I I THE OMAHA DAILY RETS : TTKSDAY , T"BRTtITA"nY 1.1 , 1000. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET All Kinds of 0 ttlo Sell Decidedly Lower and Trido is Slow , CHICAGO RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DECLINE Unas Open I.eirrer , lint C'leiae te \ \ Mil Hnlorilii } Sheep llvvelpti l"l crnl , itlth I'rleen Stniiin mill Mntcniftit Active. ' [ . I il receipts . . . 112 47 33 5 'I < ill i ) lllein of the day's iccelpts was i il.nvi , eaeh buyer purchasing the ntitn- of IK ad Indicated. I l\ C.illle Hogi. Sheep i 'in ' , Picking Co . . 2S1 Ml 11 H llaiiiinond Co . . . 2JS S7U H'l .swlu ami Company . . . . 190 7uS i n'l.iln P.u klnif Co. . . . . 49" ! ISJ llbTO \i mom it Co , . . 2SI 37. ! t * iv if i , from eniintry . . . . I MO II HIM kei and Derail. . . A niMint Co 120 I I. Catey 9 J > i > hmun & Co . . . 15. ! ! < lliiK toue & Schaller. 9S 'Iliunllton .v Hothschlhl. liTi Jl I. DennlPM ( 'her liuvers . . . . 210 400 35 . 02G3 i ATT1.I3 Conilllloin ucie very much ngilnil IheellPit , of cattle today In the HIM place time vvai a fair run , though I'v no means l.irge Then Chicago reported a huge run and u slow und lower market , and to still fnithcr discourage buyers them rvas -tte-adv fall of snow , making tbo cat- tlt VNhlch we 10 none too good to com- inimc with , look even worse than they r-alb were Fneler such circumstances It Is hardly necessary to add that the market lie a whole was far from what sellers , like to rxpi ilence liuyers v\ere late In getting out Into the vards and It was still later before much Jiu-iliii"-s was acconipllHhed When bu > ern uml Millers did get togethci on a trailing bnnls It was at pi Ices that were generally 10e lower Ihan the close of last weeU The iniiike I was a drag from turl to finish , nnd as Is apt to be the case undci such condi tions ihe market was Inclined to bo un- c\on nome cattle soiling to better ad- vanl cge than others of about the same klnc' 1 Out of ai.nno head of cattle received at C'hlcigo the top reported was onlv given as $ ( ) which uliovvs that they arc getting the price down right along Pule bets stock suffered In about the 1ffi name propoi tlnn as fat cattle , and like fat inltle the market 'vas uneven While the general market could safel > be quoted lOe lower than Friday , there were cases where Hale-s of nice stuff did not show that much i > ff while In other cases buyers bid more ffi than Hint mm h lower The market was very slow and It was late before tbo pens were cle-aiecl The trade In Mockers and feeders was naturally lower owing to the unfavorable weather and the lower beef cattle market Plinre weie very few buyers In from the country and speculators vveie weak buyers , HO that Ihe maikct was slow Hid lower all around llepiesi'iilatlve sales. HrjCF BTHUHS. Av Pr No AV P- 1 rtn i ro IS5G. 1252 i n 1 ire 7i 5G.n . ir.7 i r. 1n " , S3 n . 110S 4 4' , 1h 17 . UV ) I 10 h i on . 11.V. 4 50 1in S10 I in 1100 I fO inu. inoo i ir , 1100 i ra u. , I.jj ! i ir > 17. . . 1017 4 f.O 10 ' i ir . .l.'Gl i no lio-i 4 15 20 1JS7 4 V ) 9JO 4 20 3 ! . . 1JI1 I rfl 20r . 1CU 4 .0 117 . " t 50 r . Wl I 2' 17 4 V ) is ins 1 Ti .1147 1 SS .11 nr.r IS. IBS 4 CO 1 12SO i r. 11n. .12)0 4 no 1'i .11SO I .K n. . .l',09 I 10 'i .1111 i r liOO I GO 10 .iav > I 40 IBt. . 10SC 4 ' ,0 in 4 Id t.i. t. 4 ir , 17 urn I 111 i. . . .l-Ti < G5 llOi i 10 in . . I-'IS 4 70 S . . 11C5 I 70 . .1110 I HI 15 . .13GS 4 70 . 870 I ' 0 12 130J , i r > . 'i | ' | 1 ti ) 2S. . .lif.7 I Si .imt t r > 17. 1234 3 00 . .mil i r , cows AND nniprms . . fff 3 0 > 3 1190 4 00 . .1013 4 Ot > OtCOWS. . . . SKO 2 00 1 I 00 350 * 2J0 | 9 1H1 3 ro ? r- ? { ! ? 1 10-0 " ! SO 940 350 S40 V .1 1110 1 W . . . . nio 2 25 3 r o 117S 50 1 1300 3 r.3 . . . . nio : : 104G 3 no 1000 n UBS 3 no . . 1000 i 900 3 G5 , t ' " > i 1110 T G5 271 .1 1010 : i ra . too Si 1011 1 Ki S7I 2 S5 i mo I 03 307s 1 Oi ) ' . ' 127.1 1 73 s < ; o 3 no 12 12JS 3 73 .1010 ! ( H ) i ny > 3 75 ' " 00 IS 102C , 1 SO . SJO I 00 i inr. 1 SO , 11PO .1 00 22 1044 3 " ! 0 , ysi .100 t SO , .1100 " 00 1. 1130 'I SO , . 750 20.n . not 1 S3 , . 900 ' ! 2.- > n 1071 3 S3 , . 910 3 25 21 3 S" , 1020 1C " . 10 ' 4.r . lor. t no 1 . I1M ; : 25 r > . 117. ! .1 no 1 . 'kSO i 4 131J 1 10 1 .1 2'i .1 10 1 n as H10 ' 4 CO 21I 951 3 "X 17' 1007 I 10 I 990 : to I ! 1 10 1:1 : .lllfi 345 2 JS.0 t 10 1:1i . S50 3 .10 .10nniFnns . rra 3 0) ) i. 1110 a oo . 770 1 50 . . . . nuj .1 10 u . 1022 3 IV > I. . . . * 72 3 00 i 3 75 1 , . 12W1 4 110 J17.T ' ! 7"i 1 . . . . . 540. 4 00 7311 : i so * ' . . . . 033 4 . ' 5 I VI F. . . ' 172 4 00 . S'tJ 1017 4 15 , T.fi . .1110 2 S.V I. . n no 1 . . . . . i 2i 1. . 910 3 OH . 157H .TO : 1210 : i m , . . . 137(1 ( .30 S10 i M . inn 3 to 12.10 . . . ffl 3 10 . I5".o 3t. mo . ] l"0 iH ) inoo . . . .14"- . .1 rn . . .1510 3 rn H-W . . . . ino 3 f.o . 14W . . . .uon it < o .MUf .IB ) H _ > t ; 3 70 .1W2 3 r.O STOCK" COWS AND UKIFHRS i . 1,2' ) 2 75 K75 i . COO 300 1 7M i .760 1 jr , 4 717 i . . # 0 .1 40 1C 61S 4 00 i .1000 3 1,0 , HTOCKKUS AND I--IJKDJJHS n 4DI 'I 31 4. lo en 3 M ) 4.r. . . . ' .1 7"i 40. . .illlS I f l 3 4 05 ' 120G 4 10 31 lain 4 IK 42 . K. % IM'I 3 SfiO Ilr t ! 31 . r. STJ 27 317 r.u 27S7 u 114S S7 . 730 1019 4 30 ' u : . 'vn 115 4 V ) 1 110 700 i IM J 00 1. ISO 700 1 . . . S ) B SO 1 ISO 700 2 7B fiofl 1 310 7 f * ) 1 1 h 7R 1 210 7 no 1 . . . . ino 7 00 1 Iff ) - 00 E 172 7 00 00BTAQS. . 7 1502 323 1 800 3 ( K 1 1210 8 SO , ST13KHS ANU IJI51FBIIS. 4 S3T 3 7T. STOCK CAl.VHS. 9 311 I ST. 1IOUS First leports from Chicago Indt- cale < l a lovvfr market and buyers at this point started out to ibenr the market The enrlv "alps were 2'fcc ' lower In most case * , but the demand was very Rood and the marke.1 llrm"d up liter on and e lo od ! < tonel > with Snturdav As usual on the last day of the week the receipts were llRht and as the movement was fairly active everthin ? was sold nnd weighed up nt nn curl } hour. It wll. be noled finm the sales below that the hogs old at nbout the ame laiiRe as Saturdaj that IP , largely at J4 77mj4 < It will be seen from the table of average prices that tlm wick starts out with the market close to Lie higher than It WHS one week ago and 1520p hlRher tban two weeks BO The market Is more than $1 per hun dred higher than It was a jcur ago Hep- re entntlve sales No. Av. Sb Pr. No. Av. Sh Pr. 79 . . 