THE OMAHA DAILY UEE : SATURDAY. FT3KKUAUY 10 , 15100. The Wonderfully Exceptional Bargain Sale of the Krolik & Co. In Full Swing No\va Nothing Can Stop the Great Crowds. Bargains that are impossible in any other house but in plenty here at Boston Store from this Detroit wholesale stock and from other sources , secured by our buyer now in New York act as most powerful magnets drawing everybody to Boston Store. The first few days of this sale arc but hints of what this occasion is capable of in the way of sensations. Counters and squares heaped high with marvelous bargains stare you in the face every foot ot the way through out every aisle in our entire establishment from opening to closing time the place is thronged with eager buyers and the gong sounds at night , they arc reluctant to leave and beg to buy more. Today Saturday , is going to be best day of the whole sale so far at Grand Special Bargain Sale cf Extra Special Sale of SILKS from this I B B V LH I BLmii B"mlLi ! lii' ' A f Ba - aaya * ' * * "f ttl yt B 1 I HFi b iJ l fli from this Detroit Wholesale Stock KHP PHWP MM WH1 iBI 4ttDOllGLfS ' W Bi VBl WlBBi Detroit Wholesale Stock $2 Lakes' ' Kid Gloves 75c All the ladies' high-class kid and dog skin gloves from the Detroit stock , bought especially for the line trade of Detroit. Part of this grand lot of gloves lias been exhibited in our front show window and includes all the best colors and black and white. Every pair per- i'cct in every particular , all sizes , suita ble for street or dress wear. The regular retail price up to $2.00 , all go on bargain square at 75c pair. ] , ooo pairs ladies' strictly flu Wool Cashmere Jersey Gloves- - Peerless fast black , from the Detroit stock , worth 50c pair , in this sale at 15c pair Large bargain square with big lot of Misses' ' , Children's ' and Boys' ' Underwear , ail sizes , regular - ular price would be up to 3oo , in this feulo lOc each nig lot of Ladies'Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants , nil bi/os , in medium und heavy weight , in this sale , All the Ladies' line Jersey ribbed , part wool Underwear nnd medium heavy weight camel's huir and sanitary wool underwear , worth up to $1.50 each , in thla Bale SHIPPERS' ' PROTEST OF AVAIL Freight Classification Committee of Big Trunk Lines to Make Changes , CVJSESOF COMPLAINT TO BE LESSENLD UlfTprcnce in Hate * Ilcdrcrii Carlnnil mil I.CHN Tliitii Ciirloiul I.olM Will He CoiiNlil Itcduceil. NEW YORK , Feb. 0. The Commercial Advertiser says : That changes of an Important character will bo made In thn freight classification Is assured. After two or three advisory ses sions with the t mill is managers of the prin cipal trunk lines , the members of .the clas sification cumnlttco have settled do\\n to a thorough overhauling of such parts of the now classification as were complained of by the manufacturers and shippers at the recent public hearing. The trunk lines have tacitly agreed to ndopt a friendly policy toward the sjilppers and thn numerous protests and requests tiled with the committee will bo considered with a view to removing causes ot complaint as far as possible. On authority that Is Indisputable , the statement may bo rondo that many re quests of the shippers will bo compiled with and that the classification will bo re vised on liberal lines. In every Instance where/ the operation of the existing scale of rates Is shown to bo seriously detrimental to any particular Industry a change will bo made and the merchandise concerned will bo classified more advantageously. There Is good reason to bcllevo that the Piospoctlvo revision ot the official classifica tion will Include a considerable lessening ot the differences In rates between carload lots and less than carload lots. Upon the ex isting wldo differences rested ono of the chief grievances ot the shippers. The classification eonmilttee Is likely to bo In dally tension relative to the readjust ment of the classification for two or three weeks. llnriilinii mnl I'urty Vlwlt Omiilin. J. T. Harahun , second vlco president of the Illinois Central railroad , arrived