Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1900, Page 10, Image 11

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nl If I? DTI If Vn IMVlVn U
Small Countrj Offerines and Yesterday's
Oash Business Makes Corn Strong.
Urrnlrr I'nrt t liny tints LoukciI,
lint TnnU llrnep Lntt-r In Sniintliv
vtllh (,'iirii Pmv Islims Dipped
mid Hceiit erctl.
CHICAGO. I-Vb. 15 Ry reason of the
heavy rush business yesterday, light eoun
try orfcrlnss nod nn Increased speculative
demand, corn Imd strength enough for itself
und to Hpurc today. -May closing N,c over
csterdity. Wheat got Its beet support from
the con wo wren I ami May closed no.
Oats closed "C higher and provisions 12'iti
l.V up for pork. 2V for lard and ZUVy for
corn started the day rather easy, May
opening at SIVfSIV to SPitiBIV d sell
lug off early to 3INc. The depression was
only temporary, however, for the market
ipilekly found Itself crowded with buyers,
while holders were not lavish with their
ufTorlngs. The doslio to get corn was .ictit
Hted b small country offerings and the
large cosh business done eslerdti. The
mit-elilnllve ilcirijinl was also Improved and
the shipping busbies done todn. II was
leporled. promised to be heav. Trade was
ii ll vo ami the market bioad. Muy soared
to IJMfcc without any material setback, clos
ing He up at Ti'i'ii.i.i-V'. having receded from
the top on print taking. A large commis
sion business was done and big bull people
were a help to the price. Iteie.pts hete
were 4X cars. Clearances were l.icjl.'iKi liu.
With snow on the ground and northwest
receipts HiO cars larger than last enrs and
t'O cars over lust week's holders set a shade
less value on their May wheat at the open
ing, which was at BVMiCS'sc fur Mav. com
pared with yesterday s close at i'Vc He
fore support was received the market
touched M'Snc Tho reaction was caused by
the strength of corn, better late cables, re
ports of more damage to the long suffer
ing French crop and Improved export de
mand and better late cables. May workfd
It way up to W.K'fi'ijNc and closed flint, 'c
over yesterday, at t,'.lc Trade was actlo
the greater pari of the session. There was
considerable nrollt taking. New York re
ported :ks load taken for export anil ifiS.fcO
nil. were sold here. There was some heavy
covering uy snorts, principally ni. I.ouis
people. Atlantic port clearances n wheat
and Hour were equal to .'k"U) bu. I'rlmnrv
receipts were I'N.WO bu., comiared with ."".
t) 'oil. a year ago. Minneapolis' and Dilluth
leported Ut cars, against ;'J0 last week and
avi tho corresponding daj last year. Local
receipts were 41 cars, noun of contract
The greater part of the session oais
lagged, but toward the end took a brace In
sympathy with the strength of corn. The
trade was not large. Local receipts were 1st
cars. May ranged from a-Mi-lc and closed
'ie up lit 21c
There was a dip In provisions early, but
the market recovered on the strength of
corn and llrmer tono In hogs. Trade was
fairly active. May pork ranged from'
to 111.0) ami dosed 12'yfilui: over yesterdav
nt tll.on; May lard from tWirtM, to
J"i.07'j. closing 2lic up at '5.07'.ii, and "May
ribs, from S.W.t to J.i.0.1, with the close fill
Vy higher at Iti.W.'ytii.os.
Kstlmated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. "0
enrs, corn, 3jj cars; oats, 115 cars; hogs,
fc-'.OW hcHd.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
TV . i r. i7T.r r ........ " i i , . . . i " ' . . " . . . i
,Huviv.-,. i.,,h-ii.i nimi. i i,my, i vioi-c.; ir y
Wheat I
' I
I 117'i' 7
i;s5h' i!) '
i las' .";!
U5', sis ;it'4
231 21 ! 2J'.
22 23 '22tff"i
'l orii -Peb.
May July
May July
Jlnv July
3"!fi H
10 90
10 95
ii ro
11 05
10 S'Jifcl 11 00 I 10 S71-
10 H7'i 11 03 10 Sl'iJ 1
G 021j
10 j
r. 95 j
r. 97 Vi
fi 07',.
1; 00 I G fi7',j
li 01
G 10
b 17'i
B 05
ti 05
5 92' il
5 !5
5 97' i
ti 03 j li 1 0
No. 2.
Mhh ouotatlons were ns follows:
KLOPR Plrm; winter patents, $1.10fi
3 Mi; straights. S:l.OVd;.33; elmrs,;
Hiring specials, J3.90('4.00; p.itentf, n.20fr3.53;
ftrli.-hts. $2.M)f.1.P0; bakers. $.'.IiV!i2.50.
AVMI3AT No. 3 spring. GlfiCic; No. 2 red,
CORN-No. 2, 3,':4c; No. 2 yellow, 33V(t3lc.
OATS-No. 2. 23'.c: No. 3 white, 25J'ii2i;c.
RYIC-No. 2. 5GC.
HARLi:Y-No. 2. 3Sf?l3c.
I- l)."v Plnxseed. No. 1 nnd northwest,
II.GO; prime timothy, $2.52'i.
PROVIHIONS-Jless pork, per bbl., $9.V5fr
10.95. Lard, per 100 lbs,. 15.751f5.95. Short
ribs sides (loose), $5.90ff0.15. Dry salted
boulders tbnxed). 10.l2ti1fi.;i7',i. Short clear
aides (boxed)'. Sti.lOfiC.lS.
'IIISKV -Distillers' finished goods, on
bals of high wines, per gal.. $1.2314.
SPOARS-Cllt loaf. $G.0f.; granulated, $5.49.
Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
Tho -following nro tho receipts and ship
ments for the day:
Flour, bbls 55.000 40.1,00
Wheat, bu lO.oro :r,.r0)
Corn, bu 355,f) 217.00)
Oats, bu 2t;i,0M) 211,010
Rye. bu I.OD 1,0)0
Hurley, bu 7,0i0 12.U)
On the Prodiico cxehnnge today the but
ter market was steady; creameries, 19321c;
dairies, I9ii22c. Cheese, firm at 1247130.
Kggs, easy; fresh. 12c.
m:w aoiiic (;p.m:kai, maiikix
fur Hip liny on
Co in mot! It Ie.
NUW YORK. Peb. 13. -FI,OPU-Recepts,
12.055 bbls.; oxpoils, Sl.lW hhl.i. ; more active
on winter patents, but held too high on
Killing flour for buyers, who were only too
willing to pay old asking prices, .Minnesota
patents, $3.8304.15; Minnesota bakers, $2.&0fj
COS, winter low grade. $2 2512.40; winter
patents. S'l.nTiii."..s5; winter straights, Si.45fi
3.15; winter extras. 2.lVWi2.'i0. winter low
grades. $2.25112.10. Ryo Hour, quiet; fair to
good. $3.(Ji13.20; choice to fair. $3.2U1t;i.fiO.
lluckwhcat Hour, weal; at $I.I01M.50.
CORNMliAL Firmer; yellow western.
13c; city, S0c; Hraiidywlne, lJ.20ii2.30.
RYH Firm; No. 2 western, Co, f. o. b..
ixlloat; .state, nikHfilr, c. I. f., New York car
11 A RLKY Steady ; feeding, 43fi 17c, 0. I
t , New York; malting, 511i55c, c. I. f., New
York. HARLF.Y MALT Dull: western. CSfiA'c.
WI1KAT-Receipts. 2!i,fioo bu.; exports.
101.1SA bu. Spot, linn; No 2 red. 77'vc ele
vator: No. 1 northern, Duluth, Mi t. o. b.,
nlloat, prompt; No. 1 bard. Duluth, :Pic.
f o. b., prompt. Options opened steady on
cables, but eased off, gathering strength
later In sympathy with torn. Tho matket
ruled very tlrm for the balance of the day.
t'overlng by shorts and a fair extension ot
long accounts uero the trading features.
KxportB also made more Inquiry for ensh
wheat; Interior receipts were moderate and
crop news from this country uud Prance
bullish, Closed linn at 'c net advance.
March rinsed. TT'o: Ma. 75Vu 75't.c ; closed
ut July, 75'1i73',vc; closed at 75'ic.
CORN Receipt. GG,:i00 bu.; expons, 251.
227 bu. Spot. Ilrm; No. 2. 43'aC f. o. b..
nflont, and I2'c, elevator. Options market
opened steiub and quiet. Immediately ad
vancing on n big speculative demand west,
good cash demand, higher cables ami llclu
country acceptances. Closed tlrm at Miio
ret ndvauce; May. lOMMI'ic; closed, ll'ic;
July, IKffll'ic; closed. w.
OATS-Recelpts, C1,7uo bu.; exports, 23.779
liu. Spot, llrtn; No. 2. 29'.4U; No 3. 2S,4i-: No,
t white. 32c: No. 3 white. Ill'it-; track mixed
western, 29fi30'so; track while, nPufiKc. Op
Hons dull, but llrmer.
ll, ftta(i ; good to choice, S0ffS7'c;
shipping, lifiit ,0c.