191 . . . J4 70 Mi. . . . 233 . . . 4 SO 71 . . ICG . . . 4 70 110 191 . . . 4 SO 13 . 19S . . I 72'J ' IS. . . . 214 40 4 SO 59 . 223 120 4 7214 D3 231 fcl ) 4 ' O 91 . . . 192 SO 4 7214 IS 21S 10 4 S | ) 91 191 10 17.1 69 284 210 480 79 . . . . 11G . . I 71 70 . . . .211 . . . 4 SO S3 . . . . 201 200 I 7fi ni 272 40 4 SO 17 . . . .178 . . 4 73 100. . .181 . . . 1 SO 71 . 20 ? . . 4 71 ! s6 212 . . . 4 SO 10G . .17S M 473 Gl . . . .2Vi 210 4 so 2S . 220 . . 4 71 f,9 , . . . 2G1 120 4 SO 71. . . . 210 40 4 77"j 76 . . . . 2GO 10 4 80 71 . 241 210 4 77'4 ' 80 . . 21S 40 4 SO 61. . . . 214 SO I 77(4 ( GO . 212 40 4 SO 53 . . .327 320 4 77"A " 71 312 1GO 4 F2H 12 . . . 191 . 4 77 > 4 Ml .311 80 4 W& 07 211 10 4 77' ' $ 70. . .210 120 4 2ft 80 . 209 . . 4 77'Hi ' . 211 . . 4 S2'A ' 73 . 1UG 40 4 77U01 . . .28.1 80 4 S2' ' ( , Gl . . . 211 . . . 4 77' < " . 71 . . . .212 . . . 4 SJt/j 00 . 2G9 10 4 SO 61 . . . 2AI . . . I S2tS Gl . . 2IS 80 ISO (3 ( . . . . 264 . . . 4 S2' < | 70 . 210 . . 4 SO &T. . . .311 40 I S2'/j ' 81 . . . . 211 40 4 SO ( ,1 . . .315 10 4 M 72 . . 2G7 40 4 W ) IB . 3S8 . . 4 SI 71 .222 SO I i > 0 52 321 SO 4 RT. SliniJP There was n peed run here this mornlnp , but none lee main to supplv tbe demand and the market was lOfilSc. higher than last week'.s close and active Buyer * seemed to want all kinds nnd thev were out e-url > and everything In sight changed hands In good season The Ilcrshev western lambs sold nt $7 , which was 21c higher than tbe same stuff brought a week ago As high im IS was paid for good light > earllngs The other prices paid will be i-eeii from sales below Quotations. Good to choice fed yearlings , J3WVfir.75 , fair to good yearlings , Jl USf/l r > 0 , good to choice wethers tl2GfJil 40 , fair to good wethirs , $475500 | , good to ch'ilce fed ewes. $41.11171 ; good If cholco fed native lambs , $ GftOfi700 , good to choice western lambs , SG7V/700 , fair to good fed western lamb" , ? ( iSOriiCi. ! feeder wethers , fl 25TM 75 , feeder } curlings $ } OQ5iiGO , peed to choice feedc' lambs. $4 73fj' ' "S llcpie ei > tatlve sales No Av. Pr 1 western ewe 90 $4 tr. 180 vvesteiu ewes 91 4 IT. t western wethers 130 * > 00 201 western wethers 118 C > 10 438 westein wethers 112 B0 41S western wethers Ill GIG 217 western vearllugs < I7 B 10 31 western lambs 87 0 SO 31 western lamlis IS G ' 0 M western jearllgns SS GOO 220 western lambs 87 710 142 western lambs 52 ( . iiO 50 western ewes 91 4 fO 210 weslern ewes IW. . 4 61 US ewes 109 I 70 1.1 cull lambs 6S I. ( JO 441 western wethers 9fi C 21 10 western wethers 141 521 41G westetn welhers 110 525 1S1 wester neives 110 1 25 411 western wethers si 3 .11 2J : western > earllngs 9G fi GO 420 western yearlings 107 5 i,0 111 jeurllngs 91 570 125 western Iambs GS 0 M ) 149 western lambs 6G 0 GO .Jfl western Iambs 71 ( . ( * ! IIIIA < ; O i.ivn STOCK \itKirr. . Cattle Slcivt HORN AverUKe Sluulf l. < i ep Slio > i > uml l.nniliN strong. fllK'AGO , Feb 12-CATTI.I3 Slow 10a ewer , except choice , TeMins about stcadv ; receipt * , 1 GCO head , butchers' "lock and canners , lOJil'ic lower , feedcis eisj , geode : o choice , $3 WSfi 00 , poor to medium , $4,00 C'1.83 , inKecl stackers , ? ! 25ti'j.73 ' , selected fecdei t $1 20ft 1.SO , good to choice cows , j.10JH.35 : , belters , fi 231il GO , canners , $ _ JO ' 275. bulls $2 70i-l W , calves $1 TOJiS.OO. > d Tex a * beevet , J4.eXViG.)0 ? ( ) I IOCS Average , a = hade lowei. top , J3 05 : ? ooel cleatance , mixed and butchers , f4 7.1 j/G.OO , goo < l to choice heavy $4.90 5.05 , rrugh hoavj. f75fil.Sl ! light , 517017413 , bulk of s ilci $4S7i fe.lOO SHC13P AND hAMOS Stroiifrnnd active , lO&lGo higher , native wethels $1 730 73 Hinbs , $3 OOT77.23 , western vctbcio , $1 G3fp " > M , western lambs , $8.COf/7.iO. ( He-celpts Cattle , 20,500 bead , hogs , 42,000 lead , sheej ) , 1000 head. New York I.lve" Stock. NEW YORK , Feb 12 BEUVES Ro- .eljits , 4.1 ! 7 head , 42 cars on bale , steers ind fat cows weak , bulls and common cows Inn , all sold iteei , $1 10fi5 10 , topa , $3 00 : o\en and slugs , W Wii I i . bulls $ : .0fi/ 30 , cows , K 1 Oil3 CO , choice fat , t4 20 , ca- > les ciuoto American cattle at I.lveinool 0\i"f)10'4c " ) pei Ib , at London at 12'/.fiii ' : ops , inl4c. sheep , lltifiKitc > eirllngs , 121 ! /ll'tc , tefrlccnitor beei 10" e per Ib , e\- lorts , 50 jiheep , tomorrow , , ! ! 0 cattle CALVES Receipts. 1.S13 head slow and steady to 25c lower , all sold , veils , Jl OOTj 50. little calves , $1 00 < ft4 50 , bainvanl .lock. J ! OOJil 73 , honthein calve" Ji Vfi I 7r. SUn-HP AND hA.MllS-Hecelpth , 111',1) ' iieid. 19 cars on > .ale , sheep , stcach to shade lower , lambs , lOTiOTi- off , six CTTH un sold , Fhcep $ .1 DOi/5 71. extra export weth- irs. $ G SO , lumbs , $ G 'J5fi7 50 , Canada lambs , ; G 7541" GO , culls , $ > .oni < s oo. HOGS-Receipts , 12.7U hea l , one car on ale , low or at $5 20ftfi 10 , > tatc pigs , $5 25J | 10. IvIIHNIlM Till I.llO SIlll'K. KANSAS CITY , Feb 12-CATTIji-Re ceipt * 2,630 head nallves and 1.210 head Ti \ - ans , best killer ) sleadj and otheis slow to Ot lower , heiuv native steers , Jlsuii'i .1 Iglltwelghts. JlfX > Ii520 stockers and feed- is. $1 SOfJG 20 bu tetter cows and helteis , ! OOT I50. canncis. $2407(300. ( fuel westerns , lftOf/115 vvcutcrn feeders , $3 r)0fi4 ( 25 , Texans - ans 11 Soft 4 40 HOGS Receipts , 7.4" > 0 head , inaiket opeueil slow and price's aver igc-d steady to ic' lower , lieuvv $1 73fH Sa , mixed , $1 R51i4 SO , Ights. } 4 ri5T4 7.'i ! , pigs. $1 OM4 40 .SHIKP AND LAM us - Receipts cioo lead , mnrket steadv , o < < aslon.il tiiincbes Oo hlghei lambs , $1 7f/dO Ti vearllngs , $0 > ii5V. . niilltoiiH $1 SOfiGXfi. stoekeis and Vcders MJjOfi550 , culls , tlWu&'M SI. I.oilln lilt e .Stoi-K. ST LOUIS , Feb -r'ATTLIJ Heeelpf * I.200 head , including 2,000 Toxans. mnrket "OillCe lowei for natives and 10f20c | lower cir TexiiiiH , native shipping und export steels , JI73iiiK ( ) , die'sed liec-f and butchei sleeis , { 4 WC1 ( & . steers under 1.000 Ibs , Jl GO < < | I SO , Mockers and fcedeis. JlWijISO. eov\s and heifers JJ O0' 1 S5 , caniiers , Jl 25712 S3 , mils , } J.WIW ( ) , Texas and Indian steels , slT3TilVi , eows and