In the city Friday morning from Chicago In his private car , accompanied by a party of rel atives and friends , ami left In the after noon , via the Union Pacific , for Los An geles , Cnl. During the short stop in Omaha Mr. llaratian and his party t\ero entertained by District PassuiiRer 'Agent Drill of the Illinois Central. Vlco President Harahan was accompanied by his wlto and her slater , Jlrs , .Harris of Memphis , Tonn. , Mrs. HarrU' eon and ncphow , Mr. A. H. Hanson of Chicago cage , general passenger agent of the Illinois Central , and Captain J. F. .Merry ot lu- buquo , assistant general passenger agent. I.hie tii I InIIIIU. . SIOUX CITY , Kob. 0. The decision ot the Sioux Kails & Pacific railroad , said to lie an auxiliary of the Chicago , Mllwaukco & St. Paul , to build a high brldgo over the Missouri at Chamberlain , S. I ) . , is taken tc Indicate that the St. Paul road > wlll terminate Its agreement with the Chicago & North- wcstein not to build wrst of the Mlssour and e.\riiil ! Its llmu Into the Illuck Hills The extension would traverse a fine cattli country and the Northwestern would be compelled , in bclf-defenbe , to build Inti tbo Hills from Plorre. Train * Continue to l.iinf Time. An n result of Wednesday night's snow storm olrtcala | of the various railroads enter ing Omaha will not have their passenger - senger trains running on trhrduUxl time until todny. Many of the pastcnser trains from both cast and west were delayed t Large bargain tables piled high with Ltulicb' fast blade flno sr'i il Full Seamless Hose , nil si/.ei. worth loc. go at , pair Boys' and Girl's medium weight and extra heavy ribbed Bicycle and School Hose , all sizes , go at I9c , 12 SOc pair All the Ladies' High Class Im ported Hosiery , in plain black , plaids and checks reg ular price up to 60c , in this sale at , pair 100 dozen men's all wool fast black Cashmere Half Hose In arriving yesterday , although the delays were not so lengthy as on Thursday. From the eabt the Burlington and Northwestern trains were practically on time , none being delayed longer than fifteen minutes. Horn ing passenger trains on the Rock Island from Chicago and the west were about an hour late. The Milwaukee's tialn from Chicago was two hours and a. half late , and the Illinois Central was about three hours late. The through passenger train from San Francisco over the Unlm Pacific arrived three hours and a half behind time , and the Omaha & St. Louis passenger from the southeast was an hour late. ItulHviiyOCH mill I D. S. Guild , general supply agent of the HurlliiRton , was In the city yesterday on- routd homo to I'luttnmoutli from Chicago. J. P. Harrett , traveling' freight apent of the Missouri Pucllle , with headquarters at Concordla , Kan. , Is a visitor In the city. Fred Montmorency , chief clerk In the division superintendent's olllco of the Bur lington at McCook , is In the city visiting Ids many friends and Incidentally looking after business matters. W. W. AVood , general agent oC the pas senger department of the Uock Island at Colorado Springs , is In the city visiting General Aeeiit Hutberford and City Ticket Agent "Web" McNally of the Hock Island. General Passenger Agent Francis of the Iturllngton is In St. Joseph in attendance upon 11 conference of Durllngton olilclnls relative to the new f.ervlce which will be Instituted over that line between St. Louis and Portland and Chicago and San Fran cisco. TALK ON GREAT AMERICANS Italilil Simon Lecture * in Hnrncy Slri > < > ( Temple on llu- Subject of AViiNhliiuloii mill Mnroln. In the Harnoy Street temple Friday night Rabbi Simon lectured on the nubjcct ol "Washington and Lincoln , " an npproplrate tbcmo slnco both men were born In the present month. There woe a good attend ance and a eiuartct of inalo and female voices sang beautifully , "This Is an ago of criticism , " said tht bpeaker. "Wo delight In picking to plccew the men wo love best. There Is a dlsposl- lion to say that the great men of the world descrvo no credit. They took advantage ! of the opportunity not because their heart eeizcd It , but because