Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1900, Part I, Page 12, Image 12

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To make room for an immense purchase , which will require all the space we can possibly find we make the '
$4,50 , $4.00 , $3,00 $6.00 Boys' Long
' most strenuous efforts to dispose oi goods tomorrowand to that end we offer the grandest bargains and greatest I
Chip's Suits at $1.20 values we have ever given in any sale , Every department in our entire establishment is represented in this \ Pants Suits $2,5Q
All tlioc'liilflrcn's and boys' bargain giving tomorrow. In iliis lei are iho best all
stills aijfs . ( to ! . " > . iiu'lndinjf nil tin- Wool I'ttSSlllllTl'S , elieVlolH. sltipeilVnf
fancy otn lirohkrcil finest vr > t < 'c and sti'ds long pants suits , M/cs 11 ti Hi
pure nil wool two-pi'vc suits-lunt'Cfl ywirs , Ilio iH'Wi'st sljlcs ntul i-iilorinj ;
on ono Innni'tiT luuuain iMiuutc'i , n \vuvtli up to $ . " iitid . < tl In fm i no mat
s-ci'filitl Moor rcj'iilar jjb J fjfi CP tin1lmt tinfonmr > w > .
liflccvnt. . \\o must Ja
have r "in lliorofori1Si
Anur ilmU'iin . . . . "a" '
$2 Dress Goods Gut to 69cYd-Au as
ol tin' season's nio > t dosi /ffe /
fabrics Inclinlliig silk an 1 wool IlrnRallncs. Mixed I'npliiiB. ( am
el's Hair Cheviots. Kr < in \inellans. . IliiHkit Cloth , r\tra heavv
Skirting Plalda , I2ngli-h Homespuns , Heuellnes , Keranys. Dlag
onalH and U'hlpt-ords Tlunc tc.tne in all desirable colors and are
noli ! regularly at $2 y rd Monday the entire lot will go on sale
in Ures Oooils Department nt C'lc yatd
SI,50 Colored Dress Goods Cut to 49c-
Our entire line of imported silk and \\ool
Novelties. inrlinlinj ; a new arrival of handsome spring fabric
lilirh < IH KngllBh Uonrottes , Tvvo-Tonrd Granites , forded nenii i
lines Ml\d \ Ipor au x. chevlotH , I'mity Al mures , Ilomospun-
( icrman Ileniletias iiiinil Kiench Serges. Those goods arc- soil
us high as $1 "u a yard Monday they go on special sale at lOr-
yard ,
75c Dress Goods Gut fo 25c aoo pieces
tailormadeMillings , silk and wool novelties ,
All Wool Tv\ccds. English Coverls , Silk and Wool Roman Plaids
\VhlpcordH , Ilerilnglione Cheviots. Mohiilr Jaccjuards , Storm
Serges , Kngllah Cashmeres and All Wool Tricot Cloth a most
complete assortment of colois and weaves to choose from anil
they would sell elsewhere for 7. > c. ( Jo on front bargain square
Monday at I'oc yard
S4.00 Black Dress GoodrGut \ S5.25-
Knglish mohair crepons the most sensational
Crepun values pr Known iill of those choice mister and 1'lerola.
C'repon.s that are -iO pop ular and h.i\e alw.iys been h"ld up to $1IX )
will IIP placed on speilal sain In hl.iek goods departmsnt at $1 2 > yd.
Black Dress Goods at 98c 50c New French Ohallis 29c
As an extra special bargain A now arrival of all wool
we offer 25 pieces steam fin- French challis in Persian ef-
Ish cheviots , black and feetH , polka dots and
navy. Thooo gomls arc f > G j | handsome lloral dcsitrns
Inches witlo , will nt t spot 'J'2 inolics wide and
ami utin bo made up with worth 5Uo yd. , } | o on
of without liniiiK1. Go on bpec ial sale Monday
special Bale Monday only at tc ) yd
$1.00 SILKS GUT TO 39G
.1,000 yards high grade Silk , consisting of Fancy Taf
feta , Stripes anil limeades. , line Glace and Plain Tuf-
fetas. Corded Unngallncs , Silk Poplins , 27-Inch all silk
Printed Foulards , All Silk Satins and a lot of odds
ami owls that sold up to $100 , In ono lot Alnndu } nt
'ii yard .
\Vo are showing all the newI'erslan Stiipefc , Foulards , new Ktripoa. scroll de-
Blgns , in small and large cffoctH. Xuw blues , heliotropes , reds , black and white , all at
special price Monday 59c and USe yard.