heifers , $1 43ft3 80 HOCIS-Recelpts 7.000 head , market Ilnn , ilgs and lights tl7STjl$3 , pac kc-r.s , Jl "fill 4 rKi , liiitchers , $1 tOS'i 00 Slliii > AND I.A.MHS-Hfcelpts , 300 head. M irket active and Me.nl.v , native muttons , 'l2Vrifi25. lambs $550 (700 , culls and bucks , U 5cHi I 50 , stockers. tl 00 iI M Slocl. In Following are thn iccelpts at the four piinclpal wcmern maikets foj Feluuiirv 12 : Cattle HOSTSlieip I Poutli Omaha 2 7.1 ! t iv ) u.iio Ohliagu 20,500 U.OOO 1S.HW Kansas City 3,100 7410 0,10. ) St. l.oulH , : 7,000 "M Totals 2i,3.i : 59P39 3J.S20 CoUou llnrUel. NEW ORLEANS Fcb 12 f'OTTON-Fii- lure'h nle.ulv. February. SS 5. nomlnil ; ilaich. { v 4h'n8 SO. Apill. $ S 4SfjS.50. .Mav tS.49iSEO. ( June' , $ S UiiS 50 , July , Ji,4Sii < > 8 49. Augiihl. $ S .V'd8.1.1 September , SS'.O 7.M , Octobei. J75Si7.iiii November , $7 Mi 7 19 ; ni'CHiiiber , J7 4M7 | 43 Spol , Hteadv . Mlcp , S DM bale.s , ordlnar > , 75-K.o , good 01- dlnai ) , 713-ld , low mlddllni ; , b' c , mld- illliiK. s-i.i , , gMii nilddllng a H-ibc . inlcl- dllny fair. 9- > ST LOF1S Feb 12-OOlTON-Flrmer 1-lCc higlu i sile'S. d. bales niliM'.lni.s'i ' , leml'its . ' ,201 Imle-h , shipments , l.dji. biles LIVERPOOL Fcb 12-OO'l" ) UN .Spot , fair demand and prints 3-.12d higher , Ameri can middling fair , 55-lt.d , good middling. 5Hd : luw middling , 415-lCtl. good oidlnaiy , 44il , oultnaiv , 4 9-lbel The sales of the day wer 10.10J bales , of which COO were for Hpcculatlon and export and Included 9,400 AnicrUiiii. receipts , 250X1 inlc.H ituluding 20500 Amtrli-un Fiituren ooened tlrm anil cloiMl Btront' at the uilvancc , American middling , 1 me , l' brunr > ami JIarch , 4 02-tild , sellers. March and April , 4 69-oiJ , sellers , April and uMa > , 4G5-l > U ) , sellfrs ila > anrtl June , t l-045/1 / 6J-C4d bujers , June and July , 4 49 CM , huyoig. Julj and Aiif.usi , 4 46-C4ii4 47-iild liusert , , August and Septem ber , 4 I0-t > lii4 41-Md , buoit > , Bcptniibur and 1 Oc-tobor. 420-61ii-l 27-64el , uujerN , October and November , 4 U-fit 4 19Udbn.Nciu. . j 'o- vcmbrr und December , 4 H-iitd , * clltrti buuur lurKet. NEW ORLEANS Feb 12 SI'GAR- Stluns , open keittle , J'ttll J-luc , upen kettl . rentriruKal 4' " < 'M ( ' ' < rntrlfuitpl Vfrllow 4' ' 4V. ' i - .V'H'4i SSi.S UiilM no open kettle , een- ronilltlctii of Trnile nnil Itiinlnllon * mi Slnple unit Fntie ) Proeliiee. noOS Receipts Increasing , fresh slock , WCHk Hi ! " < . DRFSSin : POUI/niY-fhnlee lo fancy tinker WilOe. clue k , S'yi9e , Roe. e , S4ff9c ! Fprlnc chickens , Stil * > < , hen * , SflSHe , roost- I er . 4W6c. i MVP POULTRY Heni , fii.fr7c ; sprltifr eh ekinii , filVr * * " old nnd "IrtKBl * roosters , 3ifii , illicit * . flV-i. Urkejji , 7c. 1 HFTTnii Common to fair , 18e ; choice , I Kf'lSe. ' Hepnrntor , 260 ; puheteil cremnory. " " "iMOnONS Uve , per eloz , 7Sc. ViALS-Cholce , MH'ie. ' < \MH-r nek . iimllurd" . $3OOflS.K : blue vvii B teal , $1 75 ( ri etl Wing tml , Jl 2581 CO , lillM-d duck" , $1 hOTiZ IM. OYSTIJIIS- Medium , per cnn. ISc ; stalu'l- are. , per cnn. 22c , bull : ntandnid , per gal , tl 25 , c\tr.i elcit < - , | icr c'lin , Sflc : extra co- lecta , per gnl , $1 wiil.73 , Xovv York counts , per can , 37c , New Yolk count * , i > er 100. $1 iD. HAY Per carloml lotsFpland , choice , $ fi , midland , choice , $ RM , lowland , choice , Ni. rj o straw , choli e $1 50 , Xo. 't corn , 2'j'4c , No 3 white oats , 22'4c ' , cracked corn , per ton , JH. i-orii and ont , clioppcd , per ton , $11 M , bran , per ton , $12 , shorts , per ton , $13 VIOITAHI.IIS NHW TFRNIPS Pei eloz bunches. GOe. SPINAi'H-Pej bo$1 NIW unirrs p r dotnnichns , lOigsoc IjKTTFrC Per eloz bunches , 4flc ; fancy head lettuce , per bbl . } S UAIMSlIKS-Per doz bunches. 40c S\\IIT ; : po-i'ATons-rcr bbl , ininoi * . $ : ; . , Icrse-yn , $3 , lingo bbls , Kansas , JJ.73. POTATOES Per bll , cltolce , SOfTIOc. CAHllAOi-Holland seed. 2cj. CAFLIFI.OWUR-Cnllfornla , per crate , $2 SO CiutlY-Per : doz , 25fl30c ; California , per bunch.nrtac \ TFRNlP'S-Rutabagns , per Ib. , 1Uc : Ciix ONIONS Iletnll , yellow , 73e , led , S5@90c , Chios , pc I bbl , ? 2 25. niidlan , 1'Jc. per bbl , $2 MFSllROOMS-Pei Ib. box. 50c TOMATonS-FIorlda. per n-baskel crate. SI. SI.KHURARHPor KHURARH-Por doz , GOc. FllljlTS. APPLHS Choice wcstcin shipping stock , MtKVJrJfiO , New York stock , Jl , fancy , $160 N75 CtRAPiS Malaga , per bbl. . $70005.00. CRANUL3RH1KS Hell nnd Hllglo , per bbl . $8 TROPICAL , FRUITS ORANGnS-Mexican , per box , $3 ; Cali fornia navels , per box , S3 23fi.i 50 ; Cali fornia seedlings per box , $2 501(2 75. MISCGLLANFOCS 11ONRY Pel 21-seclion case , $3.25. NFTS Illekotj. large , per bu. , $1.23 ; shellbirks. $ l n FIGS Callfoinla , liters , per 10-lb box , $1 , California , cm toil , per 10-lb box , $110 , Impoitcd llgs , per Ib , Uc HI DCS , TAIJ.OW. irrc. HIDCS No 1 green hides , Se , No 2 green hides , 7e No I t-altccl hides , 9c ; No 2 salted hides , 8c , No 1 veal e-alf , S to 12 Ib * , 'Jc , No J veal calf , U lo 15 Ibs , Sc. HiiHer , I'.Kli icnil Cheese Itnrkcl. KANSAS CITY. Fcb 12 EGGS-Qulet and Him , flesh Ml'votirl and Kansas stock , lie dorc'ii. ca--is ie > tilliiecl FIHLADELl'lllA , Feb. 12-ntJTTER- Flim , good demand , fane y western crc-ini- 01 v , 'be fniuv western 111 lilts , 27c EGGS Steadj , fresh neaib.v , 15e ; fie'sh western Hi , lie"-1 ] soiltbw'estcili , ll'ic , fieuh southein 1 i'ic ' CHEESE Quiet but stendv. KIIIINIIS I'lls < Jri' Ill ltocollm. | ( KANSAS CITY , Feb 12 RECEIPTS Wheat , 01,200 bu , corn , 62 000 Im , oats , 20- 000 bll SHIPMENTS Wheat 21000 bll ; coin. 19,500 bu . oils , 11 K > bll Eliilii lliitter lliuUet. ELGIN III Feb 12-HFTTER-Flrm at 2lc , 2S tubs offered and ° old it 24'tc , weekly output , neailj 10000 tubs rorciKM Fliiniie'liil. PARIS. Fe'b 12 Husluess on the- bourse today wai Inegular and 'mictlvc ' Spanish I" and Sp inlsh rails attiacted attention , r.ivoinblv Inllenilng inlernatlonnl shaies Rio tlntos weio malntulncd. notwlth tand- iug so.ro piollt-taklng Kafllrs staite-d weak on the unsatlsfactorv wai news , but Liter stionstheni'd on Ihe Engl' h demand. Three per cent i elites , lOOf 75c for the ac count. CM Kiiiac on London 23 f lO'fccfor checks Snanlsh 4s e'oweel at G9 17'i BERLIN , Fcb 12 Exchange on London , 20in r.lpfRs for checks Discount rates- Sllort bills J'i pel cent , long bills , T)4 ) per cent Unslne's was hcsItiitlnK on the bounn toil.iv hi the absence of South Afri can nc-ws Spanish 4s Tveie animated on arbitrage btijlng Amerlcaim and Canadl in Pacitic s weio strong. Ix > cals were caMer ov In" to call/ation" LONDON. Feb 12 Gold premiums aie quoted as follows Unenos Aires. 