie. !10c. C.AMK-i'ucl.-s. mallards. J3 00ii3.25; blue wieg teai. ti.iu; green wing veal, JI.2igi.50; OYSTKHS- Medium, per ran, ISc; stund an., per mn, 22p; bull: standard, per gal., SI. 33; extra "elects, per can, .lot; extra ho I"p:!. per gal.. Il.fi0fil.73; Now York counts, "r can, 37c: New York eountrt. tier 100. $1.25. ItAY l'er carload lots: rpland, choice, $fi; midland, choice, J5.50; lowland, choice. IS; eye straw, choice, 11.60; No. 3 corn, 2011o; No. 3 white, oats, 22'jc; cracked corn, per ton, III, corn and oat, chopped, per ton, $11. M: bran, per ton. $12: shorts, per ton, 113. VnUKTAHLK.S. NEW TCRNIP.S-I'er doz. bunches. 60c. HI'INACH Per box, II. Ni:V HHKT.S-I'er doz. bunches, 40Q50C. I.IOTTCCK Per doz. bunches, 40c; funcy head lettuce, per bbl.. I HADIHIIKS-l'er doz. bunches. 3,'e. SWUHT POTATOHH Per bbl., Illinois, $;;; Jerseys, 13; largo bbls., Kansas, 12.75. POTATOMS-Per lm choice, SOljMOc. CAIIIlAC.K-IIollatid seed. 2c. (ACl.IKl.OWnH-Callfornln, per crate, $2.23. CKI.HHY- Per doz., KlfSOo: California, per bunch. 40Ti73c. TI'HNIPS Hutahagas. per lb., llic. Tt)MATOi:s Klorlda. per fi-basket crat, It. MfSUHOOMH-Per lb. box. 60c. ONIONS- Retail, yellow, 75c; tod, SSftOOc; i')hlos, per bbl., $2.23. HlirilARIJ-Per doz., 63tt75c. KRI'ITS. APPI.KS-Cholce western shipping stock, $.1.CsVTj3.ry); New York stock, I; fancy, 11.50 41.75. . C.RAPHH-Miilnga. per bbl.. $7.0000.00. CKANHKKHIUH-Hcll and llugle, per bbl.. $S. TROPICAL KRt.'ITS. ORANOKS-Callfornln. fancy navels, per box, 3.231;i.60; (diolce iiavelH, $2.ufi.l00; Cal ifornia seedlings, iier box. 2..VK(2.75. I dCMONS California, choice, per box. $.1.00; fancy. $3.60; Mcsslnas, choice, per box, I3.(K)J fancy, tl.oo. HANANAS-Pcr bunch, medium, 11.75 2.00; iancy, l2.0(H2.25. Miscui.i.ANnors. IIONUY-Per 21-sectlon case. 13.25. NfTS-lllckory, large, per bu., $1.23; shellbarks, H.85. KlfJS C'lllfornla. layers, per 10-lb. box, OOc: California carton, per 10-lb. box, $1.00; Imported tigs, per lb., 13c. IIIDI3H, TALLOW, ETC. 11IOICS No. 1 gteen hides, Rc; No. 2 green hides, 7c; No. 1 snltfd hides, So; No. 2 salted hides. Nc; No. 1 veal calf, & to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 13 lbs.. Sc. St. I. mils (Jrnln unit Provisions, ST. LtJl'IS. Keb. lC.-VHKAT-rviwer; .No. 2 red cash, elevator. 71e; track. "3H731ic; I'ldiruary, 7o-c; May. 7le; July, 6S'4c; No. 2 !mid, fi"i2fitiii...c. KLOI.'H- Values sironger, with Increasing demand, but prices unchanged. t'ORN-Lower; No. 2 cash. 31c; track, 31c; February, 32-V; Mny. aii,c: July, Sllic. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash. 2114c; track, 25c; February. 2l'ic; May. 24'4'(i-J4Hc; So. white. 2Wi2tiL( 1 RYU Klrm at Wl.c. 3F.KDS-Tltnnth. I2.00fl2.40, with prime worth more; Max, nominal m ll.DS. CORNMHAI-Stendy at $1 SOicl.W. IIRAN Steady ; sacked, east track, file. HA Y Timothy, llrm at $9.2.V!j'11.00; pralrlc, qulel nt ffi.0iWi75O. WIILSKY-Steady. $1.21'4. IRON COTTONTIi:S-$l.20. v llAC.C.INH-STiflGc. MUMP TWINH 9e. PROVISIONS-Pork; steady; Jobbing, old, 110.60; new. 111.:!"',. Lard nominal; prime steam, $i.7S; choice, $3.w. Dry salt boxed meats, extra shorts, t.2y, clear ribs, $6.2T; clear sides, $C.371v. Macon. boSced, extra shorts, $6.2'3; clear ribs-, $0.75; clear sides, fi!.87'h. M KTA LS Lead dull nt II. BO. Spelter dull at II. O). POl'LTRY-Stcady; chlckenp. 77Sc; tur keys, c,ivlvc; ducks, S'iWSc; ducks, S',2c; geese, ,"i!2l6c. RKCHIPTS-Flour. 6.000 bbls.; wdieat. 11. 00) bu.: corn. fiii.oOo hu.; oats. 31,000 bu. SIIIPMKNTS-FIuur. S.0.10 bbls.; wheat, 21.WW bu.; corn. 09,oiKi bu.; oats, 40.000 bu. Hotter, V.KK mill Cheese .Market. ST. LOriS. Keb. hi-IirTTKR-Steady ; creamery, 20'(i2lc; dnlry. lOffWc. WSOS-Stcady at 11-c. NliW YORK, Keb. Ifi.-Tll'TTICR-Re-celpts. 3 711 packnges; steady; June cream ery, 19'(i21c; western creamery, 21S25c; fac tor v. lfililSt. CIIFJHSH-Ilppplptf". 2.1SS packages; firm;, fall made, fancy, large, and fnll made, fancy, small, 12'?il3c; choice .grades ll'i 12tic. ICOliS Receipts. 6,791 packages; strong nnd higher: western at mnrlc, lllic; 1011th ctn. 13Ville. LIVKHPOOr-Kpli. lfi.-CHi:i:SK-Klnest white, llrm nt SSsUd; American llnest col ored, llrm nt fiOs fid. KANSAS CITY. Feb. Ifi. UUTTHR -Creamery. 20f.3e; dairy. ISe. iHOUS Klrmer on colder wealher; trade quiet; fresh .Missouri and Kansas stock, llrsls. 'he higher at lie. cases returned. PIIILADFI.PHIA. Feb. HI. - Hl'TTER -Dull and .c lower; fancy western crenm cry, 2i'sc; fancy western prints, 27c. HtHlH Steady; fresh nearby, western and southwestern. 14c; fresh southern, 13c. rilKKSK-Klrm. Kiiiiniin t'lty (irolii and Provision, KANSAS CITY. Keb. Hi. Wl IK AT Mny. Ol'.c; cash. No. 2 hard, 63Uc; No. 3, 631i.fi' We- No. I red, COT 70s ; No. 3. (HSfilc. ('i)HX-Jli'V, 31V: ensh, No. 2 mixed. 31" 3n,p; No. 2 while. 32c; No. 3, 311-c. OATS -Nu. ? white. 23c. RVK-No. 2, 53c. HAY -Choice timothy. $9.00fl3.50; choice pralrlc. I7.25fi7.50. RKt'i:iPTS-Yheat. 19.S00 bu.; corn. 27. SY bu.; oats. 12.0ili) bu. SIIIP.MKNTS- Wheat. 15,000 hu.; corn. 69.KO hu.; onts, 13.0CO bu. Liverpool tfrnln nod Prin Islons. LlVKRPnot . Ken. IG.-YVIIKAT-Kuttires closed quiet; March, SslOHd; May, 3sl0'id; Jul!'. Ss 10-VI. ORN -- Siiot. Amerlcnn mixed, new. steady at 3.sfBd; American mixed, old, steady at Is !i,d. Kuturrs. (ti!et; Kehrti urv and Mari h, 3sS',d; May, 3s R'id. PROVISIONS - Macon. Cumberland cut, stenilv at 37s; cleat bllle, dull at 39s. Shoulders, square, steady at Ills (id. Lanl, prime western. In tlerers, sternly nt 31s. PBAS-Canadlan, 5s S',d. Tiileiln Market. TOLKIlO, O., Feb. 1 fi. "H BAT A c 1 1 ve and lower No. 2 rash. 72c; Mav, 73V. CORN- Dull: Nn. .' mixed. 351. . OATS-Stcaily; No. 2 mixed, 21c. HYK No. :. .nvh, 55c. . J-OVI,;!'I.Kq-Quot; prime . nh. old. $!; l ebruar. new. $3.00; Mnrch, IVC2'!; No. 2 sietl, l.iiiTi i.. lluliidi ( j I it Miii'kci, Dl Ll"lll. F.b. lC-WIIHAT-No. I h ud. rush, fi.l, ; No. I northern, cash, CuV; M.i1, i'mi Se'iicmhpf. ti9'ii", No. 2 north 1 , 11. 