10 THE OMAHA DAILY 33EE : WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 31 , li)00. ) COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL All Grains Olosa Lower , WbeatLeeding , am Provisions Are Depressed , MAY WHEAT CLOSES 11-2C UNDER MONDAV tliitldnlliin | Aiiliunteil bj llmtAr , i-ntlnc PliiRiir Will .Not .Mnlrrlnllj L'nrliill llxporl * . CHICAGO , J n. 30. Persistent liquidation unlmnted by disappointing rabies , n repor that lxi Plata offered Liverpool whenl under America nnd the assertion thnt tin plnKUo In ArRentlnu would nut mnterliill > i-urlnll extorts from that country , litrnei the ffi\\n \ nRiilnsl thn wlient bulls today Mny closing l'4filHo under yesterday. Con t-losed Uc nnd onts 'Atlower. . Provisions ill the rloKo were Vill2',4c. depresred. Mny wheat opened nt C91(69c ( , compared with yesterday's close nt 6nHT f'9'4c. Liver pool's ndvnnci1 wn.i a dlsnppolnimeiit ntul IMri" was decidedly lower , which Inlluenced considerable sellliiK. Mny Rrndunlly receded to 6 'jc , where trade , which had been fairly flMlve. lic-cnme quiet nnd for some time the market fluctuated between thnt tlRurr nnd Wsi'ii6S"ic ' , the latter mark bclnp touched by Hie Mny option upon Hrnd- Ftrre-'s announcement of n heavy dccrcnsr In the visible. On the hefln of till" , 'how- ' ever cjiniR a roort from Liverpool thnt l i Plain wheat wns bclnit offered lowei l-inn American. It wns furfhcr nH erted that thn plaRitu In ArRentlnc would not tna'erlally ' curtail exports from thit conn- trTho heavy liquidation which followed thc5e reports cent Mny to 67ttc , nt whlcli It Closed on n very weak market I'.tfilHc under yesterdny. Primary receipts were 359.000 hu. , ncnlnsl rot ooo lust yenr. Minneapolis and Dulutli reported 291 cars , compared with 21S last week nnd 150 a year IIRO. Receipt * herr were 45 cnrs , none of which eroded con- iirai-t Atlantic port clenninccs In whenl fltid flour were rqiinl to 190.000 bu. Thn corn mnrket was dull nnd lower , In fluenced by freer country offering , Kooil weather for movement nnd sympathy wllli when ! The i-nMi demand was Rood , sale. " amounting to EOO.O.V ) bu. Receipts hero were 46.1 c-nra. Mny runted from 31c to IB QSiftc , closing nt thr < Itottom , lie under yesterday , The trade In on-s was quiet nnd without fenture. The weakness of other fjrnlnn wac the fnctor. The cnsh demand wns tnme. nn business belnjf done here. Locnl receipts were 271 ours. May ranned from 23Jjifj2.1'- tr Zltjifi'Sl'dc , closltlR at the bottom.i , c Prriwlons were weak and lower. The weakness of 'hogs ' was partly responsible for this , hut the report of the OrntiRe Jiuld Fnnn T 'hat there were 6.10 per cent more bogs In tlio country now thnn at the same period Inst yenr wns the main considera tion The demand wiis slnok tlirouc'hotit ' the session. Mny pork sold from $10.70 to jin.fiOt10.B2',4 ? nnd closed I1 * ? under yester- dav at $10.62' . ; Mny lard from $5.S2l j In J5.8.V(7i.S714 ( , with the cloe BJi7".c depressed at * 5.R7'nnd ' Mny ribs from H.721 ; . to J5.67U , cloilnR fi'R7Hc. down nt Ji HfrR.'O. Kstlmntfd receipts tomorroxv : Wheat , 3' cap * : corn , 375 cars ; oats , 1S5 cars ; hogs , 37.000 head. The lending futures ranRcd as follows : Artlcle . | JDpeii. | lllfih. | Low."I Clo e.l Yes'y. " " Whea.t j ) ! I Jan. May 69 67 % July esH i liO'sV ! ? ' , * 'Corn Jan. .Wil SOT4 -J 31 Mny 33 Ji33ft3.1H , July . Onts- < Mny July Tork- Mny I 10 671,4 ! 10 70 I 10 60 10 6214 W 73 July 1076 I 10' 10 70 10 70 i 10 Ml * I.nrd I Mny r. 031 i 5 921 - . , 87V4 5 9.1 July 600 600 5 95 6 02 * ; Ribs- i I May B 72141 6 7214I 5 671.41 r , 70 fi 75 July G JO | 5 72il ! ; 5 75 I 5 80 NO. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows : FLOUR Steady : winter patents. J1.40T2 H.60 ; straights , J3.00i)3.33 ; clenrs. I2.POfi-3.10 ; pprlr.c srcrmls , J3.SOS3.90 ; pntents. J3. @ 3.JO ; etralghts. J2.COBS.OO ; tvjikerf. J2.10fi2.40. WHBAT No. 2 red , 6MJ70c. CORN No. 2 , 31 ; ® 81',4c ; No. 2 yellow , 3IV1 QOl c. OATS-No. 2. 23c ; No. 2 white , MUc ; No. 8 .white , 2C(32Si ( < : c. RYE No. 2. KVS3Vfc. BARLEY No , 2 , 37iff42e. SEEDS No. 1 tlaxfed and northwest , 11.66. Prim" timothy , $2.60. Clover , contrnct crade. JS.40. PROVrSIONR MCKS pork , per bbl. , J.30r ! ) 30.50. I ard. per 100 Ibs. . $ . .1.65'SG.5Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $5.6055.8.1. Dry salted nhoulder * ( boxed ) . J.l.To'irii.fX ' ) . Short clem Bides ( boxed ) , * S.77 iflC.S2' < , . WHISKY Distillers1 llnl hed goods , or. basl- high wines , per gal. , J1.23'A. ' SITJARS < 'ut loaf. Jfi.05 ; grnnulntcd , $5.49. Following are the receipts and shipments for today : Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour , bbls . 67.0OO 29,00 : < \Vheat. bu. . 4.1,000 C5,0X ( Corn , bu . 314OiW 275.00C Oats , bu . 336.COO 25G,0'X Rye. bu . 6.00t > 17.0 < X llarlny. bu . 172,000 45,00 ( On the Produce exrhance today the but ter market was steady ; creameries , 19fr2c ; dnlrlos , lW22c. Cheese , firm at S , steady ; fresh , 14c. KKW YORK CF.MSUAI , MAIIICKT , Cluotntlnim far Hie Day on Vnrloiin CnmninilltleN. NEW YORK , Jan. 30.-KLOt'R-Recelptn , 813 'bbls. ' ; weak nnil sunsettled but not qtlotably lower , althoURli bids were reduced &f15c ? nt the clopo In sympathy wltli ithe. deanorallzatlon In 'Wheat ; winter BtralghtB , $ . ! .40g3.50 ; winter extras. S2.60J ? 2.F5 ; winter low ijrade. J2.25iS2.40 ; Minncsotn patents. $3.90S4.15 ( ; Minnesota bakers , J2.M (33.00 ( ; winter pntcnts , $ .1.55f(3.SO. ( ( Rye flour , ntaady ; fnlr to wind. W.10R3.20 : choice to fancy. $ ,1.25f3.55. | lUickwhcal Hour , quiet fit tl 751/2.110. RYI3 Firmer ; No. 2 western , 6iic | , f. o , b. . Mlont ; stnte rye , r-6c. c. I. f. , New York , carlolF HARLKY-null ; feedlup. 42i4fl7icp ( ! c. I , f. , New York ; malting , r > o < ri53e , c I. f. , NU\V Yorl ; BARLKY MALT-Nomlnnl nt KtftK > v. CORNMHAL Easy ; yellow western , E0k' ; tlt'y. 79c ; Urnndywlne , $2.1Gf(2.K. ( WHKAT RecelptK. 