Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE O3UAIIA "DATL.Y . TVEE : TT ESDAV ! JO , 15100.
British ReTerssr , Liverpool Advance an
Ziro Weather Boost Wheat
Corn nnil OnU Moth Clone nt n Stlnti
A.lvnticr , While Provision *
AVcnkcu and Clone
CHICAGO. Jan. 23. nrltlsh reverses , th
Liverpool advance , zero weather over th dome.Mtlc Holds and Uio decrease 1
the world'H nnd KitgllBh visible supply corr
n lilnwl In producing a strong nnd acllv
F whcwl market hero today , May closing 1
T\ over Saturday. Corn closed a shade up an
TIV oats ' ,4c Improved. Provisions closed weal
IV 2',4' ' ! < fl'.4 lower.
In The wheat market opened strong and ac
live , May Vyilt- Improved from Saturday n
C9'.4u ' to 6Sc. The stre-ncth wa due to th
D Liverpool advance iin.l the cold wcathei
rial The Kngllnh grain center showed the el
feet of the small \vorld's shipments Ins
InuV week nnd the Urltlsh reverses on th
Tel TiiRcln. Liverpool , however , lost part of It
-urly gain and the ndvnnce met heavy Bel
Ing. The tnnrkot dccllne < I rapidly to C8H (
coiT CS'.ic , where tin- demand improved , Inllu
T nclng B. rwictton wJilch carried May t
Al fAHcFor ti tlmo Undo WHS quiet an
: lluotuatlons iwrrow around that llgun
in Near the- end of the nusslon It was nr
frl noiincpil that the European visible hud dc
crensc < l 1.MO.OOO bu. , the Kngllsh 767.000 bt
and the. Amerlcsin 93S.OOO bu. Under thl
Intluencu tbo market advanced aoUvelj
iir closed stronir , 1
tM-.iy touohod B9V41 wul
over Saturday nt C3iiC9V4c. New York r
ixirtpd that Liverpool acceptances durln
l\c the last luilf hour of thu session had bee
Inrgu. ForrlgnerB were good buyers her
nnd New York reported SO loads taken fo
in export. Atlantic port clearances In whea
inof and Hour were emml to 200.000 bu. Prlmur ,
bu. compared with 919 ,
of receipts were -IW.wO ,
. < O ) bu. Iiiat year. HccclptB hero were -1
.Itbl < -nr. ' , noneof which graded contract. Mln
bl ncapollH and Duluth ro | > orted 435 cars
tigalnst 4'J7 lust week and 776 a year ago.
fc The corn market was quiet nnd easy th
fr creator part of the session , Influenced b ;
in liberal receipts 471 cars herc > freer countr ;
ofTcrltiKS and the gxxd weather for move
incnt. but ncur the end the strengtr a
ci wheat suoccodc.l In steadying the market
Trade was quiet. Muy opened Irt'egulnt
53'dP to M'dc. compared with Suliurdny' .
clojo at Mfi33'e ! ; ranged from 83 > it to 32-,4
and closcJ a shad * over Saturday at 335
33'fii' ' .
In the oats market trnde was quiet. Ther
wore hardly any lluctuutlons. Sympath ;
h with whent influenced some covering Loca
J iccelptH were 275 cars. Country offering
o were a bid larger. May ranged from 23Vi
2.1 ? Lto 23iW3'/4c ! ' and closed > 4c higher a
C3'M 23 4c.
'Jibe provisions market opened llrm , ani
Jilgbor on recolpta of hogH under the estl
mate and strons"1' prices at the yards. Tin
db.nand wn sliifk , however , and the mar
hoi tuined hniivy uncl cloHPd easy. Ma ;
pork sold from $10.90 to $10.87' nnd closet
riHIiou under Saturday at $10.75 ; May lard
from $6.02Hfi'i.05 to $ fl.)2Vj. ! ) closing CTi7 > S. .
down ut $ j. ! > 2V'f"5.M. und Mny ribs fron
f5.W . to $5.70a5.72'/i ! . with t'he ' close Cc tindei
at $5."n
MMImntcd receipts tomorrow : Wheat , 31
cars ; corn , 430 cars ; oats , 275 cars ; hogs
CO 000 bend.
The leading- futures ranged ns follown :
Open , | High. Low. | Close. | Sat'y
Jan , Cfi C7' ' , ! , ! GC 0714 < W
Mny 8-S' ' . '
July 69GT ! > rov'ki VI C9V :
Jan. 31 31 31 31
May 32T4-3V& PJ'A 32T4
July 33 V4
May 22V
Jan. 10 03
May 10 87' 1090 10 C7'i 1075 10 SO
.mil- 10 95 10 93 10 77Vi. 10 82'4 10 85
J n. 5 S7V
.May C 02i4 6 nr G 9215 95 G 00
July a 10 G 00 C 02 % 6 10
Jan. 5 72V <
May 5 S2H G 82j G70 G SO
July GSO CS2V4 G 77Vi GSO 5 S3
No. 2 ,
Cash quotations were as follows :
LOUR Steady winter . $3.403
If * -fv * Mt uvvittcj ; ' till 1.1 patents , HJ.TVP
MO ; slratght.s , $3.00f3.35 ( | ; clears. J2.90W3.10
Kpl-IrTfc Hpccials , $3.EOJr3.90 ; patents. $3.200-3.50
Htralghtu , $2.COQi.OO : ; talkers. $ l.10g2.40. !
WHEAT No. 3 springGIQGSVzc ; No. 2 red
( | ORN No. 2 , SIVic ; No. 2 yellow , 31V4 < g
OATS No. 2. 22"V " 23c ; No , 2 white , 26c
No. .1 white , 247MJ25V&C.
R"YI.No. . 2. & 2Vi'5Glc. '
UARLEY No. 2 , : ! 8J 4Ic.
SS3EDS No. 1 llaxsoed and northwest
$1.53. Prime timothy , $2.43. Clover , contrticl
cradc , $5.40.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bhl. , $10.3015
0.60. . La 1 , per 100 Ibs. , $5.70g'o.82H. ' Sheri
riKhouldcrM ( loose ) , $3.COfjG.90. Dry saltec
KhouldcrM ( boxed ) . $3.60ilJ3.75. Short cleai
Bides ( boxed ) . $5.8095.90.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods or
basis high wines , per gal. , $ I.23'A
St'GARS Cut loaf , $6 ; granulated. $5.44.
Following- tlie receipts and shipments
for today :
ArtlClP.s Receipts. Shlpm'ts
1'lour , bbls . .12,000 29 l)0 ) (
AVheat , 'bu . 3ii,0no 73oO ! (
Corn , bu . 146OiX 151 ( KK
0itB. toll . 241,000 200,00 (
Hye. bu . 3,000 : : , oo <
aJurley , bu . 75,000 . 21 , < XX
On thn Produce exchange today the but
ter markoi was steady ; creameries , 19fi24c' '
dairies , ISCi-JSe. Cheese , lirm at ' ( fflSc ,
Eggs , Hteady ; fresh , 13c.
IH for HIP liiy on Vnrloun
C niiiioilltlcN ,
NEW YORK. Jan. 29.-FLOUn-Rccclpts
S,128 : bbls. ; exports , U.772 bbls. ; sales , 9,2 < X
bbls , ; more active and held higher on choice
brands , closing linn with wheat ; wlntei
straights , $3.40Jj3.50 ; winter extras , $2.60Jj
H.S5 ; winter low grade , $2.25(0'2.40 ( ; Minnesota
patenta , $3. ! { fl.l5 ; Mlmic.vota bakers , $2.8 (
fffS.OO ; winter pate'its , $3.G55jM.SC. Rvo Hour
steady ! fair to Rood , $3.10i3.20 ; ciioltv tr
fancy. $3.25 3.55. Buckwheat Hour , quiet al
RYE Klrmer ; No. 2 western , ClUc , f. o
b , afloat ; Plate rye , f-Cc , c. I. f. , New York
BARLEY Dull ; feeding. ! 2Vie47'ic ' , c I
' . . Now York ; malting50QKc ! , c. I. f. . Now
CORNMEAI , Steady : yellow western SOc- -
city . 79c ; Brandywino. $2.201/2.30. /
UARLEY MALT Nominal at DT.fiGSc. .
afloat , prompt. Options opened llrm on
Ktreugth of Liverpool iieww , tint tioon turned
weak under free selling for both acountx
Inspired by u reaction at Liverpool ami
light export demand. In the afternoon ,
luiwover , a very sharp recovery took place
nil good foreign buying , Argentine plague
CORN Receipts. 10,400 bu. ; exports , 61,511
bu.1 ; spot steady ; No. 2 , 4054c , f. o. b. , ntlout ,
and 40'J ' ( ! , elwvator. Options opened steady
with wheat , but eased off under active
local spiling , based on liberal country offer
ings and unsatisfactory cables. Finally ral
lied with wheat and clOM'd llrm and un
changed ; May , .TJJ39' | e. closed at aO'ici. '
OATS-Recelpts , 130,000 bu. ; exports , 1 2M )
bu. ; spot steady ; No , 2. 23',1 ( ! ; No. 3 , 2SWo ;
No. 3 whit. ! , ailii'l No. : i white. .W.ic ; track
mixed western , M'ici track , white , 31Q3Jc ,
Options quiet but steady.