1,,1 : . . .; spring, CO V. DATS-'.'I'. .(Me. COKN-32'p. Mlluniikee (irn In .Mniket, .MILWAriCKi: Feb. HiWIIRAT-No. 1 M.i them. CS it.Mjc; No. 2 northern, C3!-fz Oil1'.! . RYi: K.ialer; No. 1. SSIiSSV. HARLKY ll.ibler; No. 2, ItiV; (sample, 3,1 llic. Peorln Murket. PKORIA. Li.. Feb. M.-CORN-KIrm; No. 2. L'V. W;V,l'.H.T.l:'.lrn,; N' 3 "h"'. WifiiW) ISK-Flrm. on the basis of $l.23!i to.' Hulflhed sojds. t'ullfornla Dried Fruit. NKW YORK, Feb Hl.-CALIKOltNlA DltlF.D FRl'ITS-Ruled (inlet and steady, riier.. was a hitter feiding developed in e.i)irated unplrs today, owing to Increased demand from exporlcis and an absence of Fellers: nrlces Kinaln uuehangrd. as unfa vorable country advices and large receipts checked any advance; at the cloie. however, the tendrucy was unwaiil, with the under tone of the mark.t tlriu; state, common. 6iT k;. nrlme. i.Miui,": choice. 7fi7Vtc: fancy. MiJ'ki Ptiines. sijii-p. Apricots. Royal 13 filSc: M"or nark. 13'tilSc. Peaches, peeled, lSt.'2c; unpeeled. "ifiOc. t'lilfep .MnrUel. NKW YORK. Feb. 16.-COFFi:i:-Futures opened steady, with iirlces unchanged to points higher, and 1 tiled moderately active, with a llrm undertone, followlnir better ca bles than looked for lito In the hesslon IlUHlness became active, with prices ad vancing lofiis points net on local buying, The iloe was llrm at MJIO pnlnts net nil van e Toal sales. 27,2V) baRs including beiruarv 111 $7 ,), March, $7l5ti7 20; May, l( -j, July, $. 30J7 33, August, $7 10; Septcm- her, $7.407(7 : November, $7 60; December, $7.ff'7.'X)j January, $7.10, Spot, Rio. steady and tending Upward; No. 7 lnolre, sic; No. 7 Jobbing, 9'ic. mild, stpady to llrm; Cor dova, lvj13'f MOVISMFi.TS OK .STOCKS KXH IIO.MJS. Drooping: Trndcnpy of Prp Ik Ton Muuli to (Mercoille, NKW YORK. Keb. 1?. The drooping ten dency of prices proved too much to bo over come nrd the majority of stocks show net losses on the dny. In the stnndnrd stocks the loses are small, but the decline from th eatly high range was considerable. The oKhlng was above lt night's level in sympathy with London, but even In the Initial transactions the weakness of tho local traction stocks and of Pacific .Mall served to unsettle the market. Prices sagged pretty steadily from that time until the bear operators nmong the room tinders started lo cover their short contracts In tho Until dealings. This rallied the level of the market from the l"West, but the movement was listless nnd entirely without force. t.ondoti was not encouraged by Its good news from South Africa to buy slocks hero and In fact prlres sagged In the home mar ket. Con Is lost all of their enrly gnln, sup posedly on the Immlmeiice of a neiv Issue. Hut London was disposed to take prollts at all points, even Tlnnd mines showing n sharp reacthn from the early advance. Trmre wis no oeraslin for surprise, there fore, that the locitl market failed to hold tho advance on the South African news. The hears had not as much ammunition In the shapo of tho weakness of special stocks as they had yesterday, but the general tono of the market was nevertheless reactionary. Th bears made Inroads upon Pnclllc Mall and United States Rubber, but otherwlo no very wide breaches were made In al lies. The local traction stocks were In. Mm 1 to rally with the ccssatlin of pressure agnlnst Third Avenue. Sugar was erratic during the early par' of tne day, but be came, firmer toward the clo". with con siderable effect on tho general list. The general public maintaining its atti tude or apathy was the main entice of the heaviness. Probably some vague nneasineis Is beginning to be roll also regarding the winter wheat crop, because the ground Is hare of snow, leaving It exposed to the cold. Traders wcif disposed to discount an un favorable bank statement, altaiiugh money on call was In free supply at 2 per cent for the greater pan of the dny. The record shows however, that tho banks have lost on subtreasury operations !2.130,0(M. Ac cording to reports from the leading banks shipments of money by express this week ure nearly II.PiiO.OOO greater than last week, whllo the receipts from the Interior by ex press have fnllen off considerably over II.OOO.O.U This would Indicate a net loss mi the Interior movement of nearly Il.OOAroo, bringing the total loss Including FUbtreasury operations, over $3,ouO.(mO. It is known that some gold has been received from Canada which does not figure In this estimate. There hns 'been a continued absorption of money Into mercantile paper nnd other forms of loans In the course of active busi ness, so that n further extension of tho loan Item Is looked ror. A Inrgc encroach ment upon surplus reserves therefore, seems unavoidable. Sterling exchange burd ened a fraction In response to the higher discount rntes In London. The declaration of the llrst dividend on the new preferted stock or tho Baltimore &. Ohio was fully expected and was without Inllueuco on tho market. There was a good absorption of noma dormant railroad bonds at advancing prices, but changes generally were Irregular. There wns quite an active market for government bonds, presumably on account of the pas spge of the refunding bill by tho senate. Total sales or railroad bonds, par value, $2,025,000. t'nlted States new 4s ndvancc4 ',. while the old Is declined ' In the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London llnnnclal cablecram says: The news of the relief of Klmberley cnused a booming open ing In the markets hero today. DeMccrs ris ing l'. IlUHlness. however, was most meager, provincial orders Delng stopped liy serious interruptions In the telegra:ihlc service, nnd prices gradually dropped. Lord Rosebcry's. speech in Parliament yesterday Induced apprehensions In some quarters of Impending foreign complications. Consols, which began at 101'i, were pressed down by heavy cash sales to 10oi and thev closed nt only better. The selling of consols was supposed to be In anticipation of the finan cial statement to be mndo by tne chancellor of the exchequer next 'Monday. Americans began $1 up, but in the absence of New York support slipped away steadily to tho close. The trading In tills department to day was the dullest we have Had for years. 