12710 , Madrid JS 10 Llcbon 43. Rome , 7.23 FRANKFORT. Feb 12 On the bourse toda > burnus was dull and IrreguUi. Ei'S'itian unllleil bonds declined sbarplv ovvini ; lo political apprehension" Spanish baldened cm Paris buying Americans were .steady Locals i el insert London Mix'U T/5NDON. IVb 12 1 p ni Consols inoiioy 101 ' N V" Centra'j . . .115 do account 101 Poniisylvanlii . . OS Canidlan Pacllh 1 ! llc-idliiif 9' ' Erie 1 ! Nor Pacllle pfd . 7GV , do 1st pfd 17i Vtcblson Illinois Central lib Louisville R3H Union Pacllli iifil 7 1 nr.itiel Tiunk. . s'4 St Puil common 12i > ' ( i Anaconda. . _ i'i -TAR SlLVER-Dull at 27 7-1fid per ounce MONEY 2'/j ' pel cent The i ate ol discount In the open inaiket for shoit bills i. ; % per cent and for three- months bills .tViiS"1. , per cent C'ooilit lull of the 'I'rciiMiirj . WASHINGTON' Fcb 12 Today's stale- incut of the comUtlon of the tienMitv shows Avliable cash balance , $291 IIS , 181 , gold receive $220 17 ,011 riniiU CIpiirliiiiN. HALTIMOHE Feb. -Clearings , $2257- " 7 l > iliinee $ rl 111 HOjSTON. Ft Hi -Clearings , $16S47,7GJ , lialaiK CM. $1 171517 PROPOSED CABINET OFFICER C.'iiniinlt ) < < \i-ls I'nt eirnlily on n Illll SiiKKeNlIni ; n Scc'ietnr ; of VllncN mill lllnliiir. WASHINGTON , Fcb. 12 A new cabinet officer , to be known as the nccrctarj nt mines and mining , IH provided In Iho bill favoiably acted on lodaj by the house com- mlttco on mines and mining The bill creates nn exeeutho dcpulnient which shall have entlio c Imrgo of affalis u luting lo mines. Including the geological suivety. The piopos > ed hccrclaiy of mines isle lo bavo the same rank and salary of other cabinet onicciti and an asulstant secrelai ) Is given the same htundltig us Iho first us- slbtant bcirotui } of tbe Intel lor. Another mining mcasuio favorahl } acted on cBtahllhhi'a mining experiment slatlonH ; In each of the mining states , hlmllai to aKrlciiItuial experinicnt stations , and pro- vli'cr for the appointment of u government grologlHl at $ .1,300 a year and an assaylst , j ' at $2.1.00 In the several mining states. These olllcels are to furnish ausajg , Ishiio public I bullet Ins and conduct cxploiatloiiH of mining ngloim BILL FOR PHILIPPINE CABLE Prolili'N Idie Shall Hun 1i > Wn > eif AliiNUa uml | ) IM\II tliu CoiiMl of AKII | , WASHINGTON. Fcb 12 A bill was In troduced in Ibo ecnato today by Scnutni I > 'iiEtor of Washington piovidliif ; for the ron- fctiuctlon of a government cable line fiom ; the United States to the Philippines. Tbo ! distinguishing fe.uiuo of the bill Is that It ipQUlnti that tbe cable shull bo laid fio-n | I i-uino point on the eoast of Washington and i that it shall run via Alaska and north of the ' Aleutian Inlands to the Island of Atlu and | i tbonco lo tbo boundar ) between IliibSla and I Japan , and thence with saveral stops to the ( Philippines An Independent cable fiom San FrancUco to Hawaii IB provided for. ( \Voiiii-n'Alianiloii I'nrU Mecllnir. WASHINGTON. Fob. 12 At a inioetlns I of tbo board of directors of the Amorlcin | Federation of Womc'n'B Clubs , held In Wa.h- luglon today. It was found necei-gaiy , on account of the conflicting dates of iho bi ennial to bo held at Milwaukee In Juno anil the French congress to bn held at Paris the fa met month , that tbo proposed meet ing In I'arls of the General Federation of f' Women's Cluba be abandoned. ENDING DEBATE ON FINANCE' FINANCE'i Last Week of Talk in lh Ssmto Drawj Largo Crowd to GalUriei. MEMBERS ALSO TAKING MORE INTEREST Three Imporlniil Aitilrcxnc * Selieeliileil for ( lie ln > I3llln liiMuN 00 for I he Helinli- llcun Mile. WASHINGTON. Fob 12 Moro tlnh Interest was munlfeenc ! today In the senate debate on the llnanclal bill. H was known that the opening day of the Inst week of the financial discussion was to be marked by the delivery of at least three speeches , by Wolcolt of Colorado. Uutlcr of Norlh Carolina lina and Hlklns of West Virginia , nnd In addition to a largo ailendance of souatori tl-e public galleilcs were well Illled. .Mr. Allen's icsolutlon , Inlroduccd lasl Sat in day , expressing smpatb > with the Doers went over without losing Us place. The llnanclal bill was then called up and Mr. Hlklns addressed the senate. Ilia open ing sentences were a reference lo Iho speech delivered on Saturday by Mr. Chandler Ho said "That w as u speech which w ould bo ills- ttlbuted b > hundreds of thousands , not by Ills own political associates , but bv bis polit ical enemies " He commended the general provisions of th > bill , but crltlcibcd Ihe sixth section , which provides for the funding of the public debt Liion this piovislon he said In part' "Tho lefrndltiE of tbo public debt Is not nccea- sarlly a part of the bill. Why ul\ the subject of establishing and defining the mot clary standard and strengthening tbo public cicdlt with what mutt at best under the piovlslons of Hie bill bo an experiment , am' hlch. If It should fall , would prove lu.rtful to the general purposes and policy of the mcasuro and the public Intercut. The icfiindlng of the public debt In purely a pijctlcal or admlulslrattvo question. It should bavo no plico In our policies or bo connected In any wise with political ques tions or measuiei. The refunding of the public debt should be made the subject of a scpalato bill , to be considered nnd passeel when our bonds rnatuic and monetary condi tions may be entirely different. " When Mr Hlklns had concluded bills on the general calendar were taken up and the following passed At 2 o'clock consideration of the currency bill was icsumed and Mr. Wolcott addressed the senate Hotel ring to the first section of the senate bill declaring the gold dollar should continue to stand as the standaid unit of value , .Mr. Wolcott said : ( IHUIKCM No ronillllnn * . "Of course it will , and It would so con tinue If this boctlon were eliminated from thu bill. We might as well gravely