J I AY Steady ; shlpplnt ; , 65IT70o ; gxiod to
choice. SO
lIOPd-Quietj common to choice. 1896 crop ,
Go ; 18US crop , 7 0c ; 1S.99 crap , 12fll3c. Paclllo
t-ontit ; ifc % crop , 4 { < Ccj 189 crop , 769c ; 1893
crop. 12U13c. (
HIDES Finn ; Galveston. SO to 2f. Ibs. ,
Cl Vo "uJ ? % - ' l ° lbS" 15Ci Oullforilla'
LEATHE'R-Steidy ; hemlock tole. Buenos
lllht to heavyweight , 2o.y25'ic ; acid ,
, E1lOV1SION8rfiP0.f' stvady ; family. $12.00
dl3.W > ; mess. $10.60 ; beef llama , $21.205(22.00 ;
packet. $1I.W > JV12,00 ; city extra India mess ,
$20.GOfr-2.fiO. Cut int-atB. tlrm ; pickled bellies.
$5.87'ti7,00 ; tuckled fliouldera. $ i ] ; hams ,
$9.001i 10.25. I iiixl , steady ; western steam
oloM-d $ ii.2m ; January , $6.17 > , { j , nominal ; re-
itiiMl , steady ; continent , { 6.60 ; South Amer
ica. $ ,70 ; ( Minpound. $5.b7Vi jO.OO. Pork ,
flnn ; mess , JlttW'nii.lO ; short clear , $ ll.504f
12.50 ; family. $13.aXTin.60. Tallow , dull ; city ,
6fi03-ICe ; country. BVifi6 ic .
RIOE Steady : donu-stlc , fair to extra , 40
C'-K. ' ' ; Japan. 44 Ge.
MOLASS1 Quiet : New Orlfans open
kettle. ROCK ! to choice. 44ii&5c.
KREUlHTS To Liverpool , irnlet ; cotton
by titciiin. 25c. nominal ; grain by Hteuni.
Si ETA } S While thuwlne underlying
strength and a fair amount of actlvll
In several departments , prices In the mcli
market were not radically changed toda :
The cable and domestic primary point nov
averaged up better than anticipated ar
was largely responsible for the firmer ru
Ing of the market. At the close the Mcti
exchange called pig Iron warrant * dill
lake copper , unchanged nt $16.60 ; tin , stron
with $27.70 bid ; ler.d , unchanged with $1.
bid and $ l..l > asked ; spoiler , firm wit
$1.75 bid nnd $4.85 naked. The broker
price for lead Is $4.45 and for copper $16.50.
Condition of Trnde nnil ( Inotntlon * o
Staple nnd Fnncy I'roduee.
EGGS Receipts , Increasing ; fresh stocl
weak at 12Uc.
DRESSED POULTnY-ChoIco to fane
turkeys , 9c ; ducks , 7'.4fT8cj geese , 7V4i
8c ; spring chickens , 7@l7 icj hens , 6H07 <
roosters , HB5c.
LIVE POt'LTUY Hens , 5 > ,4e ; sprln
chlcketiH , G'.ic ; old nnd stnggy roosters , 3i
duck * , 60 ; geese , 60 ; turkeys , GfiC'.ic. '
HUTTER-Common to fair , lGV4c ; cholci
lSR19e ; separator , 25o ; gathered creamer ;
PIGEONS-Llve , per doz. , 75c.
VEALS Choice , 9c.
OAME-Ducks , Innllnrds , $3.0003.25 ; bin
wing teal , $1.75 ; gre-en wing teal , $1.251.G <
mixed ducks , $ l.GOf2.00.
OYSTERS-Medlum , par can , 18c ; stan.
nrd , per can , 22c ; bulk stondarfl , per gal
$1.25 ; extra selects , per can , 30c ; extra s <
lects , per gal. , $1.COS1.75 ; New York count !
per can , 37c ; New York counts , per 100 , $1.2
HAY Per cnrlond lots : Upland , cholci
$ H ; midland , cJiolce , $ .1.50 ; lowland , cholci
$ j ; rye straw , choice. $4.50 : No. 3 corn. 26V4 (
No. 3 white oats , 2214C ; cracked corn , pt
ton. $11 ; corn and oats , chopped , per toi
$11.50 ; bran , per ton , $12 ; shorts , per ton , $1
> "i'W TPHNIPS-Per dozen bunches , 60- -
SPINACH-Per box , $1.
NEW BEETS-Pcr doz. bunches , GOc.
IlADIBHES-Pcr doz. bunches. 40c.
LETTUCE.-Per doz. bunches. 40c ; fane
head lettucrf , per bbl. , $5.
SWEET POTATOES-Por bbl. . Illlnoli
$3 : Jerseys. $5 ; largo bbls. , Kansas , $2.75.
POTATOES-Pcr bu. , choice , 3035c.
CABBAOE-HolIamJ < seed. 2c.
CAULIFIX5WER California , per crati
$ .oO.
pNIONS-Retnll , yellow. 75c ; red , KfiSOc
Onlos. per bbl. , $2.2G.
CEI.ERY-Per doz. , 25g30c ; Callfornlt
per bunch. 40fT75c.
TURNlPS-nutabaBas. per Ib. , Uic ; C
nadlan. Uic ; per bbl. . $2.
MUSHROOMS Per Ib box. BOc.
TOMATOES-Florlda , per 6-basKct crat <
RHUBARB-Per doz. , COc.
APPLES Choice western shipping stock
$3.0003.GO ; New York Jtock , $3.754.0fl
fancy , $4.5004.75.
GRAPES Malaga grapes , per bbl. , $7.005
'CRANBERRIES-Bcll and Bugle , per bbl
$7 ; Jerseys , $6.75.
ORANGES Mexican , per box , $3 : Call
ferula navnls , per box. $3.25 ( 3.50 ; Callfornl
seedlings , per box , $2.5002.75.
LEMONS -California fanuy , $3,75 ; cholci
California , $3.50 ; Messina , $4.
HONEY Per 24-sectlon case , $3.23.
NUTS-Hlckory nuts , large , per bu. , $1.23
BhelUmrks , $1.33.
FIGS California layers , per 10-lb. box
$1 ; California , carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.10
Imported flcs , per Ib. . 13c.
HIDES-No. 1 green hides. Sc : No.
green hides , 7c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9c
No. 2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 t. .
13 Ibs. . 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 13 Ibs. , Sc
1 , 4c ; No. 2 , 3-7ic ; rough , 2c ; white grease
2i3Vic ; yellow and brown grease , 2i
St. I , on In Grnl n iill.l I'rovlxlotin.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 29. WHEAT Higher
No. 2 red cash , elevator , 71c ; track. 71c
January , 71 ic ; May , 71c ; July , 69' .c ; No.
hard , 66 < 5 < 5Sc.
CORN Hlg-hcr ; No. 2 cash , 30c ; track
H"Mi31ic ; January , 3 e ; May , 31T4c ; July
OATS Lower : No. 2 cash. 2lc ; track
24V4c ; January , 24c ; May , 24Hc ; No. 2 white
"NjO "
RYE Steady at 52(4c.
FLOUR Firm but dull ; patents , $3.4Df (
3.60 ; extra , fancy , $3.10@3.15 ; clear , $2.75 ?
SEEDS Timothy seed , $2.00(32.35. ( Flax
seed , higher at $1.52.
BRAN Unchanged ; sacked , east track
WHISKY Steady at $1.2H'/4. '
HAY-Stondy ; prairie , ? 7.50@S.GO.
PROVISIONS Dry salted boxed meats
extra shorts , $5.75 ; clear ribs , $5.87 4 ; cleai
sides , $6.00. Bacon , boxed extra shorts
$6.25 ; clear ribs , $6.37' ! . ; clear sides , $6.50
Pork , steady ; jobbing , old , $10.25 ; new
$11.25. Lard , quiet ; prime steam , $5.62',4
choice. $5.67W.
METAiS-Lead , firm at $4.60g > 4.65. Spelter
llrm at 4.60.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens , 6V4c ; tur
keys. 7e : ducks. Sc : geese. 5c.
RECEIPTS-Flour , 7.000 bbls. : wheat , 13 ,
000 bu. ; corn , 153,000 bu. ; oats , SO.OOO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. G.OOO bbls. ; wheat
17,000 bu. ; corn , 23,000 bu. ; oats , 31,000 bu.
Huttrr , KKK nnil ( "In-one Market.
Flrm ; fancy western creamery , 25c ; fancj
western prints , 25c.