'Money was nominally unchanged, but there whs nn easier tendency and u few bills wcro offered. The bank lost 200,000 gold, engnged for shipment to the. Cape. The Copper hx change's fortnightly statistics show stocks unchanged and .supplies Increased bv 1,40) Ions. The Hank of Hombay has reduced Its minimum discount rnle from i) to 8 per cent. The following arc the quotations for tho lending stocks on tho New York exchange today: Atchison 21 So. Hy. pfd st;-V do pfd Ul'a, Texas & Pacific. 16'- Mnltlmoro & O.. (w! Union Paclllu Canadian Pac... OSIjl do pfd Can. Southern .. IS'slWnhinh Cites. & Ohio ... 29V do pfd Chicago G. W... I31jVhee & L. IJ. C. M. Q do 2d pfd... Chi. Ind. & L... 16'f. Wis. Cputral ... . me, . 7fiN . 2ll'4 . W . 271 i . 1S'. .115 " . 3'Pi ' M . ! . 25 . 4l'i . 91 . 2". . 17 " uo put vi Aitams kx Chicago & 10. III. 91 Amor. Cot. Oil. . C'.ilcngo & N. W.lfiO do pfd C. R. I. & P lO.i'Amer. Malting . C. C. C. & St. L. tit I do pfd Colorado So R'.i'Anier. 8. At ... do 1st pfd... 43ii , do pfd do 2d pfd.... liVAmcr. Spirits ... IK & Hudson.. USUI do pfd Del. L. fir W 17915'Amcr. 8. I loon. 47'i Denver fir R. G (IO 111(1 MI4 7l?ilAmer. S. k W... RS14 do pfd ICrle vir no titd 93'i do 1st pfd MVAmcr. Tin Plate. 34' 4 C,t. Nor. pfd 158 do pfd M 'rnhnepo. tiui: Hocking Coal 15 Amer. Hocking Valley 31 do nfd ..i:i'4 .. 41i2 - If .. 4j's .. 32'j " i. f.3i .. 73 ..127', . Mi ..ll) .. 22U .. fiS-rl III!nO Central.. 1134 Anne. Mln. Co. Iowa Centra' . do pfd K. C. P. fir (. I. ke Frio & W Lake Shore .... L. fir N Manhattan L... Me:. St. Ry Mex. Central . Minn. fir. St. L. do pfd Mo. Pnclllc .... Mobile fi- Ohio. Mis.. K. fir T... do pfd N. J. Central... N. Y. Central . l:l'? Hronklyn H. T. vir..! 1.. . ..I p. 1 U1U, I IH'I IV I . 13 .Con. Tobacco . . 20i',l do pfd .194 Kedernl Steel . . KM: do pfd . fci'.iOcn. Mlectrlc .. 1771t Glucose Sugnr . . 12 1 do pfd . 63 Inter. Paper ... . 93 do pfd . 4fi1i Liclede Gas . . . 7fi . 43 National Hlscult. Sfi-i . 111 '"10 tin 12' . 32'4 National Lead .llfi's do pfd .III'm National Steel 2i'i; 50 931 !. Norfolk W. do pfd No. Pacific .. 2ST do pfd .. 73i', x, v. Air Drake.. 130 .. 53',4 No. American ... It's .. 71U. Paellle Coast .... nil .. 21Ti do 1st nfd... S3 do pfd Ontario fit v.... Ore. Ry. fi- Nnv do pfd Pennsylvania ... Reading do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd... Rio (5. W do pfd St. L. & S. K... do 1st pfd.. 12 do 2d pfd.... 61' s 76 Paeltlc Mull 37't 13U, People'n G:iH..0S'i lti Pret'ed S. Car... 5"i'2 5G do nfd K7 Pu'linan P. Car .lsS 4fi Standard R. fir T. s Xi Sugar lOK do nfd fi Tenn. Coal fi: I. ir.-!i 113 in-H 73", ni do 2(1 pfil U'. S. Leather St. L. Southw.... 10'il do pfd do pfd 27 V. S. Rubber . St. Paul IJ2r do pfd ilo pfd 171's Western Cnlon.. KHi St. P. fi: Omahn.115 Republic 1. ,i S.. 2P4 So. Pnclllc 39 do pfd liS'i So. Riillwny HTit P. C. C. & St. L. fil Kim usa't. paid. Offeted. Hx-dlv. Neiv ork Money Market. NKW YORK, Keb. 16.-MONKY-On call, rteady nl 21 2' 2 per cent; last loan, at 2 per cent: prime mercuntllc paper, 4f5 per cent. STIIRLINC. KXCllANGIi-Kirm. with ac tual buslneiH in backers' bills at ll.s;1r 4.h7a4 for demand and at $I.S4i I.SIVi f.ir sixty (lnvn; post', d rates. $I.SG and It. Si'.; lommcrclal bllM. ll.SI' :i LSI;. SILVICH Cert'lb ates, 'oO'fl'lOc ; bar, 59V': Mexican dollats. 47'2c. HONDS-State, Inactive: railroad, Irrcgu lar; government, Irreeulnr. Tho following are tho closing quotations on bonds; U.S2 r.T7Tl62'lTN. Y .. 1 1 10"" do 3s, reg lOO'i N. J. C. g. .'.. ..121 do coupon 109'; No. Carolina fis.127 do now is, reg.l3l'S No. Cnro'lnn 4..10il do coupon 13l'4 No. Pnolllc 3i..., fiii'i (lo old 4. 'PK..11I (to 4s 101 do coupon ll.i'i.N.Y.C. St St.L.ls.lOS do .3, teg., ,...I12i N. fir W. con. 4S. 9I do ceil. 6s 130 do coupon .. D. of C. 3 65s. Atch. gen. 4s. ..u:4 ..ll ..10P4 .. S2i; Ore. Nnv. Is 110 do 4s 102 Ore. 8. L. fis 127U no niij. is. Canada So. us.. .109 C. fir O. 4'iiS I&U do cniisol 5s 1 1 4 y Heading gen. 4s.. S3i R. G. W. Is 97'$ St.L. fir I.M.c.Ss Ami Ht.L. ,t S.K. g.5.122'i St. Paul cons pi7ai St.P.. C. & p. ls,I19!i do 3s 12)i.; So. Hallway 3s.. ins'.. S. It. .t T. fis 77'5 Tenn. 11. s. 3i OPi Tex. & Pac. Is.HS'i do 2s 51 t'lllon PaclUc 4..l(i5, Wabash 1h 117'. do 2s 9sl" West Shore 4i..lll " Wis. Centrnl Is, 91 Va. Centuries ... ay. do 5s lU'k. C. ,i N. W. c. 7'.. Ill do S. K. deb. 6a.l20H Chicago Ter. la. 924 D. fi: R. O. U....10.TJ do Is 981. R. T.. V. ft (1. !.10K Krio gen. ts 701 . K. W. fi- D. c.'.s. 71ii Gen. Klec. 5s 117 Q. II. & S. A. Cs.107 do 2s 107 II. fi. T. C. 6s. ...110 do coiivo) 6a 110 la. Central Is. ...113 K. C P. fir G. Is. 72', La. ti' v.' ( 11. U If"'' I., fi- N. mil. if.. Pj'.i 10 oererreu ... j M.. K. & T. 2s... 06 Colo. So. Is.. do 4a 91'l50"ul'"t'lllc:JlJl "Offered. M'i I'lirrlurn I'liiniiclnl, PARIS. lVb, 16,- 4 p, m Three ner icnt rentes, lwf C3o for tho account. Uxih.ingc bourso lodnv. ntvintr in he news in regard to Klmberley. International securities wero in.ilntnlned. Il0 Dittos rose sharply on tho ndv.wicp In the price of copper In I.ondon and New York belleers nnd Knillrs rallied on covering purchases. Later tne murket becntno ensier .itul nt tho close the Improve ment had largely been lost. MKRLIN. Keb. 16.-Prices were, dull on the bourse today, but recovered on receipts of the news of the rpllef of Klmberley being ofllclally confirmed. Th final quotations, however, showed little change, with the ex ception of Iximbnrd shares, which rose on thp high Vienna quotations. Kx' hauge on London lias iidvnneeil t.i 20 marks 62'fc lifts. 