It was forced upon them. Some are born -great , some have gniatnc 3 thrust upon them , but IIOIH achieve greotiubs. "We ha\o In Germany a philosophy called the 'philosophy of beer an.l cheese , ' which teui'lu-s that men are the creatures of what they eat. And It is not altogether without leason. That character to some extent de pends upon one's material surroundings cannot bo gainsaid , but no condition ol food or cltmato or environment can ac count for the production of such charac ters as Lincoln and Washington. Theirs wns u greatness not dependent upon an r.ccldent of birth ; theirs was a greatness that amounted to genius , and genius U divine. No mcro criticism e.ui hurl them down from the lofty pedestal they now or- , cupy , and will ever occupy , la the hearts of the pcopU. "Thi-ro Is n saying that 'liberty cornea from God , liberties from tbo devil. ' Amer ica has picked out Washington us , the em bodiment of the spirit of liberty. Hut II Washington stands 1or liberty , Lincoln If the Incarnation of that other -principle liberty tnmpe-red with Justice. Washington and Lincoln , therefore * stand before the people as the soul the conscience of all that Is noblest In America today. " AVorl.Inurlclit mill Hiij. The busiest and mightiest little thing thai ever was mudo Is DC , King's New Llfo I'llls These pills change weakness Into strength , lUllessnroa into energy , bialn-fag into men tal power. They're wonderful la building ur the health. Only 25c per box. Sold b ) Kubn & Co , , Ic and 3c All the ladies' latest style Collars nnil Cuffs , nlso children's Collars from tbo Detroit stock , In Btnmllns uiul turn-clown styles , all sizes , rcRular price luc , go In this Bale and -10 * each Over 1,000 dozen ladles' and gents' Hand kerchiefs from the Detroit stock , part pf which have been on exhibition in our front show window. < Many styles of Lace anil Embroidered Handkerchiefs anil plnln and fancy silk trimmed Japanctto Handkerchiefs , regu- ular price up to 25c IIV this sale at G cents each Alt the extra fine IMPORTED SWISS , LACK , laMUROIDEUY and drawn thread HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS that Bold up to $ ; i.CO dozen go in this sale at 15 cents each Alt the LADIES' perfect fitting CORSETS , black and drab , from the Detroit stock , regular retail price ono dollar In this sale at . , Largo bargain table with LADIES' MUS LIN UNDERWEAR , Including Gowns , Skirts , Drawers and Skirt Chemise , hand somely lace and embroidery trimmed , go In three big lots at COMMITTEE HEARS PROTESTS Western Shippers Object to Recent Sweeping Advances in Rites. INCREASE IN RATES ON SMALL SHIPMENTS Oiniihii Implement Klrm Is Itc'in'e Hcllli-il at ( he Henrlim All'orduil Shippi-i-N liy AVcNtcu TrunU Committee. Usually when a meeting of the Western Trrnk Line committee , which has super vision of the changes and regulations ol freight rates In the western territory , la held in Chicago the freight departments of Omaha roads aio represented by their higher ofllclalH. However , at a mooting of the com mittee held this week the Omaha olllclain evinced no disposition to attend and had business in their offices demanding their personal attention. The meeting was held for the purpose ol listening to protests from western shippers ugalnst the sweeping advances in rates , which became effective when the new 'West ' ern classification wont Into elfect January 25. Ueprcsentatlvcs of manufacturers uml mercantile firms of Chicago , St. Paul , St. Louie , Omaha and other western cities ap peared before the committee. The Kingmnn Implement company of this city was rep resented by W. J. Edwards , traffic 'manager ot the various establishments of this com pany , whoso headquarters are In Peoria , III , Mr. Edwards and other representatives ol raanufacturors of vehicles and agricultural Implements asserted that the new clneElllca- tton has resultrd In an advance of about ZOO p r cent In shipments of lees than carload lots , wbllo the advance on shipments In car- lead lots was not more than 20 per cent. Th > declaration was made that such aihances