EGGS Dull and weaker ; fresh nearby
18',4'itl9c ' ; fresh western , 18Vjftl9c ( ; fresl
southwestern , ISc ; fresh southern. 18c.
celi > ta , 8,05S pkgs , ; steady ; June creamery
20fi23c ! ; western creamery , 2123c ( ; factory
CHEESE Receipts , 361 pkcs. : steady
fall made fancy , large , 1294 jl3c ; fall mad. .
fancy , small , 12iifl3c ( ; large late made
UiSil2c ; small late made , ISIJlZ'/ic.
EGGS Receipts. 7,686 pkgs.'stcady ; western
orn , 17c , loss off ; western ungraded , ai
mark. 13SilCc.
CHICAGO. Jan. 29.-BUTTER-Steady
creameries. 195f2lc : dairy , 18j22c.
EGGS Steady : freflh , 17c.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 29. BUTTER-Sleady
creamery. 20f25c ; dairy , 1620c.
EGGS-Stcady at 13V4 < ' .
Creamery. 20I23c ; dairy. 18c.
EGGS Steady ; fresh Missouri and Kan
was stock , llrsts , HVfcc per doz. , cases re
Liverpool Grnln mid Provlnloim.
No. 2 red western , winter , flrm at Gs lid
No 1 norlhern , spring , llrm at Gs Vid ; No.
California , CH 3V4d0Cs 4d. Futures , easy
March. 5g IMjd ; May , 5s lOVdd ,
CORN Spol , American mixed , now , flrn
nl 36'ld ; American mixed , old , llrm ai
3s 6 > id , Kulures , diilel ; January , 3s CVid
February , 3sCd ; March , 3sCHd.
Tlio Imporls of wheat Into Liverpool lasi
week were 6S.400 quarters from Atlantic
ports and 16,000 quarters from other porls
The Imports of corn from Allanllc porlt
lat t week were 53,700 quarters.
PROVISlONS-Beef. extra India mcs
dull ut SOs ; prime meas , dull at 73s 9d
Pork , prlmo mPHs , western , flrm at Ms Hd
HamH , short cut , 14 to lli Ibs. , flrm at 45 ;
M. Bacon , Cumberland cut , steady at 33s
phort ribs , steady at 33s 6d ; long clear mid'
riles , light , steady at 31s Cd ; longcleai
middles , heavy , steady at 34s ; short cleai
backs , steady at 3s ; clear bellies , llrm al
K > s. Shoulders , aquaro , steady at 32s Gd.
VUlblr Supply of Cirnln ,
NEW YORK , Jan. a.-The statement ol
the vlslblo supply of grain In store and
[ ifloat on Saturday , January 27 , a complice
by tbo New York Produce exchange , is at
follows :
Wheat. Ki.596,000 bu. : decrease , 037.000 bu.
Corn , 14K6,000 bu. ; Increase , 4M.OOO bu.
Data , 6.332.000 bu. ; Increase , 244,000 bu
Rye , 1,163,000 bu , ; docreaBe , 50,000 bu
Barley , 1,700,000 bu , ; decrease , 162,000 bu ,
Toledo Murket.
TOLEDO. Jan. O.-WHKAT Active and
Urm ; No. 2 caab. 72'ic ; May , 744C. !
CORN Dull und steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS Dull and unchanged ; No. 2 mixed ,
"llYE No sales.
GIA > VERSEED-Dull and steady ; prime
i-iipli , old. $4.90 'bid ; January , now. JS.SO'
March , $5.85 aaked ; No. 2 cash , $4.t g'.90. |
MliiiiennoIlN AVhcnt and Flour
itore , No. 1 northern , January. G6o ; May ,
W'c ; July , b7T SGSc. On track. No. 1 hard
i7T4c ; No. 1 northern , 66 ic ; No. 2 north-
; rn , C4 ic ,
FLOUR-Flrst patenls , $3.50O3.CO ; other
lues relatively Htronc.
BRAN Unchanged.
Grnln Mnrkrt.
lorlliern , fi7V4i ) 8Vic ; No , 2 northern , 65H ®
16'ic. '
RYE-FIrm ; No. 1 , 65 ic.
BARLEY No. 2 , 46c ; sample , 35@43c.
I'eorla M > rkrl.
PEORIA. Jan. 29.-CORN-Ea y ; new No.
'OATS Inactive ; No. 2 white , 24(34V.c. (
WHISKY-FIrm on the basis of $1.23U $ for
Inighed goods ,
nnlnlli VVhrnt Mnrkr < .
IH'Lt'TH. Jan. 29.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard ,
ash , 6S c ; No , i northtrn , wish. CiHc ;
Mny , 6Sm 6SHc , July RfWifiottic ) No.
nnr hern , r.4'nc . No 3 spring , WK-dc.
n rtty fJrnlii nnd Provlnloiin ,
fif > ' 4e ; cash , No. 2 hard , G3'ie ' ! No. 3 60362V *
No. 2 red. 70ti71c : No. 3 CSqeffs. Rccolpi
76 c-nrs.
CORN'-aiay. 291r ; No. 3 mixed ) tos
ffiHc ; No. 2 white. 301,40 : No. 3 , SOc.
OATS-NO. 2 whiio , S4c.
RYE-NO. 2 , ci c/
HAY'holpp timothy , $9.0oy .50 ; chot
prairie. $7.001(7.23.
HECEIPTS-Wheat , 45,600 bu. ; corn , 50,1
bu. ; onts. 13,0i > ) bu.
SHIPMENTS-Wlicnt , 10,800. bu. I corn , II
000 bu. : oats. 5,000 bit. ' '
\eir York A'lr\vN ivltli Hiiminhrill
Pniilcky Conillilloiin nt Ionilon.
NEW YORK. Jan. 29.-Thb New Yoi
stock market continued to view wli
equanimity the disturbance- tile Londc
market on account of the misfortunes
the British military campaign In StotltH A
rlcn. In splto of a drop of n" full point
British consols In London and condltloi
on the exchange there which cables
AVull street described ns panicky , the ope :
Ing declines here In International stocks d
not exceed fractions and there wns i
pressure to sell , oUtsldo thnt for forMt
account. The buying by thb local trnlle
proved sutllclent to absorb tills nnd to n <
vnnce prices to Saturday's closing 16v (
The course of the market during the reef
of the day wns exceedingly sluggish ai
the dealings were narrow nnd profc
The Industrial specialties continued
lead In point of activity. 'Tho speculate
In Sugar showed some streiigth , the sloe
rising an extreme 2 points on n dcmai
from the shorts , who covered on the ni
iiouncemcnt of a further advance in tl
price of refined silfear. Part of the sa
was lost. There was continued movemei
In the local traction group , but Its con
pass was small on account of the pailcll
of news developments. Thu session of tl
directors of the American Steel and Wli
company seemed to be tlio ground for tl
strength In the company's stock , tboup
no authentic news was received roffiir.
Ing dividend action before the close. Oth. .
metal stocks were lire In sympathy. Gli
cose Sugar made a show on strength c
the Judicial decision against tho-unconst
tutlomillty of the Illinois anti-trust la\
A drop of 2 points In Denver & Rio Gram
preferred was unexplained any new
of the day. With the exception of thes
special movements tbo market continue
near the level of stagnation.
Several Incidents of the day point to tl
financial outlook as the true ground (
hesitation In the speculative world. Spc.
ulators do not forgot that It was the Ii
dustrlal nnd commercial activity of tl
country which encroached on the fun.
they had embarked In speculation In D <
cember and they arc watching for tl :
future rate of activity of business to d. .
flue Itself before availing- themselves <
the present ease of money , which. It I
feared , may prove ephemeral and lllusor ;
Offerings ot mercantile paper at preset1
arc light , but this 13 explained as bcln
dro to the employment by largo morcaiitll
houses of the year's profits as workln
capital. The sharp upward course of stci
ling exchange today gives point to the ai
prehension that gold will again go out t
help supply England's need for war e >
pondltures. An olllclal of the Imperil
Bank of Germany quoted today attribute
the ease In the Gorman market to an ni
tlflclal maneuver to prepare the mat
ket for municipal loans and the same at
tbority asserts that Russia In t. . ) raise
loan. The future contlnfttncles In th
money market thus foreshadowed ma
help to explain the persistent Indlfferenc
of speculators to the present nbumlanc
of funds.
The bond market lapsed-Into dullneSB tr
day and price changes were mixed. Totr
sales , par value , $1,365,000. United Stnte
new 4s and old 4s , coupon , advanced '
and the 3s declined vj In tlie bid price.
Commercial Advertiser's London llnancls
cablegram :
The markets here opened Very flat to
day on the news ot the retreat of Genera
Buller acres tbo Tugela , Dealers wer
afraid to buy anything , but specu'latio
lias been so attenuated recently that com
para lively few sales resulted from th
ftook and the Initial decline was followe
by a slow , steady recovery from the noin
Inal prices first given out. There was lit
tic or no buying on the way up. Hnles
Investors became panic-stricken It woul <
seem that the markets arc merely nara
lyzed. A late rumor on the board had 1
that the war olllce contlrmed the reports o
the relief of MafeklngConsols ruled
point down to 99 % .
