Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis sells glass.
Flno A. B. C. beer , Ncumayer's hotel.
Wclsbnrli burnurs at JJlxby'B. Tel. 1M.
Hudwelnor beer. ; U Hosenfeld agent.
Tluiro will bo nn Important meeting of the
Cv ntrnl 1/ilxir union hla evening.
Get your work done ut the popular haglo
laundry. 721 Uroadwny. 'I'hono Io7.
W. C. Estcp. undertaker , 2S I'cnrl street.
Telephones : Otllce , 07 ; ip ldenco. 12.
Tho. place to have your framing
Alexander's Art Emporium. 333 Uroadwny.
The Council ( Huffs llppubllonn club will
jiiiM-t tonlsht , when all members arc ttrgeu
to lie mrosent.
A ten-pound 1 > y made his arrival nt the
Tvimo or Mr iirul Mrs. It. A. Perkins of
Bmitli FlrHt Htrcut yesterday.
T N I'l-liTHoti of the firm of Peterson .t
Krhoenlng says Inlias no ambition tit bo un
< ililirmatilc candidate on the democratic
Twenty-ono cnr * of strel rails omiJtlenea
to the Onwhn. C'ounct niuffB .t Suburban
Hallway company arrived here yesterday
over the llurllncton.
J. M. ErmcrlllB. deputy supreme com
mander of the Knights of the Mnoruboos. i *
In the city from California. Ho expects to
fcnrnln bore several days.
riinrlt'tt Ingrain , the negro arrested Sun
day by Detective Clanr , WUH taken imc-k to
.Atlantic yesterday by Slier IT 1111 "f Ctuw
county. Ingrain was wanted at Atlantlc'-for
C } Jl V niter chief clerk In the olllcn of
Comincn-lnl Acent .Melz of the Illinois I'eti-
trul , has removed Ills family fimn Om.niii
to tills vlty and Is now located at Io07 Second
end avenue. '
J4. Jf. Caldwell of 101 Washington nvcmm
received u telegram yesterday announcing
the dcntb nt bis mother al U-on. In. , from
mincer of the throat. uMr. Caldwell loft for
lypon last evening.
All members of Camp William Krlso No.
afilNi , Indopomlent Order of Forester * , are
ircmiestiMl' ' to bo 'prod-lit at the tnpctliitf l < > -
jilgbt. ns tbcro Is business of Importance o
come lil > for action.
A sncjiktlilcf stole Attorney Gable's over
coat from Ills olllco yesterday afternoon.
'Within half an hour after the theft Olllcer
Vulliilmn' recovered the coat In 11. Olllnskl a
Hpfoiid-liaml KocwlH store on West llroau-
\viiy. Tbo thief Is still at large.
William llolnli and Charles Maker , alias
"Hod , " tli v youiiK lads nrrestrd for Jumping
on and off trains In the Northwestern yards ,
lind their tviHcs referred to the grand Jury.
Vntll the amount of their ball is determined
Ithey are being held at tlm city jail.
The Congregational Christian Kndeavor
f-Oflety will hold Its monthly Inislnoss ineet-
Intr at the homo of Miss 'Hello ' lloon , 1112
Fourth uvcmio. this evening. A full at
tendance is desired. After the business ses-
jiion Butnes nnd a sociable will follow.
Joh.i Hose , the hid arrested for stealing
real In the ynrds of the Northwestern rall-
way , was committed to tbo county jail for
ton days yesterday morning. The boy siild
Oils mother was without fuel and that Jio
Sind only picked up the c-oal along the- tracks
mml bad not taken it from any tar.
H. McOuIrl of 'McGinn & Sons of Chicago
was in the city yesterday looking over tins
ground with n view of establishing n. .soap
mid rendering1 plant hero. The. linn will be
willing to take euro of all dead horses and
viittlo 'without expeuso 'to ' tlio city nnd own
ers will RO before tbo city council next
Slonday night with uucli a proposition.
The case against Charles I angdon ,
K-hargod with the larceny of an overcoat be
longing to 15. D. Huker. a barber , was dls-
milsscd In Justlco Vion's court yesterday
afternoon on motion of the assistant county
nttorncy. Ixmmlon has been hound ovc.r to
the grand Jury on another charge unil to done
no on this conrphilnt would only add costs
to the county.
All Hint was mortal of Itobert Schneider ,
nho gambler who committed suicide at the
Keumuyer hotel Friday evening , was laid
to rest yesterday In Walnut Hill cemetery.
There were no services and the remains
iwcro followed from the undertnkintr rooms
of C. Ijunklcy to the grave by Carl linm-
bcrg , the young brother of 'Mrs. Schneider ,
und a companion.
' or C. A.
Hay C'lnrk. the 7-yoar-old son
Clark , aOl JCast Washington avenue , was
t-orloiialy Injured yesterday while coasting.
3Ilft bled ran into a delivery wagon and the
Iboy received several deei > gashes In his
Jiead. When picked up by Oncer ) John
fimlth , ivlio happened to bo passing , < be
boy was unconscious. He was taken to his
Ihomo and a physician summoned.
Mrs. Mary Franklin of Neola commenced
nult In the district court yesterday for dl-
vorco f i oin Molvln Franklin , to whom she.
was married In Crescent City July I , IbK ) .
