10 TTIE OJFATTA DATL.V . BEE : TTESDAV 1. , , 11)00. ) MAYOR APPROVES THE LEVY Execntivo Signs TwentvEight-Mill Or dinance with Sima Misgivings. POtlCE APPORTIONMENT UNSATISFACTORY Council li I imtiliiHHi * In Itn Onliiliin , lltM\c\ , mill llu * MujorVclii Uoulil Slniilj Ill-Ill } I'lij- > incut of * < MliirloH. The mayor ycetcrdny ndlxed hU slgtia- turo to the 19UO levy ordumucu Imposing n tax of 2S mill * to the clollni for the cllsjhiirgB or the clty'H obligations The amount pro- dii-ud by the H3S09HIMUUlll lie 4099,420.21. JUHI. under the million-dollar limit. Mayor Moon * was far irom wulUlledUth the allotment set aslJo tor tliu police de partment nnd scrloiiKly considered \etoliiK ihn ordinance on that nolo account. It li In * emphatic opinion that the force of pn- irolmi'ii should bo mnliHalned nl n minimum of ninety men , cotitrnstcd with Us prc ? nt number of thlrlslx The least the council bhould do , In the intimation ot the mayor , vat to provide placet * for the tentylx mnn dlbcharged Inst sprliiR for lack of funds. IhlH would have brought the number of pa trolmen to sixty-two. The police levy Is nollxrd nt 2 50 mills , Ihn B.i.iio ns for isnn but It will pioduc * BlMtit $7,000 more than last jcar owing It ) the Imrcaseil valtmtlnn of Omahu lenity , wh' ' < li IB estimated more thnn n half mil lion dollars higher than c\cr before. It will be pot'dblo therefoio to employ In the neigh borhood of eight more patrolmen thnn Inst jenr , counting In the Inland ) of J5.000 re in iinlni : In the police fund on January 1. Thii enforced thlrtj-dny layoffs will not be necessary thlw year , and It will be possible alHjo grant the patrolmen an occasional Sunday with ( heir families It wat supposed by many Interested tint the enforced vaca tions without pay would still bo the fulo If the exlia fumln were consumed In the em ployment of additional patrolmen The major points out , however , that last yeai twenty-six more patrolmen worn maintained during the first two months , entailing an ex pense which It W.IB neccwnry to make good jjy curtailment In some other direction. After giving the matter full consideration , therefore , the mayor decided that It would bo useless to contend further with the coun cil That body In unanimous In Its opinion nnd the mayor's veto would simply ser\c lo delay action for n few weeks. Inlew of the fact that city employes are now behind on their s.ilarle the mayor felt his dlsap- jiro\al of the ordinance would Impose a hnrd- Milp without any object being attained All 1ho funds nro exhausted with the exception ot the llbrniy nnd park funds , which contain nudlcient moneys to meet the January pay rolls. Inview of the fact that the general fund lias received an Increase the police cominl.- hloncrs may ask that a portion of H bo di verted to their department. One of them remarked humorously : "If wo run the de partment on a proper basis until about Oc tober and then clos > o the Jail and discharge the ferro I think the council might bo in duced to allow im part of the general fund. It didn't take them long to come to tlirt" 3ast % enr when we closed the engine hou"e at Thirteenth and Harney streets " FAVOR CENTRAL LOCATION Itcal IXulc i\clinii < - Su-ak | on Auilltorliini mill I'roniotloii ' At Slonday's meeting of the Heal Estate exchange an Invitation fiom the Home Patronage - tronago bureau of the Commeiclal club lo participate In the reception tendered Friday evening , February 16 , to the members of the exchange , professional men and the mem bers of the Hoard of Trade , with their ladles , vvas accepted unanimously. Tliu matter of the location of the pioposed auditorium was dlbcusstd at length and a resolution was adopted declaring in favor of a. central