IlOl'S-Steady; state, common lo choice,
ISM crop, 6c: lsss crop. "Iic; ivin crop, 12B
13c; Pacllle coast, 1SW crop, 41jt'e; isus crop,
"diDc; 1M)9 crop, 121713c.
MtDF.S-FIrm; tlalveslon, 20 to 25 lbs.,
19'ic. Tcxuh dry. 21 to 30 lbs.. 13c; Cali
fornia. 21 to 25 lbs.. 211-jC.
L13ATMBR Firm; hemlock solo, llueiios
Ayrcs. light to heavyweights, 231725'uc;
odd. 2f.fi2T.Uc,
PROVISl6NH-Heef. dull; family, Sll.wlfr
12.0o; mess, Sin.0Cfil0.C0: beef $;'0.fi01t
21.00; imcktt H0.r.Irl2.W; clly. C'r India
mess, $20.0jfi 22.00. Cut meals, steady; pickled
h-Milcs. .;w7 r-n- pii kled lioulders, J;
pickled hams, l'.)..WWi0.25. Lnrtl, Ilrm. west.
rrn steam. cIohciI, SG.35. February, ,J-:la.,T-
,,n,n niil, I'Mtl.tMil Or,,, ... ,, t I t ttll.ll'
nominal: t-etlned, Ilrm. continent, $im;
South America, $6,80; compound, $G.(Ofi6.12,.
Pork, quiet, inefcs, $10..Vcil 25. short cleur.
$ll.75fi 13.00; family. $l3.0Ofi 13.50, Tallow,
strong; city, 5V; country, 54ll5,i,c.
MRTALS Tin moved up 11 shade pgaln
todav. following improvement In tln Lon
don ninrki-l. Otherwise the situation lotnl'y
was unchanged. Newt from the weit wns
In line with anticipations; demand
was duck and offerings light. At tho cojo
the Metal exchange called pig Iron warrants
very dun; i.ikb copper unchanged, lli2s;
tin, very quiwt, $10:171.; lead unchajiged,
lth (1,70 bid and $1,75 asked, spelter, dull,
with ll.fiO bid nnd ll.TO nslted. The broker'
p for load Is I !. nnd for copper I16.Z9 i
Condition of Trnil nml tt tiotnt Ion
in Stnplp ami I'niiC)' Produce.
K008 Receipts Increasing; fresh stock, I
weak at 12c
imrcHSKM I'ut ti Jtv cnoic! to rancy
turkevs. 9il(c; ducks, SUQOc; geeae, S'.iHOc:
sptlng chickens, SHtiiic; hens. iQS'.ie; roost
ers, 1 5i 6c.
L1VK PortTRY-Hens, 6147,7c: spring
chickens. G'.sJiTc, old nnd stnggy roosters,
3Joo; ducks, tiltc: turkeys, ?c.
lirTTKH-Common to fair, Kc; choice,
Kfjl'ip; separator, 23c; gathered creamery,
IMOKONS-Llvo, per doz., WcSll.OO.
VnALS-Cholce. flfilOe.
GA.MK-Diiclts. mallards. 13.0Oy3.25; bluo
wing teal, JI.75: green wing, 1.2;3I.G0;
ml.xed ilucks, tl.WQl.W.
OVSTHHS-Medlutn, per can. IS' : stunfi
an., per can, 22c; bulk standard per gal.
11.25: extra selects, per con. 30c: extra !
Ice s, per gal.. Sl.njfjfl.TS; New i'ork counts, !
per can. 27c; New York county, per 100, Sl.Sft.
1IA1 I'er carload lots: l pland, cnolee,
SO; midland, choice, $5.50: lowland, choice,
S3; rye straw, choice, $1.50; No. ."1 corn, 2GHc:
No. 3 white oats, 22'ic; cracked corn, per
ton. 511; corn and oats, chopped, per ton,
$11. W; In an, per ton, 112; shorts, per ton, 11).
NKW TI.MtNIl'S-rcr doz. bunches, DOc.
HIMNACII-l'er box. SI.
NKW HlJirrS I'er doz. buncl'.cs, 40050c.
l,i:TTI Ci:-I'er doz. bunches, 10c; fancy
head lettuce, per bbl.. SI
ItADI.SMKrf-Per doz. bunches. 10c.
SWHKT I'OTATOIiS-l'cr bbl., Illinois,
S:;; Jerseys. 13; large bbls., Kansas. 12.73.
l'OTATOKS-Per bu., choice, r,O'o40c.
CAHHAOK-llollaud seed. 2c.
Al'Ml'l.OWlMt-CnUfortila, per crate,
"cKl-HItY-Per doz., 23V30c: California,
ier bunch, I0'i73c.
TI'UNII' Htitabagas. per lb., Hie: C
TOMATOK3 Klorldn, per G-basket crate,
MCHMUOOMS-IVr lb. box. COc.
ONIONH-Itotall, yellow, 75c; ted, SSQMc;
)hlos. per bbl.. 12.23.
Hllt'HAKH Per doz., C0S75e.
API'l.KS-Cholce western shlpplnc stock,
1.1.uoi3.50; New York stock, 11; fancy, 14.50
(IHAPMS-Malaga. per bbl., J7.0Ofl9.O0.
CKANHlSKIi!I5S-I!ell and Uugle, per
bbl.. S.
f)RANfli:S-Mexlcan. per box. 13; Call
fornlu navels, per box, 13.23Tj3.50; Call
foriilit seedlings, per box. 12.B0iT2.75.
I. H.MONS California, choice, per box.
Sl.ixi; fancy. 11.30; MpssIiuis. California,
choice, per bo. IJ.OO; fancy. SI.O.
1IANANA8 Per bunch, medium, 11.730
2.00; fancy, !2.0:K2.25.
IIONI'JY Per 21-sectlon case. 13.23.
NCTS-lllckory, large, per bu., 11.24;
shellbarlts, 11.35.
I'MOS California, laycs, per 10-lb. box,
90c; California carton, per 10-lb. box. 11.00;
Imported lips, per lb., 13c.
IIIDIOS No. 1 green bides. 8c; No. 2 green
hides. 7c; No. 1 salted hides. 9c; No. 2 salted
hides, Sc; No. 1 veal calf, S to 12 lbs., 9c;
No. 2 vcul cnlf. 12 lo 13 lbs., Sc.
SI. I.ouis (irnln nnd Provisions.
ST. LOPIS. Keb. lS.-WMH.T-Mlgher;
No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 71We; track, 72Hff
7'tc: Pebruarv. 71.e; May, 71ifi71i'4c; July,
G9'c; No. 2 hard. GSfiTOc. '
CORN- Higher: No. 2 cash, 31c; track, 34c;
February. 31c; Ma, 34'4e; July. 3P4c.
OATS--IIIgher: No. 2 cash. 24'jc; track
2. V: February. 2lr-ic; May, 214c; No. 2 whl'e,
KYI-'- StmniT at f.f -e.
PI.ol'R Firm and higher- patents. $3.6517
3. G5: extra fancy, .1.20fi 3.23 ; clear. $2.703.CO.
Sllicns-Tlmothy. $2,0012.10; prime, worth
more, l-'lax. uoiulually $1.5?.
'O RNM K A L Steady, $I.S0I.S3.
HRAN Steady: sacked, east track, file.
1 1 AY Quiet; timothy, 17.7511.00; prairie,
WIIISKY-Stendy. $1.23ts.
PROVISIONS Pork steady; Jobbing, old.
$10.50: pew. $11.37'-. Lard, stendv; prime
steam, 15.75: choice, 15.S0. Dry salt meats,
boxed, extra shorts, $G.12'j; clear ribs, 10.25;
clear sides. li;.:ii'i. Hacoii. noxeii, extra
sunns, ju.o-'.a; ciear rios, 'j.,u; ciear sine?,
,M l-.TA LS Lead weak nt $4.60. Spelter,
POPLTRY Firm: chickens. 7-9Sc; turkeys,
7fjS- ducks. Stc: geese 6'ifific.
RKf'KIPTS-Plour, 4.0(h) bbls.: wheat, 13,
Oflo bu.; corn. 6I.000 bu. ; oats. 2S.otX bu.
SIMPMKNTS-Plour. fi.oon bbls.: wheat.
13.ioo bu.; com, 9,000 bu.; oats, 17,000 bu.
Holler, I'.uir nnd Cheese .MnrLct.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 15. - HPTTKR -Cieamery.
20fi23c; dairy, ISc.
ICtKiS Receipts not quite so heavy; trade
Improved; i'reh Missouri nnd Kansas stock,
lOUc cases returned.
but quiet; fancy western creamery,
2tie; fancy western prints, 27c.
IJfitiS Dill! nnd he lower; fresh nearby,
western and southwestern, 13',fcc; fresh
sout'iern. 13c.
Ni:W YORK. Feb. 15.-nUTTF.R-Re-celpts,
fi.46S pkgs. : steady: Juno creamery,
19f21c; western creamery, 2157'25c; foctory,
CHI-:i-:SI-Recelpts, 547 pkgs.; firm; fall
miido fancy, large and small, 12si5713p;
clinh-o grades. 1li1712'4c.