She alloEOS lier husband frequently amused
lilmself l < y 'threatening to shoot her and
that actually on a number of occasions he
rliasod her from the house at the point of a.
ibtitchor knlfo or with an ax. Kho nsks the
oonrt to grant her custody of tho. Jnlnor
daughter , Kllzabcth.
D. U W'hitliold ' , nn attorney of Malvern ,
was in the city yesterday for the. iiun > ese of
Hwcarjntc out a writ of habeas corpus for .1
7nnu named Mullliolland. lint there 4iolnK no
Judge here , ho was compelled to KO to Hiir-
lan. . .Mnllholland was arrested In Mills
county nt 'tho ' instance of the. authorities of
Thomas county , Kansas , whore he is wanted
to answer to a charge of violating' the
liquor laws. Mtillhollanil is a real estate
.ngpiit and lias boon lately making his home
In Glonwood.
Joronilah Tannehlll died yesterday even
ing Jit tlu > hoinn of his son , .Joseph Tanne-
lilll.101 Basil 'Jlroadwny , need. 75 years. Ho
ranm hero from Lincoln , Nob. , about three
weeks IIKO to spend the winter with his son
nnd death was duo to old ago. lie loaves
llvo children , two daughters und throe sons.
Ono daughter and one son llvo in Lincoln ,
one daughter In , Omaha , another son lives
In Sterling , III , and one In this city. No
iirranKcniMtts have boon made as yet for
tlir funeral.
"Friendly" Informations wcro Illod against
"William MoKlnley. George .lioyle , I'lillllp
Kllllim and Fred Klopfor yostorday'lh Jus
tlco VIcn'H court by S. W. l-Virnoy for keepIng -
Ing their barber shops open last Sunday.
W. C' . lleniVleks Illcd similar' Informations
against Fillllornhardl , Hubert IVrnlmnll
nnd I'Jd Kolloy. All the cas-os will be sub
mitted on agreed stutoinent of fai'ts , as
heretofore , < md dismissed at thu motion of
the assistant county attorney and the costs
taxed to the couniy. ,
N. Y. Plumblnc C > \ TcI.2.r.O. '
H'riit IXiilr TriuiNt'rrft.
The follnwliiK transfer ! ) wcro Illoil yester-
riny In tlm abstract , tltlo and loan ufllco ol
J.V. . Squire , 101 I'nirl Btrcct :
JloK.-i I'alinor mill husband to Marlon
I'almcr. nVi .nnJi ami cVa e.,4 nw'/i
ni .i 1-75-10. w il $ 4,100
Edna C. I'olorson an < l liiiHbaiuI to
HP | | < \ Went , lot 10 , block 21 , town nt
No la , w < l SiC
Jaiui'.s O.illainin aiul ulfi' to UcorKe
H. Conk Hint Mlln II. t'ooU. eihe1' ,
HW'J uiwl nw'/i Kti'.i sw'.i ' : ! ti75aSv d. 3.C
\Vlllliim 11. 'Myers ' and wlfo \inmulii
K. 1'iMiuy. lot 3 In Hiilullv of oriKlnal
plat lot -IS. Council lllulTs. w d 'J.SOC
Dolin S. Hurkburr mill wife to Kiln S.
Hond , nwli no'.i 7-77-11. w d l.fiui
Samuel ! ' . lloll nnd wlfo to UrorKoV. .
'Siimplor.lot 1 , bloiU10 , c'asady's
add. w < l t .
Citizens Staid bunk.of Council lIlufl'H
to Olto Mies , HW > . 'I D-7S-41. . w d , X
County trrutmrcr to W. II.VooJ. . CO
lota m Cuuuvll UluffH , 15 tux deeds. . IK
Total , twenty-two transfers
Davis sells paints.
Howcll's Antl-"Kawf" curc coushs , colds ,
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday tc
the following persons :
Name and Hesldonce. Ago
William Brauck. Pottitwattiinile .
Agneti Hocacker , Pottawattamle . 2
l''rt'd W. Pierce. Oakland , la . i
Nellie Morris , Taylor , la . 3
A Great Tonic.
Horsford's ' Acid Phosphate
Invigorates and strengthens the sys
tem , relieves nervousness and head
ache , and cc eates a good appetite.
Genuine be a ( name Hort nKo'i on wrapper.
Necotlated In Kaatern Nebraska
and lowu. James N. Casadr. Jr. ,
li Main St. , Council HI arts.
OharlfE B , Jonc. ' , Janitor at Federal Build
ing , Found Dead in Bed.
oHfoiH lilvltiK with Him In Held
I'ondlnu i Inventluntlon 'I'lio
Hud tltiarrolod ntiil Stic .May
Have Killed Him.
Charles B. Jones , the colored janitor at
the Federal building , either committed aul-
cldo by shooting himself through the header
or was deliberately murdered luet. evening
about G:30 : o'clock In his rooms over 707
Wrat Broadway. According to a statement
made by Bertha Alexander , a ncgrca who
occupied the rooms with Jones and who was
nlono with him at the time of the tragedy ,
the man shot himself , while appearances
and clrcmnstancto indicate that the wound
was not Eolf-lnfllctcd. The tiegrcsj has been
taken Into custody pending investigation.