1 Discount rates advanctd to 4 per cent for snort inns uuu 4'j for threc-tnontns tuns. LONDON, Keh. to. Gold premiums are quoted as follows: Huem's Ay res, 127.60; Lisbon, 4.1.V); Rome. 7.35. The market for American securtles advanced at the opening on favorable 11c wj from South Africa and continued stead) until near the elos when prices weakened on lower prices from New York. Tho llnal tone was easy and the de mand light Spanish Is. 67.60' Hand mines, 3'15(.. Mulllon to the amount of .OW.Om) was withdrawn trom the Hank of Km; I a ml to. dny ror shipment to South Africa. MOMMA Y. Krh. lii.-The rnto or discount of the Hank or Mmnbay was today reduced rrotn 9 to S per cent. Huston HOSTON, Keb. cent; time loan' prices for stocks, ATT.tS.l'' do Pfd Ml 11 1 iiic Stocks. 10. Call loans, 3'.ffo per 1, IJtii per cent. Closing bonds nnd mining shares: . 20i,VcHt!ngh. K,lec. . 63 , do pfd .113WWIS. Centrnl .... .113 Dom. Coal .:!! do pfd . fil . IS'a . ills ,117 . 99 . 5 . 3 . 23 .27S . IIT-i .770 . IMi . 15 K! . 75 . 4I2 ,140 . B'4 .191 : & . 2il Amer. Sugar ... do pfd Hell Tolephone.. Hostou Alb'v 240 Atchbton Is Hoston Klcvutcd .122 Adventure .I9S I At otlez Mln. Co Hostou .'c Me.. C. H. ,i Q Md. Klec. III.... Kltchlmrg pfd... Gen. Kleelr!c ... do pfd Ktilerjl Stepl .. do pfd Mex, Central ... Old colony Old Dominion .. Rubber 1'nlon Pnclllc .. Union Land ... West Hnd do pfd 124Atantc 201 Hostou Mont .12414, Untie & Hostou. .127'a Calumet St llec. .138 Centennla'' . B"i Frankdn . 7.V4 Humboldt . 12Vi Osceola .205 , Parrot . 1ft U Ouiney . !2'4 Santa Fe Cop... . 501, Tamarack . 2' Winona . 921i Wolverines .113 irtnh Mining ... ev York .Mlnlnii Uiiolnt I0111. NBW YORK. Keb. I6.-TI10 following nro the oillclnl closing quotnllons for min ing shnre: Chollur 17' Crown Point 7 Con. Cal. .t Va..l2S Deadwood 53 Gould & Currle.. 10 I lute & Norcross. 23 llomestake SOW Iron Sllvpr fii) Mexican 20 Ontario Ophlr P'y mourn Iljuicksliver ... I do nfd Sierra Nevada Standard Union Con I ) enow Jacket ..775 .. 50 .. It ,.175 , .730 .. 2T ..200 ,. 20 . 15 I.oikIoii Stock lliiotn t Ion. I.ONDON. Keh. Ifi. I p. m.-ClosIng: Consols, money.. 1W4 x. Y. Centrnl .. Consols, acct iniVPennsylvanla . , Cnnndlun Pic....lo!'4Rendlng Hrlo 13'i No. Pnclllc pfd. , do 1st pfd. .. SSH' Atchison Illinois Central.. llii'i; JntlsvU'e Cnlon Pac. ird.. ,t,t Grand Trunk ... St. P. common.. .126i4 Anaconda ,13S . iW'a .2r'5 . 77 . 2P, . S3'i. S'4' . 9-, MAR SILVKR-Stpndy tit 271id per ounce. MONKY 3 per cent. The discount rate In the open market for short bills Is 3? per cent and for three months' bills 37'(i I per cent. Hunk Clenrlncs. CHICAGO. Feb. lfi.-Clearlngs, 121 .C55.CS I ; balances. 11,92,560. posted exchange, $1,855' 4Slt.; New York exchange, 30c discount. HAl.TIMORi:. Keb. I6.-Clcnrlngs. $3,763, 793; bnlnnecM. 1713.337. PHILADELPHIA. Keb. lfi.-Clenrings, $13,S33.(V17: lmhinies. I1,S9S.S67. NI3W YORK. Keb. lfi.-Clenrings, lb9,C22, 653; balances, $9,611,133. HOSTON. Keb. lC.-Clcarlngs, 121.478,516; balances. $1. MS. I II. ST. LOIMS. Feb. IC.-Clenrlngs, I5,R37.fH4; balnnces, 1551, 5ij3: inoney, 6fi7 per cent; New York exchange. 250 (llscouut bid, par nsked. Condition of the Treiisury. WASHINGTON. Feb. 16.-Today etate tnent of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash bftlauce, 2M,573,0S1; sold reserve, $223,213,771. Cnitmi .Market. ST. LOCIS, l'eli. Ifi.-COTTON-Barely steady; sales, 200 bales; middling, S'4c; re ceipts, 3.0(1". bales; shipments, 4,256 bales; slock, 8.1,210 bales. OALVKSTON, Keh. lfi.-COTTON-Steady nt st;c. NKW YORK, Keb. lfi.-COTTON-Kutures closed barely steady; . ruary, ts.70; March. $S.7: April. Ivfifi: y, IS.00; June, K5S; July, Ss.Cl; Angus ,s.47; September, $7.90; Octobcv, $7.fiS; November. $7.55: De cember, 17.55; January, $7.5fi. Spot, closed iiulet; middling uplands, S"0u; middling gulf, 91c; sales, 07 bales. NKW ORLIIANS, Kelt. Ifi.-COTTON-Qulet; sales, 1,050 bales; ordinary, 7 7-lfic; good orilluury, 715-lfic; low middling, SV; middling, XV; good middling, M3-l(ic; mid dling fair, S)p: receipts, 7.S21 bales; slock, 429,11 bales. l'utures. barely stendy; Kcb ruary, S.5fi, nominal; March, .53fiS.5l; April, S.53S.54; May, IS.B3ff8.5l; June. $S.63fi IS.BI: July. S.53fS,54; August, l8.33fiS.3B; Sep tember, I7.70fi7.7tj October, l7.45f7.47; No vember. $7.33f"7.35; December. I7.33fi 7.35. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 1K.-COTTON -Spot In moderate ilemnnd; prices unchanged; Amer lean middling, 5 3-32d. The snlcs of the dny were S.noo bales, of which U) wero for spec ulation anil export, and Included 7,700 Amer ican. Receipts, 10.000 bales, Including 7,oih) American. Future? opened quiet nnd closed Millet, but steady, at the advance. Amer ican 1. in. c, middling. February. 6d: Kcb ruary anil March, 4 Hl-fild, sellers; March 1 and April. I ri7-fil?i I 6S-Hld, buyers; April and May. 151-fild. sellers; May and June, 4 60.fi I 4(l61-fild. buyers; June and July, I 48-tlHi 4 49-llld. sellers; July and August, 1 4fi-fild, buyers: August and September. I 10-fild; September nnd October. I 23-tilff 4 21-fild. sel lers; October and November, 1 H-filffl 15-fild, buyers; November and December, 1 9-6 Iff 4 10-tild. Weelily Ciitliiii Stn temeiit. NKW ORLKANS. 1'cb. lfi.-Secrctnrv llestcr'n cotton Htntcmcnt shows tho iimount brought Into sight during the la.t week l-as been 206.985 hales, against 101,18,'i bules for the seven days ending Ibis date last year, 228,731 year before last and 115,801 same tltun In 1S97. Total movement for 169 days, irom September I to date. 7.353 681 bales, against U.19J.9.14 la il year. 9.236..171 year beforo last and 7.117.231 samo time in I SOT. Tho movement sluc Scptcmbfr 1 shows receipt nt all Culled States port.s of 7,233, 451 hales, aga'nst 7,Olr,.k02 hales last year. 7.159.002 cir beforo last and 5.S53.09 same tlmo in 197. Overland to northern mills anl Canada. 