Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone 618-604. Bee , February 2 , 1000.
Purses , Belts , etc.
A counter full of the new things
to show you different from any-
thing you have seen.
SPIRAL UKLTS . Brooches.
Neat and"n6t ' hpa\y , li ; wljlte , gilt and Beautiful llttlo Novelty Hair Broaches
gun'metcl , with serpent heads ; also nt JOc , S"c nnd 30c each.
pretty Jewulfd buckles 35c , 50o and
6"C 'each. . ' Pearl Brooches , with Jeweled settings ,
S5c each.
ID new iliadcd , < 5f brown and prays , made Small Miniature Drodchcjt nt'l'Oc and 2Cc
wljli ; lAlIarid socket ' 'fasteners ' 553 each.
' ' *
each. '
GAUD CASUS , \ ' Now Ideas In Chain Purses.
' ' '
Hla'ck and Cblorcd Leather 'Card Cases Sprfad Top Metal Plltso , 'wl't'.t long
, -i75c , jl.OO and $1.25 each , chaltl , oOc each.
KINGKft PUUSi.3 : M'lal ' 'hatrlalne nnd itni ? Pttt'c , vciy
IlUck Seal ringer or Thumb Purses at nnw : , oc , coc , $1.00 , ? i.s5 , $ i.s : , $2.2 ; ,
ftOo each. $300 an' $3.10 cac ! . .
HKOOrHES- A few moo : Stojllut ; Kllv.-1 Novelties
AVe -h.ivo u line of the new Hnli which ve n o celling nt half price.
'Wo Close Ou Store Satur.Iays at 0 P. M.
sTi5ii icin oiovns AM > MCCAI.IS PTTKHVS.
T. u. o. A. nuii.ui.VG , con , KITH A.\U DOUQI.AS STS.
senate. Ono senator , be-cauio of lllncsH , ban
never qualified and tbe democrats before
tlt-clarlng Mr. Goebel to be governor took the
precaution to fcrure Ms resignation , rcdur- ]
Ing tbo total number of senators to thirty- ]
BX | , of which nliicteon rotistltute a quoyiim ,
Iho resignation win written out nnd Mr. '
GoPbcl alllxed his signature before th ? sea- ]
slon was called. <
Cinolipl'n nii-Hlon In KsptMitlvr Clinlr
IN ItcnlllriiKMl CourlK Will ! lc Ilio
Final Appeal ,
-PHANKKOKT , Ky. , Feb. 2. The demo
cratic members of the legislature effected a
regular organization today for the first time
altico the suoartng In of Governor Goebel.
The meeting of both housed was held In one
of the parlors pf Ine hotel. Preced
ing this abtlon the membcis of the senate
elected as president pro tern Senator Curler ,
who was nomlnatod for that position at yrs-
terday's ca.u < HU ? . A committee of members
of the house , composed of Representatives
Finn , Hafferty and Cochran , was also ap
pointed to draw up a set of resolutions show
ing the rendition of affairs as It exists at
tho-state capital today and covering thor
oughly the democratic side of the contro- <
vcrSy. These resolutions will bo forriiilly
presented to the next session of the demo- j
cratlc members to be held Monday. '
The session , which lasted for nearly two
hours , was kept as secret as possible , 'for
fear of possible Interference. No further
nesHlonH will be held until Monday , adjourn
ment having been taken until that time ,
and probably no further attempt will be
made to hold sessions In the state house.
After ratifying thqlr former action In
regard to the governorship and lieutenant
governorship , considerable- discussion took
place ns to the plan of action to bo tnUeq
In regard to the sesslop of the legislature
called by Governor Taylor at London next
Tuesday. Although none of those who .at
tended flic caucus cared to discus } ) the
matter. It Kceius to bq , vell understood among
the democratic' mBnjbWj ! ot the legislature
that the scsslon at 'liotiaon will bo Ignored
sltogc'the/by 'them ' , and that no democrat
will attctlcl ' ? uifl1j- compelled to do aq. ) ' ,
It was practically decided that no .more
formal do'inands will be jnnde to hold ses
sions In-Jh'e state ho'use by the democrats
In a body , llul they wljl , , however , continue
to hold'Ues'alons" at "some convenient placd
until the political , .atmosphere has cleared.
This pldn of action was decided on to fore
stall any attempt on the part of the repub
licans to arrest them and compel their at
tendance at London , which action , accord
ing to the democratic members , has been
determined on by Governor Taylor.
DcinoeriilN Will Aol Ut-Hlnl.
It arrests are attempted no resistance will
bo made by the democrats , either to the
arrest or to attending the session at Lon
don , should they bo arrested. H was de
termined ithat all acts of violence should bo
avoided and that the battle for supremacy
hereafter should be fought out In the couns.
Nevertheless , the situation tonight Is re
garded ns a grave ono by members of loth
parties and no one Is willing to forecast the
result of the anticipated clash of authority
between Governor Taylor and 'the ' ( state
Some action Is expected at the seaslcn
Monday In regard to offering a reward of
$50,000 for the arrcbt and conviction of'h (
would bo assassin of Governor Goabcl.'The
democratic leaders to a man are In favor o
uuch action , and , although only a small
proportion of the rank and file of the dcmo-
I' ' crnthj logl la orff.havp been coueuljcll , It 1 *
cgnxidered. i\robnblo 'UiJt favorable action
11. , ' will be JqKen .matter when it 1 ?
brought Before them- lit regular session.
Nfttlonul Commlttceman Urey Woodson , who
Is ono of the chief advocates of the measure ,
snkl t6nlght that hn had llttlo doubt lhat
the reward would he.offered.
? fo On i- ID Allotted In lOnleiIhe
IlullillDtrVli4re ( iovi'rnor
Taylor IN.