The place where the tragedy occurred Is
the Kecond story of a small frame building
occupied aa a eccond-hand goods store and
foVmlng ono 'of a row of rookeries on the
south sldo of Broadway , just west of Sev
enth direct. Here , In apartments consisting
of two rooms , the entrance to which Is
reached by a rickety stairway on the outaldc
of the building , Jouos had for several monthd
been living with the ncgress. Bertha Alex
ander. The lack of any motive to Induce
Jones to take his own life leads to the sus
picion that the woman , In revenge for oomo
fancied wrong , shot him while he was sleep-
Ing. The bullet entered the right side of
the head an Inch above and about the same
distance behind the car , coming out on the
other side In about the same place.
When found by the police Jones was still
breathing and continued to do so for about
half an hour , but never spoke. The revolver ,
a cheap , nickel-plated article , was lying on
the right side nt the foot of the bed , out of
reach of the dying man's hand.
Found Ijj-lnjr on Ills HncU.
Jones was lying on his back , with the
bedclothes wrapped around him. He was
dressed in his shirt and trousers , and ap
pearances seemed to indicate that he had
just laid down to take a ehort nap before
going to hla duties at the postofflce. The
blood had oozed from the gaping wound In
the head nnd formed In a clotted mass
around his neck and shoulders.
As far as could bo learned last night no
one heard the shot Ilred. Shortly after 5:30 :
o'clock Bertha Alexander , the negrcss , ran
down from the rooms and across the street
to the Kagle laundry , where she asked the
clerk to notify the police that Jonca had
shot himself. Ofllcer Callaghan happened to
be passing and he accompanied the ncgress
back to the rooms , where he found Jonee aa
described. On the arrival of Chief Albro
the woman made a statement to the effect
that while she was sitting at the foot of the
bed talking to Jones ho suddenly pulled a
revolver from beneath the bedclothes and
shot himself through the head.
She said : "Charles , after leaving his work
this morning , went to Omaha and had been
back only about half an hour when he shot
himself. On his return he lay down on the
bed and called to mo to come to him. I
was sitting at the time on the lounge In
the other room. I asked him what ho wanted
and ho told mo to come to him. I went
into the room und 'ho said ho wished me to
write a couple of letters for him. I3vrote
ono to Mr. Bctz , the chief Janitor at the
Iiostofllcc , nnd then ho told mo to write one
to his brother. I asked him what bo wanted
to Bay to his brother and was sitting at the
end of the bed watting for him to tell mo
when ho suddenly shot himself. "
They Had Quarreled.
hi answer to questions the woman said
there had been a quarrel between her and
Jones. When the police commenced to in
terrogate her closely she refused to answer
any further questions. When taken to the
city Jail 8ho refused to talk further and
declined to answer any questions put to
The letter to Thll Betz , tbo chief janitor
nt the federal building , throws no light on
the shooting. U 1 simply a statement to
the effect that he , Bctz , would find some ol
Jones' underwear and razor In the basement
at the postolllcc.
The employes nt the postofflce refuse to
bcllcvo that Jones took bis own life. When
ho loft the building yesterday morning after
getting through with his work he was in
bis usual happy frame of mind and there
was nothing to Indicate that ho had any In
tentions of taking hlu life.
Friends of the dead man say he was not
In the habit of carrying a revolver and that
In fact they did not know ho owned one.
Two yearn or so ago Jones lived with this
same woman In rooms over the laundry run
by a Chinaman on North M ln street. At
thai time they frequently had quarrels nud
It was gald the woman WBH Jealous of Jones'
attentions to ether women. Thcso quarrels
llnally ended In Jones leaving the n egress
and It was only a few months ago that they
resumed their relations. It is aald that
Jones was paying attention to n colored
girl in Omaha , whom he Intended to marry ,
This leads to the theory that the Alexander
woman , learning fiom Jonen that ho had
been to Omalm to see this girl. In a fit ol
revenge or Jealousy shot him while sleeping ,
1'fli'ilds of the dead man say Jones bad
frequently expressed himself as being afraid
of the woman.
Jones was probably the best known col-
orcd mini In Council Bluffs. lie was con
siderable of a 'politician and was recog
nized as a leader In all such matters amons
the people of his race In this city. He hail
been employed ut the postoftlco In
capacities for a nuinber of years. He wae
a man of some education and wrote a good
hand. The fact that ho- was a good letter
writer makes It seem slightly strange that
ho shuuld ask the negrcss to write the let-
tens for him , as slui claims ho did. HU
wlfo died about Ihree years ago , shortly
after which ho iirst tools up with the Alex-
rmder woman.
CoronetVIcMN ( lie llodr.
Cormier Treyuor , after viewing the body ,
ordered It removed to Kstcp's undertaklni ;
rooms , where an Imjuesi will bo hpld ut 1
o'clcck tlilh .iftvrnoou. An autopsy was lie hi
last evening by Dr. titeiihinsjii , the county
physician , which showed that the bullet had
entered the right Hide , milking Its exit al
the left , after having traversed n straight
line through the head. The location of the
wound , both. Dr. Treyuor and Dr. Stephen-
6 , n uay. niakca U very dfmbtful If the mat
shut himself.
The bullet , after passing through the head ,
was imbedded lit the pillow , and was later
found In the bed by Coroner Treynor. II
had evidently dropped from the pillow when
the body wag rcruovod.