998,233 bales, agalnM 1,019,172 last year. 933,975 year before last and 692,338 sanin time In 1S97. Southern mill taklucs, hales, agallltt 729..'S.3:! last year. 682,275 e.ir before hint and 601,775 same time la P97: northern mill takings. 1.83I.S2I bales, against 1,712.751 last year. Foreign exports ror the week have been 110,1)511 hales, against 117.787 last year, mak ing tho total thus far for the season 3,1'I3, 010 halts, ngnlnsi fi.ro.l.csl last year, 11 de crease of 1,911.171 bales. Tho mpply to dato Is 7.971.479 bales, agahiK.t 9,116,130 for tho same period last year. Tlie statement of tho wntld'H visible sup'dy shows a total of l,0'9.7:!l bales, against l,H'l,3S9 last week, 6,472,681 last e.ir mid l.!i2d.l9J year befoie last. Of this tho total of American is 3.3J2.73I bales, against 3,:a;j,59 hint week. 4,190,681 Inst yeur and 1,162,196 year before last. Wool Mnrkct. HOSTON. Feb. lii.-The Commercial Mill letln tomorrow will say of the wool mar ket: The new American clip bus opcncl at Phoenix. Ariz., at 15I16e; Inst year these wools sold at 10c. Thci-o woola are being bought nearly as fast as they nro shorn. The mnrkVl in Huston Is dull; prices on tine medium wmls are off about 3c; fine fleeces have sold nt last week's prhes and medium wools ale active and llrm. A small boom In enroot wools Is In 1 progress, 'p,-,,, dales ate 1,783,000 pound!' do- I . ...... (rt .....1 ItT fi r,....ln 1. n.nl ' .(,!-. ' (I llllll OH.HV iniiiiiiin lllll'.H'lt I ."I'll I r.f 2.t;7il.Wv) pounds for this wei k. against I a iraai 01 i.t.n.txM poiiuus last wcck uuu a total of 3,9l2,ajo pounds fur the correspond ing wek Inst year. Receltits show nn In-irea-o cf 781 hale.4 (lomertlc and 1,711 hales foreign against last yeur. The sales show nnd 'ncreasn of '.mci.ooi 'lounds domestlo and n decreusp of 21.501 nnunds foreign. ST. LOCIS. Feb. Ifi.-WOOL-Dull for line grades, while medium nnd coarse ate llrm; prices unchanged. Drs Goods Mnrkcl. NUW YORK, Feb. Ifi. DRY GOODS llrown sheetings In moderate demand. Prices firm; mnro doing In drills; sales to day ul 61'Jc. Ducks are Htroiig and gen erally : tier cent higher In combination goods and ,t to ' higher In outside makes. Fair nnler.4 nro reported fur bleached cot tons and Indications of hluher nrlces beforp long In some aunrlers. All conrde colored cottons Htroiig: several leading lines of I denims withdrawn from sale. Ginghams fining and higher pi Ices likely for dress Hiylos. Linens qulel. Hurlups also scarce, but prices unaltered. uiinr Mnrkct, NUW ORLHANS. Feb. 16 -Sl'GAR-Quiet, open kettle, 3Tfil3-l6c, open kettle, centrifugal, l4M iMfir. centrifugal, yellow, IVdlT.c, seconds. ilMUV. MoI.ishcs, quiet, centrifugal, fCoc. LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef GtUle Sell in About tbi Stme Notch 11 on Thundy. NO GREAT CHANGE IN THE FEEDER TRADE j IIiirs Oppn rtvr to Ten Higher, but Close ulth (lood Shore of Advnnee Lost Sheep III Dcillllllll III Sternly Prices. .. , SOUTH OMAHA. Keb. 16. Receipts wcro: Caltle. llogs. Sheep. Orllclal Monday 2,733 3.49 9.4l!0 Oillclnl Tuesday 3,476 6,062 fi.3vi Ofllcla! Wednesday 2,133 S.I31 9.7V2 Oillclnl Thursday 2,'UD 6,614 4.617 Olllclal Friday A... 2.2i0 5.011 6.S20 Five dnys till- week. .. .12,721 28,210 37,0:11 Same days last week.... 12,116 21.S95 17,l5fi Same dnyn week boforc. 12.035 23,611 21,330 Same three weeks ago.. 13,316 30,416 15.1W Avenigo price paid for hogs for tho last several dn)s with comparisons: 11900. H39.lflS.U887.L'96,l?3.lSM, Jnn. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jnn. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Keb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb Feb. Fell. Feb. Keb. 4 Mi .1 srt 3 721 I .1SI I 3 Sil i 21 621 3 63 67 3 201 I 3 681 3 Ii 3 271 I Hi ' J 5 11 6 21 5 14 6 03 6 13 6 19 6 1 28.. 29.. 30.. 31.. I. .. 2... 3... 4... 5.. 6... . . 8... 9... 10.. II. . I'!.. 13.. 14.. 13. . Hi.. 4 19 3 97 4 62' 3 64 3 27 93 3 Mi 4 641 4 53 4 67 3 70 29 3 91 3 0 3 6S 3 64 3 CO ?. 6I 3 66 3 9S 3 6 3 61 .1 27 fi 14 1 03 4 68 4 ti 3 67 3 69 3 63 3 73 3 72 3 72 3 20 4 ra 3 691 3 Kil 3 6 3 211 3 93 3 6SI 4 fifi 4 70 I 6S 4 75 3 7fi :t S2 0 09 3 56 3 C6 3 66 3 19! 4 00 5 01 I 4 01 3 951 4 84 3 71 3 23 or 931 4 07, 4 W 4 Sll 3 70; 3 71 4 S0 3 71 3 76 1 3 66 3 77 I 3 S0i 5 02 3 27 3 S9 j 4 W 3 251 3 Sll .1 t,'J -3 2S 3 f9i 3 75! 5 06 4 79 I 3 SI 4 82 3 CSI 13 301 3 93 3 S6I 5 08 I 761 3 65 3 S3) 3 99 3 S2 I 94 I 10 3 6SI 3 K9i 3 361 3 92 3 4 S7 I S3 3 681 3 M 3 3I , 3 79 I 90 Indicates Sutidni'. The olllclal number of cars of brought In todny by each road was: ,. r. u Cnttle. Hogs. stock sirp. 16 :'i 1 io ,i O. fir St. L. Hy Missouri Paclllc Rv Cnlon Pacific system?.. C. fi- N. w. Ry K K. fi- M. v. R. ...... S. C. fir P. Ry C.. St. P.. M. fi: O. Rv. H. fi- M. R. R. R ;.. C, H. fi- g. Ry K. C. fi- St. J C.. R. I. fi: P. Ry., east .. R. I. fi- P. Hy WCst Illinois Central 4 13 19 3 II 10 fi 1 16 1 i r. 3 :i 1 Total receipts HT. fil 33 Tho illsnmttlon of tho day's receipts was us follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: f,"lTrT'. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co i r93 G. II. Hammond Co 57 711 ''26 Swift and Company 415 9".-, 1 147 Cudahy Packing 'Co 434 635 1,172 Armour fi- Co 477 41 1 799 Omaha Pack. Co., K. C... 43 Cudahy Pack. Co.. K. C. 219 1,413 ..'.! Cudahy Pk. Co., country ;) Swift and Co., country 1 3,9 R. Decker fir Degiill 23 .... Viinsaut fir Co 4 .... Hill fi- Huntzlnger 33 .... Huston fi- Co 3 Livingstone fi-Schnller.... 13 " Hamilton fi- Rothschild... fit; . Dentils fir Co 12 St. L. Dressed Meet Co 208 Other buyers ins .... 