PKANKFOIIT , Ky. , Feb. 2 Governor
Taylor this morning ordered that nobody
should b admitted to the'grounds of the
Clpllol under any circumstances. The
ImrtBiM which heretofore Imvo entitled hold >
era to go through the lines were taken u [
m < soon as presented. The object of ! b <
DOW orders U to prevent any civilian froir
tcrving uny legal papqra upon him. U I :
the Intention of the dcmoraft ; to secure ai
Injvinctlc n at -o'clqck tomorrow' inbuilni
restraining Governor Taylor from Interfpr
IDR In nny way with the meetings of tin
legislature and enjoining him nnd Lleutcuan
Governor Marshall from exercising the fuuc
tlons of state oinccra.
There 13 no Chance whatever that scrvlc
will bo secured on Governor Taylor , as th
rxfcuilvn building Is circled by sentries nn <
an eullrc csmpany U posted nlcbt and d > i ;
In .tho ante room Just outaldo his office
Hvrrjr civilian uho could possibly be
bfarer of lega | ilocuinfuts will be tunic
back by the enldlcrsr -
No attempt has bevn cnude to enforce th
pardon of Douglas Hayes.
rtoveruor Taylor , by hie retinal t
"Good Beginnings
Make Good Endings. tr
You mt m&king A good beginning when
you commence lo take Hood's Sarsapurilla
for any trouble of your blood , stomach ,
kidneys or lever. Persistently taken , this
great medicine 'will bring you the good end
ing of perfect health , strength and 'vigor.
iccognlro the state courts , has placed him
self In su.'h.a no4l'lon that he cinno' make
legal proccBa aKaliiKt the wrrdcn. The c t
thing left for hln to do Is to liberate Hayes
by force , and ho has evinced no dlsposlllot
as yet to employ this means.
The democrats' plan 18 to make a formal
demand for admlsshit 'to ' the legislative halls
In the state hquse e.very day. As on yester
day , they will be denied admittance by the
militia , all of which , wjth the exception ol
two companies from BarbouiBVlllo , will re
main here. These two companies have been
orddicd to London for tbo , meeting of the
legislature there next Tuesday
Governor Taylor gives no Intimation ol
abrogating his proclamation calling for thr
leglslatuic lo assemble at London. He It
making all arrangements for the sesslor
there. Many republicans went home lasl
night and this morning , all Intending golni
to London Monday.
"It Is ptobablo that a quorum will not be
present nt the opening session of the legis
lature , " said Representative yarberry , "hill
there will bo before TueHday night , of thai
you can rest assured , "
He spoke with great confidence and crcatei
the Impression lhat appears to be prevalpnl
that the republicans'have something In re
serve. Every effort to discover what the re
publicans propose to do Is baffled either b >
Iho restriction placed around those In au
thority to speak or reticence on their part.
An effort to reach Governor Taylor thl ;
morning was mot by the statement thai
he refused to be Interrupted ; that he wai
engrewed In giving attention-to other mat
ters that affected the welfare of Kentucky ;
that he had given out no statements foi
publication , would not now and did not know
when he would.
Toll * r'onnirllnnStories U OK n rill i
III * Whir < * n1 > outN UurliiK
. . .Slioolliif ; .
FRANKFORT , Ky. , Fob. . 2. Conetabli
Harrod , ' the fTlcer.'who jtook liarland Whit
taker , the nllegea assmjaln , \ < f Loula\llle
, vllle , told that ho-had' sort'cr S3.QOO at honj :
and $ , " 1 In hki pocket which ho Would glvi
to bo allowed to escape. The olllcor alsi
says that Whlttaker contradicts the state
ment of Captain Davis , in whose oompan :
ho was found when arrested. Uavls Insist
that Whittaker wao sitting In a room ad
joining Governor Tayjor'8 ofllcp when th
shot that felled Senator Goebel was fired
Constable Harrod says that Whltta'ker as
1 scrts ho was on the third floor of the build
I Ing.
j To Klcot Ouclifl'N StttTfHHor ,
I COVINGTON. Ky. , "Fob. 2. There hav
been reports of public meetings being hel' '
at Goebel's homo during 't.ho week to adop
resolutions and take other action , especial !
that of olteilng a reward for the would-b
I assassin , but some thought It nol ntfvlsabl
at the present time. There wns jnhch excite
ment In the city tonight over Iho Informa
tlon brought from Frankfort by Goobel'
friends that there would , bo n special clue
tlon called for Kontcn to select a successo
for Gccbcl as senator. It Is asserted tha
Acting Governor Bcckbam will at .once announce
nounco the resignation of Goebol as oennta
to become Kovornqr aiH ] have the usual cal
i Issued for a special election. It IB' concede
I that Mayor Ilhlnock , the. close friend of Gnc
j bel , will secure the democratic nomlnatlor
I which Is equivalent to election.
.SiiHon II el 11-ved lo HiIn HII ne.
LOUISVILLIVKy. , Feb. 2. A uanant fo
the arrest of Jumes'L. Button ; the Whltle-
county sheriff , charging him with itinllcluu
el'ootlng with Intent to kill , reached hci
tonight from Frankfort. Button Is thougl
by the Frankfort authorities to have clthc
been Implicated In the attempted as as
slnatlon of Governor Gochc ) < ir to have In :
IK riant information an lo the idontlty (
the real culprits , Sutton lips acted queer ]
oltico h ! arrest \Yqdnccay ) and limn
ptoplo hero bellevo him tp be'inontally ui
balanced. District Attorney. HUl nnd Pos
ofilco Inspector Lester , . , wlqahAvo' ; know
Sutton for many yeare , do not bfjlovo 111 :
guilty. Lester said today ; "I bellovp U
man la tcmix > rarlly Insiune , 'Jhere Is insat
Ity In tbo family. "
Hoiine for r.oehellleN.
JACKSON , Miss. , Feb. 2. A't the sesalc
of the lower houno today a 'resolution wi
unanimously adopted indorsing thp conn
pursued by the democratic oleraont o'f tl
Kentucky legislature. The icsolutlon Oi
plorcd the attempted assassination of Go' '
ornor Goebel and teneluicd sympathy to h
relatives and supportcm.