Jonee received hla salary for January
yesterday frcm Postmaster Troynor , amount
ing to $42 and some- odd cents. The only
money found on Us person was 27 cents ,
What ho did with the balance baa cot been
learned. Jonca had relatives In leaven-
worth , Kan. , and in Colorado. Thoee in
Leavcnworth have been notified of his
W. S. Katon , n young man who drives a
delivery wagon for Bartel & Miller , the
Broadway grocers , claimed last night to
have scon Jones ohoot himself. According
to his story , he wns driving west on Broad
way about C o'clock when he saw a negro
In. a store just weot of Seventh street
flourishing a revolver. A minute later he
heard a shot nnd saw the negro stagger.
He drove on , nnd on hU return n little
before C o'clock , seeing a crowd In front of
707 Broadway , stopped to Inquire If the
negro wao dead.
This Ifl the story told by Union lo Chief
Albro last nlghl In the presence of a re
porter for The Bee. Little- stock , however.
Is placed In It , ns everything goes to prove
that Jonen was cither shot or shot himself
while lying In bed In his rooms In the upper
story of the building.
Alexander AVoninn'd Story.
Bertha Alexander told n somewhat dif
ferent etory last night when seen nt the
city jail. She eald that during the afternoon
she wan visiting a short distance from homo
nnd that Jones , when he returned home ,
came to got the key of the rooms from her.
She gave 'him the key , nud about half an
hour later followed him to the rooms. She
found Jones sitting at a table , and he said
ho wao about to write a letter to his
brother. Instead of writing1 , ho wont Into
the other room and laid down on the bed.
Ho called to her , nnd nt his request wrote
the letter to Janitor Botz. Ho then asked
her to write to his brother Dennis , nnd she
was about addressing the envelope when ho
drew the revolver from underneath the bod-
clothe.nnd shot himself.
Friends of the dead man said last night
that the woman had frequently threatened
to kill Jones It ho left her again , and It was
only a few months ago that Jones told ono
of the employes at the postofflco that ho
was afraid she would carry out her threat
and that ho went constantly in fear of his
life. It waa also said last night that Jones
was deeply In debt nnd that this might have
prompted him to take hla life.
Thomcll Detained nt Home by
SlckncftN lit III * Family.
Judge Thornellwas to have reconvened
district court yesterday morning , 'but a tele
gram received from him contained the In
formation that on returning to hla homo at
Sidney last Saturday his son was taken 111
with scarlet fovcr. This will prevent Judge
Thornell from being hero before Wednesday
at the earliest nnd It Is possible that he may
not 'ho able to hold court for thrco weeks.
Under thcso circumstances Judge Thornell
suggested to the attorneys In the case of
Slgler against Brown , the trial of which was
commenced last Saturday before him , that
they agree on some attorney of the' local
bar to preside aa Judge. The attorneys , how
ever , have decided to wait until Wednesday
before considering any such proposition.
Sickness among the Judges has practically
put the business of the January term of dis
trict court in this district at a standstill.
Judge Green has been compelled to return to
his home In Audubon owing to the serious
illness of his wife. Judge Macy is elck In
bed and U is said will 'bo unable to open
court at Avoca today. The opening of the
term has been already postponed from Feb
ruary 6 en account of Judge Mncy's Illness
and a further adjournment will probably
have to be taken. The term here was Inter
fered with by Judge Thornell having to take
Judge Macy's place at Atlantic and now
Judge Thornell himself is tied up at his
homo on account of sickness In his family.
Judge Smith Is the only Judge in the dis
trict able to preside and ho Is busy holding
court at Atlantic.
J. A. Gregory Is not satisfied with the ver
dicts In the cases In which he was tried for
shooting Constable Moss and shooting at
Chief of Police Albro. He believes ho ought
to have .been acquitted on 'both charges , In
stead of being -found guilty of assault with
intent to commit great bodily injury , and
yesterday hla attorneys filed motions for new
trials in both cases. The grounds on which
now trials are asked are as follows : Verdicts
contrary to the evidence and the law ; court
erred in giving his instructions to the Jury ;
court erred in overruling defendant's chal
lenges to Jurors for cause ; court erred In
admitting testimony for the state .which had
been objected to by the defendant.
The general Impression Is that If new trials
are granted , Gregory could bo tried over
again for the original charges as contained
in the Indictments , namely , assault' with
Intent to murder. This , however , la not BO ,
the fact that the jury brought In verdicts
finding Gregory only guilty of assault with
intent to commit great bodily Injury , ac
quits him for all tlmo of the moro serious
charge. He can only be tried again for the
grade of offense of which ho was convicted ,
but It will bo In the. province of the Jury
to return a verdict of guilt on even a lower
grade , such as assault and battery or plain
Sentence was to have been passed yester
day on Gregory , Jesse Thompson and Frank
Paul , but this necessarily had to bo post
poned In the absence of Judge Thornell.
l.llirnrv lloiird Mt-ctN.
At the regular monthly meeting yesterday
afternoon of the board of trustees of the
public library nothing except routine busi
ness was transacted.
The report of the librarian for January
gave the following ntatlstlca : Number of
visitors during month , 8,641 ; number on
Sundays , 267 ; number registered booktukcrs ,
8,271 ; number of books taken , 6,699 ; classi
fied as follow * : Philosophy , 82 ; theology
elegy 70 ; natural scluncc , 191 ; fiction ,
4,567 ; poetry and esKuys , 3S9 ; history ,
nnd biography , 777 ; travels , 671. The num
ber of bookH In the circulating , library on
February 1 was 17,486 , In the government
department , 4.9S2 , making a total of 22,468.