"VVo bought from a large manuf.iPttircr for less than half price. o\er 100
olecis Ulack Silks in brocades , all the up-to-dato Silks for separate bklrtii
nd entire dresses. The whole 1 ( , > will go on H-ccml sale in our Silk De
partment Monday ut ML yard
FLEECED-worth 50c-
go at-each- . .
fiOO pairs very heavy cotton fleeced Blankets , 2"iOi pa Irs fine wool ninakets.very large
< -\tra size , would bo cheap at slightly soiled , goods that sold
$1 BO a pair go at up to $ ; ) .2ri pajr , on sale at
Jialr pair
00 pairs very fine strictly all wool lilankels , 100 pairs very line strictly all wcol tllankUs
In grays and scarlet full size , largest sl/e , in white or s < ar-
( worth up to $ t 50 pair your . let AVe have been selling them
iholce- pair up to $6 00 pair choice of lot. 1 | <
t ® ma fee room for the new stock
No garments will be reserved ISvory one
without exception will be sold quartering
and slaughtering the price will do it.
for jackets thai have
sold as high as § 25.
for jackets that have
sold as high as § 10.50
for jackets that have
sold as high as § 10.
for children's jackets
that have sold as high
as § 3. US.
To morrow
at 8 O'clock
Even Greater Than Last Week's Sensation Come Expecting Wonderful Values You Can't Expect Too Much You'll Get More Plenty for All
Including Including most exquisite fancy black kid bead
All tlio very highest grade of fine dregs shoes , ed slippers with Louis XV heel Ladies' shoes-
and every day shoes for street wear , both drill iu winter tans , black boxcalf , willow calf , line
full dress leathers the finest vici
lined and leather patent very
lined , in box calf , willow
kid shoes , elegant turn sole shoes and welt sole
call , vici kid , French calf and other leathers
, shoes , in fact shoes of every good sort and description
in all the different weights of sole , single to
scription that were inado to retail for up to
_ triple sole , in black and in tans. SO , go at § 1.)8 ! ) a pair.
< li' i < Mi\Ti uis : OF urn.
This hlfiii la dluplayed on a Inillillnu in n
mull CJeorglu town"Teeth pullej cheap
for cash. Also music leached on the plannni
Collins on the Installment plan. Now Is thu
tlmo to bury your friends nt a reasonable
cost. We alto dig graves. "
John llrady , happening to sen bin name on
n l < eng Island soldiers' monument , went In-
illgtmntly to thu authorities and said : "I
think yon may as well take my naiim otf thu
eoldlcrs' monument. I'm not dead , no , and I
aa not dead thlrty-lho yearn ago nor any
other lime , " It did not seem lo occur to him
tbut them arc other pebbles on the boacli of
It Is proposed to changu the civic cliaiter
of Vancouver. 11 , C. , to that men whoso
wjvi'g ov\n proper ! ) may linvo two > oti .
Thua ihu henpacked husband whoso vote has
ahuiyb hcrctoforo uxproBsotl his wife's opin
ion ut the polls will now be nblu to nullify
it by hi * own vole without fuar of a family
jur What provUlon Is to be made wbun nil
the property U In thu wlfa'g immo a device
na popular In Vancouver an olHinvhcre hus
not yet been ooiuiderod.
The nebo ( red mnn U to be represented at
tuo Paris t uoHltloti aftur all. but not In hU
orlgtuul war palut and. whoopa. Thu
band of the Carlisle Indian school , some
sUty strong , will go to tlm French capital
i with their musical instiumenlh and with a
glco club to sing college eongs. There will
julsn bo an Indian maiden , who will play
Uolln holes fiojn the best composers. This
! vvhllo It may not ho us picturesque as though
| Uulfalo Hill hud had the arranging of It , will
i undoubtedly furnish iho French with a
valuable object lesson im to the softening anil
rellnlng Influences of civilization.
j The most prominent pis In the country is
i again in the public \lew , this tlmo In a law
suit Bugasta was purchased by Iloatsvvnin
Oluf Olson of the Olympla in Manila and im
mediately became the muscot of the ad
miral's ilugahlp. Arrived In this country
Olben rented the pig for exhibition purposss
to 11 Iloston concein for J25 a week , und An
drew Olsen. a boarding house Jieeper there ,
claiming that Oluf hud given him the anlmul.
haa colloctiMl } 50 from the cxblbltora. Olaf
declares ho never gave nway the mascot and
la suing for the money. Plaintiff and de
fendant arc not related.