were not only excessive , but showed a short sighted policy on the part ot the railroads , for the reason that the rates are eo high thai many western farmers will bo unable to pur- chuso machinery to plant anil handle their crops. The result will bo that thei railroada will lose the lovcnuo resultant from the shipment of such articles and will also suffei loss from the decreased shipments of agri cultural products. The ) argument that thorp was too great a discrepancy between the rutrsi on ( shipments of carload and less than carload lots waa also presented by representatives of various western mercantile firms. They averted tbo result would bo that small merchants will Uavo to pay such excessive rates that they will bo unable to compete with thi firms able to place orders for goods in car load quantities. The western wholesalers also lay great stress upon the point ralbf-U that the western railroads havomado car load rates so low comparatively In order ta enable wholesalers anil jobberw of Now York and other eastern cities to sell to the west ern retailers as cheaply us can the western wholesalero. In the past the railroads have charged about half as much for haullritj shipments of inorchonilUw originating In Now York from Chicago to the Missouri rlv.-r as they charged for similar shipment * ellrcU from Chicago to the river. The AVrntcrn Trunk Line committee will listen to all protests from western shippers and then submit a report to the cxocutlu officers of western roads , who will meet in Now York March 7 to consider such recom mendations as may be made by the commit tee. The committee Itself has no power te reduce tl.o cxlstlug rates. MlHHiiurl Ilui-Kliir rutnll ) Mint. ClIILLirOTIlK. O Fob. 9 - \ burglai nameil John Schum.iker , giving his home .1- Llma. O. wun fatally shot at HlKb > 6 sta tion today while he and three others werr attemDtiwr ta rob the safe at the store ol \ 's Linen Collars and Guffs Today we give you Hit ) choice of all the men's Cuffs from the Detroit from the De troit stock all troit stock ; all new styles . . . . new atvles. KACU I'AIR 's ' from the Detroit Wholesale Stock all new styles. Choice of all the IBl Choice of all the 25c Men's Silk Neckwear t BJ m. Men's Silk Neckwear 's Men's Natural Gray Underwear goes for. . . . Men's Fleeced Back Underwear goes for . . . . Men's Wool Fleeced Underwear goes for . , ' Colored an' * 6" S Laundered For Saturday we give you the choice of any man's shirt in this entire purchase , including all the latest designs of colored laundered shirts with collars and cuffs attached or detached all sizes worth up to a dollar arid a half for < IllRbv Son. 'I'll InirBl. rscc \ - surprised merchant , iinil Charles l > v eimrlos Ilmhs , McGoppIn , NorlolkVostorn telegraph operator. The nther three escaped. Jt wiis liiter ascertained that tin- wounded manV name Is John Johnson , who was released from the. Ohio penitentiary January 20. liisiininurK 'iit Kills lllniNctr. CHICAGO , Fob. ft. William JI. Knnpp , special agent of the 1'hoenlx Insurance company , who lived at SSll ! Calumet avenue. committed Milclde today at the Hotel Grace by shooting himself in the temple and month. The body was found about twelve hour * after the shots were tired. It is thought that the suicide was due to tem porary insanity caused by the deaths of several friends and Mr. Kunpp's father , and to insomnia , with which lie bad been troubled for several months. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. Thom.ig Flynn has Rene to New York. Miss Dorlco Justice of Minneapolis Is at tbu Mlllard. K. M. Senrle and son of ORalalla nro at the Merchants. J. I ! , Fli'kcs of Grceley was a state Riiest at the Her Grand Krlduy. A. It. Foley of 1'oplnr Hluffs , Mo. , Is roistered at the Mlllard. J. D. Carpenter , an insurance agent ot Don Molncs , is at the Millanl. IX S. Garrison , an implement denier of Sioux City. Is at the Murray. tester A. Fried , a tobacco salesman of St. Louts , is at the Her Or.ind Thomas M. Starkle of Aurora , 111. , Is transaction business in the clt > . Frank H. Thompson , dealer in cement , Portland. Me. , Is at the Mlllard. 