During January sixty-nine volumes of the
latest current literature wcro added to the
library by purchase.
The report of the finance committee showed
a balance In the treasury on February 1 of
$1,625.5:1. : The bills allowed for January
amounted to MOO. 00 , of which $30 was for
| Insurance premiums.
The board decided to advertise for bds !
for printing COO copies of the annual re
port , the awarding of the contracl being
left with tbo committee on administration.
Mining ? Cniiipnii ) ' KlrutN Ofllcrr/i ,
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Ingbnm Consolidated Gold Mining com
pany of Colorado was held yesterday mornIng -
Ing In the office of HOES & Ross , the com
pany's agents In this state. None of the
stockholders wore present , but proxies were
ticnt by mall to Messrs. floss for the elec
tion of the following directors : Baron Wil
liam del Marmol , William P. Bonbrlgbt.
Godefrold Victor Mcer , Irving W. Bon-
I bright , Theodore Posuo. The annual reports
of the president , general manager and treas
urer were not read at the "meeting , " but
will be mailed Instead to each stockholder.
The officers of the company are : President ,
Baron del Marmol ; vice president , William
P. Bonbrlght ; treasurer and secretary , Wil
liam F. Fisher. H Is said ibal the majority
of the stock of the company Is held in Brus
sels , Belgium. The offices of the company
are loctetl at Colorado Springs.
Ilurulnm at Work.
George B. Pattcreon , residing at 91S
Fourth avenue , was awakened about 1
o'clock Sunday morning by the sound of
someone attempting to force tbo kitchen
door. Housing bis brother-in-law the two
quickly dreeced and arming themselves with
revolvers went out throujh the front door ,
Intending to take the would-be burglars or
burglar by surprise. As they turned the cor
ner of the house they saw two men run Into
the woodshed. They both stood guard nt the
shed with cocked revolvers while another
member of the family notified the police.
When the offlccro arrived on the scene they
expected to find the two burglars In the
woodshed , but they wore not there. While
Patterson and his brothcr-ln-lnw wore
standing guard outside the burglars escaped
Into the nlley by climbing through n win
dow In the shed. The Patterson residence
was entered by thieves about a month ago
and considerable Jewclrj stnlcn.
DrcUlon of Intorrnt.
District Court Judge Uowoy haa rendered
a decision at Newton , la. , which Is of con
siderable Interest to this county In view of
the fact that the Hoard of Supervisors haa
lot n contract to ! ' . M. Cunningham of Indi
ana to ferret out property which Is not bearIng -
Ing Its proper proportion of taxes. Several
suits had been Inntltuted In Jasper county
by tbo Iowa Tax Investigating company to
collect taxes which had not been assessed.
The defendants demurred on the grounds
) .tlmt section 1374 of the cede was not only
unconstitutional but also not retroactive ,
and applied only to taxes which had been
overlooked since the cede went Into effect.
Judge Dewey held that the section was both
constitutional and retroactive and under hla
ruling collections can be made for taxes
withheld or for nny reason not listed any
time within five years from the demand by
the treasurer. This decision being the first
to determine the question is of the utmost
Importance , as It means probably the col
lection of a largo sum In taxes In this
county on properly which has been cither
Insufficiently or not assessed at all.
I'rOIIOMIon ! ( to Show the Itcnl T
front .Mexico nt tliu IIMVII
Stale Fair.
DES M01NES , Fob. 12. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A proposition was today made tu
the State Agricultural society to hold a bull
fight ttilt ) fall at the state fair. The promoters
meters of the scheme agree , for $3,000 , to
bring n. genuine Mexican bull here and to
put , on a bull light the equal of anything
over seen in Mexico. The- directors are con
sidering the scheme , but It Is hardly possible
that the peopleof Iowa will permit ihe ex
hibition or that the directore will accept.
The case of the state of Iowa against J. D.
Hagcrman , a prominent liquor dealer , was
given to the jury late this afternoon , after
the entire day had been spent in hearing
the arguments of counsel. This evening the
Jury came in with a verdict of not guilty.
Hagcrman was Indicted by the grand Jury
for murder In the. first degree. On the evening -
ing of September 28 Frank C. Moody went
to the Hagerman residence and asked for
a room. He wns told that there Wcro no
rooms In the house , and he left after some
words. Shortly afterward ho returned and
entered the house and wao discovered by
Mrs. Hagerman , who called her husband.
In the scuffle which ensued Moody was shot
In the leg , from the effects of which wound
ho died several days afterward at Mercy
hospital. The case has been on trial since
last Wednesday.
The Board of Supervisors took up the so-
loon petition this morning anil almost Im
mediately the attorneys for the contestants
locked horns over the manner of procedure.
Attorneys Evans and Marshall , for the anti-
saloon people , sought to Introduce evidence
to show that the pstltlon was fraudulent.
Attorney Macy , for the saloon men , resisted
the attempt , claiming that the board was
sitting as a canvassing board and could not
allow the Introduction of evidence. The
question whether the board Is sitting as a
judicial body , with power to hear evidence ,
or simply as a canvassing board , was argued
by the attorneys all day and is still unset
Hotly Iilriidflril nt Ilitltiiiiore , from
U'licnci- WIIM J.'li-Ht Shipped
For AVIioiu Intended.