Hut few bstandors at the arilval of train
No. 10 nt the Brio station Wednesday , t elates
the Meadville d'a. ) Star , noticed that
the pilot of the locomotive contained'a
passenger. Standing on thu little tit op. or
footboard , at the bottom of the con catcher
We have made sweeping re
ductions in our furs and space
will not permit us to quote prices
but we earnestly ask you to see
, was a man , unj with his hair blowing
In the wind. All the uay from Greenville ,
i twenty-glx miles , ho hail occupied that posi
tion , where a loosening of his hold on au un-
' iibiial jolt of thu engine would ha\o meant
Instant de\th. Ho had been stealing a ride
on thu train and was put off by the conduc
tor when the train reached Greenville , losing
his hat in Ihu fray. Ho hud just time to reach
the front of the engine , where ho con cell )
judged that no ono would molest him. Ho
tate4 that ho was n railroad man by profes
sion and had learned the business on the
Krlo road. When last seen ho was inquiring
iho way to the railroad oillces , where he
{ hoped to ecjiiro a job.
oi T or Tin ; ouni.NAitv.
.Me-lhouine celebrated Now Year's day with
u temperature of ill in the pliiule.
i Threw millions of peopln are said to 1 > o ro-
lelvlnv , ' famine rejlef In India and thecov -
eminent will ipentl In relief by the end of
.March JTf'.OWUiO.
Switzerland make * a monopoly of the
whlbky bufiliieus ami ut > lo dale. U 'has ' $11-
UUO.OOU on the rUhl kldo of the lodger , with
very little drnnkeniutiw.
The emperor of Germany Is collecting
jiliijlujf car < U. He hub eaniplw of some of
tiltuurlletit known ami bpeclmrns from
evwj country In the world where they are
in common line.
The tituie of South Curollna hus cleared tip
J1,7M , < X > from itn monopoly of the liquor
alntu tht > clltriM.nsury aystfin ivua
i'or suits that have
sold us high as § 15.
for suits that have
sold as high as
for suits that have
sold as high as 825.
for bkirts that have
sold aa high as § 5.
established In ISM. Us Aarller years i\ere
the least prolltable and the j > iehc-nt year Is
e-xpotteil to yield JjOO.OUO
liaeh battalion ehlef of the Now York lire
department Is shortly to lu < supplied with u
pocket tclephono. which may ho ulllxtd to
my lire ibex and -will then emiblo the o -
erator to talk dlrectlv with huadinnirterii.
The attachment IB Mmplu and the dovhe
may bo carried In an inxldo potkel.
Henjamln White , a bioktr of San Fran-
clsto. OUIIHlint hu < 'lalmu to > > the t > tub
of urn pencil with which Lincoln re-
wrotu bin liellys'burB gpce/ch on an oiuelopo
aboard the train hearing him to the liattlo-
Ik'ld. The pencil wa honowed fiom and
later returned lo iMr White's fatlmr , who !
was with the presidential part } .
A company delhtirlm ; milk In New York
olTei.s | 5UO to bn dlstllbuted to the ten
drivers vvlu > return the sreittest numlier
of Its bottles during this year. Thena bottles
tles cost the company about 5 cents each ,
und thousands of them nro retained by rus-
tomers , It Is said , as depositories for jam
und fclmllar dullcuclcx.
The kaiser. It Is said , taken great de
light In feeliiR very WIT men in uniform.
It Is In the blood Frederick the Great ,
when ho fluid nctd of propitiating hU Iraxcl-
blu old futhur , uaoj to make hint a jiriiu-jnt
of tv C foot 4 Inch or C foot 5 Inch groiutdler
That fcoflenexl the heart of Frederick Wil
The soldlern of the Fitch Homo for Sol
diers und Huller * nt Noroton , ronn. , .liuye i
preuenteil ji nnlquo iane to ) overnor j
UiiorKt ) H LaunsLmry It 1 > > of naturul log- {
uood , und upon It aic carved llken ? KCof i
thu Kovurnor und Adrnlra.1 Duwity. the i
battleship Mulnc , thu gUtu urnis und the |
state capltol , and rpprespntiitlveH of ma-
ilnes , cavalrynifii , Infnntrymen , nimH and
cannon All the ; \ork was done with u
Jaukknlfc und llle.
ftleahured by bulk , Amoilcan literature
Is prohperlng The I'uhllshciH' Weekly
records the number of new books Issued In
the L'nlted States last year at 4.74S , bcHliloH
572 now editions , an Increase of 417 over the
output of IK'S ' , of the total of C.3J1 , Includ
ing new editions , 3 , 2 were books by
Amerlcnn authois , and 571 were books by
foreign authors munufuctuied In the United
States. One thousand ono huncr ) d und
twenty-four worn books by Knijllsh au
thors Impoitrd bound 01 In sheet * .