Americans had the worst opening , bul th
free support from New York brought abou
a KUbstfintlal rally. 3he ? bank lost 15.00
gold to India and received 9,000 from Aus
tralla. Money was still stagnant. Bill
were easy , a good many American bill
being In the market , London papers be
ing withheld. Foreign rates were as fol
lows : Paris check , 25.17 ; Berlin , 20.15.
The following- are the quotations for th
leading stocks on the New York exchane
today :
Atchlson 13a Texas & "PadlIc. ! . 15V
do pfd 60 Union Pacific . . . . 46
Baltimore & O. . . 57j do nfd , 75
Can. Pacific 93Mt Wabash 7' ,
Canada So IS do pfd 201
Olios. & Oihlo 29H Wheel. & L. E. . . 9&
Chicago Gt. W. . 13M > do 2d pfd..23"
c. , B. & Q 120 ? ; Wls. Central . . . . is
Chi. , Ind. & L. . . . 13 Adams Ex 114
do pfd -15 Amer. Express , .14tt
Chi. & E. Ill S7& U. S. Ex 47
Chicago & N. W.lWt Wclls-Farco ETC..124
C. , R. I. & P 106'fcA. ' Cot. Oil . ' . 32V
C. , C. , C. & St. L. COH do pfd 92V
Colo. Southern . . SViAmer. Miftlng . . 59
do 1st pfd. . . . it : do pfd 27
do 2d pfd. . . . 14V4Amcr. S. & R. . . . 38V
Del. & Hudson..114 I do pfd 89V
Dnl. L. & W 174 Amur. Spirits . . . . 3
Denver & R. G. . 17 I do pfd 17
do pfd U7'e ' ! AmPr. S. H 41
Erlo 11V4 do pfd M > V
do 1st pfd. . . . 31V4Amor. S , & W. . . . GOT
Gt. Nor. pfd..157 do pfd , 90T
Hocking Coal . . . 15 Amor. Tin Plato. . 2SV
Hocking Valley. . XOVi do pfd M )
llllnoln Central . .114 Amer. Tobacco . . 99V
Iowa Central . . . . 12 do pfd ,135
do pfd 62 Anne. Mln. Co. . , 39' ,
K. C. , P. & G. . . . 8Hrk. Rap. Tr 71T
L. E. & W 21 Colo. F. & 1 12
do pfd 83V4 Con. Tobacco . . . . " 2
Lake Shorn 191 do pfd
Louis. & Natm. . . . 77 % Federal Hleoj . . . . til
Manhattan L . . . . 91 I do pfd 7:1 :
Met. St. Ry IBS | Oon. Electrle . . . .123
Mex. Central . . . . llTKiGlilroso Sugar . . BIT
Minn. & St. L. . . . Kf'U do pfd. . , 99 !
do pfd aouint'n'l Paper . . . . 22
Mo. Paclllc 4I1U do pfd ( ! 7-7
Mobllo & Ohio . . . 40 ILacledo Gas . . . .79
Mis. , K. & T 10'AINat. Biscuit : S ;
do pfd 31 1 do pfd 92
N. J. Central..113 'National ' Lead , . 23V
N. Y. Central..IIW.i do pfd 104 }
Nor. & West 24 National Stec ! . . 40
do pfd C'.iW do pfd BUI
No. Parlllu fitijfc N. V , Air Brako.128
do pfd 7iiiNo. : American . . . 14V
Ontario & W 2lVi Paclllc Coast . . . . GOV
Ore. Ry. & Nav. . 42 I do iHt'pfd. . . . kit
do pfd 7C | do 2.1 pfd. . . . i V
Pennsylvania . . .12ivi.Pacific ! Mill 42V
Reading -People's - Gun . . . , lu.1 ? .
do lut pfd. . . . W54 PreKHcd H. C .MI
do 2d pfd 27 do pfd Sfl } ,
Rio G. W 10 Pill\man P. Car..lS7V
do pfd 84 , Htnnd. R. & T. . . . 8
St. L. & 8. F. . . . 9V Sugar /117V
do 1t pfd. . . . C9V. do pfd Ill
do 2d pfd. . . . SB'S ' Toint. C. & 1 R-.i/
St. L. 8. W liy4U. H. Leather . . . 1C
do pfd 27 I do pfd 7fi
3t. Paul 117 % U. S. Rubber . . . . 87V
do pfd 170 i do pfd 101
St : P. & 0 115 Western Union . . M j
So. Pacific 37 Republic I. & S. . 21
jo. Railway 11V4 do pfd fBfl
do pfd 51 ? ; P. . C. . C. & St. L. 7o'i
IToNton Stootc QiioliiMoiio ,
BOSTON , Jan. 29.-Cnll loans , 4'ift3 ' pel
pent ; time loans , 4Q5 per cent. Closliif
prices for stocks , bonds nnd mining
iluircs :
A. , T. & 8. I' . . . . 19 Win. ' CQiHralTTTlS *
do pfd CO Dom. Coal , 41
\rner. Sugar . . . .117V .do pfd
dell Telephone . .335 Advonturn
UoHton & Aib'y..2IO Allouez Mln. Co. 3
Uoaton li'ovated. 9CV4 Atlantic 24
lloston & Mo 197 | Bostonj& Mont,20.1
? . . II. & Q 121 'Untie ' & BoJton. . 4S
Kltchburg pfd..123 Cal. & Hecla.-.733
.Ten , M'ectrlc . . . .122VJCentennial 15
rien. Elec. pfd..133 Franklin 14 '
l-'edcral Steel . . . . 50 % Humboldt 1
do pfd 73 lOsceolu C71-
Mex. Ce-ntral . . . . 71V { Parrot 41
lid Dominion . . . . 17 .Qulncy no
Rubber 37V4'Santa ' Fe Cop. . . , G
I'nlon Pacific 46 iTimarack ,18
Union Land 3 AVtnona , , . . , . . , . , . 32
West End 92 % Wolverines , 3SV
do pfd 110 % Utah 23Vi
c. . 42
PARIS. Jan. 29. Prices were depressed
DH thu bourse today bepaugn of the re-
real of the English troopn In South Africa ,
; > ut subsequently they were steadier , espe
cially toward the close , which was Inactive ,
I'hreo per cent rentes , lOOf lOc for the ac
count. Exchange on London , 25f J7c for
diecks. Spanish 4s closetl nt 6S.10.
BERLIN , Jan. 20. Prices on the bourse
: oday wore llrm , dtrsplte tTie decline In
Condon. Mine aharro rose coiulderabjy on
urto cove'rliiK purclmsrs. Bank chares
ivere harder. American eecurltlc and
Canadian Paclflca were maintained. Ex-
. haute on London , 20 marks GO pfga. for
i checks. Discount rates Short bills , 3',4 P (
e-ent , three months , ' 1 % per cent
LONDON , Jan 29 , American rallwr
Hliarcn opened weak on unfavorable-
African news nnd free offerings of stock
Ixitcr the market reacted und prices b
c-amo generally Jmrder , closing flri
Spanish 4s closed nt C7V . Gold to tl
amount of 6.000 was wltndrnwn from tl
Bank of England on balance today. Go
premiums am riuoted : Buenos Ayrcs , 13
Madrid , 29 ; Lisbon , 43 ; Rome , 7.19.
V MV York .Money MnrUrt ,
NEW YORK. Jan. 29. MONEY-On cal
steady nt 2Vsf(3 per cent ; last loan , nt 2
per cent ; prime mere-untile paper , 48" P1
ncttial bimlnoss In bankers' bllln at il.87Vi
4.87H for demand and nl $ I.SI .ilfi4.S4H f.
sixty days ; postotl rates , $4.S3 and $4.S8
4.SSU ; commercial bills. $ l.S35i4.S3VJ.
SILVER Certificates. 59V4folX > Kc ; ba
ro-Jic : Mexican dollar * , 47V4c.
HONDS Governmcti't ' , Irregular ; state. It
active ; railroad , Irregular.
The following are the closing auotatlor
on bonds :
In. Central ls..H2iyWest Shore 4s..113
K. C. P. & a. Is. CHWIs. . Central Is. . Off
Lu. new con. 4s.lO i/bVn. | CelituI s . . . Srt
L , & N. mil.4s. . , . 99 do deferred . . . . 5
M. . K. & T. 2s. . . CStf-Colo. So. 4s R6'
do 4s 90 , So. Paclllc 4s. . . . 82
N. Y. C. Is
.Vevr York Mltilne Stock * .