BALTIMORE , Feb. 12. The body of the
unknown man which was shipped to Sioux
City , la. , on January 1C and which was re
turned to this city last Saturday , was Iden
tified today as that of Patrick Callaban. On
December 29 a man was killed by a trolley
car. The body was taken to the morgue
to await Identification. Not having been
claimed , on the 15th of January It was
turned over to the Collcgo of Physicians
and Surgeons for anatomical purposes. Wil
liam Dcvlno , Janitor at the college , boxed
It up nnd shipped It to Sioux City , ad
dressed to John Bradford , Ho has been ar
rested on the charge of shipping a human
body out of the state for purposes of dis
section. After his arrest Devlne said the
cadaver was intended for lr. ) Maxwell 13
Silver , demonstrator of anatomy at the
Sioux City Medical college.
Y. .11. ' . ' \ . Cniifrreiipr.
CKDAIt RAPIDS , la. , Kcb. 12. ( Special. )
The annual conference of the general sec
retaries and physical directors of the Young
Men's Christian associations of Iowa will
bo held at Cedar Falls on March 1 and ! ! .
In order to equalize the expenses It hn been
i decided to pool them , making tbo expense
to each member about $3. A splendid pro
gram has been arranged and will bo car
ried out. Among the addresses will be the
following :
"The Character of the Christian Worker , "
Prof. H , H , Seorley , president Iowa State
Normal school , Cedar Kails. "How to As-
Hiiro Answer to Prayer , " S. D. Cordon ,
Cleveland , O. "Enlargement and Perma
nency of Association Educational Work , " J.
II. Thompson , Keokuk.
Different branches of the gymnasium work
will bo discussed by A. W. Klshcr of Cedar
Haplds. Carl KothfiiKS of DCS Moines , H. 0.
Clapp of Keokuk and C. II. Wilson of
Sudden Dcalli of a Child.
CLARINDA. In. , Feb. 12. ( Special Tolo-
gram. ) flay Van Dyke , 7 ycais old , a pupil
In the Clarlnda public schools , left nchool
apparently well this afternoon. Shortly
afterwards he was found crying on the
street and was conveyed home , where he
died within a few minutes. HI death waa
from natural causes.
\Vomnu Uutn HIT Her TOIIKIIP.
MONROE , la. , Fob , 12. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Miss Lizzie Shafer. young woman ,
25 yearn old , attempted suicide hero Sunday
by cutting an Inch and a half off of her
tongue. Despondency Is the cause. She
has not yet given up her determination to
end her life. She Is a daughter of D. W.
Inivn \ MTM Xolm.
The Presbyterians of Indlanola nre about
to begin , the erection of a new J1S.OOO church
bulldln ? .
Nearly 1.000 volumes were added to the
Fort Dodge public library during the year
just past.
The Odebolt library contains 1.068 vol
umes , but Its circulation for the last year
was 5.7IS.
Kostulli county lias n balance on hand
In UK tiooHury of $37,502.70 , not counting
school funds.
The enrollment nt the Soldiers' home at
Marshalltown nt present Is C71 men nnd
lorty-seven women.
Mason City has a musical prodigy in the
ehupe of n blind i-yeur-old child who plays
over Blxty pleres on the piano.
Five companies of the new Fifty-first reg
iment , lowu National Guard , Imvo been
mubtered Into the service of the Htutc Ten
companies of tuo new Forty-ninth ure aUo
In service.
Bill to Incrcaso Penalty for Selling to Minors
nnd Inebriate * .
Idea li to MilUr Die OnVmlor Snlijrct
to Criminal 1'riinrt'ullini Scvrrnt
.McnntireN of Iiiiziorlnitvc
Pawn Until HittiM'x.
UKS M01NES , Fob. 12. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The chief feature of the legislative
sessions today was the Introduction In the
senate of a. bill to increase the penalty at
tached to the alu of Intoxicating liquors to
minors and Inebriates In Iowa. The measure
Is proposed by Senator Finch , who tlilnkn
the penalty for these violations should be
more stringent than at present. U It passi
It will take out of the courts all the civil
suits of this kind pending , nnd there are n
lot of them In Iowa now , and convert them
into criminal actions , as the bill provides
that the solo to minors or habitual drunkards
aball henceforth bo as flagrant a violation of
the state laws as selling without a mulct
petition In other words , subject to crim
inal prosecution , The measure proposes such
a sweeping change that It will without
doubt meet with stubborn opposition from
the saloon clement throughout the nlate ,
with a chance of Its dufcat. It has gene to
the committee on suppression of intemper
ance , which Is expected to uiako u favorable
report on It.
Apropos of the liquor laws of Iowa , Sena
tor Hubbard has a bill in process oif prep
aration designed to legalize the bus In cm of
saloon keepers who have been'conducting
their establishments under void mulct peti
tions. This measure proposes to legalize
thcso things and to extend the Immunity
from punishment till EOUIO fixed date In the
future , probably July 1 , so ns to glvo time
to secure new petitions. The measure Is re
ceived with kindly expressions by all to
whom It has been presented. Senator Hub-
bard originally Intended to Include In It n
provision that no private party should bo
allowed to begin saloon Injunction proceed
ings. To this idea there was some objection
nnd his present Intention Is to omit It from
the measure , The two nbovo measures to
gether with the flvo-mllo limit law Intro
duced last week promise some Interesting
discussion before long.