location , rather than Its estab lishment In KounUo park. Sonic of the members favoiixl placing the structure on the south half of Jefferson square. A commltleo comprising Prcbident Tukey , Seeic'lary Shi her , George N IIIcKo , W. II. Green and Richard S. Berlin was appointed In pursuance of Ihe following communication tion"Mr. "Mr. President : Your committee ap pointed to Invcstlb'ite and suggest a plan ot notion for the Real Instate exchange would ICHpeotfully report as follovvn- "First , that It heems to be the universal opinion ot buslnths men generally thai Omaha Is on the veigo of a period ot rapid grovvth and great development of business Botli jobbers nnd mauufnctmcrs me seeking avallablo locations in the great Missouri valley , where they cm command the enor mous and rapidly enlarging trade of the Im- jiieuso farming and mining territory vvcht of the Missouri river. "Second , that we believe now Is the time for the Real listuto exchange lo put forlh every effort and exert every Influence to illvert and ntlract now business enterprises to this tlly and South Omaha. "Third , that in the Judgment of your cotn- Jiillleo any enterprises secured for South Omaha or Hast Omaha me mutually bcno- JU'inl to Omaha. "Fourth , wo recommend that a committed of llvo bo appointed by the chair , Including the president and sect clary of the exchange , lo nirango for and uill a meeting as noon an posslblo at the Commcrtla ! club rooms of the bUBlnetiH men and property owners ot Omaha and South Omaha Interested In push ing the development and grnvvlh of these cities. That at thin meeting steps bo taken under the auspices of the Real Kstato c\- I'hango to appoint a number of special com- jnltteeti to lake up at once the question of f-pcurliig new- business cnterprisefi and manu facturing Indimtrles " TinMiitliir'N riiMirld- . rbnmbcrlaln's Cough Remedy Is the mother's favorite. H Us pleasant and safe for children to take and always euros. It is Intended especially for coughs , colds , ( rotip end whooping cough and Is the hint medi cine mudo for these diseased Them Is not the least danger In giving It to children for It contains no oplnum 01 other injurious drug and may bo given as confidently to a us to an adult. CHOICE OF A NEW CHANCELLOR HT of I'riiiiiliii-nt IMiii-nlorii A in o n K I lin romillillUU'H Drt-l- lon lo lit * .Mu illIn Jnnr , Hdson Hlrli of this city will attend a meeting of tliu ii'gcniu of tint University of Xobr.uska. to bit liuld this week at Lincoln Mr. llk'h doet > not consider It probable that n nitvv chancellor will be so'.rcted at thla time , although a number of candidates are under consideration. "Wo are getting along very well for the Iircfeunt with Prof llrtjsey In the chancel- lor'B chair , " aatd Mr. Kli-h. "Hessey , how- ever. Is very anxious to bu relieved of hU duties , oil hU llfo work , of course , U In Viotauy and ho hna no ambition to ait &d chancellor. It U the diulru of the regents to thoroughly Invadtlgato the claims of each applicant , us the cholcu IK nn Important one. U Is Improbable than any chancellor will be tliuilly decided upon beforu June. "A number of able men are nraong the prcislbllltleti and it is usuuroj that thu uiil- rcrslty will bo governed wisely and well. The prominent candidates arc the following JrnliH of Cotnell , who has gained prominence us a pro'ftasor of political Klenre Stub ! * * , formerly chancellor of the Culvcrtlty ol Ne- \Bil.i President ( Sates of ftrlnnrll la An | drenn wuporlntendrnt of Ri'bools of Chiingoi nnd formerly president of Urotvn university j iil's : ' of Port Morgan , Cole , formerly prim- I i Idcnt of the Agricultural school of Colorado , Johnion , nl o of Colorado , formerly prcnl dent of the t'nl\proity