Full from J.iulilern "While llallllii
\unlrikl : : Xi"l > , ( > < > 0 Illnre nl n
U'holekiiie tirobyr > -
CHICAGO , Fcb , 2.-At 13:30 6'rlock ted ,
fire broke oufln the third * tory of Spragt
Warner & t'o. ' Idg wholeyle groscry bull
Ins nt Michigan .uveriW" and Haudol ]
streets , spreading , wpldl ) ' * j Two/nr'cm
were seriously In ure4 by falling.
Daniel Flynn , . twck , company No. 2. f ,
from n ladder , at the ( j9ond rQvr | nu.d w
Injured Internally , . -
William Fleming , a , jl'lporoau , Jrll frvm
ladder at the third tloor nml 'A us' Injured I
Ftars were felt fci the jjiiblc ) libra
building for some time , but a was thouj
the flaaits could be cinflned to the grace
lulldlns. At 1.30 the v.ost wall , IQ donl
whkh flro company No. id wag working , fe
Nonu of the men. vrati hur ( .
Can ml n After .Nelinmlcu
GIJNUVA , Nth. , l.'cb. 2.SpccUl. ( . ) -
number ot Flllmoro couaty faimoia ha
gone to Alberta , Canada , and vicinity
Investigate eondltlnns there Inducenier
to settle are being offered by the gover
Nebraska Senator Asks that Investigating
Committee Bo Appointed ,
IIIx Ai'iiilKiiiiU'iit of Ilioiliiiliilntrii -
llon N liitrrniiituil I > J dill ' " '
Orttcr < l < my ( , 'nxr'H \
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2. An cffp'rt by Sen- i
ntor Pettl rcw nf South. Dakoln. to dlBctus j
the Philippine question Id the senate today
Win of ito avail , ns ho wa.n mrl hi ; u pclnt ]
of order which look him frm ; tlto I'spr. ' ll'J
had gotten tnly BO far as to charge that the
Kieat journals of the country \\ould not
publish the "facts conccinlnu the ( Philippine
war. Subse'qiuiitly ; ho offered Another reso
lution on wl'lch 1'C will spenk .hcxt wcok.
' Senator Allen of Nebraska concluded his
speech In arraignment of Secretary Oage because -
cause of his transactions with the National
City nnnk of New York. .lib Mid _ prevl-
ously Introduced u resolution prrirltllliR'for
an Investigation by tho.renate of th6 Tfen ( > -
ury drpaUmdnt , bttf objection lo Its tolisld-
crallon sent It over until next week. '
Somn debate wna precipitated by u rccom-
mrndatl'.n from the conimfttce on District
of Columbia that the bill Incorporating the
Whlto Cross association of America bo re
ferred to the committee on foreign relations.
Allen of Nebraska. Us author , objected to
such a reference , declaring U was a covert
means of throttling the bill. The subject
finally vent over.
A resolution olfcrrd by Harris of Kansas ,
calling upon the secretary of the Interior
for nil reportH and papers i elating to the
management of the Osaco Indian Hgeticy ,
was passed.
Allen of Nebraska offered a -solution that
a committee ot nine members of the seh
ate be appointed to make an Investigation of
the transactions between the Treasury de
partment and the National City and Han
over banks of New York , and other banks ,
ec March i , 1807 nnd-also to Investigate
the sale of the old custom house property In
New York. Aldrlch objcctrfd and the reoolu-
tlon went over.
Mr. Pettlgiew called up his resolution to
print n compilation of articles written by
tbo executive committee of. , the Antl-Im-
perlalistlc league ot Washington , D. C. , In
comment upon the report of the Philippine
commission. Mr. Pcttlgrcw ; said ho de
sired to reach the people through the plan
ho had adopted of securing the publication of
the matter ho offered In the form of a docu
ment. In support cif his resolution he said :
( rent . .lourmilNrrnlKiieil. .
"Tho great Journals ot the country are
not open to the publication of facts rogaril-
ing this matter. They will not publish what
transpires hero and the people can be
i cached only through the plan I Have
adopted by securing the publication of the
document. The great newspapers arc sup
porting the policy of the administration and
we have been driven to this course In order
to got the facts to the people through tlio
malls. "
Mr. Pettlgrew was proceeding wltli hls
remarks , when ho was cut off by n polrit'-of
cider. He said ho did not care to"dbj6et
to the ruling of the chair , but It In a" de
parture from the customs , practices add rlil-
irgs of the senate.
"I simply rise , " Interjected Cojkrell
of Missouri , "to Wake * a. sole'ran protest
against the ruling of the chair. I know that
he.deblres . to dp rlghl. ' lut h'ls ruling Is a
departure from 'the reg'ula .liratlhjes of the
MKJ'Hoar ' maintained thaf-'ifcfc chair's rul
ing was corrcqt. , , It was deeldcd' hnt the
Senate should adjourn. from todary"iihtll Mon
day5. " " ;
Mr. , Allen resumed his speech begun yes
terday on the stalomen of Secretary Gage
concerning his relations ' with- the National
City and Hanover banks of New York.
At 2 o'clock the financial bill was laid be
fore the senate , but no senator was prepared
to speak upon it.
Date for Unay Ili-arlnu.
Mr. Chandler gave notice that on AVednes-
day next , nt the conclusion of morning
business , he would call up the Quay care ,
at which time Turley of Tennessee would
nddre'H the senate upon It.
Several bills wcro passed as follows : To
extend the privilege of Immediate transpor
tation of dutiable goods to the port of AP-
torla , Ore. ; recognizing the gallantry oi F.
II. Newcomb , commanding revenue cutter
Hudson , of his officers and men ; also retir
ing Captain D. B. Hodgsdon of the icvenUc
cutter service for ofllclcnt and meritorious
services In command of the cutter Hugh Me-
Culloch at Manila ; to accept a site for i\ \
public building In Providence , U. I. , and
erect thereon a public building to cost ? ! , -
500,000 ; authorizing the sccielary of wui
to use $00,000,000 of the appropriations foi
Iho support of the tegular and volunlepi
army for the fiscal year ending June 30 , 10dO ;
tor the construction of a modern military
hospital at Fort Leavenworth , Kan , ; author
izing payment of commutation'of rations tc
the petty ofllcerB ot the navy who served 01 :
detached duty between March li 189S , anil
November i , ISO ! ) .