122 Tolnls 2,230 4,690 6,153 CATTLH Aside from a dozen loads of cnttlo from Kansas City, tho cattle In the yards today were nil on sole, so that there wns qultn a .showing or fat cattle. The market ns a whole did not show much chnngo ns compared with yesterday, tho general trade being about steady im all kinds. Thu demand for cornfed cattle was good this morning, but buyers were not Inclined to bid price up any. On the contrary the market opened a little slow nnd In some cases buyer' offers were If anything ensier thnt yesterday. Still there was a suf ficient demand to hold the mnrket pretty dole to steady, nnd there wns not enough chnngp In nny direction to quote. Mayers reported n gondi many ordinary cnttlo among the offerings nnd very few thnt could hp called uood. Thero was about the usual demand for cows nnd heifers, but buyerr showed somo disposition 'o bo n little benrlsh on the common nun medium grade nnd in snots tho market wns n little ensier. However, the chnngo In tho market as n whole was hardly Important enough to quote nnd It would huve to bo cnlled about n steady mf.rket. Blockers nnd feeders were In moderate supply nnd no Important changes occurred In the market. One bunch of mixed cat tle ranging from calves to two-year-olds mid n 15.10, which looked like a good strone price. Representntlvp snles: HI3HK STKKRS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 1 f.30 2 60 14 1087 4 15 13 938 3 SO rt W5fi 4 .V) 6 9IR 3 95 100 1102 4 50 9 986 3 95 .".5 1159 I 50 42 10W 4 03 4 917 I 60 12 976 I 03 34 115S 4 55 6 9)S I 15 12 1177 I 60 21 1039 4 30 2 1323 4 fiO 37 1108 I 30 K 1229 4 60 10.1 1016 I 3(1 10 1212 I 60 4 1017 I 35 13 1244 4 fiO 36 1153 4 35 9 1011 4 60 J 990 4 to 10 1216 i 60 35 1022 I 40 31 1133 4 17'& II 1015 4 10 1 1160 I 70 t 1170 4 40 18 1127 4 70 9 1124 I 10 15 1078 I 75 21 1094 I 45 31 1261 4 95 21 1013 4 45 6ii 1485 5 00 COWS. 1 890 2 50 2 11fi5 3 35 2 905 2 60 21 1071 3 35 1 P60 2 50 3 1223 ,'l 15 6 921 2 60 S 1161 3 10 1 900 2 65 1 1(W 3 40 3 930 2 75 1 1190 3 10 9 S81 2 SO 11 1015 3 10 ' .180 2 90 1 l.iOO 3 40 1 9S0 2 90 3 1210 3 10 3 1054 2 90 2 1210 3 15 1 1160 3 fO 6 1293 3 50 3 9") 3 Oil 1 1037 3 50 2 1070 3 00 25 1083 3 53 1 1095 3 0.1 11 11S1 3 ,V, 2 1010 3 00 fi 1233 3 53 100 3 f 40 1081 3 53 2 10S 3(0 10 10.38 3 55 4 915 3 00 4( 935 3 55 2 1160 3 00 4 1167 3 55 2 970 3 10 4 1020 3 65 5 930 3 10 1 1170 3 70 1 1O30 3 15 2 1045 3 70 2 1005 3 15 1 1260 3 70 14 H6'i 3 25 2 1150 3 75 2 1095 3 25 2 1195 3 73 1 1230 3 25 21 1069 3 73 1 1320 3 23 1 1180 3 75 1 1300 3 25 4 925 3 75 1 12f0 3 25 19 912 3 .80 995 3 25 2 S70 3 80 27 910 3 25 7 1103 3 85 1 S70 3 25 1 1240 3 ST. 3 1094 3 25 12 1064 3 85 1 1070 3 23 1 1290 3 85 7 1211 3 25 2 1220 3 P ) 2 1090 3 25 19 1013 3 90 f, 10JS 3 10 9 866 3 95 1 1070 3 30 I 1190 I 00 1 910 3 30 1 1230 4 00 1 1100 3 30 fi 1025 I 00 1 980 3 33 18 1113 I 03 5 1051 3 35 2 1595 I 10 1 1OS0 3 S3 2 1240 I 10 8 1023 3 13 1 940 I 25 IIKIFHRS. 3 1216 3 23 1 1110 I 00 1 1000 3 43 2 70 4 10 2 780 3 75 13 1161 1 10 1 870 3 80 2 1110 4 1 0 3 873 3 i : HKLLS. 1 1340 3 (V1 2 14W) 3 43 1 1000 3 15 2.1 1615 3 50 1 1110 3 25 3 1593 3 50 1 1570 3 25 3 1433 3 55 1 1220 3 35 1 R50 3 60 2 1170 3 33 1 1260 3 60 1 1610 3 40 1 1620 3 fiO 1 1610 3 10 1 810 3 05 1 1400 3 10 1 1770 3 (7. 1 1170 3 40 1 20(-0 3 f.3 ' 1 19.50 3 10 1 1120 3 65 1 1830 3 10 1 1310 3 70 t 1910 3 4 0 1 1340 3 75 1 1260 3 40 1 1130 3 73 J 1400 3 41 1 1?0 I a STOOKK.R8 AND KRKDKRS. . 2 680 3 60 2 910 4 35 2 690 3 75 3 681 I 35 S S13 3 S3 2 (90 I 33 1 660 1 00 3 1026 if) 1 050 1 10 5 S90 1 10 1 870 I 10 10 914 4 10 1 310 4 23 3 630 ( 10 6 738 I 25 3 693 4 65 13 869 4 25 12 841 1 fio 9 7S0 I 25 1 S6() I 60 3 973 4 25 1 390 4 60 8 C05 I 31 2.... 593 I 63 CALVKS. 1.,..' 1C0 . 23 4 167 7 f) 1 210 fi .V) 1 130 7 00 1...I I'O 7 00 1 CM 7 STUKRS AND IIHIFISHS, K, . DM 4 40 12 .... 11S6 1 70 II , . ,'fl 4 55 STOCK COWS AND IIIJII'IIHH, I . R60 3 1 0 1 920 3 '5 3, 960 3 25 6 634 3 65 926 3 90 1 710 3 50 ' STKKRS TKX AS. 12 1147 I 0) lin'-s AND HKIKIIHH. 2 7C0 3 on 19 1114 3 70 1082 3 .V. 19 1011 3 76 6 930 3 .V. 16 1096 3 75 1 CM 3 50 1 700 3 S3 1 660 3 HU 33.' 1025 4 CO I AM 3 (V, 15 1072 4 15 16 1076 3 IK 13 1003 4 25 3 1093 3 70 STAGS. 1 1680 4 CO HOGS The market opened this morning .... ,!,n,f. "' Jut about 7,H' hlslier on all kinds. The demand nppep-ed to be good and close to half of the hos here sold In a short time Some of the heaviest packers. HowcW'V were holding back and apparently not Inclined to pay the advance, so tli.it when the nmre urgent orders were llllcd the market slowed v.p Thete wns In reality no teason for an ndviuice except the moderate receipts and good .temntid. n Chicago wns reported nt the rnenlng only a strong marke and later reported the early strength hut The market closed slow, with the ently nilv.in.e pretty much lost. 1 ViVly f''" u,, largely at ll.SOff 1 , .. 1 .2 li,rBe proportion of ine snles nt 11.82't, 14.8.1 and II 87'.,. The top sales were or very choice hogs. Uiler on buyers wanted good hogs at II SO It will be noted from the table or acrage prlrcs above that todas's advance cnrtles the average pi Ice hack to neai the highest point touched so far this season List iTldav the average price was 11.81, which was the high day up tn that time. Included In today's receipts were ten loads consigned direct lo Cudahy from Kansas Clt). RepresentntUe wiles. At I tin time of closing this report, at 1:30, there was still about ten loads unsold, for whl. Ii buyers were offering ll.75fil.M) according io quality. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 19 tili ... 14 10 61 2iVi i l S3 63 I fill ... 4 60 41 373 41 I S2l3 16 Hrt ... 4 75 IS 235 40 I 82'. 88 181 40 t 73 72 228 ... 4 82', 14 1I ... I 73 58 211 160 1 82k. 69 210 SO I 77"; 76 233 10 I 82'.. 18 232 ... I 77'5 71 211 10 1 V2'7 95 2ffi ... 4 77',i 73 241 ... 4 82'j 14 207 ... II SO 12 211 ... I vji. 70 206 ... 