F.iiCtS-Heeelpts. IS.TJl pkgs.; strong;
western. 13'ac at mark.
Kiiiisiih City lirulii untl Provisions.
0l;c: cash. No. 2 hard, G3U.r: No. ,1, OOITMe;
No. 2 red, i'.ni(70c: No. :s G4jtfiS".
I'ORN-.Mnv. :B'(,c; cnh, No. 2 mixed, 31'4
(il3tV; No. 2 while, 3l-ic; No. 3, 31'ic.
OATS-No. 2 white. 2ic.
KYH No. 2. 53e.
IIAY-CIioIcp timothy. $9.009.50; cholco
RICCIJIPTS-Whent, 21,300 bit. ; corn, 20.200
bu. : oats. 12.000 bu.
SMIPMKNTS-Whent. 23,400 bu.; corn, 30,
COC bu.: outs. 7,000 bu.
Liverpool t; rill 11 null Provisions,
firm. Futures, quiet; March, 5sliV,d; Mav,
l.s lOijd: July. 5 10-d.
t'cNtN- Futures, steady; February, SsS-id;
Mardi. May. 3.s Sd.
PHOVISIONS-Ilams. short cut. sleadv nt
49s. Itacon. I'uinherland cut. ensv at 37st'd;
long clear middles light, dull at 3Rsfid: long
clear middles, heavy, dull at 3fis. Shoulders,
square, dun ut :is. Lard, prime western, In
tlcries. dull nt Ills; American rellncd, In
palls, dull at 31s, Tallow, Australian, in
London, ilrm nt 29s.
Toledo .Mnrkcf.
TOLlinO. O.. Feb. Ij.-WIII-JAT-Aetlve
and higher for May; No. 2 cash, 72'tc; May,
T t Si i t
CORN Active and steady; No. 2 mixed,
OATS-Qulet: No. 2 mixed. 26Uc: Mav.
ii I'. Hieaoy: .-so. casn, 6','e.
CLOVIJII SKKD Active nnd steady: prime
cash, old. SI. S3; February, new, So.53; March.
$5.C0; Nn. 2 scel. $1.C5(I.S0.
Illiiiieiiiinllk Wlient nnd t'lour.
store: No. l northern, February. Giic; Moy,
KVtc; July, G7,.lG7'!e. On trncl;: No. 1
hard. G7',ic; No. 1 northern, Gc; No. 2 north
ern, Glc.
FLOUR-Market stendv and firm: rtrsf
naten's, $1.GOft":i.70: second patents, $:t.30fr
3.10; llrst clears. 2.G0iiC70; second ciear.i.
URAN-ln bulk. $11,005(11.25.
Dnliilli (irnln lurUpt.
DPLPTII. Feb. lS.-WIMJAT-No. 1 hard
cash, (So; No. 1 northern cash, 6Cc; May.
Gi'te; July. Bi'.c; No. 2 northern, Glc; No. 8
spring, uiuc
il!n niilii-i- lirulii llnrl.el,
MH.WAPKKK, Ftb. 15.-VMKAT-Flrm;
No. 1 northcin, C?f76S'c; No. 2 northern,
CMi-''i'c. 9
KYK-Higher; No. 1. rst,759e.
It.VRLKY-Stciidy; No. 2, 4!ic;
37TI I
I'eorltt IliirUet,
PKOUIA. Feb. I5.-CORNHlRher; No. 2,
' "o'a'PS Firm; No. 3 white. 23'kfl2lc.
WHISKY Finn, on the balls of l.!3ti ror
llnls'-ed soods
11 111 he i- of I'nclorn ( out rilinteil to nn
IShi-Iv Vdvillli-e lit Prlei-x,
NP.W YORK, Feb. 15.-Tho movement of
prices In the stock market today rellected
1 very ilearly the doubtful and conlllctlng
1 npecul.uln opinion over thu outlook for
t . . .
prices. Tho opinion rellected wus almost
wholly that of professional operators In
stocks, as they wcro tho only ones who
took any notable part In thn trading. The
general public persists In keeping out or
the stock market and this continued Indif
ference nail not 11 little to do with doubts
I of tho professional speculators, some of
whom sold storks before the close or the
day, prompted by their disappointment over
the failure or any general demnnd ror
stocks to develop.
A number or rnctors contributed to nn
early advance In prices. The Initial Un
pulse came from the London market, where
prices nihauced on the cheerful feeling en
gendered by the forward move of Hrltlsh
troops In South Africa. London was i
buyer here nt the opening, but the de
mand from that source was satisfied with
the taking of from 2.",0oo to 30.1m) shares.
The Iron and steel group advanced In com
pany In tho morning under the active bid
ding up of professional traders. American
Steel & Wire rlslug to within a fraction of
GO. Tennessee Coal rose an extreme 2!4. The
Impulse to these stocks come from the al
legations contained In a pending lawsuit of
notoriety, regarding the enormous profits of
the Meel trnde for the Inst year and asser
tions of the likelihood of still larger re
turns for the current yenr.
irns ior me current year.
Tho strength In Sugar was based upon
r.ither vnifuo rumors nf conilnc advance In i
the price of the product and resumption of
operation by refineries recently closed down.
Hut the strength from these cnuses was not
well maintained In face or the apathy of i
tho demand and tho notable weakness In
some sncclnl stocks. A tireak or i.4 in
rninl Avenue was duo to tho announcement
bv ii banking house of Its withdrawal of a
proposed loan to this company. This caused
sharp sympathetic declines in the other
local traction stocks, the Iron and steel
stocks and Sugar, and In fact unsettled the
whole 1UI.
Railroad stocks lost the early gains, but
became dull nnd notably firm near to last
night's level of prices. All reports continue
to reflect a high level of prosperous business
activity nnd an unprecedented level ot run-
road earnings. Hut this very activity In ,
business arouses the question whether the I
prosperous use of money thus Involved Is l
not likely to deplete the supply of funds
available ror speculative purposes. .-o nei
ter e
er oxplnuatlon has been found of last the bourse today. American securities were
week's enormous loan expansion than the ' In good demand. Locals tended on rcall
eintind for mercantile uses, which Is known I zatlons. Near the end there were repur-
to be on u very largo scale. Rates for call I chases on encouraging western advices. Kx
loans still continue easy, but only the eliang" op London. 20m Sl'.s pfgs. for cbcks;
choicest grades ot mercantile paper can be discount rales, short bills. 3'i per cent;
placed now ns low as 1 per cent. mot
i r.itianrlloiis tieltiir made at from I'fe tn 5 Pel'
cent. Time loans for sixty days arc alfo In
large demand at l2 per cent. The sunireas
ury has already absorbed over ll.G0t.ow from l
tho market tills wcex aim mo course in
New York exchange ut Interior points give
little hope of tiny gain In cnsli from those
sources. Taking Into account the recent
tendency toward largo expansion of loans
n further large Inroad upon surplus reserves
Is regarded ns Inevitable In the coining
bank utatement. ,
Huslness in bonds continued on n iiuny
large scale and price changes were Irreg- dilation, de.-n-nse. francs; treasury
tilar Total sales, pnr value. $ nccoiints current, decrease, 10.S25.0W francs;
Cnlted Stntes bonds were unchnnged In bid gold In hand, Increase. 275,000 francs; bills
quotation. discounted, decrease, 32,n0,0ol francs; silver
The Commercial Advertiser's London In hand, decrease, I.550.0O0 francs,
financial cablegram savs: The news of LONDON, Peb. 15. Hold premiums nn'
Lord Roberts' advance Into the Orange ! quoted: Madrid. 29.10: Rome. 7.25. The
Free State caused a verv cheerful opening i market for American securities ruled geti
In the markets here todiiy. but the volume i erally llrmer all day on a llrmer buoyant
of business falling off early advances were j feeling. The llnnl lone was steady and the
lost by noon. Later there wns .i slight 1 demand fair. Spanish 4s closed at i"3. The
nardening teuuency. w men was iiuuiiuuu,-,,
to the close, except In Americans, which
becatno hard, with small, steady buying,
but lapsed on sales by New York, which In
cluded bonds. It Is apprehended here that
New York will have to prepare for tUarer
monev. Paris sold Spanish Is, but
the market there wns otherwise firm. The
Hank of Knglnnd lost 20.000 gold engaged
for Hrazll. The small amount due at the
Hank of Knglnnd was renewed and there
was moderate fresh hot rowing. Hills were
firm and are expected to go tn 4 per cent
tomorrow. Silver was flat on the cessation
of buvlng for the Russo-Chlncse bank,
which" has been In the market for some
months. , , ...
The following nre the quotations for tho
leading stocks on the New York exchniuiu
do pfd
Halt!more & O.
Canadian Pac.
Can. Southern
Ches. & Ohio ..
Chicago O. W.
C. H. & Q
fill., lnd. & L.
do pfd
21 Texas
& Pacific. 1GS,
ill's Union Pacllle
60' 1
,.l n do ptd
OS Wabash
4S'i.l do pfd....