of Wyoming , Hills nf Kanins , formerly president of the agricult ural school at Manhattan , and Ooodhtio of Ohio , formerly president of the Unlvcrnlty of West Virginia " WILL ADD TWO NEW TRAINS lliirlliiKliiii ( MllcliiN Ili-i-lili- linn Hnil- linl ItnpriM iMiit-iit * In Oinnlin-Clil- I'nssi-nui-r Si-r > lei- . Chances other than those first announced lum bec > decided upon by the Hurllngtou Hi connection t < th the new transcontinental scrxlro to be Inaugurated February 25 by the DurllliRlon. Hork Island , Ueincr & HIo Urande , HIo Oran. ' Western and Southern 1'aclflc between Chicago nnd San Francisco. In order lo make connections with the cast- bound through train ol Denver the Hurling- ton's Dcnxer-Chlcago train will ha\c lt- > schedule so changed that It will pass through Omaha nt midnight Instead of CtO : In the morning. The now train lo bo Inaugurated for day- llpht service between Omaha and Chicago \ , III leave Omaha at T 30 a. in. and arrive in Chicago at ! ) SO p. m. This train will bo substituted for the train now leaving at G-40 a. m. and arriving In Chicago nt SIt ) p. m The time of the Ilurllngton's afternoon train from Omaha to Chicago will also be changed on February 2. . AfAter thai data the afternoon train will leave nt 1 o'clock Instead of 5.03 and nrihe In Chicago the nex' moinlng nt 7 20 Instead of S 20. It was definitely decided ycstciday to put In op eration another distinctively new Omaha- Chicago night train , leaving here at 7:30 : and nrrlvlni ; In Chicago at ' ) :30 : next morning. The morning , afternoon and evening trains to Chicago will ho followed at midnight by the fast train cat ry Ing the through Ir.ins- eontlnental sleepers , nnd by the Introduc tion of the new trains and the changing ot fie time schedule the Burlington will , after HID 25lh , ha\e four through tinlna lo Cul- ergo from Omaha. civnt\ii : IIIIVNCIIUS oir. Will IXuliliNli ( iciii-rnl AK < MII- | < " < In Icn\ < > r nml Ollii-r Wi-N < irti lllli-N. Second Vice President Hnrahan , Assistant Trafilc Manager Maikham , General 1'as- senger Agent Hanson and Assistant General Passenger Agent llerry of the Illinois Ccntial , who passed through Omaha a tow days ago cnroutu for Iho west , stopped In Denver "and while theio ga\c out tlio In- formallon that the Illinois Central proposes tn establish u general agency Ui thit city This Is a mailer of considerable InipoitancL- in that It will witness the Inaugnrallon ot elforls on Iho part ot Iho Illinois Central to seek business Wc t of the Missouil livel through the agency of special representatives located at prominent cities. The completion of the new line to Omaha and Iho connections made po&slblo here with all of the through lines from the west gives the Illinois Central a clear field with other Omaha-Chicago lines tor business originating In the west and destined lo eastern points That It Intends to use every effort to secure Its share ot this business Is Indicated by Its establishment ot the Denve agency and the admission that a general western agency will bo established In San Francisco with commercial agents located at Salt Lake and Portland. I With reference to the Denver agency Second Vice President Harahnn Is quoted as saying "With the opening ot our line into Omaha the company finds It necessary to icach out for some of this widespread west ern tralllc. Our company icgards Denver as u largo commercial point nnd the trafllc In terests nro worth looking aflor. Wo arc arranging lo eslabllsh a Don/cr office " DIxuiiNN Hale ItiMliifUonx , A meellng ot Ihe Iraflle officials and gon- cial attorneys of the Nebratka railroads nftccted by the proposed reduction In live stock shipping rates by the State Hoard of. Transportation , was held