1 SO S3 219 40 I 32 261 40 I 80 65 211 SO t 82 U. 61 200 SO I 0 75 237 40 I V2'.. Ii9 249 ... I Si) 7s 217 ... I 82'i 12 1 ... SO ,83 213 W 4 SJU LI8 235 Ml .1 Srt 64 222 40 4 V2'h 29 219 ... I .80 40 210 ... I 85 75 211 ,.. I SO 59 273 ... 4 83 70 2tit 40 4 W) 58 260 ... 4 S3 12 235 ,.. 4 811 39 275 SO 4 85 .' 20ii ... I SO kii 267 0 4 85 70 221 10 I SO 70 224 ... IV. 13i 226 ... 4 80 S9 229 120 I SB 73 224 120 1 SO 78 25ft 120 4 85 04 257 ... 4 80 61 252 40 4 S5 in Xa2 ... 4 80 79 2:12 . . 4 87U 12 237 ... 4 si) 68 266 ... 4 ST 3 73 210 . . 1 82'. 54 306 ... I 90 64 215 10 I S2'j 59 280 ... 4 90 (il 2.V! 200 I .82' 1 6J 270 ... I 90 SI I UK P Today's receipts were the larg est since Wednesday, there being thlrly threo cars reported in the ynrds. Some of the rpcelofs were srdd to nrrlve ut 5c ad vance over yesterday. The geneial mnrket, however, wns .Hist steady with yesterday on sheep and a large proportion of the nrrlvnls sold on that basis. Chicago reported sheep market UV lower and Hip market here eased off and i losed about thnt much lower. The market on lambs wns not very nctlve or ver good nt nny time nnd II closed off weak and Iflo lower. Chicago reported the lamb market slow and lftt'JOe lower, ho that there was no reason for expecting any thing very good here. Quotnllnns: Choice hsndv weight yenr llngs, I3.7of76.00: good to choice fed year ling. l3.60fi,-,.75; fair to good yearlings, 13.10 llfj.fiO: cood to chnlcn withers 15.3.vri.V60r fair to good wethers, ffi.10ftTt.C5; good to choice fed ewes. I.70J4.S6; good to choice fed native lambs 6.75fi7.fi): good to choice western lambs. 4.60Ji;,75; Tail- to good fed western Ininhs. 6.40Ii1.60; fetder wethers. l.23'Si.7ri; feeder yearlings. I5.0ryoi5.('0; good to ehohe feeder lambs, 4.75ifi.75; Repre sentative sales: No. Av. Pr. 1 western ewe 90 4 m 6 westsrn ewes 86 4 67 63 western wethers 106 5 25 415 western wethors llfi 6 no 222 western wethers 102 r. C) 224 western wethers 102 6 Ol 417 western yearlings 101 5 SO 1 western ewe Ho 3 JO 20) western ewes 98 4 63 1 nntlve ewe 180 6 O) 181 mixed yearlings 93 6 75 260 western lambs St 1! 40 32 native lambs SO 6 65 2 western lambs 103 6 63 49 native lambs 101 6 73 I cull ewes 132 3 75 63 goats 76 I 60 172 western wethers 116 6 25 4T0 western wethers .-. Ill 5 fn 1.87 Mexican sheep Hi 5 M i"8 western yearlings 101 6 70 81 western yearlings 102 3 70 J IK w estern yearlings 107 0 70 26 lambs 101 1; ar, 221 western lambs m 6 .r 36 western lambs 87 3 65 I'HKuno i.ivi: sTonc miiikc.t. CMHo (Jeiteriilly Stend Houm her iirc Simile Hinder 8licci l.inwr, CHICAGO. Keb, 16.-CATTLL-C.ooil to choice, generally steady; poor to medium. slow to 10c lower; butchers' stocks, steady Texans were quiet; Texas bulls, llrm; good to choice, l5.O0Sifi.O0; poor to medium, 4.00t 4.80; mixed stockers. I3.10WI.75; selected feeders, 11.00'jf 1.76: good to choice cows. 13.10 Si 1. 10; heifers, I3.25'( 1.75; cannera, I2.50li2.91. bulls, I2.7H1 1. 10; calves, 5,OX'f7.S0; fed Texas nceves, ji.uururi.ini. HOGS Average shade higher; top, 3.02i3; fnlr clearances; mixed and butchers, 4.75'n 5.00; good to choice, heavy. !4.90fi6.02''i: rough. 11.7511 1.85; light, ll.70fii.n2U; hulk of saies, i.ki)j km. SIIKKP AND LAMHS-Slow, 15ft 23c lower; native wethers, II.7515.(W; lambs. 15.0017.00; western wethers, II.S515.60; lambs, I6.0016.1KI. RKCF.I PI'S-Cattle, 3,000 head, hogs, 27.00) head; Hhcep, S.010 head. 5dv 1 itrL I, Me St nek. NKW YORK, Feb. lO.-HKKVF.S Re ceipts. 2,311 head; twenty-two cars on sale, demand fair; nteers steady; hulls and eown. steady to strong, all sold; steers, 11.705 5.10; bulls, 3.3oiil.l5; enwe, !2 25?il.2fi, no later cable advices; exports, 2"0 eat Hp to morrow, 169 cnttle, 99 sheep nnd 2,000 quar tern of beef. CALVKS -Receipts, 198' head: veils llrm. all sold; common to choice veals. I5.IKV S.75; little calves, H.O01I.5O; harmard stock iinm.nnl. SIIKKP AND LAMIIR-Rccelpts, 1,017' head; 20 14 cars on Mile; sheep, llrm; lambs, loe higher, two cars unsold! sheep. l.ooii 4.75; lamliV, I7.0uti7.0; one deck, 17 i0; culls, 16. HOGS --Receipts. 3,356 head; forty head on sale; market steady. K-wimiin Clly I, Hp Slock. KANSAS CITY. Teh. Ili.-CATTLK-lte-celplH. 4,600 head natives, sun head Texans; killing grades, shade lower; slackers' and feeders, steady; heavy native steers. $4.7rfi 5.35; lightweights. 11.301 1. so; stockers and feedern. 11.0015.00; butcher cows nnd heifers. 13.251 1.25; canners, IJ.6oii3.20: fed wpntcrns, 11.0511.70; wpstern feeders, 3.35?f4.35: Tcx nns. 13 651! 4.60. IIOGS-Recelpts, 10.SO0 heud; receipts of good qunllty, prices firm to 60 higher; heavy, 11.751 1.85; mixed, tl.65fil.80; light, 11.601 1.76: pigs. 11.001 1, ft). SIIKKP AND LAMMS-RecclplH, 2,700 bend; mnrket slow, sternly to 10c lower; Iambs. II i16.fi3; ye.irllngH. I2.5516..65; mut tons, !l. 6515.35: stockers nnd fcedera, ..'!. 601 6.20; culls, !'l.ooi?;.50. St. I, null 1,1 e Stuck, ST LOI'IS, Feb. 16.-CATTLi:-Recepls. I. 10) head. Including 601 head Texans; mnr ket steady; native shipping und export hteers, II. 7516.25; dressed heef und butcher steers. ll.lnf5.lio; steers, under J.Ono lbs.. II. 601 1.60; Mockers und feeders. 83.3011 63; cows and heifers. I2 00f,70: eunners. $1251 2.85; bulls, 12.7513.70; Texas and Indian steers, 13.6514.60; cows and heifers, 2.45'. 3.0). llOGS-RecelptH. 8,100 head: market weak nfter ti strong opening: pigs and lights, i.8i 14.90: puckers. l.85tf.l9i; butch-rs, 11.951? 5.05. SIIKKP AND LAMMS Receipts, 1 3n0 bend; market strong; unlive muttons, l.'i.oOk 5.75: Iambs, 5.501j7.25; culls mid bucks, 2.7.'i ii 4.50. SI, .lilxcith Live StneU, SOI'TII ST. .IOSKPII, Foil. 16.-iSpcl.il ) Tho .lounial ouotos: CATTLH Receipts, 1,700 head; mnrket weak lo 10c lower; quality fair; nativis. 14.031 3.35; Texas and westerns. IKWiS It; cows nnd heifers. t.'.OOfi 1, 10; bulls and sias. 12.001 1.75; yearlings and calves. II 10? 5 in; Miockers und feudcis, 11.251 1. 