29i5 w. l. 1:....
i:t'.2: do 2d pfd
123'sVls. Central
lG'i Adams Kx....
45 American Kx.
Chi. & K. 111.
01 '.j P. s. i:x
. ll'.'i
Chicago & N. W.l2 iWells-Fargo KX.123
C.. R I. P....I0SWA. Cot. Oil 31
C IV (V St. L. I1I do Pfd 91
Co'orodo So 5 Amor. Malting
do 1sl pfil... 43'i do pfd
do 2d pfd.... ISAnier. S. & 11..
Del. & Mudon..tlfi 1 do pfd
De'. L. & W ITS 'Amer. Spirits ..
Ilniiver 11. n.. V)1;, do nfd
2' '
17 "
pfil . .
isiAmor. . 11
12', do pfd
37'4'Amer. S. H XV..
do 1st pfd..
Ot. Nor. pfd....
Mocking Coal ..
Mocking Vnlloy.
P'lnols Central .
Iowa Central ...
do pfd
K. V, P. Q O...
l.ako Krle & W.
do pfd
Iike Shore
L. & N
Manhittan L .
Met. St. Ry
Mex. Central ...
Minn. & St. L. .
do pfd
Mis. Pacific ....
Mobile & Ohio.
Mis.. K. T..
do pfd
N. J. Central....
N. Y. Centrnl ..
Norfolk & XV...
do pfd
No. Pacific
do pfd
Ontario XV....
Ore. Ry. & Nnv
do nfd
ls do pro...
Amer. Tin Plate. P.IVj
. 31V
do pfd.
Amer. Tobacco.
. 43
. 71
. 41-,'h
. 32'
. 5'1
. 75' j
. 56H
. 2-:' ',
. G8lj
. 7G
. 37
. 92i
. 12'i do
. 33 Anne,
Mill. Co.
. 13 Hroaklvn R. T.
. 20iColo. Fuel .t I
. S.1U Con. Tobacco .
.191 I do pfd
. Sl',4 Federal Steel .
. 9'ji do pfd
.179 Oen. Electric .
. ll'i'Cilucose Sugar
. 63 I do pfd
. 93 llnter. Paper ...
. 4flJ;i do pfd
. 44 'Laclede- (1ns ...
. U 'Nat. Hlseult ...
. 33 I do nfd
.1lG'.j National Lead
134' do pfd
. 2)'i National Steel
. 7.111. do nfd
. r.oi .
. 535'. N Y. Air Drake.. 130
. 71 No. American ... MH
. 24; Pnclrtc Coast .... 61' 4
. 42 I do 1st pfd... S3
. 76 I do 2.1 nfd.... G3
do 1st pfd...
do 2d pfd...
Rio i. XV
do pfd
. isv
. 2S141
. 4G
do pro
Pullman P. V
Stand. R. & T.
.. ST
.. SI,
. S7
St. L. S. F.
10U Sugar 113U
do 1st pfd... r ' do nfd 11:1
do 2d pfd.... SV.Tenn. Coal i...imi-
SI. L. Soiltnw... 11 ill. S. Lentlier .
do pfd 27 I do pfd
Stf Paul 123U.P. S. Rubber ...
iln nfd 171H' do pfd
St. P ri Omaha. 113 iWeste-rn Pnlon
So. Pielflc 30U Republic I. & 8
cir. Tinllvvav . ... 12W do nfd
9l4 '
dopfd..J...57jP. C. C. & St. L. 05
pv York Money MarUet.
VFW YORK. Feb. iri.-MONRY-Onw.1ll.
easy at 21JC.4 por cent; last loan, nt 2'(i2V
per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4fi5 per
actual business in bankers' bills nt 1.S7'(,
Trl.S7- for demand nnd at ll.KH14.KP4 for
sixty days; posted rates, 14.85'n I.SSV4; com
mercial bills. $I.X3'ifi4 fti,.
SILVRR Certlllcntus, 695ifi;oc; bar,
691ic; Mexican dollars, I7'.4c.
HONDS liovernmcnt. steady; state,
steady; railroad, Irregular.
Tho following nro the closing quolatlons
on bonds:
U."S. Cs, reg 102'y
do 3s, reg 10D,
do coupon 109V
do new K reg. 131
do coupon 111
do o'd Is. reg .11IT
do coupon 11474
do fp, reg 112s;
do coupon 11254
D. or c. s, :.... n:
Atchison gen Is.lifl1!
,ln ,1l J l-7.
N. f. C. 1 110
N. J. C. g. 5-.... 121
No. Carolina Gs.127
No. Caro'lnn 4I..10G
No. Pacllle 3s ... i!7
1I0 4s i
N.Y.C fi
N. ft W. c. 4s. .. Dl4
do gon. Gs 131)
Ore. Nnv. Is.
do Is
Ore. S. L. Gs..
Can. Southern 2s.K'.)'-.l
do consol 5s
(V & O. 4V..S
do 3s
. 9S'.( Reading gen. 4s.. S7' i
.119'i R. O. W. Is ... . 97'i
C. & N. W. c
7..14l ,St.L. & I.M.c.Ss .lit,,
do S. F. deb. 6S.120 ,St.L. & S.F. g6.l22U
Chicago Ter. 4s. 92'4 St. Paul cons 1G7'
D. & R. U. IS lO, SI. P.. C. it P. ls.119
do 4s 99 do 5,
K. T.. V. fi O. If. 10114 So. Rnllwuy 6s
. 7H4
. 9i
F.rlo gen. 4s.
id Til, a ii .c, p
71',i 8. R
& T. G-
F. XV. & D. P.
Cicn. Hlt-p. 3s
is. ,1
Tenn. n. . 3s..
Tex. fi Pne. Js.
O. II. d S. A. 6s. 107
do 2s.
do 2s 107
11. & T. C. 5s. ...110
do consol Gs 110
l-i. Central is. ...113
Vhlon Pacific 4..Ki5;
Wabash Is
1 17V,
do 2s
West Shore 4s. . .
. 01
. so
: xi'i
K. P.. I
1. a. nev
fi (. 1- 72U Wis. Central Is
cm-. 4s.lf.KVn. Centlir es .
L. it N. mil. Is. 93 I do .Inferred
M.. K. .t T. 2j... GG'tPoio. So. Is ..
do 4s 91 So. Purlllo Is.
Iloslou lllnliwr SloeLs,
HOSTON, Feb. 15.Call loans. 3',fi5 per
rent; time loans. 41i5 per cent. Plolng
prices for stocks, bonds ami mining shares;
A.. T. it-
S. P.... 20'
Wet !(! pfd... in
Westliigll. Klec. 42
W's. Central .... is4
Dom. Coal TlW,
do pfd tlG'.
Adventure 5
l tiuez Mln. Co. :!
Atlantic 21
Hoston .t Mont.. 281)
HuUe & Hcston. W
do nfd 0.1'
Amer. Sugar .. .1111'
do pfd 1121
Hell Telephone ..33i
H0M011 fi Alb'y.210
lloston Klevated. 97'.
Hostou .t Me.... 199
P., H. .t Q. ..
lid. F.'ee. III.
lien. Hloct 'li
do pt'd...
I-Vdeliil Sleel
do nfd ...
Ca'uniet fi
( entennlnl
rrntikiiu .
Osceo'a . .
Parrot ....
Qulncy . . ,
Mix Central
Mich. Teephone.10)
, 1 , 1 . . . . . nvr
trill . uiuuy
old Dominion
Pnlon Pnc:ile
Pnlon Land .
West Knd ....
Santn Fo Coppf-r. ('.'.
liimai.icK iuz
3.1 iwiiiona :i
. 5014'Wolverlnrs 41
: 9-;v',ah
II n ilk Clrurlngs.
PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 15.-ClearlngH,
$6.J!fl.4ii7. balances. $1,761,772.
HALTIMORK. Feb, 15,-Clenrlnss, $3,3t,
373; balances. $449,189.
NKW YORK. Feb. 15,-ClearinBS, $190,781,.
698. balances, $10,817,250.
CHICAGO, Feb. 15,-ClearlnB8, $22,016,772;
balances, SI. 141.21!); New York exchange, 30c 1
discount, sterling exchange. II.RStMM'r
HOSTON. Peb. 15 -Clearlngs, r.,230.S32: t
balances, t2.Wj.iSS. . t
ST. LOl'IS, Pcb. 15.-Clcorlngs. SS.20..6J5;
balances, 1595,669; money, Mf7 per cent; New i
York exchange, 45c discount bid, O'c dis
count asked.
London Slock Qtiotn t Ions,
LONDON, Feb. 15.-1 p. m.-ClosIng:
I Con., money.100 13-lf
Cons.. ncct....l00 13-f
I Canadian Pac...,101'
Krle 11H
i do 1st pfd... 3V
N". Y. Central .
Pennsylvania ..
No. Puelllc pfd.
I jiitls-vllle
. fi
. 91
: s3-
. Si,
. 9'i
II Inols Central. .llfi
fnfnii V,r.i -o rim ml Tn
l" " 'dp- I''''- '1 '"."'1,1
llrnnd Trunk ...