Iiiilioriimt Mcaxiirci I'IIHK.
Several measures of Importance passed
the two houses today. The most important
was the bill providing for a one-tenth of a
mill building tax for the next flvo yearn
for the State College of Agriculture at
Ames. This Is a similar tax to the one re
cently extended by the senate for another
flvo years at the State , university. It will
realize about $35,000 annually for the college
and Is to stand In lieu of all other building
appropriations after this year. The college
Is making un effort to secure a $150,000 en
gineering building besides the tax this year ,
but. Uiero is some doubt of the appropriation
being made. The house , after n lengthy dis
cussion , has passed the bill providing for a
uniform system of bookkeeping for county
treasurers. Sixteen votee were cast against
it. The house also passed a bill providing
that the revenue from sidewalk taxes shall
bo turned Into the general county fund. The
senate also passed the measure , defining the
place where bonds of pharmacists shall be
filed. There has been some doubt on this
point and this law specifies that they shall
bo filed with the county auditor.
The present week will 'be a busy one ,
several Important subjects 'being on the
calendar as special orders. Cheshire's bill
to allow cltlefl to suppress gambling by
giving them the authority which the state
now has in this direction has been recom
mended for passage by the senate committee
on judiciary nnd made a special order for
tomorrow at 10:30 : n. m.
Emmert's tuberculosis bill will come up
Wednesday for flnal determination by the
senate and on Thursday the house will take
up the discussion of the bill for the estab
lishment of three new normal schools.
Fourteen new bills cnmo into the two
houses today , several of them being Impor
tant measures. Senator Garst , chairman of
the senate appropriations committee , by re
quest , asks for $66,000 to establish monuments
ments for Iowa Union soldiers on the bat
tle-Held of Shlloh. None of these monuments
ments is to exceed $4,000 except the one
representing the state , which may represent
$15,000. The bill names the following com
missioners : G. L. Godfrey of Dos Molnes ,
G. W. Crosby of Webster City , C. A. Hus
ton of Waubeck , .1. 1) . Morrison of Kort
MadUon , L. Kinkoad of DCS Molnes , J. H.
Monroe of Muscatlne , E. B. Sloper of Em-
metsburg , C. W. Kepler of Mount Vernon.
W. T. Shaw of Anamosa , K. C. Dlackmar of
Washington nnd John Hayes of Red Oak.
Another lltilltllnc ; mill Ioim Hill.
Another building and loan bill , calculated
to stir up the earth , has been introduced in
the house nnd will come into the senate
tomorrow. It Is with Interests of the build
ing and loan associations of the state nnd is
backed 'by them. The measure proposes to
strike out of the building and loan laws
that provision by which these corporations
are compelled to make returns to the
county auditors for purposes of taxation. It
Is not expected that the measure will pass
the assembly as the disposition is to make
the present laws governing these associa
tions more stringent than they are now , as
Is evidenced 'by several measures before the
Ex-Governor , I > arrabcc's resignation from
the chairmanship of the State Hoard of Con
trol taken effect Wednesday and It Is ex
pected that another nomination to fill thin
vacancy will be sent to the senate cither lo-
morrow or next day. Governor Shaw IWH
tendered the appointment of chairman'of
the State Board of Control to Eugene S.
Elsworth of Iowa Falls. Mr. Kllsworth Is
seriously considering whether or not to ac
cept the appointment. It IB believed ho will.
Mr. Ellsworth Is president of two banks in
Iowa Kails and director in a number of ether
financial institutions about the state , Is
farm manager for 0,000 acres of lowu land
and IB an old soldier. The appointment
meets with tbo approval of most of the wen-
ators and It Is likely If Mr. Kllsworth ac
cepts his nomination will bo confirmed.
.111iiiOpcrnturM .Mn-t ,
DBS MOINES , la. , Feb. 12. The Mine
Operators' association of Iowa met hero to
day to consider the demand a made 'by the
mine workers. The latter say that begin
ning April 1 they will demand n mine run
scale. The operators , after their meeting
today , declared they would not grant It.
They added that they will not hold their
-I = fl
lltruiN MILL * . I'l
Xtlin It. T lloolli Lo.lomHtthlj. .
two ) ran old I li d ln u tuurrtr
from L'tUrtti In Ibo titad ( or tonly.
n e or tlili t J j ri. I > cloi all told nte
that my dIMate vai Jncurakl6 on ac
count uf 1117 eo. l > a r HTOIKI adtcr
tlted and coocludrd to iflm It a trial , I
lia'turnl l b U ! < and rannuwur
that I am entirely cured. U U fl or
rli looiuU tluci 1 "lull utlug It end I
kUUrtm.tacu , < l
Tb 0rt uuJ only trntlu nt crrr
Lnviru which CAM rau b tb 4l ia cu
[ iarta or Ite litaU , Iliraat und lu > ci.
Sold by all dniKvlrti or xnt by mall.