NEW YORK , Jan. 29. The followln
are Iho ofllclal closing quotations for mlr
IIIK shares :
Chollar 22 .Ontario 775
Crown Point . . . . 10 Ophlr CO
ICon. Cnl. & Vn.,130 Plymouth
Dead wood Go Qulctel.vcr 160
Gould & Cnrrle. . 20 do pfd 750
Ha'e & Norcross. S3 Sierra Nevada . . 40
llomustako GOOO Standard 225
Iron Silver 35 ( Union Con 24
Mexican 2S 'Yellow ' Jacke.1 . . . 20
London Stock < lnotn < tonn.
LONDON , Jan. 29.-1 p. m.-ClosIng :
Consols , money .s 99 % N. Y. Central..ISrt
do account. . i > 9ft Pc-nntiylvanu . . . .Go3
Can. Paclllc 9ii Heading ST
Krlo ll'.i No. Pacillc pfd. . 75
do 1st pftl. . . . .121/j Atchlson 19
Illinois Central . .114 Loulsvlllu 79 =
U. P. pfd 76i Grand Trunk . . . . 71
St. Paul , com , . . . 1201.4 Anaconda _ - > )
BAR SILVHR Steady at 27 per ounce
MONEY I'/ , per cent.
The rate of discount In the open marke
for short bllN Is 3 @ 3H per cent and fo
three-months' bills 3V4ft3 % per cent.
Ilniik Clcnrlntin.
'NEW ' YOUIC. Jan. 29. Clearings , $101,449 ,
332 ; balances" , $7,4S1.55S.
HOSTON , Jan. 29 Bank clearlncs , $14 ,
513.29 ; balances , $1,356,623.
CH'ICAGO. Jan. 23. Clearings , $21,533,8M (
balances , $1.90S.900. Posted exchange , $4.S5J
4.S8. "New York exchnnee , 35c premium.
PHII VDELPIIIA , Jan. 29. Clearings
$10.56S.9S2 : balances. $1,390,162.
BALTIMORK. Jan. 29. Clearings , $2,419 ,
117 ; balances. $421,699.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 29. Clearings , $5S76S03
balances , $712,158. Money , 5S > 7 per cent
New York exchange , 30c premium bid , 50i
premium asked.
Condition of the Trcnmory.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 29. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasur ;
shows : Available balance , $200,929,669
gold reserve. $217,756,038.
Co Ho 11 MnrUft.
NEW YORK , Jan. ! . COTTON Future !
closied steady ; Jnnuarj' . $7.61 ; February
$7.59 ; March. $7.GS ; April , May and June
$7.57 ; July , $7.59 ; August , J7.66 ; September
$7.10 : October , $6.90 ; November , $6.87 ; De
cember , $6.S8. Spot closed steady ; middling-
uplands , Sc ; middling- gulf , ,8Uc ; sales , 44'
bale < ) .
Firm ; sales , 7,100 bales ; orHlnary , 6 9-16c
good ordinary , 71-lGc ; low middling , 7V4 < !
middling , 7e ; good middling. 7 15-16c ; mid
dling fair. S'.ic ; recelptn , 15,740 bales ; stock
400,317 bales. Futures , steady ; January
nominal ; February , $7.47 bid : March , $7.440
7.45 ; April. May , Juno and July , $7.4IS7.44 (
August. $7.2M7.27 ? ; September , $6.83.ft .SS
October , J6.66Q ( .67.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 29.-COTTON-Flrm anc
unchanged ; sales. 700 bales ; middling1. THc
receipts , 2.0IS balen ; shipments , 2.302 bale *
stock. 93.20S bales.
nt 79-lGc.
quiet and prices 1-33d higher : Amerlcor
mlddllns fair. i29-32d ; , good middling
423-.12d ; middling 21-321 ; low middling-
417-X2d ; ( rood ordinary , 4 ll-32d ; ordinary
JG-ffid. The Bales of the day were 9.00 <
bales , of which 600 were for speculatlor
nnd export and Included 7,400 American
Receipts , 8,000 bale- ! , Including 7,400 Amerl.
can. Futures onetied quint and close *
steady at the advance ; American middling-
1. in. < . . January , 4 25-64d , sellers ; Januarj
and February , 4 31-64d , pellerw : Februarj
and March. 4 2S-GK1. sellers ; Mardh anr
April. 4 24-6IS4 23-64d , sellers : Aiirll nn < !
May , 4 21-64.1 . , buyers , May and June. 4 1S-G
JH 19-64d. buyera ; June and July , 4 16-64fi
4 17-CJd , buyers ; July and August , 4 14-64f <
4 15-64(1 , Kellers ; August and September
49-C4.I. . sellers ; September and October
360-64(1 , sellers ; October and November
X 53-64d. value ; November and Decemlier
3 49-G4fi'4 50-64(1. value ; November and Do.
cembcr , a 49-C4tf350-64d , value.
Coffee Mnrkrf.
NEW YOniv. Jim. 23.rOFPKTh <
market for coffee futures opened bareh
steady , with prices 5015 points lower , wltli
unimportant subsequent variations. whlU
fihowing a generul weak undertone , tin ; boliik , ' unsatisfactory , speculatlan be-
liij ; of a deuldedlv bearish turn nnd spol
s'i"ill M lej in demand and more freelj
offered. The market was llnallv gte.uly ,
w KJi 7 > rlccs net 10f(20 ( points lower. Snlei * ,
44.000 bags. Incliidlner March , W.HO ; April ,
$ a.SOiji6.SG ; July. $0.90 ; August , U9.yr(7.00 ( ;
Sriptrnr/aur , $7.tXXa'7. ( ; October , $7,001 < > 7.0.i ;
November' $7.10 ; Decemlier. } 7,10i'(7.16. Spol ,
Rio , weak ; No. 7 jobbingRl c : No. 7 In-
volcp. Se ; mild , 'barely ' steady ; Cordova ,
llrv ( Joo.ld Market.
Busliicq.s In staple eottous opens with pome
Imnrovement In demand for brown Hheet-
Inga ; soiro bids for fair quantltlffl turned
down at ke below the current ( ( dotations :
line browns are stronger and Arirylle nnd
yardstick 4x4 makes advanced > ,4c : line
gray goods pteady ; somn lines of double
nnd 'twl ' t denims advanced tic , others very
llrm ; tick plulds and other coarse colored
rottons llrm ; bleached eottons nro In quiet
deniHiid nnd prices steady : more doing In
staple prlntH ; fanclRK quiet at previous
prices ; glnghum.i very firm ,
Oil Miirlift.
OIL ( MTV , Jan. 29 , Oll.S-Credlt bal
ances , $1.CS ; certificates dored offered ut
$ I.GS ! , eiiBb ; Hhltinicnts , 12S.5')3 ) bbls. ; aver-
asce. tc,127 bills. ; runs , 107,755 bbla. ; average ,
SO.fO bbls.
NEW YORK. Jan. 29.-OH.S-CottonFPed ,
easy ; prlnio rrude , 31'/45i32e ; iirlmn yellow ,
"Hii35p. Petroleum , steudy. RoHn , steady.
Turpentine , Hteady.
LIVERI'OOL , Jan. 29.-OILS-Cottonscod ,
Hull retliied , February-April , firm ut 31s 3d ,
Turpentine spirits , rtrm at 40s Cd.
LONDON Jan. 29.
, OILS-Calcutta lin
seed , spDt , 4Su 3d.
Snirnr 'Miirkrt.
NEW YORK , Jan. 29.-8UOAR-Tlaw ,
llrm ; retlned , nrmor ; mould A. $5.45 ; ntand-
urd A , $3.00 ; confectioners' A. $5.00 : cut loaf.
55.60 ; crushed , $5,00 ; powdered , $5.30 ; granu
lated , S5.20 : cubeH. $ r..35.
Btrong ; open kettle. ST&fdUo : open kettle ,
fcntrlfURal , 4Uf(4 ( ! i-16c ; centrifugal , planta
tion pranulnted , ITJo : white. 4W 4ic ; yel
low , 4Ui > 44c ; Keconds , 2TkW4B-16c.
MOLASSES-Oulct ; oiiun kettle. 32 40c ;
contrlfusal , 803Go ; nyrup , Hteady at 33c.
St , .liiH.-iili Ilv - Stock.
SOl'TH ST. JOSEPH. Mo. . Jan. 29.-(8pe.
clal , ) The Journal quotes :
CATTLE Receipts , GOO bead ; market ao-
llvo and strongto lOc higher : nntlveH , $1.00
fTa.GO ; TexuilK and westerns , $3.40ff5.25 ; rows
ind heifers. $2.25f(4.76 ; bulln und stags , $2.25
& 4.C5 ; yeurlliigs and calves. Jl.00-ri5.15 - ; Htook-
r and feeders , $3.2504.70 ; veals , $ l.Wa-
HOGS-Rocelptx , 3,600 bead ; market
Urong to Go higher ; all grades , $4.COffl.SO ;
uulk of Ka\"H \ , JI.G51f4.70.
SHEEP Receipts , 300 head ; market
Jtronc ; demunU excellent.