. . i-
it,R SILVKR Quiet at 27'jd per ounce,
MONKY- 2-Mi.l per cent.
The rate of discount 111 the open market
for short bills is 3-Vi87 per cent and for
three-months' hills V per cent.
cn- Aork .lllnliiu (luotnt Ions.
NDW YORK. Peb. 15.-Tac following
are Ihe closing quotations for tnln
Inc sharer:
13 lOntnrlo
. 50
. II
. 40
.' 13
Crown Point ... s
Con. Oil. & Va .130
Headwond KO
(loutd Currle.. 10
Male Norcross. 2.
Ilotnestake 50)
.Quicksilver ....
I do pfd
Sierra Nevada
Iron Silver ,'S
,1 nlou Con..
2i 'Yellow Jacket
f'oielitii I'lnniielnl.
HKRLIN. Peb. 15.- Business was quiet on
three months' bills. 4 per coin.
PARIS. Peb. 15 Prices Improved on tho
bourse toda. owing to satisfactory news In
regard to the situation of the Hrltlsh In
Cape Colony, this being accentunteil by the
low contango rates. Later the market grew
calm. Theie were Important purchases of
Rio Tlntos on Herman account. Kafllrs
wete In active demand, I)e Heers leading.
Three per cent rentes, loof tH'jiP for tho net-mint:
exchange on Loudon, 25f20'sc for
checks; Spanish 4s closed nt KS.50. Tho
weekly statement of the Hank of Prance
shows the following changes: Notes In clr-
mie-miL I'liinun , iiini i,,ii, v,.
Hank of Knglnnd on balance today wns
.C20.IHO. Tlio weekly statement or the Hank
of llugland shows the following changes:
Total reserve, Increase. .,499,000; circula
tion, decrease, 272,000: bullion. Increase,
227,01fi; other securities. Incrense, t2l2.(K.O;
other deposits, decrease. .C7GI.000; public de
posits. Increase, .C1.IG7.ni0; notes reserve. In
crease. .Olii.OOO. fJovernment securities un
changed. The proportion of the Hank of
Kngland's reserve to liability Is 10.93 per
cent. Last week Is wns 4G.59 per cent. Rate
of discount unchanged nt I per cent.
Condition of the Trpiisury.
AVASMINOTON. Ffb. 15.-Todny's stale,
nient of the condition of the treasury
shows: Available cash balance, $29I,GG7,S02;
gold reserve. S221.03D.W1.
Cotton Unrliel.
NKW YORK. Feb. n.-COTTON-Futun s
closed steady; February. $S.G7: March, S'.CS;
Anrll, $l; '.May. and June, $S.G1 . July.
$S.G2: Aunust. $-(.49: September. $7.92; No
vember and December. $7.CS; January. S7.G1.
Spot closed stead; middling uplands, S'e;
middling gulf. 9'e: rales. 111 bales.
(iXLVKSTON, 1b. 15.-COTTON-Flrm
nt SHc.
eas- and closed steady: sales. 2.959
bales: ordinary. 7 7-lfic; good ordinary,
715-lGc; low middling. Sp: middling, .S'-c;
good middling. S )3-lc; middling fair, 9'e;
receipts. lO.Ol'i bales; stock, 430,5(0 bales.
Futures, steady; February. SS.GO. nominal;
Mnrch A-irll and Mn. $S..V,'uS,57; June and
July, lS.375i3.IS; August, $RJW7S.f!3: Septem
ber. $7.T5-F'7.71: Octrber. $7.5off7.52; Novem
ber and December. $7 3Xfi7.IO.
sales 71 bales: middling, S'.ic; receipts. 2.3(9
bales; shipments. 3.S1S bales: stock, SO (03
L1VEEPOCL. Feb. 15.-COTTON-Spot,
quiet and prices l-16d lower; American mld
dllnr fair. 5U-32d: uood middling, 5 5-S2d;
middling. 6 3-32d. low middling. 4 31-3M;
good ordinary. 123-Gld; ordinary, I 19-32d.
The sales of the day were s.0 hales, of
which SCO were for speculation and rxpnrt
nnd Included 7.CC0 American. Receipts,
bales. Including 4.93.1 American. Futures
opened quiet and cloed stead'- at the de
cllne; Amrlcan middling. 1. m. c. February,
4 G2-GI474 G3.(!4d. buyers; Fcbrunrv and
March. 4 8.ltf4 GO-GId; Mnrch and April.
4 6t6ld. sellrrs; April nnd May, 4 52-C41f
4 63-C4l; Mav Hnd June, 4 49-G4d, buyers:
June, nnd July. 4 17-4d. sellers; Julv and
August. 4 I4-Gttj"4 4f,-fi4d, buyers; August and
September. 4 3'J-C4d, sellers: September and
O. toiler, 4 u.;-trld, liuyers; October and No
vember, I 14-G4d. buyers; November and De
cember, I 9-6lii4 10-Gld. sfllers.
OH .llr.i-lcet.
OIL CITY. Pa.. Feb. 14.-OII.S-Credlt
balances. Sl.fiS: cortlllcntes. nffered nt 11 R'a-
2.1 nfd.... ij.P- shlrments. 130.175 bbls.. nn average of 95,132;
Mail Wl 1 runs !)7.r27 Ivils.. an average- of R5.S7I.
c(ia ....10S LIVURPOOL. Feb. 15.-OII.S-Cotton-1
S. Car... i'3 seed. Mull rellncd. Mav nnd Aiimist ten,lv
seed. Hull rellncd, .May and August, sternly
I ..11,(1. iiosm. iirm, is lu'jd.
NKW YORK. Feb. 15.-OI LS-Coltonseed.
steady: prime crude, .'CPfcaic; prime yel
, low. 3Sc. Petroleum, Ilrm. Rosin, steady;
' strained, common to good, $1.70. Turpen
' tine, steady, 65',;Ij56c.
I LONDON. Full. 15 OILSPrlrnlnnm
American refined, 7 7-lGd. Turpentine spirits,
FRKIC.MTS-To Liverpool, quiet and firm.
Hrv (inniln Miirlu-t.
There have been further f-nles of regular
print cloths at .Tie nnd the demand for
narrow and wide odds continues ennd nt
tlrm prices. Hrown sheetings nre Ilrm and
. line browns occasionally 'ii- higher
change In brown drills. Some rnlr
for hlfiiched cotton at full prices. Denims
.( Ill tending upward, some 1 1 res further nil
vanced V,c today. Ticks unchanged.
strong nnd checks nnd stripes and cheiloti
against buyers. Pilnts In fair demand lor
staples, but f.iuclet quiet. Olnghams strong.
Hosiery nnd underwear ilrm, but curtent
deinind ipilet. All descrlpllons of st iple
cotton linings In good condition.
t'tifTeo Mai Uel.
NKW YORK. Feb. 15.-COFFKK-Futures
oiieni-d steady, wltl. prices ruq-; point de
cllue and ruled moderately ncllve. with little
further change while i-howlng an easier
undertone, following generally weak cables
and disappointing pcciilatlve support wllb
spot prices also divllnlng. The market
dosed steady wllh prices lOKJO points lower.
Total sales. ;:i.7r0 bags. Including March.
J7.10b7.15; .May. J7.20K7.25: Julv nnd August,
$710: September. $7 35iJ7.0; October. $7.0b
.41: December.
S7.50; January. $7.53 Spot,
7 Invoice S-V- No. 7 job
quiet; Cordova. 10113',5C
1 tin. quid; No.
blng. 9'4c; mild.
Pelei-snu ngalnet Kingman. Reversed.
I'.iioi- from Douglas county. Holcomb. J.
1. A person served wllh summons In gar
nishment fominnndlng him to answer upon
11 tl.i" certain therein nnmed, may appe.u
In icspoiiHc tn the summons at nny time
lifter It 1 si-rvhe and answer louchtn'S Ills
Indebtedness to Hie person or corporation
w hop funds are sought to be reached by
the proceedings n gnrnb liiuent, and If lit
so doing h.. H not I in; In gojil fal-li he will
bo nrolecied from furlher llabllliv on tho
Indebtedness for which he Is rarnlshed,
l':on the answer of a rarr.'-diee ad
111IIII11L' Ms liidebtednrsr to an rxeiiitlou
debtor Ihe court berore whom tho ntni Is
made is empowered, under tho provisions
of section 219 of Hie ode, Immediately to
enter an order for the payment of tho
amount admitted to be due the execution
ilebloi- Into coirt for Hi" nil Infliction of
the ludgmemt debt or n part thereof.
". Sue!- imi o-de r'n and conclusive
unless annulled from nnd upon which ex
ecution may Issue for Its enforcement.