The miHpcnson | bildge that Is to connect
New York with lloboken will lit' tlin long
est nf Us kind , liuvlnt' u span of 2,730 feet.
It Is estimated that the bridge , with Its
approaches , will cost ICO.Ooo.oOi ) mid It will
not be met by John I ) . Hoekefeller or Au
di ew Carnegltt cither , but by the plain
people. Probably the bridge will be double-
dcikcd und provided with u carriage road ,
a footpath , a bicycle puth ami four trolley
cur tracks on the upper deck , beside the
MX tracks for regular steum railroad ,
freight und passenger trains on the main
Nlohohih Kuhnon. who celebrated hlv
Mill birthday lai-t Wdilntntday. In the oldotit
living citizen of I'lilcugo , when ) he IMS
llvt > a tilncu 1Kb
Aim. Mar > Hrjan Ccibb , Kreut-graiid- '
molhur of VIIllam J liryan , In living nuar ,
Kokomo , Intl. , ut ihu ut'ti of l > i. unU la In i
to make room for new purchases.
MOO ynrclu All Linen Toweling [ ja
worth JOc go at "D
yard w
.I3r extra largo Knotted Krlngo a rp
Towels as long as they last Bn3
they ga nt each Iw
$2.00 lionistltched Damask Tnblc
Cloths , 8-1 Blze ffRO
go at SrHHTl
each ty
$1.f.O S-l Hemmed Tnblo
Cloths , go Monday nt
$1.25 Slllc nmbroldercd Dresser ff \ \
Scarfs Monday flfi'HJf *
each . "VWU
50c Drcesor ScnrN A gas
mid Tray Clolhs go at rl * tf *
each UfctfW
2Jo heavy Scotch Table Damask , il no
ns long as It lasts at H f
yard UWW
Mo fust color Turkey Hcil fljftl
Table Damask go nt Bofi
yard " 'W
llc ) Indigo Uluo and White flTJga
Tnblo Damask ff ? llP
yard & * 0U
50r very heavy all linen fi > Jk pa
Cicam Table Damask ff 'Sf *
yard ffia W
633 silver bleached < RJ < p *
all linen German Table Damask , JvjjHlP
lard $ tHy U
8"c Silver lilenched German Table Iff g i
Dnmask , 72 Indies wide , nil ts5oS
linen , -vord vavjrw
$1.00 Kull Hleached All Linen ( T& j5
Satin Finished , German foiuS ) )
\i0 Ww
Table Damnsk , yard
$1.25 and $1.50 extra quality All ( Rj C s
Linen Full Bleached Double M f5
Satin Table Damask , yard w * * W
Large size , full blenched Xi9fOi
< r
llil'iicr Napkins $
? |
do/en " U
$1.50 3-4 sl/o German Table Nap- ( J % ( f ? )
kins , all linen , full bleached , Sniffy0
dozen "
$ " 00 bleached all linen double n jpji jQj
silln Damnsk Napkins , sl/e 21- H O K3
inch dozen H * * * *
r.OO pieces Standard j J
I'l hits , go at nJJI'sC !
5,000 yards 36-inch Percale IN *
worth lOc , go at SUfi
One big lot all kind S ° _
Bleached Muslin , at gftf"
jard w V
2,000 pieces Amoskcag Apron Check fip
Gingham , everybody knows what M Bo
they are worth , on sale Monday , yd. . . . ' * "
12e Scotch and /"ftS /
Chambray Glngliuni , OS'lO
yard Wf
2ic ! White Goods , such ns India Linens ,
Oig-andies , Dimities , Swiss nud
Nainbook , on snlo Monday -
day at > ard
oxrollcnt health. Her flint hUHbanil , Loul
liryan , the ancoHtor of the democrat If
leader , \van a Koldk-r la thu war of 1812 ami
In thu Mexican war.