Mr. Peltlgtow offered the rcwolutlon extending -
. . tending the sympathy of the senate to tlic
o ' Hoora , preUoiiuly Introduced. b'y Mr. ' .Maaon
t mid ta\o njtlco that he w-uhl appak upon II
on Jlonday. '
The scnntu then , nl 2:10 : p. m. , went Intc
executive B < f > Ion * and at 1 o'elock adjournci
until Monday. '
1101 M ) DlnCI'SSKS l.MIIAN DIM ,
3lcllioilN oiiMiUTPil ft > r Proper' Illltt'
ciieioii or the Ite.l .Mini. < '
WASHINGTON. Fcb. 1 ! . The houdq .tudi ]
duoted Itself to the IndUn bill. It got m
further , however , than the appraprlatloni
for Indian cbols ; , when an effort was In
auguratcd by Fitzgerald t < t Now York td per
nilt the secretary of the Interior to conVuic
with schools for the education of Indlai
IS children \vhero the government lacks faclll
lu tie * ' . No provision la made for cpntruc
10 chojl in this bill. It Is claimed that th' '
' " piciont Indian school facilities nro Inadc
j"i i quatp.
13 A bill was passed granting the Natlchoel
rallruad the right to build , a hrldfio ncrqs'
the Red river In Louisiana.
A bilsk debate occurred over the bill glv
Ing to Cuban vcnvcls the meet layered na
tlon treatment In American porla. Olaytq !
of Alabama nald this was but n purl of Ui
piecemeal legislation which congreis wu
extending to Cuba. The reports of General
ly BiookH , Wil on and Lee , hp. 01)14 ) , had ahow
fj that the Cubant' were capable at selfiK ° yeru
,1" ment and that the tliuo was now rjpe ' to
, the Amcilcan Bovcrnmont to recrgnlze'th
„ '
" lndependi.nt society of Culu The bjll wn
n i passed us reported.
la I A bill was pushed granting additions
1 rights ut Plttaburg to the Allegheny , Yallp
. - *
a company.
n The prefeldont'H nie. " igo transmitting th
Philippine commission' report was recrflvo
, , and referred to the Insular committee. Ron
ht ' sldoratton of the Indian appropriation' ' bl !
ry i waj then resumed.
of llartlelt of Ooorela then4 made a tpeet ;
H , ion the southern queatlcn In reply to Llnnoj
[ The references to lynching brought out a
earnest tpeuch from Cannon of llllnqlf , cs
plaining eoruo of the stntoincnts oiade aa.t
\ I lynchliiKg In IlllnoiH , but reprobating thl
ve 'lawj of lawliuincwhcrrver It might oc
to cur-
to i Fitzgerald of New York offered an umrtid
n- merit providing thut the secretary of the lu
' terlor might make contracts with the pres
ent contract nohools for the education nf th"
Indians during the year ending June 30 ,
IftOO. A point of order was made against It ,
liHt before , Oerlstoji .was reached the com
mittee'rcftc anil at 6 o'clock the house re-
censed until S o'clock" ; the evening essslon to
be devoted to pension legislation.
r < > nufOKMii < ; n Too lluny to Attend
.Muht sY-N-lon * Tnl'lierl < o ( Illicit
1'c.ttMlitn l.rulnlnt loll ,
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2. lleprcsenlatlve
Talbert of South Carolina , who gave notlca
last week that ho proposed to block all spe
cial pension legislation at Friday night's
session until a quorum of members was
present , carriedOut , ( his threat nt tonlght'A
Kcsslnn. AHsoon.nB..lho house was called to
order ho seiiL-tn the clerk's desk and had
read Ec\oral editorials from different pa
pers warning qotiRrcts of a scheme to place
every soldier \kho had served sixty days In
the-Civil war fui the rolls , thereby Increaalni ;
pi-uilpn expenditures J70.000.000 n year.
There was to bo n return , one of the cd-
Itorlnln rend , to , the halcyon days when pen
sion attorneys .made ? 1,000 a day.
' . ' .Now nritl h\jnccfoith \ , Mr. Speaker , " an
nounced Talbert , "f shall Insist on a quorum
ot the house when pctislon bills arc under
consideration 'at tlio Friday evening ses
sions. So long us I may be uble to drag
myself to the cunllol no pension bill , and
'there ' Is no'nilalincttlltfn to this ultimatum ,
i shah pnis the1 ifouno without n quorum of
i Its members1 proBcnt , The abuse must stop.
I Innoeont people iwlll bo hurt , possibly , but
I that wlll'ottlyjioceiituato the responsibility.
I demand it quotum. If tliu house Is without
in quorum 1 nhnll.nHk . an Immediate adjourn-
j mont. If that , IB refused 1 will Insist that
the house cxhaufltt Its powers to secure n
quorum. , !
( "I bellovo the pension laws arc sufficiently
i liberal to pension every deserving soldier
1 and widow , and I am opposed to Hitting hero
every Friday night to pass special cases' If
It In to bo tlpnb there must be a quorum.
Mombors"cry aloud their love for the old HO-
! dler , but they will not give up their pink
teas and poker parties and that sort of thing
tooto penstotiB. " '
When Sulloway nt Now Hampshire , chair
man of th committee on Invalid pensions ,
moved to go into committee of the whole
to consider pension matters , only eighty-nine
members were present and the point of a
quorum wns made. A call of the house
was made uncj only 160 members responded ,
There \u\n \ gdiornl desire to adjourn , as It
wns manifestly impossible to secure a quo-
ri'm , but sonio Of the members contended
that" the absentees should be arrested ami
biought to the house. . Sulloway moved tc
"Vote it down ! Vote It down ! " cried
Norton , democrat of Ohio , and other mem
The motion was defeated 25 to 88. The
sergeant-at-arms , on motion of Norton , was
ordered to arrest absentees. Several roll
callr. on motion to adjourn followed.