in Omaha yester day. The roads represented were the Union Pacific , Hurllncton , Hlkhorn , Hock Island and St Joseph & Grand Island. Among Ihe onl- ol-lovvn railroad men In nltendance upon the conference weio II Govvcr of Chicago , as sistant freight traffic manager of the Hook Island , and W. F. Evans of Topeka , assist ant general ntlorney for Iho same road. The Union Pacific , Burlington and Elkhorn were represented by their local officials. One of the officials In attendance stated that an Informal dlhcUbslon ot the situation was engaged in nnd some plans weie proposed relative to the atlllmlo of Iho railroad com panies regarding Ihe mailer. No definite plan ot piocedure , however , was decided upon. Hullii.iMilcN nml I'c-rminnlx. C1 II Morey , tisslstunt trnfllc manager of the t'hlcuRo .dilution Hallway company , is an Omaha \KHoi. Nelson Yanderpool traveling passcngoi ngi'iil of Ihe New York Cenlial , Is In the city liom C'liicago J , 1 Uenlley commercial agent of the i Uurllng-ton ut neailvvood , Is .1 visitor nt I general hcadqimitois I Assistant General Freight Agent Geoige ! M Hntrlkln of Uu < Omnlm .1 St. Louis Is | In St. Louis on a business tilp BURGLARIES ARE FRUSTRATED I'riMtli-rH llrt-nU I.IIIHH nml ( nt hi-ri-i-nn Only ( o IliooniiVliii'inoil unil .Munition tin.lolix. . Two cases of attempted hurglary wherein the maiauders were filRhtcncd avvay hefore Ruining an cntranco were icporled to the pollco Sunday. Someone hioko the pinto ghibii out of the ft out door of Karuch H. Co 'n groray etore , 1837 Vlnton btrcot , about 3 30 Sunday morning , loin Ing an npertuio large enough to admit the body nf a mcdlum-sUcd mnn , lint ho evidently heramo alarmed nnd lied while In the net of erav\ling In. There vvcio lilood stnln.s on the pieces of broken Klatn In the door. Nothing in the Etoro was disturbed. As 1'atiolman Dovereoase vns passing Tra cy's cigar Btoie , Sixteenth and Douglai BtreetH , nt an catly hour Sunday mornlut ; lie saw a diy goods bostiuullni ; In the en trance In front of the door. The screen over the transom had boon cut away. An exam- Inntlon of the premtees disclosed the f.ut that the vvnuld-bo burglar hnd not entered The box had been used to stand on while cutting away the screen "I had dyspepsia for years. No medicine was HO effective ns Kodol Dyspepsia Cure H gave Immediate relief. Two bottles pro duced marvelous icsults , " writes L. II War rcn , Albany , Wls. It digests what you cat and cannot fall to cure. SciMiiul Wnril Iti'iiiilillciiiiH , Thcro will bo a meeting of tup Seiond Ward Republican club at No. HI3 South Sixteenth street Wednesday evening , ] Vb- ruary 14. at 7 30 o'clock. AM ward canUi- ilutua and other good speakers will be pntient Bring your friends ANDRinV K N < - 1.1 illIn Clili-iiKii , The Illinois Central's "Omaha-Chicago Limited" le ivcn Union station at 7 35 p m Wldo vestlbuled Free Hecllnlng Chair Cars Duffel-Library and lra\\lng-Uooin Sleeping Cars. Ticket otllco HOi Tarnam at. ADA5IS Jnmeti O , aged 02 years Sunday r bruary 11 , itmo I'micralV liu's < lay at " n in from African Methodist it > licopal rluircll Krtemlti Invited Mr Adams lias been u u-i-lili'iit of Omaha for the past twenty-live 1 cars. ! BOSTON STORE DETROIT STUCK " " Still Grinder Barcfiins from R'tnarkftblfiFtu- chase of Krolik's Wholesale Stock. 753 FRENCH C HAL US 29C YD To. ' Mil ; MoiiMM-IInc ilr vop | S ! | is HI \VllMll ( ioOlll lol' . 