33.200 bu. ; exports 3K3,160 bu. Spot , enKy : No 2 red.76s c. f. o li. , utloat ; No. 1 norlhetii , Dulutli. 7fl'ic. ' f o. b. . nlloat , prompt : No. 2 red. 71V , ek- vntor ; No. I hard , Dulutli. Sl'Kc ' , f. o. h. nllont , prompt. Options opened easy am declined quite charply during Hie dny. | n > nuenced by weakness In foreign mnrkots iwhero atrenplh had been expected. I .oca niw > Buropeim houci-s sold. A new cob wave In the northweKt and Hiiuill snrlni. T-heat rceclnts had little effect upon tin market. Closed weak under heavy llqulda- tlon nt l Wii1 net decline. March. 75'j ' < i 76He. rlosed at 75jiMay. ! ; . 7l'vii7.17-lU ' < - closed nt 74' ' c ; July. 7ll ft75U-16c , closed n C ORNHecc'.pts. . 137,175 hit. ; exports , 19.I ; ill. Spot , dull ; No. 2. lOijc , f. o. b. . allout nnd 40V c , elevator. Option * oprnod ennj \vlth wheat. Subsequent depression wn'i prompted by cold weather west , Kimill clenv nnce > unl lliiil < lntlnn. Closed weak nt Hi net decline ; May. 3Wi Oe. elofed nt Il 'gc OATS HccelplB. 7S.COO Jiu. Spot , dull ; NeB B , 2. < HiO ; Nn. 3. 2S'i > ; Nn. 2 white , : il'.iNo : S white.30i,8c ; track mixed western , 30V-C track white state. SKiilSc. Optloim quiet nlu tmrety steady. HAY-Steady ; shlppliiB. e5B70c ; seed ti llOlS-juli t ; common to cho'ce. 1SD6 crop Cc ; 1SSS crop , 7Tiflt : 1SW i-rmi. isiilSc. Pacltli roast : 1RCO crop , 45i c : lt-95 crop , 7fj3c ; 1 5 crop. 12j13c. HIDES Firm ; OiilVfHtml. 2. ) In 20 Ibs. 19Hcv Tiixna dry , 21 to 30 Ibs. . 15c ; Cnllforn'n ' Cl to ? 5 Ib * . 21Vjv. LEATHER Siendy ; hemlouk solo , Uueno Ayres , light to heavyweight. 25fj25 < ic ; ucld tSaiRijc. PnoVISIONS-JHeer , steady ; family , $12.0 ( )13.f l ; inebs , $10.DO ; beef hams , J2l 205722.00 nuckpl. $ ll.OMi 12.00 ; city extra Indli mess JM.60jfC2.fO. Cut meats , tlrm ; pickled bellies J5.X7Vit/7iO ; pickled ; > houldors M ; hiiinf JS.00510.J5. lfird. \ M.ikwestern hteam ringed JR.10 ; .luiiuur.v. lfl.10. nominal : re fined , wrtik , continent , Jo.f > 0 : Hoiilli Amcr Icn , $6.60 , compound. J-VSi'/jl/fiAM. Pnrk firm ; mesa , Jlutosni.OO ; .horl cIcar.-JU.Mi 12.50 ; fimlly. $13.0)171360. Tallow , dull ; ti'y Hfcc ; country. 5Vi iJi5s c. HICK Steady ; donu > stc | , fair to extra. 41 ( t , c. Japan. 4 1iiH- . MOLASSES - - Quiet : New Orleans opoi kettle , gocxi lo rliolcp. ll'nKc. FRKKSHTP-To Liverpool , quiet ; i-ottoi l > y te > im , 2Gc , nominal : grain by steam 3d. nominal. METALS- The only meinl show lug mate rial change today was < ln. The CM-IUUIK reported nn mlVHncc of 35 points In the prict bi't called Ihe fedlns easier l the clew The cables f-o-n the Ixindon mnrk i wer Inrgclv reFoi'shli | for- The udv.inco. iliuugl tiews'fr'm Ihi- west of favorable awraeef Demand was only fair The mnrket UK i olr dtfpl Vi- ' " f 'lil > hady UiiJ ; rjo-u Ibe close t"e p'a > exiJiunsc called i > l ; s.\ \ I Iron warrnnts dull , Inke copper , unehfincefl ' nt Jlfl.50 ; tin , easier at W.y\ nominal ; lead , , stendy with J1.70 hid nnd M-76 naked ; MM > I- I tor , q l t with JI.70 bid nnd J4.W ) nsked. The I ' broker1 price for lead Is $1.45 nnd for copper - per Jlfi.SO. OMAHA ( ircrvnr.Ai. MARICKT. Cnnilltlnn of Trmlr nnil Qnntndnn * on Staple nnil PnnojProdnee. . KGOS Receipts , Increasing ; fresh stock. ! 3c. 3c.nnnssnn nnnssnn Port.TRY-choico to fancy j turkey. PC ; dilcUs , 7'jJJo ; nee c. "HW I Sc : spring chickens. 777'ic ; hens. G'&Qc ; l roosters. 4iSf > i- . 1.1 VK Pori.TRY - 1ttr. MJe ; ppilns chickens , 6' ' c ; nlil and Massy rooster. " , 3c ; I dlirk. . 6c ; prcso , fir ; turkeys , CnCtte. ; HUTTKR-Commoii to fnlr. ijr ; e'.iolre. i 1 lOc ; Repnrnlor , 23c ; Riitherod orcnmory , . 22 2.1e. ! PIGKON.S-l.l-p. prr doj ! . , 75c. ! VlULH-Clioiee , f-e. GAMR-Pucks. tnatlnriK H.OOff.l.Ii : hlun i \\ltiK trill. $1.7.1 ; crccn wine tenl. J1.2S511.SO ; i mixed ducks , JI.fiOjT2.00. I OYRTKItS-.Medium , per cnn , ISc ; stnnd- i nrd , per rnn , 22c ; bulk stnndnnl. per sal. , J1.2. ; extrn selects , per cnn , 50e ; extra se- , | pct. . pr Rnl. . J1.fiOfil.75 ; New York counts. j per ran. 37c ; New York counts per 1 < X > . ! 1.25. j HAY IV en i uniil lots : t'plnrd. i noire , ; Jfi ; mldlnnd. cliolrn , fS.SO ; lavvlnnd. rholce , ; JS : r straw , choice. J4.50 ; No. s corn. 2'1 ' > 4c ; i No. 3 white onls. 22'ae ' ; cracked corn , per I ton , $11 ; corn nr.d onti , chopr.od , per ton , ' Jll.,10 ; bran , per ton. $12 ; snotts. per ton , J13. VEGHTARLKS. NEW HEETS-Por doz. bunches. 40fioOc. RADISIIES-Pcr doz. bunches , 40c. LETTITCK-Pcr doz. bunches , lOc ; fancy lend lettuce , per bbl. . J.1. SWEET POTATOER-Pcr bbl. . Illinois. $2.50. ONIONS-IleUiM. yellow. TGc ; red. SGJjOOc ; Oilloo per bhl. , J2.2T > . CEI.ERY-Per doz. . 23S30c ; Ciillfornla , per bunch. 40J775o Tl'RNIPS RutabnKns..oor Ib. , lUc ; Ca- nndlnn. Hie ; ner bbl. . $2 MUSHROOMS Per Ib. box. GOc. TOMATOHS-Florldn , per G-bnsrfet crate , RIIURARB-Per doz. . 60 = . FRUITS. APPLK.S Choice western shipping stock. J3.00f73.f,0 ; New York /took , $3.7534.00 ; fnnry , J4.5flff4.75. GRAPES Malaga grapes , per bbl. , J7.00 ® CRANBBRRIKS Bell and Bugle , per bbl. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANC1KS Mexican , per box. S3 : Call- fornln n.ivnls , per box. J3.25(53.50 ( ; Cnllfornla seedlings , per box , $2.5002.75. LEMONS -California fancy , J3.75 ; choice Callfornlii. $3.50 ; Messlmi. $ t. MISCELLANEOUS. IIONEY-Per 24-scction case , $3.25. NUTS Hickory nuta , large , per bu. , $1.25 : shellbarks. $1.35. KIGS California layers , ner 10-lb. box , $1 ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.10 ; Imyorted UBS , per Ib. . 13c. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. in DBS-No. 1 srecn hides. 8c : No. 2 preen hides. 7c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9e ; No. 2 snlted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ib3. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc. CIIA.\niSS IX AVAII.AIII.K SUPPLIES. iiml DeerenneH In ( Jrnln Alton ! mill A nil ore. NEW YORK. Jan. 30. Special cable and telegraphic communications to Brndstreefs show the following changes In available supplies us compared with last account : WHEAT United States nnd Canada , east of the Rockies , decrease , 1,138,000 bu. ( Liv erpool Corn Trade News ) ; afloat nnd for Europe , decrease. l.SOO.OOO bu , ; total supply , decrease , 2fl3S,000 bu. CORN fulled States and Canada , east of the Rockies , Increase , 75S.OOO bu. OATS f nlted States und Canada , east of the Rockies , Increase , 67,000 bu. Among the more Important Increases re ported not given In the offlclal visible sup ply statement are those of 400,000 bushels nt northwestern Interior elevators , 145,000 bush els at Portland , Me. , and 58,000 bushels at St. Joseph. The principal decreases are those of 121,000 bushels at Chicago private elevators and 112.000 bushels nt Cleveland. The aggregate stock of wheat held at Port land , Ore. , and Tacoma nnd Seattle , Wash. , decreased 66,000 bushels last week. St. I.nulH Crulit nnd Prnvlnloim. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 30. WHEAT Lower : No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 70 c ; track , 71 ® 72c ; January , 70c ; May , 701i c ; July , 63ilc ; No. e .hard , CSlSfifiSc. CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash. SOVfcc ; track , SIHc ; January , 30l c ; Mny , Sl ftSlWc ; July , 32 Vic. OATS Weak : No. 2 cash , 24c ; track , 24lc ; January , 2c ( ; May , 24 < 4c ; No. 2 white , 2Cc. RYE-Qulet at D2Q'52V4c. KLOfR-Flrm. but dull : patents , $3.40 ® 3.50 ; extra fancy , $3.10 3.10 ; clear , $2.70 $ 2.00. 2.00.SEEDS SEEDS Timothy , $2.00Q2.35 ; flaxseed , nominally hluher nt $1. . " > 3. . CORNMEAI$1.7S(51.SO. ( . * BRAN Lower : sacked , cart track , 61e. HAY Steady ; timothy , $9.50312.00 ; prai rie. J6.000S.60. WlIISKY-Steady nt $1.23' * . IRON CO'TTONTIES ' Hli-her at J1.20. BAGGING HlKher at HEMP TWINE 9 ? . PROVISIONS Dry salted ments , extra iotM. $5.75 ; cclar ribs , Jo.Si'j : clear sldea , METALS Lend , flrm nt J4.COP4.CC. Spelter , tinner nt $4.GO < a4.G2" . . POULTRY Stenily ; chickens , CHc ; tur keys , 7c ; ducks. Sc ; neese. 5c. RECEIPTS-Flnur. 7OfiO bblp. ; wheat. 0,000 bu. ; corn. lOJ.OW bu. ; oatu , 63OiX > bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. K.OOO bbls. : wheat , 18,001 bu. ; corn , 73,000 bu. ; oats. 31,0 < V ) bu. PuHer , KKIZ anil C'lieei > < > . InrUrt. PHILAUELPIflA. Jan. 30.-BUTTER- Stendy : fair demand ; fancy western cream ery. 2oo ; fancy western prints , 2.V- . EGOS Dull and IP lower ; fresh nearby. 18c ; fresh western. 18c : frerh southwestern , ISc ; fresh southern. 17p. CHEESli Unohnnced. NEW YORK , Jt > n. 30. BUTTER Re ceipts. 7,594 pkg.s. ; steady ; June creamery , 20fi' > 1p ; wpstn-ii creamery. 20G23p ; factory. Ifift Iflp. CHEESE Receipts. I'.OOC pkgs. : steady ; fall mndo fancy. Inrgp. K3ifi\Su \ : fall made fnncy. small , 12.f/ic : ; ; IUTRP Into made , H3ifll2r ; xmnll latr made , 12f12'4C. | ' EOfiS Riots | | , 8'JIS pkgs. ; sperulatlvoly linn ; wentern. I7'.r. : lura off ; western , un graded , a" murk. 13fi ICVjc. CiriCAC.O. Jim. M.-BfTTER-Stcady : cn > nmerles , iOfjilc ; dairy , U5/22c. / EnOS-8trndy : fresh. 14c. ST. I.OflS. Jan. M.-HL'TPKR-Stcady ; creamery , COfr.l'jp ; dairy , 1tiS20p. KOliSS'tiailv nt 111'v.c. ' KANSAS CITY , Jan.O.BUTTER - Creainery. Iflf/Ke / ; dairy , ISp. KdOS Feeling stronger on account of tlp cold weather ; trade brisk ; fiosh Missouri and Kansas Ktoclc. llrsts , iji- higher at 12c ( lo/.cii. casp returned. l.lviTiiiiol lirnlii Pii'l PrnvUlnnn. LIVERPOOL. Jan. . .O.-WHEAT-Spot. No. 2 red western winter. Ss 11''d : * No. 1 northern , nihij. ( tlrm ( it C Id ; Cnllfornla , I'M ' 4dfiCs 4' ' d. c'nRN-S : > oi , American mixed , new , firm at 3 < > c id ; American mixed , old. firm at 8s 7 < l. Fiituvi.iniiimry , nominal ; Febru- arv , iupt | | at : ! s CV'il : March , quiet at 3s r.'Sid. ' Rri-pliiti' cf when : duriiic. the past three lays. IVl.OTi pencals , incluillni ; 131,0(0 Amer ican. Rpccl : > tn of Amcrlrati com during the pant three days , Ull.sOO cent'ilf. Wentlirr cloudy and threatonlnc. PROVlSIONB-Lard. Amerlctin red net ] In pill * , tlrm in 3Js rJpr'me western , In HerccF. 'tc.idv ut 303 3d. llnis , short cut , linn at 4Cn. Iic ) : < m , Cumberland cut. tlrm ai 33 Cd ; long clear inlddlrn. llghl , llrm at 3ln 6d : long cle.ir mlddlcfi. heavy , llrm al 3K Short clear backs , llrm nt 33s ; clpar bclllrUrn - at 3ls Cd. C1IEK3E American finest white , dull at 57s. KIIIINIIN City ( iriiln nnil 1'rovUlnnn. KANSAS CITY. Jan. SO.-WHEAT-May. _ . . . . . RYE-NO. 2. 5i'/-c' ' . HAY-Chftlco timothy , $9.00S9.M ; choice prnlrlc. ti.WQC.7.V ! RKCElPTS-Wbe.it. Cti.40a bu. ; eprn , 3 . . ( til lui.- < i in. 5,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Whcnt. 15,000 bu. ; corn , 11,901 bu. ; oats , 5,000 bu. MllunuUriCirnln MILWAUKEE. Jan. 30.- WHEAT Half a irt lower : No. 1 northern , CSfi Sic ! ; No. 2 northern. We RYH--Slcuii- . 1. S5'c. 'BAHLEY-Uull ' : No. 2 , 43rISi'i | sample , 87 i 'UuUith ' firnln Miirl < p ( . | DfLl'TH. Jan. M.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard , ( o 'i nil. WTic ; No. 1 northern , cash , i ' .e ; May IC7\c : July ' 8 < r' : No. 3 norlhrm , fcTif ; No. i 3 p : > rln < r. CORN iioIlN Wlirnt and I'lonr. MINNEAPOLIS. Jdll M.-\VHKAT-In biorc. No , 1 northern , January , 65o ; May , July. C Se On trackNo 1 hard No. 1 northern. 65r. No. " north crn. 63c. FrxJUR-KIrm ; palfnts , M.5f&S.fl > . 11HAN In bulk , Jll.2Ggil.no. Tolrdn TOLEDO. Jan. 30.