1. Ill .' -i-iiNliiiient ptnceedlngs where tho
anrwer lias In 1 11 In good faith bcfnro
aiiswtr i'.iv. and .1.1 order entered bv t lie
cuii-t for ti-.i pn.-ment of monev for tho
In in-lit of fi.- c. -cullnn creditor admitted
lo In owing to tie execution debtor, tho
garnishee, vlll be dlri-h.irged from further
liability up.,-1 Hue Indebtedness If lie cim
ply w'tb the order of the court, notwith
standing hi- W mbseqiienlly. hut before thn
payment, ,:otllled or an nrslKiimcut or tho
.ircoiint evidencing his Indf btednoss, nnd
which assignment wus miido prior to tho
tlnm or Instituting g.irtlls'imrnt prr.ceed
liiL'x. 6. I'pon the entry of nn order -igalnst a
g.irnlsheo under llio provisions or section
219 of hip code, he Is not required to makn
further dloclicurps or take Hiiniilementul
proitedingf becnuso or n nntitlcatlon or an
nuiljninent or the Indeblti-Jnes 1 ncnlnst
him rece'veil tliere.irter.
C. An order against a garnishee for I lie
payment of money for tho benefit of nn
excrntlou creditor under tho provlsionj of
section 219 of the cile Is euforcablo by ex
ecution, and a garnishee, acting In good
faith, will ho protected from further Ha
Mill;" to the sa-no extent as If iiuch order
were a Juilgmei,' against him.
Moderate Receipts of All Kinds of Stock
for the Day.
Cnttle llrlim Snmp Prices n AVrdnrs
dii , vt llli Trndc Aetl e Hogs Open
Wcnk, tint Close .strouuer
Sheep Sternly.
Receipts were: Monday
Oltk-lal Tuesday
Official Wednesday . .,
Olllclnl Thursday . ...
OMAMA, Feb. 15.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
.. 2,731 3.'J
.. 3.I7U 5.12
.. 2.tS SMI
.. 2,010 5.GI2
Pom- days this week ...10,111
Same days last week ...10,129
Samo days week before. 10.012
S.imo tin co weeks ago. 11.151
AH'lilHl' piict; IHM1 nil nt,i!, loe mk
several days with comparisons:
Jan. 26
Jan. 27
Jan. 2S....
Jan. 29....,
Jan. JO
Jan. si.....
Feb. 1
Feb. 2
4 K
3 57
3 721 3 331 I 3 So j j-'j
3 671
3 201 4 111
& 17
3 M
3 Ci
3 64
3 27 4 191 3 971
5 24 i
b 14
5 05
6 13
6 19
5 15
f OA
5 01
4 St
4 9G
6 02 ,
4 89 !
4 62,
1 if 6 :'J j ss,
2 29 3 fll 3 0j
4 64
3 70;
4 55 3 64
3 G61
3 !'S
4 G7 3 C4 3 (it 3 27 4 01
3 G4
4 6S 3 67
.1 19
4 62 3 G9
1 3 69
3 73
3 20 03
3 721 3 26
3 CS
3 72' 3 21
I 2 Vi
3 9 Si 3 '.
4 00 3 S2
4 01 3 93
Fob. 6...
Feb. 7...
Fob. S...
Fob. 9...
Feb. 10..
Feb. 11..
Feb. 12..
Feb. 13..
Feb. II..
Feb. 15.
4 7o; 3 5G
4 63! 3 66,
4 75: 3 GGi 3 71. 3 23' 3 9Ji 107
.' SI 3 70 3 TI 1 3 27 I 3 90
.1 4 SOI 3 71 3 761 3 271 it S9I
.1 I 3 Gu 3 771 3 25 3 Sli 3 G9;
. 1 I 791 3 SI 3 2 3 S9j 3 75, 5 (V,
. , 4 S2I 3 GS I 3 30; 3 91 3 8G 5 OS
. 4 T'.i 3 G5 3 . 3 9'.l 3 SS I 94
. ' I 75 3 f.S 3 S9 3 3G 3 92 3 73 4 S7
Indicates Sunday.
Tin; olllclnl number of tars of
Drought In today by ench road wns;
Cattle. Hogs. sh'p. H'r's
r.. M. St. P. Rv.... 1
O. & Si. L. Ry
Missouri Pacific Ry... 4
I'ulon Pacllle svstem. 7
C. N. W. Ry
P.. II. fi M. V. R. R... 13
S. C. P. Ry 4
C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry. ID
H. M. It. R R Ill
C, H. & Q. Ry 2
K. C. St. J 11
('.. R. 1. & P. Ry.. 2
C. R. I. & P. Ry.. W. 1
Cripples, driven In... IS
Total receipts S9
Tho disposition of tho dny's receipts was
111 follows, each, buyer purchasing the num
ber of bend Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co..
501 .
O. II. Hammond Co
Swift uud Company
Ciiduhy Packing Co
Armour it Co
Omaha Pack. Co.. K. C...
Cudahy Pack. Co., K. (V.
Cudahy Pk. Co.. country.
Hammond Co., K. C
Armour & Co., Sioux City
R. Hooker fc Dcgall
W. I. Stephen
Huston it Co
Livingstone ,t Schaller...
Hamilton & Rothschild...
H. L. Dennis ,t Co
Other buyers
CATTLK There was
.1.9G1 5,633 runs
a moderate run of
cattlo todav and of the number received
there were fifteen cars consigned direct to
packers. Of the cnttle on sale 11 consider
able proportion conrtsted of corn-fed
beeves. The market a a whole did not
show much elianse ns compared wllh yes
trday. Th demnnd for all kinds appealed
to be good and the offerings for Ihe most
feellnr wns a little better (ban vesterdav
and thern war more life to fie trnde, so
that In some cases possibly cattle may
havo sold at utrong prices as comnared
with yesterday. As a whole the trade was
in p. good, healthy condition nnd fairly sat
isfactory from a seller's point of view.
Cows and heifer were In good demnnd
and tho market Just about rteady on all
kinds. Some buyers were reporting their
purchases as costlm a little more than yes
terday. The quality of the cattle on sale
was not very good, so that the sales on
Wiper do not mnke anything of an extra
shnwlnsr. There were a few heifer good
enough to bring $1.30. Hulls are not se'llng
quite ns high as the llrrt of the week, but
iMiverii sjiv Hint It Is larcelv due to Micro
being fewer good fat bull on sale. Today
me mosi oi me ntiriMi u m imiu.- nun hiii
$3.15(13.60, while It takes a right good bull
to bring $3.751jM.OO. Veal calves sold al tho
samo high prices as yesterday. There was
it four-load bunc li of goo.1 stags on sale
but they were slow In moving. Phlnners
woi m uo ncuer o w n nn .'", ' '
such n larce bunch nt one time.
There wan no chnneo In Pie stockei- and
feeder trade, values remaining practl-ally
unchanged. There was n bunch of good
Nevada feeders In the yards of the weights
4,tiW I "''
2J.19I 30,205 l''----
1S.221 12,37'i'""
is.oo') Ii.p.'i 1
23.651 13,219 , i'?'."'
part changed hands reasonably earlv. 1 t,u "
Packers all seemed tn want a few cattle. I to nfdltini. SI "Ofil.SO: mixed stockers S3 X
nnd while the market did not open so very 3- .0: olrct"'KJW ?r.' V''4 fl0;.,'rno-9'1.
earl. the trade wns fairly active when choice cews $3 10'til,40: heifers UWi l ,n;
once under way. so that the yards were i'"";".-. .40f2 W: bulls. $2.h0,n 40; calves.
rnnll,ll,. l.n,l l nnn.l .n T-l, S J.OOfl 7. .O : fed TCXllS lieCVCS. 4 .(MV& !.().