'J..l- WllMll ( illllln S I--1. - . " > < ' It Ill-Ill II U'C " HIINC Sniiliorti-rn oc. * ISC UUCJIINO , 1C YA1U ) . All thu silk and crops luce niching from tliu Detroit stock that baa boon on exhibi tion In our front show window , on t > nlc Ic jnnl. All the embroidery nnd Insertion from the Detroit stock that linn boon on exhibition In our front show window , including some of tbo very finest qualities ot swlbs , nalusook and Jacdnpt , nil widths , worth up to 35c , go 111 three lots nt S'fcc , l.'Vic and ISo yard. 15C COLLAI18 , 1C. All tliu Indira' ami children's linen collars nml cuffa fiom the Dctiolt stock , nil st > lcs go nt lo each. All dress buttons from Detroit stock , hun dreds dlffeient styles , ] c dozen. All line pure whlto pt.nl buttons from De- ttolt stock , nil si/is , 2Vtc dozen , ALL LACK PllOM DUTHOIT STOCK. Immense lots of laces on harcnlu bqunrcs go nl Ic. 3e nnd iic jard , vvortl. Sue. 500 CASHMKIli : RLOVUS. l&C. Thousands pnlrw Indies' line Impotted cnsh- mcro gloves fiom Detroit stock , 15c pair. 25C HOSN RUI'I'OHTKllS. tiC. All the hose Biipporters from the Detroit stock , many htjlcs. Including silk side clea- tlc , all go nt Co pnlr. TJC KUI3NCII CHALMS , 20C. ii.OOO > aids Impoitcd French nil wool nnd bilk challls and wood , r,2-lnch wide , figured and btilped , worth 75c , go nt 2ic yard. " > c MousacLiN'i : DC soin , 2ic. ! 2,000 yards silk moussellno do bole , cm- bioldeicd patterns , hemstitched nnd cord ef fects , \\orth 7iic. go tit 2fiG y.ird CiOC WASH GOODS POH IRC. 10,000 > nrds ngmed wlss organdies , dotted mull' ! , ' foulurdlms , dauphlno cords , etc , worth lOc. go nt l.'ic yatd. 10,000 > nids lawns , organdies and dimities , HKo goods displayed in oui show window , worth up to 2Jc yard , go at 3'Xsc yard. . .CO pieces standard prints , S'/ie ' yard. ! ! C-lnch peicale , worth lOc , Cc jard. 25c dotted diapery Swiss , % -lndi , lOc yard. 10,000 yaidd white goods , such as India linens , dimities , nainsooks , etc , worth up to lOc , go .it 5c , 7'ic ' , 12M-0 and ITic. fi.OOO yards percale in all colors and de- sigtib , none better at any price , S' < .c. ICe co\eit nnd bicycle cloth , SVic. Extra line batcen , latest patteiiib and do- slgnsoith I'fic , go at S'XiC. ' DOSTON STORC. OMAHA , N. W. Cor. Ifith and Douglas. TinVirillii Of the traveling public , who have iihed the Illinois Central's new trains between Omaha and Chicago and St Paul-Minneapolis , ' "It can't bo beat " City ticket office 1402 Kainam st Drs Lord & Rustin , 501 I'axton blk. Take the St Louis Flyer , leaving Omaha 4 35 p. m. , and next morning at 7 PI you are In St Louis 4C3 mlkti in a single night. Take the Denver Limited , leaving Omaha 4 23 p m. , and next morning at 7 10 you arc In Denver 538 miles in 15 % hours. Take the Vcstlbulcd Tlycr leaving Omaha , 5 03 p m , and you reach Chicago nt S 20 next morning. Sleeping and chair cars on nil trains. Dining car on the Denver nnd Chicago Flyers. Ticket Office. Burlington Station , 1502 FARNAM ST. 10th & MASON Sis. Telephone 250. Telephone 310. Shortest anil Quickest Line TO 'I'mIns li'livi' I MON STV'I'ION ilall > for KIIIINIIH ( H.i. tnliii > > , S | . l.oillN nml nil iioliilN riinl or Miulli. SIIH'I.\I < \TI5S TO HOT Sl'ltliS < , MtK , ni > Mi > iiKin : : ' i\tt II IDV , rin. JO. MI InroriiiiUlon n ( Clly TliM.cl OllliIII. . ' rariium SI. , ( I'mlon Iliilc-1 Illlv. ) FOR COMFORT SPEED AND EQUIPMENT TAKE UNION PA01HG TRAINS KOH nm\iit , SM.T fri.ND , S\N I'llMISIO , v u" " > - ' ' < " i t i > ONLY T\v j MalitH 10 Callfoinla Oregon. i City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St , 'I i-lrulioni-i 'till. HOST ON STOIIIJ .ITS M HI : Toilnj \ \ c- IMiumi * > nlnollipr Iol of Oii-p T i 'I liimMiinl I'nlp-i LAHinS' , MHN'S AND CH1MVS S11OU3 AT 3iC ! , 6flC , Q9C. S C , t'SC ' , $ l.ns. The InJkti' shoes were made to retail ai from $3.00 to $100 , $ . " .00 nnd $6 00 a pair , but they all go at the fcamo price , $1 9S , on j bargain squares. The men's shoes arc just as good and v cro made to retail from $3.00 to $ " > no a , pnlr ; they go nt $1 flS a pnlr , on bargain sqtinics. The children's , misses' and boys' shoes nrocry great bargains. They go nt 3t\ 49c , SOc , Gie ! , Sc ! ) , OSc , $1 23 nml $1.39 nnd $1.19 , all on b.iigaln squares. 