'X; vfiils, 11.60't1 7.25. HOGS - Receipts, 1,000 head: tnnrkei opened 5c higher; advance Inst, all grades, 11.701 1.80; hulk of sales, II.72W 1.75. SIIKKP AND LAMMS - Receipts. 1200 head; market "weaker; western lambs, ID 80. Stoel. In Slulit. Following are tho receipts at the four principal western markets for February 1'S Cattle. llit'K. Sheen. South Omaha 2.20 5,nil (i.82i Chicago 3.000 27.000 K.firt KunsaH City B,3u0 10,800 2.700 St. Louis 1,100 8,I0) UO) Totnls .. .11,68) 61.211 19.0;C (III Mnrket. OIL CITY. Feb, 16, OILS Credit bill anccs, 11.68, ccrtllituttti, no hid, offer or 1 .V) 3 3fi 2.... sale; shipments, 15.094 bbls.; nverfie. Kl.foi bids.; runs, 81,758 bbls.; average, .17,130 bbls. LONDON. Keb. lfi.-OILS-Turpclltlllo spirits. 39s lo'td. NKW YORK. Feb. 16.-OI I.S-Cotlonseed. steady; prime crude. 31c; prime yellow, 3c. Petroleum, llrm. Rosin, steady; strnlned. common to good, 1.70. Turpentine, uteidler, 66056' tc Shoe nnd t.rntlier Trade, CHICAGO. Feb 16.-The Shoe nnd Leather Review tomorrow will s.tv. The packers have little trouble in dlP's Ing of their branded hides, but nathe steers nnd cows ure dull and neglected. The tan- , tiers uuu country nines nr.- r.liiilyclv , cheaper and are tiegleillng the pukcr mar. I kets. We quote natlc steels 1.!',c and l.t'ie; 1 Texas. 13c; Colorado steers und branded' I cons, UVtc nnd II V. nnd heay mid light ' nntlve cow, ll'jc. Itnlse flip I'okI .Miners, IIAXKLTON. Pa.. Keb. hi.-The emplne of the Lehigh Valley Coal company In the Hnzelton region wero untitled today or an other Increase of 2 per cent In their wagi. the Increase Inning gone lulu elfcct Keb ruiiry I. The new wage scalp Is 2 per cent below the 5 basis and Is the highest wages paid by the Lehigh Valley since securing control of the collieries In this region About 2,011) men are nITectcil. No Ailtnnee In Irrniinis, CHICAGO, Feb. 16. There was a quiet tneetlns of the members of the Union Mroom companx. known as the hronmcoin trust, in this city, mid II is said nn effort was made to adv. moo the prlro of brush from 1201 lo 1220 n ton, but the wl.ser head tliiusht It best not to. The dealers out side claim this will be done at Hip next meeting. From all sections como reports of Increased acreage this year. Record fur Deep Sen SoiimHim, SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 10 -The Pulled States steamship Nero, (lining Its recent survey for n trans-PacllIc cable, broke tho record for deep sea soundings. One sound ing near Guam Island marked 5,160 rathiimt and another 5,269 fathoms, only slt-sl feet short of nix statute miles That H deeper than the height of the lilu'lict mountain penk on the land surface of the globe. Annnuneenienls. This afternoon and tonight "Tlin Advent ure of Lady 1'rsula" will be presented at lloyd's by William Morris nml company, headed by Miss Francis Drake. Mr. Morris wns last seen here In the star part of "I'nder tho Red ltohe." In which he wns n success. Sunday llnrry Cnrfcn Clarke will present thp humorous fnrcp. "What Happened to Jones." He will give hut two performances,' tnntlnce nnd night. Turnday and Wedticn lay Frnncls Wilson will be seen In "Krminle." Paulino Hnll, Jennie Wcathurnby and Wil liam llroderlck nro three of tho old cost with hltn. Tho Inst two performances of this week's hill will bo given nt the Orpheitm today. The mnlluee nt 2-30 p. in., which Is calcu lated ror women and children. Is always well attended, tho school children having the day to IhrniKplves and bcco:ne regular patrons of vaudeville. The wild, weird scene pre sented hy the whirling, tdirlcklng Arabian troupe of acrobats will prove n pleasing fea ture, ns It has throughout the entire week. The feats of strength nnd nglllly performed by these swnrthy sons of the desert nre cer tainly very clever nnd their grouping Into pyramids Is picturesque. h i COLDS ' 9 Rndwn's Ready Relief cures and prevsntt Coui,!'s. ("olds. Sore Throat. Influenza, Mron. chltls. Pneumonia, Swelling of the Joints, Lumhngn, lulUmmatlnns, Rheumatism Neuralgia, llendacr , Toothnche, Asthma, Dltncult llreathlng. Riidway's Ready Relief Is a surp cur foi every Pn!n, Sprnln, Hrulse, Pains In 1 m nnck. Chost or Limits. It was the Hrst nnd Is the only Pain Remedy that lnsiHti.lv stops ihrt most excrutlatlng pnlns, nllav'i Inflammation and cures congestion, whethei of the lungs, slomii'di, bowels or othei rlnnds o organs, by one application. !'on ivrr.itwi, wit ii.vrintwi, usn A half to n te.vpoonful In half a tnmblei nt water will In a few minutes cure Crnmpsi Spasms, Sour Stomach. Heartburn. Nery. ousnes" Sleeplessness Sick Headache Di nrrhop.1. Dysentfry, Colic, Flatulency,' nnd all internal pnlns There Ii not n remedial ngent In the world thnt will cure Fever nnd Ague and nil other malarious, bilious nnd other fevers, aided by KADWAY'S PILLS, o quickly ns RA D WAY'S READY It Ire LIEF. Sold hy Druggists flfidrrny . Co., nr. Rim St., Xerr York. DENVE BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Car Service. Omaha &St. Louis B,R. WABASH ROUTE. Shortest and Quickest Line TO ST. LOUIS. Tnilns Iran' I H STXTION dnlly rne Khunis I II). luiiic. St. I. mils 11111I nil points ens) or south. SPKC1AI, RATIOS TO HOT SPItlMJS, A II Ii, iiomi:si:i:ki:hs' i:ciitsio.v, ri:n. ill I. Ml liifiiriiinlliiii ill I Hy TleLct Olllee, III." I'liriiain SI., tl'iiln Hold llll.. I nnC CMTIMC Warns off ilhenne. destroys rtttVliri I lilt- nil germs, tones up fetnalo a sM'tPin. cures iroublcsnm Agenli Wanted female complaints Com plrlo treatment, scaled. 11.23. Hook, Ic. 1iTAI ITV Cure nervous men. ItcKtnic.-i VIIALIIl viuillty In 21 Ins. Ilnimless, sure Monlh'.t supply, sealed, 11.23. Honk 4c. Ilradloril Specially Co., C'lileiiito, III. Roori4nrurEBt5a C RANCH 1038 HAt JAMES E BOYD & G0M Tclnphoim I ().'!), Omalm, Nc j COMMISSION, (JRAIN, IMtOVISIONStiml STOCKS IIOAItl) OF TltAflK, Corrciondoncci John A Wurrtn & Co. uircct wlrca to Chicago una New York. H.RPEmiiY&C0.