pass a law providing that a jard shall continue to be thtco feet In length. Its ic-enactment changes In no single tespcct existing law The section hah been a law since 1S73 , and is haidly worth dlbcusslon now. "The provision lequlring the pajment of the principal and Interest of the now bonds In gold represents , I think , a mistaken view- as to our national credit I cannot hut ex- ptcss my regret that the committee felt that the exigencies of the money market re quited a depirUirc fiom Ihe terms hereto- foi used In goveinment obligations " Adverting to national banks and to the provisions of the bill which afford them opportunllj lo inciense their circulation to the par value of all government bonds de posited , Mr. Wolcott said "Succeeding years have only more firmly Iriplanted them as an Integral part of oiir fu an : al s > stern , not to be uprooted with out a more radicalChange , of policy than anv paity or administration would care to attempt " "It Is estimated that within the next few months at least $200,000,000 of additional national bink circulation will follow ino passage of the bill. There Is no department oj human Industry today In Ihe United Slates and in the rest of the woild as well that is not suflering because of nn insufil- clcnt volume of mono and which would not be benefited by a legitimate enlargement of tbe currencj. 'Under our existing gold stand- aid thcie hcemu to he no olhei nvailaolo method of giving us this greatly needed ! u- cieapo thin the one favored by this bill. "Looking to the currency pioblems of tbo whole woild , all legislation of the character contemplated bj this bill Is to those who believe In the principles of bimetallism nn- wlbc , because under Iho beneficent work ing of the bimetallic f > > stcm It would be un necessary It Is but one moio step to bo eventually ictiaccd "Hut the enactment of this measure Inlo law without at the same lime accompanjlng it with a lealllrmalion of the position of the icpubllran piity respecting international blmetalllhiii would be an nppaicnt abandon ment of the principles and policy of thci p.ily. and Iho amendment reported by thn finance committee convcjs .1 positive assur ance to the woild that this cuuntrj , able to hold its own among the nations of the eaith , v lib gold as iln htandard. Is Mill ready ti > meet and treat with the other leading com- ncrcial cotintiics looking lo an intcinatlonal aricment lo open thr mints of the nmld tn hlhci at > well as gold "In this country bimetallism has revolved Itti greatest Injuiy and Fiiffeird Its seven-si blow at the hands of the Bryan demociacy In rloso alllamo v\lth the popullbt paitj , which Mill demands an Incdemnable anil in- Hated paprr currency , clumoililg for rllver at li. to 1 by the United Slates alone to the exclusion of any other nettlement of the question , advocating openly depiccluti'd ironej , ridiculing all Idea of International jgieomiGi.t , . .ihsoclallng tholr dcmnnUs with a snarling piotcsl against eveiy pollej which seeks the enforcement of law and orelur and the maintcnanio of iho honor of our country anil tbo fulfillment of oui obligations j lo mankind , U IH not suiprislng that they havu HO eloudcd the minds of men that many of them seeno dlflerejicc between the fiee silver of Bi > , in and blmetalllHm , aio Inclined I lo seek an end of the vviiule millfr and hesltato to deal wllh the subject In any foim " Mr. Wolcott Minimal Ircd the woik of the International bimetallic cominlsslon , of vihlcb ho was chuliiuun , and paid a tiUnite lo lie coullal co-operallon of Iho prefcidrir v.ilh the crmn li-li/ ] He then sal 1 'rciUlti senatots allied with Mr. Ilryan's cauce toughi to thiow doubt and ildlculo over the attempt - i tempt , although thnlo weio nolablo c\cti- lions , among the Hrjnn dcmouiac } "Hut I rijoloc to i-oy that there la n | radical change tnMng place , not mil ) in Coloiudo , but In nil tl'n f.n noillnvestfrn | I elates. Our people are tired of beail'H1 only n gospel of hateami bectlonallH n. Wo don't I pay as much attention as no foimeil } did to the picphcts of ele.sjnli an i doom who aiu ' warning Ufa against the wrath lo i | come , that somrhn.don't comeo ami peltln1 ; a glimmc-iing shadow of an Idea that 1 If wo v.anl frieiidHhlps , rud iirrsjicrouii com- miinlilcs , and capital for our marvel"1. ! * 10- i I jourccj wo are 'is apt to get tnttfii hy maintaining ciidial inlatloms with the rest of the country , oven If the ) don't fully agree with us on the silver que-atlnn , na wo ure lij bitter words , and savage hate tov\aids ovciybody v\ho happens to differ v.lth us : and that perhaps the cause of bimetallism Is not really furthoied by an alliance with pioilo who want to U r up inllro.ida and tear down the supreme coin I , and vvho.o I principal mission teems to bo to persuade mankind that they arc on thflr nay to tbo ' pcorhoiiso. 1 "LIto Iba't all cheerfulness and content , t hut notno of II In and wo arc going lo l kn OHM without wallltiK for Mr llryin fnr i may not arrive The blnrk perler of the i time of ' 7V no longer walkn ahrond in i Colorado and keeps u * awake nlRhls II ban pone over the range and we are e-omlng out , from the cnvei of gloom Inlo ( lie open nun uliliio of hope " Feirelun Ueceiriillon * for \nierlenn . Thu wenate took up iho calendar and , passed the following bllltt i To encourage cnllHlmcnt * In the navy bv providing successful applicants with an e > ul- fit valued at $11. nuthnrlrliiK Iho president lo nomlnato Ilrevet Major Aletander Sli'vv- art Webb on the ll l of Ihe iirin > net a lieu- tenanl colonel , to nulhorlre Colonel A S. Hntirj , inlnlster of the Fulled Slates to Ilounianla and Sctvla , lo accept tbe decora tion lendcrcd him by Ihe nli.ih of Persia , lo aulhorl/e Iho following naval olllrers to accept ordern and defoinUona tendered to them by iho government of Vene/iioln Hear Admiral W. T Sampson , faplaln II C Taylor. Caplaln F. A Cook. Captain C. I ) . Slgsbee , Captain F i : . Chadwlek , Caplaln C' . V ( loodrlch , Commander W W. Mead , Commander J. H Ia > ton , Commander 13. M Sjinonds and Commander C C. Todd , granl- Ing permission for tlm erection of a bronre statue In Washington , I ) C , In honor of ( loneial FrnnclR K Spinner , Into treasurer of the Ullltod Stales , and appropllallng $2fiOO for n pcdeslal. NEBRASKA MAN FOR PARIS I'eler .Innnrn \imlntril | One < if the CcilltlillNNlolicm lo ( lie Inlrrnn- lloiuil i\to : | lt Ion. WASHINGTON. Pob. 12 - The president today sent the following nominations to the Tci be commlfsloneiB of the United States to the International exposition at Paris Hcrthn llonorc Talmor of Illinois , Urutus J. Cln > of Kentucky , Charles A Collier of Georgia , Michael II Do Young of California , William lj I lklns of Pennsylvania , O 11. Kethers of Wisconsin , 1'oter Janscn of Ne braska , Cnlvln Manning of lown , Kranklln Murphy of New Jersey , Henry A. Pnrr of MarjUuid. Henry M. Putney of Now Hamp- Bblrc , Alvln H. Sanders of Illinois , Louis Stern of Now York. William G Thompson of Michigan. William M Thornton of Vir ginia , Arthur C. Valols of New York. Thomas F Walsh of Colorado Navj LIcutcnnnlH to bo lieutenant com manders H. M. WiUel , H. T Hall , A. G. Wlntcrbultor. Passed assistant surgeon to bo n surgeon II. P. Crnndall Passed as sistant paymaster to be a paymaster : Hlch- ard Hatton Postmasters Arkansas , J B. Gibson , Hope California , P. h Glass , Martinez , Jamea O Colcman , Sacramento Colorado , P. Ilolbiook , Hlackhawk , Matilda McCart ney , Sllvcrton Idaho , George P. Johnson , Pa > otte Illinois , N I ) La Paugh , Chester. Indiana , Charles Laramore , Knox. Iowa , William A Grummon , Rockwell. Missouri , F T Jackson , Carruthersvllle , H. A. Hacl- lln , Clayton. New Mexico , L'dwnrd Qiiinn , Gallup , AV. G Greenleaf , Las A'cgas Hot Spiings. North Dakota A. H. Johnson , Drayton , Edmund K Caviller , Pomblna. WITNESSES BADLY WANTED Clinmllrr Tleqiiests > evTHiilpcm to AH Ut III ill < o I'M nil TUein. WASHINGTON , Feb. 12. David R. Peeler , president of tbe First National bank ab Kallspell , Mont. , wag the first witness in the Clark case today Hefore Mr. Peeler began Senator Chandler again brought up the question of the whereabouts of "Swede" Murphy , who Is wanted as a witness. The senator said that the man had been hero orce , but had disappeared and that he hoped tLat tbe newspapeis would continue Ihelr efforts , to locate him. Mr. Chandler said also that ho wanted to know the whero- aboute of E. P. Woods and D. G. Warner. He ; desired , he said , to have them all sum mered. Mr. Harlman said he had been told that Mr. Murphy had returned lo liutte and that the other Iwo men were in California. Mi Peeler was qucslloned concerning the account of Mr. Gclger with the Central bank , but ho was not able to throw much lighten on tbe subject. He confirmed .Mr Gclger's statement that he ( Gelger ) had borrowed $2.300 at the bink , saying ihat Oelger had given him a deed to property as security. The witness was unoble , to give dates when varloub loans had been nmdi > , and he wai laken sharply lo task bj Senator Chandler for his failure In this respect. He pro tected that he was not trjlng to conceal anvllilng , but that he was Dimply unable to remember. HAWAII UNDER DISCUSSION Seiintor C iilloin Ili'llcirn e'niiuTCSH VVtll ion I'liwn Dili I'nnl.linii I'erinnnciit RIM eminent. WASHINGTON' , Feb 12 Senator Cullom wan at tbo White House tochij and had a confcience with the piesldent in regaid to the statiih of legislation before congress af fecting Iho Hawaiian Islands The presi dent had had under conslcleiatlon Iho e\- pedicnej of asking congiess to pass Homo temporary legislation which would enables the local goveinment to provide for natives whoso bouses had been binned lo stop the spread of the buhonle plague and lo Miccor in dlstrcrth. Senator Cullom , however , Iho belief that congiem would hnon II.ISH u bill providing for a permanent government for tbo Islands and Ihat this | iiro would bo amply Biilllc-Icnt lo meet | UIR existing conditions. The president , theiefote , will await the action of congrchs j on the pending bill WHAT WJMII\ : rriiiivrs W\\T. I IIIIY enllon VilopiK n sdlnn of llcvo- liilIoiiN on SIM ei ill ' 1'iiilli'M. WASHING'mx , Fob 12 M the moinlng he.sslon of the National American Woman i Sulfrage n siu'atlon ' icsolutli us wrii > adopted reallliming the principle that " ( ! o\- crninents derive ) their Jimt powers fiom Ihe consent of tbo governed. " und calling for Iho application of the pilnelplo to women abklng congietfi to submit to the state le-g- Islaturrs a constitutional amendment pio- I'lhillng the dlsfranchihomcnl of United Ftnles cllUens on uccounl of se\ , risking tlmt upon whatever terms suffrage may he giunted lo Iho men of Alaska , Porto Illco , Hawaii , tl-o Philippines , it bo granted women on thn same teims , Ihat women bo Included lu the census inw being taken In j Cuba , nnd enabled to bo able to take part ' In the future goveinmcnl of Ihe Inland , also la preamble reciting Ihat during the pabt > ear women have cast their voten for the1 Drat time In l.oulElann. Fianre and lioland , and callll.g atlenllon to the fact th.it In I li eland 75 per rmn of the women voled , In . Paris o' ) pei cent , cs compared with II per' ' rent of tl'o men. and that In Now Oilcaim and Hulon HOURO ihocinicn votorn carried the day for n sctteiago hystem and a puio wnlcr nuppb pruleatini ; against an allege I Intention on tbo part of ceitaln government otlloial.s to rllmlnato women workcis from | the public service lo glvo their places to i men voterr , rondemnlng a.i ciurl and unjiibl ' all laws and regulation ! that make marilasje ' and mslberhcod nn ohhtacle lo holding a j I teacberB1 position , concratulallng Iho [ j women of America upon Ihe beneficent | I changes of I.VAS and ruatoms hy which full i j woman suffrane tan been necuifd In four ' statoH and pnitlal sullroso In twenty-tivo 'hlatCH ' rejoltlng in tuo ratlflcallon of Tbe Haiuo treaty and expressing tbo profouii'l ' rc-giel of tbe asHorlation that Minn Anthony I had determined to retire from the 'dency ' I SOuoMAIIA NEWSJ It btRin * to look now as if the propo rtion to vole $100 lion for the ere lion of 11 ' new High mhool building will be submitted lo the peiplt nt the \pfll ilertlati \t Mon- dnv N meeting of the Hoard of IMueatlnn i be que i ion was inlked over lnformall > and 'Superintendent ( Wolfe mane a numher of p NtinKestlmu along this line As none of Ihe members Deemed lo umlerHtand Ihoiotlgbly nil of the legal phaniM of Iho dltuallon. Ibo