1JOSTON STOlin , OMAHA , N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas. li-nni-l- Viilinlllii'Mill * . Tuesday , Pebruary 13 , all valentine * go at half prlco today. $1.00 valentines go at 4Se. 7.1c vnlonllnra go at 3S ( ? COc valentlnos go at "Sc. ROc valcnilncH go nt 2lc. 40c valentines go at ISc. \alcntlnos go at 14c. 20c vnlcntlnra go at He. Ifio valentines go at "c. lOc vnlcntliUH no at 5c. 5 comic valentines for Ic. 2.1 valentines for Cc. W. H. UKNNHTT CO Ifith and Capitol \\r ' Mortnlllr SlnllHlli-N. The follow Ing blrtlii and deaths liavc 1ieep ircorded at the olllrp of the llmnl of Health ilutlmr the foi ty-elght houri otu1 U nl noon Mondav Hlrths llenrv Ttarkpr , 2)22 ) North Twenti second , Kill * 111 tily W Kliov. 1021 S.iuiti Tvveiily-nlnth , boy , C'lii.tli" * W \\t < H Jiv South rortleth glil , rrinipN \ \ " ( VniUli nr 2.VJ3 Davenpott. gill , .lames Hell , J U | in\ onport. girl , Jdines Miilluv. " " > I'luin i wlrl ; JnniOM fo\lne. ) Thlrty-llrst and Tn'V lor , bov ; Marmus AndeMon , 1 1G Mnrtlia Rlrl ; Kumk Hopkins , ll.ll ! North Bev.a tocntli. boAirs. . August Kozlckl 2121 Bancioft. girl Death H.TIah J Moore , IRIS Irani Ki vears ; Minnie llolore , 2330 Oll.ule'i , 3.1 car LnvviciR'o 11 Uodder , 2J2 , ! Hull , 1 \c\ir John Sullivan , St. Joseph's hospital , ' 53 years , - . Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne Is to be found In the best Cafes , Clubs and private sideboards everywhere. | ; A few days ago we called on the well i known firm of Sherman & McConnell at their handbouio store on Sixteenth and Dodge stieets , nnd speaking to the senior proprietor , Mr Sherman , wo asked him how the sale of Cramer's Kidney Cure com pared with other preparations for the same purpose. Mr. S. said that Gamer's Kidney Cuio was becoming ouo of the leaning pat ent medicines , and his sales on it were al most double of any other fact , snys our genial competitor , ' people have told me that It linn given excellent satisfaction , and in many Instances effected a cine. You can quote mo as saying that In 11 few years Craniei's Kidney Cure will sell better than all other kldnoy medicines combined ' Sl.OO : ioUe ( Cut to 7oc. CUT PRICE DRUGGIST Cor. lOtli ami ClilciiKO Mi. V ( oiniiii-rrlnl I lull Mutt -nvo the Iliust i aim ihif have the < lt > nrt run on th. > Illinois ft mini 1 ! 11 Thi v RO to ChlciK.i Mlnneapollfl and St 1'aul Inquire nt 1lf2 Par tin tn it OUR PRESCRIPITON DEPARTMENT In n\ir \ t nw l.'ritirm at SKteetilh nnd r > oij5i- -tr i ! ! > pi i - > i rlptlon depaitment Is in die 1 XSIIMHS 1 , nw i > fmm the hu ti0 nml cnnfu-'l'in nf n biisv store lleievo Imvo men vvlui'-e uhnlc time and nttciitloli Is devoted to eompoundlnK physic Inns' pi e- ncrtptloiis nml the inaiiufaettnliiK oC such preparations us rre needed In our store , thus Insui Inp priuiiitiioss | and aecurai \ In our t > ro < > f rlptlunvoik. . Our laliorntoiy and \\areliii- ! e will lemiiln at our old lo cation , ocruinlnu all of tintlitee lloors with the CMiptlnn of the riniit sixty or rlglity feet , \vhli h Is ( < u tent Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go l.nciillon , . . Alor , litih mid Diiilui- . T-IV7 - HVg fft .JC . Tl V ) ( Swifts i\tru.t 15rof . . . . 