1C. K. MeKcnzie and C. S. Ilanev of Hast ings were Friday quests at ( ho Murray. S. II. Uurnham and Henry 1C , Lewis of Lincoln were quests at the Mlllard Friday. James I' . Smith of St. JMwnrel and John Hermus of Wcllllect were at the Merchants Friday. Senator Thnrstoii. who was in Lincoln yesloidny , returned to Washington this mo nil nf. J. 1C. Martin , representing a paint and oil liouso of Clili'iigo , is registered at the Murray. C. S. lluiiRerfiird , who travels out of Chicago pclllnu Jewelry , Is registered at the Murray. AV. W. routes , formerly proprietor ot thn Dellnno hotel , now of 1'lnttHmoUtli , It at the Merchants. 13. 13. Wright of Kansas CIU' , western agent of Otis Uros. Klovator company , Is at the Mlllard. 13. It. Ilaxter , a capitalist o'f Portland , Me . was looking after lent estate Interests in Omaha Frlduj Miss Kamcs and Miss Mary Humes of New York , on tli.'ir . way to Sui Francisco , are at tlio Mllltiul. Theodore D. and Kmumiel liecker , pro prietors nl n geni-ral store at Albion , Neb. , are at tbo Merchants. A new cancelling muchlno Is lelng placed In the postofllee. 'lhe > work l being done by 1C. B. Allen , .1 government expert from W. I. Goodfellow , whoso c irds setting forth the fact bo repnwnH a diamond Importing house of Chicago are of alumi num cinboaaedutli Jet , la at iho Murray. run HI\I.TV : MAIIM'.T. INSTTU'.MKNT.S phicetT on record Friday , February It , 1W ' : Wnrrinilx Di'i-ilh. F. W. Goodbpeeil and wlfo to lay and U. M. Laverty , lot 1 , block 1" , Boutb Omaha . ? 1.000 South Omaha Lund company to Itlcli- ard Sc.inncll , lu'a ' 2 , 3 and I , Mock SO , South Omaha . 1 J. II. Volz and vlfe to Max f'JOt ' , I'ls lot 18. block WO .Sontli Oinnliu . 1.200 A. C. Iluuk and wife to J. A. Kuspcll , lot 3 , block " , liainllton yiiimro . DO1) ) Annie BtocHdale uml liiikbaiiil to W. O. Perry , lot I , block 1U. Clllion Illll 1,750 W. M.Viioel Hint wlfo to II. M. and S. li. Christie , lot f . In 21th btreet laiHlnuKu | il , ice . W Frederick ] 3vorn mil wlfo to ' . H. It. liohn , lots 7 , 12 and 1U , l.urkalow Place ; lotn D anil C. block . ' . Inane * & K 'x add. uiI - lotH I , G , i and 1 , block : o , . Place . W > 5 ( lull I liilm DI-C.IH. W O Aloxaiidi and wile o Su an Young f-ulnlh jt , I , , tax lot 32 , In 10-lD-ia . 7W Total amount ot transfer . } 10TM TAYLOR WILL NOT SIGN IT Secretary of State Powers So Announces After a Final Conference. NO INDICATION OF A SETTLEMENT YET Senator IllncUliiiru nnil OUiorx I'onlcr l the Kovrriior ill Ilic li\euu- tlVC .MtlMMlllli 1'llllllC Left In tUc Dark. FRANKFORT , Ky. , Feb. 3. Governor Taylor did not this afternoon sign the Ixmls- villo peace agreement. He announced , more over , that he had no Intention of doing t-o for- tome time , and did not know whether ho would sign It at all. On the other hand , the democrats were confident ho would affix his slgnatiuro to the document. This has been a day of conferences In Frankfort. They were in full swing from 10:30 : In the morning until 5:30 : at night and outwardly nothing tangible resulted from them. The situation tonight Is to all ap pearance exactly where It was when the peace agreement was first submitted to Gov ernor Taylor. On the morning train fiom Louisville came the republican attorney , David W. Farlelgh , ane' Jndgo John W. Harr , both of whom vero members of the Louisville conference on the republican side. Immediately upon arrival Mr. Farlerigh culled upon Senator Ulackburn at the Capital hotel and after a few words with him went In company with Judge Darr and General Dan Lindsay tri thr olllco of Governor Taylor. A confer- CDCO was hold there from 11 o'clock until 1 o'clock , when an adjournment was taken , Later In the afternoon Sam J , Roberts of Lexington , Internal revenue collector for thlti district , came to Frankfort In rcHponso to a telegram from Governor Taylor aim wan closeted with him for some time . Shortly after 3 o'clock General Lindsay , General Harr , Attorney Farlelgh anil T. L. IWclen called at the executive ofllco and at once went Into