On a rising" vote , yeas each time had an
overwhelming majority , but on roll calls ,
Where members A * cut on record , the nays had
an equal majority ,
At 10:30 : the house wns adjourned under
the rules , without -breaking the deadlock.
AVIliicHH for i Sviiutni * ClarUCN ( 111
' \VliltONil | < ; for tlic Other
, > Side. "
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2. The defente ir
the case of Senator Clark began the pres
entation of its sjdo of the controversy today ,
The firet half , or.lho day was given to'three
witnesses 'of the' memorialists , after \\hlcl
was rather staxtjjng in several , iespeot8. He
brought Representative Campbell , cue ot the
attorney for the prosecution , Into the con
troversy as. an active , participant In tht
matter , Baylng.CampbeI | baa promised bin
$3,000 to testify against Clark la the prosecu
tion. Ho had previously been a worker foi
j Clark , and satd.that ho acted in this nuUtoi
at the instance , of C , W. Clark , playing thi
part , as the witness put It , "of a Whlteslde
on the other /side. / "
Accordingly , he sa.ld , he had vlsltec
Campbell. After hearing his proposition t (
testify that several members of the leglslu
ture had been , to his knowledge , bribed
Campbell had agreed to pay him the sun
mentioned for the evidence , afterward agree
ing to double It. Ho said that aftcrwari
Campbell had told him that ho ( Lyons
would ruin him ( Campbell ) If he revealet
these facts before the committee , but h (
: ud never said In Campbell that the story hi
; old Campbell hp would tell was false.
Lyons related that ho had seen Campbel
nnd also Attorney General Nolan since hi1
arrival in Washington. Ho had llrst seei
Campbell ut the Halelgh hotel , when th (
latter had asked him to come before thi
committee and testify , repeating that h <
would glvo him his personal guarantee tha
ho should have the $5,000 piomlsed.
'You .know , " ho represented Campbell ai
baying , "If I should give you the money nov
and you should go belore the committee aa.
spring It on me I should be ruined. "
Lyons stated that If ho ( the witness ) dli
not got his money he would bo ruined am
had asked what the difference would be.
'Simply this , " Campbell was represented
to have replied , "to you It la only a matte
of dollars and cents ; to me > It Is reputation , '
Later , hC ; sold , he had met Campbull am
also State'Sj Attorney General Nolan In th <
corridor of the capltol , oUtsldo the room o
the committee on privileges and election ;
and thai Camphell and Nolan had both as
sured htm that he should have his pay. H
had not Been , thom slnce.
Aakcd by. Sen'ator Chandler If Charle ;
Clark , had ( ironilned him any compenoatloi
for hla uonlcc'fi In the matter , Lyons rcpllei
that plarl : hud a rccd to pay the expense
of hiring n deputy for him ns county at
torncy of Joffetson county during hla ab
ccnec , but thereJtiad been no further agreement
mont , -
Campbell conducted the cro&a-cxamlnn
tlon , and In rqply to hlo questions Lyon
eald that during the Bitting of the IcglHlatur
; any kind
j of food
5 since she left oft' coffee
\ "
\uid \ IISLH
? Posttim Food
"Coffee caused dull headaches and dlzr.l
I ness , with steady Indigestion , until I < .le
, i covered the reason of the trouble , nnd thl
j was proven by leaving off coficc and taklu
, Postum Fcod Coffee. The dUzlnesB , head
1 ? I ache und Indication have entirely dUai
" "Jly mother , Mrs. Ourllneamc , Kcnll
1 worth , O. , wp ft g/es BUffcrcr from Btoiaac
trouble and Indigestion for many years. 8h
" had to live on a very restricted diet , unt
' during the past .winter she gave up coffc
" and began using Postum Fcod Coffco ever
day.I ( la now thrcp months since sh
n made the change , nnd'e'io ' Is BO muth Ini
s proven ! ulio can caj nearly any kind of fee >
It Is evidence lo us that coffee causc-l th
trouble and taut , the Postum Food CofTc
helped to build her back Into health an
strength , " Wra. J , Mr Gould , W Farming
hon , 0 ,
he had been In Helena , keeping thp Houlder I
county delegation In line for Clark nnd that
he had received $250 for his expenses. i
He denied having made various statements
concerning the purchase of votes of mem
bers of the legislature nttrlbutcJ to him by
Campbell , and some of which were also
said to have been made by Attorney Ucuoral
IIAV .SUMS .MO.M2V TO Kilt ( Mill.
TrniiNiiiltH I'liiuN for Itrttrflt nf llocr
\\ldiiUM unit OrnlitiliN ,
WASHINOTON , Feb. 2. Secretary Hay
has received the num of $750 , rollected by
the St. Louis Wcstllchp Post nnd transmit
ted lo the department of state by Mr. Pre-
torltis , to be used for the benclU of the
widows and orphans of Ilocr soldiers.
Tr-o secretary has forwarded the , moripy
, by Iho malls lo Adclbert Hay , United States
I consul nt Pretoria , to bo turned over lo
] President Kruger for the purpose speci
fied. Mr. Protorius' letter was alsj scut
, forward.
The action of the State department. It Is
c.\plnlnod , applies only to contributions for
ebatltnblo objects.
Srrnraiil-n-VI-IIIN til l'lillailrltlili | .
MILWAUKKU , Wit. , Feb. 2. Gcorgo N.
Wlswell of this city has been appointed
8crgcant-nt-nrni4 ot the republican national
convention , to be held nt Phll.idelphla next
June. Wlswell received a letter today from
J. H. Manley , chairman of the subcommltteo
having the matter In charge , notifying him
of his appointment. Wlswell wim first as-
! slstant sergeant-nt-arms of the national re
publican conventions at Chicago In JSSS , , nt
Minneapolis In 1S02 and nt St. Louis In 1890.
Ho was also United States marshal for the
eastern district ot Wisconsin during Presi
dent Harrison's administration.