-WHEAT-Actve ant lower ; No. 2 cash. 71e ; May , " .TVic. CORN Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 mixed . OATS Enfy : No. 2 mixed , 23'ic. ' RYE-Dull ; No. 2 cash. 57c. CLOVERSEED-Dilll , but rnsy ; prlnv cn'h. old , Jl.M ; January , new , $ > .C0 n lteil March , { J.S''H bid : No. 2 ca 'h , $ l.651f4.W. Prorln MiirliFtn. PEOR1A. 111. , Jan. .n-CORN-Steady lii.w No. 3 , M'iC. OATS-Qulet ; No. 3 white , 23',4524c. ' WHISK Y-FIrm on the bnsls or $1.23 > i tot finished soodf. .IIOVIMINTS ni-- STOCKS AMI o\ns SInrUrl Thrn OIT l.rtlinrBj- , \rll\t llcinniid for Slookn Pnllnn Ine. NI-JW YORK. .Inn. 30. The stock mnrkel threw off ltd lethargy and Itier ness todn > In ft very Impressive tn'inner. There wa ; qiillo nn nPtlvo demand for stocks from the stnrt In the shape of buying orders mulnled over night nnd the demand cred volume nnd urgency pretty stendlb throughoii : tlm dny. fhu rise was so poll- slilrrable at some points as to Invite protlt' tnUIng , but ntTcrlngs on till" account wert absorbed with such contldence that the sell Ing soon censed anil the- market close. . ! with nn upward ctmrs" of prices nnd btirsl of animation nt tlm besl price * of the day Although thorn was substantial Increase li what Wall street calln outside Interest meniilnK orderw coming by telegraph fron dlfi'eront liolnts In the country , as well a ; from source * In the city outside ; ho rank ? of the hnbltunl speculators , tlio mnrkel mu.t still be described as largely profes slonal , The ptrength wns also to n greal exfpiu s ; > otly. Thn : Is to say , n comp.'inv lively few stopks or croups of stopks row buoyantly while n Inrco jinrt of the llsl moved In a more sedate manner , hut stll upward. But while thin I" true of n perspertlvt view of 'ho whole market , there was never' thelerw n. notable broadening out In a spec' illative Interest , not only through the usir ally nctlvn llt-t but embrnclng ninny dor mant stocks. It bns been manifest Tor ? onu tlmo th.T the floating supply of stocks wac smnll nnd thnt prices moved easily on an > consldcrnblo demand , but t'hls and every- thins elsxj sermed unavailing to Invite any consldernblo demand. Even tin : obvloii' unwllllmtness of prices to co down nnc : the determined Ignoring depressing Infill- encm reflected from the London mnrkel liave seemed until today 10 be viewed with apathy by the speculative public. Thes < events have , of course , tended n build ii | n. confldenco In the stability of values anil apparently It needed only some special In cident to cryptnlllzii sentiment Into av active buying movement. The action of tlu directors of the American Steel nnd Win company yesterday In setting aside a year1 * dividend for the common stock nt the rnti of 7 per cent and the handsome showlno presented In this balance s'leet of Insl year's business was the effective Incident , Thrre won a runh to buy Amerlcnn Steel and Wire nt tihe opening nnd quotation ! were a full iiolti' npnrt on running sales The stock scored a subsequent advance , which carried It up nn extreme 5 points , 1U net gain Is 4H. This aggressive strength had marked sympnthetlc effect on all the metnl stock ? , all the more so on account of the extreme depression from which they have long suffered. There was a large de mand from an eager short Interest in Sugat nnd the prevailing cold weather resulted Ir a Kiidden jum : > in the price -of the coalers , In the rallrond H.-U the grangers and nil the Pacific nnd Southwestern stocks wert In notable demand , but 'the ' whole list wn.1- strong. The only thing to nccount for the sudden drop of ll < i In Plttsburg , Cincin nati , Chicago .t St Louis was a report of a new Pltlsburg-C'hlcngo line In contem plation. Chesapeake & Ohio was heavy , perhaps In sympathy. The flint two hours of trading recorded as many sales as the recent average for a full day s business. While the market Is still largely profes sional , the caliber of the operators fs ob viously much heavier than those recently In evidence , individual transactions of l.OW shares and upward being frequently re corded. Bonds showed increased activitv and were ntrong throughout. Total sales , pat value. $1,91U.OCO. United States old 4s , rog. istered. advanced -H. and Is coupon In the bid price. Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram : The markets .hero . opened heavy today , but brightened In the afternoon on tht news of th safety of Lord Dundonnld nnd his troop of cavalry. Reports of the burn- Ina : or a Boer arsenal were also received with satisfaction. Berlin and Paris bong-ht International securities , presumably pur chased by bears In connection with option day. Consols rallied from 99 = i to par on J'ho cMsclosuro of a heavy bear account. Tiho contango was only 2J. Americans began Idle' and remained about parity , at which level small pro fessional buying developed. New York sup ported , but the dealing ? werp smnll. There was no gold movement. Money was in more demand and rates a trifle .higher , mils were hard , but t.-io business In them waf small. Indian banks are buying silver The following am the quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today : Atchison 19'i Texas & Pacific. . 15 l do pfd ( Wti Union Pacific . . . 4iiN do ITonmi ! Slock KiioliilloiiK , BOSTON , Jan. SO.-Call loans. 4@5i ; . pei cent ; time lonns. 4SJ5 per cent. CloMru prices for stocks , bonds and minlnj shares : AT T. & 7"87F.7Tili W * t. KlectrlcTur. do pfd COVilWIs. OntrnI . . . . in" Amer. Sucar . . . .1201,5 Demi. Coal u do pfd 114 I do pfd m- } ] Bell Telephone . .335 > AtchlRon 4s 9.1 Boston Alb'y..2IO jAdvcntii'o .1 Boston W vntfd. 'J7 Al ouez Mln. Co. . K' , Boston & Me 197 'Atlantic ' ( V , R. & Q ISili Hoston & Mont..2uS I'ltcllbiirK pfd..123 nuttp. Jv Hrnton. . 4S Gen. lOtectr'.c ti2'tf'al. ft Hecla 7"1 Gen. Klec. pfd..1V > Centennial 1,1' . ' Federal Steel . . . . ' ! ! Franklin 14 do pfd 71 Humboldt l Mex. Central . . . . 12 071 ' Mich. Telephone.100 I'arrot . 41 Old Colony y > i . . Old Dominion n 'Htntu I-V Cop. . . . . 61 Rubber 3J',4 ' Tamnrack 175 Vnlon Pacific . . . . 