Fat Cattle Sctrca and Prices Show Son :
Litt'e Strength.
Sell In Sntnrolchcn nn nt Clou
of Inut AVoeU Sliccp nnd l.n
In Active Demand
and Stronu ,
SOUTH OMAHA , Jan. 20.
Hecelpti were ; Cattle. Hogs. Sheci
Otllclal Monday 1,717 St.l3 i,1 :
Ono week a o i.oul : ! ,4sti 6,2 :
Two weeks ago : ,17J b.M 4,0i
Three weeks ugo I.S1U S.M2 3,11
1'our wcuks ago 1,494 2,070 SI
AVcrago price paid for hogs for the lus
several days with comparisons :
Jan. i. . . 4 21 S 42 3 181 U 40 4 22 S 1
Jin. j. . , 433 3 67 V' 3 43 416 5 1
Jan. 3. . , 4 21 U 67 3 43 3 46 40 60
4 27 44 a 44 3 23 3 51 4 11 5 t
Jan. 6. . . 4 3 : : t 4. it 2i 4(16 G 1
Jan , ( ) . . , 4.33 3 43 3 33 3 M ] ( 5. °
Jan. 7. . . . 3 42 3 40 3 18 3 13 4 10
Jan. s. . , 4 31 3 43 3 12 3 46 4 09 6 0
Jan , 9. . , 4 33 S 45 V * 3 56 4 11 G 1
'an. 10. . 3 50 3 41 3 54 1 09 5 1
'an. u. . 4 41 365 3 39 307 3 51 4 OS 6 3
Jan , 12. , 49 S 60 3 47 3 14 4(07 52
Jan. 13. , 453 3 63 S 49 3 09 3 47 ( 52V
Jan. 14. . I 3 50 : 49 3 19 3 53 411
Jan. 16. , 4 3 47 3 26 3 59 4 11 G 1
Jan. 18. , 4 62 3 52 3 22 3 CO 3SS 52
Jan. 17. . 4 48 3 34 349 3 72 3 S6 5 1
Jan. 18. . 4 K SGI 351 3 23 3 82 J 9 : 5 1
Jan. 19. . 4 M 3 54 3 54 3 26 3 SS 52
Jan. 20. . 454 3 661 3 50 | 3 26 3 901 * 52
Jan. 21. , 3 59 3 51 3 26 3 96 3 93
Jan. 22. . 4 63 * 3 57 323 3 91 3 S3
Jan. 23. . 4 59 3 56 3 25 3 St 53
Jan. 24. . 4 5 ! 3 61 3 02 3 92 3 S2 5 3
Jan. 25. . 4 48 3 CO 3 ( S 3 33 4 00 379 52
Jan. 26. . 4 K 3 57 3 . . . 3 3,1 3 S3 5 2
Jan. 27. . 4 62 S 63 , 3 G7I 3 30 4 n 5 1
Jan. 2S. . 3 CS 3 6. 3 27 419 : 397
Jan. 29. . 4 C2 .104 3 27 3 93 | 3 SS | 5 2
Indicates Sunday.
Tlio oniclal number of cars of stocl
brought In today by each road wns : .
Gallic. Hogs. Sheep . Hrs
C. M. & SI. P 2
O. & St. L 1
Villon Pacific 7 4 1G
C. & N. W 5 I
F. E. & M. V . 0 11
S. C. & P . 1 3
C. St. P. M. & 0 . 6 4
H. & M. II . M It !
C. B. & Q . G I
K. C. & St. J . 1
C. R. I. & P. . east. . 2
C. R. I. & P. , west. . 1 1
Illinois Central . 1
Total receipts Ki 62 29 1
The disposition ot the day's receipts wa ;
as follows , each buyer purchasing tin
number of head Indicated :
Buyers. Catlle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packing ; Co 136 SO
G. H. Hammond Co. . . . 17S 691
Swlfl and Company . . . . 15fi 965 1,75 !
Cudahy Packing Co 442 517 1,41 :
Armour & Co 79 LOW 1,55 (
Swift , from country W
Hammond , from K. C 1GS
ft. Becker & Degan. . . . 2S
Lobman & Co 22S
Benton & Underwood. . IS , ' !
Huston & Co 12
Livingstone & Sclialler. 7S
Dennis 55
Other buyers 131 29 :
Totals 1,709 3,942 G,44 !
CATTLE Arrivals of cattle were small
today , while ' .he demand was quite active ,
so that the market as a whclo was In good
shape and practically everything In the
yards was sold and weighed up at an carlj
Only about a. dozen loads of cornfe.
etoera were reported on sale nnd none o
them very goad , the most of them on the
trashy order. Packers were evidently In
need of calxle and the market was fullj
steady and from that to a little stronger
In spots. Chicago did not report any 1m
provement in the market , so that an >
strength that may have been developed a
tills point was duo entirely to the gooc
local demand and moderate receipts.
There was quite a sprinkling of cows and
heifers In the yards , not far from twenty
five loads oelng reported on sale. The
market on that kind of cattle was also Ii
good shape. Buyers evidently wanted nl
that there were hero and they were not
long In clearing the pens , paying prices
that wore steady to a little stronger Ii
spol * . Bulls were In very fair demand nt
Rood , ateady prices. Veal calves were
acarce and the market steady , the best
brlntfng $7.00.
Stockers and feeders were In moderate
supply and fair demand for the llrst da >
of the -week. The market could safely be
quoted ae steady. Speculators sold the most
of their ottUlo Saturday , so 'that ' compara
tively few were carried over , and the yards
In consequence are pretty well cleared up
and the market In a good , healthy condi
tion. Representative Bales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
L'5 10G5 4 40 14 1207 4 80
SO 1164 $4 45 16 1060 1 M
20 1001 4 50 16 1158 4 85
2 915 4 CO 22 1111 4 90
Z 9S5 4 CO 2 1335 4 )
19 1153 4 C5 19 1294 490
1 1120 4 (55 ( H 12S1 515
19 1022 4 70 10 1201 525
3 1073 4 70
G 930 4 75 13V 1207 515
1 730 250 1. . 070 I ! 10
1 SOO 250 .1-05 'I 10
3 923 2 (13 ( . . . . . . ; . ; ; 340
1 lOfiO 2 76" 17 103S 3 41) )
It 953 C 75 1 1110 3 40
3 970 2 75 13 1131 3 45
2 90f , 2 7.1 1C , .10SO a 60
2 975 2 7.1 1 10SO 350
1 1300 2 S5 1 1070 3.10
6 1060 2 90 3 920 3 05
1 920 3 00 1 920 3 5.1
1 1210 3 00 19 10C5 351
1 950 3 00 7 941 3 51
1 10CO 300 1 12)0 ) 35,1
25 840 3 00 20 631 3 CO
8 9S7 3 10 14 . -.11SO 3 G5
2 920 3 13 G 1092 3 C5
2 100 3 15 1 1100 3 03
6 1071 3 15 1 12,10 3 C3
1 1130 3 15 2 1025 3 63
1 1020 3 15 17 1047 37.1
1 12CD 3 15 1 1330 3 73
3 911 3 21 1 1170 3 75
1 1030 3 25 1 KSO 3 7.1
1 1100 .1 23 1 1050 37.1
3 950 ! ! 25 3 1100 37.1
1 1170 3 23 2 1190 37.1
2 1090 II 25 1 950 3 71
2 , . . .10SO 3 23 5 10S8 3 75
1 12ft ) 325 M 1042 .SO
1 910 II 23 19 . 10S3 J 8.1
1 13iO 3 25 ! 90
1 10.10 3 33 1 ? : : : : : : : : : : ! $ I 90
! 4 85.1 ; i SO 1 Ur.'O 400
1 1110 331 1 910 4 00
10 1095 3 . " .1 2 1250 4 M
7 921 3 35 11 1181 390
12 10SS 3 Ki 22 1166 4 00
1 1160 331 8 1212 400
s R92 331 IS 13.V ) 4 (0 (
4 987 3 33 820 4 10
1 9M 'WERsui5' : ; ; ; * "
1. . ROO 3 00 1 910 4 15
7 917 3 41 2 930 4 13
1 710 : i 70 8 930 4 15
2 675 3 7.1 M Hll.1 I 20
1 700 4 00 2 SGO 4 40
7 897 4 0) IB 1013 .JfiT
0 . . . . . . 660 4 10 ' G3
9 973 4 10BULLS.
1 I' ' ? ? ? ! § i " 10 360
1 1320 323 1 IftM 330
2 122G 3 M i J5oi : i no
1 1C40 3 0.1 1 1020 3 BO
2 1165 331 1 1220 3 70
1 120) 333 1 1231) .1 75
1 1150 3 40 1 14M 375
1 17M 3 40 1 1920 Z 83
7 631 3 43 1 1720 390
1 1550 3 4' . ' 1 870 3 93
] 910 3 50 1 1380 4 00
1 13CO 3 60 1. . . . 910 4 0-1
1 1610 360 1 1330 4 10
2 940 3 C0i L. 1320 4 15
" ' " '
1 281) 4 On" 1. . . ! 170 7 00
1 SCO G m 1 150 7 00
6M 275 1 750 3 S3
. 670 300 1 480 3 kl
. 7SO 3 10 2. 390 4 00
. 9iO 3 10 1 joO 4 "i
. SC5 3 35 1 5SO 4 21
. 493 3 40 1 810 4 2.1
3 .CIS 3 (35 ( 1 bSO i 4Q
3 . 690 3 75STAGS.