waiter was referred to the boards attorney for u written opinion This opinion Is to be Innded In nt the next meeting , which will probablj be held next Monday night. | 13 * en without a ni'\v High school building | Dr Wolfe mijs tlmt next > car two new i InilldlngK will bo needed One must bo I erected near the cenlcr of Ihe city and u j I building IB netdml in Corrlgan Place. The j I Application of MUs Jatm rcrguson for .1 position us teaehtr was read and referred Mnlcomb Graham withdrew his roslgmtlon nt Iho request of the members of the board I nnd he will continue to tea-b tbe remainder I I of tbo term ' i [ i Archllccl Klowlt teporled that progicss on i the new O slrcct building was being rotnrd- I ! | cil on account of the luck of heating facili ties. The coiitiactor will be asked to hasten ' the construction on this slructuie as much as possible so tint It uin lie occupied as soon as possible after March I i In connection with this new building the teachers' committee report In favor of grant ing the petition of the Dohemlan residents of the Second ward In naming th" building after Joseph Jtingmnnn , the famous Do- hcmlan lilntorlnn. For the Information of tbo members of the honid Mr. Prcltag rend j brief sketch of Jungmann's life and men tioned some of his piinclpal literary works. Hy a unanimous vote of the eight members present It was decided to name the build ing Jnn m.uiti. Second grade cerllllcatcs can now be Is sued three eoiiBccutlvc times , each Issue valid for one year only Any change from this new rule can only bo made by a sus pension of the rules. Superlnlendcnt Wolfe will go to Chicago dn Fcbruaij 20 to attend a meeting of school superintendents. rrlnmrniiotiiieciiioiitn heion. Preparations for the spring election are already being made and before long Ihe dale of holding primaries will be announced. Section 4 of the primary law piovllcs that twenty days' notice must be given of the holding of primary elections along with the location of the \otlng booths. In addi tion to these tbo notice must state the oll-es ( for which the candidates are to ho nomi nated , the number of delegates to be se lected and so forth One day for revision of registration Is pro vided for nnd this jear It will fall on Saturdaj , March 31. The election will be held on Apill 3. Last fall the total registra tion was 3,8uS and with the revision and addition the tolal will probabl > run about 4,000 this bprlng. Smallpox Scare A limit Over. All of the smallpox patients are doing nicely and no new cases bavo been reported All of the children In the Brix family , Twenty-eighth and Madison streets , are convalescent and will soon he icleased from confinement At tbe pest house everything is running along smooth ! ) . The nine prison ers confined In the city Jail have now been shut off from the outside world for eight dnjs and thev vvlll bo kept for eight dajs longer. They spend their time singing , tell ing stories and eating. The authorities are supplying them with all necefcfinrles and are endeavoring to make their confinement as easy as possible stni'UnrdN Slclt lleiietli. nmplojcs of the Stock Yards company aie contemplating the organization of n benefit association and a meeting was held on Sunday rifternoon for tbo purpose of talking tbo matter over. At this meeting n committee of seven was named to prepare n constitution and bylaws. It Is proposed to make assessments for sick benefits and also for a burial fund Another meeting of those Interested will bo held next Sunday afternoon. It Is understood that the man agement of the Stock Yards company Is heartily In favor of the movement nnd will assist the organization materially when the time comes. HrivfH for Sn'irrmo Come. Hrlefs In tbe Twenty-fourth street paving onso are now being printed preparatory to submitting tbo case to the stale supreme court The attornejh for the propcity own ers and the city have entered Into an agree ment regarding wKnt testimony is to be submitted to the court There seemfl to be llltlo hope of the city winning the case , but the municipal aulhorltles hold that every effort should bo made to collect this ta.x and for this ieaon the oxpcnsp of earning the case to the supreme court has been authorized ( linrlei null Mnlioi M. _ General Minager Kcnyon of the Stock i Yards company has given the fiee i.se of iho dining room In the new Exchange build ing for Hie hospital elmrltj ball , which will be held on tbo evening of TebruaiV 26 In addition to donating Iho use of the hall and Ibo necessary < -loak looms the Stork Yards company will furnish the electric lights needed fieo of charge Airangements nro rapldl.v being made 'or thin entertainment and It IM expected thai tickets will be on sale within a few davs Mimic < 'Ht l ! M li. | Coln-el A L Lott Is out asuln after a " ; OlstrllmtlMIT tnWe for the ] KHt- olllce. in lived -Moiulnv Dr Wlllliim H 'ii * H niep.nlnff to go south fur n months vacation. August llcdgren , Sll South Twenty-fourth stif.-t , announces tin- birth of a won Fim Coiy of the Union Sto > k JnnN Na- tluiial biinlc Is In ( 'blui o on business and Mrc Ole A hull WIIH bom to Mi OlHon. Twenlj-nltih and T street * . Hun- n.mk D.i > who frni ture'd bis skull bv f.illl ' on ibe I" ' ! S. xmour like a feu ehivh HBO Idoliu , nlcBh ul bis home , rigbtpentli and M stieets Dr CuillH win Is Attending him av he will lir nn heforn It m linipfflKI .oiiii.ll of the Irojal leneue vvlll lv ( . M dMiue at O < VI Fellow1 ball tonight Ml s Mite hell n ilerk In Ihe linlldlnp In- vpe ( toi c oilier Is In Iowa on n Iwo weeks v'.lt I A I uslno * * nieetliit ; of tlic Hpvvortli Icagvio will beheld at the .vlrlhodlst church loll 1 ll li tepoited tlmt the eletiioeral' ' liavo nboiil settled on Chris Melcher for illy treasurer II ,1 Jt'uipp and fnnilh vvlll lenve for Ohio today whore thej propo'ev lo rcsldo In the future Presiding F.lder J W .lelinlngs vvlll preiie h < u the First .Meilrculim vhtiieh next Sunda > evening ( Julie n number of people nre urgliiR .1 n I. iVu lets to bf oliie a cntulldnte foi ineintirr of the i lij eoiincll The bill glvc-i * by Ibe llntro Nous < bib nt the < ll.v hall building last night \\IIH iv verj e'ljovable alTnlr \V N UoBers of M Cook. Neb . will sell | foit-Fe\tii heitel of fane ) llciefoid ; nt