461,4 Wlnonn 4 I'nlon I.nnd II iWolverlnPn .T ) AVest End W'.jl'lah Mining 11 do pfd Koreleii Plnuiielnl , LONDON , Jan. 30 The mnrket for Amer. lean securities opened above pnrliy and ro malncd steady all day. clolng strong with i : moderate demand. Hutlnrss wns limited If prifesBlonal tradiiiK. ( jold premiums ar * quoted ax follows : Bucnox Ay res , 123.10 Madrid , 28.S5 ; I.lfbon , 45. Bar silver closcc rtrrr. tI7Hd per ouncr. PARIS , Jan. -Prices were vtry tlrm 01 the bourse and there were large repurchasci ( when option * were d clnre * ! Internationa' I soc'iirltles were In sirens demand. Rente : i were the feature of the Irnnsa-tlons. Rif Unto * were In active request. Kanirs wfr < ftrong- Three per cent rentes , lOOf 37ijC foi the nceount. Kxchnnge on lyindon , 'of Hi . Tor checks. Spanish ! closed nt 68.7214. I HKIILIN. Jnn. ; . Kxcnnnce en London , | 2u mnrks 5014 pf * . for checks. Discount i rites : Short bills for ? f tllement. 5 v'r c nt ; i thrcp-inonthV bllln , 3' per cent On llu I boitrsa todfly home fund * react l. but local I securities weie noilvo nnd ndvanccd. . York Money MnrUel. NEW YORK. Jnn. ; o.-MONEY-On < nll , f iy n ! Sfi Va per cent ; last loan , 2 per c -nt ; prime meicjintlle paper. 4'ifi per cent , STKIU INU EXCHANGE I lonvy. witli nctt'nl huMnrra in bankers' hills n : JI.S71' for demand und H.M'if4.M'i ; for sixty days ; posted r.iti-5 , $4 > i und HAS'S ; comnierclnl bills , II.KI'tJi-l.si. SILVER-Certinentnv , 69'4fl60'.ic ' ' ; bar , r.9'c : Mexican dollars. 47'tc. ' HONDS-Oovernment" , strons ; stnte , In- nctlve ; rnllrond , strong. | The following uro the closlns quotations on bonds : " " " " ' ' " ' i r. S. "s"r"e"i , ' . . 7l0213 N. J. C. RCII. 6s 12tVj J do 33. r ° K 1I9V * | Nn. Cnro.ilin IM..12 ! \ do coupon lliis ( do 4s 101 I do new 4s , rcR..13rNor. Pnc. Is 110 I do coupon Ill do 3 * Gl'i do old Is , rejr..lllai dn 4s im-Si do coupon 11I14 ! N.Y.C. & S. L.ls.107 do 5s , rcR 112 Nor. > t W. c. l-i. . ! > 3's ' da coupon 113'i tie m-n. . ( 129 ID. of C. 3 C.1S..119 OnNlv. . Is 109'j ' ' ' ' do adj. 4s . . . Rl'i Ore. S. L. I's Jli Canada Ro. 2s..lXi"l ( do consul 5i..H2Va : ChM . & O. 4i < .s. . ! > 7'4 RcnditlR Ken. 4s. . M1) ) , ' do f , ! < I16SRIO G. W. Is ! > 5 C. , fe N. W. f. 7S.142 Pt.L. it I.M. r.i. .Ul < tlo S. R dob. Ss.lL'O St.L. & S.F. K.fi'.ICO Chicane Tnr. U..93143 : . Paul consols. Irt'.j D. & R. Cl. ls..102ii St. P. C. A.P. . 1 .119 do IB ! iH i do 5 < c I195 ! E. T. A" . .1 G. ls..l01'4So. Railway Gs..l07 i Krle goil. s ftU S. R. ft T. 6s. . . . M F. W. & D. C. Is. 72 Ttnn. II. s. 3" . . . . 'J.I 'Gen , 13lcc. 6s..119 Tex. & Pac. G. H. .t S. A. 6103 ! do 2s 54 do 2 * 10.1 IT. P. 4s lOI'J , H. & T. C. f , 110 Wnbiish Is 115' ' , $ do con. 6s 110 do 2s 101- la. Central ls..U3',4 ' AVtiH Shore 4S..113M 1C. C. , P. & G. Is. 6D lAVIs. Central la. . 30' < i La. new con. 4s.lOfil. < .K'n. Centuries . . . S. > L. & N. Mill. * - ! . . 90 "I do deferred . . . . r. fM. . K. & T. 2s. . . 6 ! ) Colo. So. ( s S5 4 do Is 90 So. Pacific 4s S3 N. Y. C. U' ' 103 % \ cnYorlc Mliilni ; StocUn. NFW YORK. Jnn. 30. The following nre the otllclnl closing quotations for min im ; shares : I.niiilon SlnuU Quotation * . LONDON. Jnn. 30. 4 p. m. Closing : 1 Consols , money..100 N. A" . Central Consols , nrct liiO Pennsylvania Canadian Pnclllc. Jii'i ' RcadliiK Erie 11i No. Pacific pfd. . . 75 do 1st pfd. . . . 3) Atchlson 30 ] , Illinois Central . .114 Loulsvlllo S05 Union Pac. pfd. . . 76t Grnnd Trunk . . . . 7 * ! St. P. common . . 1207 Anaconda . . ± S\j I RAR SILVER-Steady , at 27 9-lCd per ounce. MONBV 114S2 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for ehort bills is 3 4 per cent , and for three months' bills .1 per cent. IlllllU Cluiirlncn. ROSTON , Jnn. 30.-Clearlngs. J18,0:6S,24 , ; balances. J2.111.0M. NHW YORK. Jan. 30. Clearings , $158,725- 1C6 : balance. ' , fl.1,603,120. PHIIjADBIjPMIA , Jan. 30. Clenrltigs , J16.114.746 : balances. J1SU4S70. RAhTlNlORB. Jnn. SO.-Clearlngs , f3,79S- 71S ; balances , Ji79C06. ( , CHICAGO. Jan. -Clearings , J20.711.0I4 ; 1 balances. $2,1'33,491. I'osted exchanRe , J4.SS , 574.KS. New York exchnugo , 45c premium. ST. 1X3UIS. Jan. 30. Clearings , | l , 773,780 ; tin lances , J335.1C9. Money. 5 < ( i7 per cent. Now York exchansfr , COc premium bid , DOc premium asked. Conilltlun of ( be Trennurj * . WASHINGTON , Jan. 30. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $290,653,887 ; cold reserve , $217S3GU2. Cotton Market. NEW YORK , Jan. "A COTTON Futures closed steady : January. . J7.C9 ; Febiuary , J7.67 : Mnrc.h. $7.65 ; April , May nnd June , $7.fil ; July. $7.66 : Ausust , $7.62 ; September , i $7.20 ; October , $7.02 ; November und Decum- iber , $7.00. Sipot closed steady ; middling upi - i lamls , Sc ; middling gulf , SUc ; sales , ECO 1 bales. I NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 30.-COTTON- I Firm ; snles , 3,600 bales : ordinary , 69-16c ; peed ordinary , 7 1-lGc ; low middling , 7Hc ; ! good middling. 7 15-lCp ; mlddlliiRfnlr , S c ; ! leeelpts , 18,438 bales ; stock , 40(5,057 ( bales. Fit- turcs , steady ; February. $7.51 bid ; March , April , iMay , June , nnd July , $7.(5jr7.4'j ( ; Au gust. $7.31ta17. . " > 3 ; September , $6.32 bid ; Octo ber. $ ti.75i < J.76. ST. LOUIS. Jnn' . 30.-COTTON Klrm and unchansed ; fcales , 123 bales ; mlddllnff , ' "SBC " ; receipts. 1.-47B bnles ; shipments , 4,528 bales ; stock. 03.161 bales. GAL.VESTON , Jan. 30. COTTON Firm at 7c. 7c.LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL. Jnn. 30. COTTON-Spot , moderate business nnd l-16c lower : Amerl- I cnn middling fair. 427-33 < l ; good middling , l-ICl-iBd ; middling. 4 19-32d ; low middling , 4 15-32d ; good ordinary , 49-3M ; ordinary , 4 3-32d. The { sales of the day were 7.00fl bales , ofwhich COO .were . for speculation nnd export nnd Included ( J.COO American. Futures opened Irregular nnd closed tlrm ; American mldilllng , 1. in. c. . January , 43l-i > 4d , buyers ; Uanuary and February , 4 31-4d. sellers : Fet > - j ruary and Maron. 