nnd quality thnt everyone Is looking for
mid thev met with ready sale at a good,
strong price 14.75. Representative sabs:
No. Av. Pr. No. -
1 im S 50 3 1090 4 60
1 110 4 ) 2 1.105 I CO
2 1000 1 (V) 12 1161 1 GO
1 870 I 00 21 bill 1,1
46 946 4 25 14 1311 I G5
10 1012 I : 28 1149 I 65
7 SGI l 35 5 1210 I 65
S 1025 4 10 IS 1175 I 70
10, 890 4 (0 21 12IS I SO
7. 10.11 4 45 1G 1251 4 SO
10) 1110 I 50 10 1119 I 85
7 1005 4 50 S 1230 I 90
19 1HG 1 5-) 2 1415 4 90
17 129G 4 R5 IS 1225 5 00
19 1012 I 65
16 9'10 I 25 21 1010 I 10
1G 1012 4 10 19 1242 1 SO
1 810 2 10 1 1010 3 lo
1025 2 '.0 2 1145 3 10
1 SUV) 2 50 22 95G 3 45
1 1010 2 50 1 960 :i 60
1 770 2 50 1 12S0 3 50
1 9'V) 2 65 2 1170 3 50
3 9(6 2 G 1 950 3 60
.1 1007 2 70 1 1000 3 30
985 2 75 IS 10G4 3 .V)
99) 2 75 1 1030 3 GO
108.5 2 75 13 111G 3 ft)
1 S50 2 76 12 11(5 II Co
1 SCO 2 85 11 1110 .1 GO
2 991 2 90 1 1410 .'1 65
1 IPX) 3 00 2 1075 3 05
1 050 3 ll 11 1180 3 75
J 8511 3 00 6 1350 .1 75
2 1150 3 10 6 1090 3 SO
I 760 :; 10 :i ion; 3 so
II J)00 3 10 3 1360 3 so
IS 910 3 15 S 990 3 SO
1 8G0 3 15 7 12S2 3 SO
2 1210 3 25 12 1050 3 85
2 1100 3 25 2 1235 3 85
1 91) 3 23 2 1110 3 S3
B 1000 3 23 2 1115 3 85
2 1070 3 35 5 12IG 3 95
11 1163 3 35 1 1100 4 On
1 1290 3 40 1 1310 I 10
fl 10-11 3 10 9 1151 I 10
S 1153 J 40 21 1131 I 10
9 lift! 3 10 2 Il)5 I 20
5 911 3 70 19 6S2 I OI
2 1010 3 90 10 917 I 10
7 989 (W
1 G70 3 C 1 930 4 10
7 1011 3 73 1 700 .4 10
2 S75 3 90 2 lO.'O 4 10
1 950 4 l) G 1010 4 10
3S 910 4 CO 2 1170 4 25
J 701 4 00 2 510 4 25
3 950 I f) 1 510 4 25
2 950 I 10 10 990 4 30
5 1072 4 10 1 12S0 1 90
6 13S8 3 23 2 1543 3 30
1 1310 3 30 1 1760 3 65
15S0 3 35 1... 1530 3 CO
1 1210 3 33 2.. 1435 3 CO
1 1040 3 15 1 1710 3 60
1 12S1 3 35 1 1160 3 C.5
2 157G 3 40 1 1360 3 75
) 1660 II 45 1 970 3 75
1 17G0 3 50 1 1710 3 90
1 1160 3 50 I H40 1 0)
1 320 G .V) 1 150 7 23
3 131 7 00 4 150 7 25
1 I'.'O 7 00 1 110 7 25
1 170 7 00 1 230 7 25
1 200 7 00
1 1110 3 65 21 1131 4 10
41 1515 4 10
t 690 3 00 1 CM 1 25
1 720 3 CO 24 973 1 35
1! RV) 3 70 17 7S1 4 40
13 776 3 70 37 9D0 1 15
2 700 3 80
76 720 4 10 3 10G1 1 40
27 731 I 10 2 150 4 50
10 710 4 10 5 692 4 GO
A. R, Wright Nevada.
64 feetlers. 924 I 75
MOOS- The market oneped n little weak
this morning and tonin of the carllet sales
were, not quite so good ns the nveragc
market of yesterday. Sellers, however,
seemed to have considerable confidence In
the market and were slow to let go at otiN
thing but steady prices a little later, un
der the Inllueiiie of the very good demand,
the mm kit Improved somewhat and c'osed
stringer The market as a whole could
hurdl) be quoted otherwise than steady
with efterday As whs the case yesterday
ine most of the good hogs sold largely nt
11.75, wllb quite a sprinkling of the better
loads nt 14.77', and $1.89. Light loads on
tin oinmoiiish older, pigs, etc., sold tinder
Die popular price. $4.76, ns will be noted
fioni the talcs below.
The market was generally active at'd the
pens wrie clturcd In good setifoll III the
morning. An examination of the table of
nveragc prices will show that tho h-'Ri to
day sold a bout where they did a week ago.
Some of Ihe late hogs sold 5e higher,
hovers Ileitis forced lo pay the prices In
order to get enough tiogs tn till onlers.
Some g,)H iiii i loads brought $1 S2' on
the extleme close, which wns the top prlci)
yestetdi;-. In other words, the oxtiemo
ciose was very strong. Representative
.. 95
. in;
. .225
. .187
. .2l5
( 25
I 31 1
I hO
I 70
I 70
1 70
4 70
4 70
4 70
4 70
4 7'i.j
4 72'4
4 72'i
I 7iU
4 725
I 72' (,
4 72'j,
4 7214
4 72k
4 72'j
4 72?
4 72'4
1 75
I 73
1 75
4 75
I 75
I 75
1 75
4 75
7G. . .
10. . .
G5. . .
('. . .
. . .207
. . .2,(0
Sh. Pr
... I 75
4 75
4 75
4 75
4 75
4 75
4 75
1 75
4 75
I 77 u
4 77'r
4 7i4
! ii
4 ii'j
1 ill
4 1 1 ' y
' ...
I !r!""
j I (is.
65. . .
75. .
SO. . .
. . . .24G
. . . .3511
ro. .
OS . .
. .216
21 o
'. i'lih
. .251
. 250
4 77'4
4 SO
I so
4 SO
1 So
1 SO
1 SI
4 SO
4 8J'
4 '2'
4 S2'i
ft). . .
. RJ'i
the "lime
SHKKP- Receipts
ns yesterday In point or number, mote
helmr 11 fair run nf nil kinds. The demand
was good for sheep and the market was
steady to strong. Packers seemed to want
the weihrs and yearlings a"d Hie market
on such was active, so that the offerings
changed hands In good eaon nt satlsfac
lory prices. On the other bond tho lamb
mnrkcf was slow nnd buyers were acting
rather Indifferent. To mnKo It still worse
theio was nothing very goos nmong the of
ft rings.
Quotations: Choice hnndv weight year
lings, $5.T51ifi.OO; good to choice fed year
lings, 15.liOii6.75; fair to good yearlings, $5.10
do.CO; good to choice we-thers $5.351f 5.60;
fair to good wethers. $3.10ii5.25: good to
choice fed ewes. 1I.70J) 1.S6; good to choice
fed native lambs tn.'yu'.dn: good to chobe
western lamb1-. $G.C(Vf)0.S5: fair to good fed
western lambs. $6. lOij.l.fiO; reeder wethers.
.... $1. 25l-l.75; feeder yearlings. $5.0Ofi5.60: good
1,700 1 to choice feeder lambs, $4.75'06.75: Repre
1,29) entutve sales:
No. Av. Pr.
t cell western ewes 95 3 00
5 cull yestern ewes 10G :i Oft
25 bucks 114 $1 60
133 western ewes ;i ro
210 v estc-n o"'os 102 I fi
191 western rv en 105 I 70
S7 western ewes 10 4 75
6,15 western wethers 113 5 45
913 yearlings 91 6 50
391 western yearlings 91 6 70
27S yearlings 85 5 75
115 yearlings S B 73
4G lnmbs 77 40
115 lambs 73 G 62'j,
Cntllp Stronit Hf'Ks Avprnjjp SIiiiiIp
Richer Sheep nnd l.nliilin SlroiiK.
CH ICACO. Feb. 15 -CATTLK- Choice,
strong to 10c higher, including Texans. oth
ers steady to strnnsr; butchers' stock and
conners. active and .?; I0c higher, feeders.
MOOS Average shade higher and clOhed
strong; fair clearances; mixed and butchers,
Sl.7."1?;.00: rood to .-holce he ivy. Sl-Wif
5.02'-: rough heavv. I 75D I Vi; lights, $1.70
54-1.92'v: bulk of sales SI s2!ti4 95.
S1IKKP AND LAM HS - Strolls to 10c
higher: good pctir,iiicp: native welhers.
S1.frtM5.S0; lnmbs. S5.OW7.25; western wethers,
$5 001i5.SO: western lambs. $6.OOfl7.l0.
RKCRI ITS Cnttle lo.roft head; hogs. 31,.
000 head; shrep. 12.000 head.
P1 I Ill-It 1,1 VP Stliel.
NKW YORK, Feb. lo.-nKF.VKS-Re-celpts,
3SI bead, all export cattle, with ex
ception of 1 ' 2 carlonds: nothing doing, feel
ing weak. Cables quoted refrigerator beef
lower at 10c per lb.: exports, 50 head
Klircn- Ininnrrnw. '.!( henrl entile: rnlves. ie.
i pneep; tomorrow, aw nenii came.
calVKS Receipts. 1.10 bead; veals.
( Btrady: other calves, firm, nbout all sold:
' V(, , j,-,.onfjS.50: little calves. $1.00174.75;
,Mnivar,i ,, K0Uthern calves. $5.
SUKKP AND LAM HS Receipts, 2,087; 1'A
, ears on sale. Sheep. Ilrm. Lambs, slow and
I 10c lower: 7 cars unsold. Sheep, common
and medium, si.mmri.mi: no goon siock nere.
Lambs, $6.507. 10. culls, $5(W-G.00.
IIOClST Receipts, 1,160 head; nominally
weak; lower for pigs.
ICmiikiik City I, Up MopU.
KANSAS PITY. Fob. 15. -PA TTLK -Receipts.
G.O0O head natives and 700 head Tex
ans; choice grades shade higher and In
ferior stuff steady: heavy native steers. $1.75
ir30; lightweights $1.6075.25: Blockers and
feeders, $.1 fiOftf.25: butcher cows nnd heifers,
S1.101il.40; dinners, $2.6Ofj3.10: fed westerns,
ll.70Ji.VO): western feeders. $1.35'(7I.25; Tex
nns. S3.SMI.I0.
linrjS Receipts. 9.G00 bead; trnde good
and orlces steady to shade higher; heavy.