thci fIN Mtock vnrds on rndn > Tom Ilrown eniue up fiom Kansas vcf'er- elay to visit his mother , Mrs. 1 llrowu , Twenty i nid on < l J sireel ? Mr nnd Mis II. 12 Wlleoxvvlll enlertnlii n number of vounu murrled people nt thejr home on K street Oils evening The Woman H auxlllnrv of Hi Martin church will meet \\e-diu-sdav with Mr * L 'A DivK Twentieth ami M streets The l'nlte > d Lulnil club has dci'ldod lo stand b.v the ticket nominated nt the con vention held M'liKlav night , February f > A social and entertainment will be given at ( he Albre-cht Methodist ipl : copal enure U \ \ e'dm-sd.iv evening Itefrcsiuncnts will bo served There l nn urgent demand on the part ot the .ueki-rs JHMI now fur sheep uml all 11- nlts | ore tieing l nigbt linmi ellntelv upon ui rival Hurglars enlered the home of Geoigi ) Hi own Twentv-thlrd uml N slnets. Sun- el iv nlKlit and Htole J15 In money and u valuable vviite b w of the rirsl Piesliv terlan elilin h vvlll clve n valentine social nt the liuine of Mis Charles Mullan , ' 1 wetitj-llrst Hint J slti-ct , this eve nine IN AID OF ORIbNTAL TRADE IIOIINO I'llHKCN Illll I'CI'llllllllIU 'I'rilllNlt Of ( ioilllx III Illlllll ' 1'lllOIIUll Ani I'ort. WASHINGTON. Fcb 12 An important bill wan passed bv Iho house loday which makes unlversall ) applicable the law that now permits the tianslt of goods In bond thiough certain ports of the United Slates Under It goods In bond can be shipped through any portion of the terrllory of tha United States to foreign ports It Is prin cipally designed to give the transportation companies of the United State's a share ul the transcontinental trade to the Orient The bill also repeals the law of March 1 , 1895 , prohibiting the shipment of goods 111 J bond to the Mexican free ? one The latter " \ provision was fought by Stephens of Texas Payne explained that the bill was designed lo broaden Iho scope of Ihe present law so OH to permit the trans-shipment of goods across the Unltcel States , no matter what their destination might be Under it goods could b& shipped acnv = s the United Stales to China or Japan. Th fiee zone provision was designed to prevent , smuggling Payne yielded to Giosvcnor of Ohio to offer an amendment to the provision proposing to . - lepeal the Joint resolution of March 1 , 1S9. , i to prohibit the entry of goods Into the free zone of Mexico. Cooper of Texas , the author of the amend ment , explained the necessity for the repeal of the joint resolution. The attempt of con- grcfb lo pievcnt smuggling by Joint resolu tion , ho said , had not succeeded , but on the contrary It bad proved detrimental to out transportation companies Goods for the , fico zone now went to Vcra Cruz and Tam- plco , Mexico , and were hauled by Mexican railroads. The resolution prevented Ameil- can railroads and American laborers from handling the goods which went Into the fica rone. Tbo Tieasury department , he paid , recommended Its repeal. Stephens contended that conditions of the American merchants along tbo Illo Giando had improved under Iho present law and protested against Its repeal The amendment was adopted , 56 to 12 , and Iho bill passed The remainder of Ibo day was occupied In passing Ihe private pension bllla favor ably acted upon at last Friday night's ses sion and In District of Columbia legislation. Inc'rc lineIn roxtiel Itccclnl * . WASHINGTON. Fob 12 A statement prepared al the Postolllce department of the gross postal receipts for January. inoo , as compared with the receipts for the simo month of the preceding ) cai , shows an un usually large percentage of increase. Thft total receipts were $1.037,110 , an inciease eif $3S'C5.I ) , or 10 G per cent KiiKllNli III 1'lllille DociiinrnlN. AVASHINGTON. Fob 12 Senator Money today Introduced a Joint i evolution In thn senate requiring that where n word or phrase in a foielgn langu igo Is used in any document piinled bv the government Hi 1 equivalent "In the Kngllsh of the United States" shall alfo bo Inserted Null e < > II u If Tn I n I In. WASHINGTON , Feb 12 The president has Issued an executive order placing the In land of Tiitulla under the lontiol of lh N.ivv dopailflient Asslstatit Secretary Al len Is charged with the administration of Ibis and other Islands under thu jurisdiction of the Navy department JfiMES E. BOYD & GO , , 'Icleplionc 10 ! ) . Oniali.i , N J COMMISSION , ( JKAIN , IMlOVISIONSuiul STOCKS IIOAUI ) ( F Til 41)15. Correspondence John A iJirect wires to Chicago and New . , Ltd. Certified Net Earnings , 22 Per Cent Per Annum , TinIreilieniloii ) . puilll" le ill/ei ] l > > III- vihtorh In Mil" < IIIIIHIIm | liei-l Hhown lii the iirlllled lepmlH of Hie Pulilli A < " ' " ' - aillH wh" have xiniliiMl Hi.liemkH of < n < mines and ceilined lo the net f.iiulnjH an BCI forth In the compai.j H pnnpu tus Tl . nriiillKN limn ! ! llli'il in UK e or- H-el hv l..nrow \\a.li. fJuthile K. < . bc we'll known e'ln.iterecl . Aiount inln eil N'VV Yi.il : . bl.flK" . and Sin 1 'i.im I" ' > we finm Inn thiei of the lompinv H in Ih ' " > .liigb' * ' " mining on lliufo i . hlinvviel act lal ne-t lnolllK of * I.MI'11 ue.K , Iniliulliig Hie new mill on H" ' Mavne ' " "V , ' " ' " ' ' ' ' "V.'l. . . 'rre , , , , . . . . r -ri.r.m . tics will bo teiUIU'l cnmrurlj " lui liolders hv HiH"W \\nele. tillthrle S. Cn , w.i . -iiiic-i\i-i- H' ' < eimiMiu H nit-minis , i hi iJ i iiiiliini f' ' ' " " < ' "IIIOMB 7lne eoin- III iiiTii iiiil'l I'B Hh i re holders In ve'ilfy ieg- i IK i inn IIIUIIK e.irnlniH eif Iheli com- " " "an" will li wniilil oiheiwlho see-in almost " \ | ' < Nliir enii nlVoiil to let PUSH lhi > o . uiitiiiill. MIIIH eifffrMl fur a t-e lire In- w' ' " ' inolialilv llu gii-ite-Ml prolllrt pnmil'l' tnirii uin 7liu mining eumjmiy In thu I'nlic 1 bl it's f' ' , uc now offe red fir pulilh kiiijsc rlptlon at to iiuri'iite the lulame uf t'io ' purchase pi In iind pay fm the in u inlllH now 1 > < IMS iiiilli 'Ihe shaieit aie of he pir value of Jl " 0 each and aio fully juld and non-asm-to * able SIND : nut nieisi-i : * TI s. Ajiplli atlons foi Him k , iccninp < inled l > v remluanif ie ilvei ) u ilthii of the foL IciwiliK olllctx uf the HH JOSHUA BROWW & , CO. , Bankers , 4O9 The Rookery , Chicago. 45 A 47 Wall St , New York. 121 Chestnut St. , Philadelphia. 8U State bt. , Uoaton