4 2S-61d. 'Olivers ; March land April , 435-6-ld ; April and lay. 422-C4d ; 'May nnd June , 4 20-ft4d , sellers ; Junn nnd ! July , I 18-G-lfl. sellers ; July nnd August , ' 4 li3-64fr-4 16-ftid , buyers : August and Scptem- i 'herI ' 10-64 d , hiiycro ; Scptfinbcr and Ooto- ib r , 3 B2-Wd , spllers ; October and Novem- iher. ,15fi4d , Fellers ; November and Decem ber , 351-64S3C2-fild , buyer * . \Vol Mnrlicl. BOSTON , Jnn. 30. WOOL Tlio wool mnr ket here was more nctlvi' this weok. Ter ritory wools shaded the list , with tine me dium nnd line scoured selling at fi.1c , while choice slnple called for 70c. Fleece wools worn In slow demand nlid prices largely uomlnnl. Some Australian wools were sold , but prices are nominal. Following are the quotations for leading descriptions : Ohio and Pennsylvania fleece , XX and nbovc , 30c ; dclalnc , Rkft10p ; No. 1 combing , : ; K' ' i39c ; No. 2 comhlns , 36ff(37c. Michlgnu , i AVIscoiiHlu , etc. X Michigan , 27c ; No. 1 I Michigan combing , 'JRiiKGc ; No. 2 Michigan . combing , 34f3rc' ; No , 1 Illinois combing , SSra % c ; No. 2 Illinois combing' , 3 i3fc'c ; X Now York , New Hampshire und Vermont , 2iiS 27c ; No. 1 New York , New Hampshire and Vermont , unwashed , 25c : Missouri quarter- blood combing , 2Sc ; combing , 27c ; braid combing , 2.12lc. | Territory wools Montana nnd Dakota tine , medium nnd line , 22'0lc ' ; scoured , C2fTfi5c ; stnple. 68i070c : I'tnh nnd WyomliiK line medium nnd fine , l0Q22c ; scoured , fiOJifklc ; staulf. 65fi6Sc ! ; Idaho fit ) " medium nud line , 17I/2lc ; scoured , OOiiPSc ; medium , 20ff23c ; scoured , 5254e. AustralIan - Ian , Kcoured basis , j.pot prices , comblnp , sit- perflne , 8Si&Sic ) ; good , 80iTS7c ; average , C5c. Oil Mnrkel. OIL CITY. Pa. , Jan. PA-OILS-Credlt bnlnuccs , Sl.W ; certlllcntes closed , cash offereil , JLUSi-i ; no snles ; shipments. J.1.1.3IS bhls. ; average , M.750 bbls. ; runs , t-5,045 bbls. ; average , S5.600 libln. NI-3W YORK. .Inn. 30.-OILS-Steady ; pe. troleum , nrm. Rosin , steady. Turpentine , steudv nt M&SI'jc. LONDON , Jan. : : o.-OILS-Llnseed , 23s fd ; Calcutta Unseed , spot , 1Sn. Petroleum , 9 ? < 1. Snuiir : . NHW YORK. Jan. SO. SUOAR-Rnw , strong : f-ilr refining. 315-lifie ( ! bid ; cen- TlfiiRul. oa t < ! HKc \ bid ; malaxes sugar , 3'ic ; rcllned quiet. St , I , only 'l.lvrSlocl. . - . ST. LOUIS. Jan. SO.-CATTLK-Recclpts , 3,109 head , Including l,3fli head Toxnns ; mar ket steady to strong , with snnio Oed cattle hero ; natlvn Khltinlnc and export ht-ers , $ l.7J'iii.50 ' ! : ilrcrsed 1iccf ni'd Imtcher f-tcors , $4.W1/5.40 ; steel's under 1. < ) M Ib * . . M.VJTI I.Mt : stoi-kcrs .nil ff-edrrs , Jl.iOU-t..i ; owe , ind heifers. $200 1.75 ; uinnera. ll.F2 > | > 1 ; b..llH. { 3'JftfH.K ( ) ; Txa i and Indian i-.eor/ * , l. ij 4. SO ; cows and 'heifer * . $2. " > 'i 1. "fl. HOQS HivrlptM. lO.Of'1 hcn.i : marla't : 'c lower : PPF ! nnd llshts. $ l.5"fi4.i ! ' ) ; packcrv , $4.iVri475 ; bulclicr" . J4.705ll.SO. BHBBP AND l.A'MH.--Heci'lpi ' ( = . ifl IICJM ! ; market steady n.illvimuttons' . JI.OMi.l. ! 'i ' ; lambs. $5.0Mif.60 ; mils nnil liia-k ! * , ttot-kers5 , $5.15. iiM CMy l.lviSlot'k. . K \Xt = AS CITY. Jnn. SO. CATTLK-Ur- -llilK. S.Wt ) head natives and 0 ) head Tex- iiH heavy native steer * . J5. < X > ti3.70 : llght- fi Jt.50ti5.10 ; stoi'kerH nml feeder * . .2 > : bull-born' t-nw * and heifers , J1.10 iMiinorw. I2.t01i3.10 ; fed westerns , JI.W ] Ti5 10 ; western' feeders. n.50BI.7l ; Tcv.in- , $3.7Mi4.43. HOGS Rfceipl ! . 12.000 hnid ; rulej ) yjilic d' ' ! ! ; 'honvy. ' $ l.5Mi.B5 | ; mixed , Jl.10f I.'O ; . . SHICKP AND LAMTIS Hfcel'itF. l.VXl hend ; s'ror.g ' to lOc hlshcr ; Inmta , $ 'j.f05W ' ; yeurllnx * ! . $3. ( (5,10 ( , mutloiiH , Xl.UVgo.tO ; ft , 4.ra and feeders , } 3.2HI'J5 | ; culls , fl.Cu S3.EO. 'OMAHA ' LIVE STOCK MARKET Packers Stem to Want Good Oornfed Steer ! at Strong Prices. OTHER KINDS OF CATTLE ABOUT STEADY i Slieop Arllvr nnil l.nmlis Srll Ten < i I'lflccii I'cnlM Illulirr lions 1C\- L'o n Miurp Decline from the PrltTN Pnlil .Miniilti.v. SOUTH OMAHA , .Inn. 30. Rcrelpts were : Cauio. Hogs. Slloep , OilUinl .Monilny l.ni omj 2-uc Ulnclal 'JliL-sduy 8,420 6.silJ 1.3V Two dnys this week. . . 0 , ! i oJ lu.w bttme dnys la-it week. . . . Santo dny.icek ln-fot. ' . 1 l.i | s > .Uno tlii'te WL-L-Kr , ncii. . Ui.i'SJ ' Average price \ < UM ! ! lIlC several dnys with uumi Totnl receipts . . . .150 S2 19 I The disposition ol the day's receipts wa < ns follows , each buyer purchasing th < number of heart Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep , Omaha Packing Co 206 1.305 O. II. Hnmmond C 2.17 1.216 : ; i Swift and Coni iniv ! r > 37 1 ' ) ! " ' ! Cudnhy Packing Co fiOS ] ,6il 4 Armour Company 712 72H 1,35' ' Omaha Packing Co. , 1C. C. OS Ctlduhy , from K. C 207 Hammond , from 1C. C 73 Armour , from Sioux City. . 32S R. Becker & Deg-an 2 A'ansant & Co us Lobman & Co 51 Livingstone & Schaller. . . . 7 Hamilton & Rothschild. . . . 