4c J > . Hi owns Trillion . . . . I'o Jl 00 Lisu-ilne f > i. . Vi ) ( Sim C'.itai-h Cine -In , J5v KomJon s Tntairh Jelly jn < . * , ! Caller Ll\ei Pills lr , , 25e 1'iukei's Tar Soap ] i ( Ir- C.istorla 25c It W liiomo-Sellrcr 75c f.Oi , Hiomo-Seltyer Jik We Dodd's Kidney Pills We oOc Dodd's D.v-iotsla We 50c Llthlu Tablets lip $1 00 Tat till llthliiP 7" 25c C'lmmberlaln'i Cough Cure 20c $1WVlnc of Cardul 752 IraCutlciira Soap 1'Uc $1 00 Pe-rn-im 7oc snc Mellln's Food -tOc Mi 1'ond'H l xtiact lOc We uie the only store In the city keeping- n teglhtered man. .mil .1 good one , in oui place all night Never clot > c. 11th and Oouglns St. Serviceable AT BARGAIN PRICES The following arc a few of the many bargains wo are offering this week la Pianos that have been slightly used , shopworn or returned from rentals : Ualllnga Upright , only SSI Oak Uptight , fine tone $12 : > Story & Clark'ebony case $150 Fine Klmball $16" > Beautiful Hallet & Davis $18r > Ivers .t Pond Upright $200 Steinway Upright , only $283 Chlckerlng Grand $ -100 Sobmer Mah. Grand , only $ "OD Ivers & Pond Baby Grand $600 Organs and Square Pianos , $10 , $18 , $33 and up. I'asy payments We rent new pianos , tune , move , exchange and store Instruments. Telephone 162r > . Our prices , on new STKINWAY , A. B CHASE , VOSU , 1VUHS & POND , BM- ERSON AND PACKARD Pianos are lower than anywhere on this continent. Write for calnlogues , prices and terms or pay us alsll of Inspection. TIIK SCLF-l'tiAYING PIANOLAS , the greatest musical invention of the age only $230. .Schmoller & Mueller. . . . . . . TIII : riA.vo notsn IN Tim AVUST. Steinway & Sons ) 1313 farnam Street. Representatives. [ 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. The swellest assortment of Valentines in Omaha. The largest stock ever shown in Western America and every one must be closed out tomorrow , no matter at what prices. "Ki . ? " ? 1 ? " " " " . . . . Ic Grand pr L" ? : ! : 2c Notion Sale Handhomo lOe Koldrr Valentines , C- , closing out at tUw A new hhlpment of Corduroy Velveteen llro " ' ' " " " "K' s ° " " " 1 ° Very tasteful Valentines , folder stylo- worth a.1c , elohlng -g f\f , out at 1J * > All Hl/es Stockinet Irc s Shields , Girt Artistic Folder Valentines , in now designs , i at , pair O"- " beautiful conceptions , regular sjEZf , 10e fouot Steels , prlco COc. closing out ut 4\Jt\ * > al Kino VI SO Valentines , T Cp 00 Center Pieces , at $1 00 and A tWo _ / - ' at 48c Wo aio showing all the latest novelties In Ait A'nlentlncH from Raphael Tuck & Co , 00 Drcssor Scarfs , 48c and tl'o Art Novelty C'o Tuesday we will at Un80 them out nt one-thlid regular pi Ices. 25o Kancy IJoso Supporters , Get your Valentines at Ilnyden llroa. at . .lOc Pure Linen Handkerchief * , , hemstitched Great Book stitched , IGc value , only . Sale Tuesday ! Wo hnvo receivt-d another shipment of Captain Charles King's novels. Thobo New dress trimmings , new are line topyrlfihted lx > oUs. hnndsonicly bound nnd are told regularly at laces , now.embroideries , new $1 f'O. tomorrow a > only Only ono copy of each title to cu > h cus- all-overt1 , new tuekintjs , new tom" . . ribbons nuw neckwear all . , . i i 4 dealers ! Positively none sold to - on f-al ° J ' ers at this price. best shoes AIT 1 ho ones 11ml lyiu1 best efrviw. Von can pay 85 for a pair ot shoes and they may bo un- satifl'aclory , because nol properly Httud. It' they're niu-oinl'orlabU1 they're unsatisfactory consequently ( hey fall short of "host shoes1 * Shoes thai art ; made for "Tho Nebraska , " arc made on foot-form lasts inudo to give sitiw- ; ' ! faction guaranteed to give satisfaction , thus | "Nebraska shot's" art1 "bust shot1 ? . " WV find hnncliTilsof nion who want to save a LITTLE dollar in their shoo buying We find BENTS'SHOES ' hundreds ot nion who don't cart ) to , or SHOES , perhaps they don't know we can save The kind tlmt them a dollar on their shoes. When gives bu * ( re- once they find out that they can , \vo'vo suits. no trouble in yetting them back again. I ) to 153 , oil gent Our $1.10 Men's Box Calf Siioes tl to 13 , calf that we sell for § _ ' . .r > 0 arc duplicates cnngaroo , in quality to the s5l 50 ones sold around town. The saving of a dollar is not. . the only reason why "Nebraska shoos" are "bos ! shoes , " but they are made with a view to give comfort with service. Goody BUT welts and properly constructed. You've a right to expect good service from Nebraska shoes. We'll see that you do. You can save fully one-half the regular price on men's and boys'winter clothing by attending this sale. We are closing out all heavy weight goods regardless of cost. Not a single garment will be carried over. Men's heavy ulsters , made of reliable black frieze , & & ( OjgS formerly sold for $5 , special for only fe Od ? Men's tine suits of worsted and cassimere , from small lots which sold for § 7.50 to $11.50 , | | Pjffi | Special for only Qn6J W No matter the previous price , no matter the big values that sold up to $22.50 take quick advantage of this the bargain in Omaha , any one in the house 5 for only , Of 1800 men's finest winter suits and overcoats , for § 14.75 former prices frL'7.50 , § 25 , § 22.50 and $ 20 they are high grade odds and ends and broken lots , irom a big business , all winter stock , must be closed out at once. There is no offer in Omaha that will equal this one , 6/fjt " IS Select a suit or overcoat for S a fl * & Big Bargains for Big Men. 25200 men's finest tailored trousers , in sixes from 38 to 52 waists and 29 to 30 lengths , not a pair of pants worth less than $3.50 and up to § 7.50 , bargain for only $1.75 , $2.50 and $3.75. Mothers of Boys Take your choice of any double breasted knee pants suit , vestee suit , top overcoat or reefer , all sizes from 3 to 1(5 ( , suits , top coats and reefers worth from § 3.50 to § 7.50 , choice for $1.75 and $2.99. All style ? . iblHietl a Why purchase one of thoss Cheap Pianos @ e Ol im * ! inilliiK "I ' ' ill1" ! that .ir tipoli UK J'Mtl.ir so nflpn © ' . . . , Hum HIM ' Iih I , OI'l'UHl.nAI A atl\UUii'Jlll"l..r inilliui to 111 i n mini URiAT : SAl'Jtiriri : on fVO a mo tli pnv iwnlb , that .ne .ilunys M-ltliiK out ol onlir .mil i CONSTANT -OIM.H of i\Pi\Si ; : : , and cvoi it inlmi v \\e , nc Mii < " von iln i oi vvlsii in liistiiunrnt lliul vvuiild t Hi-c you lo IK ml-- eiable when llnv an of llnln o mi v iluo 0) ) . „ . OI.DNI ) OP.IIilN . ' I K.M 01' Ml I'l.I.l.tt S Imvr iiKvi' li dl l strictly hifih criuli B.HMN an-l . .iistiiimfiil- n li ilili ; in ilv - o I lih. . ll.ue nivil .ulv iilful ii"i Illid lo Bill KoodhvhMc i Ill M .M.nn v\ h. 9 out .i an liif'in ' i im nt o o Kill Mnlii > < - . C oinii-ll lllullH , In. SII-III-IS " . l"i , Omiiliii . , > * ' 'JiH I0-i' | Jl M" on Pianos tuiird and lepalnd I'll IIRPI IPIIHOII iblc mALL i ( DSC ® fflcoe SMOKKKS endorse Iho StflCCker five ALL Cent Ciflar bocaiibo it's a good cit-'ar made of line Havana filler , good binder and Sumatra wrapper. For Bale by all dealer * and at our TWO STORES-1404 Oouglas and 221 S. IBIn. stability THE . I.V . mm OF Dentistry On Lard , ' on Ham , on unat deal when it lu flxln is our VMilk IK Htililly Drnt I.J.IH and Bacon a guarantee ' " , , , , ni > Hi"- best matirlal nii < l imploy . , , . 1,1' i M ili-ni t"l dintlHlH Vnir won , of { iiiriiy. HIH i , 1,1 \ \ uuirantcd to il\o hiitlttfatli > i > . 7oo 1 illini ti\ i , , , | , | I'll Inn. . Jl Mlii _ | Swift and tapany i j , , | i rend 5" * * * ) , . . . j , i In. li $ j OJ Chicago , Kmirtii City , Oinalia. St , Loui.s , St. Joseph , St. I'aul , Tatt's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms , ir.i ; CONTAINS THE FINEST CUBAN TOBACCO p. n. UK i : M , to. , MMIcriitrns , ST. i.uu.s , .MO. C. A. UAII.MIAtH , OSI\IIA , Ulb'l UIHLTOIU