-\t > Viui-rli'itiiN Shot l > .v Torrcx.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. Mr. Darnell , the
United States consul nt Nogales. Mexico ,
has telegraphed the. Stnto department that
i there Is not n word of truth In the story
' that six Americans wore shot by order of
' General Torres , near Guaymas , because they
were fowid with the hostile Yaquls.
STO--S TIIH roiHii. ; *
unit WorkN OIT ( lie Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets cure a
cold In one day. j cure , no pay. Pilcp , 23c.
Anivrlciiii ANsnoliitloii of Huso Hall
CluliH IN Filially nil Ai-
Hiirril Kic't.
PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 2-The meeting
of the American Association of Unsp Hall
Clubs came to an end today and the asso
ciation may bo said to be u tact. Six cities ,
Boston , Haltlmore , Milwaukee , Detroit ,
Chicago nnd St. Louis , have signed the
agreement , onch furnishing a $1,201) ) bond.
Providence and Philadelphia have not yet
signed , but the former Ims pledged Itsulf
to furnish the bond us soon as this city
registers. Uufore adjourning finally the
delegates appointed u committee , consist
ing of H. I ) , Quinn , Milwaukee ; Thomas
McCarthy , Boston , and J. .1. JlcGruw. Balti
more , to remain here and arrange ihe
Philadelphia end. The next meeting will
be held In Chicago , February 12.
After the meeting JIcGraw announced
that there wns ample money forthcoming
to support a club in this city. The com
mittee ot three has been given full power
to select the backers for this city , but It Is
'not likely they will imvo uny report to
make before the meeting In Chicago. The
personality of the backers * under considera
tion Is shrouded In mystery p.t present , McGraw -
Graw stating that he had nat the authority
to publish their names. McGraw said he
could not tell how long the committee
would remain bore.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 2 President N B.
Younif furnishes the following- statement :
The new American association which will
be operated tlu > coining season In harmony
with the National league and the orRanlza-
tlons under the protection of tha imtlomr.
ugroomnnt , hits no conujictloii with the o-
callecl association reported to be making an
attempt to orsniilze In Philadelphia. The
No.'Momtl 'league and American association
of professional bane ball clubs own and arc
In possession of the title "American asso
ciation" and Mich title cannot be adopted
or used without their permission. Tlio as
sociation which has been organized has
made proper application for thp rlKht to
assume the mime wlion relinquished by the
present National league and American as
l.-N Him Out III ( lie Tlitrteelilli
! > > ii VIcloiiM Hook Ileloiv
( lie Heart.
NEW YORK , Feb. 2-Jop Herlisteln of
this city was knocked out by "Kid" Uroad
in the thirteenth of what was to have been
a twonty-llve-round bout before the Broad-
li way Athletic club tonight.
I From the first round Broad WUH on the
i aggressive' and he punched Bernstein about
, the body , Bernstein occasionally getting his
i right hard to thehead. . Bernstein used his
1 left cleverly , gettliiK to tin- face and heud
I frequently and in the thlid round Brorid'H
I right eye wns puffed from the elTe-ct of
. some of these blows. In the thirteenth
Broad rushed Bernstein and landed a
! vicious hook below the heart. Bernstein
i fell against Broad and clung to his arm.
s Broad backed away and Bernstein fell
. heavily to the floor. Ho tried to get up , but
fulled and was counted out.
In the preliminary bout Joe Ilurnt of
Philadelphia defeated "Young" Thoimm of.
this city at the end of the Hlxth round.
oil the HuiiiiliiK Truck * .
SAN FHANCISCO. Feb. 2. Wentlier
cloudy and track ; jood at Oakland today.
H'-suits :
First race , five furlongs , nelllng : Ulp-
rlano won , Vlchers second , Lady Urltannlc
third. Time : l:02l : .
Second race , ono and one-eighth miles ,
selling : Tom Calvert won , Senor.i Caesar
second , Delecta third. Time : l'M\ .
Third race , one and a half mllPH , min > e :
Holllck won , Qalenbrown second , Thorn-
wild third. Tlmp : 0lfl : < Xj.
Fourth race , seven-eighths of u mile , hell
ing : Maraeto won. Hurry Tlioburn bceond ,
Cormorant third. Tlino. 1:2791. :
Fifth race , ono mile and one-sixteenth ,
free handicap : Potentp won , Dr. Neinliula
fecund , Catastrophe third. Time : 1MGV& .
Sixth race. hoven-elBhtliK of a mile , hell-
Ing : Louis 15. MeWhlrlor won , Flora Hlnl
second. Mont Knglo third. Time : ijliS
NEW CHILEANS , Feb. 2. Today's race
summaries :
First race , .spiling , seven furlongs : Ne.
knrnl.s won. Dabrlilu second , Corlulls third
Time : l:2SU :
Second race , six furlongs : Pholla won
Rtfa Fonso bccund , Slddurth tilled. Time
'Third nice , one mile : J. K. Cllne won
CJminnali Parker second , Tip Oalhiut third
Tlmo : 1:11. :
Fourth nice , handicap , ono and ono.
eighth inllcH : Uiirniiirlu won , Our Ncllli
second , Strangest third. Time : 1H',4- : ,
Fifth race , hplllnB. nix and oiic-luilf fur.
longs : Cotton Plant \von , Thurlee second
IJunker Green third. Tline 1J'J4. : !
lluiiuli t.el UcclHloii on u I'oul.
CHICAGO , Feb. S Maurice Haudi wet
on a foul fiom 8lg Hart nt the Fort Dear
born Athletic club tonight. Hart , nlllioiiBl
repeatedly warned to break < li' fij , liuiiK m
In the eldiehcri and WUH dlmiuu IflPd In tin
third round. Itaurh had u decldpd advan
tHBO In the llelitliiK "H f r us It went nm
would nppunintly Imve knoek-vl Hart oil
lipfoio the end of the nix rounds. Tliej
met nt 110 pounds.
In one nf the preliminaries Con Sulllel <
of ChlcaKo knocked out "Spider" Onrrltj
of New Orleans In the t-econd round.