34 L. F. Husz si ' ' ' " H. L. Dennis & Co 52 . . , Other buyers 19J pji Totals 3,521 6.110 67471 CATTLE Receipts were liberal tills morning , but owing to the blocking of one of the rnllrond lines by a few cnrs thai .lumped the tracks , and also on account ol the severe cold weather , which makes the handling of stock trains slow work , they were late In arriving at the yards. When the market opened there was little more than one-half of the stock reported to ar rive In the yards. The. trains kept pullliiB In every Ilt.le while so that the murkel was prolonged during the most of the fore noon. Cornfed steers were In active demand and the market a little stronger on de rablc kinds u least. Packers all seemed to want more cattle t'han ' were to be had and were apparently anxious to pick up UK many loads ns posnibl * . There were more good steers on sale than has been the case for some time back , FO thnt the sales be low enow up better on paper. Sellers wcrr very well pleased with the prices paid and with the general condition of the market Cows and heifers were In good active de mand and t.ie mnrket fully treadv T > io oflcrlngs were all t.iken about as "fast BH they arrived nt the"ynrd.s. . Bulls , both killers und stockers. were In good demand at steady prices. Veal cnlves w re very oca roe. nnd the market strong , anything desirable .selling readily at $7.00. ' , , . . - - , - - ' 'y ' and In fnlr , jp- cnolcn calves nnd ycarllngH also Hold pretty well , but the market was very slow und weak on the common light and medium stuff. Representative sales' BEEF STEERS. HOUS Today's market wns 5I10 ? < - lower thnti yesterdny owliiff to the Kcneral de- cllno In values nil nlntiR the UUP. Chi- coco cnmc tinIPr lower nml nil other ini'ivkolK were wilding nut similar reports. OwltiR In dcrnllmcnt of Iwo or three cars several of the trnlns did not arrive until i nflei9 o'clock , HO Hint the market wn. late. However , conslrterlni thnt i ; was lower the movement wan fairly urtlvn and the must of the IIORS sold about as fast as thcs en ma III. Tne price p'j 1 for HIP hulk of the hogs was $4.52',4'ii4.5.i ' ns nKnllist tl.iWfM.K1 ! * yes terday. A few rlKlit ( rood loads said at } l.57' ' , > .Ti4.60 no URnlntl J4.67i i'i4.70 yesterday. The mnrket closed If anything n little more in live. Today's decline cnrrles the market to the I lowest point touched since Inst Thursday. I when the avernRc of all the IIORS sold was I only $ I.4S. Representative snles : ] No. AV. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. , IS 110 . . . } .1N ) S7 237 . . . 453 174 1S9 40 4 I7U SI 219 40 4 nfi i ( ! l 201 120 4 M .VI 31S 40 455 , SS 200 . . . 4 (0 62 373 40 455 I 10S IRii 120 4W 7.1 257 120 455 ' 16 2SO . . . 4 50 85 1S74R6 I 12 250 . . . 450 Ii9 240 120 453 24 2S1 . . . 4X314 2S 306 . . . 45.1 72 2.10 120 4 52 ( < . 60 240 SO 4 BS 65 2.13 100 4 nZfc 72 227 . . . 455 7.1 232 160 4 52' . R.1 199 . . . 455 5S 29S 40 4 52 7,1 233 SO 455 76 24J 40 4 62U B9 217 . . . 453 11 M7 . . . 4 BJli 64 253 . . . 455 10 246 . . . 4521 , 56 IV , 40 4 M 12 241 . . . 4821,4 74 173 40 455 21 2fO . . . 4 52H 57 30S 120 455 1 S2 229 40 45 > ' . < . 38 30) 160 455 ; 72 2.17 120 4321,4 , 61 319 40 455 I 71 25'i 40 4 [ 2 > Z 61 22 ! . . . 4 Mi 71 201 . . . S2U 60 2112 40 453 < " 227 . . . I52U 31 349 120 4 B7 SO 222 240 4 52V4 6S 24S . . . 4 B7H 92 196 . . . 4 MM. f,7 317 40 460 S 211 . . . 4 5Vi f.ii 313 200 460 50 2H4 RO 4 5JU R6 180 200 44.1 59 300 40 4521 $ 79 192 40 450 93 222 . . . 4621.4 68 191 . . . 4 fill I 70 217 110 45214 73 22S . . . 450 | ( S 2RS . . . I MV4 2.1 266 . . . 4 S24 175 214 120 4 5i | 61 312 240 4 52'j f M9 40 4 5'4 ! ' 70 211 . . . 4 52U 251 . . . 1 5.ii 70 317 200 455 60 227 . . . -i .WlJ 9.1 131 40 451 73 276 120 4 fciii fil Yfi . . . 4 M 24 200 40 4 MM. 77 2P8 . . . 4 55 59 US 160 4 W " 67 241 . . . 451 71 234 . . . 45.1 56 26C , 40 455 65 244 . . . 4 fil 297 Ifi ) 455 GS 250 . . . 4 o5 55 2S3 SO 455 60 240 . . . 4 iV , 74 276 160 4 T 77 201 . . . 451 63 1.17 40 4 57" . 75 265 10 4 f.1 67 242 fO 4 57 40 345 . . . 4 5714 GO 361 . . . -I 57U S11KKP Receipts were quite larRe today , but ns wns the case with everyt' ' l'1 ' * ? elre , I many of tfte trains did not nrrlvo until late and the sheep kept straRpllncv In nil the forenoon. This m.ide the market rather slow nnd it was late before ' 'ho pens could bn cleared. The demand , however , wns active and the market as u whole In very satisfactory condition. Thp mnrket on lambs was 10 15C higher , some seed west erns ) sellliiR as lils-h as $5.50 , the name kind nnvlnpr sold last week nt $5.25 The market on sheep was active at fully steady price ? . Irtnrllnfrs were 5 7'10c higher. The snles ffiven b < Mow will rhow the prices paid for I Hi" different kinds. 1 Quotntlonst Good to choice fed venrlincs. Jl.SWfin.aO ; Mexlcnn yearling. J LOOfiS. ; . M.85 iB.2i ; Mexican yearllncs. * 5.00if5.35. I Rood to choice wethers , ? 1.C 1TM.X ) : fair to Rood weth rs. $4.4S14.60 ; Rood to choice fed I ewes , J4.20574.33 ; fair to peed f > d pwes. J4.00 . 4.20 ; coed to dholce native Iambs. .2M7' I 6.RO ; Rtod to choice fed western limb" . J6.00 I CTfi.30 ; fnlr to ( rood fed western Iambs. $5.65 i 151.0,1feeder ; wethers , $4.0034.25 ; feeder | ycnrlliiRS , $4.25(3'4.50 ( ; Rod to choice fcedT i Inmbs , $4.50'i5.00 ? : feeder ewen , $2.25 3.00. I Representative cales : i No. Av. Pr. 10 cull ewes nnd wethers 91 $300 i 42 western ewes 107 4 3S .159 western wethers and ewes 117 4 76 122 feeder Inmbs 50 4 75 I41 ! ewen nnd wetlhers M ' , So 13 we.itnrn lamb * s 5 00 2iO : western lambs 78 fi 2S 67 native lambs 7S G 35 Id westtsrn ewes 10S 4 15 ! ? western owes 10S 4 15 10S yrnrllnRS 101 4 S5 1M western ewep m 4 40 107 western ewe. ? ill 4 40 401 western yearlings no 5 15 101 yearllnyH m j so 2S2 western lambs 71 ; ai 11 culls 102 3 ftO 17 owes 92 4 y 10 culls 51 450 3 wethers 12 : ! 4 fO 27 ? frodhiR lambs 47 4 SS 31 larnlvi 61 .IIS I western yearlings KO 525 ? yeorllncs KO 626 4KB western lambs M 550 1S1 western lambs nfi fi 7r 1 v/estern Inmb 60 .175 109 western lambs 7G 650 CHICACJO LIVK STOCK SIARKKT. Cbuleenllve Steerx Slenily. OHiemi Hl nv. HOKN fJeiierally lOe l.mrer. CHICAGO , Jnn. SO.-'CATTLE Choice na tive steers steady , others slow ; Texaim firm ; 'butchers' ' tock arid cnnners stronK nnd nctivo ; calves , -Gc higher thnn n ueek ntro : pto-kors ( inlet : feeders llrm ; Rood to choice. ? 5.2Mifi.25 ; iioor to merilum , $ i.OOu : .CO ; mixed dtocliersi. { .l.iEfiS.Sj ; sele.-'ted feeders , J4.20fl-l.5Ji : poo'l to nholcc cowf , } 1.40'i7I.CO ; heifers , S.I.Si'a-j.CO ; fanners , $2.25'2.f.1 ; bulls , M. S'I.IO : . 