a conftTcnco with Gov ernor Taylor. About 1:30 : p. in. Governor Taylor and Secretary of State 1'owors came out of the governor's ofllco and hold a long whispered comorsatlon ontsldo the door. Governor Taylor then lo-ontcrcil the hotel and Pow ers left the building. "Tho governor will not sign the agree ment , " said Mr. Powers , as ho walkeM out the door. It was Impossible to Irani the result of the protracted debate. Kvcryono of these who took part refused to discuss the matter In any way. This evening Governor Taylor repeated his assertion made during the afternoon that ho would not take any action on the peaca agreement for the present. Two dcmociatlc members of the legisla ture put In an appearance ( his afternoon , the first that have been seen In Frankfort since a week ago. Dual IJo > rniiM'iilN ii I''ae ( . LOUISVILLI3 , Ky. , Fob. . The demo cratic legislature met hero today , having present In each house a quorum of the- total membership. Governor lieckham rnude thu announcement this afternoon that he U pre pared to protect the legislators from arrest und that ho will do no. These developments of today mark thn first stej * ) toward carrying out the plans announced Sunday last by the democrats to * ot up a Btato government hero that they have taken slnco these plans were inter rupted by the peace negotiations. Some commctlou WUH cnuucxl among the legislators this morning by reports from London and Frankfort that warrants were Wo mention but -I of tlu- extra interest ing values' that wo will have for your in spection today. Of course wo have other equally inter esting values , in clilt'oront assortment , but wo call your attention especially to these FOUR BEC LEADERS in our Ladies' Jacket Department wo oiler for Jackets made of line ker sey , cheviots , boucles , vi cunas , otc. some very nicely lined with silk and s.ulns. a number are \iry elaborately trlmmod , while homo have Just the plain. line tailored nlrap anil Mitrhed trimming. I ncluded in tills lot ulho are a number of \ciy nobby up-to-date Golf Jackets In our Jacket Department we offer for Jackets that we will refrain from saying what they are actually worth , but they come in any color you may want of English kerseys , vicunas , friezes , etc. and are very elegantly lined with g. od silk and satin , and they come both in trimmed and plain cffeo.ts. In our Ladies' Suit Department we offer for faKS&gpffifc Ladies' tailored suits in a big variety of cloths and colors , in coverts , serges , Venetians , homespuns , clay worsteds , etc. some tight litting , some with reefer and blazer jackets made In a big assortment of styles , jackets are all slllc lined and nicely finished , In our Ladies' Suit Department we offer for & Ji $ Hi E ? if ! Ladies' tailored suits , that at this time of 11 the year is an offer to be wondered at. i To the prospective purchaser of a nice spring suit , we call your especial atten tion. They are mailo in all the latest , styles and cloths and the workmanship la un excelled. Investigate these. about to bo sworn out for the arrest ol enough demo -ratio members to make a quorum of the republican legislature now meeting at London. When told of this Gov ernor Hecklmm nald : "No member of the. legislature who camca to Louisville need fear arrest. I shall not allow any member of the general assembly to bo arrested. " When asked what measures would be adopted to prevent such arrests , should they bo attempted , Governor IJeckham re plied that he was fully prepared to pro tect the legislature and to arrest any per sons who interfered with Its members. Fur ther than this he would mnko no statement. It Is known , however , that slnco the ap pointment of General Castleman as adju tant general arrangements luivo been made to provide a defensive foreo ample for the safety of 'the democratic state officers. The legislative ) scsslona today were held in Iho court house , the senate meeting In the chancery court loom and the house in the county court room. Resolutions from the general .asKanibly of Texas In memory of Governor Goobcl weio read and an appro priate