I'oul Cliiiiuiiliili llrenUN n l > lic ,
The pool match for n purse of 100 be
twcen Alfred l > pOre , eluiinplon of tin
u01 111 , nnd Fred I'cjlon did not tnke iihici
In tlu Jllllard billiard hall Friday night ni
adverllst'il. Payton ? uyt > he IUIKII'I heun
from UPO.IO iliien he n-cclved n tcleKnin
from lilm two weeks n o navliiR IIP wouli
bo here Februury 1 or 'i to pluy u 100-poln
game ,
| > riii lilcncc ( o Sln > Out.
I'llOVIDCNf'i : , II. I . Fob. 2. The Provl
doiuo club will " 'it lie IdeiitttlPd with tin
American uKHoclutlon which has been It
aiixslon at Philadelphia. At the mfutlng o
the dtreetolH of the club today Insulllclcn
gtrenKth was uh wn to warrant this clt ]
In easting Us lot with the proposed nev
l.unler Iliiill ) 1'iiiilHliril.
HOT Pf'HINOS. Ar Frb I TommJ
Hyan f ri raru-c wins dveu the ileclsloi
over fJfnrpe Liwler of Detroit after Ihlr
teen roiuul tills ufternoiin LuwK-r uu-
bidl > puiHHheil , thoiv h he had the udvan.
tago In weight and rear h Champion Jamei
J , Jeffries acted us timekeeper.
M rccr and Stark Lead in Pushing Appro
priation Through House !
SiuKli DnKoln AUciiiplN toineinl tlic
Forrnl' HcNcrA ' ( Slinlloiilie
In CiiiiNlnir .siillirrliiuil lo
AVorr > .
WASHINGTON , Fob. 2. ( Special Tele
gram. ) n\ery Item of Interest to the Indian
RCr\lce , | n Nebraska , South Dakota , Iowa
nluMVVomlng remains In'the-Indian bill as
It was reported from the house committee
on Indian affairs , and which was taken up
today , by .the lower house of congress , but
not completed. The Item appropriating
$10.000 to carry Into effect a former bill es
tablishing an Indian supply depot at Omaha
went through without u single question
being raised against It. \
Members of the Nebraska delegation ,
headed by Mercer for ths republicans and
tnrk for the democrats , followed the bill
during the entire time of Us discussion."The
j t delegation was re.idy to put up n strong ll ht
j for Its retention , but not even a word In
explanation was necessary.
The house wore Itself out listening to
members on the achievements of the Dawos
commission , whlcb , ncccrdl'.ig to congiesamon
Interested , Is about the only commission that
has 'b cn a real practical working body.
Congnmn-an Gamble attempted to get his
bill .Inttoditced on Wednesday amending the
forest reserve net before the house for con
sideration , but Representative Lotirt of Cal
ifornia objected < ind the bill wont over.
dn explanation of howl's objection. Gamble
staled ; "There Is no objection \\
the measure except on the part of Loud , who
was strenuously opposed to the original law
and Is now standing In the way of any mod
ification of lhat bill In order to bring about
the repeal of the entire forest reserve1 leg-
Isfa'll'on. My bill seeks only to reduce time
of advertisement , and in cases of emergency
gives lllo commissioner of the general land
office the right to sell fallen timber without
advertisement. I have no doubt but that
Speaker Henderson will give mo another op
portunity to pass the measure , which Is
meritorious and much needed in our sec
tion. "
riiocnlx nml Dm IN OlNiiilxscil.
Hlchanl Phoenix and J. A. Davis , who
tire under bonds to appear before the
federal grand Jury In May , on a charge ot
inverting moneys of the Postofllco depart
ment from station H In Omaha , have hern
dismissed from the postofilce service , on rec
ommendation of Inspectors having charge
of the cabe. Mercer and Thurston asked
that the men bo suspended but not dis
charged , pending the result of the trial , but
the postofnco. decided upon dismissal on
the findings of the inspectors.
Chairman Hull of the house committee on
military affairs , introduced today his long-
promised bill Increasing the number of mil
itary cadets to West Point from 362 to 472 ,
giving to each member and senator In con
gress one appointment to each teirltory and
District-of Columbia one and twenty ap
pointments at largo to the president.
The announcement that A. L. Shallen-
bergcr of Alma will be a candidate fo'-
congress against TUioderick Sutherland , I'.i
present mcmbpr from the Fifth Nebraal.1 :
district , is causing Sutherland considerable
uncaslnt'sst Shallcnberger Is a banker ;
that may .be the only thing ngalnst him ,
In the minds of the populists , but otherwise
he is said to be entirely acceptable. Ue la
an , orator pf no mean ability and has a
targe pejsonal following. Sutherland hone's
that congress1 wl'll get through In' Mriy. sb
that'he moV havc'sufflclenl time to fix "his
fences before his congressional convention
comes around.
A favorable report was made In the senate -
ate today on Warren's bill for the erection
of a public building at Bvanslon , Wyo. , to
cost 1100,000. There Is n6t much chance for
this bill to pass the house at this session ,
for word has been passed around that no
now buildings will bo authorized until the
short session.
Congressman Gamble and niyke today
called at the Interior department In behalf
of Agent Stephens of Crow Creek , S. D.
The latter has left for South Dakota and It
Is understood that he will not be disturbed
in his position.
J. E. Wcmple wart appointed postmaster
at Lindsay , I'latte county , Nebraska , vice
L. Pryor , resigned. Also , Jasper Jensen at
Poplar , Audubon county , Towa.
An order was lesued today establishing a
postofflce at Truesdale , Uuona Vista county ,
Iowa , with Jacob Lowry ae postmaster.
I'liHlniiiHler Smith VlmlliMilcil.
WASHINGTON , Kcb. 2. The committee
investigating charges that certain federal
appointees were polygamies received a re
port today , forwarded to- Chairman Loud
from the United States attorney at Logan ,
Utah , stating ( Hat no indictment was pend
ing ngnlnst former Postmaster Smith of
Logan for polygamy or unlawful cohablla-
tlon. A further report , on another ofllclal ,
Is yet to bo icccivcd.
IMililIc IliillilliiKN Aulhorl/.i-il.