Abraham 12. Klmer of I'tk'a , uald to ! > '
the oldest Inhaliltant of Now V irk HIHI
liaH jiiht ccluhratiil hln ] iath hlrthdny. 1I <
uas born In AS'inri-n , Jlwklnur riuinty. ami
lust liln cycslKht fourliu'ii yearn UK" . I" "
iillicrulHO iscll jiiLHurviMl. He ILLS i l
tobaeco ulnvo ho was 10 years old
William Kail Cook , lull < ivt < l to be tin
oldctit HvIliK I''ie ( ! Maxon , obbcru-il tin
lUd .innlvoruaiy of his birth the otlur day
at Ills home In i'urtummith , 1C. J At ulli'i
bllthday reilehf.itlnliM of JMr. Cook live jj' "
tr.ttlotiH cif thu lamlly w ro iirt c-at. hut
an his health haw heea falling ihu iisiiiil
largo pjity was not liullud. Air. ' " 1Jk
was horn In 1'orttmiouth January ' . , 17U <
1'rof. William 1'oiler , < lean ol Ji. loll
( AVlHj college , rracheil his Mill lililjnl.iy n
the 10th and theio WHH a rein mculili t il <
hratlon o\ur the o\ent. The usuul ihaj'H '
oxerclbCH werei on thai day cemvuitui Jnt <
a praitso scrvlto uiloulzInK tlm worli f
llov Ur. I'oiter duiln Hie turtl-seven
ycara of hln tonneuilini with the Instliu-
tlun. I'rof. I'orler haa heoa ( onnei ti d with
the WlscoiiHln colltKO fclute IktJ
William Kcrr f I'lovldeme. H I . Is xtill
pumuliiK the iratle of wntrlimnliliiK at the
age of2 ( yearn , after Mlxiylyt"r ' work
at II. The Jewelir * C'lnular HU > . In has
! n\cntCMl jtoveral tnrloiw i loiK * . , tlun t
known biliiB our mi whU'h a IHiloi'l
jiHiUm a zl .ur Jouniu down an liii-lln"l
piano whldi tliln baek and forth al
iiitervalH In IhTfl he madi a IJI'KI worklni ;
model of the Straaburb' Cathedral clock
to make loonilui iibW purchases
1.000 dozen jards Torchon
IJdjsc * and InsiMtlon
In many diffeunt
and patterns
good quality at l' ic
I.argp bargain tablcn with lui'uin is of i > i > U3
of medium width e.vtiu line
Tou'lion Lam and Inser
tion , made by the bcbt man
ti'acliners In Kiuojfo
chrtco of this lot 3 * c
All the \rry line Kngllsh and Onuin ,
Ton lion l.aue , with Insertion to nnih-It , oc-
ait pattrins of leal Koods ,
in medium aivl very wide
widths. price
up to 25t
in tills sale at DC
1.11 KP bargain tables of LUPUS , Including
Normandy Valenciennes * .
I'oint d'Usprit not top Ori
ental , black and PI cam
Silk L.ICIM , would bo A
worth U'Kular ! ! 5i !
choice of this lot 10c jd. .
Hundreds of pieces of Laio and Hmbrold
civ All-Oxers , In renaissance and vc-r
lacv and tine embroidery effects. The iv w
thing for maklns fronts , shirt waists anil
vokes , worth up to Jl 00 , go In this sale at ,
4ic ! and G ; > L yard.
A New York importer's
sample pieces , odd and end
lots of embroidery and inser
tion , including swiss , jaconet ,
nanihoolc and cambric. All new up-to-
date pattern ; . .
SCO bolts medium and
rnrrow widths extra line
embroidery , regular price
up to in this sale ,
3'i-c yard
r.OO pieces medium width
Kmbroldury , good ,
showy patterns ,
well made
go nt S'i cents
r.OO bolts . .veryvldo Embroidery , In Swia-
Nnlnsook and Cambric , an rspoclally up-te
dale lot or patterns. Regular price woull
bo up to 3'e , In this sale 12V4c and l'ir
One immunso lot all
k ndn LlnlngB
Including Slleslas , I'er-
callnm and yard -wide
Tnffctas choice 5 cents
I'or ono ilollir jour liralth ran Im rcvtnrcd. To
liUKltatu mar provitlio folly of rourllfe , Wlimi ynur
IjodyHilr.UniiloflUvltallfl- will bo too UtI
nffuryou tlm cup of life. Quaff It , Wlirrojnrnroat
remoiljr IMt la euro tliu money In ref uniloit Vnii ran
ujk no morn.
Jr. liurklnrt'a Vpuetit/lo Compound
haBovfrt'lfii remwilr for Hlieumalliun , r „ I
Hfiilnche. Uolilj , JTyslpolaa , bcrofulii/ " " *
( iniutip itloii. I utu It mjuclf undVj
nor. W. IHuebr.
llainmortrlllr , Ohio. '
( 'no ' IllgO f'ir ' iiuiiului. . !
< ll i bam , lntlanuun'iun i.
Irrltulluuii ur ul ikll > ( , <
of in u u u rjrtilriu t
1'nllll 411 , Bill' I. I alt/ ! . '
| . fill Of * U'JuU * .
hold lijr It.-u
or trill In i Iain
\iy \ fjiprix , | , iru |
tl ( u. or I lialllK ,
( ucuur > a ( uu r