$4.7511 1.85; mixed. $4.7of4.S0; lights, SI. 131?
1.72N; pigs, S4.101i4.(0.
SIIKKP AND LA MRS - Receipts. 4.900
head: muttons in live and steady; l.nnbs In
liberal supply; choice steady and plain lots
easier; lambs, 16.251)0.75: vearlings. $r.73ff
G.25: muttons. $1,7515.50: stnekers and feed
ers, $1.0O15'3 30; culls, $:l.om3 f,n.
St. Louis I.Ivp Mock.
ST LOl'IS. Fell. 15 -CATTLK-Re -el.-its.
2.70) head, Including 1.5O0 bend Texans; mar
ket steady for natives to 11 shade 'over for
Texans; native shlnplng and -xpirt steerj,
1.73116. 25; dtefscil beer nnd butcier .tces,
$l.rrt1i5.(0; steers under 1.000 lbs, 11.60' 1 SO;
stnekers and feeders, $' 21fl '1.05; cows mill
heifer. $2.-0fi 175: c.inliers. $1 2,T72.Si; lil-lls,
S3.101il.00: Teicis and Indian steers, STofi'
4.65: rows nnd heirers. S2 40tj3.0.
IlOdS - Recel-iis. 11 .0)0 head; market
barely steady 011 hogs; shade lower 1 11 pics:
pigs and I'ghls. $le0lil5; packers, it .51?
4.90: butchers $1 SMi I JS.
SIIKKP AND LA MRS Receip;s. 0 ,urd;
mnrket sleni'-': native mutton,, $1.. 13171. r,;
lambs, $5.75fi7 (0; c ulls ond bucks. $3,251? 1.60.
SI. .loM-pIl Lite Stock.
SOPTH ST. JOSKPH, Mo., Fell. 15.-(Spe-clal.l
The Journal quotes:
CATTLK Receipts. 1,200 head: market
stendv to weak; quality common; unlives,
$(.001(5.35: Texas and westerns. $3,351(5.13;
cows and heifers. $2,261( 1.35; hulls and stn-;s.
$2.1014. GO; yearlings uud calves, $1,0015.00:
stnekers nnd feeders, $3,401 1. 05: veals. $16"
lIOOS-Recelpts. 6,200 bead; mnrket
opened weak to 6c lower: closed strong; nil
grades. SI.07'Vi4.S2-,,; bulk. $1.7211175.
SIIKKP AND LA MRS Receipts, 700 head;
market active nnd strong; lnmbs, G 0017 0);
yearlings, $5.251i'i.lo; sheep nnd ytarllngs,
$5.00(5.73; ewes, J 1.111 .i.OJ.
Stool; In Sluht.
Following nio the receipts at ' four
principal western markets for iviu-u n v '5:
Cattle. Hoes. S-I.''i 11
S011H1 Omaha 2.01 1 ft, id 5 I.' 17
Chicago IO.OOi 33,00-i 12.110
Kiinsas city li.wi y.coi i.toi
SI. Louis 2.70) ll.OOo si
21,11) 39.212 12.317
Siiuhi- Mni-ltct.
NKW ORLKANS. Feb. 15-3POAR-Strong;
open kettle. ,1l3.1Ge; open kettle
centrifugal, I'li I 9-lGc: centrifugal, yellow.
4'4'o'4Tkc; let-tuids. 2lll,tc. Molasses, quiet,
cimtrifugal. bfSr.
RooM4Mr tire slog.
lclcplionc 103!). Onioli.t, X.m
Correijiondence, John A. Warren & Co
tnrtct wires to Chicago and Nw York.
The Bee.
Here is Where You Wil!
Find It in the Principal
Klinbiitl Motiap NptT Mnntl.
Public Llhrnry.
Wiiilotne Hotel.
Hoston Prem Club, 14 DosrrortU St,
Crneser Hotel Xpvt Ntnnn.
Ilnrvnrd liilTcrlt Library.
I'. A. Lognn, 21". Wot lUtli St.
CliritFiitir Club.
Auditorium Annei Nrtvs .StnllU.
Auditorium Hotel Ne Stand,
tirnnil Pacific Hotel citii Stnntl,
tSreiit Northern Hotel ,rts Mtnnd.
rnlntpt- House Stniul,
ro.lolller :ptts Mimd, .u. 21T Hear-
ttnrn Street.
Asoclntcil Advertiser'. Clnb, l'nlmei
Snrntocu Hotel.
WpiIiIpII House.
The Hollen.leil.
Coiniiicri-lnl Trnvclpra Aocln(lon,
.Mnsnnln Teninle.
I'l'lnlrrs1 Home,
llrlncor Pros.
Ilrntrn llotrl ews titnnil.
Hniollton A- Ivpiidrlcl.-. mirUDlZ 17th st.
Mcl.nlu. I'll! A ( snn HlTtrcnth St.
I'l-ntt Mprenntllr -.... i.,i... a.
(TIip Stnlloner To.. 1.1th mill Larrrenrn
n'lmlor Hotel Ncvts Stnnd.
KUhcl A To,. Dpuiltrond.
Mm I'UIiel, DendtTnoJ.
Mnars Jocoba, Itnoli Islnntl Depot.
1Vlt A Ilennett, 211 W. .Sunerlor fit.
Diirliiioulli t'olli-KP l.lbrnr.
W. A. Moore, (lib nvrnue and Main SI.
Grorce Gllitnn,
ICmll llnrKPns.
C. H. Wrnver Co.
I,. D. Cooper A Co., 20 Central Are.
Hubert Held, 1022 Nt.
Coiitrs House Nett Stnnd.
MlMiinrl It Pimlillenii Club, 005 Ilitttl.
tnoro Avp.
I'uhllf I.llirin:.
Rlekseckrr Clgnr Co., nth nnd Wnlnnt
oprioiltp I. O.
Itnlttvav v. M. C. A., room 27 Union
Dejiot, Knnsil Clt-, .Mil.
I'ulille l.lhrnr.v.
V. .M. C. A HenHlilK Room.
A. M. Fi'lUen, I12;i O SttVCt, llrllv.
fry Agent.
Oliver .t llnlnes, 10(1 S. Spring St.
I'. II. Hniiseoin, .122 S, Mnln St.
Cliarlps A.OIIHk'm Ainerlrnn ICxnlmnae
2 Cnpkniinr St., TrnfnlKnr Sq., S, V.
I'nliltc l.llirnr.
AVcst Hotel Vetvs Stnnd.
F'rnnk .Mulkcrn.
Arthur Ilrrntnro.
Cooper ( nlou I.ltirnry,
Firth Avptiup Hotel pvn Stnnd.
I'lflli Avenue Hotel Itcuillim Room,
Iliuplre Hotel,
Ilroome Street I.lbrnt'.
Ilnllnnd House Rending; Itooin,
lofTliinn House,
Imperial Hotel N'evrs Stnnd,
I'rpHN Clnb, 1211 Xiissnu St.
Vrnt niliisler Hotel Itendlna Room.
lintel (irnnnlile.
Y. M. I'. A.. 2:d nnd -ith Avenue.
XV. Wrlili, 210,1 Unahlimtoii Are.
Kerr York Ili-ruld Itenillnr Room, 41
Ave. dp ropern. '
Than. Conk A Sons, 1 Atp. de Pnprra,
IV. H. .Innes, 2IH Alder St.
l'nrtlnud lintel N-tvs Stnnd.
Mercantile l.llirnr-.
I'pbllc Llhrnry.
P nbllp Llhrnry.
I'nlnee Hotel,
flnnta Ana Free robllc. Vllirnry,
I V. Hniiiinel, Lyeeuni Tlienter.
Snlt I.nlte Npits Co.
Puhlln I.lhrnry.
i:nsterii Jlcwi Co., aid 1-2
Pike St.
A, T. LunUherg,
ficorse 'P. Wnrd.
flnrrotlsoii Hotel News Stnnd.
Moiiilamlii Hotel it Stnnd.
Hotel Veiidome .'etts Stnnd.
CmiTrny A- ICiilpkerboclter.
I'nhlie I.lhrnry. JL
tieinlil Fllmllihon, 7(10 north St.
Hoy Allen, .'(21 Center St.
Y. M. C. A. HeudliiB Room.
John W. f.rnhnni, 72;i-72.1
Henry Court.
Ilriuidotv's Vpivh Stnnd, 721 Iblinond
Jiliif'llou News Hllind, .101 Uiliumid St.
V. .11. C A, Rending; Itnnm,
Press Clnb
AVI minor Hotel,
Ityllll lintel
II. .1. Jett, H0(I Olho SI.
IMiiiiIci h' Hotel Nnn Stnnd.
I'ulillii Llhrnry.
liulnii Notts Conipniiy.
AVIIInrd'N lintel Ncrr Stand.
Arllngloii Hotel,
ContrrcHsloiiHl I.lhrnry.
Illuus lloime,
Jtrpiililleiui .ViiMonnl Committee.
IRebiiUs Tell.
The ee
Want Ads
Produce Results.