.1205 4 ( X )
. 440 3 75 3 3V ( > 4 75
JIQ-AM. . . ? - 310 500
MO .1 : 675 4 23
C7C 3 GO 6. . 5'12 4 2-1
677 P. GO 8. . 750 4 2i
IJ50 3 GO 3. . 573 4 3D
530 3 50 19. . 814 4 31
COO 3 50 4. . 702 4 23
3S5 3 60 ! .1010 4 43
450 3 GO i : : . 347 4 60
S27 3 50 26. . 756 4 0
Wl 3 75 .1000 I & 'J '
1 bull 13W
C feeders. . COS 3 fo 77 feeder ! " . . K1S 4 Ki
HOGS For the llrst day of the week the
was a liberal run of ling ? , but thr mark' '
wns not entirely to tb < . jlklnp of seller
An a rule sellers worn pxiiPcting to get
little more money for their holdings tbn
nt thp close of last week , but In that the
wrre disappointed. Huyprs for somereasr
or other were Indifferent and not Incline
to put on anything. The early sales whlc
Included the good lomls were largely i
$1.6aTi4.C5 , with sonio rluht good heavy nr
butcher weightsnt $ ( .C7'4 nnd n , good loa
of fnt backs at $1.70. Buyers seemed 1
want the bnlaner of the bogs nt about J4.G
which was not satisfactory to sellers , an
the trade aocor.llnnly was almost nt
standstill for 'onu- little time. In the en
buyers Iwd their way and 11 peed many (
the late soles were at $4.00 , the market clo ;
Inn weaker than It opened.
Taking the market as a whole It wns n <
materially different from what It was o
Saturdny. The range of prices wna Ju-
about the same nnd the general trade wr
In much the same eondltoln that It was I
nt the close of last week. Hepresentiitlv
bllEEP-The week starts out with a KOO
liberal run of sheep and with a pee
market. Packers were all out early thl
morning and bought up everything In sigh
at prices that were steady to lOc htgbel
The trnde was active and the feeling on tb
market very good. Sellers were well please
with the prices obtained.
From the sales below It will be noted tha
heavy wethers sold as high as $1.75 an
some yearlings and two-year-olds brough
$5.20. Ewes sold In about the same notche
as last week , good westerns going at $4.25j
4.SO. A bunch of lambs sold at $6.10.
Quotations : Good to choice fed vearllnss
$4.S5iiI5.25 ; Mexican yearlings , $5.0flfl5.35
good to choice Wethers , $4.C5ff4.00 ; fair t
good wethers , $4.43ff4.CO ; Rood to choice fci
ewes , $4.20f4.35 ; fair to good fed ewes. $4.C
( Ti4.20 ; good to choice native lambs. $ G.XM (
G.35 : good to choice fed western lambs , $ G.C
ffiC.80 ; fair to good fed western lambs , $ .1.6
< Tj5.90 ; feeder wethers , JI.005T4.25 ; feede
yearlings , $4.25i54.50 ; god to choice feede
lambs , $ l,50'i5.00 ; feeder ewes , $2.2503.00
Representative sales : >
11 ewes and wethers , culls 96 $4 00
GO western ewes. . ' 102 4 00
191 western ewes 116 4 25
221 western ewes 9fi 4 25
210 western ewes 113 430
207 western ewes 109 440
913 western wethers 99 4 6.1
467 western wethe.'s 99 4 C5
190 western wethers 127 47.1
< i western yearlings 78 4 75
19 western wethers 115 4 75
215 western wethers llfi 4 75
701 ewes and wethers 915 GOO
234 western yearlings 99 G 15
301 western wethers and y'rl'gs. ] 01 G 20
400 western yearlings 113 505
2GO western lambs 74 6 10
Good ( o Cholcr Steers Strndy , Othcri
Lower , HORN Clone Wrnk.
CHICAGO , Jan. 29.-CATTLE-Good t (
choice steers steady , others shade lower
Tcxans' strong ito shade higher ; butchers
itock firm : canners steady ; feeders Bteadj
to firm ; good to choice , $5.250fi.26 ; poor tt
medium , $4.00g5.00 ; mixed stockers , $3.2G < g
5.85 ; selected feeders , $4.20iH.S5 ; good tr
3holce cows , $3.40if'4.BO ; heifers. H.25G.OO ;
manners , $2.20iB.SO ? ; bulls , $2.60@4.25 ; calves ,
M.50 S.OO ; fed Texas beeves , $4.00015.20.
HOGS Opened strong" and 5e higher ;
? lofed weak ; top. $4.92V4 ; fair clearances ;
mixed nnd butchers , $4.60 4.90 ; good tc
choice 'heavy ' , $4.76 < 54.2Vt ; rough heavy ,
tJ.GO .70 ; light , $4.5304.80 ; bulk of sales ,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Active and 10f15c
il rher ; g-ood clearances ; native wethers ,
S4.604I6.15 : lambs , $5.00S < > .90 ; western weth-
rs. $4.GOQ5.00 ; western lambs , $5.7GifT6.55.
RECEIPTS Cattle. 15,500 head ; hogB , 27-
100 head ; sheep , 18,000 head.
JVe v York 1,1 ve Sloolc.
NEW YORK , Jan. 29. BEEVES Re-
: elpts , 3,979 head ; 38 cars on snle ; demand
air ; steers lOc higher ; bulls and cows llrm
o lOe higher ; about all sold : steers. $1.70
i5.S2Vi ; oxen nnd stags. $2.40JK.25 ; hulls ,
3.00fi4.40 ( ; cows , $2.GH4.00. Cables quote
Vincrlciin cattle steady at ll 4S'12Iic per
b. ; sheep at ] 0@llV4c : lambs. 12 1.1Vic ;
efrlgerator beef , 9g9Uc per Ib : exports ,
lone ; tomorrow , 300 cattle and 4,250 quar-
era of beef.
CALVES Receipts , 1,245 head ; market 25
joOe higher ; all sold ; veals. $5.GOiS9.00 ; little
alves and culls , $1.12 4 5.00 ; barnyard
itock , $3.6004.25 ; southern calves , $4.00 ®
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts. 8,695
lead ; 30 cars on sale ; sheep steady to firm :
limbs 15f < 23e higher ; all sold ; sbpep. J3.75
(5.50 ( ; culls , $3.00(3.GO ( : lambs , $
nils. $5.00-iG.OO ; Panada lambs , $7.25.
HOGS Receipts , 9.M51 head : S cars on
ale : market higher at $5.00f5.25 ( ? ; state pigs ,
SI. lonl Live SI.K-U.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 29. CATTLE Receipts ,
,40) , head. Including 1,300 bead Texans ;
narket steady , with Texans Gc lilgber on
flat grader ; tmtlvo shipping anil export
leers , $4.75fifi.40 ; dressed h < * f nnd butcher
teers. $4.23f5.20 | ; steerB under 1.000 Ibs. ,
: ! .25f(5.00 : stockers and feeders , $3.23fi4.SO ( :
ows and heifers. $2.00fl5.00 ; cannerp , $1.GOJ | '
,85 ; bulls. J2.23f/4.00 ; Texas and Indian
eers , $3.65 ( 4.70 ; cows and heifers , $2.35 ®
HOGS Receipts , 6.700 head ; market
trong and higher : pigs and lights , fl.OoTj ;
75 : rmckers. $4.df ) < 4.SO : butchers. $4.70 4.85.
SHEEP AND I > AMUS-Receipts , GOOJie.-id ;
leiidy nnd active ; natlvo muttons , $4.00 < ? ff
60 ; lamb ? . $5.0fH7fi,70 ; culls end bucks. $4,00
5.00 ; stoekerH , $ : t.GOft3.30 ; Texans , $ .1.00.
ICnnnnn ( 'My Ilvp Slock.
KANSAS C1TV. Jan. 29.- < 'ATTIE Re-
elpts , G.S.V ) Ihetid natives tun ! liO head
'exans ' ; all classes active nnd prices ruled
triiiiK1 to lOc higher ; 'heavy ' natlvo uleer-p ,
1.0083.75 ; HghtWPlirhts , $4.20f(5.20 ; Mockcrx
nd feeders , $ .t..Vtt(5.30 ( ; butcher POWH and
elfers , $3.10 < ? ? 4.f > 0 : canners , $2.G07.1.0 ( ! : fed
rp.iternH , $4.00ifiGRO : western feeders , $3.35 $ < ii >
S3 : Texans , J3.9 < W4.40.