response was made. Resolutions on the death of Governor Goobcl were adopted and in respect to his memory adjournment was taken by both houses until tomorrow. The events of the past ten days have served to solidify the democratic forces In the legislature and strengthen the parly's position there. Among the mcmber.s who answerml to their names today were a num ber who luivo been classed us antl-ioehel ( men. TWO SUSPECTS ARE ARRESTED .Sail ) ( o Ilim- Slept In Hir i\-cnllvi- : Mr fore ( In- Filial Shut \VIIN KlriMl. FRANKFORT. Ky. , Feb. 9. Two men sus pected of complicity In the murder of Gov ernor Gocbel were arrrcUcd In a boarding house today. The names are Sllat , Jones of Whltlcy county and GottscluilU of Nolhon county. The men are said to ha\c slept in the exccutho building for a tlmo and they will be kept In confinement until Homothing more dcfinltei is known as to their where abouts nt the tlrne > of the assassination. Iloth stiongly deny any Knowledge ot the murdor. TAYLOR NUT REPRESENTED IlmrlDK nf Injunction C'uxe llroiiulit l > > DeiiKierntN 1'iiHl- iioneil. GKORGCTOWN , Ky. , Feb.Governor { ( Taylor wua not represented when Judge Cantrlll today called up the Injunction pro. ccodlngH biought last week by the demo- ciaU to ontop Governor Taylor from Inter- ferine with the session eif the legislature at Frankfort. On rerjucst of Judge I'ryor for the plain- tll.s the hearing wns postponed until next Tuewlay. Thill HIMIIIH Itlieiiiuul Inill , Sere and swollen joints olurp , shootlni ! p.iln.s , torturiiu ; imihdcn , no rent , no sleep. That menus rliemmitlsrn. It Is u stubborn dlacado to light , but Ohamborluln' I'.iln Dalm has coiuiuirod It thousands of tlmcH. It will do so whenever the oppoitunlly In olfcred. Try it. Ono application relieve. ? the ) pain. Horsford's ' Sold Phosphate Relieves the Bcnse of fullness , distress anel pain in the stomach oftcr meals. Makes digestion natural and easy. Genuine beats niine HoKSroKI/s on wrap | r , When otbora fall consult SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. NERVOUS CHRONIC & PRIVATE DISEASES op MEN SPECIALIST We guarantee to cure nil oases curable ot WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Nlclitly Emissions , Lost Manhood , Iljdrooela Verlcocolc. Gonorrbeu , Gleet , Syphilis , Strlov- ftro , Piles , FIbUila and Rectal Uloera and All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men. STRICTURE AND GLEET "WF Consultation f rea Cull on or addretti / r DR. SEARLES & 8BARLBS , | tti0 so. nth st. OHAHA. HAVE YOU Piles Tlic * ror t oime can lie nnri-il br MnKiirt Pile Killer. Ouiiraulee * . 91.OO iirr box by mull. MAGNET CHEMICAL CO. , IVeitern Depot , Ouiafe * , He * ) TinVilillnc ttl Minn Klcnrrr. I'n//.le. Thn answers nro the names of ( lowois and fonts. 1. What was her nationality and appear ance ? 2. What was his disposition and'name ' ? 3. What did e-nvlotu people hay ho wanted to dn ? I. What was his country , and what did ho do when ho proposed ? 5. What did her mother Bay she would do ? 0. To whom did she irfer him ? 7. How many uttemdc-d Iho ceremony ? S. Who were the bridesmaids ? U. Who groomsmen und uxhors ? 10. What did the hrldo we-ar on her head ? II. What did bio bridegroom wear tha last tlmo bcfnro thei wedding ? U' . What did they lluow after the car riage ? ] " . What did they KCC at the mcnagorlo ? 11. When liuininoni'd to iho war , what wore his parting wnids ? JO. What did ho carry with him ? 1C. What struck him , and where was ht hit ? 17. What did she luivo during his ab y sence ? 18. What flower tells what happened whoi Bho buw him returning ? 1 ! ) . With what did who salulo him ? 20. Who was shocked at the performim o tz5 for boat answer ; $10 for ncooiicl , } t for third und | 2 for fourth. The "best" are thu ones which tinswor the eiuostloni neatest and fleanost und mo < t Intelligent ly with the natiKia of do worn or turns Open to who t > end M centH for si ) months' or ? 1 for a yejr : i subscription t < What to Kat Two truU for $1 Othe prizes for rumo punlo , See February iiuin bor. 10 cents , What To lut ? , Minneapolis