'live ? . Jl.mi/S.10 ; fed Trxns beeves , J.fiOj.23. | . IIOCIS lieinirally about lOc lower ; top , $ I.S2'- ' , ; sroodlearnnce : mixed and butchers , Jl.ri05j4.771 > . - ; peed to choice heavy , $4."W/ l.Wt : rough heavy. $1 ttT/1.CO ; llsht. J4.4.W 4.70 : bulk of : ICF ! , } l.fof4.75. SIIKUP AND LAMHS-Stondy to We higher ; tup Intvb" , J7. J3 : native wetherp , Jflf5.K ( | : ; lambs. $ j.0 f 7.00 ; wrslrrn wetheiH , $4.7" > * i j.3j ; western lam ! ) * ! , f6.XVjjij.-0. ( ! RKCKIPTP Cuttle. 3.000 ihcnd ; hogs , 'JO.OM head ; sheep , 18,000 Lead. SI. .loienli ll Sl.ii'l ; . SOt'TH ST. JOSKPH. Mo. . Jan. SO.-Spe- ( clal. ) The Journal uuotes IIH follows : CATTL15 RpivlplH. 1,000 head ; market sternly to strong : qiiHlliy common to fair ; natives. J4.00f 5.35 ; Texnns and westerns. J3.50T/5.23 ; cows and heifers. J2.25J/1.43 / ; bulls nnd slags , J2.2.1ft4.75 ; ycarllucs and culve" , J4.10 fi.l5 : stockers rtitd fecdrrs , $ ; i.lj'4.70 ( ; venls. Jl.r.0ii77.2.1. HOfSH RrrflptP , 4.600 head ; market lOc lower ; all grn < Ies , $4,45 4.01 ; bulk of sales , fl.G5ii4.60. SHKI5P AND LAMBS-Recelpls. 1,000 head ; mnrkel ] 0c higher ; western lambs , Xeiv VorU 1,1 vt' Slnvk. NI5W YORK , Jan. 30.-HUKVR8-R"- celpts , MS ; no sales ; nominally steady : cables unchnnped. Hxports , 3flO cattle and 4,24 > i ( iiinrlrra of beef ; noil" on Wednesday. fJALVKS Recelplu. 53 ; market steady ; all sold ; veals. JS.fiOBfl.oO ; barnyard calves , norr.lnnl. SIIHI-JP AND LAMDS-Rorclpts. 2,43.1 ; eleven ca's on f.'ilo ; market nctlve and a shade higher ; onu car held over. Sheep , J4.COi 4.70 ; lambs , fC.OOf(7.50. HOfJP Receipts , fi.lOO ; ono and a half cnrs on sale : market firm at t5.10frS.25 ; pigs , Jj.15fl3.2d. Stock In I'VillowIng ' are the receipts nt thn four principal western markclw for January SO- Cuttle. Hois. Sheen South Omaha . 3.120 'i.ftlfl 4.37) ) fhl-aco . S.M 2J.OOO IC.WO Knnsas Clly . H.OOT 12 , ' < iO 1,500 fit. TotdlH . 1S.6W 66,019 22 , 3 H.RPECiNEY8cCa JAKES E- BOYD & CO , , Telephone KlO. ) ; Oinali.i , N ; ; COMMISSION , ( JKAIN , I'HOVISIONSanU STOCKS IKAIII ) OF TUAUi : . Correspondence : John A Warren St. Co Direct wires to Cluiaso and New York. WHEN TRAVELING. . . . Read f The Bee. Here is Where You Will Find It in the Principal Cities : ATLANTA , GA. Klnilinll Home \CTTS Stnntt. BOSTON. Pntillr Irirnrj- . Vpnilon.o Hotel. IIONlntt PrrNM Club , 14 HoiiTrortU St * BUFFALO. ( cncsrp Uolplcw * Sfnitii , CA3SIBRIDG-E. MASS. llnrvnril I'nUrrnlty Mlirnrr. ' CHEYENNE. K. A. I.onnn. 1112Vcnl llllb St. Clirjcnnr I'lnli. CHICAGO. AnilKorlnin Annrxrrni Stnnd , Anilllnrlnm IlolclriTd Slnnd , nrnnd I'nrinc llnlrl > c m ( Itiind. Or Nnrthprn lintel Nnrf. Stand. Tnlmrr llonnrcrti fllanil. I'i < anippPTTH Stand , Ko. UtT Ilrnr- bnrn Strrrt. Annrnt il Advertiser' . CInb , Palmer Iloniir. SnrnloRn Ilolcl. CLEVELAND. Wtililpll Ilnnnr. The HollriMlpii. Commercial TrnTcler. ' Amoelntlnn , Mnnnnlc Trmnlr. COLORADO SPRINGS Prlntcru' Ilonir. Ilrlncoc HroH. DENVER. nroTrii Holrl NOTT Sfniiil , llniulltnn & KcniJrlcU , 000-012 tTth nt. Mul.ntn. Pitt .V Co. . Km Sixteenth St. Prntt Mercantile Co. . inn Lnrlmcr Sf. Tlm .Stationer Co. . inth nnd Lawrence SlreeU. Wlndxor Hotel Neivii Stand. DEADWOOD , S. D. KUhel & Co. . DenilTrnoil. Max Flnbol. nrnilrvood. DES MOINES. MOICH Jncobn , Hock Island Depot. DULUTH , MINN. Wlt Jt. nennett. 214 W. Superior St. HANOVER N. H. Dnrtmonth CollconI.IIirnr } - . HELENA. W. A. Moore , Oth avenue and Slnln St. HOT SPRINGS , S. D. Oeorce Glh on. Emll HnrReni. HOT SPRINGS , ARK. C. -\Venrer A Co. I. . D. Cooper & Co. , 02O Central .Are. KANSAS CITY. Ilobort Held , 1022 McCrc St. rontm Iloimeoivn Slnnd , Mlnnonri Itriuilillcan Club , 005 Balti more Ave. Pnbllc Mhrnrr. Itlcknerker Clcnr Co. , Oth and Wnliint opnonlle ! . O. IlnlliTnj- . M. C. A. , room 27 Villon Depot , Kannnn City , JIo. Public Library. LEXINGTON. KY. Y. M. C. A Itendlnfr Room. LINCOLN. A. M. rrilien , 1 12U O 31 Wet , Uellv- cry Avent. LOS ANGELES. Oliver A Ilnlne * . 1OO S. Sprlnir St. K. n. Hnnscom , 422 S. Main St. LONDON , ENGLAND. Charlen A.OIIllK'n American Exchnnce. 2 Cocknpur St. , Trafalenr Sq. , S. W. M NNEAPOLIS. Public Library. \Vcnt Ilolcleirn Stand. MILWAUKEE , WIS. F'rnnk 3IulUrrn. NEW YORK. Arthur Hreiitnro. Cooper Union Library. Fifth Avenue Hotel .Verm Stand. Fifth Avenue Ilolel Iteadlnc flonni. ICniptre Hotel. I'roome Street Library. HoIInnd Iloime Readlne Room. IlofTlnnn Ilonni- . Imporlnl Hotel .Vevr/v Stnnil. I'renii Clnh , 12O Nnn nn St. AVentinliiKtni * Hotel Ilenillnsr Itoom. Hotel ( irnnttlitc. Y. M. C. A. , 2iil : nnrt 4th Avenue. OGDEN. TV. Yl'ehb , 2IO.-J AVnnlilllttlon/ / . PARIS , FRANCE. New Y irU Herald Readlncr Room , 4,1 Ave. 1c 1'Opern. Thou. Cook & Son * , 1 Arc. dc Popcra. PORTLAND , ORE. W. R. Jonen , 2O1 Aider St. Portland Hotel IVevrn Stnnil. PHILADELPHIA. Mercantile Library. SACRAMENTO. Pnhllc Library. SAN FRANCISCO. P nbllc Library. I'nlnee Hotel. SANTA ANA , CAL. Snntn Ann Free Public Library. SALT LAKE CITY. L. F. llnninie ] , Lyceum Theater. Salt Lake \eiTN Co. Pnlilln Lllirary , SEATTLE. RnaternCTT Co. , 310 1-a Pike St. A. T. Lnudberc. rjeorjte F. Ward. SIOUX CITY. fJnrrnltnnn Hotel NOTTS stnnd , Mnii aiiiln Hotel \ovr Stand. lintel VenioinRov fltnud. ranrray A ICnlukerbooker. Publle Library. fiernld Fltrulbboii , TOO r/nurlb St. Hey Allen , 321 Center St. V. M. R. A. Headline Hoom. SPOKANE. John W. Graham , 72n-72B niverild * Avenno. | SPEARFISH , S. D Henry Court , ST. JOSEPH. , Drniidoiv'nfvn Stand , 7121 ISdmond tre t. Tunetloii' .Ve\TH Stnnd , (501 Bdmond fit , I * . M. C. A. Hemline Hoom. ST. PAUL , MINN. I'rmn Club IVIndnnr Hotel. llynn Hotel ST. LOUIS. R. ,1. Jell , 80(1 Ollvo SI. I'lnnlcru' Hotel \cwit Stand , Publlr Library. Union \evtn Cnmunny. WASHINGTON , D. C. IVIIInrd'n Hotel \CTTH Stand. Arlllliilon Hotel. l'iinKrrM lonnl Library , tllUC" IlllllHP. Aiillonnl Committee. ? RebultsTelJ. J The ee § Want Ads $ . Produce Results. KoSOEOMOBGEOBOBCBOBOXOBOIC