WASHINGTON , Keb. 2. The sdnate com-
nlftteo on public buildings Tind grounds to
day authorised favorable reports on build
ings at Selma , Ala. , NatchoMiss. . , and
Evaneton , Wyo , each to cost $100,000.
It may fee true of virtue that " , But ftp
wish tntre1 virtue is to.gain , " but it Is
not true * that mailing for Health'britrgs
us a step nearer the realization of our
wish. Health must be'sotight And striven
for. There are more than half n million
people who have found health , each in
the ; same way , and by the same means.
That way and means are oppa to. yon , . „ ! (
you are suffering with obstinate , liiljjer-
injj eolith- bleeding of'tho' lung's , broii-
chills , emaciation , weakness , a condition
which if neglected or unskilfully trqnleJ ,
lends to consumption , begin at o'tfcu tbe
use of Dr. Tierce's Golden Medlfal'Dfs-
covery. It never falls tb help. It per
fectly hcnlB iiinfety-eiglit otlt 'of every
liunured who give it a'fair utid faltliful
trial. -
. ,
Sick perfions are , invite , ) ! to cofiBtit | Dr.
Pierce ' by letter "absolutely free of all
fee or charge. Every letter is held as
strictlypriVatc.and sacredly confidential ,
and all answers arc senl-fn plrtin envel
opes bearing no printing upon then ! .
The experience of Dr Pierce Often en-
obles him lo suggest auxiliary treatuieht
specially adaiited to the individnul ctfatf.
Address Dr. K. V. Pierce , Buffalo , N. Y.
"Atwut cue year ago I I'ceaii lo be Iroublrd
withadrj'.hackinBcouirh atidnlmitlntft iroueli
my brew t otlmt IrouM ImrdlyifO About or uo
my hounc work for inywlf ud hu b nd , ' it rites
JIr . Alice Ilolton. of ht AlbJns. Kaiuwlm Co. .
W Va. " 1 let my troiitlc K" on until about
eight mvntlit utio I got one of Ur , K. V I'ierc1 *
little paiutihlcu. f learned of a great remedy
for iuch dlseatts and I wrote to the World1 *
ll.n > cntary Medical Ai/ociallun In a Miort time
allcr readlnn Hie little book. They noon gave
an .iiuwtr and adtikrd me tvlmt lo do. I lo |
luwfd Ihelr nnd 1 teen found relief by
theiiMofDr K V fierce' * Golden Medical plv-
covcrv. 1 have used three bottle * of U and uow
frr\ \ like a flew pencil '
Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets do not
become a necessity to Uic sy-sttn ) .they
have relieved of accumulations and ob-
015 PEU , T n S - cH5 < 2 %
CogS > pS ,
ouy me GEMUINE- WANT o
Purely e utat > Ip. MM rtnl Ui-liab n.
SU-U Jlcmliu-lic. HllliiuBiiriio.
liullKcitlnn , Tiirnlil I.lvcr.
Illrzy KvclliiKHt DjHjirjoln.
One or two of Iladwa > s IMlltuU > n dal'y
by those subject to bilious uti- < ana or-
pldlty of the Liver , will l : * p tin'ystcm
regular and M'quie healthy d
The following symptoms resulting from
Disease of the Digestive OrgaiiR. CVusllpa
tlon , Inward piles , fullness of the blood In
the head , acidity of the .stomach , nau-so.i.
heartburn , disgust of tood. fiilnt" " . 01 weight ,
i in thr , stomach , sour eructations , s ilkJ
I In ? or fluttering of the heaif , e'liok'nir ' or
1 pulTocalliiK sensations wln'n In n lying P/n /
ture , dimness of vision. dizylnusB on rlx'ng
'suddenly ' , dots or webs before Iho slsht.
fever and dull pain In the head , d llcleui v
I or perspiration , yellowness of HIP ! ai'il
eyes , pain in the side , cluist. limbs on I
' sudden flushes of heat , burning In ill * 0"-H.
! A few doses of KADWAY'S I'll Lw 11
frre the system of all the above named ii-
i Price. 25 cents per box. Sold bv
I gist * , or sent by mall
nnitiiny * ( ' . , an ICIm St. , "Setr
Best Dining Car Service ,
Marluni Wine. World Famous Tonic
Itppommendrd throughout the norJJ
by the Medical Profce > slon , and ilurlue
thlrty-llvo jearw pronounced the nio t
icllablc , effective and agreeable tonic
and stimulent. Prcevnts Grip.
All Druggists. Refuse Substitutes.
All excellent rotnpany. headed by FrPil-
erlck Murphy , Marie Lamour anil FranUlo
I'opuhir prices at-both performances.
ETcTY E > ' S
famous'l , ' , , Kt'l ' > .
The famous
fight bi . „ , . . .
' George 'Slier ! , I ! , - / > * ' ! . . , , .t nutK''rurt ' .orl . y
nnd referee , will lotn ' < " Hie 111.111 ui
every is.rrorm.iin ' rii n pi lies
8:15 :
TinlHHl Tno
Alii mat 2-V , elflldrcil , JUc . gallery 10t
TONKilir h 13 ; 0S Mni ) i
\v turn MI i : n < ; ii ( .o .
.srt\'i'ON .v Mom.Vv : ! *
( . ICIITIII 1)15 HI TIiKUli U , . . -
nvnY iirrn
Next Wer-h-CttUHfUo'v ' A 'jV UA'i N
and fix other nitP that wJnaK | | ) the lii ii
snow of the KPUHOII ' . * '
l Treat.
Blind Bootie ,
- AsslBtcil llj-
ST ni/ / I/T / ;
Jan , 31 nrant Street * niirlBtanrdiur ( ] h
Feb. 1 Flm M. ' IJChurch. .
Feb. a HaiiHCom Paik M. 15. Ohurcln
Feb. 6-Trnlty |
Fcb , C Klmt M. , B , Qlttjrth , iJputh lOmaha
Feb. 7 Hroadway M. i : . Church ,
u7onch"i ) > allU Far-