Ilyi.tucl oulflt roraplKU II Ou Trill
ulfll ic. rtrndayn'UMtinriilot II r
cmcl Irw i aead > o. itamp tot pbtUgo
TJJBB.T BOOTH CO. , Ittacs.N.y.
winter conference with the miners until
February 26. It had been called for Febru
ary 15 and the reason the operators dcmnnd
n delay Is In order to loam the proceeding *
of the Illinois confcrcnre , which will be
held before the 26th. Miners have been al
ready coining In for the conference mid are
Indignant with this treatment. They divlnro
there will certainly be n general strike un
less the operators concede the mine inn
SlllllOII oCltMfllt 1'rlltlnll ,
DRS M01NKS , Keb 12. The llrsl saloon
con eiit petition to bo acted on In Iowa slmv
the recent decision of the supreme court
that nil counties muni secure new ones lu.-
been Illcd In lies Molnes. The new law r > ' -
fiulrcs that the board of supervisors shall
pass on the euftlclency of such pi-tliloiw
When thn bonrd sat today to take up the ne\\
one for this city the n'lestlon was Im
mediately ralse.l whether the board wns to
sit ns a judicial body to pass on all the
legal nucslloiiH Involved , to determine the
RFnulnctics * of UIP nit-natures nud to hear
all arguments or whether Us duties wen1
simply to count nnd ennvaxs I ho mimlrr of
names without KIIIIIR Into the judl-lnl lu-
vesllKatlon. The attorneys rnr ( he in'oon
men Insisted that tbo board could only can
vass the number of nnnic ; the null-saloon
attorneys declared the bonrd must Investi
gate the genuineness of nvcry questionable
Htgnature. The attorneys hnd not con
cluded their arguments when the board ad
journed. Whichever decision the binnl
reaches thn matter will nl once bo taken
Into the courts to test the law.
Trillion mill l.lllmr AMNOIII | > | .V MillM'ntc.
SIOUX CITY , la. , Feb. 12. ( Special. )
The Sioux City Trades nnd Labor assembly
hnR Ktartcil on a plan of education of Its
members nlons soclnl nnil ciouomlilines
ISvcry Sunday afternoon n lecture In nr-
raimed with nnino prominent loeal man , who
Is assigned a topic and upon which ho reads
a paper. Then the men present enter Into
u general discussion of the matters called to
their attention. Many niuko very creditable
talks following ? tbo reading of the principal
paper nnd the plan Is iiiite | Rcncriilly ap
HoliH HM | Hooniniato.
AMHS. la. , l-'eb. 1L' . ( Special. ) hast week
two parties cnmo to the West hotel of this
place , registering us Rrant Jordan of JancH-
vlllc , Wis. , nnd .1. It. Price of Chicago nnd
secured board for a week. They were given
a room together at their own request. On
Saturday morning when Jordan awoke he
found his pockets had been rilled nnd that
his friend had relieved him of some $10 nnd
left the town.
I'lilninl-I'lilllli Itci'iinl Compiiny.
CEDAR RAPIDS. la. . Kcb. 12. ( Special. )
The American Poland-China. Record company
will hold Its twenty-third annual meeting In
this city Wednesday. The business session
will be held In the morning nnd In the
afternoon there will bo a breeders' Institute.
It Is exported there will bo between 100 and
200 members from thlH und adjoining autes
in attendance.
"CAsr.VItr.T.H 0 < nil rlnlnicil for
ntiil are nirul nn i icrfm mniirlnr 1 linTO oflon
ivWieil tor n tncillt mo plea-nut to tnkp timl nt l.i t
Imro foniul r n < " tt"t MPI-O laklup them. tn.
tK > xl Imiln'on imrir i' irul ti t intt'vlcvoii li.itlm-
liroreilwomlcriniiT nvi I irn IMP li N'ttcrlti every
raj. " Allis. s.\i LIE K. M tt MIS. I. attcll. Toim.
I'lr.Tint. Valfl'ftlilo. Pntcnf. Tntp Oofxl. Do
Omul , Never , Weaken , or ( Innr , 1C * . He , 0c.
Clfillns ItrnrAt r mp > nr , ( lilricis M nlrr l , Sfit toil. 319
Mf > VO Poldnmt t"r nil rtnic-
HU"I U llabti.
WANTED Case or riail health that
R-I-l'-A-N-S will no * , ( icnellt. Send 5 cents
, to Pip ins fhcmlcnl Co. . Nev ; York , for 10
I samples and 1.000 testimonials.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
similating thcToodandReguIa-
lirig the S inmarhs anlBcwels of Bears the
Promotes Di esHonCreei ( U-
ncssanaRestTContains neither
) prum , > Iorph'me nor Mineral.
Ktstpe afOUDr
jtru'tt Jfnt *
Apcrfcct Remedy forConslifxi-
lion. Sour Stoniach.Dinrrhoca ,
Worms .Convulsions.Fcverish-
ucss and Loss OF SLEEP.
facsimile Signolure of
$1.00 Down -$1.00 Week.
Coins' great HoiiBniiouul olFor. Iflvory ono can got a wheel.
ThiH offer good until April 1stfind only on wheels under $ -10.
$2.50 down , SL'.HO weekly on fiaine plan ; \H \ abovb on Col
umbia chain and chainlosa and Spalding wheels.
Get our pass book and wivo your money , Money re
funded before April 1st , if required.
Have for sale choice Fruit , Farm and
Garden Land near Council Bluffs.
150 acres , mostly in fruit , adjoining city with U sots buildings.
; jy acres 4 miles east , with buildings and fruit.
4 acres , house , barn and fruit , li-i miles from post-oliico.
1 acre , with 7 room house , IA miles from post-office.
85 aero farm at a bargain.
39 Pear ! St. Telephone 344. Council Bluffs ,