HOGS-Receipts , 8,100 bead ; few early
Hies shade hlrhcr ; advance soon lost ;
$4.CM4.76 mixed. $4.COf-l.70 '
eavy. ; ; ( - ; llg'ht ,
l.2.Vii4.G2',4 ' ; pint' . $3.7M(4.20.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rceelpts. 3,200
ea/l ; market strong and lOfilGc higher ;
imbs. $ .1.50W6.25 ; yearlings , J5.OOfi5.SS ; mut-
ins. $ ) .GC 5(5.0) ( ) ; storkers and feeders , $3.60
5.25 ; cullr , $2.50fi 3.60.
S Ionic In
Following nro the receipts at the four
rlnclpal western markets for January 29 :
Cattle. HOKS. Sheep.
tiutli Omaha . 1,717 : iCI3 2,4 ! > n
lllcago . 15.600 27,000 J8.000
ansas City . . . . . 7.3V ) S.400 3,210
t. LoulH . 2.400 6,700 GOO
Totals . 20,967 45,713 21,196
California Dried I'rnltn.
HIED FRUITS-Qulet but Hteady ; mod-
ute jobbing demand ; state evai > oraled
. . . . , . . . . .
.i „ - 6 ( } < iV4c prime
| ; , 6i7cj
ClinnucN In IlniTnllnn Illll.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 29. The Hawaiian
11 was practically completed today by the
luso commlttco on territories and Cbalr-
an Knox with a subcommittee Is preparing
B draft of the revised bill with the intcn-
in of presenting It to the houtio this wcok
iveral Important changes have been made
the measure. Tbo chief of these la the
rlklng out of all property qualifications
r doctors for the Donate. Another change
Imlnatca the supeivision given to the
prcrao court of Hawaii over actions In the
nate and benne and makes each house the
dge of Its own elections. The omission of
e property qualification for electors IB ID
e Interest of the natives.
All Hpfprrnop In Him 4ti Clnrk In-
irntluntlnn XlrlcUcn front
( lip llrrorit ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. 20. After almost
week's respite the Senate committee ) on
privileges and flections today resumed Its
j investigation of the charges filed against
j Hon. W. A. Clnrk of Montana In connection
i with his election to the United States senate.
1 At the beginning 6f tddny's session Mr.
Campbell , counsel for the protestantu , m do
.n . brief statement exonerating Hon. J. K.
Toole from any.unfair participation In thn
cloetlon of Clnrk. In making the statement
Mr. Cnmpbcll salt ] tlmt the prosecution Iinil
been Informed before the witnesses wern
1 called that Toolo hnd secured money as a
consideration for his withdrawing from the
senatorial rnco In Clark's Interest nnd on this
account Toole's bank account had bcon Rene
Into In making the Investigation.
Since the beginning of thin proceeding thn
prosecution had become convinced that tblt
accusation was without foundation and was
K.itlKflcd that Toolo hnd not bcon In ntty wnj
dishonorably connection with Clark In tin
election. Honcc Campbell expressed the de
sire that any reference to Toolo should be
expunged from the record of the commlttee'n
proceedings. Mr. Faulkner , for the defense ,
concurred In this wish. '
The llrst witness of the day was Ed V.
Moore , fusion representative In the Montana
legislature from Meagher county , and at
present engaged as a dairyman and owner
of a cold storage plant at Dozcmnn. Mr.
Cnmpbcll , In his questlono , sought to brlnn
out the fact that Mr. Moore had suddenly
como Into considerable money since the ad
journment of the legislature.
Moore admitted thnt he hnd deposited con
siderable money at the bank since adjourn
ment , but he snld ho had received $2,600
from his partner , J. P. Rhoadua , and over
$3,000 from his brother. He had sold thn
latter a half Interest In a ranch for $7,000
and thin money hnd been In part payment
of this obligation. He had also borrowed
money at the First National bank at Uoze-
Mr. Moore stntcd that he had not voted for
Mr. Clnrk until the eleventh or twelfth
bnllot , having previously voted for Mr. Hartman -
man for senator. He said In reply to Mr.
Faulkner thnt ho hnd received no offer of
pay for his vote for Mr. Clark and no con
sideration was given him for that vote. As
between Clark and Daly , the people ol
Mcaghcr county were frlnndly to Clark.
George L. Ramsey , cashier of the Union
Bank nnd Trust company of Helena , the
next witness , produced a memorandum oJ
$1,000 bills paid out by the- bank , Begin
ning with January 10 , 1S99. The record
showed that the bank hnd hnd demands for
large bills from the Stnte Savings bank ol
Hutte , sending the Inutttutlon $30,000 on
the 7th and another $30,000 on the 13th ol
that month In thc o bills. Most of the
large bills were received from other banks ,
but occasionally one or two were deposited
at a time by Individuals. For the month
of March sixty-seven $1,000 , bllls passed
through the bank ; for the month of Febru
ary seven nnd for January twelve. For other
months tbo nverage wns about the same an
for January and February , but not so large
as for March , when the demands of tha
Butte banks for the large bills were met.
Among the Individual depositors of large
bills were Masslua Dullard , n Helena law
yer ; Deputy County Clerk Uerry , J. B. Cullen -
lon and J. II. Qelger , who successfully con
tested the seat of Whlteslde as a state sen
ator. In the latter case the bill was of the
denomination of $500. Mr. Bullnrd had not
unly deposited a $1,000 bill on February 7 ,
but had received $3,000 In thousand-dollar
bills on the 2d of that month.
In response to questions Ramsey stated
that In May last Gclger had deposited a
certificate of deposit from the bank for
f200 In exchange for which ho bad given
Uelger a certificate for $1,500 and a draft
ror $1,000. It wns at the same time that
Mr. Oelger had brought a $500 bill into the
jank which he had had changed. One of thg
parties to whom the bank had paid out
: argo bills was n Mr. Wellcome , who , Ram
sey explained , was not the J. I ) . Wellcoma
imminent In this case.
D. O. Becker , clerk of the Helena hotel ,
was Intorrogatcd by Senator Chandler aj
o a $500 bill In the possession of the com-
nlttco. This born certain Identification
narks , Including "D. 0. II. , " the Initials ol
: he witness. Ho was asked If ho had Tvrlt-
cn these marks and said ho had not and
tnew nothing about the bill. Ho suggested
hat ho might have deposited It and the
) ank added the marks as a means of telling
'rom ' whom It was received. The hearlnn
hen adjourned until 2:15 : o'clock.
itciinrt of III/i Drillli I
/ * Hellered ( a
Be 1'rellniliinry in a
WASHINGTON , Jan. 29. No conftrraatlon
ias reached the Stnto department of the ro-
lortcd death of the Chlncso emperor. Bo-
nuse of the previous roundabout way In
/hlch the story found circulation Its ne-
uracy Is subject to considerable doubt ,
lorcover , a dispatch was received at the
itato department this morning from United
itatcs Minister Conger at I'ckln containing
0 reference to the report. It Is regarded
H Incredible that the emperor should be
cad and lying In atato In I'eklnwithout
longer's knowledge. The oindalK , however ,
hllo discrediting tills particular story ,
) ok upon It as an III omen for the future of
lie emperor , recalling the fact that such
umors are frequently put afloat In China by
fay of preparing the public for some coup.
At the Chinese legation It was said that
bsolutely nothing official had been received
n the reported death of the emperor and
tie legation had no reason to believe tha
eport true.
iirvlvom of hr Civil Wnr Itenicm-
lirrril ! > > ( lie Government.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 29. ( Special. ) The
illowlng western pensions have bo en
ranted :
] H U of January 15 :
Nebraska : Original Solomon Jameson
tella , $6. Increase Francis M , Dyke. Hwan'
m , } G to $ S.
Ixiwa : Original Alfred Angel. Mount
leaHunt. J'i ; John llaaton , Brill , $ ; John J
I'lin erburn , Greenu , $0. Increase Jame ]
I. WIlHon , Ocheyedan. $3 to $10 : Solomon
Int , Robins. $ > to $8 ; John LanKlicad
lakcb'buri ' ; , 112 to JM ; James Harrington
prlnttdulc , W to $12 ; George o. Bellzel !
wan , $0 to $10. War with Hp.Un.orlglnal-
: > lm E. Jerrold , Perry. $6.
South Dakota : Additional Newcomb H
mlth , $ > ! to J10. Original widow .Mary A
aker , Summit , $ $ .
Colorado : Increase ( special January 17) _ ,
eorgo K. Klmhall , Golden , $10 to $12 ,
I.nwtctn Fund I * $0:5,022.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 29. The Lawton funj
1 date amounts to $95,922. ( ionerul Hhaftei
iports that hn baa $1,300 at San FrancUco.
RANCH lOSlfttt
clcplione 1030. Oiiinlm , Neb
Correspondence ; John A , Wurren & Co.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York ,